Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 03, 1888, Page 4, Image 4

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TKHMS OK sunscfurrioN.
Dully ( MornlnR Edition ) Including Sunday
HKR.OneYpnr . . . * 1fS
ForSlxMonths . 5 OT
For Three Month * . . . . . SCO
The Oranhix Sunday llr.B , mailed to any nd-
dre i , On Venr . SCO
. .
JIim.niNO. WASHING/TON OrriCB , No. G13
All communications relating to news and edi
torial matter should be uddrcsaed to the KtiiTOH
or TII * -
UM-nOT1N1B8 ! tBrnM.
All business letters nnrt remittances should bo
addressed to TUB lir.R l > unt.tAiiiin COMPANY- ,
O v AHA. Draf t , chocks and postolTlce order * to
i > o made payable to the order of the company ,
Ic Bee Pnttislilng Company , Proprietors
E. ROSKWATEU , Editor.
Bworn statement ofClrculntlon.
Btnte of Nebraska , I . .
" Comitr ) fIouKlnss. ) ( "
Oeo. if. Tzschuck , secretary of The nee Fub-
llftliliiK company , < ! OOH solemnly svrair that tha
nctuniclrculatlon of the Dally lluo for the week
cmllmr ) . 1B66. was as follows :
Saturday , March 24 20.WW
Kunday. March 2T. 1 .WJ
Monday , March 31 20.3-rt
U-uomlay. Mnrcli 27 W.M
' V , March2S. . . . . l ( > .4n < 1
Thursday. March' ? 1 .77.1
l"rlday. March 80 .li'.7nO '
Average li'.B O
nno. nT7.8CHUCK.
Bworn to and subscribed In my pre.sonco thU
Cist day Of March , A. D. , 1888. N. V. FBI U
Notary Public.
Etnto of Nebraska , I.
CountrofDouBlass , f8-8-
Oeo. II. Tzschuck , being first duly sworn , do *
TIOBPB and says that ho Is secretary of The Heo
publishing company , that tha actual nvcruRO
daily circulation of tno Dally Dee for the month
of March , 1B87 , 14,100 copies : for April ,
1887 , 14,018 copies ; for May. 1H87 ,
14.227 copies ; for Juno , 18b7 , 14.147 copies ;
for July. 1E87 , 14KJ copies ; for Aujcust.
18B7 , 14,151 copies ; for September , 1887 , 14.319
copies ; for October. It87,14,3yi : : for November.
1F87 , 15,220 copies ; for December , 1K87 , 1B.M1
copies ; for January. If8 ? , 15,206 coplen ; for
Februaly , lE f , 16.W2 (
Bworn nnd subscribed to In my presence this
3d day of March , A. D. 1888. N. P. FEU. .
Notary Public.
THE ruts and dugouts on the paved
streets , caused by the nopligonco ol the
plumbing fraternity , should bo repaired
immediately. And the board of public
works should BOO to it that the work is
properly dono.
THE new commissioner of the land
office , Mr. Stockslagor , ia said to 1)0
moro of an apostle of Sparks than of
Lamar. If this means war on the land
grabbers the people will all join hands
with Mr. Stockslagor.
OMAHA ranks third in the list of pork
packing centers of the country. Chicago
still leads , but Omaha packed during
the month of March as much as St.
Louis and Indianapolis , and four times
as much as Cincinnati.
THIS Black Hills are with ono voice
calling for the opening of the great
Sioux reservation to settlors. As the
reserve lies right in the road of commu
nication with the east , the reservation
is a great barrier to commercial inter
KNUT NELSON , the Minnesota con
gressman , surprised his republican
friends in congress by making a ring
ing speech in support of radical tariff
revision. And now his Minnesota con
stituents are so delighted that they
want to run him for senator to succeed
A NATIONAL convention of those who
bellovo In Henry Goorgo's single-tax
theory is called to moot in Chicago
July 4. As the majority of the sup
porters of that particular theory never
paid any taxes , it appears odd that they
wish to burden themselves oven with a
very much about statesmanship , but ho
knows enough to swap horses with sen
atorial snobocrats. Ho has just sold
ono senator a valuable horse and ho is
about to sell Senator Stockbridgo of
Michigan nn eighteen thousand dollar
Title south lias boon idly basking in
the warm sunshine of indifference to im
migration , and now proposes to wake up
and do something. Louisiana is about
to organize an immigration bureau , and
by an array of facts and flgurus induce
pcoplo to rnibo cano sugar and cotton
within her borders.
THE furious mob which attacked tlio
Turkish minister of finance a t Constan
tinople was composed of women. This
is simply a foretaste of what may hap
pen in "Washington. Elizabeth Ciuly
Stanto'n threatens to join the anarchists
if congress does not recognize the
i womon'd richts demands.
Mit. W. 1C. VANDISIUULT lias opened
anew field for real estate speculation.
Ho is said to have bought a line old
Imroiuul hall and a fifty aero lot in Eng
land for a mere song. Than ho traded
HOiuo railroad paper for a palace in
Belgium , and has now taken nn 'option
of Eomo shooting lands in Scotlanj ) . It
is not ptntcd when lie is going to cut
things up into fifty foot lots , or how
much ho is going to ask par front foot ,
Ton Mills tariff hill was reported to
the house yesterday , and the minority
of the ways and moans committee also
submitted a report. It will probably bo
several days before discussion is begun ,
but when the Hood gates are opened
congress will probably find time to give
attention to'little else , About half the
members are primed for tariff speeches
nnd it is not expected that a vote can be
reached before the last of May. The
supporters of the bill will of course
nrnko every effort to roach a vote before
the date of the assembling of the
national democratic convention , and to
prevent this there will undoubtedly bo
employed by the opposition all the ex
fc pedients known lo parliamentary tac
I tics. The republicans are reported tel
l > o making btronuous efforts to har
monize upon a policy of tariff , revision
BO as to have ready when the time
comes a measure to present as a substi
tute for tha Mills bill. TUo Randall
bill seems to have dropped out of con-
fciduratlon , nnd i ( it bo. true . thai its
author has lost nearly nil of 'his fallow
ing ho will probably.not at.tqmptto-got
coiiuldjeratiou for hid measure. ' '
A Necessary Pr6vUlon
In vlow of the extraordinary , nntl .vro
wlloro wholly Indefensible , decision of
Judge Dundy , denying the right of Uio
stoto of Nebraska to exorcise any author
ity over the Union Pacific railroad , it is
of the highest necessity and importance
, hnt in any now legislation l y congress
relating to the subsidized corporation it
should be distinctly provided that every
right belonging to the stnto for the con
trol and regulation of railroads of its
own creation shall apply equally to the
Union Pacific. The decision of the
federal judge for this district awakened
the public to the existence- H power
not bcforo recognized nnd of a danger
not bcforo suspected. No ono had
over doubted that the state , in
giving to the Union Pacific the pro-
.octlon and boncfit of Its laws , had
, ho right to require of that corporation >
within the jurisdiction ofytho state , re
ciprocal duties and responsibilities , No
citizen of Nebraska had supposed that
: jy virtue of a government subsidy there
had been built up in this state a power
which assumed to bo Independent of the
state , privileged to disregard its laws
and defy its authority ; nnd that a federal
judge would sustain this assumption.
Tlio decision that proclaimed this to bo
the fact was a startling revelation ,
which arrested the attention of the
whole country , for if the Union Pacific
is beyond the reach of the laws of
Nebraska it is equally independent
of those of other states through which
its lines pass. If the legislature
of Nebraska is without authority to deal
with this corporation within the state
then there is no authority in any state
to require of it the performance of any
duty or obligation. So far as the stales
are concerned in which the Union Pa
cific has property , docs business , and
enjoys protection and privileges in com
mon with other railroads , it is a law
unto itself , if the view of Judge Uundy
bo correct.
There is not the slightest probability ,
however , that this view will be sus
tained. Wo have already noted the de
cision of the supreme court in a case
brought from Massachusetts , Involving
the right of the state to collect n tax
from-a corporation which had refused to
pay on the ground that nearly its entire
lines within the state were under
or across post roads made such by the
United States , which held that as the
corporation received the benefit of the
laws of the state it was liable to bo
taxed. The principle will apply equally
to the Union Pacific in Nebraska- not
only with respect to the right to tax ,
but as to all rights which the legisla
ture may deem necessary to exorcise for
the general interest and welfare. Noth
ing is moro certain than that the su
preme court would reverse a decision
which practically sots up within a state
a power independent of the -state and
superior to its control a corporation
with imperial prerogatives , de
manding every consideration un
der the laws , but yielding obedi
ence to them only at its pleasure.
No such vicious and danger
ous doctrine will have the ap
proval of the supreme court. Never
theless it will be wise to make assurance
doubly sure by on grafting upon the pro
posed legislation regarding the Union
Pacific railroad the amendment sub
mitted by Congressmen Dorsey , which
provides that nothing in the extension
bill , or any acts of which it is amenda
tory , "shall be construed or inter
preted so as to deny the right of any
state in which the Union Pacific rail
way or the central branch of the Union
Pacific road is operated , to fix rates for
carrying passengers or freight over baid
roads , and to control and regulate such
roads the same as if they were organ
ized under the state. " An explicit
enunciation of this character by
congress is desirable in order to unmis
takably dctina the inten t of the na
tional legislature with re
gard to the general obligations
and responsibilities of the subsidized
corporations , a definition that is want
ing in the legislation thus far relating tc
them. It would have the effect to pre
vent such bold and defiant proceedings
to defeat state laws and contravene
state authority as those of the Union
Pacific in Nebraska , and to bring that
and similar corporations to a sense ol
their duty. Public policy and the inter
ests of the people require that congress
shall thus plainly indicate that it is ne
part of the purpose of the government
in its relations with the subsidized rail
roads , to give them any privileges or
recognize their possession of any rights
that will in the least degree diminish
their responsibility to state authority
equally with railroads deriving
their existence from the states. It is bo-
liovcd there will bo little opposition in
congress , or at all events in the house ,
to the amendment proposed by Mr.
Dorfioy , which is favorably regarded by
the Pacific railroads committee and the
representatives of the states through
which the lines ot the Union Pacific
pass. Its obvious merit ought to assure
it unanimous support in both branches.
Proposing llctullntion.
Senator Parwoll a few days ago intro
duced in the United States sonnto u bill
proposing a policy of retaliation toward
tho-so countries which discriminate
against American products. It provided
that whenever the uhiof diplomatic rep
resentative of this country to any foreign -
eign state shall officially report the fail
ure of the olforts of the United States to
secure the removal of any discrimina
tion by such foreign state aguuiut any
product of the United States , the presi
dent shall by proclamation direct that
such products of the foreign state as he
may deem proper shall bo excluded
from importation to the United States.
It is made a misdemeanor punish
able by fine and imprisonment for any
one to knowingly import any article
prohibited by the president's proclama
The inspiration of this bill is the per
sistent manner in which for a number
of years our sister republic. Franco , has
excluded the products of the American
hog from her markets , while allowing
the pork o ( . other countries to Cuter
thoro. Franco desires that the United
States shall hayo an exhibit in her next
exposition , and , generousapprppi-ia- -
tion for- this purnoso.-is .assuro'd. 1 is
intended part of this shall bo
devoted .to the special exhibit ot
Lho products of the American
liog , and this idon Is cordially
approved by the French cham
ber of agriculture. But the law shxit-
tlng out thcso products is in the way ,
and it is questionable whether the
French government will recede from Us
discrimination against American swine ,
oven to the extent of permitting the
proposed special exhibit. The French
liog raisers would doubtless rise in pro
test , and as they woronblo to secure the
law they will very likely bo able to h.vvo
It maintained. It is this situation that
prompted the proposed retaliatory pol
icy of the Illinois senator. Uo thinks it
high time this country resented the na
tional affront involved in the discrimi
nating policy of Franco against the
American hognndmado ncasoof "swlno
versus wine. ' ' If the French govern
ment persists in singling out our pork
for prohibitory legislation. Senator
Fnrwoll thinks solf-rcspect demands
that wo should exclude French goodst
nnd particularly their ingenious imita
tions of wino and brandy.
There arc a great many pcoplo who
will acquiesce in this viow. The course
of Franco in this matter has certainly
not been in line with her professions of
friendship for the United States , and it
might bo well to give her to understand
that wo are not insensible to her un
friendly conduct. Wo should doubtless
bo quito as well off in the end if wo
bought less of her products , particularly
in the line of liquids , and her pcoplo
would certainly ims our patronage. But
wo are not sure that there is a good
defense for a policy of retaliation on
the score of national solf-rcspect. Wo
do not need to force the American
hog on anybody , nud it is not clear that
wo should have any cause of pride in
denying ourselves French goods which
wo think wo require simply because
Franco prefers other pork to ours. If
the French government will take the
broad hint of our displeasure convoyed
in the bill of Senator Farwoll and re
move the unfriendly discrimination ,
well and good ; if not , wo shall as cer
tainly conserve our national solf-ro-
spoct by allowing Frenchmen to oat un
questioned whatever pork they will.
Arbor Day.
Arbor day in Nebraska falls on April
23 , and it behooves the pcoplo of' the
state to celebrate the occasion in the
manner intended by its founder. This
annual holiday is an institution de
signed to promote the planting of shade
and other trees on the farm , on the
highway , in the school yard , and in all
suitable places. Illinois and Iowa ap
pear to take moro genuine interest in
the matter than our own stato. In
Illinois the governor and state officials
are going to sot the example by plant
ing various varieties of trees in and
about the capitol grounds of that stato.
In Iowa the superintendent of public in
struction has issued a forestry circular ,
a greeting to the school children
of Iowa , inviting their observ
ance of a holiday in which nature
shall bo the open book of instruction.
In order that n general observance of
Arbor day in Iowa shall take place , and
that the planting of the trees may huv6
a moro interesting association to the
school children , the trees are to bo
named after honored soldiers , states
men , patriots and authors of the coun
Nebraska can profitably accept this
idea from her sister stato. By envelop
ing Arbor day with a patriotic sanctity ,
it lifts the celebration to the higher
plane of national holidays , and adds
to the interest and pleasure of tree cul
Aside from any poetic or patriotic
associations , , the planting of trees on
our prairies is of incalculable value.
There is wealth in tree culture if the
right methods are observed , and if
every farmer of the state would
properly use the day from year to year.
Our farmers by an extensive cultivation
of tree-growing can inlluunco the rain
fall and temper the climate. By devot
ing a few acres to tree-culture , our
farmers can grow their own fuel and
fencing material. They can protect
their houses from the heat of summer
and the cold winds of winter by dense
groves. They can beautify their high
ways with rows of stately shade trees ,
and so add to the sightliness and the
value of their farms.
It is not too late for Governor Thayer
to supplement his proclamation by ad
dressing a circular to the granges , and
by arranging with the state superin
tendent of the schools to have printed
and bout to every school in the btato an
Arbor day annual concerning tree-
planting and the varieties adapted to
Why Not ArbltrAto ?
Months ago the Bun urged all me
chanics and worklngmen employed in
building construction to negotiate
with the muster builders and con
tractors with a view to agree
ing on a scale of waged and hours
of labor for the season. Wo admonished
workingmen to bo moderate in their
demands , in view of the general over
production of buildings in all American
cities during the previous year , and the
consequent stagnation in building oper
ations for the present year. But our
advice was not heeded , The contractors
and building trades unions have
failed to come to fa mutually
desirable agreement nnd we are now in
the midbt of a general strike. Crimin
ation and recrimination are indulged in
on all bides. The contractors declare
the bricklayers , stonecutters , brick-
moulders and other workmen have
made extravagant and unreabonahlo de
mands for higher wages or reduced
hours of labor and refuse to accept lust
years' pay and woruing hour. * which
were considered liberal during a your
when building operations were brisk.
On the other hand the union me
chanics now on a strike insist on their
own scale and refuse to work more than
eight hours a day. This warfare be
tween contractors and workmen is .not
only very unfortunate for Omaha , but is
bound to prove disabtrous to ull con-
cprned. ,
Is tboro no way to bring thia'con'fliQt
to n end 'f Why don't the parties arbi
trate' their respective , c.laiins ; and
counter-cmlrnsV Loutf-winded state
nnd persona } abuse through the
papers will not Bottle the trouble- , but
only widona the breach.
HAVING nboul settled the fishery
question with C/uuula , congress wants
to poke her up on tlio question of postage -
ago on seeds. 1 seems that Canada's
postage rates nro.l wor than our own , n
fact of which American seed dealers
take ml vantage ins ndlngsceds through
this country. Its claimed that as a
consequence at least a million dollars
annually have Won turned over to the
Canadian government , which rightly
ought to go into th'6 treasury of our post-
office ,
in Kansas City the cedar
block pavements laid six years ago nro
being taken up this springnnd replaced
by now blocks. This is a practical ex
hibit of the durability of wooden pavo-
mont. It may have been necessary in
Kansas City to lay wooden pavements
because property owners are required
to pay the entire cost of paving in ono
year , but under our ton year installment
plan the difference between the yearly
payment for cedar block and nsplmllum
or stone is comparatively trifling.
IT was a commendable act for the
striking switchmen to call on Manager
Holdrege , of the B. & M. , to assure him
that they discountenanced any lawless
acts against the company's property.
One Point lit Common.
JViHfKlcfphfa New * .
IBcn Bailer docs not like Cleveland , and
tills la ono point that the American workingmen -
men and Ben Hutler have in common.
A IMcco of Justice.
Chteaan Ifrws.
Jay Gould stamps the Indictment returned
against him by a Now York court as a piece of
revenge. To a great many persons It more
nearly resembles a piece of justice.
Greater Tlinn the Tariff.
St. iMiils GlobfrDcmotrat.
The copper trust made noout § 3,5000,000 In
profits last year , but as it has now extended
tlio field of its activity so ns to control about
three-fourths of the world's output , Us profIts -
Its this year will probably bo at least
$10,000,000. This Is ono of the "combines"
which no change In the tariff could effect.
Its operations cover most of the globe where
copper is produced , and its headquarters nro
iu Franco.
Cold Day for Stockholders.
Siirlrtfifidd Republican.
Wo are again told that "tho Burlington
road is rapidly recovering from the strike. "
First it was that of the engineers , now of the
switchmen , and to-morrow it may bo that of
the brakomen. Tliaroad has not yet cvon re
covered from the offiicts of the rate war , and
it will bo a good long 'while ' ere the stock
holders recover anything from the results of
these many recoveries.
The KccorU. of Cleveland.
Kew York Sun.
The six definite enterprises which consti
tute the whole book of Mr. Cleveland's pol-
icyso far as his administration has had a dis
tinctive policy , nro these :
The reform of tho'civil ' service on the so-
called non-partisan orniufovuinp * plan ;
The suspension of the silver coinage m or
der to avert a predicted financial panic ;
The negotiation of. that extradition treaty
with Great Britain ; '
The settlement of the fishery troubles by
the negotiation of ' ji treaty with Great
Britain ;
The reduction of the surplus by means of
an extensive reduction of custom duties , re
taining the internal revenue taxes ;
The Pan-Electrio suit to annul the Bell
telephone patents.
In every ono of these six cases the result
of the undertaking can bo rccoorcd In a sin
plo word :
The administration's civil-service reform
policy Abandonment.
The administration's demand for the sus
pension of silver coinage Hcllnquisment.
The administration's extradition treaty
The administration fishery negotiations-
Thoadministration surplus reduction plan
The administration's Pan-Electric suit-
Nebraska Jottings.
The Fremont Tribune insists that
flat boats can distance street cars in that
The enterprising pcoplo of Chadron
have planked down a bonus of1,000 to
secure the erection of a largo hotel.
The republican committee of the
Third congressional district favors the
rcnomination of Congressman Dorsey.
Hon. C. H. Van W.ycjc is announced
to make an address on the labor ques
tion at Plattsmouth to-morrow evening.
J. B. Long , a Gage county sheep
raiser , shipped seventeen car loads Of
sheep over the Union Pacific to Chicago
cage , Saturday.
The State Teachers' association are
to be congratulated on the vigor and
spirit displayed in kicking the "pro
fessors" out of their councils.
McCook is promised the Burllntrton
machine shops , to cost $200,000. The
residents are now thoroughly convinced
that the strike was a great mistake.
A reward of S100 will bo paid for the
capture of illegal voters in Hastings to
day. The ballots will slip with the
usual celerity and the money will re
main in the trci&ury.
The members of the board of public
works of Nebraska City who visited
Omaha last week report that Colorado
sandstone Is the best material for curb
ing and paving. It beats Borea btono ,
and granite is nowhere.
An Otoo county justice of the peace
has ) inaugurated a vale war in tlio fees
for performing marriages. His name
is Smith and his pride is down to $1.60 ,
with a moderate reduction for each
bridal kiss. Apparently the harvest is
Seven of the Reading engineers im
ported by tlio Burlington , left Platts
mouth for homo , Saturday. They were
tired of the job , havj'ng found by exper
ience that the demands of thu old en
gineers for better pay were just and
The Hustings Gazette-Journal de
clares the strike a failure. The frantic
efforts of the organn to convince the
Burlington that such is the case has no
effect on the ofllciuls. They know a
great deal more thi/n / appears on the
surface ,
"Tho Omaha Bi'.n , with its usual en
terprise , " chuckles the South Sioux City
Sun , " "places itself on record as the
first paper of the season to publish the
lady's letter to the grocoryman. In
these days of Hoods u.nd rumors of floods
this whibkured little vernal gem is
gladly welcomed as the first reliable
harbinger of spring , "
Inwn lU'iiiH.
Heal estate transactions in Sioux City
hibt month amounted U$700OUO. ,
The Davenport base bull club is look
ing for a rod-hoiulcd , .loft-handed
A farmer in Henry county marketed
'in.lB87 1,311 joundsof-butter from , eix-
' ' " "
tecri'cows. ;
' The AprU docuin'out. p tliodibtdgt
court at DCS Molncs , which begins Mon-
dny , . contains 1,302 assignments.
The Illinois Central's architect has
about completed the drawing of plans
for dxtonsivo shops nt Waterloo , tno di
mensions of which arc to bo 260x60.
The heirs of Mr. E. N. Gates hnvo
been offered $1,000 an acra for the fifty
acres owned by the deceased within the
corporate limits of Dos Moines. It cost
the owner $0,000 less than ten years
Throe boys while playing marbles on
n railway track west of Burlington were
struck by nn engine and two of them
thrown down a high embankment ,
They were seriously hurt , but may re
The old settlers of Muscatino nro
moving for a soml-ccntcnnial celebra
tion of Iowa's organization as a terri
tory July4. The plan generally favored
is n reunion of the residents ot Iowa at
that time with appropriate exercises on
the now fair grounds or some similar
place. _ _ _ _ _
" \Vyonilnfj.
Chcycnno starts a modest real estate
A creamery company , capital $10,000 ,
has boon organized in Cheyenne.
Governor Moonlight proposes to issue
in pamphlet form his seven vetoes.
There are fair prospects that a street
railway will bloom in Cheyenne this
The horse growers of Crook have or
ganized to mutually aid in the eleva
tion of noa-rosldont borrowers.
A natural gas well has been discov
ered near Chcyonno. It has no connec
tion , as far as known , with the late
Douglas' coal mines will soon bo sup
plying the Wyoming Central and the
people of Nebraska , Kansas and the
Black Hills with fuel.
Discoveries of ere rich in silver and
copper have recently boon made In the
Big Horn mountains near Buffalo. For
many years the belief has prevailed
among prospeclors that the ores were
there , and their discovery is not at all
The board of trade committee of Laramie -
amio who wont to Omaha to confer with
General Manager Kimball with regard
to matters connected with the glass
works , etc. , report that their mission
was satisfactorily accomplished , and
they wpro highly pleased.
The Fotterman Coal company's new
mines , west of Douglas , arc coming to
the front. The machinery is nearly in
place , , and work on the upper works ,
comprising a platform lOOxUo feet , is
progressing. The contract for the
grade , connecting the railway track by
rail with the mines , about a mile in
length , has been let and work com
menced. As soon as this is completed
the railroad company will station an en
gine there permanently , to do the haul
ing to and from tlio mine.
Frightful Fntc of n Woman Who
Walked on the Track.
The Union Pacific crossing at Seventeenth
street was the scene of a terrible accident
about 5:10 p. m. yesterday. Mrs. Katrina
Echc , aged fifty-five , in company with her
sou Ernest , a young man of about twenty-
two , got off the first car of the dummy going
west , which stops at this crossing , and
started to their lionio on South Sixteenth
street , near Williams. The two , in company
with a number of other passengers , walked
west between the tracks as the dummy from
South Omaha was approaching from the
west and was plainly visible. The son says
ho noticed the tram coming , but prompted by
some insane or childish freak , started
towards the south track on which was the
approaching cars and commenced to walk
tlrere. He motioned to his mother to stay
back with the crowd , but she failed
to notice his gesture and started
to follow him upon the track. The train
rapidly approached them , white the flagman
and her fellow-passengers yelled aud gestic
ulated frantically for them to get oft the
track. The old woman IB a German and
does not understand English nnd paid no at
tention to their shouts of warning. In a mo
ment the locomotive was upon hor. The son
had previously Jumped to ono side , but his
poor mother saw the danger too late , and in
a second was under the rushing wheels. The
spectators stood frozen with horror as they
saw her cruelly crushed , and when the train
had passed they rushed to her assistance.
They fdtond that the wheels had passed over
her right legal the Unco , crushing It horri
bly , nnd almost entirely severing it , while the
left foot was completely flattened. Both
sliocs were cut from her feet , and when the
left ono was taken on * two or three toes
dropped to the ground , where they lay for
hours , the subject of morbid curiosity. The
crushed members presented a most sickening
siRht. Tlio patrol wagon was called and the
unfortunate woman was taken to St. Joseph's
hospital , where Drs. Leo and Gallbraith did
what they could Inr her. They could do but
little , as the woman was dying , and before
this account is read she- will have passed
away. _
The Looked For HricklaycrH Fall to
Show Up.
It was rumored about the city last night
that 159 bricklayers who were to bo distrib
uted among the different contractors had ar
rived in the city , together witli forty-four
who were to bo employed by tlio Norcross
Bros , A Bun reporter started out to learn
as to the truthfulness of the report , and first
saw two contractors , who were evasive in
thulr answers and refused to bo communi
cative. Leo Frost , the president of the
bricklayers' union , was next consulted , ami
assured the rtMiortor that the reports were
ovorcolorcd. "Only four brlcklayci-H , " said
Mr. Frost , "havo arrived in the city to-day ,
and everyone of them belong to the union. "
"How do you know that I" uslced the ro-
"Because the mlnuto they arrived they
came to our hall and deposited their cards. "
"Wlioro did they come from ? "
"Two were from Alabama , and two from
Indianapolis , hid. "
"What brought thorn in this direction ? "
was the next interrogation hurled at Mr.
"They saw advertisements in other papers
that bricklayers were wanted hero , and they
cnmo on , But when they ncarcd Omaha they
picKcd up the homo papers , saw there was n
btriko and showed their loyalty by depositing
their cards and icfusing to go to work. "
One For tlm GIIH Works and Another
The cupola from one of the retorts of tlio
gas works presented an unusual illumination
last night between the hours of 9:30 : aud 10
o'clock , and as the brilliancy of the flamrs
Increased some excited Individual concluded
to pull the llro alarm box at the corner of
Thirteenth and Jackson streets , The depart
ment responded to the call and thohoso were
quickly attached to the hydrants. The fore
man of the works having his attention at
tracted to the presence of the de
partment informed the chief that
his men were not needed , as the only cause
of the trouble was the lighting of the retort ,
which , being idle for some days , had been
started up contrary to hia orders. No dam
age was done. I'AI.Sn AI.illM.
While the department was loitorlng around
the pus works an alarm wis turned in from
box 54 , located at the corner of Sixteenth and
Webster streets. The apparatus was hurried
to the sccno lo discover that it originated
from thu burning out of a chimney.
A IMpnsiint I'arty.
The Emmet monument association gave
Its eighteenth , annual bml under pleasant
auspices'last night at.Musonio hull. The hall
was tastilya'rnomcntjod with Uio green ami
the Aiiu'rCean colors. . Some pf the most
prominent .Irishmen ty Omaha , were present
uud a' delightful time was enjoyed.
Borxrd of Education nnd the City
Hnll Sqimbblo.
An Eight-Hour Hesolutlon Squelched
The Dodge School N'pRotla-
tlonn Dcclnroil Off lleturna
or the School Census.
TJOIIR nntl Important Session.
The board of education opened last evening
with nn unbroken phalanx , every member
being present , nn unusual event In the his
tory of tlmt body. Advantage was tnkcn of
this to Introduce some very Important qucs1
tlons , nnd the session , although prolonged tea
a Into hour , was of more thnu usual Interest.
A communication from Peter L. Hilch nnd
Murk Hnn&en , asking for n fcnco around the
Bancroft school to prelect their private prop
erty from the encroachments of the school
children , win referred to the committee on
buildings nnd property. Another from ten
families living In the neighborhood of the
Eckcnnan school was rend asking Hint the
school house In Eckcrman place bo retained
for school purposes. Keforred to the com
mittee on teachers and text books.
A communication was received from
William Preston offering lots P , 10 mid 11 ,
bloci : 11 , lwlght& Lyman's addition , for a
school site , for the sum of $1,000. AUo the
cast half of blook 15 , Wilcox addition , at
$ lf > 00 per lot. Hofcrrcd to the coumilttco on
buildings nnd property.
Q. W. McKiunoy made nn offer to the bonrd
to remove tlio dirt from the west Douglas
school site for lOcents per square-yard , which
was referred.
Hugh Murphy offered loU 5 and (5 ( , lu block
10 , Omaha , being on the northeast corner of
Twenty-third and California streets , for f 17-
GOO. Hoferrcd.
A bill of J. C. Elliott , plumber nnd gas
fitter , amounting to 1800 , for work on the
Webster street school , wan referred.
A communication was received from City
Treasurer Hush nsklug that the boara Issue
n warrant on the sinking fund for the follow
ing bill , presented by the city of
Omaha ; Ten bonds of paving district
No. 07 , $5,000 ; premium 1 per cent ,
$75 : interest , ouc month , $25 ; total , $3,100.
The resignation of Ida Homington Natson ,
teacher of sixth grade , Lcuvcuwortli school ,
was accepted.
John Latcnsor's bill of $15X70 for plans
nnd specifications for the Webster street
school , was referred.
Hose & Stillwell offered the following prop
erty to the board ! Lot 4(5 ( nnd west half of
lot 47 , Glso'H addition , for $15,000 ; also lot
103 , Giso's addition , forlS,000. ( H. T. Leavitt
offered lot 50 , Disc's addition , for $10,000.
Referred to committee on new territory.
The report of John Uush , the city treas
urer , showed W3,3.TG.r > 7 in warrants paid in
February. The amount previously over
drawn was $ lO,60S..Jr , making the present
amount overdrawn $18.790.5(1. (
II. Franzcr offered to soil shades trees to
the hoard at the following terms : Maple ,
box older and catolpa , six to eight feet high ,
for 23 cents each ; eight to twelve feet high ,
for 35 cents. Referred to II. G. Clark with
power to act.
The offer of Alexander Buchanan to sell
lots 5 and 0 , in block 33 , Credit Fancier addi
tion , for $5,500 was accepted.
The committee on llnance , to whom was
referred the motion to dispose of the unsold
$100,000 of bonds nt a priconotless than 101 <
nnd accrued interest reported that tno offer
was 101 and accrued interest , and not lOlJ f.
The committee recommended the sale of the
bonds so as to have ready money in the treas
ury. The report was accepted and the treas
urer was instructed to advertise for the sale
of the bonds.
The committee on claims reported the al
lowance of $24,015.29 in hills. The bill of the
Chicago Lumber company for material for
the Webster street school , the amount being
$1,777,19 , was allowed. The bill of Rcumpmg
& Bolta for $000 , for material , was allowed.
The balance of $405.8(1 ( duo Max Meyer &
13ro. , for tower clock , was ordered paid.
On motion of Dr. Saville , it was decided to
allow the school census takers 3
cents for every name taken ir
respective of location. The bills
for census taking were next allowed , show
ing n total of 17,057 school children nud $529.-
71 for taking the census ,
Mr. Copelatul offered the following :
Resolved , That for the stone cutters and
brick layers to bo employed on the buildings
about to bo erected by the boardof education ,
a day shall bo understood to moan eight
hours and the contracts shall bo let with that
Tliis created as much consternation as
though a bomb shell with a lighted fuse had
been dropped in the midst of the honorable
body. In half a second Mr. Morrison was on
hla feet glaring at tlio father of the cooking
school and most vehemently opposed the in
troduction of such a resolution. Ho said it utterly out of place. The contractors ,
to whom the Jobs were leased , had the right
to use their own judgment. He didn't believe -
liovo in tying tliuir hands.
Mr. Llvesoy said ovary man had a right to
do as ho pleased when ho contracted for a
job. nnd tlio only requirements that could
and should bo exacted from him was n strict
compliance witli the plans and specifications.
Ho did not believe in sucli monkey rules with
the bonrd.
Mr. Sholes moved to lay the matter on the
table , and the motion was carried by u vote
of 13 to " , Copeland and Savillo voting no.
The secretary was Instructed to notify the
owners of buildings situated on hdiool prop
erty at Twenty-fifth uvuiiuo and Mason
street , also on the Paul street school situ , to
remove the same immediately.
On recommendation of the committee on
buildings and property , the bill of Mr. Hutchinson -
inson for $150 for the smoke consuming ap
paratus at the high school , was allowed.
Tlio committee spoku of it us an unqualified
The special committee , consisting of
Messrs. Clark , Sholes , Gray , Copeland and
Morrison , to whom was referred tlio bid of
the city council for the two lots and building
on the corner of Eleventh and Dodge streets ,
reported that they unanimously bullovcd it
would bo unwise to bell the said property
until homo otlior arrangement is made to ac-
cominoduto the children attending tlio school ,
and recommended the rejection of the ? 40,0X ( )
bid. The report of tlio committed was
agreed to.
Mr. Fclton offered a resolution , which was
adopted , rescinding the action of the board
ut a previous meeting , postponing proposals
to construct now school buildings until the
alfliculty between the master builders and
brick-layers ho decided.
Tlio following persons put in applications
for positions us teachers ; Jcssio Hnggott ,
Allio M. Harr. Mary E. Twomey. Ida II.
Maxwell , Edith M. Goodspccd , Suslo M.
Maxilold , Jennie E. Owens , Agnes Hawley
and Mary Wotuinger , Referred to superin
tendent of Hcliools.
On recommendation of Mr. Folton it was
decided to petition the city council to estab.
lUh the grade of Hamilton street west of the
military bridge , to the city limits , so that tha
cut in front of the Walnut Hill school slto bo
not deeper than eight feet. A committee of
three , consisting of Mcssro. Folton , Gray ana
Morrison , were appointed to bo present at
ho ofllca of the city engineer on Saturday
next to consult with the council's cominitto
on grades , etc. , as to the proper establish
ment of other grades on Hamilton and
parallel streets.
A communication was referred from John
Rush , thu city treasurer , calling tlio atten
tion of the board to tha fact that ho was al
lowed by the state law n fee of 1 per cent on
all moneys collected by him , and that tlio
only recompense ho now received was 1 per
cent on the school tax , which has become
delinquent. Referred to the attorney of the
Tlio secretory was uuthorkod to advcitlso
for bids for tlio erection of the proposed live
scliool buildings , to bo located on Mason near
Twenty-fifth , Twenty-thiru near Nicholas ,
Ninth near Hancroft , Hamilton near Eureka ,
and ono in Luke'n addition , the same to bo
c-onsidorcd od April 31.
Two hundred and fifty school desks were
ordered for UBO In the schools.
An addition on tjie north sldo of the Izard
school was ordered. A two room building
was ordered for thti West Omaha site.
Tlio following was proiputod by Dr. Sa
ville :
Ko.aolveil , That a H > ocUl committee ' of
three appointed to'confer with'tho city
council tind.ascertain if tluit body and thin
board , according to thu pro.vUlonti by which ,
$2 ! > ,000 was to be paid by Hid board of cduo.v
lion toward the construction of city linll , if
the city council will return the board of edu
cation such amount M has already been paid
under the provisions of said contract.
Ur. Snvlllo said In defense of thi * tlmt
there were legal restriction ! * to prevent n
movement cither way with the work until it
bad been put to a vote of the people. Prob-
ntily It would bo a year before the matter win
settled. Ho wanted tlio board to keep out of
legal complications. Ho was he.-irtlly op-
l > ocd to the present plans.
Mr. Morrison said the funds of the board
were low and ho would rote for almost nnv-
thlng to bring money Into the treasury.
Ho wanted to gel the money back in any way
at nil.
Mr. Hugh G. Clark thought U was unusual
to nsk for the return of the monov at prc .
cnt. The city hall controvcrsv had not been
decided yet , mid ho wanted the board to keep
Its hamU clear of the matter.
The nyos and noes being called the follow
ing vote resulted :
Ayes-Messrs. Copeland , Felton , Kollcy ,
McConnell , Morrison , Parmoleo and Sa-
Noes Messrs. Auchniocdy , Clark , Coburn ,
Livosoy , Pratt , Sholes and Mr. President t ,
The vote being n tlo the motion was do-
cmml lost. Mr. Gray did not vote.
On motion of Mr. McComioil the secretary
was instructed t < > illo a protest with the
mayor , city council nnd llccnso board against
tlio proposed erection of saloon back of the
Cass street school.
UUN'Oll AM ) I1AU.
District Court.
Judge Wakcly was all morning ruling on
objections made by counsel lu the cclcj
bra'.ed Wllllams-Hnmer case was
consumed In the reading by counsel of tlia
laws applicable to the case.
Judge Wakcloy delivered his clmrgo to the
jury , ami shortly nfter ft o'clock they went
out with directions to hand In a scaled ver
dict , which they did nt'J o'clock last night.
It will bo read this morning.
iiKUCKxnu vs. njsTjjnn.
Tlio case of John II. Hciickner vs. F. C.
Fcstner for $ .1,100 damages , sustained by tha
loss of throe lingers and n thumb of his
right hand , through the alleged carelessness
of the foreman , who is said to hnvo started
the machinery nt a time when tlio bov's hand
was insldo the machinery , was giveu to the
Jury at 12 o'clock.
Shortly after 5 o'clock the Jury brought in
a verdict of1,000 in favor of the plaintiff.
MAT KKl-.rn OX T1IIA1.
The second trial of Mat ICcofe , the hack
driver who is charged with stealing a watch
and chain and diamond pin from R , A. Lewis ,
was begun before .ludgoGroff yestordiij.
On the former trial the Jury disagreed.
Upon the close of court the testimony was
not all in , but will bo resumed at the opening
this morning.
William T. Wholan brought suit yesterday
against John H. Erck to recover SITl.'JC , duo
on labor and building materials.
imiicu : : ov IMIOMISK SUIT.
Mary C. Neubaus wants $5,000 damages
from Claus H. Libbert , who , she says , se
duced her under promise of marriage , but i-
stead of keeping his word with her went oft
and married Mary Kruse. Miss Neuhaus
claims that a child born to her through her
unlawful relations with Libbort has slnco
Joseph Crobo yesterday commcncca suit
against John R. Webster and wlfo to recover
$1,000 on n promissory note with S per cent
interest added dating from March. 1837 : As
security for its payment Crubo holds a mort
gage on certain real estate , and ho petitions
the court to empower him to foreclose the
mortgage nnd sell the premises.
riiOMissour NOTI : SUIT.
Lulu Inlow assigned to David Jamleaan
and William D. Mead , jr. , a certain piece of
property to secure tlio payment of lurco
promissory notes of $3jfl.CO ( each , and
as she has not done so they petition the
court to sell the property tuat they may get
their money. L. S. Irwiu is made a defend
ant lu the suit.
Edward Clark says that ho paid Zaclmriah
Thomason $50 forfeit on a picco of property
valued at $4,300 , but before a deed could bo
issued Thomason died. Now Clark brings
suit against lieu 13. Wood , the ixccutor of
Thomason's estate , to compel him to accept
the balance of the purchase , money and turn
over to him a deed of the property , which is
described to be the cast 50 feet of lots 13 and
14 , block 79 , South Omaha.
John Moore nnd Charles Colwell , the two
men arrested at South Omaha souio nights
ago on a charge of assault with intent to rob ,
petitioned Judge Groil through their attorney
yesterday to give them their freedom on a
writ of habeas corpus. Tlio judge , after con
sidering the matter , concluded to deny the
application , and the prisoners were remanded
to jail.
SUITS Fir-nn.
Edmund Paulson ycstcrdavofllcd a peti
tion for suit against Latuy & Ilensou , Amos
Phillips , Charles C. Spottswood , Miunio L.
Jaynes and the Lewis Investment company ,
praying the court to compel the firm of Lntoy
& Benson , the endorsers of six notes of $250
each given by Amos Phillips to plaintiff , to
pay said notes , and also praying that thu
Lewis Investment company nnd Minnie L.
Jaynes , who had a prior claim on several lots
Kiven to secure the payment of these notes
be foreclosed and denied of all right and that
Charles C. Spotswood who also bus a lien on
the property bo shut out until tlio plaintiff
has recovered the amount alleged to bo duo
Edward .T. II , Wochlers asks that the court
order the .salo of lots 3 and 4 , Woohlers place ,
bought of plaintiff by A. I' . Gunn on the In
stiilment plan and upon which $5:10 : , is still
duo and unpaid nnd which amount tlio defendant -
fondant evidently docs not intend to pay , to
satisfy the deferred payments.
The Hiiino party lilcd a similar suit against
A. Ucckman for lot HI. block 2 , Uuto City
park , upon which $ ' J5 is Htill duo.
William T. Whelmi institutes a suit against
John II. Erck for $171.'JS for work performed
and material furnished in the construction of
a house.
County Court.
D. Sopor & Co. , a corporation dolnif bust
ness in the state of Nebraska , allege in then
action brought against the Milwaukee &
Northern railroad that tiiuy employed tha
company to convoy for thum a quantity ol
hemlock timber and by excess froli/lit charges
were damaged in tlio HUIII of 111 00 , in which
amount they ask judgment
Meeting of the Jtonrd of Flro nud
I'olloo Coin in iHMlone.rH.
At the regular monthly mooting of the
board of tire and police commissioners hold
last night , the ilrst matter to ruciuvo con
niilorathm was an amendment to the rulcn
changing the rogulur meetings from monthly
to weekly and adopting Saturday ovcnlngs
us the timo. Special meetings can bo called
upon the written request of three commis
sioners. Now rules and order of business
were also udopto.l.
It was recommended that an ordinance
bo submitted to the council making the
salaries of the force as follows ! Chief , $ IBOJ
[ ior annum ; captains , $100 a month , licuten-
[ ints , $8 , % ; sergeants , tSO ; patrolmen , $70 for
Llio llrat thrcu months , and $75 thereafter.
Thn commlttijo reported thai inasmuch as
Oniccr H. F. Walker had tendered his resig
nation and the same had been accepted for
not reporting for duty , they had nothing to
aay in his cufco.
Next tlio board went Into executive session
and considered several nubjeets in secret.
Mrs. E. O'Sullivan ' , wife of Edward O'Sul-
llvan , who has resided hero for nearly
twenty-five years , died Sunday at her late
residence- , corner of Twelfth nnd Dorcas
htrects , ut thoagoofflfty years , The bus-
band of the deceased was for many years con
nected with tlio railway mull scrrlcu , nnd
moro recently with the local frulght ofllce of
the Union Pacilio , Mis. O'bullivau ' will bo
luried to-day , tlio funeral taking plan )
from St. Patrick's church. The rmnaltis will
jo Interred In the Holy Sepulchre cemetery.
VITTHEN JohnN. Vitthcn , March SI , aged
twenty-six years ,
Funeral will take place April 3 , at 2 p. in. ,
from hia late residence , North Sauuden
Btrcet. Friends are Invjtud. Uytliu order of
Danish lirotheibood , lodge No , 1 ,
HINJ ELcjjut , 1'miacut. .