Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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AdrerHsmeutsnmlefthiniead , | cents per
line for the first Insertion , 7 cents for eochsnb-
BCfiuont Insertion , unit tlM ft llnopormonlh , No
Advertisement taken for lest than 25 cents tot
the first insertion. Seven word * will he count
ed to the line ; they must run consecutively ami
bust bo paid In advance. All advertisements
inlist to handed In before 13 : : > a'-clocK p. in , , and
tinder no circumstances will they bo token or
discontinued by telephone. . , .
Parties advertising In these columns and hay.
Ing the answers addressed In care of the lice.
vfll please aslc for a checkto enable them to get
their letter * , aa none will bo delivered except on
presentation of check. All answers to advcr-
tfsomefita should be enclosed In envelopes.
All' ' advertisements In these columns aw pun-
lUJiedinboth morning and evening editions ot
the ce , lh circulation of which aggregates
jnor than lK.noo papers dally. and gives the ad-
verUMTS theWneflt , not only of the city elrcula-
tlonof the lice , but also of Council ItluIT * . Lin
coln nnd other cities and towns throughout this
part of the west.
Advertising for these columns Trill betaken ,
en the above conditions , nt the following bus-
lilcps houses' , wtio arc authorized agents for TUB
I < r.K special notices and wlU , quota thosarau
rates as can be bad at the main oince.
- K B. 10th Street.
113 8. 10th Street.
, n. ii. FAUNSWonrn ,
2115 Cumlng Street.
HW St. Mary's Aronuo.
ICth ap < l Webster Streets.
0. IlliUTIIKR.
INTo-ws Dealer ,
Post Ofllce. South Omaha.
WANTKD-Bltuatlon by Or&tclabs bartender.
Address 1" U ) , lice olllco. ' _ 138 ! 3iJ
"ITf ANTED IJS n young man , position as
TV beekeeper or clerk ; reference furnished.
Address K 01. lice olllce. _ 137 Z9J
WANTED To represent a good lire Omaha
house tn Colorado , Now Mexico and 'Wyom
ing , by a man with 0 years experience on the
rood. A 1 reference glvea. Address 15 CO. Hen
olllce. ill 8
WANTED Situation by hardware clerk , ex
perience nt least three years , references
given 1C necessary. K 01 , lice olllco. B79 S3 *
WANTED A young man representing fla
Chicago grocery llrra and Is acquainted
Vllu Omaha crcy tradr , wishes n position AS
city or traveling tmlcsman for an Omaha L'otiso.
Patlnfactory reason given for changing. Ad-
dtosa for 3 days , E 43. Iteo olllce. WO 29J
SITUATION wanted by a young lady to do
sewing by day or week. Address 2408 8cw-
nrdst. 05130'
ANTKD Situation as copyist or clerk7-
references given. Address H 47 , lice oinco.
_ P70COJ
WANTED Situation by good baker. Applv
Clias. IlaUwultli , at Oiualm house. 1207
Harnoy st. _ 1)1420 ) *
WANTED Situation as housekeeper , a lady
with child three years old , will receive
communications until April 6. Address Mm. J.
Ii. Fowler , Omaha P. O. 833 aa *
A MAN and wife , Germans , without children ,
desire n situation , either to toke enroot a
farm or with a fomlly In town. The man under
stands thoroughly taking care of an orchard ,
stock and all farmcra and outside work , the
wife Is a good cook and housekeeper. Address
P 84 Bed Office. _ 888 28J
WANTED A few more solicitors In Iowa
Missouri. Nebraska , Dakota and Minnesota
seta , Must make a cash deposit of 110 and glvo
Security for goods shipped ; salary * 3 per day
Address George 8. Cllne , Des Molncs , la. . Wag-
tier-block ;
WANTED By private family , an Industrious
man who understands the care of horses
and cows and having references. Apply C. H.
Bloman. 804 H. 15th at. _ 18423
WANTED First-class watchmaker ; good
wages ; steady employment. Udhqlm&
Akin. 14230
WANTED Carpenters ; all members of 68 at
hall Saturday evening. Don't fall ; im
portant business. , 14530
W ANTKD A wood turner , one ncuustomed
to Boroll sawing. Apply , stating wages ,
Kearney I'lanliigtllllCo. , Kearney. Nob. IQt-aoJ
\TTANTED Young man to assist In taKlng
TT , care of school room for tuition , at Valeu-
tinea's abort band Iustltuteyl5l5 Dodge at.
A FWBr class photographer can secure a per-
fmauent position by applying at Halm's. 404
N. 10th st. TO5 23
v\7f7'ANT15D Head cook , pastry cook , second
T T cook nnd 2 wiilters tor hotel out of city.
ftlra. llrega. ! 11 8 IMli. nao 28 * .
ANTUD Two good farm , hands , tM ; vegetable -
table gardener , ono i\ho can select seed
corn , gooa wages. Mrs. llrega , 31UB ICth.
W'ANTED A good live man as partner in a
goo d paying business. Apply at once , ISO ! )
Farnnin , room U. JUll 28
* 1S7 ANTED-2 men to go on road to canv nss ;
V T ' salary and expenses paid. W. II. Jo nklns ,
fa'N. 15th. 03723 *
'TXTANTED ' A stout , boy to drlvo
TT grocerywagon. One who spouks German
Jtrcfurred. limiulro 20101'oppletoii avenue.
W 23) )
WANTED Man To take the ngency of our
sates ; blr.e 2t-xl9xl8 inches ; weight 50J Iba. ;
i'ctall price Vil ; other sizes In proportion. . A
rare cfianeo to create u permanent uuslness at
pome. These safes meet a deiiuind never bo-
foie hlippllcd by other Eofo companies , as wo
Hlu liot gnvorned by thn snfu pool. Alplno Sufo
Co. . Cincinnati. O. P77A1BJ
"lAAAN'iUD llnniesspiaker , Khooraaker and
T T barber at , Neb. 0. It. Lange.
uTi aa *
NTI5D Tailors , steady work. Apply to
John Wolfakc 11 , David City , Neb , to 2a
XTANTKU A uoodcoutmakeratonco. Ktoady
TT work. A. I' . Oarsko , illulr , Neb. K172S *
WANTI5D A few persons In each place to do
light writing. Enclose stamp for & ' ) -page
book of Woodbury. Albany ,
N. Y. ' ItfJaSl *
ANTED A photographer who can opera t
und nl o retouch , bond samples to 21
ft'orlh luth t. . Oiuahit. Nob. _ D0 3l
ANTED A few intelligent men who con do
TT good work for good pay. Apply will
Reference , P , F , Colllur , room ( a , Kcllmun build
WANTED-Good coat maker at once. C. A
Anderson , ( Island. Neb. B54 28 *
' \\rANTBD-Kxpcrlenccd dry goods , clothing
TT boot and glion clerk , who can fiiiiUsl
coed references , sluale man , Oeriiiau.pref erred
Vldress U , Adler , Beward , Neb. 7HO-28
rANTED-Agonts. We want Ilrst olass sales
men. who uru already traveling salesman
tcurryour ) lubricating oil saniplos a.s a side
Hue , Adclri'sa J , R , Tlmmuna " & Co. , Cleveland , O
600 a >
_ _
\\rANTED A good bchoolboy or young man
T T and horse to curry a ran to on Dally Even
IITR Don near Hautcom park. Apply at Bee ol
llco bttNveen 3 and fl p , tn. 6U9
AUKNT8 wanted to take exclusive rights to
sell the fastest selling article ever made.
AUdread J. M , Wolfe & Co. , Fremont , Neb.
171 a 8
\\fANTKD-Men for railroad work , Albright's
T > Labor agency , lia ) I'arnmii. 6'Ji
OVS-Aui. DUt. Tel. Co. , 1301Uouglaa.
WANTJJU-A roung girl at 812 B B5Jh ave.
11W ! J8j
vi TANTKD-Oood girl , German preferred
' IttJl Douglas bt. IftiiW
\\rANTEl > -Hy n wall known publishing
> i house . 'a feH-ri'llaVilu Indies and ni'iitlemei
vholiavo tliu ability to bell goods f or 75 per ecu
of their value. Cull on or addles * J , II. Ca o
:8 : llrondway , Couucll 14T-0
\\rANTKD-A tlrKt-class cook nd luumlress.
JUe t of wugea given. Apply
W IANTKO Immodlutvly , lady fordraumtlo
couipnny. Apply tn 1010 Mason bt.a
\\TANTED-Nurse glrL Apply to Slw Prince
ft Wludsiirliolel. lligJ"
WANTBO-Qlils to call ot the Union Kmi.lo )
'ncnt.ol ce : lots of good places waiting
US 8. lltti .
st , south eud vladucC W3-S >
WANTED A capable girl , experienced in
second work. Good wages paid. Call
forenoon at M3N aam. 784
"W7 ANTKD Good girl for general housework
WANTKD-Lady agenti. "A" skirt and bus
tle combined and 11 hososupporters.'Iloth
new. nig profits. Secure towns for spring trade.
Ladles' Supply Co. , 287 W. Washington st. , Chi-
cago. 010 AC
\xr A NT13D A few more ladv solicitors In
T T towns of Iowa and Nebraska. Must make
a cash deposit ot J10 and give security for goods
shipped. Salary W3 per month. Address George
8. Cllnp , Des Molnos , la. , Wagner block. 1MKI1
" \X7ANTRD Girl for general housework , 12W
VV Howard st. 121 ! 3 *
ANTKD fiutton bole makers , 1112 Farnam
Bt. 010 30p
WANTKD-lmmcdlately , ladles to worK for
a wholesale house on needlework at their
homes. ( Sent any distance. ) Good P y can bo
made. Everything furnished. Particulars
frto. Address Artistic Needlework Co. , ir 8th
M. , New York City. 353
UFiTtKousaiid lady agents wanted Immedi
ately. Grand new rubber undergarment
for females. tlOaday. Proof free. Mis. II , 1' .
Little , Chicago , 111. 800 2U *
ANTED A reliable cook and washer
woman to go to Scoshom agency. Will
pay 823 per month , and pny halt expenses out
there : , ( live a permanent situation to competent * -
tent person. Address I * II. Shepherd , Arlington ,
ANTHD-4 dlnlngroom girls for Dakota !
20 , 2 for Ileatrlco. girl for officer's family ,
J28 , laundresses for Oxford , nlco girl or woman
on n farm , to work for an old Indy nnd her son ,
good place ; respectable middle nbort Catholic
woman as housekeeper for 3 little boys ; old
ladr lo take care of nonse In the country ; 20
clrls for general housowotk. Mrs. llrega. Slid 8
ftth. 084 28 *
ANTED A few educated nndrellnod Indies
and gentlemen to show an article of gen-
nine merit , at RJ.noo per year. J. H.Carso. ( t
llroadway , Council llluffs , Iowa. 100-5
WANTKD A young man having some know-
lodge of architectural drawing. Apply K.
W. Kills , llarker hotel. OM ad
ANTED-Olrltodo general housework In
W family of 3 , Inquire 815 South 21st st.
- girl for general housework and
do cooking. None but experienced. Oor-
man preferred , nt 2614 Douglas St. 005-2J *
Good , experienced nurse girl.
WANTED home to right party. B308 St. Mary's
avo. I'll '
CANADIAN Employment office , mam and fo-
male help sent to all parts If faro Is ad
vanced. Heforence. Omaha National bank.
Mrs. Urcga & Son , 310 8. Uth. Tot , H&4.
4 ! > 5 a 14
TirANTED To contract with some farmer for
W milk of 25 to DO cows. A contract to run
for a period of years. Address B M ) , Ileo oQIce.
140 3J
WANTED Teams to haul wood. Apyly to
morrow morning , Kooin 030 Paxton block.
13328 *
WANTED Stocks of dry goods , merchandise
and groceries to exchange for Omaha
houses or farms.
Wanted Improved farms'ifor Omaha prop
Wanted Stock of vgoods In Nebraska towns
for Omaha property.
J. U. watts , Chamber of Commerce , .
WANTED Some good applications for city
loans to show to ono of my eastern cor
respondents who will be hero soon. D. V.
Shales , room 1 , Darker block. 311
W 'ANTED Good real estate listed with me.
C. F. Harrison , 416 8.15th st. 815
WANTED Parties who have bought lots or
land in this city and vicinity on the In
Rtallment plan , and parties holding bonds for
title to sucn real estate exchangeable for deeds
af tor the last payment Is made , will ttnd it to
their advantage to fiend their address or full
particulars to B to , Boo office. 4b9J
WANT more small houses for rent. P. L.
Gregory-rental agent , 303 S. 10th. C18
"TTTANTED Ladles to use "Chlchester'H Eng-
VV llsh Diamond llrnnd. Pennyroyal Pills.
Safe. Always reliable. The original. The only
genuine. Ask druggist or send 4o stamps for
particulars , return mall. Chlchestcr Chemical
Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. 337
- and
private family by a gentleman. Address
UK1,13oo ofllce. 10823
A few boarders at 1721 Loaven-
WANTED st. 081 act
" \XTANTED-3 or 4 unfurnished rooms. 'Address
T V E 67 Bee office. 118 28
WANTED By a young man room and board
in private family ithlu easy distance of
U. P. depot or 17th and U. P. tracks. E 58 Bee.
\\TANTKD Furnished room by a single cen-
TV tleman : references If desired , Address
E 41 , Dee office. 047 28 *
WANTED To rent good furnished house , 8
rooms , notmoru than 10 blocks from court
house. Apply in person or letter , 521 S. 25th
aye. ' 684 31 *
T710K KENT 2 flats 12 rooms each , u 1th mod-
JU cru Improvements , Inquire at 003 S. 13th.
RENT A small house with barn and
about 4 acres ot land north of fort. Ap
ply 317 8. llth st. 14131 *
. . . HENTVChoap it taken soon , 10 room
house , all modern conveniences , a corner ;
barn for 3 horses , convenient to street earn. H.
K. Cole , no lith acd Douglas. H58 31
TCTOH KENT 2 elegant 8-room houses , all mod-
JU crn conveniences , excellent locution , con
venient to street curs , tl3 per mouth It taken
soon. H. E. Cole , no 15th and Douglas. 1150
T7IOU HUNT Good two-story house , now. fW
-U per month ; good two-story house , now , per month , llotli of the above-have eight
rooms , closets , etc. , and are in excellent loca
tion. D. V. Bholes , Uooml , llarker block.
, 05031
TTIOIl HENT Three stories nndbasnmcnt at
JP 1005 Farnam street. Inquire at Itoum ID ,
Arlington block , 1011 Dodge at. , between U and
13 a. in. t)53 )
T710U HKNT Small house nnd barn , cistern
J3 city water. 123H S , 14th St. OU4 gaj
'IJ1OH HENT 5-room cottage. Bath Olid Dodge ,
1 ? tlB. Itogg-i Jlc Hill. 1408 Farnum. 111528
T71LAT of 0 rooms on 1'ark nve , with bath , gas ,
JJ hot und cold water , $30 per month. F. L.
dregory. Hental Agency. 30 ! ) B. 16th st. rJiil
TT10U HUNT An elegant new B-room house
-L' nnd barn , every modern convenience ; a
complete home , good neighborhood , street cars ,
cheap rent , J , II. Parrotte , rental agency , ! " " "
Chicago street. 7 lo21
TTIOIl RUNT The lower story of house at No.
-L1 207 B. 24th , 4 rooms mid U closets and laige
kitchen pantry , hot , cold and cistern water , hot
air , gas and electric bells , cellar and fcoddcd
yard , on car HUB. _ 700
TilOU'RENT 8-room house ; Inquire J. F. Bar-
JP ton. 8010 Capitol ovo. 3tfl-2t > *
vCottage U rooms. 7th and Will-
tarns. Inquire J. P. Roe , 10th and Hickory.
FOH RENT Qlln or the best located 13 room
house with all modern improvements : largo
shady yard and stable , on two street car lines.
Call ut 1017 Cos * . 733
9 HOUSES ceiifnlly located , rent from' 112 to
175 , lurnltuir for sale on monthly payments.
Co-op. L. and L. Co. . 205 N. Itithst. 503
171011 RENT Two splendid 6 mul 7 room cot-
JtagM ? , large burns , tine grounds and mod
ern Improvements. I'nttcr&on & Fuucett , 318 8.
15th at. 047
" 17IOK KENT And furniture for sale , almost
JL' new , at H bargain , best house and location
In city ; every modern convenience ; this wlllpay
to Investigate at once. Apply 170J Dodge 834
TTIOIlllENT Twelvo-room house , 25th and
X' and Mason streets , f 10 per month. J. S.
Caulflcld. 1304 Farnam gt _ C34
fTIOll KENT Nice 7 room House , close to store ,
J. bchool , church , st. can , only $20 u mouth. C.
F. Harrison. 418 B. llith st. _ U74
HUNT An elegant U room dwelling just
-L built , with Muble uud all modem Improve
ments , including laundry , lavatory on ground
FOR RKNT-llonse It rooms. W. M. Hush-
man. N K corner 16th and Douglas. U34
T71OR IlKNT-Bnlteof newly furnished rooms
J ) biiltable for three gentlemen , all modern
conveniences , boaid if dislred. No. IM
Georgia ave. (29th. ) 132 1
OOM , gas. bath , steam heat , 8U1 S. 84th.
121 a3T *
T AKUK room \ > Hh closet , t > 0 < 3 S J.
JU _ J _ 748 30J
TnUKNISHKD rooms with or without board :
-L. also rooms for house keeping. t03 S. vth &t.
"I710R KENT Itoomi , 110 to ISO per month.
-t ? igot Farnuin. U17 a i
rooms aud txjard. 1903 Karnam.
TI10U KBNT-rurnlshed front room , ( OS N.
JL' loth. nir.
ITIOII RUNT Handsomely furnished six-room
JL1 cottage.nlcolocfttlon-nearcar lino. Itir-
nlture for sain very che piJlJ Howard st. OS-29
TTIOR RKNT Furnished room * , all cohvenl-
JL1 cnccs. A. Hospe , 315 N. 17th street. . < 91
"T710K RKNT 2 elegant front rooms furnish ed
JL1 OTOSatindcrsst. g48Z8'
TilOll RENT A nicely furnished room. Gooil
JL1 location/ Call at 2210 Capitol ave. VOO Ij.
T71OK RENT-Nleely furnished front or back
JL1 pnrlor , with batb , steam heat and gaiitU
or without board. Inquire nt 209 3 21th Ht.
TJUJUNISHKO rooms , 1610 Dodge.
T710II ItKNT Sulto of furnished rooms. < In-
JL' quire 3rd Uoor room K , 1303 Douglas. . .
TTOIl HUNT Nice furnished rooms , tt)3 ) Ponfh
JLT loth st. Wtio
VBHY pleasant largo furnished rooms ; nil
desired ronvnnlnncesprlvatc ; bousoiboard If
desired ; 1 block from postodlce. 1(315 ( Cnpltol nve.
TTIOH KENT Nicely furnished rooms. .1617
JJ Cofta fit. 8i gJt
TpOR HI5NT-funilslicd rooms from 10 to $20i
JJ amonlli , iU70n33. 878
THOU UENT-Furnlshcd rooms , 1613 Dodge ,
JJ 66030 *
TmUUNlSHED rooms with board. 810 BMStli.
QUITE ot f unilshcd rooms , 1707 Dodge.
SMALL furnished room , tS , heated. 2025 ,
St. Mnrya ave. 03080 *
"C10H KENT Furnished rooms , 1418 Dod o p ( .
T710H ItKNT Pleasant furnished rooms for
JJ gentlemen , 809 Howard , near Cozzotij
house , f8 , upwards. 225 n\0 *
NEATLY furnished front room to rent nt 1821
Farnam st , 1 block west of court houso.
FOH HUNT Nicely furnished front room
with alcove , and other rooms nlth orwlth-
outboard. S21QFarnamht. BTOOOJ
TTIOR RKNT Newly furnished rooms , heated
JL and with use of bath , Kent moderate. " 017
Leavcnworth st. BID
OR RENT Single and double 'liowly fur-
nlshcd rooms , reasonable to quiet , .pcrina-
ncnt parties. 1721 Davenport st. SCO
TTIURN18HED Room to rent. 2 < EO St. Marys
J ? '
avo. 787
"TTIOR HENT Furnished rooms In Gro'unlg blk
JL1 cor. 1,1th and Dodge sts. Inquire of Oeo. U. ,
Davis. M lllard hotel billiard room. 808
FOR RENT Furnished rooms. Inquire room ;
E , 1302 Douglas. DID
LARGK pleasant room , modem convenlonccW , ,
1700 Chicago st. 429
"ITIOR RENT A large room furnished , central
JL : location 1410 Chicago st , M ; 301
M"ICE rooms 1 to Sl.GO per weekC03. _ S 18thst ;
FOR RENT Rooms furnished ondnlnfup.
nishod , 17S4C p. avo. P' ' Ml >
" 1710 U KENT New store room nnd 0 tOoms
JL7 above on Q street , near .TOth.South Ornaha.
suitable tor general store trade.suloon or Udard-
iug house. F. K. Darling , 1523 Faruam. . . t
1 > S9,29 , (
FOR KENT A room with vault on the ground
floor on Farnam St. , suitable for bank , lif
faurnnce , loan and trust or abstract olllce. "Ad-
diess Box 468. 0)4 ) 30
1J710K RENT Fine largo room for dross and
JL ? cloak cstabllbhnient , also'few choice ofllces ,
Kamgc building. K 31
TTIOR RKNT-The three storj' britk building
JL and basomout on ] 3th St. , on conicr of alloy ,
In the rear of the new First Nat'l bank building ,
will glvo a 3 or 5 year lease at a low rental. C.
Hartmau It Co. . 1613 Farnam. 671 a 1G
TTIOR RENT Two rooms. j44xCS , wnore steam
JL ? power can be obtained. Enquire of Sam'l
Kecs , Itees Printing Co. , 1019 Howard st. 740
"T710R RENT Business room now occupied , as
JJ my office on 16th st. C. F. Harrison , 418 S 10th
_ _ _ _
TTIOR RENT First-class frame store building ,
JL ? SO by 21 feet , llrst-clasM business location.
Apply to I. W.-Hoborts , Albion. Boone Co. , Neb :
. ' ,421
FOR RENT Two business or office rooms on
1st floor 135 per month. One room on 2d
floor tX per month. W. E- Clark , J414 Horney.
TTIOR HENT Offices on Farnam st. nt HO to WJ
JL ? per month. One office f urnlshod. 1613 Far
nam. 360
ROOMS Sd floor , til , at 1712 Jackson st.
TJ10R RENT Unfurnished rooms , " Itfcd cor
J line. 1815 Cass street. ' JU3 SJ8J , t
TT10K RENT Two nnturnlshed rooms nrithb j'
JL ? Artndov.- and pantrj- for light hofcsokodplng. '
N. B. corner 17th and Clark. KJ4 2st. t
TTtOR HENT 4 rooms all niorderA-covcn ? . 7"
JD Icnccsl704 Webster st.Tr.V.-.r ' * 00
4-room flat. 417S. IBthst . , . > . . -0 00
4 rooms 1704 Webster st . . . . . . . . ' . . , -,25 00
4rooms415S. TJthBt . . . „ „ * . , . / . . rl 00
Judge Rental Agency.S. W. cor 15th , s jlarhey.
- ' ' 'N.llO
I7IOR RENT Sulto unfurnished front rooms ,
Jl ? tlO ; 2213 Mason st. 4 8584K ) *
TTIOR KENT A Halletti- Davis upright piano ,
JJ $4 per months. Apply to N. II. Hull. 219
South I4th.atreet. _ 1)0 ) ! Rt ) .
A LARGE room suitable for manufacturing
negars or small articles and furnished liv
ing rooms , rent cheap. Inquire of R. Martin ,
KO H. 13th St. . city. _ . 074-28 *
FOR KENT Barn back of Metropolitan hotel ,
12tli und Douglas fits , liiquua City Steam
Laundry. ' 359
Houses to rent , and wo can rent
them too. U. E. Colo. N. E. 15th and
Douglas. U09
1ST houses for rent with II. E. Cole , N. E. and Douglas. _ 003
TTIOR RENT When you want to rent a house ,
JL ? store of office go to H. E. Colo. U09-
KEGORY , F. L. . Kontal agent , 303 S ICth St.
TTIOR RENT If you wish to rent a house call
JL ? on Bentwa & Co. , 15th St. , opposite P. O , .
I > URSONAI moil without family would Invest -
vest in furnished rooms , with U 'business '
woman with means. Object a pleasant homo ,
Address E 4 ! * . Bee. _ 034 28J
niHE demand for shorthand writers U-In , ex-
JL cess of the supply. Shorthand course com
pleted ut Valontlne'fl Shorthand institute in
lioin four to six months. Send for circular.
K.1)a33 .
"PERSONAL Have you seen L. O. Jones ; nmll
JL mirror. Call at 1309 Farnam for one or
send address ou postal , 817
"PERSONAL Private homo for Ipalcs during
J- confinement , strlctlv confidential. Infants
adopted. Addroaa E 42. flee office. .t37n4t .
ANNA ALPLANALI1 , the celebrated Hun
garian Gypsy Palmist , uses the old gypsy
ways In reading the hand. Ladles only. < lii 4 > Nt
aith 8t. BOth uud Saunders cars pass the door.
_ K > 4-tt.a'
EKSONAL List your property to exchange
with 0. C. Bpotswood , 30j > B. 16th. Bt230
LOST A largo geese , return to 1824 H. 20th
st. and gat reward. 131 gJ *
FOR SALE Cheap , prettiest ( span ponies In
city , dun with uhlte miuiound tall : har-
D9is ana buggy. Mrs , U , . W. Grahauijou S 'lUtlj ,
TTIOR 8ALH-A double carriage for single
JO horse. Inquire of U. B.Yooil , ll'Jl N IBtli.
103 3'
_ _ _
TTIOR SALK I'arty going aw ay wishes to sell
JL' two bed room nets. Call at once If you
want a bargain , at 1711 Jackaon.
" | ( " 10lt SAU : A excellent family horse , buggy
X' aud hat ness , owner go to California next
week. Call at 1&03 Smith St. , Windsor Place ,
J. W.l'helps. | 11389 *
_ _
BRICK for sale , delivered bvMayJ , 1833. F.
J. Hotchklsa. 117 So. ICthst. 8a 23
TTIOR SALE A speedy pacing horse , new
JL ? plnao-box buggy and a now set of single
harness , all hand-made , with rubber mounting ,
WlU sell separately. II. B. Irey , Frenzer block.
TTIOH SALE-Oqea pple-cray italllon , Nor-
JL ? man and U Kentucky Whip , age 7 , welcht
1750 : good roadster. Address W. II. Bryant ,
Beatrice. Nob. , Box 703. _ 85330 *
A BARGAIN New stove. No. 8 zinc , large
' niece oil clpth and a lot of kitchen utensiu
for 111 , patties l avlug town. Address E Cl. Bee
'olttc * . . Wi
. _ ; SALE Two (2) ( ) tubnlar steel boilers tts !
14 feet , with smoke Mack , steam guages.-
glass water ( cuages , etc-all complete ; will sell
iheap. Address Fred Khig , Brewer , Omaha ,
Neb , ) ! CCS
H SALK Nice bay riming horse , 0. F ,
Harrison. 418 8. Iftth st. " " 970
NEW" YORK Storage Company fncor-
twrated 110,000 capital ; most extensive
facilities for storage of furniture , pianos , gen
eral merchandise in the wests rash advances to
any amount ; flre proof /building ; special ar
rangements for commission merchants. Entire
block Capitol ave and luth 6ti ! WJ
TilURNITURK Good as'riewi will sell enoap
J- for cash or tlmo. C. T. Morton. 1324 Farnam.
J.JTJ 401
TTIOR BALE-Lnrgo Hall1 * ! safe , new. M. A.
JJ Upton & Co. . > y Pll-
SOME flue parrots for salt'at 1203' Douglas st.
I o.i--iij )
FOH. SALE Furniture for 3 rooms for house-
keeping. K. 40 , lied. 03128 *
SOME One parrots for sala at 1209 Douglas
st. nsaraj
FOR BALE 'At n bargain CO foot ot shelving ,
TO feet of counters and' ono Ice choit , suit
able for grocery store. Enquire at 813 S. 10th St ,
* 735.
TTIOR 8ALB 8 of 10 horse power engine and 12
JU horse boiler In good order. Cheap for cash.
Rces Printing Co. 747
"ITIOll BALK Meat market In Colincll DliKTs ,
JL doing good family trade ; centrally located.
Address W. H. 1' . , Ileoouloe'Council UUitlu.
1/1OK SALlI-Ortrnde , ono family horse , also
JL' new buggy. A , Itospe , 1513 Douglas st.
740 n 21
SALK Two-horse power ongiuo and
boiler cheap. Address C. 11. Ott 3s Co. , 1411
Douglas st. 709
JR BALE Dormant scnin capacity il,400
pounds. I'hII. Stlmmol * Co. , 911-913.1 ones
St. , Omaha. 149
T IUACKAGE , storage , lowest rates. W. K ,
llushniau , 1311 Lcavcnworth. 120
" 171011 bargains In all parts ot city , real or per-
JL1 soiial. F. J. Hotchklss , 117 So'10th sr.
J OS323
_ _
HIE banjo taught as an art by Geo. F.-Gellen-
bcck.EOJHarneyst. 133
PULLMAN HOUSE , all nearly nxed up. 13
now open on the European plan , 11CO Cap.
ave , rooms rent for 60e to 7uo per day. 730
/ tO-OPEHATlVE Land & I Jt Co. ' , 305 N. IDtU
VV 70 A5
tpUB Odorless Sanitary Co. , the only licensed ]
'JL company In Nebraska and Iowa , using the
odorless system for cleaning cess pools , vaults ,
w atcr closets. Qfllcc 1U33 Farnam at. 484 a 15
"ITU UK Insurance , reliable companies. It. E.
JD Cole , N. D. 16th and Douglas. 721
secured. Valentine's shorthand
Institute han placed all of Its graduates In
good positions. Students can enter at anytime.
Send for clrcular,1515 Dodge strcot.Omalm Neb.
TTIOH cheap storage. In clean , flro-t > roof build-
JE Ing , also cosh advances , household goods
bought and sold , inquire of U. Martin. No. 110 N
13th st. 970 29 *
NEW YORK Storage Co. Incorporated capi
tal $10.000. most extensive facilities for
storage of furniture , planog.fetc. Cash advances
to any amount. Wareiiouse-recolpt given , strict
confluence maintained In all business transac
tions. IMS. 1810,1612,1514 Capitol ave , cor Ifith.
I 30531
buy furniture of a house or Hat cen
trally located. Co-op. L & 'L. Co , 205 N. 10th
\ 078
/ 1LAIHVOYANT-Call on-Mrs. Eecles.naturo'3
v > interpreter. Hellablo In all the alfalrs of
life , love and business , 023 N. 10th fat. , room 1.
> -v 790-A2 *
- to know that Madam lilanch
the great mind rcadWand fortune teller
1ms fcUlto rooms at Metrpbotltan hotel. Telia
past , and future. Gives lucky numbers In IoU-
tcry. This will bo her lostwoek. 80230 *
Dll. NANNIE \Vjirrom , plalrvoyant. Med
ical , business and test medium. Dlaguosls
fres. Fore 418 diseases a specialty.119 N. lethfj
8Ullooms23 < Tel. 044. r . ' 361 ,
to loan oncltyproperty and forms by
Jarvls , Conklln Mortgage Trust Co. L. I1.
Hammond. General agent for Neb. , lloom 4U9 ,
ue > y Paxton block. 118
MONEY to loan on furniture and pianos. No
removal. Interest legal rate , nt rate ten
percent , per annum. Omaha Mortgage Loan
Co. . 1011 Fnrnam. 741-2b *
MONEY to loan on furniture , wagons ,
otc..wlthout removal : or on collateral securr
ity. Business conndenttal. 0 Q JacobsKO S 15th
HE. COLK loans money on Improved city or
farm property. Room o Continental
block. CU3
"VTtTE can give you all the money you want on
TT household goods , pianos and merchan
dise at legal rates when goods are stored with
us. Now York Storage Co. 758-a-21
iTO LOAN as 0 per cent on llrst
mortgages in stimsoffcOO to $10,000 ; good
short time paper bought at reasonable discount ;
money on hand ; no delay. Patterson & Fawcett ,
318 So. 15th. 417
MONKY to loan , nt low rates , on chattels ,
without removal or tiling ; financial busi
ness of all kinds transacted quietly and without
publicity ; money advanced on jewelry ; secured
notes bought. Call and Bee us. It will pay you
People's Financial Exchange , room 564. ! llarkor
block. 15th and Farnam. 251 a P
maao on real nnate. Cash on hand.
W.M. Harris over 2208. llith st. 373
To Loan Ily the undersigned , who
has the only properly organized loan
agency In Omaha. Loans of { 10 to 1100 made on
furniture , pianos , organs , Horses , wagons , ma
chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All
business strictly conlldentlal. Loans so made
that any part can bo paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro rntii. Advances
made ou ilno watches and diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they uro dealing
with , as many new concerns nro dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money cull and
see mo. W. H. Croft , room 4 Withnell building ,
l&th and Harney. 3K )
TV/TON / KY to Loan 0. F. Davis Co. , real estate
J.T-J. and loan agents. 3MK Karnain st. 370
time loans maao on any available
SHOUT . In reasonable amounts. Socurivl
notes bought , sold or exchanged. General
financial business of any kind transacted
provnptly.qaletly and fairly at the Omaha Fi
nancial Exchange. N. W. cor , 15th and Har-
ney sts. , over State National band. Corbott ,
manager 367
ONEY LOANED at C. F. Hoed 4 Co.'s Loan
Olllco. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal property ot all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value without removal. 319 B. 13th ,
overlllngham's commission-store. All busi
ness strictly conndentlal. 379
r A. WOODMAN Money to loani on real 63-
* J tute In sums to suit. = South 13th st.
'TVTONBY to loan. HoteV-'ana rt. R. ticket.
J-'JU bought and sold. A. Vorman , 1330 Farnam
fits. iJJl 3 < 5
UGH I'EROY & CO. IMns money oitTeal
estate and chattel security of every de
scription. All business gt&ctiy confidential.
Room 425 Pozton building. 7M .31
TVTONKYtoloan , casn on-band , no delay. J ,
1UW. . and 15. L. Baulre , KM ' " Farnam st. Paxton -
ton hotel building. 373
TirONEYto loan on city delays , as
i'l cash is on hand , nates. Smith Ic Co. ,
room 253 , Itainge building. ' ' ' ! , 755 31
TOANH , made on Omana'ctfy property by D.
J.J V. sholes , room 1 UnrtJf blk. 751
to loan on jurnuuro. horses , wagons ,
J.Y.L etc. , or on any appMreu security , Ii
rates. J. W. Robblns , 1U13 y.arnam. 773
, to loan on city nOiV farm real estate.
Llnahanfe Mahoney , JOQ7H Farnam street.
° 1
MONEY to Loan Omaha real estate and
farms. Mortgages bought. Odell llros , &
Co. , 162J Farnam. ma
tT\/f / ONEY to loan on Improved real estate ; no
J-VJL. commission charged. Leavitt Burnham.
room 1. Crelahton block. 300
To loan. Lowest rates. No delay
MONEY Idea & Co. , orur Commercial Niv-
tlonalbank ii75
* ] Vf ONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs.
111. horsus , etc , low ratus. J. J. Wilkinson 4
Co. , I'&l Karnam , over Burlington ticket office.
3d !
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , furniture ,
pianos and other personal property or col.
lateral without removal ; business confidential ;
rates moderate. The l-'ulrbuuk Investment Co. ,
2158.14th at. , upstairs. 418
T.OANS made on real estate and mortgages
JLJ bought. Lewis 8. Keed & Co. , 1531 Farnam.
' 377
< C500,000 To loan on Omaha city property at 6
P percent , Q.WD yB.E7cor.Kx..Bld.
' . il7a
ATOTKS bought. 0. B , 3aebbs. 330 S.15th ' st.
( JJ500.000 to loan at lowest rate ot Interest , on
T city property. H , U. Iroy , Frenzer blk. onp.
TTIOR SALK Cigar and n ws stand , not North
i-1 icth st. iaa %
_ _
" 17IOK 8ALR liarbcr shop cheap. Going out of"
JL ? business. Fart cash. Rest on easy terms.
Cheap 'rent , long lea > , goon location , A. L.
Undcrlaild & Co. , 1303 ana 1301 Douglas Mrect ,
Qmalm.NeT ) .
GKUCIiHV and meat market , 5 years e.itab-
1U hixl , A line opportunity for n live man.
Address K M. lice office. lUa
PAHTlEa to take M Interest In good paring
bulsnoss , email capital. Address E M , Bee.
107 3
_ _ _ _ _
TT10R 8AI.E err lease -A rfood paying tin Miop ,
Ju' connected u Ith n hardware and stove bus
iness , Address JacobU , Trolel & Co.'J709 Leaven-
worth St. 130 33J
\\7ANTKD-Young man with WM to 1500
T > c.iHhr must be steady nnd rcllaulo ; neat
profltablo 'employment ; no canvassing. Address
K 43. Boo onicc. 091-S3 *
FOR8ALK-MOOQftierchant tillorlng stock for
Omaha property. H , K. llcudec. 117 B 10th
street1. -Ml 23
TTfOR SALE Milk route , cows and horse * all
JU complete , 2 lots , house , barn and well. H. 1C.
llendeo , 117 8 16th st. 031 M
WK have for sale , a largo list restaurants
bakeries , tileat markets , feed stores , ho
tels , groceries , G stocks ot merchandise' 4 llvory
barns nnd all kinds of chances. Co-Operative
Land & Ix > t Co. , a)5 ) N. ICth st. PU-tt4
WANTED A partner with small capital to
manufacture n small novelty , something
new. Call at the Crelghton hotel. fti3 Sit
PARTNER In profitable business , but small
amount required , Investigate. 31B 8 15th
St. . room 5. B33 U
_ _ _
TTHMl BALK Onb ot the best chances over
JL ; offered for small hotel In this city. H.OOO
cash required. K 33 Ileo olllco. 897
HOTELUnthankforsaleor lease , located at
the thriving village of Arlington , at Junc
tion of F. , E. &Mo. with 8. C. &
Paclllc , 4 trains each way dally , 0 mites from
Omaha. The house has sixteen rooms conve
niently arranged ; soft and hard water ; located
in business center : furnitures years old ; In case
of lease would prefer to soli furniture , but will
lease it furnished : line shade trees , aud a small
stable , every way n desirable property : rofor-
cnccs required. J , A. Utithauk. 84030
BOOTS and Shoos For sale or ill trade for
a No. 1 Inside dwelling property In Omaha ,
a splendid stock of boots and shoos that will in
voice about $0,500 , the stock in In a line town , ami
a splendid brick building with plato glass front.
II. B. Buydel & Co. . Stuart. Iowa. t45 ! 30
MEAT Market Having atlrst-class cash and
order trade for sale very cheap If taken
soon. Addrosa E S7 , Bee office. tii ) : 30
GROCERIE3-Nlce clean stock with good
young team and delivery wagon. Prlco
82.000. 1'or sale or trade for Inside Omaha prop
crty. Active Roat Estate & Property Exchange
1524Ddgost. ( , 094
TTtOK SALKrrSaloou , In a good location and d ° *
JL ? ing a good business. A good opportunity
for A man with JCKX ) . Apply to Stringer & Co- .
IBlSDodgost. ! . . _ _ _ " 010
TT10K SALE Clean hardware stock of $1.800 ,
JL.1 well la-cat ed In southeastern Nebraska. Ono-
third real estate , balance cash and time. Lock
Box 30 , Falrbury. Neb. 64188 *
' '
" "
JLV To lease flue roslc enco near postolTIce , aud
buyf urnlturo ( all nexv ) at a great sacrlUco. For
partleulnrs see L. fi. HklniuT. 150'J-Farnam. 533
euOlMlvery stock and lease on best livery
and sale stable centrally located In Omaha ,
for sale very cheap for cash , will not trado. Co.
Op. L. He , L. Qo SOa N. 10th St. 420
"pTKJRSALE Drug stock. As line location aa
JU them Is In tno city. Clean stock. Involco
aboutlT.OOO. Part cash. Paitln good real es
tate or secured notes. M. A. Upton & Co , 10th
Btopp. Chamber of Commerce. 451
T7IOR BALK A good paying buslnos * . Cigars.
JU stationery and toys , in a nrst-class loca
tion. On account of I'health. ! ' Stock on hand
aoout 43,000. All cash not required. Enquire at
Max Meyer & Co.'s. 400
TEA and coltce business and manufacturing
of baking powder , in city. Good chance
for right party ; M cash , balance city property.
Call and got particulars. Co-operativo Land&
Lot Co,205 N. 16th St. 14430
TT'OR TRADE Wanted to trade a No. 1 pony
J. anil now saddle aud bridle for a No , 1 fresh
cow. M. K. Free , No , 205 N. 17th , or Nicolas st.
Walnut Hill. 11530 ?
T7OR | EXCHANGE-I have 18 clear city lota
'JU and a house in. Mlllard & Caldwell's add. to
exchange for a stock of goods ; furnltuio and
carpets or wall paper preferred. H , If. Miller.
15 i Douglas st. . room * J. 0783
T7IOREXCHANGE-Hlot , and G-room house
JL north 19th st. , equity 12,100 , bul , extremely
easy for 80 to 40 ft , "res. " lot centrally located.
H.W..Q. . UlOFarnom. 0803
TTIOR EXOIIANOE-JJ.OOO worth of horses.buir-
JL ; cfes und wagons. Co-Opcratlvo Lund & Lot
Co. , SU5 Ni 18th St.- _ VITJ-S9
OR EXCHANGE-Or for sale , W.OOO stock of
ceneral merchandise.
$2,500 brick store1 building , one-story , double
room each , , 20x50 , > acldltion ) x30 , good collar.
M.MW dwolllng , frame , two-story , slzo 32x32 ,
built In ' 3 , outlious.esel \ , cistern and barn ,
with well.
The above property situated in n good town
of 600 Inhabitants In Fontheastorn Nebraska.
Establlshod trade of t30XK ( > per annum.
A splendid chance to step Into a good retail
trade ; big bargain ; good reasons for selling ;
paitpagh , part In farm or unimproved land , or a
part on tlmo.rAddresH B K. . care of Roe. OC7 29 *
ANTED to Exchange- lots In B. & M.
park'for ' Horse and bugjry. Inquire at S.
A. Sloman , 13th aud Faruam , Hellmau block.
_ 024 _
TAfANTED Horses and cattle to exchange for
T T farms or city property. H , E. Colo. N. E.
cor. 15th and Douglas. _ OOJ-
EXCHANGE For merchandise or
JL deiico lota In Omaha. WO acres choice unim
proved land In Kiinx Co. , Nub. , a balance unpaid
duo in U year's. Address R , H , Loucks.Danbury ,
WANTED DO houses and lots to exchange.
C. C. Bpotawood. iKBM S. ICth st. S
WANTKD-2flO.OOO brlcK for Omaha real es
tate. K. A. Leavenworth,1417 Farnam st.
( ED
fllRADES made in real estate and personal
JL property. Bee exchange book. Co-op. L.
and L. Co. 205 N. 16tll St. 603
F"ORTRADE3 lots In Windsor terrace for
good land."mortnage paper or horse and bug
gy D , Y. holeS,1ioom ) . narker block. 3JI
IF YOU have property for sale , or trade , or
homwstorcntjlst with the O , F.Davis ,
Company. J503 Farnam st. 21831
WANTED Houses and lota to exchange for
farms. H. K. Cole , N , E. 15th and Douglas.
; ; HOD
ART oflarge room In best location in city ,
1 heat and ( lent Included. J. H. Watts , room
15 , Chamber ot Commerce. B3U
J Stocks of merchandise to ex
change for farina. H. U. Cole , N , E. 15th
and Douglas. 009
/"CHOICE acretracks , bestof facilities for gar
\J dmilng. Want good unlncumberud farms
H. iCole , , N. , E. Uth and Douglas. OQJ
CHOICE acre tracka sultablo for gardening.
Very liberal terms. H. E. Cole , N. E. 15tTi
and Douglas. Heal estate for sale. ItW
Abstracts South Omnha Ed. Johnson < k
. 'Co. , agents South Omaha Land Co , , liave
the only , complete vet ot abstract books in
South Omaha , Complete abstracts furnished
on short notice. Olllco opposite depot , South
Omalmf 127
T > EN8ON A : CARMICHAKL furnlsb 'complete
J _ > and guaranteed abstracts of titleto any
real estate lu Omaha and Douglas county upon
short notice. The most complete set of abstract
books In the oily. No. I51U Farnatq st. 335
MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust'Co. . . 1505
Faruam street Complete abstracts fur
nished , and titles to real t tut examined , perfected -
fected and guaranteed. Ssu
TTIOH BALK At a bargain , lease of a 3-story
JL' brick building containing II stores and 25
rooms , with modern Improvements. Inquire at
CPU a. 1'Jth at. 123
L RICE & CO. , Itoal Estate. 215
i .
OR BALE-Orloanc.23,44or66 fceton Far
n am , between 80th and 23dats , Cheap. M
A. Upton te Co. 7'U 31
T710R SALK At n bargain-Lots 4 and 6. Tabor
JL1 place , lots 3 , 4. 6 aiulO. block 2 , lot 12 , block 3 ,
lots 8 and 15. block 4 , lot U , block 10 , In Iludford
place. Four lota in South Omaha and 10 lots in
Council IllulTa. Syl. S. St. John , Kearney , NOD.
85830 *
FOR BALR 9-room modern house. 60 feet ot
ground , near 18th and Ht. Mary's ave. , for
17.000 , party anxious to bell. G , U. Thompson ,
314 8.15th at. bl
T OK SALK The best business , residence and
JU trarkago sites In the city , M , A. Untou 3c
Co. , 77ff31
FOR SAI iE Property on Sherman avenue ,
, Paddock place , ut 1125 per foot. Match It
It you can. M. 'AUPtoa & OOi . . . 779 31
J L. KICK & CO. , Rest l tato. glS
TTIOR SALK-r-HiiTfler Homo. North rfattn ,
K Neb. WIU taka part ciun and b tnnro In
good cattle. Address John llnwley. North
PUtte. ,74ftal ! !
IJIOlt SALIC Corner Georgia sro and Vacino
JL ! st. . WxlMtc allay , south and west fronts ,
on grade and covered with bpautlful KTOVO.
Fine sH for elegant home. t5,500l for few days
" 1I1ARM for sale. 40 miles north ot Omaha , con-
JU tains 170 acres , ( Ino house , feeding yards ,
windmill , etc. . all level land. Tries Hi par
acre. D.C. Patterson , Omnlm Nat. Hank ,
FOR SALK-Pouth Omaha trackage , lots 1,8.
3 and 4,113 , Albright's annex , next to How-
land and llradtord's lumber and coal yard ,
double- frontages on street and county load ,
alley In rear.destrablo as an Investment or busi
ness location , room for 13 cottages. Call at S.
W. cor Oth and Douglas. 123
"I7IOR RUNT A nice 6-room house with porch ,
JU etc. , with nice yard. 034 8 17th .between
Jackson and Leavenworth. 135 2J
TilOR SALB-Snap , Union Square lot ; look this
JL1 up ; cheap. H. K. Hcudce , | 17 S ICth st ,
TillNU trafKageproperty -naleMThe Clark
JU Woodman property on Izard st. , Iwtwoon
17th and IPth. HxlW , streets oil three sides and
railroad truck In alley ; suitable for wholesale
or manu f acturlng purposes. Flno location , elegant -
gant property , easy terms arid cheap. There Is
money In this If bought at present prices. Will
sell part or alt ; A. P Tukey , 1324 Farnam st ,
. 307
4 LOTS very cheap for cash If sold quick. F.
J. Holchklsa. 1178o. Ifltnsj. PSSS8
5 ROOM cottage , cast front , full lot , 20th and
nurdetto sts. only $1,750. D. C. Patterson ,
Omaha Nat. Hank. iC35
"TOOK SALE Store and lot on the best corner
JU of a lively business town In southwestern
Nebraska ; will soil building and stock or build
ing alone ; poor health reason for belling. . Address -
dross 0. lloaly. Cambridge. Neb. VSt 30 *
It SALE 76 feet on Farnam , opposite Vlr-
gtnla avo. A bargain. M. A Upton & Co ,
E Xll SALK orexchango Wohavosouiogood
Omaha real estate nnd Nebraska farms
which wo will sell cheap or trade for stocks of
clothing , furnishing goods , dry goods , boots and
shoes , groceries orhardwaro. Sehlestngor llros. ,
0148 , 10th at. SJ8al3
SALE for fo.w days , 2 lots In Iloyd's add. . 4
room house all complete , barn , well , cis
tern , fruit and all fenced. Cheap for cash. 117
Bo. 16th st. . H. K. Hemlee. 931 33
TJIOR SALE or trade Lands and town prop-
JJ crty In Nobraska.Kansas.Colorado aud other
statoswant ; merchandise , cnttloand horsosgon- ;
era ! exchange business transacted ; correspond
ence solicited. T. A. Kngllsh , & Co. , York , Neb.
"TjlOH SAIjTl At a bargain for a tow days
JL' only , lot 1 , block a. Paddock Place , Tills Is
Q beautiful corner on 16th street. Inquire at
onner. 1709 Dodge at. _ 41U
T U UlCK & CO. , Heal Estate. 215
rriWO good houses , well located , for J2.700 and
JL 13,100 , on easy payments. J. A. Ilolstand ,
room P. Arlington Itiock. _ TOT
tpOK BALK Corner luth and Castellar ,
J85,700 , worth Just Sl.OW more. M. A. Upton
&Co. 77031
T L. HICK & CO. . Heal Estate. 2U
SAIjE On easy terms , a now -room
house with modern tmprovcm.ont.s. barn ,
etc. ; can make terms to sultpurchascr. Address
P. O. box 483 , city. _ 333
TTIOH 8AI.K NlcoTrooth hoiiso. clos'a to st.
Jt ! cars , school , church , etc. , full lot , only W.GOO ;
tl,0i)0 ) cash , balance In three equal payments , c.
F. Harrison , 418. S. 15th st. _ 075
FOIl SAL15 Uost bargain In Omaha , corner
IGtn and Jones sts , M. A. Upton & Co ,
770 31
TTlOlt SAtiE or Trade Farnam st. , near 38th ,
JD Incumbranco J2.000. Kuulty W.OOO.
Farnam St. , cor 31st , 13fixl& .
Trackage. 13th st. near OracoC8xll3.
Cumlng st. , cor 31st , 48.03x140 Incumbranco
N. 10th st. , near Nicholas , 01x104 , Incutribranco
Saunders st. , cor. Butt , 100x51 , Incumbranco
Parknvo. , facing parjc , 50x150. Incumbranco
$ GoO.
Douglas st. , near 20th , COxlK , Incumbranco
25 lots In D. & M. Park add to South Omaha ,
clear of Incumbranco. perfect title.
2 quarter sections of school land In Kossuth
Co. , Iowa.
1 quarter section land In Grundy Co. , Neb. ,
clear. !
All of above property for sale or trade for
good Inside Improved property orl good Im
proved or unimproved farms. 8. A. Sloman ,
rooms 23 and 23. Hellman bldg , 1331 Farnam st. , >
Omaha. Neb. _ 81J
J L. HICB & CO. , Heal Estate. 215
TTIOR SAUS-Houseand lot In Omaha Vlow , a
JU bargain , small cash payment , cosy terms.
C. C. Spotswood. 305J4 B 16th. _ TOO
EM STIOKNB" & CO. macd a specialty of
property In North Omaha , for sale or rent
at Citizens' bank S408 Cumlng st. _ 338
"jmon SALE-Lot 83 on 30th st. . Just off of Cum-
JE ? Ing st. east front , on grade. 02 x123 to al
ley. Price for few days only JJ.400 ; $1.200 cash
balance easy , A. P.Tukey , 1334 Farnam st.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
The Best Route from Oniaba and Couucll
lilllfTH tO
- = = THE EAST :
Clilcago , AND Mlhvnukcp ,
St. Paul , Miuncn\olis \ , Cedar Knnids ,
Rock Island , Frcci > ort , llockford ,
Clinton , Dubufiuc , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janesiillc ,
lleloll , Wlnoiia , La Crossc ,
And all other Important point ] East , Northeast and
For tbrnugb tlckeU call on the ticket nsent nt 1911
Karnam struct , In llarker Ulaclt , or at Union 1'ncldo
1'iillman Sleeper * nnd tlio flnost ninliiu C r In the
world uru run on tlia main line , of tbu Chicago. Mil
wnukou Ii at. 1'nul JUillway , nnd ovcrr uttuiitlon Ii
jialil to ims3enser br courtvoui coiplofea ot tbo
H. Till L1,1CII. Oonornl Manngor.
J. F. TIICKKIl , Anilatant Uuncral Manner.
A. V. U. ( MUL'KNTKIt , Genernl Passenger enl
Ticket Aennt.
OKI ) . K. IlKAKl'OllD , Asslitant Gcperal
nndTlrkct Atisnt ,
J.T. CiiAIlIC Oeneral Suporlntcndqnt.
rue ococnApHroptHi COUNTRV wiu
Its main lines and branches Include CHICAGO.
end icorea of Intermediate cltlcB. Cholco ot
rcutea to and from the Poclflo Coast. All trans.
fern la Union depot * . Vast trains of Vint Day
Ooachei , elegant Dining Cars , uiairolQcent Pull
man Palace BleeuerB , and ( between Chicago , BU
JoaopU , Atcmaoa and Kanias City ) lUcllnloa
Choir Cora , Boats Tree , to holders of Uirougn
Urot-cloaa tickets.
Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska R'y
"Great Rock ( aland Route. ' *
Extends West end Southwest from Kansas City
nnilBt. Joecph to NELOON , JJOHTON. . DELLIS.
IfUXCUTNSON. CALDWllttL. and oil polnta la
and beyond. Entire paseonger oqulpmont of the
coltbratod Pullman insnufucture. All eofety BP *
pllonccJi and modern Improvements.
The Famous Albert Loa Route-
is the favorite between Chicago , Cock Island ,
Atchtion , K&naaa City anil ZUaneapoIia aod 6t.
Paul. \Vatartowii branch UavtrsoaUiotfroat
of Northern Iowa , Southwestern Minnesota , and
Salt Central Dakota to Watertown , Spirit Loku ,
Dloux FaUi and maay other town * and cities.
The Snort Un * vl&Beneca and EanUaksa offers
uporlor faculUe * to travel to and frotn Indian *
epolli. OlueinntU and other Southern point * .
Vor TlckeU. Ittapa. yoJJer * . or dMlrad In/orma-
tioa , npplf t any c upoa Ticket Offlce or addiM *
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
The only ro d to tsfce for DCS Mnln , M r htltown"
Certur lUplJK. ( 'Union , 1)1 ion , ( micmro , Mllwaukeo
mid nil polnti Kail. To tlio people of Nuivr k , I'olo-
rnilo , Wyoming , liuli , MMin , NoTKtim , OreitoniVaih *
Inqton anil California , tt offer * inferior a < lY nt i j <
not poMlnlo lir nr ether lino.
Amonita f w of ihonumerom points of * .
njoro < l br the pultons ot HiH rotil between Ohutiiy
ml' ChlrtiirOi ro In two IrMns n cl r ot DAY
CUACIIKB , which nr the flnettlhut humin art and
iMKenullj cnn rro tl > . lLsl'AtAUKNIKIJl'IN ( > RAIIS ,
which i > ronimlclsntrarafoHanlolflane . Ill fAll-
LOll DHAWINU HXM CAIU < , iin uri' < ( Hl branr ,
unit Its widely-rclohrMort 1 > A I , ATI A I , ( ) ININI CA1W ,
Hie equal of wlileh cinnot be found el tirhor . Al
Council llhitr * . the tratnt of the Union 1'udtto IU1I-
way connect In union depot wlUi thoiq of lh Uhl-
rtpo A Northwestern Ur. In Chlenzn Uio tralni of
Ihis line rankn olom ronhoetlon with tnoso of all
other ICaitorn llnng.
" "
. .
Inoton ,
" "
If TOO wlih the IwJt aceomraodatlon. All ticket
fronta neil tickets Tin tills linn.
iLiiuauirr , R.p.wiu toN ,
Ucn'l Manaitor. Uon'l rass'r Agent. .
CUICAOO , ti.ts.
W. N. BAnoOCR. Oon'l. Western ARPnt.
1) . K. KIMIIAI.UTIckol Aaonl.
u , K wissr , citr rksscnnor Aecnu
1401 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
Hamarknlilo for powerful urmpft-
tUellotpno. yllublo nctlou and ab-
goluto durnbllltr. itu yonra' record ,
the beat Kiiarnuteo ot the excel-
louco ot tlioso Instruinonts.
Proprietor Omaha Business College ,
Book-Keeping Penmanship . \K ( '
, ,
Commirclal Law , Shorthand , Tttegrephlng
and Typewriting. i
Bend for Colltg * Journil.
S E. Cor 10th and Capitol Avcnua
- *
Depot 10th and Marcy sti. Omaha. Omaha.
Beatrice and North
Platte local express. 7:45 a m fi:50 : p m
"Overland Flyer1' limited 12:20 : p m * 25 : p m
Grand Island local ex
press 3.V.OO p m H2:30 p m
Mull and express 0:00 : p m 7:60 : a in
Dally. fDally except
BU11L1NGTON ROUTE. Leave Arrlvo
Depot 10th and Mason sts , Omaha. Omaha ,
Chicago oxpross.Nos. 2 3:45 : p. m. 8:05 : a. m. '
Chicago Mall 0:50 : n. in. 7:25 : p. m.
Chicago Local C:30 : p. m , 10:22 : a. m.
Denver Express 0:15 : a. m , 3:30 p. m.-
Denver Mall 8:00 : p. m , 0:40 : a , m.
California Mall 10:35 : a. m , 5:45 : p , m.
Kansas City Day Express. 0:01) : ) a. m , 0:65 : p. m.
Kansas City nlgtit express 8H : ) p. m 7:00 a , m. H
C. , MIL. & ST. PAUL. Loare Arrive
Depot loth and Marcy bts. Omaha. Omaha.
No. 2. 9:40 : a. m.
* No.O. 7:00 : p. m.
No.5. 7:09 : a. m.
No. 3. 7:00 : p. m.
Except Sunday.
C. , ST. P. , M. &O. Leave Arrlvo
Depot 15th aud Webster st Omaha. Omaha.
Sioux City 10:40 : a.m , 2:50 p. m.
Bancroft Eqprcss. , & :35 : p.m 0:05 a. m.
'Except Sunday.
St. Paul Limited. . . C45 ; p.m. . 8:45 : a. m.
. . BSOUIH PACIFIC. Leave Arrlvo
Depot 16th and Webster st Omaha. Omaha.
Day Express. . , 10iT : a. m. 6:35 : a. ni.
Night Express. 0:30 p. m. 5:30 p..m.
F. , K. In M. V. It. U. Leave Arrive
Depot 15th and Webster st Omaha. Omaha.
Hastings & Bl'k Hills Pas. 10:55 a. m. 4:15 p. m.
Norfolk Passenger. . . . . fi45 p. m. 10:45 U. in.
Running between Council Bluffs nnd Albright.
In addition to the stations mentioned , trains
stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth streofcJ.
and at the Summit In Omaha ,
! /
Leave. Arrive.
ANo.H 4:00p.m. : D No.l 10GOa.m. :
H No. 2 6:10 : p. m , A No. 13 ll : )
0 No.O..0Ma.m. ) 0 6-.05p.m.
A No. 4 A No.U T:00i ) , 111.
A No.O 0:40n.m.A : | No.B 0:15a.m. :
A 'No.8 , ,4OOp.m.lA : * No,7 ll:30am.
A No.4 4:30p.m.A : | NeE 7Wp. In ,
A No , 2 9:25a. : m.lA No.3.,0:35a. m.
A No , i OilOp. in.JA No.l 0:30p. w ,
A No. 10 7:05o.m.A | No,0 . . . . . .8E5a.m.
A No.ia..7OOp.m.A | No. 11 8:00p.m. :
A No. 8..8:40p.m.A : | No.7 ll:33p. nu
Leave Transfer depot 9:40 a. m , ; 0:40 : p. in ,
Arrive Transfer depot l > ; 40 a. la. ; 10UO ; a. in , '
7:00 p. m-
A dally ; n' dally except Bit. ; 0 dally except
Sun. : I ) erccjit Uou. ; i Vait inall ; Lilnltel ,