Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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    " " " "
The Bosurrootlon of Ohrtet ae Oom-
momoratod In Omaha.
Tlio Dny One or tlio Most Ilcnutlful
Ever Known Tor tlio Kcnet
Jn This I'nrt of tlio
How It AVnn Celebrated.
Ycstcrilny was a beautiful ono for Easter
celebration. The sun wiw warm , tlio ntmos-
phcro clear , the streets wcro dry. No risk
was Incurred In attending church In elabor
ate toilets and as n consequence all the places
of worship In the city were visited by largo
congregations of well attired worshippers.
Handsome floral decorations tastefully ar
ranged , grectctl the worshippers who
attended service * at the First Congrega
tional church yesterday morning. Owing to
the fnct of the auditorium not yet being com
pleted the exercises were held In the north
room. Key. A. F. Sherrell officiated at the
services In the morning at 10:80 , which com
bined Easter anthems , scripture readings
and hymns , and an eloquent discourse on
"Tho Ressurcctton" by the pastor. At the
conclusion a collection for tlio homo mission
fund was taken , after which the sacrament
of the Lord's supper was administered. In
the evening n Sunday school concert was
held at which a largo number wcro in attend
UXITT ciumcn.
Kov. W. E. Copclnnd delivered an nblo dls-
Bcrtntion on the "Future of Mankind" at
Unity church yesterday morning , which was
followed by a choral service led by Miss
Lucia A. Rogers , who sang two
fiolos , ono "Consider the Lilllcs" in a very
effective manner. Memorial service followed
the choral. In the evening union service
was held which was largely attended , the
Sunday school uniting In the exercises. The
decorations nt this church wcro of the finest
character , and combined simplicity and cle-
pnncc. The desk was ornamented with
bcr , alto ; Jay Northrup. tenor , and D. W.
Kustcr , bass. Miss Uayliss rendered u solo
from Gounod , "There Is n Green Hill , " in a
very effective manner. A musical service
was held in the afternoon.
The Easter services ut the Westminster
Presbyterian church were of an unusually
impressive character. The 'new edifice Is
still Incomplete , but the Interior was made
very attractive in Its garniture of llowers
and potted plants. Communion services were
liuld in connection with tlio services , and a
number of additions wcro made to the church
membership. An Easter offering was ulso
taken for the purpose of raising the balance
duo on the building and nearly $1,000 was
contributed. The pastor , Itev. John Gordon ,
delivered an able ami impressive discourse ,
taking his text from I. Corinthians , xv , 17-19 :
"And If Christ bo not raised your faith is
vain ; yc nro yet In your sins. Then they ,
also , which uro fallen asleep In Christ arc
perished. If in this life only wo Imvo hope
Jn Christ wo arc of all men most miserable. "
flowers ' of the choicest variety , the principal
fe'aturo being a wreath surrounding the sa
cred scriptures composed of calla lilies a
marvel of beauty. Tlio walls were festooned
with evergreens , with hero and thcren bunch
of pansies , etc. , which lent a very pleasing
The services at St. Barnabas' church wcro
very elaborate , and bc an at 7 a. in.
nt which Ucv. Williams officiated. The
choral matins and celebration were held
nt 11 n. m. . which Rev. Williams also con
ducted. Bishop Worthington officiated at
oven song. The musical selections wcro
rendered by u choir composed of the follow
ing gentlemen : Tenors , Easby. Fulton and
McLanc ; bassos , Cully , Seward and Silver.
The chorus was composed of twenty-live
boys. The church was very tastefully deco
rated with llowers , the altar decorations being -
ing especially handsome.
Rev. Willard Scott , the pastor , looked down
from the pulpit yesterday morning upon ono
of the largest congregations ever seen
within the walls of his church , the space be
ing lllled to overflowing. Tlio decorations
wcro very handsome , an elegant lloral de
sign the familiar "I. II. S , " ornamenting the
speaker's desk. The preacher chose for the
themelof his discourse Luke Sl:31 ! : , "Tho
Lord Is risen indeed'Jam ! delivered n very
nblo though brief discourse. At the close u
collection for tlio home mission in this state
was taken , after which the Lord's supper
was celebrated. The musical portion of the
exercises were rendered by a choir consist
ing of Miss Maggie Uouter , organist ; Miss
Bertha Uiiylis , soprano ; | > MssGnicu ! II. Wel-
At this beautiful house of worship the ser
vices at 11 o'clock yesterday morning were
most impressive. Tlio attendance Jlllcd every
Beat in tlio vast auditorium. Dean Gardner
conducted the services and the sermon was
preached by Uishop Worthington. The fol
lowing excellent programme was rendered by
the choir :
Processional Carey
"Christ Our 1'assovcr" Schilling
Glorias Elvy Schilling
Te Dcum Festival in E Huck
Jubilate in I ) , Sullivan
Hymn Roper
Offeratory , "I Know that My Redeemer
Llveth Handel
Glorias Anon
Sanctus lily
Gloria in Excelsls Old Chant
Recessional Riuibault
Processional Carey
Gloriiia Elvy Schilling
Cantate Domino MuuFiirrcn
Uenediclto Cooke
"God Hath Appointed a Day" Tours
Sing wo Alleluia Gilchrist
Offertory ' 'Come See the Place Where
Jesus Lay" Ronoadl
Hnllolujah Chorus from Messiah Handel
Recessional Riuibault
This pretty little church had n very im
posing celebration , the most notnblo feature
being the mass at 10iO : ! o'clock , which was
largely attended , The choir was reinforced
for the occasion. The altars , the prettiest
nnd most ornate in the city , were rendered
especially attractive by the profuse and dl-
varslllcd lloral decoration to which they had
been subjected , The display was the most
liberal ever seen hero under similar circum
stances and contrasted well with the enam
elled surface of the altars and the rich anil
golden candelabra which were disposed in
various places in its surface , Solemn vespers
closed the exercises In the evening.
ST. l'IUU)5IiSA. :
The principal feature of the Easter cele
bration at this church was the pontillcal high
, jnnss , which was celebrated at 10:11(1 : ( , Hlshop
O'Connor officiating as celebrant. He was
assisted by Fathers Kclloy. McCarty , Cola-
nuri , Carroll and Roonoy. This ceremony is
ono of the grandest In the Catholic ritual ,
containing n number of movements , acts ,
prajers , and requiring six clergymen , with
the attendance of a number of acolytes. The
main nltar of white marble , polished and
beautifully carved , was tastefully decorated
with llowers. The attendance was largo , and
all the available space in the rear of the pews
was filled with extra scats , each of which
was occupied. The mass was rendered more
imposing by the musical efforts of the choir ,
which rendered Haydn's most difficult im
perial mass in V , This is one of the muster's
celebrated works and was composed for the
occasion of the crowi iug of the Empeior
Frederick of Austria.
The choir consisted of the following ladles
nnd gentlemen : Miss Fannie Arnold , Mrs.
Downey , Mrs. O. McCaffrey , Mrs. J. T.
FiUmorris and Miss Ella Kennedy , so
pranos ; Miss Dccio Johnston and Miss Mag'
Bio Swift , altos ; Messrs , Wolf and White
thorn , tenors , and Messrs , Jacobson , Mur
phy , Hohcnstcli ] und Frank and Harry Liurk-
ley , bassos , The nmss contains a number
of beautiful solos , two of which in
the Kyrle were sung by Miss Arnold
nnd Kennedy ; those in the "Gloria" by Mrs ,
Downey. Miss Swift , Mr. Wolf aud Mr.
Jticouson. The "Qul tollls" was also sung by
the last nauiod gentleman , the "Et I near-
riatus" by Mrs. McCaffery , as also the bcue-
dlctus being assisted by Miss Johnston nnd
Messrs. Wolf and Jacobson. Miss Joluii-ttm
eang tlio "Agnus Dei. " The rest of the mass
was chorus work nnd was' well rendered.
Ulio offertory pieces | \vero. . Back's "Avu
Maria,1 ! which was sung b.V Miss Arnold and
. "Keglna Cooli" by Air ' , ( Jacobson. The a < %
\vu8 by'a picked orchestra
under the direction of Prof. Hoftnan under
whose care the work was produced. Miss
Dillrnnce presided at the organ ( luring the
rcsonscs. | )
TUP. swrmsit t.t-TnEitAS.
The celebration of the day nt this church ,
on the corner of Nineteenth nnd Cass streets ,
was attended by nn unusually largo number
of worshippers. In the morning services
the church was filled to the door. The ser
mon was preached by n young theological
student In the absence of Rev. Mr. Fogcl-
utrom , who has been Indisposed for several
days , The subject , of course , was that of
the resurrection , nnd was satisfactorily
handled. The most notable feature of the
decoration of the church , which was fur
nished but a short time ago , was n largo
fresco over the pulpit of the Savior rising
from the tomb. The figure Is of herculean
proportions , nnd the whole scene , ns well as
the subject , combined to emphasize the Im
port of the feast which was being celebrated.
Easter services wcro conducted In nil the
churches yesterday.
D. .1. McGovcrn Is confined to his resldcnco
on Twenty-eighth street with plcuro-imoti-
mqniu.clUs condition is not regarded as being
Saturday night n quarrel ensued between
Mike MeDcrmld and Jerry Flynn , two em
ployes In the Union Pacific switch yards. In
a saloon on Eighteenth street. The differ-
citce of opinion found its origin in n dispute
over which of the two treated last. Flynn
maintained that ho had exhibited the greater
amount of pencrousness , whereupon McDnr-
mid shot out his right and caught his com
panion on the right ocular , discoloring It nnd
causing the carmine to ( low profusely. Ho
then attempted to escape , but was neatly
bagged by an officer. Ho was released upon
? 25 ball to appear before the police magis
trate this morning.
Miss Nettle Ellwood , of Chadron , Neb. , Is
visiting friends in South Omaha.
The political chaldron of South Omaha Is
in n troubled nnd turbulent state at the pres
ent time. The candidates nro numerous and
considerable rivalry exists between the wire
pullers of the different factions. Up to date
four tickets are In the field , viz : republican ,
democratic , Independent labor nnd citi
zens' party. As regards the latter two , It is
generally conceded that their strength will
come principally from the democratic ranks.
The "platform" combination In both repub
lican und democratic circles , will , ns n rule ,
bo lived up to by the staunch followers of tlio
old parties , but It Is stated that tlio new ele
ments which go to make up the labor party
will Imvo numerous sympathtoers. Not
alone this , but it is even intimated that the
labor and citizens issues may bo combined in
the near future , which , should such como to
pass , will make It the strongest party In the
Held. Numerous meetings uro being held nnd
the direct issues of the parties nro being
discussed. Saturday night the democrats of
the Second ward met , and after discussing
the merits of the various candidates , decided
to support the entire ticket. A similar
movement was made by the republicans of
the Third ward on the same evening. In an
establishment conducted by Pat Rowley a
meeting was held which resulted in the
formation of the labor party and the endorse
ment of the democratic ticket with excep
tions of treasurer nnct clerk. As substitutes
for the latter positions the names of Pat
Rowley for treasurer , and O. E. Shannon for
clerk , were named und endorsed respectively.
O. E. Shannon presided over the meeting
and the attendance was strong. Saturday
evening Hunt's hull was made the birthplace
of the fourth party , the formulators bringing
themselves under the caption of "Citizens. "
Thomas Newman wielded the gavel , while
M. J. Downs performed the duties of secre
tary. The sense ol the meeting was strongly
in opposition to cither of the old parties , nnd
several speakers , among whom were
G. W. Makepeace nnd C. E. Hill , took
occasion to denounce both republican nnd
democratic-nominees in the most bitter terms.
One of the speakers stated in the course of
his remarks that no matter which of the old
parties won the result would bo a victory for
the pork-packing monopolists. At the con
clusion of the meeting n veto was taken ,
which resulted in John Ennis being the unan
imous choice for mayor , und John J. Donovan
van tot alderman of the Third ward.
Samuel Pcttigrow of the DEE is confined to
his apartments in the Cozzcns house from in
juries received while attempting to board a
train nt South Omaha Saturday night. Air.
Pcttigrow was severely cut in the region of
the right thigh.
E. T. Allen , the yardmaster of the Bur
lington , in charge of the freight yards at
Soutli Omaha , who was assaulted Saturday
afternoon , was at his post yesterday.
It is stated that warrants will bo issued to
day for the arrest of the individuals that
assaulted Yardmaster Allen late Saturday
afternoon. The police refused to throw any
light upon the affair.
Uoux On Sunday , April 1 , to Mr. and
Mrs. It. It. Grotto , a girl.
Itccord of Arrests Made By the 1'nllco
the Past Month.
The following is the record of arrests in
the city during the month of March : Drunks ,
KiO ; violating the hack ordinance , 2 ; va
grants , IM ) ; gambling , 5 ; robbery , 1 ; sus
picious characters-10 ; trespassing , 1 ; petit
larceny , 42 : fast driving , 4 ; grand larceny ,
! l ; prostitutes , 2r > 0 ; assault , 14 ; peddling
without license , 2 ; assault and battery , 11 ;
disorderly person , 1 : lighting , 6i ! ; selling
liquor on Sunday , 2. disturbing the peace , 1'J ;
destroying property , 1 ; committing a nuis
ance , 14 : fornication , 1 ; burglary , 1 ; violat
ing the plumbers' ordinance , 2 ; larceny from
person , 4 : confidence man , 1 ; obtaining
money under false pretenses. 1 ; harboring
criminals , 1 ; keeping vicious dog , 5 ; wife
beating , 2 ; leaving teams unhitched , 1 ; sell
ing liquor without license , 3 ; attempt to stab ,
1 : perjury , 1 ; violating sewer ordinance , 1 ;
violating the bakers' ordinance , 1 ; bigamy ,
2 ; carrying concealed weapons , 7 ; violating
the garbage ordinance , 5 : threatening to
shoot , 2 ; using obscene language , 2 ; ob
structing the streets , 7 ; adultery , 2 ; Insane ,
8 ; cruelty to animals , 2 ; fugitives from lus-
ttce , : t ; blocking the streets with , railroad
cars , 1 ; cureless driving , 1 ; uiurucr , 1 ; ob
taining goods under false pretenses , 1 ; con
vention as bailee , 1 ; obstructing the side
walks , fi ; keeping slaughter house in city
limits , 1 ; receiving stolen property , 1 ; plums ,
40 ; discharging lirearms , 1. Total , IM7.
Total amount of money taken from and re
turned to prisoners , $1,014.14. Number of
cases sent to the district court , 14.
A Rurpriso. when smoking1 "Soidon-
borg Fifc'aro" forfio you will llnil it a lOo
cigar. Ask your ilonler for thorn.
Sale ol' Rents For lloolli mul Uarrctt.
Commencing at 10 o'clock this morning the
choice scats for the Uootti nnd Harrett en
gagement will bo offered at auction. The
regular sale of tickets will open to-morrow
morning at the box office of Doyd's ' opera
Personal I'aratcruplig.
James Dobbins , of Wayne , Neb. , Is nt the
Hurry 13. Kerr , of Wahoo , Neb. , is at the
C. A. MeCargcr , of Lincoln , Neb , , is at the
Joseph Spelts , of Milford , Neb. , Is ut the
Paxton ,
A. J. Lewis , of Red JOnk , In. , Is at the
C. II. Monls , of DCS Moincs. la. , is at Iho
D. F. Pinner , of Lincoln , Neb. , la at the
Charles F. Luce , of Logan , la. , Is at the
Millaid ,
John S. Skirvmg , of Stuuit. Nob. , is at the
Windsor ,
Hon. Matt Miller , of David City , Neb , , Is at
the Paxton.
A. MeKinnoy , of Hay Springs. Nob. , is at
the Windsor.
George Sanford , of Hastings , Neb. , is at
the Windsor.
John P. liurko and wife , cf Walnut , la. , are
nt the Paxton.
Charles A. Earie and wife , of Kansas City ,
Mo. , are utthoMllhud.
D. Donovan an Calvin 13. Campbell , of Des
Moincs , la. , ate at the Mlllard.
Dr. Edward Thompson and daughter , of
Hartley , Neb. , uic ul the Windsor.
Messrs. C. W. Barrell ami 0. J. Mlluer , of
David City , Neb. , uro at the MiUuul.
Mrs S. W. Fax and E. S. Douglas , of St.
Joseph , Mo. . &ro at the Paxton , together wkn
J. G McNmr , of the sanje olty.
P. P. Pomeroy , well known in tble city , Ks
having been connectnd wrth both tbo Herald
and Uie UKK , uud uovf pt tbe St.
Continental Clothing House
Unequalled Bargains ! New Attractions !
A New List of Bargains ! New Attractions ! Something New to Talk
ATbout ! Unequalled Bargains.
We bellovo that it pays to'ndvcrtlso genuine
ino bargains and when buyers call show them
precisely what you advertise. In this way
confidence Is established nnd mutual satis
faction gained.
The results of last week's business In re
sponse to our advertisements of these ster
ling bargains show n record unpnrallcllcd In
the history of our business.
On Saturday morning wo will offer the most
startling bargains which have over been
placed on our counters. ,
LOT NO. 1 Stock No. 40 , 49 , 49 nnd GO.
250 Imported Whipcord Suits made in n Four
Button Cutaway style only , in regular sizes
from 8T > to 42. This suit wna made in our
own machine room during the last sixty
dnys , and the cut and make of this suit is as
correct for dress purposes as it is possible to
have them ; and as the present month is the
month of all the year when people are think-
in ? about dress suits , wo claim that this lot
of Worsted Suits is ABSOLUTELY THE
MOST DESIRABLE which it has ever been
our privilege to offer the public. This gar
ment was made up to sell In our stock for
$22 , but as ono of the leading bargains in our
Men's Department for this week it is offered
Send for a. sample of the cloth of any of the lots advertised or a sample suit , and if it is not just as rep- '
represented it may be returned at our expense , j
Self Measurement Blanks sent on application. Mail and Express Orders promptly attended to. ;
OMAHA BOSTON Freeland , Loomis & Co.
NEW YORK _ . .
DES MOINES Proprietors :
Corner Fifteenth and Douglas Streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
patch , la now in the town on a short visit of n
personal and business nature and renewing
the acquaintance with many old friends.
Dlobold Safes.
Meaghcr & Lonch.gon'l nffonts for the
Diubold safes , huvc removed to 41 ! ) S.
15th , where they tire carrying a largo
stock of all kinds of safes.
Gross Again Umter Arrest.
Frank Gross , who was arrested some five
or six weeks ago on the charge of procuring
young girls for houses of prostitution under
the guise of running an employment agency ,
is again behind the bat's at the central station.
Tliis time ho is charged with obtaining money
uiulor false pretencos. weeks ago fi
poor woman says she gave Gross Sin to pro-
euro n situation lor her husband. Gross
promised her to got him a good paying posi
tion , but failed to keep his promise. A week
or so later blio called at bis ollice , but found
ho had disappeared. She swore out u warrant
for his arrest and yesterday it was served on
'Thlspdwdor never rarlfii. A marvelof purl-
ty.streiiEfth and wholesomonesi. .More rronnm
leal tlinntho ordinary kinds , and cunnot iiosolp
In competition wltntlia multitude of low cosr ,
short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold
only In c.mi. Uovnl Halting Powder C ° 'i ISO
Wallstreet.Now Vork.
Omaha , Nebraska ,
nt the ridiculously low pi Ice of $15. WE UNHESITATINGLY -
AVERAGE RETAIL 1'UlCEof this suit Is
not less than 13-J.
LOT NO. 2-Stock No. 2-1 , 94 , P5 nml 00.
In tills lot wo offer nn entirely HOW lot of
n very handsome ami fashionable Young
Men's Sack Suit cut In sizes from 33 to 33 , ut
the extremely low price of $12. If you should
pay us $18 for this suit wo would then bo giv
ing you full value. This Is n VERY CHOICE ,
BER , the sizes nro only from 83 to 38 nml It
la offered nt the EXTRAORDINARILY
LOW PRICE OP $12. This suit imiy bo
ordered with perfect confidence thnt It is just
what is described nnd of the vnlucs repre
sented m the advertisement. If not , it can
bo returned ut our expense. Remember the
in-icu is $12.
The success attending our Inst sale of tha
Pine All Wool Double nnd Twist S.uvyer
Cusslmero Suits , has induced us to make a
much larger nnd complete line of these cele
brated goods. We now offer them in four
different Styles nnd Colors. All parties liv
ing in distant towns should send in their
orders ut once.
LOT NO. 3-We offer 200 Suits In Single-
lircnstcd Suck Coats , the very best Sawyer
Woolen Co.'s Double and Twist Suring Suit-
N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodge Sts.
lieat facilities , apparatus ami remedies far sue.
ccssful treatment of every form of disease requir
ing Medical or Surgical Treatment.
Hoard nnd attendance ; best hofpltt.1 accommo
dations in the west.
WRITE POR CIRCULARS on Deformities and
Braces , Trasses , Clul > Feet , Curvature of th <
Surgical Operations ,
Dlaoasos of Woman a Spoplal'y.
BOOK ON DISBIBES or Wgttip Wij i.
All niood Diseases successfully treated. Syph
ilitic Poison remoYCcl from ( lie system without
mercury , New reiterative treatment lor lo ol
Vital I'ower. 1'ersons unable to visit us may be
treated at home by correspondence. All comrau-
oicalionsconfideutlal. Medicines or fnttnimenU
sent by mail or express , securely packed , no
marks to indicate contents or fender One per
sonal interview preferred Call and consult ut or
send history of your case , and we will send in
plain wrapper , our
Upon 1'rivate. Special or Nervous Diteakes , Itn-
i/Mency , Syphilis , ( < leet and Varicocelc. with
V tiun list. Address
Omaha JfetHcal anil fiirflieal Ttistltiitdot
Cor. 131hand DodaeSli. , . OMAHA. NEB.
112 will Imy a genuine
Homespun AH Wool Suit ,
hlzes fioinHI to 44 , cut-away
or sack coat , In light grey
color , that Is | t > ally worth fJO.
'Hie suit ls well made and !
splendid wearing goods. f
We make this offer to ln-j
f trodiice ourselves to the trade
nnd In the future you will
llml our lioiieo the bargain
center. Bend your measure }
around lircant under the
ai ma , and around the walnt j
and down the Inside seam ofi
the punts , und we111 lit you.j
You can bend money with older , or wo will
EcndC 0. I ) by expiess.
llcferencc * ! 1'lrst National Hank , Omiha ;
or any llrot-class house In Omaha.
rvwiMms \
uut und felurn .
L/ upon tueclpiof wblcli { wlllwud , preimld , t
any addrei > . one Onu 1X > lar packUKO'Londo
Uranulei. ' > gniatcut blpoil nnd spr nmned
1 cintt ou earth. Ou < xl unlil April AI. Ixjaduu Medl.
cine Aiifiify.KaniaiC'ty.Mp ' - -
ings , new licht grey nnd brown mixtures , Jnst
mndo up In our very best manner , find never
during the twelve years that \vo have been
selling this suit has it ever been placed on
our counters nt less than SIS. The cclcbrntcd
Sawyer Woolen Co. of Dover , N. II. , needs
no commendation from us , but we unhesitat
ingly pronounce them the best manufacturers
of Fine All Wool Suitings in New England.
No Shoddy , Flock or Cotton used In nny of
their fabrics. Do not forget the price , ONLY
f2. !
LOT NO. 4-Wo offer 100 of the same
Sawyer Woolen Co.'s Full Double nnd Twist
All Wool Suits , In n neat brown stripe ,
style particularly well adnutcd for traveling
or business purposes ns it docs not show the
dust to nny extent. Cut nnd made In Single ,
breasted Sncks only , nnd wo offer them In
regular sizes frotn 83 to 44 nt the UNAP-
PROACHA13LE price of 12.
LOT NO. 5 Wo offer 100 of the well
linown Vclour Cloth Finish Sawyer Woolen
Co.'s Suits In n very Dark Oxford Mixture , a
small , neat check pattern , ono of the most
popular styles the mill has over made , suit-
nblo for either business or dress purposes.
Single-breasted Sacks , regular sizes in spring
weight at the snuie extremely low price of
LOT NO. C Wo offer 125 of the SAME
GOODS In a neat brown mixed broken
Tf r
Thread of Modern Ttmcn.
. . nv
Krr.rATniCK-Kocii Dry Uoods Co.
I ) . M. 8TUKM' * CO.
llAVWKJf JJllOfi. ° '
CIM * . SINOKH. South Omaha , nnd nil flr
class retail dealers.
A.LOCJI : New V'ork Dry Goods Store.
MONDAY. TUUSDAY WEDNESDAY , Jlpril 9,10,11 , ,
Special Matinee Wednesday.
Mr. llnrrt very renpoctfiilly announce * tlio mnjt
nolublx Uriimullo event lutuelitslory of Omuba the
appearance of Amerliu a Greatest Actors
Siipporlnl ty their own cicpllont cmnpany under tlio
direction of MH AltTUUK It. CIIAbi : ,
JIONI1AY KVKNIKO , AT'WlTttfirnnd Troduttlon of
S ' lltsiorlciil
( Kntlre I'luy. hli Acts , llvautiful Production )
V MATINIIKPpeclul Pcrforruttucei
WKUNUfcDAY KVHNIN(7 , Armr. 11 Grand Faro
- " well iierluriniuiie ,
JMl"K3 DurliiK tliln encuRcmcnt Ilie fame liberal
prlfci fUur'uU tlirmiulimit the counlrjr will lie
Hiloplod. le > u-vuv ! ( ! U < 1 a ml l.'in , HicordlUK lo
| oi utlon. Ueuvral ucimlntluu tgullvrj II. Uuxtt , M ,
lil'j'OH'l'ANTANVOUNTl 'li 'T A tlio liunrtredl
of p.lli-iillun | nlruadjr rBculreii 4"r . " < 'or llilj en-
gUKi'iiiml lire lur In e > ce ef lUu ' l'.IM"'r , ' , ' .IS
tlivutru , and liulnx ilialroiii ol plfHc' ' < i ( " Rn(1
a\olillnif ipeculutTon In tliii'ti , Hie v1TKS'
men ! ti idt'clrted to offur tbu nvats AT AUCi. ' - \
Monday morning , April z , ul 10 u clock. In Ibouprm
liouK' , ' 1 lie iimount pulJ to be u pri-iuluiiii , Iniuial-
llonto tha price of Urn cnt . All euti reroalnlug
untold utter Urn auction will bu placed on cale In lb
ragular way at Ibo box Oflico Tutitduy mutoluKi April
B.St u o'clock.
IncomjDQrably tha
At Auction on
Imported and Grade Percherons.
Clydesdale & Cleveland Bays ,
And the Standardised Stallion C. O.
Anyone wisliinp information in regard to tlio Porchorons or O. O. , will plea * *
address the Oregon IJorso & Land C'o. , Fremont , and for information rcgqrutni *
tlio Clydcs and Cleveland Uayu , thuy will please address J. P. Mallon , Frdnvonty
Nebraska. _ _ , _
Twelve months time will bo Riven on Porchorons , O. O. and Oregon Horses ,
at 8 icr ) cent interest , or / > per uont discount for cash. On Clydes nnd Ulevolanl , _ $
Hays , one and two years lime will bo frhon , at 8 per cent intercut , of 0 per cone-
discount for cat > li.
F. M. WOODS , Auctioneer.
E.T.Allen , M. D. ,
Hommopatblc Specialist ,
tit AND NOSE , tAK
Spectacle ! Accurately Proscribed.
Surgeon and Physician ,
00ic N W Coiner lull and uouglaH HI Olllco
telephone , < Uebldencu telephone , 668.
Adveitlelog has alnii > s piovea
BUccetslul , Ilefore placing any
Newspaper Advertising coatutt
< t It 43 .J Hk tlnil. CHICAGO.
check. Tills li ono of Iho new
est styles mtulo by these famous
manufacturers. The cent , vest nnd
pantaloons of each of these lots arc miulo and
trimmed ns well ns nny f 18 suit in our stoclr.
This lot wo Imvo in regular sties , 35 to 44 , t
the same price , f 1'J per suit.
MKiiu SUITS rou HOYS from 13 ( o 1 * . Coat ,
pants and vest of n handsome mixed check ,
ono of the heat selling suits In our stock , is
absolutely free from cotton or shoddy iu tiny
form , nnd wo guarantee that It ia generally
sold for 113 a suit. Wo offer it In rcgulnr
sizes from 13 to 17 nt only $0.50 ft suit. Bend
for a sample suit and If you do not think it is
worth | 12 It may bo returned at our cxpcueo ,
LOT NO. 8 120 strictly all wool Onssl-
mere suits for boys In sizes from IB to 17 , a I
nobby Sack coat , pants and vest In a hnntl-
seine black and grey stripe. Tlmso suits
were made within the past sixty days and Is
ono of the newest and most stylish suits of
this Benson. Last season's price for the
same suit was f 12. This suit is marked on
our counters to sell for 17.50.
vim mta nr rtrorant o4
U ! tb fbt itu 4J
rout U Ul In Goaonhc.1
nd Olctl ,
Wtlioe , ol4 conldir.
fttle , a.dln .very cut l |
buel > fai > Uifullia.
00171/iu Aleott A LI.H '
usi Ckecloil Ci.
flic * 61.00.
Uiutl' ' tunu , jilluble uvtlon und uti
spline iliirulilllty. STyeara' ruLotf
tlio beet Kimranlfe of tlui exu'l ?
Tc'iuo oftliBSB in truintfiit .
MUTTER'S ' Mammotli Clothing
Best Scotch Cheviot Suits , $12.50.
Best Blue Middlesex Suits , $0.00.
3,000 Pr. fine Pants at $4.
* ? MammofliclottHoilse'
Cl fIITTCB $ '
bLiXU E I til a Gor , Fan & 10th