OMAHA DAILY EE. SEVENTEENTH OMAHA , FEIDAY. MORNING. MARCH 30 , 1888 , Ono Hundred Men Buried Allvo at Rich Hlty.Mo. _ _ % AN EXPLOSION'S FEARFUL WORK. Forty Bottles Removed From the VchrlB Last Evening Many Others Btlll to I o Uncarthod Names of iho Dead Unoblntnnblc. Fnto ofMlucr * . Ilicn HILL , Mo. , March 29. About 4 o'clock this afternoon , there was a rumbling sound In mine No. 0 , at this place , nnd n moment afterward n fearful explosion occurred , that entirely wrecked the ralno and buried in the debris over ono hundred miners who were cut off from escape. Up to 7 p. m. , forty bodies had been taken out. The superintend ent of the mine was taken out badly injured , but will survive. In the terrible excitement and confusion it is impossible to give ft list of names or oven estimates as to the full extent of the disaster , but it is now thought over fifty men were killed. The mine is situated nix miles distant from town. Rich Hill Is located in Dates county , 100 miles south of Kansas City on the Missouri Pacific railroad. DP/TAILS Or THE DISASTER. The most horrible disaster that has over occurred in the west happened at noon to-day In Keith & Perry's No. 0 mine , and us a ro- suit a largo number of men are entombed and thousands of dollars' worth of property de stroyed. Just at the dlnnor hour , when the men wcro ascending eight at a tlmo on the cage , a ternblo gas explosion occurred , filling every entry with flames of flro which shot out of the shaft. It cannot bo ascertained to-night Just how many men are yet In the mine , but at 1 o'clock ono man had boon taken out dead. The work of removing the debris an'd clean ing the shaft has boon going on nil afternoon , but it will bo several hours before much can bo done townr" { entering the mine proper. A reporter called at the residence of the superintendent at 11 o'clock and found him propped up In a chulr with his face and hands bandaged and scarely able to talk , but ho made the following statement : "At Just sovcn minutes after noon , I was telephoned that nn explosion had occurred at No. 0. I went out as soon as possible and fo'und the south cage , on which the men al ways ascend , stuck In the shaft. I went down in n tub lowered with ropes and found , all badly burned and in frenzy. lu fact they wcro crazy , some shouting and others sing ing.Vo finally managed to bo hoisted by means of ropes and pulleys , In n faintjng con dition , and it was then ascertained thai the north cage could bo worked. I then culled , for volunteers' to go down with mo to sco if any of the poor fellows at the bottom could bo got out Robert Brick , A ! , George Henry , Charles Smallwood and Nat Dulohand responded. When wo reached the tVttom I looked through into the entry nnd saw o light , and 1 asked who was there nnd a volco responded , 'Gray , ' and I told him to put' out his light. I then asked him to crawl to MO , but ho was so ex hausted he could not do so , and I reached through the small aperture and dragged him on to Cno cago. Just as thi was done the wind rushed withMho volocitj pf a cyclone up the entry , putting out nl1 our lights but ono. This was ( followed by two loud reports , and a seething flaino of lire which iJamo with cn deafening roar , com , plotoly enveloping un'ond shooting out the mouth of the shaft 210 feet above our heads Wo wcro all horribly burned , and though our tlmo had couio. " The. flames decreased as suddenly us they had como and wo had to abandon the attempt to save others. I yelled to the mon on top to hoist away and after what scomec hours wo wcro started up nnd taken out in safety , though badly burned and greatly ox hansted. Probably all who were In the mine at the time of the first explosion nro dead. About eighty-five miners are employed in this mine They are mostly negroes , who came from Springfield , 111. , when the mine was opened less than ono year ago. OARTKR HARRISON. The Ex-Mayor After a Congressional Nomination. CHICAGO , March 29. ( Special Telegram to the BEE. ] A movement ia on foot amoug oh time retainers of cx-Mnyor Carter Harrison to push thut gentleman for the congrosslonn nomination as soon as ho returns from his trip around the world. They ore confldcn ho will not object and say ho can bo electee without doubt : They nro afraid he could uovcr , again bo elected to the mayoruJity however , und will not inako any move in thu' ' direction , _ _ The Henry Goorgoltcs. NEW YOKK , March 29. fSpecIal Telegram tothoBEB.l A Chicago dispatch said yes tcrday that the advocates of a single tax Idea , better known as the Henry Georgeltos had issued their call for a national convcn tlon in that city July 4. Henry Gcorgo says "I do not know anything about this convcn tlon , There was n proposition made some tlmo ago W. W. Balloy , of Chicago , to call conference July 4 , if he could got 100 signers to n call , but I understood it was going to bo simply fa conference and not u convention WJien I know about it I muy go to it. Liu if they propose to nominate a president am vice president , I um not with them , I an for Cleveland , frco-trado and no custom house. . * Will BtUIts Monopoly. OTTAWA , March 25 , Negotiations between the Dominion government and the Cauadloi : Pacifio railway company inspecting tbo surrender by the compaay of Its monopoly ii Manitoba ancl the northwest territory wcro practically bought to an end to-day. Itji stated that thu government will buy back from the company 7,000,000 ucrrs of loud for $10,000,00 iu ready cash , and for this the company agrees to the cancellation of th monopoly clause. > HteaiiiHhlp Arrivals. PLYMOUTH , Murch 29 , [ Special Telegram to the UCK. ] Arrlvcd-Tho Bohemia , frou Now York for Hamburg , PniLAiuLvitiA , March 9. Arrived Tin Indiana , fiom Liverpool. BOSTON , March SO. Arrived The Iowa , from Liverpool. NEW YOIIK , March 20. Arrived The Italy , from Lirur | ol. St < ; pl > IJl IJIho I'olluc. Pcitu , lud. , March S.9 , [ Special Tclesram to theREi : . ] A brutal thirty-two round prUe fight between Dan Nccdham , of Minneapolis and John MeCrackeu , a noted sport of this pity , was Interrupted by the pollro after mid night. The slugging was tcrrillc , nnd Mo- Ciucken is hprrfbiy disfigured and will bo laid up for two wfccks. Notid sports frou Chicago. Indiaiiapollj , St. Louis , Oumua and Wlnucupolia wcro present. N AVAT13 IIS. They Are Bt ! lllslns Seventy-Two Thowsjuid Homeless. idtyvrloht 18SS by Jamt * nor\jn Mr ne < t.l UEHLIN , March 29. | No-yTYok Herald Cable Special fo the B-m. ] The Rhine is now rj jng rapidly and rcoilo ra evacuating ho r touscs on the lower oank. The inun dations yet to corao must bo many as it is shown the average is four font deep in the 'orest lands nnd rapid thaws nro .Imminent. Statistics hero to-night show that 73,000 people of nil ages , n.-o absolutely homeless n the inundated district * along the Vistuln and that there could be no question of a ahrvest for the inhabitants of the surround- ing'dlstricts Oils year. The Paukc , usually a moro brook falling Into the Spree , Is now so swollen that this morning It sv , opt away i. stable nnd workshop and an adjoining hoinc nad bo evacuated. The AVoodhull Sisters' Stilt. [ Copjrfflht85S luJamu Gordon lcnnett.\ \ LONDON , March 29. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the BEE. ! The extradition case of the Woodhull sisters was again before Bow street to-day. They were dressed as previously described nnd ns seemingly un- copcerncd , it would appear from the proceed ings to-day , showing that under the name Elwcll they had their booty in n safe deposit company at Liverpool ; that Washington and New York authorities are being used by the Gill heirs in furtherance of their attempt to obtain restoration rather than public Justice for the people , Doubtless Woodnull ought to bo re turned to Now York for trial nnd pun ishment , but , nt the same time , extradition proceedings , as a matter of precedent , ought not to bo made a lover to help the civil suit , now for two years pending by the heirs , Gill vs Gill. Usually in'oxtraditlon , Has n crime common to both countries been proved and is the identity established under n Jurisdictional - al warrant ? are the solo questions. But to-day the fight began to compel the securities to bo brought into court and impoundCd , which question the magistrate is considering. < In this country there is no district attorney and no law and practice forbidding Barrister Poland , who claims to represent the American government , accept ing foes from the GUI heirs. The matter may finally result in Gill's surrendering the booty and so obtaining his liberty. A BIUJTAlT CAPTAIN. Horrible Ill-Trcatniont of a Snllor on Board n , British Schooner. VINYAKD HAVEN , Mass. . , March 29. [ Spec ial Telegram to the BEE.J John Sllva , a sea' man who nrrU ed hero on Tuesday last , tells n harrowing story of his Ill-treatment while serving as a forecastle hand on board the British schooner Express , now op n voyage to the West Indies. The Express loft Barocoa in February and was blown out to sea by gales. Sliver states that whllo weakened by dysentery to an extent that ho could scarcely get into his bunk , he was forced on deck nt the ropes end by Captain Sims , who accused him of shamming , and was kept at the pumps. Enfeebled by illness he twice fell unconscious to the deck , and each time was maltreated by the captain and thrown Into the forecastle. Unable to bear his sufferings longer , Silva Jumped over board. T o chill of the wntor gave him new life , nnd grasping some drift wood ho drew himself upon it nnd for two trtays was alone on the storm swept occitn , when a passing schooner picked him up. Paul Boyton's Narrow Escape. CHICAGO , 111. , March 29. [ Special Tclo- gram'to the Ben. ] Cnptnln Paul Boyton , the noted swimmer , had an experience on Lake Michigan Tuesday that ho thinks ho will not forget for some time. During the winter the captain has been growing heavy , and to reduce flesh recently had been taking little turns out in the lake in his rub ber suit. Tuesday morning at J o'clock ho left Fullerton nvenuo for n swim to Couth Chicago and return , and met with ono of the most thrilling adventures of his life , in which he battled for hours with a great ice floe , was carried many miles out into the lake , stripped of his navigating instruments and lost for fifteen hours in a cold , bleak waste of drifting ico. From 7 o'clock in the morning until midnight tlto captain was with out food or drink , and the chill of the icy waters had driven himto the desperate resort sort of hard work all that time to keep up the circulation , so ho would .lot chill and perish. At midnight when ho reached the crib his vitality was almost gono. Stimulants wcro administered , und the daring navigator IS : to bed. The reaction has left him quite Jake Sharp at Death's Door. NEW YOKK , March 29 , [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] Jacob Sharp may not live to stand his second trial. Ho lies in a precarious condition at his home , No. 857 West Twenty second street. At no tlmo since the wheels of p'ubllo legal prosecution have been set in motion against him has ho been nearer death's door than during the last week. Satur day , March 10 , Mr. Sharp's physicians concluded ho was stionR enough to undergo a trip to Rome , N. Y. The farmhouse wus cold and uncomfortable ; Mr. Sharp could not bo removed whllo the road was piled with snow : no gradually grow worse , und when the blockade caused by the blizzard was lifted Mr , Sharp was in a very bad con dition. Notwithstanding his low condition , Mrs. Sharp decided to have him brought 'back to Now York , where ho could rccelvo the attentions of his skillful Now York physicians. Suit AfrnlnHt the Western UnloK. New YOIIK , March 20 , i'lio answer of the Western Union in the case of United States vstho Western Union telegraph company and the Union Pacific railroad company 'or col lection of $12,500 was filed in tho' United States circuit court to-day. It denies that the vVcstorn Union was a party to any such agreement us nlliged in the complaint of the government , whicn is for the collection ol tolls for messages transmitted over govern ment lines. Tito Deluge in the South. * BIUMINOHAM , Ala. , March 29. The great rain-storm continues , and reports from all parts of the state toll of tremendous floods nnd great damage. Many bridges Imvo boon swept away und washouts are repotted on ull railroads leading into this city. No trains are moving , South Son Tiirhnlonco. LONDON , March 29. A llorco storm , with high tides und tidal waves , has caused great dainago in the north and south Islands of Now Zealand. The telegraph wires are down nnd railroad trattlo has been abandoned ou account of the destruction of roads. Steamer Ahandoncd. NANTLTKKT , Mass. , Murch 29. The British Btearner Canonburpr , reported ashore , has been abandoned. Her crow of twenty-four mon were rescued oy a life-saving crow. One of the crew died later from exposure. Thu Dt-nth Record. RIUDING , Pa. , March 29 , General Charles , A , fitetson ' , for nearly forty years proprietor of the Ast'orhousQ , , Now York , died hero last night from kidney and heart Uoubles , aged sovcnty-sevcn. Murder unit Suicide. CmrAQO , March 29. August Krakow -jnot nd killed his wife this afternoon and then suicided. The couple had not been living together for como time , and 1C is said Krakow charged his wife with having pot soncd several of their children and attempt- .leg to kUUiha. ON THE ALTAR OF HER SHAME Frlehtlul Doubio Tragedy In a Ne braska Farm Houso. A WRONGED' HUSBAND'S WRATH. VoutiR lit Oman AVI11 Lose Both * JSycs aa the Result of a Cha- ravarl The News Over the State. Ills Own Avenger. , Nob. , March 29. [ Special Tele gram to the BnK.J Albert.-T. Murrish , a far mer living four miles cast of hero , yesterday discovered hie wife In bed with Thomas Patterson , the hired man , nnd drawing his revolver began firing nt them. Mrs. Mur rish was shot through the heart nnd instantly killed. Patten ) on was fatally wounded. Ho succeeded in csdiping from iho house , how ever , nnd was ' .ftonvard found in the road way by a young man named Layton , who brought him to town nnd delivered him to tno sheriff. Murslsh came to town and sur rendered. Mr. Murrish is well known nnd has been su perintendent of schools in his district several terras , but has recently boon acting ns trav eling agent for an Insurance company. Hid business took Kim away from homo n great deal. According to his statement , on several occasions when ho had returned unexpect edly ho had found Patterson in the house when ho should have been attending to his work. This with many other circumstances , led him to suspect that his wife was unfaithful. Yesterday ho started out on his regular trip , telling her ho would probably bo absent several days , but by a circuitous route returned nnd , when his wife was out , slipped into tho"houso and secreted himself in nn attic. In a short time ho dotcctcd two people talking in the kitchen , nnd presently heard them enter his Wife's room. Hurrying from his hiding place ho broke open the door and found Patterson and his wife in bed together. On seeing him they both Jumped out and attempted to escape. Murrish says ho had ontcrod.tho room with the intention of ordering them out of the house , but upon discovering this absolute proof of their guilt , lost control of himself , and drawing his revolver a 33-calibor weapon began firing. At the first flro his vfrlfo fell dead , shot through the heart. Patterson rushed frantically about the room in his efforts to escape , whllo Murrish continued firing until ho had emptied his re volver. Patterson finally got out of the room nnd was making his way toward Kear ney when ho wcs overtaken by young Lay- ton. Upon being examined it was found that he had been shot twice , ono bullet passing through his thigh and the other through his right lung lodcing in the spino. The doctors say ho cannot live. Ho denies any criminal intimacy with Mrs. Murrish. Late last night the coroner , Dr. G. L. Humphrey , and a Jury held an inquest over Mrs. Murrish and returned n verdict to the effect that she came to her death from a gun shot fired by her husband with intent to lull. Crcto Prohibitionists. CHETB , Neb. , March 29. [ Special to the BEB. ] The prouibltiomsts of Crete hold a politico-temperance caucus last night in the United Brethren church to take into consid eration the advisability of making an inde pendent nomination for mayor. The ques tion hero is license or no license. The bono of contention was over a resolution that waste to bo submitted to Mr. Reed who is a candi date for mayor nnd n temperance man and tao only real available man that the extreme prohibitionists have any show of winning with. The resolution binds tlio candidate ac cepting their nomination to do all ho can to wipe out the saloons. Mr. Heed signed his name to the resolution nut/ accepted their nomination. Mr. Miller , the present mayor , will bo in all probability rcnominated on Saturday night intho citl/ens' caucus. Ho has served the city well during the ono year ho has held the position. Ho believes in high license. A Fanners' Co-opcrntivc Society. NEBRASKA , CITY , Neb , , March29. [ Special to the BIB. ] Messrs. Henry Puhdo , George Badding , O. Brlggs , DiedrJoh Missgadis , W. C. Lowry and John Lowry , well known farmers living in the vicinity of Delta , this county , nro the incorporators of an organiza tion to bo Icnown as the Planters' Stock com pany. The capital stock is ยง 25,000 , divided into shares of $25 each , nnd no member is al lowed to hold moro than ten stinres. Only farmers can bo uicir.bers , The principal place of business is Delta , nnd the business of the corporation is to build grain elevators and to handle nil kinds of grain ; al so , when the capital stock shall permit , to buy , sell and handle hogs , cattle , coal , lumber and general merchandise. The business will bo conducted by nine directors , and the officers are to bo n president , vice president , secretary tary and treasurer. The highest indebted ness which the corporation may contract is 10,000. \V111 Build a Pontoon. NEBIIASKA CITT , Nob. , "March 29. Special Telegram to the Bin : . ] Articles of incor poratlon of the Nebraska City Bridge com pany wcro signed to-day by J. C. Watson , P. T Hansom , Paul Schminko , James Reed , C. W. Seymour , Adolph Holler , U , Stevenson , C. II. Van Wyck , William McLennan , E. 'S. Hawley nnd S , N. Stewart. The company organized under an old charter , hut if the war department decides that the charter was merged into the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy charter , a new one will bo obtained. The capital stock is $ 0,000. of which S. N. Stewart , projector of the pontoon bridge Rchemo hero , will take half. A pontoon bndgo is an assured fuct. Work is to begin in April and bo completed by the inlddlo of June. _ The News nt Scotia. SCOTIA , Nsb. , March 29 , ' [ Special to the Notwithstanding the inclement weather on Saturday last u largo number of the republicans of Scotia precinct met at the court house and organized a republican club. They elected Judge D , C. Hall , president ; James 0 , Lowls , vice president ; Treasurer Wcckes , secretary , nnd J. B. Paddock , editor cf the Graphic , treasurer. J , W. Uookwnlter , of SprIngflcld'O. , is the owner of 0,5-0 acres of line land in G re-cloy county , nnd 11,200 acres in Yiilloy county , all in the vicinity of the village of Scotia. His agent , A. L. Clay pool , , of Springfield , has been In the village for the last week making ni rangoments to put ull of the land on the market to bo sold to actual settlers and at such prices and terms as will secure its im mediate occupation and cultivation. This will greatly benefit the business interests of Sco tia. Items From Norfolk. NORFOLK , Neb , , March 29. [ Special to the linn. ] A. N. Chllds , an attorney , ' brother of A. P. Childs , of the Wuyno Gazette , died on Monday of consumption , nnd was taken to New York for burial on Tuesday. Ho had recently returned from Santa Anne , Cal. , ' where ho went lust fall iu the hop'q of bcno- fitting his Itealth. John Mossbergcr , a teamster , died sud denly yesterday morning of heart disease. He had been up and kindled a flro and had lain down ou Iho bed again , when his . wife noticed a peculiar expression of'tho eyes and iu a moment ho wus dead. The KclgUta Q ( LjiVvr UftYQ VUt a city uud school board ticket in the field. John Koo- nlpstcin , the present incumbent , is the can didate for mayor. The NCVB at Wahoo. WAHOO , Nob. , March 29. [ Special to the BUB. ] The business men's club met In spec ial session last night nnd took the prelimi nary steps for the organization of a loan and building association , arid adjourned till next Wednesday night foi'tho completion of the organization. It Is believed that this step will stimulate the building boom and bo a great benefit to the city. Governor Thnycr delivered his pleasing nnd Instructive lecture on "Iconaclasts" to an appreciative nudleuco nt the Congrega tional church Tuesday night. The city politicians are all busy button holing every voter nnd trying to "work" him for their ticlcct. It is safe to predict tha * the prohibitionists w4ll not control the city's affairs for the next year. Filled lUsKycs With Salt. WATNB , Neb. , March 29. [ Special to the Bnc.E A party of young men and boys went to the house of Frank Pcrrln , a. recently married man , living in Brcnn precinct in this county , to celebrate the event with a chara- varl. Porrln had prepared for them by loadIng - Ing a shot gun with salt and fired it into the crowd , the entlrq cnnrgo lodging In the face of Hi Oman , son of n prominent farmer. Ills face is terribly cut up and the physician who was summoned to care for him says that ho will lese the sight of both eyes. Pcrriu has been arrciftcd and lodged in Jail. Funeral ot Bldon Tnggart. AunuiiN , Nob.j March 29. [ Special to the BEE. ] The remains of Eldon L. Taggart , who died at Lcotl , Wichita county , Kansas , on the 22d , arrived in this city yesterday af ternoon , Mr. Tnggart was a former resident of this city nnd much esteemed. Ho was atone ono ono time connected with the Auburn Post. About a year ago ho wont to Kansas to take a homestead but had an attack of pncuinouia and died. Ho leaves a wife and ono child. Third District Republican Convention FitEMONT , Neb.t March 29. [ Spccial Tele gram to the BEE ; ] The republican congres sional central committco for the Third dis trict met this afternoon at the Eno betel In this city with a full attendance from all over the district. Thd committco decided to hold but ono convention for selecting delegatos'to the national convention nnd nominating con gressmen , Kearney and Norfolk wcro as pirants for the -location of the convention. Norfolk won by a'vote of 17 to 12. The date is Monday , May 14. Almost a unanimous expression of the _ committee was for the re- nomination of Do'rsoy. Brownvillo's Boom. BnowxviLi-E , l ob. , March 29. [ Special to the BEE. | The boom nt Brownvlllo still goes tin. The old steam ferryboat Las been been sold nnd anew and moro commodious boat contracted for by B. B. Hoadloy. The D. O. CraJs farm , within ono milo * west of town , has been sold for $10,003 cash , and two other deals of about the saino mag nitude are pcndng. | Mercantile mon nro taking advantage of the low rents and are leasing all the available storerooms in town. , , A Remarkable Runaway. Conns. Neb. , March 29.- [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. } James.-yaughn , residing eight miles north'of this rtacc\while on the way to town in company vlChyljis wife and child , carlossly allowed his Joojiio got caught in the wheel and * ns violently thrown to the ground ; The stcstn started on , a run with Mrs. Vaughn and the child , who were thrown out and the vehicle torn to pieces. All es caped without injury. Alleged Election Frauds. CUUTIS , Neb. , March 29. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE.J A grand Jury has boon called in this county to investigate the elec tion fraud alleged to have been perpetrated in the county seat fight bstwcen Stoekvillo and this place last fall. It is rumored that son,3 twentyfivo citizens will bo Indicted , Nasty But Innocuous. CoiiTis , Nob. , March 29. [ Special Tole- grutn to the BEE. ] Mrs. Miles Galland , liv ing In Stockvllloattomptcd ; suicide by takinp npintof camphoi and mixing soap .with * She hud sent her boy liudnum , nnd far ing to cot that she took this doso. She has lately had trouble with her husband , who re fused to live with her. The Xork Citizens' Ticket. YOKK , NOD. , March 29. [ Special to the BEE. ] At the citizens caucus hold at Nobcs opera house last evening , A. J , Newman was nominated for mayor und Gcorgo F. Corcoran , W. I./ . Morgan nnd George H. Jororao for councilmen , A strong nnti-liccnso resolution wus unanimously adopted , thus insuring York an nnti-licenso government the coming year , ns both parties now stand upon the snino platform , ' The "Republican" Coddemncd. NnmtASKA CITY , Neb. , March 29. [ Special to the " BEK. ] At a mooting of Foster assem bly , Knights of Labor , No. 8,248 , , at this place , resolutions were passed condemning the Omaha Republican for articles contained in its issue of March. 19 derogatory to labor ing men's interests , Schminko Declines the Nomination. NEUKASKA CITV , Neb. , March 29 , [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] Hon. Paul Schminko to-day declined the nomination of mayor on the republican ticket thus leaving but ono moro man on thut ticket and the citizens' candidates without opposition. Progress at Ogalalla. OOAI.AU.A , Neb , , March 27. [ Correspond ence of the Buu' . ] Articles of Incorporation of the Lincoln Lund company have Just bcon filed in the county clerk's ofllco of Keith county. This company being closely allied to und composed chiefly of the officials of tha B. & M. railroad company indicates that steps are being taken by the company to con struct a line through this county. Sucli a line has bcon In contemplation for some time past , and several preliminary surveys wcro uiado last year. A number of strangers Imvo been in town during the past ) few days muklng invest ments. A mercantile- company with a capital of 100,000 , is being organized and oxpccts to begin the erection of a line brick business house by May. A. M. Biuksloy , nn enterprising hotel man , bus begun hauling brick for the erection of a line brick hotel as eoon as the weather will permit. The Bounty commissioners are having plans nnd specifications prepared for an 18,000 court house , on which work is to commence in a very short tlino. Charles Peterson , one of the pioneer real estate dealers pf Kolth county , has recently been appointed agent of the now town of Bescnmr , located in the oil and coal fields of central Wyoming about ono hundred miles west of Douglus , A number of Ogallalu citizens have recently invested in oil lands in that locality. Tlio Scotltt JMaiiilaniuH Caso. SCOTIA , Nob. , March 27. [ Special to the BEE , ] The mandamus cuso in the supreme court of the state , which was set for hearing to-day , has been continued to the lOtti of April , ns the referee , Mr , Trcscott , was do- tuiucd in the cast till there wus not sufficient time intervening between ills return and to day in which to complete the taking and ex tend his notes. He , however , commenced the taking of the tcbtiuiony ou tha 24th und completed it on the 27th , the relaters appear ing for themselves , und Messrs , Bell and Doyle for the respondents. Public Debt Reduction. WASHINGTON , March 29. The estimated decrease in the public debt for March will amouiU 19 nearly tlO,000 , < WO , . BESSLER BADLY BRUISED , Tbo General Superintendent of the "Q. " Boughly Handled. A TRAIN DITCHED AT CHICAGO. Plnlccrton ToiiKhs Put to FllRht The First Trouble Slnco the Commencement of the Strike The Situation. Tlio First Serious ; Trouble. CHICAGO , March 29. The first serious trouble since the inauguration ot the Bur lington switchmen's ' strike , occurred this afternoon about 5 o'clock at Klnzio street and Western avenue. A Burlington switch engine nnd crow attempted to transfer some freight cars to the Northwestern tracks , a crowd of switchmen of other roads , together with a miscellaneous mob of roughs standing about nnd Jeering the now mon. When the train reached Western avenue , the switch was thrown by some ono and a number of cars were ditched. Tlio mob then drove the fireman , engineer nnd now switchmen away , using them roughly. Six or eight Pinkerton mon -wore on the train nnd attempted to repel the attack , but wore quickly disarmed , and took to their heels to escape-tho mob. General Supcrlntcndnnt Bcsslor , of the Bur lington road , who was on the train , was soon recognized by the mob and sot upon. Ho was badly used up , having both eyes blacked and being badly bruised , but finally made his escape into the switch house. Thirty policemen were then brought to the scene nud the mob quickly dispersed. Will iam Quirk , a Milwaukee & St. Paul switch man , was arrested. The crowd followed him to the West Madison street station , and offered any amount of bail for his release. The police' refused , however , and locked him up. The Milwaukee & St. Paul switchmen then , in n rage , decided to quit work und im mediately deserted their trains , The whole yard force of switchmen , engineers nnd fire men , 227 in all , stopped , leaving twenty-eight engines standing on the track. It is rumored that tlio brakcinon of the satno road will go out to-ulght. An , evening paper assorts that at a mooting of the engineers , firemen and- switchmen this afternoon representatives from all the roads resolved that a general boycott should bo declared against Burlington freight on all lines. The sentiment expressed was that the Burlington road had gene too far. There was no reason why tlio demand of the engineers should not have been com plied with. The Burlington road put forty now switch men at work to-day , and are gradually rais- ing.tho blockade In the yards. No freight has yet been offered other roads , except to the Stock Yards Transit company , the man ager of which this afternoon notified the Burlington that ho was unable to do anything With "Q" cars because the company's switch men would not touch them. The truth of the rumored boycott on other roads remains to bo seen. The various roads In the city have an enormous number of cars consigned to the Burlington road on their tracks-and must got rid of them soon to avoid a blockade. The strike of the St. Paul mon came to nn end as quickly as it had begun. At 8:30 p m. two officials of the St. Paul company suc ceeded in having Quirk released on bail. Ho wont at once to where the strikers were in session , and wai greeted with enthusiasm. His prcsenc6 put the men in good humor , ' and it was speedily resolved that a resumption of work was tno proper course to pursue. By 0 p. m. tbo mon wcro again at their posts , nnd everything on the St. Paul was moving nlonp as smoothly as though nothing unto ward had happened. Tiio arrival of some Reading men to-night from Pittsburg nearly resulted in another strike. Twenty Pinkerton men werd ordered to go to Valparaiso nnd escort them in. When the Pinkcrtons boarded the Ft. Wuyno tiain , the engineer said ho would not pjull out whllo they remained in the cars. Much ex citement ensued , but the engineer finally agreed to take out ? the train after each of the Piukertous ln\d paid individually full faro. Arthur Snya it is False. CHICAGO , March 29. Eighty-five switch men from' Reading and Now York districts irrivcd last night. They will bo set to work 'to-day in the places of the strikers of the Burlington road , Oho of them said there wcro 150 moro ready to como whenever sum moned. The Burlington company received information mation this morning that fifty of their switch men at Crcston , la. , quit work. Tlieir places are reported filled by conductors and brake- men. In regard to the allegations that the radical clement in the brotherhood was chafing under the conservative measures adopted by their chief , und tha statement that lie con templated simultaneous retirement from the strike with the Burlington and from his office ns head of the organization , Mr. Arthur said : "Tho statement that the Burlington strikers have cut away from their leaders and their grievance committees is a base falsehood. There is not a word of truth in it. The grievance committees yesterday unanim ously endorsed the action of the grand chief all the wuy through. If it Is true that committees were appointed by the radicals and that they have visited every road run ning into Chicago as reported , and obtained pledges from ull switchmen nnd switch en gineers that under no circumstance will they move n Burlington car , It has been done un beknown to mo. I don't believe the mem bers of the brotherhoods will do anything contrary to the laws of the organization or not endorsed by mo. " The Situation in PliUtsmoutli. PI.ATTSSIOUTII , March 29. [ Special to the BEE. ] The strike of the switchmen in this city called off about twenty-five men , their places being partially filled with compara tively green hands who live In town. Mem bers of the strikers say that they were prom ised "Chicago pay" after April 1 , but would not work whllo the company continued to employ "incompetent" engineers. Before the strike It was an easy matter for the old force to Handle ull the incoming and out going freight , nnd to keep tha yards compar atively clear of curs ; but under the oxisiting circumstances , the present force has a hard time to keep the yards clear and make up trains. None of the now force have been injured , n rumor to the effect that u newman man hud been killed being groundless. Nothing but quietness reigns among the striking engineers and firemen , except that they uro ull secretly rejoicing over the pres ent strike inaugurated by the switchmen , Moro Scaha Coining , PiTTSiiuito , March 20. Another party of conductors uud brnkomcn from the Reading system , some 150 in all , passed through this city this morning on route to Chicago , to enter the employ of the Burlington road , They were Knights of Labor nnd said they were determined to go to woik on the "Q , " no mutter what ardors the general cxccutivo board might issue to the contrary. GutThco to the Nunneries. TouosTO , Out. , March 29. fSpeclal Tele gram to the BKE. ] Justin Fulton , of Brook lyn , N. Y. , Who hus been lecturing hero for the lust few days , made nn attack oh'Romish convents , charging priests with immorality and that the nuns wcro kept on the condition ofalavery. To-day Archbishop Lynch ad dressed a letter to the mayor inviting him , with a deputation of four Aldermen , to visit the convents and iutcrroguto the nuns as they pleased. _ . High Ijioent.0 Bill Passed. ALIUNV , N , Y. , Murch 29 : The assembly to-day passed the Crosby high licpnao bill by a yoto of GO' to Gl , almost on strict party lines , the republicans for and the democrat * It now goes to Uie seuatc. . TOLEDO IN MOURNING. Funeral Services Over the Homalnn of Chief Justice AValtc. TOLEDO , O. , March 29. The special train bearing the remains of Chief Justice Waite rolled into the Pennsylvania depot , nnd the funeral party alighted. The casket contain ing the body was at once removed to the hearse , and the funeral cortege moved up Summit street in the following orders Squad of police , Toledo Bar association , city coun cil , mayor and other city officials , body , with guard of honor composed of Toledo cadets ; Justices of the supreme court. In carriages ; senatorial nnd house committees , nnd cltl- rcns on foot nnd in carriages. The remains were taken to the residence of Richard Walto , brother of the deceased , to cnablo Mrs. Walto and other members of the fam ily to obtain n private view. The city is thronged with stranpcrs , and business Is entirely suspended. Flags nro floating nt half-mast , and emblems of mourn ing nro displayed everywhere. A special train bearing Governor Forakor nnd wife , with the governor's staff nnd about forty members of the legislature , arrived at the Pennsylvania depot tilts morning. As the funeral procession moved from the depot the street was lined with thousands of pco plo.Tho The casket which had been placed In the parlor was surrounded with palms nnd flowers. Ou the top of the cofiln wasn hand- seine wreath of roses , lilies aud rare exotics. The remains wcro viewed by Mrs. Walto and at 12:80 : wcro removed to the guild room of Trinity church , nnd shortly after the doors wcro opened to the enormous throng. At 3:45 : the aoors wore closed , nud many thousands wcro disappointed nt not being able to obtain a view of the remains. The casket was then closed und removed to the chancel of the church adjoining. Tlio chancel , pulpit and stalls for the choristers wcro heavily draped in black. The lectern bore n magnificent wreath of lilies sent from Wash ington , On the pulpit reposed a fragrant bed of Bermuda lilies. At the left of the pulpit was n bank of flowers with the words , "Final do Ceo , " which was sent by the sur viving members of the supreme court. The Walto family pow was beautifully decorated with calla lilies and draped in black. The services In the church consisted of the regular funeral services of the Episcopal church. The musio was rendered by a well trained male choir attired in white surplices. At the conclusion of the regular services Rov. H. B , Wnllbridgo delivered an impres sive address. After this the remains wcro placed in a hcarso and the procession formed and wended its silent way to Forest ceme tery. The attendance was very largo and the streets were packed. At the cemetery there wcro no ceremonies save n short prayer nnd the closing portion of the Episcopal ritual. The casket was then placed in the vault and the procession returned to the city. Mrs. Walto has borne up under the severe strain of the day bolter than was anticipated by her children and friends. THE TARIFF B1LT ; . Extracts From the Majority Report of the Committco. * LOUISVILLE , Ky. , March 29. The Courier- Journal's Washington special gives long extracts - tracts from the majority report of the com mittco on ways and means on the tariff bill. It says there are only two ways to prevent excessive - cessivo accumulation in the treasury reduce taxation or raise the expenditures. There is but ono safe course reduction of taxa tion to the necessary requirements of government. In the progressive growtn of our manufactures wo have reached a point where the capacity to produce is in excess of the requirements of homo consumption. As a consequence , many mills are closed and many running on short timo. Prohibitory tariffs surround the country with lines of in vestment and prevent relief from with out , while trusts , combinations and pools plunder the people within. What is the remedy for this wrong ? Moro extended markets for the sale of our product and constant nmt nctlvo competition in business. With the markets of the world open to us , our manufacturers may run their mills on full time , give constant employment to laborers , create an active aud constant demand for the raw materials required in manufacturing , which will stim ulate , promote und reward the wool grower aud producer of cottou , hemp , flax , hides , ores and other materials. In starting out this policy , wo have tiansferred many articles from the dutiable to the frco list. The revenues now received on thcso articles amount to $22,189,505. Three-fourths of this amount Is collected on articles that enter into manufactures , of which wool and tin plates are the most important. The repeal of all duties on wool enables us to reduce the duties ou manufactures of wools $13,332,211.05. There is no greater need for duty on wool than for duty on any other raw material. Wo have put wool on tlio frco list to enable the manufacturer to obtain foreign wools cheaper , make his goods cheaper and successfully compete with the foreign man ufacturer. Wo say to the laborer , wo Imvo put wool on the frco list RO that It may bo imported and ho may bo bo employed to make goods that are now made by foreign labor and imported into tlio United States ; thut the consumer may have woolen goods cheaper ; to the wool grower that wo put it on the frco list to enable the manufacturer to import foreign wool to mix with his and thus enlarge his market aud quicken the demand for the consumption of homo wool , while it lightens the burden of the taxpayer. On sugar the report says : "Wo have re duced the revenue received from sugar about 20 per cent The rate of nil sugar above No. Ig is reduced so that foreign refined sugars map bo Imported to prevent high prices nnd protect the consumer against combinations. The bill , the report bays , provides for the ro- ncal of all restrictions on the Bale of tobacco by the producer and the repeal of all taxes ou tobacccoj except cigars , cigareots uuti cheroots. The Flro Record. AUIIOHA , 111. , March 20. A flro started In the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy shops to night and the building was nearly destroyed , Hulf of the building had been fitted up for a hotel for the now engineers and firemen and over a hundred of thcso had to in alto their escape with very llttlo clothing. CIIIUAGO , March 29. The five story buildIng - Ing at Peorla und Lake streets , occupied by Davis & Rnnkin , creamery supplies , und the Zimrncrmun refrigerator factory , burned to night. Loss ? 115,0H ( ) , LOWELL , Mass. , March 29. The Coburn shuttle company's ' mill burned to-night. Losst200,000 ; partially insured. No Comment Necessary. NuwYoiiif , March 29. Recorder Smyth , in the court of general sessions to-day , made publio a letter ho hud received , marked , "Personal. " Tlio letter said when a de cision favorable to Jay Gould is rendered 1259,000 In 1,000 bills would bo loft at tlio recorder's resilience. Thcro was no signa ture to the letter , The recorder said he had no comments to make and that iiuno sceinud necessary , Rapid City HcipublloanH. RAPID CmD.ik. , . , March 29. [ Special Telegram to the BKU. ] The republican city convention to-day nominated u full ticket , with David H. Clark for mayor ut the tmad , Clark Is an anti-prohibition ! st. The election occurs Monday , The democrats have not j ct named their ticket , AVcnthcr Indications. For Nebraska and Iowa ; Light to fresh , variable winds , warmer , fair weather. For Eastern and Southeastern Dakota : Ruin or enow , followed by colder , fair weather , light to fresh northerly winds , be coming variable. By the Funncis' /Vlllanco. ST , PAUL , Minn. , March 29. Tlio State Farmers' ulllanco this afternoon endorsee. Albert Schcffer , a banker of St. Paul , us a candtduto for governor. Lo having declared his acceptance of the ulUaa VICTORY FOR REFINED LARD , The Congressional Investigation Brought to a Suddou End. MONEY FOR POSTAL CLERKS , McSlinno Secures nn Al lltlonnl Ap proprlation For Handling Oiimh * Mall Senator Paddock' * Success. A Sudden Termination. WASHINGTON UUHBAU tun OMAHA Bun. 'l C13 FOUIITKKNTH STHKBT. WASHINOTON. D. C. , March 89.J It was a field uay for the Junior senator from Nebraska. In the senate this morning Senator Paddock's bill to amend the rcRiila * tlons relating to final proof in land ontrloa came up for consideration nnd was passed. In his remarks on the bill Senator Paddock explained that the measure was introduced In response to n general demand from west ern settlers that the present stringent rcgui latlons might bo so amended that in case oi unavoidable accidents or delays , which pre vented ontrymon from reaching the land offices In tlmo to make final proof on the day specified , they might bo permitted a short additional tlmo without the extra cost of novf advertising and n now Journeying to the place where proof was to bo made. .Senator Pad dock said that both the secretary of the la * terior and the commissioner of the genera } land office had approved the bill. Mr. Spooncr's bill for the relief of pur chasers of swamp and overflowed lands , und to reimburse and indemnify certain states , which was reported in February by Sena * tor Paddock with several amendments , was also put upon its passage. The principal amendment of Sen * ator Paddock was In section 0 , which extended > tended the provisions of the act to states ad mitted into the Union slnco 1809 , including Nebraska. It is stated by parties who have been Investigating the matter , that Nebraska has at least 100,000 acres , which , coming under this provision , will bo credited to hoc at the rate of $1.25 per aero. . Eight pension bills also reported by Sena tor Paddock from tbo committco on pensions , wcro also passed by the senate. NEllllASKA LAND DECISIONS. it ! , The secretary of the Interior to-day ren dered some decision ? ! ! Nebraska laud cases In the case of Thomas Coono vs Dexter Leoto , involving a homestead entry in tbo northeast quarter of section 4 , township 9 , north ranga 10 west , in the Grand Island district , the sec retary states that the applicant has clearly failed to comply with the requirements of the homestead law , and that his conduct ns shown , oy the evidence does not manifest an honest effort to comply with the law , and the decis ion of the land commissioner holding the. entry for cancellation is nfilracd. In the } 'I preemption entry case of John E. Franklin , S wherein the commissioner rejected his finaj 'j proof , and refused a reconsideration upon the motion of the complainant , the casa Involv ing the northwest quarter comer or section 81 , township 81 , rungo 4 west , Niobrarn land ( Jlairict , the decision of the commissioner ij tevcrsed und the secretary orders thut office * to direct the locnl land officer to accept the proof of Franklin and allow him to make pay" * mcnt nnd entry thereunder. Franklin claimed that ono of the local ofllcors decide" ' against him 011 political grounds. ADDITIONAL 1'OSTM , CLE11K8 TOH OMAHA. Representative McShano to-day secured an allowance of ? y,000 for additional clerks ia the Omaha postofllco , to bo expended during the balance of the present year. Mr. Mc Shane thinks ho will get nn allowance for ad ditional clerk hire at the South Omaha post- office. THE WOMEN AS LAWTEKS. Mrs. Ada M. UiUonbcndcr's address to thfl woman's international council last night on the subject of "The Women as Lawyers , " attracted close attention nnd wus the topic oi , comment at tlio meeting to-day. The Nej bruska woman bald during the course of lieri remarks : "Arabella A. Mansfield , of 1111 } nois. was iho first women ever admitted to the bar. Since then 100 women have been so admitted. They have literally fought thcln way to the bar. Women liuyo lectured be * fore law schools ; have written law papers and Imvo written several law books. Cath urine 13 , Wnito edits the Law Record of ChU cage , which she established in 18SO. This 1 but ono caso. They nro going all through ! the branches of the profession. They ) elevate the standards of the court room , but wo want another most important step. Wet want mixed Juries. They have been tried witn success in Wyoming and Washington terrl ? torics. "In England women began the study o , law earlier than in Amurini , but they ur < hampered there by the system of udmlssio : to the courts. English women have produce a few law books. There Is n famous woma : legal writer in Italy who now holds a cliu , in the university of Bologno. Wo are puih * ing our cause , however , and In tlmo will hava no obstacle in sex to reaching Iho highest ! pinnacle of the profession. " THE LAUD INVESTIGATION SUDDHNLY CLOSED ! The house committco on agriculture thU morning brought to an abrupt loriniftation its investigation Into the manufacture oj lard. There have boon hundreds of tele grams received from pork packers und hop raisers throughout the country during tht past three or four days , begging the commit * tee to stop the invcstlgalkm , us the state- * ' ' menu being made would ruin the American ' ! products. The committco announced , aftei Its meeting to-day , that there would bo n ( moro hearings granted and that the question wus indefinitely postponed. II It is understood that never will bo a report port to tux refined lard. Roflni'd lard has won a victory and priino steam lard gets a black oyo. The Investigation has been unfortunate fo the hog industry and especially the Anierit can porlc puckers as thcso Htutamonts hav < been cabled to all parts of Europe and ' wll bo used to prejudice ) tlio American hog am ItH products In foreign markets , Much crcdi is given Representative Laird , who is iv incm her of tlio committee on agriculture , for tin fight ha has made for ling produccis. He buys his constituents nro much interested it hog raising and that ho cannot HCO their in dUHtry stricken down , thut the fight bctwcei priino btcam and refined lard manufacturer : may bo maintained and the Htrlfo between rivals in business kept up. Thu hog raiser ; mo acknowledging the fight ho has made fo : them by Bonding him their congratulation , by tclojiruph and mull. j "nineWOOL on XOTIIINO , " < _ This afternoon 1 asked Koprescntatlvd Bynum , n democratic member of tlio commit * i teu on ways und meant * , whut ho know about/ / J the report that certain of the majority mcrui j | . burs of the committco wcro mailing ever s turcs to tlio Ohio deinociutio members on th - . jf wool schedule , thut they were offering tOJ Jj abandon the position talten In the bill toumkej > ! wool absolutely free , if the bill received tha j full support of the democrats in the Ohio ; * delegation. r "Nothing wlmtovci , " iepllcd Mr , Bynum'S ' ' Them can bo nothing in it. No member oj " * the majority of the coininlttco would enter * | tain hUt'h an Idea , much less make it to nny body. A bill without frco wool would not bd u tariff reform mcasuio nt ull. Under ncf conditions or circumstances would wo ubaiu ; don our position fcrtfrco wool , It was tha ; first thing wo ugrcod upon nnd wo did if 7 , unanimously. Wo would rather full with frca " wpol thuu succeed with any bill no" having fieo wool. Wo expect mom of tUi Ohio democrats to vote against frco wool iu committee of the whole on the ututo of tha union but to suppoi t it when the question of passage of the bill in its entirety IB pron sciiteu , It will bo a sufficient exercise oc duty to their constituents to work again at/ / free wool while the bill is being coufalilercd by sections but they'\voula not bo Justified 13