Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1888, Page 4, Image 4

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    ' * . ' j'r'v ' ' ' i % ' ' ? ' 'r 5HB OMAHA DAILY * BEEf FRIDAY , RIAJROH 30 , 189a
TEIIMO OF strnscniPTioN.
( Morning Edition ) Including Sunday
IICE , Ono Year . . . . . , . , . $10 CO
FotSlt Months . . . . . . fi CO
ForThree Montha , . . . . . . . . . 2(0
The Omalm Sunday II P. p. , mailed to any ad'
dress , On * Year . . . . . , , . . . . 200
OMAHA Orncit , Nos.oHAwniflfl PAnNAHSmKET.
nun.ntNQ. WABIIISOTON OrrtCE , No. 013
AllcommnnlcivtloTU relating to news and cctl-
torlnl mntter should be addressed to the EIHTOII
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AH business letters and remittances should bo
nddrcsged to TUB HKK I'unr.isiitNn COHPANV ,
OMAHA. Ih-nfts , checks and postofflco orders io
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The Bee Publishing Company , Proprietors
E. ItOSEWATEtt , Edlto/ .
fetvorn Statement of Circulation.
6tle of Nebraska ,
( Ico. ll. Tzschuck , secretary of Ths n o rub-
lulling company , does solemnly swear that the
tvctttnlclrculntlon of the lallv nee for the week
endtn * March SJ. 1888. was as follows :
Baturilny.MnrcUl" . . . . . . 21,075
Bdtidfty. Mftrch'18 . t. . .
Monday , March 19
, March 21 . . ' . . 20,370
. March ffi. , . 20.4/tt
iday , JlarchSS" " . .91.685
Avoraco. . . . . . . . . . . * . * . . . . . * . 20.541
Bworn to and subscribed In my presence this
B h day of March , A. D , , 1(188. ( N. 1 . FKIU
Notary I'ubllc.
Btnlfe of Nebraska , I „ _
County of Douglass , | B < B >
Oco. II , Tzschuck. being flrst duly sworn , do-
hoses nncl says tlmt ho 13 secretary of The Doe
I'ubllBhlng company , that the actual nvorncro
dally circulation of tno Dally Uco for the month
of March , 1887 , 14,400 copies : for April ,
3BB7 , 14,318 copies ! for May , 18S7 ,
14,237 copies ; for June , 1887 , 14,147 copies :
for July , lfS7 , H.CP3 copies : for Auirust.
J887. 14,161 copies ; for September , 1887 , 14,349
copies : for October , 1P87 , 14,333 : for November ,
JEST , 15,220 copies : for December , 1887 , 15,041
copies : for January , lf8 , 15,200 copies ; for
ternary , 1888. 16.K * c
Bworn and subscribed to In my presence this
Cddayotllarch , A.D. 1883 , N.J1. FKIL ,
Notary Public.
) -
CALIFORNIA finds Ohthcso farm labor
fab high and has imported three hun-
Brcd negroes to tnko the Chinamen's
places. What does Denis Kearney say
to that ?
JOSEPH SoKEEP is the name ot a dom-
poratic assessor in Chicago. It Is rare
indeed that a man's name will reveal his
jjblitlcs as well as occupation. By all
Moans lot Mr. Sokoop hold his seat.
JAY GOULD has untied his tongue and
is letting the public know what ho
thinks of the grand jury proceedings
figainst himself and Sago. As Gould
floes not talk for nothing the dear people
ple will havlj to pay four or five millions
for this entertainment.
THE president , cashier and porter of
fc Raleigh , North Carolina , bank have
absconded with $250,000. The south has
been rather slow in populating Canada
wtth wealthy citizens but if the stories
from Kentucky and North Carolina are
does nothing by halves.
"DEACON" WHITE , the Now York
congressman , who divides his attention
between congress ana speculating in
tTriibn Pacific stodk , has written a letter
declaring that ho will under no circum-
ptancos bo a candidate for re-election.
Congressmen who can not keep their
finger's from dabbling in Wall street
should not stand back audsco Mr. White
'go out alone.
OarAttA had an efficient police force-
llow , and there U no excuse for tolerat
ing Jho , importation of armed non-
t-csiddnt so-called Plnkorton detectives ,
who claim to exercise police powers in
this blty for the Burlington road. If
llib managers of the Burlington dcsiro
to employ special policemen to guard
Iholr property , lot them apply to Iho
prbpor authorities for permission.
CHAIKMAN JONES , of the republican
national committee , was interviewed in
Now York city , and gave encouraging
jlows that things are crystallizing in the
republican party. With Allison , Sher
man , Gresham , tfnrrison and olhors in
the field , it .looks as though a great
nany crystals"will roll into the Chicago
convention. The , which ono
of the crystals will turn out to bo the
E the debate on the pension bill
In congress , there has boon 116 import
ant measure or debate in cither house.
Senators and congressmen , however , are
loading up for attacks on the Mills tariff
bill , which will bo presented for their
consideration. The protected Interests
liava pitched their camp right in the
halls of the capltol , and it will bo a
J.uoky law-maker indeed who can run
the gauntlobof these protection lobby
THAT resolution to empower Ilascall
nhd Oouna'nuin to procure plans for a
6300,000 , city hall building on Jefferson
square by competition or otherwise
would have paved the way for a very
nice job , "Or otherwise" would simply
have been a certain Omaha architect
who'had for months uconschomlng and
plotting with counoihnen to foist a plan
M hitf own on the city which will afford
boodlors n chance to dip deep into the
treasury. , .
STKKKTS that have cost property own-
orHtho'usandsot dollars for paving",8owor- ,
ngo and the like are now being under
mined and destroyed by rains and molt
ing snow. There is ono strbot in par
ticular where the surface water has
worked ita way under the guttering and
lias now undermined the street for
several blocks. What Is worse , It ap-
perfra1 to bo nobody's business to investi
gate , not to say anything of repairing
the damage , The board of public works
oluims that it has no authority to spend
n dollar for repairs. The street com
missioner , although notified of the
break , says that ho has nothing to do
with It. The sewer and plumbing in-
epectors claim that it is not their busi-
iiOBfl. The mayor insists that the coun
cil alone lias power to remedy the de
fect. Councilmen nro too busy with
cabala and Contractors to employ them
selves In looking up defects in streets
and preventing costly damage to the
city nnd property holders. And so it
goes. It is nobody's business , nobody Ss
to blame. And property ownoi' * must
fjrin nnd bear it.
Tlio Presidential Boo.
A1ialf dozori republican sonnj/ors hare
the presidential boo In their bonnets.
Senator Sherman long ago hoard , It
buzz nnd is manly enough to admit that
lie Is not politically deaf. The oldest ,
ablest nnd most tixporlonccd of candi
dates , ho Is making a square , open and
above board canvass for the nomination
nnd has positive strength in consequence
which gives him a lead by several
Senator Allison admits that ho has
delected something like a "hum. " Ills
state is solidly behind him nnd the west
ijonornlly feels very friendly towards
town's ' favorite son. With fewer nat
ural abilities than John Sherman nnd
loss experience in public lifot ho is n
well equipped and bro'ad minded states
man , in selecting whom the party might
go farther nnd faro worse.
Ever slncd Senator Evnrts took his
morocco cushioned seat ho has boon lis-
Lonlng intently for jiows from the
"hive. " His neighbors have , however ,
not failed to hoar the "buzzing" which
lias nt tlinos qulto drowned other sounds
in his senatorial vicinity. Of all the
aspirants Mr. Evnrls exhibits' the most
anxiety with fewer possible 'chances of
success. Ho has straddled too many
questions to suit his constituency , nnd
outside ot Now York it would take an
audiphono to detect the culls bidding
lim to stop up higher.
General Hawley hna boon somewhat
restive o lnto , and his air of abstraction
: ias led many friends to bollovo that ho
could bo prevailed upon to accept the
Irst place upon the republican
iickot. The "boo" hums low , but
It is distinctly audible in his
speeches on pensions nnd.tho Blair bill
and the subdued tones in which ho re
fers to the mugwumps.
An oxtondcd syndicate published letter -
tor recounting the public exploits of
Senator Cullom first directed attention
to the buzzing in the bonnet of that
senator. It has boon emphasized by a
"confidential" letter to a friend admit
ting the soft impeachment , but ot course
"not intended for publication. " Sena
tor Culloin's chief capital llos in the al
legation that Ho looks like Lincoln.
No ono has yet had the hardi
hood to advance the theory that
ho talks and acts as ho looks.
If Mr. Cullonv's candidacy takes form it
ought to receive a boom from the rail
roads which have reaped the benefit of
his intor-stato cdmmcrco bill.
A score of other senators are living in
hopes that some day fchoy may bo struck
by presidential lightning. Riddlo-
berger is an exception. There is no in
timation that ho has a conductor reared
towards the political clouds. So far as
can bo ascertained no bee buzzes in his
A. High tilcouso Lesson.
Philadelphia is supplying a most ih-
struotivo lesson as to the value of high
license in restricting the saloon inter
est. The law passed at the last session
of the Pennsylvania legislature is very
stringent. The cost of a license in
Philadelphia is $500) ) and the person to
whom it is granted is required to fur
nish two "sureties in the sum of $2,000
"each , for his good behavior. The law
establishes a-liconso court , which has
absolute discretion in determining
whether a saloon shall bo kept in any
locality. The court can pass upon the
character of ar applicant for a saloon
license and reject him for what seems
to bo good reasons , such as former
violations of the law , keeping a dis
orderly place , being of intemperate
habits , never having boon natural
ized , having billlard or pool tables In
connection with his saloon , beating his
wife , and in short doing anything out of
the way that may be brought to the at
tention of the court. The judges have
proceeded thus far in the enforcement
of the la\v without fear or favor , and the
results have been surprising.
There are at present six thousand sa
loons in Philadelphia , but if the proportion
tion of licenses granted to those refused
so far shall DO maintained , the number
of saloons and hotel bars in Philadel
phia after Juno next will not exceed
fifteen hundred. Among these whoso
applications have boon refused by the
court are active politicians of both par
ties , councilmen , and men who have ex
orcised some Influence which they sup
posed would protect them. Some whoso
applications wore rejected have been in
the liquor business for a lifetime , but
if their reputation was not good they
had loss chance than these who were
just starting in the traffic. The court
has boon especially careful to restrict
the number of saloons in the worst lo
calities. Thus in ono ward , described
as the roughest and most degraded portion
tion of the city , the number of saloons
has boon reduced from two hundred and
thirteen to thirty-three. In another
ward , which Is almost entirely occupied
by business houses , it has been doomed
expedient in the interest of the em
ployes of such houses to allow only
sixty-six saloons against two hundred
nnd forty-seven last year. If , as the re
sult of the weeding out , thorb should
still .be loft even as many as two thou
sand saloons in Philadelphia , the re
duction of four thousand drinking
places would bo n very material train in
the interest of temperance which the
rational friends of practical re
form could point to with gratifica
tion. The greater part of those aban
doned , also , will bo such as were of the
most demoralizing class , carried on by
men with no regard for law and no
concern for the public welfare , Those
allowed to do business will bo in the
hands of men whom the .court deems
responsible , and who in order to retain
their license must conform strictly to
the requirements of the law , any viola
tion of which renders them liable to be
summoned before the court and have
the license summarily revoked.
The great majority of the people of
Philadelphia are stvld to bo well pleased
with the outlook , and there can bo no
doubt that their satisfaction will bo
very much greater when all the benefits
of the high license system ore realized.
Wo do not know of any community
where it is in practice that would sur
render it for any experiment in
dealing with the liquor traffic , and
Philadelphia is not likely to provo
an exception. All testimony approves
it as the only wise and practicable way
of restricting and controlling the liquor
traffic li. > cities , and its ultimate univer
sal application to largo cormnUtilUoi is
as certain 03 the growth of intelligent
public opinion.
Xlio Iteputjllcmi Plnn.
It Booms to ha understood thixt tlio re
publicans in congress will have n plan
regarding the reduction of revenue , but
there is some difference of opinion ns to
what it may bo. The most recent hypo
thetical proposition is that they will of
fer n moasufc for n , reduction of $55,000- ,
000 , of which 850,000,000aro to bo cut off
bv reducing the duty on stigart $2o,000-
000 by reducing the tobacco tax | nnd
$5,000,000 by Ulking off the tax bit alco
hol used in thcarts ( Other statements of
whnt is intended present a somewhat
different scheme , though nil include the
abandonment wholly or in largo prt of
the sugar duties. It is more than likely
that nil these statements nro derived
from the individual expressions of
republican congressmen as to what
they \vould like to see dono' for
revenue reduction , nnd that they are
given by these who nro not authorized
to speak for the whole body. It is
hardly necessary to say thaba consldc/-
nblo number of republicans in.y . > iig/J3s
could not bo induced to support , by
whatever pressure might bo brought to
bear on them , a proposition for revenue
reduction , which would leave untouched
all tariff duties except those upon sugar.
It would bo easy to pick out nt least a
sooro who if they supported such a prop
osition would scarcely dare to again go
before their constituents for endorse
ment , or If they should would not bo long
in discovering their mistake. Further
more , it is hardly conceivable that any
intelligent nnd clcar-hoadod member of
the republican representation on con-1
gross can fail to see that to present to
the country such n proposition ns to
result of the deliberate judgment
of these representatives , and ns
the best they could ngrco upon -for giv
ing the people relief from the oppres
sive burden of taxation , would inevita
bly be fatal to the party. It would bo
such n confession either of incompc-
tonoy to deal wisely with the question of
revenue reform , or of indifference to the
wants and Welfare of the pdoplo , as to
place the party in an utterly defense
less position. If there nro republicans
in congress who would conimlt the
party to a policy of revenue reduction
embracing only the duty on sugar aiid
the taxes on tobacco and alcohol , as itis
not improbable there are , they are more
dangerous to the party than the most
radical of its opponents. It need hot bo
seriously apprehended , however/that
the counsels of sUch will bo permit
ted to prevail. The evident fact
is that the republicans in congress at
present have no clearly defined plan ,
but ono must bo agreed upon , nnd it will
have to recognize the prevailing popu
lar sentiment unless the party is fated to
invite defeat. Wo have confidence that
when the time comes for disclosing a
policy the republicans in congress will
bo found ready with a plan that will bo
worthy the attention of the country.
Meanwhile conjecture regarding the
fate of the other plans of rovonupTcduc-
tion before the country are various.
The Randall bill is out of the question ,
and it is said that its author is losing
his hold upon these who hnvo been
counted as his devoted followers. There
is no evidence that the Mills bill is
growing in favor , although its friends
claim it is gaining ground. Its
partisan and sectional character is
strongly against it , and it would bo cer
tain of failure in the senate if by any
possibility it should pass the house.
The republicans have stil } a great op
portunity which they may turn to 5m-
monso advantage if they .possess the
wisdom to improve it.
Patent Monopolies.
The decision of the supreme court in
its favor aeoms to have made more arro
gant than over that most arrogant of all
monopolies the Boll Telephone com
pany. According to dispatches from
Now York , it proposes to make a "bon
fire" of the instruments of rival concerns -
corns which may cotno into its posses
sion and to swoop from existence every
improvement in telephonic communica
tion which it does not control under its
It is such displays as these which are
leading t& growing demands for the
abolition of the patent laws. The
greatest commercial monopolies in the
country are sustained by statutes which
had for their object the simple pro
tection of the labor of men's brains. In
hundreds of instances their only effect
has boon to prevent further stim
ulation of inventiveness on the
part of others. In the case
of the B611 Telephone company there
are. scores of improvements which have
boon mad.o since the granting of patents
to Alexander Graham Boll , nnd whloh
have become worthless since the decis
ion of the Bupromo court that it is pos
sible to patent a principle. In other
words , the issuance of the Boll patents
has strangled competition and created a
gigantic monopoly which now , that its
claims have boon sustained by the high
est judicial tribunal , proposes to destroy
all improvements which it does not con
trol and force the public to use its crude
instruments ,
The patent monopolies in agricultural
implements have for years bled the farm
ers of the west out of hundreds of thous
ands of dollars for the benefit of a
few manufacturing concerns who
have purchased the brain Work
ofinventors. . In nine cases
out of ten , as the result shows , the in
ventors do not reap the benefit of their
worlc. The effect of the blanket patent
is simply to increase the fortunes of
patent Shylocks and to prevent compe
tition which would lower.prlcos.
This is an ago of monopoly. It is sig
nificant that the leading democratic
paper of Now York a few days ago felt
called upon to make the following sig
nificant statement : "If neither of the
old parties take up the fight in earnest ,
there will be a genuine and businesslike -
like anti-monopoly party in this country
before many years. "
The Cheap Paving Sfanla.
Omaha is by all odds the best paved
cit/lu the west , but she will within less
than ten yeara bo one of the worst
paved cities in-America , if her property
owners puvsist in laying'cedarblock
pavement because it i the chanpost.
Whether cedar blocks arc laid on sander
or concrete they nro sure to decay and
go to pieces Within flvo or six yonrs.
While itis true thftl the flrst cost of
cedar block pavement is only
about half the cosbotemnitenndasphal-
tum pavements , thfo is in the end no
saving in the ohonformntorlnl. While
stone pavement wf 1 practically never
wear out , streets pnvod with cedar
blocks will have to Tbo repaired about
every six or seven ydars. Wo hnvo on
' blocks taken
our table two samplb'cedar
from Fnrnnm rtiid Twenty-seventh
streets , which were laid On a concrete
base lu the summer of 1880 and
taken up In November 1887. These
blocks after less than sixteen months of
wear are rotten nnd must bo replaced
long bofbro the ton year district paving
bonds that nro a lion on the adjoining
property nro taken up. In other words
when a street is paved with cedar block
wo have a tolornblo pavement for three
or four years , rough nnd wooden cobble
lavement two or three years nnd
impassable torn up streets during the
season when the now cednr blocks nro
being laid in the place of the rotten
ones. No mutter how much tar nnd
gravel is used ) the wooden block gener
ates malarial disease just as soon as the
wood boplns to decay. Wooden blocks
also generate disease by absorbing nnd
evaporating noxious fluids. They maybe
bo kept clean on the surface by sweeping
but after the tar has worn off th6 surface
tho'y become disease breeding wooden
sponges. But suppose Wo ftvll to profit
by the oxp6rlonco of other largo cities
that are loaded down with enormous
bonded debts incurred for cheap pave
ments , which have gone to decay and
left their thoroughfares in wretched
condition. Suppose wo keo ) on laying
miles on miles of wooden pavements
until our bonded del t has reached the
limit fixed by law. How are wo to replace -
place these cheap pavements when
bonds can no longer be legally issUod'i1
Will'not those ohoaply paved streets
bo more impassable than streets that re
main wnpaved ?
Tire BEE always has opposed the
cheap paving mania nnd it will continue
to do so. The time is neb distant when
its warnings will bo hooded.
IT is wholly useless for the democrats
in congress to complain , at this Into day ,
of the cowardice of Mr. Carlisle in con
structing the house committoo8t and
particularly of his retention of Randall
at the head of the appropriations com
mittee. They oughjl to hnvo known the
speaker well enough in advance of his
rgi-olection to hi\vo \ foreseen that ho
would pursue just the course he did , nnd
since his worlc cannot now be undone ,
murmuring nbout it will do no peed except -
copt in the relief it may niford the mur-
murcrs. It is SOCK that Mr. Randall is
pursuing his old conrso , just as he was
expected to do , utmjjas ho will continue
to do so long as lie can find any ono to
follow him. But Mr. Carlisle exhibited
his wcakngss"dr cowardice in
other directions" ' conspicuously in
placing Mr. Mills at the
head of the ways ahl | means committee.
The trial which Speaker Carlisle's char
acter has been put to in the present
congress has pretty conclusively demon
strated that ho has not the courage for
a great leader , however meritorious his
other qualifications may be.
DENVKU is so tickled over the now
railroad line to the gulf that she is pat
ting herself on the back and imagines
that she is almost as big as Omaha.
For n Good Boy.
JVcto Io ; v H'oHJ. .
Col. Dan. Lnmont has Just had a new post
ofllcc named after lilin. Jt is In Kansas.
Blizznnl , Lilttlc Wizzard.
Kew I'ork Star.
The big blizzard has gone nnd the little
wizzard has tomo. Which will Wall street
remember with least i egret a month banco )
As a general rule campaign clubs obstruct
rather tlian promote a healthy political devel
opment. The political activity of such clubs
is usually confined to inarching , shouting and
swinging torches.
A. Supreme Court Decision.
New Yoilt n'orld.
"Tho plain mechanic of Pennsylvania is of
no account , " sharply snys the able minority
of the court ; "tho scientific and illustrious
Mr. Boll" with millions of dollars behind
him is awarded an Invention that another
man made.
Tbo Wortli of ft Wftrt.
CMcaao Tribune.
The wart on the face of General Grant ,
Which Is faithfully reproduced in his portraits
traits on the genuine § 5 silver certificates , is
lacking In the counterfoil and its omission
furnishes a ready means of detection. Thus
it is that oven the blemish of a great man
may live after him and bo a blessing to his
A Queer Victory.
Phllaaelptita Recoril.
Moro suits have been instituted by the
Chicago , nurllngton ft Qulncy railroad com
pany for the purpose of preventing western
railways and enirinl'ora from impeding the
course of freight tFoftlo Issuing from the
Hurllngton system , For a corporation that
claims to have won qjcJmplcto victory over
Its striking employes3' this Chicago , Burling
ton & Quincy nppearBto * bo indulging in n
great deal of Iticldif ppil legal coercion.
A Plnco Aljovo Putty.
St. Louis ( Unit-Democrat.
Partisan considerations should not enter
Into the question of the appointment to the
chlof justiceship. President Grant recog
nized this great truth , and acted unon It ,
when ho nomlimteJ-jnHliough the senate
neglected to confirm > HCaleb Gushing for the
position on the dealt ? of Salmon P. Clmso.
Gushing was a democrat , but ho was ono of
the leading jurists of his timo. Picsidant
Cleveland , In his search for a successor to
Chief Justice Wuitc , should imitate Grant's
example , and decline to bo restricted la his
selection by party lines.
Ncuruakn Jottings.
Beatrice has nailed n tow and twine
mill and a sewer contract.
Third party tickets threaten to break
up several municipal "slates" next
Tuesday ,
Loup City's creamery is a blooming
success.Tno test of the plant was satis
factory to the owners and a joyful treat
for the citizens. The creamery cost
On and after April 2 , the station
known as Morse , on the South Plutto
division , will bo called Morse Bluff , In
order that the station name may con
form to that ot the poatofllco.
A Fremont society dude , who is In
great demand aa a fortune teller , created
n profound sensation a few evenings ngo
by innocently predicting that a young
ladyf whoso horoscope ha was casting ,
"would bo a fond wife and mother in six
months. " " The society dude saved his
scalp by retreating to Omalm , * IIo will
keep shady till fly time ,
The State Democrat hna issued a
hnndsomo spring edition of Lincoln's
growth nnd prosperity nnd future pros
pects. It la a compact nnd attractive re
view of the capital city , its railroad
facilities , mnnufnctorios , wholesale
trndo and general business. The illus
trations of prominent business blocks ,
residences , state institutions , the pack
ing houses and street views nro es
pecially flnonnd the letter press superb.
The edition , if planted liberally nmong
the investors of the east , will provo n
strong nnd profitable card for Iho city.
The Democrat is entitled to substantial
Commendation for its timely nnd taste
ful work.
The Plnkorton cutthroats imported
by the Burlington road nnd spread over
the state to olub nnd insult ponccnblo
citizens , are steadily cultivating a nock-
tlo party. The few peoplo'who from ne
cessity patronize th o scab route nro fa
miliar with their domineering conduct
nnd filthy Inngungo. Nothing bettor
could bo expected from n gnng picked
up from the scums of Chicago. The as
sault on Mr. Dean in Lincoln Wednes
day , is ono of the score of outrages
committed on people who risk
their lives in patronizing } ho
company. Mr. Thomas Jones of
Indinnoln visited McCook last Monday
on business. 'After purchasing a return
ticket nnd while waiting for a train n
Pinkorlon thug grabbed nimby the arm
and inHsled ! on seeing his ticket. Jones
refused to. give it up. The Pinkcrton
man grabbed his arm and in the strug
gle .Tones was thrown against a boncli ,
cutting his head open. Then three
other Pinkerton men jumped onto
him , shoved him into a corhor nnd
pounded him about the face and hostd in
a most shameful manner and finally
'succeeded in taking the ticket away
from him. They aid riot attempt any
arrest , but later through an outside
party returned the ticket to Jones , who
paid his fiu'o on the train nnd will keep
the ticket as a memento of the most dis
graceful outrage that hasoccurred since
the strike commenced. Jones did not
attempt to prosecute his assailant. Ho
was too glad to got out of a town that
permits such scoundrels to live within
its boundaries.
Iowa Items.
It unlawful . to catch fish with a
seine in Io.wa waters before Juno 15.
Esthcrvillo has a society called "tho
rope holders.1 ; It is not a vigilant com
mittee , as might bo supposed.
Itis the unanimous opinion that Fos
ter , the Burlington weather prophet ,
should bo strangled. Ho predicted the
hist stbrm nnd says there will be more
of them this week.
Railroad Commissioner Comn will bo
officially interred next Saturday. Ex-
Lieutennnt Govorilor Frank T. Campbell -
boll has been appointed by Governor
LarYnbod ttf succeed him.
A man with his wife and little baby
struck Marshalltown Monday. They
aid they had been burned out in Ne
braska , whore the man had boon run
ning n steam sawmill on the Platte
river , in Buffalo county , and were on
their way to Chicago. At their request
the overseer of the poor gave thoni a
ticket to Cedar Rapids.
' Dakota.
Flnndrau has just formed a creamery
Good farm hands are reported scarce
in various parts of Dakota.
Material is being doliyored for the
erection of a public hall in Bridgewater
to be built by a joint stock company.
The death of Hon. George W. Cass ,
of New York , will bo regretted by many
residents of eastern Dakota. The gen
eral had large interests in the Red river
valley , and it was for him Cass county
was named by Hon. Judson LaMouro ,
then in the legislature.
The enterprising Methodist Indies of
Ynnkton have invented another now
social. It is known as the flag social.
All the ladies carry flags of the different
nations and discourse sweet music to
correspond with the nationality of the
flags of which they are the bearers.
lie Has Nro Interest in the $1OOOO
Stnko Money.
Interest la the great hicyclo race that has
been threatening for some time to take place
between McCurdy and Prince was revived
yesterday , when it figured in a" lawsuit
brought in the county court before Judge
Shields. It will bo remembered that a few
days ago Messrs. Dcckover and G. Stiffler
commenced action against McCurdy and II.
A , Pcnroso jointly for board and room rent
for the former. At the time the complain
ants set forth that Fred F. Jacobs hud in his
possession money and property of McCurdy's
sufllciunt to reimburse all claims , and on tlipso
representations Judge Shields Issued papers
In garnishment to bo sorvetl on Jacobs ,
Yesterday was the time sot apart .for the
hearing and appeared in court. Ho
denied emphatically that ho possessed any
thing owned by McCurdy , but said tnat ho
hUd $10,000 In stake money which had been
transferred to him by the former stake'
holder , H. A. Penroso. This $10,000 repre
sented the money of McCurdy's ' backers ,
and McCurdy himself did not own a penny of
It. Jacobs was holding it while waiting the
final outcome of the race , the stipulations being -
ing that If McCurdy refuses to race the
money Is to go to Prince's ' backers in Chicago
cage , and the same disposition is to bo Hindu
to McCurdy's supporters in tills city of
Prince's backers $10,000 , Ifho fails to start.
Under these lepresentations the Judge dis
missed the garnlshco action.
Attention next averted to to the action
brought against Penroso for the board and
room of McCurdy , It was provenby the tes
timony that Penroso had really contracted
for and agreed to pay the debts of the bi
cyclist , but ad the law docs not compel a man
to pav the debts of another If ho don't see lit ,
n verdict was rendered for the defendant.
District Court.
Mitchell M. Clark wants $1,000 damages
against William ti. Walker and Augustus L.
Young , claiming that ho has suffered Jn that
sum through n swap In ieal estate , the said
swap having boon encouraged through false
pretenses on the part of the defendants ,
The resolutions adopted by the bar of
Douglas county with reference to Iho death
of Uhlof Justice Waite were published in
yesterday's UEC. After they had boon
read Judge Savage spoke with much
fooling ns to the many high and noble quali
ties posseSsca by the late chief lustico. The
deceased was a man eminently suited by
nature and education to preside over the
august nroonagus. His lips were untainted
by falsehood or discourtesy , his mind un
biased by political prejudice and his hand
untainted by gold or greed. Ho was indeed
an adornment to the country. As u man
outside his profession ho might well ex
claim ' 'VIdl tantum , " for with pleasures of
social Intercourse ho was a truly gonlal gen
tleman , jocose , and made himself the shining
lipht at every social circle ho was In. Ho
died before his faculties were impaired , In
the society of his friends , on the bench
almost , which ho adorned. Such n death
was ono not to bo deplored. They were all
hurrying on along the valley towards our
long liomo , and happy were those who
reached it who could count the loss of half
their faculties nnd half their friends.
C , A. Baldwin was the next speaker. Ha
wns convinced that it was the circumAtnneM
that surround men that mndo them. Ho foil
that ho could sny little In addition to. the
beautiful scnilmonti expressed by Judge
SftVftpo , but ho would venture to makd n few
romarku thnt perhaps Wore more Jirftctlcnl.
The blrthplnoonnd education of Chlof Justice
Wftlto , ho would not sponlc of. It was al
ready In print. In the records ho was not
found m the court oftcnor than others , .vet
th ro was Roiuotlimg romnrknblo In him , and
to this ho Invited nttentlon , It WAS not thnt
ho was nn orator , hut because written on
his brow thcro was uinnifost integrity , hon
esty nnd well moanlne , so much so thntwhen
coming from the hotbed of abolition to his
high position ho secured the confidence , good
feeling nnd respect of "nil , By his upright
course of Ufa ho built up a nnmo of strict in
tegrity of pirrposo , nnd by BO doing accom
plished n grand , thing. There * were thono
who could mldross nn mullcnco better ! ho
was but n mild , commonplace orator , yet by
his other eminent minlltici his nnmo will go
down the nvonuo of time bright nnd shining ,
nnd it will bo difficult to flnil n mnn to fill
his place. 'Twos true the went Crcsnr
nid "Thoro is no God ; 'tis death
thnt M the end , " yet ho preferred
to ndopt as his sentiments these of
Lytlon , who was convinced there was no
death only a change. Tno dirt wo walked
upon would change in summer to widen
crnln , nnd angel forms would tread the sky
beyond , though unseen by in.
Judge Qroff I am asked to sneak for the
court on this occasion , for the reason that It
was my lot to have known the Into chief
Justice , and to hnvo been his neighbor for n
number ot years. In fact , the flrst lawsuit
I over hoard tried in n court of of record
wna tried by Morrison It. Wnlto on ono side
nnd the late Judge D. Carter on the other.
The exalted character of both these men
mndo a great Impression on me , nnd though
over thirty years hnvo cone by , the scene in
the old court-room hi Ohio Is plainly pictured
in ' ny memory to-day. It was sev
eral years later when I became
acquainted with the then Mr. Wnlto. . I found
him to bo the kindly gentleman the honest
man nnd the great lawyer thnt Impressed nio
when I flrst saw him in legal combat.
Chlof Justice Wnito's career was n pecu
liar ono. If I mistake not his public life
commenced with n term In the Ohio sonnto.
then n long lapse of time , whou ho was asked
by President Grant to servo the country ns
ono of its counsel before the tribunal at the
Genovn conference for the purpose os adjudi
cating the differences between this country
nnd Great Britain , growing out of the de
predations of the prlvateor Alabama. After
discharging such duties to the credit
of his country ho returned to his
adopted city , Toledo , and shortly after was
elected by his neighbors ns n member of n
constitutional convention. Ho was chosen
president of thnt body nnd while performing
the duties of that oftlco was appointed and
confirmed chief justice of the united States
his ilrat judicial ofilco. Notwithstanding
his appointment to this position nnd his In
cumbency for so many years , ho hog always
been known and spoken of by his neighbors ,
especially these who know him best , as Mr.
Walto a singular rovorsallof the prevalent
custom. Nothing that this court may say or
do can take from or add to the reputation of
the dead jurist. His record was mndo by his
pure llfo , by his unpretending ability , by his
.career ns n lawyer nnd the faithful discharge
of the duties of chief justice of the nation.
On these things his faino can bo safely
WILLIAMS vs noMnn.
In the WIlllnms-Homor case yesterday
the plaintiffs discovered that they had neg
lected to aver that any error was made In
the lower court , hence they had no ground
for notion. They therefore took leave to
nmond their petition , which was donq , and
the case will now proceed as boforo.
A i-itoMissonr NOTJJ SUIT.
Edson Keith sots forth in his complaint
filed yesterday , that ho holds a mortgage on
n certain piece of real estate to secure the
payment of a promissory note for $800 , given
by Temple W. Atkinson and. others , nnd as
said note has not been paid ho requests the
court to sell the property that ho might got
his just dues.DIVISION
DIVISION op ritopcnTr.
Mary Vnnans , Anthony Yanans and Louis
Ynnans yesterday asked the court to divide
equally among them lots 8 and 0 in block 87 ,
South Omaha.
Charles Began was injured by the caving
in of a bank while in the employ of the
American Water Works company , and he al
leges that the company Was responsible for
the accident. Ho wants damages in the sum
of 13,000.
The trial of Mat. Kiotli , charged with rob
bing a man of a gold watch in John King's
saloon some months ago. will bo recalled on
Monday next. This will wake a second trial
for the prisoner , the jury having disagreed
after an all night's deliborationjat the former
The trial of Frank Ryan , charged with the
murder of Mrs. Howard , and that of Kelly ,
who killed a man at South Omaha , have been
put over until the next terra of court.
iiiiiinnoFP MUST ao.
Yesterday nftcrnoon Judge Hopewellmado
Ills ruling upon the motion for n now trial in
the case of the state against Dorghoff , who
was recently convicted by a jury of obtaining
several hundred dollars' worth of merchan
dise under false pretenses of a certain mer
chant of this city. The motion for another
trial was overruled. The court , In its re
marks bearing on erie assignment of error ,
called upon Mr. Offutt , licrghoff s attorney ,
for nn explanation of a certain newspaper
account of the trial , which , the court said ,
bore earmarks of the counsel in the case , and
which put words in the mouth of the court
never uttered by it. Mr , Offutt explained
that ho had nothing whatever to do with the
publication ; that ho regretted It exceedingly
because of the misrepresentations mndo , and
said that a reporter of the newspaper went
to the jail and there saw the assign
ments of error , making his report from that.
The attorney was urofuso In his disclaimer ,
and offered to mnko proof In support of his
statement. The court replied that the state
ment would not bo questioned and that the
matter would bo dropped.
Police Court.
The auditors' cage was literally jammed
yesterday with n motley crowd of the mor
bidly curious , nnd the flrst thing the Judtro
said , as ho took his seat , was ! "Johnson , for
mercy's sake throw up n window or two and
lot the gentle vernal zephyrs disport themselves -
selves among this hetorogojious assemblage ,
or I will surely succumb I Talk about your
spices of Arabyl"
Johnson did ns directed , 'and as the cobwebby -
wobby portals flow open the notes of n robin ,
perched upon n neighboring telephone jiolo
warbling "Sweet Violets , " floated In. The
birds dulcet notes seemed to have a soothing
influence upon the nerves of the court , and
ho softly called : *
"Wlllio Young. "
The next instant Willie , but n dream of his
former self , stood before the bar , where ho
had stood many times boforo.
"You are chngred with being a puSnlcIous
character and n vagrant , how nbout It ! "
" 1 just came in from Kansas Uity last
nlght 3'Otir honor , nnd meeting an-old friend
"Got drunk , of COUMO , "
'Just partly organized , y6ur honor. "
"Don't you workl"
[ 'Only ' when cdmt > olted to , your honor. "
' Have you nny monoyl"
"Not n nick. "
"Gall ? "
"A largo stock , your honor. "
"Well , then , I'll bo gall-darned if you can't
stny right here , Willie , nnd carry out the
nshcs , scrub nnd help liutlor generally , for
three days 1"
"Thanks , your honor. "
"Oh , don't mention it. "
' Oliver Amlerson.Gus . Llngqucst nnd Andy
Ulumquost , step thls vny , "
so't'Y ° U niou nro charged With fighting-Is it
"No , " came from the trio In concert.
nboitCltI" ) ' ° U J ° ' Ollvor' lo11 usn11
"Wo were in Nowborg's saloon on Tenth
street. Judge , nnd Lingqucstnnd Blnmnuest ,
poUnto n scrap , nnd In trying to separate 'em
I accidentally knocked Llncquost down. "
"Then I'll necldentnlly line you flvo nnd
costs remove him , Johnson. Now , Lino-
quest , what did you dot"
"Nothing. Judge , but It It hadn't ' boon for
Anderson I think I'd n had Ulumquoat
knocked out In n mlmito mnro. . "
"Five nnd oosta for you , lllwmqncst. "
"Ho'snllar , Juduoj 1 had him twralyrod ,
when "
"Flvo fttici costs for yott I"
And Johnson drew the trio up In bnttlo
array nnd marched them back into the cngo.
John Roardon was the next to stand up.
He Is n vng.
' 'Have ' you nny work ! "
"No , sir , but if youMl lot mo I'll ' strike tight
out "
"Consider yourself struck out for three
days. "
Christopher Swipes , n dilapidated , blear-
eyed Gorman , followed John.
"You , too , nro charged with vagrancy ,
Swipes. "
" 1 oxpoao so. "
"Whore do yoh live ! "
"On Tender sthect. "
"Tenth street ! " t
"Ynh. " , :
"Work ! " *
"Voncc. "
"Whnt nt11 !
"In Iowa. "
"What's your business I"
"Uutchcr. "
"You vasl That's too bad. I'll give you
ten days to rest up in. "
"Dat vas nice. "
And Swipes shambled back to the dock.
AN OLIA rouniDA ,
Vagrants Edward Porrisb , Frank Hoff
man , E. J. Moore , Frank Lower , Christ
Watson , Joe llowcr , 'JVndy O'Hora , John
Byor , William Jones , August Swansea , Ed
Thomas , John Malone , John Clark , Charles
Peterson , Charles Splco , Tom Mitchell and
Frank Johnson , discharged ; H. Sherman
and Sam Winters , Ono day ; E. Kramer and
Felix McFnrland. continued.
Drunk and Disorderly Pat Ryan , flvo
days ; John McNamnra , Charles Dorr , con
tinued ; John Hyau and Richard Ryan , dis
Suspicious Characters. "Sleepy" Hewott ,
Carrying Concealed Weapons Pat" Wil
liams , continued. Williams is the man who
was wanted for baing implicated in n shoot
ing affray at the old city hall corner some
months since , nnd ho will held untH the
police have had time to investigate tbo mat
ter. _
liocnl Bportlnc Squibs.
The schedule committee of the City league
will meet at John J. Hardln's store next Sun
day afternoon for the purpose of drafting the
schedule for the season's games.
C. C. Williams , a well known Missouri
Valley wing shot , IB in the city.
George Halo , of Chapman , sent inn bunch of
forty-eight gcoso yesterday. The Platte
is swarming with the birds.
The uniforms for the Omaha team h'and-
som gray ilatincl suits have arrived.
The city league has adopted the Reach
The BBE has received the Reach base ball
guide for 18i3. It is one 'of tlio ncntost , most
complete and satisfactory guides over issued.
Both "Orator" Schaeffer and 'Swartwood.
have signed with the Dos Moines club.
Shot Off a Fln cr.
While Robert Goodwin , the twolvo-yeor-
old son of Mat Goodwin of the Nebraska nnd
Iowa Insurance company , was out with a
couple of playmates practicing with a gun
yesterday afternoon , the weapon wa acci
dentally discharged and. the contents lodged
In Robert's hand. The member was badly
lacerated nnd the middle flngor waa blown
completely off. For nwhllo there were three
pretty badly scared hoys , nnd in telephoning
the news to the boy's parents they convoyed
tlio Impression thnt the boy was killed. His
father and mother were almost frantio until
they saw their boy , and , despite his perma
nent disfigurement , they wore then over-
to know that his injury was not fatal.
t is to bo presumed that tbero are at least
three boys in the city who will not fool with
a gun for some time.
Collectors Arrested.
Garbagemaster Goldsmith caused the arrest
of four different garbage collectors yesterday
for hauling garbage. Louis Consolver , the
first person arrested , was assessed the costs.
Henry Coombs was. given n continuance until
this afternoon , while John Thurston nnd
Andrew Nelson were discharged , the latter
not being aware they were violating the or
dinance ,
fjlcptisert to Wort.
The following marriage licenses were Issued -
sued yesterday by Judge Shields :
Name and Residence. Ago.
( Gustaf O. Nelson , Calhoun , Neb . 80
| Matilda Peterson , Calhoun , Neb . 81
j Rubin W. Freeman , Omaha . .80
( Carrlo Jackson , Omaha . 20
Omnlm Allilotlo
Articles of Incorporation of the Omaha
Athletic club were filed with the county olork
yesterday nftcrno on. The Incorporates are
Ij. Sollgman , S. J. Fisher , M. L. Rocdor and
F. W , May.
Plnyiim With Matches.
NEW YOIIIC , March 29. At 0 : SO this morn
ing two children belonging to Mrs. Fagan , of
830 East Forty-ninth street , were burndd in
n fire , which , it is thought * was caused by
their playing with matches. Ono child is
dead and the other cannot live.
Good Friday Observance.
Nnw YOIIK , March 20. All exchanges In
this city will bo closed to-morrow.
A six day's Easter Carnival of Slaughtered Prices commencing Monday , March 20th.
Prices that have never been quoted In , Omaha and prices that will only bo made on day *
quoted. Mail orders filled if received on or before dute of sale. Read and Wondwl
Lined , soft finished , Casslmcra Coat at 15 05 , worth $10.00 , No. 2 , nn extra flno ,
Kersy finished , Cassimcro Coat , Silk lined throughout , at 110.00.
FRIDAY-Men's genuine Fur Felt Stiff IUU , Spring Style , Satin lined , nt $1.23 ; noyfc' fliil
all Worsted Knee Pants Suits H.25j Hoys' flno all Wool PJald fccoteh O liuviu
suits at 83.75 , worth 15.00.
SATURDAY Two marvelous bargains ; Men's ' flno Gage Spring Underwear , Silk Euibrold
ercd , at BOc , worth 75oj 800 pairs Men's Casslmere Pants , etrictlj- free from
shoddy , uloo Spring styles and well made , at the remarkable price of $1.09.
All above prices only on days quoted. ' 'Put inoaey in thy purso" by attending those sales.
L. O. JONES , American Clothier ,
' 130 Farnam St , , Omaha.