Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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    HHI Bm K H
Traffic Result of a Young Iowa
Qlrl's Infatuation.
of Iowa llftllronds Fowler -
lor Brothers Heady For Business
nt Sioux Clljr Commissioner
Coflln's Successor.
AVcary of I-ilfo.
MuuruiLTowsvlii. , March 2 ? . [ Special
Telegram to tlio BBU. ] Jcssto Doltrlok , a
plrl of eighteen , suicided to-day by shooting
licrsolt through the head In the room of a
young man , Bert Emry , with whom she had
, i > ooomo Infatuated.
Ho frpft NuincrouN Creditors.
MASON Cur , IB. , March 23. [ Special Telegram - .
gram , to the Bun. ] A. Evans , a colored bar-
i > or , loft last night fdr parti unknown. Ho Is
wanted here by numerous creditors.
Fowler Brothers nt Sioux City.
Sioux Car , la. , March 33. [ Special Tolo-
.gram to the BBK.J The last brick was laid
, to-day on the great packing cstabllshmont of
Fowler Brothers. The establishment has a
capacity for slaughtering 5,000 hogs and 1,000
cattle a day. _
BanquottlnK Capitalists.
DBS MOIXES , la. , March 23. The Dos
Molnos club , a social organization of ropro-
Dcntativo young tnon , tendered i reception
this evening to 100 prominent capitalists of
St. Paul , Minneapolis and Kansas City who
nro In the city as guests of the Commercial
Kxchaiigc. Tlio visitors nro spending the
week here and considering the advantages of
DCS Moincs for investment.
Appointed Ilnllrond Commissioner.
DBS MOINKB , la. , March 28. [ Special
Telegram to the BRK. ] The govprnor to-day
appointed Prank Campbell , of Newton , rail
road-commissioner to succeed L. S. Coflln ,
whoso term expires March 31. Mr. Campbell
lias been lieutenant governor of the state for
two terms , mid was for several years a mom-
bur of the state scnato. Ho ran for congress
against James B. Weaver In the Sixth dis
trict in 1834 , nud contested Weaver's election ,
but was beaten by a strict party vote In the
house. When In the state senate in 1874 Mr.
Campbell was the author of the celebrated
granger law , which was then enacted and ro-
tnalncd till repealed in 18781 Ho is regarded
as a very strong anti-monopolist and quite
radical on railroad matters , quite up to Gov-
ornqr Larraboo's standard.
" " 'Iowa Ilallrond AnacsHinont.
DBS MOINEI , la. , March23. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKK. } The executive council
to-day finished the assessment of railroad
property for the purpose of taxation. The
leading roads doing business In Iowa are as-
possod as follows : Chicago , Rock Island &
1'aclflc , main line , 310 miles , at 813,500 per
nllo ; the Chicago , Burlington : & Qulncy ,
main line , 2S3 miles , at $14,500 per milo ; the
Chicago & Northwestern , main line 355 miles ,
et $10,000 per milo ; the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul , 849 miles , main line , at $0,000 ;
the Burlington , Cedar Kaplds & Northern ,
239 miles nt W.OOO ; the Wabash Western ,
main lines In Iowa , 111 miles , at $3,000 ; the
Minnesota & Northwestern , 200 miles , at
$3.500 ; the Illinois Central , Dubuque to Sioux
City , 14'J miles , at $5,500 ; the Union PaciUo
about four miles , at $15,000 per mile. The
total assessed valuation Is about 42,500,000 ,
an Increase of about $ -1,000.000 over last year.
This , however , Includes the assessment on
3C5 miles of now road amounting to $1,405,995 ,
leaving the net Increase about $3,500,000 and
including the sleeping car company.
Of the now roads Jjuilt during the year the
Cherokee & Dakota road has the largest
mileage , or 129 miles , assessed at $3,000 per
jiillo. The Santa Fo , for the first time , has a
track In Iowa , having twenty miles of now
road assessed at $5,000 nor mile.
Notwithstanding the injunction from Judge
Brower.of the United States court , the coun
cil certified tbolr assessments ot the Pull-
flnan company's cars , the taxes from that
source amounting to $12,000. This was duo
to the fact that they had already made their
assessment of the Pullman cars before the
Injunction was served , nothing being loft to
do but to certify the amounts to the county
boards of supervisors.
TTho Citizens * Party Hold Their Uast
Public Meeting Last Night.
It was a mooting of the citizens of South
Omaha last night , and about 200 of the "cits"
mot in Hunt's hall to tell what they either
Imow or thought about tlio coming election.
' They came In response to a hand-bill that
called upon all those who were in favor of
"good government , progressive and econom
ical Improvement , irrespective of religion ,
nationality or former political aOHIations. "
In fact it was a ' 'John Ennls for mayor"
Thomas Norman took the char | and M. J.
Dovni.3 slung ink as secretary , The first
inau to the front was the irrepressible Coun
cilman Hascall , who came down to toll what
' ho know about the city hall sites. Ho wan
dered from the subject , however , and spolco
at some length on the necessity of improve
ments in Soutli Omaha , of tlio insincerity
nhown by Candidate Sloan , who was a pro
hibitionist in dlsguiso , and who owned no
property in the town of which ho wished to
become chief magistrate. Ho was followed by
elector Hill from Albright , who spoke feel-
itigly about the impressions H stranger vUlt-
Ing South Omaha for the first time would
have whou ho encountered the mud holes
that have now rendered the city famous.
Tom Barrett spoke of what a city like South
Omaha nccdqd at the present stage of its
existence , ami gave some good pointers us to
what was required. His udvico throughout
'was good , and when ho finished John Ennls
declared hlmsolf. Ho had not gene to
the tumors to toll what his programme would
bo If elected , for ho preferred tolling It to the
electors himself.1 Ho was In for progrosslvo-
ness , and for all necessary imnrovcmonta.
ven'lf those Improvements hod to bo paid
? or with every dollar that the law would al
low thorn to borrow. As to "law and order"
ho wns so fat in favor of It , that if elected ho
would obey to the letter the lawonnctodin
Lincoln that placed \\\a \ license for saloons
, at $500. Ho did not want to bo a snake In the
'grass , nnd under the cry of "law and Order"
Vrork liLBQino other schema , When the ma
jority of the voters in South Omaha were
stiffmatlzecl as Curriers , " it was au insult to
i the Irish element that bad dona so much tb
jnako not only South Omaha but the country
what It WAS ,
i Dr. Glasgow was next called for and said
Vtfhila ho was a thoroughbred republican ho
was a citlrou of South Omaha , and as such
pitlzen ho could not supixnt a man who put
.party llrst , W , O. Sloan had dona this
and had come ouX as a democrat , and
ijk * a democrat only , while the best
intorostof the citizens had culled for a citi
zen not a democratic mayor. If the "tar-
rior" question came up , ho was half a tarricr
himself , but the only thing ho was in favor
of was booming Soutli Ouiaha us it never had
boon lioomod before.
A call for B. Jotter brought out Mr. Raymond
mend , who advised the citizens not to look to
.politics but to the best interests of South
Omaha , and that It they did this they would
ielect John Ennis ana his ticket ,
At this tiuio the proceedings
.wore varied by a motion to
'empower ' the chairman to appoint n commit
tee of throe to nominate the candidates for
the school board. The chairman was pre
pared for the emergency , and produced a slip
c f paper from which no raid the names of
H. Jotter , W , 8. Kcofe and D , J , JCuy. These
C -ntlemca retired to the stairway for con-
H Itation. and the audience took ad-
\ ntage of their absence to call
1 ra"UcrU , " who Is on the ticket
1 r treasurer. That gentleman finally made
1 s way to the front from tha window sill on
\vhlch no was seated , and In a few approprl-
ute words neatly thanked those present for
tlio honor they had conferred by nominating
liim. Then the audience wanted to hear
from the chalruuo , Knd h came to the front
"to entertain thorn wltU n few remark * . "
Ho had attended tha law and order meeting
on Saturday ) and had bean Impressed
with the Idea that there was an "un
savory" feeling exhibited towards
Ms warm-hearted follow countrymen.
Ho referred to nn episode in ' 54 , and said that
his blood boiled when ho hoard the men who
had fought for the Union called "tarriers. "
They wore the men that had built up the
railroads , the stores and the boarding houses ,
nnd although Iho other party was afraid to
call the Irishmen "tarriers , " they "Implied
by Implication. " Some ono Interrupted the
speaker at this point by saying , "We're all
tarriors. What thd h I nro you giving us I"
Not heeding the interruption the
chairman advised thorn to each
resolve himself into a committee of ono
nnd an such committee to go out and work
both bofora nnd on election day for the suc
cess of tholr ticket.
Throughout the proceedings were orderly
In the extreme , and the management were
entitled to credit for the order preserved.
There waa one black sheep in the flock , how
ever , nnd ho persisted in taking the floor
whenever the thought struck him.
Thou Mr. Hill spokti about the wants of
Albright nnd referred to the residents of
that precinct' as having been considered
"pumpkin" rollers , " but thought that any of
the other side would b "a ly loft elec
tion day. '
A voter of the Third ward then asked for a
Vote to see whether Mr. Ennls was the choice
oft ho meeting or not , nndwan ruled out of
order. The chair reconsidered the ruling ,
however , and put the motion , and at the
close declared that the ' -ayes "
The committee came in nnd reported the
following as the citizens' school directors for
the ticket : For n throo-yoar term , J. A.
MacMurphy nnd Dr. Glasgow ; for.two years ,
W. S. Koofo and John Saudor ; for ono year ,
F. S. Persons and John Yatos. This wai
endorsed bv the meeting and
placed on fllo , after which Hascall
gave a parting blessing , along with
some advice of how they should net on elec
tion day. Cheers were given for the ticket ,
thanks were given to the speakers , and the
crowd passca out , leaving the irrepressible
before mentioned making frantic clTorts to
address the chair the chairman had just
Ninety Miles an Hour.
Minneapolis Journal : There Is now
polnp on oh the Burlington , Cedar
Rapids & Northern a test of a now rao-
olmnical contrivance ndnptcd to the
railroad locomotives which , if success
ful , bids fair iu its results to revolution
ize some of the most important matters
in railway operation. This contrivance
is known as thovGrimo valve-gear and
is the invention of John Grime , a well
known mechanic and once a manufac
turer of tills city. It is designed to
take the place o the ordinary valve-
gear or "link-motion , " and hecauso of
its importance nnd its abrupt departure
from established ideas , deserves a some
what extended notice.
Up to this time the link motion has
proved to bo the -best device for use on
locomotives on account of its simplicity.
Locomotive builders and master me
chanics liavo known * ' for a long time
that the link was not the most economi
cal valve motion ndr buo giving the
tull power of the steam , but1 at the same
time thorowas'no othor"dovico which
would answer their purpose. A locomo
tive is subjected to hard service , exposed -
posed to dust , dirt , rain and snow and u
valve motion , to stand the test , must be
simple , notliablo to derangement , dur-
blo' , and something which an engineer
can readily understand and operate.
Numberless attempts have been made
by inventors to meet these require
ments , but so far , while immense strides
have been made in improving on the
valve gear of stationary and marino en
gines , the same valve motion which
George Stephenson , the inventor of the
locomotive , applied to his engines , with
but few modifications , remains in use on
The Grime valve gear was tried over
two years ajro the Minneapolis & St.
Louis at this place , but from.Jack of
funds at that time a full test was not
mado. Since then tlio inventor has
been worlring to overcome the vertical
movement of the engine on the driving
wheels , and finally has succeeded iu
reaching What ho has BO long sought.
The mechanism is extremely simple
consisting of but ono eccentric on each
side of the engine. The' upper end of
the eccentric strap is fastened to a
block which slides iu u guide attached
to the reverse side of the locomotive. At
a point midway on the strap , between
the eccentric and the sliding mock , one
end of the eccentric rod is attached and
the other end is fastened to the lower
end of the realtorarm.This gives to
the rod a combination of the eccentric
and slide block movements , which cause
a quick port opening. The gear is car
ried on the main driving axle by means
of two pedestals riding on'it , hold in po
sition by means of two radius bars.
These radius bars serve a two-fold pur
pose inasmuch as they overcome the
vertical motion of the frame on the axle
and thus the cut-off is neither varied
nor thrown out by low joints or the
roughness of the road.
The B. , C. R. & N. , engine , on which
the test is making , has been in service
hauling heavy trains since December
19 nnd has developed greater hauling
capacity by from live to eight loaded
freight cars and greater speed and fuel
economy thanany onginoof the class on
the road. By actual trial it has taken
twenty loaded card of coal , starting
from a dead stop , and in the length of
the train has developed a speed of
thirty miles an hour ou the speed shoot
in the way cas of the train. The driv
ing wheels on the onglno are only fifty
inches in diameter. With this same
train it has also run flyo.milcs in six
minutes and the engine was not worked
to the utmost capacity owing to the bad
state of the railt ) and road bed.
With a driving wheel ( ivo foot six
Inches in diameter , a locomotive
equipped with this valvo" motion has un
estimate powor.qual to fully the lim
ited express vestibule , train on the
Pennsylvania railway , at a speed of
nltoty miles an'hour' , with/ease. In
full economy this engine , while haul-
iug heavier trainsat greater spodd than
any other onglno of its class' ' ' , has shown
a decrease in the quantity'of fuel con
sumed , equal tq 25 per cent.
Railway' men were especially de
lighted at the performance pf this en
gine during the late blizzard. While
ether engines had their links frozen up ,
making it almost impossible. to handle
them.tho valve motion an.this ono was
worked by the engineer with ono hand
with case , as there was nothing to
freeze up about the motion.
The test is boiitg watched by railroad
men with much interest. The engine
is expected to arrive in Minnotipolls
within n few days , to make exhibitions
before the managers of northern roads
In the Polltica ionco Monthly for
March , 188 , Prqf. Richmond M. Smith
shows the urgency of Jhe immigration
question and the need of some sort of
control ; Prof.1 Munrdo Smith discusses
codification from a new point of view ,
that of the nation versus the stuto ; A.
O. Bornheira describes the actual work
ing of Now York primaries under the
law of 1887 ; Prof. J. W. Jonks ( of Knox
college ) gkqtchos the history nnd esti
mates tha iuihiotico of the Michigan salt
monopoly ; Prof. W. Tausaig ( of Har
vard ) shows how the tarlil of 1828 was
established ; and President Francis A.
Walker ( of the Mossachubotts Techno
logical institute ) examines the basis of
taxation. Prof , J. W. Burgess reviews
and criticizes Prof. Lubandls great work
on the public law ot the German empire.
Other book reviews are contributed by
Prof , J. I ) . Clark , of Smith college ;
Prof , G. IJ. Nowcomb. of the Now York
City college ; II. L. Oagood , F , W.
Giddings and the editors.
Primaries Hold In Lincoln and Other
Loading Towns. .
Nebraska City Voters Ignoring Party
Lines Successful Test or Iiottp
City's Now Crcnnicry Bent-
rlco Will Bulltl Scwors.
Iilncoln Republican. Primaries.
LINCOLN , Neb. , March 23 , [ Special Tele
gram to the BRR.1 Th6 republican pri
maries held hi the different wards In the city
to-day were uneventful except In the Jlfth
and Sixth wards , where a lively contest was
waged over aldcrmanlo candidates , Loulo
Meyer securing the delegation In' the Fifth
ward and II. M. lilcc , the delegation in the
In the First ward n compromise ticket was
elected that will test Its strength between
Alexander Halter and II. 13. Vale for coun
In the Second ward a delegation favorable
to John Frosi was elected and- the Third
ward selected a delegation for II. It. Dean
for councitmau wltho at opposition.
At the city convention Saturday evening
the police ] udgo and members ot the school
board will bo nominated. There nre h half
'dozen candidates for the judgcshlp mid the
contest will bo spirited. '
Politics at Bonnet.
BCNXET , Nob. , March 23. [ Special to the
BEB. ] The following municipal ticket was
placed in nomination here hist night by the
democratic caucus as a "straight whisky"
ticket : M. B. Deck , William Koggcnkainp ,
George Crauo , Euos Bcrtz aUtl 'J. ' E , Vaudor-
Up ,
The last named gcntlcmaa declaresho Is
not a candidate , not a saloon 'inau , and will
not servo If oloctcd. , " '
The prohibitionists have not nominntoil a
ticket , as they have nd chance of electing ono
If they do , but they have enough votes in the
village to decide the election either way , BO
that their action in the coming election will
be watched with Interest. The republican
nominees arc supposed to be anti-saloon men ,
and It remains to bo scon whether the pro
hibitionists care enough about keeping a
saloon out of town tovotowith the repub
licans. '
Endorsed the Citizen's Ticket.
NnnuASKA. CmNob. . , March SS.SpccIal
telegram to the BEE. ] The d6ruocrats in
convention to-day endorsed lb.e entire citi
zen's ticket , nominated the 22d. 6t 'tho "re
publican ticket nominated Mdiiday , E Offer-
tpn for treasurer , E , Rolber for'nlde'rriian of
the Second ward and A. Holler , of ' 'tho' Third
ward , declined to-day , refusing to run against
the citizen's movement. TJio otitlro" republi
can ticket has declared too luteiUTon of declining -
clining except Bartling , of the ' Fourth , and
Donaldson , whoso right to a Seat Is ques
tioned. The citizens are at last aroused and
bound to have a gooa city government , The
prohibitionists , in adjourned convention last
night , distributed nominations indiscrimi
nately to any ono who would accept. '
An Antl-Liccnso Ticket.
YonK , Nob. , March -Special [ to > the
BEE. ] A very largo and enthusiastic- -
license caucus was held hero last evening for
the purpose of nominating candidates for
mayor , counclltncn and other tity ofltcos.
The Hon. Qeo. B. France was chosen chair
man and Judge Bennett secretary. Dr.A. .
D. Wykoft was then nominated by acclama
tion for mayor , and D. W. Hoyt , J. F. Jones
and Dr. Henry Keador for eouncilincn. Dr.
AVykoff , after , thanking the meeting most
cordially for the honor conferred , made some
very timely remarks In regard to the immed
iate and future wants of the city M insure' ' its
permanent growth and prosperity , . among ,
which was the necessity for a most .thorough
regulation of its sanitary conditions. After
passing the usual antilicenseresolution the
mooting adjourned.
Beatrice City Politics ,
BEATKICK , Nob. , March 23. ( Special Tqlo-
gram tothcBEi ; . ] A new hitch was mode
to-day in city politics , John Ellis "withdraw
ing as a candidate for mayor , and E. O.
Krotzlugcr , the present' incumbent , announ
cing himself as an indopcndont candidate.
This leaves Kretzmgcr and Harry Ehillips in
the field for mayor. At the different ward
caucuses to-night the following nominations
were made. For councllmen : , At FJrst
ward , John Shaw ; Second 'ward ' , L. E.
Walker ; Third ward , J. T. Phillips ; Fourth
'ward ' , Gray Warren.
Loup City's Creamery a Success.
LOUP CITV , March 23. [ Special Telegram
to the BKB. ] To-day was the date llxei for
the dual adjustment of the business between
the stockholders nud thq Geprgo C. Holt
Butter and Cheese Manufacturing company ,
lately incorporated in this city , The cream-
cry , a splendid $7,200 , establishment , was
thrown open to the public whou a test was
made. The weather being unfavorable , only
cream enough was supplied to turn out fifty
pounds of as flno an article as was ever
tasted. The BKK correspondent was fur
nished a caariago and driven to the establish
ment , where the beauties and perfection of
the great concern were bolng explained to
nearly two hundred visitors. The enter
prise In every detail is pronounced perfect ,
and furnishes great satisfaction to business
men here who have lent their energies and
capital to secure the factory for the city.
Supreme Court Doings.
LINCOLN" , Neb , , March 28. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKB.I The supreme court mot
pursuant to adjournment. The following
gcutlcmuu were admitted to practice : J. H.
McCulloch , of Omaha , William "J.\Bryan , of
Lincoln ; T. J. Clark of Broken Bow.
State ex rol. Fuller vs. MartlnV OrHdr'of '
reference to take testimony. " " * ' . %
State ox rol. Morrison vs. Clark. Alterna
tive writ of mandamus allowed , rolU"wblo
April 4. 18S3 , at 10 n. m. ' "
The following causes were argued nnd-sub-
milled : Floatin vu. Farrell , Lincoln' Land
company vs. Ackornmn , Uogcrs VsV'Tburs-
McCornlcU vs. Petors.
Court adjourned to Tuesday , April 3 , when
the docket of coses from the Tenth district
will bo called , " *
_ _ _
Wultlnjr for RcqulHltlon Papers.
GUANT , Neb , , March 23. ( Special Telegram -
gram tar the Hisii.l Deputy Sheriff Cbcadlcs ,
of Holyoke , Cole , , arrived this morning to
talto char'go of Dave McNeil , who1 was'nr-
rested last night by Marshall Ilarnoy on tel
egraphic information. McNoll is ' wanted In
Holyoke for assaulting a man with a knife
and cutting him frightfully about the head.
Ho had a preliminary hearing to-day before
Judge Hastings and was ordered held until
papers of requisition could bo procured.
to Be Built. >
BBITHICB , Nob. , March 23. [ Special Tehs-
gram to the BKB.J The city coupcll to-day
completed a contract with Mr , Dutllold for
putting in sewerage. Ha will -commonco
Monday excavating for the main sewers uud
will employ 100 men to commence w'itb.
M - * i > *
A Now Knterprlse.
BcvrntcE , Neb. , March 23. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bun. ] Arrangements have Just
been made for the Immediate opening of a
tow factory In Beatrice to utilize flax straw
and manufacture twlno. The building will
bo located on the river lust , south of town.
This enterprise will gfvo employment to
twenty inou as soon as running ,
Sfr. Jansen Did Not Bow.
R Jixsrx , Neb. , March 20. To the editor of
tha BKB : In the issue of your valuable
paper of the 10th your reporter , in giving the
description of the banquet of the republican
clubs held the evening before , says that when
called upon to respond to the toast "Why
wo loft yio country of our birth for the couu
try of our hope , " I simply arose and bowed to
the house.
Please permit me , la Justice to myself and
to your paper , to Rectify this mistake. I
would feel ashamed of myself , and toy repute
hcan friends throughout the state would have
ovary reason to benshAmcdof molt thonboro
were true. I was honored with an Invitation
to the banquet but eirctimstancos beyond my
control compelled mo to bo absent ; and on
the day nbovo incntlonbd I was on my way
from Denver , and ftiost fortunately , In the
company of your esteemed townsman , the
Hon. L. F. Tower , a 'tf&ntlem-n whoso only
fault , by the was * , Is to'bo n democrat ; and
who will gladly testify "to the nbovo f act. I
liopo at some other thine , not far distant , to
bo enabled to toll my republican compatriots ,
as well as my democratic friends , the enemy ,
not only why wo IcWh'countryof oppression ,
but also why wo veto Iho republican ticket
which guarantees us1 "protection" in every
sense of the word , hyd whwo are euro to
elect the next president. Vor.v respectfully ,
How the California Club Tries Men
Who Apply for KiiRngomcntH.
Sim Francisco Examiner A select
party of directors nml friends of direct
ors of tlio Callfornin Athldlio club gath-
orcd In Iho gymnasium yesterday nftor-
nooii ( Vnd were treated to n four-round
exhibition ot flsticufrs. It wns merely n
test of the physical powers of ono man
opposed to another. "
Frank Krollor , who has pivon himself
the Boubriquetof tho"Micmgan Giant , "
hag boon calling upoji the secretary of
the club daily for the past week , impor
tuning him to make n match between
him ( Kroller ) and Joe McAuliffo , the
heavy-weight champion of the coast.
Krollor looked like a likely young
fellow. He measured nearly six foot in
height in Michigan , whbro no stockings
nro worn , but out hora his head strikes
the beam.
Up in the lumber regions of the Wol
verine , state when gorged with pork
and beans , ho weighed207 pounds , but
in the California club room the ucales ,
balanced lit 105 pounds.
Krollor said ho was certain that Joe
McAuliffo is not the man ho is supposed
to bo. The idea of Sullivan boingntorror
was exploded , and ho wanted to explode
the same idea entertained regarding
the California bruiser.
\Vhon Director PhiI6 i'acoby heard
Krollor talk so confidently of himself ,
ho came to the conclusion that lie was
either a good man or a chump , and Di
rector Fulda backed up Jacoby's opin
Greggain , a heavy-weight boxer of
the San Francisco Athletic club , was
sent for to test the Michigander , and
they encased their dukes in big mittens.
Krollor stripped troll , though ho was
beefy , but ho did not raise his arms in
the orthodox manner , or guard in the
Sullivanoso style , and before ho was pre
pared to receive it , Grcggaiu had landed
his flst and the aspiring import was
nearly turned over. Ho know it was a
mistake on Greggain's part , for acci
dents will happen , oven in the
ring , and ho put , himself on guard
again , but was-- , , , moro cautious ,
It was Greggain'8 duty to test Krellor
so ho feinted with His left hand. It was
guarded tardily. Then quick as a flash
his right hand glovfecarromed with his
opponent's nose , Krpj lor clinched and
tried to push his adversary through the
window , but Mr. Fulda made them break
and saved a. nock. *
For a time thoTfighting was lively.
The men bcemed'Id be heated in the
second round and punched each other
merrily during th three minutes.
Krellor did the rushing while Groggain
did the hitting. ; /
The former had ono good guard , that
of holding his left arm stiff , permitting
the latter to run * jigninst it with his
nose. This was don'oVfor some time , and
was amusing for Kypllor until ho was
found out. , J
Then Greggain f am tod. and , as usual ;
hib opponent's leftiwas hold out , but it
was let down again when no attack was
nnulo. As it dropped Krollor went to
the iloor as though a falling motcor had
struck him. Ho was slightly paralyzed ,
but managed to got up and iinlsh out the
four rounds.
The opinion was that although ho was
about as clover as a snail , ho could rush
like a bull. The directors took his case
under advisement and they will doubt
less conclude by offering him a purse to
fight borne other heavy-weight than
McAulilTo , or to pose in the ring.
Judgment like this is certain to make
the club famous , for battles between men
of Krellor'8 stamp cannot help but add
to its reputation , and it has engaged
several like him of late.
A Grcnt Steel Cannon.
A Pittsburg special to the St. Louis
Republican , gives this interesting ac
count of a big gun : "It is not prettyl1"
is the exclamation of five out of every
six of the many callers who inspect the
big steel gun every day. Last week at
least 2,000 persons visited the works of
the steel casting company to sco the
now canon and that number will prob
ably bo exceeded to coming week. The
gun lies in the lathe , to-day glistening
like silver from end to end. It has not
boon trimmed down to proper circum
ference , but this part of the work will
not bo completed for several days. The
diameter of the bore Is at prcbent five
and a half inches. This must bo en
larged to five and three-quarter inches ,
leaving one-quarter inch to bo cut by
the government to bring it up to the re
quired six inches. The gun
will bo ready for fahip-
mont several days before the
1st of April , the date which , according
to contract , it is to bo turned over to
the authorities at Washington. Yes
terday morning several tests were made
of the fatocl weld in the gun , which fully
boars out the claim of Mr. Ilalnea worth.
A longitudinal piece of the steel taken
from the brooch showed ultimate
strength of 012,500 pounds to the square
inch ; elastic limit , 6,000 pounds ; elong
ation , 10 per cent in two inches. A
longitudinal pleco from the trunnion
gave ultimate strength 81,420 pounds ;
elastic limit , 40,700 pounds ; olonpation.
27 per cent in two inched ; reduction of
area , 4-3.41 per cent , liftrom the muzzle
of the gun a longitudinal piece pravo :
Ultimate strength , 8SL120 pounds ; elastic
limit , 45,470 poundsjtutongation , 18 per
cent in 2 incHJnJ reduction of
area , 0,27 per com ; . , Cpinparison of
these teats with the jlCfl'uiromonts of the
contract shows that , JJr. Ilaincsworth
has in every paJticular furnished a bet
tor grade of steel than/was / demanded by
the government. Tlio manufacturers
of the gun were required to guarantee
nothing moro than the following quali
ties in the steel : Ultimate strength ,
80,000 pounds ; elastic tensile , 40,000 ;
elongation , 7 per oontln two inches ; re
duction of area , 7 no'fi $ ont. There can
bo no reasonable doubt now of the suc
cess of the gun. Thi/Hstcol has stood the
Boverofat tott that can lbo applied and
has proven that in every part of the
gun , tlio center as well as the outside ,
it is absolutely perfect.
A champion case of meanness is re
ported from Montreal. The employe of
a concern accidentally fell into the
water while in the performance of his
duties and had his wages docked for the
time lost whilelio was getting dryl A
local paper thinks the man was lucky in
not being rued for tlio water absorbed
by his clothes.
Fishing for sea gulls is an interesting
winter nastimo at Rochester , K. Y.
Fish IIOOKS are baited , then attached tea
a long line and allowed to float down the
stream. The gulls capture the bait and
are then landed.
Uorvln Qroon of the Western Uulon
Addresses the Senate Oommittoo.
Popular Errors tin to the Cost of
BtnliittttnliiK Telegraph TjIncH
Colonel I n go r soil Itcforo
the Committee.
The Western Union No Monopoly. .
WASHIXOTOJ ? , March S3. Dr. Norvln
Greeny president of the Western Union tola-
graph company , addressed the sonata com
mittee on intor-stato commerce this morning
on the Spooncr intcr-stato telegraph bill.
His company was not nvcrso to such enact
ment as proposed , with certain ' 6bjqctionablo
features stricken out. Ills' company Is an
apparent monopoly , while In point of fact It
hns no exclusive franchises , no legal privi
leges that anybody clst > cannot got. By tha
combination of telegraphs , rates have been
cheapened find the business greatly 1m- ,
proved in its. facilities and promptness of
service.Tho Western Union company hoped
to bo able by a thorough investigation to dls-
abuse thd public mind of many great errors
that have been actively propagated , as to n
number of things connected with the tele
graph. There were grons popular errors as
to the cost of maintaining the property. Ho
believed the Western Union company could
not bo duplicated for Its cost.
Senator Culloui Do you mean to say your
property cost (80,000,000 , !
Dr. Green I mean to say It could not bo
reproducedfor that sum.
Another popular error was the belief tha * ,
this great property wns controlled by ono
man. Grcon took up' on arbitrary section of
the bill relative'to handling of messages ac
cording tothotlma .qf their receipt. The
section should bo qualified by the addition of
the words "as near oa possible. " As to the
long and short line clauses no higher tariff
was charged between points on lines from
Now York to Omaha than between ter
minals. If > tho'secondsection ' of the bill
gave the Intcr-stato commerce commission
power to say what- charges were unreason
able , It would amount to n confiscation of the
company's linos. Ho would substi
tute the word "exorbitant" for
"unreasoTmTjlo ! " , ' The long and short
line clauso. should also bo modified
by the Insertion of the qualifying words ,
"under Hko circumstances. " In sections ,
the bill provided' that all parties , excepting
a news service , should bo charged Hko rates ,
The Western Union wanted a provision for
exceptions like that in the railroad bill te
cover its railroad contracts. The company
would' like tb here nn amendment adopted
settling the question of liability of the com
pany as to the production of telegrams under
n subpoami from courts and committees. Ho
would like to see a provision in the bill
limiting damages to bo paid for delay m the
transmission of .messages to say 500 times the
amount for' transmission. In conclusion
Green addressed hlmsolf to the Anderson
bill , requiring Paciflc railroads to maintain
and operate tholr own telegraph lines. By
such legislation the railroad companies would
be losers , the government would bo a loser ,
and nobody would bo bcnolitted.
Colonel Robert Ingcrsoll. representing the
Postal and United lines , said to the committees
that these Hues nro now substantially under
ono management. They meet the Northern
Pacific railroad at St. Paul , the Union Pacific
at Omaha , and the Santa Fe nt Kansas City.
At these pomts'the lines no represented had
to stop. Lines over the Pacific roads' were
all operated by the Western Union. Consequently
quently the contention was whether the lines
of the company ho represented ehould'havo
equal facilities over roadi built by the people
under the various Pacific railroad acts , or
whether they must pay tribute to the West
ern Union from these terminal points ho had
named. There was still another question :
whether his companies could oven bo allowed
to put their own lines along thcso roads. The
price of a message from Now York to San
Francisco was $1. It was also $1
from Omaha to San Francisco. All
his lines could do would bo to
send the message to Omaha and then
pay $ L to have , it transmitted to San Francis
co. Having by this arrangement been driven
out of United States territory , thcso lines had
made connection , via the Canadian Pacific ,
with the Paciflc coast , and had built from
British Columbia down , to San Francisco.
Ho cited authorities to prove that Paciflc
roads had no right to make a contract by
which the Western Unlonbad , a monopoly of
telegraphic facilities , and no right to refuse
to transmit messages handed them by com
peting lines. There would always bo two
great telegraph companies in this country.
The people would not submit to have the en
tire telegraph owned by ono company and
that company owned by ono man.
Dr. Green" asked If after the statement ho
( Green ) had made , Mr. Ingcrsoll could still
say the Western Union was owned by one
"I know , " Mn Ingcrsoll replied , "that you
have stated that ono man only
owns so much , but I know
something about that ono man. 1 know that
ho is not in n corporation , and never will bo
iu n corporation , five minutes that ho docs
not control it. The Western Union has a
peculiar philanthropy of its own. It did not
wish anyone to Hvo If It conld help It. When
tlio Western Union was in doubt as to the ab
solute health of a competitor , it sat down to
wait until it died , and if it did not die in a
reasonable time it proceeded to do what it
could to hasten Ito demise. The Postal and
United lines was a promising company ,
it wai healthy and could not bo
swallowed. If the jwstnl could secure
equal facilities with the Western Union In
the transportation of poles and stipdllos and
in the right of way over the Pacific rail
roads , it would bo natisfuctory to it , if the
people and gqyernniont were satisfied.
General SwHyne argued in opposition to
Ingcrsoll. Ainoufr other things he said If
Ingursoll wanted to build on the line of the
Pacific railroads he did not need the help of
condress to do It. Thcro was on tlio statute
books authority for any individual to compel
the Paciilo railroad companies , bv manda
mus , to do .anything they were required to do
under the statute or common law ,
Waved by Ilia Umbrella.
Philadelphia Times : There is a cer
tain down-town young man of a res
pectable , family who always gets intoxi
cated on Sunday nights. He wont
through the routine on the first day of
the present week , and at 9 o'clock yes
terday morning ho was in just that
happy frame -mind that it didn't make
any difference to him whether the snow
wns five , ten or fifteen foot doon. He
passed through fivangoliBtbtreotlooked
about , saw a nice , pretty snow drift , and
calmly lay down to take a nup.
James McClarron , who lives at 721
Evangelist bisect , has an unsatisfied
longing for flno umborollos. At 10
o'clock ho left his homo. Ho saw a very
respectable-appearing umbrellaslioking
in the snow bunk. Ho walked in the
snow almost up to his nock and laid
hands upon the gold-headed umbrella ,
when ht discovered that something
moro substantial , in the shape of the
owner of the umbrella , un intimate
friend , was also there. James thought
that his friend would possibly catch
cold , and told him so , whereupon the
man in thosnowthreatonedto"dohim. "
Not in the least daunted , James
attempted to remove him by force , but ,
after Doing rolled in the enow and get
ting EoniG of the beautiful stuff shoved
dowu his noik , ho 'desisted. James Is
also possessed of n very good lung , which
ho used with such effect that ho soon
brought several male friends of the
hilarious individual to the spot , and ho
was taken homo full of snow.
The consumption of coal at Pittsburg ,
Pa. , has diminished 4,600,000 tons a year
since the introduction of autural gas.
JUlsstntemonts lly Mm. Cnrrlo tiAno
Clmpmnn' Corrected.
OMAHA , March ST. t o the Editor of Iho
BKK ! Mrs. Carrie Lane Chapman delivered
a lecture n few evenings nmcq nt the First
Christian church In this city on the subject
America for Americans , " In the bourse ol
which she assortcil that a majority of the
immigrants who land uotm our shore * are
'pnupors ' , criminals or worthless runlans. "
As the lecturer la a Indy It is perhaps pollto
to say that she Is mistaken , null not to
accuse her ot deliberate falsification. The
criminal records disclose the fact that no
larger percentage of those who emigrate to
this country are convicted of crime than of
those who are born horc. Neither Is it the
lay and indolent who , as a clan * , make their
homes In America , but It is tho- Industrious
and ambitious who by their energy and
economy arc enabled to accumulate enough
to pay for their passage , and who sever their
connection with their native laud for the
punHWo c ' bettering tholr condition , and not
with the Idea that once hero they will adopt
a llfo , of crime , . . . . . , i ,
She'ntatod that "tlio great Influx
of foreigners threatens nll.soclalordorj" But
that Influx has continued during the past
conturj- and our social system I * tul In ex
istence. And , by the way , it would bo Inter- know how many generation ? have
passed away since the lecturers ancestors
were "despicable foreigners. " The only
true Americans nro the red men , mid the
whites and negroes nro , without exception , of
very recent Importation. Lot us suppose for
a moment that at the cloio of the revolution
laws had boon enacted which would have
prohibited immigration. Will Mrs. Chapman
tell us whether or , not there would bo at the
present day a town of any importance west
of the Ohio nverl
Again she says , > "Wo tvnntfowor Germans ,
Irish and French. " Thcro is not n moro
ponccahlo or law abiding class of citizens in
the United States than the Germans. The
Irish are Industrious and good citizens , and
have always been foremost In defense of
their adopted country. .And if any ono has n
right to como here it Is a Frenchman.
Wo must remember that wo would
never have gained our .independence had It
not been for the aid extended by the French ,
and the very ground upon which wo here
stand was coded to us by Franco. And so
wo might go through the whole list , and no
good reason could bo found why people of
other nationalities should not seek n homo in
America if they so dcslro. And to all such I
would say , como , and you will bo welcome.
Perhaps you are poor , but thank God htmost
poverty Is not a critno in this country except
in the eyes of n few lecturers like Mrs. Chap
man. And you will find that our laws are
ample for your protection , nud to punish
criminals , of whatever parentage , race or
color. And when yep arrive , plooso do not
bo deterred from landing because sonio
"crank" shakes his flst nt you and yells ,
"You are paupers , criminals and ruffians. "
, . , A. Burixa.
Brother Gardner on Hard Times.
Detroit Free Press : A's J ( wns walk
ing out in tho' back yflijd , " began
Brother Gardner , "Mister Darius Green ,
the white-man , came along , and. thcro
was a powerful sad look on his face as ho
leaned over the fence and said :
" 'Missor Gardner , this suffcrln' has
got to come to a cease. ' '
" 'Has yor got the shakes and chills1
I axed.
" 'Wuss dan dat , Misscr Gardner. I'zo
working all do long week for ton shil-
lin' a day , an' whar do money goes I
can't tell. Do plo woman wants new
clothes , do chillin wants dis an' dat ,
do rent runs bohiu' ' , aii.1'ze gittin' dcs-
prit. '
" 'Sho ! now let's make , some figgors
on do fence , ' I tolo him. 'Now , donyou
chow tcrbuckeri" ,
' 'Yes , I chow about 10 cents worf a
day. '
" 'Dat's 75 cents a week. An' you
drink lager : "
" 'Well , of course , I drink a glass now
and den maybe fifteen glasses a week. '
" 'Dat's 75 cents moah , sah. What
d'ye do on Sundays ? '
" 'Oh. go up to de beer garden. '
" 'An' you spen' a dollar at least1
' 'I guess so maybe two of 'em. ' '
" 'Say twelve shlllin's , an * dat makes
$2.95 per week. I reckon you throw
away at least free dollars obery week ,
sah. '
" 'Frow it away ? '
"Yes , sah. Dat money would pay
your rent and buy your flour. "
"But a follow' must have some com
fort. " . . ;
"De same , sah. Do greatest comfort
in do world am t < > see do rent paid up ,
do table I6aded 'dow'n , and. do ole woman
able to go to church. You frow away
free dollars obdry week sab , an' don
you go roun' oussin' do times , do
weddor. an' do man who has saved his
money. "
"Gem'letn , dat white man culled mo
an ole black fool an' a dog stealer , but
dat didn't alter do case a bit. Ho is
frowin' away one-third of his weekly
wages , an' don blowin' round dat he's
gottin' dosporit an' am ready to head a
riot. Doan' let mo hoah ony member o'
dis club spinnin' dat yarn , 'case if ho
does dar's gwine to be a committee of
investlgasUun an' dot committee won't
whitewash wof a cent. "
A Proposed Submarine Railway.
Halifax Mall : A Halifax inventor has
brought to the notice of the minister of
marine and fisheries a novel scheme for
the construction of a submarine cable
railway to connect Prince Edward inland
and the mainland. There is to bo u
single truck of plate steel , in sections of
20 leot length , V-shaped , 2 } foot wide
at the top and Iopt in depth , , which Is
to bo made hollow and air tight so as so
float. From tie lower polnt'of the V-
shaped truck two chains , . running out
obliquely and attached to heavy granite
pillars on the bottoms , will keep
the floating , track in. its proper
pobition at the required depth
under water. On the .top pt the
track , and attached toll by wheels run
ning underneath flanges projecting on
each side , there will move an air-tight
cigar-shaped submarine car , drawn by
an ondlcbs chain , worked from the shore
at each end. This car is to bo con
structed of sheet steel , 4 feet wide , 0
feet high and ! ! 0 feet long , and the main
internal compartment will bo fitted witli
scats on each side , , and a passage , in the
center. Each seat will hold ono per
son. At the ends where the car tapers
off there rare to bo air-tight' compart
ments , which will.givo buoyancy to the
car arid from which thd passenger com
partment will bo supplied with froth
air. The car being light at the top and
buoyant with compressed' , will re-
sain its upright posltiotr'and inako the
passage of ton miles through the , water
in about twenty minutes. The time to
construct the railway is estimated by
the investor at about two months , and
the cost at $ oO,000.
The average Russian is said to drink
from ten to twelve glasses of tea per
day. Every Russian inorchaiit haa a
tea-urn in his counting room , and the
lawyer or mechanic- gees out to his cafe
for tea as often as the German for boor
or the Frenchman for wino. At Iho
cafes at all hours of the day and night
ono can see crowds of people sipping tea.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Bby w * Blclr , wo gare her Cattoria.
When the WM & Child , the cried for Caatorta ,
Wbea the became VUu , eh duo ? to Ooitori * ,
Wt u the td Children , iho C TO thum Castoria.
But Llttlo Business Transacted in
the Wheat Pit.
The Kcfunnl of the HurllnRtOti O'
'KcBtore Hated KiicoutUKm ( lie
Uonrs Moilornto Tend *
Intt Iu Oa ( . - , t
. , \
CnicAoo , March 23. ( Special Telegram
to the Hen. ] About the only bcarUh Influ *
once In the wheat market this moruhlg wa < *
the increase o 1 1,800,000 bushels hi the ahiount
ou passage. Otherwise the news wns rather1
bullish , Receipts were smaller add exports
fair. Cables wcroftcndy. ' Exportfch wbrpj
buying wheat In Now York. Crop
reports were numerous nnd the daniago
reported to bo-ecrious. It was. soon
ored that Inert were almost no buying orders
at tjio opening and a few local traders pr6iscd !
the market down to ? tfo almost Immediately.
Here a good demand was mot and the recovery - ,
covory was almost as sudden as the decline ,
nnd when some of the early sellers began to ,
cover tholr shorts thcro was oven a small nil.
vanco. May wheat opened nt Tle , and sold
straight down to 77l , cthon , advanced to 77J < @
77foll to 77 ? cadvanccd to Tia and down to
77 0. Thereafter the fluctuations were bo1
twccn 77 o and 77-J c , closing at 1 p. iu. at
77o bid. Juno wheat opened at 73Vc , sold
at , 77 o and 73l c , and closed at 1 o'clock at
Hoccipts of olghty-nvo cars loss of corn
than haa been estimated might
have been expected to make the
corn market strong about the opening , but it
did not work that way. On the contrary ,
the llrst thing that happened was a sharp do *
cllno of , % a But nearly all of it was re
covered almost as quickly. It looked as if
the people who were buying corn wore per
mitting thoxrowd to sell It down before they
began the day's work. Encouragement for
short sellers doubtless came from the re
fusal of the Burlington to restore rates for
the present , and this , it was thought , would
compel the ether roads to continue the low
rates. As expected , higher rates had boeu
looked to for lessening receipts and making
the danger of a squeeze greater , so the falluro
to advance rates worked as nn encourage
ment to the boars. However , if they looked
for a decline In prices of any extent or per
manency they were disappointed , as ; ou tbo
up-turn higher prices than the opening wore
reached. Evidently there were good buyers
of corn , bub they did not follow when , tlio
frightened shorts bid the price up , but were
ready every time a reaction followed. May
corn opened at 52 Vc , sold down to Sljfc , up
to 53J c , down to 51 > < o , up to 52c , down to
52xl @ 53M'o , up to 62Xo again , then down , tp
52o and the 1 o'clock close was nt KJ&o ,
There was only a moderate speculative
trade in oats , and as a result of the morning's
trading prices were loft very much
as they were at yesterday's close , al
though there was a weakness early in sym
pathy with the early decline in com. May
oats opened nt 3Ujc , Juno oats at iHJjt'c ; both
deliveries sold down to 31S31) ( c , up to 3Uc ,
and closed at the last named price at 1
o'clock. July oats ranged f rom,30Xc ta 30 q
and closed at 30Kc. August oats sold at
In provisions the feeling was norvous. The
market opened strong at about last night's
closings , but before the day had progressed
far the shoits became frightened over the
light offerings , combined with the liberal
purclmsesof pork by leading houses.and priccq
sharply advanced. Before any reaction to
speak of occurred , pork scored an improve
ment of about 20c , lard of , lOo and short ribs
of 7 } < c. Subsequently , however , the shorts
in a measure recovered from tholr uneasi
ness. and the advance obtained was prnQtfc-
ally lost Pork at 1 o'clock stood at the npon'j
ing prices , and lard and short ribs only ? > ( ! ,
5c higher. . ,
AVTEHNOOX Sn siox Wheat easier , May
closing at 77 > f@776o ; Juno , 77Jfo. Corn
opened at 52@D2o on the split for May , sold
to 52 @ 33 } c , oft to 52c , closing at53o bid ;
Juno , 51jC : July , filj o. Oats quiet and
easier. Pork was 3 > fo higher : closed at
$13.52 for March , 513.02 } for May , and
513.07K for Juno. Lard -advanced 2V c ;
March closed at $7.00 ; May , J7.G2 } ; Juno ,
S7.07K ; July , S7.72K-
CHICAGO , March 23. [ Special Telegram to
the Bn .l OA.TTLE On account of the light'
run and the falling off of 8,000 as compared
with last week , the outlook at the opening
was decidedly In favor of owners nnd sales
men , but as the forenoon v-pro away it wa-J
'ound buyers were not as anxious us at the
opening , and many well known Wednesday
3uyors were not on tlio market at all , Then ,
again , buyers who did not hold urgent orders
lold off for to-morrow. Honoe , wo can only
quota the market firm at the advance noted
yesterday , or say 23@30o higher than last
iVook. Butchorn' stock remains steady and
n fair demand. No Texans reported among .
the arrivals. Canning stock seems
moro plentiful , and common old cowa
sold down as low as at any time. Steers ,
1850 to 1500 Ibs , W.50tf5.20 ( ; 1200 to 1350 Ibs. ,
H.OO@4.IJO ; 050 to 1200 Ibs. , $3.30@3.00. Stockers -
ers and fccucrs , $2.40@l.75 ) ; cows , bulls nnd
mixed , $1.7C@3.50 ; bulk , 3.35@2.80 ; slop-
feeders , fl.20 ( < JH.70. Texas fed steers , ft 05 ,
Hoes Business brisk , with n strong Go ad
vance In medium , mixed and choice heavy.
Llght sorts scarce and in good demandi
Buyers of averages of 170 to 180 Ibs had to
take mixed lots , and inako sorts as best they
could. Prime heavy made $5.50(35.55 ( , ono lot
of fancy $3.00 : selected butchers' weights ,
? 5-l5@5.50 ; prime mixed , J5.85@5.40 : com-
non , * .V-S5@5.80. Selected light of 180 to 100
bs cost $ r > .H5@5.-10 ; 100 to 170 lbs$3.30@B.35 }
130 to 150 Ibs , * o.lO@5.15.
LIVE STOOIl. . ' '
Chicago , March 23. The Drovers' Journal-
reports as follows :
Cattle fiocolpts , 6,000 , ; slow , firrt ; steers ,
$3.80@5.20 ; stoukers and feeders. f2.40@3.2.V. '
cows , bulls and mixed , * L70b.50 ; Toxasfod
stcars , 4.05. . <
Hogs Receipts , 15,000 ; strong ; 'ralxbd. '
$5.20gH.50 { heavy , $5.35@5.00 ; light , t5.20 < a
0.50 ; skips , 3.50(35.15. (
Sheep ueceipts , 5,400 , ; steady ; natives ,
$5.00(30.10 ( ; westerns , J5.40@0.00 : Toxaus ,
M.00@5.00 ; Iambs , $5.50 0.50.
National Block Yards , East tit.
LouU , . March 23. Cattlo-KceQlpts , 1,000 ;
shipments , 500 ; market strong and higher ;
choice Heavy native steers , Sl,5l@5.50 , ( ; faire
o good steers , medium to choice ; W.OOffljl.OO ;
butchers' steers , medium to choice , $ .1.20 ®
4.30 ; stackers and feeders , fair to KOodti3.VJ3
@ ! l.35 ; rangers , ordinary to good , $ J.25 ( < sy.UO.
Hogs Heceipts , 3,000 : shipments , -fcOO ;
narkut active nnd 10@5o | higher } bholbe
icavy and butchers' Bulectluija , ti > ,40@4. [ > 0 ;
tacking , medium to prltno , $5.20 ( < g5.45 ; light
jruJes , fair to best , * 3.00@5.UO. - '
KIIIIHUH City. March 23. Cuttle
Receipts , 3,000 , ; shipments , 600 ] , inurkot
strong and active ; good to choice corn-fed ,
| 4.00i5.00 ( ! ; common to medium , ? 3.30 ( < Jt , ; ;
a ickors , t2.00i ( i.90 ; feeding steers , 13,00 ®
a.iX ) ; cows , $2. ( > 0 ( <
Hogs Itccolpts. 2i00 ! ; shipments , 3,000 ;
narkot active and a shadu higher ; common
to choice , I1.70GJ5 35 ; skips and pigs , 13.00
NEW YOHK , March 23. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. ] STOCKS Heading was the
feature on the stock exchange. Stock agui'ii
came out in largo blocks and met with no
supporting orders. London , which has boon
a buyer of late , sent selling orders. Rumors
about the company bolng unable to satisfac
torily place its now 4s und the bad ibowlng
of earnings the past thrco mouths , the nut
decrease being (1,229,000 , had a telling effect
on the pool that has been supporting it , and a
drop of \ % per cent waa recorded. The
weakness in this stock caused a general sell-
ng ol the entire list , excepting Missouri
Pacific. Grantors > ycro especially weak ,