Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered l > y rnrricr In .Any t'A.t of ilio City Rt
Twenty Cents rcr Wwk.
IiBfiiKges OrnrK No. .
NinilT KIJ1TOH , ? . ? -a. _
ailXOll MKN'JriON.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Now siulng goods nt Heller's.
The greatest mind-reader hns arrived ,
Good coal , full weight guaranteed. C. 15 ,
Lumber Co. , 900 Mnlu st. Tel. 257 ,
Wanted A good harness maker , at once ,
by Thco. licckmnn , 205 Main street.
Twin burner gasoline Btovo needs no re
pairs. At Glasgow & Caldwcll's , \Vi IJroad-
way.Tho Acme club will have n social at the
residence of Mr , George Kccllnu , on Olcu
avenue , Thursday evening.
John Lnmson was found by the police yes
terday drunk nml asleep In the dummy depot ,
and wns landed lit the bnstilo.
It Is reported that Mr. Meyers has sold out
the Opera lloiisu saloon to John Dunn , and
the latter takes possession to-day.
This evening Company A , Fifth regiment ,
I. N. O. , will hold u drill meeting , and here
after will continue to do so each week.
The Congregational church was crowded
last evening , und over ono hundred people
wcro unable to obtain admission , and were
forced to go elsewhere.
The marble tiles for the olllco floor of the
now Ogden are on the road , and will reach
hero BO that the work of laying them will
probably commence to-morrow.
S. A. Pierce & Co , arc going to enlarge
their boot and shoo store by taking down the
partition in the rear and taking In the room
formerly occupied by II. II. Oberholzer.
A couple of "tin-horn" gamblers with fo-
inalo partners made themselves conspicuous
on Uroadwuy by driving nt a rapid rate up
and down that much irequcnteU thorough
fare.Thirty.fivo "pupils from the Institution for
the deaf and dumb attended the Master serv
ices at the Congregational church yesterday
morning , and 1'roiessur McBurmld acted us
interpreter for them.
The city council meets this afternoon to
make the appointments of chiefs in the pollco
and llru departments , and again this evening
to transact such other business as may come
up for their consideration.
It Is reported that enough charter members
have been secured to establish a chapter of
the Northwestern Legion of Honor in this
city , and Deputy Minkler will organize it
and install the o Ulcers in u few days.
Th annual election of members of the
vestry of St. Paul's parish , will bo hold in
the church this evening. AH persons , both
ladies and gentlemen , who arc members of
the congregation , are qualified voters. A full
attendance is desired.
Ed. Mode and Frank Jones were arrested
Saturday night for disturbing the peace at
Drlesbach's hall , during the progress of a
danco. Mode claims to bo a pressman on the
Nonpareil , but Jones has not yet decided as
to his business. It is thought both guvo ficti
tious names.
The race nt the rink Saturday night be
tween F. E. Vundcrburg and F , J. Breeze
was won by the latter. The hall measures
thirty laps to the mile , and tSree/o had to
make ten hips to Vnnderburg's fifteen.
Three heats were contested , and Uree/o won
two of them. The race is to bo repeated in
the exposition building in Omaha , and Van-
dcrburg expects to win.
The latest application of the installment
plan was tried on J. C. Mitchell , tno local
ticket agent of the Northwestern railroad
company , ono day last week , by a business
man of this city , who , in the simplicity of his
heart , tried to buy a ticket to Chicago on
monthly payments. The plan failed to work.
however , and the would-be purchaser still
remains at homo.
Thp members of the Young Men's Demo
cratic club will hold a meeting in their rooms
in the opera house block Tuesday evening.
The report of the committee regarding their at
tendance us a body at the national conven
tion at St. Louis will bo read and acted upon.
A new constitution and by-laws for the gov
ernment of the club during the coming cam
paign will also ou adopted.
The Chnutauqua circle meets this evening.
Everybody , whether members or not , wel
come. To-night's prou'ratumo embraces Ger
man literature , plant life , bones and muscles ,
and other topics of interest. Even those not
pursuing the regular course can get much
information from these gatherings , and no
more pleasant or profitable way of spending
the evening can bo offered.
Miss Maggie Stuart , who died recently nt
the homo of her sister in Kentucky , was
formerly connected with the Congregational
church and Sunday school of this city with
her parents. Appropriate action was taken
yesterday by which committees will send in
a letter of condolence to the bereaved parents
BUitablo expressions of sympathy and sorrow
felt by the many friends of the family.
Pcoria cook stoves for wood or coal. Satis
faction guaranteed. Glasgow & Caldwell.
Money at low rates on Hrst-cJnss rurm security.
Buruham , Tullcys & Co. . i ( Muiu street.
For nil female diseases consult firs. Mo&er &
Van NCBS , opera lioiibo block , rooms and 6 ,
Council lllutts. Coruspomlenco solicited.
Nobbiest styles in spring overcoats at
John Bono & Co. 'a.
Pupils' Iteuitnl.
The music students of Prof. Bartens will
give their first recital at Mueller's musio
hall , "Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The
following programmo will bo rendered : Miss
Pearl Chamberlain will play Weber's Hondo
Brilliant , also u senate of Mozart's. The
Misses Palmer will sing Mendelssohn's "I
Would , " und Kucken's "When the Swal
lows , " and solos by Meyerbeer and Tito
Mattel. Miss Blanche Marlon will sing
Gumbert's "Why do I love thco ! " The
'Stryk en Blaastut" club , Messrs. Frank
Dadollet , Perry Badollct und Gilbert Brooks ,
will also appear in several selections.
A full line of crockery nnd glassware
nt Lund Bros , , No. " 3 Main struct.
Union Abstract company , 230 Main street.
E. II. Shcafo louns money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
confidential. Ofllce 600 Broadway , cor
ner Main btrcet , up-stiiirs.
Travelers ! Stop nt the Bcchtolo ,
Piles .cured with certainty. Drs.
Moscr & Van Ness , Council BlulTs , lu.
Latest novelties in the Star shirt
wnlsta at John Bono & Co.'a.
Ah There ! Ijook Now.
The finest line of spring suitings over
eliown in the city. Few patterns and
splendid goods. Also an elegant line of
pant patterns ut reduced prices. Come
and sue , A , Roller , 310 lirondwny.
Ilecelvnr Gault.
Judge Love , of the United States circuit
court for the southern district of Iowa , now
in session in this city , has appointed Mr.
Frank M. Gault receiver of the Clurinda &
St. Louis railway , The road is u branch of
the Omaha & St. Louis , and runs from Qlar-
indu to Hoselicrry , Mr. Gault has been gen
eral agent of the Wabash at tills place for
borne tirno , and is probably better fitted tenet
net in the capacity of receiver than any other
man in the employ of the company. Ho lllcil
his bonds immediately after hearing of his
appointment , and entered upon the dlsuunrgo
of his dutlca at onco.
Remember that Robinson's domestic
broad , if not the cheapest , is the best
bread in the market. Louvo your order
und address at 10 Main st , , and try it.
Lost , un Irish settpr doff , very largo ,
rod in color. Return to A. Rutor , 81(1 (
Broadway and receive reward.
- * " ' '
New Ony iHreotory ,
Changes in . .
ba mudo by udilrcbsin j P O' . . Uuubai1' ' &
' ' ' '
JJo , , Quiftba. , . . .
They Abcmnd In the Churohoa With
Much Muslo and Oratory ,
The Crawford Trial Stopped IJy n
Snnj : F. M. Onutt Mnilo n Hall
way llccclver A IMnkrn-
ton Pounded.
Enstcr In < lie Churches.
Yesterday was observed by the churches
In a much more elaborate manner than is
usual even. There wcro more Council HI tiffs
attendant ! ) upon the services of the sanctu
aries than on any previous Sunday for a
Broadway Methodist church was crowded
to the doors with an attentive and interested
congregation. The auditorium was beauti
fully , decorated. The altar wns n mass of
Dowers , both potted nnd cut , and above the
arch was this motto in evergreen : "Now is
Christ Hiscn From the Dead , " The effect of
the whole wns most pleasing. The sermon *
was by the pastor , Hcv. W. II. W. Hccs ,
from the text , " 1 am Ho that livcth and was
dead , nnd 1 am alive forevcrnioro , and have
the Uoys of hell and death , " and from it
valuable and practical lessons wcro drawn.
The world ordinarily pays little heed to the
doctrine of the resurrection of the dead.
The occurrence of the Easter season and the
hour of death are occasions which bring it
forcibly to the mind. The thoughts that ap
pertain in this connection are woven into the
greatest events of life. Our faith is rested
on well authenticated facts. The "I nm" and
"Jehovah" of the old testament are the
Christ of the now testament , The life of
Christ Is n continuous whole into which
death came by His consent that He might bo
brought Into closer sympathy with
manliind. The thought of the text
is that wo nro . to comprehend ,
not a dead , but n living Christ. The need of
the world is , rest. H can bo secured in
Christ alone.
The chief observance and celebration of
the day was In the evening service , which
was especially prepared for the Sunday
schools of this denomination by the Kev. W.
T. Smith. The following excellent pro
gramme wns rendered :
Easter Anthem Choir.
Song By the School.
The Apostles Creed For All.
Prayer By the Pastor.
Hcsponsivc Mending Led by Mr. Cokcr.
Introductory Address Clyde Lyons.
Declamation "Tho Victory Sure , "
Mr. Fleming.
Kesponsivo Heading
Led by Supt. L. AV. Tulleys.
Uecitation "Hesurrcctinn , "
Dottio McNaughton.
Declamation "Easter , " Hattie Hoes.
Heading "Easter Sabbath as Children's
Missionary Day , " W. 13. Paulson.
Address By Rev. W. H. W. Kecs.
Kesponsivo Service Led by Mr. Tulleys.
The benediction closed.
Every portion of the above was carefully
prepared and excellently rendered. The
different parts were so conceived and ren
dered that the grand lessons of the day wore
most eloquently told.
The services at St. Peter's Catholic church
were conducted by the Kov. Father Adolph
Wcsselling. These were opened by the
children of the Sunday school at 8 o'clock a.
in. The usual Sunday school exercises , hold
at 2 p. in. , were combined in the morning
choral service. At 10:90 : the pastor preached
from the text : "If Christ he not risen our
faith is vain. " The fact of the resurrection
of Christ was first established. Then he de
veloped the following points : It is the des
tiny of man to die. No ono merely human
who has died has ever returned to this life.
Wo may rejoice that at least one , the God-
man , has died and rose asain "to live for
ever" and die no more. Ho exhibited the
points wherein the life of Christ and the life
of the Christian arc alike. As Christ suf-
fcreu on Good Friday , the death of the cross ,
so must our passions and sinsho nailed to the
cross , that in obedience to divine commands
our salvation may bo secured. The resurrec
tion of Christ gives us assurance of our res
urrection. Those who nro separated on
earth will bo reunited above , where the seal
of immortality shall be afllxod upon the souls
of the saved , but those who do wickedly shall
bo resurrected to judgment.
The music was specially prepared for the
occasion and well rendered. Floral decora
tions about the altar were profuse and beau
Easter day was appropriately observed at
St. Francis Xaviers1 church. The usual ser
vices were somewhat elaborated and appro
priate music rendered. The 0 and 8 o'clock a.m.
masses were said by Father McMcnomy and
at half past 10 high mast was said by Father
Haley , the assistant parish priest , The ser
mon by Father Haley was in keeping with
the occasion. Tno music was rendered by
a chorus choir of twelve voices , conducted
by Mrs. O'Neal at the organ. Lambillattcs
Paschal mass in D was finely rendered. The
solos by Mrs. O'Neal , Mrs. Darrow and Mr.
Eugene Inglcsby were well sung , The con
tribution lor the benefit of the parish priest
amounted to ? 275. The usual exercises of
the day followed.
The Congregational church was lllled nt
each of the services yesterday. The interior
of the church was beautified by floral decora
tions. The pulpit appeared in the center of a
summery bower. There were stands of
potted plants , vines and ferns , arranged very
pleasingly , and n largo numberof cutllowcrs.
Easter lilies and callas were in abundance.
There wcro three white doves suspended over
the pulpit platform , the center ono in n wreath
of smilax. On each side of the church a
beautiful banner. These were of red , with
borderings and letterings of silver. Ono was
in the form of a Greek cross , and bore the
words , "Tho Lord in Kisen. " On the other
was "Christ , the Prince of Peace. " These
adornments were the work of Mr , F. F. Hayden -
den , who showed much taste and nklll in
The musical features of the services wcro
especially lino. The quartette , which con
stitutes the choir , is ono of the best in the
west. It consists of Mrs. Wadsworth , Mrs ,
Evans , Mr. Wescott and Mr , MeDormid. Mr.
Do Normandlo , the organist , was
ill yesterday and unnblo to play ,
which was n sore disappointment , but
fortunately Mrs , Hruco Howe was secured
as u substitute. The anthems and hymns
wcro grandly rendered , Mrs. Wadsworth
and Mrs , Evans gnvo solos and duets charm
ingly , although Mrs. Wadsworth was so unfortunate -
fortunate us to bo suffering from so severe
a cold that she could not do herself justice ,
Mr. Wostrott gave a very pleasing tenor solo
hist evening. The service last evening was
in the nature of a sacred concert , and was
thoroughly enjoyable. liesldes the musical
numbers there were recitations by Miss
Laura Smith nnd by some of the littla girls.
The Sunday school service yesterday was
a unique and pleasing one , The chief fcaturo
was the prcbcntation of cmhlems to which
Christ 1ms been likened. Ono , for instance ,
was bread , illustrative of such passages as
"I am the bread of life. " Each class had
some emblem , and each presented it , with
appropriate quotations of scripture , recita
tions , or songs , As ono after another of
thebo emblems was presented they wcro
placed upon a cross , und completed the pleas
ing decorations of the church ,
Littla Hello Snyder and Mnda Kivkland
gave n very pleasant duet ; Carrie Schoentgen
and Etta Otis gave recitations which wcro
very creditable.
Among the emblems thus brought out wcro
the viuc , brunch , lily of the valley , star ,
horn , brer.d , roclr , plant , grabs , wood , rose ,
dove , a null , crown , water , a lifiht , u child ,
etc.Most of the credit for the arrangement of
the Sunday school exi'icifccs was diu > to Miss
Ida \VuUuce , in addition to tUo eiforts of tlio
aupcrintcndent , Arthur Cov.'le.
The morning sermon by the pastor , Iov.
G.Y. . Crofts , was from the text , "Then
wcro Ids disciples ! " ' * , whea thiy iuw the
LorJ. "
ST. I'JLt'l.'S Sl'ld'JOPVI , .
There was never fciich n guthcr'.ni. ; . in the
history of the parish us thut which tl-Itd ; to
ciottd into St.P.iul's church yebteiday morn
ing. Everv sent was takes , ehulrs wcvo
pluced in the aisles , nml every available nook
and cornpr wu occupied , and mill there were
many \vha ccniUt not be ai'comhcilateil , in
the evening the ixmgregation was fully as
largo. The decorations were beutiful unj
elaborate. Tbcro was a profusion of smiiiix ,
and , tU cut flowets vrure abundant bc/tU. in
decorations nntl in designs' . Easter lilies ,
wcro oonsn'h.'uoiisiixn the nltar
nml ( n front tliero nppcarcd a
largo and beautiful lyre In which roses wcro
prominent. It was the offering of Mrs. Key.
At the top of the suneraltcr was a beautiful
cross , the offering of Mrs. F. T. Webb , wife
of the former rector. The elegantly carved
pulpit , the memorial of Hobert I'creival , was
elaborately deeor.Ucd with smilax , roses and
Easter lilies , and in front of it was u pcnd ; , t
wreath , placed there by Mrs. Hv . .Toslyn , In
nicinorintn of "Haby.1 The- baptismal font
supported n mound of ferns nnd grasses , with
brightly colored flowers. In front of the
lecturn was a Beautiful white t-rosa. made
largely of primroses , the gift of L. A.
Caspar , whose skill anil taslo as a llorls waj
manifest in other fcatUi63 of th6 beautiful
decorations. Mrs Mackey , wife of the
rector , deserves special recognition for the
time , thought nnd strength whichsho devoted
to the work of decorating the church , and
also for the care she took in preserving the
flowers , no easy task , as they required con
stant attention to keep them fresh , the
church being necessarily warm.
The Stewart memorial window wns
beautifully decorated. At Its base
wns n bank of smilax and evergreens , with
callus and Easter lllirs. The callas were the
largest and finest ever seen hero. They were
brought from Massachusetts , and wcro won
derful In sio and beauty.
The McKuno memorial window was also
pleasingly adorned , smilax being entwined
about it and caught up with cut llowers , the
whole presenting a very pleasing effect.
The services were appropriate to the day.
Special preparation was made for the musical
part by Mr. Gratian , the excellent organist ,
Mrs. Judd , the soprano , Mr. Trcynor and
others , with the boys' choir.
In connection with the morning service
Hev. Mr. Mackey preached an excellent ser
mon , his text being Joshua , 111-11 : "Hehold.
the ark of the covenant of the Lord of nil
the earth passcth over before you into Jor
dan. "
In the afternoon the Sunday school mot.
Tlio most interesting fcaturo of this gather
ing was tno opening of the mite boxes , in
which the little folks had been gathering up
their offerings. The total amount of the
offerings was over $ lf > 0 , which will bo placed
in the organ fund. There were three prizes
offered to those who showed the greatest
work in Lent , indicated by the amount of the
offerings. Dull Smith was awarded the first ,
George Gavin the second and Odin Mackoy
the third.
In the evening there was an Enstcr choral
service , in which some very choice musio was
grandly rcndeied.
The floral decorations at the H.iptist church
consisted largely of potted plants in full
bloom , with which the entire front of the
church , as well as the immediate vicinity of
the altar , wcro completely filled. The effect
of such n wealth of richness and fraeranco
could bo little else than beautiful. At the
morning sen-ice Kov. Dr. Coolcy discoursed
on "Tho Power of Kesurrcction. " The at
tendance was very large , and the Impressive
sermon of the pastor was listened to with the
closest attention. In the evening the chil
dren of the Sunday school gave a lluely ren
dered Easter concert.
At the Presbyterian church the floral dis
play was very beautiful. Cut flowers in rich
profusencss surrounded the nltar , and to
gether with the potted plants , produced a
most pleasing effect. Hev. Dr. Ewing , pro
fessor of theology nt the theological semi
nary at Saharanpur , India , preached in the
morning to a very largo congregation , and
gave many interesting facts in regard to the
work being done in that far-off country. Dr.
Ewing is travelling now in the interest of
that work. In the afternoon Mrs. Ewing
gave an address on the customs , dress and
general characteristics of the East Indians ,
in the evening Dr. Phclps , the pastor ,
in-cached on "Easter and Its Associations. "
The nnisio furnished at both services was
especially prepared for the day , and the
numerous selections were most artistically
Gasoline stoves repaired and warranted.
Glasgow & Caldwell , 152 Hroadway.
Call anil see the newest styles of boys'
knee and kilt suits at John 13eno& Co.'s.
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money.
Pounded n IMnkcrton.
H. D. Knight , a painter and paperhanger ,
was stopped as ho was passing up Sixteenth
avenue to the office of the Consolidated Tank
Line company , where he had some work to
do , on Saturday afternoon by n Pinkcrton
official in the employ of the Chicago. Uur-
lington & Quincy railroad company. The
officer insisted that Knight should not cross
the "Q" yards , although the street runs di
rectly through it. Knight called attention to
his papcrboard and tools to convince the of-
llcer tliat he wns not a striker , but the other
would not listen to arguments , and finally
Knight tapped him on the nose nnd "sent
him to grass. " Knight was quickly hurried
away by two engineers who saw the occur
rence to their headiiuarteis to prevent his ar
rest. The only injury ho sustained was n
bruised hand and strained wrist. The offi
cer's injuries consisted of a disfigured coun
tenance nnd severely offended dignity , but
time will heal both.
Cat oh On to This.
Mr. Charles Prohstlo is prepared to
supply you with a harness the equal of
any on cmrth. Pine work and harness
novelties a specialty. Single , douhlo
and track ; also a good class of farm
work. A complete stock of Cents' and
ladies' riding1 Middles , driving boots ,
robes , all kinds of whips , etc. Give
him a call.
Tlrs. Moser & Van Ness euro private diseases.
Itooms 4 and 5 , opera house b'lk. Telephone .
If there are twelve Domestic sewing
machines sold from this oflico within
within the next ton davs , cither for casher
or monthly payments , wo will donate the
entire proceeds of the twelfth sale to St.
Bernard's and the Cottage hospital ,
each receiving an ctjual share. Do
mestic parlors , 105 Main street.
A Queer Question.
The last case called in the United States
court Saturday afternoon was that of Craw
ford , charged with embezzling u registered
letter which came into his possession as ono
of the postal clerks at the transfer. After
the Jury was impanelled nnd the trial was
about to proceed , it was discovered that ono
of the jury hud served on the grand jury
which indited Crawford , and was therefore
deemed unqualified to servo on the Jury to
try him. The prosecution wanted the jury
discharged and a now Jury impanelled , but
the defense claimed that this would bo Illeg
al , as it would place Crawford a second time
in Jeopardy. Judge Love concluded to con
tinue the case until the next term , nnd give
1 1 in a for pleadings and arguments on the
points involved by this complication.
Wanted To lease , a furnished house ,
ton to fifteen rooms. Inquire of John
ston & Van Fatten , I3 ! Main street.
Lot 10 , block 7 , BayliBs' first addition ,
with good house , will ho offered cheap
for the next ten days hy S. B. Wads-
worth & Co. , 130 ! Main st. It is n bar
gain for any ono.
Miss Kato Larimer , of Omaha , is visiting
with Miss Kato Pusoy.
James Amy , of Missouri Valley , Sundayed
with relatives in this city.
Mrs. George L. Smith , of Lincoln , is visitIng -
Ing friends in this city.
Miss Holbrook , of Missouri Valley , is visit
ing at the residence of Judge Casaday ,
D. O. Finch , United States district attorney -
noy , returned to Des Moiuos , Saturday even
ing ,
Dr. Gurney , of Keosauqun , is in the city
looking after his extensive real estate inter
ests.Miss Bessie Hun tint-ton returned homo
ypstordiiy from u wcek'n visit w.thMiss Hull ,
of O in aha ,
James Wild and wife have returned to their
IIOHW in this city , after spending the winter
on UIQ Pacific coast.
E. W. Haines hobbles carefully around on
ono foot as the result of an unsuccessful
wrestle with u piano.
K , A , Norling , the Iresco , artist , has re-
turneil Jrom Nebraska City , having .com-
pleted. the decorating : of Mu > St. Bencdictinq
Catholic churpii tuero , , ,
JFrink CUawberlaiu , of tills city , lies aw-
ered his connoetion with the wholesa6 ! hard
ware firm of Hcctflr , Wllhcmio & Co. , of
Omaha , and \yjll rntcr upon the sUtdy'6f law
with Uio firm of Stone & Sims , of this city.
Mr ? . P G Mikcscll nnd daughter Anna.
have rctmncd from n week's Visit nt Fre
mont , Neb Misg Anna participated In the
proceedings of the Institute while there , nnd
gives n very favovoblc account of tlio work
Miss Liniln Anna JJarrett died last evening
about U o'clock nt her home , I11U Third ave
nue , of consumption. Notice of the funeral
will bo made hereafter.
Sec notice to bullilurs. Another rol-
The Ilrll -loilionc' Lo nl Kecs.
Boston Herald : What tv niino of
wealth tlio Boll tok'phono company has
been for the legal profession ! "it is
generally xindorstood that their prin
cipal counsel , Mr. Storrow , of this city ,
nnd Mr. Dickinson , of Now "York , who
probably rank first among the patent
attorneys of this country , have been
paid $ -50,000 a year for their bcrviccs.
Indeed , Mr. Dickinson is said to have
received that amount for his argument
for the Bell company before the United
States supreme court. lion. Koscoc
Conkling and Hon. Joseph E. Mc
Donald are also said to have received
very liberal retainers annually. Tliero
has boon , besides , a Inrgo number of
special counsel retained in tlio various
legal complications in which tlio com
pany has been involved , &o that alto
gether the legal expenses ha c
amounted frequently to & 250.000 a yosir
an amount equal to the entire operat
ing expenses of tlio parent company.
Then , of course , the various companies
which have been contetting the Boll
claim to priority have drawn heavily
upon the services of the legal profession ,
with ample retainers. Whether the
decision of the supreme court in favor
of the Uoll company will put an end to
law suits for a while remains to he seen.
It would not bo surprising , however , to
see the legal expenses considerably re
Romance nnd Itcnlity.
New York Journal : It is ncai-ly
eleven years ago that the engagement
of Miss Carrie May to Mr. James Gor
don Bennett was announced. Then it
was suddenly broken off.
Mr. Bennett wont to Europe , and with
little intermission has lived there
V * *
Miss May afterwards married Mr.
William Wright , a good-looking hey of
good family without a sou and with no
faculty for making ono. .Then followed
a wretched period of poverty and de
pendency , and at last Mrs. Wright re
turned with her children to her father's
house in Washington , where feho has
been living so ciuietly that people here
had almost forgotten her existence un
til she came to town a few days ago
on a visit.
She is the most beautiful woman in
New York to-dayr Her cares , sorrows
and disappointtnbnt have simply sub
dued a beauty that at one time threat
ened to become too exuberant. She
has been received with open arms and
honored and feted like one restored
from the grave. Her husband lives in
Florida , where Mrs. Wright's friends
hope he will remrtin.
SrKCIAIjadvertisements , michnsLost. found.
To I.onn. For Sale , To llcnt , Wants , Hoarding
etc. , will bo inserted In tills column ut tlio low
rate of TBN CENTS PKlt LINE for the llrst In
sertion and Five Cents I'er Line for each subse
quent insertion. J.envo advertisements nt our
olllco. No. 1" 1'enrl Street , near llroadway , Coun
cil llIulTs , Iowa.
ANTKO-All to know that Mmc. Itlanch ,
tno greatest tnlnd reader and fortuneteller -
teller In tlio world , has arrived Jn the city and
taken parlors at the Scott House.
WANTED Rood man to sell patent of good
practical Invention , alre.idy Introduced ,
Address P. 31 , Iteo ollice. Council llluirs.
WANTED Place to keep 20 to 40 hordes and
mules within twenty miles of Council
llluirs or Omaha ; timber land will do. Addiess
CIS Washington avenue. Council Illnirs.
mo THA UK A clean stock of clothing , hats ,
JL boots and shoes , for Council IllulTs or
Omaha property , or for land In this vicinity.
Address II SO. lleo olllco , Council Bluffs.
Oood clrl for general housework.
WANTED Mrs. Obciuoltzer , KM Third st.
FOH SALE Very cheap for cash or would ex
change for Council lllufTs or Omaha prop
erty , a retail stock of boots and shooh valued at
jr > , ( XX ) . Call at store No , KO 8. 13th st. . Omaha ,
or address It. Martin , name place and number
TmUHNlTOUK Iloiight. sold and exchanged ;
.1 } also storage and commission In good , light ,
airy , llre-prool building. Inquire at store No.
110 North 13th st. It , Martin , Omaha , Neb.
TTPJIOLSTnilINO iml rurnituro repairing
U done neatly and promptly : work guaran
teed. Household goods and furniture bought
and bold , L. M. Lewis , No. 110 North 13tu St. ,
BALK At n , bargain , 40 acres near stock
yards , South Omaha , Neb. , Johnson &
Christian , Koom 35 , Chamber of Commerce ,
Omaha ,
\T7ANTrn Stocks of merchandise. Have
V > Omaha and Council llluirs city property ,
also western land to exchange for goods. Call
on or address Johnson .V Christian , Itooui 33 ,
Chamber of Commerce , Omaha.
[ MuoTHa minor finotttanttiauts
It baietood the Teit of Years ,
in Curing all DUeates of the
KL8 , Ac. ItFarlfleitha
Blood , Invigorate ! and
CleanietthaByaUm ,
iJ disappear atone * under
tw . ' .i .
KIDNEYS ] ! iti boneflelal Influence.
It ii purely a Medicine
as Iti cathartic proper
ties forbid * iti uie a * a
beverage. It ii pleai-
, and
And Most Fashionable novelties In
. . . ,
29 Main St. , . Council Bluffs , lown ,
Same ttrect-uud pumber. ,
"Bids will be received \rt\til 12 o'clock ,
April lOlll , for the erection of a block of
tcnnmcht hoiJEcs on theS. . W , corner of
Kighth st. . nnd loth nvc. Pinna find
specifications cnn be seen at tlio onico of
nrehltccts AL.LT3N & BULL ,
Hooin , 2 , Opera House Building , Coun
cil BUtlTs , lown.
corn , it LI ; ITS
Is ready to furnish flrst-clasilii'lpof all kinds ,
contoactors , hotels , restaurantN and private
1'ifty ladles and Rcntlcmcn wanted to pell a new
article which every family will buy. Apply
this week.
llcfcrcnccs : Vlrst Nat'l Hank ,
Three cnrs choice Suit Lnko Potntocs.
Will bell cheap. J. DICKEY.
7-10 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
And Get That HcnnUrul 1'nttcrn of
And Has None Hut Experienced Workmen ,
o 1. ) Pearl St. , : : Cou neil
NO. 521 MAIN ST. ,
Best $1 a Dayjouse in the City ,
Near the Depots. Street Car Connections ,
Star Stables and Mule Yards
Uroadnay , Council Ulutla , Opp. Dummy Depot
Horses nnd innles constantly on hand , for
salt ) ut rutail or in car loud lots.
Orders promptly nlled by contract on short
Htock sold on cointniaHlon.
Telephone 114. BCHMJTKH * HOrBV.
Opposite Dummy IJepot , Council illutrs
$5,000 AT DEATH !
125 weekly indemnity for injury. Costs but
113 per year In the Old Itellable L'nlted States
Mutuul Accident Association of Now Vorlc.
General Agents ,
Koom 3 , Opera House Dlock ,
A Full Assortment of Harness Goods Con
stantly oa Hand ,
Itcpalrlug Jiwjlly ami i'romiitly Douc.
NO. 2O5 MAIN ST. ,
{ : 1OWA > ,
He purchased a pair of those
You can do as well. Come early FOR BEST
Everybody says we have the best patterns *
We know we sell at LOWEST PRICES.
Stock is now complete. Remember the place *
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
CO. ,
SIZES FROM Kspeclnlly Designed foi
25 TO 250
Branch House , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
P. C. DEVOL. ! § § § :
Jewell Ynpor Slaves.
Monitor Wrought Ranges.
Charter Oak Stores.
Looiuinl Itcfrigcrntorg.
Dnilders' Hardware.
Golden Star Vapor Itnnges
Gliddrn Fence Wire.
Tin Hoofing nnd Job Work
imoAmvAY , -'FS , 1A.
. T.
Orders taken at I'enroso & Harden's , H. 12th at. , Omaha , Nub.
No. 201 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
No. (552 ( Broadway. Opera House llloclc ,
Council JJluffH. Telephone No , Ub-1.
D. H. McOANELD & CO. ,
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
Male Street.Councjl Dluirs.Towa.
Main Street , Jtouncll Bluffs ,
Only Hotel In the City with Flro Ea-
capo. Eloctrlo Call Bolls.
Accommodations First Glass ,
Hates Always Reasonabla
MAX MOHN , Proprietor ,
nnn HvniW ! ? line
dllll MJlUM LllKJ
Telephone No. 33.
Thonnestllnoof Landaus , Coaches and Haclcfl
Jn HIM rlty. The only line uuthorUtd to nnsw e
calls turned In to Am. Dlst. Tel. Co.
OFFICER & mm ,
I00nroad\vay Council Illumi , Iowa. Entabllshecl
CAUTlIIt&jWN , i'rop's.
All Kinds of Steam Boilers & Sheet Iron Work
Onlc-iH by mall for repairs promptly attended
to , Satisfaction fciiarunteed. 10th Avtmuo. Ad
Uiosijdfn ( , IJollur Works , Council lllulTj. lowtt
Standard No. 4090 , chestnut stallion , foaled
Aiiril 10 , 18-VJ. UrcdhyCJ Jjjiiilln , UulTdlo ,
N. Y , sired by Almonnn-h jruuonl BslMJi )
hon of Altnont , lirst dum , lwy , by IJuinlm'fi
I'.iU'hm , Birt ) of the dam ot Doll llmulln
( ri'conl 2.1J ! ? i ; second ilma by Kyadyk'a
Uuml > letoui.m Norway stands 10X handu
Inch , und cjn trot bi'ttiT than ' ' M. This
btallion will bo permitted to servo a lev *
mares ut t * ' the ua&un from March Ittid
July 1st. for jMrtli'ulurs fiiniulro of
Council llluffs Urivlne Park , or Kg. AM.
* _ , South Uth. St. , OmaUa ,