Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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A Strangdr Browor's Head Out Off
By the Oars.
The Jjocnl Brcwcru ARFCO Upon < ho
of llcer The Ferguson
nntl Other Court
News Etc. Ktc.
His Jicmi Cut orr.
8 o'clock yesterday morning Qcorgo
SchwnU , n stronger in the city ,
but who Js presumably from Madison ,
Wisconsin , was run over nnd
instantly killed nt the Seventh street bridge
by switch engine No. 1153 on the Union Pn-
clflo railroad. Just how the fatal accident
occurred will never bo known as , none of the
crew on the englno saw Schwatz before ho
was struck , the attention of the fireman be
ing called to the fact of his being under the
cars when the tender was passing over him.
Death must have been Instant , as his head
vms completely crushed leaving him un
recognizable. In his pockets wcro found a
bank book of the German-American bank of
Madison , Wls. , showing a balance to his
credit of $1,005. Ho ulso had n rard from the
brewers' local union , No. 12 , of Cincinnati ,
O. Telegrams wcro sent to each of the above
point * announcing the accident.
Coroner Droxcl cmpannelcd a Jury , who
after viewing the remains returned the fol
lowing verdict :
Wo , the Jury , find that the deceased came
to his death at 8:15 : on the morning of March
5JT by being struck by switch engine No. 11G9 ,
Union Pnclflo railway , at the Seventh street
bridge , and that wo also find that death was
not caused by tiny negligence or carelessness
on the part of the Union Pacific or its em
ployes. J. A. UOVK ,
W. S. MAiims ,
A. W. Al.OWAT.
The arrival of Conductor M. Black from
the muffs , after the inquest was over , put
things In a now light. While going eastward
over the brldgo In charge of a work train , ho
happened to look back over the track and
saw the man deliberately Ho down in front of
of an approaching engine. Ho was too far
away to Identify the stranger , and before ho
could tell whether the engine struck the man
or not , a passing car shut off his view. This
wua about 8:10 : a. in. or a few minutes bcforo
the accident. On his return to the city ho at
onoo reported the fact at headquarters , and
the corner was notified of this additional evi
The unfortunate man has been boarding at
the Southern hotel on south Ninth street and
a number of friends called at the morgue lust
evening to sco the mangled remains. Thdy
say his trade was that of a brcWcr and that
bo was a slngloiman , aged about SO. Thcso
friends will see to it that ho gets a decent
burial. A telegram was received last even
ing from the cashier of the German-Ameri
can bank nt Mndlson , Wis.whero the de
ceased has Bomo money on deposit , saying
that Schwatz had no relatives in this country
that were known of.
XilE UhD , Ohll'sTOItY.
Otto Poulson the Victim of a Pair of
Confldonco Sharks.
Another name has been added to tha al
ready long list of victims who have been
fleeced by "Bunko" men on the bogus check
racket. The latest victim is named Otto
Poulson , who halls from Ithaca , N. Y. , and
who was fleeced en route to Cheyenne , Wyo. ,
on , the Chicago & Northwestern railroad. At
some point this side of Chicago Poulson gave
half his scat to a cood-looking , affable gen
tleman , who soon became very familiar , and
when informed of Paulson's destination ex
pressed great surprise as ho was going there
also , and had shipped his household goods a
week or twd before. The two became very
familiar , and the now found friend acted the
liberal gentleman to perfection , purchasing
meals for the two in the dining cars
ana lavishing line cigars , etc. , on
Poulson who was charmed with his conduct
nnd expressed himself as perfectly willing to
do anything in his power for such an elegant
man as the stranger had shown himself to bo.
The opportunity soon came , f < 3r at Scn.nton.
la. , n man came in the car and in a Fiurriuu
manner inquired for a gentleman named Mc-
Cloud. Poulson's friend icspondcd and the
last individual at once inquired if ho had
shipped some household goods to Cheyenne.
which ho admitted. No. ii at. once informed
him that ho was freight agent oi the Chicago
& Northwestern and that the amount of
freight paid was not enough by $125 , Mo-
Cloud had but $15 but Poulson came to the
front with the other § 110 , taking a draft on
McPost & Co. , bankers at Choycnno , which
ho still has lu his possession. McCloud got
off the train to pay hid freight and Is sup
posed to bo engaged in that task .vet as he
aid not return , Poulson has $0.75 remaining
which ho will board out on the road to Cliey-
Jolui Cochrnii'H Thrilling Experience
With Smooth People.
John Couhrau is a young Illinois granger
who left his homo on Saturday last and
started for Nebraska on a prospecting tour ,
He had $40 in his Inslda pocket. Ou the waj
hither ho mot the proverbial genial traveling
companion , with whom ho chatted uiu :
smoked and shared his lunch of cold chicken ,
red apples and bread nnd butter and jam ,
His stranger friend was also en route for the
new agricultural Eldorado , where ha hoped
to bo able to purchase a small farm , settle
flown and got rich. Just before arriving at
Council Bluffs Mr. Skinner , by which very
appropriate name the pleasant stranger rep
resented himself , said to Mr. Cochran : " 1
have a great big roll of money on mo , n great
deal of it being In small bills , so wouldn't
you Just as leave glvo mo flvo or six tens for
BO many ones and twos ! " Cochran was
agreeable and produced his roll , three tens
nnd three fives , which ho was willing
to exchange for smaller bills. Thereupon
Mr , Sklimer deftly ran over a handfull of
ones and twos , uud counting forty-llvo ,
doubled them and handed them to Mr. Coch
ran , receiving in return the latter's larger
bills. Cochrun then proceeded to count over
tha change Skinner had given him. and get
ting through with the same , ho said : "Hero
Skinner , you've only given mo ML" "Is that
sol" Inquiringly responded tha smooth Mr.
Skinner at the Rama lima taking the bills
from Cochran's hands , ho hurriedly ran them
over and added : "You're right Cochran , but
hero's tha other dollar , " and ha took a bill
from his pocket which Cochran discovered
was a $5 Instead of u $1 note , and wrapping
It around the supposed wad of $44 , ho re
turned it to Cochran saying ! "We'd , better
got on our overcoats now , for hero wo arc ct
the Bluffs. " Cochran took the money , and
thinking ho was getting W tha best of
Skinner shoved it hurriedly down
into his breeches pocket , The train
soon pulled In alongside the platform
and Skinner tolling Cochran to stand where
ho was until ho baw about his baggage , dis
appeared within the dupoL Cochran re
mained whera ha was , as patient as a statue ,
for fully n half hour , and then becoming a
little uneasy ho began pacing up nnd down
the platform , over and anon casting anxious
clancca toward tha depot entrance with the
hope of seeing his obliging friend emerge.
The moments dragged themselves by , and it
was only after waiting over an hour that
Cochran ventured to go in search of Skinner ,
He went , but no Skinner could be found , Ho
hunted high and low , nnd Inquired of every
tnun he mot , but nobody knew anything
about the man. Secretly , Cochran didn't
care so much , for all the time ho was chuck-
line avariciously over the idea that Skinner
hsd given him (5 too much change , and at
last being convleeJ that hia new found fiitnO
bad gone for good , he went off by himself to
Cloatovcr his recently acquired woaith. Ha
pulled tno roll from hl pocket , and sui ) .
enough the outside wrapper was n
largo and JuUjyfS William. Then to moke
sui e that all his money was there ha un
wrapped tha roll and the liext moment one
would have thoughtthathohad been stricken
with paralysis. He had been successfully
flim-flammed. Within the live , neatly rolled
up , was u wad of brawn paper. Ccchran ,
conscience-stricken and fllled with vengeance
tuad despair , spent the remainder of the af
teruoou running about Council Bluffs in i
i mad uud uutetkcre J scorch for Mr
Skinner. But ho found him not. and In the
evening ho came over to thin city , landing
here with Just $3 In his pocket. He put up at.
the St. James , nnd this morning while on his
way up Tenth street en route to police headquarters -
quarters to make known his trouble * , ha
dropped In at Harry Brandos' saloon to
drown n portion of his sorrows In n schooner
of beer. As ho stood at the bar quafllng-tho
grlcf-ansauglng beverage , ho llstcnod to a
party of three or four men , evidently thieves
or fihln gamblers , who wcro relating their ex
periences with soft , snaps and suckers. This
interested Cochran. nnd Joining the
pnrtv ho related his experience with Mr.
Skinner. When ho went out ono of the men
followed him nnd overtaking him said :
"YounR fellow , you'vo been playing in
pretty hard luck , and If you'd like a position
on the II. & M. breaking I'll ' glvo it to you.
My name's Frank Walsh and I'm n conduc
tor. " Cochran thanked him and being al
most broke and without friends , ho said no'd
like to go to work at onco. Walsh said : "All
light , but It will cost you a little to get your
switch key. How much have you got ! "
Cochran said ho had flvo dollars nnd thirty
cents , and Wnlstr said , "Well , glvo mo the
flvo and I'll write you an order OH the station
ngcnt for jour switch key and you can go
out on No. 4 lit oo this evening , " Cochran
handed over the V , and Walsh stepped Into a
convenient store and wrote him an order fern
n switch kov and sent him back to the depot
to got it. Ho applied nt the baggage room
nnd gave the station ngcnt the order , and a
second tlmo within thirty-six hours ho dis
covered ho had been bilked. This second
dosa was too much nnd lie made tracks for
the police station and poured forth his troub
les into Captain Cormlck's car. An ofilccr
has been detailed to Investigate the matter ,
while Mr. Cochran , heart broken and dis
consolate , awaits the news at tno station
A surprise , when smoking "Soidon-
bcrg Figaro" for 6c you will llml it a lOc
cigar. Ask your tlculor for thorn.
The Local Beer Dealers Agree ) Upon
a Price.
An Important mooting of the local brewers
was held yesterday evening in the Millard
hotel. There wcro present Fred Motz of
Metz Bros. , Storz & Her , AVllllam Krug
representing Fred Krug , Jettcr &
Young of South Omaha , and Fritz Walters ,
the local manager of the immense house of
Anheuser-Busch of St. Louis , which Is now
represented hero by nearly ? 100,000. The
meeting was called ut the Instance of Philip
Stocksccr clary of the brewers' associationof
St. Louis , who cnmo hero to effect a union
or a harmony of opinion with regard to prices
which shall obtain hero during thd coming
summer. It has been claimed that some of
the firms represented have been selling beer
at less than eight dollars per barrel , though at
the conference , it was denied by everybody.
The meeting resulted in an agreement that
hereafter the cost of beer hhould bo $3 per
barrel and that the brewers shall furnish
neither faucets nor ico. It Is claimed that
ono of the brewing firms last summer fur
nished Ice to its patrons. The agreements wcro
written out in the rough and this morning
token to St. Louis by Mr. Stock , who will
put them in legal shape. The last mentioned
gentleman has effected similar unions among
the brewers in other largo cities , nnd It is
claimed by the local people that thcro Is no
intent of forming a beer "trust. "
The popular blood purifier , Hood's
Siirsaparilla , is having tremendous sale
this season. Nearly everybody takes
it. Try it yourself.
Because Ho Claims Too Much
Brother-ln-Liaw nmlVlfo. .
The papers stated yesterday that C. A.
Rochrlg , employed in the abstract depart
ment of Ames , the real estate man , had on
Sunday night assaulted his wife with
a poker and broken her arm.
The other side of the story
is mildly contradictory of the version
given. It is said that Roehrig went homo
Saturday night with n now hat when the lat
ter was seized by his amiable spouse and de
prived of its crown by ono savage sweep
of n domestic bread-knifo. Tlio same
convenient blade was then thrust at Mr.
Roehrig who managed to foil 1 ts attempt to
sock his Heart by a skillful flank movement
which did not , however , prevent him from
receiving a cut on the linger. Ho retaliated ,
it is said , in self defense , and reached
his spouse "one" under the nose ,
which attracted the attention of that
heroine's brother , who seized u poker which
ho brought with satisfactory results upon
llohrig's head , cutting a gash about
thrco inches long and ono inch wide.
Hoehrlg mada his escape from the house
leaving his "brother" and wife in possession ,
Instead of driving them out into the cheerless
world as has been claimed. Mr. Rochrig's
domestic relations , it is claimed ,
arc , far from being satisfactory
because , it is said , his wife's amiability leads
him to take shelter at night in his office , to
bavo both his cars and his lifo.
"A better article it is impossible to
got , sir ; I have tried them nil and un
hesitatingly pronounce Dr. Bull's Cough
Syrup superior to any. " ( Exc. )
The old story : Trivial symptoms
were neglected until rheumatism be
came established , whereas all the suf
fering could have boon prevented by
the prompt use of Salvation Oil. 25
cents ,
Notice to the joint committee of brick
layers , plasterers , plumbers , gas and
steam fitters , stone cutters' unions , that
a special meeting will bo hold Fri
day evening at 8 o'clock. All members
are" requested to attend. By order ol
the president.
The Brlcklitj'orB Defiance.
To the contractors of Omaha : We , the
bricklayers of Omaha , have perused your
extended resolutions In the morning papers
and do not believe In a useless waste ot
printer's Ink. Wo nro very thankful to tha
prcsSf-howover , for past favors , nnd conclude
to stand on our present ground and fight to
tha bitter end for what is only our honest
worlclngman's rights. Wo nro being kept
down while cities which cannot compare
'with Omaha's thrift are leading us. Oui
interest is to hold our part of the city'j ; ad <
vanccmont , and , in so doing , command the
respect of all Omaha pcoplo and hope to show
how slucoro wo nro by our honest deter
mination to win our rights honestly and fairly
and will stand out forever from under such
tyranny as la being practiced nt present.
A Bloody Affray
is often the result of "bad blood" in a
family or community , but nowhere ia
had blood more destructive of happiness
and health than in the human sybtcm.
"When the lifo current is foul and slug
gish with impurities , and is slowly dis-
tributliKT its poisons to every part of the
body , the peril to health , and lifo oven ,
is imminent. Early symptoms nro dull
and drowsy feelings , severe headaches ,
coated tongue , poor appetite , indiges
tion and general lassitude. Delay in
treatment may entail the most serious
consequences. Don't lot disease got a
strong hold on your conbtitution , but
treat yourself by using Dr. Pierco's
Golden Medical DUcovory , nnd bo re
stored to the blosbinga of health. All
An EmUazzliiiK Postinatitei' ,
Deputy United States Marshal Allen went
to Cedar Creek , this state , Monday and ar
rested Charles \ \ , Snyder , the postmaster at
that point , flu is cliargcd with embezzle
ment and the destruction of n registered let
ter. This letter wiib directed. to J. C. Loary ,
of Hlckinan , Neb. , and contained $75 , which
Snyder appropriated to his own uso. Ho
was arraigned yesterday before Justtcij
Anderson , and waiving examination was
bound over to the United States district
court in the sum of (1,000 ,
Hlshop WorthiiUftcm will confirm can
didates from lirawnoll hall in Trinity
cathedral .on Holy Thursday , March UM ,
ut 6 p. in. The rector of Brownell hall
\\ill administer tho. sacrament of holy
buptiMin in Trinity cathedral ouWediteu-
duy , Muivh 'JS , at 6 p , in.
- i . . . . , . - - . . . > . , i"i- * " ' " i' _
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. . _ _ _ _ _
Continenrtal Clothing House
In every department of our store will now be found new and elegant goods made especially for the spring and summer
season , at r > rices extraordinarily low. Commencing this week , close buyers will find it to their advantage to watoli
the list of attractive bargains which we shall offer and which will be announced in the daily -papers each week.
Read the List of Unprecedented Bargains for This Week.
The Slater Woolen Company is now
and has boon for30 years known as the
most celebrated makers of fine Indigo
Blue Cheviots in the United States.
Their goods are always thoroughly re
liable , and when warranted Indigo Blue
will bo found precisely as they nro _ rep
resented. The most thoroughly iatis-
sactory blue goods made in this country
to-day are made by the Slater Woolen
Lot No. 1 200 pure all wool and full
Indigo Blue Slater's Cheviot Suitsnow ,
fresh goods , just nuulo up within GO
days , in single-breasted sack suits ;
coats nil made with lap , double-
stitched seams , made and .trimmed in
the best manner , and in regular men's
sizes , from 84 to 42 , at the extraordin
arily low price of 810 per suit. Road
the price again. Think what the goods
are that we are offering you. Genuine
Slater Woolen Co.'s all wool full indigo
suits , heavy weight , at only $10. The
ordinary retail price is not less than $10
to $17 per suit. Price $10.00.
Lot. No. 2 Wo offer 200 Suits in
single-breasted sack coats , the very
best Sawyer Woolen Co.'s Double and
Twist Spring Suitings , now , light groy
and brown mixture , just made up in our
very best manner , suits that wo have
Bold regularly for the post 12 years , and
in no instance have they over boon
shown on our counters at less than $18
per suit. For our present season's open-
Self Measurement Blanks sent on application. Mail and Express Orders promptly attended to.
OMAHA BOSTON Freeland , Loomis & Co.
DES MOINES Proprietors ;
Corner Fifteenth and Douglas Streets , Omaha , Nebraska
Will Lose His Other Eye.
Geo. W. Hill , tbc school teacher at Wntcr-
lo , who was shot on Saturday last by W. P.
Aylcsworth , of Council Bluffs , a complete
account of which was given In Sunday's Ken ,
is on the road to rccpvory , but according to
the statement of his physician will lese tuo
other oyo. . _
Mother ! Stop your child's cough ! Dr.
J. H. McLeans Tar Wino Lung Balm
will give immediate relief , is agreeable
to take and a positive cure. 2o cents a
Licensed to Weil.
The following marriage licenses were is
sued yesterday by Judge Shields :
Name and Hesidcnco. Ago.
( Joseph E. Hunter. Omaha 24
( Anna S. Lufferty , Omaha 21
j Charles G. Booth. Omaha 35
1 Mary U. Winters , Omulm SO
Thlspowder norcr varies. A marvel of puri
ty , strength uml wholesomaiiBst. More econom
leal ttianttio ordinary kinds , nnd cannot tjosolp
In competition wltu tno multitude of low cost ,
shortwclshtnlumor phosplmto powders. Sola
onlw In cans. Hovnl linking I'owder CO. , ISM
Wallstrcet.New York.
. - * great Medical Work of the
Bg on Manhood , Ncrvom ana
I'hj lcal Dcbllltr , Prenmturo
Decline , Error * of Youth , and
IhountoM mtscrlcsconkojuem
tbcrcou , 900 page ! Bvo , 125
proscription ! for all diseases.
Cloth , full gilt , only $1.00 , t > )
mall , sealed. 1 lluttrath o eaniplo free to all young
and middle aged men. Bend now. TboOoldand
Jewelled Medal awarded to Uio author by the Na.
tlonat Medical AuoclatVpn. .Aildrcsa I * . O. boc
1E93 , BoftonMaM.orPr. W. II. 1'AHKE.l , grad
nateof Harvard Medical ColleEC5ycar 'practlea
In Bo ton , who may be consulted conddentlally
Specialty , DUeaaca of Mao. OOlco No. L'ulUucU nu
NOB. 3O3-404-I7O-604.
Advertising bos always proven
auocessful. Deforq placing any
Kejripuper Advertising1 consutt
lUUBTIilAd ibKMS ,
t fi t KuttUik * Ut l. CHICAGO.
ing and until this lot is closed , wo shall
offer them at the UNAPPROACH
old and long ostablif hod Sawyer Woolen
Co. , of Dover , N. II. needs no word of
commendation from us. Wo unhesita
tingly pronounce this company the best
manufacturers of flno all wool suitings
in Now England. No shoddy , flocks or
cotton is over used in nny ot their
fabrics. Send for samples of the cloth ,
or a sample suit , and if you wish to ox-
nmino and prove the value of the suits
ns they are represented in this adver
tise. Price 312.00.
Lot No. 8. Wo offer 100 of the well
known Velour cloth finish Sawyer Wool
en Go's Suits , in very dark Oxford Mix
tures , n small , neat check pattern , ono
of the most popular styles that the mill
has ever made , suitable for either bus
iness or dross purposes. Single breast
ed sacks , regular sizes in fall weight at
the same extraordinarily low price of
$12 per suit. REMEMBER these are
nil now suits made in the present style ,
within the past CO days , and wo guar
antee that the ordinary retail price
usually asked for these suits is $18. Sam
ple suits will bo sent , nnd they may bo
returned at our expense , if , upon exam
ination , they do not bear out all the
statements made in regard to their value
Lot. No. 4. Wo offer 250 spring overeats -
oats ; made of n pure worsted i n a light
Bow-luff Thread of Modern TLmeo.
] ) . .M.ferr.Ki.K.vm
. .
' .THOMPSON. EI , EN & Co.
CuXs. SINOKK , South Omaha , ana all firs
class rotitll dealers.
A. UJCIIK New York Dry Goods Store.
.5 ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Omaha Seed House.
Headquarters for Landreth'b Cole United Seeds.
1'la.uu , t ut Flowers anil Horal designs. Bend
for catalogue.
W , H. FOSTER it SON , Proprietors
J022 Cauitol Avenue. .
loult t ercr-Werx , luiliaetleo , etc. , JJrcu at > ik
groy color , with silk facings nnd trim
med equal to nny 815 ovorcottt in our
stock. Now goods just mndo up in our
own workroom , nnd cut with ns much
cnro ns nny overcoat in our stock. The
extraordinarily low price of this over
coat in regular sizes from 34 to 42 is $10.
Wo do not hesitate to recommend this
offered by the Continental. If not con
sidered to ho just as represented in thta
advertisement , every garment purchas
ed may bo returned and money refund
ed. Price $10.
Lot No. 5. Wo offer ICO All Wool
Spring Overcoats , made from the cele
COATINGS , made by the famous PUT
NAM WOOLEN CO. , of Putnam ,
Conn. , a mill that is pro-eminent and
famous for its thoroughly honest , all
wool fabrics , certainly the moat popular
goods manufactured. Our prices on
thorn in regular sizes from 31 to 42 , will
bo $7. They are nil now goods ; mndo
up within the past 00 days , in the very
latest styles , and wo stnto an undisput
ed fact when wo say that up to the pres
ent time $12 is the lowest retail price
that is quoted for these overcoats. There
are of a very handsome brown mixture.
Send in your orders at onco. REMEM
BER the price is $7 , and the same priv
ilege is granted on this lot as on lot 4 ,
if not satisfactory they can bo returned.
Lot No. 6. Wo ask SPECIAL ATTEN
TION to this lot of Young Men's Over
N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodso Sts.
Best facilities , apparatus and remedies for sue.
cessful treatment of every form of disease requir
ing Medical or Surgical Treatment.
Hoard and attendance ; best hospital accommo
dations in the west.
WKITB FOR CIRCULARS on Deformities and
Braces , Trusses , Club 1'eel , Curvature of UK
Surgical Operations.
Diseases of Woman a Specialty.
All Blood Diseases successfully treated. Sjpli-
llltic 1'olson removed from the system without
mercury. New restorative treatment for loss ol
Vital Tower. I'ersons unable to visit us may be
treated at home by correspondence. All commu
nications confidential. Medicines or Instruments
sent' by mail or express , securely packed , no
marks to indicate contents or Fi-mltr. One per
sonal interview preferred. Call and consult us or
end history of your case , mid we will send in
plain wrapper , our
Upon Private. Special or Nervous Diseases , Ira-
vitency , Syphilis , Gleet and Varicocele , with
i-estionlist. Address
\iinnha ffnlieal untl fitrplcal In ttttittot
Cor. 13th ana Doda * Sts. . OMAHA , NEB.
(12 vibuy \ \ n gen ulna
Hotncbpun All Wool Suit ,
EtzestromSj to 41 , cut-avay
or sack cout , In light grey
color , that In really worth UO.
The suit Is well made and
splendid wearing goods.
Wo make this offer to In
troduce ourselves to the trade
nnd in the future you will
line ) our house the bargain
center. Pond your measure
around breast under the
arms , and a-ound tha walat ,
and down the inside seam of
, the pants , ami we will fit you.
You can send money -with order , or-we will
ecndO.O , I ) by express.
Inferences : First National llunV , Omaha ,
or any llrst-clabs house In Omaha.
* r\VT thl out ufl return with We , c t | or stampi ,
upon rct U > t of which tie will c d. pieuald. to
nr adilred. one On llojlnr imcfc ge "Jxmdop
( ranul . ' the grofteH.biood i > d n-rinimed
* .
I tlue on cartli. ( food until AVrll to. IxjnJon Medi
cine Agfiuy. KMII U t'ltyj Us
coats , cut only from 83 to 33 slzoa. Mad *
f n line diagonal twill in llghtbrown
tan color , with handsome silk facings ,
drossy and just right for the present
season , Placed on our counters this
week nt $12.
Lot No. 7. Wo offer 250 Boys' Strict
a small neat basket pattern , medium
color , neither very light nor very dark
in sizes for boys 4 to 12 years y.ld. Wo
manufactured these goods in Fob. of the
present year and have sold hundreds of
thorn and the average price has boon
$0 a suit. During the present week or
until they nro closed , wo shall offer
them for $3.60 a suit. READ THE
PRICE ONCE MORE , $3.GOnnd romom.
bor they are strictly all wool , no cotton
or shoddy in thonl. Only $3.50. Every
suit is worth $0 to-day.
Lot No. 8 160 BOYS' PLAIN
BLOUSE SUITS , strictly all wool , made
from a medium color Cheviot , ono of
the best suits in our stock at any price ,
and a beautiful color for spring and
summer for boys 6 to 12 years , only $3 a
suit. Every suit is worth $5.
Lot No. 9 Wo offer the balance of
several lots of dark mixed cassimoro
suits , somewhat broken in sizes. Suits
that havoysold for $3.60 and $4. They
are in heavy weights and will bo closed
At Auction on
Imported and Grade Percherons.
Clydesdale & Cleveland Bays ,
And the Standardbred Stallion C. C.
Anyone wishing information in regard to the Porchorons or C. C. . will nlcnsa
address the Oregon Iforso & Land Co. , Fremont , and for information regarding
Ne0bXlmCleveland Buya , they will plcoao address J. P. Mallon , PromonT
Twelve months time will bo given on PorohoronH , C. C. nnd Oregon Horses ,
at 8 per cent Interest , or 5 per cent discount fo > - cash. On Clydos and Cleveland
SbcounUor'cuih0 J'CBrB b ° piV ° "f nt 8 P ° r cent i"lorcst of 5 per cent
w cora'tur rccoantna
KurU iUwu nmttf
wn to ut fci Gcnoiibui
and Gl l.
w h > > < sold conildir.
tuc.udla rtry cue U
glf en iitliftctlcp.
AU tt A
Eoldby Dru
riki i.oo.
Warranted nlioliilclv jxtrp
Co fan , from which tht eicesi ot
Oil liai been reraored , JtlKiMrr *
timn Iht itnnQth of Cocoa nixed
with fitarcli , Arrowroot or Sugar ,
and Is theieforu far more icononil-
cal , coiling leu than ont tent
cvp , K U dcUcloiu , nourUUInjr ,
strenethenloe , ca ll7dl ( ( > tediin < t'
BdtniraUjr adapted for Invalid ! as
well as for pcrsonijnhcalth.
Sold bjr i
W , BAKER & CO , , Dorchester , Mass ,
ELOUTTER'S ' Mammoth Clothing House
Best Scotch Cheviot Suits , $12,50.
Best Blue Middlesex Suits , $9.00.
3,000 Pr. fine Pants at $4.
ID'C Mammoth Clothing Houser
all $ ' Cor. Farnam & lOlli