Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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The Stonecutters Will Strike on
Monday Noxt.
Foloy'u Derensc-AirAlmnrtonccl TrAinp
Uolnga In the Courts Ueoklcss
Mnrksmoti Oilier Inter-
csllriR News.
The Stone Cnttcrs Out on Monday.
On next Monday the stone cutters of this
city will walk out of the yards nnd oft the
Jobs upon which they nro engaged , because
the contractors of this city have decided tenet
not acccdo to the demand made upon them
by their men. This demand was made last
February to take effect on the 1st of April.
It exacts CO cents per hour for eight hours
work , or ft per dny. Last year they worked
nine hours per day at n maximum price of
45 cents per hour , or M.03 per day. The tlo-
mand , therefore , Is for the name wages , less
G cents , for eight , as was last year paid for
nine hours work. There wcro a few excep
tions to the wages last year where less proll-
clcnt men were paid but 40 cents nn hour.
In conversation with i boss stone cutter this
morning the Unn reporter was told that the
bosses would have been willing to accede to
the demands of their employes If the latter
would consent to work at the old rnto until
the jobs contra ted for last year were
completed. Hut the Journeymen would
not ncccdo to * ho request. The same
state of affairs existed In Kansas , where ,
besides , thcro was the question of appren
tices nnd n disposition , It Is alleged , on the
part of the men to run things to suit them-
Delves. The boss stonecutters of that place
called n convention of parties In the same
business In the states of Missouri , Kansas
nnd Nebraska which was held In Kansas
City n few days ago. It was attended by
eighteen firms as follows : Dugan Cut
Stone company , M. Duulop , David Pullman ,
A. Sutcrmclstcr , Erath , Thym & Co. , Kan
sas City Cut Stone company , Kansas City ,
Mo. ; Cuthbcrt & Saigent , George II.
Evans , George W. Bussey , Topeka ,
Kan. ; Frommer. Scmplo & Co. ,
Atchlson , Knn. ; w. IJruce , St. Louis.
Mo. ; Drcxol & Foil treasurer , A. Schall ,
13cnJ. Mclquist , Omaha , Ncb.T. ; 1C..Camp
bell , Leavcnworth , Knn. ; Hettigor Bros &
Co. , Strong City , Kan. ; L. P. Santy & Co. ,
Clements. Kan. ; Simmons & Urown , Cottonwood -
wood Falls , Kan.
A Foil , of this city , was elected treasurer.
The name of the new society is the Cut Stone
ilrms of the Missouri Valley association. The
firms represented give employment to about
1,000 men. The following resolutions wcro
adopted :
1. That wo asiert our right to employ
workmen regardless of their being members
of societies or not.
2. That wo assert our right to fix the com
pensation of labor , nnd to pay workmen ac
cording to their usefulness , and according to
the amount of labor they can perform.
8. AVe shall not tolerate any authority In
our yards but our own.
4. Wo shall cut stone ( and if required set
it ) to anybody and nt any building where it is
5. Overwork , when needed , shall bo paid
for at the rate of duy work.
5. That for the year 1SSS , stone cutters
shall bo paid according to their proficiency ,
but In no case more than forty-live cunts per
7. That wo assort our right to employ as
many apprentices as we may doom proper.
These resolutions wcro posted in nil the
stone yards in tno city yesterday and ns
a consequence of the determination contained
in them , the 110 stonecutters in this city will
refuse to work on next Monday. It is ex
pected that more members will soon Join the
association. Its next convention will bo held
in this city on the 'JOtli of next July.
Union Replies to tlio Manifesto of
the Contractors.
The following communication , addressed
to the editor of this paper , explains itself :
All the bricklayers of the city of Omaha
have read , in the Tuesday nioimng's papers ,
the resolutions adopted , as stated , by the
Brick Contractors' union , and all of us know
that thcro nro some names on their roster
that are not brick contractors at all. As
Journeymen the principal contractor. * of the
city would not employ them nt all. They
to the " " mid thoroughly
cnmo city as "Jours" being
oughly incompetent ns bricklayers , they
turned contractors ( ? ) to make a living. Kep-
utablo contractors are willing to embrace
them so as to increase the membership of
their organbation in order to mis
lead the public as to their strength.
They hnvo tried by all means in their
power to show to the public that they have n
membership of forty-live linns. Likewise
they have thu names of sever.Uflims whohavo
been out of the city for some time and are
unwilling to enter into the contest. There
also appears on the list the names of two
Harry Juckson and James Hitter who a few
years ago were very glad to nslc the members
ol the bricklayers' union to help them to
build the homes that they now live in , on
Sundays after the men had been at work all
the weok. They did BO without pay and they
wore promised that the favor would bo re
turned at some future time. Is this what
they meant , and is thistho occasion ) Veelly ,
they are returning the compliment with u
The president of the contractors' union
says they have done all they could to satisfy
the demands of the bricklayers' union , and
that wo would make no concessions , which
ho knows to bo fnlso , for wo have only mot
them on one occasion , and that was when
our demands wcro made known to the con
tractors. Ho also states that the contractors
never tried to institute any kind of a boycott
on the members of the bricklayers' union to
prevent them from buying any brick or other
material. Wo can provo the falsity of that
asset tlon. lo you want our proof I
Thoylmvo also tried to get the contractors
who have been working their men eight
hours to discharge them and shut down their
work. Ifktliis statement is doubted , let them
call their roll and ask if it Is not a fact that
one of their number was politely asked to
lave the otllco of ono of the contractors who
Is working clghl hours , with the statement
that ho could run his business without his
( the association contractors' ) assistance. No ,
they nro being victimized nnd mis-stated by
the bricklayers. They are much too honest
nnd too fond of fair play to consider for a
moment any such dealings. Would it not bo
nice if the public would only believe this !
And not this alone , hut that tno bricklayers
are an unreasonable oand ignorant ] body of
men , who don't know when they are doing
well , and foolish enough to bo handled by
the contractors' very honorable body !
It is useless to continue denying all this ,
but wo wish to say that wo are out for a
reasonable demand , for no higher wages , but
nt a SAcrJflco each day , and nro willing to
work the season through nt our terms and no
other. They are these : Wo received offers
from the contractors to work this season at
f5 for nlno hours. Wo merely wish to ptart
the eightlhour law for Omaha and nro will
Ing to work for 1.50 par day. Is this reason
nblo or noli
The bricklayers' union Js getting tired of
newspaper talk. It was commenced by the
contractors and for what purpose ! What
good have they done by so doing I They have
probably interested the public with ordinary
tcadlng matter , but not the proper kind to
induce them to assist them In their light , be
cause every statement they inalto has not the
found of fairness or Justice about It. Wo are
satlsflcd that wo presented our demand as
gentlemen , and have berne onrsolvcs ns such
since. W ° have always been ready to meet
them , but have never had the privllego but
0111:0. In their jcsolutlous the honorable
body states that they hau ) tried to settle nu
merous times the dllllculty , have offered lib
eral wages , nnd have made them other bus- !
ucss-liku propositions , which wcro rejected.
This is all buncombe. They have never made
nny manner of attempt to settle the striUo ,
und never but once have wo received any
" buulness-llko proposition , and that was to
ticcopt our demand for tuck pointing ,
llro-prooling , and cleaning .down of fronts ,
eta After accepting this , they further
etuto they can pay but 60 cents per hour for
work , which is in direct opposition to their
former offer to us , inado public by themselves -
selves , which wo have on fllo for future ref
erence. Froln this song they sn | { ? of pasplng
demands and tyrannical rules ot the brick-
jayors , ono would imagine that they have br-cn
tbo slaves of thd bricklayers' union. They
charge us with bastt eiagceratio.n 'of points
t > f minor ImpoVtanco , etc. Now our plans-are ,
and lionest and'we asuno us-
distance t nevertheless It in bolng showered
upon tis from all over the country , nnd wo
wish to state that wo will stand by our de
mand , knowing that wo nro right , nnd nro
ready for the most exacting examination at
any time , and will not sacrifice any reason
able demand , whether It bo now or next fall ,
nnd wo intend to work eight hours , or none
nt nil. The public has been often asked to
assist ; but wo now ask of them , nro wo righter
or wrong ! Wo nro not creating trouble , wo
presented our demands honestly nnd early
enough for a settlement before the weather
would permit work to progress , nnd the matter -
tor has os'er since been open for debate.
We have never been approached In any man
ner , except as stated above , nnd through the
press. Now , nro wo to blnmo with nn dnmngo
to our city ! Would nny fnlr-mlnded citizen ,
after acting as wo hnvo done ! Would you.or
could you consent to bo crushed , Ignoredmis
treated in every form ! Are wo to receive nil
blame for what they may do , because they
wish to crush us to satisfy n petty spite ! Wo
think that wo look nt all points properly , nnd
arc assured that you will speedily say that
wo nro In the right. Wo hnvo advertised
that wo wore ready , competent and willing
to do nny work in our power not to injure
our city's advancement. We nro shut out
by the strongest boycott over gotten
up. A ring strongly backed by
architects und mnterlal furnishers.
Therefore the city is bound to suffer , but wo
do not fear with nil this opposition that our
cause is lost. Several of our members
hnvo gone nwny , but not abandoned us ;
nor has their going caused any damage
whatever. Wo nro yct-100 strong , peaceable ,
honest and capable mechanics , nnd nro de
termined to win our rights since wo are
forced to fight at all hazards. Now , In regard
to non-union men coming hero In nnswer to
the ndvcrtlsomcnts showered over the coun
try , they do not understand mnttcrs hero un
til they arrive , connng ns they do from sinnll
towns where ouiT" International union can
not roach them. Cut .they have not failed
when they nirlvo , nnd\tnko \ In the situation ,
to assist us in nil tlnlr power. Header , put
yourself in their place , ns honornblo men.
Could ydu come among us while wo are walk
ing Idle for our rights nnd fill our places )
Never ! Nor will thoy. It tnkcs the nerve
of n criminal 6f the deepest dye to do It ; not
In pity for us , but for our rights that are
threatened with being crushed. Their rights
nro ours. All that are not already membcis
of our union , nnd nro capable mechanics ,
wo initiate immediately ns brothers
among us. nnd nro glad to extend the
hand of fellowship to all such. There are
others who arc not mechanics whom wo can
not receive nnd do not wnnt. The contract
ors nro readily catching these last , nnd wo
wish them luck , but the citizens nnd owners
find what kind of talent is doing their work
when they compare it with what hns been
done in the past. Matters will speedily
como to the proper settlement. Omahn , has
always had among the finest nnd best me
chanics in the United States , and such men
know their rights and know when they are
properly treated , and are as capable of con
tracting for the heaviest nnd most compli
cated work as any contractor in the city ,
and have attempted to do so , but have met
with defeat on all sides by the well-organised
ring before mentioned. It is all n petty
strife and cnn never amount to anything , ns
wo nro supported by nil wo need , and could
not possibly gut nny assistance if it was not
in the rights of Justice.Br.irKr.ATrnt'j
Br.irKr.ATrnt'j UNION.
A number of the contracting bricklayers
met yesterday in their room in the Paxton -
ton building and answered a number of let
ters which they imd received from brick
layers in other parts of the country who
are desirous of coming hero to work at S4.50
for nine hours work. Ono of the letters on
the pile was shown to the reporter
and told that the writer had
secured sixty men who wcro ready to bo
shipped nt any moment. The contractors
said it was no longer a question ns to how to
got men , but to prevent moio coming hero
than can bo accommodated with work. They
further claimed that they have now em
ployed all the men they can give work to ,
and dcsiro the public to understand that they
nro ready to bid upon any work which may
bo in contemplation , nnd will guarantee that
it will bo speedily completed.
It was annouriced authorativcly that Con
tractor Noreross , who is now constructing
the now life insurance company's building
on Kurimm street , will arrive hero in n few
days nnd that ho will bring with him forty
bricklayers , whom ho has engaged for the
season , who have agreed to work at the rnto
of 50 cents per hour.
Do Not Need Pollen.
To the People nnd Citizens of OmnhaVo :
notica police protection has boon asited for to
protect scab jobs f i om harm of union brick
layers. I wish to say this is uncalled for and
: i scheme to create public opinion ngalnst us.
We in o gentlemen nnd hope to show to nil
that wo arc , ns wo have douo in the past.
Having entered into this struggle for our
rights , -\vo intend to hold out in u manner
compelling all fuir-mindcd people to extend
us the hand of friendship. Wo know wo
hnvo the sympathy and good will of the press
and all loading citizens , who tire ready to con
demn the combination of contractors formed
to crush us merely foru potty spite and in do-
inir so nro harming our c-ity to an immeaursa-
blo extent. Our demands wcio prcscnted'nnd
wo have boon ready at any time to discuss nnd
nrrango .settlement , but have been ignored.
They claimed they would not figure until
they knew our demands , fearing they would
bo extortionate. After lemning them they
rofusd to accept , and begin hand in hand
with the architects and none know but
themselves how extortionate their prices are ,
but feel satlslled they are largo enough to
assist if not pay all the costs of the strike on
their part. Fully two and a half months ago
our demands were presented to them , which
gave- them all advantage over us and they
have proven themselves to bo over icady to
tnko every advantage in their power. Wo
have nothing to do but fight , knowing wo
cannot fail as wo ask nothing but what is
right between man und man. Thanking the
press nnd public at largo for kindly sympathy
extended to us in our time of need , wo finally
ask them to bo prepared for nny other under
hand work that mny bo sprung against us by
this combination , and remember wo are over
ready to do our duty in our line of business
to nnyvlshing work done in our line , or ns
gentlemen to our many friends. Our union
respects law nnd order nnd the chief of police
and assistants far too highly to c.uiso them
trouble. Thcyalkknow this , for wo have
ever wished the respect of all nnd well know
this last" schema to cnuso public opinion
ngalnst us is n failure nnd do not fear but
what any other they attempt will bo also.
With great icspcct , LKIS FUO T ,
President Urlcklaiers' Union.
Dlelmlil Safes.
Menphor & Loachgon'l , ngonts for the
DioboUl safes , luivo removed to 419 S.
15th , where they nro carry. IIIR n largo
Btoul : of all klmlH of safes.
How n 1'roflluato May IJOSG thu
ol'Fat her nnd Molliur.
The Unu yoatorday published u telegram
from nn Iowa correspondent detailing the
shocking death of utrnmp who wan supposed
to have resided hi Omaha. 15y n diligent
search yesterday n HKIS reporter found
the parents of the miserable young man.
They reside in ono of the most
respectable thornughfnrcs of the city and nro
themselves well known and respected by all
to whom they are known. Thole name Is
withheld , bccauso they Itcciily feel the nils-
fortune which hns attended their wayward
son , The father seemed in no way pained at
the announcement of his son's death , and
the mother displayed less emotion than
perhaps might hnvo been expected. The fact
wa& that the hearts of both had uoen stcolcd
against the boy , who both claimed had been
n t amp for fourteen years , Ho never
learned a trade , was always intractable ,
would not work , drank to excess , was im
prisoned for it and never sought other than
vicious and dcprnvcd associates. When ho
tired of ono place ho moved to another , either
on foot or by means of stolen rides upon the
cars , iho last of which waa attended by his
horrible death , The icmains will Ho where-
they wcro interred.
Swift nun ItetAllon
The contract to build the new cold-storage
and retail meat house of Swift , the well
known jwckerof South Omaha , was let yes-
tcrday n.nd work will bd commenced Im
mediately. The building will be 100x50 fcot ,
two-stories and a basement in heteht. und be
Vfutll of piv > scd brick nud Sioux I.i1ls gratii
illIt'will bo located on the corner of
TMrtecmU and Lea > cnwortb. streets , . .
They nro Not Drunkards ns Sonic
A Ben reporter yesterday met CapJ
tnln Foley , the Pinkerton ofllctnl In
charge of the specials who nro guard
ing the property of the B. Si M. in
this oily. This gentleman declares
that the men over whom ho Is placed nro
gentlemen In every particular , nnd thnt ttie
chnrgea mndo thnt nny of them hnvo been
drunk nro untrue , ns they nro constantly
under his supervision , Ho nlso denies thnt
nny of his men over stopped anyone on the
Eighth street crossing and says the reports
concerning nny case of misconduct on their
part have been put In circulation by officials
nnd others who nro merely Jcnlous of his
force. "Wo nro , " snld Captain Foley , "hero
not to do nets of violence , but to protect the
men In the employ of the B. As M. nnd to pro
tect the property of the company. Wo
nro annoyed somewhat , it is true ,
by crowdsvlio congregate on
the trncks of the Union Pacific nnd In the
streets nnd who use very indecent language ,
but unless nets of violence nro attempted wo
do not pay any attention whatever. "
Cnptnln Foley denies the statement thnt
the Lincoln troublewns caused by Pinkerton -
ton men , nnd says ho has not n man nt the
state capital , and never has except when
they went through on the trains. Ho was
reinforced yesterday by flvo men from
McCook , who hnvo been In charge of Mr.
Watson. They report no trouble of nny
kind nnd say that everything nlong the line
is quiet , nothing having occurred beyond put
ting sonp in n few of the tanks of the engines
to annoy the now engineers.
Arrested For Assault.
Thomas S. Egnn , ono of the ox-switchmen ,
complains of being brutally assaulted by ono
of the Pinkerton gang nbout 11 o'clock yes-
tordny forenoon. Ho says ho was on his wny
to dinner at the tlmo nnd wns crossing the
trncks on Eighth street when ho was approached
preached by a squad or the ofilcers who
stopped him and one of them remarked , "You
have been traveling up and down hero teed
d often. " Egan remarked ho guessed ho
knew his own business , when the Plnkcrton
man sclrcil him by the coat and said : "Go
back the wny you came , you . "
Egan again refused to go when one of the
Pinkerton men struck him a terrific blow
over the head with his club thnt knocked him
down , Eiran repaired to the police station
and swore out n warrant for the urrcst of the
fellow who struck htm. Ha was folloxvcd
into the station by a number of the Pinkcrton
men , who us soon as they saw the warrant
sworn out returned to the depot and told the
offender of it. Ho Immediately took alarm
and went to the police station nnd surrendered
himself. His trial wns fixed for Monday nt
2 p. m. The Plnkcrton men suy that their
reason for striking Egan is that ho is a foulmouthed -
mouthed follow und bungs around the depot
Thomas Killcn nnd Thomas Gaufrhcn , of
North Bend , brought in two oars of cattle.
There wns a Chicago fire on a small scale
Thursday night , but the lire was confined to
the Chicago housewhich was somowlnit badly
damaged. Two members of the lire company
responded to the call , but they forgot to
bring the hose cart nlong , nnd it de
volved upon Billy ICearns , Frank Povonlla ,
nnd Marshal McCracken to snvo Iho build
ing. They saved it with a bucket brigade ,
nnd now Whisky Jack is looking around for
S200 which , ho claims , belongs to htm , and is
invested in the building. "One-Eyed Kiloy"
was knocked off a ladder during the dis
turbance , but recuperated in the nearest sa
Fifty lots wcro sold to the building associ
ation by J. L. Hitohlmrt for $15.000 yesterday
nnd lenders nro witnted for fifty cottages
to bo sold on the installment plan.
Michael Ennis ( no relation to John ) was
picked up in the mud nnd run in on
n chui-cro of drunkenness. His explanation
was worth 1 und costs.
Eight saloon keepers met yesterday for the
purpose of settling what they should nsk
from the candidates for the mayoralty. Four
wanted high license and four didn't , and so
they adjourned.
The Third ward democrats mot
to endorse the nomination of John J. Donovan
van as councilman , nud they endorsed him.
The band of the A. O. II. was on hand to en
liven the proceedings , and Pat Ford , Thomas
Noonan , Councilman Loosener and Eddy
O'lJricn wcro there to entertain the electors.
Before the close , Candidate Donovan returned -
turned tunnies to the North Omaha friends
for their presence , and to his Third ward
friends for their support , nnd intimated that
ho wanted to see them nil on election day.
At 2 o'clock this nftornoon a meeting will
bo held at Pat Rowley's ' for the purpose of
nominating an independent labor ticket for
the coining city election. Everybody in
A surprise , when smoidn 1 "Soidon-
uerg Figaro" forSo you will Ilncl it a I0c
cigar. Ask your dealer for them.
Sonic KoailB Will Hcsumo the Old
Union at Onco.
Telegrams received at Union Pacific head
quarters state that all roads loading from
Missouri river points to Chicago , except the
Chicago , Burlington & Quincy , will resume
rntcs on April 1. The Union Pacific has no
tified Its agents of this action.
J. W. Morse , formerly the general passen
ger nnd ticket agent of the Union Pacific , was
a culler nt headquarters lust evening. Mr.
Morse is in a vary healthy condition and says
ho is perfectly happy.
Erastus Young , auditor of the Union Pn-
cilic , accompanied by A. C. Powell , secretary
of the Midland trust und guarantee company ,
loft with their families last night in a special
car for a trip through New Mexico and Cali
Dilipowder never varies. A marvel of purl-
ty.s ronuthand wlioUnnma'iqsi. Mora econom
leal tlunthe ordinary kinds , and cannot tinsoln
Incomptitltlonultn thH multitude of low test ,
ihort wulKhtuliiiuor phosphate powders. Sold
onlv ip cnIH lloval liaklnt' Powder COISO
Wallstreet.New York.
Esslly digested ; of Ilia finest flavor. Ahcarty
beverage fur a strong appetite ; a delicate drink
for the sensitive. Thoroughly tested ; nutittlousi
palatable ; unexcelled In purity ; no unpleasant
After uirert * . Requires nobolllnu.
BJ. O. WIl.ItllK- ; .SONS , .
'IT'S NOftUY , Y'KNOW. "
Ono of the
most popular
things over
Dill Nvo is his
brief descrip
tion of a por-
sonnl oxporlonco with a cyclone. The
nctunl ocnuiTonco which cnmo near costIng -
Ing him his life , anil the miraculous
moans of his euro , are given below :
Cyclones are of two kinds , via : The
dark maroon cyclone and the iron gray
cyclone with palo green mane and tall.
It wns the latter kind that I frolicked
with at the tlmo alluded to.
My brother nnd I wcro riding along
in the grand old forest , and I had just
been singing a few bars from the oporn
of "Whoop 'cm Up , Llzzio .Tana. " when
I noticed that the wind was beginning
to Bough through the trees. Soon after
that I noticed that I was soughing
through the trees albo , and I am really
no slouch of a sougher either when I get
The horse was hanging by the breech
ing from the bough of a largo butternut
tree , waiting for some ono to como and
pick him.
I did not sco my brother at first , but
after a while ho disengaged -himself
from a rail fence and came where I was
hanging , wrong end up , with my per
sonal ollects spilling out of my pockets.
I told him that as soon as the wind kind
of softened down I wished ho would go
and pick the horse. Ho did so , nnd at
midnight a party of friends carried mo
into town on a stretcher. It was quite
an ovation. To thinic.of a torchlight
procession coming away out there into
the woods at midnight and carrying mo
into town on their shoulders in triumph !
And yet I was once only a poor boy.
Mr. Nye received tlio warmest sympa
thies of the press , and to a personal
friend connected with the Chicago
Times , who wrote to him immediately
after , he replied as follows :
Hudson , Wisconsin.
My Dear : I've written a good
many letters relative to that blasted cyclone -
clone of mine , and I get madder anil
madder as the incident gets further and
further away. My leg is getting along
very well , but I shall not feel like going
on the stage /with / it. The knee is
swollen considerably , and it willbesomo
time before I can get my pink tights
over it.
It's knobby , but it's nice. "
I could play "Iliclyird III. " this win
ter , but I ciiirt appear as "Romeo. " It
wouldn't do to delay the balcony scene
for the purpose of rubbing St. Jacobs Oil
on my knee. The public would feel
justly incensed and the galleries would
make jeering remarks.
Sincerely yours , Bill Nyc.
Upon another subject Mr. Nye has
written as follows : 'rMy little daughter
recently burnt the pnlm of her hand
very severelyand after I had wet it well
\\ilii a remedy and put my handkerchief
on it she did not even cry. So I tried it
again the other day on the frozen check
of a little girl two years old. It worked
like magic The remedy is St. Jacobs
Oil , and is a mighty good thing to
have in the houso. I now believe if wo
keep the ten
c o m m a n d -
m nts and
this remedy
we will be
prosperous )
and happy. "
12 will buy a genuine
Homespun All Wool Suit ,
sizes fromIll ! to it , cnt-awny
or snck coat , In light grey
color , tlmt Is really worth ja ) .
Tlio suit Is well made and
biilvndld wearing goods.
\Vo mnko this ollor to In
troduce ourselves tothotrado
nnd In tlio fillino you \\lll
Hurt our liouto the bargain
center. Send your measure
nrouml bicnst under the
arms , and aimuul tlfo waiat
nnd clou n tlio Inside seam ot
< ba tlio pants , and wo ulll lit you.
You fan send money with otilei , or HO will
tend C. 0 , J ) by express
llifcrcnces : I'lrst National Dank , Omaha
or uny liiM-cliirH hotibo In Omalm.
% Omalia Seed House.
Itpnilqii.ilturn for l.andieth's Celebrated Seeds.
Plants , Cut Klouers and Floral de&lgus. b'eud
for catalogue.
W. II. FOSTER & SON , Proprietors
] ( iU2 Canitol Avenue.
E.T.Allen , M. D. ,
Homoeopathic Specialist.
BpettacldJ Accurately Prescribed
II. J , u-u.ilJn.ii i u >
. Surgeon and Physician *
OCBceN. W L'orncr 14th and IJouglai' t . OUc ( .
1 ' " ' 'f " '
' -
. . . .
No conception can be had without a visit to our store , of the immense'
variety of our stock and the low prices.we make. A few minutes inspect *
ion will demonstrate the factthat our assortment is unrivalled and thai
there is a great difference between our prices and those of other housec ,
You cannot afford to buy a spring suit or anything else in our line with
out first looking through our stock. We will prove to you that it is to
your interest to do so. Our large trade enables us to name the lowest
prices. We sell more clothing than any two houses in the city together ,
and necessarily buy more , and buying more , of course , buy cheaperanc $
consequently sell cheaper , and this is why you can buy the same quality
of goods of us for less money than in ony other store in the city.
For the Easter Ilolitlnya wo cnll attention to our $ oy's Clothing. This department we hnvo enlarged to
three times its former size , nnd the assortment wo show is simply immense. We offer some special bargains
for the holidays. Among other wo mention one lot of fine all worsted Knco Pant Snits at $3.00 , which are
worth fully § 0. Another splendid Jersey Suit at § 2.95 , which could not bo bought for elsewhere for less than
? 5. In Long Pant Suits , nnd suits for young men , wo show hundreds of styles in fine qualities at prices from
ono third or ono half lower than other houses.
The assortment in our Men's Furnishing department is on the same liberal scale , and Furnishing Good ? '
arc marked at the same smell percentage of profit as our clothing. The new shape neckwear we offer at Ific , 25o '
nnd 30c , you cannot buy for three times the amount elsewhere.
lu Hats wo hnvo no competition , for where exclusive hatters show one shape or style , wo show twenty at
least , and prices arc one-half. /
Everything marked in plain figures , cash and one price.
, ' \
Corner I4th and Douglas Streets. Omaha. 4
5 gi3B gS ' 'Si SiSP
N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodge Sta.
Be < t facilities , apparatus nnd remedies for sut
cessful treatment of every form of disease requir
ing Medical or Surgical Treatment.
Board and nttrutlnnce. best hospital accommo
dations in tlic west.
WUJTB rok CIRCULARS on Deformities am'
Braces , Trusses , Club 1'eet , Curvature of tin
Spine , Tiles , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh , Bronchitis ,
Inhalation , Electricity , Paralysis , Unilepsy , Kid
ney , madder , It > e , Har , bUii and Blood , aud all
Surgical Operations.
Diseases of Women a Specially.
All Blood Diseases successfully treated. Syph
ilitic Poison removed from the system without
mercury. New restorative treatment for loss ol
Vital I'ower. Persons unable to visit us may be
treated at home by correspondence. All commu
nications confidential. MerticmeBor Instruments
sent by tnnil or express , securely packed , no
marks to indicate contents or hcnder. One per
sonal interview preferred , Call and consult us or
heud history of your case , and we will scud in
plain wrapper , our
Vpon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , Im-
v-rtcncy , Syphilis. Gleet and Vaiicocelc , will ,
g-estion list. Address
Uinaha Sledlcal ami Surgical InttltuteOT
Cor. 13th and DodueStt. . OMAHA. NED.
H ml
Bowing Thread of Modern Tlmen.
. nv
KocH Dry Goods Co.
, H. SMITH A Co.
1'cAXTON. < ; .U.U.Uit ! : & CO.
1) ) . M. BTIill.U tV Co
JlAYPKJ , HllOS. '
" (
UIIAH. KINOKII. South Omaha , and all llrs
class retail dealers.
A. Uxm : New Vork Dry Goods More.
Percherons , Clydesdales and Hilre , nlfco home
bred coU ) Kvvry anliiuil guaranteed u breeder
Our stock has been selected with lefwncoto
both individual merit and pedigree. Foment
these hordes ha\e taken llrsi prue at the Ne
braska State Heir , 167 All our horses nro ac
climated , and colta of their net can be thawn.
1'rlcca reasonuble and easy t rms , Js aneestlble
the three leadlnu rallro.vUof thofitate , U. 4 ;
nC nutate Declln * and KUHCIOM | > | diior. ,
u il.-ilCurtdirilAouiKlomirhMeJiclotl.
> 1 < 1 Tf MtliiMBt fietca tppllculca.
At Auction on
Imported and Grade Perclierons.
Clydesdale & Cleveland Bays ,
And the Standardbred Stallion C. Ch
Anyone wishing information In regard to the Porcherons or C. C. , will plcnsu
address the Oregon llorso & Land Co. , Fremont , and for information regarding'
the Clydcs and Cleveland Bays , they will please address J. P. Million , Fremont ,
Twelve months time will bo given on Pcrchorons , C. C. and Oregon Ilorser
at 8 per cent interest , or 5 per cent discount for cash. On Clydcs and Clovolnnc
Bays , ono and two years time will bo given , at 8 per cent interest , of 6 per cent
discount for cash.
F. M. WOODS , Auctioneer.
Which la Ite'iny Foisted upon the Omvaru Purchasers as the Genuine lt.i
Joliann Hoff's Malt Extracr
. _ . . * mul Knell 8k label Drill ted III blllOT
mi jt-.t .tinn mi * n n Inn Cr\tTT"pv HMTI r l with flnrmnn
Aujcrlcuu beoriubu palmed off on tliuumviiry.
Joliann HofFs Malt Extract
278 , VSO & 2S2 GitKKNWWllS'lllEKT , and 100 WA11HEN
2fJW YOltK.
Solo Importers isnil Agents since IbOO , to counterfeit which Is FELONY.
In order to protect tlit-nnclTpa npalint linjioiltlon tlio public lire rc | ucstcfl to ipcclfr
Pure/ / ' Silver Gloss Gorn Starch. '
fl. .