THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , MABOH 30. 1888. THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS , OFFICE , NO , 12 PEAIIL. STIIEET. Delivered by Cinrlcr in Any Fart of the City at Twenty Cents I'cr Week. II. W.TILTON MANAGEU. TEMJFJIONES : ncsiKKftA Omc * . No. 3. NIGHT KDi-ron , No. S3. MINOH MENTION. N. Y. Plumbing Co. New spjlng goods at Heller's. Mlllmery display at II. Flrcdman's Friday And Saturday. Tlio Presbyterian social was held la t even ing at the residence of Dr. Pinney. A marrlngc liccnso ban been granted to , P. N. Sucksdorf and Dora Frcdc , both of this county. The ladles are cordially invited to attend the spring display of millinery at H. Fried * man's Friday and Saturday. An unlucky slip of a big butcher knlfo nearly cut ore the thumb of Ncls Peterson , a cook at the Uechtolo hotel. The recent Sunday school convention at Malvcrn was well nigh a failure so far as at tendance was concerned. A Boston capitalist Is talking of putting up aboard of trade building here , to cost $100- 000. Ho wants a bonus of $10,000. The Married Ladles Social Knitting club met lost evening with Mrs. S. B. Warner at her home , 64G Washington avenue. The P. E. O. society will meet at 2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon with Miss Helen Pat terson at her homo on Sixth avenue. The Royal Arcanum will give a grand ball nt their parlors next Tuesday evening that promises to ccllpso all their former efforts. Cards announcing the birth of J. N. Bald win , Ji1. , have been received by friends In this city , with the compliments of Mr. and Mrs. John N. Baldwin. Notice of the application of J. F. Peterson to the board of county supervisors for n liccnso to soil Intoxicating liquors is posted about the city. There will bo an Enster festival at the Congregational church Saturday evening. Supper will bo served for 25 cents. Novel ties will bo sold and a merry , social season had. . Jacob Weber , an old citizen , died at his homo at 1008 Seventh avenue at 1 o'clock this morning at the ago of sovonty-flvo years. The funeral will take place Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from Ins residence. The trimming department of H. Fried- nan's millinery establishment has been taken charge of by Miss Lcvie , of Chicago , a lady of skill and taste , who will surely satisfy the numerous customers and their varied wants. Tho'local branch of the Ancient Order of Hibernians Is making great preparations for the opening of the new Catholic church. The Omaha society will bo present , and invita tions will bo extended to the societies at Lin coln and Dunlnp. There Is now enough money pledged for a & new hotel to make It very evident that fully $25,00(1 ( can bo secured as a bonus to anyone ono who will put up a $150,000 hotel in this city. There are several locations , any ono of which would satisfy the citizens. But very few of the parties who arc erect ing buildings comply with the ordinance re quiring the taking out of a permit , and the city clerk desires tolmvo the attention of all such parties called to the said ordinance , that it may be more strictly complied with. A delegation of citizens from the board of trade will accompany the commander of Abe Lincoln post and the delegation to the G. A. H. encampment at Cedar Rapids on the llth of April , and nsk that the encamp ment bo held in Council Bluffs In 1889. Lodge No. 33 S. M. A. A. , has arranged for its second annual ball in the Temple hall on the evening of April 17. The switchmen of Omaha are especially invited to attend and arrangements are made by which they will bo given free transportation both ways , and a special train will take them home after the ball. It will bo a grand affair. Ed Scluckotanz has moved his barber shop into the brick building on Main street only one door south of his old stand , and has fit ted tno now shop up very attractively and conveniently. The old building lust vacated by him is to bo moved off to make room for a new brick building , which will be oceuplod by Odcll & Bryant as a hardware store. The German Catholic fair which ripens In the Temple hall next Monday evening prom ises to be a great success. There has been much energy shown In the work of prepara tion , and with the numerous attractions in "the week's programme the receipts should bo so largo as to give substantial help to this church in Its commendable work. Rook , when ho heard the verdict of the Jury acquitting him of the charge of murder , was almost wild with delight , and fairly jumped to the jury and grasped hands with each of the twelve , thanking each person ally. Then ho turned and shook hands with Judge Carson. Grabbing his hat , ho started out , saying : "I'll go now and see the old woman. " The sccno was ono which almost broke the dignity of the court , but the man was hardly to bo blamed for allowing his en thusiasm to get away with his judgment. It seems as If the energies of the wlde- nwako citizens could bo concentrated on Bomo ono of the numerous projects now being talked up , Improvements could bo secured more surely and certainly. The motor line can bo got started very quickly , as all that is now lacking is the removal of the obstruc tions put in its way by the Chicago & Rock Island company. As soon as that is settled , there should bo a centering of energies on the union depot project , and that should bo crowded to a success , as all it needs is a little pushing. The hotel could quickly follow , and with these three things secured this season numerous other enterprises would follow right along. At present the force of public spirited citizens seems greatly divided , and they weaken their energies. Money at low rotes on first-class larm security. Burnhnm , Tulleys & Co. , 102 Mala street. For all female diseases consult Drs. Moser & Van Ness , opera house block , rooms 1 and D , Council lilutlB. Correspondence solicited. Nobbiest styles in spring overcoats at John Bono & Co.'s. A full line of crockery and glassware at Lund Bros. , No. 23 Main street. Union Abstract company , 230 Main street. E. H. Shcafo loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly confidential. Office 600 Broadway , cor ner Main street , up-stairs. Travelers ! Stop at the Bechtolo. Piles cured with certainty. Drs. Moser & Van Ness , Council Bluffs , la. , Notice to Architects. The board of education of the inde pendent school districtof Council Bluffs , In. , will consider all pluns that may be filed with the secretary , Charles M. Ilarl. Esq. , on or before the 7th day ol April , 1888 , for a throe-story , eighteen- room school building , to bo erected on the present eito of the Washington ave nue school house. The costof said build ing not to exceed $40,000. No payment will bo made ior any plan unless the Biimo shall bo adopted by the board. The right to reject any or all plans is oxpresslg reserved by the suid board , TIIEODOHU S. COUCH , J. J. STEWAHT , Committee. The ladies of the Degree of RoboUal : will give an Easter social at Odd Fellowi hall , Saturday evening , March 31. All Odd Fellows and their families are OS' poclally invited , a Latest novelties in the Star shirl waists at John Bono & Co.'s. ' ' Call and see the newest styles of boys knee and kilt suits at John Bono & Co.'s. . B , B. Wadsworth & Co , loan money. Cyclone can trot the C. B , track ir 3:20 : , without weight or boot ; weighs 1,860 pounds. Ho is at the Kiel burn J3ce him. THE NEWS IN THE BLUFFS , The Ogden House Leased For Flvo Years. DOINGS IN UNCLE SAM'S COURT. An IOWA Boy Sues His Father For A Promised Farm Chief Temple- ton Will Stny Playing Crazy. The Ojjdcti Lcnacd. ' The opening of the Ogdcn house Is now an assured fact , and the data Is fixed as the first of May. Messrs. Stout ft Dooley , the pro prietors , have Just perfected a five year's lease of the building to Mr. S. E. Hunt , of the Southern hotel of St. Louis , and Mr. A. D. Davenport , of the Mlllard , of Omaha. IJoth these gentlemen have had extensive ex perience In the hotel business , and are ex actly the men for the place. Mr. Dooley in formed n BEB reporter yesterday morning that several important changes would bo made in the house , that it would bo fitted up In strictly first class shape , and conducted as a number ono hotel in every respect. A largo passenger elevator Is to bo put In , the office , washroom and corridors laid with marble tiles , the kitchen thoroughly over hauled and furnished wlvh a new range , 'nnd such other changes as may bo necessary for the comfort and convenience of guests. The proposed Improvements will probably cost nearly (10,000. Said Mr. Dooley i "Tho reason wlw wo have not made a lease , and had the house opened before - fore is mostly on account of the scheme be ing worked by the board of trade to build a new palace hotel. Several parties came hereto to lease our house , but on learning of the proposed plan would say that they could not afford to take It as they would bo knocked out completely if the new building was put up. Furthermore , wo wore not particularly anxious to lease to any of these parties , as It would have been more or less of an experi ment , ana wo wanted men who would surely make a success of it , and In this we have suc ceeded. In fact these same gentle men wcro at first opposed to It , but on carefully looking over the ground , they decided that hero was a splendid open ing , and made up their minds that if this house was refitted and properly conducted no new hotel would bo built. The lessees are widely known and have made an cnvia- blo reputation as wldc-awnko and successful hotel men. When the projected changes are completed , the house will present quite a dif ferent internal appearance. The marble work Is to bo done by the Pickle Marble company , of St. Louis. This linn is now at work putting in the marbio nt the govern ment building , and their men will suspend work there about the first of next week in order to fix up here. The contract for the elevator . Is not yet let. but Omaha and St. Louis paitics arc now figuring on it. It will bo placed in the ofllco by the side of the dining room door. Wo are highly pleased in securing such prominent hotel men , and have no doubt as to tbo re sult.11 The opinion expressed by many of the bus iness men who have hoard of the now lease is ono of gratification , and they predict the greatest success for the new lessees. If fitted up and furnished as it should be , the Ogden is amply commodious to accommo date the traveling public and such regular boarders as would have patronized a now hotel. * The proposed opening is very welcome to the citizens of Council Bluffs , and is hoped will prove a grand success. Western Iowa College. The growth of our city and a largely increased attendance demand an in crease of facilities , and an extension of the courses of study at this institution. Prof. G. D. Ostrom , a teacher of large experience , has purchased a half inter est in the college and will hereafter bo identified with it. Ho will have charge of a classical department , through which students may bo fitted to enter our higher eastern colleges. Our nor mal and commercial departments will bo in excellent condition , A largo number of students are expected next term , which begins Monday. April 2. Lost , an Irish setter dog , very large , red in color. Return to A. Reiter , 310 Broadway and receive reward. Drs. Moser & Van Ness cure private diseases. Itooms 4 and 6 , opera house b'lk. Telephone 273. . A White Iicad Factory. For some time past Mr. R. T. Bryant has been In correspondence with a prominent chemist In the cast , who has discovered a new method of manufacturing white lead from pig. The advantages secured In his discovery ore these : By the old method of corrosion from three to six months' time is required to reduce it and get it ready for use. Ono hundred pounds of pig will produce about ono hundred and nineteen pounds of white lead. The silver which the lead con tains. though small in quantity , is lost on ac count of the expense incidental to Its separa tion. The silver averages about $2 to the ton of lead , which , while not llgurcd in the esti mated profits , would amount to considerable in the aggregate. By this now process but three days' time Is required In the manufac ture. On account of tlio existence of a cer tain clement In the crude lead a long tlmo Is required to overcome by corroding , but this clement Is entirely overcome In the new method , hence the difference in the tlmo re quired by the two processes. Mr. Bryant is in possession of samples of lead produced by both methods. By corro sion both English and American leads show great discoloration when subjected to the sewer gas test , the American being nearly brown. While the otter , produced by the re cent methods , is perfectly white , although subjected to the same test. Those who have the matter of developing the now discovery are desirous of starting ten factories , at well located points in tnis country. This place has been selected as ono of the ten , and without doubt a factory will bo located In cither Council Bluffs or Omaha. That an Investment In this enterprise would pay there is scarcely room for question , as the following ll ures will show : A plant capable of handling ton tons per day will cost $20,000 , and the net prollt will bo 40 per cent. The plan on foot is to organize a stock company which shall have sufllclcnt nnanciul backing to carry the enterprise to what can not help but bo an assured success. Lot 10 , block 7 , Baylies' first addition , with good house , will bo offered cheap for the next ten days by S. B. Wads- worth & Co , , 230 Main st. It is a bar gain for any ono. Opening. Fine millinery , Friday , March 29. Mrs. F. H , Stewart. All arc cordially invited. No cards. Aid Our Charitable Instltutlona. If there are twelve Domestic sowing machines sold from this olllco withiii within the next ton days , either for casher or monthly payments , wo will donate the on tire proceeds of the twelfth sale teSt Bernard's and the Cottage hospital each receiving an equal share. Do mestic parlors , 105 Main street. A Mnlcl Crazy. Two young men on the Chicago , Burlington & Qulnoy tram yesterday had a funny rlvalr ; over the companionship of a petite actress who chanced to be on the train , Ono of the masculine twain was a young Omaha broker the other was bound for Council Bluffs. The Bluffs young man was quick to notice Urn the Omaha follow was moving toward the winning side , in blissful Ifrnor.inco that there was any rival near ut hand. The joung man bound for the Bluffs managed to get the Omaha masher Into conversation , and inuo ccntly remarked to him. ! "Jsn't It a pity about that pJrl there ? " . "Why , what's the matter ! " ' "Matter } Why , bho's stark crazy. You ought to have soon her down the road aways She was wild , and I thought she \vas gofni to break every window In the cur. She's ' go quieted down now , and seems nil right , uud her friends , who eit right behind Her hope to pet her through to the asylum with out any further trouble. " Iho Omaha broker had a far-away look in his oyb as ho sauntered off Into the smoking car to calm his nerves with nicotine. Ho hod not a doubt concerning the girl's Insanity , and was congratulating hlmicu on his nar row escape from a scene , until In changing at 'ftciflo Junction ho noticed the other. i oung nan sitting beside the fair one , chatting us tappily as ono could wish. They saw him , and waved their hands tnntnlizingly as his rain moved off. Piles cured with certainty. Drs. Moser < & Van Ness , Cell Bounlulls. Shcafo loans money on real estate. Cntch On to This. Mr. Charles Probstlo is prepared to supply you with a harness the equal of any on oarth. Fine work and harness novelties a specialty. Single , double and track ; also n good class of farm vork , A complete stock of gents' and adies' riding saddles , driving boots , robes , all kinds of whips , etc.Glvo hint a call , _ _ The Fctlernl Courts. In Judge Shlras' court there was an equity case of Mason vs Mason , which has peculiar caturcs. It Is n suit of son against father. The plaintiff claims that his father , who ivcs In Pennsylvania , came out hero and largalncd for a farm in Klnggold county for 2,000 , , which ho was to give to his son. He > aid $200 on the place , and on returning home cut his son $1,800 of which $1,800 was paid on the farm and the other $500 used to stock t , with the understanding that the young man should use this amount later in paying off n $500 mortgage on the farm. The old gentleman was to keep the place In his name until It was cleared by the young man nnd hen deed it to him as a gift. The young man vent ahead with improvements , paid the ptcrest on the mortgage , and handled ho property as his own. In two or three cars ho began to urge the father to deed him ho farm , but the old gentleman after some delays utterly refused. Then this suit was iroiiftht , The mortgage now has been fore closed and forty acres sold off to satisfy that. The case of Stcclo ayninst Ettingcr was > eing tried before Judge Love yesterday in ho south court room of the court house. The United States grand jurors are in ses- Ion In the ofllco of United States Clerk Hun- er. There are several coses for Its consid eration , but no Indictments have been re- urncd as yet. Dolls' hats given away to-day at Mrs. ? . H. Stewart's spring opening. John Will Keep the Badge. "If it is a fair question , who Is to bo the now chief of the fire dopartmentl" asked a BEE reporter of on alderman yesterday. "There won't bo any change , " was the de cided reply. " "Some of them say there will bo. " "Some of them say a good deal , and what s more , some of them don't know anything about It. You don't hear any aldermen say so. It seems to mo the council ought to bo entitled to credit for some sense at least , and hey surely wouldn't exhibit any in making a change. In this case it would bo folly to appoint a now man simply because there is a change in the administration , when his vork is entirely above criticism. No , sir , nest assuredly there will bo no change in that office. " Why rent when a small amount paid down and easy terms for deferred pay ments will secure a noatfive room house well located. Inquire soon , at olllco of C. J. Colby. Ask for J. H. C. The Coming Jurymen. The venire for the next term of the district court , that convenes hero on next Tuesday , is as follows : Grand Jury S. Dye , O. H. Dutrow , A. Harris , Henry Hay wood , NicKelrch , Thomas Leonard , S. V. Poratt , James Rainbow , J. H. Perry , J. A Taylor , J. H. C. Stuho and A. T. Whittlesey. Petit Jury John Davis , William Englo , George Hough , G.V. . Holmes , Robert Hen- dricks , J. 13. Heft , R. L. Hyncs , Lars Jen sen , F. C. Jackson , John Kettering. George 3. Miles , John Mulqueen , John Mikesell , E. Peake , Jacob Sleets , George Snell , Frank E. Stubbs , D. R. Witter , J. A. Boren , F. J. 3ook , Joseph Cromcr , John Currio and S. 3ovalt. Personal Paragraphs. E. J. Strew is at homo on the sick list. Willoughby Dye , the Macedonian mer chant , was in the city yesterday. Mr. Curtis , general acrent for Estoy pianos , is in the city , the guest of Dr. Montgomery. John E. Parker , representing E. B. Pies- ton & Co. , of Chicago , was in the city yes terday. F. M. Gault rturns to-day fron New York , whither he accompanied the remains of the late Colonel McKissock. Miss Levlo has arrived from Chicago to take charge of the trimming department of H. Friedman's millinery establishment. Superintendent McNaughton , ofjtho public schools , is at Fremont , Nob. , attending the the convention of the State Teachers' asso ciation. Ex-Policeman Unthank Is now employed as a special night nollccman at the yards of the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy railroad company. Miss Inez Haskcll and Miss Collett. of Omaha , were in the city yesterday , and last evening were the guests of Miss Patterson , on Seventh uvenuo. Mrs , John C. Leo has returned from a visit to Davenport friends , two of whom , Misses Kate and Margaret Jones , returned with her , anil will remain hero for a time as her guests. J. W. Morse , of Chicago , formerly" general passenger snd ticket agent of the Union Pa cific , but at present commercial agent of that company , was in the city yesterday morning. Charles Morohouso and Charles Connoyor started for California yesterday. They will remain during the summer looking the coun try over for the purpose of making monetary investments , . Wanted To lease , a furnished house , ten to fifteen rooms. Inquire , of John ston & Van Patten , 83 Main street. Death of a Tattooed Tramp. VAHla. . , March 28. [ Special to the BEE. ] In the afternoon of Monday last , a tramp , in endeavoring to board a freight car In a train leaving this town , missed his footing and fell between the cars between the rails. Some eight or nlno cars passed over him rollIng - Ing him along , until the train was quickly brought to a stand. It was then found the poor fellow was sadly mutilated. Mcdloal aid was at hands and every effort made to relieve the sufferer. During the attend ance of the doctors the man stated his name was Fred Brooks ; that his father was W. C. Brooks , living on Virginia avenue , Omaha ; that there was no number to the house : . thai it was no use writing to his friends. About three hours after the accident the man died , The case was duly Investigated by Coroner Dr. Graham , of Dcnlson , la. , and 1 have thought it best to advise you of the part leu lars of the case , as some ono in or about Omaha may recognize him by the description following , and possibly Inform any relatives or acquaintances ol the deceased , whoso remains were this day interred. In the potter's field o Vail cemetery , The man was about live feet eight Inches tall , light complexion , gray eyes , light hair , close cut , clean shaven fncOj weight about one hundred and forty pounds twcnty-threo years of ago , three fingers of lef hand gone ; said they wcro taken off on the Rock Island railroad about SK or eight weeks back ; wore black stilt hat , dark clothes , cut away coat , good red underclothing , in fact respectfully dressed and nice looking ; clastic side boots , and light stockings. Ho was much tattoed , On his breast was the pic ture of a ship , on his loft thigh a fish ; on the back of loft hand a star ; inside of each wrist , clasped hands ; posterior of fore lef arm , a star In black and red ; on anterior , a ballet girl ; above the elbow on the same firm , a ballot girl ; anterior of right arm the American coat of arms with crossed guns and nags ; below the elbow of same arm an torlor , ballet girl and American flag and scrolls. Troubles. . NEW YOIIK , March 29. The failure o Louis H. Zerega , broker , lias been announced on the cotton exchange , IOWA 'Rctiato. ' Drs MOINES , IB. , ' March 29 At the mornIng - Ing session of tlio senate the bill passed to legalize the city 6l6htlon ot Knoxvlllo. The discussion of _ the text book bill was continued. The llrirsh substitute amendment was adopted allowing the question of the adop tion of the free tcxi books to bo settled by the people of the district at the annual Mmch meeting. . , The amendment i was adopted prohibiting any school ofllccnpr teacher from acting as nn ngcnt In any way of any publishing linn. The senate adjourned for executive ses sion. sion.At At the executive session the senate con firmed the appointment by Governor Lnrra- bco of General Bright as custodian , and Dews ar.d Uurdlck for trustees of the sol diers' homo. At the afternoon session , house file 122 passed , allowing the appointment in counties of 20,000 or over of n clerk for the grand Jury.Tho The text book bill was resumed , the ques tion being on the Harsh amendment or sub stitute. Some minor amendments wcro adopted. The ayes and noes wcro celled on the substitute by Mr. Taylor. It being the Finn bill with the state publication clause stricken out. Lost. On the Harsh amendment , striking out that of Finn , after the enacting clause and Insetting the district purchase bill similar to the house committee bill , the vote was ayes 30 , noes 14. The Harsh bill was engrossed 38 to 1. The bill was read n third tltnu and passed 38 to 4. House. „ DBS Moisns , ] a. , March 29. At the mornIng - Ing session the concurrent .resolution was adopted to elect n state printer and state binder In joint convention April 4. The bill passed to legalize certain acts of the town of Dow City , Crawford comity , and to legalize the ordinances of the towns of Columbus Junction , Louisa county , and Grand Junction. Gicon county. The "Bohemian oats" bill was reconsid ered and amended so as to change the bill from the Ohio to the Michigan law , and was passed. The text book question was resumed , the question being on the adoption of the Wilbur substitute for the committee bill. An amend ment was adopted that old books bo taken at half price. The amendment by Mr. Cummins was adopted providing that the act does not ap ply to Independent school districts of over live thousand except by vote of the directors. At the afternoon session the amendment was adopted providing that the retail price of books adopted shall not exceed 74 per cent of the wholesale price no v paid for books. Tlio Wilbur substitute for the committee bill was lost. At the evening session the following bills .passed : Providing for the establishment of water works in cities by n vote of the people ; to enable discharged railroad employes to obtain certificates stating the reason of dis charge ; to exterminate English sparrows ; to regulate good tlmo of prisoners in peniten tiaries. Adjourned. BInino the Co mine Man. ATJOUSTA , Me. , March 29. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE.J The family , relatives and near friend of Blaine In Augusta , pronounce the statement that Blalno will not live the year out , made in'axletter received in Indian apolis or even that lie is in ill health , abso lutely'false. They emphatically assert that Blaine Is in perfect-health , vigorous In body and mind , and { .hai/all statomtnts to the con trary are part of thb plan to continually tra duce him. An Augusta gentleman , a personal friend of Blaine , Just returned from New York , and relates Ah at while at the Fifth Avenue hotel he m6t Bryoo Lawrence , ono of Hoscoe Conkllng's' former lieutenants , who said Blnine would-aurely be nominated ; the state was solid for him. The state committee , nt the recent meeting , was of the same opin ion. Unless something unlocked for occurred Blalno was the coming man. SPECIALNOTICES. _ ' , NOTICE. , CJPECI AL advertisements , such as Lost , found , O To Loan , For Sale , 1o Kent , Wants , Hoarding etc. , will bo Inserted in this column at the low rate of TEN CENTS PEH LINE for the flrst In sertion and Five Cents Per Line for each subse quent insertion. Leave advertisements at our olllco. No. 12 Pearl Street , near Broadway , Coun cil Bluffs , Iowa , WANTS. ' PANTED At once , four girls for general housework , 805 Broadway. TO TUADE A clean stock of clotulnp , hats , boots and shoes , for Council liluffH or Omaha property , or for land In this vicinity. Address 11 "U , Bee olllco , Council Bluffs. Good girl for general housework. WANTED Mrs. Obciholtzer , 028 Third St. " 1710R SALE Very cheap for cash or would ex- JD change for Council BlntTs or Omaha prop erty , a retail stock of boots and shoes valued at 15,000. Call at store No , KO S. 13th st. . Omaha , or address n. Martin , same place and number. TTMinNITUllE Bought , sold and exchanged ; JJ also storage and commission In good , light , airy , flre-prool building. Inquire at store No. 110 North 18th st. 11. Martin , Omaha , NeU. TTPHOLSTEffiNG and Furniture repairing U done neatly and promptly : work guaran teed. Household goods ana furniture nought and sold. I..M. Lewis , No. 110 North 13th St. , Omaha. T710R. SALE At a bargain. 40 acres near stock JJ yards , South Omaha. Neb. , Johnson & Christian , Room 35 , Chamber of Commerce , Omaha. Stocks of merchandise. Have WANTED and Council UlulTs city property , also western land to exchange for goods. Call on or address Johnson & Christian , Hoom 85 , Cftamber of Commerce , Omaha. SNVDCR A : SNYDEIC , M. D. BNVDEIl , A. M. , M. D , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. MRS. M. D. SNVDEIt , M , D. SPECIALIST DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN. 3O7 , DroaUwny , Council ! Bluffs. R , H , HUNTINGTON & CO , , WHOLESALE FLOUR , FRUIT & PRODUCE , NO , 101 BROADWAY. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS 600Broadway Council Dluffo , Io\ra. Established 3657. OGDEN BOILER WORKS C'AUTElt & SOX , Prop's. Manufacturers of All Kinds of Steam Boilers & Sheet'lron Work Orders by mall/or repairs promptly attended to. Satisfaction ( .uuranteed. 10th Avenue. Ad dress Ogden Boiler Works. Council Uluffd , Iowa Star Stables and Mule Yards Uroadway , Council Ulutf * , Opp , Dummy Depot Horses and mules constantly on hand , for eale at retailer In car load lots. , . . : Orders promptly filled by contract oa thort notice. , Block cold on commission. Telephone 114. SCHLUTEK & IJOLKY. Opposite Dummy Depot , Council JJluHi 18 Main Street. 17 Pearl Street -THIS WEEK- Toweling , good quality , nt 2o , 31c , 6c , 7c , 9c nnd lOc. NAPKINS. These goods are worth more than double the money 2c , 80 , 4c , 60 , Cc , 7o to lOc. wo ask for them. 100 dozen Towels at 80 each. GO dozen Turkish Tow , . els at Cc each , 25 clo/cn fine Damask Towels , 48 inches IIMN : TABLE CLOTHS. ches long , 22 inches wide , at 2dc. For yard , lOc , 20c , 25c , 80c , 35c , 40c and 60c. Table covers , silk ombroldorcA , GOc , at " ' "JL'tdtJdl 18 Main and 17 Pearl Sts. J. GOLDBERG. COUNCIL. ULUFFS 724 BHOAIMVAY , -STA1U9 Is ready to furnish flrst-clnsuhclpof all kinds , contonctois , hotels , restaurants and private ilnccs. b'lfty Indies nnd gentlemen wanted to sell n new nrtlcUMvhlch every family will Imy. Apply this week. A. C , LiAKSCN. References : First Nat'l Banlc. NEW SPRING MILLINERY 1514 DOUGLAS ST. , OMAHA , NEB. D. H. McDANELD & CO. , Hides. Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. 20 and 823 Main StreetCouncil liluffs.lotva. ACCIDENT INSURANCE , $5,000 AT DEATH I S25 weekly Indemnity for Injury. Costs but 813 per year in the Old Reliable united States Mutual Accident Association of Now York. KlLiljailSU & KKLiLBY , General Agents , Room 3 , Opera House Block. JOHN GILBERT , PMlMDCn AND DEALER IN WIND MILLS , IRON AND WOOD PUMPS , NO. 521 MAIN ST. , COUNCIL RLUFFS , : : IOWA WM. WELCH , Carriage and Express Line OFFICE 015 MAIN STREET. Telephone No. 33. The finest line of Landaus , Coaches and Hacks In the city. The only line authorized to answer calls turned in to Am. Dlst. Tel. Co. GRESTQN HOUSE , Main StreetJiouncil , Bluffs , Only Hotel In the City with Flro Es cape. Elootrlo Call Bolls. Accommodations First Glass , Rates Always Reasonable MAX MOHN , Proprietor. NOW HUSBAND DEAR YOU GO JUGHT DOWN TO PETER C. MILLER'S And Get That Beautiful Pattern of WALL PAPER I SAW THEUE YESTERDAY. HE DOES Alilj KINDS OK HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING DECORATJHO , WHITENING , ETC. , Aud Has Xouo Hut LxneiJcnceil Workmen , o lli i'cnrl Ht. , I t Council UlutTt ) . SPECIAL SALE CURTAIN DRAPERIES ! MONDAY AND TUESDAY. WE SHALL CLOSE OUT A LOT AT HALF THEIR VALUE. THE BEST OF FABRICS , BEAUTIFUL PAT TERNS , LOWEST PRICES. DO NOT FORGET THE PLACE , 401 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. HARKNESS BRO'S. No. 201 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. A COBIPiiETE ASSORTMENT OP FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES , BOTH DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN. DR. C. B. J U D D , MANUFACTURER OF ELECTRIC BELTS AND ELECTRIC TRUSSES. No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary. WANTED LOC L AND TRAVELING AGENTS ON COMMISSION. . NATURALIST AND TAXIDERMIST , MOUNTS AIKDS AND MAMMALS TRUE TO NATURE. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. NO , 010 MAIN STREET , : COUNCIL BL.UFFB , Orders taken atl'cnroso & Harden's , S. 12th st , , Omaha , Neb. ESTABLISHED 1843. INCOIIPORA ED CO. , MASSILLON , OHIO , MANUFACTURERS. Especially Designed foa SIZES FROM MILLS ELEVATORS' -25 TO 250 AND HORSE ELECTRIC LIGHT HORSEPOWER POWER , PURPOSES , AUTOMATIC : CUT-OFF : ENGINE. Branch House , Council Bluffs , Iowa. BEND FOR CATALOGUE. E. C. HARRIS , Manager. DR. RICE'S COMMON SENSE HERNIAL SUPPORT. The Greatest Invention of tbo Agel Itupture or Hernia a Specialty ) Makes'Female Diseases a Specialty , Cures all kinds of Chronic Diseases that are curable with his most Wonderful Vegetable Kerne dies. IB the oldest midmost successful specialist in the west. Call and 6 e him , OmcoNo. U Pearl St. , Council Blulfs , Iowa. Office hours : to IS a. mi 1 to 5 and fl to 8 p. ra. THE TROTTING STALLION Standard No. 4000 , chestnut stallion , foaled April 10. 1882. Bred by.C. J. Hainlin , Uuffalo , N , Y. , siicd by Almoimrch ( record 2:2-1 : % ) , son of Almont , llrst dam , Lucy , by Hmnlin's Patcliln , Biro of the dam of 13ell Hainlin ( record 2:13 : % ) ; second dam by Uysdyk's Hnmbletonlan. Norway stands 16 > / hands Jncli. and con trot better than 2ao. : This Etnllion will bo permitted to serve a few marcs nt S35 the season from March 1st to July 1st. Tor particulars enotiire of WADE GARY , Council muffs Driving Parlc , or No. 417 _ South mil St. , Omaha. DELMONICO HOTEL 711 imOAlMVAY. Best $1 $ a Day House in the City , GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS. Near the Depots. trect Car Connections. FOR THE LATEST I And Most Fashionable novelties In HUMAN HAIR GOODS GO IX ) MRS. G. L. GILLETTE , , 29 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. OFKICB OF THE STEAM DYE WORKS , Siuno street and number. EGAN & KIMBALL , PLUMBERS , STEAM AND CAS FITTERS. No. 662 Broadway , Opera HO'UBO Bloclfj Cquncll Blutfg. Telephone No , 284.