Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1888, Image 1

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The Kansas Town Has a Sanguin
ary Sunday Sensation.
A"White Man , Attacked By Negroes ,
JUllH Ono and Fatally AVounds
Two OtliorH I'ursucil
lly ix Mob.
A Dead Shot.
LEAvr.xwonTii , Knn. , April 1. This even
ing as James King , white , a cablcmnn In the
Lcavcnworth coal mine , was walking along
the street , ho met HarrlsoiiTfoung- no
torious colored wnrcl politician , Sam Hcd-
npath nncl Ben Easton , also colored. The
thrco negroes wcro standing at the spot
where , a year ago , Hedspath had knocked
down nnd brutally beaten King. King was
accosted by Young and Hcdspath , who
Wanted to flght.
Hcdspath drew n Itnlfo and sprang towards
King , while Young put his hand in his
pocket , saying :
"Let's kill him. "
At this King drew a revolver and fired two
Bhots at Young , who dropped dead , with ono
bullet through his forehead and another
through his heart.
King then turned on Hcdspath and shothlm
in the right groin , indicting a fatal wound.
Ho then shot Eastern in the loft thigh.
There had been bad feeling between the
white and colored miners for some time , and
the report that a white minor had killed three
colored men created Intense excitement
among the negroes , who compose a largo part
of the population in that neighborhood.
In a few minutes negroes flocked to the
scene from every direction , carrying shot
guns , rules , knives , revolvers and clubs of
every description , all clamoring for revenge.
King at once started to run. The mob fired
plx shots ut King , who turned und returned
the fire.
In a short time King , now pressed by his
wrathful pursuers , turned and hid in the
puinobpuse of the waterworks. The negroes
searched the place for an hour , but could not
find him.
While the excitement was at its height ,
Mayor Neely appeared on the scene and at
tempted to order the turbulent crowd back.
A dozen revolvers wcro pointed at him , and
Chief of Police Hoberts met with no better
success. Mayor Neoly made unsuccessful
efforts to communicate with the sheriff or
deputies by telephone , and finally mounting
his horse started for Fort Leaveuworth to
get a force of soldiers.
In the meantime the entire police force of
the city had arrived ami aided in the search
for King. A squad Of policemen finally
found him crouching under an obscure stair
way. They ordered him to surrender and ho
responded by leaping out with cocked re
volver ready to shoot. Policeman Street
then aliot him , the bullet entering the muscle
of his arm just below the shoulder indicting
a painful wound.
While several policemen guarded the
prison , others went outside and Informed the
excited crowd that King was dead , having
bcon shot by a policeman while resisting
A cheer went up from the mob , nnd in a
short tlmo nearly all left under the impres
sion that King was dead. King was kept
secreted in the building until a company of
cavalry arrived from Fort Leaveinvorth ,
when lie was taken to the fort to prevent a
lynching. Ho appealed cool and determined
nnd said ho did not regret shooting Young
nnd Hedspath , who were notorious bullies
nnd both of whom had threatened to kill
him , but ho was soiry for shooting Enston ,
whom lie thought to be a friend of his. King
bears a good reputation.
A Country Brutally
Outraged By Two TrainpH.
NEW Yoiiu , April 1. [ Special Telegram to
the Br.i : . ] Miss Lizzie Eastman , teaching
school in ono of the farming districts of
Clcarlicld county , was found dead in the
school house Friday night. Her tongue had
been cut from its roots anil was fouud bcsido
the dead body. The school had been dis
missed as usual at 4 o'clock and the pupils
left the teacher alone in the school house. In
the right hand of the dead woman was found
n lead pencil , and on the floor near her dead
body was written the particulars or her
death. Two tramps entered the school house
after the pupils had been dismissed , over
powered and assaulted her , afterward severed
her tongue with a knife.ntidfledlcavingher for
dead. She recovered suflieiuntly to write oti
the school house floor , and had succeeded in
giving the above particulars , with a descrip-
' , tlon of her assailants , when she evidently
grew too weak to write any moro and died
before she was found.
Wholesale llouhery lly Young Girls.
CAHTHAOI : , 111. , April 1. [ Special Telegram
to the 13in. : ] A decided sensation has been
unearthed at Lu Karpe , in this county , by
the discovery that the daughters of several
reputable citizens have been engaged In a
system of wholesale robbery of millinery and
flry goods stores In that city for over two
weeks past. Goods amounting In value to a
largo sum of money were found secreted in
barn's , outhouses , under the sidewalks and
elsewhere. Tour of the girls are from ten
to thlrtcoti years old. The parents are over
whelmed with grief and offer to make all
amends. It is intimated that there Is some
thing behind this system of robbery , and
that possibly other and older culprits may
bo found.
I'oHtolUuo JlohheiShot. .
PAWS , Tex. , April 1. [ Special Telegram to
the BiJK.J Pat O'Uonnoll , who wan shot by
James Wilson with a Winchester though the
bowels as ho jumped from a box car , on sus
picion , was ono of the parties who robbed
the postonice at Hoxton , Lamar county , on
Thursday. Ho died in jail here this evening ,
Wilson was arrested on the request of the
O'Donnoll's death
county attorney , fearing
would cause him to lleo the country ,
, Killed Ilia AVIfb mid Suicided.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , April 1. As tlio result
of n domestic quarrel Ellsworth Sotzer shot
) IH ! wife and himself this morning. Both
Will die.
Drowned in an lee Ilex ,
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , April 1 [ Special Tola-
gram to the HER. ] About 11 o'clock this
morning , Ella Angel , n patient at the insane
asylum , broke away from her attendant ,
while exercising and running to an Ice box
jumped iu head foremost. When the body
was recovered life was extinct. The woman
came from Noduway county aud has. been at
the asylum about three months. The attend-
but was exonerated from blmuo ,
A Child Crushed to Death.
ST. Josiirii , Mo. , April 1. [ Special
Telegram to the Hne.l The twe > year old
child of Charles Thompson , living on South
Fifth street , while playing in front of the St.
Charles hotel to-day was run over by a street
rar and horribly mangled , so that it diedj in
two hours.
Fanny Wants to Ho Froo.
NEW YOUK , April 1. [ Spoelat Telegram to
lict HUB. ] A rumor Is current that Fanny
Davenport has begun proceedings for divorce
from her husband , 12. A. Price. Ono o'f the
objects ascribed is her desire to marry Mel
bourne McDowell , her loading support In La
Toi > ca. Theatrical people profess to believe
New Hntcrprlscs nt McCoolc.
McCooK , Neb. , March 30. [ Correspond
ence of the BEB.I The citizens of McCook
arc getting ready for their first annual boom.
Matters have been forming some time , and
ere long the people over this entire country
will be electrified by such an array of facts
nnd figures relative to our advantages , our
historic past nnd our prospective future that
nil who have money to invest will conclude
that McCook is the Eldorado they long have
The people of our city are showing the con
fidence they have In Its future greatness by
the Internal improvements they are making.
Cn the M ot April n vote will bo taken on
propositions to bond the city to erect n $20,000
school house and n 15,000 city hall. The
school house is n ward building , and the
plans show It will bo one of the finest In the
Btato. The city hall will bo an elegant struc
ture and will bo n standing monument to the
enterprise of McCook.
An election has been called for the 23d of
next month for the purfiosc of voting to have
two wagon bridges built across the Hcpub-
llcan river , ono a milo westof town , the other
two and a half miles cast of town. These
will accommodate the largo trade south of
the river which nil comes to McCook , even
when it has to travel several miles out of the
way.Tho board of trade made arrangements
with the Economic Light company of Den
ver to put In a gas plant here , so that soon
the coal oil lamps will be relegated to the
rear , and another metropolitan feature added
to the city.
At its meeting Saturday night a contract
was completed with the Hon. H. B. Duck
worth for the erection hero of a $20,000 grist
mill with n capacity of 200 barrels of ( lout
per day. The cltbeus raised a sufllcicnt
bonus , and work will begin at once.
The bricklayers will bo soon at work on
the monster block on Dodge and Main street ,
TfixiSJO , two stories high. Hums , Brewer &
Wilcox are getting ready to begin the erec
tion of a brick block. COxOO , on Main street ,
and many other private enterprises arc
under way. A prominent contractor informed -
formed your correspondent that in no year
since its birth has there been as much build
ing in McCook as will bo done this summer.
The 13. & M. machine shops are now
positively assured. They will involve an
expenditure of f.200,000.
AVnxlnj * AVnrni.
AUKOIU , Neb. , April l. < [ Special Tele *
gram to the Bun. ] Local politics are al
fever heat hero nnd a hot fight is on foi
Tuesday. The anti-license and license people
here have nominated strong tickets nnd will
light it out to the bitter end. It will bo the
hottest local contest in the history of Aurora
The license people are bound to down the
prohibitionists or diu in the last ditch. The
anti-license men have pnt the following
ticket in the Held : For mayor , A. N. Thomas :
clerk , William P. Ceilings ; treasurer , D. P ,
Wilcox ; police judge , D. A. Scovill ; city en
gineer , D. B. Parks , the present incumbent ,
Councilmcn First ward , Dr. D. F. Gooden ;
Second ward , I * . M. Green and C. W. Wood :
Third ward , W. II. Aldcn. School directors ,
T. A. McKay , William Glover , Dclevun
Bates , W. L. Stark , A. II. Cole and D. A.
By the license advocates the following
ticket was nominated last evening : Mayori
General Delevan Bates ; city clerk , L. W ,
Shuman ; treasurer , Fritz Hoofer ; police
judge , Phil Likes ; city engineer , D. B. Parks ,
Couiicilmen First ward , J. N. Casscl : Second
end ward , E. Jones and II. M. Kcllog ; Third
ward , Frank Stevens. School directors : A ,
N. Thomas. T. A. McKay , William Glover.
W. L. Stark , A. II. Cole and D. A. Scovill.
Suit to Divide Chcyomie Comity.
SIDNEY , Neb. , April 1. [ Special Tclcgran
to the BII : . ] Morris Davis , August New-
maim and Frank Smith , commissioners ol
Cheyenne county , accompanied uy Judges
Haynor and Norvell and County Attorney
Ueilly. departed for Lincoln to-day , to defend
fend the mandamus suit brought by the pep
plo of Potter to dtvido Cheyenne county , ii
the supreme court. Considerable interest is
manifested iu the result.
College Students Suspended Foi
Criticising the Faculty.
TOHOXTO , Out. , April 1. [ Special Tele
gram to the Buc. ] Victoria university
where young men are educated for the
Methodist ministry , was last evening the
scene of a curious disagreement between the
students nnd faculty , which may result ir
all the students leaving the institution In t
body. The students in their college Jourua
published n criticism of the curriculum of the
university , touching on the subject ol
mineralogy. The faculty demanded m
humble apology , under pain of suspension
The faculty contended that public criticism !
of the college officers and regulations broughi
contempt upon the university , and were not
pormissablo to bo made by students whe
wcro under the discipline nnd control of tin
university senate. The editors refused t (
apologize , and ut a meeting of the student :
lust evening they were by the faculty sUspended
ponded for ono year. When the faculty re
tired the students unanimously decided il
their classmates wcro not reinstated thej
would leave the university. Another cause
of grave offense was a paragraph in the college
lego Journal suggesting that the course ol
lectures to the theological union might have
been better , and hinting that there are home
college students who could write Just as gooi
essays as those delivered by some divine ;
from n distance that they had heard thlf
The Firm or Uninsuy & Sheldon Closed
By Creditor * ) .
PIUTT , Kan. , April 1. [ Special Tolegrnir
to the HIK. : ] The llrmof Knnmey & Sheldon
general merchants , operated two stores , one
at Medicine Lodge ami ono at Saratoga. The
stocks on March 1 Invoiced $30,000. Creditors
with claims amounting to15,000 have at
Inched. They purchased a largo stock oi
hoots and shoes of Barton Bros. , Kansas
City , valued at * ' .i , < xx ) . Owing to their selling
at less than cost , the creditors presented the
matter before Judge Ellis , and ho granted a
largo number of attachments , among them
Tootle , Hosea & Co. , of St. Joseph , for * 5,000 ,
Sheldon applied to Judge Leslicr , of Klnir-
man , for an Injunction , on the ground that
the restraining order had been obtained
through fraud. A temporary restraining
order was granted , but dissolved yesterday ,
and u sale In lull ordered to satisfy creditors ,
Other creditors nro Barber Bros. , Chicago ;
Burnhuui , Hannn & Mungor. Kausua City ;
Brown Bros. , SJ , Louis. They will pay Ot
cents on the dollar.
Floods and Flames.
VIENNA , April 1. Several moro villages in
Hungary have been flooded and the inhabit
ants are starving. At Hetthr.irus 120 houses
have been burnca nnd 700 persons rendered
homeless. Two lives were lost in tlio flumes.
The villages of Mezo , Uorony and Hundsdorf
have also been destroyed by lire.
Kncrldcod For Spile ! ,
LONDON , April 1. The bark British
Princess has been wrecked off Cnmmha ,
Portugal. Tiventy-thrco persons were
drowned. It is reported that Spanish custom
odleers prevented the saving of lives bv fir
ing upon a Portuguese lifeboat wlueli had
gene to the rescue.
AVeathor Indications.
For Nebraska ; Colder , fair weather , light
to fresh variable winds.
ForJowa : Cojdcr , fair weather , light to
fresh noitherly winds veering to easterly ,
For Eastern and Southwestern Dakota ;
\\armer , followed by slightly colder , fair
weather , light to fresh noitherly winds , bo-
couilug variable.
His Claims Are Conceded To Bo
The Ex-Scnntor Dcvelopinc Consider-
ntilc Strength As n Presidential
Candidate Failure of n Real
Ketatc Scheme Pensions.
The Strife For Promotion.
WASHIXOTOX. D. C. . April 1. \
Mow that General Terry's retirement Is n
certainty , u quiet strife is going on among the
colonels of the army for promotion to the
forthcoming vacancy In the ranks of the
brigadiers. The ranking colonels of cavalry
are Grlcrson , of the Tenth , and Edward
Hatch , of the Ninth , both of whom hnvo been
twenty-two years In command of regiments.
Colonel Smith , of the Nineteenth infantry ,
leads In that arm of of the service , nnd
Colonel Aycrs in the artillery. It Is not likely
thatn selection will bo nuido from nny of the
staff corps. There is a general Impression
that Colonel John R. Brooks , of the Third in
fantry , has the Inside track in the rnco for
promotion , although General Hatch , of the
Ninth cavalry , and Morrow , of the Twenty-
first infantry , are favorably nnd prominently
mentioned. General Terry's ' successor
will bo General George H. Crook.
This Is conceded by the powers nearest the
throne. General Crook's record , combined
with his rank as senior among the brigadiers ,
make his claims impregnable. In addition ,
since the president has had occasion to in
vestigate General Miles' performances In
Arizona , nnd the method which ho and his
friends used in their endeavors to build
themselves up at the expense of General
Crook , ho has spoken very strongly in dis
approbation of the Miles clique. It can bo
surely stated that Crook will bo the next
major general , and that without any efforts
on the part of his friends or petitions from
the delegations.
The retiring board is expected to be an
nounced within a very few days. The detail
is made up and will bo made public us soon as
it is learned what date will bo most con
venient for General Terry to appear. The
board will meet in Washington. It is under
stood that Major General Schoficld , who is
the only onleor in the active list , except Gen
eral Sheridan , senior to General Terry , is to
bo president of the board. General Schoficld
is now in the city in consultation with Gen
eral Sheridan. Two or three of the chiefs of
the staff bureau , probably Generals Bonnet
and MacFeely , and two surgeons of high
rank now on duty In Washington , will make
up the remainder of the board. As General
Terry is expected north cnrouto to his homo
in New Haven , Conn , , in a few days , the ex
amination may bo looked for during the com
ing week , and as there is u vacancy in the
disability retired list , his retirement
will no doubt immediately follow. To-day's
Washington Herald , commenting upon this
retirement , says : "There is no longer any
reason to donbt that General Terry is n very
sick man. The surgeons all agrco that ho
has Brights disease. The general himself
has accepted the inevitable , and informed
the department that Although bcneflUed by
his trip south , ho docs not expect over again
to bo able to perform active service. Tlio
department , being assured that ha prefers re
tirement to a further extension of sick leave ,
will comply with his request by ordering a
retiring board at once for his examination. "
Major Frederick BenUsen , of the Ninth
cavalry , formerly of the Seventh , will
probably bo culled before a retiring board at
the cxufration of , or before , the time has ex
pired for which ho was suspended. Major
Bentecn was court inarthilcd at Fort Dn-
schane , Utah , last autumn and suspended for
a year on the charge of Intemperance. It is
hinted that he asks to be examined for retire
ment , and Is recommended for it by a board ,
that the president may remit the remainder
of his sentence.
A mo PENSION nusiNrs.
During the month just closed there wcro
filed In the pension oftieo S.Ktt ) original appli
cations , ISfeO application of widows , and
17,1-13 applications for increase of pensions ,
a total of SIS5S. , This is the largest number
of pension applications over received nt the
office in a month except during the period
when there was a great rush for arrears of
pensions during the last days of the arrears
act in 1SSO. At the present rate of business
there will bo received at the olllce during the
year ubout two hundred and fifty thousand
applications for pensions.
Heal estate speculators who secured an op
tion on n lot of land In Virginia , between
Washington and Mount Vernon , and ex
pected to got congress to appropriate money
to build a national road to tlio old
homo of the Father of his Coun
try , thereby enhancing the value
of the property along the road , and making a
handsome profit for the schemers , have been
quietly sat down upon. Congress refuses to
take hold of the project on the ground that
if the stuto of Virginia cannot build her own
roads they should not bo built , nnd that If
the real estate men want a road built for the
purpose of enhancing their property thuro is
no law to prevent them going ahead and con
structing it at their own expense ,
Quito a boom is developing hero for ex-
Senator Ben Harrison , of Indiana , among
republicans , who are indulging In presiden
tial talk. Judge Houk , ono of the oldest and
most vigorous republican members of the
house , whoso district is about Knoxvlllo ,
in the eastern portion of mountainous Ten
nessee , which turned out so many union
soldiers during the war , many of whom
ha commanded In battle , is doing some
good talk for Harrison. Ho said to-day :
"If General Harrison were in the sunatanow
ho would he mentioned as frequently as any
man spoken of for the presidency. Ho Is an
unobstrucslvo man , and practicing law as ho
is and being out of public Hfo , attention
throughout the country is not directed to
wards him by the same-'influences that are
forcing other men to the front as presi
dential candidates. But ho is often men
tioned as ono likely to receive the- nomina
tion , and I aui sure that ho would bo very ao-
ceptublo. General Harrison has many warm
and true friends In Tennessee , where ho is
known for his services in the war , anei is a
magnificent lawyer and a statesman equal in
ability to any man. Ho has friends in Ton-
ncsseo that I lieiiorfr will support
him ut the Chicago convention. Thc >
delegates ere novcr instructed in any state ,
and wo have no regard for tip ) unit rulo. I
was very forcibly impressed with this fact
when I tried to make tlid.dolcgation solid for
Arthur In IbS-l. I frequently hear Harrison's
name mentioned among-tho influential repub
licans of Tennessee , nnd you need not bo sur
prised if ho is given some votes in the con
vention by our people. Senator Sherman is
exceptionally strong Iu the south , but I ex
pect to sec the Indiana man got some votes
Irom that section on the Hist ballot ,
1101.1)1X0 HACK lit P. AI'PllOrniATIONS.
Just half of whatlsusually regarded a very
long session of congress Is past and only ono
appropriation bill has become n law. Thir
teen regular appropriation bills are yet to bo
acted upon by tlu house. Five of these are
on the calendar of the houso. Two or thrco
of them have been resting there for weeks ,
nnd despite this glariug fact of unusual
backwardness la action upon measures which
must necessarily bo passed buforo the session
can close , and despite the fact that nearly
everybody in congress is talking about this
delay , and is openly denouncing the chair
men of committees that compile appropria
tion bills for failure to .act , nothing lias been
tlouc towards tUq passage cjj the l Uls , ' To
morrow or Tuesday the house is likely to re
ceive the tariff bill , nnd nn effort will bo
made to begin the general debate upon It
within ten days or two weeks , This debate
nnd the discussion hjwn amendments which
will bo proposed to the tariff bill , will run
about six weeks. It can be seen that a
great waste of tlmo is going to follow nnd
that many injustices will bo the result of delaying
laying the appropriation bills. The object
in not Inking uu the appropriation bills al
ready reported nnd not rcjxjrting those
which are hold back In committee , is to con
trol legislation , the appropriation bills being
privileged matters and entitled to the floor nt
nny time , so that measures which the domi
nant party wants to U.IH c n bo sidetracked
nt any time. It is about tlmo that the coun
try sat down upon the democrats in the
house , who have for years been delaying ni > -
proprfatlons that other bills may bo defeated ,
whereby much harm nnd no good Is done ,
Along towards the last of the session there
will bo a scramble to hnvo the appropriation
hills passed , nnd necessarily there will be n
great waste of money and many things over
looked which should have been attended to.
Captain John G. Bourke , of the army , and
W. E. Anntn , Senator Paddock's ' private sec
retary , were among the guests nt the Grid
iron club nt its dinner at Wclckcr's last
night. The Gridiron club Is composed of
leading newspauer correspondents hero. The
table was laid for thirty guests nnd the
decorations were beautiful in their sim
plicity. Easter llowers in jmts , with garlands
of stnllax , were arranged around the table ,
producing a pretty effect. On this occasion
the conventional dinner card was ignored
nnd nn Easter egg with the guest's name
Inscribed thereon , substituted. The napkins
were arranged to represent nests in which
the colored eggs rested. The speeches were
bright and happy and the other characteristic
features of the club were most pleasing.
Mrs. Cleveland Is contemplating the re
newal of the morning receptions which last
season proved so pleasant. These receptions
wcro abandoned because of tlio abuse of tlio
privilege extended by the mistress of the
white house to her friends of meeting her
Informally. At present Mrs. Cleveland has
literally no time to call her own. She is
besieged at any and all hours with letters ,
notes and cards from persons , strangers in
the city , for the most part , pleading for nil
Miss Hose Elizabeth Cleveland did not
como to the convention last week , as was ex
pected , nor will she visit the white house
this season , as her many friends had hoped.
A nr.M ui.uii.n CUIMIXAL CASE.
There is a very extraordinary case hero of
n man who committed a crime to assist a
friend , then made n confcscion , pleaded
guilty nnd was sentenced to three years in
the penitentiary where ho is now and from
which the president will this week bo asked
to grant him a pardon.
To begin at the beginning , there was for
many years a private banking firm in this
city , run by the two BOHS of Mr. Middlcton ,
the clerk of the supreme court. They turned
put to bo consummate rascals. Ono of them
is in St. Paul , the otUer somewhere around
Washington. Both , will be called to answer
for their crimes In court at the
present term and all who know
how they swindled widows nnd orphans
hope to see them severely punished.
But it is not likely that they will be con
victed. They were pious men , active in the
church and Sunday school nnd more the
livery of heaven to servo the devil in. Ono
of their intimate friends was Cyril P. Bene
dict , agent of the Adams Express company
and being in financial stress ono afternoon
they went to Mr. Benedict with a pitiful plea
for a small loan to carry them until morning
when they expected a remittance. Hather
than see their bank closed Mr. Benedict
loaned them money belonging to the express
company upon the stipulation that ho should
have it again the next day. It did not como ,
of course , but the MIddletons got moro to
save that and so on until they had drawn
Benedict into the whirlpool. Then
they failed. Ho restored as much
of the amount as ho could realize by stripping
himself of all his savings nnd then nltcred
the books to conceal the rest of his embezzle
ment. Then remorse commenced to prey
upon him. He became ill and no doctor was
nble to assist him. Finally ho went to the
superintendent of his company , revealed the
whole truth and asked to be punished. He
says that the first good night's rest ho had
was the ono following his confession As I
have said , ho pleaded guilty and went up to
Albany for three years but he will likely be
Holy week has been variously occupied by
different people. The church services wcro
numerous , and the faithful were kept busy
who attended all its formalities.
Tlio sessions of the Women's International
Council drew its thousands twice a day to the
opcr.i house , nnd comparatively lew ladles
were enabled to give nny attention to the
millinery and costume openings that have
bccnjeatures of the dry goods trade In this
and other cities.
A few quiet dinners wcro given in honor of
passing guests. No Into evening events have
marked the week. Early hours , that Is com
paratively early hours , have been the order
of retiring to rest. Some of the quiet din
ners of the week l.avo been notable events in
their occasions and guests.
Speaker and Mrs-Carlisle are thinking of
purchasing a house hero by next season and
going to housekeeping.
The now minister from Venezuela will
reach Washington on Tuesday , when ho will
take immediate possession of his apartments
on Connecticut avenue.
An event of interest in the near future
will bo the largo reception and housewarmlng
to bo given toward the latter part of the
month by Minister anel Madame Romero , at
tlio handsome new legation building on I
street near Fourteenth , The delightful en
tertainments and receptions held during the
past season by this cnartning hostess give
promise of a truly enjoyable affair on this
occasion , and the spacious saloons and largo
ball room of the mansion will doubtless bo
tested to their utmost capacity.
Mrs. Cochrari , daughter of Senator Pugh ,
nnd Mrs. Commissioner Black will leave for
Now York on the 10th Inst. to chnpcrono
about thirty young men and maidens of our
city who have been invited to perform the
Indian iluiu'c , in which they took part last
year , at the klrmess to bo given there on that
date for the benefit of thu Homeopathic hos
pital. The affair is to bo under tlio auspices
of Mrs. Vanderbllt , Mrs , Depow and n num
ber of other prominent ladies of Now York.
Tlio Con noli of Women.
WASHINGTON , April 1. The afternoon
meeting of the international council of women
was occupied with addresses by Matilda
Joslyn Gage , Antoinette Brown BInckvell ,
Elizabeth Boynton , Isabella Bcreher Hooker ,
Frances Willard and others , The evening
session was given up principally to foreign
delegates , who expressed their pleasure at
the reception they had met , and their faith
in the good accomplished. Mrs , Elizabeth
Cady Stauton made tbo closing add rcss. She
said the council hud been n success and had
proven that women are ready for concerted
action , She complimented the speakers , and
said she has always looked forward to enter
ing the kingdom of heaven enfranchised , and
introducing herself to St , Peter at the
gate S3 a oitizon of America. A
letter was rocoivBu tjjla morning from a Uus-
terest in the council all over the world. She
contrasted the difference between the man
ner in which the press received the conven
tion of forty yonrs ago nnd the reception of
the present international council , The result
of the latter must bo of lusting effect. She
contrasted the queen of England's Jubilee
with this jubilee of women.
Mrs. Stanton further said they nsked the
men to celebrate this woman's jubilee by
placing in woman's hand the ballot. When
woman has no card to take part in govern-
incut it proves that she has not u ripened
mind. Woman is hedged about with old
prejudices and sustained iu these prejudices
by men of common sense.
To-morrow nt 8 o'clock tlio final meeting of
delegates will bo held at the HigRs houso.
Tendered Ills Resignation.
BfciuiiEST , April 1. Premier Bratiano has
tendered his resignation , Prjnco GUiku lias
uccu summoned to form a cabinet.
A Tlo-TJp On the Chicago Bolt Line
Ait Unprovoked Attack On Platts-
mouth CltlzctiB A Mttlc Dtaturu-
mice In the Oinnhn Ynrels
Quelled Uy the Police.
Prospnclu of n licit Ijlno Tie-up.
CIIICAUO , April 1. The prospect of an Im
mediate tie-up of the belt line added n graver
aspect to the railroad situation this evening ,
than nt any tlmo since the commencement of
the Burlington strike. Every railroad enterIng -
Ing Chicago depends almost wholly upon the
belt line as n means by which nn Interchange
of freight is to bo conducted with any other
road. Practically every railroad track
stretching from Chicago Is Intersected by the
belt lino. The employes of the latter line
have all along been nmong the staunchest al
lies of the brotherhood , while the management
of the belt line company has apparently
sought as far as possidlc , to maintain n posi
tion of so-called neutrality. A new face was
put on affairs when some time yesterday
President Porter , of the Eastern Illinois
road , which holds n controllng interest in the
belt line , sent n strongly worded letter to the
management of the hclt line , demanding that
it transfer cars for every railroad nnd indi
vidual in the sumo manner , nnd that nny nnd
nil employes who did not chose to do their
duty bo dismlsscel. To-elny n meeting of bolt
line employes was held at which the whole
subject was earnestly debated , It was cur
rently reported this evening that the bolt
men had deeldcel to stand by their guns and
see whether the company would discharge
ThoBurlington road to-day did not attempt
to do any switching in their freight yards.
The St. Paul people , however , made most
strenuous efforts to keep things mov
ing , and as a result , it is probable the strike
on the St. Paul will culminate to-morrow in
a renewal of the strike on the Pan Handle.
A train was got in readiness , so that tomorrow
row the attempt can bo made to transfer St.
Paul freight to that road , and as the Pan
Handle switchmen are pledged to support
the St. Paul men , trouble is expected.
The St. Paul road got out four freight
trains and the suburban passenger service was
in n much better shape than Saturday. At a
meeting of the St. Paul strikers ; a majority
of the engineers and iiremen are said to have
favored a return to work on the terms of
fered by General Manager Miller , while the
switchmen and brakemen insisted on staying
out. No conclusion was reached.
The Strike in the City.
The stationing of a detail of police from
the regular force In the yards of the Burling
ton railroad yesterday had a refreshing effect
on the switchmen who threw up their jobs
seine days ago. and with only ono exception
the scenes of strife and discord of Saturday
were not repeated. Mingling among the reg
ular police were representatives of the Pinkerton -
erton outfit , who were very quiet nnd
reserved in their demeanor , resigning all
authority to the regular policemen , who did
notnlhnv crowds to congregate but kept the
streets antfliigliways open by ordering the
strikers and their , sympathizers to move on.
Thcro was only ono outbreak during the
day , and that was about S o'clock , when the
attention of the city police was called in
another elirection. With a whoop and n hur
rah hundreds of men -and boys congre
gated at the Seventh street crossing ,
jeered nt the PInkerton rcprcscrlativcs ,
hurled epithets at them and throw chunks of
mud into their ranks. The men accepted
these taunts with forbearance , and nt a time
when it seemed as if a riot was imminent a
number of Union Pacific switchmen came
up and counseled their brethren to refrain
from violence. Their words had a soothing ef
fect on the mob , who elispcrscd as quickly as
they had assembled. Last night everything
was quiet in the yards nnd about the depot ,
and no further trouble was anticipated.
wnv Tiin noAitUKus i.crr.
The strike yesterday assumed a rather lu
dicrous phase , and u boycott was entered
into against the proprietor of the European
hotel on Tenth street. There had been
boarding at this plaeo llftco'n men In the em
ploy of the Union Pacific and other
roads in various capacities , nnd
a few days ago they became
angered because the proprietor admitted sev
enteen of the Pinkerton police to enjoy his
larder and lodgings. The boarders entered a
protest on having to dwell under the same
roof with the policemen , and receiving no en
couragement from the landlord in their pro
tests the fifteen yesterday paid their bills
and took Quarters elsewhere. A BEE re
porter was told by the clerk in charge of the
office last evening that the house was full of
boarders anyhow , and they could get along
without the fifteen who had left.
The situation remained unchanged about
the yards of the Burlington in South Omaha
yesterday. But few of the striking switch
men were to bo seen about the premises of
the railway at any period during the day ,
although it was thought that trouble might
ensue at any moment. The police were no-
tilled to bo prepared for any eruption that
might occur , and a close watch
was kept during the entire day.
The live cars that wcro wrecked
in some unknown way Friday night wcro
restored to the track yesterday. Two of the
cars are almost u complete wreck.
As a reporter for the BEE was investlgnt-
IngafTalrs connected with the strike in South
Omaha , it was learned that General Manager
Holdrcgo had determined to bring certain
members of the switchmen's union to tlmo
by instituting proceedings iiiriilnst them ,
charging them with the malicious destruc
tion of property. It is stated that thoollice-rs
of the company have all but located the
parties and that In a few days arrests will
follow. Commercial Agent Cheek , who 1ms
charge of the business of the company in
South Omaha , when questioned concerning
the tenor of the ropoit said :
"I do not wish to make any statements
concerning the strike otherwise than to state
that wo are getting along nicely , and
are not being inconvenienced by the strike to
any great extent. Yesterday wo handled
200 car loads of stock hero and could have
taken care of as much moro , Thcro Is no
doubt In my mind but that the strike will
prove n gigantic failure on tlio part of the
switchmen. As regards the wrecking or do-
slroying of our property , I would state
that wo nro gleaming testimony against
ccrtlan individuals which no doubt
will terminate In arrests being
mado. The statement made by the
Herald to the effect that the car that was
ditched on the main line near Gibson was ono
that broke nway from ono of our trains is ab
solutely false In every particular. Tlio cur
was started by some ono and was forced
from the truck by an open switch which was
locked. "
E.vcit" > ucnt nt Creston.
CHCSTOX , Ta. . April ; . --l.Sl ccial Telegram
to the HKK.J Four cnglnc'men fa tli" employ
of the "Q. " have been assaulted on the
streets by strikers In the past twenty-four
hours. But ono of the strikers was arrested ,
and ho by a company policeman. A mob
followed him to the city Jail and compelled
his release. The strikers , who have hereto
fore been orderly and quiet , were aroused by
the arrival of Pinkerton men. The city Is in
no condition to suppress a riot , having no
extra police and the excitement U running
high to-night. _
Assaulted Ity Pinke.rtoiiH.
Pi.ATT6MocTn , Nob. , April 1. [ Special
Telegram to the Bee , ] A granery near the
railroad trucc ) in this city , was the scene of a
brutal assault this afternoon ubout 3 o'clock ,
by n force of Pinkerton guards on several
citizens. The men who wcro assaulted say
they wcro setting down attending to their
own business when the Plnkcrtons , drawing
their clubs , attacked them. Being entirely
unarmed they wcro nt the mercy of their as-
sallnnts who bent them severely about the
head and face. Public sympathy Is with the
men , and the guards nro vigorously de
nounced. Eight of them wcro arrested nnd
tnken before Judge Stiles who bound them
over in sums of $100 each to appear for trial
on Wednesday next , F. Latham becoming
surety for their appearance ,
Will Not Handle "Q" Frel ht.
KANSAS CITV , April 1. The switch en
gineers nnd firemen of nil roads entering the
city except the Burlington , hold a meeting
late last night at which they resolved that
after 12 o'clock noon Monday , they would refuse -
fuse to handle any Burllncton cars of freight ,
except it be live stock or perishable freight ,
which had been started previous to that
hour. A committee called on the superin
tendents to-day nnd notified them of the
order. If road engineers are put In the yards
to do the switching , or new men are hired In
their places , then the switchmen will refuse
to work. The managers of the lines have
not yet made known what they will do , but
it is presumed they will attempt to handle
the freight.
Will Support the "Q" Strike .
PiTTsnuim , April 1. The Brotherhood of
Locomotive Engineers in the Pittsburg di
vision held a meeting this afternoon. After
discussing tlio rumored strike of the Pitts-
burg & Fort Wayne freight engineers , fire
men and switchmen , it was stated that no
strike on the line had taken place , nor would
nny occur. After nn interesting discussion
It was agreed to support the Chicago , Bur
lington & Quincy strikers through thick nnd
Apprehension at Indianapolis.
INWAXAI-OMS , April 1. There is n pros
pect that the engineers , firemen , brakemen
and switchmen of the Ohio , Indiana & West
ern will striko. The ground of complaint is
that the company hauls n through "Q"
sleeper. So far as Is known at present the
strike will bo confined to the Ohio , Indiana
& Western men at this point , but there are
indications that n general tie-up of all roads
leading west from hero will take place
within three days.
Dcmaneln of Milwaukee Switchmen.
MILWAUKEE , April 1 , The switchmen of
the St. Paul company in this city have form
ulated n demand to bo presented to General
Uoswcll Miller , that no "Q freight shall bo
handled by the road under any circum
stances. In the event that the demand is not
complied with , they will quit work nt 11
o'clock to-morrow.
St. Joe Brakemen Out.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , April 1 , All freight
orakcmen on the Kansas City , St. Joe &
Council Bluffs roads struck .
to-day. They as
sign as a reason the danger to their lives in
working with "scab engineers , " This makes
500 strikers now in the city.
Dfel Not Strike.
CHICAGO , April 1. The reported ordering
of the strike in Chicago on the Lake Shore.
Pan Handle , Alton and Santa Fo roads , late
Saturday night , proves to have been errone
ous. No such action was decided on.
Tlio Financial Transactions or the
1'abt Week.
BOSTON , Mass. , April 1 , [ Special Tele
gram to the BEK. ] The following table
compiled from dispatches to the Post from
the managers of the leading clearing-houses
of the United States , shows tlio gross oxj
changes for the week ended Murcli.31 ,
1SSS , with the rate per cent of increase or de
crease as compared with the amounts for the
corresponding week last year :
The ConRroHhloiinl Programme.
WASHINGTON- , April 1 , Although the com
mittee on rules has mapped out a programme
for the government of the house proceedings
during the week , its publication has given
rise to so much dissatisfaction among many
committees which have been left out of the
arrangement that It is extremely doubtful if
it bo adhered to. The appropriations com-
mittcn has determined to press to passage the
pension and District of Columbia appropria
tion bits , and if these measures are called up
they will practically consume the week.
In the senate tlio Palmer bill to create n
bureau ot animal industry and the Platt bill
for the admission of South Dakota are men
tioned as possible ) subjects of attention dur
ing the week. Everything depends upon the
action of caucuses in logarel to the motion
now pending in the semite to recommit tlio
bond bill , which is unfinished business ,
Hnrlliijiinko ShooltH in Arl/.ona ,
IIoi.mtooK , Ariz. , April 1. [ Special Tolo-
grum to the BIE. : ) At 10:30 : last night a
slight shock of cnrtluiunko was felt , lasting
ten seconds. The vibrations were from cast
to west , and eiulto perceptible. Houses
trembled. A strong wind from the south was
blowing at the time ,
The Fin * Itecord.
JEIISEV CITV , April 1. The residence of
William Walter Phelps , two miles from Kn-
glcwood , burned to-night. The fire was
caused by the explosion of the gas In the art
gallery. The loss is .very heavy. Plielps
was in Now York.
Cnrnot DeinioN It.
PAiTJ" , 'Mr111. ) President Carnet denies
the truth of ttio r'atcment that ho imnrrelcd
with Boulungcr when tiirwcro In oflico to-
gcther because the general refus-Cu to shoot
down the Do Cazcvillo miners during tL'C
riutmg tlicio ,
Americans Cannot Win.
LONDON , April 1. Phillips and Barnitt ,
American sporting men , sailed on the Eu-
truria on Saturday for New York. They declare -
clare it is impossible for an American pugi
list to win in Europe , They maintain that
Hconun , Kilrain and Sullivan al | really won ,
.notwithstanding the fact that draws wcrp
Qoukl Mnkos a Venomous Attach
on Editor Donnott.
Disgraceful Drunken Act * Alleged
To Have Hee-n Committed lljr 1
llcnnott The Document the
Talk of the Town.
Shooting Poisoned Arrovri.
Nr.w YOUK , April 1. [ Special Telegram
to the BiiK. ) Jay Gould has written an
open loiter to James Gordon Bennett , In
reply to what ho ( Gould ) says is known in
the Herald ofllco as "Scream , " in which
Bennett denies the statements made by
Gould. Gould denies that ho over said Uon
nett was a director of the American cnblo
company. What ho ( Gould ) etld sny wni
that some years ngo the older hcnnottbaughl
1,000 shares of stock of the cnblo company in
order to make the present proprietor of thft
Herald n director in the board , and that ho
demanded lower rates and precedence for tin
Herald in nil cnblo business over othci
Vnpers , which was refuscel ; that on account
of his ( Bennett ) making himself
offensive , his name was dropped
from the board nt the first opportunity
Gould licenses the Herald of being nctuntcd
by personal mnltco nnd selfish Interests in Its
attack on him , nnd charges that during the
last thirty yonrs Bennett's Hfo has been ona
of shame. Ho continues : "Your private llftj
has been hut n succession of debauches and
scandals , so that your name Is associated on
every tongue as 'Bennett , the libertine , ' nnd
however gentlemen might meet you at the
clubs or hotels , not n gentleman in New Yorlr ,
as you well know , would allow you to crois
the threshold of his residence , where virtus
nnd family honor nro held sacred. Your vcrj
touch in the social circle is contaminating.
A few instances , such as decency pormlta to 1
bo put in print , will suffice to Illustrate nnel
confirm what 1 have to say on this head. "
Mr. Gould particularizes ono instance ! li
when Bennett was arrested for drunkenness
on the street , ami screamed : "I nui the pro
prietor of the Herald , let mo go. " But ha
was locked up , notwithstanding , and in an
other instance , at a dinner party given by
him , Bennett drew u revolver aud shot thd
globes from the chiuidaller , sending the
broken glass in the faces of the gucstH , who
lied in terror. These are a few extracts from
the milder charges. Most of the charges of
disgraceful , drunken acts allegcel to have
been committed by BcniiKlt are omitted from
this excerpt of the letter , which is the talk
of the city to-duy. Gould , after defending
himself from attacks , closes as follows I
"Since I exposed the fact that no bondholders
over complained , that Andrews nnd
Crouch had no clients , that they wont to
Europe to find clients , that Andrews and
Crouch were nil there was to this porsccu
tion anel their motive was rcvongo and gain
Andrews and Crouch have taken to tliclf
holes and have not since been seen , anel only
feebly heard from. But the Herald still con *
tinues to "scream. " This remarkable docu
ment from Gould is over n column in length.
He gave It to nil the papers in New York last
night except the Herald. That paper , however I
over , secured a copy somewhere , and print !
it iu full to-day , with a very lively introduo-
tion nnd tlio following hcad-linesi
"The Corsair Haves The Pirate , Mad
dened With Malice , Adopts the Weapons ol
Coin-so Vituperation A Brutal 'Open Loti
tor' The Hcd Handed Buccaneer Ilimscu.
Signs an Infamous Personal Onslaught on
the Herald's Proprietor Honored By Ilia
AiniHO Ho , Not His Enemy , Must Finally
Walk the Plank Attack of a Sneak and q
Coward Wliilo Addressed to the Editor oi
the Herald , tlio Screeil is Hcfused Us foi
Publication. But Wo Secure It and Print Ib
in Full to Show What Kind of nn Aninmli
Jay Gould is Isn't Ho n Skunlti"
It AS 12 UAITj.
First Game of the Western Season.
I'luyi'd at Itnnias City.
KANSAS Crrv , Mo. , April 1. [ Special
Telegram to tlio BII : : . | Tlio Kansas City
team of the Western association played ita
first game at the now grounds to-day , bcford'
fully four thousand spectators. The Bea
tons , of Armourdalo , n semi-professional
team were tholr opponents. The Western ,
association supplied tlio Beatons with n bat
tcry Me-Cnrty and Wells. The contest satis *
lied Kansas City people that they could depend -
pond on this club to play good ball , Managori
Manning having selected the finest nine all
around which lias over represented Kansas.
City. Fine sport will bo the result of his
good judgment. The game was simply toe ,
practice , but at the end of tlio eighth innings
the si/orc / stood 5 each. The westerns cama
to the front with an easy ! l and gave tha
Beatons 3 caster eggs , for their last Inning
the score standing a to 5 in favor of tha
Goldnmith'fl Idyl Outdone Uy tlio E * '
perle-nco e > f Saratoga , Kan. ,
SUUTOOA , Kan. , April 1 , [ Special Tele
gium tothoBEi : . ] This place has nt las
succumbed to the prcssuro of the county seal
flght. It is barely the memory of a town now1 /
Ono year ago it contained 2,00'J populatlort
Now it has but IfiO. Of our fifty ono bus !
ness houses , all have bcon moved away , o
been rn/ed to the ground or carted olf. Thos
standing are four brick buildings nn
cannot bo moved at a piolit. Wo have n
mercantile house , dealers have nil gone U
moro favoi ed centers. Wo are wrecked com *
inert-hilly , bimkruple-d In business and credit ,
each remaining ono endeavoring to embraca
the first opportunity to desert , rapidly thin
ning the ranks. Like our neighbor , MertlllaJ
wo soon will uo n reminiscence. ,
Weather Crop Bulletin.
WA'iiiNfiTON , April 1. The following Is at.
synopsis of the weather crop bulletin for tha
weekended Saturday : KoportH from Mich }
Ixiin , Ohio , Indiana , Now Jersey , North Car
oilnii , Konturlcy and TemnoHsuo indicate thaf
the weather of the past week has been favoH
able , although the season Is reported ns lnt
and farm work retarded. Imports fron
S9Uth Carolina , Alabama , Mississippi , Lou
isi.tna , Missouri , Illinois , Nebraska nnc
Kansas indicate thut tlio weather of the
week was generally unfavorable for growl
ing crops , although favorable conditions are
reported for the Jattor part of the wceln
Farm work In the southern slates has been
greatly InterJered with on He-count of hoavj
nuns , mid in some localities high winds am
local storms havei injuicd crops. *
Tlio FannerM' TMIHI. 1
TOI-EKA , Kan , April 1 , A call has been/ ! /
issued for a convention to meet at Topeksw
May 1 , for the purpose of organizing a farm- '
ers' trust. Circulars huvo been sent to thew
governors of all states west of the Mississippi ]
mid to Illinois and Wisconsin to send dclcM
gate * to the convention
$10,000 Moro Needed.
El , PASO , Tex. , April 1. [ Special
gram to the UKK.\- \ Subscriptions to llioi
White Oaks , Now Mexico ft El Paso rotuB
reach i'JO.OOO. This place is required to giv j
JJ'10,000. As soon us the other 10OU ) la !
rcachud , work begins from this cud.
Kie niiih ? : ! ; > Arrivas. /
NEW YOIIK , April 1. [ Special Telegram tHe (
Iho BEE.I Arrlvcd The Aurania , from Liv '
thoTrave , from Bremen ; the Auralfl , <
from Hamburg ; the- Moravia , from Ham- '
LONI > OK. April 1. The Scrvla , from Npw
York for Liverpool , passed BrowUcail tQ-dwyr.