Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1888, Part I, Image 1

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    MAHA EE PAGES 1-8.
43 * I
M. Damala and La Tosca Kiss and
are Friends Again.
HiB Charming Partner Guardedly
Admits the Impeachment ,
Plans of the Great Tragedienne For
the Coming Your.
LicJlcnit Diimnla AVIII Visit Cuba , Slex-
Ice nnd the United States , After
AVhlvh They Will Meet
in PnrlH.
tCnpi/rMit tf8 liy Jmnct ( Jn
PAUIS , March UK [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the Hr.B.l Sarah , or "La
Tosca , " will leave Paris to-morrow morn
ing for n tour of Spain , nnd not until Juno
\ill Parisians have the privilege of seeing
her again.
It was arranged by Mr. Meyer that she
should have loft Paris by-Special train last
night at midnight for London to give two
performances nt the Royalty theater of her
play "La Avcu" this afternoon nnd evening ,
for which Sarah was to receive 10,000 francs.
After the performance there she was to take
a special train and return to Paris , reaching
it Sunday morning at 8 nnd leaving for Tours
nt 11 , but the arrangement could not bo
effected with the night channel boat , nnd so
the plan fell through.
A VK\U'S I'liojncrs.
Sarah will piny "Ln Tosca" at Tours Sun
u day evening , nnd from there start on a tour
in Spain till June , when she returns to Paris
in July. She will go to London for n month
in August , She will bo in Paris again , but
not to play , until September , when she will
begin u tour of Europe In the principal cities ,
playing "La Tosca , " "Mario Stuart , " "Fe
' > dora , " "Ln Dame nux Camclias , " nnd "Ln
Avcu. " Sarah will then return to Paris to
play for three months at the Odeon during
exhibition in ISbO.
Lr. nn.\u IUMAI *
About midday a Herald correspondent
? /
found M. Damnln quietly smoking n cigarette
in the Hotel Bellevuc. Ho wore polished ,
patent leather boots , black tuul wliltu
trousers nnd a double breasted dark blue
morning coat with a bunch of violets in his
buttonhole. In response to the question
when ho leaves Paris ho said : "I shall leave
With Conquclin and Mine. Jane Loding's
troupe about the 5th of May for Uio Janeiro ,
when wo shall open in 'La Vcnturiero' on the
1st of Juno. After this other arrangements
jiro planned for three months in all to
Havana , Mexico , San Francisco and the
astern part of the United States.
"How long have you been in Paris , M.
"Well , I was born nt Hens thirty-two
years ago and went to England when seven
teen and learned the language in two years.
f. returned to my home , and in ISbO came to
I'aris. "
"And when ilid you first meet Snrahl"
1 met her at that time through n friend. I
had always an Inclination for the stage nnd
when she said to mo , 'You ought to bo an
ictor,1 I wns fired with ambition nnd three
lays later , in 1SS1,1 made my first appear-
luce with her as Vnr'vlllc. Six months later
ive were married in London at St. Andrews'
ihurcli , for in the meantime I had grown very
fond of her and learned 10 love her very
uudi. "
Later on I went to Tunis and servcd.ln the
French army. When I returned , after a
year , wo separated for many reasons but
Hie English law would not give us a divert e ,
ind now we are still husband and wife.
"You were reconciled I" "Yes , after a
fashion. 1 am slill her husband , and no
papers are valid without my signature. I
inn fond of Sarah nnd always have .been.
She feels lonely nnd wants protceilon nnd
companionship. I am not prepared yet for a
return to our former domestio bliss , for I
am engaged in America , but when I return
tilings will bo nil made right. Wo have a
great many things In common , Surah and I
ml I urn always happy with her. "
WAITING rou sumi ,
Sarah's birds warbled a welcome ns the
Herald correspondent next entered her hotel
In the Boulevard 1'creire. It was Just 5
o'clock tea time , and although the mistress
ivaa absent ut rehearsal , tlio flro and lights
plowed all the same and the dinner table was
daintily arranged . for eight guests. There
were MX lighted candles dickering under tint-
d lamp shades , and the walls were covered
ft'llh pictures ,
After a few minutes' waiting Surah ap
I peared from behind n pair of red velvet cur
tains mid gave her visitors a cordial greeting.
She was wrapped completely in furs and
"Is it true that you and Mr. Dnmalo liuvc
bNjn reconciled I" "We have a great many
thlnga In common. Wo nro iympnthciio and
.t is quitu probable that our adu'.rs will soon
! r DO definitely arraiigetl. "
* Qur conversation then turned towards her
DCW piece "La Veu" produced nt the Odeon.
K "I am enchanted , " she said , "with the re-
: cption given to my very rnoilcst effort , wbicli
, < I think you must acknowledge full of
IncUlcJit. Everybody has been very kind and
I you null us cniid such merry-making as
\ ftught to follow nn authoress' successful first
nlRht. ' The critics -hate been very merciful ,
tin ] the acting IY&S very peod. . I fee ) , of
course , that the piece has Us faults , but I
supK | > sc I am n sjioilt child and so manage to
attain n little indulgence. "
Organization of the Onmlia , Dodge
City mill Hoiiihxvcstorn.
Donor. Crrr , Kan. , March 81. [ Special
Telegram to the Hr.i : . ] The Omaha , Dodge
City .fe Southwestern railroad was organized
hero to-day , capital J-,000,000. President ,
Gcorgo M. Hoover ; vice president , C. E.
Gallagher ; secretary , Ed. Wlebonson ; treas
urer , George 11. Cox. These and 11. W.
Eoons , H. M. Wright , C. W. Snlnn , 13. F.
Milton nnd D. F. Owens , all of Dodge City ;
.1. P. Fair , of Mankato ; 11. H. Hays , of Os-
berne Hill ; P. Wilson , of Hnvs City ; N. C.
Merrill , of Ness City ; T. S. Hann , of Jet-
more , directors. Hoover nnd Gallagher go
north Monday to secure the right of way.
The now road runs the entire distance
through Hcpublie , Jewell , Cloud , Mitchell ,
Osbornc , Lincoln. Kussell , Ellis , Rush , Ness ,
Hodgcinan , Ford , Gray. Meadc , Hnskell ,
Stnnton , Steward , Stevens and Morgan coun
ties to 111 Paso.
Decision < > Pn TexasCase Wlitoh lUvnln
iTnrndycu VH Jnrndj'ce.
GAIAT.STO.V , Tex. , March 31. [ Special
Telegram to the Btin.J One of the oldest nnd
most historical lawsuits in this country was
decided hero to-day. The case Is entitled
La Vega ct al. , vs League ct al. , and Involves
tltlo to over forty thousand acres of land
valued at nearly $2,000,000 situated near the
city of Waco , McLennan county. The La
Vega heirs claim tltlo ns the original gran
tees from the king of Spain. The trial judge
ruled res ndjudlcita , that the enormous
volume of accumulated depositions wore
inadtnlssablo ns evidence nnd the
jury returned n verdict in favor
of defendants. The case has been pending
for forty years. Judge Simon Mussina , aged
8l ! , attorney for the claimants , is the only
original litigant living. The litigation began
before Myra Clark Galnes commenced her
famous suit , and was before congress thirty
years ago In the Impeachment proceedings
against the federal Judge , J. C. Wntrous , who
was impeached for bribery In the original
trial of the case. Sam Houston made a cele
brated speech on the case In the , senate. 'Ino
suit will now he appealed to the supreme
court of Texas , and ultimately to the supreme
court of the United States.
a Deaf nnd Dumb Tarpct
For IMstol Practice.
YOUK , March 31. Some gay newspa
per men nro trying to get Henry F. Gilllgnnd
James Gamble to light a duel. Mr. Gamble ,
as stockholder in the "American Exeluuige in
Europe , " made some serious charges against
Mr. Gillig , the mnnngcr of that institution.
Both are well known men about town. Gam
ble wants to know how Gillig can spend
$10,000 n year out of a salary of 52,500. , Gillig
is noted chielly for the number of his alleged
matrimonial engagements , the latest of which
was his reported engagement to Airs. Frank
Leslie. Tom Ochiltrco wants to second Gil
lig. "Count mo your friend in this quarrel , "
said Colonel Ochiltrco to Gillig at the Hoff
man last night. "I will bo your second , but
I insist on pistols being the weapons usect. "
"I never had n pistol in my hand in my
life , " said Gillig.
"I'll get you a deaf nnd dumb man to prac
tice on , " said Tom. "When you miss him he
won't Hear the shots , and when you hit him
ho can t say anything. "
DcliuiHIiiir 1'ont master Captured.
Ei , PASO , Tex. , March 31. [ Special Tele
gram to the Uin. : ] News is received hero
that Louis Floury , the defaulting and ab
sconding postmaster at Paso del Norte , who
escaped from his guards three weeks ngo ,
had been captured this afternoon in the eity
of Chihuhua. After his escape from Paso
del Norto ho was Been at Snmnlnyucca , a
station on the Mexican Central road forty
miles south of Paso del Nortc. From there
the trail leu cast to the Hio Grande. If he
really crossed the river and escaped
into Texas , lie must have boon blinded
by infatuation to venture back into
Mexico , but lie has been several times be
fore trullty of equally foolhardy tricks. Once
he had been sentenced to death for a great
crime committed in Mexico City , and escaped
from prison. After remaining away several
months ho braved death by venturing back to
tlio city but slightly disguised. He is either
verv hardened and reckless or else of defect
ive intellect.
_ _
Clever Cracksman Arrested.
New YORK , March 31. [ Special Telegram
to the BKK. ] Johnny Curtin , n famous
American thief , wns arrested in Manchester
England , six weeks ago for swindling n bank
out of $ < > , ( H)0. Tlio Manchester police knew
from his work ho was n clever cracksman ,
but could not identify him. They communi
cated with Inspector Byrnes , of this eity , who
recognized the man and sent his pedigiceto
England. Curtin bus served time in Now
York , Illinois , Pennsylvania and French
prisons for diamond thefts. Ho was one of
thieves who ex-Alder
the two accompanied -
man .Incline , the convicted boodler , to Europe ,
where they "did" the continent , substituting
paste for genuine diamonds , Jachnc disposing
of the proceeds of the robberies of the other
Confessed the Murder ,
Jcrrnuso : ; , Tex. , March 31 , [ Spcuml Tel
egram to the Biu. : ] Intelligence is received
that In the lower p.irt of this county Iko
Bailey , colored , was found dead In the woods
with several bullet holes in his head. .Sus
picion pointed to Hob Hint's , colored , who
was arrested and confessed the crime. Hincs
says ho met lialley in the timber , shot him
nnd then hit him over the head with an nxo
and gun. Sheriff Dcwnro brought him in
this evening. As the grand Jury is in session
his confession will cause his speedy execu-
Shot Him Down.
PAUIS , Tex. , Marcli 31. [ Special Telegram
to the HUB. | Wednesday night tlio postofliro
nt Hnxton , Lnmar county , was robbed. On
Thursday night the ollicers searched the
cars in n passing freight train for suspected
parties , when a ijian mimed Pat O'Donnull
jumped from a box car and started to escape ,
Ollleer Wilson Hred ut him with a Winches
ter , shooting him through the body , from the
efforts of which O'Dnnmill died this evening.
Wilson was arrested and brought here to
await the action of ths grand Jury.
To IleorKtmlze tlio Texns J'm.'llic.
Ki. Piso , Tex. , Murch 31. [ Special Tele
gram to the llci : . ] On Monday Governor J.
( ! . Hrown , receiver of tno TCXI.S Pacific rail
way , will arrive hero from New York. Dur
ing his stay the reorganisation of the com
pany will take pkieo with Governor Hrown
as president. This fuut creates considerable
comment In railroud envies.
Tato'rt SueccKUor.
LOUISVII.LU , Mirch : 31. Judge Stephen G.
Sharp , of Lexington , wasappoir.ted treasurer
by Governor Huckner to succeed defaulter
Tale , and was confirmed this afternoon by
the stniuto
Small 1'ux on Shipboard.
Six Fiuxcj.-to , March 1. 'J'ho ' steamer
Uio Do Janeiro arrived from Hong Koug to
day. Sonic cases of small pox developed
among tl-e C'hlr.CbO passengers during tlio
voyage. The vc t.ol was held iii quarantine.
Orer iin Uiiilmnkiucnt.
H.\i.T..Moiia March 31. Tlio etnpklngcafof
a train on the A'jnapolls ' bhort line railroad
was thrown down nn embankment to-dny and
several Maryland legislator * were 'bpdiy in-
} ui d , none , however , fatally.
nrPTT T HIATH n'rn iirr o
Roads Bast of Chicago Involved in
the Trouble.
The Fort Wnyno Mon RofXtso to
Handle "Q" Oars.
Complaints of Bad Faith Against
the Burlington.
Lively TlincH in tlic Omnlm Yards
Severn ! Men Severely Handled.
Police on the Lookout
For the ImwhreakorB.
The Strlko Spreading.
CIIICAOO , March .ti. Strike following
strike In rapid succession wns the rcs'ult to-
dny of the Burlington road's first attempt to
resume forcing freight on other roads.
Almost at the very outset a strike occurred
on the Fort Wayne system , Involving for the
llrst time nn undoubted extension of the
trouble to roads leading cast from Chicago.
J'he St. Paul road had been completely tied
up between midnight nnd daylight , and
Cliairmsn Hoge , leader of tlio brotherhood in
the absence of Chief Arthur , intimated early
that before another midnight there might bo
precipitated n succession of strikes unpara-
lelcd in the city.
One on the Panhandle occurred ns early ns
7 a. in. , but was overcome by the ofllcials
showing that no workman had been asked to
handle Burlington cars.
At 10 a. in. the Burlington made up n train
of fifteen cars which was quietly transferred
to the Fort Wayne road , while at the same
time twenty-live cars were made up aul
started for the Lake Shore road , with forty
Pinkerton men aboard. The transfer , how
ever , was made without disturbance.
At 2 p. in. the Fort Wayne ofllcials ordered
a switching crew to take n "Q" train from
the siding at Sixteenth street and place it on
the Fort Wnyno tracks. Tlio men promptly
refused and ran their engines in. The news
spread , and in a few moments all tlio crews
in the yards quit work , engineers , firemen
and switchmen. Just then the 2:20 : Fort
Wayne passenger train outward bound came
along. At Sixteenth street the engineer and
fireman learned of the strike nnd left the
engine. The conductor soon volunteered to
run the engine , n fireman was found , and the
train proceeded after a slight delay. Fort
Wayne dispatches sny they have assurances
from the other passenger engineers that
they would not go out , but not a great deal
of dependence is placed in them.
Along the line of the St. Paul road freight
business was paralyzed , and passenger trafllc
almost suspended. As soon ns in-bound pus-
senger trains reached the depot nnd were un
loaded the engineers backed them out to
Western avenue and abandoned them.
This afternoon the engineers , firemen and
switchmen of the St. Paul road held a meet
ing and sent a committee to Superintendent
Earling. They stated to him they would
ngreo to handle empty but not loaded "Q"
cars. Earling asked them to submit their
proposition in writing , and agreed to forward
it to General Manager Miller at Milwaukee.
Switchmen Come to Blow.
Tilings looked rather warlike at the Union
Pacific yards near Sixth and Pacific .streets
about 0iO : : last evening , and rumors rapidly
spread that a riot was in progress. Over five
hundred persons quickly gnthoied at that
point to find a squad of Plnkcrton specials
standing in front of a crowd of railroad men ,
and one of the olllcors with his hand on his
revolver threatening to put a bullet through
some unknown person who had thrown n
missile at him. The trouble originated in a
fight bet-"en Union Pacific switchmen and
1) . & M. scabs. From the there has
been bad blood and uncivil words between
them , and matters finally came to a crisis last
evening when the 13. & M. scabs had backed
n couple of cars on the Union Pacific tracks ,
This brought three or four of the belligerent
workmen face to face and an interchange of
epithets followed. Finally one of tlio Union
Pacific switchmen struck a B. it M. scab
and a funous light ensued , in which the scab
got badly used up. His nose was bleeding ,
his face was covered with contusions and both
his eyes were in mourning. One of tlio scabs
gave the alarm for the Pinkenon ofliccrs to
come to the rescue and stood yelling nnd
frantically waving hi ? lint. One of the
Union Pacific men ran up behind him nnd
struck him a blow that felled him to the
ground. It. is reported that two or three of
the Union Pacific switchmen then jumped
upon him and proceeded to pound and kick
him unmercifully.
The Pinkcrtons soon arrived on the scene ,
but by this time tlio aggressive
parties in the light were lost In the
multitude. The crowd fatood and Jeered the
Chicago importations and some of tlio small
boys commenced throwing chunks of mud nt
them. A piece struck one of thorn in ( ho
back , when , placing tiis hand on his revolver ,
ho angrily cried :
"Jf I knew tno who throw that I
would put a bullet through him. "
"That is Just what wo want you to do , "
siild a stalwart young follow , stepping for
ward , "Put a bullet through one of us and
\vn will settle this mutter right hero. "
This had a subduing effort on the Pinkerton -
ton man , but ho still continued cursing tlio
follow who hit him , whereupon a switchman
pulled his coat and said : "You Just step oft
t'int ' U. it M. track nod. come down hero
where you have no authority and we'll give
you what you deserve for your fresh
ness. "
The olllcer declined the Invitation and the
Pinkerton men then ordered the crowd to
disperse , but the crowd threatened to mob
them if they dared show any violence , nnd
commenced to press forward as though they
would do so anyway.
The fourteen Pinkerton men began to tuko
nlurm and huddled up together with their
hands on their revolvers. They looked as
though they wished they were back in Chicago
cage , whor the faro of Oflleer Charley Bloom
loomed up in the ulbtanco , much to their re
lief , f.'liurioj walked up to the crowd , told
them it would not do to obstruct the street In
such manner ami bald they would have tx
disperse. His words wore like magic , for
the ciowd immediately began to scatter , and
In tlireo minutes thu Pinkerton men hud the
Hi'hi lo themselves.
Earlier in the day , while au ex-switch
man was passing down the tr.ick
that ib used a.s a thoroughfare by people In
that part of the town , a Pinkerton man
threatened to club him , and u switchman tore
the club from his grasp and told him that ho
hud 11 notion to use it over his head and give
him borne Idea of how badly it felt. Ho then
rctuincd the club to the ofllcer.
It was thought best by the chief of police
to iiic-rcaso the number of special ottlcers in
that vicinity to bo ready in cose of any
emergency , us it was made apparent by lust
night's demonstration that the Piukerton
men are almost powerless.
The mystery of the freight car that was
set loose on the bleep incline of the B. Jt M.
track Krlaay night and which came so near
causing terrible disaster , it ; slill unexplained.
Some perbOji or pen > ons with switch keys
have also been maliciously misplacing tiio
switches. The Pinkerton 'detectives are
busily engaged ou both these cases swd will
do nil In their power to ferret out the o ( Ten
ders and bring them to punishment.
Tliorcpoitcd case of n Pinkerton man
drawing n revolvcr.otf u South Omaha stock
man proves to bonnofcupgernUon.
Handled tln > "Q. " Curs.
Cnicvao , March 31-t-Tho train of Burling
ton cars that had becii shoved UHn | the Lnko
Shore tracks during the morning was not
touched until well along in the afternoon.
Finally the order wns given by the Lake
Shore ofllcinls that the cars bo cared for and
sent along toward their destination in the
east. To thr surprise of the company's rep
resentatives the order was obeyed. No other
Burlington cars were In sight , nnd there was
nothing apparent to disturb the serenity of
the men or their superiors , but talk of n
strike wns redoubled. It soon came to bo
understood that the cars were handled more
ns n temporary shift , nnd that a strike might
bo Inaugurated at any moment ,
It was currently rumored nt the stock
yards to-night that nil of the switchmen ,
englncmcn and firemen employed by the
Union Stock Yards and Transit company ,
which has exclusive charge of all cars re
ceived at the yards , would go out before
Monday. The company handled a number of
Burlington ears to-day.
At n meeting of railroad employes to-night
it was decided to nt oneo inaugurate a strike
in this eity on the Lake Shore , Alton , Pan
Handle , Fort Wnyno nnd Santa Fo roads.
As near as can bo ascertained the order to
strike on nil roads means only a tie up of the
yards in this city , tbo roads outsldo not ns
yet being Involved. The men nro very reti
_ _ _ _ _
Complaints'AtfaliiKt the "Q. "
Ciuovdo , March 31. During the day as
many ns a dorcn men called on the mayor
with complaints against the Chicago , Bur.-
lington it Qulncy mnnngcrs. They claimed
they were Induced to como hero from the
cast by promises of positions ns brukcmcn ,
switchmen , etc. , but on their arrival were
declared incompetent nnd refused cither
work or transportation homo again. They
claim to be without money nnd in n bad
plight , and say they lm\o ns companions In
their misery two or three hundred others
whose condition is exactly similar. The
mayor promised to see the Burlington pee
Collecting Testimony.
CHICAGO , March 81. The Burlington engi
neers nnd llremcn appear to bo actively en
gaged in collecting Information concerning
the management of the road since the strike
began. They have miulo charges before the
Illinois railroad commissioners , and Tuesday
will begin offering testimony to sustain the
charges. Testimony ns to the incompetcncy
of the engineers will bo offered tinder six
teen different specifications. On the other
hand efforts nro being made to show that the
new men are not incompetent. Eight Bur
lington conductors and , yardmen have signed
a statement to this effect , after having
worked with the new men in the Chicago
yards the past week.
Much speculation is being indulged in re
garding Chief Arthur's departure for Cole
rado. Some ncwspa ] > ers and railroad offi
cials , particularly those of the Burlington ,
regard it as an acknowledgement on Ills part
that the Burlington strike is a failure , and
ho is digusted with tlio new turn of affairs.
The chairman of the. engineers' press com
mittee emphatically deny these statements ,
On Duty as Uminl.
MILW\UKcn , March 31 , All night crews in
the St. Paul yards reported for duty at the
usual time to-night , nnd ns far as this point is
concerned there Is nothing indicating the ex
istence of a strike. The men say all freight
loaded to day > vill bo.'mndled , but there is no
certainty what will l"0 lie 3 to-morrow. The
company is turning f.HjIqht for Chicago over
to the Northw'cstorii
General Manager Seller said , to-night that
in view of the situation ho did not feel war
ranted in saying much about the intentions
of tlio company in the event of certain contin-
niulT * Men On the Fence.
Ciuc too , March 31. [ Special Telegram to
the Bin. ] Fifty men , who are regular
freight and passenger conductors on the
Council Bluffs division of the St. Paul , ar
rived nt the roundhouse this morning. They
were brought hero by tlio St. Paul people to
fill the places of the striking engineers , fire
men and switchmen , and all seemed anxious
to get a chance to null a throttle or throw a
switch. Jerry Doaerty , who is the lender
of the striking switch engineers , got
down to the roundhouse where the
men who hnvo been imported
from the Council Bluffs division were
stationed. Ho talked with the men and
gained their sympathy and they declared
that they had now scabbed a day In their
lives and never .ivould. Mr. Doherty was
very Jubilant and b'qgnn talking loud enough
to be heard by eight of the St. Paul blue
coats who ordered him to. leave tlio yards.
He refused and said : "I want to get my
time. " Doherty wns allowed to remain in
the yards until he received his time check.
The now men were not so nnxlous to < lo
switching as they were nn hour previous.
The climax was reached when one of their
number came up and said :
"Como ahead boys. They want us down
in the middle of the. yards. "
"They don't get us down there , " was the
reply that came to'tho call.
Tlio men finally agreed to go down nnd f > eo
what was wanted of them , and on the way a
captain wus appointed and the men fell in
line with a Council BlufTs conductor nt the
bend. Tlio men had only gone down the
track about two hundred feet when one of
them suggested that if the St. Paul people
wanted them they would have to como down
and make their proposal. The men all
agreed and marched back to the round house ,
whore they awaited the delegation of St
Paul officials. The men say that they will
art as conductors or engineers but will not
throw n switch.
Unwildni ; to Strike.
.TAXI-.IVIM.K , WisJ March ill. A train load
ofpasscnger and fr lght conductors , with a
few bwitehmcn anil brakcmcn andono or two
ynrdmnstcrs , recruited from the Prairie du
Cliein and Point divisions , left for
Chicago thismoinln'gtotakotho places of the
strikers in the swtch | yards.
The employes of thu road nt .Tancsvillo any
an order to strike will bo obeyed with great
reluctance by the uioji outside of Chicago , as
work is hard to get and all are anxious to
hold their places.They will sustain the
fctrikcra at Chicdgo iiowovor , and an assess
ment for that purpose has already been
levied. ' .
Arthur Interviewed.
Ci.Kvni.iM > , March 31. In nn interview
this evening Chief Engineer Aithur dis
claimed any responsibility for connection
with the now Htrikos in Chicago. Ho said
the men will not receive the support of the
brotherhood , unless circumstances arise
which would iuduoe him to sanction the
strike. Ho thinks tlieso latest affairs are
purely loeSl and will boon bo over-believing
that the roads will reconsider tholr'actlon in
compelling thum'to ' lmmllo"Q" curs. Ho did
not think the strike would become general
and added that If the general oflicers had
listened to the hothead's Importunities every
road in the country would huvo been tied
Tlio First Trouble nt Croston.
CIIKHTON , la. , MarchJl-r-ISpeetal ! Telegram
to the HKB. ] The Urst local disturbances re
sulting from the strike occurred to-duy. An
engineer and a iwltchmun ) . both strikers ,
were arrested for assaulting engineers In the
employ of the "Q , " Each tvns lined % 5 and
costs. '
Several'tir brake hose were out on freight
trfeus in tno yards last night , but no accidents
rosultcd , Owing to the * Jargo number of
strikers out at till * place the utmost caution
against violence U tukvn by both tin.- company
and.brotherhood ,
Congressman Doreoy's Amendment
to the Extension Bill.
Ho Proposes to Abolish the Federal
Court Dodgo.
Probability That Bartlo's Statmonta
Will Bo Repudiated.
Said to Ito In Danger of the Presi
dent'H Veto The ItcpnlilluuuH
nnd the TarHT Mnmlerm > n'H
Fort Hill.
Hntlonul StntCH Hlght * .
61 ! ) Fot'llTnUNTltSTKKI , >
WASHINGTON. D. C. , March 31. |
Mr. Dorsey has submitted to the house
committee on Pacific railroads the following
Important amendment to the extension bill :
It is further provided that nothing in this
net , nor In any of the nets of which this net
is amendatory , shall bo construed or inter
preted so as to deny the right of any state in
which the Union Pacific railway or the cen
tral branch of the Union Pacific road is oper
ated to fix rates for carrying passengers or
freight over said roads , nnd to control nnd
regulate such roads the same ns if they were
organized under the state.
It is understood that the committee will ac
cept this amendment , which will bo suo-
mittcd to the house nt the proper time. The
representatives of all the states interested
earnestly favor such an amendment , nnd to
secure their support for the extension bill ,
the Pacific railroad committee will bo
obliged to allow such modifications of
the bill as will place tlio Pacific
railroads on the name. footing ns
other railroads doing business within the
states. If this amendment is adopted it will
be to the interest of the railroads from the
fact that it will allay the stromr feeling that
exists in the minds of the people against the
roads chartered by congress.
The Outhwaitc bill comes up again for final
action in the house week after next.
The senate committee will report favor
ably Mr. Dorsey's bill extending the time of
payment for purchases on the Omaha Indian
reservation , with certnin amendments , agreed
upon , providing for the sale of lands already
forfeited and certain unsold lands on that
portion of the reservation that wus ordered
to be sold.
The secretary of the interior afllrmcd the
decision of the general land commissioner ,
on January27 , IbS'S , holding for cancellation
the commuted homestead entry of Orland H" .
McNeill , of the McCook land district.
The decision of the commissioners in the
case of Ludwig Schultz vs Teeter , of the
Bloomington district , holding for cancellation
a prccpintion claim , was also alllnned.
The senate to-dny passed Mr. Paddock's
joint resolution abolishing the oftlco of United
States surveyor general for tlio district of
Nebraska and Iowa and authorizing thq
secretary of the interior to proceed , under
the provisions of sections 2'HS and 2 10 of tlio
revised statutes of the United Suites , In the
transfer of the fleldnotes , maps , records , and
other papers to the states of Iowa and Ne
braska , also the bill of Mr. Paddock , 'grant
ing a pension to , Ioel B. Morton , of Nebraska.
At a meeting of the house committee on
agriculture to-day a sub-committco composed
of Chairman Hatch and Messrs. Davis and
Laird , wns appointed to examine the state
ments made before the committee recently by
William M. Bartel , of St. Louis and make n
recommendation as to what action
will bo proper lor the commit
tee to take upon the matter. Bartel
is the man who made the sensational state
ments about it being n common tiling for
pork packers to slaughter cholera and other
diseased hogs , stags , boars , piggy sows and
crippled and smothered hogs , and manufac
ture them into prime steam lard , which they
sold as wholesome and good food , and which
statements have brought an avalanche of
protests from pork packers throughout the
country. The committee believe that the
statements should not be printed , and that
the committee should repudiate them and
send n statement to the country to that cl-
HIOUX CITY'S iii'ii.niNo 1111.1. .
In the house to-day Mr. Slrubel made an
effort to get up the bill appropriating ( JAO.IXH )
for the construction of a public building at
Sioux City. There was objection and the
bill \vcntovor. Mr , Strubel says lie will
mnko un effort every time opportunity is of
fered , mid believes that ho will succeed in
having the bill passed.
MAY iin vnTonn.
It was reported nt the cnpitol this after
noon that the president had given some mem
bers who called upon him to understand that
ho would veto the river and harbor bill ; that
he did not proK | > so to sign a bill appropriat
ing over 0HXKK , ( ) , ( ) for this work , most of
which will never bo completed. There is a
good deal of concern in congress over the
probable fate of the rivty and harbor bill ,
Democrats are urging it as u polllical move.
By the end of next week the republican
members of the house expect to ho able to
lay before the caucus committee the result
of u complete canvass of the entire repub
lican membership on the question of tanII
reform , Some two or three weeks ngo at a
caucus a steering committee was appointed
with a view to securing in the quickest time ,
and in the most correct way possible ,
the sentiment of the party and re
port at a subsequent meeting. The
steering committee has requested that
the htato delegations hold meetings and
submit a written statement of the fouling on
thu subject of tariff reform , giviiii ; briefly
Just what every member wants. This work
has been going on very carefully and
thoroughly and when it is all in it will en
able thu members who will bo selected to
compile the tariff bill which thu minority
will present , If indeed they do p-escnt one ,
to came us nearly as possible to meeting the
demands of the whole parly. The result of
this canvass is expected to bo In the hands of
thu sleerintf committee Before the debate on
the Mills bills is begun. The ( ampliation
of the minority tariff bill will follow very
shortly nfler and will be ready some lnao
before the previous question is called on
the Mills bill. The system with which the
republicans have gone about their work
shown that they Intend to work harmoniously
and sland solidly together in whatever
they do.
A NIIIHI : : : ) jiiTitnriii.vnoN' .
In the senate to-dny the bill introduced by
Senator Munderbon appropriating lXKi ( ) ( : } for
the completion of quarters , barracks and bta-
bles at Fort Kobinson and Fort Niobrara ,
was passed without amendment. It now
goes to the house where u corresponding bill ,
introduced by Mr. Dorsey , ib in Urn commit-
tcu qn military affairs. Senator Mandcri > on
will try to have his bill substituted for the
house bill in order to expedite it consider'
ation. In the report which accomii.inlod the
bill is a letter front General Sheridan ,
strongly urging the appropriation In the line
of proper economy nnd in the Interests of the
proU'clion qf the iinrUnvchteni frontier. '
TUB CJIIlif < L'iTICKilUl' . '
A. letter was received Lfcr to day from
Wilmington , Del. , stating that nn Intimate
friemt of Senator ( fray , of that state , had
Just arrived from Washington with the in
formation that Delaware would get the chief
Justiceship nnd that the honors would fall
ujioii Senator ( fray. It is stated further that
nil of the eight associate Justices of tlio
supreme com t had Joined in recommending
the appointment of Senator Gray , nnd It was
believed that ho would bo selected for the po
sition. It is known that ho would willingly
accept the npi > olntmcnt and Immediately re
sign his place in the senate. Ho Is one of the
ablest lawyers * In the cjuntry , Is under fifty
years of nge , large nnd powerful In physique ,
full of health nnd vigor , is uniformly cour
teous and extremely popular. He Is an inti
mate friend of Secretary Bayard , and has
been steadily received at the white house
with unusual favor. Ho has been nn ardent
friend of the administration on the floor of
the senate. Pr.nitt S. HUITII.
The National Council of Women.
WASHINGTON , Murch 31. At the meeting
this afternoon the delegates adopted a con
stitution and elected ofllcers for permanent
organisation 01' the national council of wo
men. Theoniccrs are ; President , Frances
E. Willard , of Illinois ; vice president , Susan
B. Anthony , Now York ; corresponding secre
tary , Mnv Wright Sownll , Indiana : record
ing secretary , Mary E. Enslumn , Massachu
setts ; treasurer , Louis A. Thomas , Now
York. The constitution declares that the
delegates band themselves together In a con
federation of workers committed to the over
throw of all forms of ignorance and injustice ,
nnd to the application of the golden rule to
society , custom and law. The council Is or-
g.iulml in the Interest of no one propaganda ,
and has no power over its auxiliaries beyond
that of suggestion ami sympathy. Any soci
ety of women , the nature of whoso work is
satisfactory to the executive committee ,
either ns to its undoubted national character
or national value , may become auxiliary to
this council upon subscribing to specified con
ditions. An address will bo Issued to the
women of the United States , and the general
ofllcors of tlio International council will issue
a similar address to the women of the world.
The co-operation of all women , Irrespective
of race or creed , will bo urged. The evening
session wn devoted to tlio discussion of
"Political Conditions. "
The Minority Kepnrt.
LonsviM.i : , March .11. A Courier .lournnl
Washington special says : The report of the
minority of the ways mid means committee
drawn up by McKinlcy against the passage
of the Mills bill , attacks vigorously the free
1st , vehemently denounces free wool mid
free tin ulute. It says , regarding wool , that
the first cITort in the direction of free trade
is aimed at tlio organized farmers of the
country , who , fur removed from centers of
trade , and unadvised that their intcrcsls
were to bo dealt an unfriendly blow , arc to bo
the first victims of the British policy. Thelr's
is a largo interest , few in the country nro
larger. Free wool will bo of no permanent
benefit to the manufacturer or consumer , but
a positive loss to both , and a great loss to
flock masters and those depending upon them
for employment. The decay of sheep hus
bandry in the United States would bo n
national calamity. Tlio report asserts that
great business interests of the country , so
largely represented by manufacturers , were
treated with silent contempt , nnd against the
earnest protest of the minority these Interests
were not as much as allowed the right of
petition guaranteed to every American citi
Army Orders.
WASIIINT.TON , March 31.--Special [ Tele
gram to the Biu. ] Sergeant WickliiT L.yon ,
Fourth cavalry , retired.
First Lieutenant Lewis , Merriam , Fourth
infantry , granted three month's extension of
leave. ;
A general court martini has been ordered
to meet at Jefferson barracks , Missouri , on
the 4th of April , for the trial of such prison
ers as may be brought before It. The detail
for the court is as follows : Captain William
B. Kennedy , Tenth cavalry ; Captain Henry
W. Wesscls , Jr. , Second cavalry ; Captain
Joseph M. Kelly , Tenth cavalry ; Captain
John G. Adams , First cavalry ; Captain
George F. Chase , Third cavalry : First
Lieutenant Walter M. Dickinson , Fourth
cavalry ; First Lieutenant Francis D.Huckcr ,
Second cavalry , and First Lieutenant Her
bert J. Sloeuui , Seventh"cavalry , Judge advo
Nebraska and Iowa 1'oiiHions.
WASHINGTON , March : . [ Special Tele
gram to the Bnn.l The following pensions
were issued to the following Nebraskans to
day : Original invalid Henry "V. Cckner.
Stanton ; Dexter Hussoll , Trenton ; Gilbert
Bunell , Grand Island ; Albert B. Wheeler ,
York. Iteissue and increase Benjamin F.
Nott , Stratton. Mexican widow Elizabeth ,
widow of Stephen Story.
Original pensions granted to Iowa veterans :
Original Invalids J. H. Hltcrman , Albla ;
William C. Ghost , Burlington ; John T.
Hobby , Lansing ; Chester S. Bell , Lisbon ;
Lewis Woods , Lisbon ; Jacou Bruner , Fir-
mount ; Sam Coc , Booncsburough. Reissue
D. J. Park , Sue City. Original widows ,
etc. Minor of William Hnrle , Keouquuu ,
( ending February II ) , 1SSS ) ; Susan , mother
of .1. W. Storm , Dili. Mexican widows-
Mary C. , widow of William Uromicall ,
Closing SccncHoftho Cult lemon's Con
Dr.Nvr.ii , Colo. , March ill. fSpeeial Tele
gram to the BII : . ] The grand jubilee , cele
brating the completion of the Denver , Texas
& Koit Worth railroad , and of the meeting
ol the International range association , two
events somewhat closely connected , was
brought to a ( Utiiitf close to-d.iy by a grand
barbecue , given at the stock yards , about
two milch from the city proper. From early
this morning trains loaded witn visitors and
ritirens were making quick trips to the
grounds until at , noun it was estimated that
the number reached over llvo thousand , who
were congregated at lliu point designated.
Two large Gulluway bU'Ci * , donated by Mr.
A. U. Matlhcw.s , of Kansas City , were roast
ed whole , in a pit dug fur the purpose ,
mid with Hit m twont.N opossums , forty sheep
mid half a do/on pi.-h. These wore well
cooked and served on tables arranged in a
rectangular form at winch thuni were over
llvo hundred ludiciuul gentlemen served at
n time. The tables worn clearul and filled
bomo five or six times , tlio ample provision
made being Mifllcimit for all. The bill of
faro consisted of roust bcof , roast opossum ,
roast mutton , lyird boileil o's ! , bread and
Imttur , pirklcB. fj/iy kegs of beer , nnd : iOU
g.ilioiib of cufl'ee. > J'io utmost good humor and
order orev.iilcd , evr rypnc cnjoyinj ; himself
or herself mosMhoio'ighly. During the repast
a mott pleafcunt fiMtnre wits the pei formanco
of beautiful music by the iwyhni band of
Jjodgii City , who played a nutijacr pf
selections from somn of the best
At the coiu'lusion of the feiist.t.ic
around the grand bland to listen to appropn
ate addresses mailn by Mi-Hiro. ,1'ihn S. An
drews , of Fort Worth , Texas , Iev.
Myron W. Heed , Wolf Londoner , Drum
Major O. W. Potter , of the cow boy bn'id ,
and others. Tlio uildrobses WLTO parlmont
to the occasion and nt times exceedingly
witty. Thnto of Messrs. Hucdand Londoner
especially so , and all expressed the warmest
feelings for the visitors.
At a meeting -of the International Uango
iiCBOclntion , directors ImU' last evening the
following executive committee was chosen :
President , I. ' 1. D. Andrews , of Texas ; Fine
P. Earnest , of Colorado , and Governor O. A.
Hvdloy , of New Mexico. The delegates and
n largo number of visitors will leave for
homo to-morrow and Ihus will close ouo of
Ih'j greatest jubilees ever witnesicil in the
woatern country.
The rii-rtt Meeting.
Ixin.A.Njirof.iH , hid. , .March.HI.Tii . < ! Orst
American , conference of the Woman's Mis-
slcpury Society of Friend' asf.ernWcd here
to-tlay. . . '
1 ilUulVJuOJlOlO llUl Ju J
For Liberal Reforms Unclor the Emperor -
poror Rovivod.
Complete Oonfldouoa of the Emperor
in the Great Minister.
, *
Changes In Fronoh Political Parties
Causes Grave Approhonslons.
Confidence of the German People In.
Pence Protests IMxnp-
f AiniicHiy Decree By
the Kmpcror.
Received With ICtitluinlnNin.
lV > j/rlo/ilfil | / JSM ItlYcu' ; Yoih Affoctutnl I'rwx.1
DniiMx , March 31. The emperor slept
eight hours last night almost without n
break. His ofllcial work to-day was unus
ually prolonged. In the afternoon ho took a
drive lasting an hour , nnd was received with
enthusiasm and ringing hurrahs along the
route. The weather was extremely mild.
The carriage was driven slowly and the cm-
poror was fully seen. Ho looke'd well , tho.
only trace of his Illness being n waxy com
plexion. Despite the semblance of health
and increased power , the German expert
opinion is that the disease will have an early
and fatal termination is still unaltered.
Tlio progressist hopes for the speedy Introduction -
troduction of liberal reforms under Kinperor
Fredericic , though chilled by the Bismnrcklan
tone of his proclamation , nave been revived
by the prospects of the prolongation of hid
life. The conservative papers the
say pro
gressist programme overlooks the permanent
physical disability of the emperor , nnd the
fact that nt the last council of ministers nnd
other high officers of state , after Bismarck
hn-1 stated formally his homo and foreign
policy , the emperor intimated entire acquies
cence nnd complete confidence In the grcatj , ,
minister. "
The sudden change in the position of the
French political parties has reawakened ap
prehensions for the Immediate future. Bou-
langcr is now felt to bo no spectral shadow ,
but a substantial force , thrcnteningtliopcnco
of Europe. If the dissolution of the chamber
produces a strong Boulnngcr party , it will betaken
taken here us equivalent to a popular vote for
war , and the convenience of Uio French to
begin it will not be awaited. The entire press'
of the country realises the danger of the po
sition. The Nntioiial Zeitung hopes the cham
ber of deputies will yet find n way to save
the state from the war party , but dispairs of
the republic unless President Carnet can ob
tain n strong ministry , having u programme
of peace. No paper in Germany or Austria ,
however radical , 1ms the slightest sympathy
with the Boulnngcr movement. The temp
orary confidence of the German people In
Russian peace protests Is vanishing. Au-
thoritivo dispatches pronounce Uussian ac
tion imminent.
The emperor's amnesty degree has been is-
sued. The offenses to which it applies are :
Insulting the sovereign , crimes nnd misdemeanors -
demeanors in the exercise of civil rights , in
sulting or resisting ofllcers of the law , dis
turbing public ordci , press offenses , Infrac
tions of law of public meetings , etc.
Berlin Hiunll Tnllc.
ICiipurluht I8SS liu Jamr * Gnrilun named. ]
Buuu.\ , March : tl. [ New York Herald
Cable-Special to the Bun.--Fresh ] details
about the floods demonstrate that previous
descriptions of the calamity under , rather
than over-stated it. There was one amusing
feature in the fact that n special correspond
ence of n German paper , who , beihg lazy , it
is said , siiu ply translated u flood scene from
one of Bret Harto's stories , ran in a few
local names and got credit for a big boat in
being the first reporter at the seat of war.
American personals'are not plentiful. Mrs.
Dr. Stuckonburg leaves Berlin for America
on the -Ith to collect money for the American
chapel here. Mrs.
Cleveland , who was a
member of the congregation during her stay
in Berlin , has charge of the building fund
ami will assist Mrs. Stuckcnburg in collecting
for this fund. On
ing the same steamer go
Colonel L. P. Slebelt mid daughter and Mrs.
Judge Fuller and daughters for New York ,
fflAinong those leaving Berlin for Italy are
Mrs. General Turnbull , of San Francisco ;
Mrs. 11. H. Shlverick and the Misses Curtis
and Moore of Biooklyn , N. Y.jMr. E. L.
Parry , of Cincinnati , with Miss Calno , of
Nashville ; Miss llannoy , of Altoona , Pa , ,
and the Misses OiTonnan , of Brooklyn , N. Y.
Among the arrivals are Mrs. Frank John
son , of Oakland , Culu. , daughter of the late
Comstock millionaire , Williams ,
Two drawings donu by the crown prinro
for charity sold recently at auction for SCO
and 103 marks respectively.
The Idea of building n cathedral in Berlin i
ns u national inomu. : nt to the dead kutscr Is I
rousing much irritation among Catholics. ' ,
v A ti'oop of Kti slans who -f'erc refused ad-
"mil * .uieo tojjio United States passed through
Berlin recently en route..for Hussln. The
Frame announces wltlupride the arrival in
Germany of live bpeclmcns of that delicious
American fish , "black bass. "
A slbtor of the late sultan of Zanzibar is
married to a German and lives in Germany
with her uon , who is a possible throne claim ,
unt. f
It will bo four to eight weeks before Kaiser
Willinm's head ceases to bo stamped on Pen * .
flu's coinage , The new dies era in the cu *
graver's hands ,
Severe StorniH In Arkansas.
WAIIIIBK , Ark. , March 31 , A bevere Menu
prevailed here to-day. The colored Baptist
church was demolished Und great damage
donq in burrounding county , although no re
port * o ( Ion * of life huvv been rcceivt