Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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Toting acralnst the bill on the final pnssngo
pimply because it contained frco wool. "
"What do think will bo tile final outcome
Of the bllll" 1 asked.
"It Will bo hmondcd nnd passed , " was the
reply. "I would not bo surprised If the ro-
rtuction of the duty on sugar was increased
from About20 to 60 percent , The Louisiana
> ncn are making a mistake in antagonizing
the bill on account of our proposed cut on the
sugar duty. It Is the least they could rea
sonably hope for , but the bill when passed
Will Have frco wool In It , "
"When do you expect the debate to begin
v Iff the housol't
"Between April 10 and 15 , The bill will
1)0 ) reported On Monday next , If Chairman
Mills is able to present it. Ho has done the
Jilkof tha work and wo propose to let him
Ifav6" full charge of the mcanuro and the
credit. The general dcbnto will run thrco or
Jour weeks w&cfi the previous question will
) > p called and tbo amendments taken up. I
ilO not pxpoct to sco the measure reach the
Eonoto before the last day of May or tlio llrst
of June. "
"Then you" expect the bill to passl"
"Cchtalnly. it La going to get republican
votes mid Votes from nntl-frco wool demo-
, crntabj * a reduction of the duty on sugar.
r ' .Tholtr'co nftlltuonts will endorse their votes
for frco wool If ther6 is rt big cut on sugar.
It will ban stand off. That Is why I say the
Louisiana men are kicking the fat In the
Irc1. "
t TliQ republican members of Iho committee
Iiavo been given conies of the majority re
port to bo held In confidence and Major Mo-
KInloy , is writing the minority report.
1 Senator Ingatls last night attended the nn-
nual camp flro of Kit Cnrnon post , U. A. R. ,
of this District , and was 1-coclvod with tre
mendous applause ns ho entered the hall.
Ills attack upon Generals Hancock and Mc-
Clellan did not appear to have been consid
ered ill-timed with the veterans. In the
coursp of his speech to the camp Senator
In gulls s aldi "I gladly avail myself of this
first public occasion to acknowledge tko pro.-
tound sense of my personal obligation to the
G. At R. and to tno Department of the Potomac
mac for the Very great honor which they did
mo at their fair which has just closed , by
voting mo this cano. [ Applause. ] This is n
strong staff and support for my declining
years. It is n substantial wonponagaiust the
oesaulta of mon.V adversaries. r PPl use- ]
It U the silent and Irrefragable refutation of
many presentations. As such I gratefully
acknowledge H. and I beg to return to you
my most .grateful acknowledgments. In tlmo
I shall bequeath it ns a rich legacy unto my
JssUo. 1 henceforth devote myself to ybur
service. ( Loud applause. ] From this time ,
hs I have always done in the past , I devote
vote myself to Justice for the defenders
of the republic. It the comrades of the Grand
Army of the Republic nro In any place whnt-
soovcr maligned , I shall defend thorn. If
they nro denounced ns n political organiza
tion , banded together for. the purpose of
plunder , I shall deny U and no calumny , no
misrepresentation , no vituperative cartoon
Bhalldetor mo from denying the Grand Army
of the Republic is the debtor of the natlorr.
It is a shame and a disgrace and a humilia
tion that any'man who has bared his breast
to the battle , who has risked his lifo and
fthcd his blood that this flag might not bo
dragged down and defiled by traitors , should
over become the inmate of an alms house or
bo dependent upou public charity for sup
port. [ Applause ] , Although I have boon
denounced In the metropolitan journals and
Dlscwhcro as bcmg the most conspicuous
malefactor ot the nineteenth century because
I was , the promoter of the orrears-of-pensiona
net , I shall never fail to insist that the inser
tion of the date In that act was a cowardly
k -\VILT. \ run pnEsmcNT CHANGE FRONT !
Now that the river and harbor bill has
been completed and it is seen that it is the
very sarno in principle as the last one , there
Is n great deal of wonder whether the presi
dent will refuse to sign it for the reason that
( ho refused " to sign the last ono , namely be
cause" it makes specific appropriations r.rul
K. docs not give a lump sum to bo expended
R within the discretion of the secretary of war.
The southern congressmen and democrats
from the north are already going to the
t president and impressing him with the
jieocssity of signing this bill. They declare
that If it does not become a law it will lese
thousands and thousands of votes to the
democratic party and will defeat Mr. Cleveland -
land at the polls. It Is very generally con
ceded that the president has had a change' of
V heart on this subject and that this bill will
receive his signature.
' The Investigation bv the senate committee
- on Indian affairs in the management of In
dian post trodcrships will fering about no re
forms , " said a senator to-day. "Although
there are grounds upon which a great deal
- could bo done in this direction , if a special
, committee was ' appointed to investigate the
managomcnt'of post tradorships and espe
cially the influences which hnvo , under this
ndminlstratlon , led the commissioner of In-
, . tUau affairs to make changes , and the committee -
mittee would also visit the posts mid hear the
testimony of the people who patronize them ,
l ropruhu ; marc's nest would bo developed.
"If the commissioner would visit tno In
dian reservations nnd investigate the
subject of cutting timber on In-
diaii lands , another fruitful source
of corruption would bo found. I do
not-mean to say that the commissioner of
Indian affairs is a party to anything wrong ,
but I venture that thcro could bo a lot of in
teresting discoveries made if this thing was
properly managed and the bottom was
reached. "
The announcement is made hero this even
ing that General Terry will make applica
tion to KO baforo a retiring board and bo ex-
nmiited for retirement. This is in accord
with the statement made by a Buu special
about thrco months ago , and which created
so much comment nnd a partial denial nt tiio
timo. At the white house it was stated this
evening that the communication had not yet
been received from General Terry.
Mrs. M. II. Manly , of Lincoln , Nob. , Is
stopping witlihur cousin , Mrs. C. O. John
son , at OCy Pennsylvania avenue ,
v W. P. Brady , of Cedar Rapids , la. , assist-
tint superintendent of the Burlington , Cedar
Htiplds & Northern railroad , and C. J. Brock-
sinith , auditor of the same road , are in town
for a few days. Mr. Brady is visiting his
mother , Mrs. M. M. Brady , at 1213 I street ,
unit Mr. Broeksmith is stopping with Mr ,
William Penn Clark , corner of Thirteenth
IS1' und J streets. Pciiur S. HKATH.
Nebraska and Iowa Pon.sioiiH.
WASHINGTON , ' March 29. [ Special Telegram
gram to tho. Bee. ] The following pensions
were granted Nebraskans to-day : Original
" " luvalldJoseph. . A. Stedroy , deceased , Wil
bur , ( ends November 27 , 1SS3) ) ; Simon Gen
quor , l onfaha City ; George Otter , BlisH
Isaac J. Snyder , Blaocn Reissue William
H. Staloy.Dowitt. Original , widows , etc.
v Mary , -widow of Joseph Stedroy , Wllber.
r . .Pensions for Ipwuns : Original invalid
Snnfo'rd Hogle , Hampton ; L. II. Harris ,
, , Clarksville ; D. W. Boyor. Eldora ; James
\ McCiltchcon , , Washington. Increase P. M.
Reynolds , NInton ! Kills Willis , Mason ; J. S.
Clark , Afton. Reissue Jacob Neislo , Ori-
eut ; James K. Ham , Norwood ; S. D. Terry ,
Lan8Uig ; Jacob Brass , Grank Rlvor ; George
Rainsoy , jr , , Poonesboro ; Silas Langford ,
Kooaauquu. Original , wldbws , etc. Nancy
A. , widow of Mortimer C. F. Robbltis , Brush
Creek. Mexican widows Sarah J , . widow
ot .u M. Aldington , Cohuribus Junction ; Isa
bella , widow of Hiram Pattco , Atlantic.
A. Ittitnllutory Monmiro.
YA'sniNOTON , Mnrch ' "J. Senator Farwoll
' to-day Jutroiluceil a bill authorizing und di
i-ectiiiK Uio president to make a proclamation
prohibiting the importation of products of
foreign states lu certain cases , The bill ro-
pltca that the products of tlio United States
nro unjustly discriminated against by certain
< .foreign states on various ill-founded prc-
exts , laying restrictions on the Importation
of such products , It provides that whenever
the minister or other chief diplomatic repre
sentative of the United States to any foreign
state shall officially report the failure of ef
forts of the United States to secure the re
moval of any discrimination by such stata
ugulust any of tbo products of the United
States , the president shall bo authorized ami
directed to make proclamation directing that
tsach products of foreign states as ho may
tlnom proper shall bo excluded from importa.
lion to the United States. It also provides
tl.nt whenever , in the opinion of the presl-
liiit , it shall ba necessary for the protection
of animals in the United States against infeo-
j < ius or contagious diseases , ho may , b ,
proclamation , suspend the importation of an !
innls for a limited time , and modify , revoke
or renew the proclamation , as the public in
turesU require.
R. J. Kilpatrksfcand wife , and W.O. Strohet.
laid wife , ol Beatrice , Neb. , are at the Pax
The Title to Twonty-Four Thousand
Acres Involved *
Free School Books General Wright
Honppoli'itetl Custodian of Publiq
Property Proceeding of the
Legislature IOWA News.
Iinml Grant Stilts.
Sioux. CITY , la : , March 29. [ Special Tele
gram to tud BEE. ] Two most Important
suits wore-instituted In { ho district court by
the Chicago , SU Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha
rnllroml company this afternoon. Petitions
wore flled to clear , the titlq to two tracts of
"and In this county. The lands arc parts of
the old Sioux City & SU Paul land grant
under the act of ISfil , over which there has
l > ocn litigation for twenty years. These
tracts are part of the lands In Woodbury nnd
Plymouth counties which were last year
certified back to the general government by
Governor Larabco under an act of the Iowa
legislature. The suits ralso the question of
Litlo to about twenty-four thousand acres of
land in the tw6 cotintlca above named. Im
mediately after the lands were ccrtlllcd by
the governor back to the general govern
ment , Secretary Lnmar declared them
to bo part of the public domain and open to
settlement'under the homestead and other
land laws. Every acre of the lands in ques
tion had previously been squatted on , and the
settlers , Immediately after the lands wcro
thrown open , were filed on , some under the
homestead , some under the timber culture ,
and sonio under other laws. Ono of the set
tlers sued to-day lias n timber culture claim ,
but the suit Involves the question of title to
the whole 24,000 ncres. The action of the
company marks the beginning" strenuous
litigation , in which several hundred settlers
tire interested. Some of the settlers have
mndo valuable Improvements. The net of
1801 conveyed'tho-lond to the state of Iowa
In trust for the railroad company on
certain conditions , ono of which was that
a road should bo built north from
Sioux city to the Minnesota state lino. The
company never built an inch of road north
from Sioux City , but did build * southwardly
froln Minnesota as far as the town of Lo
Mars , In Plymouth counts' , and from there
leased a line of road already In existence to
Sioux City. For that portion of the line ac
tually built the state of Iowa convoyed to the
company the lands earned , out refused to
convoy the lands which would have Inured
to the company for constructing between Lo
Mara and 6loux City amounting to 21,030 ,
ncres. These lands were resumed by the act
of the legislature and as above stated cert !
fled back to the general covormnent.
Motion Overruled.
BOONE , la. * , March 29. [ Special Telegram
to the BCB. ] In tlio district court hero
to-day the motion to dismiss the suit against
J. Recn Hurlbut , , of Dos Monies- charged
with being accessory to the shooting of Con
stable Logan , was overruled and his trial
has been fixed for next week. This is a cele
brated case growing out of the enforcement
of the prohibitory law at DCS Molnes. Hurl-
but was ono of the partners in the wholesale
drug house of Hurlbut , Hess & Co. Con
stable Logan tried to arrest ono of
his draymen for delivering liquors without
a permit and was shot dead. Row , the dray
man , was tried mid convicted of manslaugh
ter and sentenced to the penetentiary for Jive
years. Hurlbut was indicted for complicity ,
charged with having furnished his men with
weapons and encouraged them to resist. His
counsel tried to have the suit dismissed on
the ground hat as Row was convicted of
manslaughter , which did. not imply premedi
tation , thcro could dot bo an accessory be
fore that fact. _ .
Frco Scliool Books.
DBS MOIXES , la. , March 20. [ Special
Telegram to the BcE.J The senate took tlio
first step toward school book reform to-day
by passing the Harsh bill. It provides forgiv
ing to every school district the chance to say
whether free text books are wanted. If tlio
voters decide they want free school books ,
then the directors and superintendent accept
bids for some scries , and make a contract
with the lowest bidder. All the pupils in
that district then are to bo furnished their
books free , and no change is tq made for a
term of years' . It is what'is called the local
option book bill , and was the minority rec
ommendation of th'o committee on schools.
Tlio majority report was the Finn bill , which
provides for state uniformity ; with a possi
bility of state publication. The majority
against that plan was largo and emphatic ,
and it is now thought that the local option
bill will now go through the house and become -
come a law.
Conies From the Spirit World.
DuncQiiB , March 20. John Beall , of Wnu-
ken , a man about forty years of age , commit
ted suicide last Saturday night by swallowIng -
Ing a dose of "Rough on Rats. " The Imme
diate cause of exit from this world was a
charming young widow , at whoso feet ho had
laid the humble offering of his lovo. His af
fection was not returned , and , in his despera
tion ho sought refuge and peace in the grave.
Before discarding his mortal habiliments ho
swore ho would return from the spirit world
and haunt the fair repudlator of his love. Ho
has kept his word. The widow lives In ona
portion of a house occupied by auothur family ,
nnd her Immediate neighbors bear witness to
tlio fact that Beall's ghost roams the earth
nightly and disturbs the _ slumbers of the
bcntiful widow. .They have'seen lights and
heard strantto rappings at unseemly hours ,
and unless theitj'itf a sudden termination of
these proceedings they propose to vacate the
promises. The widow is growing haggard
and palo from the nocturnal frights she is ex
periencing. Her beauty is said to bo vanish
ing , and her life is a constant horror.
Custodian of Piihllo Property.
DBS MOINES , la.March 29. ISpecial tele
gram to the Bnc. ] General Ed Wright was
to-day ro-apjK > iiUed custodian of public prop
erty , including the btuto houso. Governor
Larrabco also rcappolnted Hon. C. A. Bur-
dick , of Decorah , and. Hon. S. L. Dews , of
Cedar Rapids , as trustees of the soldiers'
homo at Marshalltown ,
The governor has several other important
appointments to make which for sorao unac
countable , reason hang flrochief nmongtheso
is inspector of oil. It is reported to-night
that John Bhmchard , pf Dubuqno , present
Incumbent , Is to bo rcappointod. The offlco
is ono of the best in the state , the income
being entirely from fees , mid there Is a lively
rivalry for It ,
Tlio Hlver Clear at Sioux City.
Sioux CITV , la. , March 29. [ Special Talc
gram to the Hcis.J Tlio river in front of
Sioux City is clear and the ferry boat began
plying to-d'uy. This establishes the com
munentlon broken two weeks ago by the
destruction of thij winter bridge. The Mia- >
noapolis & * Omuliu transfer will begin trans
ferring cars to-morrow. Tlio river is gorged
above ,
A IlainbtirK Hotel Fro. |
HAMUUIIO , la. , March 20. [ Special tele
gram to thd BEK. ] The Pacific hotel , under
the proprietorship of J , J. Reagan , burned at
11 : ! 10 last night. The landlord Had a narrow
escape and sustained some idjuries whllo try <
Ing to save a trunk of valuables. This , in
connection with the burning of Christina's
elevator nnd the Chicago , Burlington &
Qutney depot last week , is a hard blow to the
.city. The loss is about $5,000 ; partially iu
surcd ,
Hank Oinclals Arrested.
TOUONTO , March 2'J. Qlmrles E. Gross ,
president , and Samuel C. White , cashier , , of
the National Batik of Rjileigh , N. C. , wcro
arrested to-night on'on information charging
them with forgery. Instdo of the lining of
Gross' overcoat was found ifcC-O turn In
Wliito's possession 115,803.
Senate ,
WAsrtiNQTOx , March 23 , Mr. BQrry na-
drosscd the senate briefly on the subject of
the president's message. Ho spoke of the
universal interest awakened by tlio bold rijid
fearless manner In which tlio system ofrcd *
oral taxation was discussed iu tlio message
and said the tlmo could not much longer bo
delayed when some changd must bti mad6 lu
that system. , f
The senate then proceeded to consideration
of bills on the calendar. Among the "bllU
passed wcro the following t
To amend the act of March 8 , 18TB , prqvld'
ing additional regulations for homestead and
pre-emption entries on nubile lands.
Appropriating $250,000 for a public , brldgo
at Sioux City.
For relief of purchasers and other grantees
of ttio United States of certain swamp and
overflowed lands , nnd to reimburse -and' In *
demnlfy certain states. - , -
Adjourned till Saturday. . >
WxsntxoTox , March 29.-Mr. Enloo of
Tennessee reported ndvcrscly'thd resolution
calling upon the postmaster general for lnr
formation as to whether instructions have
been given postofllco ofilclals } ) roliibitlng
American citizens from using the United
States mails on the snmo terms as Citnadmti
citizens. This referred to Buftal'ojuid Roch !
ester seedsmen sending seeds over.tho border
to take advantage of cheaper Canadian post1-
age. Mr. Enloo said the resolution reflected
upon the postmaster general by drawing the
Inference that ho violated the law by Issuing
certain orders. Ho defended tho- actions of
the postmaster general. A lengthy debate
ensued , in which Allen of Massachusetts and
Wlilto of Now York sharply criticized 'tho
postofllco department for neglect of
duty in allowing Canadians such
a signal advantage. Also for
subsequent orders Issued.
Mr. Blount of Georgia defended the de
partment and protested against the dls-o- (
sp&tful language of the pending resolution ,
which Was llnally tabled 120 to 132.
The house then went into'committee of the
whole on the Indian appropriation bill , and
Nelson of Minnesota took advantage of the
general debate to speak upon the tariff. Ho
spoke in favor of tarifl revision , and had read
n letter from C. A. Pillsburyof Minneapolis
declaring that 00 per cent , of the democrats
and 75 per cent , of the republicans of Mlnijo-
seta agreed with him ( Nelson ) in his vlows.
Nelson said ho would put free -salt and frco
lumber against free whisky and tobacco , and
so would the Rreat mass of the American
people. Ho took his.scat without replying to
Mr. Funston's challenge as to why hodid not
put wheat on the frco list.
The committee rose nnd the houao ad
journed , .
B. & M. Lands.
WASHINGTON , March 29. The secretary of
the Interior has directed the commissioner of
the general land offlco to formally demand of
the Burlington & Missouri Rivcc railroad t
company the reconveyance to'tho United
States of the title to 200,801 acres of" land In
Nebraska , heretofore patented to that com
pany May C , 1870. The secretary holds that
under this grant the company was required
to take an equal quantity of land Jfrom 'each
side of its road , and that the action of the
general land oflico In allowingtheni to select
200,301 acres on tlio north bide as Indemnity
for losses on the south gldo was erroneous.
Ho also decides that all hinds north of the
dcflnlto location of the road selected , but not
patented to the company , shall ba cancelled
and'restored to the public domain.
A. Missing Steamer.
WASHINGTON , March 29. The United
States steamer , Lancaster , left Montivldeo
January 17 for Gibraltar and lias not since
been heard from. Fears are beginning to bo
entertained for her safcfy , though naval
ofllccrs say she may bo at St. Helena. Prev
ious to leaving Montevideo it is alleged her
boilers wcro in bad condition.
Approved By tlio French Glinmbor.
WASHINGTON , March 29. A. Canbert , a
distinguished member of tho- French chain- '
ber of agriculture and one , of the prefectbrs
of the Paris exposition of 1839 , has addressed
to Chairman Bclmont , of the house commit
tee on foreign affairs , a communication from
which it appears the house amendment to the
Paris exposition bill making an appropria
tion of 25,000 for a special exhibit of. the
products of the American hog meets with the
distinct approval of the French chamber.
International.Council or Women.
WASHINGTON , March 2S. At. the morning
session of the International council of women
the topic was , "Organization , " and Mrs.
Julia Ward Howe was the flrst speaker.
Soli was followed by Mrs. Mary F. Eastman ,
of Boston. Other speakers were Mrs.Abby
Morton-Diaz , president of the women's edu
cational and industrial union , oflJoston ;
Rev. Amanda Dego , Mrs. M. Louise Thomas ,
Mrs. Croley ( "Jennie Juno" ) , Mrs. May
Wright Sowcll and Misg Willartl.
Republican Senatorial Caucus.
WASHINGTON , March 29. The republican
senators had an order of business caucus
this morning. The pending bond bill and
Stewart amendment proved the chief topic
of discussion ana no decision was reached iu
regard it , except to have another caucus
which will probable bo called for Monday.
General Terry's Itctlremcnt.
WASHINGTON , March 9. Major General
Terry has written a personal letter to the
secretary of war , saying that ho is iu bad
health and requesting to bo ordered before
the army retiring board.
Indicted For Kinhczizlcmcnt.
BOSTON , March 29. William D. Poole ,
lately chief deputy United States marshal ,
was indicted bv the grand jury this morning
onthochargo of embezzlement "and render
ing false accounts. The llndings fully oxoii-
erato General Banks , marshal of the district.
r v
Orctron ProlilliltlonlRts. , ,
PonTt-AND , Ore. , March 29. The prohibi
tion state convention chose as delegates to
the national prohibition convention , J.W.
Well. S. Ramp , S. Condlt , Mrs. Ellen Siclta-
fooso , Mrs. R. Riggs , I. H. Amos. Jj Miller
and J. G. Warner , and nominated Prof.
Miller of Portland , for congress.
Personal Paragraphs. "
Sam U Nisbet , of Lincoln , Nob. , Is at Iho
Millard. .
Miss M. Tarr. of Bedford , Neb. , Is at the
E. F. Horn , of Fremont , Nob. , la nt the
Millard ,
O. W. Jackson , of SlourCity , la. , is at the
J. E. Needlmm , of Albion , Neb. , is at the
Miss E. Howard , of Creston , la. , is at the
C. H. Pritchett , of Wnhoo , Nob. , is at the
L. J. Ryan , of Wahoo , Neb. , " is at the
Hon. J. E. North , of Columbus , Nob. , Is at
the Paxton.
Hon. C. H. Wlllard , state treasurer , Is at
the Paxton.
Coorgo R. Colton , of David City , Neb , is at
the Paxton.
C. V. Carlson , of'Stromsburg , Neb. , is nt
the Piucton.
W. J. Goodfollow , of Oakdalo , Neb. , > Is at
the Windsor.
Joseph Hare , of Hemliigford , Nob. , ' is at
the Windsor.
E. \Varrcn , of Nebraska City , Neb , , is
at the Paxton. ,
Henry" N. Blake and'wife , of Beatrice , are
at thu Paxton.
George W. Martin , of Nprtu P.latlo , Neb. ,
is at the Millrrd.
T. F. Dupuis and wife , of Florence , Neb. ,
are at thu Paxton.
Jesse Warren and wife , of Philadelphia ,
are at the Millard.
W. G , Hamilton and daughter , of Ci.ncoln ,
Neb. , arc at thp Mjllard.
Colonel William R. Carlin , of the United
States army , is at the Paxton.
W. R : Mackenzie , formerly of Omaha , and
now auditor of the Transcontinental associa
tion , with headquarters at St. Louts , is in the
city , accompanied by Ufa wife. They will ro-1
main &cvcriu d&ys , _
o 1C
Largest Attondnueq tu the History
of the Association.
Many Proiniticnt.lfe < n > lc From Abroad
Participate In tfib < Discussion or
Now Kdncntlnrinl Methods-
Increasing In Interest.
FIIBUOXT , Nob. , Mnrch 20. [ Special to
the HER. ] Interest Irt the stato" teachers' as
sociation Increases. THO attendance ) has
swollen materially yesterday and to-day.
The business of the association yesterday af
ternoon was transacted' In thrco sections , as
follows :
Tills section convened at the Congrega
tional church yesterday nflernoon < The
mooting ; was called to order by Chairman
Smith , of Wahoo. The discussion of the
paper , "How to Keep Llttlo Hands Busy , "
was assigned to Mrs. A. H. Buddonburg , of
Kearney , who , being absent , her paper was
rood by Miss Helen WykolT , of Omaha. The
discussion of this pai > or , which fol
lowed was vigorous and Practical ,
most of the ladles taking part.
Among them wcro the Misses Olson , Slow-
art and Kendall.
Prof. M. B. C. True , of North Loup , road
on able paper ou "Two Needed Reforms. "
The two reforms ho suggested wore n rcor
gnnlzation of the common school course-of
study to give It n broader basis for the benefit
of the general public , who are the common
school patrons ; also that the college courses
bo mode to correspond with the common
school courses and not sot tlielr own stand
ards for public schools to como up to them.
Prof. McCoy , of Wayne , read an able
paper on the "Object of a Recitation , and
How to Conduct It. " This was followed by
a paper on "Tho Causes of Failure in Teach
ing , " by Prof. C. D. Rokestrawof Nebraska
The election of onlccrs for this deportment
then ensued and resulted as follows : Presi
dent , Prof. Cooper , AinswortH ; secretary ,
Prof. M. 13. 0. True , North Loup : member
of executive committee , Prof. N. E. Leach.
St. Paul. '
coi.i.can SECTION.
The college section of the association hold
Its session m.tho afternoon in the Methodist
church annex. President Perry , of Doano
college , Crete , occupied the chair. The first
topic ! discussed was , "What Should the College -
lego Section Include } " The principal
speakers ycro Chancellor Manatt. of tno
state university , and President W. F. Ring-
land , of Hastings college. The result of this
discussion was an agreement to hereafter in
clude In this section the academies and other
preparatory schools of the state.
The discussion of "The Pronunciation of
Latin" developed Into one of intense interest
and heated argument , it was led by Prof.
H. H. Hosford , of Doanc college , Crete , and
Prof. G. W. Ellis , of the state normal. Fol
lowing these nearly nlhtho members of the
section added their thoughts and ideas to the
discussion. The opinion was pretty evenly
divided , though the pj-cjxmdcrencc of argu
ment and opinion wasihcKnowlcdgcd to have
been made in favor ofitho Roman pronuncia
tion as being the casicstjand best adapted to
the language. >
"Tho Natural Method of Acquiring Lan
guage" was the titloot a paper of great ex
cellence read byProfBA , M. Chamberlain , of
Fairfleld college. I
The election of officers for the ensuing
year was then held , and .resulted as follows :
President , ChancellorMauatt , Lincoln ; sec
retary , Professor A. M.O Chamberlain , Fairfield -
field ; member of executive committee , Rev.
George Hindloy , Wecpinc Water.
This section held its ntecting in the main
auditorium of the Methodist church. In the
absence of Superintendent Cooley , of David
City , chairman , State Superintendent Lane
presided. The topic of "Institute Work for
the CominK Summer , " was discussed by Mr.
Lane , and received a joint discussion with
the subject following , viz. : "Should Tlicio
be a Uniform System of Text Books in the
State ? " The discussion of the latter was led
by Superintendent O. Dooley , of Saundcrs
county. A largo majority of the members
were in favor of havinga uniform system of
books for the county , but not for the state.
They also opposed the plan of text books
being furnished free by the state. The uni
formity of textbooks throughout the county
would greatly facilitate institute work. A
resolution was passed endorsing State Super
intendent Lane's manual for use by county
institutes this year.
The election of officers resulted as follows :
President , Superintendent Bohanon , Madi
son ; secretary , Miss C. C. Covey , St. Paul ;
members executive board , Superintendents
AUyn , Hastings ( short term ) , and J. C. Mar
tin , Central City ( long term ) .
The evening exorcises wcro opened by the
Wahoo Musical union , which won hearty ap
plause. After this the different sections re
ported to the association their election of of-
llcers. Judge M. L , Hayward , of Nebraska
City , was then introduced , and spoke on the
subject : "An Outsider's Views of the
Schools and Their Woik. " His discourse
was in a humorous and at the same time vig
orous style , and was profoundly appreciated
by his hearers. Ho thinks thcro is too much
nepotism in the supply of teachers , and boys
and girls , the fortunatb sons and daughters
of school dlrectois , who arc unqualified , are
often employed in the country schools. Ho
does not believe the county superintendents
arc allowed to do what they know to bo their
duty from political influence , and tlieso
should never bo re-elected. The school di
rector also came In for n scoring for squan
dering money which the people supposed was
being honestly oxpeudcd. The exorbitant
price of school books is n big draft upon the
public ; the prices are entirely too high. Ho
thinks the graded system of schools is at
fault in many respects. The fast and apt
scholar is hold back by being yoked to tlio
dull one. Ho would let the fast one co ahead
as rapidly as ho could and devote the chief
energy of the teacher and the school upon the
slow one. Ho advocated the high license sys
tem of the liquor truflic to make it yield iv
rovcnuo for the support of the schools. Ho
said to bate the Ulcuof takingtho money from
, the saloon keeper for this purpose , if you like ,
but keep on taking the money just the sumo.
Ho expressed himself as generally satisfied
with the result of the present school system ,
but added that while the teachers of the pres
ent day nro dohiK the best they can and about
all that could bo expected , the progress of
the school Interest is so rapid that in ten
jxars from now theylwttuld bo classed as in
competent. It is f\yh \ in the future that
makes heroes in all nations , and the teacher
imlst crcuta that faith through education ,
the chief feature ofVIScli is the love of
. * "
country. ,
By motion of M. "J. Gorrott , of Wood
River , the last Tuesdiyiu ! ; April was fixed as
a day for collecting inmiey In the schools of
the state for the benefit of the unfortunate
Prof. Hill , of Waterloo , A collection
amounting to $55.03 f6r tlio same purpose was
then taken up In the meeting ,
Tills morning's bcssl/jn / was opened nt 9
o'clock. The genera1-1 ! ( opio for tlio session
was ' Management.1 * . , Upon this the llrst
paper read was "Correctives of Bad Hab
its , " written by J. T.Itillulluu , of Kearney ,
nnd read by Prof. Silver-mill of tlio Kearney
industrial school. J'ujlowlntf tills was a
paper by Mrs. A. C. Ilpreall , of St. Paul , upon
"Plagues in thu SchqoJJ1' This was ono of
the best productions' yet presented to the as
sociation and struclf a popular chord of sym
pathy in the hearts of her hearers ,
Miss Lizzie M. Shcppard , of Omaha , read a
very ublo paper on the subject , "Incentives
to Good Habits. " Her treatment of this im-
poitunt jmaso of teaching showed a com
mendable observation as to the best methods
of producing these incentives , coupled with
many valuable suggestions to teachers. This
paper was also exhaustively discussed by
Prof , H. O. Ostein , of Nellph , Prof..C. M.
Stevens , of Long Pine , Superintendent
Langford , of North Platte , State Superin
tendent Lauo and Prof. Greenwood , of Kan
sas City.
Rev. Dr. Magown , of Iowa college , was in
troduced , and inado a pleasant and forcible
impromptu address on the subject under dis
cussion and was roundly applauded.
Treasurer Blako's report showed on hand
1317 lu cash.
Last evening , after the regular programing
at the church , a reception was given by Mr ,
No conception can be had without a visit to our store , of the immense
variety of our stock and the low prices we make. A few minutes inspect
ion will demonstrate the factthat our assortment is unrivalled and that
there is a great difference between our prices and those of other houses.
You cannot afford to buy a spring suit or anything else in our line with
out first looking through our stock. We will prove to you that it is'to
your interest to do so. Our large trade enables us to name the I6we'st '
prices. We sjsll more clothing than any two houses in the city together ,
and necessarily buy more , and buying more , of course , buy cheaper.and
consequently sell cheaper , and this isWhy ; you can buy the same quality
of goods of us for less money than in 'ony other store in the city.
' For the Easter Holidays wo call altontiou to ' .
our Boy's Clothing. This dopnrtmont wo have enlarged to1
thrco times its former size , and the assortment wo show is simply iiiyiiouso. Wo oflbr some special bargniiis'
for the holidays. Among other wo mention one lob of fine nil worsted Knee Pnnt Suits nt $3.90 , which nro'
wortK fully § 0. Another splendid Jersey Suit at $2.05 , which could not be bought for elsewhere for less than
? 5. In Long Pant Suits , and suits for young men , wo show hundreds of styles in Quo .qualities at prices from'
one third or one .half lower than other houses.
The assortment in our Men's Furnishing department is on the snmo liberal scale , and Furnishing Goods'
are marked at the same small percentage of profit as our clothing . 'The new shape neckwear wo oflbr nt 15c. 25a
and 30c , you cannot buy for three times the amount elsewhere.
, Jn Hats AVO have no competition , for where exclusive hatters'show ' one shape or style , wo show twenty at
least , and prices arc one-half.
Everything marked in plain figures , cash and one price.
Corner I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
and Mrs. J. W. Love , afc their handsome resi
dence , to a number of the distinguished educators
caters and -visitors iu tno city. Among them
were the members of the faculties present
from the state university and state normal ,
Judge Hayward , State Superintendent Lane ,
Chancellor Mauatt , Prof. Greenwood , of
Kansas City , Superintendent McNaughton ,
of Council Bluffs , and the Fremont school
Superintendent Grcepwood , of Kansas
City , is in attendance upon the association
and takes part in many of tlio discussions.
Ho gives evidence of much experience and
knowledge in all branches of school work and
when he talks the association listens.
The total enrollment of members of the as
sociation is 2-J5. This is the largest number
ever reached at auy meeting.
Thirty-five counties are represented in the
school exhibits. Space for but twelve was
applied for in advance. The increased num
ber has entailed unexpected work upon the
committee having this department in charge ,
but they have iwjrformed it well and with
satisfaction to .the exhibitors.
The Bird of Freedom Slain In a
Drug Shop.
The shipping room of the Richardson Drug
Company on Jones street was the scene of an
exciting transaction yesterday afternoon.
"See it , for heaven's sake , boys , look out , "
gasped a clerk as he dropped on the floor an
extra consignment of Mrs. Winslow's Sooth
ing Syrup that had been ordered to bo sent
on immediately to South Omaha to quell
the excitement of nursing infants
who had been thrown into a frenzy by the in-
tcrferencttotInterloper Hascall's appearance
at a political meeting held there the previous
"He's got them worse than the fellers who
are electioneering in Hastings,1 ; howled the
clerk , who .was tying a knot in a package of
bromide ordered from there by the flrst ex
"Boys , for the Lord's sake muzzle that
chap , will you , until I get this chewing gum
sewed up for the school niarnis
who are in session at Fremontor there "be a
famine there sure as you live , " petitioned a
cleric who was busy.
"If this excitement don't stoppretty soon , "
caroled another shipper , "everybody in Lin
coln will die for the want of this cough
syrup. " '
"Keep still that racket you follows , or
Council Bluffs will die to-niiht for
the want of something to keep
their blood in circulation , " growled
the man in charge of the bitters department ,
as with much rovcrenco and deliberation ho
packed nwuy numberless bottles labeled
"bitters. "
"Look out. Its coming for you , " shrioued
the first alarmist , as ho uiado his way out thu
door for tlio alloy.
Looking up towards the high coiling In
unity Iho clerks observed an ca lo that
Happed its wings in tiresome play and worked
its bcalc in breatlis of exhaustion.
"Kill it , boys , " was the cry that was setup
up , and in a second thcro was a rally to the
cry. Armed with missiles of various dp-
vices the small army of clerks went for their
enemy , and a few well directed blows brought
the bird < ? f freedom to the floor dead.
Tlio bird measured six feet ten inches from
tip to tip , and is a beauty. The mystery is
wkcra it cumo from.
The Second Nlcht of Arthur Kehnn'H
Matchless Comedy Company.
Thpro was. only a fair audience at Boyd's
opera house last evening to see Arthur Ro
han's matchless comedy company in "Lovo
in Harness. " However , these who were
thnro attested their appreciation by the most
demonstrative plaudits of hand and voico.
The play is beautiful and very funny , nnd It
is nothing creditable to Omaha's taste for a
chaato and rellncd sppcies of comedy that It
wasn't ' more fully appreciated. Miss Adulo
Waters was just as beautiful , and moro effec
tive than ever , whllo seraphloNolllo Howard ,
the lissome Nellie Yinton and Ada Deavos
throw additional vim and energy into their
respective rolos. Hurry Hotto , A. S. Lip-
man , George Parkes , Russell and Loiigworth
were , as id always the case with those artists ,
simply immense. Years may como and go ,
but they will not bring u neater , , better ,
cleaner-cut pr moro generally merctorlous
performance to this popular house.
MUH..M. 0. MACI.ICOl ) .
The funeral of the late Mrs. M. G. MacLeod
will occur at the Baptist church at 2 , p. in.
to-day , Her body will then bo taken to
Council BlufTtf and put in a private vault , as
there is nothing of the kind in Omaha. The
body is to bo left in the vault for a month or
nix weeks , or at least until navigation Is
opened on the lakes , when it will bo sent to
Canada for interment.
WU8. 4. A. ALI/KN.
The body of Mrs , J. A , Allen , mother of
Mrs. E. A , Mills , Fortieth ondDodgo streets ,
was taken to Springfield , Mass. , yesterday iu
charge of Mr , Mills.
Tlio remains of Mrs. Cora Chandler , who
died at the Barker hotel Tuesday night from
the effects of an overdose of morphine , were
sent to Chicago yesterday for interment.
The body was accompanied by Mr. Chandler ,
Yesterday's internal revenue collec-
( ions amounted to $0,002.02.
Colorado's Capital Still Rejoicing
Over Her Latest Acquisition.
Financial Condition or the Associa
tion as Shown By Secretary Leary's
Report A Surtday Excur
sion to Mniiitou.
Denver's Bin Hurrah.
DENVBII , Colo. , March 29. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEK. ] Tlio second day's jubilee
celebration of the advent of the Denver ,
Texas & Gulf railroad Into Denver was , if
anything , participated in with , increased en
thusiasm over that of the previous day.
Bands have been playing through the streets
since early morning , and the whole city is
wild with excitement , all classes joining In
the general rejoicing.
The hosts of visitors to-day divided their
time between the meeting of the Interna
tional Range association and in looking
through the city nnd its suburbs. The sun
shone brightly and all nature seemed to invite -
vito humanity to join in a grand hallelujah
over the blessings enjoyed by this fa
vored spot of earth. Tlio weather is
mild and balmy and is everything that could
be desired for the grand celebration. In the
the forenoon no less than 110 omnibuses and
carriages wcro placed at the disposal of visi
tors and were availed of by many hundreds
In examining the beauties of the city.
Tlio crowning glory of the jubilee , proba
bly is the grand ball tendered by the citizens
of Denver to the convention of the Interna
tional Range association and in celebration of
the completion of the short line from Denver
to the sea. Probably no affair of the kind
ever given In Denver equalled this in mag-
nillccnco , nnd the numbers present
there being fully four thousand In at
tendance , compelling the use of the chamber
of commerce in addition to that of the opera
house to accommodate the immense crowd.
The latter Is maipiUlccntly illuminated with
colored Inncandescent liulits arranged in an
nppropriato manner , and the sccno within is
a brilliant ono indeed. To-morrow occurs
the grand trades' parade , and business men
and merchants and manufacturers nro all ac
tively engaged iii preparing for the great
The state immigration convention mot hero
to-day and transacted some business very
important to the state. The association of
the master plumbers also met and adopted a
constitution and by-laws similar to those of
the national association. Tlmy have adopted
a unique nud an nppropriato bJdgo of blue
ribbon surmounted by a silver bar with tlio
jubilee dovlco and , pendant from it , a glass
Imitation of the Kohinoor diamond.
Although the hour llxed for Iho reassem
bling of the cattle growers' convention had
beoa fixed at 10 o'clock , the meeting was not
called to order until 11 o'clock this morning ,
Tlio delegates came straggling into tlio halls
singly , in pairs , and squads. A largo number
of members were received under the now
rules. The proceedings of the day weio
opened , with prayer by Rev. Dr. Moore.
Governor Evans was introduced and said j
"I a > sorry that I was not present yester
day to welcome you to Denver and Colorado.
You must allow mo to thank vou and tlio
president for the eloquent resolutions enders
ing the Denver & Now Orleans railroad ,
passed by you two -years ago. Those
resolutions were exactly right , for Iwrote
them myself. [ Lnughtor.J 1 also want to
thank the president for the kind letter ho
gave mo at that tlmo.
"I would advise you if you wish to travel
anywhere to take the Denver & New Orleans
railroad. "
A letter was read from Mayor Hurlburt , of
Monitou , inviting the convention and tlio
Texas excursionists to a trip'to that resort
and in connection with this. General Man-
ugor Meek notified ttio convention that bo is
prepared to take special trains on Sunday
morning. The Texas delegation endorsed
the suggestion nnd the secretary was in
structed to notify Mr , Meek tlmt the Texas
delegation was in favor of leaving Denver on
Sunday morning. The Midland railway is
to take the excursion to Manltou wlioro the
citUcns of that place will accord them a re
Secretary Leary made some remarks us to
the financial condition of the association.
Ho said the range association hud been formed
for something ever two years , uml the results
were not such as had been expected , This
ho attributed largely to the associated plan of
membership which ho , with a majority of tlio
convention , was at tlrst in favor of , but , like
them , ho hud now discovered his mistake.
Ho commended the members for not being
discouraged. Ho said that nearly ono hun
dred associations and organizations participa
ted in the preliminary meetings of the asso
ciation , but of them all only fourteen ap
plied for membership , and at the assembling
of this convention but six had complied with
the rules of the constitution and responded
to the roll call. For this reason the associa
tion was In debt and the president was compelled -
polled to discharge the oblltfutkm froqi his
own private resources. Under such circum
stances ho did not thin'lc it fair or right to ex
pect a favorable report. In attributing this
to the associatlou plan of membership no
said experience hud shown that this was all
wrong. Under the plan of individual mem
bership just adopted ho thought the apathy
heretofore exhibited by members would bo
thrown oft and energy and earnest
ness characterize the association. Ho
then read the financial statement
of the association ns follows : Receipts
Fees and duos , WiS ; assessments , $2,071.25 ;
total receipts , S'JG40.25. Disbursements-
Paid out February 12 , 1SS7 , $2.2 9.00 ; paid
out March 1 , 18SS , WUlUK ) ; total , S2.520.80.
Cash In treasury , fl.USO. Liabilities ,
$ J , ± } d.l8. A recess was taken to enable these
desiring to join the association an opportun
ity to do so , and in a short time over 150
names were enrolled. Tlio nomination and
election of oflicers was then proceeded with ,
resulting : President , T. T. Andrews , Fort
Worth , Texas ; flrst vlco president , W. P.
Mctcalf , New Mexico ; secretary , Henry M.
Taylor , New Mexico ; treasurer , Charles M.
Humpson , Denver.
The vice presidents from the various states
and territories were announced as folloxv's :
Colorado , H. H. Metcalf ; Texas , A.V. . Hill-
yard ; Wyoming , A. T. Babitt. Now Moxlpo ,
O. A. Hudloy ; Utah , A. J. Story ; Mexico ,
Thomas McMauus. F. P. Ernest Colorado ,
Thomas McManus Mexico nnd S. W. Loma
Texas , are elected members of the board 'of
directors. Judfjo Lindsay , of Now Mexico ,
moved a vote of thanks to the retiringofllcors
which was unanimously adopted.
The following committee was appointed , to
revise the constitution and by-laws , to report
to-morrow at 10 o'clock : C. M. Thompson ,
Colorado ; Judu'e G. A. Brown Texas ; Av. A.
Hadloy , New Mexico ; A. II. Rael , Wyoming ;
J. C. Bcatluy , Mexico. Governor Route and
cx-PresidUit Head , were added to the com
mittee. Tlio convention then adjourned until
10 o'clock to-morrow morning.
Frauds Pract toed in Chinese Return
SAN FiiANcieco , March 29. A sensation
was created in the United States court this
afternoon in the trial of Ferdinand Caprice
and E. A. McLean , ex-custom inspectors ,
who wcro recently indicted with ex-Inspector
Boyd on charges of fraud and conspiracy in
dealing in Chinese ' return certificates. Boyd
made a fullconfe'sslon of the conspiracy , also
implicating Interpreter Klpp. The mode
of procedure was to have n largo
number , of Chinamen who had no
Intention of going homo apply at Iho custom
house for certificates , When a sinlloicnt
number accumulated a confederate of the
gong in China , to whom the certificates were
mailed , sold them to Chinese emigrants'and '
the proceeds were divided among the gang.
About ono hundred certiflcatcs were obtained
on the departure of every steamer , and sev
eral thousand in all Iiavo been thus misap
plied. At the solicitation of the district at
torney tlio charges against Boyd were dis
missed and Klpp was ordered arrested.
A Trlliuto to Mr Plielps.
Tlio following passed the Methodist quar
tcrly conference by u unanimous and rising
vote :
Whrrcas , The Rev. J , W. Phelps , presiding
older of this ( Omaha ) district , purposes * removing -
moving at an early date to a now field of
labor on the Puclfio coust , thcroforo ,
Resolved , 1. By the quarterly conference
of the First Methodist Episcopal churc1iiiow
In session , that wo regret to Jonrn pf tha
transfer of Brother Phelps to California , sev
ering his relations with this conference ? , may
bo , permanently ; and wo hereby express our
estimation of liin usefulness mill tireless in
dustry as a ministerial ofllccr of tho- church
of God , whoso preaching Is practical tind
inspiring , and in keeping with Methodist
doctrines ,
2. That our prayers Bhall accompany him
and Ills family to their far-off homo , Dcnercli-
Ing God that ho may bo oven more eflldcnt
In his extreme western field than with us ;
nnd that ho may meet with a welcome that is
both sincere and coidial uion&
8. Thattheso resolutions shall bo spread
upon the journal of this quarterly confer
ence , and a copy presented to Brother Plidps
and his family , and u copy furnished ly the ,
secretory lor publication ,
C. M. lUvuiiLV , Secretary. >
Never was moro feelingly reulUetl the .
unity of hearts when called upon to hovur J
relutioiihhlps iu this lifo than was felt uj/on 1
this occasion. Brother Phclpa very fi'olinifly t ]
icspomled to the above , referring to the
necessity of lite removal will , lila family to
the land of fruit nnd flowers not Uoing a
matter of Ills own choohlng , but bawni | ? sub.
missivoly to the authority of the church ,
hovering forever the very pleasant relation
of servant to people. Never during the thrca
years upon the district has there boon tha
least friction or unpleasantness. Charity
and good will has been the watch-word , and
everywhere the result of this IH apparent.
Prosperity Iu matters pertaining to the
church has been attained.
A. Y. JM. O. A. Trent.
The V. M. C , A , will gjvo an Interesting
entertainment this wenlng In which Mls
Lucia B. Grlflln , the young and gifted como-
dlenno , will take a prominent part. Ml
Grlfllh has received the highest encomiums
of the press wherever she has appeared ah au
Interpreter of both the comlo and pathetic ,
and n rich trett h expected