Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1888, Page 4, Image 4

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TEHMS or strnscmrrioN.
Jallr ( Mornlnft Edition ) Including Sunday
IIKB. One Yosr . . . S10 00
rorSIx Months. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . n 0)
J'orThrco Months . , . . . . . . . * CO
The Omaha Sunday BRK , mnlled to any ad-
dressOne Year . . 200
OMAHA Orncr Noq.91lNt)91l ( TAIVSAM STOEBT ,
All communications rclntlnc to news and edi
torial matter should bo addressed to the Koiron
| ) UsNnsg ] iirnElig
All business letters and remittances should bo
nddrcKsed to Tim UKR I'unUMiiNO COMI-ANV ,
OJIAII A. Drafts , checks and postofllco orders to
bo made payable to the order of the company.
The BCD PflWisMne Company , Proprietors
E. ROSEWATKU , Editor ,
Sworn Statement of Circulation
Btntc of Nebraska. I . .
County of Douglass. f8' * ' . _ . _
Gro. IS. Tzschuck , secr > taryof The rteo
iiR company , docs solemnly swear that the
octualrircuiatlon of tlio Unlly Hee for the week
cmlliw March Si. 18S8. was as follows :
Batunlny , March 17 . > .075
Punday. ilarch 18 . 80.300
Monday. March la . " 3M
htesdny. March S3 . 20 , 20
Wednesday. March 21 . aVITO
Thursday. March S3 . . SO.4,1) )
Friday , SturchSJ" " . .81.535
Average . . . 20-M1
Bworn to and subscribed In my presence this
Wth day of March , A. D. , 1B88. N. P. VKIL ,
Notary 1'ubllc.
Elate of Nebraska , I ,
County of UotiRlasiiB'B' \
0 co. 11. Tzschuck , being first duly sworn , de
poses and says that ho Is secretory of The Bco
I'ubllHhlDK company , that the actual averaRo
dally circulation of Ino Daily lire for the month
of March. 1887 , H , < 00 copies ! for April ,
1887. 14,310 copies ; for May. 1887 ,
14,227 copies ; for June , 1P87 , 14,147 copies ;
for July , 1E87 , 14.C93 copies : for Au'just ,
1KB" . 14,151 copies ; for September , ' IP87 , 14,319
copies ; for October , 1887 , 14,333 ; for November ,
JE87 , 15,220 copies ; for December , 1F87 , 15,041
copies ; for January , UBtf , 15,200 copies ; for
tfeUary. 1688. 1G.UB copta
Bworn nnd subscribed to in my presence this
3d day of March , A. D. 1888. N. P. FBI I. ,
Notary Public.
Tim real estate transfers of the past
few days , the opening of the building
season nnd the eagerness of custom
manufacturers to locate in. Omaha are
all encouraging signs.
THE warning cannot bo impressed too
often on our citizens and taxpayers
that the money which will bo spent for
public improvements this season should
bo expended for quality rather than
quantity of the work.
THE lower branch of the Iowa legis
lature refused to pass the extra half mill
for 1889 which the senate insisted should
bo added to the state tax. The houses
evidently docs not believe in taxing the
people into prosperity.
the southern rico and sugar
planters are keeping a sunny counten
ance towards Mr. Randall as a presiden
tial possibility. But it is safe to say
that the cotton growers have turned a
cold shoulder towards him.
THE solid south is not so solid after
all. "While it may bo difficult to find a
prominent democrat who will this early
declare himself openly against the ad
ministration , many of them are strongly
opposed to the president's course.
STRANGK to say , there are no presi
dential candidates in Wisconsin , but
just over the line in Illinois the woods
are so full of white house aspirants thai
a crow can't caw without a dozen o
them thanking for the nomination.
WHEN the women who are attending
the international council at Washington
got through with their convention they
will be fully qualified as hardened poli
ticians. They are wearing their bonnets
tilted on the back of their heads. They
chow their tooth-picks in iho lobbies of
the hotel. They slap their friends
familiarly on the shoulder. The ballot
is the only thing that stands between
them and the full privileges of a man.
THE private secretary of J-jpoakor
Carlisle , who is also the Washington
correspondent of the Louisville Courier-
Journal , has incurred the displeasure of
the majority of the ways and means
committee by making public an ab
stract of their report in defense of their
tariff bill in advance of its submission
to the house. It was unquestionably a
grave breach of faith , but if the of
fended congressmen can form any idea
of what 11 powerful temptation the cer
tainty of a "scoop" is to the zealous
newspaper correspondent they will deal
leniently with the offender. The
singular thing about it IB that u man
would risk so much for BO little.
THE anthracite coal barons hold a
mooting in Philadelphia this week and
decided to maintain their policy of lim
iting production and holding up the
price. There will bo the usual public
denunciation of these conspirators , to
which they pay no attentio'n.and that is
all there will bo. This is not , however ,
because they could not bo reached by
law. The cxistlngfjombination violates
the constitution of Pennsylvania , "but
the authorities and the courts rofuau or
neglect to compel compliance with the
fundamental law , and the guilty and
pernicious combination pursues its way
without interference. It is to the shame
of Pennsylvania that uho is made a
fence for these unscrupulous monopo
lists , .
Louis ox-pork packer , who testified a few
days ago before a committee of congress
that ho , as well aa other packers , used
cholera hogs for food products , has boon
liuulud over the coals. The pork pack
ers of St. Louis indignantly deny the
accusations made by Mr. Bartlo , They
Jmvo taken up the matter to protect the
honor of their market , and have peti
tioned the merchants' exchange of St.
Louis to investigate the charges. It is
to bo hoped for the sake of the pork
packing industry of St , Louis that a
searching examination will bo made ,
nud-thut the packers guilty of euch out
rages will bo punished. Prom the stand
taken by the pork packers , it would
seem that Mr , Bavtlo has grossly oxagr
Kornted the matter , and that" his .rock-
loss assertions have nurt the market for
St. Louis pork products.
"Will Aillicro to Free "Wool.
The corner stone of the democratic
olnn of tariff revision , is free wool. The
majority report that will bo submitted
in connection with the bill to the hpuso
affirms that thora is no greater need for
a duty on wool than for n duty on any
other raw material , In defense of this
position the majority of the ways and
means committee say that with frco
wool manufacturers will bo able to ob
tain foreign wools cheaper , tnako their
goods cheaper , and successfully compete
with the foreign manufacturer ; that it
will enable the laborer to bo employed
in making goods that are now made by
foreign labor and imported into this
country ; that it will glvo the consumer
woolen goods at less cost , nnd finally
that the wool grower will bo bone-
fitted by an increased demand for his
wool resulting from the enlarged
market of the manufacturers. A demo
cratic member of the ways and means
committee is quoted as saying that
"under no conditions or circumstances
would wo abandon our position for frco
wool. Wo would rather fail with free
wool than succeed with any bill not
having frco wool. " According to this
authority the majority of the ways and
means committee were unanimous in
support of this feature ol the tariff bill
and there was not the least probability
that they would roccdo from it. In
making wool the subject of specific con
sideration in his annual message , the
president did not explicitly recommend
the entire removal of the duty. His
view of the situation was
that it suggested reasons "why
the removal or reduction of this duty
should bo included. In a. revision of our
tariff laws. " The radical.attitttdo of the
democrats of the ways and moans com
mittee is therefore soon to bo somewhat
n advance of that of the president at
, ho time he wrote his message , though
10 may now approve thu oxtrcmo
There would bo no voice of opposition
) the removal of the wool duties if the
onofits promised by the majority of the
ways and moans committee could bo
issured , if it could bo demonstrated that
uch results must follow , but there are
i great many pcoplo among these
most earnestly desiring a revision
if the tariff who will question
soundness of the majority's
views of. what will be the of-
'octs ' of frco wool , particularly while
woolen goods remain well protected.
The proposition that there is no more
need for a duty on wool than for a duty
on any other rawmatorial is not tenable.
Wool-growing is a very largo industry ,
representing the investment of many
nillions of capital , and is the chief
source of income to thousands of farm
ers. It is manifestly absurd to put it
on the same basis as all raw materials ,
the majority of which are , in comparison ,
of infinitessimal value to the country.
Free wool ought to reduce the price of
woolen goods to consumers , but can it
bo regarded as certain that it would dose
so while the duties on such
; oods continue sufficiently high
to give them ample protection
against foreign competition and
thus keep the homo market in the con
trol of American manufacturers ? As to
free wool having the effect of enlarging
the market for American woolen goods ,
nnd thereby increasing the demand for
domestic wool , it is at best a remote
possibility. There is something more
than free wool required to enable our
woolen manufacturers to compete suc
cessfully and on a largo scale with these
of dthor countries.
It is a eorious question 'whether the
entire removal of the wool duties would
not result in such discouragement and
disaster to wool growing in the United
States that within a few years our man
ufacturers would have to depend almost
wholly for their supply upon for
eign growers , with the neces
sary result of materially advancing
the price of foreign wool and of course
of its products , while this country
would have lost a large and important
industry. If it wpro proposed to do
away only with the duty on carpet
wools , of which this country produces
but about five per cent of what is used ,
there would bo little ground of objec
tion , but the swooping away of the
duties on all wool is a radical proceed
ing that does not appear to bo neces
sary or desirable. A reduction of the
duties , perhaps to the extent of ono-
half , would bo wiser , with something
more taken off woolen goods than is
provided for in the Mills bill.
Beneath Contempt.
This modest news paragraph appeared in
last evening BKK :
J. F. Cools , the contractor on the building
at SoveertUienthand Farnuin , started up this
morning with eight non-union bricklayers.
The mortar mixers and hod carriers refused
to word nnd struck , but their places were at
once tilled. A crowd soon gathered , consist
ing chiclly of union workmen , but no demon
strations wore Indulged In outside of a little
talk , and work progesscd as before.
The "building at Seventeenth nnd Far-
nam is the BEB building , and organized
labor can see Just liow much sincerity there
is in the professions of the editor of the
BKR to bo the frlond ot organized labor.
Worlclngmcn should remember this until
the next tune they ore asked to go to the
polls and vote for the candidate selected by
their self-constituted " . "
- "champion. Itepub-
This is simply beneath contempt.
The BUK building is being constructed
under a contract with Mr , Coots , who ,
for a fixed sum has bound himself to
furnish all the labor and material re
quired in its construction.
The editor of the BUKcan no more
diotato to Mr. Coots , aa regards the
men ho employs or the wages ho is to
pay , than ho can dictate to Paxton &
Viol-ling , the contractors for the iron
worlc , that they must employ
only union men and pay wages fixed by
the Ironmouldors' or blacksmiths1 union.
Suppose Paxton & Viorling , whoso con
tract for the iron work in the BEE
building amounts to$92,000 , should have
trouble with their moulders. Would
the editor of the BBB have any moro
right to ntorforo than any outsider ?
Last fall the editor of the BKE nskod
Mr. Coots , as a personal favor , to employ -
ploy Mr. Front , the president of the
bricklayers1 union , but Mr. Coota re
fused to do so , on the ground that
ho did not propose to discharge any
bricklayers who had worked for him
during the season , and did not want to
his force. If tbo editor of the
BEE could not induce Mr. Coots to cm-
ployon.o particular man , it is not likely
that Mr. Coots would allow him to dic
tate nt this stage , to discliargo the non
union bricklayers who are now at work
on the BEE building. The proprietors
of the BEE certainly have no advant
age In * the employment of non-union
bricklayers. On the contrary their in
terest would bo to 4iavo the building
constructed by the most skilled mechan
ics. But they cannot diotato to any of
the 'contractors beyond holding them
strictly to their contract obligations.
This , of course , is as well known to the
members of the bricklayers' union as It
is to that sneaking snnko in the grass ,
Cadet Taylor , who is trying to foment
trouble botwco'n worktngmon and the
BEE. That political buzzard nnd his
associate wreckers have nothing lo lese
by such a disreputable course. They
nro on their last legs.
TIIEUE was n period when it was sup
posed that the ronominntlon of Mr.
Cleveland depended largely upon Iho
will of the governor of Now "Vork , but
now It seems that the situation has been
reversed. It is now stated that Gov
ernor Ilill , who very much desires to
run again , is a good deal troubled ubout
his prospects for renomlnation , nnd
, hat ho may not receive it unless Mr- .
Cleveland will interest himself in Ills
behalf. The hostility of the controlling
democratic factions in Now York and
Brooklyn toward the governor has been
rowing , and it is understood that it
, vill yield only to the dcslro of the pres
cient. This is an extraordinary and
rather humiliating position for the
imbitious and crstwhilo arrogant
ovornor Hill to bo placed in. The
question is , what will Mr * . Clovo-
nnd think best to do about it ? Ho has
ns yet manifested no interest and may
omaln unconcerned , which would
doubtless be dealing with Mr. Hill as lie
deserves , but if it should appear to bo
necessary to maintain party harmony
Mr. Cleveland may conclude to inter
cede. It would seem that the case of
Governor Hill is a striking example of
ambition overleaping itself.
WE can never build a city with the
elements necessary for metropolitan
greatness when councilmen , elected to
servo the people , run counter to tax
payers' expressed wishes in order to
carry out personal spite and to gratify
selfish ends. Omaha has natural ad
vantages and an energetic population.
The city needs only a concentration of
strength and a singleness of purpose on
the part , of citizens to make it opulent ,
beautiful and respected. But for the
oouncil to fritter away the people's en
ergies , to pull nt cross-purposes , to waste
the taxpayers' money , lo create strife
and bickering , is checking Omaha's
Other Ijnmls Th'an Ours.
With the local government bill and
the financial budget , the English min
istry have been making gains at least
in the direction of placating the dissen
tient liberals. The local government
bill is as democratic in all its features
as any that Mr. Gladstone would have
introduced , nnd Mr. Goschon's budget
is probably the best that any chancellor
of the exchequer except Mr. Gladstone
has produced in these later years. Ho
is , after Gladstone , probably the mosj
competent man in English public life to
make a clear financial statement. In the
present casetooho has the immense ad
vantage of coming to parliament with a
surplus , and being able through his con
version scheme to promise a i-eduction
of taxation. His conversion of the pub
lic debt when fully carried out will re
duce the annual charge by over $10,000-
000 , which to Englishmen , whoso sur
plus rarely exceeds that amount oven ir
good years , is a considerable gain. As
to the local government bill , it sig
nificantly marks the advance of the
democratic spirit in England. To bo
sure , Scotland and Ireland aroexcludct
from the scheme , but the former wil'
doubtless have the principle of the bil'
extended to her within another year
and Ireland may not bo permanently
deprived of it. By the provisions of this
measure the country will bo dividet
.into city and rural districts of counties.
Each county will have a council electee
directly by the vote payers both male
and female. These 'Councils will have
control of the county police , watoi
works , markets , sanitation , work houses
industrial schools and the liquor trade
The local government board at West
minster will audit all of the accounts ol
the counties nnd regulate the borrow
ing of money. The torlos , who have so
long denounced the demoralizing tend
encies of Mr. Gludbtone , have hero
made a grand leap in that very direc
tion , and the results will bo far-reach
ing. If the measure becomes a law ani
these councils , elected by tax payers
both men nnd women , are fanned , the de
mand will soon bo made for a moro
complete control over local finances
The liberal unionists will hail the local
government bill aa part payment foi
their services in supporting the coer
cion bill , and it would not bo surprising
if Borne of thorn , possibly Mr. Chamber
lain himself , make a fight to include
Ireland in the scheme. It would bo
good fatatosmanship and not very bad
jwlitics. To the average American the
two points of most interest in Mr. Cos
ohen'B budget statement relate lethe
the surplus nnd the debt payments
Kecalpts exceeded expenditures to the
extent of about $10,000,000 In the lab
fiscal year , while the principal of the
naUonal indebtedness was lessoned
about 830,000,000 , Compared with the
surplus of the United States each yen
during the decode this is small , but i
is far larger than the average in the
other great European states. In
boino of these a deficit 5s mucl
more common than a surplus
The contrast between England
and its neighbors on the debt question
is oven moro marked and conspicuous
Britain's debt reduction is only a little
moro than n third ns great as .that o
this country. Considering the cxpeudl
tures. which Its peculiar situation in
volvcs , however , the fact that it ha
lowered the principal of its debt $30 ,
OOO.WO , without placing any especin
burden on its people , lurnishesalluttor
} ng commentary on the earnoBtn.e ; > 3an <
fiscal ability ol the uien 'wlio framed
and sot on fopt anditlfo men who main-
lain its financial pulley. WUh.thq solo
exception of Gornton.y , Great Britain is
the only loading European powqr wlilch .
lessens its indebtedness. . Dut Germany
recently appears tRBava fallen into the
bad habit of expanding instead of con
tracting the volume its financial obli
Since the ncccssjjljl of Ettfporor Fred-
crick III. to the throne of Germany for
eign countries nt least have found their
sympathy for hlmrontly increased ,
and also their wisii that his life might
bo spared to rule long over his realm.
His dignified nnd peaceful proclama
tions , his rebuke to the nnti-somltlc
frenzy in short , n\i \ his few nets and
utterances have promised n wise nnd
moderate reign. While old Emperor
William survived , his life was practi
cally a guarantee ot peace in Europe ;
and it is diftlcult to repress the fcclinp
that , soldier as ho has been , the lifo of
Emperor Frederick III. is also a guar
antee of peace. But what will como
after him no ono can say. The present
crown prince comes of a race of
soldiers , is himself of a martial
temperament , nnd has his spurs yet to
win. That ho would bo willing to rule
without seeking laurels on the battle
field few core to pretend. Neverthe
less , so infatuated are nt least some of
Iho Germans that their thoughts seem to
bo always overleaping the lingering of
the present emperorwhoso past victories
did so much for Gorman unity , and antic
ipating the coming to the throne of ouo
who , for aught they know , may prove to
bo a bloody despot. Despite the reports
favorable lo the condition of Emperor
Frederick , there is reason to boltovo
that he is steadily growing weaker. The
recent imperial rescript created a sort
ol co-regency , enabling Prince William
to act with authority solely on such
matters as nro referred to him by his
father , but it is thought that another
rescript is already signed and in readi
ness for an emergency , devolving whole
nnd full powers as regent on Prince
William. It is fair to say that this ac
tion is a moro valuable arid trustworthy
indication of the kaiser's health than
all Dr. Mackenzie may whisper to the
correspondents to the contrary. A new
emperor , who is unable even to receive
the presidents of the chambers of the
Prussian diet when they bring an ad
dress which is the most important that
could possibly bo presented , is not a pa
tient with a nitre local throat ailment
from which ho is recovering.
$ *
Something whi n may truthfully bo
termed n , crisis nppoars to have como for
General Boulangor. The governmental
decree which retires him from the army
makes him oligiblosto an oflico in the
chamber of deputifc $ where his admir
ers seem determined to place him. At
Iho recent election nt Laon ho obtained
nearly aa many vofps as his two oppon
ents combined. Hq Jacked the requisite
majority , however. In the now election
which this makcff necessary ho will
probably bo chosen. The bar to his
'entrance into Iho chamber being re
moved , .his politicalpareer will undoubt
edly soon begin.1 Jf < he displays political
ical tact and ability a big future
may bo before him , ns ho is the
most conspicuous representative
and embodiment of the an ti-Gorman
feeling. If lie has neither of
these qualities ho will soon drop into
obscurity. If the between eighty thou
sand and one hundred thousand votes
which the general has received in the
departments had been'givon in Paris the
fact would have been of little impor
tance , as it would simply have proved
that ho still retains his popularity with
the masses of the metropolis. But when
his votesgivon spontaneously , are these
of the peasantry nnd artisans- scattered
through the departments the movement
really begins to wear an aspect such as
is given it by the Ge'rman journals. Bo
this , however , as it may , this unsought
verdict of the masses clearly indicates
that in the coming election Boulanger
will prove a formidable candidate
throughout Franco , perhaps as for
midable a candidate as the late M.
Thiors when a section of the peasantry
everywhere inserted his name in place
of all these presented in the regular
scrutin do lislcs.
* *
The Balkan countries continue to oc
cupy their portion of attention , which
has been greatly diminished , however ,
of late by moro important ovontsin Ger
many and Franco. Prime Minister
Bratiano has found it necessary to deny
that the government of King Charles
desires > rt found a Roumuno-Bulgarinn
empire , or that the country is being
Germanized ; nevertheless , it is averred
that Hussophilo ofllcers are to be quietly
weeded out of the army , and it is hardly
denied that Roumnnia has recently re
ceived a pledge from Austria to protect
her neutrality , The latest declaration
ot Bulgaria had a somewhat comical
tinge , it being that the country will
"remain loyal to Europe. " This implies
that she will not attempt to "go it
alone , " cither as kingdom or republic ;
but thus far Europe scorns hardly to
have exerted herself in such a way in
Bulgaria's favor us to deserve much loy
alty or gratitude from the principality.
From the conilictjng accounts heard
from Germany the vonderbecomes quit
confused about knpwing what or how
much to believe about the present Em
press Victoria. Onrljl ono thing is quite
certain the Germnnjs seein lo hate her
even to the oxteiiv'of believing she
plotted and forcibly manoeuvred to
keep her husband at San Rcmo ant
away from his father , when there was
no need of keeping him there other
tlmn her own desire to separate him
from the influence alike of the aged
monarch und Bismarck. The hatred o
Bismarck himself is said to bo undis
guised. Ho never wished the mar
riage , and declares that through her
the vitiated blood of the Ilanovers have
tained and enfeebled tlio sturdy IIo-
benzollern stock. Whether this is true
or not , it is nppauont that the Crown
Prince William is not a healthy man ,
and haaboen advised to take journey
with the hope of getting himself built
up. There was an old tradition to the
effect that an unmarried IlohonzOllern
would never ascend tha throne. The
old emperor broke the tradition , but it
o'oks ns if it might bo revived again in
the present generation. Aa for Em
press ' Victoria she may bo a much
ibused woman who has only had a nood-
ul regard' for her own nnd her chil
dren's welfare.
Although Hippolyto Ctvrnot , na n hls-
.orical . figure , will bo forever overshad
owed by his father , the great war minis
ter , who "organized victory" for the re
publicans during Iho French revolution ,
ils death is a distinct loss to Franco.
As minister of education in ono of the
cabinets soon after the downfall of
Louis Philippe , ho displayed some of
Lho vigor , tact and administrative abil
ity which made his parent famous. His
previous and subsequent service in the
: lmmbcr of deputies gained him a repu
tation for political acuteness and sagac
ity suoh us few men in that body pos
sessed. Like his father , ho hated mon
archy , and llko him also ho was almost
entirely devoid of ambition to rlso to
the commanding position in the state
for which his ability Jilted him. His
son is the present president of Franco.
* *
The paper representative of the Rus
sian rouble is to-day worth just 35 cents.
In 1853 its value was about 76 cents. Its
decline began a year or two later , at the
close of the Crimean war , and has been
continuous over since , cxccptinp during
two'comparatively short periods , when
temporary advances in value were
mado. As this fall is going on during a
time of profound poacoitis unparalleled
in the history of any other important
civilized nation in any ago. The de
cline in the Russian monetary unit since
1853 , indeed , has been almost as marked
as that of the greenback in this country
during Iho days of the rebellion. Nev
er , except in 1801 , during the darkest
days of that struggle , did the currency
of the United States go so low ns Rus
sia's has gone now , and the end ia not
in sight yet.
A Slow Mill.
Denrcr A'cics.
Mills , of Texas Is not to bo confounded
with the mills of the gods. Ho grinds , however -
over , with their legendary slowness.
Aslc Hill to Do It.
Chicago Times ,
There would bo less harmony in esteemed
democratic circles If somebody only dared to
knock the chip off'n ' Grover Cleveland's '
Uoo.llo in Politics.
The New Orleans Picayune thinks that
Vllas and Voorhccs stand no show for the
vice presidency , because "moro than two V's
are needed In Influencing a nomination. "
Give the Pcoplo a Clinnoo.
St , Loula Globe-Democrat ,
Judge Grcblmm is the favorite of the pco
plo as distinguished from the politicians.
TMs would bo'a good year to try the experi
ment of compelling tbo politicians to stand
aside and permitting tbo people to select the
Abroad in tlio Imnd.
Philadelphia Times.
An alleged letter of declination from Pres
ident Cleveland , recently published in an
Albany paper , is pronounced a forgery by
Colonel Lament. Tlio campaign liar , like
tUo early \vorm , . frequently starts on his
errand too soon.
"Watered Stoclc.
Kew York Herald.
Jny Gould in Egypt "Mustaplia , what is
the price of your camels ? " Mutstapha
"Twenty-five dollars apiece. Your Serene
Richness , I couldn't take a rent less , bis-
millah ! ' , J. G. "Cheap enough. Ship mo
two to Now York , by the first vessel. Figs !
I never in my life saw stock absorb water so
magnlflciently as these catnels do. "
Will Bite His Thumb.
Kew York U'orW.
Bulgaria's assertion that she will remain
loyal to Europe will greatly relieve the strain
whioh has caused so much gloom on the con
tinent. The fear that Prince Ferdinand ,
goaded to madness , would bite -his thumb at
the Uerlin treaty and , followed by his loyal
subjects , overrun Russia , cast Austria pros
trate at Ills feet , or Germany into submission
and plant his banner on tbo Eysce , Is now
temporarily allayed. Europe is to bo con
A Mugwump's Opinion.
Jiotlon Herald ,
Senator Allison's strength among the west
ern candidates strikes us as iinjxjrtant ; , and
lor this reason : He Is a man of progressive
tendencies who stands best with the machine
element. It is not to bo supposed that lie
would naturally take as readily to progress
as Judge Gresham or Mr. Lincoln ; but what
they favored from impulse Mr. Allison might
favor from policy. He has a clear head , and
a long 0110 , and is able to appreciate what the
republican party must do to maintain itself
with the country ns the next man.
Spend n Cent , Have Dollars.
I'MladelpMa ItcconJ ,
There is no protected interest wlioso
bounty is likely to bo withdrawn by a reduc
tion of taxes which has not its paid agents at
Washington to tug at the coat-tails of con
gressmen and beg for delay. TUo tax-catcre
are there in force ; the taxpayers uro un
represented. Under these circumstances
every taxpayer should spend a cent to save
himself dollars by writing to bis representa
tive in congress und stiffening Ills backbone.
Huy a postal card and send your orders to
your public servants. Something like this
would answer the purpose :
DEMI Snt : I am tired of pay
ing my share of ? 100,000,1100 that
the government does not need.
Please vote to cut oltunnecessary
tariff taxation. Glvo us free
lumber , salt , coal , wood , jute ,
iron-ore , tin-plates , mid cheaper
food and clothing. Keep tbo
taxes on whisky and tobacco to
pay pensions and Interest ,
, Yours truly ,
There would bo no bettor per surer way to
defeat tbo lobbyists than to snow them under
with a jiOHtul card blizzard.
An KxcituiK ntul Unaccounted For
Kscnpado On the ISurJinuton.
The band of providence demonstrated it
self last night about half past 10 o'clock , and
averted a terrible slaughter of humanity. If
when daylight dawns this morning , and the
tracks of the Burlington railroad do not dis
close some mangled corpses , almost a iniraclo
will liavp been worked. About tbo hour
mentioned , and while the Tenth street crossIng -
Ing of the Union Pacific railroad was blocked
by a long train of freight cars , a rumbling
sound of turning wheels was heard at the
crossing of the Uurliugtou just to the bouth.
No lights were discoruablo from the up-
proacli'ii ' racket , and there was not a soul
about to utter words of warning. With n
rush a lonely freight car flow over the tracks
from the west at thu rate of twenty miltis an
hour , dashed down the grade and rushed on
towards the east , Increasing its tcrrillc speed
on iho downward Incline. Fortunately the
track was clear , aid but few men were
wound. Onward tlio frco and
unrestrained car continued , nnd ( ho Indt seen
of it was when it Wont by" Uoyd's packing
house nt great speed.
Tlio operator in the depot upon ftcclng Iho
fleeting , car hurried to the telegraph Instru
ment to loartrwhat ho could nbout it. Kvcry
point bo tried to communicate with cast or
west was closed for the night , nnd it was Im
possible to gain any tiding * . Where the car
came from , mid whorfl it landed remained n
mystery. No frelgbU lind left for the west
last olfjht , and the starting point of the run *
away could not bo firmly established. Aa far
ns known no switching either wan being
carried on west of the city , nnd various ideas
wore advanced. It was the general belief
among these in n position to know that the
car started from the summit , nnd bad it bocn
two minutes lat r In reaching the Tenth
street crossing several pcoplo , who bad been
delayed by the Union Pnclllo blookndo and
wore bound in that direction , would surely
have mot their deaths.
A Comcily Triumph at Uoyd's ' Last
Again It IB repeated that It Is n lamentable
commentary on the taste or Omaha's theater
goers that Mr. Kenan's Incomparable ccmedy
company has not been bettor patronized dur-
its present engagement bore. The audicnco
last night , considering the extraordinary
incrlWrlousncss of the attraction , was miser
ably attenuated. However , these who were
present enjoyed themselves after n fashion
but Infrequently accorded us poor mortals
bolow. Tho'play was "Nancy & Co. , " which
is n continuous scries of Irresistible incidents ,
executed with a perfection of detail that
lifted a rather llfrht production to a height of
dramatic excellence that was truly wonderful.
Miss Waters , In the promlor role , was admir
able , , nnd she was tlmo and again greeted
with the most robust npplauso ; Nellie How
ard , the winsome little witch , bloomed forth
in renewed beauty , whllo.Llly Vinton , Ada
Dcavcs nnd Mrs. Clara Tlsbcr Macdcr
strengthened llio high opinion of them al
ready conceived. Al Llpmnn GcorgoParkcs ,
Dave Longwortb and Harry Botto are all do-
scrving of the most lavish praise , nnd in
"Nancy & Co. " they nil combined in achiev
ing a triumph that is seldom equalled here or
upon any other stage. Rohan's company
coiucS ns near being absolute perfection as it
is possible to Imagine.
A General Court Martini Other Mat
ters of Interest.
Brigadier General Crook lias ordered a
court martial to meet at Fort Laramlo , Wye.
at 10 o'clock Thursday morning. The detail
for the court is as follows : Lieutenant Burt ,
Captain Comba , Captain Kirtland , Captain
Williams , Captain Koed , Captain Brcchomln ,
Lieutenant Robinson , Lieutenant Van Orn-
dale , Lieutenant Booth , Lieutenant Worden ,
Lieutenant Johnson , Lieutenant Howell ,
Lieutenant Mclvor , Lieutenant Frederick.
The commanding onlccr at FortBridger ,
Wyo. , has been instructed to scud to the gov
ernment hospital for tbo insane in the Dis
trict of Columbia Gcorgo Dingfclder. a pri
vate of company D , Twenty-first infantry ,
pronounced insane after proper medical ex
It being impracticable for Lieutenant Mat
thias W. Day , Ninth cavalry , to continue the
duties devolved upon him by special orders ,
Captain Charles Porter. Eighth infantry
( Fort NIobrara. Nob. ) , is assigned to the
duty of witnessing issues , Inspecting Indian
supplies , etc. , under all the orders to Lieu
tenant Day.
Second "Ward Debaters.
At the meeting of the Second ward repub
lican club to bo held nt Kaspor's hall , Thir
teenth street , next Tuesday evening , the sub
jects to be debated arc , "Why nro European
wages lost than American wages ! " and
"Shall tobacco bo put on tlio free list to reduce -
duce the surplus ! " Hereafter the club will
meet on the first and fourth Tuesday of each
month. _
Personal Paragraphs.
J. G. Sayles , of St. Paul , Nob. , is at the
C. H. Moirls , of DCS Moiuos , Ia. , Is nt tbo
John Zobrung , of Lincoln , Nob. , Is at tbo
H. K. Love , of DCS Moincs , la. , is at the
W. H. Ashby , of Valley , Nob. , is at the
John M. Dyer , of North Platte , is at the
C. W. Glainard , of Indianola , la. , Is at the
Fred L. Eddrige , of Leigh , Neb. , is at the
William Tush , of St. Joseph , Mo. , Is at the
Paul W. Bcssart , of Kansas City , is nt the
J. A. Osbornc , of Lincoln , Nob. , Is at the
W. G. Wilson , of Alliance , la. , ia at the
Henry Giuvcr , of DCS Moincs , la. , is at tbo
A , Cruise , of Atkinson , Neb. , is at the
L. J. Ryan , of Wnhoo , Neb. , is at the
Mrs. L. L. Young , of Fort Dodge , Ia. , is at
the Millard.
J. II. Gordon , of Central City , NOD. , is at
Ike Millard.
Earl Sheldon , of Nebraska City , Neb. , is at
the Millard.
George Sanford , of Hastings , Neb , , is 'at
the Windsor.
Mr. and Mrs. Sturgis , Jr. , of Cheyenne , are
at the Puxton ,
E. F. Warren , of Nebraska City , Neb. , Is
at the Paxton.
W. H. Holcomb and wife , of Portland , nro
at the Millard.
E. B. Ayres and wife , of Huntiiigton , Ind. ,
are nt the Paxton.
U. E. Fields und wife , of Prlnootou , 111. ,
are at the Millard.
Phillip Swonson and wife , of Bertrand ,
Neb. , nro at the Millard.
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. G. Howell , of London ,
England , nro nt the Millard. '
R , M. Strother , of St. Louis , is In the city
and is slopping at the Paxton ,
Messrs. S. B. Brees nnd D. J. Brocs , of
Red Oak , la. , are at the Windsor.
Lymmi S.Corey , Miss C. Gumaer nnd Miss
C. C , Corey , of St. Paul , are at the Millard ,
G. D. Zimmerman , a popular young bank
clerk at the United States National , leaves
Monday to tulco a moro remunerative position
in a Minneapolis bank.
W. A. Cotton. H. II. Fars , G , II. Wileox
and John J. To to n are four Nebraska City
gentlemen who arrived in Omaha yesterday
und are registered at the Paxton.
John Grant , tbo slagolithio paving man , ac
companied by B. F. Redman , loft last evening
for St. Paul , whcro Mr. Grant will erect u
crusher and turt a branch In bis slag and
atone pavomout.
Major Roger Hanly , who has been with
the firm of Paxton & Gallagher for some
tlmo , will leave for St , Joseph this
evening , where ho has accepted n position
with the A. Kurst Distilling company. Mnjor
Hanly has many friends in this city who will
regrut his departure ,
Yesterday's internal revenue collec
tions amounted to $1,014,38.
The first iauuo of a now church paper
to be culled the Ornahiv Presbyterian
couios out next Friday. It is to bo u
four-column quarto , published by K. L.
Tillany & Co. , und will bo edited by the
Presbyterian mlulbtors of this
TTEEP YOUR EYE OPEN if you would
not bo victimized by importers nnd frauds
who nro Hooding the market with worthless Imi
tations of Benson's Plaster. Tliwa
"pirates" whp seek to float their worthless
products on the reputation of Bonson'p
Piaster resort to muny tricks for which tjclr !
class Is famous , and if buyers are not tixceeij-
liigly cautious tliey fre/juently Hud tbowsulvea
victimized by unscrupulous dealers who alii and
nbut lu such duceptlou for a division of the
protlU. Honest dcalurs will unite with pliytl-
clans lu racomniCAuUng Benson's Piaster
as sutxii-lor to all other external remedies for
coughs , colds , pleuilsy , chest pains , backache ,
kidney Directions , malaria , rheumatism , sclw-
tlca , lumbago -and uches nnd pains of overyd -
bcrliitlon. SUAIUMVi ; JOHNSON ,
SoU ) Manufacturer * , New Yolk.
Bat He Has to Say. Aliont tiie Atmos-
pte onto Hamalayas. .
Intcrcstliitf Subject /or JVcfrrrf. ; .
JJi'r. Wtw. < < , ffs' y'cft iu < iii
Whal HcKivow3li'ron Expe
rience ,
.An TMcUsli writer , nnrrnting Ms experience *
In tlio Illnmlfvj-Bs , imturnlly 1ms much to fmr
about the rnrllled nlmosphcronnd ; In pnrticulnr
noreporurthalauKlinblo Attempts nimlo lij-tho
imtlvys of ili rt-Rlon to account for the sickness
nnd shortnoiB or breath tovrhlch even they nro
llnulo bonmd a certain nUltudo. The holjtht
ftt which thost ) clTcclR of licndncho nnd vomiting
are observed , vnrioi much , nnd U It not easy to
trace thu cixuso of tlio Itrcgmarltios. A
deal depends on the hnhlt of liodr.
tine first notice * the diniculty when
some moro tlmn ordinary nxortlon , us ntnnlui ? .
or talking tip hill. In tills way , for people who
live below nix thousand feet , the effects Roncr-
allyromo on between eleven and twelve thous
and feot. At fourteen thousand feet one lillnlilo
to have an nttackof shortness of breath o > cu
v\ \ lien tu ro.iioso.
It liufact not cenerally known that the atmosphere -
mosphero ot Nnbranka mid RtatoR adjoining la
also very rare , this accounts luix mrastiro for
thoprovaloucoof thntlnnthsomodlsvanncntnrrh.
Mr. Wllllum Colt , who icstde * nt iSlfl Manon
street , and Is a clurk employed at N'o. 1107 liar-
ney Btieut , on bolnR Interviewed by n reporter
on the anbtrct of catarrh says ! "l ns troubled
Mlth catarrh about four ears. K commenced
V 1th n fresh cold. J had ( Us of sneezing , with
chilly sensations followed by n fovorlsh condi
tion , and my nose was stopped up. although I
had n eatery dlscharuo from my nostrils con *
tluually. until tlio edges of my nostrils looked
rod enouuh to satisfy the most fastidious old
toper , and my eyes uotild be tilled \ \ lltears. \ .
This condition soon lessoned , nnd ould cause
mo but little annoyance , butench now cold made
the condition worse , until 1 hurt a puimanent
condition of cold In thu head. The dl.'chargn
mis then thicker and changed In color. 1 could
haidly breath through my nose , and the ills-
chnrno wowlil collect In my throat , \\hldi kept
mo continually hemmtiiK and splttinjr , tfio
slightest chnuco intomporaturo would oiled my
condition nnd gtopupmstononosttllniid tlmn
the other. .After KOUI ! { to .bed. If 1 laid on my
right side my right nostril would atop up. if on
my loft , my left nostril , and 1 ww 'compelled to
keep my mouth open to pet stilllclent air , my
voice had a-iniilllodcharacter , nnd kind of "nnsn
twang. " 1 had n continual pain over my oy oa
and in the. back part ot lay eyes , my food did
not sot well on my stomach and my nppettto
was cancoable , 1 ate n very llcht breakfast , duo
no doubt to my being compelled to hem and snll
so much upon nrlslnc. 1 suircied this way until
1 became dlscouniKed. After trying numerous
patent preparations and obtaining no loltcf , 1
concluded 1 would make onomoio trial. 1 had
boon leadluK nbout Dr. McCoy nnd his associates
and visited their olllce In thn llHinge block nnd
must say that I was benollttcd by their treat
ment , for I feM llko n now man again. 1 feel
to-day like a man who has been liberated from n
close eonllnemeut. 1 do not have the pains over
my eyes any more , my head Is clear nnd my
nose. also. I nave no moro discharge from tlio
nose , my nppotlto Is good and what 1 eat agrees
with mo. Jam gamluRInilesh. I sleep well
nnd pot up In the morning refreshed , no more
hemming uud spitting nud In short ( feel much
bettor tiian 1 hove for ever four years. . 1 fool
llko doing and saying all I can for Mr , McCoy
nnd certainly recommend all who are suffering
with cfttanh to nlve him a trlul for ho haf
worked ondcrs for mo. "
Mr. William Cott. whoso portrait Is here pro ,
person doubting It.
Can Catarrh Bo Cured ?
The pa t age might be cnlled a superstitious
ono. The present can moro properly oo called
an ago of burprlses , for many things once classed
among the Impossibilities have now become
everyday possibilities. It would be superfluous
to enumerate them. Hnt nave wo reached tha
utmost limit ? Have wo ? I'Jiy&lclaus who claim
to make certain ailments thu human body is
subject to a special study , and claim to be ablu
to euro such diseases , uru pronounced by other
self-satlslled praotloners as presumptuous ; but
does their saying so make it so ? The man who
can como the nearest to overcoming thosoemlng
Impossibilities of others ia now all iho rage , und
well does ho or they deserve the success they
have labored so hard to attain. I > r. J. Cresap
McCoy orhls associates do not make clalmi to
anything marvelous , such as raising the dead
and giving them uawllfo : neither do they claim
to give sight to thu blind ; but by
their new and ( scientific method of treating
catarrh they have cured nud do euro cuturrh as
well as bronchial and throat troubles. They
make cuturih a specialty , because Ills ono of
the most prevalent and troublesome diseases
that the people of this climate are hulr to. Slnco
Dr. McCoy and his associates huvo located in
this city they have treated with success hun
dreds of persons whom other physicliuiB have
told their disease was classed among the lu-
cnrnbles. Do they not publish from week to
week lu the dally .papers testimonials from
Homo of their ninny grateful patients , giving in
each case the full name uud address of the per
son milking the statement that the doubting
and skeptical may call nnd interview the said
people pi lor to visiting the doctor's olllcesfor
consultation. The pt'oplo advertised ns cured
are by no means obscure or unknown , but in
the majority of cases ttto citizens well known
by the business people and community at largo ,
nnd it will moro than lepayuuy ono sutroring
fromcatarrhal allection to visit those whoso
stawmentH"ufo'piirHiiiod. ! or consult with the
doctor or his a&aocUtos at his ollico.
Signal DnnscrH Which Are Mndo
Known lloforo CoiiHiiinptlojl
When catarrh has existed in the heart and
upper part of the throat for any length of tlmo
- .die patient living in the district where people
are subject to catarrhal utfuctlon and tha ols-
ease has been left uncured. the catarrh Invari
ably , Mimetimcy slowly , extends dan n the vrlud-
plpu and Into the bronchial tubes , which tubes
convoy thu air into thu dllTuient parts of the
lungs. Ilio tubes become alTecUd from lm >
swelling and mucus nrlblng from catairli. and
in some Instances become plugged up so that tlio
nir cannot get In as freely as It should. Short
ness of bromli follows , and the patient breathes
with labor mul with dlllicnlty ,
lu other cases there la a sound of crocking and
wheezing ilialde tilt ) chfbt. At this stage of the
disease the breathing U usually more rapid tlmn
when In healtli. Tlio patient HISO has hot noshes
The pain which accompanies this condition Is
of udull character , felt In the chest , behind the
breastbone or under the shoulder blade , aim
l > uln may come an3 go Ittht a f W days ana then
bo absent for se > oral others. The couffh that oc
curs lu the Uist stugeii of bionuhlat
dry. comes nt Intervals. Is hacking 1" character
and usually most troublesome lu the morning
on arising , or going to bed at night , und It maybe
bo the llrbt evidence of thu disease extending in
4At 'Arla'there ' may be nothing brought up by
the cough : then there Is a llttlo tougli.t naclous
mucus , which the patient finds great dilttculty
' "
IU8om1'imtfe"friereare { fits of coughing Induced
\ > y tougti mucous-so violent as W cause vom
Itlrur I-atcron ttie mucous tbatli raised Is
found to conUla sm ll partlolei of yellow mat
er wlilch fiiUleutns that the small tubes in Urn
fungi are now aTccte ! < l. With this there nr
oiten streaks of lilood mlscd with the mucous.
In canes the patient becomes very palo , hai
f ver and expectortitw before any couub up.
Late of Bclleyuc Hospital , HwrTorK ,
Has unices No. 310 ncl Oil
Where all curabja cases are tr at ( l wltU sue
ntofllceorby .
Many ( UiteHBes am Irculinl suuxtxfullj' by Dr.
McCoy tluaut'li ( ho mails , and It is
thus possible for'thos * unuble to mats the Jour-
tuy to ( ibtaln successful hopltttl treatment at
tbttlr burnt * .
OUlcehourslt/ ) .m.:2 to 1 p. m.t 7 to 8 P.
ia. BUNPAVHOUJIS 4'jfo.M a A. M.TO U'.M
Coi-repoud i tto jeeaUes prouuit attention.
No fetters nm > wiruduuU i , iicc0uiii9iiku by i
uuUl to Dr. 3.0. HcCgy.
3IO ud auitauib'otiui