Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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Signs of a Report On the Btriko
JJlncoln's Finest Making VlRorons Ob-
Jcctlonn to Giving Mjo Momln Now
lcinlrcl The IJtillrtliiK Out
look City Brevities. V
inn -IIEB'S UKCOLH ntmiun.1
Some tlmo slnco n numerously signed rd-
quest was received from araons thabcst citi
zens of Wymoro by the board of transporta
tion , nslclnj ? tli at the character of the engi
neers now employed on the Hurllngton road
bo Investigated regarding their competency
to handle the travcllnR public with safety.
After some delay two of the secretaries pro
ceeded to that point and ivtliercd the testi
mony ot cill/ciis and railroad men. This
testimony la how transcribed and In the of-
flco of the board , but Is refused for publlcn-
' tlon and has not as yet been noted upon , al
though taken nearly two weeks ago. Testi
mony was also taken at Kcd Cloud , and that
It also held In darkness. Tlio secretaries
of the board held n mccttiijt on Thursday , but
no action was taken regardlng'tho testimony.
It need , therefore , occasion the board ot
tranaiwrtatlnn no surprise If Uio public , and
especially that part of the publlu which lias
naked oflloial Investigation , bee in to question
nnd wonder why the long delay has oc
I curred and * why something Is not ilono
in n matter of such importance
to the traveling public. The best Information
obtainable ns to the action of the board Is
that they will hold a mooting on next Thurs
day ,
There Is much of this testimony , especially
that tnkou nt Wymoro , that Is damaging to
the Uurllngtoitroad and Its present methods.
The testimony shows that at the tlmo it was
taken a largo number of the engineers run
ning out of that place were utterly Incom
petent and without an hour's experience ns
locomotive engineers. It shows that the
fond , In attempting to operate nnd handle
trains , has utterly disregarded public safety
nnd has employed men without knowledge or
responsibility for their positions. 'Tito people
or ; the state should -know thcso facts and
neither through sympathy for the road nor
through tedious delays should the board with
hold the fuels it may obtain. Information of
this character burled from sight until the
Btrugglo between the men and the road Is
ended would bo about ns useless an employ
ment of their tlmo us the bourd could Invent.
For six months past a great deal of agita
tion han been had concerning the policy of
placing the Individual members of the police
I'orco under bonds , and ordinances for thai
purpose Htivo been drafted nnd discussed at
length. The members of the police force arc
prently opposed to the measure and hold that
it gives any one , whether responsible or not.
nn opportunity to put them to trouble and
expense. A number1 of citizens asked concerning -
corning the measure stated their doubts ns to
. tno policy of the move , n general opinion
bolng that arrests would bo few and far bo-
twcen under the change. The council have ,
however , passed tno ordinance which sub
stantially provides that each member of the
IXDlico force shall , within ton days after the
passage of the ordinance , give a bond .to the
city In the sum of $1,000 , with two sureties to
IJQ approved by the mayor and city council
and tliatif the principal shall bo guilty of making -
- ing an unlawful an est or is guilty of cruel
conduct whllo acting as a policeman of the
city , any person so unlawfully arrested or
cruelly treated by such policeman may main
tain a civil action on the bond and recover
damages , It Is very evident that some of the
] Xllcp force will resign rather than comply
with the requirements of the ordinance , nnd
the new requirement may work numerous
changes in the police force as now consti
tuted ,
Indications point toward a prosperous year
In building matters in Lincoln. The number
Of now blocks contracted for nnd proposed
"will add materially to the business center ,
nnd church and residence buildings promise
to excel , in numbers the record of any previ
ous year.
Among the business blocks , J. C. McBrldo
has the foundation In for a four-story 00x100
block on 1" and Twelfth streets.
J. H. MoMurtry Is contracting a four-story
block on N nnd Twelfth street that will bo
pushed to completion and John Zcrung is ar
ranging for a six-story block in the sauio lo
The projectors of the Now York Llfo In-
kuranco proposition for a building in the city
nro conlident that it will bo scoured the pres
ent season.
The progress raado for a new hotel to
ccllpso anything In the west is Mattering nnd
the proposed Church opera house is assured
tor tUo present year.
The now First Uaptlst church , on the cor
ner of Fourteenth and K streets will bo com
pleted this season nnd It will bo one of the
tlnest church edifices in the state. The
Christian church building will bo located di
rectly across the street from the Baptist
church and workmen are engaged on thu
foundation , The now buildings at the stnto
university will bo completed this summer ns
Will also the Methodist university nil of
Which cause Lincoln people to look upon
their energetic boom as in no sense waning.
cur nuiiu'S.
The city council has passed on ordinance
defining the lire escapes necessary for the
jmbllu good in opera houses and halls in the
city. In accordance with the ordinance the
Funke opera house will bo equipped with
now escapes in the way of outside balconies
nnd stairways at onco.
The laud commissioner nnd attorney gnn-
crnl returned yesterday from Nebraska City ,
Whore they went on a tour ot Inspection ,
looking after the now buildings at the blind
asylum located nt that place.
On Monday morning the selection of soata
for the liooth-Barrctt engagement at Funko'a
oponi house will bo made by the subscribers
lor scuts in the order In which they sub
scribed. There are some three hundred scats
taken on the list , and after these are assigned
the sale will continue to these who desire
cheaper scats. The prospects are very Mat
tering that the mitnagomcnt of the house will
not lose by bringing the attraction to the city.
Seneca , one of the now towns on the
B. & M. In Thomas county , located I'M miles
west of Havonua , has been selected as n
division station on the road and "will be
boomed accordingly.
The republicans of the city are preparing ( i
grand rally in connection with their city con
ventlon that meets at Uohannon's Imll to-nighl
A number of prominent republicans huv <
been secured to address the convention ,
The .next attraction booked at the ppor :
hbu o li "Sam'l of 1'osen , " who displays hli
wares nt that place Monday evening.
District Court.
VKIIDIOT FOR $5,000. <
The Jury in the case of Dolan vs Obcrfoldui
returned a verdict for $5,000 , damages clalmot
by reason of the husboud of plaintiff boln (
Itlllod by n falling elevator. This was thi
lull amount sued for.
mvortcB ,
MursbalHI. Hold filed with District Cler ]
Mooros a petition for a divorce from his wlf
Jomilo , whom ho married lour years ago ant
by whom homu had onp child , and sets u ;
at hli reason that Jennie became enamorei
ot ouo Adolph Hass , of this city , and has a
various times been guilty of criminal intlmac' '
with him. Aside from this , she froquentci
wine rooms and theaters with him and timillj
got up and loft Marshall entirely. Marshal !
wants a divorce and the custody of his child
WiNTU $5,100 1MMAOB.
John H. Hunkln , a minor , has , by ) > ! nex
friend , sued l'O. . Vestner , the proprietor o
n printing oQlcy on Howard street , for f5lJ , (
damages sustained by the loss of tluv
fingers and a thumb of his right ham
through the alleged carelessness of the fore
luau , who i euld to have started a press li
motion while the lad wus engaged in adjust
ing BOUIQ portion of the machinery. Judg <
Doano is trying the case.
Judge 0 roll's ' time was occupied in hoarlui
B few motion * and making borne orders ,
Judge Hopowell luft in | ho afternoon fo
Ills homo in Tekumah , and oil Monday nex
will preside at the opening of the. UUtric
court of Washington county.
Judge Qroff will preside at the opening o
the spring term of the district court of Saruj
county on April S3.
Attorneys Sayose , Morris and Davis , reD
resenting Gilbert M. Hitchcock and the
World Publishing company In the notion
brought against the defendants by Jailor
Miller , yesterday petitioned the plaintiff to
separately number nnd utnto his several
alleged causes of action so that the defend
ants may bo enabled to demur or plead to
n.r.Anixo ron A JKW Tnuti.
Yesterday Attorneys Duffy and Mnhonoy
filed a motion for n new trial for William
Ferguson , convicted of murder In the second
degree last Wednesday. They Insist that the
verdict w < w not sustained by the evidence ,
thiit the court erred in allowing Montgomery
to testify nftcr they had objected to the
same , and also in Its Instructions to the Jury.
Some limo ago Mrs. E. W. Hatcroth se
cured n Judgment against Henry D. Esta-
brook in the district court and ho demurred
from it nnd took the rasa to the supreme
court. Yesterday , tn order wai received
from Chief Justice M. H. Itecso ordering the
verdict to bo reversed nud the costs saddled
on the defendant.
Judge Wnkcly listens patiently to the de
tails of the Wllllams-Hamcr case wlilrh Is
progressing slowly , the defense now Intro
ducing testimony in the shape of nnidavlts
from counsel engaged with Judge Hamcr In
the appeal of the Williams case to the supreme
premo couit.
1'ollco Court.
Henry Lewis Duntch , n gawky , green-
looking countryman , was run In Thursday
night on a charge of vagrancy.
"What have you to say for yoursoltl"
asked the court.
"I've boon working out. at.tlio fort , nnd
came in yesterday with a lead of hogs. "
"What did you work all" -
"Washed dishes. "
"Have you n job out there yell"
"No , sir , I null. "
"Whatforl" .
"Why , I'm goln1 to bo n teoatrcd man , n
showman. "
"What , wore you ovqr a showmanl"
"Yes , sir. "
"What show were you over withl"
"With the homo troupe at Lltllo Sioux ,
Harrison county , Iowa. "
"Wlmt'd you dol"
"I'm a dancer , and I was up at the People's
theatre yesterday and showed 'em what 1 kin
do , nnd they engaged mo. "
"Well , you can sit down there until after
court , when you can give us n specimen of
your dancing. If you can dance I'll lot
you go. "
"Oil , I can dance , " nnd Henry sat down.
After the morning session was over the
Judge called him up again , and ns court of-
llccrs , policemen und spectators crowded
around , ho said :
"Nqw Henry got up on the platform there , "
pointing lo the witness stand , "and lot's see
what kind of a dancer you arc , If you have
told me the truth j-ou can go. "
Henry , with n twinkle In his darollko eyes ,
pulled off his coat and rolled up his breeches ,
ana shoving them into his boots , ho hpppcd
upon the platform , nnd talk about your
Dick Sliders , Andy MeKees or Hilly Emor-
sons , they wora never a marker to Henry
Lewis Daniel. For live minutes the court
fairly resounded with the clatter of his brogans -
gans , nnd the scone was one of unparalleled
comicality nnd uniqueness , with the Judge
leaning over the bench and taking in the hoedown -
down with n zest that was amusing , while
Jailor Ormsby and Sergeant Mostyn ,
on each side of the convoluting Mr. Daniel ,
patting Jubo , It was enough to make
n horse laugh. XJut Daniel won Ills freedom ,
because , llko the father of his country , he
couldn't ' toll n Ho ; ho Is a dancer from head
waters , and Harry Parish has captured a
"Thatls worth a quarter any time , " ejacu
lated the court , as Henry Lewis , from sheer
exhaustion , ceased his energetic caleHthcuics ,
nnd throwing him the coin , ho authorized
Johnson to show the gentleman out into the
jocund spring sunshine.
W. H. Widner , an old rag picker who
strolled in from St. Louis , was the second
case collect. Ho said if the court would bo
easy with him this time ho would return to
thq Mound City at onco. Ho was released.
Joe Lancaster , an old sneak thief nnd Rig
Frank's right-hand man , was given six
hours to get out of the city.
Agnes Dormidy , a domestic at the Qoos
hotel , was arrested yesterday on com
plaint of the cook , Anna Nicholson , who
clmrRoil hoc with having stolen $00 from her
trunk. The case was carefully Inquired Into ,
without going to trial , and upon the advice
of the city attorney , Agnes was dismissed.
Peter Robertson called at the station for
the purpose of swcariugout a warrant for a
man who had assaulted him with a knife
at the corner of Fourth nnd Pierce
streets. However , ho didn't know the party
and the writ was not issued. The police ,
however , were instructed to investigate.
Kobcrtson received two slight cuts in the
sldo and ouo in the arm , nnd the man who
was after him evidently meant business.
John Boll , n young colored hoodlum , nnd
U. Komorling , an Incorrigible , were sent up
to the district court as deserving candidates
for the reform school.
Drunk and Disorderly John LJrennan ,
Fred Miller , ono day each ; Torn MoNamara ,
"Sleepy" Hulott , discharged ,
Vagrants Aug. Vnnmussness , John Warn-
ham , John Curoy and Kuss Shopsliire , dis
charged ; John Myron , ona day.
What you need is a medicine which is
pure , oflicfent , reliable. Such is Hood's
Snrsiipai-illtv , Nearly everybody takes it.
Try it yourself.
Tried to "Work" the U. P.
A young woman with three children ap
preached the depot master nt the Union
Pacific station yesterday and stated that
she desired to go westward as farasOgallalla
and that she had come hero from Iowa in
company with her brother-in-law , who had
two tickets for the point named , but that
they bad become separated , and while the
brother-in-law got on the western bound
train , through mistake she boarded the train
for Council lilufts and was carried across the
river. She dosircd.that a ticket bo given her
to Ogallnlla in order that she might overtake
him , The woman was informed that it could
not bo done without first investigating the
case and that a telegram would bo sent out
along the line and her brother-in-law Inter
cepted , when , if ho was found to have her
ticket a duplicate would bo issued , She con.
sentcd to this arrangement but after the tele ,
gram was sent could not bo found , but latoi
was discovered at the n , & M. depot , where ,
she had purchased a tickdt for York , when ,
she said she lived. As she had at llrst do-
clarcd herself penniless the official mcntionei
Is still wondering why she denlred to go U ]
Ogallulla , and Is inclined to think the case an
effort to beat the company ,
A Bloody Affray
is fton the result of "bud blood" in a
family or community , but nowhere is
bad blood moro destructive ot liirppliioss
and health than in the human system
When the lite current is foul nnd slug
gish with impurities , and is slowly dis <
trlbutinir its poisons to oyery part of the
body , the peril to health , nild llfo oven ,
is imminent. Early symptoms are dul
and drowsy ( colings , tmvoro headaches
coated tongue , poor nppctlto , indiges
tion and general lassitude. Delay in
treatment may entail the most serious
conseqiiQnces , Don't lot disease got i
stronghold on your constitution , bu <
treat yoursolt by using Dr. Piorco'ij
Golden Medical Discovery , and bo re
stored to the blessings ot health. Al
Jjocal Sport ins Bqulba.
In ono short week moro the exhibition
base ball season of 1SS will ba opened. Ot
Saturday , the 7th of April , the Omaha people
will have an opportunity to see the season
inaugurated at the ball park. On that occa
elon the now team will maka its initial bow
and a largo crowd , the \rcathor being favor
able , will surely bo on hand to sea them mak <
it. They will open irp with the Dubuqucs , t
team.that wiU bo able to Lputa IU own will
the best of them.
Tommy Warren , the feather weight
writes a friend here that ho will arrive ir
Omaha one day next week for a brief visit
while ua route tor California. Wlillo here
lowevor , ho will bo pleased to knock out a
ew of the local vegetables if they have any
imbltlon to go against him. However , there
s little show of a moot hero , ns up man is
manifesting any interest in the manly art
ust now.
Colonel Heck , ot Council Bluffs , is trying
to get on n fight between Jack Day , of this
city , nnd hie Johnny Larklns of the UlufTs ,
> ut whether ho will succeed or not remains
to bo scon.
By Wednesday evening next Manager
Selco expects that all the Omnhas , O'Con- '
nell , Miller , Flynn. Lovott , Wilson , Annis ,
Shannon , Doran , Hurdick , IJunu. Coonoy ,
Messltt , Walsh and Casslon , will bo on
It Is going to bo n dtftloult matter for Mnn-
tgor Seleo to arnmgo exhibition games on
the homo grounds this season , nnd it is
doubtful whether but two three first class
Learns will bo seen upon the homo grounds
Dcforo the regular championship sonson
opens. This , however , will cause but little
disappointment , Inasmuch as the regular
scn < .on is so near at h.inil , The St. Pauls ,
Dubuqucs , Davenports , and possibly the
ICnnsas Cities may bo aeon cro that tlmo , but
no positive dates nave as yet been arranged
for with the exception of the Dubuquos and
St. Pauls.
The least said by parties who were Inter
ested In the Into great bicycle fnko the bct-
ter.1It itmy bo necessary yet to show the af
fair up according to tha facts in the case-
something that has never yet been dono.
Tested by time. JTor Bronchial affec
tions , Coughs , etc. , 33uow.N's UHOK-
cnrAr.1 Tiiofcmcs have proved their
ofllcacy ba lest of many yoavs. Price
2o cts.
To Doom North IMnttc.
Mr. John L. Dyer , of North Platte , is in
the city perfecting arrangements for the is
suing of n "boom" paper setting forth the
merits of North P.latto as a city. The Union
Pacific road will distribute 1,000 of these ut
eastern points.
r tenet E
Its superior orcellenco proven In'mllllons of
homes for more than a quarter of a century Its
la used bo the United States Government. En
dorsed by the heads of the ( Jroat Universities n
the strongest. Purest and Most Healthful. Ir
1'rlao's Qrenm llaklng 1'owilcr does not contain
Ammonia , Wine or Alum. Sold only In cans.
Now York Chicago St. Louis
Our Magic Remedy
r All irphllltle DlieasM , of rcctnt or loni stanalnf.ln
from ten to fifteen dar * . W will gtre written guar
antee * to cur * anj caao or refund yourmoner. And
we would ier to thoio who nave employed tbe moil
fikllled IMuilclan * , uied every known raruedr an (
pave nut been cured , tuat you are the nubjocti we arii
looklne for. You tbat bare been to tbe celebrated
Hot Spring * of Arkama * . and bar * lot all bope ot
rooTiT > *
ermakcnocbarag. Our remedr 1 * nnknnwn to any
one In the world onttlde of our Company , and It ti
Ibe only remedy m tbe world tbat will cure you.Ve
will cure the most obstlnato case tn 1 > * tban one
rnontb. Beron dayi In recent catei doe * tbe work. It
I ; the old , chronic , deep-seated ca * 9 tbat we solicit.
W bare cured hundred * wbo bad been abandoned
by Viirilclan * and pronovncad Incurable , and
We Challenge tha World
tobrlncniacaia that wo will not cure In Iiu tban
Dne month.
filnce tbe hltory of medicine , a True Bpecino foi
ByphllltlOhKruutloni , Ulcer * . Bora mouth , Ao. , bai
BOD fan ( { or but CQTCT found nntll
Our Magic Remedy
* dl coT r d , and we are 5nitlfled In laying It I * th
only remedy In tbe world ( bat will poiftlrelr cure ,
became tbe latest medical work * , publlibed by the
DBBt known autborltlei , lay tbere was nerer a true
Keclflo before. Our Itemedr 1 * tbo only medicine In
a world tliat will cur * when etemhlng olio ba4
failed. Hbaibcen to conceded by a largo number of
Celebrated I'bylciao * . IT ns NIVEU YST FAII-KII
to CDUC. Wtiy w te your time and money wltb
patent medicine * tbat never bad rlrtue , or dotter
Vlth pbyelclan * tbat cannot cure you. You tbat bara
tried ervrytblngelieihould come vo us now and ( el
( rmanent relief t you ntrer can got Iteliewber * .
Mark wbat we isyi in tbe end you muttlake our
IlemedyorNXTiinrecorer. And you tbnt bare been
afflicted but a ibort time ibould by all mean * come to
tunow. Many got help and tblnktbeya re free from
tbe dlicait'but In one , two or three
appear * agiln In a more horrible form.
lnTe tlgat * our Onancial ( landing through tbe mer
cantile wi nclf * and note thai wo are full/ responsi
ble and onr written guarantee * are Rood. We bare a
Ktuinr prepared qu purely Scientific IMnclplei and
re wlau U repeat that it NurxM WJiiia TO CURB , AU
( fare lacredlr coondenllal.
THE COOK HEMEDY CO. , Omaha , Neb.
Kuomi Id and IT lltUmam Block.
honestly admit that they can't cure
ItheumutUm and Neuralgia. Others
say they can hut < lon't. Atli-lo-
plto-ros says nothing but curei.
That's the secret of its success.
Years of trial have proved it to bo
a quirk , toft , mrc euro.
Concord , !
In my own iamlly Atlilojihoro * wa used
u a lout ruiort , the u r red
( rout rheumatism for year * aud iikvlnu
lieen treatul for tlio diieiwo by different
1'liyBlciilia iu tul * mate and I
utU without oven tpmj'orwT relief ,
Ux > n my recommendation Rcorrt of IMSO.
pla lisru tuad IliU rciutxly with the
reuiUUclalnioJforU. . U.lLWi
AUiloplioron hiM coindetvnr rurea me of
nervou * hradube , and I feel thankful Tor
all the good K Uu done me.
lira. LOUISE Oiusur.
r-ScnJ 0 cont5 for tlio beautiful roloied pic
ture , " MoorUU MalJen. "
Proprietor Omaha Butlntst Colltgt ,
Boolc-Keeplng , PenmaDsliip ,
Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing
and Typewriting.
Send for Cvllig * Journal.
S E , Cor 10th and Capitol Avenue
UT this put end return with Wc.caib orUnips.
t\.J ufou receipt of we will lend ,
* | any addriiu , oua One Dollar uatkuxu "Uindoa
liraoulva. " tne ttreuloat Lluod and ki > rl.i ; ; nicUI-
- ' - on cartti. tfood unlU April # . Ix > uuu Med
- ' -y. Katisxt I'tly. Mo.
ttTnoxit , da. ) Atignit 11 , 1ES7. 1
Tnt Swrrt Rricirto Co. , Atlantn , Oft. : '
Oentlemcn t hare been afmctrd with
vlc rmtlon of the Icitt ftr ulnce 1 nu
child , Iho dl c undoubtedly btlng tiers-
dlurfn rny mother nurrcrcil from croful-
cil ijrtnptoms. A > I nilrnnrod tn manhood
mr nmictlon Incrcaipd until the mnlactr
lifcimo liarrft-'Miiif nnd pulnful hej-ond tha
power of wonl * to ilricrlbe. My right If j
tiartlculArlrbocftma foarfullr ln ol pd , tha
irft I R being leu pxIntullrirrertM. Finally ,
nbnut fountcn yc r ago , tu ulcsrt on a\r
right lex bmlcaton throuRh the firth Into
thotmne. In order to T my life thadoo-
tpr determined to amputate my leg twloir
the Xnte. Thn opprotlim vria iuccc rull/-
pcrform Jby Dr.U V. M. lllilrr.ol Atlanta.
iind Dr. w. P. Dond , ot Llthonla. Hut tha
lost of my feif g re me only temporary ro
ller. Tha potion w i itlll In my ( yitem nnd
eon bc aii to Low Itself Rnln. Inaihort
tlmo nf tor l rgc ulcers appeared on my left
if * , oortrlnf tt from the fcneo to the lnten.
Frequently nlilla at work I could to trucked
tiy the blood which ooied from the hut *
ulcers , and the tore * anil rottonlnit hole *
mere to ofTf mlro that my follow-nurkmea
could not atftnd the itcncu end would roora
* 7Jut winter Twos peMitudeil to try 8. S. B.
At a lut effort I consented to do tn , nnd
about Heron monthi ngo I br n Inking tha
BpeclHo. I loan Iwgan to feel the Rood enocti
of the nieillclne , th offenilTO running began
to grow IPM and leu and finally coated , tha
ulcer * heiled , my fleih became nrm and
olld , end today , after u lnn tnenty-im *
bottles. 1 nm ai hale and ( tout H man ot my
go u them U In Ocorela. lnm > cvcnty no
yrars old , but feel now younrcrnnd ttroneer
than I did when I was twenTy-flre. I weigh
about 170 poundi. Nothing U to bo icen ot
the terrible rtlseain , or to remind moot the
torture I tiffered for ro many year * , except
the * car of the perfectly healed ulocri.
I want the notld to know of the utmost
mlrouulout euro effected on me by 8. a. a. .
and I cull upon these who wlsu to know the
particulars directly from me to write , and I
will consider It a pleasure as well a n July
to answer thiMr Icttcra. I refer to Dr. W. P.
llond , of LlthODIa , a * to the [ truth ot mf
Utemeut. Very s" > tof ult
TraatUe on Blood and Skin DUeajes mailed
froo. TnitBniF-r8rEoiFiaCo..1
Drawer a , AUanla. Oa.
Paid Up Capital , - $25OOOO
Surplus , - BO.OOO
H.V. . YATKS , Proslilcnt.
LEWIS 8. HEED , Vice-President.
A. K. TOUZAMN , 2nd Vlco-l'restdent.
W , H. 3. HuaiiBS , Cashier.
1,171 tr 1 ,
Cor.I2thnitd B'arlffiSSts ' ?
A Oencrol UankltiBl > usUiBsi"Trahsactod.
Issued by
- . Countles.Clt-
les , towns and Water Companies , etc.
_ _ . .
113-117 Monroe St. I BO Dearborn St.
Others , Also Solicited
coyr. LAWp WARRANTS 5cniB'
nr tea ornci. ; . a wtu IUUT.
Does not hare to be BOILED ONE HOUR.
Draw It fifteen minutes and you have a cup
of delicious fragrance , for Safe By ,
W. K. Dennett & Co. , J H , 1514 Capitol Areaue ,
II , A. Ncnrniun , 1711 St. Mury'8 Avenue.
Mnx Nocr , Iil2 South 10th Street.
J , J. UiTornk A Ilro. , Uiu South 13th Street.
U. 11. llaincn. "Ill North lottl Street. _
Epps's Cocoa
"Iff It thorough knowledge ot the natural Uwi
which gqrrrn the operation of digestion and nutri
tion , and by careful nppltcntlon ot the fin * properties
of wellflOlPctM Cocoa. Mr. Kpps.has provided onr
brcakran table * , with n delicately flarorcd hpTorane
which may are in many heaTy doctor's I > R | . IU *
by tha Judicious e of unch arllcloi of dlvt thatn
constitution may to gradually bnllt up nntll itrnni
enonah to resist orcry tcndcncf to nlseaso. Hun
dred * of subtle maladies are floating aronnd 11 * ready
to attack whcrorer thorn Is awcak point. We mar
ctcapo rannyn fatal hatl by kcopimtoursolros wen
fortinpd wllh pure blood and n propetly nourlihed
frame.-ClTll bcrrlco oaiolle.
Matin Dimply with bolllnir water or milk. Sol J only
In half pound tins by ( Irocors labeled thus !
1AMDC ! TDDO ? 9. PO Hoimcopnthlo Chemists ,
nr CAniuctt Foil
20 Cents a Week.
Sevan papers a week. Send your order to tlio
office ,
1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building
Or the Liquor Habit , Positively Curcil by
Administering Dr. Undies' Golden
It can bo given Jnu cup of coffeoor tea with
out the knowledge ot the person talcing It ; abso
lutely harmless , and will effect a pennant nnd
Bpecily cure , whether the piitlent Is a moddrato
drlnkor or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of
drunkards have been made temperate men who
have taken Golden SpeclUc In their coffee with
out their knowledge and today bollevethoy
quit drinking of their own free will. It never
falls. The system once Impregnated with the
Specific , It becomes an utter Impossibility for
the liquor appetlta to exist. For sale by Kuhn
ft Co. , 15th and Douglas sts. , and IRth and Cum-
Ing Bts. . Omaha , Neb. : A. B. Foster & Bro. ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
The belt known nnd most popular Hotel In tlio
tato. Location central , appointment * nrst-clnss.
Headquarter * for commercial men and all political
andpuwtogath.rla. . . , , .
„ „ „ „ „ „ „ 1Vourleloc
( Successors to John Q. Jacobs. )
Undertakers & Embalmers
At the old stand , J107 Farnam St. Orders by tele
graph solicited and promptly attended to.
Tolepli ne No. 225
Advertising hau'nlirnys provoa
successful. Before placing any
Nowapapor Advertising' consutt
1DTIBTISI.M ] iqtSTfl.
41 to i < ud l > h SHttl , CHICACO ,
Elcciro-Magiieiic Belts !
ThoGrandiil Triumph ot Electric Science
IT WBLR ; CURE you sx&sn i.U.r ,
Wait , KlhausUon , KmlMlom , Asthm * , Mtart .
Iiidla-Mtlon. We k M , Inpot nc7. Patnrrh , I'llM. Knlttpir. Aimb Uk tM >
Blood UlMMtN I ri optj , * ! . , thru thli > rll U J it What jo .
tlv ftlll C n be rpllril . „ , . . , „ . ABU mmm rm * MM A
tock , V.rdi | Budrt I'oy athc.rtjmMi.Ool.fioiin.lTT ,
tloilnff lln r ou iimlmrotxll t lr , nd prodadjif new ctrcuuilon of the Hit i fowct-thj lilooJ.lm-
r riW Tlcror , itrcngth , mtrsr * nd lr Hh , Vhrn All other trc tra nl M UlleJ. Tb uortU ol ihli al n-
tin * lt ll r b ln r coBiili d nd Indoned by tboasuuJi whom UliMturta.
IlKVEUhNCM.-Anr l ) nV , commeixlul efrpncT or whnltitln homo In Chicago ) hol sal drostUU ,
Ban rnuiclMtniniinhlotira lir send itwnp for Iltpignllluitrttcd p mpM t.
OD3EC. W , J. akOXUfja , InTcntoriLDatlUDuUcturer , 1V1T t > mk ATCDM Chlf a .
ealfh is Wealf i !
MHNT , n Ktmranteoil ppoclno ( or Hysteria , Dizzi
ness , Convulsions fit * , Nervous Nvuraluln ,
JltuJnclip , Nervous l'rostr Uon , cannot ] by tits
use of alcoliol or tobacco , Wakorulne.ifl , Mantnl
Ueproflston , Boftcnlng of tlio llrivln , resulting In
Insrtnlty.nnd landing ( o mlsory.ileonyo.ndiloath ,
1'reiimture Old ARO , llarrenttOAS , Lass ot Power
In cither sex. Involuntary , Losses nnd Bncrmv
torrlirea caused by ovcr-cxortlon ot tha brain ,
self-abuse or over-Indulgence. Kaolt box con
tains ona month's treatment , Jl.OOft box , orslK
boxes for 13.00 , sout by mall Prepaid on receipt
of price.
To cure any caso. WltU each order received by
us 'or six boxns , acconipanlod with 15.00 , wo will
Bond the imrchnsrr our written Rtmranteo toro-
fund the money if the treatment does not effect
n cure. 0 uarantcos issued only by. 0. P. ( ! OO I- )
MAN. DriicgUt. Solo Agout , 1110 i'uruam Htreot ,
Omaha , Neb.
Jtemarkablo for powerful sympa
thetic tone.'pllubJB'a'ctlo'n und ab-
soluiij durability. Itlyoara'record ,
thet , Kuoraiuco ut the excel-
of these Instruments.
GOLD MEDAL , FABI8 , 1878 ,
Warranted abtoluMy pure
C'oeoa , from which the excess ot
Oil has been lomoTCd. ItliailArM
( ( DIM the ttrenyllt of Cocoa mixed
with fitirch , Arrowroot or Bugar ,
and la therefore far moro economi
cal , calling ten than one cent a
tup. It is delicious , noarislilus ,
strengthening , caally digested , and
admirably adapted for Invalid * as
TTcll aa for pcraona In health.
Bold br Grocers ctcrynherc.
W. BARER & CO , , Dorchester , Mass ,
jbHIUttd Ihl *
WEAK dlierttlont or
Ihli NBV l
oui.wlld , leothlnz cumiiU of
LIrtttijr through HI v * k pirts.r tor.
Currtot * s * fltiniUntlrorweforfcltfiboo Incith.
Orutctt ImpioTtniMti orcr li othir btlli. worit c&iti pf *
tatntBtlf eurtd In thrtfl month * . LSc&Ud pamyhlel4o. rUuip
tbo CandtD Electric Co. 109 La8allc ta Chicago
ST. fcOUIS , 0
MO. j > .
Our Snrrro ROSES and other PI , ANTS will
Innko ailupuj1 Inyoui [ pirdcn ntouco. We tell
no flip ] or rooted cuttings. Immense t'.ocUof freih.
Flovrof snd Votrotublo Kir.If4 : for nil cli-
matei and all situations. Thousands of testimonials
cttest the superior quality of our IMiiuta nnd
Rcc l * . Sendee , ( stampsforourmniiinccnt )
CATAtOGUK for 1HH8. Moit complete nnd
ever publi hcdwilhcoloredplat sand new
A'llKU to all who mention ibli paper.
Corsets of Europe >
opo and
O v o r
2,000(0000 (
sold last
year tn
this coun
try alono.
The roar
eons aroi
they art
the boot
fitting ,
out com
fortable ,
most dur
able and
| oorsotow
or mado.
Avoid worthless Imitations. CoraUne
Is ugod In no Corsota except titooo
made by us. Nona are genuine unices
od on Inaldo of etoel cover. For sola
by all loading merchants.
WARNER BROSa67o&H2f , .BiJ
b * J. A. MINER , IVIanogor. jC
ufTcrlnBrfrom the ef-
ect * oryoutliful r-
nUnKod .etc. IwlI ( nAUw fe'rreaUnTMiJed )
cuiitalnlnff full pU'Ucular * for horn * cure , ( rte ot
CPROF. F/c'FOWLER ! , Moodus , Conn. '
And will guarantee to give you more for the amount you wish to invest in CLOTHING than any house west of New York City , as wo make a bust
ness of Hand/ing Merchant Tai/or Misfits and Uncalled for C/othing , embracing the most substantial fabrics , the most prevailing styles in
Cut and Pattern from which we can sell you for 50c on the dollar of the original prices. As an example we will give you
At For
8 2.75 which was made to order. 918,00
3.50 " " 18.50
5.00 18,76
5.75 2000
< ! . : ! ( > 20.00
( i..IO 21.00
7.hi ) 21.50
S.1U 22,90
At At For
S 8.M ) which was made to order $17.20 which was made to order. . . $31.00
10,20 Ji.'iO " " ' " " 10.80 . . . 40.00
31.80 " ' * 25.GO u u . . . 52.00
32.40 " " 30,40 u . . . CO.CO
J3.20 14.80 " " " 33.60 u u . . . 07.00
. it u . . . ,
„ 1C. 5 " " 30.70 74,00
, ,7.40 , Which was made to order 8,20 Which wag made to order , . 10.00
; 02o 20.00
12.80 " " u 22.00
14iGO " " u 20.60
17.80 " " i , 80.00
20.10 itti u itu u ! 17,60
23,00 , ti ii u it 42.60
2C.70 it ii it 60,00
Gents' Furnishing Goods
In an xmegualled quantity , quality and variety , including hats in quality not surpassed , and
all in all at prices which will explain to you why the mass of people flock daily to
1119 Farnam Street.
N. B. Orders by mail receive prompt and careful attention ,