Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Mild Weather a Great Encourager
For Wheat Shorts.
Moderate Trrullnn In Onts An Easier
Feeling In Provisions Large In-
crcriflc In tlio Ucccipts of Cat
tle Onuses a Decline In Prices.
CIUCAOO , March 29. [ Special Telegram
to the 13EB.1 It was largely n weather mar
ket In wheat In the early part of the session.
The first bright and mild day for a long tlmo
short Rollers.
was a wonderful cncouragcr for
Accordingly May wheat opened at 77c ,
which was X@c lower than last night's
close and was heavy at that , slowly sagging
until 70 % < a70)fc was reached. The market
lingered about 70Jio for May for some tlmo ,
and before any great pressure was put on to
drive It lower , corn began to advance rapidly
and tlikturncd the tide In wheat. An ad
vance to 77c was quickly scored and moro
gradually the price advanced to 77J c , foil
back to " % ( & "Xa , and thereupon Hutchln-
BOn , who had been buying orcasslonally
throughout the , morning took all that was
offered at 77' ' c and offered to soil nt 77 ®
77 c. That put a stop to fluctuations and
the 1 o'clock close was at 77J/77J < c.
Sympathy with the weakness In wheat was
the only reason for the lower opening in corn ,
but there were buying orders enough to send
prices up almost Immediately to last nliht's
closing price. Then short sellers drove It
down again , May corn , which opened at
c , advancing to BUc and falling back to
c , At about Sljfc for May the market
hung steadily for sqmo time. Then came
the news that cash corn in Now York was
selling lor C5c , an advance of over 2c on
yesterday's prices , and the price hero Im
proved rapidly. AtUiotop of the upward
wave May corn touclicd 52 > c , then fell to
G2Kc and closed at 1 o'clock at 52Xa Juno
corn opened at 61ffc , sold at 51Mc and up to
B2c , closing at 1 o'clock at 5151c.
There was only moderate spcculatl vo tradIng -
Ing In oats , and the market was featureless ,
May oats opened at 30 c@31c , sold nt 30 % ®
BO c , up to 31@31 c , which was the prlco at
the 1 o'clock close. Juno oats opened at
SO c , sold clown to 30Vc and closed at 31c.
For July oats 30 > f c was asked nt the opening.
They sold down to 3U ) c , and closed at 30 c
bid. For August oats 27 > { c was asked.
An easier feeling prevailed in provisions ,
though there was no dccldc'd weakness. The
movement rather favored the bear side. The
product also suffered a little reaction , and at
1 o'clock pork showed a decline of 2tfo from
last night's closing , and short ribs a depre
ciation of TVc. Lard was without quotable
change. Trading opened quite fair , but as
the day advanced the market fell into a com
paratively slow condition. May and Juno
Were , as usual , the most active deliveries ,
though July lard and short ribs received
relatively increased attention. For May ,
pork sold at $18.42M@13 02K , lard at $7.00 ®
7.02K , and short ribs at $7.12&7.17J4. Juno
pork and lard were 5c and short ribs 7 @ 10o
higher than May. July ranged at a premium
over May.of lOo for larJ , and 15@17 > c for
short ribs. Pork for May closed nt $13 ISO.
lard at ? 7.C2Jrf bid , and short ribs at $7.15 ®
7.17K. Year lard sold at S7.25@7.27K , and
January lard at ? 7.32 > . Year pork was
quoted at $12.40 bid , and year short ribs at
fO.25. Cash product sold with moro freedom.
AFTBUXOON SESSION Wheat and corn were
firm on the late board. Late cables were
stronger and brought bias for both wheat
and corn. The tone of the foreign markets
Improved toward the closo. Local specula
tive inquiry this afternoon was excellent. No
board to-morrow ( Good Friday ) . Closing
quotations were as follows : May wheat ,
77M@77Ko ; Juno wheat , 77X@ 7 c ; July
Wheat , 77c. May corn , G2&c ; Juno corn ,
PlXc. Mav " oats.yojfcc. May pork , $13.87 } ;
Juno pork. $13.65. May lard , * 7.C2Ki Juno
lard , $7.G7 } . May ribs , * 7.12 > i- , Juno ribs ,
CHICAGO , March 29. [ Special Telegram to
the BEE. ! CATTI.B The largo increase in
the run had the effect of checking the up
turn noted for the past day or two , followed
by a substantial down-turn on undesirable
nnd common cattle , some salesmen quoting
the same 10@lGc lower. Although there
wore plenty of good cattle , the demand was
sufficiently strong to keep prices about where
they have been for a day or two past. Good
cattle were no lower and fancy grades , such
ns suited the export and Now York retail
trade , sold nt strong prices. Butchers' stock
steady. Canning stock is coming in too
freely , and may DO quoted 15@25o lower than
last week. The stockcr nnd feeder trade pre
sented no now features. Prices ranged ,
fancy 55.00@5.40 ; steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs ,
t4.85tfM.75 ; 1200 to 1350 Ibs , $3.854.40 ; 050
to 1200 Ibs , J3.15@3.75. Stackers and feeders ,
? 2.50@3.25 ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.75 ®
3.40 ; bulk , ? 2.40@2.05. Texas fed steers ,
| 3.BO@4.10.
Hoes At the opening business was brisk
and prices as strong as at any time yester
day , but later , us the Burlington began to
show up with plenty of hogs , nnd buyers
filled in with high-priced stock , the demand
fell off , The general market closed 5@10o
lower than at the opening , making the do-
cliuo equal to the advance of yesterday.
Chicago , March 29. The Drovers' Journal
reports us follows :
Cattle Receipts , 0,000 ; market slow
nnd easier ; fancy , C5.005.40 ; steers ,
t3,15@4,75 ; stockers nnd feeders , t2.50@3.75 ;
cows , bulls and mixed , tl,76Q3.40 : Texas fed
, Btccrs , * 3.60@4.10.
Hogs Receipts , 18,000 ; slow nnd Go lower ;
mixed , $5.15ffl5.45 ; heavy , 15.80(35.65 ( ; light ,
f5.15@5.45 ; ships. $3.50@5.00.
Sheep Receipts , 4,000 ; strong ; natives ,
.60atUO ( ; westerns , t5.50@fl.10 ; Texans.
| 3.25@5.00 ; lambs , | 5.00@0.50.
Kansas City , March 29. Cattle
Receipts , 2,000 : shipments , 2,000 ; market
steady to a shade lower ; good y > choice
corn-fed , f4 00(35.00 ( * , common to medium ,
f3.25@4.60 ; stockers , 13.00(32.00 ( ; feeding
Btccrs , t3.00@3COco\vs ; , J3.00@3.CO.
Hogs Receipts. 7,500 ; shipments , 2,300 ;
market steady to So lower ; common to
choice , * i,70i ( 5.85 ; skips and pigs , * 3.00@
National Stock Yards , East St.
Louis , March 29. Cattlo-ReceipU , 1,400 , ;
shipments , 200 ; market firm ; choice heavy
native Btcors , $ l.50@5.40 ; fair to good native
steers , M,00ip4.(50 ( ( ; butchers' steers , medium
to choice , W.204 30 ; stockers and feeders ,
fair to good , $3,10(23.40 ( ; rangers , ordinary to
Rood , UMStQO.
Hogs Receipts. 3,300 ; shipments , 1,300 , :
market active and strong ; choice heavy and
butchers'selections-$5.40@5.55 ; packing , me
dium to prime , * 5.20tf5.45 ( ; light grades , or
dinary to best , t5.00 ( < 55,40.
NKW YORK , March 20 , [ Special Telegram
to the HEK.I STOCKS The stock inaiket
allowed a disposition to react nt the opening ,
operators who have been selling for a week
iwst being disposed to oven up , as to-morrow
is n holiday and the exchange is only open
two hours Saturday. Reading , Lackawatma
and a few other active stocks received a fair
support during the early trading. Business
was active , 101,000 , shares changing hands the
first hour. Thereat of the list developed
decided irregularity nnd independence ,
Grangers breaking ) f to 1 point. St. Paul
touched 70 , but the pool took hold , and by
taking liberal shod blocks succeeded in re
cording a rally of 1 point , but were unable to
maintain it. Tlio heavy soiling of Reading is
attributable not only to the stories about its
Inability to place its new mortgage of 4s , butte
to selling by largo holders , who have oecn
caught by tlio decline in Missouri Pacific ,
nd several othqr stocks , and found the
fteadUig easiest to dispose of. About mid-
day the market-began to show signs of un
easiness nnd became tvcak , losing nearly all
the early gains. The coal combination's de
cision to maintain the prices of coal had a
stimulating effect on stocks toward the close
and the market developed surprising
strength. The support given cotton oil cer
tificates and an advance of 2 < points also
gave bulls courage and scared the shorts
Into covering. Gould stocks were strong ,
nnd Missouri Pacific recovered Its IJtf per
cent dividend. The closing sales were on n
decidedly Irregular market , cotton oils show
ing a , net advance of 1 % , Reading J , Dela
ware & Hudson * and New England J4" per
cent. Louisville ft Nashville , Rock Island ,
Lackawannn and St. Paul closed at the same
prices as yesterday. Chicago , Burlington &
Qulncy was 1 point lower nnd Western
Union # . Totnl sales were 205,490 shares ,
against 344,000 shares yesterday.
GOVERNMENTS Government bonds were
weak , except currency Cs.
Oats Ruled weaker , averaging
lower ; May , 80 ; < c.
Rye Quiet at G9c.
Barley Nominal at 77@SOc.
Piirae Timothy $2.G1@3.C2.
Flax-seed $1.45.
Pork Fulrly active with considerable
fluctuation ; cash , $13.47 1 May , $13.57 .
Lard Comparatively light business tran
sacted , market ruling steady cash , 57.57X ;
May , $7.G3 # .
Dry Salted Moats Shoulders. $ o.75@6.00 ;
short clear , $7.GO@7.G5 ; short ribs , $7.17 } .
Butter Firm ; creamery , 24@30e ; dairy ,
21(324c. ( !
Cheese Steady ; full cream Cheddars , 11@
HVc ; flats , ll > @ 12c ; young Americas ,
12i ( 13e.
Eggs Lower ; fresh , 15@10c.
Hides Unchanged ; green hides 4J c ;
heavy green salted , 5jc ; light green salted ,
Gc ; salted bull , 4 } c ; green bull , 3) c ; green
salted calf,8c ; dry flint and dry calf , I2@13c ;
dry salted , lOc ; deacons , 30o each.
Tallow Unchanged ! No. 1 , solid , 4 c ; No.
2 , do 8)4 ; cake , 4 } c per Ib.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 35,000 24,000
Wheatbu . 52,000 13,000
Corn.bu . 62,000 115,000
Oats , bu . 91,000 53,000
Ryebu . 3,000 .
Barley , bu . 13,000 21,000
Minneapolis , March 29. Wheat Re
ceipts , 183 cars : shipments , 23 cars ; prices
ruled a snado higher , especially for best
grades. Closing : In store No. 1 hard ,
March nndApril , 75c ; May , 75c ; July , 77c.
No. 1 northern , March , and April ,
northern , 74K@75Xe ; No. 2 northern , 72
Flour Unchanged ; patents , sacks to ship
pers , $4.10@4.2S ; bakers' , $3.20(33.45. (
Milwaukee , March 29. Wheat Irregu
lar ; March , 74c ; May , 75J c ; June , 7G e.
Corn Neglected ; No. 3 , 47c.
Oats Steady ; No. 2 white , 83c.
Rye Quiet : No. 1 , 59c.
iiarley Dull ; No. 2 , 75c.
Provisions Steady ; pork , March. $13.50.
Cincinnati. March 29. Wheat Dull ;
No. 2 red. 85 0.
Corn Steady ; No. 3 mixed , 52'c.
Oats In moderate demand ; No. 2 mixed ,
34c.Ryo Dull ; No. 2 , G5c.
Provisions Pork dull at $14.00 ; lard firm ;
current make , $7.40.
Whisky Steady nt $1.09.
Liverpool , March 29. Wheat Quiet ;
demand poor.
Corn Steady , with the demand fair ; new
mixed western , 4s 8tfd per cental.
St. Louis , March 29. Wheat Higher ;
cash , SOKc ; May , 805 c.
Corn Bettor ; cash , 40c ; May , -IGJ c.
Oats Better ; cash , 30 @ 31o ; May ,
Whisky $1.09.
Butter Firm ; creamery , 34@30c ; dairy ,
Afternoon Board Wheat Lower ; April ,
60 0 : May , SO o. Corn Dull ; April 4Wc ;
Mny4G o. Oats Quiet ; May , Siltfc- ; July ,
2Go bid.
Now York , March 29 , Wheat Receipts ,
1,100 , ; exports , 37,000 ; options weak and * @
Xo lower on realizing , later advanced @Kc ,
closing , however , easier and @Ko under
top ; spot firm ; ungraded red , ' '
No. 3 rod. BOXSOJfo in elevator , UO 'Jlo
delivered , b9Ji < iJSy > fo f. o. b. , May closing at
Corn Receipts , 82,500 ; exports , 29,000 ;
spot # < < ? X0 higher , but quiet : options unset
tled ; Mnrch nnd April nominal ; others de
clined } @ # o early , later rallied ? @Xc ,
closing wcali with a reaction of K@x6 ° ! un *
graded , 02 < 3G3J j No. 2 , 03o in store , May
closing at ( U > Kc.
Oats Receipts , 03,000 ; exports , none mar
ket steady ; mixed western , 88X@41e ; white
western , 41@40o.J
Coffee Spot , fair ; Rio , firm nt $14.00 ;
options a shade stronger , but quiet ; sales ,
47,750 bags ; April , $10.80aU.OO ; May
$10.75@10.95 ; June , $10.75@10.bO ; July $10.6 (
( $10.00 ; August , $10.30@10.40 ; September ,
Petroleum Firm ; United closed at 67c.
Eirgs Kasler ; western , 18 > @ 19c ,
Pork Quiet but steady ; mess , $14.50@15.00
for new ; $14.25(314 ( 50 for one year old.
Lard Opened weaker , closing lower but
firm ; western steam , spot. $3,00@8.05.
Butter Quiet but steady ; western , 14@
Cheese Quiet but firm ; western , HJf@
Kansas City , March 29. Wheat No. 2
soft , cash , 7Sc : May , 78 } o bid , 79o asked.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 42c bid ; 43c
asked ; April , 43o asked ; May , 44o ,
Oats No. cash , 23 > o bid ; May , 29J < c bd | ,
QOJ c asked.
New Orleans , March 29. Corn Firmer
mixed , C'Jc ; yellow , OOo ; white , 61c.
Oats-Unchanged ! No. 2 , 39 ( < 439Kc.
Hog Products Unchanged ; pork , $14.37J ;
laru , $7.00.
Bulk Meats Unchanged ; shoulders , $0.10 ;
long clear and clear rib $7.50 ,
Can It ) .
UNION STOCK YAHDS , 0 p. in. )
Thurssday , March 29,16&8. f
There were only about twenty-one loads 01
cattle hero to-day and six of that number die
not arrive until late in the afternoon am :
after the market had practically closed.
The packers wore heavy buyers yesterday
and were not in need of many cattle and the
Chicago market was reported lower which
made tlio shippers rather cautious buyers ,
Altogether it made a very dull market.
What few cattle did change hands wore
mostly sold very late. The market was
fully lOo lower , in sympathy with Chicago ,
on every thing unless it might be on choice
Imtchers' cows which have been bringinc
good prices , all along. Common and oc |
thin cows cau bo sot dowu as very slow
sale , *
There wore about forty-eight loads of hogs
on snlo during the forenoon , including the
holdovers. As soon as the market was fairly
opened trading was quite brisk nt prices
which were about steady with yesterday's
: losc and about everything on satowai taken
jcforo midday. The market eased oft tew-
ird midday , by reason of a reported decline
n Chicago , nnd closed about 5o lower ,
Seventeen additional loads arrived in the nf-
crnoon on a late B < & M. train , and although
really too Into for the day's market. Dart of
them were sold , only twelve cars being held
over. _ _ _ _ _
Seven loads wore received , but they were
rather common native Nebraska sheep and
were not wanted.
Cattle 4GO
Hogs , 0,000
Sheep 1G50
Prevailing Prices.
The following is a table of prices paid In
this market for the grades of stock men
tioned. It frequently occurs that no sales of
some particular grade are made , when in this
rnso the table will state ns nearly as possible
the price that would havobccn paid had there
Liccn any of that class among the offerings.
Prime steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . $4.20 ( S4.65
Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. , 3.85 014.25
Fat little steers. 900 to 1030 Ibs. 3.50 03.75
Common to choice cows 2.00 fcW.50
Common to good bulls 2.00 @ 3.00
Light and medium hogs 5.00 QC5.10
Fair to choice heavy hogs , , , . . 5.20 w5.25
Fair to choice mixed hogs C.10 © 5.20
ItcprcticntntiTa Sales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1. . . . . 880 $3.50 21 1110 $3.75
20. . . . .1032 3.00 19 1123 4.00
9. . . . .1074 3.00 33 1271 4,15
22 , . . . .1045 3.CO 17 1295 4.UO
13. . . . . 983 2.23
10. . . . .1018 2.55 1 10GO 3.00
5. . . . .1070 2.510 1 1000 3.00
2. . . . .1100 3.00 1 1050 3.20
1. , . . .10.)0 3.00 1 1200 3.50
1. . . . . 030 3.00
42. 1033 3.23
noos ,
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
73. . .143 400 $4.00 53 . . .341 80 $5.15
87. . .19) 200 5.00 62..233 ISO 5.15
70 , . .203 160 500 G9..255 40 5.15
80. . .197 120 5.05 73..319 5.15 .
G3. . .218 160 5.05 69..234 120 6.15
81. . .20J 200 5.03 59..270 120 5.15
78 . .203 240 5.05 78..213 80 5.15
81. . .205 80 6.03 60..270 4SO 5.15
70. . .209 120 5.05 ( U..249 200 5.15
03. .184 2JO 5.05 74..338 1GO 515
09. .223 80 5.10 C9..347 160 5.15
00. .233 240 5.10 70..257 160 5.15
73. .239 300 5.15 53..372 100 5.20
03. .203 80 5.10 54..293 40 5.20
72. .253 120 5.10 50..SOS 240 5.20
G7. .215 40 5.10 71..2G2 5.20
70. .213 5.10 71..2GO ICO 5.20
77. .203 40 5.10 G3..iS4 820 5.20
71. .218 160 5.10 70..331 5.22K
78. .212 40 5.12J4 53..803 5.25
75. .253 360 5.15
Lilvo Stock ; Sold.
Showing the nu nbar of heal of stoaksold
bu the market today.noos.
G. H. Hammond & Co 293
Omaha Packing Co 83G
Armour & Cuilahy 2,343 ,
Speculators 73
C. H. Williams 137
G. H. Hammond & Co. 79
Gore 33
J. Wiedman 45
P. J. Riner. 20
J.L Hill 3
Range ot * Prices.
Showing highest and lowest prices paid for
leading grades of cattle on dates mentioned
Spacoloft blank Indicates that no sales of
that particular class of cattle were made on
that date
Range of 1'rlcea.
Showing the oxtreaia hlghoat atd ) lowaat
ratcspaid for loidius grades of hogs on dates
mentioned :
Live Stock Notes.
Cattle lOo lower.
Hogs close 5o lower.
Cattle receipts light , market slow.
Hogs are selling 25@30o lower than they
were one year ago.
DM. J. Todd , a well known feeder of Ordi
was down on his first trip to the yards with
J , M. Grantham has returned from York ,
where ho went to attend ttio funeral of his
Both members of the firm of Scanlan &
Carr , David City , were among the visitors at
the yard.
. Among these who came in with hogs was
Jacob Libby , Crcston , Neb. , who marketed a
load at 0o.
B. Lamb , a well known farmer nnd stock
raiser , of Nance county , was in with a load
each of cattle nnd hogs.
There is still nome uneasiness among live
stock men regarding the stability of the
present railroad rates and fears are enter
tained in some quarters that the war may
bieak out afresh at any time.
Swift & Co , are expected to begin buying
on Saturday preparatory lo opening the packIng -
Ing house on Monday. They intend to kill
both cattle and hogs as well as sheep. As to
the number of head of stock which will bo
required to keen the house running it is Im
possible to say , but it is well understood
that they will bo liberal buyers.
Produce , Fruits , Nuts , Eto.
Thursday , March 20.
The following quotations arc wholesale
and not retail. Prices quoted on produce
are the rates at which round loti arc sold on
this market. Fmlta or other lines of floods
requiring extra labor in packing cannot at-
wans be supplied on outside orders at the
same prices quoted for the local trade.
Rates on flour and feed are jobbers' -prices.
Prices on araln arc Wioso paid by Omaha
millers itcllvcral. All quotations an mcr-
citandlsc are obtained from latdlny houses
and are corrected dally , Prices OH crack
ers , caltes. etc. , arc- those given by leading
manufacturers ,
Trade was again fair. i > ut without any
marked change except in the price of eggs ,
which closed lower than yesterday , Receipts
were heavy , and while 14cvas the opening
price , 18o can bo considered the quotation.
Poultry waa in better supply but at un
changed price , and butter was firm as before.
Wild ducks and geese- are almost a drug on
the market , the former selling at $1.25@1.CO
per oz , and the lalter at $2.30.
BUTTEH Creamery , solid packed , 22@24o ;
choice rolls , 20Q22oj medium , 14 ( < $15c ; low
grades , 1213o.
Eaas Strictly fresh , 13@l4o asked.
Am.E9 Choice , per bbl , $4.25(24.75. (
CHEESE Full cream , lU ) < @ 13o.
PouLTur Chickens , 12@l3o ; turkeys , 12 ®
13c ; ducks , 12@13o ; geese , 12@18o.
LIVE POULTUX Chickens , $3.25@3.75 per
doz ; ducks , 3.00@3.25j geese , $ 00 0.50 ;
turkeys , 7@So per ) b.
POTATOES Utah and Colorado stock , $1,20
@ 1.25 ; choice homo grown , S5@95o ; common
grades , 60 < X25c.
BANANAS Medium , $3.50@3.00 ' : choice ,
* 300@3.BO ,
TuitNu-flT-Good stock , 60@75orutagagas , ,
iaQSOo ,
LEMONS ? 3.704. 0 per box.
Cxtironsj * PEAKS $2.60@2.75 ; extra
choice , $3.00.
DATES Persatn.-Sc per lb.
SAUU KBAUT Choice per bbl. of 33 pal ,
$7.50@8,00j X bbl.f4.57@5.00 ! $11.00 per bbl.
Cmcn Choice Michigan elder , $0.00g0.60 (
per bbl , of 82 gal.
S Choice rice corn Is quoted nt 4@
4)/o ) per lb. , other Xlnds , 2U3o per lb.
UAiinoTS $3.25 2.50 per bbl ,
Pxnsxirs New-stock. $2.60 per bbl.
OISTKKS Plain ttandard , 23c ; plain BO-
lects , SOc ; standard.40c' extra nclocts , 85c ;
New York counts , 90 ; bulk oysters , counts ,
$ .85 per 100 ; selects , $2.00 per gal. ; standard.
$1.25 per gal. "
CABBAGES $1 par doz. nnd 8@3) ) o per lb.
for California.
CAUUPLOVVKH Good stock , $2.CO@2.80.
GnAt'ES Malagas , $7.60JS.OO per lb. , and
larger sized barrels in proportion up to 810,00
OnANoas California Hlversldo , $4.00 ®
4.2.1 ! ; Messina , $3.75@4.25 ! Valcncins , $ < 5.00W
8.00 per case of 420 ; Florida brlghts , $4.25@
4,50 ; russets. ? 3M > @ 4.00 ; Mexican , 4.0S ; Los
Angeles. 8 50@3.76 ; Nnvals , $5.50.
CiUNimniUES Bell ft Cherry , $10.50fflll.OO ( !
Bell & Bugle , $11.00@11.50j Bell & Bugle ,
premium , $11.60@12.00.
BRAKS Good stock , $2.00(32.75 ; California
beans , $2.25@2.40.
Fios In layers , 13@10c , cake lie ppr lb.
NUTS Peanuts OJ < @ 7c , raw Brazil nuts ,
13c ; almonds , Tarragona , 22c ; English wal
nuts , 15@18c ; filberts , 18o : Italian chestnuts'
15o : pecans , 15c.
HONBT I0@21o for lib frames ; canned
honey. 10@12c per lib.
Grocers' List.
JELLIES 30-lb palls , $1.25(31.50. (
\ > Ariu iuixuu , vt iii ; ; tiuu , vyj ? .
, HOLLAND HmutiNus 70@72cper keg.
MAPLE SUOAII Bricks , Weeper lb. ; penny
cakes , 15o per lb.
BIIOOMS Extra , 4-tlc. $2.CO ; No. 1,12.00 ;
No. $1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00.
STAitcii'Mirror gloss , GX ° 5 Graves' corn ,
GJ c ; Oswcgo gloss , 7o ; Oswego corn , 7c.
TEAS Japans , 20@55c ; gunpowder , 20@
GOc ; * Young Hyson , 22@55i ; Oolong , 20@
G5c.Srnurs New Orleans molasses , per bbl. ,
87@40cpcr gal. ; corn syrup , 35o ; half bbls. ,
37c ; 4 gal. kegs , tl.55.
PnovisioNs Hams , lOJ Qtle ; breakfast
bacon , 10 @llc ; bacon sides , 8J < @ 85i'c : dry
salt , 7c@So ; shoulders , C > @ 7c ; dried beef ,
PICKLES Medium in bbls , $0 00 ; do In half
bbls , $3 50 ; small in bbls. $7.00 ; do in half
bbls , $4.00 ; gerklns , in bbls , $3 00 ; do in half
bbls , $4.50 !
REFINED LAUD Ticrco , 7X ° t 40-lb square
cans , 7J 'c : 60-lb round , 7&o ; 20-lb round ,
7Vc ; 10-lb palls , 7J < c ; 5-lb pails , So ; 3-lb
pails , SJiTc.
POWIIDU AND SHOT Shot , $1.40 ; buckshot ,
$1.05 ; Hazard powder$5.00 ; half kegs$2.75 ;
one-fourths , $1.50 ; blasting kegs$2.35 ; fuses ,
1000 ft. , 45@75c.
SUOAII Granulated , @ 7 e ; conf. A.
white extra C , % @ ( o ; extra C ,
OM@0Vo ; yellow C.5X@3Xo ; cut loaf 1 %
7Ko ; powdered , 1J ® \ New Orleans , 5
COFFEE Ordinary grades , 10i17c ( ; fair ,
17@18oprimo,18@19 : c ; fancy green andycl-
low , 22@23 < i ; old Kovcrnment Java , 23 < J30c ? ;
Interior Java , 25@28o ; Mocha , 28r30c ( ; Ar
buckle's roasted , 195 c ; McLaughlin's
XXXX , 19 > o ; Dllworth's , 19 c ; Ued Cross ,
19Ke.WoonENWAiiE Two-hoop palls , per doz. ,
$1.40 ; three-hoop imlls , $1.05 ; No. 1 tub , $0.75 ,
No. 2 tub , $0.75 ; No. Stub , $4.75 ; washboards
$1.50 ; fancy washboards , $3.50 ; assorted
bowls , $2.75 ; No. ' 1 churns , $9.50 ; No. 2
churns , $8,50 ; No. 18 churns , $7.59 ; butter
tubs , $1.70 ; spruce , In nests , $1.70.
TOHACTO Lorillard's Climax , 45c ; Splen
did , 45c ; Mechanics' Delight , 44e ; Leggett&
Meyer's Star , 45e ; Cornerslone , 89c ; Drum-
mond's Horseshoe , 45c ; J. T. , 42c ; Sorg's
Spearhead , 45 ; Cutlin's Meerschaum , 31e ;
Catlin's Old Style , 23c ; Piper Heidsick. C4o ;
SweeUTIpTop , 82c ; U. N. O. , 17e ; Red , White
and Blue , 18c ; Indcir , 41@43o.
Diiico FHUIT Apple , bbls , news ,
evaporated , ' 9) @lOe ; blackborrics ,
evaporated , 9jf@lOC ! ; pitted cherries , 22@23c ;
peaches , eastern , now , J s ; 8Jf@9c ; evapo
rated , peeled peaches , 80@32c ; evaporated ,
unparcd , 18@19c ; now currants , 7@7Kc ;
prunes , new , 4Ji@5c ; citron , 24@25c ; raisins ,
California-Londonilayers , $3.40@3.50 ; Cali
fornia loose muscatels , $1.90@2.00 ; now Va
CANNED GOODS Oysters , standard , per
case , $3.00@3.i5 ! ; strawccrries , 2-lb , per case ,
$3.15@3.2G ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , $3.10 ®
3.20 ; California pears , per case , $4.70@4.80 ;
appricots. per case , $4.80@4.40 ; peaches , per
case , S5bOC < t > 5.75 ; white cherries , per case ,
$ (5.00 ( ; California plums , per case , $4.50@4.00 ;
blueberries , per case , $3.20@3.40 ; egg plums ,
2-lb , per case , $3.5Qpineapppies ; , 2-lb per case ,
$3.20@5.75 ; salmon per doz , 81,85@1.95 ;
2-lb gooseberries , per case , $3.25g)3.35 ) ; 2-lb
string beans , per case. $1.75@1.SO ; 2-lb Lima
beans , per case , $ l.CO@1.0o ; 2-lb marrowfat
peas , $3.GO@3.70 ; 2-lb early Juno peas , per
case , $2.85 ; 3-lb tomatoes , $3.50 ; 2-lb corn ,
CIIACKEHS , CAKES , ETC. Prices subject to
change. Soda , 5o ; soda ( city goods ) , 7c ;
soda snowflake ( in tins ) , lOc ; soda dandy ,
5) ) o ; soda wafers ( in tins ) , lOc ; soda zephyr ,
8c ; city oyster , 0 > c ; excelsior , 7c ; farina
oyster , 7c ; gem oyster , Sc ; monitor , 7o ;
Omaha oyster , 7c ; pearl oyster , 5c ; picnic ,
5o ; snowdrop oyster , 7c ; butter. 5c ; Boston ,
8c ; Omaha butter , 7c ; saw tooth butter , GJfc ;
cracker meal 5J c ; graham , 8c ; graham
wafers , lOo ; graham wafers in pound pack
ages , 12Xe ; hard bread , 5c ; milk , 7) c ; oat
meal , 8c ; oatmeal wafers , lOc ; oatmeal wa
fers in pound packages , 13J < c ! animals , 12c ;
Bolivor gingcrround,7c ( ) ; cream,8eCornhHl ; ,
lOc ; cracknells. lOc ; frosted cream , 8 0 ;
ginger snaps , 8c ; ginger snaps ( city ) , Oc ;
homo made ginger snaps , in boxes , 18c ; homemade
made ginger snaps (1-lb ( cans ) per dozen ,
$2.50 ; lemon creams,8cpretzels ; ( hand made )
lltfc'i assorted cakes and Jumbles , HJ c ; as
sorted fingers , 15c ; afternoon tea ( in tins ) ,
per box $7.00 ; banana fingers , 14c ; butter
jumbles , 11K" ! Brunswick , 15e ; brandy
snaps , l.o ; chocolnto drops ( now ) lOc ; choco-
latd wafers , loc ; Christmas lunch ( in tins )
per dozen , $4.50 ; cocoa taffy snaps , 14o ; coffee
cake , 12c ; Cuba Jumbles , 11KC ! cream putts ,
30e ; egg Jumbles , Ho ; ginger drop1 * , He ;
honey Jumbles , JlJic ; Jelly lingers , 15e ; Jelly
wafers , 15o ; jolly tart ( now ) , 15o ; lady fing
ers , 13o ; vanilla bar , 14c ; vanilla wafers , 14e ;
Vienna wafers , 1 dozen packages In a box ,
per dozen , $2.50.
All goods packed In cans lo per lb. advance
except snowflake nnd wafer soaa. which are
packed only in cans. Soda In 2 lb. and 8 lb.
paper boxes , J o per lb. advance ; all other
goods lo per lb. advance. Soda In 1 lb. paper
boxes , lo per lb. advance. The 3 lb. boxes
are packed in cases holding 18 in n case. The
3 lb , boxes are packed in cases holding 12 in
a case. The 1 lb , boxes nro packed in cases
holding 3 ( ! in n cnso. Ono lb. Graham and
oat meal wafers packed 2 doz. in a case.
Show tops for boxes , with glass opening to
show goods , 75c. Cans for wafer soda , $3.
not returnable. Cans for snowflake soda. $0
per doz. Tin cases with glass face to display
the goods , 75o each. No charges for packages
except for cans and returnable cases. Glass
front tin cans and "snowflako" soda cans are
returnable at prices charged.
Dry Goods.
DUCK West Point 29 in. 8 oz. , lOKo ; Wast
Point , 29 in. 10oz. . 12Ko ; WestPoint , lOin. 13
oz. , 15c ; West Point 40 in. 11 oz. , lOc. Checks
Caledonia X , O c ; Caledonia XX , 10 > < c ;
Economy , l > Ke ; Otia , 'JJ o.
KENTUCKY JEA S Memorial , 16c ; Canton ,
28o ; Durham , 27 > < o:7lerculcs , 18o ; Leaming
ton , 23 e ; Coltswold , 27X ° -
CHASII Stevens' B , Co ; bleached , 7o ; Ste
vens' A , 7 o ; bleached , 8J c ; Stevens' P ,
8X < 35 bleached , OKc ; Stevens' N , OJfc ;
bleached , lO c ; Stevens' S RT , 121& .
MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth , $2.85 ;
plain Holland , 8 > c to 9 > c ; Dado Holland ,
CAMIHIICS Slator,5o ; Woods , So ; Stand
ard , 5o : Peacock , 5oj Slater roll , C@7c.
COMrOllTEHS W Wl@35.00.
BLANKETS White , | 1.00@7.50 ; colored
S1.10@8.00 ,
BLEACHED SHEETISO Berkolpy cambric ,
No. CO , 9o ; Best Yet , 4-4.9X ° i butter cloth ,
00,4 0 ; Cabot , 7Xo ; Furwell , &Xc ; Fruit
of Loom , SJ c ; Freeiie G , ( io ; Hope , 80 ; King
Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdale , HKc ; Lons-
dale , 7o ; Now York mills , lOKe ; Pcpperell ,
42-In , lie ; Pepperoll , 4(5-in. ( 12c ; Pojmercll ,
0-4 , ICc ; Pcpperell , 8-4 , Slo ; Pepperell , 0-4 ,
23o ; Pppperell , 10-4 , 25c ; Canton. 4-4 , 8Jfo ;
Canton , 4-4 , 9 > ic ; Triumph , Co ; Wamsulta ,
llo ; Valley , 5o.
PIII.NTS SOLID Colons Atlantic , Co ;
Slater , 5c ; Berlin oil , 0 > ; o ; Graner oil. 0 ®
Washington , C ) o ; Century indigo blue prints ,
10o ; American , 7c ; Arnold , 7o ; Arnold B ,
He ; Anold A , 13e ; Arnold Gold Seal , lOKc ,
DHESS Charter Oak , 5 } < e ; Ramapo , 4 o ;
Lodi , So ; Allen , Cc ; Richmond , Co ; Windsor ;
CKc ; Eddystone , CJ o ; Pacific , OKc.
BIIOWN SiiKETiNo Atlantic A , 4-4 , 6Je ;
Atlantic IJ , i-4,7X < i } Atlantio D , 4-4 ,
Atlantic P , 4-4 , Cc t Aurora LL , 4-4 , Cc : Au
rora C , 4-4 , 6e ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , 7 , o ; Hoo-
Rlcr LL , 4-4 , Co ; Indian Head , 9-4 , 7 > < c ;
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , Oej Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
6Ko ; Peppcroll , It , 4-4 , 7 0 ; Pepperell O ,
4-4 , Oc ; Pcpperell , 8-4 , 18 > fo ; Pcppcrell , 9-4
21e ; Pcpperell , 10-4 , 23c ; Utlca C , 4-1 , 5o
Wachusctt , 4-4 , 7) 0 ; Aurora B , 4-4 , 6 > < oj
Aurora .It , 4-4 , BJ c ,
BATTS Standard , 9c ; Gem , lOWc ; Beauty ,
} fo ; Byonc , 14cj B , cased. $0.50.
OINOIIAM Plunkett checks , 7i o ; Whittcn-
ten 7 0 ? York , 7Kc ; Norniandl dress , 8Ko' ,
Calcutta dress , 8te ) [ ; Whittcndon dress , Oc ;
Renfow dress. .
TICKS Lcwlston , 80-in , , 13 > o ; Lowlston ,
32-ln , , 13Kc ; York , 83-ln. , 14c ; Swift river ,
7 o : Tnorndyko , OO.SMe ; Thorndyko , FF ,
Sko ; Thorndiko 120 , 0 > < o ; ThorndikoXXX
160 ! Cordls , No. B , 9 } o Cordls , No. 4 , lie.
DBSIMS Amoskcag , 9-oz. , lUo ; Everett ,
7-oz. , 18o ; York , 7-oz. , 18c ; Haymaker , SJ-ic ;
Jaffrey , XX. ll o ; Jaffrcy , XXX , 13kc ;
Beaver Creek , AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek , BB ,
He ; Beaver Creek. CC , lOo.
FLANNELS Plaid Raftsman , EOc ; Goshcn
{ . 37Ko ; Ouccheo No. 4 , } ( , ! Uo ; Ai
13Mc ; Windsor , 22Xct Red XC , 24-ln , mwui
E 24-Inch 21c ; GO 24-inch , 18o ; H A F , } ft
25o : J R F , K. S7Xc ; G Jf , 85e.
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dls-
v . . i-bv ; , v u. jiUf i.ii-1 , iiru , iv.x. iou. &v.
20o ) No. 10 , 8Kc ; BO , lOKo ; CO. 12Xo ; 80 , ICe ;
20 , colored , lOc ; 50 , colored , 12o' 70 , colored ,
25o ; Bristol , 13 0 ; Union Pacific , 180.
CAIIPBT WJUIP 131bb , white , 10 > foi col
ored ,
Grnernl Markets ,
WeoL Per Ib. , 18@20o
BEESWAX 18@20o per Ib.
FLAXSKBD $1.85 per bushel.
HAT Common coarse , $0.000.50 ; upland
prairie , $7.00@7.50
EXTHACTS Sanderson's oil bcrgamot , per
Ib. , 13 00 ; oil lemon , per Ib. , $2.50 ; oil pepper
mint , $3.00 ; oil wlutcrgrccn , $2.50 ; olive oil ,
Malaga , per gallon , S1.25.
Funs Haccoon , No. 1 , C0@70o ; No. 2 , 80 ®
35c ; mink , 10@50c ; muskrat. fall , 5@8c :
muskrat , spring nnd winter , 8llc ( ; stripped
skunk. 10@40c ; mountain wolf , No. 1 , J1.50 ©
2.50 ; No. 2 , prairie , 50@70o ; No. 2 , 25@40c ;
beaver , Mo. 1 , per Ib , ? 2.00@3.00 ; No. 3 , $1.00
@ 1.23 ; otter , $1.00@B.OO ; dry deer skins , 20 ( $
Hoc per Ib ; dry antolopc. elk , moose , etc. , 15@
25e ; deer skins , per Ib , 20@25c.
Hinns Green butcliers' 5J @ 7o ; green
cured , OJ-i'c ; dry flint , 9d ; dry salt , 8c ; green
salted calf , 7 @ 8c ; damaged hides two-
thirds price ; dry salted deacons , 25o each.
Tallow No. l,3 o ; No. 2 , lc , Grease-
Prime white , 4 } e ; yellow , 3c ; brown , 2e.
Sheep polls , 10c(3l-00 ( , according to quality.
Green ox pelts. 3@3 } e ; kip skins ( uniform ) ,
4@OKc ; cowhides. 4) < c$5o ; branded hides
classed ns damaged ,
FI.OUK AMD FEKD Minnesota patents , $3.45
@ 2.50 per cwt ; Kansas and Missouri fancy
winter patents , $2.50@2.55 per cwt ; Nebraska
patents , $2.45@2.50 per dwt ; rye flour , $2.50
per owt ; wheat graham , $1.75 per cwt ; rye
graham , $1.35 per cwt ; Now York buckwheat
$ ( J.50@7.00 per bbl ; Excelsior , $0.00 per bbl ;
ready raised , $5.00 per 100-lb case ; cornmeal ,
yellow. $1.00@1.10 per cwt ; white $1.01@1.15
per cwt ; bran , $10.00@17.00 per ton ; screen
ings , $12.00 per ton ; hominy , $3.25 per bbl ;
chopped feed , $18.00 per ton ; chopped corn ,
$17.00 per ton.
WINDOW GLASS Single. 70 per cent nnd 5
per cent ; double , 70 anil 10 per cent discount.
PAINTS White lead , pure.CXc ; white lead ,
fancy , 0 > e ; putty , in bladders. 3o ; Paris
white , 3c ; common , 2 } c ; red lead , 7c.
OILS Carbon , 175 degrees 13c ; Unseed ,
boiled , OOo ; linseed , raw , 57c ; castor ,
No. 1 , $1.20 ; No. 2 , $1.12 ; sperm
whale , $1.00 ; whale water , bleached ,
85e ; Ash , bank. 35o ; ncatsfoot extra , COc ;
neatsfootNo. 1 , 50c ; gasoline , 75 degrees , 15e ;
W. S. lard , G5e ; No. 1 lard , 50c ; No. 3 lard , 50
@ 55c ; W. Va. zero,14c ; W.Va. summer , 12e ;
golden No. 1 , 40c ; golden No. 2 , 25c : whale ,
20c ; naptha , 1 degree , 1-lc ; headlight , 150
degrees , 12c ; headlight , 175 degree , lee ; tur
pentine , 48c ; castor , pure , $2.45 nor gal.
SriuiTS Cologne spirits 188 proof , $1.14 ;
do 101 proof , $1.17 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , $ .20 ; do 183 proof , $1.13 ; alcohol ,
188 proof , per wine gallon. $2.12 ; redistilled
whiskies , $1.2o@1.50 ; gin blended , $1.50@2.00 ;
Kentucky bourbons , $ -J.Oa@0.00 ; Kenlucky
and Pennsylvania ryes , $2.00@0.50 ; Golden
Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies. $1.50@3.00 ;
brandies , imported , $5.00@8.00 ; domestic ,
$1.80@3.00 ; gins , imported , $5.00@0.00 ; do
mestic , $1.25@3.00 ; champagnes , imported ,
per case , $28.00@33.000 ; American , per case ,
LEATHBH Oak soles. 35@37o ; hemlock
slaughter solo , 12@39o ; hemlock dry solo , 12
@ 25o ; hemlock kip , G0@90e : A. & B. runner
Kip , 60@7oc ; A. hemlock calf , 90c@S1.00 ; A.
A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75c ; hemlock
upper , 19@24c ; English grain upper. 25e ;
hemlock grain upper , 2l@24c ; Tampico 13. L.
Morocco , 2y@33c ; Tampico pepple , O. D. Mo. ,
22@29e ; Curacoa , H. G. Mo. , 35@40c ; Simon
O.D , Mo. , $2.75@300 ; Dangola kid , 80@35c ;
X. M. kangaroo , 40c ; American calf kid. 32c ;
Griesen kids , $3.00@4.50 ; French glazed kids.
$2.50@2.75 ; French calf kids. $3.20 ; oak kip
skins , $ SOc@$1.00 ; oak calf skins , $1.00@1.20 ;
French calf skins , $1.25@2.00 ; French kip
skins , $1.10@1.50 ; Hussitt linings , $0.00@0.50
per doz. ; pink cream and white linings , $7.50
@ 10.00 per doz. ; colored toppings , $9.50 ®
Dnuos Acid , carbolic , crystal , per Ib , COc ;
citric acid , per Ib , COc ; tartarie , per Ib , 50o ;
sulphuric , per Ib , 5c ; ammonia , carb. per Ib ,
15c ; alum , per lb , 5o ; alcohol , 95 per cent ,
per gal , $2.20 ; blue vitric , per lb , 8c ; borax ,
refined , per lb , lOc ; camphor reflned , 30c ;
cream tartar , pure , per lb , 45o ; cream tartar ,
commercial , per lb , 20c ; cloves , per lb 33c ;
cuttlefish bone , per lb , 30c ; dextrine , per
lb , 12c ; glycerine , pure , per lb , 80e ; hops ,
fresh , per lb , 40c ; indigo , Madras , per lb ,
80o ; insect powder , per lb , GOc ; morphine ,
P. & W. , per oz , $3.10 ; opium , per
Ib , $ .00 ; quinine , P. & W. , per oz , Cle ; qui
nine , Gorman , per oz , 50c ; rochelle salts , per
Ib , 85o ; saffron , . American , per lb , 40c ; saf
fron , true Spanish , per oz , Sl.OO ; saltpetre ,
pure , per lb , lOc ; sulphur , Flowers' , per lb ,
5c ; soda , bl-carb , per lb , 5o ; silver , nitrate ,
per lb , $11.50 ; spormacetto , per Ib , COc ;
strychnine , pcroz. $1.25 ; wax , white , pure ,
per Ib , 55o ; wax , yellow , pure , per lb , 35c.
No. 1 com , s 1 $ .17.50 I No. S com , s 1 s.$14.00
No. 2 com , a 1 B. 15.50 | No. 4 com , sis , 13.50
No. 1 , 4&OInl2&14 ft , rough ? 18.50
No. 1 , " " 10 " 18.50
No. 2 , " " 14 " 15.00
No. 2 , " " 10 " 10.00
eini.vo ,
A , 12,14 & 10 ft.t20.25 | C , 12,14 , & 10 ft.$14.50
13 , " " 10.501 D , " " 11.50
1st com Jf in White Pine ceiling 52.75
2d " " " " 20.75
Clear % In Norway " " 15.25
2dcomin " " " 13.25
AC in White Pine , t33.50
UOin " " 81.50
COin " " 28.50
DOin " " 20 0
EOin " " ( Sel. Fencing ) 18.00
0 in. Drop SiilhiK 50opcr M extra.
A 12 Inch sis $44,50
1312 " 38.50
r. K. 1'AI.UHK. N , I' . II1CIIXIA.V , J , II. III.ANCI1AIII ) ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Office Uoom J . Oppoillo ICxchance llulldlng , Union
block Vurdi.tioutbOiuiiua , Neb. _
Liyc Stock Commission Merchants ,
Market t urnltlied trea on application , btockert and
fevdori lurnlsbod on uood t irms. Uoforcnces * Oma *
hit Notional Hank anilBoutli Ouialiu Natloudi. Uuloo
block Yi.rU , boutb U.ualia.
Live Stock Commission ,
Koom 15 , EicLnnuo llulldlnx , Union Stock Vurds.
Commision Dealers in Live Sack ,
, Oppoilto Kicbanpo Ilulldlne , Uulon b'tOCk
iurJi.boulU Ou > aUuNttb.
Of Omaha , Limited ,
John F.&oid.suscrltttcndcai.
Ag lculturol JUriplomontB.
. ,
Carriage ! and nueglrt. JonM Btrpcl.bctwcenDthand
loth , Omaha. Kcbratta. _
AgricnlturalImDlementsWagonsCarriages , ,
IlpRKltt.Etc. Wholetalt. Omatia ,
"Vho1c at Dcalfri In
° J
fOl. TO. IC6 tied ICTJonPi Street. Omaha. _
P. P. MAST& CO. ,
Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders ,
CnltlTnton.IIftjr lUkei.ddcr Mill * and I.uban Pul-
rerlteti. Cor , llth and Nltliolai Btteett.
Agricultural Implemenisf , agons &Buggies
Corner lllh and Nlcholaa Hlrecln.
Harresting Machinery and Binder Twine
W. B. Mead , Manager. UU Learcnworth ft. , Omaha
Manufacturers and Jobbers In
Wagons Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. 9th and 1'acllle Streets. Omithit. Nnb.
Artists' Materials.
A HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 Doucla Street , Omaha , Nf brnka.
Boots _
W. V. MORSE & CO. ,
Johhers of Boots and Shoes ,
11CU1103-110S Douglas St. , Omntut. Manufactory , Bum-
mcr Bt. , lloBton.
( Hucccstora to Itced , Jono A Co. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
Agentafor Iknton Hubbcr Ktioo Co. 1102 , 1101 A 1110
llnrncy BU OmMm. Ncbruakn.
Qooksollors and Stationers- _
H. M , &S. W.JONES.
Successors to A. T. Kenyan & Co.Vlioletalo ft Hetnll
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Fine Wedding Plntlonrrj. Commercial Stationery.
_ liM IX > URla Street , Omahn. Mcb.
CaffgJBlgploo8JEto. _
Orunho Coffee and Bplco Mills.
Teas , Coffees , SDices , Baking Powder ,
Flavorlnc Kxtraeti. Laundry lllue , lnk . Kto. 1IK *
iflnilKrney Street. Omaha , Nchrnaka.
Orookory gndjDIq
" "
w. WRIO"HT ,
Apcnt for tlio Mnnuf acturcrn nnd Importers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Ktc. Offl cc. 317 B. 13th SU , Omahn. Nebraikn.
Importers and Jobbers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware ,
Kto 1514 Fnrnnru St. , New 1'niton llutldlng.
( Successors to McSliano St Schrocder. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
_ Omaha. Nebraska. _
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commission
Merchants. Corrcspondcnco solicited , 1011 Nort
llith Street Omnhn , Neb.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties Butter , Rugs , Cheese , Poultry , Game ,
Oysters , Ktc. . Ktc. 112 Boutb lull fctrect ,
Coal , Coke and Llmo-
Johte of Hard and Soft Coal ,
209 South 13th Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
And shippers of Coal , Coke , Cement , I'laiter. Ume ,
Drain Tlio , and bewer Pipe. OOlcc , J'aiton Hotel ,
Famnm St. , Omaha. Neb. Telephone 8U.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
214 South 13th St. . Omaha. Neb.
Dry Goods and Notions.
M. E SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1102 and 1104 Douglas , Cor. llth St. , Omaha , Nob.
Importers and Johhers in Dry GooflsNotions ,
Gents' KurntslitnK Goods. Corner llth and
K .Omaha. Nebraska.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Farnam Street. Omaha. Nebraska.
Omaha , Nubraeka ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
706,707 , TO and 711 B. IQtn St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
15th and LeaTonworth Streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
Jotes Oarjware anfl Hails
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanics' Tools and Buffalo Scales. 1403 Uouglai
_ Btreet. Omaha , Nubraifca. _
Wholesale Hardware ,
10th and Harney tits. , Omaha , Neb. Western Agenti
lor Austin 1'owder Co. , JeHerson Hltcl Nails ,
_ Fairbanks Standard Scales. _ _ _ _
Wholesale Manufacturers of
Saddlery & Johhers of Saddlery Hardware
And Leather. ItUJ.lltB nnd 1107 llarney Bt.,0waua ,
_ Nebraska. _
_ _ Hgo y Hgrdyyoro.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , Wagon Slock , Hardware , Lumber , Etc , 12US
and 1311 Uarney Btf et.Onintia.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
V pen and Carrlaeo Wood Slotk , Heavy Hardware
Btc. UI7 aud UlilLcaTenwottb. Ht. . Omaha. Ntb.
Hnto , ' Caps' , Eto.
W. L. PARROTTE fit CO. ,
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1107 Ilarncy Street , Omaha , Neb.
L .umber.
_ _
" "
All Kinds of Building Material at Wesal ?
trcetand Unlonraclflc 'rrKck.
" " '
Dealer in Lumher , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doom , Ktc , Turds-Corner 7tu and Duuflas : Cornc :
SlU uad Uoui-l&i ,
- - -
Dealer in AlfKinflslfLumlicr ,
tnh and California Slrt UOmata. Httrtiia.
Lnmlier Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Jtorntrfib and Do lasSH..Om h .
To Dealers Only ,
Ofllcc.llMrarnamSlrfCt. Omaha.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
< ilncy White l.lmt.
Dealer in Hardwooi Limber ,
Wood di > rpct nd 1'orquct Flooring Mb nd I > onnl
. .
* vnt ittNi v r i cs.
Wrought and Cast Iron Bnilng Wort ,
Engine * , Hrn s Work , Uenernl Foiimlrr , Mnchln * t&4
lllacktmlth Work. Odlco nmt Workt , U.T. V.J ,
nU nth Btrcet , Orai\h .
Manufacturers of fire and Iron Railings
ttetk n ll . Window Ou nl . Flower Pt nd , Wr *
f inns , Kt . 123 North irtli Street , Omaha.
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes
ViuiHs-.TninVork , Iron nndVlro Konrlne. Hl ni , Kto.
G. Andrran. Tnip'r Our. I Itli nn I .Inckion SU.
Iron and Wire Fences Railings Gnards ,
, , . , , , , . , . , , ,
ua scruuiii lurunno uuii. * iui > ! > , UtIcnce \ ? , cuj
Improved AwnliiRs , Lockimlth Mnchlnorr ftnd
_ UlackimllUWutki. tUJBoulli llthat.
Fire and Bnrglar Proof Safes , Time Locks ,
Oonornl AKfnti for Dlobold Suits fi I/ock Co.'a
Vaults and Jail Work , 1115 Kurnum btroot , Omixha.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ttiilnnury " MTICI " uotiuns. " " _
i . 6 B E R F E"LD E R"A"C o . ,
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
203. 210 nnd 2H South llth Street. _
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
403 nniUOiHnilli lOtli St. , Omaha.
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
1105 Humpy Street , Oin lm.
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Aile Qroa e. Etc. , Omaha. A. H. llltliop , M n t r.
Paints anci Olio-
Wboleuila Dealers In
Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
1118 Kurmim Street , Omnhu.Ncb.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry a nice stock of I'rlntlnK , Wrapping and WrtlB ( |
I'n ir. Special attention itlTen to carload ordera. "
PrlntgrB1 IVIatorltiljB. *
Auxiliary Publishers ,
tValera In Type. I'rexaoi and Printers' Bappllef. 01
flouth 12th Street , Omaha. '
Rubber Goods *
Manufacturers aud Dealers in Ruhher Goods
Oil Clothing and Leather Belting. 1003 Farnam Btr t |
_ _ Stoaml Fittings , Pumps , Eto.i
" " - * - *
ATL7sTRA"Na"ccr. ;
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
ns'.ffl suaytai"asigiM' ! Bt
" ' " " *
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
3tcam and W tor Bucplles. IToadquarteM for MM * .
toott A Co'a gouda. ml Farnam bt. , Omjaa.n
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeilg
BHandDUJoneSjgtreot Omaha.
Storage , Forwarding & Cornmlpalorit
ARMSTRONG , PEtTiSicb. , "
Storage. Forwarding and Cpmjssion ,
Branch house of the Henner fiuxgr Co. fluitles at
wholesale and reUll.lM ) WlOiinal3lz Jtard Btreet ,
Omaha. Telephone No.lW.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice
John Epontter , Proprietor. PWDodre and 103 and KJ
Honh 10th Htraet , Omaha.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
im North ElgthtccBth Btraet , Omaha. Ntb.
f Oy oraj js.
Manufacturers of Overalls , - ,
Jeans I'anU , SUlrts , Kto. llW nd 11W Io IajSreetj ! *
Sash , Poora , Eto , J
M. A. mSBROVCO. . . ;
wboleiale Uanutactarers of
Sasli Boors , Blinds and Moulding
Dranch Offlco , 12th and Iiard Streeti , Omaha , Kib ,
Manufactnre of Sasti , Boors , Blinds ,
Mouldlnsi.BUlrWork and Interior IlanlWoodndt
Ink. N. E. Corner Stli and * * uworlb UUtttl. j
OinatiaTfreb. J
Manafacturers of Moulding , Sasli , Doors" ,
And Ullnili , Turning , Stair-work , Honk and OB3c X1U
tlngi. autli and I'oppltton Avinu * .
10 " Stacks , BolloreJEto
Manufacturing Dealer In Smote StacR
' i , To ills nnd General Holler KepalriB < , Uli
" IBB Htreet. Omaha , Neb ,
5500,000 .
< 100,00(1 (
N KOUNTXK , Prescient.
F , II. DAVIS , CaeWer ,
W. H. ilEGQUrElt , Awbtint CftlUili