Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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" "AdvcrtlsenicutstimTertliislioMl , 10 cents per
Jlno for the 4irst insertion. 7 cents for each sub-
Keo.ncnt Insertion , anil II M a line per month. No
mdvertUcment taken for Jess than i cents for
th flrst insertion. Beveti words Mill 1m count-
cil to the line ; they hiust run consecutively anil
Jmifttbei.ald In advance. . All advertisements
Jmist bo handed In before 12:31 o eloctc p. m. , and
.tinder no circumstance * will they bo taken or
Ul " .continued by tolcphonrf.
Parties advertising In these columns and liar-
Ine the answers addressed liicfinrof the Ilee.
wfllplearcaskforacneekto etiftljtothsm to get
their IcttiTs , as none will lx > delivered except on
liresentatlgn of check. All answers to advcr-
tlsoment * ) should be enclriscdlnenvalopci.
All advertisements In these columns are pill *
listed In both morning and evening editions of
tliO IlfO. Iho clrenlMlnnof which aggregate * )
jnpro than IfUM ) papers dally. and Rives the ad-
Verttsore thobonellt , not only of the city clrcnla-
t- tloil of the llee , Imt also of council HlulTs , Lin-
Cf coin and other cltli * and towns throughout this
r * X > art of the west.
Advertising for thene columns xvlll betaken ,
on the abbvu condlttous. at the following bus-
Unr * * * . house * , who are authorized agents for TUB
Ilr.K special notices ami will .quota the am
rates as ctm bo had at the main ofllco.
E > 33.axmaclat ,
. (20 S.lOUi Street.
. Stationers aiad. . '
J13 B.lCth Street.
e. i
33a.cxrm.sxclat ,
2115 Cumlng Slreot.
or.o. w.
? ta.oja3a
1EW 81. Mary's Avenue.
IPlxcxmaacict ,
IClh an-1 Webster Streets.
3STc-wa 3Doalcx ,
Font Onice , South Omaha.
VrANTKD A peed baker at once , Star bak
cry , 13th andV street , Lincoln , Neb , 233-4
ANTKO-Sltuallon by , n Danish barber
speaks a llttlo Kngllsh. Address K. 3. Hci
Qlllcc. gll lj
WANTED-r-Bltuatlon lu copyist br ft younj
lady. Address II. li. 3. , 2320 Franklin st.
city. 213 sot
_ _
ANTKl ) tmuatlon for a young man (22) ( )
experienced stenographer , typewriter nm
bookkecpor nnd good pcniuun. Good refcrcncea
Also situation for a young man as bnr tendei
Good reference. State Employment olllcn. 141
I'arnam St. . room 11. _ 310 31 *
T\7"ANTKl > llyn well-educated , mlddle-agci
T T married num. a situation as bookkeope :
ortrax-ellng Halcmnan. llofereucos given. . Ad
dress K. Ml , lluuoiiice. _ 214 ill'
WANTED Position as bookkeeper or office
man by one of experience , best of refoi
once. Address U na. Iteo. _ ! XK ) 0
WANTED Position us bookkeeper , undei
stands shorthand aud typowritlnu. E K
Pee. 177 1 *
" \XrANTKD--SUuatlon for llm-class womai
r cook In hotel or rcstaui ant ; can dogooi
Work and wants peed wages ; have alba lotso
nice girls coming from the cast every day win
urn looking forgeueral housework ; nnyonewh
can not bu Bulled from my olllce must bo vor
liardioploaao. Mrs. llrcga , 010 8. 15th , tel. K > i
A NTKD-Sltuatlon by lady as copyist o
clerk ; refeicncosglxen. AUilroiS IS 47. Ue
offlco. '
SITUATION wanted by n young lady ted
sewing by duy or week. Address SMtW Bew
nrd at. 051 80 *
WANTED Position as bookkeeper or clerk
reference furnished. Address r 0 , Ue
onico. _ 300-JJ
WANTKD A watchmaker ; must be a Jew
aler , to work in a loan olllco business o
half profit , at Lincoln , Nub. The best locatlo
i n the city. Must have hLs own tools. Addtes
II . Qoldwater , im North Uth at. , Lincoln ; Neb.
\TTAN TKD-Agonts to sell the Mo. Sloan
TY Washer It will pay Intelligent men ani
women seeking prolllablo employment to wrl t
for my llluslrulcd circular and terms for till
celebrated w atlier , Why dots It pay to act as m
agent ? HitcausuariiumeulHln its favor are s
uuincrous and convincing that talcs nio mad
without dllllculty. Bunt on two weeks' trial n
my expense , for return if not satisfactory. I
W.orth , sole m'f'r , 171Q Franklin ave. , St. Luul :
\T17ANTKD-A Tllorat M. HroclKy , 70(1 ( S 101
TI street. 21130J
\X7ANTKO A reliable , genteel man wllh ej
IT perlimco In EoXVlllngiiiMiranco ; good ii
come , pleasant location near Omaha ; a marriei
man picferrud. Address K 72 , lleo olllcn.
_ _ j
V\7ANTKD-Man and wife for farm , no c-hllC
'T ' it-ii ; Islnglomantooikonfium ; 2cai
VttHscrs. Omaha Emp. Duicau , II'JN 10th Bt. Tc
1112. * JJ3iiO
' \\7ANT15D Two good coat makers at once a
T t James Laibun , Mlndon , Nub. 21131 *
SALESMEN Wanted 1'ivo traveling sale'
men ; salary and expenses ; no uxpcrlenc
necessary. Address wlthalump , Palmer & Co
Wlnoiia , Minn. 207 b *
TX7ANTEI- good c-oat makers. Apply to 11
i' llorwln , Hcatrlcu , Nub. , or como linmed
lately. 208 St
T\7ANTEO A compelent drug clerk , must b
11 a good druggist and hnvo some knowl
odf.o of bookkeeping , gl\o rofuienccs. Addres
y , A. 1'rawluy , Slioiiisbuig , Nub. SM 1 *
\\7ANTED-Solicltors , 4 per cent , f3 per ihv
IT KuaianH'od ; good man for faun woik ,
miles out of city. CallatClty Inlulligunco olllce
cor. ICth nmTDouglus sta , 201 31
" \A7ANTED Paper hangers at Muiray hotel
\ , \ TNTii : ) A good wultor. Loulo & MI-IK , 62
\ \ and527 , Hioadwny Council Hlulld. 1IHJ
\\7ANTEi ) - Immediately , 2 tlrst-clai' '
Tl draughtameu. ! ' . M. Kills , archltecl
room 10 , lltown block. 17(1 ( WJ.
WANTKlr-81ilrt8ulesman ut Omaha Shir
I'uctory , auS N. lOlh. 100 31
\\7ANTKD-A ftiw more solicitors in lown
t T MtgHimri. NnbraKka , Dakota und Mlnnc
tola. Mut ) maRu u cash di-poalt of fionndglvi
Security for go6da shipped ; salary JJ per day
Address George S. Cllnis. Dus Moluos , la. . Wat
tier block. 14U-31
T\7ANTKD Pinti-class watchmaker : poeT
T wogea ; steady einploymont. Kdholm .
\T7"ANTI5D Carpoulors ; nil members of Ma
' J hall fulurduy uVenltiK. Don'l fall ; ini
y irtnnl luialin'i.a. 145 30
\\7ANTKI ) Man To lake the iigcncy of ou
T l Bales ; M'.o xUxll ) luchus ; welghlfWO Ibs.
rtUtl pru-o * .V } . ' other hUus in proportion , j
rare chancu to inate n permanunt liiiHlness a
home. 'IhesoMifesmoei u demand never be
foio supplied by other biifu w
nre not governed by thu bafu pool. Alpine Suf
Ct ) . , Clnclnnut | . o. W77A15J
- - - . .J ) A few persons In each place to d
. light writing. EnclobUbtamptor&O-pag
liook of pnitlenlare to J. H. Woodbuiy , Albauj
h : tv-"ft-1 >
\yANTl'.n.-Aftw intelligent men whocand
T good work for good pav. Apply wit
i-cfeiencu , P. p , Collier , loom W , Helimiiii'build
I"B. *
> 107-31
_ _ _ _ _ _
\ 7ANTED Agoodsihoolbpyor voung m
11 and liorsa to carry a mute on Us'lv ' EMI
Ing lleo near purk , Apply tit lleo 01
CK'between ' Hand ll ) ra\
AGKNT8 wanted to take cxcliuUeiighls t
tell ihii fiiitest billing mtlclu uveriuudi
Address J. li. Wolfe 4 Co. , 1'remonl , Neb.
171 a8
_ _
\'ANTl'D- > li'n for ralh or.dw ork , Albimht'
Lubor agrucy , 1120 rarnum. 6w )
J 0 VS-A m. DUt7"a'eirco71304 Doiiglas.
* "
rV SiT,1.511 I'adyTge"i7ls to tell the Mmli
' ! , lllB 'bon " > i > st. Liberal teims Wll
-1 1BS > SUlh st" pt
. glrlo ceucial ? . house work ; !
- .
jrijujp jj. , coo ,
" gills. 3 coolca. !
pici\ait , la. , In hole ]
liuicau , no N put si
_ . . rai3o
Jgi.generul home ork. 'lCalePKCe0uncdy'lilN ! ] !
tOl 17-J30
at lulernuiiohal Ktnp
DoUto st. T loiiloii M.
u ni
- aoofl kitchen frtrln. 4 dlnlnc-
WANTED-Two Dakota ; cook for CnlberN
non. Neb. : nice Rtrl to work on n farm for an
old lady and rion : elderly Cathollo woman to
< rep house for widower with 3 children ; 2 girls
to help in kitchens 1 for Plattimouth and a ) for
general housework. Mrs. llrcga , 318 8 , 15th.
1P6 30
A reliable cook nnrt washer
woman toco to Bcoshom agency. Will
pay $2Ti per month , nnd pay halt expense * ! out
there. Give a permanent Bltua.'lon to compe
tent person. Addresi L. 11. Shepherd , Arlington ,
\\7 ANTKD-dood girl for general housework
atsni3Cumlngst. _ KH31 *
" \\TANTF.D-Lndy agents , "A" skirt and bus-
IT He combined and H hose supporters , llolh
now. Ills rroflts. Secure towniforfsprlnRtrado.
Ladle * ' Supply Co. , 287 W. Washington St. , Chi
cago. _ CIO A 6
A OOOUtallorcss wanted , mint understand
-ex tailoring In every Hue , good wacei paid ;
steady work. H. Pamuel.s. Now York Tailor ,
IMh si. . Herald bulldmg. _ 101 31 *
\X 7ANTKD-Good girl , Oernittu preferred ,
Y\ Douglas St. _ 12830
Uood girl nt 1610 Dodge st.
ANTKD-S 'family dressmakers. " must
cut. III and drape well and make over
dresses : will not pay extravagant wages. Mrs.
llrcga , 310 B rstli Bt , 2:17 : 3U
Good woman for rjcneral housework -
WANTKD tn family. Must bo llrst-claii
laundrosn. Wages , $1 per week. Apply HXW
California. 11 > 3
\VANTKD-Glrl for kitchen. $15 : girl forcea-
V > cral housuwork. Council Ilium , W.M ) ;
chambermaid , city , 115 ; cook and dlnlngroom
girl tor hotel. South Omaha , tl ; Sweclo girl for
general housew ork , 1 1. Call nt City I ntolllgonco
oIllQo. ISO 8 15th St. . nuxt to postonfco. 20J 31
\XfANTKD A few more lady solicitors' In.
V > , lownt of Ip n and Nebraska. Must make
a cash deposit of JIO and glvo security for goods
shipped , salary HA per month. Address Gcorgo
S. Ollne , Dos Molncs , la. , Wagner block. luO Jl
ANTIiU-llulton hole makars , 1113 1'Arnam
W Bt. 010 30p
- . to worKfor
a wholesale house on needlework at their
homes. ( Sent any distance. ) Oood pay can bo
made. Kvorylhliiff furnished. Particulars
free. Address Artistic Needlework Co. , liiBlh
bt. . New York City. 8K3
WANTKD-A few educated andrcllnctl ladies
and centlcmon to show an article of pen-
nine merit , nt $2.000 per year. J. II. Carse , uiS
llroadway. Council HlulTB. Ibwa. 100-5
- , experienced nur o plrl.
WANTHD-Good right party. 2303 tit. Mary's
ave. VII
Employment olllco , male nnd Co-
CANADIAN sent to all parts If faro Is ad
vanced. Ilefcroncc. Omaha National bank.
Mrs. Ureea & Sou , 310 S. 15th. Tel , SSI.
48-i a 14
- ' wantliiK their
WANTKD-I'artlea bill made , at small ex
panse , pleaio adilress 1370 , Ueo , 200 5
1,000 ladles and gentlemen to try
WANTKD ! ut the 1'auious restaurant , 31U
Bouih nth st. goiia *
To contract with some farmer for
WANTED S3 to GO cows. A contract to run
for a period of years. Address KW. lieu olllce.
Stocks of diy goods , merchandise
nnd groceries to exchange for Omaha
houses or farms.
Wanted Improved farms for Omaha prop
erty.Wnntod Stock of goods in Nebraska towns
for Omaha property.
J. II. Walts , Chamber of Commerce ,
| .KM
WANTIJO Some good applications for clly
loans to show Jo one of my eastern cor
respondents who will bo hero soon. D. V.
Sholcs , room 1 , Marker block. 311
ANTP.D Good real estate listed with me.
C. F. Harrison , 418 S. 15th st. 315
Parties who have boueht lots or
WANTKD this city nnd vicinity on the In
etnllmcnt plan , and parties holding bonds for
title to such real estate exchangeable for deeds
after the last payment Is made , will find it lo
their advantage to send their address or full
particulars to II50 , lieu omce. 4b'J J
WANT moio small houses for rent. F. L.
I Oiegory. rental agent , 309 S. ICth. 010
"T\7ANTED Ladles to use "Clilchester's Kng-
T > llih Diamond ilrniul , Pennyroyal Pills.
Safe. Always reliable. The original. The only
genuine. Ask druggist or-send 4cutampsfor
particulars , return mall. Chichebtor Chemical
Co. , Philadelphia. I'a. 327
TJIIHSTClasa table board , for gentlemen only ,
JLA In VTlYitte fumtly. Hi Nor IK IBtU at. liut
Dodge and Capitol ave. 1 12 *
PANTKD A few boarders at 1721 Leavetv
w aorlhst. 081 a Gt
Ai 'TKD-3or4unfurm'shcdrooms. Addresi
w E 67 Hot ! olllce. 118 30 *
ANTE l ) To rent peed furnished house , {
W rooms , notmorutlianlOblocksfrom court
houso. Apply In person or letter , 621 S. 2Jtli
ave. fcSi 01 *
TJ10H HENT House and barn ; lot fenced In ;
JL ; frull Irons , clslorn nnd tlty water ; will
rent cheap to good tenants. Inquire 1230 up
alalra. 2J8 1 *
HUNT A neat t20 collage. Apply al
FOH . 0. IHarrHon. . 418 H 15tn st. 'Jll
T710H HKNT And furnlturo for sale , almost
JU now , at a bargain , 5 room house , splendid
ground and stable ; nlso a nlro phaeton and har-
I1C.--S for Bale. Call al 1813 B Ulh St. 221) ) ill *
TT71OH HKNT 4 room house , Lcavciiworth Rt. ;
JU hard aud toft , water , Apply at 81.1 S. 20th.
2,1' ) 30 *
TT1OH IIINT Klopant new 11 room house , easy
JL' w alk from I'.ixton hotel , near car lines , very
rholcu location , Clark on , 219 S. 14. 21831
" [ 71011 HKNT fifctory and basement wholesale
JL' bouse in Anieaf buiUllux , Oth and Jones ,
w 1th H. H. Hack , Clarkbou , agt , , 21'J 8 14th.
TT1O 11 HKNT 12 loom bpuso and stable , large
JU shady yard , at l'J17 Ci33 it , S. Lehman.
FOll HKNT A 7-room ilat. Inquire of ( ] eo ,
lllgglns. 1015 Howard st. 212 31
TTTOliTlKNT B-room iiouso"Innulro J. r ,
JU liiuton. 2016 Capllol avu. 191 4 *
TT10H HKNT 2 Hals 12 oems each , wllh mod'
JU cm ImprovouiculH , Jivjulio at UW S.Jilth.
HENT-iA small house with barn ami
about 4 acres of laud noilh of fort. Apply -
ply 317 9. nth at. mill *
* fr\Olt \ HlINT-CUeap K luken BOOH , 10 room
JL' hoiihn , nil modern conveniences , a , coriior ;
bnrn foi-3horsus , cunvonient to strcot cars. H ,
IJLCqlello15lh acd Doili'lay. U51 31
TTIOIIHKN'T S elegant 8-room houses , all mod'
JU urn i oiUTiikuici-e , nxcullenl locution , coiv
vciilent to Mroct care , 9-TH per month if takun
oon. H. K. Cole , na 15lh and Doiight ! . . 1150
FOH HKNT-Cood two-story house , new , $30
per month ; peed two story house , new ,
J27.W per month , llotli of thoubovehavo night
rooms , closets , etc. , and are In excellent locu
tion , i ) . V , Bholcs , Itoom 1 , Darker block.
DM 31
" 171011 HF.NT Three stories nnd basement at
J. 1005 I'nrimtu hi reel. Iniyilio at lloom 10.
Arlington block , )011 ) Dodge ut. , butwcen 0 ami
12 u. in. 55
"ITIOlt HKNT An elegant now 8-room house
4. ' nud barn , every modern comuntence ;
complete home , coed neighborhood , street cars ,
cliMip rent , J , H. Purrottotuiltul agcnay , IGui
Chicago blreel. ; 7Cfu21
lt iVENT-CntlacoU 'rooms. 7th and Will
inm1. Imiuiru J , P , Hoe , 10th and lllckaiy ,
7M !
0 IKH'SKS centrally located , rbnl from J12 la
(75. liirullure for balu on monlhly payment-i.
Co-op. I , nnd L. Co. . liU'i N IQtUbt. fiUI
"Jj O'H HUNT Twospienilld-5 nun 7 room cot-
J. ' tupih. lursobatUM. line giounds and moiV
crn liipiovcin ) ut , Ptttterson Fawceit , 318 s ,
15th Hi , V17
17\OH ItrNT-And furnlturo for sala , almost
-i new. at a bargain , bent house and location
In city ; uvi-ry inoitvrnconvcnluncii : ihU w. Ill pay
nlouft * . Apply 170J Dodpa 3'J )
"j/Oll HUNT Twelve room house , 2Mb " and
JL' and Mnsmi ktreuts , JIO per monlh , J. B.
runlfl ld. 1,101 rarnam U C34
TTUJH HENT Nice 7 room house , eloae tost6re ,
-L1 school , church , at. can , only JJO a monHi. , c ,
IjiOIl HKNTAn elegant U room dwelling just
.i- bulllilh elablo and all modern Improve
ment' ' , Including laundry , l.ivutory on ground
lloor.cedar cloiot , eu- . . location , Capitol avenue
ucarSitlit rent moderatB , Apply to I ) . J , O'Don-
ahoo , cure of O'Donahoa St Shutry , Hi 6. Utlial.
741) )
ljVH 1112NT Huiu > o 11 rooms. W. M. Hush-
Jman. . N K eornrr Ibih und Douglas. 'Ml
foa nW f 'noorj\sFURNISHED.
"ITlUltNlHHEl ) room * wHirtoard wferencJes
Jju ] ) < iulrea. UlS Chicago. S10 1 *
pOM roitTAllLlTrooms II and H.V ) per wetilc"
\J tea a. Itth ut. , up-ttulra. 2WX \
"TTltjnNISIir.D room * , with or without board ,
.T Cttl N. IBthglreet. 248 1 *
JjlUIlNISHED'rootns , 1718 Dodged B03 B
TjlOll nENT-Furdlsh d rooms , 818 Howard at.
J *
; _ . _ _ 1B730
TTIOH HRNT-Nlcely furnished front room for
JU l or ggcnlleinen , cheap. 818 S. Ifilh. 2101 *
YKHV pleasant largo furnished rooms ; all
desired corn-rule ticc.v.prlvato hou toloard ; It
desired ; 1 block from postotllcc. 1015 Capitol avo.
' 2C-J-A31
TTOH HENT Furnished rooms , 1613Dodge. .
J3 600 30 *
TTIOH HKNT-Hootns , JIO to J20 per month.
JU 1204 Farnam. V17nl
rooms and board. 11WJ Farnam.
OH HKNT-Furnlshod front room , (33 N.
mil. . oir
_ _
TjX > H HENT rurnlshcd basement vlthllj ono
JU block of P. \\hcroanumborojt boarders
are kept. Ctlltce. _ 178 U
1TIOH HKNT-Fumlshcd rooms from 13 to fit ,
JU singleorcnsulte. 411 North 16th street.
' - i'.qi
, _
" 17HJHNISIIUD Itooms ladles or-jgculleirien ,
JU ' 311 North 12tist. | ' i J51 31 *
" 17011 HKNT Threo-rooms nltablo for house-
JL' keeping , fnrntshed or unfurnished. U3IK
N. jitliBt. 16 < K )
TmUHNISHP.D rooms for rent at 2237 Dodge.
TTlOll HKNT Suite of newly furnished rooms
JL ? ! , * a.nue for three gentlemen , all modern
cor.vmtli-tices. board If desired. No. KM
Ucotgla nvo. (29th. ( ) .1321 *
"i : > OOMgas , bath , steam heat , 2vl S. 21th.
AXr 121 a27 *
- . HENT Furnished front room. tlO per
jmonth. . KU S. 16th st. sol 01 *
FOH HKNT Ono furnished rorm in private
family at C13 Pleasant st. 1W 4 *
TTIOH HKNT-Nlcely furnished rooms , 1617 Cuss
J : K3J It
1CEDY furnished rooms , 819 North 1Mb.
2116 *
TT10H HKNT Furnished rooms , 1013 Chicago
JJ Blreet. 22J it
"T71OK HENT-PJeasant room forlor,2g6ntlS- (
JL.1 men , with all modern conveniences. Cor.
St. Mary's avo. nud aith. St. . or u.'OS.aitli. 211 1
TTIOH KENT Handsomely furnished six-room
JL ? collage , nice location , near car llnoC' 1'ur-
nlturo for sale very choip | , ' " 15 Seuard ht. C& ; 3 *
"TTlOIl HENT Furnished rooms , all convent-
JL. cncos. A. llospe,315N. I'th.alroot. , 401
FOIl HENT A nicely furnished room , ( lood
locallon. Call at 2210 Capitol nve. WM lj !
T7IUHN1SHKD 1810 ;
rooms , Dodge.
-i-1 TOOAprlK )
HRNT Sulto of furnished rooms. In
quire 3rd lloor room E , I'M ! Douglas.
TTIOlt HENT Nice furnished looms , 103 South
JL' I'Jlh st. 1J030
T710HHENT Small furnished house on street
JU car lino. Apply 12J5Noilh lOlh. 10031 *
S U1TB of furnished rooms , 1707 Dodpo.
UU a 1 *
SMALL furnished room , 89 , heated. 2023
St. Mary s nve. _ 03fl 00 *
T710U KENT Furnished rooms , 1418 Doclcu St. .
JU a Ka a' ! '
T710U IlKNT Pleasant fnrtilshcd rooms , for
JL' gentlemen , S09 Howard , near Cozzons
house , $8 , upwards. 223 a U *
furnished front room to rent at 1821
Farnam st , 1 block west of court houso.
. _ S14
IlENT Nicely furnished front room
FOH alcove , and other rooms 1th or with'
outboard. 1 ! 10 Farnam Bt. 8MGOJ
T710K HUNT Newly furnished rooms , heated
JL1 nnd with use of bath. . Kent moderate. 2017
Loavcmvorth st. _ 81' )
POIt KENT Single and doubio newly fur
nished rooms , reasonable to quiet , permanent -
nent partlos. 1721 Davenport st. _ 8M
ITIUHNISIIED lloom to rent. 2020 St. Marya
JL1 are. _ 787
TTIoil HKNT Furnished rooms In Grounlg blk
JL' cor. 13th and Dodge sts. Inquire of Geo. K. ,
Davis. Mlllard holel lilllmrd room. _ 353
TTlOIl HKNT Funilshed rooms. Inquire room
JE 13. 130J Douglas. _ Ul'j
LA11OK pleasant room , modern conveniences ,
1708 Chicago St. 429
Tj OK HKNT A largo room furnished , central
JJ location 1410 Chicago St. 304
OH KKNT llooms furnlaheU and unfur.
niatiea , ITJICap. uvu. 041
TTlOlt IlENI Two business or ollico rooms on
JU ] stlloor 35 per month. W. E. Clark. 1411
Harnoy. 155
FOll KENT A room with vault onthoground
lloor on Farnam st. , suitable for bank , in-
Biirancc , loan and trust or abstract onico. Ad-
diess llox 103. 01430
TT1OK "ilRNT Fine laigo room for dress and
JL' cloak K.stubllshmont , also few choice olllces ,
Itamgobulldlnp , MU31
" 171011 HKNT Tlie three story brick building
JL' and basement ou 13th i > t. , on corner of alley ,
in the rear of the now First Nnt'l bank liulldintr.
will glvo a 3 or Ol ear lease at a low rental , C.
Hnrtman & Co. , 1U13 Farnam. Kl a 19
T71O11 HKNT TAVO 'rooms. 44x0(1 ( , wnere steam
JL ! power can bo obtained. Hnmilro of Sam'l
Itces , lteo.s Printing Co. , 1019 Howard si. 740
TTIOll HKNT llnslness room now occupied as
JL ? my olllco on 15th st. C. F. Harrison , 418 S 15th
FOR HUNT First-class frame store building ,
SO by 21 feet , llist-cluHs busluesa locallon.
Appjy to I , W. Koborts , Albion , Ilooue Co. , Neb.
421 u22 *
FOIt 11KNT Officea on Farnam Bt at 110 lo W )
per mouth. Ono olllco furnished. 1012 Far
nam. 3GO
T710H KENT Two unfurnished room * ! ,
JL' for man and wife. Cull at2oOO Franklin st ,
214 Jl"
TTIOll HKNT 4 rooms nil mordern coven-
JL1 lencos 170 1 Webster st . .
4-roomllat.417S. ll'thst . 21)00 )
4 rooms 1701 Wiibsterst . 2.5 00
4)001119 1158. lUthBt . . . . . 10 00
1 basement , tmltablo for barber Hhopjiuu-
tvieen rarnain and llnrney on * t. . 21 00
Judge llculal Agcncy.S. W. cor 16tU-.VOIomcy.
' ' gift
_ _
AllGE room wllh closet , 808 322 < i.
. _ 7'4630J '
O HOOMS 2d floor , $11 , at 1712f ! Jackson ht.
o _ ! . < ; iom
I71OU HKNT-Snlto iinfuuiUhDd fiont rooms ,
JU tlO ; 2212 Mason Bt. KiiKlO *
TTUHI HKNT The AnliiMiscriuhliTilTiiiiig , "dth
JL1 and Capllol ave , ould make great cold stor
age house , Clark&on , 20J S. 14. 218 31
Tmoil HKNT-llakory on 20th st. So. Omaha.
caUalCUy bakery , So. Omaha , IK ) 4 *
FOH HKNT-A Hallott& Davis upright piano.
per months. Apply to N. H , Hall , 2ll >
South lllh.Bti Bet , no 'lot
T OIt HKNT-llarn back of Metropolitan hotel.
-L' 12111 und Douglas ula. Imuiliu City Hlnaiu
Laundry. 3.VJ
WANTKD-Housos ( .o rent , and wo can rent
them too. H. U. Cole , N. I ! . 15th and
Douglas. w )
TsT houses for rent with H , K. Cole , N. K.
l.Mh und Douglas. W )
EOll HKNT When you want to rent a house ,
blare of onice go lo H. K. Cole. UW-
HUGOlfv , F. L. . llental agent , 303 a ICth st.
17WK HKNT If you wish to. rent n house call
JL' ou llcuiwp. & Co. , 15th St. , opposite 1' . O ,
" 17H.O11A Did you forget that lastcrcard. fiot
JL' one at Cliiup & . Udtly's , 1I3B. Ifltli. 247 30 *
rnilE demand for shorthand writers is In cx-
Jcess ofJhu supply. Shorthand ( ouree com-
plcled at Valentino's h'horthund liutltuto In
from four to t > ix niomliB. Bend for circular.
"PEIISONAL Have you seen L. 0. Jonesr mull
JL mirror. Call nt isyj Farnam for OHO or
bend address on postal. tjf
IU1IBONAI , I'rlvnlt ) Homo for laales during
conttnement , strictly conllduntlal , Infants
adopted. Atldreta B 42. lleo olllcn. CT a. l
ANNA ALPLANALII , the celebrated Hun-
Parian Gypsy Palmist , uses the old gypsy
waysln reading the hand. Ladles only. lb24N ,
'Mfi et. Vjlh and Sauudqrii cara pus4 the door.
_ _ t4 > 4j.aj
"l" > KUBONAJ-l.tfjt your property to exclrangu
; wfa a. ili
_ * , *
T OST Slver mat h daf ? . > rlth Initials "M. A.
JL | u. " Kinder please leave .at our omco and
get reward. M. A. OptonWCp. , a S 10th st ,
.71 ( Sft8 1 ,
T OST A Small black 'iVnHntpl pup. Finder
JJ please return to 2212 Cnipltal nvoorCollln'a
gun store , 1311 Douglas stflnd get reward.
243 81
T710UND Gold gpectacleH.-cra the street. Call
JU for same at JJ. li M. loeal freight oinco.
, , > . 15.I31 *
TilOK SALK-l'Ine C-ycar-ifW horoo , nnd surrey
JUat a bargain. g7l3Cuialng strccl. 25 30 *
OH SALR-Furnlluro ot ID-room house ? 311
N. 121h st. 15ltL _
TjiOH SALK Two p tubular steel , boilers MX
JL ? 14 feet , with smoke Black , steam Ruages.
clasi water Ruages. oto. , all complete : will sell
cheap. Address Fred Krug , Urojver , Omaha ,
Neb. Mo
I710H SALK Stock and fixtures of a well
JL ? located grocery store Joins acnsh business.
Will Inrolco about M.OUU. Must bo sold at onco.
Address F 8 , Hoc ofllco. ' < H3 6
_ . BALK Utigey and harness chbap. In
quire of J.I1 , ft'ithrow it Co , , 1113 ilarney.
G001) vtork horses for halo on monthly pay-
menis , price J100. Co-op. L. & , L. Co. . J 5 N
16th hi. 23(1 ( 1
T710U BALE The contents of 3 furnished
JL1 rooms with privilege of renting rooms.
1T12K Jackson at. at ! l
TTIOll SALK-Oood span mules , weigh2,200 ,
JL1 new wagon nnd harness. Inquire Ifi-M S.
Pth or 14H N. 16th. Qeo. Klser. 1P81 *
T710U 8ALR Kurntturo and lenso of room In
JL1 ncait of city at a cieat barcnlu. easy terms
lo rlRlit party. 11. H , Millar , lt > 2i bouRlas st. ,
room 3. 'Ml S
AFKVV second-hand show casesvarlous sizes ,
cneap. AddieasK.i/i , lion olllce. 1033Ut
TTlOlt SALB Cheap , R No. I road team 7 and 8
JL1 years old , dark broMn. well matched ,
welBiit .OOO. Call for two days on Hanniin &
Kent , iCnl wtixto ngents , cor. 14th nnd Capitol
nve. 171 ill
"TTlOn SALK-Walnut desk , cloth top , .TixfiSffi
JL : drawers nnd cabinet. In peed order , cost
( : . " > . wlllsell fortu. Inquire American Pres-j
association. 1113 Pod go at , City. 168 1
TT10H SALK-Ono Iteinlngtou No. 3 typewriter
JL' In nrst-classorder. Inuso only tuo months ,
cost 5100. M til sell for (85 cash. Address Lock
llox Kl. City. 153 1 '
TT10KISALK 2 ponies , wason and harness ,
JL1 Inquire lu cigar store tXM 8. 10th . t.
15131 *
"fi OU SALK Cheap , prclttost span poules In
t city , dun with white mane und tall : har
ness and buggy. Mrs. IVV. . UrabaniT06 S. 10th.
TTIOIl 8AI.U A doubio carriage for single
JL1 horse , luipjlro of E. U. Wood , 1131N 18th.
1M 3 *
" 171011 SALK Party going away wishes to sell
X' two bed loom sets. Call at ouco if you
want a bargain , at 1714 Jackson. HO-OOJ
TTKJK SALE A speedy pacing horse , new
X' plnoo-box buggy und a new set of slugle
harness , all hand-made , with rubber mounting.
Will sell separately. II. II. liey , Fronzer block.
TT10II SALK One dapplo-piay stallion. ? * Nor-
JL1 man and'4 Kentucky Whip age 7 , wcli'ht
1750 ; good roadster. Address \V. II. Dryaut.
Ilentrtco. Neb. , ox 70U. 8M30'
TjlOnSALK-Nlco bay driving horse. C. F.
JL1 Harrison. 4188.15th et. ° "
i ! Good as new. will sell cnoap
JL ? for cash or time. C. T. Motion , 13-4 Farnam.
" 401
T7IOH SALK-Largo Hall's safe , new. M. A.
JL ? Uplon & Co. > Oil-
OH SALK At a bargatn',60 foot of shelving.
30 foot of counters and * < niB Ice chest , suit
able for grocery storo. Kuqulro at 812 S. 10th St.
. 735.
EOH SALE 8 or 10 horse 'power cnglno and 12
horse boiler in good order. Cheap for cash.
Hccs Printing Co. , „ 747
FOH SALK Or trade , onolfamily horse , also
new buggy. A. Hospe , jju Douglas st.
MO a 31
TTIOH SALK Two-horse qiower engine nud
JU boiler cheap. Addrcss.0. II. Ott i Co. . 1111
Douglas at. 700
Tr-iOll SALK-Dormant 8ca' capacity 3.400
JL1 pounds. Phil. Stlmmel SCo , , Ull-SUJoiics
St. , Omaha. 149
WANTED A good horse , buggy nnd harness
in exchange for Soulh Omaha lots , George
J. Sternsdoiir , loom 0 , opp po.stollico. 230
OUSE TO LKASK-10 room house on Cass
et. , near loth ; furultute for sale. Call ut
1513 Cass. 182 31 *
IOWIFK Mn ) . E. Wlnlon. N. E. cor. IStli
and Dorcaa. 175 10 *
rpllACICAGK , slorage. lowest r.ilos. W. M.
JL llushmnn , 1311 Lcavcnworlh. 120
rptlE banjo taught as au art by Oeo. F. Gellon-
JL. buck , HJ ) llarnoysl. Ibli
PULLMAN HOUSE , all newly Ilxoil up. Is
now open on the European plan , 1120 Cap.
nve , rooms rent for 60c to 75c per day. 730
riO-OPEHATlVE Land & Lot Co , 205 N. 10th
\J 70 AS
fPIlE Odorless Sanitary Co. . the only licensed
X company In Nebraska and Iowa , using the
odorless oyHtflni for cluanlni * ; cess pools , vaults ,
water closets. Olllce 1022 Farnam bt , 434 a 15
"I7UHK Insurance , reliable companies. IL E'
JU Cole , N. E. loth and Douglas. 731
SITUATIONS sociirod. Valentine's shorthand
KJ Inslllulo has placed all of Us graduates In
peed positions. Students can enter atanyllmo.
Bond tor clrcular.1515 Dodge btrcut.Ouiuha , Neb.
N'KW YOH1C Storage Co. Incorporated capi
tal 815,003. most extensive facilities for
storage of furnltuio. pianos , etc. Cash advances
to any amount. Warehouse receipt glvun. btnct ,
continence maintained in all business transac
tions. 150 i , 1510,1512,1511 C.iritol nve , cor 15th.
8i5 (
ANa'ED ToTwy nbankliiij business. Ad-
drcba with paulculars , F 1 , Ilee ollici * .
" \\7ANTI5D-To buy second hand piano ( up-
Y > right ) , cash down. UIO N 1'Jin ' bt. OJ3 1 *
"TI7ILLbuy furnlluroof a house or Hat crn-
t > trally located. Co op. L. A ; L. Cq 20J N. lUth
LAIIIVO VA NT-ciiion Mra. Eccles.naliire's
Inti-rptetur. liellabla In all llio allalra of
life , lo > e und business , U22 N.JUlh bt. , room 1 ,
700-A2 *
ANTKD-A11 to know that Madam Hlanch
Iho great mind reudar. nnd fortune tidier
tins bullo rooms at Metropolitan hotel. Tolls
past , and futuio. Gives luoly numbciR In lot-
tury. Thla will bo hur laHt tf/uk. bd2304
Tf\U. NANNIE V. WnrronrcTalrvoyant. Mod-
JLical. . business nnd tobWrtlcdlum. Dlagnoilt
free. Female diseases a spe'ilulty ; 113 N. 16th
St. , Hooma 2 & 3. Tel 041. ' " 304
MONKV to loan on re.'Mo'Htalo. inorlgag < > $
bought aud sold. J. JfuJJvuna , ] &iu Dodgu ,
MONKV lo loan onclty property and farms by
Jarvlii , Conkllu MorluugnTVusl Co. L. P.
Hanrmoml. ueuuial ugenfifur Nub. , Hoom 41A > ,
nu1'axlon block. cu 110
TV 10 N K V"to loan ou Jfurnltiire , wagons ,
J'l i'tc.wthout | riiniovul : < /i.oupolluternl Huctirr
ily. Iluuluesa conlUieiitlal. 1/JI Jucobi. ' ! 0 H nth
, , , , f 4
HE. COI.15 loans moner li Improved city or
farm property , lloluu a Continental
block , Jl otg
V\7K can give vou all the money you want enl
l household goods , plivnoi and merclian.
dUo at legal rates whun poodsaio atored with
ua. New Yoik Sloruga Cu. 7utt-a-2 |
MONKV * TO IAAN as 0 par cent on llrlt
mortgugea lu tiiimaof JMU tollO.CHKJ ; good
bhort time | iapur boughlat reubonable dlacount ;
monuy on handfuo ; delny , 1'alterson liF wieli : ,
aitiBo.lritli. 417
MONKV to loan , nt low rates , on chattels ,
O.IA. without removal or llllug ; financial business -
ness of all kind * transacted quietly and without
T OANB made on real natate. Cash on hand.
-LJ W.M. Harris over KM B. Pith t. 873
ONKV IXiANKD at 0 , 1' . Heed & Co.'a Loan
Otlice. on furniture , piano * , horjoj , WUKOIIS ,
personal proparly of all kinds , and all other ar-
ilclusof value without rumovsl. ai'J S. nth ,
over IlluKham'a commlsaloa tor j. All buii-
nessslrlclly confidenllal. 37'j
I" A.TVOODMAN-lloney to Irun on r 4l ii
J tale la bunts to suit. 2M Soulh Uth st.
MONEY To Loan By the undersigned , * nho.
has the only properly- organized loan
nRoney tn Omaha. 1/onna of 110 to lira mad on
furniture , planoi , organs horse * " , waeoni , ma
chinery , to. , without removal. No delays. All
business strictly confldeattal. Loans no made
that any part can bo paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing th co t pro rata. Advances
made on fine watches and diamonds. Persons
should tixrefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many new conecins are dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money call and
see me , W. H. Croft , room 4 WlthneU oulldlng ,
IMh and Harnoy. 003
ON MY to Loan O. F. Davis Co. , real oitata
S and loan aggnts , IfOS Karnaro st. .170
SIIOKT time loans tnailo on any available
security , tn reasonable amount * , Secured
notes boupht. sold or oxchanRnd , General
financial business of any kind transacted
promptljr.quletly and fairly at the Omaha Fi
nancial Kxchamto. N. W , cor. Uth and liar-
ney Rio. , overstate National tand. oorb tt ,
munngor noi
MONKY to loan. Notes ana d. n. ticket ,
bought and sold. A. Forinan , 1320 Faraam
sis. 365
OtTl'.V"Yo loaii l am" loaulnR plenty of
cheap money now lo Improve with or upon
Improvements. T. 8. Clarkson , 319 S. 14th st.
, 818 31
_ _
MONKY to Loan NO.OOO to loan In sums of
from I5QO to * 2,600 on Omaha and South
OniAha property. Money on hand. Wright &
Laabury. 2li 8. Uth St. , upstairs. 23
PKHCY & CO. oani money on real
HUGH and chattel security of every dn-
srrlplton. All business strictly confidential ,
lloom 423 Paxton building 768.31
MONKY to loan , cain on hand , no delay. J.
W. and B. L. Squire , 1413 Farnam st. Paxton -
ton hotel building. 373
MdTTKV'to loan on city dolayo , M
cash Is on hand , Dates , Smith Ic Co. ,
room 86J , Hamge building. 755 31
I.OAN8 made on Omana city property by D.
J V. Sliolas. room 1 H rkor blk. 761
MONEY to loan on rurnituro. horses , wagons ,
etc. , or on any approved security , I/5W
rales. J. W. Hobblns. 1013 Farnam. 772
( 600,000 to loan on city and farm real estate.
J > Linabau It Mahoney , 1007H Farnam street.
TATONKY to Loan Omaha real estate and
JjJL , farms. Mortg&gos bought. Odell Hros. *
Co. . 1623 Farnam. B2d
to loan on-Improved real estate ; no
MONEY charged. Loarltt Uurnham ,
room 1. Croltthton block. 3flO
MONKY To loan. Lowest rates. No delay
J. L. Hlca' Co. , oror Commercial Na-
tlonalbank 375
"nrONKY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,
-UJL horsei , etc , ilow rates. J. J. Wilkinson 3t
Co. , 1324 Farnam , over Uurllngton tickut omce.
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , furnlturo ,
pianos and other personal property or collateral -
lateral wlthoilt removal ; business confidential :
rale * moderate , Tim Falrbanlc Investment Co. ,
Sl 8. Ulh sU upstairs. 418
mada on real estate and mortgages
bought. Lt'yrls S. Hood 4 Co. , 1521 Farnain.
01600,000 To loan on Omaha city property at 8
P percent , O. W.Day , 8.B. cor. Kx.Uld.87B
C. 0. Jacobs , 320 S. 15th st.
$500.000 to loan at lowest rate of interest , on
city property. II. U. Iroy , Frenzer blk , opp.
P.O. 130
OH SALK-Meat market in Council UluIIs ,
doing good family trade ; centrally located.
Address W. H. p. , Hee omee , Council muffs.
i s
ijiOIl SALE Three or four good saloons , best
JL ? locations In north Nebraska. Apply In
person to P. Schwciik & Co. , Norfolk , Nob.C3a7
! C3a7
WANTED A partner for a saloon doing a
genuine trade and good location. Address -
dress E71 , Heoomce. 221 1 *
TPOK SALE Gent's boot and shoo store , sttu-
JL.1 atcd on OHO of the principal business streets
n the city , inquire at 420 S. lOlhst. 181-1 *
FOH SALK Clgnr. slntlonery , confecllonery
and news store ; also pop corn ttand. 608
8.10th si. _
OHSALE Fecdstoro , at invotco. Call 1419
Georgia ave and Shirley st. 163 4 *
OH SALE-Clgarand news stand , 601 North
Must. 1333 *
ROCEKY and meat maiJcct , 6 years cstab-
llshed. A line opportunity for a Hvo man.
Address K 65 , Bee otilce. 113 alO
PAllTIEStotakoJi Interest In good paving
bulsnobs , email capital. Address E M. liee.
1073 *
WE have for sale a large list restaurants.
bakeries , meat markets , feed stores , ho
tels , groceries , 6 stocks of merchandise. 4 livery
barns nnd all kinds of chances. Co-Operative
Land & Lot Co. . 305 N. 10th st. U71-al
pATlTNEK In profitable- business , but small
X amount required , Investigate. 310 S
at. , room G. 938 U
EOIt SALE One of the best chances over
offered for small hotel In this city. $ .1,000
cash retjulred. K S3 Ueo olllco. 8D7
OTEL Unthauk for sale or lease , located at
the thriving village of Arlington , at June-
tionof P. . with S. 0. &
1'aclllc , 4 tralna'each way dally , 20 miles from
Omaha. The house has sixteen rooms conve
niently arranged ; soft and hard water ; located
in business center ; fiunlturu 3 years old ; In case
of lease would prof etto hell furniture , but will
lease It furnished : llnu shade trees , nnd a small
stable , every way a desirable property : refer-
cnccs icqulred. J. A. Untliank. MG30
BOOTS and Shoes-For sale or will trade for
n No. 1 Inside dwelling propel ty in Omaha ,
a splendid stock of boots and shoes that will In
voice about fD.MO , the Block is in a line town.and
a splendid brick building with platu glass front.
11. II. Seydel & Co. , Stuart. Iowa. Bir ISO
MEAT Market Having a first-class cash and
order trude for sale very cheap if taken
Boon. Addiess U 37 , lieu olllco. U43 30
GUOCEHIES-Nlco clenn stock with good
young team and delivery \\agon. Prlco
62.000. For salu or trade for inside Omaha prop
crty. Actlvo Ucal Eituto & Property Exchimgo
153t 1) ( dge st. _ cot
I71Jll ( SALE Saloon , in a good locationand do-
-L1 ing a good muinehs. A good opportunity
for a man n 1th f-.OOO. Apply to Stringer & Co. ,
1518 Dodge Ht. _ oil )
IJIOIt SALE- Harbor shop , three chairs aud
und ilvi ) bath looma , to ba uold at n bar-
ga I n. A.J. Horold , lOOi Baundcra , 31331"
T7) ) OH SALE r-Itful estate ami insurance biiH
J.1 sE fi7. Beu. 3005
At To lease llnu residence near postoltlco , and
buy furniture ( ( ill new ) at. v grout sacritlco. For
particulars scdlit S. Sklniu-r , 1M3 Fitrnain. KIJ _
( 40OD livery Htock and lease on 'bust llvury
J and sale Btabls centrally located In Omuhii ,
for silo very nttoap for ca h , will not trade. Co.
( ) | . L. > V L. Co. , 30. ) N. lUtllbt. _ 43il _
"IjiOHSAI.U-Drug stock. As Ono location as
.L thurnlslu tnocity. Clean gtock. Invoice
ubonttT.OW. 4 > 1'iutln good ro l ps-
tate or secured notes. M. A. Upton It Co , loth
st.npp. Chamber 6t Commerce. _ 4'il
FOR SAM ! -A good paying business. Cigars ,
stationery and toys , in u first-class loca
tion. Onacyount of 111 lioiUtli. Block on hund
ntx > uti,000. : All CM\I \ not ronulrod. Empilruat
Max Meyer & ( M.'H. _ 4W
F -
lloiiau and lot tn Scliuyler. $700.
KJ ) acies land ueniCullaway , Custcr county ,
Nwb. , Jl.iKM.
N ) acres 7 mile ? south of Arlington , Nob. ,
Jim ) 'acres 0 miles , north of Arlington , Neb , ,
f7.IXH ) .
IJ. ) acres 1 mile east of Nlckcrson , U8.000.
Will trade part or nil.
a , Arlington. 237 00 *
lTpf larguroom In liont location in rlty ,
heat and llgnt Incluikd. J , IIVattn , loom
11 , Clmmbcrot Comineice. BJii
ANTED-Stocks of morchandlBo to ox-
phango for fuuns. H , E. Cole , N , E. 1011) )
and Dquglus , 'Ml
TN r.XCIIANOE A m-nrlv new Ituahford
4- wagon tor a gmd light tprlng wngon. Ap-
piytoLawrenco A : Strlbllng , 1UN. loth struct ,
, _ 1&S-4 *
rpEA ntid coireo biiilnuss and manufJctuiIng
J of baking jiowilur , In tlty. Oood chniuo
for right paity ; > i cuali , balance nty property ,
Pall and net paitlculaia. Co-opuratnu LunUiic
Lot Co ur. ictim , niiiu
FOHTHADH-Waiitedtolriiilo a No , 1 pony
and nu\v haddlo and In Idle for a No. 1 fresh
cow. M. 15 Fiee , No 205N. 17th , or Nicolas 61 ,
Walnut Hill , 115 SOT
" 171011 EXCHANOE-I have 10 clear cily lots
J. andahout > Q in MlllunI k Calilnell's add , lo
oxclmnge for a ttock of good * . ; furnlluio and
carpets or wall paper prcfcried. jj j | . Miller ,
1522 Douglqa ut.roqiiiU. 7 y
TT > OH HXCIIANGK- and 6 room house
JL ? north lllth si. , untllty f..lUU , but , extruinely
easy forCOlo 40 H , ' 'res. " lot centrally lotatud
11. W. P. , Ultf Fariiam. tSQ a
T7IOH HXOHANGK-WIll take horse and'buggy
X' as purt pa > ment for equity In good lot Tu
A. 8. Patrick's addition. Addioss E 60. Hue.
ANTEHlo ExQh'UK9'JVo Jots In Jl. Sttl'
park for horte and bufcy. Inquire ut b ,
A. Slomau , ini ; and 1'uruum , Hcllmaii block ,
\T7ANTKD-Hori > es nnd MUle to wxrlmnge for
1 > farms or city proptrty. II. K. Cole. N. E.
- nth ami jjouj/tuL ln-
rpo KXCItANOK For roerthftndlss or r'est-
JL dence lot * In Omrxha. WO acrr ! > s cholc * tinltn-
proved land In Knot Co. , Neb. , a boUnro unpaid
due In 6 years. Address li. II. Loucks.Unnbury ,
I owa. _ _
owa.rANTKD WJiouscs and lots to exchanged
? V C. C Bpotowood. 30JS 9. ICth St. Si3
MTfiI ) 8Sw,000 brick : for OmahnroaT cs-
tato. I ! . A. Lenvcnworth.Ul" Farnam st.
" \\7"ANTKI > Houses and lots to exchan o for
V } farms. U , E. Cote , N. B. IMh and Uouglas.
. tw
_ _
'ijlOU TUADK-S lots In Windsor terrace for
JU' gcwxi land , mortgape paper or horse and Im -
D. V. Slioles , room . 1 , llorkor _ block. ( til
- -
- - - - ' - - * -tn
r i i i i i.
IT YOU have property for salt ) , or trade , or
houses to rent llftt with the 6. F Davis
Company , 1605 Farnain Bt. 218 31
/J8xl32 , corner 23d and Douglas sis , to trade tor
VJ an eight to ton-room house and lot. ( ) eo.l ,
Blornsdorff. room 0 , opposite P O. gto
IHAVKlOOIot-ilnH. * M. Park addition to
South Omaha , free of lucumbrancc , to
trade for Improved or unimproved Omaha prop
erty , farm lands , stocks of goods , horses , rattle ,
or anything of value. Tlieso lots are rapidly
Increasing in value , and It you Imvp anything to
trade call nnd sea mo. fleorgo J. StrrnsdorlT ,
room 0 Frenier block , opposite postotllco , 230
131011 SALK or and some lots.
JU Win. J. Paul , 1BO ! > Fariiam St. ' SB
rpHADKS made In real estate alid'persohal
JL. property. See exchange book. C'o-op. U
and L. Co. SOo N , IClU st. 60.1
T7IOH KXClIANOH-ARood Orphan ! Hill lot.
JU to exchange for nwt. morlpago paporor
peed personal property. H. 1C. Hender * .
1178.1011ml. , 173 30
/"I HOICK ncre tracks , best of facilities for Rar
\J dotting. Want good nnlncumborod-famis
H.K. Coin. N. K. Uth and Douglas. wa
ncro trucks sultAblo lor gardening.
CHOICE liberal terms. H. K. Cole , N. K : 15th
and Domilas. Heal estate for sale. P09
Abslnvcls Bouth Omafa Kd.Johnson fc
Co. , agents South Omaha Land Co. . have
the only completesft of abstract books in
South Omaha. Complete abstracts furnished
on short notice. Olllco opposite depot. South
Omaha. 127
OKNSONAtCAHMICHAHL furnish complete
JL > and guaranteed abstracts of title to any
real estate in Omaha and DouccUs county upon
short notice. The most complete sot of abstract
books In the city. No. 1519 Kftrnam st , 335
ftTIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. . 1505
JJJL Faruam utreot Complete abstracts fur
nished , and titles to real estaU axatnlnod , p r-
ftcled and guaranteed. t ana
rpWO well Improved farms for sale with plen-
JL ty of timber , In Flllmore County , Nob. Cullen
on or address 8. 0. Wcsthafor , Fairmont , Not ) .
2102 *
OH BALK , llent or Exchange-Olio of best
stock farms In Nebraska , 6fX ) acres , hay ,
grain and pasture ; Vt miles from Fremont.
Address Thos. H. Gibson. Fremont , or Ueo. K.
Gibson & Co. , 312 South ICth street , Omaha. Neb.
FOH SALK 10 acres In west part of city. W.
F. Potty. 621 S. 18lh. 181 1 *
EOH SALE At a bargain , lease of a 3-story
brick building containing 3 stores and 25
rooms , with modern improvements. Innulro at
COD B. 13th St. 123
T L HICK & CO. , Heal Estato. 215
TilOll 8ALK 0-room modem house , 60 feet of
JU ground , near 18th aud St , Mary's ave. , for
$7,000 , party anxious to sell. O.K. Thompson ,
314 8.15th at. 874
FOIt SALK The best business , residence nnd
trackage sites in the city. M. A. Upton &
Co. 770 M
FOR BALK Property on Sherman avenue.
Paddock place , at J12.3 per foot. Match it
if you can. M. AUpton & Co. 770 31
R10H SALE or Kxchangc Nice brown driving
JL ? mare with foal ; also buggy and harness ,
neatly new : would trade for good cow or good
driving horso. 0. II. Ganson , 110. ) Douglas.
18.1 1 *
T I'H1CE & CO. , Heal .
OH SALK Or lease , 22. 44 or GO focton Far
nani , between 20th and 23d sts , Cheap. M
A. Upton & Co. 77ft 111
TT10H SALK At a bargain Lots 4 and 6. Tabor
JU place , lots 3,4 , 15 ana 0 , block 2 , lot 12. block 3.
lots 8 and 15. block 4. lot l > , block 10 , in Bedford
place. Four lots In South Omaha and 10 lots In
Council muffs. Byl. 8. St. John , Kearney , Neb ,
85830 *
FOK SALK-Hawley House , North Platte ,
Nob. Will take part cash and balance In
peed cattlo. Address John Havtley , North
I'lulto. 745031 *
" 171OH SALK Corner Georgia ave and Vaclllc
JU Bt. . GtlxUO tc alley , south and west fronts ,
on grade and covered wllh bcalillful grovo.
Flue site for elegant homo. $5,600 : for few days
only ; $2,000 casli , balance easy. A. P. Tukuy.
1324 Farnain st. 397
TJIAHil for sale , 40 miles north of Omaha , con-
JU tains 170 acres , line house , feeding yards ,
windmill , etc. , all lovul land. Frlca ii > per
acre. D. C. Patterson , Omaha Nat. Hank.
150 a7
FOK SALK South Omaha trackage , lots 1,2.
3 and 4 , 1)3 , Albright's annex , next to How-
laud and Uradford's lumber nnd coal yard ,
doubio frontages on stieet nnd county road ,
alley In icar.desirabloas an Investment or busl-
nuss location , room for 13 cottages. C.ill at S.
W , cor 8th nnd Douglas. ita
OH SALE-Calllo range , eight miles from
North Platle , Neb ,2,000 ncros.houso.barns ,
corrals complete , cut2COO tons of hay , 100 acres
broken , nlll und bottom pabtuie. living springs ,
60 horses , 140 head of cattle , 8U hoBSj'ilO aheap ,
w 111 bo sold on reasonable terms. W. ( \ Hltncr.
15931 *
FNK tracKage property for sale The Clark
Woodman properly on Izard St. , between
17th and 18th. 2i)4xib ) ; , Htruuts on three aides nnd
railroad track In alloy ; sullahlo \\holoaalo
ormanufaclurlugpuiposua. Fine location , ele
gant propel ty , easy lurms and cheap. There is
money in this if bought at prebuut prices. W : ' "
sell part or all. A. P Tukoy , 13.J1 Fiiruaui st.
H60M"coTtage , east fionl , full lot2-ltli and
Hurdetto Bts , only-81,750. D. 0. Patterson ,
Omaha Nat Hank. . C'r
"T71OH 8ALK Stoio and lot on Iho best corner
JL ? of n lively business town In southwestern
Nebraska ; will null building and stock or buildIng -
Ing alone : poor health reason tor Belling. Address -
dress 0. Hualy , Cambrldgu , Neb. U20 30 *
r710lt [ KALU 70 foeton I'lirnam , opp'osltui Vlr-
JL ? glnla avo. A bargain. M. A ui ton & , Co.
TTIOK SAIjH or exchange Wo have some good
JL' Oniuha real estate aud Nebraska farms
\\hlcliwewlllHellchoap or trade for stocks of
clothing , furnishing goods , dry goods , boots aud
shoes , irrocurlus or hurdwnrv , Sehluslngcr Bros. ,
0148. PJllist. 3Waia
_ _ _
TT10U SALE or trade Lunds and town prop-
JL1 01 ty in NubrasknICniiHasColoiado uud other
fctati > s\\ant ; morchaudUe , cattle and hciiBosigon-
oral exchange business transacled ; cnrruspond-
cnco solicited. T. A. English , fc Co. , York , Neb ,
_ _ _ _ _
"HIOIl SAIjE At a baigaln for n' tow dnys
JL1 only , lot 1 , block 3 , Paddook i'lace. This Is
n beautiful earner on Ititli street. Inoulre at
r , 170 _
T L. UlCE i CO. , Heal Eutatu. 215
rp\VO good houses , well locaied , for JJ.7 and
Jl J.1,100 , on easy payments. J , A , Helstnml ,
room u , Arlington Block , 7U3
! jUll ) hALE-Corher ll.lh and Cuslullar. 0 xl40 ,
JLA $5,700 , oith just iiioru. M. A. Upton
A ; Co , 770 31
J L. KICK & c6."Hoal Estate. 215
TT'OH SALE On easy terms , a now 8-room
J. house with modern Impiovcmunls , barn ,
etc. ; can muko tuims totJUltpiuchiisur. Addiess
1' . 0. box 4W. city. , jt'Ji
TOH SALl ! Nlce7room house , close to Bt ,
4. cars , school , church. PIC , , full lot , only W.500 ; cash , balonco In lliruo eiiuaj puyiucnts. o.
F Harrlbonj JB .JMhjit. _ UTS
TTlOHSALII-llest bargain in Omaha , corner
-L1 Ifitli and Jones sis , M , A. Upton i Co.
_ _ 77(161 (
FOIt SALE or Trnda-l'urmun ( tt. . near 38th.
Incuiiiliiuiicti t..WJO. I'.iinUy W.OOO.
I'ornain fct. . ( .or 31st , ldfi.W. .
TrnckBge , Ulh st. near ( Jiaro. B xll3.
oCumIngbt. , cur 3st , 4t.UJxUO ! incumbrance
N. ICth st. , near Nicholas , Cl.xlOi , Incuuibrnnco
. .
Buunders et. , cor , Hurt , 160x51 , incumbranco
, 00 *
1'nrk nve , , facing par * , OOxlfiO , Incumbranco
JO'iO ,
Douglas St. , nonr SOth , Cflxia-J , lucumbranco
lots in II & jj. Park add to Bouth Otunhu.
clour of inrumbrunce , perfect title.
2 quai u-r Boot Ions of school land Jn KossutU
Co. , Iowa ,
1 quarter section land In Qrundy Co. , Nob. ,
All of above property for sale or trade for
good Inslda Improvud jnperty ) ) orl goo'J ' I'u- '
piovciloriinlmpi-dvod farms. S. A , Sloinan ,
rooms and 8J , Helluian bldg , IJJ1 Furnara at. ,
Omulu , Nub , DU
ff TTlfTCE i CO. , IleaTHltateT 215
H SALE-Houseand lot in Omaha'Vlowi'o
bargain , small cash payment , uasy terms ,
C. O Hpota vood , ) I05V { S I'.tll. ' 730
EMSriCKNUY < k CO , niato a specialty of
t property in North Omuha , for a le or rent
at Citizens'bank SJldd Guru Inn ut. 319
HA Llf-Lot U on 20th st. , just Mat Ouni-
Ing ut , ejibt front , on grade. t Vxl-i to al
loy. I'rlua1 for fbvvdays only tJ.4Wi II.SOO catU
bffUnoo easy. A. V. Tukoy , 13 i Furnam it.
Who Is WEAK , NEIIVOHN. l r.lUI.lTA-
TKD , who In hli FOM.Y and K1NOII ANCF.
hM TKIFI.F.n way hi * > KiOIl of ItOJXY ,
niNI andKAiIIOOI > , cnu < iini ; xhMiitlni :
drains upon the FOUNTAINS of I.I FIT ,
lre m , WEAHNKSN of
rOLNKftmn NOCIF.TT , 1IM1(1.EA Upon
the FACE , and all the KFFF.CTH Icndlhg la
F.AKI.T DROA Y and perhaps COXnU.lfl * .
T10fTorINHANITY , hoiildcon nlttonc < >
the CKI.KimATEO Ir. Cldrkp , KitnhlMliod
1MI. lr CUrke h rnndo NEIIVOUS I > K-
III I.IT Y. i'llHOMO and nil DUcasci of
the OE.NITO URINAKY Orfrani a Mfo
H'ady. It mated NO din > ronre WHAT you
i TO tAken or WHO has failed to cure you.
tt-TRH AIiEH lufPerlnK from dlMaan pecu
liar to tbtlr tax can conialt with the nsur nc6
of ipeedy relief and cure. 8eud 3 cents po Hgo
for works on jronr dlseancs.
* rfl nd 4 c nU IXMURO ( br Cclpbrnifil
Work * on Chronic , N rvott * and Doll-
ente DlicMOi , ConsulUtlon , penonkVy or by
letter. fr * . Consult tli old X > onor.
Tlionnniidn cupprt. ODIeri and pnrlora
prlvnto. JBThoio contcmplftllng Marrlkeo
r nd for t r. ClnrUo's c lcbr ted guluo
Halo and r tnnl < > , each 16e. , both 2Vj.
( itampt ) . llcfoto confiding your caie , coniult
, Dr. CI , AIIK E. A. ftlen.llf letter or cull may
MVO future Biifterlngftnd ihtme , and add golden
rear * to lifeBook "I.lfc'B ( SMrtt ) Kr *
rorn , " COc. ( ttampt ) . Modlelno and wrlttnK *
nt Averrwnere , secure from oxnoknro.
Hears , 8 to B ; Sundavt , 9 to 12. Addreu.
P. t ) . OLABSE , M. D.
180 So. Clark BU OUICAOQ. ILL.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
The Dcst Itoulo front Onmlm nnd Council
lllulTi lo
Chicago , AND Mlhvaukoe ,
St. 1'n.iil , Jllnnwipolls , ilur It-apli !
Hock Island , Free-port , llockfimlf
Clinton , Diiljmitie , Dtucnport ,
Mntllson , Jnucsrlllc ,
lielolt , Winonn , Ln Crosscj
AmlalloUior Important points Kant , NortUoast and
For throiiRti ticket * eMI on Iho ticket agent nt 1VU
Fnrnara street , la Darker lllock , or nt Union Puclllo
I'lillman Slcepcru anil Iho lineal DlnlnirCarflIn tliO
world are run on Ilia main line of the ChlcniTii , Milwaukee
waukeo A Ht. 1'nul Hallway , nnil ovvrr nltcullon IS
lialil ID pasiciigura by courteous euiploroi ot tlla
H.SllI.I.l'H. Rrnornl Manaecr.
J. F. TlICKKIl , Ai-jXtnMt ( Irnoral Mnnnicr.
A. V. . OAHlMCNTHtl , aeneral I'assongcr nntl
OKO. 1 111AKVOUIA l8tnnt General Pauongcr
and Ticket Aijent.
J.T.CIiAllIC Uoncral Superintendent.
Hunnlng between Council HlnlTs nnd Albright.
In addition to the stations mentioned , trains
stop at Twontloth and Twenty-fourth streets ,
and ut the Summit iu Omaha ,
A No. S li2 ; > a.mA | No.B,0:3 : > n. m.
A No,4 UslOp.m.U No.l 0:30pm.
A No 10 7:05 : a. m.lA No.O. 8:55am. :
A No.U TiWn , m.A | No.ll .g00p.w. ;
A No , 8 ,3:40p. : m.A | No.7 lla' ; p. m.
pLcav Transfer depot : W a. in , ; B:40 : p , m ,
AlTiru Twn.-fur depot SI:1Q a. iu ' : 10UO a. m.t
7:00p : , in-
A dally ; H dully except Bat.jO dally except
Eun. ; D ejccopt Mon. ; > Ifa t'uiallt Llmlted ,
Nos , 303-404-1 7O-G04.