STUB OMAHA. DAILT * BEE f. THURSDAY. MARCH 29 , 188a THE DAILY BEE. P UDLISHJBI ? EVliUV MORNING. . TERMS OF SUllSCUlPTION. Dally ( Morning Edition ) including Sunday KieOne Vrnr . . . . . .110 M ForSlxMonths . . . . . * . . . . f > 01 TorTlirts Months . . . V M The Omnha Sunday BEE , mailed to any ad- < lros , One Year . . . 200 OMAHA Omen. Nos.eitANnfllJ PARKAM STIIEBT. NEW Yonn OfncB. KOOMR 14 Ann ISTninuNB U'AsniNaxoN OrncK , No. til3 COnnESPONDRNCK. All communications relating to news nnd e < ll. torial innttor should be addressed to the Kurion . . All fouMnoBS letters and remittances nlinuld 1) addressed to TUB Rn ronuRtiiNn COMPANY , OMAHA. Draft * , check * and postofllco orders to lie tnado payable to the order o the company. Tlic Bee PulsliiiiE Company , Proprietors , E. ROSEWATER , Editor. THE I > AII < Y IJKIS. Sworn Stntcnicnt ofOlrculntlon. Btate of Nebraska , I , County of Douglass , { Bl0 < Oco. H. Tzscliuck , secretary of Tlie neo Pub- 1 llshlng company , docH solemnly swear that the nctimlclrcumtion ot the Dally Jleo for the wcok eudlntf March sn. 18B8. was as follows : Haturdoy. March 17 . 21.07 Hunday. March 18. . . . awuo Monday , March 19 . aw aiioHdajr.MarcnO ) . Z0.430 Wednesday. March 21 . . . 31.370 Tlmrsday. MnrrhS ! . BUI } Friday , Marchsa" " . .SO.K Avcrntto . . . 0.511 OEO. IJ.TZSCHUOlv. Sworn to nnd subscribed In ray presence this 81th day ot March. A. D. , 1888. . N.P.FKIU Kotary Public , gtate of Nebraska , I , . County ot Douglass. [ Goo. II. Tzschuck , being flrst duly nworn , de pones and says that he Is secretary of The Hoe Publishing company , that the actual average dally circulation ot ttio Dally lice tor the month of March. 1B87 , 1MOO copies : for April , 1837. Hnl8 copies ; for May , 1887. 14,2. 7 copies ! for , June , 1B87 , M.UT copies ; for July , 1887 , 14.093 copies ; for August , 1887. 14,151 copies ; for September , 1887 , 14,019 copies : for October , 1887 , 14,333 ; for November , 1887. 15,220 copies ; for December , 1887. 15,041 copies ; for January , 1EB8 , 15,200 copies ; for February , 1883 , 1G.W3 copies. OKO. n. Tzscnucrc. Sworn nnd subscribed to In mr presence this Sd day of March , A. D. 1888. N. V. FEIU Notary Public. TEXAS is invading Denver "ton thou sand strong" to take part in the Denver and Fort Worth celebration. The round up will last thrco days. JAY Goai/D blames a woman for all liis troubles in court with the Denver Pacific. Has Jay Gould met his match at lust ? TUB Paris court of appeal has re versed the decision of the lower court which sentenced Son-in-Law Wilson to two years' imprisonment. M. Wilson should now come to America and Icct- uro. TltK Knights of Labor have drawn the line of membership at the saloon keepers. The boor-brewers of the United States have agreed to employ no Knights of Labor. Will the knights boycott beer and take to cold water for their boyerage ? Now that the paving contracts for this season arc lot , property owners will bo besieged by contractors and their agents for signatures to petitions desig nating paving materials. Before sign * ing tjieso petitions property owners should carefully study the relative cost for paving materials , and select what is most advantageous. The cheapest is not always the host. JOHN : T. HOFFMAN was governor of Now York a few years ago in the palmy days of the Tweed ring. At that time ho was ono of the most prominent and active politicians of the state. Next to Tweed , ho occupied a. larger share of public attention than any man in the country. His death has just boon cabled from abroad , and the newspapers have summed , up his obituary in thrco Hues. IT is said that if it becomes necessary to avoid sectional bickering ever tbo chief justiceship , President Cleveland will compromise by appointing Minister Phelps , our representative at London , to the seat .made vacant by the death of Judge Waito. Minister Phelps , however - over , is bettor fitted to make after din ner speeches to the English than to as sume the robes of the chief justice. FINANCIKUS will open their eyes in wonder at the success of M. DoLosseps in obtaining a now loan of fifty million francs from the agricultural people of Franco to carry on the work of the Pan ama canal. So much cold water has been thrown on the project by capital ists and by the French government that everybody predicted that the bubble was about to burnt. If DoLcsseps con tinues to drain the pockets of the middle- classes the French government will bo obliged to class the plucky canal-builder with American hogs , and keep him out. Rispoim of secret meetings and con sultations of prominent democrats , ul- logod to bo hostile to the ronomlnation of Mr. Cleveland , continue to find circu lation , but the nearer wo got to the date of the democratic national convention the more certain become the outward indications that the persons unfriendly to the president will have no show. It is not questionable that Senator Gor man , of Maryland , Senator Brown , of Georgia , Senator Hearst , of California , nnd a few others would bo very glad to have Mr. Cleveland out of the way , but ho misfortune of all those gentlemen is that they cannot make it appear to dem ocrats of the rank and file that they are actuated by u desire single to the wel fare of the party. Everybody knows that considerations moro or less per sonal or sottish control all of thorn in their displeasure with Cleveland , while no ono ot them has such a'claim upon the party as to justify unysaorlflqo in his behalf , Why should any demo crat outside of Maryland , for example , trouble himself about the grievances of Senator Gorman , and what claim has ' Mr , Hearst upon the party that should induce it to give any very serious atten tion to his desire ? But the supreme fact is , that'tha great majority ot the party feel that its cause would bo en tirely hopeless without Cleveland , and did they respect him much less than they do his ronomlnation would still bo assured because believed to bo absolutely necessary , if the party would not sur render nearly every chnnco of success. As the situation now appears there is but ono man who can prevent the re- jiouu nation of the president , and that is Mr. Cleveland himself. And ho can. bo tafoly depended uuou uot to dp it , A lawless Cbmblhntlbn. Within the past ton days over ono hundred of the grain dealers owning grain elevators on the various lines of the Burlington system In Nebraska , have organized themselves into n trust with on authorized capital of five mil lions. This "elevator trust" has boon formed in palpable violation of the act passed by the lost legislature prbhiblt- ing pooling nnd other combinations by grain and cattle dcalors. The aot re ferred to makes it unlawful "for any grain dealer or grain dealers , partner ship , company , corporation or associa tion of grain dealers , or any other per son or persons , partnership , company , corporation or association , to enter into any agreement , contract , or combina tion with any other grain dealer or grain dealers , partnership , com pany , corporation or association of grain dealers or any other person or persons , partnership , com pany , corporation or association , for the pooling of prices of different and com peting dealers and buyers , or to divide between them the aggregate or not pro ceeds of the earnings of such dealers and. buyers , or any portion thereof , or for fixing the price which any grain dealer or grain dealers , partnership , company , corporation or association of grain dealers , or any other person or persons , partnership , company , corpora tion or association , shall pay for grain , hogs , cattle or stock of any kind or na ture whatever , nnd in cnso of any agree ment , contract or combination for such pooling of prices of different and com peting dealers and buyers , or to divide between them the aggregate or not proceeds of the earnings of such dealers and buyers or any portion thereof , or for fixing the price which any grain dealer or grain dealers , partner ship , company , corporation or associa tion of grain dealers or any other per son or persons , partnership , company , corporation or association shall pay for grain , hogs , cattle , or stock of any kinder or nature whatever. " The second and third sections of this act further define the various methods of combining for the purpose of fixing price's and pooling earnings , and de clare such acts to bo misdemeanors punishable by fine or imprisonment , as the court in such cases may de cide. Parties entering such combina tions are also made liable for damages caused to any party that may sustain loss through the operations ot such un lawful pools. The five million dollar elevator trust has evidently boon formed with the view to evading the penalties imposed by the act of 1887. The protouse under which the partners in this unlawful combination will seek to circumvent the law is that they have formed no pool and entered into no combination with any company , association or dealer for a division of profits or .for the con trol and regulation of grain rates. The "trust " they will assort is , , a corpora tion doing business at every point where its grain elevators are situated. These elevators no longer being the property of various persons or firms , there is no combination or pool between these various dealers In grain , .who now have become stockholders'in ono corpo ration , managed by. ono set of officers under uniform by-laws. This is whipping the devil around the . The "trust" is stump. nothing moro nor loss * than a gigantic combination of dealers in which profits are divided ac cording to the value of the property turned in by each , while there is no pooling between the elevator "trusfand other corporations or firms , the profits of the elevator trust depend largely upon its power to destroy competition. With all the elevators on the Burling ton lines south of the Plattc , inside of the grain trust , the price which grain will command in that seu- tion of the country will bo absolutely fixed by the now combination. If the elevator trust is not an unlawful combi nation to prevent competition in grain traffic and control the price of Nebraska products , wo are at a loss to comprehend the intent of the law makers and the plain language of the law. Stanford's Audacity. Senator Stanford was on last Monday again before the senate special com mittee having in charge the reports of the Pacific railway commission. Wo have referred to the audacity with which on previous occasions this master spirit in the Central Pacific scheme of plunder had defended himself and his associates , on the plea that what they had done was n great patriotic achieve ment which saved California'to the union , nnd that this alone would bo sufficient to warrant the government in releasing the corporation they control from all obligations , or legislating re garding those obligations , BO that the patriotic boodlors and their heirs for several generations would not bo * culled upon to moot them. The Inter utterances ot Stanford are in a different vein , but no less brazen nnd audacious. Ho told committee that in not n single Instance had the Central Pacific railroad company boon derelict regarding the obligations to the govern ment and pcoplo imposed upon it by the nets of congress creating it. Of what stuff must a man bo made who will utter u statement of this kind in face ot the fact that the corporation ho represents has not only never made any adequate provision for the payment of Its indebt edness to the government , but who o officers will not say what they propose to do toward paying the government the money that will bo duo within the next ton years. The government loaned the Central Paolflocompanyovor twenty-ao'von mil lion dollars in bonds and has paid inter est on these for over twenty years , so tliat over sixty million dollars have been advanced to date , The agreement of the company , when it received the mu nificent aid extended by the United States , was to. repay the loan and so much of the interest as had not been repaid by transportation or percentages of not earnings at the expiration of thirty years , But , says the report of the railway commission , "tho course pursued by Stanford , Huntlngton , Hop kins and Crocker was necessarily abso lutely destructive of any possible secur ity , " Further , to show why the road could not fulfil its sinking fund , and interest obligations , the report , says ! "Tho financial inability of the cdmpnny to mopt these requirements is the result ot the profligate nnd wanton dis persion of the assets , of the com pany in dividends , the aggregate * amount of which exceeded 834- 000,000 , and the extravagant contracts. " The profits of the contracts wcro shared by the firm of Stanford , Hunllngton , Hopkins & Crocker. "In general , " says the report of the railway commission , "it may bo said to bo estab lished by the evidence that the con struction contracts nnd nil , the import ant contracts for materials nnd supplies , wore made between the Central Pacific railroad company nnd companies con trolled by Stanford , Huntlngton , Hop kins ft Crocker. These four persons de termined the terms ot nil these con tracts , and the result has been that through the payments mndo by the Central Pacific railroad company they have received , n9 profits , n vast amount of stocks nnd bonds. These resulting from the construction contracts above stated represent ever ono hun dred million dollars in stocks nnd ever five millions in bonds , " Is there not in this n sufficient explanation and justification of the general opinion , de precated by Senator Stanford , that the builders of the Central Pacific had made vast sums of money at the expense of the government nnd the people ? But perhaps the crowning audacity of this master spirit of the Central Pacific conspiracy is his [ talk about the inviolability , on the part of the govern ment , of the contract with that com pany. With equal propriety might the robber who had boon run down nnd cor nered ask his victim to respect himself as n gentleman nnd nllow the culprit to go his way. The Central Pacific managers having failed to keep their side of the contract , and having declined to say what they will do to meet their obligations , have no further claims upon the consid eration of the government. Its obvious duty is to protect itself against further loss at the hands of this unscrupulous combine and to got back what it may of the moneys which the millionaire man agers of the Central Pacific have mis applied or appropriated It Is a waste ot time to discuss terms with such men as Stanford nnd his associates , who have nothing fair to propose nnd who have said that they will not bo nblo to pay the debt that in a few years will bo duo the government. ' Dcfyinji the Courts. Resolved , That I. S. Hascall , Michael Lee and J. M. Counsman bo and they nro hereby appointed a committee to arrange for and procure and they nro hereby instructed to arrange for and procure , by competition or otherwise , suitable and sufllcicut plans , sketches and drawings for a city hall build ing adapted to the ground and property com monly known nnd designated 'ns Jefferson square , as a site and locution for the same , and said committee shall from time to time , and at as early a date as practicable , report back to the council for concurrence and ap proval , such sketches , drafts and plans ns may from time to time be planned and pre pared : and , in the direction of , and arrange- mcnt'for , such plans' , drawings and sketches they shall bo limited to the sum of $300,000 as the cost in full , and in all its details , of Bald city hall building. This resolution is a .flagrant violation of both the letter and spirit of the .in junction issued by Judge Doano and concurred in by Judge Wakoloy. Every councilman who voted for it has laid himself liable to the penalties imposed by courts for contempt. Judge Doano's injunction order is very explicit and cannot possibly bo misunderstood by anybody conversant with the English language. It reads as follows : An order will bo made temporarily enjoin ing the defendants ( or such of them as the injunction should apply to ) from annulling or setting aside the plans and specifications of E.'E , Myers , architect for the erection of the city hall building , as refcrredto , in ordi nance No. 050 , adopted and ratified by a vote of the majority of the legal voters of said city , or from proceeding under any other plans or specifications or any substantial change of the Myers' plans until an ordi nance specifying such plans , or substantial changes in the Myers plans shall have flrst been submitted to nnd ratified by a majority of the legal voters of the city voting thereon. Also from removing or destroying the base ment or sub-basement already erected upon lots 5 and 0 in block 110 in the city of Omaha. Also from erecting or contracting to erect a city hall building upon any other ground than upon said lots above described , iintll an ordinance providing therefor shall have been Jimt submitted to and ratified by a majority of the legal voters of the city voting thereon , or from using any portion of the bonds voted for the purpose of paying for the construction of a city hall for the use of the city of Omaha called "city hall bonds , " or the proceeds ttiereof for the erec tion of n city hall on any oilier site than upon said lots above described , until an ordi nance providing for such use shall have been flrst submitted to nnd ratlflod by majority of the legal voters of the city of Omaha voting thereon , . This order will not interfere with the changing of the site for a city hall building nor with the adoption of different plans and specifications upon which to erect it , j > ro- vlded Uic qimtlon of such site and plans shall be flrst submitted to and ratified by a majority of the. l&jal voters of the city voting thereon. In the face of this injunctfon nine councilmen have recorded their votes for a proposition to locate tlio city hull on Jefferson square , whllo the ordi nance locating the building on Eigh teenth nnd Farnatn , ratified by the pcoplo , still remains In force. They have voted to Incur a liability of sev eral hundred and possibly thousands of dollars for architectural plans for n building to cost $300,000 , when the court expressly enjoins them from nny such scheme until the existing ordinance , by which the Myers' plans were ratified , shall hnvo boon repealed by the council , nnd that repeal has been ratified by a majority of the people. Nobody knows the scope of Judge Doano's injunction belter than Hascall , who acted in the double capacity of assistant - sistant city attorney and defendant in the case. Nobody knows better than Hascall that the resolution for which ho and eight other councilmen voted was a defence of the order of the court , Had the resolution passed we have no doubt that Judge Doano would have taught Hascall and his followers to respect his orders , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ „ Tiiiiiiu could bo no better evidence of the inotlloloncy of Mr. Vilus ns. post master general than is presented in the .fact that his successor is finding it nec essary to institute investigations iutp the management pt several ot j.ho larger postofllcosf of the country. Complaints hnvo been prevalent for n long thno nt Chicago , Philadelphia , Boston , nnd some other citlosilregarding the way In which the service * fais being performed , but during the incumbency of Mr. Vilas very little nttcntfon was given to these complaints. Ono Important reason for the defective sorylco was undoubtedly the fact that thcsii bfllccs had not n suffi cient number of c\orks \ nnd carriers to ( do the work efficiently. That has boon the trouble in Ctfrinhn. The policy of economy , for whlchMr. . Vilns expected to obtain great credit with the coun try , was responsible for this. Ho is not n practical man , nnd hcnco did not understand that of nil the depart ments of the government the last in which aniggnrd policy cnn bo employed is the postolllco department. The people ple do not want economy in the postal service at the expense of efficiency. But thcro were also unfortunnto ap pointments that have worked to the detriment of the service. Ono of the worst wns that of Postmaster Judd , of Chicago , nnd that office Is now under going n thorough Investigation. Others nro promised elsewhere. If Postmaster General Dickinson is really determined , ns ho seems to bo , to place the postal service of the country on an efficient basis , ho will find little time to devolo to politics. But if successful ho will win far more credit from the country than any political victory to which ho might contribute would give him. TltK extension of the time for the payment of the Union Pacific debt to the United States , as recommended by the majority of the Pacific railroad commission , was based solely upon their faith in the integrity of Mr. Adams. The house committee on Pacific railroads likewise pinned its faith upon the honesty of the pres ent Union Pacific management. Now , however , n rumor is afloat that since the death of Vice President Potter , n movement is on foot to remove Mr. Adams as president of that rood. If congress grants the extension asked for by the Union Pacific on the strength of Mr. Adams' honesty , and he stops down , what guarantee will the government have that the wreckers who exploited and plundered the Union Pacific will not again have full control. Mu. BURNHAJI'S resolution to lot Hascall and Counsman procure city hall plans by compotitjon "or otherwise" is , to say the least , n surprising move from nn unexpected quarter. Why were Counsman and Hascall selected ? Is it because they onjoypopular confidence ? VOICE OP THE STATE PRESS. The Hebron Journal believes that "tho time is near at hand. . , when corporations of capital and combinations of labor will be nnd must bo sternly.provented from making the business , property , and rights of the people at large a football upon which to vent their spleen. Conspiracies not only against the state and nationlbut , against the people as well , must cease.-- The Platte Center JNews very pointedly remarks : "The onl5 way to settle forever the question'of strikes on , the railroads is'for the government to tataf the roads under its control , either by purchase or a lease. The government pays good salaries , and you hear of no strikes among its employes and very seldom of a resignation. The public could bo benafittcd by reducing the abnor mal freight rates. It would bo a blessing to the country. " The Wayne Gazette makes the following observation : "Nebraska is pre-eminently a farming state ; and her pcoplo will not bo apt to bo very greatly enthused over the election of the leading railroad attorney and the great mogul of'the oil room , to tnc presi dency of the republican league of the state. It is a most egregious blunder , and the - convention vention followed it up by electing the notorious rious by-bidder , Brad Slaughter , to the sec retaryship. With such leaders , were Ne braska less firmly rooted nnd grounded in the principles of republicanism , the party would meet with inevitable defeat. The Hastings Independent liasgono into a spasm because the BEH has taken exception to making the state league of republican clubs a railroad politicians' machine. In the same breath that sheet exclaims : "Men may strike and men may combine , but the farmer "pays lor all. " The rail roads make n living off their earnings and tlio railroad employes are paid out of these earnings. Tlio farmer and nature are tlio people's grout benefactors. His is the ceaseless round of labor , whoso crowning glory is in that ho feeds the world and with out him things would soon go the bad. " Yet to oppose the monopoly politicians is a deadly sin. The Fremont Tribune , in wondering how Blcrbower can hung on so long nnd so suc cessfully , remarks : "Tho democratic news papers are again making a prolonged howl over the fact that Ellis Biorbowcr continues to hold the position of United States marshal for Nebraska. Thcro is room for some ad miration for the tenacity with which Bier- bower holds onto that fat oulco in spite of the vain endeavors of the very hungry and very thirsty crowd to oust him from it. It is the ncrvo of a man defying -whole pack of hungry and snvago wolves. After nil , being a man of pride , it is diflicult to under stand how his conscience will permit him to occupy such u position under this democratic administration , " After carefully flgurjng upon general re sults , the editor of the Logan County Herald says ; "It is time tho'farmers organize for their protection , They Imvo been led long enough by men whose Interests Were not with the tillers of the soil. To got the far mer's vote these men always make fair promises , "but invariably , wholly disregard them. The 'farmer Is fully nwaro of this fact. In every furmlpg community thcro are men who are competent to represent the pco plo , and they nro tlio ones the pcoplo should vote for. The pcoplo can sco the effects of being led by oily-tongued tricksters who HIT fcst every village and hamlet In our land , They arc human leeches who prey upon the people , and just as of len ns the farmer gives them a ctianco they wjl betray him , Every farming community suquld organize and take the lead. They have been lead long enough , and that to their sorrow , The Kight Rev. Burchard Tale , who prom- inenlly displayed himself In tbo Into re publican league meeting in Omaha , is having Ills homo paper boom him iu the following style : "Among the gentlemen whoso names are mentioned in connection with the state rep resentation in the national republican con vention , that of Kov. J. Cl. Tute , ofSholton , holds a prominent place. It is well known that Mr. Tuto enjoys a state reputation as a public 8) ) > eiiker , U well versed iu public af fair * and has taken an active part In state ns well as local campaigns. " in another place in hisliome organ we find the following announcement omccrrtlng the loyal NobrasUau ; "Uov. J. G.-Tute , father , nnd sister-ro-law left for Colorado tUo .fore part of tua week to take up Inml nnd arrange for building homes thoroon. " .rtnd nrc we to lose Thurston's right hand man nnd brother nftcr the natlohal conven tion t Surely , It cannot bo ) MIOMIN'RXT IM3UHONB. Marlon Crawford , the novelist , Is in nlaturo a giant , being ever six feet in height. The Count DoLcsscps 1ms ten children , nil born after the count had reached the ago ot sixty-seven. Governor Oglcsby , of Illlnoli. says that lie Is going to "farm it" when his term shall have expired. Guzman Ulanco , president ot Venezuela , is a fighter from the headwaters of Bitter Creek. Ho is said to have killed twenty men In duels. General Sheridan is still nblo to speak In tlio Indian tongue that ho learned as n lieu tenant among the Uniphllls ot Oregon thirty years ago , George R. Sims , the author of " 'Ostlor Joe" nnd "Harbor Lights , " Is Just fifty-ono years of ago. Ho makes upward of $20,000 n year by his pen , and was unheard of ton years ago. . . James llcdpnth , who was stricken witU paralysis of the throat January 23 , Is slowly but steadily recovering , nnd his physician believes that ho will eventually bo entirely restored to health. Ex'Senator Tabor of Colorado has nn In- con ] o from his Vulture mine near Tucson , Arl. , of $1,000 n day , nnd is beginning to think that ho can afford to wear better night shirts than these $350ones ho has been using. J nines Russell Lowell has returned to bis beloved England , nnd was present at nn opera performance in Liverpool the other night when Mmo. Rozo was given a tinra of diamonds by citizens ot that city as a birth day gift. Dennis Ryan , the St. Paul millionaire , began his" career on a western railroad with a pick and shovel. One Investment of $5,000 in a Colorado mine which ho made a few years ngo is said to have netted him 13,000,000. , Fall River , Mass. , points proudly to the fact that the Into Perry Davis , "the pain killer , " was a carpenter in that city forty years ngo or moro. When ho found his pan- ncca for all ills ho left his. bench nnd took to peddling medicine in n basket. His neigh bors told him ho was foolish to desert his trade in such a manner , but Davis never doubted his ability to make a fortune with his "pain killer. " Ho wont to Providence , R. I , , and became proprietor of what was afterward the largest patent medicine estab lishment in the world. Ho died some years ago , leaving a largo estate to his heirs. STATE AND TEUIHTOHY. Nebraska Jottings. Ulysses has voted to build n school. With the oponingof.spring Stockholm is preparing for a boom. Double-barrelled shotguns well loaded , is the current remedy for the dog sur plus in GrandIsland. The board of trade of Indianola is ne gotiating for a number of industries. Water works nnd electric light nro among the early certainties. Teoumseh will tackle the water-works question with a special election on the Cth of April. It is proposed to issue $21,000 in bonds to purchase a plant. Mr. C. E. Spear has hung out the Sig nal in the journalistic pasture at St. Edwnrd. The Signal is there to stay , wo are cheerfully informed , "provided there is broad and butter in it. " . A syndicate of.Grand Island , Anselmo and Broken Bow capitalists have pooled and purchased n mineral spring in Cus- tor county. These waters arc said to possess rare mineral qualities and n fragrant and far-reaching smell. Knox county expects great benefit from the railroad excursions planned by the Elkhorn Valley road. There will bo seven of thorn , and hundreds of east erners will bo brought out to view and locate on the fertile uplands of north Nebraska. Miss Mary D. Lcggott , of Beatrice , was ordained n minister , of the Uni tarian denomination in. Kansas City n few days ago. She will have charge of n church in her own city and wns given n snug sum to nid in the erection of n building. George H. Powers , of the Beatrice Free Lance , is again abroad , after n bout of twenty-one weeks with an over production of rheumatism. The attach ment was so warm nnd vigorous that the Free Lance was also temporarily knocked out. Both man and weapon are now in shape to do some political skinning in the spring campaign. " McShano is " "Representative trying , says the Knox county News , "to push a bill through congress , providing for another bridge across the Missouri river at Omaha , and the Union Pacific , to whom tho'present bridge belongs and they have coined money out of the bridge ever since It was built are en deavoring to defeat the bill through their attorneys , who nro in Washington lobbying against it. " Says the Hustings Democrat : "Tho Omnha press is n unit in pronouncing the business men of Hustings the most enterprising in the west. The same presshns said many kind words for Hastings generally , for which wo feel duly grateful. .Omaha nnd Hastings have more interests in common than the casual observer imagines and this season will develop some of them. " Mr. William Patterson , of Central City , writes that the report that Helen Anderson , n domestic in that city , had gene crazy on the subject of religion , is untrue/ The cause of her misfortune was too much confidence in nn Iowa scoundrel who promised to make her his wife , The report which stirred Mr , Patterson to Unne cessary indignation nnd ungcntlomnnly assertions , was published in the tele graph columns of several papers and In the local columns of the Grand Island Independent. The latter paper also gave the name of a Mrs. Dowd who had been driven insane by Rev. Brown's sulphurous religion. The McCook Democrat ways a well deserved compliment to the striking engineers. "The struggle , " Bays the Democrat , "between tlio Brotherhood of Engineers nnd Flromon and the 'Q1 system has continued four weeks , nnd still the former have not made a stam pede for their old positions , us many ex pected. To-day they prcbent us bolid and unbroken a front as on the first day , and whether you are friendly to them or not , you cannot help but admire the pluck and determination displayed in their struggle for what they consider their rights. They conduct themselves in n quiet and gentlemanly manner , and by so doing tire continually winning ad miration from the pcoplo. " Iowa Items. Society in Newton clings -to roller skating. The Central Iowa base ball league is the latest. The Salem postmaster assaulted a patron and pounded him n la Sullivan , because they differed politically and in regard to the conduct of the otllco. .Tho 'democratic girls of Iowa Falls .hnvo boon gathered into the -Frances Folsouv Cleveland club , ' U they had tuo right to vote Francos' Vo-olccllon would bo secure. A largo mogul onglno , run by ono ot the experienced engineers novf em ployed by the C. , B. &Q. , jumped the the trade nt Red Onk , nnd nftor knockIng - Ing out the side of the suporlntcndont'fl ofllco , ran into the turn tnblo nnd is said to bo n total wreck. "At the depth of nearly six hundred fcot down into the bowels of the earth , " says the Contorvlllo Citizen , "tho work men nt the artesian well Thursday tapped n nest ot bats nnd drew about twenty-five ot thorn to the surface nllvo nnd kicking. " A young Kcokule blood hns boon as tonishing the inhabitants of Contorvlllo during the past wockt Ho used nice , crisp $10 bills to light his clgnrs , nml bought n now silk hnt every morning which ho converted into n football in the afternoon. Ho gave it out that ho expected to buy the town nnd mndo such n uisplny of himself thnttho pcoplo sup posed ho wns n rcnl , genuine million aire. Ho wns admired by many of Con- torvllld's fastest nnd best , still ho wns unhnppy and turned nwny from nil tills flattery to drown his sorrow in the bowl. Utnh nnd Montana. Steam motors nro used on the street rnllwnys of Bultc. The glass fnctory nt Salt Lnko City hns stnrtod up with n force of fifty-six mon , Vnst quantities of Utah potatoes nro being shipped cast. They bring $1.10 per 100 pounds on the cars. Salt Lake rcnl estate is Hying high In price , with nn increasing demand. The Mormon footstool Is appreciating , The building outlook for 18S3 in Helena Is decidedly promising. Build ings already planned will require an ex penditure of over $300,000. About seven hundred men nro om- .ployod in the construction of the Ana conda new smelter. It will contain thirty-two furnaces nnd will increase the capacity 3,000 tons n day. A handsome society Indv hns jumnod into fume in Helena. While walking along Fifth nyonuo recently , n running team suddenly turned Into the street. Realizing her danger instantly , she placed ono gloved hand ( the other hold ing a parasol ) on a four-board fence nnd cleared it at ono bound , her dross scarcely touching it. The performance was so neatly nnd quickly done that it drew from the spectntors enthusiastic leap year applause. In response to the encore , the lady said : "I realty don't know how I did it ; I never attempted anything ot the kind before. " , Pacific Const. The electric light wires in San Jose are to bo put under ground. The people of Fronsno have sub scribed 8100,000 toward building n new railroad to San Francisco. Thomas D. Tongue is the name ot n prominent politician of Oregon. Ho will bo heard from this summer. The output of precious metals in Idaho will most likely amount to $10- 000,000 for 1883 , against ? 7,600 in 1887. The actal yield of the Delhi mine , near North San Juan , Col. , for 1887 was $181,321.21. The expenses were $39,409- 83. Shasta county is said to contain ono of the best chromo mines in the world. It is located on Shotgun creek , on the railroad , not far from Sims station. The now liquor license law passed by the last Idaho legislature gives every Incorporated town 90 per cent of the li cense money and the remaining 10 per cent goes to the territory. A hunter near Canyon City , Or. , a short-time since-shot , n cougar and cap tured Her young ones , small kittens. He had n litter of young hounds at homo and he placed the young cougars among them , and they are thriving well. They lie around in front of the flro and play with each other just like two ordinary kittens. _ 9 _ A Railroad Trust. San Frcmclico Chronicle , A movement has been made to con solidate in ono trust all the railroads between Chicago and the Rocky moun tains and between the British boundary and Indian territory. The outline of the plan is to elect n chairman for the trust and a board of control , consisting of ono representative from each of the members of the trust , this board of con trol to have entire supervision of the in terests of the various roads. The rate- making power is to bo lodged with this board of control , nnd nil changes in rntcs nnd nil questions' pertaining to competition business are to be ndjudl- ca'tod by this committee. The capitali zation of the trust , if it is carried out , will mount up to the total of fully $2COO- , 000,000. A contemporary doubts If so heavy an aggregation "of capital and corporate interests could hold together , nnd thinks that In the event of its holding together it would have to settle with the law and the Inter-state commission. It is to bo feared that they would bo found but a broken reed for the support of popular rights against such an enor mous power as these aggregated rail roads could wield. In the first place , there Is no law nt present in existence which would bo di rectly violated by such a combination , or to which an appeal could bo bad. In many of the states there are express provisions permitting the consolidation of railroad corporations , and to prevent the formation of such a trust these laws would have to bo repealed and prohibi tory legislation ndopted , which would bo a mnttcr of difficulty to say the least. As to the conflict with the intorstnto commission , a state of affairs can bo eas ily imagined in which such conflict would not bo probable , nnd perhaps not oven possible. Up to the present time n majority of the cases which have coma before that commission have been based on the proposition that injustice wns being done by u corUin railroad corpo ration , but this was predicated on the allegation that tlio corporation complained of was doing something different from some other corporation. For instance , if the A & B railroad established certain rates , mid the C & I ) railroad , under similar cir cumstances and conditions , charged moro for n like service , a cause of action arose against the C & D. But suppose that a trust controlled both the A & U nnd the C t D , What would bet the discretion and jurisdiction of the inter- btnto commission in motion V Nor would such u trust conflict , In terms , with section 5 of the intcr-stato commission act. That section makes it unlawful for any common carrier to enter into any contract , agreement or combination with any other common carrier for the pooling of freights of different nnd competing railroads , or to divide between them the aggregate or net proceeds of the earnings of such railroads ; but it does not provide against the absorption of any numbur of com peting railroadsby a trust , nor does the act any where limit the buhedulo pf fares ujid freights , except to .say that they shall bo just nnd reasonable. The whole act is framed upon the theory of regulation by competition , nnd of help. ing the- people to make n stingy , closefisted - fisted f-ailroud do na wnll for them us u generous' , liberal ono ; but U all the Northwestern railroads nro woldcd Into ono , where is the competition , or by wlmtcompnvntlvo scnlo cnn changes bo ndjustodV Lot us nmko no mlsfnko ns to.tho pos sibility of the creation of such n trust. It is wholly feasible ami by no means Improbable ; nnd wo must fnco the con tingency equnroly nnd fnlrly. The Pacific coast is cspeolnlly interested in it , nnd it will stand llko n foreign coun try between us nnd the onst , drnwlng tribute from California nnd oxncllng toll on our east-bound shipments of every kind. Lot us consider the mnttor nnd BOO whether nny remedy short of government controlls ndoqunto to ilonl with the throntoncd dnngor. CHOICE OP mm KOITOHS. Presidential Preference * of Western Nowspnpor Men , Reports Imvo been collected from tlio editors of about -ICO newspapers in Iowa , Nebraska , Kansas , Missouri nnd Colorado , which give the preferences ot each editor for president , both on the republican nml democratic tickets. Kopllcs from democratic editors In all the states mentioned show that Mr. Cleveland U their only first choice , with the possible exception of ono editor , who announces - nounces himself unqualifiedly In favor ot Frances Folsom Cleveland for the executive clialr. The republican editors , slnco Ulalno has declared himself out of the race , have usually announced their individual profercnco nnd added "as n second choice , the nomlnco ot the convention , rcRardless of whom ho may be. " The following reports will show the favorites In oachot the states mentioned i ' Allison , . „ ( VI lilalnc , , , o Lincoln , , , . . . 8 Grcshnm. . . . . , . . . . . , Q Van Wyck 3 Hawley ' ,3 A. J. Strcetcr ( chk ) 3 J. 13. Weaver ( gmc ) 3 T. V. Powdorly ( lab ) 3 Grovcr Cleveland SJ NKIIIIASICA. Dlalnc 23 Allison id Sherman 10 Lincoln , a Hnwley k , 3 G rcshum 3 Harrison 3 Van \Vyck 3 John Swlnton ( lab ) , 3 O. IJ.Fiskpro ( ) 3 Grover Cleveland t 54 KANSAS. nialnc 4lo Ingalls 8 Sherman 4 Lincoln -I G rcsham 4 Sheridan , 3 Hawley 3 Edmunds 3 E varts Q Plumb 1 Weaver ( chk ) 4 Grover Cleveland SO M1SSOUIU. Blaine 3 Sherman " Lincoln , 4 G rcsham a Swinton ( lab ) 3 Fiskpro ( ) 3 Mrs. Cleveland , 1 Grovcr Cleveland 23 COLOUAUO. Blaine SO Allison 3 Sherman , , . . 3 Dopow. t Grcshain , . 1 Cleveland . .U CON30MOAT1ID. Allison 83 Blaine 73 Lincoln 24 Sherman ' . 21 Grnsham It Ingalls 8 Hawley 0 VanWyclc ' 4 Harrison ; " Sheridan 2 Edmunds ! ) Evarts , . - 3 Plumb t Dopow 1 Cleveland 133 Mrs. Cleveland 1 Pisk ( pro ) 3 Weaver ( gbk ) 0 Streotor. : 3 Powdcrly ( lab ) 2 Swinton ( lob ) . 4 AN OPEN POAUP. Possibilities That Tradlnjj Will Begin at the Chamber of Commerce. President Her presided over a slimly at tended meeting of the board of trade last evening to resume consideration of the revised - vised by-laws , which were read section by section , amended , revised and discussed with considerable vigor. They wcro llnally adopted , together with tbo appended section , which tlio members think will have n tend ency to Inspire an open board : By the afllrinativo vote of six members of the board of directors , nny person of good character and credit , and of legal ago , may bo granted for ono year the privilege of trans acting business In the exchange rooms , the same as members , upon presenting an appli cation in writingstating 11111110 , residence and business or vocation , and the payment of (23 and signing an agreement to bo governed by the rules nnd regulations by which mombcrrt of the association arc governed : Provided , That the privilege granted by this section shall not extend beyond any ono year , except - copt in the manner as required upon original application ; Provided , further , That noth ing contained in this section shall bo con strued us conveying any vested or revision- ary right or interest in any property , nor any other rights or privileges than are named in this section. A Tribute to Dfr. Horeiison. On the flrst of next month , after twelve years of almost continuous service on the BEE , Mr. Alfred Sorensen , late managing editor of this paper , assumes a like position on the Herald of this city. The severance of Ills connection with the Hrr. was improved by the editorial and reportorlal forces who have worked under Mr. Sorcuson , to convey to him the feeling of appreciation which they have entertained of his ability and his treat ment of thorn. The moans selected of bring * ing the matter , In a formal manner , to Mr , Sorenson's attention , was a dinner tendered to the gcntloman by the members of the staff , which was given at tlio MIHard , last evening. The writers present were E. C. Hardy. Al. Falrbrothor , T. J. Fitzmorrla , E. A. O'Urion , Silas W , NIlcs , S. G. V. Gris- weld , W. A. Ilunklcs , James J3 , Haynes , Frank Atkinson , W. J. JJyrnos , Q. H. Leader , Illclmrd Motrnlfo , S. E. Pot- tigrow , Charles Elguttcr and C. W. Jackson. An excellent spread , comprising nlnu courses with appropriate winos , was served by Manager McDonald , and nftor justice had been done the viands , a number of speeches wcro made by the gentlemen , among which wcro th&so of Mossrn. Hardy , Fitzmorris , Falrbrothor , O'llrlen ' , Elguttor , Jackson , Mctcalfo , Haynes and the guest himself , Two hours were pleasantly spent and the gathering adjourned with tlio kind liest wishes for the success of Mr. Sorcnson in his new position , A. Paralyzed Plnkorton , A member of the Pinkerton salvation army , who Is at present engaged In "guard * Ing" the property of the H. & M , railroad , tired of the monotouvof the proceedings last night , and after filling his Interior with the carmine colored liquid which retails at 15 cents per finger , proceeded to paint the town. One of his comrades caught him In the act and rescued him from arrest. Ho re fused the reporter his name when asked , nnd the remainder of the crowd also declined to reveal his identity , Will Jiot Work For It. The union bricklayers met at their hall on the corner of Douglas and Fourteenth streets yesterday afternoon , and again In the even ing. It was the popular verdict of tho. men that they would not accept the final offer o ( the contractors to work 16r 50 cents un hour. Nothing short ot H-0 for eight hours wllf satisfy them. , Y