"I * " " ' HE OMAHA DAILY BEE SETENMENTH YEAE. OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING. APEIL 3 , 1SSS. NUMBER 200J WILL CLEVELAND DECLINE ? A Letter to That Effect Said to Bo Already Written. WHOLt TONS OF TARIFF TALK. t | > _ What the Curintry Will Bo ttxpcctcd to Kniliiro Observation of EnHtcr Monday nt 1VnftlilnKtoti--A Pccnlln.ly Siul Death. What Dlil Amos Aim At ? WASHINGTON Btmp.AU THE OMAHA BRC , ' 510 FOUHTEKNTllSTIlSBT , WASHINGTON. D. C. . April 2. ] There wns n grcnt dcnl of tnlk nt the cnpl- lol to-dny nbont the probnblllty of President Cleveland dcclhlng the iiso ot his nnmo be fore the St. Louis convention for rcnomlna- tlon. The tnlk grcwoutot n little Incident the other day before the house committee on printing , which is investigating the manage ment of tlio government printing office. Mr. Cummlngs , < who until he entered congress , wan an editorial writer on the Now York Sun , nnd is therefore opposed to the contlnu- ntlon of President Cleveland In power , asued n witness whether there had been nny con fidential matter from the Whlto house print ed at the office recently , nnd the witness re plied nffirmntlvoly. Then Mr , Cummlngs wanted to know If nny letter hud bcon print ed from the president declining n rcnomlnn- tlon. The witness Replied thnt if such n let ter had been printed It wns confidentlnl , nnd therefore ho could not give It away. jQFrom this question n great deal of talk has grown. There were many democratic mem bers who put this with the president's signi ficant observations In his letter of acceptance four years ago , and Imagined that they could sec a letter declining n re-nomination for the reasons which Mr. Cleveland gnvo when ho accepted the first nomination. They declared thai the president had done nothing to war- innt the belief that ho Is anxious for another Ulrm and that ho can see the handwriting on thtwall. . There nro fully one-third of the democrnts in the senate and house who nro secretly or openly opposed to Mr. Cleveland continuing in the presidential chair and they were glad to take hold of every straw that floated on the surface pointing towards n declination. They declnrcd that the presi dent hnd never held nn ofilco but ono term nnd that ho is awnro that there In so much opposition to him in the doubtful states that his re-nomination is plainly inadvisable ) . Representative Tnulbce , of Kentucky , nn administration democrat , said this afternoon ho did fiot bellovo that the president regarded a second term improper and that ha hnd no idea of declining u rcnominntion. If he tthould do so. however. Mr. Tnulbco says that Now York will nominate the candidate nnd that ho will bo Hill or Hewitt. Ho could not believe that the failure of the Mills tariff bill would depress Mr. Cleveland or that It would lead him to decline the race , ns hus been intimated by thu extreme tariff ro- lormUrs. Bourke Cochrnn , the brilliant young demo cratic member from New York , who has lied I from under the party whip n number of times in this session , declared thnt this talk I about the president's declining iu advance was mere speculation. Representative Ford , ot Michigan , another ffl democrat , snld about the name wny. He did not beliavo that the president would decline I upon the failure ot the tariff bill , although it would not bo tin endorsement of the presi dent's principles should the bill fail to receive - I ceivo n majority vote. Representative Allen of Mississippi , who is somewhat of a humorist , said : "I have seen nothing that would cause mo to suspect him of any such intention. You know largo bodies move slowly. I have seen no evidence of desire on the part of the president to move out of the white houso. He seems tome mo to have rather u. settled air about him. " rim iiii'um.icAX : IDIA. : The republican members say that the presi dent has not by his acts given the impression i that ho wants another term , but they are of the opinion that n taste of the white house has seduced him from his original Intention nnd that ho is now using tlio machine to secure the necessary two-thirds vote in the convention. Mr. Galllngcr of Now Hampshire , said no doubt a largo portion of the democratic party would welcome a letter from the president declining the.nomination. It would bo hailed with delight'and open the way for Hill. "I expect , " said he , "that Cleveland will bo the candidate und there is no possibility or prob ability of his declining. However , if ho runs again , in my Judgment , the people will sustain him in his letter of acceptance and agree that , one term Is sufficient. " TUB I'Hosrr.t-iivi : TAiiirr iinnATn. Proceedings in the house to-day when tlio Mills tariff bill was reported , pointed unmis takably to the date when the general tariff debate will bo commenced. The tlmo fixed by general concession Is two weeks from to morrow , Tuesday , April 17. This will Just give time to get the bill out of the house , BliouUl It bo amended in such n way as to ro- ccivo a majority vote before the St. Louis convention nnd will give the democrats nn Jipportunlty to expatiate on their tariff work when they form their platform for the na tional campaign. Tlio majority announced to-day , when the bill wns reported , thnt It wnu their intention to give us much ns possi ble of the two weeks which will now intervene - veno before the ttu-IlT bill is taken up to the consideration of appropriation bills , so thnt there will bo very little interference with the tariff dcuuto , when that is begun. If the majority act with tiny sincerity it can pass nearly all of the thirteen regular appropria tion bills which Imvo not been acted upon , nnd most of which nro yet in committees , It is understood that four or five appropriation bills \vill be taken up In the house during the remainder of this week. iiu : .MiNonriY iuroiiT ; , Proof sheets of the minority report on the Mills tariff bill were received Into this nftor- noon at the house und given to the two presF associations for distribution to the morning newspapers of the country , The minority of the committee on wuys nnd menus felicl tnto themselves thnt they have mndo a logical nnd iinpicsslvo argument against the passage of the bill. They have not only had thee - | K > rt of the majority nnd the bill itself to cogi tate upon In the compilation of their report , but they have for themselves made investi gation into the condition of affairs nt the treasury department in respect to incomes nnd surphis , und the probable income and output of the year. Thonrgument the minority submit presents nitiiiy now facts nnd is considered n strong Btund In dliect opposition to the position tukcn by the majority. The republicans say tlioi nro in favor of n reform of the tariff but thai the reform offered by the majority is see Hanoi nml unjust ; Unit It discriminates it favor of the uouth mulagainst the noith , tin west nnd thu rival northwest ; that whili iiono of tro southern Industries are mntcriull.N iitfot'tcd , these of the other sections named nro senselessly attacked nml in such u wny us to ruin them ; thai tbo itooplo most dlrectlj Interested in the proposed tariff reform hnvi been refused n voice in the construction ol ho bill , nnd thut there is no hope of iti passage. The minority report U signed by nil of UK five republican members ol the committee 01 ways und means , nncV Is heartily endorsed bj them ull In every respect , notwitlistumlnn the minority rciwrts to the contrary. Tin majority nro endeavoring to create un im jiresslon thnt there nro one pr two of the ml nority members of the committee who do no enter into the full spirit of the report Urn ; biibmltted todujGeneral Browne , of In ilitmt , who is considered one of the most con fccrvuilvo protectionist members of the ml iiorlty , nnd who Is the ono above all othen thq democrats lira intimating Is not in per feet accord w Hh the report of the minority said to mo this evening : "Our report , . think , is ono of the clearest nnd strongest ar gumciits thut could bo mndo iu favor uf main tabling our present ; protection upon Aiucri Wit industries and labor. Wo .till " agreed to It , It It n magnificent portrayal of our position ) > on the subjects trcnted. I think It will bo endorsed by every farmer , manufacturer , mcchnnlc nnd Inborerwho hns the good of our Industries nt heart. Such n reform ns the majority propose would never do. It is n ono-nidcd strike nt the very In dustries \vhlch need protection most nnd leaves untouched the things which wo would bring about greater changes in. " There have been 100 names nlrendy placed on the book of the speaker foctarlff speeches. It Is bcllovcd there will bo 125. nnd possibly 1W ) , regular long tariff speeches delivered during the ttcnornl debate on the bills , nnd hundreds nnd hundreds of short speeches when the bill comes up for amendment nnd whllo the amendments nre being discussed , The first two weeks of the general debate will be pretty dry , then It will grow lively and will become Intensely warm , no doubt , as the weather grows warm nnd the question comes nearer n focus. CCt.BllllATlNd r.ASTEll MONIHT. Juvenile Washington took iwsscsslpn of the whlto house grounds to-day nnd mndo merry , to the detriment of the flowers , shrubs nnd trees. Girls nnd boys of nil colors , sbcs and ngcs , from the grny-hnircd joungster of sixty , who has mndo n practice of coming every year , to the tiny tot who first saw the light twelve months ago. Every knoll and hillock was possessed by some whltc-frockcd party , who rolled eggs of myriad colors to their hearts' content. Over In the less frequented poitions of the grounds the big brothers nnd sisters of the little ones flirted with other fellows' big brothers nnd sisters , whllo insldo the mansion mammas talked of Mrs. Cleveland nnd Dolllo Madison , and said they were all so glad that Lent had ended. Hector , Mrs. Cleveland's blase canine , frisked his fair self about on the grass nnd endeavored to elude the petting showered on him. Kny , the big dog that has superseded Hector in his mistress' affections , sat in front of his house nnd watched the gny carnival with nstonishcd eyes. Egg picking was carried on principally by ragged young gamblers of dusky hue , and such technical terms ns "butts" nnd "pents" were frequently hcnrd. On the outside of the grounds venders of candy nnd peanuts drove n thriving trade. A delegation of northern Cheycnno Indians from Montana received nn ovation In the Rhapo of numerous war-whoops , and they cheerfully nnd smilingly picked their way among the crowds , Ignoring with Inunto stoi cism the tugs nnd pushes from the bad small boy. When the president cnmo into the cast room to hold his reception , at 1:30 : , ho was besieged by nn army of little ones. Mrs. Cleveland came to her window several times during the day nnd looked out on the unique scene. It is estimated that over five thousand people were on the grounds at different times. I'liovinixo neil CHIRP JUSTICE WAITC'S WIDOW. Some of the intimate friends of the late Chief Justice Walto say it is n shnmo to tnlk about his poverty before the tears of the fnmily nro dry. Civil Service Commissioner Edgcrton. who knew Judge Wnlto Jrom boy hood , is Indignant nt the early talk about n subscription. Ho thinks n few days should intervene after death before this is done. A movement has already been started by some of the friends to raise n fund for the family. The family hns not been consulted in this matter and it is not likely they will bo. It is thought , however , ns a Just tribute to the life and character of the distinguished jurist , something of the kind should bo done. They are proud of his lifo and they nro notnshamcd that ho died poor. Of this latter fact there can bo no doubt. It Is expected that members of the bar will take charge of thit matter , nnd It Is suggested thnt $100 subscriptions will bo called for. THAOIO AM > SAD I > EATIT. Prof. E. A. Paul , the principal of the high school of this city , who , on Saturday after noon was thrown from his blcyclo in n col lision with Senator Cullom's horse , died this morning. Ho was n brilliant young man , nnd the circumstances of his death are pe culiarly painful. Less than n year ago ho was married and spent his honeymoon ia Europe. Returning last fall , ho rented n pleasant house just nt the outskirts of the city , near the residence of Mrs. Logan , where he and bis bride have been living. Return ing from a ride upon his wheel on Saturday afternoon. Prof. Paul attempted to alight in front of his house and was knocked down by Senator Cullom's coachman , who was a few steps in hig rear on horseback. The horse became tangled in the wheel , was thrown down , and fell heavily upon Prof. Paul , crushing him and causing such injuries that cVon had ho survived , ho would have been : v paralytic for life. The professor was taken into his own homo and after suffering dread fully for thirty-six hours , died this morning. The coachman immediately returned to Senator Cullom's house , where ho was arrested on Sunday morning. His father , who is a respectable colored man ot this city , offered bail for his appearance nt court , and ho was released. Alter the death of Prof. Paul ho was arrested again nnd is now hold to nwnlt the finding of the coroner's jury. Senator Cullom was out of the city at the time , having gone to Now York with the other members of the commerce committee to in spect the site of the proposed bridge over the Arthurkill in Now Jersey. As soon ns the family learned what had happened , Miss Cul- Join went at once to Prof. Cullom's residence , but of course could do nothing but offer the sympathy of the family nnd express their regret - grot that their servant should Imvo been the cause of the calamity. Upon Senator Cul lom's arrival at homo this morning ho went nt once to the house , but Prof. Paul had died n few minute's boforo. The wheelman's association hero hnvo had n mooting and resolved - solved to assist in the prosecution of the coachmnn as a matter of general protection to bicyclers. INAUGURATION DAY. The proposition to chnngo inauguration day from March 4 to April ! tO , and to make December 31 the beginning of the congress ional term , was defeated in the house to-day by a heavy majoiity. It wns supported by Cnvlno of Toxns , Cox of Nuw York and Col lins of Massachusetts. It was opposed by Adams of Illinois and Burroughs and Allen of Michigan. Mr. Adams claimed that the constitution ought not to be amended to euro a inert ) inconvenience. Congress should puss n law requiring congress to meet on the first day of its term. That would euro many ex isting evils complained of by the supporters of the proposed constitutional amendment , Mr. Adams further claimed that thu electoral votes for president and vice presi dent should bo counted by the outgoing con gress , To leave it to an incoming congress , ns this amendment proposed , would lead to serious danger. The electoral count wouhl bo controlled by members holding certificates of election whutbur duly elected or not ; no election contests could bo decided in time tn nllow contestants to get In their seats ami take part in the electoral count and canvass ing boards throughout the country would be tempted to strain the law and the facts for the bonollt of their own party. In u close pre.sidcntal election this might lead to n dis pute. The electoral count ho thought had always been the weakest part of our political system. Wo ought not add to the danger , however remote , of u disputed presidential election. NnilllABKA AXD IOWA I'OSTAI , MATTKIIS. A | Kstofilco has been established at ( iooli- ner , Howard county , Nebraska , nnd Charles S. Brockwayiippointcd postmaster. Changes Imvo been ordered in the star ser vice In Nebraska us follows : Wnlworth tc North Loup From April 10 , omit service from Wnlworth to Sargent , twelve miles , nnd Increase service to six times u week , Wnlworth to Ansolmo From April 10 , ex tend service to begin nt Sargent und embrace West Union , twelve miles. Increase bcrvicc to six times a week. Changes in time schedules on star mail routes in iowu have been ordered ns follows , to taka effect April 9 : Sidney to Hamburg Leave Sidney dallj except Sundays atll n. m. , arrive ut Knox by 1'J m , ; leuvo Knox daily except Sundays ut 12.15 p. iu. , arrive at Sidney by 1:15 p , m. ; leave Sidney dally except Sundays ut 3 p. in. , arrive ut Hamburg by 0 p , in. ; leave Ham burg dally except Sundays ut 8 u. in. , arrive at Sidney by 1030u ; , m. I'r.llsONAI. AXD fiKNEHU. Wallace Broatch , son of the mayor ol Omaha und u Yule college student , la in the city spending his vacation. Also Miss Jennie Wallace , of Omaha , who is attending the Smith college of Massachusetts , Senator Paddock's sou , 'who Is spending his college vacation heio , was nt the capjtol this afternoon. K. .11. Kdson , of Oiuahn , is hero. . Senator Muudersou goes to Pliiladcljihi ; J to-morrow with Senator Halo's committee to inquire into the operation of the civil service ns Illustrated In the Philadelphia postofllco , the mint nnd custom houso. It will prob ably hold sessions nt the Continental hotel , nnd will bo nbscrit several days. Quito a stir was raised nt the cast main door of the cnpltol this morning by another crank , who had conceived the Idea thnt the judges of the supreme court should bo put to death nnd that It wns his mission to perform the work of extermination. Hcfora proceeding to the execution of his purpose , however , ho stood on the front portico nnd fired several shots down the high steps without injuring nny- ono. Ho wns arrested nnd locked up in the station honsc , giving his nanio as McMnlns. He halls from Now Mexico nnd is a man of rather gentlemanly demeanor. A statement prepared by General Clark , the clerk of the house , shows that up to date 222 private bills nnd 127 public bills have been passed , in the forty-ninth congrcustho tariff bill was reported on the 12th of April. About O.WX ) bills have been Introduced during the session. PKIIUY S. HKATII. Army Orders. WASHINCITOX , ! April 2.-- [ Special Tclo- gram to the BKH. ] Major James " \V. Scully , quartermaster , is ordered to proceed from Now Orleans to Greenwood Isle , Miss. , for temporary service. Captain Charles C. Morrison , ordinance department , is ordered to proceed from Gov ernor's Island , N. Y. , to the naval proving ground , Annapolis , and to the Washington navy yard , for temporary service. Captain Andrew II. Husscl , ordinance de partment , is ordered to proceed from Frankford - ford arsenal , Philadelphia , to the Dupont powder mills , near Wilmington , Del. , on tem porary service. Prof. Peter S. Mlchlc , of the military academy , is ordered to this city for temporary service. * Post Chaplain Minor C. Blnino is relieved from duty In the Department of the Colum bia and ordered to duty at the new pest near Denver , Colo. Captain George G. Lott , Eleventh Infantry , has been granted fifteen days' extension of Icavo by direction of the secretary of war , under the act approved Juno 3 , 1884 , and the net amendatory thereof approved February 3,1SS7 , and , to complete the record , the dis charge of First Sergeant Gcorgo til. Swaim , Company C. , Seventh Iowa cavalry volun teers , October 20 , 1801 , is amended to take effect August in , 1S04 ; his muster Into ser vice ns second lieutenant , same company nnd regiment , October 21 , 1804 , Is amended to date August 20. 18(54 ( , nnd ho is mustered for pay in said grade during the period embraced between the aforesaid date , under the pro visions of the act of congress approved Feb ruary 14. 1SS8. Hospital Steward Richard Keogh , U. S. A. , is by direction of the pres ident , upon his own application , placed upon the retired list created by that net. The president has directed that an army retiring board be convened in this city next Wednesday for the examination of Major General Alfred II. Terry , as anticipated by the bill. The following oflicors have been detailed for this duty : Major General John M. Scoileld , Brigadier General S. V. Ben nett , Brigadier General Robert MncFeeley , Chief Medical Purveyor J. H. Baxter and Major Charles R. Grcenleaf , surgeons. A board of officers , to consist of Major E. V. Sumner , Fifth cavalry ; Captain W. M. Wherry. Sixth Infantry ; Captain G. W. Davis , Fourteenth infantry ; Captain Francis Moore , Ninth cavalry , nnd Captain C. G. Whipplo has been appointed to meet at Fort Louvonworth , Kansas , on Wednesday , April 1 , for the examination for promotion of non commissioned officers to the grade of second lieutenant. Nebraska and Iowa Pensions. WASiiixdTOX , April 2. [ Special Telegram to the BBC.I The following pensions for Kcbraskans were granted to-day : Original invalid-Gilford P. Richard , Eagle ; Robert D. Anderson , Do Witt ; David R. Bradford , Barncstown ; Simeon Dumas , Plum Creek ; Clmuncey II. Allen , Nebraska City. Mexi can survivors George Bishop , Broken Bow. Mexican widows Julia Ann , widow of Ed win Shcpnrd , Ponder ; Fraziska , widow ot Jacob Schneider , Omaha. Pensions for lownns Original invalid .lames M. Johnson , Mount Ayr ; Silas A. Dc- vol , Troy Mills ; Luke Todd. Frankvillc ; James A. Teboy , Hampton ; Godfrey Bow man , Cedar Falls ; Do Witt C. Crom , Dubuque - buquo ; Lemuel K. Osgood , Elgin : Samuel C. Shorcr , Montciuma ; Robert Park , Hartford ; Lucius L. Longworthy , Massenu. Increase Samuel F. Shields , Allcrton. Original widows , etc. Maria D. , mother of Arnold F. Horton , Delaware ; Hannah , mother of James H. Boon , Homer. Mexican widows Surah E. , widow of Joseph L. Hutton , Moravia ; Sarah , widow of William Robb , Hamburg. Public lolt Statement. WASHINGTON , April 2. The following is the public debt statement for the month of March : Interest bearing debt--Principal , $1,041,70-1,053 ; interest , $11,108,025 ; total , $1,052,09 ,077. Debt on which interest has ceased since maturity , $2,860,351 ; debt bear ing r.o Interest , $ < Ml',074,411 , ; total debt principal , $ liiOri7,2 ( ( , ! : > S ; interest , $11,370,182 ; total , $1,701SI7,440 ! ; loss reserve and cash Items available for reduction of debt , $400- irA.iinS : total debt , less available cash items , $2'J5,444 > ,0$5 ; net cash In treasury , $10,4r)7iOO ! ; debt , less cash in treasury April 1 , 1SSS , $ I,1W,8H8,1G5 ) ; debt , less cash in treasury March 1,18SS , $1,202,154,714 ; decrease during the month $11,580,5. ' ) ! ) ; decrease since Juno ! l. 1887 $ sS,5JO,5Sl , ( ; total cash In treasury $580,45-1,002. , Senator Farwcll's Funding Scheme. WASHINGTON , April 2. Senator Farwell to-day offered an amendment to the bond bill , authorizing and directing the secretary of the treasury to issue and sell to national banking associations ut par , coupon or regis tered fifty year bonds , bearing 2 > per cent Interest , to bo used by banks as security for circulation. Such bonds nro exempted from htato or municipal authority , nnd banks arc nntliorired to issue circulating notes to the extent of 100 per cent of their par value. The secretary is directed to Invest the surplus hold in the treasury including the money re ceived for said bonds , in the purchase of United States bonds in open markets , All laws and parts of laws relating to the establishment of u sinking fund for the pay ment of the public debt nre repealed. Forfeiting Unearned Land Grunts. WASHINGTON , April 2. The public lands committee of the house has decided to report bills forfeiting about forty mill'on acres of Northern and Southern Pacific railroad land grunts und the Ontonogan grant. AVantH It in IllH Own Town. WASHINGTON , April 2. Mr. Henderson , of Iowa , Introduced a bill to-day for the re moval of the oflleo of inspector of hulls and boilers from Galena , 111. , to Dubuquc , In. + , . Prayer and Porlidy. MAIISIIAU , , Tex. , April 2. [ Special Tele gram to the BIB. ] A young man giving the name of John Dixon burglarized the IIOUBO of Peter Ivy. Ho was caught in the act , with the silverware , clothing , Jewelry , etc. , in his possession. Ho had thoroughly ransacked the house whllo the people were ut church. Ho is in Jail. TIio Flfu llucord. HAitnisnuun.lll. , April2. Several stores on the west bldo of the public square were com pletely burned yesterday , entailing n loss of ef $25,000 , with very small insurance. TCANECK , N. J. , April 2. The loss caused by the burning of the residence of William Walter Phelps last night amounts to between 200,000 and $300,000. The AVulch-VIIna Libel Stilt. MINX'KAVOUS , April 3 , The Jury in-the famous Welch-Vilas libel suit disagreed after being out forty hours. , the standing seven for conviction and five for acquittal. Welch is Jubilant ut the result and pi edicts acquittal ut " 'C next trial , LITTLE ROWS , BUT NO RIOTS , The Railroad Rumpus Brooding Boy cotts and Bad Fooling- . DANGER SIGNALS IN SIGHT , KiiRlncmcti nnd Switchmen on AH llonds in Kntisns Clly Combine Against tlio "Q" More IMnk- . crtotiB fur Omnhn. "Q" Cnrs Shunned nt Kniisns City. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , April 2. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. | At 10 o'clock yes terday morning , the Missouri Pacific , Chicago & . Alton , Kansas City , Fort Scott & Gulf , Atchlson , Topckn .fe Santn Fo , Wnbash & Western , Union Pnclfic , nnd other rends were notified by committees of the brother hoods of engineers nnd firemen thnt after 12 o'clock to-dny the switchmen , engineers nnd firemen in the different yards would re fuse to hnndlo "Q" cars. This action was the result of n general meeting ot engineers , firemen nnd switchmen. The new policy agreed unon by the brotherhood Is thnt the other rends shall bo prevented from handling Burlington freight , not by n general strike , but by n boycott in the yards. Under the now plan of nctlon , when a Burlington car is turned over to another road , and the engin eer nnd firemen nro ordered fo hnul It , they will lenvo the cnb. If nnothcr engine Is then ordered to mnko the trnnsfcr its engineer nnd fireman will also quit. As u final move , If other men nro put on the engines , the switchmen will go out. None of the other rends notified the Burlington that it would not receive their freight , and the Fort Scott nnd Suntn Fe , that hnvo handled Burlington freight since the beginning of the strike say their position will bo unchanged. It has been the policy of the Burlington during their strike to protect the other roads in everything pos sible , nnd Assistant Superintendent Fish states this morning that there would bo no chnngo in that , policy , nnd that the other roads would not bo pushed into this fight. The Burlington yards were well cleared up , nml the rond/will probably not make an effort to turn over freight for a day or two. giving the other roads a chimco to canvass the situ ation nnd determine their course. The Rock Island was notified that its freight , handled by Burlington switch engines , would bo treated the same ns Burlington freight. The rend nt once telegraphed to have two Rock Island switch engines sent to Kansas City. The engines will arrive this evening. In case the Burlington switchmen strike they will at once bo taken into the employ of the Rock Island to enable the latter to do busi ness in the Burlington yards. The fact that the Rock Island will have to hire them may induce the Burlington switchmen to strike. The Burlington boycott went into effect promptly nt 12 o'clock ns promised. The other roads were busy till morning transfer ring Burlington cars. No objection to haul ing them was made by the engineers before noon. A few minutes before 12 o'clock n Fort Scott switch engine was sent to the northern end of the Fort Scott yards to get five Burlington cars thnt tbo yardmaster in tended to turn over to the Burlington. The engine was delayed , and it was 12 o'clock when it reached the Burlington cnrs. The engineer nt once notified the ynrdmnster ho could not handle them , nnd wns ordered to move the other cars and let them stand. No attempt was made to force the men to haul them , and no other .engine was ordered to hnndlo thorn. The lenders of the strikers say that this plan will bo followed in every caso. General Superintendent Fagan , of the Fort Scott , did not receive word until 2 o'clock that the engineers hud refused to handle Burlington cnrs. Ho nt once nn- nounced that the Fort Scott rend would not boycott Burlington freight nnd sent instruc tions to the yards thnt Burlington cars must bo handled the same as others. A Fort Scott engineer was ordered to move n train in which were several Burlington cars at 2:30. : Ho ran the engine to the train and moved it after cutting the Burlington cars out. His action was not hindered by the yard officials. The Strike Situation. CHICAGO. April 2. Thus far to-day there is no important chnngo in the strike situation. Nothing has yet resulted from the meeting of the St. Paul and Fort Wayne strikers , which was to have been held this morning. Nci her have the Belt line or Panhandle men taken any action in regard to handling "Q" cars. The Burlington continues Its aggres sive policy nnd nbout 0 o'clock notified the police that it was going to deliver a train load to-day to the Michigan Central railroad. A detail of officers was sent to the Michignn Central yards and soon after the Burlington trainbristling with Pinkcrton detectives nnd various railway officials , puffed in. Beyond the usual curses and cries of "scabs" that Invariably greet "Q" trains nowadays , there was no hostile demonstration. The cnrs were delivered to the Michigan Central and the "Q" engine , Pinkertons and officials quickly disappeared from the scene. As soon as they had gene the Michignn Central switchmen notified the yardtnustcr that they would not touch "Q" cars. A strike on this road will therefore be precipitated whenever the order is given to move cars now in the yard. It is thought this order is sure to como during the morn ing. The Burlington also nnnounced they had four hundred cars at Englewood which they Intended to offer the Lake Shore com pany during the day. Se-vi i .il switchmen on that line declared to n reporter they would not handle them. "Wo shall most certainly handle all the freight delivered to us , " said Mackav , general freight agent of the Michi gan Central , when asked what they Intended to do with "Q" cars. "Our general superin tendent arrived from Detroit to-dny. Just what his plans nro 1 do not know , but you can rest assured wo will handle these cars if I have to go down there and help myself. Wo propose to run this road , and if our present employes refuse to carry out any of our orders we will discharge them and fill their places. So far I have not heard thut they have refused to obey orders. " About noon n committee of employes from the Michigan Central yards visited the gen eral office of the company mid are now having n conference with the general superintend ent on the subject of handling * ' ( J" ears , which were delivered to the Michigan Cen tral this morning. There wns n little row in tlio Northwestern yards this morning on account of the appear- mice of a Fort Wayne engine there , manned uy Master Mechanic Ormsby ns en gineer and a wiper from the Fort Wuyno shops us fireman. They hauled a Pullman car over the Northwestern , but upon their arrival n lot of Northwestern switchmen jumped on the engine , and threw Ormsby nnd his helper off , nnd after sub jecting them to considerable ill-treatment , drove thorn out of the yard. The engine was then "blown off" and the fire dumped. It now stands dead In the Northwestern yards. General Manager Newell , of the Lake Shore , intimated that his company was prepuicd for tiny emergency , but at the same time were not expecting ono. "Thoro nro no union bwitchmcn In our employ , " ho said , "and our engineers and firemen have given me reason to buliovo them men of sense d discretion. A largo train of Burlington freight has boon handled without oven a pro test from the Lake Shore employes Satur day , " Newull explained , "and there was no rcubon why it should not bo done ngain to- dav if nny was offered by the Burlington. " Unless the St. Paul switchmen uro ut their posts to-morrow morning ready for work they cun never obtain employment on the road again. This was the ultimatum of the officials this morning. At u meeting of the strikers to-day , at which there were some two hundred , they resolved to bland to tlu position nlroady tukou in regard to "Q" cars , Fourteen switch engines were working in the St. Paul yards this morning und the superintendent feaul lib hud engaged crows to man half a dozen' moro if they were needed , All is quiet ut the yards , The suburban service of the fit. Paul was resumed this , uioruhij ; , all trains nearly on time , mid manned mostly by their own crows. A number ot old passenger en gineers hnvo decided not to Join the strikers mid will stick to tliolr engines , At the meeting of the Michigan Central men nnd Superintendent Brown , held nt noon , the men were told thnt they must hnn- He the Burlington train sent Into the yards. The men demurred , nndvcro told they must make up their minds to do so by 7 to-morrow norolng. They wont to their engines nnd work was resumed , but the "Q" frclghtwns lot touched. The sentiment of the men was hut they would not touch the objectionable freight , nnd they will hold n muss meeting to-night to officially decide on their course. Up to 2 o'clock this afternoon no Burlington - ton freight wns handled on thobeltllnoto-day although a number of Burlington cars have Dccn transferred to the belt line tracks by the Burlington. The belt company's employes were reported to bo maintaining a firm front ind had not been asked to touch nny of the boycotted freight. Whether the dead-lock between yardmen and their employes could bo broken or would result In n strike , no ono seemed nt all willing to predict. This afternoon nn attempt was made to get n train of twenty freight cars from the "Q" road to the Chicago & Alton. As the train passed the viaduct nt Sixteenth street , the engineers of other roads refused to nllow the train to go by. They stopped its progress by crossing nnd rccrossing the tracks which In tersect the road at this point. Thcso tactics wore kept up for two hours , nnd the "Q" train wns finally taken back to the Western avenue yards. After this nn Illinois Central train was brotight to Sixteenth street , clruwfi by u "Q" engine. When the viaduct was reached n number of stonoa wore hurled nt the locomotive. The assault wns answered by n shot from n man standing in the cab. The assaulting parties withdrew nnd the train proceeded on Its way. The Kock Island managers declined onto more to risk n tie-up of their rondby attempt ing to receive freight from their competitor , the Burlington. It wns in vain that the oftlcinls and lawyers of the latter road tele graphed and dispatched n messenger to the itock Island this morning. A verbal reply was finally returned that the Kock Islntid refused to tnko any cars from the Uurllngton. This afternoon , speaking for the Hock Island , Division Superintendent Chamberlain said : "Wo hnvo not only returned n vorbnl answer to the Burlington to the effect thnt wo would not touch their cars , but wo hns'o issued n written order a general order to our em ployes not to handle them. Wo don't propose to get into trouble by dealing with the 'Q.1 If wo can keen out of it by leaving their cars nlono. Wo think wo can bettor do the latter. That is our position nnd the 'Q. ' ' people know it. " An effort toward n compromise of the strike on the Chicago , Uurllngton & Quincy wns made this evening by the brotherhoods of engineers nnd firemen. A card embodying n concise statement of the situation from the men's standpoint , but giving no new facts , was issued by them. It is addressed "To the Public , " and signed by S. E. Hogo on bo- hnlf ot the engineers , nnd .T. II. Murphy for the firemen. The meat of the document is the concluding paragraph , which involves a fresh offer of arbitration , 'this time on nn entirely new basis. The idea is that arbi trators , instead of coming partly or wholly from outside roads or other professions , bo selected fromumong the Burlington's own em ployes. The document says in this connection that if the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy company is satisfied with the present condi tion of affairs , it has but little care for either the business or the lives of the public. "Wo stand , ns wo have stood nil the time , ready to submit our case to n board of fair arbitrators , and wo believe such a board can bo chosen from the railroad employes of this company. " An offer is also made to submit the trouble to three railroad presidents or general manag ers. Marvin Hughitt , president of the Chicago cage & Northwestern , is named ns a man who would bo an acceptable arbitrator to the brotherhood , the Burlington company to name the seccmd arbitrator , who in common with Mr. Hughitt should cheese the third. At a secret conference of the dissatisfied employes of the Michigan Central road to night , definite plans for future guidance were agreed upon , but they were kept from the press. It is known that n decisive re sponse will bo given to-morrow morning nt 7 o'clock to General Superintendent Brown. A rumor is well grounded xhat the men will refuse to handle "Q" freight. General Freight Agent Hlplcy , of the Burlington , issued a notice to-dity to the other railroads Unit owing to the labor troubles nt Chicago , traffic for the Burlington is liable to deten tion if routed via this city. The company , ho says , is prepared to receive freight for shipment to all stations on the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy nnd auxilury lines nt all junction points except Chicago. Live stock nnd perishable freight , however , for points on the Kansas City , St. Joseph & Council Blufi's railroad will not bo received. The officials on the Fort Wayne road and the striking engineers and firemen held a conference this morning. The men refused to go back unless the olllcials agreed to boy cott the "Q. " Tliis the latter declined to do , and the conference came to naught. The Burlington managers tried to induce the Wnbash officials to-day to agree to receive a train of Burlington freight , but in the ab sence of Receiver McNultu no action was tnkcn. General MfNultn , who is in Now York , telegraphed that ho would start for Chicago at onco. Moro Plnlccrlons Arrive. WhileaffaIrsatthoB. ; AsM. yards yesterday morning were quiet and everything , to use the expression of a prominent railroad offi cial , was "running smoothly , " the prospects for n speedy termination of the present diffi culty is not of the brightest , and n walk-out on the part of the brakcmcn is hourly ex pected. The notion of the men on the St. Joseph & Council Bluffs road In going out yesterday will probably act as an incentive for similar notion on the part of those employed on lines of the ' 'Q" In this state , In anticipation of trouble which may arise from this new movement twenty additional Pinketton men arrived in this city yesterday from Chicago and went on duty at once. Three deputy sheriffs , who will do duty at South Omaha , were sworn In yesterday , Nearly all the striking engineers nnd switchmen express themselves as being much Incensed at the action of a gang of toughs who , whllo pretending to bo friends of the strikers go about In the night making efforts to damage property and endanger lives by turning cars loose and committing other dastardly acts. The men who tire out wish it understood that they tire in nowise responsible for tiny of these misdoings and liuvo announced them selves as willing to assist in prosecuting thu jmrtlos who have been guilty of any of the actions mentioned. A committee of strikers appointed for the purpose culled on General Manager Holdredgo yesterday and insured him that they would use every effort to ap prehend the perpetrators of thcso outrages. Ueports from points along the line fiom Cheyenne eastward Indicate a state of gen eral iiuict , no violence having been ifpoitecl. A TIIAIN CUT IX TWAIN' . The cry of "scab" was uttered by hundreds of tongues at the Tenth street crossing of the Burlington tihnnt 'J o'clock lust night as tram hands lent their efforts townids ro- coupling cars Hint had bcon detmhcd from cm h other. The train was composed of n string of block cars , and between the grade tit that point , a nervous fireman and en gineer , mi unhandy man with "n inn , " and a profuno bralccman or two who were loud in their exclamations that if they worked another day on the road they would bo d" d , the train was limilly connected and went on its way. Called to the scene by the demonstration , n big detail of I'mkcrtnn men rushed up with extended clubs and looked fiercely ut the gathered throng , who poured torth epithets of displeasure , which were received with calmness and no exhibition of nngci by them. Officer Bloom , of the regu lar police force , who was on duty ut the Union Pacific depot , observing the in dignant outburst , hurried to the bccno and dispersed the crowd. After some effort the train was again mtulo up and wont on Its way. Tills was the only disturbance of the day , and when n Ur.r. reporter loft the Bur lington property at midnight all was quiet. The Burlington people have re-doubled the guard- their property , and in connec tion with the bpccial policemen swon ; In by the city have added t btiongdoUilof Piuiscrton men ill citizens uniform In the cordon established nlong their .racks cast nnd west as far ns Olbson nnd South Omaha. Those of the Pinkcrton's who appear In "every day clothes" nre sold .0 bo men long In the service , and hnvo been .hrough many n difficulty of the present kind. A WILD ni'Mon. A sensational story wns nllont last nigh' , to , ho effect that the Union Pacific railroad , fearing nn outbreak that may possibly result In disaster to their plant , had peti tioned President Cleveland to order the reg ulars nt Fort Omaha to prepare for any emergency thnt may como up. This story could not bo substantiated. Representatives of roads in this city west of Chicago hnvo received notice not to receive any perishable freight. Holding Together nt lilncoln , LINCOLN , Nob. , April 2. [ Special to the DEB. ! The striking Burlington engineers and firemen nro ns firm to-dny ns when they left their engines five weeks ago , None arc attempting to get back on the road , and the unanimous expression among thorn is that they nro certain to win nnd bo nskcd to arbi trate the differences thnt caused them to part company with the rend , The brakomcn who Imvo headquarters nt this point nro llublo to step out nt any tlmo In fact the general ex pectation is that they soon will leave their trains and cast lots with the engineers , fire men and switchmen , ns the interests of them nil are Identical , The peopleof Lincoln tire tlre'd of the strike , nnd they feel Its Injury , but they nro not tired of the efforts of the men to get right nnd justice , and thov want to see them win. To men who think of the robbery thnt the Burlington hns practiced on thostnto and this community for yonrs , their sympathy can bo nowhere else than with the men. As n prominent citizen stated , "A rend that holds the producing classes under Its heel to amass an eight million surplus with which to grind down Its laboring men nnd employes. Is entitled to no sympathy or patience In the present strugglo. " This expression is but ono of many kindred kind that can bo heard every day , and coupled with thorn are many \\ords of commendation for the peaceful and gentlemanly manner in which the men who loft their engines have conducted themselves , Conductors Go Out nt St. Joseph. ST. Josr.ru , Mo. , April 2 [ Special Tele gram to the Biu. : ] At 11 o'clock last night nil the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy brakemen - men who tire members of the local brother hood , and twenty conductors decided to quit work. The men were counsel ing In their hall the cntlro afternoon Sunday nnd failed to show up for their trains , The brakomcn nro about fifty in number. The Chicago , Burlington & Quincy manage ment were not officially Informed of the strike until fi o'clock this afternoon , when n committee of five , three of whom were con ductors , waited upon General Manager Mer rill. They presented a long list of complaints , the most important of which were to the ef fect that promotions had not boon in the reg ular order , favoritism being alleged , and that the men had been kept idle when It was not their fault , demanding that pay go on for this time. General Manager Merrill refused to confer with them until credentials were brought from their respective bodies naming them ns the official representatives. The men then stated that their bodies would not go back to work until the old engineers who were on duty prior to February 27 , 18S8 , were returned and the now men discharged. This demand was refused nnd the men form ally announced the strike. Growing AVnrni at Crcston. CunsTox , In. , April 2. [ Special Telegram to the Br.E. ] Extra police have been placed on duty to-day in the city , and excitement has quieted down somewhat. A fireman named Holman was waylaid last night and struck with a slung shot. Ho fired on his assailants nnd they fled. Unknown parties threw n switch in front of nn approaching stock train and derailed four cars of sheep. The strikers have had three engineers ar rested for carrying concealed weapons , nnd nil were fined $ . " > and costs. The only trouble that is nowfcaied Is in the yards at night. Three engines were stoned last night in the yards and ties were placed on the track out- ido the city , but no accidents resulted. Superintendent Brown received orders to day to close the machine shops and nrcpnro to run trains through the city in case the local authorities did not tnko immediate steps to protect the company's employes. The city responded by doubling the police force , and no acts of violence Imvo occurred during the day. _ Tlic Situation in Milwaukee. MILWAUKEI : , Wis. , April 1 ! . General Man ager Miller , of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul road , said the number of striking St. Paul employes nt Chicago 1ms been decreased since Saturday by the Chicago suburban men and the roundhouse men returning to their work , alleging that they quit work through n misunderstanding. lie said only about 175 men are now out. All is quiet here. The report current thnt n strike will occur ut noon is not generally credited. Manager Miller of the St. Paul road said that the company had laid off fully five thou sand yard and switchmen along its system until the present trouble had blown over. The order affects about eight hundred men in the yards and general Joillccs in this city. The yard In this city is deserted and abso lutely nothing is being done. More Itcadiiifj Itccruitti. KANSAS CITY , April 2. [ Special Telegram to the Bun. ] Thirty Heading switchmen and brnkomcn arrived to-day. They cnmo from Philadelphia and will work for thu Burling ton. _ Fifty Scnli llccrnltn. BfiipAi.o , N. Y. , April 2. Fifty engineers nnd firemen passed through hero this morn ing en route for Chicago to take the places of the strikers. _ IMercImnlH Very Mad. MA'-ON Cirr , la. , April 2. ( .Special Tele gram to the Bun. J The present attitude of the engineers nn the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul road Is seriously crippling business industries in the west. The business cen tres of all Northern Iowa nro moro or less dependent on tins road. Merchants nro com plaining nt the failure of receiving goods , and local shippers Imvo abandoned till hopes of sending produce east , The brotherhood wns in session nil day yesterday , and it Is thought the engineers , firemen and brnkomon nil nlong the division will go out insulo of two days. Twelve empty l'Q" cars uro side- trnckcd nt stations along the line between McGregor. la. , and Cliamburluin , Dak. , most of them standing where they did five weeks ugo to-day. Grain In CHICAGO , April 2. The visible supply of grain for the week ending March ! J1 , as compiled by the secretary of the Chicago board of trade , is us follows ; Bushels. Wheat . 34.W,000 Com . 0,1 bS.OOO Oats . 4,120,000 llyo . 3 1,000 Barley . 1,770,000 Dnlulli'8 Grain BliiH , DUUJTII , Minn. , April 2. [ Special Tele gram to the lien. ] The total receipts of wheat at Duluth for March were 630,000 bushels. April receipts will bo three- times ns largo. There uro now In store there awaiting the opening of navigation 7,744,300 bushel * of wheat , 2U,4S > 0 of com und 35,0)0 of outs. Must 1'ay the IJOKB. Nnw VOIIK , April 2. In the general term of the court of common pleas to-day , In a suit to recover for property lost by a passenger in a berth in u sleeping car , it was held that tia ) complainant was entitled to judgment and that railroad companies are responsible ) for their passengers nutl property , WOOL GETS THE WEIGHT OF IT , The House Committee's Minority Report 011 the Tariff Bill. SOME TAFFY FOR STEEL RAILS , McUlnley 1'rcpnrcn n Itcport In Which He Hcincinbors ho Wool Ilnlncra of the Iluukoyo State Syn- opwls of the Document. " The Minority on the Tariff Kill. WASHINCITOX , April 2. The report ot thfl minority of the ways nnd mentis committee was submitted to the house to-dny. It > s nbont twice ns lom ; ns thnt prepared by the nujority. It opens with n sovcro criticism of ho action of the majority in so compiling the Jill that the minority wns not given informa- , ion ot the fact thnt It was In preparation. It denounces the refusal of the majority to icar manufacturers , worklngmcn nnd con gressmen , on the proposed reductions , mill charges the majority with sectionalism in that its bill reduces the tariff on but two articles of southern production sugar nml pice mid these very slightly , whllo It makes x wholesale Mnughtcrof everything produced , n the north nnd northwest. The bill , the report says , Is n radical reversal of the tnrlfC [ > ollcy of the country , which for the most [ > nrt hns prevailed slnco the foundation ot Lho government. If enacted into n law , it will disturb every branch of business , retard manttfncturing nnd agricultural prosperity , und seriously Impair Industrial independence. It Is marked with n sectionalism which every iwtrlotlc cltbcn must deplore. The American farmer will appreciate the vicious character of the bill when ho Is apprised of the fact thnt while the products of land nnd labor nro shut out of Canada by n protective tariff Im posed by the Canadian government , the Canadian farmer can sell many of his pro ducts without paying any duty. Nowhere in the bill Is the ultimate purpose ot the authors moro manifest than Us treat ment of wool , It. places this product upon the free list and exposes our llocks nnd fleeces to merciless competition from abroad. This bill is but the echo of the president's message , nnd given emphasis to the settled purpose of the majority to break down the most valuable industries of the country. Why have the majority put wool the frco list ! Their purpose is to bring down the price of wool. If this should bo the result , wo ask nt whoso cxpcnso ami loss ? It must bo nt the cxpcnso of the American grower , who ut the present prices , nnd with the present duty , is being forced dut of business by ruinous foreign competition. Injury , by the confession of the majority , will full upon the American wool glower. The bill will greatly Increase the importations of the foreign product , and diminish , If not wholly destroy , our own pro duction. It should be berne In mind that our wool producers cannot compete with countries where no winter feeding nnd but little summer attention is required , nnd where labor is so cheap , unless their Industry has just nnd ndequulo protection. The majority inquire in their report : "If congress grants the request of the wool growers , what are the people to do for woolen , clothing ! " We beg to suggest that the people ple of this country , whoso woolen clothes during the existence of the tariff of IfcOT ( and the tariff of the proposed wool conference is substantially that tariff ) were never bottoi ? clothed , nnd never bolter nblo to buy them. 'Wool upon the frco list is a deadly nssaulo upon n great agricultural interest , and will fall with terrible severity upon a million pco- pie. It will destroy invested capital , unsettle established values , wrest from the flock mas ters their lifetime earnings , bankrupt thou sands of our best and most industrious farmers and drive them into other branches of agriculture already overcrowded. " Under the head of steel rails the report says : "If the majority desire to Insure the handing of our steel rail market to our Engj lish rivals , the proposal duty of $11 will accomplish this purpose. The supply of steel rails to the Pacific coast is now in the hands of foreigners because of cheap transportation by water from foreign ports , tbo existing duty of ij-17 not being sufficient to our manufactur ers to compete for that trade. It is stated that the Atchison , Topekti & Santa Fo com pany had lately purchased 10.000 tons of for eign rails to bo delivered at Sun Diego , Cal. , and it is mentioned that another lot of 25,000 tons of foreign rails bad recently been sold by foreign makers for a Pacific coast railroad. In proposing to seriously cripple if not to destroy the manufacture of steel rails in this country , the majority probably do not rcali/o the full significance uf the results which they invite. " The report states that from 101) ) to 1688 the control of the house has been equally divided between its two political parties , each having eleven years. During the eleven years the republicans had control , revenues were re duced $ y(5'f ( ! , > 01,5i9 ( ; during the eleven years of democratic control the revenues were re duced ? li,3fSiiC : ) . After devoting several pages to the subject of the treasury surplus and the failure of the president to cull in and cancel bonds , the re port concludes bv Haying : "Wo regard this bill us a direct attempt to fasten upon this county the British policy of frco foreign trade. So viewing it their sense of obliga tion to the pcoplo and especially to the work ing people employed In muiuifucturing und the ngrlculturul system , compels them to nd- vlso them to resist it with nil their power. They will assist the majority in every effort to reduce the redundant income of the gov ernment In n direct and practicablewny , but every effort at fiscal legislation which will destroy or cnfcoblo our industries will bo mot with the persistent and determined oppo sition of tlio minority represented iu the house. The report was prepared by Mr. McKlnloy , and Is signed by all the republican membera of the committee. Tlio MIllH TtirilT Bill. WAsiiixmoN , April S. Tlio committee of ! ways and means amended the tariff bill this morning by the addition of provisions slight ly increasing the sugar duties BO ns to equal n net reduction of 20 per cent in the axistme ; duty , authorizing the secretary of the treas ury to classify an woolens , worsted cloths , nnd guarding against interference with the existing treaties , Mr. Mills , chairmnn-of the ways mid means committee , reported the Mills tariff bill to the house ti-duy , nnd it was rcfericd to the committee of tlio wholo. MclCinlcy. of Ohio , submitted n minority report - port , which was ordered printed , DiMimurlc Boycotts Foreign I'oi-k. WAbinxaTO.v , April 3. A dispatch 1ms been received by the department of state from the American minister ut Copenhagen , stating that tlio Danish government lias Is sued nn order forbidding , until further no tice , the importation Into Denmark of porker or other raw products of hogs , including bladders und steam lurd , National Capital Notes. WABIIINUTO.V , April 2. The democratic ! senators hold n caucus this morning , nnd a caucus committee was appointed to meet o > republican caucus committee uud confer with regard to the order of business in general and the hind bill In particular. The piesldent sent the name of K/.eklel A. Smlll , of North Carolina , to bo minister- resident nnd consul-general of the UnitccJ States at Liberia. The AVaTtijT'ftinUy. WAIJIII.NOTON , April 2. Civil Service Com missioner Udgerton is very indignant over the published report that the family of the late chief Justice is in great financial dls- tress. Ho says Judge Walte'a sons are bstli wcll'to-do , nnd whatever their father's r&tttta ; nay have been the family in not likely want for an