Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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    * 'XMfT
* oj Cua giA. .
, * " AdVortiicmfntsmuicr-tnls head. 10 ccnti per
line for the nrst Insertion , 7 cents for each sub
sequent insertion , and $1/0 ft llns per month. No
navortlscmenttalcen for less than Z > cents for
the flrst insertion. Boron words will be count
ed to the lines they mu t run 'consecutively and
innstbotmld In advance. All advertisements
roust bo handed In bcforo 13.7Io'clock : p.m. , and
under no circumstances will they be taken or
discontinued by telephone. . ,
Parties advertising In these columnsi and baring -
ing the Answers nddressBd In care of tha Ueo. .
will plea o ask for ft check to enable them to Ret
their letters , us none will bo delivered except on
presentation of check. All answers to adver
tisements should be endued Incnvolopos.
All ndvertlsements in these columns arc pul > -
Ilshedlnboth morning and evening cdttlonsof
the lleo. the circulation of which aggregates
more than lfl.rco papers dally , and gives the ad-
vcrtlsers tha benefit , not only of the city circula
tion of tlio lice , but also of Council lllnirs , Lin
coln flnd other cities nnrt towns throughout tuls
p rt of the west.
Artyerttslnt for these colamns will bo taken ,
on the above conditions. at the following lms
Iness bonnes , who ftro Btithortzed agents for Tim
HEK npeclal notices nrul will quote the earns
rates aa can bo bad at the main office.
KO 8. 10th Street.
113 B.lCth Street.
IFlvensxiacist ,
2115 ( Turning Street ,
orx > . vr. iv/inn / ,
1800 Bt. Mary's Ar cnue.
ICth an4 Webster Streets.
Wc-wo IDoctlor ,
Test Onico. South Omaha.
_ _
WANTKD Position as bookkeeper , under-
stands shorthand and typewriting. 15 03
nco. in i *
WA NTl'.D Situation by a young man (22) ) us
bnrtcnderj good refcrcm.cs. Address
81 a to Employment ofllco , 1417 Fnrnam street ,
Itoom 11. IBS ait *
WANTED Situation for first-class woman
cook In betel or restaurant ; cnn do good
work and wants peed wages ; have also lots of
nlcn girls coming from the cast every day who
nro looking forgcneral housework ; anyonowbo
cnn not bo milted from my olVlce must bo very
hard to plcaso. Jlrs. Dregn , 319 8. 16th , tol. 88-1.
ife 0 *
_ _ _ _
WANTKD An experienced man wants n po
sition In a retail grocery house. Itcst of
references. Address ti. Ki , Heo onico. 160 29
WA NTED Situation by lady us copyist or
Clerk ; references given. Addio&s E 47 , lice
omce. _ 070 COJ
" \ { /"ANTED Situation by ftrstclaiia bartender.
* > Address , IS CO , Hep ufllce. _ 138 21 > J
WANTKD Uy a young man , position as
bookcepcr orclurk ; reference furnished.
Address K 01. lice onico. _ 137 CTJ
W "ANTED To represent n good lire Omaha
house In Colorado , Now Mexico and'Wyoin-
ing , by ix man jvlth 0 years oxpcrlenco on the
road. A 1 ref cronco given. Address 13 DO , Iteo
olllco. 11120 *
WANTKD A young man representing a
Chicago grocery llrm nnd Is acquainted
with Omaha city trade , wishes a position na
.city or traveling salesman for an Omaha house.
Satisfactory reason given for changing. Address -
dress for 3 days , E 43. Heo olllco. tico SOJ
SITUATION wanted by a young lady to do
sewing by day or week. Address 2403 Sow-
nrd st. O5i so *
WANTED Situation by good baker. Apply
Olios. Ilalz-nalth , ut Omaha liouee. J207
Ilarney st. _ OUZitt
t _
"XXTANTED A good waiter. Louie & Mctz. 623
T T audKi7. Hroadway Council liluirs. 100
WANTED Immediately , 2 first-class
draughtsmen. V , IX. Kills , architect ,
room Id , llrown block. KB BO.
W ANTKD Shirt salesman at Omaha Shirt
Factory. 303 N. 10th. 100 31
WANTED A few moro solicitors in Iowa ,
Missouri. Nebraska , Dakota and Minne
sota. Must make a fash deposit of (10 and glvo
security for goods Hhlpped ; salary $3 per 3ay.
cAddreas George S. Clluo , Des Holucs , la. , Wag-
tier block. ' HIK31
W ANTKD-Ily private family , an Industrious
man who understands the care ot horses
find qows and having references. Apply C. II.
'Bloman.30t8.1Sthst. Big )
WANTED First-class watclmiak er ; good
wages ; steady employment. Edholm A :
Akin. 14330
WANTED-Carpentcrs ; aHinembornof C8at
hall Batimluy evening. Don't fall ; Im
portant business. 145 W )
WANTKD A wood turner , one acuustomed
to soroil saw inc. Apply , stating wages ,
Kearney Planing M 111 Co. . Kearney , Neb. 101-29 }
* r\7ANTED-3mcntogo on road to canvass ;
TY salary nnd expenses paid. W. K Jojiklns ,
WANTED Man To take the agency ot our
sates ; size xl8xl8 inches ; w eight HMlbs. ;
retail price , $ n ; other sizes in proportion. A
rare create n permanent Business lit
Iiomo , aiieso safes meet a clemuml never before -
fore supplied by other saf
nro not governed by the safe pool. Alpine Safe
Co. . Cincinnati. O. ' UT7A15J
WANTED Ilarnessmakcr , shoemaker and
barber at Bcrlbncr , Nob. C. H. Lunge.
. ' *
l)75-i.9 )
W7ANTUD-Tailor8. steady work. Apply to
T > John Woltakell , David City , Nob. fe ? ! ) '
WANTKD A few persons in each place to Wo
light writing. Eticloso stamp for W-aago
book of particulars to J. H. Woodbury. Albany ,
r\ T ANTED A few Intelligent men who can do
/ - " . Bood work for good pay. Apply with
tefeieucc. P. l\Collier , loomKi , llellinun building -
ing , W7-31 *
WANTEO-Qood coat maker at once. C. A.
Anderson , grand Island. Nub. hat2) ) >
' \\7ANTISD-Agents. Wo want llrst-class sales-
juenMlip niu already traveling salesmen
tocnuyour lubricating oil wimples as a tide
Vw , Addrees J , It. Tlmmcus & Co. , Cleveland , O.
WANTED yv eooi ) schoolboy or young man
and horKO to canry a rou to on Dally ijvdn-
ing-rteu nearllunscom park. Apply at Hee of-
flea between a and 0 p. m. Uig
A OBNT8 wanted to tuko exclusive rights lo
, * * veU bofabtest eclllng article ever mado.
Address J , II. Wolfe & Co.Vremont , Neb.
. _ , ' . . / 171 u 8
WANTKD-Mbn for ralh-oad work , Albright'a
Laboi1 ngency , lliiO l'urmm. [ owj
JDOY8 Am. ; Dlst. fl'eL. Co. , 13M ( Douglas.
WArtulil ) opoauiuau tor goueral house
work , two in family. Mutt be Hrfct-clabi
launilroks. Wages , tl per week. Apply iww
California. jUj
WANTED I'livt lass cook for out of cllj- ,
{ JiH-r month. Call at once. Also girls
tor general lioiibcnork. Kennedy , 121 N.
\\TANTUD-Oood girl ut 18W Dodge et.
_ ! _ ' - . - . lbU30
'V\rANTSD-t-'lVo coed kitchen girls. 4 dining-
J room jdiInlu Dakota ; cook for Cutbert-
pen , Noli. ; ujco Bill to work on a farm for nil
old lady ami ton ; eldeily Cathollowoman to
l.ecp luuiso for widow or \ ith 3 children ; aglrls
jq help in kluhen ; 1 foul'liutsinouth und 2U for
Beuerulhousowoik , Mrs" " . llicea.SlBS. 15th. .
T\TANTKD-10Elrls for cuuernl lionsowork.
> ' . iC00Hr ° , r , Ollt ° f e"f > stttto l-'mploy-
tnentoillcf , HIT street. room II. 137 s >
> \ 7ANT15l-UlrIa at International Kmp"
f OUlce , 1WJ Trilophonw NJ.
157 U
? _ _ _ _ _
A GOOD tallows wanted , must understand
tailoring in evi > ry line , > teed wages paid ;
BUadywc-rk. II. Satnu la. Kcw York 'linior
t. , Ileiald building. 10131 *
WANU-UlTIbood "elrl , German preferred ,
ivzi Uouglat t. izsu
Apply to Mrs I rlm.e ,
Windsor notel , in ai
* W7ANTED A reliable cook nnd washer-
, out
lveappMiiuucnt situation to compo-
> nt jiertcai. AtMreaj U I ) , klieplicul , Arlington.
W ANTTD A capable girl , experienced In
second work. Good wages paid. Call
forenoon at 613 N22d8t. 7M
W-ANTKD-OoodKlrl for general housework
nttfliaCumlngst. _ Bqniy
WANTKD-lady"figcnt . "A" Bklrt and bun-
tin combined ana II hose supporters , lloth
new. Iltgproflts. Secure towns for spring trade.
J.ndlcs' Supply Co. , 287 W. Washington st. , Chi
cago. _ 610 A 6 _
WANTKD A , f w more ladr soilcltorn iri
towns of Irtwa and Ncbraskft. Must make
ft cash dei
shipped. 1
8. Cllno , Des _
- hole maker , 1112 Varnam
* _
ANTf.D-Immedlatoly , ladies to work fern
W n wholesale bouso on needlework at their
homes. < Scnt any distance. ) Good pay can bo
made. Everything furnished. Particulars
free. Address Artistic Needlework Co. , ir.sth
n. . New York City. _ _ aia
DNK thousand lady agents wanted linmedl-
Btoly. Grand 'now rubber undergarment
for females. $10 n day. rrooffrco. Mrs. II. F.
J.lttle , Chicago , 111. _ KM-gQ *
WANTKII A few cducatcilondrcnned ladles
and gentlemen to , show an nrtlclo of gen
uine merit , nt B.TOO per year. J. II. Carte , (28 (
llroadway. Council llliigB , Iowa. _ 100-5
"l/ITANTHD / Olrl to ilo general housework in
VV ' fatnllypf3. Inquire 848 Booth 21st st.
"llfANTKI ) A girl for general housework nnd
V > do cooking. None but experienced. Gor
man preferred , at 2514 Douglas nt. OC5-2a
- , experienced nurse girl.
WANTBD-Oood right party. .2308 Bt. Mary's
avo. H
TATK ' Kmployment Tarlors , HIT 1-arnam ,
S' 1 room II. 18S29 *
CANADIAN Kmploymont offlco , male and fe-
\J male help une to all parts It faro is ad
vanced. Hefcrcncp , Omaha National bank.
Jlrs. IJrcga& Son , 316 S , 15th. TeU KM.4ns
4ns a li
"lxrANTKO To contract with some farmer for
VV milk of 25 to ro cows. A contract to run
for a period of years. Address K f > 9 , Heo office.
Stocks of dry goods , mcrchandlso
WANTED to exchanges for Omaha
houses or farms.
Wanted Improved farms for Omaha prop
Wanted Stock of goods in Nebraska towns
for Omaha property.
J. 11.yntts. . Chamber of Commerce ,
WANTKD berne good applications for city
loans to show to one of my eastern cor
respondents who will bo hero soon. 1) . V ,
Sholes , room 1 , Darker block , 311
Good real estate listed with me.
WANTKD . 418 B. 15th st. 315
ANTKD-l'artles who have bought lots or
laud in this city and vicinity on the in
fitallment plan , and parties holding bonds for
title to such real estate exchangeable for deeds
after the last payment Is made , will Ilnd it to
their advantage- send their address or full
particulars to Jl BO , Uee office. 4MU
WANT moro small honses for rent. P. L.
I Gregory , rental agent. SOU S. ICth. 610
Ladles to use "Clilchostcr's Eng
lish Diamond Ilrand , 3'cnnyroyal Pills.
Safe. Always reliable. The original. The only
genuine. Ask druggist or send 4c stamps for
particulars , return mall. Chichestor Chemical
Co. , Philadelphia. I'a. 837
Class table board , for gentlemen only ,
in private family , lit North 18th st. bet
Dodge and Capitol avo. 10 * 2 *
Board and comfortable room in a
WANTED family by n gentleman. Address
M63. Uooblllco. 108 gj
A few boarders ! at 1721 Loaven-
worth Bt. 031 ats
Uy a young man room and board
WANTED family w ithln easy distance of
U. P. depot or 17th aud U. 1' . tracks. K r > 8 UQO.
117 23 ?
3'o rent good furnished house , 8
WANTED , notmoretluinlOblocksfrom court
liouso. Apply In person or letter , Ki S. 25tU
TTlOIl 11I3NT 8-room liouso. Inqulro J. F ,
JD Uarton , 2010 Capitol ave. _ 1M 4 *
TTIOU IlENT Flvo-roomhouso ; hard and soft
JJ water ; rents t or f i ; on 17th between JBCK-
son and old llrowncll hall. Inquire COO 8. ICth.
107-31 ?
T7IOH UBNT 8 nats 13 rooms each , with mo < \ -
JJ cru improvements , Inquire at C09 SMSth.
IlENT A nmnll house with burn and
about 4 acres of laud north of fort. Ap-
ply317B.llthst. _ 141 3l
TJlOIt HUNT Cheap If taken soon , ID room
J ? house , all modern conveniences , a coruor ;
barn for 3 hoises. convenient to street cars. II.
K. Cole. nelBtU add Douglas. _ U58 31
"TilOlt IlENT S elegant 8-room houses , all mod-
JJ crn conveniences , excellent location , con
venient to street cars , $ .15 , per month if taken
boon. 11. K. Cole , no Ifith and Douglas. K.Q
FOll HUNT Good two-story house , now , H9
per month ; good two-story house , new , per month. Iloth of the above have eight
rooms , closets , etc. , aud ara In excellent loca
tion. D. V. Shales , Itoom 1 , Uarker block.
! J UM31
_ _ _ _ _
FOR KENT Three stories and basement at
1003 1'amam street. Inquire at Itoom 111.
Arlington block , 1511 Dodge St. , between D and
18 a" m. . 055
_ _
KENT Small house and barn , cistern
citywnter. 1330 s. I4th _ m. utii - aj -
"ITlIjATof 0 rooms on 1'ork are. with bath , gns ,
JJ hot and cold water , tSQ per month. F. I , .
Gregory , llcntal Agency , 3U3 8. ICth st. M'J
T710H RENT An elegant now 8-room house
JJ nnd barn , every modern convenience ; a
complete homo , good neighborhood , street cms ,
cheap rent. J. II. Pairotto , rental agency , 1COO
Chicago strcbt. _ 7C-UC1
"rnoil HENT Ontiof the best located 13 room
JJ liouso wit ! ) all modern lmprovomuntsl.irgo ;
Klmdy yard and stable , on twu strcot car lines ,
Call at l'J17 Coss. 7J3
TTIOH HUNT Cottage U rooms. , 7th and Will-
JJ lams. Imiulra J , 1' , Hoc , loth and Hickory ,
M _ _ _ _ _ 738
0 HOUSES wnUolly located , rent from tl3 to
S75 , lurnlturo' for Rale on'jnonthly payments.
Co-oV. li. and L. C < i. . 2U5 N. 10th Bt. fiKl
"iriOH HENT Two spiondid 6 and 7 room cot-
JJ tages , largo barns , line grounds and mod
ern Impioveraonts. i'attcrson li Fawcctt , 81H s ,
15th st. 047
T7IOH HUNT And furniture for sale , almost
JJ new , at a bargain , best house nnd location
in city ; every inouern convonlunco ; tills willpay
to Invoatlgato nt oiico. Apply 17m Dodge Ml
ImUll HUNT Twelvttroom house , aith and
JJ nnd Mason streats , (1U per month , 3. a.
Caullleld. 1JOI Kai-nani t C3t
"I71OH UKNT Nice T room houso. close to store ,
JJ Kchool , church , Bt. cars , only S O a month. 0.
I' . Harrison , 418 B. inth St. . _ 1)74 )
IlENT An elegant 0 room dwelling just
built , with Btabla aud all modern improve
ments , including laundry , lavatory on grouud
lloor , cedar closet , etc. , location , Capitol avenue
ncar23th ; rent moderate. Apply to 1) . J. O'Dtm-
nlioo , euro of O'Uouaboo & Sliurfy , 1)1 S , Llthst.
TTKJlt UKNT-Hou3e 11 rooms. Vf , M. Hush-
JJ man. N K corner ICth and Dnuglas. UU4
FOH HUNT IfitrnUUcd basommit'Wlihtn ono
block of I1. \\heroauumberof boarders
mo kept. Hfllllea. na U
"I710H HUNT FurnUhtMl looms from 11 to 115 ,
JJ ulimleoreusulto. 41i NoitU IGtli street.
_ _
TTIUHNISHED Hooms-ladlcs or-centlpmeu.
JJ 311 North n'thbt. ltlil )
TJ10II HENT Tliroo rooms suitable for lioute-
JJ keeping , furuUhcd or unfurnished. Hilli
N. 17th t.
rooms for rent at S7I > oag oT
1TIOH KKNlVSttltoot lu-wly furnished rooms
J. ' Hullnble for three gentlemen , all mpderii
convi'Utcnces , board If desired. No. da
. t2ath. ) 133 1 *
"I30OM , gusThath ' , bteam heat , 2J1 6. 24th.
* * 131 a 27'
_ _
I/AHGE / room with closrt,80a 8 2Sd.
J [ 740 aoj
_ _ i4 _ _
"ITlUHNISllKDroomg with or without board ;
JJ uUo rooms fur uousa keeping , tas s. uth it.
V'BHY pleasant large /urnUhed rooms ; all
ileolml f onv ulencenuvivatii Uoiibol7oaril ; ;
d wired ; 1 blocktrotn poatoUice. ion Capitol nvo.
T/HHl ItENT-Nlcely "iuruUUed rooms. 101T
JJ Cats st. . KU29 *
_ _
inOH ItENT-ruruUhed roomi , 10U riodge"
E 683 8b
_ _
"WO 11 ItKNT-lUiora * , 110 to NO par raoutli.
JJ JSJI .1 urumu , SlTol *
* TJUJUNIiTrim ) rooms aatl - boardIfWKntu itt.
"T710U IlENT Furnished front room , 622 Jf.
JLiffth. . pis ;
1710n IlENT Handsomely furnished lx-room
JJ . cottftgo.njco location , nAt car lino. Fur
niture for saio very chcap ir > Seward st. G62-.1 *
HKNI VurnUhcd'roomK , all Convenl-
enccs. A. Hospe , 3ir N. 17th street. 461
" 171011 KENT 3 elegant front rooms furnished !
JJ mBaundernst. MS SX *
TTIOR 11ENT A nicely furnished room. Good
JU location. Cttll atiSIO Capitol ftvo. WO 1J .
. 1810 Dodge - . -
T710H HENT Suite of furnished rooms. Jn
JU qulro 8rd door room K , 13U3 Douglas.
_ 5 _ 234
T71OU UKNT Nice furnished rooms , 103 South
Jj 10th St. 13030
FOH UKNT Small furnished honso on street
car lino. Apply ISM North 19th. liM 31 *
S IU1TK of furnished rooms , 1707 Dodge ,
SMAMi furnished * room , 13 , heated. 2025
Ht. Marys uvo. _ ' V3a 30 * '
T7IOU ItKNT-Kurnlshcd rooni8,1118 Dodge st.
. Pajaft
" 171011 UKNT Pleasant furnished rooms for !
JL1 gcntlemon , TO ) Howard , near , Cozzonsi
lionsd , ts , upwanlg. _ .22 0 I
"VfKATI.Y furnished front room to rent at 1821 1
-L > Farnam st , 1 block west of court house.
_ 614 j
KRNT Nicely furnlslu-d front room
FOIl alco\e. and other rooms with or without - '
out board. 2310 rarnam st.
FOH 1UINT Newly furnished rooms , heated
and with use of bath. Hcnt moderate. 2017
Leaven worth st. _ j _ 8IH
TTIOIt UKNT Slnglo nnd double newly fur-
JL' nlshcd rooms , reasonable to quiet , pcrma-
nent parties , 1721 Davenport st. _ 850
171UHN1SIIED lloom to rent. 2020 St. Marys
JJ nvo. _ . _ _ 7CT
FOR IlENT Furnished rooms in iQrennlg blk
cor. 13th and Doduo Ets. Inquire of Uoo. II. ,
DaTls. Mlllard hotel billiard room. _ 358
F ° UKNT Furnished rooms. Inquire room ,
E. I3CU Douglas. , Bill
. HOP ! pleasant room , modern conveniences ,
JJ TOO Chicago st. 431)
FOll TIBNT A largo room furnished , dontral
location 1410 Chicago st. 304
TTIOH HENT Hooms furnished and unfur-
JJ niahed. 1734Cap. avo. C4I
TT1OH HENT Two business or odlco rooms on
JJ 1st lloor 135 per month. W. E. Clark. 1411
Harnoy. 1&5
FOIl IlENT New store room nnd 0 rooms
nbovo on Q street , nenrnothSouth Omaha ,
suitable tor general store trado.saloon or boardIng -
Ing house , i. K. Darling , 1D3J Farnam.
FOH KENT A room with vault onthoground
lloor on 1'arnam St. , suitable for bunk , in
surance , loan and trust or abstiact olllco. Ad-
dicss Hex 408. 01130
FOR HENT I'lno large room for dress nnd
cloak establishment , also fowcholco olllccs ,
llamgo building. KM 31
EOH HENT Tlio three story brick building
and basement on 1.1th st. , on comer ot alley ,
in the rear of the new First Nat'l bank-building ,
will glvo a 3 or 0 year lease at n low rental. C.
Hartman & Co. , JI113 Farnam. _ 671 a 16v .
FOll IlENT T\vo rooms , 44xfiO , wnoro Bteam
power can be obtained. Enquire of Sam'l
llcos , Hees Printing Co. , 1019 Howard st. 740
TilOll HENT Ilnslncss room now occupied ns
JJ my olllco on 15th st. C. F. Harrison , 418 S 15th
TTIOR IlENT First-class frame Btoro building ,
JJ 80 by 21 feet , first-class business location.
Apply to I. W. Hoborts , Albion , lloono , Co. , Nob.
T7IOH RENT-Omces on Farnam st. at $10 to'jM
JJ per month , Ono office furnished. 1012 Far'
nam. SCO
3 HOOMS 2d lloor , $11 , at 1712J4 Jackson st.
TjlOH RENT i rooms all mordorn coven-
JJ ienccs 1704 Webster Bt . J20 00
4-roomllat. 4178. Wthst . 2000
4 rooms 1704 Webster st . ' . . 25 OO
4rooms4158. IDthst . 1500
Judge Hcntal Agcncy.S. W. cor IBth & Harnoy.
I7IOR HENT Suite unfurnished front rooms ,
JJ 810 ; 2313 Mason St. bGOOO'
OH HENT Bakery on 26th st , So. Oinalm , '
call at City-bakery. So. Oinahn , IbU 4 *
T710R IlENT A Hallett & Davis upright piano , ,
JJ * 4 per months. Apply to N , II. Hall , 210
South mh.strcct. 110 30 *
OH HENT llarn back of Metropolitan hotel ,
12th and Douglas sts. Inquire City Steam
Laundry. * aiD
WANTKD Hoiines to rent , and wo cnn rent
them too. U. li. Cola , N. U. ICth and
Douglas. ' * . > OQi )
1ST houses for rent with II. E. Cole , N. E.
1Mb and Douglas. ' > > 003
FOH HENT When you want to rent a house ,
store of office go to II. E. Cole. 000-
REOOHY , V. L. . Rental agent , 303 8 10th st.
FOH HENT If you wish to rent a bouse call
on Ueuiwa &Co. , 15th st. , opposite I1. 0.
demand for Bhorthandvrltersls in excess -
cess of the supply. Shorthand course com
pleted nt Valentino' * Shorthand institute in
iroiu four to six months , bend for circular.
tJ3ia33 (
TJEHSONAL Have you soon L. O. Jones ; mail
X mirror. Call nt 1303 Farnam for ono or
send address on postal. 17
"PERSONAL Private homo for laales during"
J. confinement , strictly conlldentlal. infants
adopted. Addreas E 42. llee olllco. D37al
NNA ALPLANALD , the celebrated Hun-
garlan Gypsy 1'almlst , uses the old gvpsy
ways in reading the hand. Ladles only. lu4 ! N.
SCth st. 20th and Baundors cars pass the door.
tJ'j4-a.l ' !
PEHSONAILlstyour propertyto , exclianca
w jth 0. 0. Spotswood , K > K S. lUth. st 2JO
r OST A largo gooHo , return to"J'021N , SOtli'
JJ St. and get reward. 131 iart ,
T710UND Gold spectacles , on the street. Calli
JJ for tame nt II. & M , local freight olllco.
A FEW second-hand show case.s.varlous sizes ,
cneap , Addreas E. Mi , llou olHce. lU'iaui :
TT10U SALF Chenp. n No. 1 road team 7 and 81
JJ years urn , duilc brown , well matched , '
weight 3,000. Call for two days on Hunnun&
Kent , real estate agents , cor , Jith and Capitol
avo. 17131
TmOll BALIJ-Walnut desk , cloth top , : Bxfi2 ; rt
JJ drawers and cabinet. In goadoxlur. cost
l wlllsi'llforfU. Inuulru American Press' '
abSoclatUin. 1113 Dodge st. , City. im , !
ITJOH BAfili Onollemlngton No. 8 typewriter
JJ In Ilrst-class order , in use only two mouths ,
cost IIUO. will iBll for fyjcash. Address Lotk
Hex BJ. City , 1 M i
F Oil f SALE 2 ponies , wagon and hartleys.
Inquire In cigar store Wtl B. lutli st. '
IjlOJl BALE Furniture of 1009111 JIOUFH , till
JJ N , l.'th fct. _ 113 4
POH SALE-Cheap , prettiest span ponies In
city , dim with vthlto mane unU tullt liar *
ueis and buggy , ilia. U , W. Liratmii,7 ! i S. loth ,
71OH BALE A double carriage for Blnglq
J hovse. inquiru of E. IJ , Wood ; J131 N ista.
TTKHIBALJJ I'arty going away wlshea to cell
JJ two bed room bets. Call at once if you
want a bargain , nt 1714 Jack ton.
'IjlOUbAI.E-A excellent family horse , buggy
JU and harness , owner go to California next
week. Call at 150S gnjltust , , Windsor Place.
J. W. Pliolps. 113 29'
TTiOJl 8AI.15 A peedy pacing horse , new
JU pinaiwbox bujgy uud u uo\r set of jingle
harness , all liund-nuUo , with rubuer mounting.
Will sail separately. JI. 11. Irey , Freiwer Clock.
TT'OU BAM1 Oaa aappltt-cruy etalllon , U Nor-
JU man ouu K Kei liu.-isy Wblp , ofc'ej , weight
175" : eocdvoadsUr , Addrw w , in Ilrj'uut.
Ue.-.Tclce , Nsb. , Uox Tu3 , 1380 *
QOMK flne parrots tor sale it 1209 Douglas sU
SOME flno parrots for sal * at 1 JU liouglas
SU U60 g J
BAKOAlN-Now stov , No. 8 zinc , large
piece oil cloth and a lot -kitchen uteusfls
for 115 , parties leaving towu. AdJre > E A ) , Ilee
OlllM , 993 iy
H SALK -Two ( ! ? > tubttor steel boilers Wx
14 feet , with smoke * 1aeksteam guages ,
gla i water guage . etc. , tfR complete ; lll sell
cheap , Address Fred Knur , Drewcr , Omaha ,
Neb. Kri
_ _
TTOH SAtlVNIco bay driving ' bone. C. F.
JJ Harrison. 4188. ISthst.- 876
TjltMlNlTUIlR Good ainftw , will nell crreap
JL ? for cash or time. 0. T.Trlorton , 1521 rarnauu
n-v 401
TTIOH BAMV-T nrgo HallU' safe , new. M. A.
JlJ Upton & Co. _ jig , _ Pll-
TiVn BALE At a bargain fjO foot nt sbolclncr ,
JL ; 30 feet of counters nnd 'fins ' Ice chest , suit
able for grocery store. Kutfulro at 813 s , 10th St.
_ ; iy _
T710H SAM ! s or 10 horsif 'bower engine and 12
JU horfti boiler in good order. Cheap for cash ,
llecs Printing Co. < " ' 747
_ _
TTIOH 8ALH Or trade , ono family liorse , also
JL } new buggy. A , llospo. 1513 Douglas st.
740 a 81
" 171011 BAI/K Two-horsa power englno and
JL ! boiler cheap. Address O. U. Ott & Co , till
Douglas st. 7U3
"TTIOH 8AhK Dormant rni capacity 3,400
JL ? pounds. Phil. Stlmtnal &Co. , 911-Dft.loues
St. , Omaha. HO
OITSK TO LRA8K-10 room bouse on Cass
St. , near 10th ; furnlluro for salo. Call at
1518 Cass. IS ! Hi *
IDWIFK-Mrs. , B. Wltiton , N. E. cor. 18th
and Dorcas. 175 10'
_ i _
rnHACICAQU , storage , lojvest rates. W. M.
JL Hu9hman , 1311 Loaremvorth. ISO
J\T \ ° bargains In all parts ot city , real or per
J eonal , F.-J. Ilotchklss , 117 So. ICth Bt.
rpHR l/nno taught as an art by Oeo. F. Gollcn-
JL beck. HJ Harnay st. 183
. HOUSE , nil newly Oxcd up. Is
JL now open on the European plan , 1120 Cap ,
ave , rooms rent for COc to 7Sc per day. 730
0-OPEKAT1VE Land i Lot Co. , 205 N. IGth
70 A5
TiHE Odorless SanltaryCo. , the only licensed
company in Nebraska nud Iowa , using the
odorless system for cleaning cess pools , vaults ,
M atet closets. Ofllco IIB81'nrnam st. 48i a 15
TTIIHElnsuranoo. rellablo companies. H E.
JL ? Cole , N. E. 15th and Douglas. 721
secured. Valentino's shorthand
SITUATIONS allot its graduates' In
coed positions. Students can enter atanytlmo.
Scud for clrcnlar.5515 Dodge streetOmnlm , Nob.
T710H cheap storage. In clean , flro-uroot build-
JJ Inc , also cash advances , household goods
bought aud sold , inquire of 11. Martin , No. 110 N
13th st. 070 2SJ
"VfUW YOHIC Storage Co. Incorporated capl-
0.1 tal $15,000. most extensive'facilities fur
storage of furniture , plauoa , etc. C.ish advances
to any amount. Waronouse receipt given , strict
commence maintained In all business trnnsuc-
tlona , 1BOS , 1510,1512,1514 Capitol ave , cor I5th.
" \S71LIJbuy furniture of a house or llat cen-
ii trolly located. Co-op. L > &L. Co , 205 N. 10th
OIjAinVOYANT-CallomJIrs. Ecclps.naturo's
Interpreter. Heliable Jn all the alfalrs of
life , love and business , 323 N. 10th St. , ' room 1.
V. 7BO-A2 *
\XrANTED-Alltokuowthat Madam lilanch
VV the great mind readet'-aud fortune teller
has suite rooms at Metropolitan hotel. Tells
past , nnd future. Gives "lucky numbers In lot-
tory. This will be her lasbjfrcok. 80330 *
It. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Jiort-
ioal , business and test medium. Diagnosis
free. Female diseases n bpttclalty. 11 ! ) N. 10th
Bt. . Hooms 2 & 3. Tel. 044. r 304
TITONEY to loan on real estate , mortgages
li bought aud sold. J.Jj. Evans , 1510 Dodge.
I" 8743
TVIONEY to loan on city pToporty and farms by
1'JL Jarvis , Conklln MoifcugB Trust Co. L.I' .
Hauimoud. general ago ill .for Neb , , Hooni 400 ,
new 1'axton block. 110
MONEY to loan on 'furnlturo , wagons ,
etc. , without removalidr on col lateral Bocurr
ity. Business conOacntlal.'C U Jacobs.320 S 15th
HE. COLC loans money on Improved city or
farm property , lloom u Continental
block. 602
WE can glvo you all the money you want on
household goods , pianos and merchan
dise at legal rates when goods are stored with
us. Now York Btori\e ) Co. 753-a-2l
MONEY i TO LOAN as 0 per cent on flrst
mortgages in sums of J500 to 910,000 ; good
short time paper boughtat reasonable discount ;
money on hand ; no delay. Patterson & Fawcett.
318 So. 15th. 417
TVTONEY to loan , at low rates , on chattels ,
J.TJ. without removal or Dllng : financial busi
ness of all kinds transacted quietly nnd without
publicity ; money advanced on Jewelry ; secured
notes bought. Call and see us It will pay you.
People's Financial Exchange , room50W , llaikur
block , 15th and Farnam. 251 n ' . ' *
T OANS made on real estate. Cash on hand.
JJ W. M. Harris over 2208.15th Bt. . 37. ) . *
To Loan ily the undersigned , who
has the only properly organized loan
ngency In Omaha. Loans of 110 to JIOO made on
furniture , pianos , organs , liorsos , waBons , ma
chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. AH
business strictly confidential. Loans HO made
that any part can bo paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
made on line watches and diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , ns many now concerns nro dally conilntj
into existence. Should you need money call and
eo me. W. H. Croft , room 4 Withnoll building ,
16th nnd Harnoy. 30'J
M1 ON EY to Loan O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agents. Ifift'i 1'nrnam at. 370
SHOUT time loans mauo on any avannblo
security , In reasonable amounts. Hecuro'l
notes bought , sold or exchanged. domical
financial business of any kind transacted
prompUy.quletly and fairly at the Omaha ( fi
nancial Kxchange , N. W. cor. 15tli and Har
noy sts. , over State National band. Corbott.
manager 33T
ONKY LOANKD nt 0.1' . Reed & CO.'H Loan
Olllce. on f urulturo , plnnos , horses , wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value without removal. 319 8. 13th ,
over Illnghatn's commission store. All bust-
ness strictly conlldantlal. 373
"T A. WOODMAN Money to loan on real es-
u tate in sums to suit. .40 South Uth st.
MONEY to loan. Notes ana it. II. ticket ,
bought and sold. A. Forrnan , 1320 Farnam
sts. 3M
UGH PEKOiT & CO. cans money on real
estate and chattel security of every de
scription. All lii3lneM strictly confidential.
Itoom 4M I'ltiton building. 7M 31
" \f UNKY toloan , casiion hand , nn delay. J.
1M. W. and 1C. L. Squire , H13 Faroain st. I'as-
ton hotel building. 37ii
TMTONBV to loan on city delays , as
ill. cash is on hand , Hates , Smith tc Co. ,
room 8S.T , llomgo bulldlns. . _ J55 31
XOAN 3 made on Omalin'cTty property by 1) .
J V. Sliolos. room 1 llurtq r blk. 751
MONIjy to loan on turnrrtiVo , Morses , wagons ,
etc. , or on any appioyed security , fotv
rates. J , W. Hobblns. 18U Wrnum , T72
cljiMXi.tXX ) to loan on city * \A farm real estate ,
P J.luulmn ii Mahoney , 10U7't 1'arnam street.
TVfONKV to lK > n QmaKtf real usiate and
Ji-L funns , JIortBuges bought , Qdoll llros. Sc
Co. . 1KJ Furnam. SM
_ _
MONUV to loan on improved mat estate ; no
commission charged.KLeuYHt Uurnhatn.
room 1 , Crelgbton blort. J { _ 3U1
T\f ONUY To loan. kovjMit rates , No delay
illJ. . L. lllca & Co. . over Commercial Na-
tloiml bank in in.'i
_ _
MONKV loanort on furiutnce , pianos , organs ,
horses , etc , low rates , . J , J , 'Wilkinson 4
Co. , li-'l Farnam , oyor Hurlfugton ticket onico.
_ iBj 381
MONKV to loan on hoHeif wagons , furniture ,
pianos and other personal property or col.
lateral Ithout rpmoval ; Imslnosa contldeiitlul ;
rates moderate. The 1'alrbauk Investment Co. ,
iilSS. Uth St. . upstairs. _ 418
LOANS made on real estate" vid mortgages
bought. Lewis S. Heed 4 PoTfiBl Farniira.
. _ _
( CUIO.OOO To loan on Ornaria' city property at 0
P percent. Q. W , Day , S. B. cor. Kx. IJld.
C.'U. Jacobf , 339 S. 15th st.
$600.000 to loan at lowest rate ot Interest , oa
cly ( property. H , U , Irey , Frttazor blk. opp ,
1 \ * 1JO
01lBALU-M at market in Council Hlulfs.
dolrtK good family trade : centrally located.
Address . H , P. , lleooUlcc , Council liluiTs.
. 103-8
TTIOilSALH Three or ( our ctKKl salooun , be&t
X1 locations la north Nebraska. Apply iu
person to I * . Bch\yeuk & Co. , Norfolk , NeU.
TT10U SALR Gent's boot nnd shoo store , sltu-
J-1 atcd on ono of thp principal business streets
_ ntho clty. Inquire at KO 8. lOthst , 184-1 *
"KIOH'BALH A coed barber shop and balh
-L1 rooms in ft boomlnR town in Nebraska ,
Henson.1 for solllnu , going into other bnslnoiu.
Inquire at , Sielcholr llrot. ' Hnrber Kunply
liouso , lua rnrimin si , Oinaba. 103 Sift
jlJ Cigar , tati6ncry , confectionery
and hevrs store ! also pop corn stand. WW
3. IQUi st. 1P4 IT
nt Invoice. Call 14 9
Ocorgla ave nnd Shirley st. _ 1S4 ( *
AOIiTJAN stock of hnrdwaio. In fine location
in city ; splendid trade t Invoice nbont f.t.od ) ;
lx9t ! 6f Ten ohs for RrllinR. a n. llrewster ,
carp H. K. Cole , cor. llith and Douglas Iflg O'
Young man with J300 to IViOO
casbnuist ; be steady and reliable ) neat
profitable employment ; no canvassing. Address
K 49 , Ueti blllCB. _ OTl-gJ-
F OH 8AM5-Cigar and news stand , 004 North
lathst. ia 3 *
O TtOCKHY and meat maricot , B years cstab-
VJ lisbcd , A nile opportunity for a live man.
AddreMK 6.\Hea Olllco. 112 alt )
JDAllTIKSto take W Interest In good paying
X bulsness , small capital , Addrass E W , Hoot
1073 *
T710H SALE qr leasqA peed paying tin shop ,
XI connected with n hardware and steve bus
iness. Address JacobG. Trolcl & Co.,870U l/oaven-
worth pti ' 139 3i J
WH liavo for .palo a large list restaurants ,
bakeries , meat markets , feed stores , ho
tels , groceries , fi stocks of merchandise. 4 livery
barns tin a all kinds of chances , Co-Oporntlvo
Laud & tot Co. , 05 N. ICth st. I > 71-q4
T > AHTNBH in profitable business , but small
X amount required , Investigate. 310 S 15th
st. , room 5. 938 U
EOH SAT'15J-Ono of the best chances over
offered for small hotel In this city. MUX )
cash required. B 03 Boo olllco. 85)7 )
ROTE It Until mik for sale or lease , located at
the thriving vlllnco ot Arlington , at Junc
tion of F. . 12. & Mo. Vafloy 11. H. with 8. C. &
Pacific , 4 trains each way dally , 20 miles from
Oinnlin , The house has sixteen rooms conve
niently arranged : soft nnd hard water ; located
In business centerfurniture ; 2 years old ; In case
of lense would prnferto ell f urulturo , but will
lease it furnished ; line shade trees , and n small
stable , every way a desirable property ; references -
onces required. J. A. Unthank. 84080
BOOTS and Shoes For sale or will trade for
n No. 1 Inside dwell Ing property In Omaha ,
a splendid stock of boots aim shoes that will in
voice about ! 9TiOO. tlio stock is In a tine town.anO
n splendid brick building with plate glass front.
II. H.Seydel&Cu. , Stuart. Iowa. 84530
MEAT Market Having a Urst-class cash nnd
order ti ado for saio very cheap If taken
soon. Address E ITT , Heo onice. B43 00
GHOOEHlES-Nlce clean stock with good
young team nnd delivery wagon. Prlco
92,000. For sale or trade for lustdo Omaha prop
erty. Active Heal Kstato & Property Exchange
Ifi3i D < dgo st. COi
TTlOirSAlji : saloon , In a good local Ion an < fdo-
XI ing a good business. A good oppoi Utility
for a man with $ " ,000. Apply to Stringer .V Co. , Dodge st. cm
To lease Una rcsldauco near postotllco , and
buy furniture ( all now ) nt a great sacrifice. For
particulars sco L. 8. Skinner , 1509 Farnam. 533
GOOD livery stock and lease on best livery
and sAlefctablo centrally located In Omaha ,
for sale very cheap for cash , will not trado. Co. i
Op. TJ. & L. Co. . 'Ma N. ICth St. 4M
ITlOHSAljIJ Drug Block. As line location as
X' there Is In tne city. Clean stock. Invoice
about$7OJO. Part cash. Pill t In good real es
tate or secured notes. M. A. Upton & Co. loth
Bt , opp. Chamber of Commerce. 451
IT OH S A LE A good pnylns business. Clears ,
JL ? stationery and toys , in a ilrst-class loca
tion. On account of 11' health. Stock on hand
ntiout * 3,000.i All cash not required. Enquire at
Max Meyer A Co.'f. 4SO
TJ10R EXCHANGE A good Orchard lfliriotl
X' to exchange for llrst mortgngo paper or
good personal property. H. K. Ilcndoo.
_ 172 30
IN KXCUANGE-A nearly now Hushford
w agon for a good light spring wagon. Ap-
piy to La\yrenco tc Strlbllng , 113 N , 10th street ,
1C8-4 *
rpEA and coffee business nnd manufacturing
X ot baking powder , in city. Good chance
for right lurty ; ; j cash , balance city propeity.
Call and cot particulars , Co-operative Land A ;
LotCo.StBN. _ ICthst. 14480
FOK THADE-r-Wanted to trade a No. 1 pony
and new saddle and bridle for n No. 1 ircsh
row. M. E. Free , No. 305 N. 17th. or Nicolas st.
\Vulnut \ ; pill , " 115 30 *
FOll EXCHANGE- . ! have 10 clear city lota
and a house In Mlllard & Caldwoll's nud. to
exchange for n stock of goods ; furnltuio nnd
cnrpetw 01- wall paper preferred. H. 1L Miller.
1KJ Douglas st. , room J. U78 2
OK EXCrtANOE-Hi lot and fi-room liouso
north 10th St. . equity $2.100 , bal , extremely
easy for 30 to 40ft , "res. " lot centrally located.
II.W. C. , 1110 Farnam. . 0802
* ' * ' "
T7UHI EXCHA GE-JI.OOO worth of horsesbUK-
X1 glcs and wagons. Co-Operative Land & Lot
Co. , 20. . N. ICth BtT _ n7iM )
"TJ10H HXOllANOK Or foroalc , W.iWJttoclc of
- ? general merchandise.
$2,500 brjcK store building , one-story , double
robin eacn , , ! x50 , . addition Mn'M. good cellar.
$3,600 dwelling , frame , two-story , slzeJCSxrtt ,
built In ' 83 , out-bouses , well , cistern and barn ,
ui th noil.
Tiio.abore property situated in a coed towna
of COO Inhabitants In Fouthoasteni Nebraska.
Kstabllslied trade of J30.UOO per annum.
A splendid chance to step Into n good retail
trade ; big bargain : good leasons for Rolling ;
part cash , part in farm orunlmprovpdland , or a
part on time. ' Address 17 Ba. care ot Ilcn. i7 29 *
ANTBD to Kxchango-Two lots In II. & M.
T V park for liorso and buggy. Inqulro at 8.
A. Slomau , 13tb and Taruam , Hellman block.
_ tti ! _
WANTKD Horses and cattle to exchange for
faruis or city property , H. 15. Colo. N , K.
cor. 15th and Douglas. _ UOU-
rpo KXCIfANGK For murcnandlse or rosl-
X dcnco lots In Omaha , 5UO acres choice nnlin-
provDd laud In Knox Co. , Nob. , a balance unpaid
duo la 0 years. Address H. n. Loucks.D.mlmry ,
Iowa. _ illlaO *
WANTED 00 houses nnd lots to exchange.
C. C. Spotswood , 30 > Vi S. lUth st. ' . ' . ' 3
ANTED -200,000 brick , for Omaha real es-
tato. E. A. Leavenworth,1417 1'arnnm ht.
rnitADHS made lu real estate and personal
X piopflrty. See exchange book. Co-op. L.
and T , . Co , 2U5 N. ftith st. fAl
T7 01l THADE-2 16ts in Windsor terrace tor
XI good land , morlgngo paper or horte and bug-
gy. D. V. Sholiig. room 1 , IlarKcr block. iCll
IF YOU' ' have property for sale , or trade , or
houses to u'ntllst with the O. F.Davis
Company , ir/a Farnam st. _ 218 31
VlfANTKD Houses and lots to exchange for
> T farms. 11 , K. Cole , N. K. l&th and Douglas.
_ * * ' * ' _ out )
IDAH'C'of largo room In best location in city ,
X heat nndllgat Included. J , II. Watts , room
15 , Chambur ot Commerce. bJii
of merchandise to ex-
> V change for farms. H , K. Cole , N , K. 15th
and Douglas , DJU
/ 1IIOICH acre tracks , best ot facilities for gar
V > doulng. AVautgood uulncumbered farms
H.B. Colo. N. K. nth and Douglas. _ OW
OUOICIJ aero tracks Buitable i'or gardening ,
, Very liberal terms , II , 15. Cole , N. K. 15tU
aud Douulas. Heal estate for Halo. 000
Abstracts-Bouth Omaha Kd. Johnson &
Co. , agenU South Omaha Land Co. , have
the only complete sot of abstract books In
South Oniiiha , Complete abstracts furnished
on short notice. Olllco opposite depot , South
Omaha. 127
"OBNSON JctiAUMIpHAKfj furnish Vomplate"
Xaud guaranteed abstracts ot title to any
real estate In Oinalm and Douglas county upon
thortnotlco , The most complete sot of abstract
book * In the city i No , IMP Farnam t. : R5
\fipl A fI ) Guarantee nnd Trust Co. . 1505
Ji Fpruam stt-eoj Complete ubstrurts fur-
ntahed , and titles tq real citato 9xumlued. p r-
fueled and guaranteed. _ 3vf
"HWU BAH , Henf. or Kxc7ianije-0na of best
X1 iU ck. farms in Nebraska , ( i&Uacies , liny , .
grain and pasture ; Z\ \ ' , miles from Krcmontr
Thos. H. Olbbon , Froinont. or Ouo. li ,
Ulbs.ou U Co. , 312 S.outu ICth btrett , Omaha , Neb ,
t lyjft
_ _ _
TmOH S'AMJ-lOacros lu west part of city. W ,
X1 F. Petty , 621 H. 131b. _ 161 1 *
1710H 8AU5 At a bargain , Icasa of a 3-story
X1 brick building containing : i stores and 25
looms , with modern improvements , inquire at
OMB. I/It / hut. _ [ _ \ } -n
T L UlCB & CO. , Ileal EsUto , JJ15
Fit 8 A fjU 9-rooni piodcru house. OJ foot of
erouix ) , near 18th und Ut. Mary's avu , for
anxious to uell. 0. E. Thompson.
Ton 8ALK-TI10 best business ) , residence and
X trupkago eltoii in the city. II , A. Uptoa &
Co. 77em
TTIOli BAMJ-property on Sherman 'a
X' Paddock plivov. ut lir > per foot. Match > ii
U > ou con. M. AUpton & LX > , 770 31
HIGH 8AIR UxchMigo Ntc brcl vnltrIvlnK
X' mare with f oal ; also buggy Ana hMncs * .
nearly n wi woul ld trade for ( rood cow or good
driving borso. 0. 11. Ounson. 1403 Douglas.
IS3 1 *
J L. KlCn * CO , Kcat Kstaw. jl5
fi\0tt \ SAI.H-Or-Ina'ie.22,4lorftl ' feeton Far
X' nam , between SUth and 23d sts , Clieap. M
A. Upton A Co. _ 77B 31
" 1710H SAT.K-At a barpaln-Ixitft 4 nnd R , Talror
X1 place , lots 3 , 4 , 0 ando , block 2. lot 13. block 3 ,
lots 8 and 15 , block 4. lotll , block itt , In Hedfor
lilaco. Four lots In South Omaha and 10 lots In I
Uouucil Ululfs. Sjl. S. St. John , Kearney , Nob.
T710H SALK-Haxvlay House , North Platte ,
X' Nob. Will take part cash and balance , In
peed CAttle. Addrcs John Ilnwley , North
Plattc. 74ita31'
I/IOK HALK Corner Georgia nvo nnd Vaclllo
X' St. , 00x140 tc alley , south nnd west fronts ,
on grade nnd covered with beautiful grovo.
line silo for elegant homo. W.B09 for tew days
only ; $2ax ) cash , balance , easy. A * P. Tiikoy ,
13J4T FariiMn st. , 1W7
1T1AHM for sale , 40 mites north of Omaha , con-
X1 tains 170 acres , ( Inn house , fending yards ,
wlnflmlll , cto. . all level land. Prlco , * per
acre. D. a Patterson , Omaha Nat. Hank.
, _ _ _ 110 a7 ,
T710H 8ALB South Omaha trackage , Idtsl , C.
X1 a and i , U 3 , Albright's nnncx ncxt to How.
land nnd Hrndtord's lumboc ana coal yard ,
double frontages on street nnd county road ,
alley in rcar.donrabloasnn Investment or busi
ness location , room for 13 cottages. Call at S.
W , cor Dth and Douglas. 129
"IJIOH SAI.E-Cattlo range , eight miles from
X1 North Platte , Neb. , 2,000 aeros.houso.bnrns.
corrals complete , ctlt2 , M tons of hay , liw acres
broken , hill nnd bottom pasture. , tlvlnir springs ,
WIlorMJS , 140head of cattle,80 hogsTOO sheep ,
will bo sold on reasonable terms. W. C. minor.
15901 *
"TOOK HUNT A nlc0 5-room liouso with porch.
XI etc. , with nlco yard. 6J4 B' Ktll between
JncksonnndLcnvcnwortlu 185 g.'J '
'ijMNis tracicagu property for sale Tho'Clark
X' Woodman property on Izard st. , between
17th and IBth. 264X1& , street * on three sides nnd
railroad track in alloy ; suitable for wholesale
ormanufacturlngpurposos. Fins location , ele
gant property , easy terms nnd cheap. Tlioro is
money in this If bought nt prosnnt prices. Will
sell part or all. A. P Tttkey , 1324 Farnam "t.
5 HOOM cottage , cast front , full lot , gsith nnd
Hurdotto sts. only 11,700. D. 0. Patterson ,
Omaha Nat. Hank. | OV5
TTKHl SALE Store and lot on the'best comer
X1 of n lively business town In southwestern
Nebraska ; will soil building nnd stock or build
ing alone ; poor health reason tor selling. Address -
dress 0. Healy , Cambridge. Neb. KM 80 *
1710H SALE 70 feet pn Fnrnam , opposite Vlr-
JU ginla nvo. A bargain. M. A1 Upton & Co.
TO ill
TT1O11 SALE or exrhango We have some good
X' pmaha real estate nnd Nebraska farms
which wo will Bell chonp or trade lor stocks ot
clothing , furnlshlm ; goods , dry good , ? , boots nnd
shoes , groceries or hardware. Schleslngor llros. ,
OUS.luthst. } bal3 ?
FOK SALE or trade Lands nnd town prop
erty In Nebraska , Knusas.Colorado nnd other
Btates\\nnt ; morclmndlso , cattle nnd horsosgon- ;
cral exchange business transacted ; correspond
ence solicited. T , A. English , & Co. , York , Nob.
ij'Ull HALK At a bargain for 'a few days
JJ only , lot 1 , block 3 , rtddock Place. This Is
n beautiful corner on lotuatroeti Inquire at
owner. 1708 Dodgu , ib. _ 4113
T L. 111CU & CO. , Heal Estate. 215
rnwo good houses , well located , for 83,700 and
X W.100 , on easy payments. J. A. Hclstand ,
room 0. Arlington Uiock. 709
"IJIOK SALE Coruor liith nnd Castellar , wixliU ,
JJ fo.700 , worth JuBtJl.OOO tnoro. M.A.Upton
&Co. 770 31
_ '
T L. RICE & CO. , Real Ustato. SIB
FOH SALE On easy terms , a new 8-room
house with modern Improvements , * barn ,
etc. ; can make terms to suit purchaser. Address
! ' . _ O. box 4b8 , city. _ _ _ 395
TJ1011 SALE Nice 7 room house , close to st.
JJ cars , school , church , etc. , full lot , only W.500 ;
f 1,000 cash , balance In three equal payments. C.
F. Harrison. 418. 8. 15th st. 075
TpOR SALE Uost bargain in Omaha , corner
JJ 10th aud Jones sts , M. A. Upton & Co.
_ 77(1 ( 31
TJ10H SALE or Trade Fnmam St. , near 38th ,
JJ IncumbiancoW.OOO. Equity W.OOO.
Farnam st. . cor 31st , 130x133.
Tracknee , 13th st. near Grace. 03x112.
Cumlugst. , cor 31st , 43.03x140 incnmbranco
92.000 *
N. 10th st. , near Nicholas , 01x104 , infcumbranco
Saunders St. , cor. Durt , 100x51 , incumbranco
Park ave , , facing park , 50x150 , Incumbranco
$ C50.
Douglas st. , near 20th , COxKlJ , incumbrauco
23 lots In D. &M. Park add to South Omaha ,
clear of Incumbrattce , perfect title.
2 quarter sections of school land In Kossuth
Co , Iowa.
1 quarter section land in Grundy Co. , Neb. ,
All of above property for sale or trade for
good insldo Improved property orl good im
proved or unimproved farms. S. A. Sloman ,
rooms 23 nnd 23 , Hellman bltlg , 13J1 Farnum st. ,
Omaha , Neb. , 81J
L. KICE tc CO. , Heal Estato.
EMSTlCltNEi & CO. mnKo a specialty ot
property in North Omaha ; for sale or rent
at Citizens' bank itM ! Cumins st. 3S3
"jrTUJlt SALE Lot 82 ou2fith St. , Just olTof Cum-
JL ? ing st , east front , on grade , 02'xl23 to al
loy. Prlco for few days only &MOO ; J1.2JO cash
balance easy. A. P. Tukoy , 13J4 Farnam st.
HENT , a guaranteed speclllc for Hysteria , Dizzi
ness , Convulsions Fits , Nervous Nquralgla ,
Headnchp , Nervous I'rqstrntlon , caused by tha
use of alcohol or tobacco , Wakefulness , Mental
Depression , Softening of the llriiln , resulting In
Insunlty.and lending to miserydecay nnd death.
Premature Old Ago , JJarrennosH , Loss of Power
in either sex , Involuntary I/jssos and Sporma-
torrhma caused by ovpr-exertlon of the brain ,
self-abuse or over-indulgence. Each box con
tains ono month's treatment. tl.ODn box. orslx
boxes for $5.00 , sent by mall Prepaid on receipt
of price ,
To cure any casu , With each order received by
us for six boxes , accompanied with J5.00 , wo will
send the purchaser our written guarantee tore-
fund the money if the treatment does not effect
acuro. Guarantees issued only by C. r. GOOD
MAN , Druggist , Solo Agent , 1110 Furuam Street ,
Omaha. Nob.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs.
And Chicago ,
The only road tntnko for fcs ) Mnlnci , Mar lialtown.
Ccdur lUiilds , Clinton , ) > Uon , C'lilcHKu , Alllwnukco
nnrt all iiolnls Unit. To tliu ucoploof N uru > ka.Colo.
lailo , Wyi > mliiK. Utah , Idaho , Nuvaila.Oreuon , Waili.
Intitun and Cullrnnilu , It oifur * uverlor aavaiituk'ei
not posilblo br nnr olhur line/
AmoiiK a few of lliu nuinproui polnti of luperlorltr
enjorfil br tlio palronn or till ) road belwfvn Oiimtm
, anci Oilcngo. nro lt tire train * u day of JUV
COArilKS , wlilcb uro tlio Oncstthat Iiuiiinn nrtand
Imiunultrcanimate. iltl'AI.ACICHI.ISlil'INU OAH.4 ,
whlcli aru moduli < if conifnrl anil eltiiianLO. Hi 1'AR.
I .Oil DMAWIM ; UOOtI CARS. nn urpa c < l branr.
anil IU widely celebrated PALATIAL PINING CAIIH ,
the equal of wUlcti cannot be found eltawliore. At
CouncU lllutla. the troln of lUu Union I'adlla Hull.
warca/inuct In union depot vrlib UIO B of llioCUI-
rnk'O.V Nortliwtsltrn Itr. In Cblcaco tlio tralni ut
tbli line inaku cloia counectloa wilu tbo > * ot til
uthur Kmttirn lines.
Kir lii-trolt , ( Xjluiabm. Indlanapolli , Cincinnati.
Nlanara Kulli , Mutfalo , 1'lttibure , Toronto , Montreal ,
lloilon. Now York , i'ulladclptiTa , llaUliuuru , Wash.
Ingtoa , uod all polnli lu ( Uo Kait. Aik tor tlckcti via
" "
If TOO wlili tha boil accommodation. All ticket
ngonu mil tlckeliTla tuti HUB.
ir.uuuiiii'11. K.V , wir.soN ,
Uea'l Manager. Uvo'l 1'ait'r Agent ,
W. N. BABCOCK.Oen'l. WeHera AEent.
JJ.K. KIMUAIU'llck l AKtut.
u. \viisr , CUT I'ttiiunser Aceat.
It01 Faru&ui Bt. , Omaha , Neb.
TED , who In hit roMjY and INNOR AXCR
hai TRIFI.KO &w r hit VIOOH of nOl > T ,
drnlni upon th TOUNTAINM of I.I F
Ire \VKAUIVKNN of Memory. IlASn-
th FACE , and all the EFFECTS UAdlnr to
TION or INNANITV , ihould contult M one *
the CRL.ERRATEn Dr. CUrko , Eitfltillshfd
18SI. Dr. Clfttko hat mftdo NEIIVOUH UE >
JIILITT , cilIRONIfl and all Dlteuei of
the UENITO IIItlNAHT Orconi a Ufa
Htudy. It mftkM HO difference WHAT ybu
x T6 ukcn or irno hM fulled to curt you.
KM to tholrtcx can contuH with Ihf akinranca
cf cpetdy rolltf and cur * . 8 nd 3 c nta poitae *
for wotki on your dlieaiet.
* S-B nd 4 c nU postngo for Cetebrntcd
Work * on Chronle , HcrvonB and J > ell
* nt DlteatGS. Contultatlon , p nonaly ! or by
letter , nreo. Coniult the olrt noetor.
Tbnnintid * otirprt , OfncciAnd wnrlorn
prlvnto. 3-Thoio contamplatlna.U rritf
vend far Dr. dnrko' * c 1 trkled ) .gulilo
JSalo and Fchtnlc. each 15c. . both'Uc.
( lUtnjM ) , neibre conflalnr your c t , eonifnlt
Dr. CLAKKE. A frUndly UU T or call Tniy
MTO future lulTerineand tbornn , and add ( roldea
ye r to life. 49-Book " i' ( Secret ) Er-
ran , " We. fiUmpi ) . Hcdlclno and * writing !
nt verywh ro , tecnre front exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8 : BuuiUyi , fltoH. Addtfti.
F. t > . CLARICE , M. D. .
180 Oo. Olork QU OUICAOOi ILL.
IU main Unas and branches Include OHIOAOO ,
rconiA , if OUSTS , noes. isLAiro. DAVEN-
umvouTn. AiamsoN , CEDAK nAPica.
and Bccroa of intcrmedlato citlca. Oholco of
routes to and from the Faclflo Oaast. All trans
fer * la Union depots. Tait trains of Elno Pay
Coaches , elegant Dining Cam , magnificent Pull *
man Palace Bloopers , and ( between Chicago , Bt
Joseph. Atchloon and Kansas City ) nocliotoa
Oholr Oars , Boats XYoo. to lioldcra of through !
Crnt-cliwa tlckoto.
Chicago , Kansas & Nobrnoka R'y
"Groat Hook lelnnd Routo. "
Bztends West and Southwest from Kansas Clt ;
nndOt. Joseph to NELSON , HOIITON. , BELLB.
1IUTOIHNOON , OAZ.DWEIX , and all points la
and beyond Kntlro passenger oijalpmcnt of tha
celebrated Pullman manufacture. All eatbty O.B-
plloncea and modern Improvement * .
The Famous Albert Lon Route
Is tha favorite between Ohtcago , Hoclc Island ,
Atchlaon , Kansoa City and Mtnneapolla ondSt ,
Paul. Its Watertown branch travoreea the great
of Northern Iowa , Southwestern Minnesota , end
East Central Dakota to Watertown , Spirit X.alto.
Oloua Folio and many other towns and cities.
The Bhort Line via Ooneca and Kankakoo offers
( aporlor faculties to travel to and from Indian. *
npolls , Cincinnati and other Southern points.
For Tickets , Maps , Fcldera. or destrod Informal
Uon , apply at any Coupon Ticket Oulco or address
Qcn'l TJannger. Oon'I Tkt. & Puss. Act.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y.
The Best Route from Omaha aud Council
Bluffs to
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar IlapIdH ,
Itock Island , Frecnort , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubiunic , Davenport ,
Elgin , DIadlsoii , Time-grille ,
lleloll , AVlnoua , La Crosse ,
And all other Important polnti East , Northea t end
ForthroiiRli tlcknti cnll on the ticket nccnt nt 1801
Furnrim struct , In Darker lllock , or at Union 1'aclflo
1'ullmanSloopcrs find the finest Dining Cnn In the
world nro run on tlio nmln line of the Chicago. Mill
vrnukca A. St. I'aul Hallway , nnd every intention is
paid to paBBcncora Ly courloouj cmplorci of tUa
H. MIIiI.TCIl. flonornl Manager.
J. r. TIICKKK. Anslilnnt ( iuncrM Manager.
A. V. K OAlifKNTEU , General 1'nssengcr and
Tlckot Aftimt.
< ! KO , K.IIIAKFOHI ) , Assistant General
and Ticket Aircnt.
J.T. C'LAUIC Ucncrid Superintendent ,
rtcnl Kstato Transfers.
C E Moyno ct til to Win Hnrrlor , lot 3 ,
bile 8 , G B Mnyno'B 1st add to Val-
Icy , w (1 ( 9 100
South Omahn Land Co to Omaha &
North Platta Uallroad Co , pt ol 4-U-
1'J , richt of way 1
Union stock Ynrds Co to Omaha &
North Pltxtto Uallroad Co , pt1Hia ,
right of wiy , , . . . 1
Euclid Martin and wife to Chas A
Slmater , 830 ft lot 2 , blk D , Dawo'3
add , w u 500
W 'i' Hoed , single , to U S Berlin , lot
13 , bile A , Saunders & HlmobaugU's
add , w d 1,000 ,
RS Berlin , slnfilo. to T HUabcr , lot
18 , blk A , Saundcrs & IIimcbaugh'8
add , w d. , , ' , 1,200 ,
Henry JJollu , treasurer , to Ferdinand
Streets , part lot 33 and lots W , CO
OlJiO , 07 , 7SJ , 78 , 78 , Hartman'a add ,
T D con of the premises by vlrtuo
ot tlio statutes ol tlio state of No *
brasim , . / .
John M Dougherty , single , to Kate M
Hall , lots 1 , 3 , 8 , bile U , Cloverdalo ,
wd , . , tl,250
Harriet and E. Notowaro. Will dls-
posingof land in Nebraska
George P Stobblns nnd wife to A P
Johnston , lot 22 blk 15 and lot 211 blk ;
15 Ilanscora-placo wd , 1,500 ,
A P Johnson ( single ) to H O Doviies ,
lot 23 blk 1.1 Hanscom place wd ' 8,000
D W Hill and wife to Emma Hill , lotl , 1 JJ
of Hill pluco wd , , , , . 200
N P Fell ( single ) to William P How-
ley , undivided } { Interest In Mystlo
park q 0 ' . , , , . 7,000
South Omaha TJ & TCo to Ilosa Epvy ,
lot 7 blk87South Omaha wd ! ' 300
Thos F Tuttle and wife to J U Hamil
ton , lot 2 blk 7 , licflford place , w d. . 750
Owen I for and wife to Chas W Hamil
ton , lot 3 blk 0 , Bedford place , w d. . P.200 .
W L Solljy et nl to Win A Vannlco. V
lot n Mottcr's sub dlv , part lot 48 , IJ
S nepers' add , w d , . . , 2,000
U S to Gee G Bovoy , o % s o & 2'J and
11 y 6 w 23,10,13. , Patent
Eighteen transfers BReregatlng $19,083
Iliiildinir L'erinlts ,
The following permits to build wore issued
yesterday by the superintendent of buildings ,
tlio pleasant weather as usual making an In
crease lit number ;
W. J. McEathrpw , two-story frame
residence , Lowe aycnuo , near Dodgo. . 11,000
Van Pelt Bros , two-story fraino paint
mill and boiler room , south of Omaha
heights , , , , , 2,500
O. O , Decker , cottage , Vjnton , ncr Six-
tccnth , . . . . . . . . . , , . , . . BOO
Henry Angoll , .cottage , Thirty-second ,
near Cuinlng.t . " . . . . , . . 409
John Vlck , cottage , FUteenth , south of
. Valley. . , „ . . , : : . , . . 450
Charles T. HoxtlmuBcn , cottage. Webster -
ster , near Thirty-flr. t.f ; . . , . „ . . , DOO
Six permits ,