KlflfflR H ( J THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , MAKOH 28 , 1888. THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS , .OFFICE , NO. 12 PHAIlfe STIIEET. Delivered by Currier in Any Tart of the City nt Twenty Cents I'cr Week. II. W.TJI/TON. MANAGER. TKLKVHONK8 ! ncfiiKK" * OFFICE , No. 4.1. NKIIIT HDiTori , No , St. . , , . MINOR MENTION. J&Y. . Plumbing Co. j'J > Jew spjlng goods at Keller's , Wanted Boys to wlro togs , Call nt Bi B 'Mlltihory display at II. Friedman's Friday 'biiu Saturday. A force of 145 men Is employed on the new Broadway bridge. W. H. Beck has bought a flno filly , Wooded , both Wilkcs nnd Manhattan being ou tlio pedigree. Judge Thornoll has decided the Benjamin- Converse litigation In favor of the latter , dis solving the injunction , The motor company has established its city onico nt No. 418 'Broadway , with Hudlo & Scars of the Manhattan. The ladles nro cordially invited to attend the spring display of millinery at II. Fried man's Friday nnd Saturday. Easter sociable at the Methodist church to morrow ( Thursday ) evening. Refreshments and caster novelties for sale. The Council Bluffs Hunting and Fishing club hold n meeting last evening and trans acted porno routine business. Dr. T. J. Cody has let the contract for the building of a hvery stable and veterinary in- Urinary on Washington avenue. A marrlaga license was Issued yesterday to William T. Schwartz , of Stanton county , Nob. , and Annlo Lcltzhc , of this county. The Ladles' Musical society will meet this afternoon at 2:30 : , in Meyers' now inuslo hall. Miss Isaacs and Mr. Franco glvo the pro gramme. Miss Love , of Chicago , has takcd charge of II. Friedman's trimming department. She baft excellent taste and Is thoroughly conver sant In the millinery line. Last evening Mr. James Townsend Hussell raven Byron nnd Shnkespcaro recital for the ladles of the Every Thursday club. It was given in the parlors of Mrs. N. M. Puscy. Mrs. John Barnes , of Wcston , died Mon day night , and will ho buried this afternoon. Kov. Mr. Flsk , of this city , will olllciate. The remains will bo Interred in Gregg's cemetery , Hazel Doll township. The government building has again been inspected , and the work again pronounced satisfactory , this time by Mr. Nathaniel Hob- crts , of the supervising architect's ofllco , Washington. There Is plenty af law in the city whether thcro Is much justice or not. Yesterday there wcro five courts in session , the district rourt , United States circuit and district courts , po llco court and superior court. The talk of Hon. W. II. M. Pusoy being ngaln nominated for congress by the demo crats of this district will lese its interest now that It is authoritivoly stated that ho will not accept if nominated. F. J. Brcezo , the taxidermist , yesterday re ceived the largest elk head seen In this pait. It is the property of W. B. Mathews , of Omaha and is to beset up by Mr. Breeze. The antlers measure over twelve feet from tip to tip. A certificate of amendment to the articles of Incorpoiatlon of the Walnut Paik Land and Improvement company , Increasing the number of directors of said company to eovcn , was filed ut the county recorder's oHlco yesterday morning. On account of the season being so early Mr. H. Friedman has decided not to glvo u formal spring opening , but has arranged for nn elegant display of flno French pattern bonnets nnd novelties , far superior to any heretofore shown in this city. This display will bo ou Friday nnd Saturday. The city clerk yesterday Issued n building permit to Jacob Ncuinayer for n $ ' . > ,000 addi tion to his hotel. The now Dart will contain a largo store room , which Mr. Neumaycr thinks will rent for enough to pay the In terest on his investment , and ho figures that the income from the additional rooms will pay a good profit. . Mr. Bertram Zoverly , pension examiner , has received the sad news of the death of his father , Hon. Alex N. Zoverly , which occurred at Washington Monday. The old gentleman was eighty years of ago , nnd has been much in public life. For years ho was the third as sistant postmaster. His son will proceed at once to Washington to attend the funeral. A veritable "bottomless pit" seems to ex ist nt the corner of Broadway and Bryant street. About two weeks ago a largo hole wan dlscoveied * beneath the paving , and ten wagon loads of dirt was required to fill it up. Yesterday it was found to hnvo taken another - ' other drop , nnd several moro wagon loads , of ' , , dirt were dumped into the cavern. Just where it goes to is a mystery , but it is sup posed to have settled into the quicksand that was found there when the Broadway sewer was built. .This enormous appetite is only developed in the spring of the year. Money at low rates on llrst-clnss farm security. Burnham , Tulleys & Co , 102 Main street. For all fcmalodlHeastu consult Drs. Moser & Van NOSH , opera IIOUHO block , rooms i und C , Council lilulltj. Con eapondence solicited. Nobbiest styles iu spring overcoats at John Bono & Co.'s. A full line of crockery nnd glassware at Lund Bros. , No. 2It Main street. Hallway Officials. Vice President Smith , of the Council Bluffs f & St. Louis railway , and Thomas Sheldon , ' treasurer of the company , nro In the city for the purpose of looking over the books and business of the late Colonel McKissock and caring for the interests of the company dur ing the temporary vacancy. Union Abstract company , 230 Main street. E. H. Shcafo loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consultinp rooms. All business strictly confidential. Ofllco 600 Broadway , cor ner Main street , up-stairs. Travelers ! Stop nt the Bcchtolo. o Piles cured with certainty. Drs. Mosor & Van Ness , Council Bluffs , la. Wanted To lease , a furnished house , ton to fifteen rooms. Inquire of John ston & Van Patten , Ha Main street. * Helping Sunday Schools. Joseph Wells , the Sunday school mission ary for this county , has made arrangements by which union schools can bo furnished with lesson papers and otnor needed helps at about half the usual cost , the American Sunday School union standing the balance of the ox- pcnso. Those interested in the work and desiring - siring their schools to bo thus aldod should communicate with him. I < 08t , an Irish setter dog , very largo , red in color. Return to A. Hofter , 310 Broadway and receive reward. Dm. Moser & Van Ness cure nrhato diseases. ItooiUH i and C , opera house b'u. Telephone 27X - ' Latest novelties in the Star shirt waists at John Bono & Co.'a. Call and boo the newest styles of boys' knee und kilt suits at John Beno & Co.'s. B. B. Wadeworth & Co. loan money. Oatoh On to Thli. Mr. Charles Probstlo 1s prepared to lupply you with a harness the equal of any on earth. Fine work nnd harness novelties a specialty. Single , double nd track ; also a good class of farm IVrork. . A complete stock of gentb' und \ \ ladies' riding saddles , driving boots , robes , all kfiidu of whips , etc. Glvo him a call. _ _ The Knitting Factory ; The now enterprise , known &s Mullln'a knitting factory , will be iu active operation in the course of two weoks. The plant ls > on the way , and ycster jay a lease was niado ol the south half of the nrst tteor of the Matcmlc bulldlug. ALL ABOUT THE BLUFFS , Flvo Courts Grinding out Jus tic o Hero Yesterday. THE NEW KNITTING FACTORY. Its location Decided Upon Aylcs- ivortli'H tincnl llecorcl Bonnl of Trmlo nmt City Council Personal Pftrngrnplis. Tlio Fcrtcrnl Court. The spring session of the United States circuit court was opened yesterday morning in the south court , room of the now court house , with Judges Shims and Love on the bench , The forenoon was taken up with call ing the docket , assigning causes , and hearing motions. In the afternoon Judge Shiras con tinued hearing motions in the jury room , and Judge Love had the first case of the term called in the court room. It was a datnago case against the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy for the killing of onoFostcrat Pacific 'unction , . * The District Court. A few motions wore heard in the district jourt yesterday morning , but by noon all mslncss was finished up , and Judge Tlior- icll adjourned for that term. The term pencd hero on the 21th of January , and has Ducn open nearly every wok-day since. 'art of thu ttmo Judge Loot bourow was pre siding during the absence of Judge Thornell. und last week both Judges wcro holding court licro. Judge Dcemer opens the next term 311 the 3rd o' Apt 11 , and will probably bo hero lib out six weeks. tlio Cowboys. C. E. Friedman , late of Oiloll Bros. & Co. , t this city , is still at Pine Bluffs , Wyo. , en deavoring to regain his health by the cli matic change. In a personal letter ho writes mcouruglngly , despite the sudden changes n weather which arc evidenced by one re mark which ho makes , "wo wore fighting files yesterday , but to-day a blizzard is going liast. " Of late lie has been exercising himself In . .ho art preservative. Ho says : "I dis covered an amateur press und several fonts of typo the other day In the belongings of an owa emigrant , and am beguiling the weary hours by playing with it. .It is 'one of those abominable nut cruckeis , not fit for n toy even , but everything goes out hero , and I ' : iavo already done 1,000 envclones on it. The .ypo has been shipped in the ctisos , and thcro was nn assortment of the entire alphabet in each box of the case. I had to set up the pi and throw it back , which amused mo a week or so. At first 1 cherished the idea of getting out a paper the size of a postal card , but I soon found it impossible to print so largo a form of small typo , so as yet I am running only a pocket Job olllco. The citizens are anxious for n paper and the demand Is nearly unanimous among the whole forty-eight of thorn , but they haven't the means us yet to take stock. " Notice to Architects. The board of cducntion of the intlo- pcndunt school district of Council BlulTs , hi. , will consider nil plans that may bo filed with the secretary , Clmrlcs M. Hurl , Esq. , on or before the 7th day of April , 1888 , for a th.roo-s.tory , oighteen- room school building , to bo erected on the prcbcnt site of tlio Washington ave nue school house. The cost of said build ing not to exceed $40,000. No payment will bo made lor any plan unless the snino shall bo adopted by the hoard. The right to reject any or 'all plans is oxprebslg reserved by the said board. TiiKODOitu S. COUCH , J. J. STKWAUT , Committee. Piles cured with certainty. Drs. Mosor & Van Ness , Ceil Bounluffs. The Aylcsworth Tragedy. W. P. Ayleswoith , who was shot at Waterloo lee , Neb. , is now in St. Joseph's hospital , Omaha , and is there attended by his wife. The affair has caused no little surprise hero , although Aylesworth's drink habit was no secret. When sober ho was one of the best of men , usually genial und pleasant ; has proven himself very skillful as a house mover and contractor ; raised many brick buildings hero and In Omaha , among tnom St. Francis' academy , ills patent trucks for moving houses Is a valuable invention , which has met with a ready sale. Until liquor got hold of him , causing him to in- aulg'o 111 sprees , .ho was prosperous finan- ciallv , and In his homo life was very happy. During the past year his sprees have increased in frequency and in violence. Ho at times would talk very wlldly.and make numerous threats , but has not been deemed dangerous. Ho has been arrested several times , and once for being abusive to his family. His wife is u perfect little lady and his children are well trained. In view of all these circumstances the greatest sympathy Is felt not only for the family , but even for him. despite the fact that ho 1ms brought this trouble upon himsolf. The lust , day ho was in Council Bluffs was Monday of last week. On that day ho was at work at the residence of H. W. Tilton , of the Bm : . lie seemed to bo sober and gave no evi dence of any mental malady. Ho had , how ever , n bottle of whisky in his pocket , and thank of this quite frequently while nt work , and tried to get some other workmen to Imbibe. Ho loft his tools , intending , apparently , to return , but instead of doing so went to Omaha , drank moro and more , nntil In a crazed con dition ho roamed off Into the state and began his wild shooting. The victims of his Insane wrath will recover , according to last reports , but ho will never regain his sight , both eyes being gone. Shoafo loans money on real estate. New City Directory. Changes in rcsidonco or business can bo made by addressing D. C. Dunhar Ss Co. , Omaha. What Will the Harvest Bo. Much speculation Is Indulged in as to what appointments will bo made by the mayor and city council at tlio meeting next Monday night , when the chief of the fire de partment , chief und captain of police and other members of the force ate to bo chosen. It is the general Impression that the present chief of the fire department will bo retained , as it is thought that the council would hardly be willing to make a change in direct opposition to the cxpiessod wish of so many prominent citizens und tax payers as have signed tbo petition far Tcmploton'n reap- pointmcnt. No good reason Is assigned for making a change , as the lire record for the past two years has been such as to give com plete ' satisfaction , and the politics of the presc'nt incumbent are strictly in accordance with the power now on the throne. In viuw of these facts the public U unwilling to be lieve that the council will needlessly do any thing to arouBo tlio indignation of the business men , and create such general , dissatisfaction as would an uut of this kind , In regard to the chlof of police , the public mind U very much unsettled as yet. The nnmo of John Churchill has hern mentioned in connection with that position , and it is understood that it has been tendered to him , but ho refuses to accept it. His ability to inopcrly conduct that onico it firmly be lieved in , and if ho could be prevailed upon to accept the position. H 1 * thought that his appointment would give general satisfaction. There are a few who profess to believe that the present chief , James Mullen , will be al lowed to hold over , although it is the im pression of the majority that his head will bo severed with a , very sudden , decisive blow. OQlccr Dyer is favorably mentioned as the probable captain of police , and it is generally conceded that bo will receive the appoint ment The name of Nick O'Biion U still timidly brought forward by his friends , but the mere mention of it is received with an audible smile by the knowing ones , who say that O'Brien' * political ambitloo was carry ing him along at a far too rapid rate , and predict that ho will bo effectually squelched and sat down upon. In regard to the lesser lights on the force fuw predictions are made , although it is quite certain that Mayor Holuer will make at leatt a fuw changes. He stated 'sometime ago that ho was bound to have "an efflclen pollco force , " nml there is ho doubt but ho fcieant what ho said. In order to accomplish this it Will bo necessary to release some of the pren- cnt members , and for this reason it is quite probable that there will bo n general trans- ormntlon in the galaxy of the city stars , Spring Opening. Fine millinery , Friday , March 29. to. P. II. Stewart. All are cordially "nvltcd. No cards. 1'ollco Gatherings. Pollco business still holds good , and the x > llco Judge has his hands full every morn- ng. Yesterday morning Judge Aylesworth was confronted by an oven dozen , In number , although In appearance they wcro decidedly odd. They wore sized up and classified as "allow * : Boozers Tom Lc\vl8 , 8.10 ; Ed Hughes , $7.00. Vngs Thomas Crowley , ton days ; Peter i3ruce , ten days ; Frank Scull , ten days. Peddling without a license Fred Brcnn , dismissed ; John Sampson , continued. Larceny and suspicious characters C. Norton and John Mitchell , both continued. They were found trying to sell now pocket ailves in saloons and failed to account for -ho articles in their possession. Larceny John Walker , continued. Walker s an agent of the Metropolitan Uug company and was arrested on complaint of J. C. Allen , proprietor of a restaurant near the lummy depot , for taking away a lamp which > vns nearly all paid for. Suspicious character John Gary , contin ued. Assault and battery John Croty , contin ued. Croty was arrested on complaint of Michael Callahan , a contractor , who alleges that the prisoner struck him several times , and threatened to pound him Into the earth. The assault and battery case of Dan Car- ngg comes up to-day , and will doubtless bo very Interesting , unless the breach In the democratic party is patched up , and the warring elements lay down their arms. Aid Our Chnrltnblo Institutions. If there , are twelve Domestic sowing machines sold from this ofllco within ivlthln the next ton days , cither for casher or monthly payments , wo will donate the on tire proceeds of the twelfth sale to St. Bernard's and the Cottage hospital , iach receiving an oq.ua ! share. Do mestic parlors , 105' Main stroot. The Now Catholic Church. Rev. B. P. McMonomy , pastor of St. Fran cis Xavior's church , leaves for Chicago this morning to see about the altars for the now church. These will not bo received before September or October , and the church will not bo dedicated before that time. How ever , it is expected to open it on the third Sunday of next month , on which occasion there will be quite extensive and impressive ceremonies. Two bands will bo in attend ance , and the choir will bo assisted by an or chestra. The Anuient Order of Hibernians and other Irish societies will mnko a parade , and several visiting clergymen will assist in the exercises. At the dedication the ceremonies will bo unusually jrrmut and impressive. Pontifical liigh mass will bo celebrated by the bishop of Lincoln. The work on the now cathedral is rapidly nearing completion. The pews will soon bo placed In position , and it will proba bly bo ready to occupy by the middle of next month. o Doings of the Board of Trade. The full board met at 8 o'clock to hear the report of the committee. F. H. Hill was made chairman. The usual order of business was suspended and the report of the commit tee was received. Mr. Wics stated that the committee had had several meetings with Mr. Kced and the union depot company , and it is impossible to harmonize the differences that exist between them. Ho then presented the majority committee report , the substance of which appeared in yesterday's BEE. The minority report was also read. On motion of Mr. Seidontopf the majority report was adopted , and the following com mittee was appointed to visit the city council and notify them of this action : AVilllam Soidontopf , William Moore , F. O. Glcason , F. J. Day and'E. H. Odell. On the departure of the committee the reg ular order of business was resumed. After the reading of minutes of the pre vious meeting communications were read. One from W. W. Aina- worth , of DCS Momcs , and another from E. St. John , of Chicago. One from E. C. Smith , of the Now York Life Insurance com pany , states tha now insurance is not con sidered by them a necessity to erecting build ings where such investments are , in them selves , an assured profitable investment. That the insurance company will entertain any proposition this city may sco fit to make , but the time of the investigation of our situ ation and surroundings by that company should be deferred until Council Bluffs can furnish good hotel accommodations. Another from W. W. Alnsworth , that the sleeping car accommodations on the Kansas City & St. Joe railroad had been referred to the officials of that road. On motion the secretary was instructed to keep files of the various papers of the city in thcso rooms. It , was stated that there was danger of the Wabush ofilccs moving from the city , and Messrs. Haldcno. Shugart and Wallace wcro appointed to confer with tho.ofllcials concern ing the matter. Mr. Shugart moved that the committee on printing see to the making of a map of this city ; such map to bo of a size us can bo easily mailed und will conuin certain things neces sary to bo advertised as the peculiar advan tages this city possesses. ( ho JWiiimwa Line. The completion of the Manawa motor line is a matter in which the entire city and its representative interests are concerned. To effect this at an early data Mr. Reed is bond ing all' his energies. The various hin drances which have been thrown in the way are familiar to the readers of the BEE. The last , the crossing of the Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific on Ninth street , is apparently the only , or at least the greatest ono , which stands in tbo way at immcdiato progress , In order to bring all possible influcnco to bear upon the officials of that railroad , Mr. Rebd asked the board of trade to lend their influence. A special meeting was appointed , in which this matter was made tbo special order of business. At this meeting Mr. Mcr- riam , president of the union depot company. appeared in the interest of that company and antagonized the crossing at Ninth street. This new complication arising , the matter of adjusting or harmonizing these ap parently conflicting interests was referred to a special committee of the board , The committee mot yesterday afternoon. After a conference in which the situation of the motor line was fully explained by Mr. Reed and Ills attorney. Mr. Pusey , the com mittee was called to order with Mr. Wics in the chair. Mr. Pusoy stated the attitude of his client and Mr. Morrlam did the same for the depot company. The chair stated for what the committee had met and asked if some plan of compromise could not bo sue- Rested. Mr Reed said that he would agree to vacate Ninth street whenever the depot company should have their building erected and ready for occupancy , provided the depot company would tulco up his tracks , lay them down upon some other street , and put In the necessary curves. To this proposition Mr. Mcrrlarn , for the depot company , would not accede. Ho would consent to the laying of tracks , and the operation of the road until the depot company should bo re.uly for ac tive operations , provided that , at that time , Mr. Reed would take up tlio tracks of his road and vacate the street. Mr. Reed would not consent to to this propo sition. Thu matter was debated at length by various persons. William Moore , who Is a member of the depot com pany. thought that the motor line should be assisted and given that crossing inasmuch as it was a tangible thing while the depot was in the very dim perspective , so far away , In fmt : , that there was no hope of ils being built for this year , at least , and perhaps for a longer time. The City Council. The city council met in adjourned session last evening. Present Mayor Rohrer , AN dtrman Watermen , Lacy , Knepher , Bellinger und Weaver. The petition of E. H , Merriatn and eighteen other * that the [ nuisance exist ing ut the corner of Pearl street and First avenue , caused by ( landing water , be abated , was granted , and the marshal was instructed to sco that Dr. Woodbury" removed nil ob structions forthwith. farJ ? On motion of AldcT-maajOJncy the regular irdorof business wasdiiptyiso * with until the Ixmrd of Undo coujmlttcostnada their report. That report was ? then presented by William Seidontopf. Mr. McrriaiH Wtfdo n minority report in favor of the opposition. Mr. H. M. Pusoy , as legal ndvlscrof the".jnnntigcment of Lho motor line , made a lengthy statement concerning the case. HcVVreSc'ntcd a petition with several hundred signatures asking for the Interference of the epuncll. After n rather extended " 'discussion the matter was referred , to the mayor , city council and city attorney. The petition of property owners on North Second street for a cli'ango'of ' grade was put upon its second reading , and referred to the city engineer and1 the committee on streets and alloys , and potltloner8rcqucsted to sign another petition , consenting to such changes ns may bo found necessary. On inottdh of Alderman Lacy the council adjourned to meet at 10 o'clock this morning to consider the Manawa railway question , Grand Opening Of Mrs. T. B. Louis' millinery em porium , Thursday and Friday , March 29 and 80. Latest novelties will ho dis played. Don't forgot the date and place , Mrs. Arhuthnot's old stand. A Plcnsnnt Hcccption. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Chapman entertained a company of young folks at their new home , No. 717 First avenue , Monday evening. The gathering was In honor of Miss Ruhsc. who Is In a few days to leave for her home In Ne braska City , to thcro spend sever.il weeks In rest and recreation. Miss Rohso has won nn enviable reputation as an artist , and finds tlio demands upon her tlmo and strength so great ns to nccssitato a period of respite. Among those from out of the city who wcro guests on this occasion wcro Mr. and Mrs. Do Bo- volso , of Omaha , Miss Kate Freeman , of Iowa City , and Mrs. Rlfonback , of Denver. The evening was very happily spent In danc ing and In cards , and suitable refreshments were served with hospitality. Lot 10 , Mock 7 , Bayliss' first addition , with good house , will ho offered cheap for the next ton days by S. B. Wads- worth & Co. , U30 Main st. It Is a bar gain for any ono. A Narrow Escape. Taylor Woolsoy and Harry Starr were yes terday after ducks nt lake Manawa. Starr ventured out about n hundred yards on the Ice , which gave way under him , dropping him Into about twenty feet of water. With his heavy clothing , belt of cartridges and other wcsght , ho had n hard struggle for life , but by his cool-hcadcdncss managed to get out , badly chilled only. IM * Personal Pnragraphs. Mayor Rohrer goes to Des Molncs to-day on business for the city. Mrs. Robert McLachlan and daughter , of Rock Island , HI. , nro guests of their relatives , Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Bublitz , on South First street. C. M. ICeedy , of Kccdysville , Md. , was In the city yesterday , the guest of his former townsman , Mayor Rohror. Ho was shown the various points of interest in the city. Miss Laura Brcnneman has taken charge of the pattern room of H. JMedman's milli nery establishment , wlieae * aho will bo pleased to have her fnends'nnu patrons call. The following gentlemen leave for Des Moines to-day : Messrs. Seldenlopf , Shupart , Mcrriam , Hill , SteadmanandSnpp. . They constitute the board of trado-jcommittoo to see after the legislation necessary to effect the paving already under way In the city. John L. Cohoon , who has , ' been special agent for a Boston Insurance company , has given up that position to accept ono with a loan company of Now Yorlr. Ho willoperato in Iowa , Nebraska and Kansas ns their western rcpiescntativc. Ho arrived homo yesterday from New York , having completed the new arrangements. SPECIALJWTICES. * NOTtCEil * . - QPECTALadvertlsements , such as Lost , found. O To Loan , For Sulo , To Kent , Wants , Hoarding etc , will bo Inserted in this column nt the low ratoof TKN OENT8 FKK LINE for the first In sertion nnrt Flvo CentH 1'er Line for each subse quent Insertion. Leave advertisements at our olllre. No. 12 1'earl Street , near IJroadway , Coun- ell Hlntfs , Iowa. WANTS. WANTED At onco. four girls for general housework , : Mniroad\\ny. ! TO THADE A clean stock of clothing , hats , boots and HlioiH , for found ! muffs or Omaha property , or for land In this vicinity. Adiltess 11 2(1 ( , Iteo olllco. Council JlIulTs. Hood clil forpencral housework , WANTED Apply to Mrs OLciholtzer. IK8 Thhd st. WANTED A good shoemaker with kit of tools and $100 capital ; good opening at Lake View. I l\lll furnl&h shop 100111 In my general store rent fre . Tor further particulars uddrobs J. I" . Therkolson. Lake View , Sao Co . Jn. , or call on Joseph Therkelsen , 111 Upper liroadway. Council lllufls , T710H SALE Very cheap for cash or would ox- J ? change for Council llluirs or Omaha prop erty , a retail stock of boots and shoes valued nt 16,000. Cull at store No , fO ) S. 13th st. . Omalin. or address It. Martin , same place and number "IjlUHNrrrjHE nought , sold and exclmiiKPd ; -13 also storage nnd commission in good , light , nlry. lire prool building. Inquire nl Moro No. J10 North 13th bt. H. Jliirtlu , Omaha.Ncb. TTPHOLSTEUING and Furniture repairing U done neatly und momptly : work duoran. teed. Household goods and furnlturo bought nmlsold. L. M , Lewis , No. 110 North 13th st , Omaha. "I710R SALK At a bargain. 40 acres near stock JJ yards , South Oniuhu , Neb. , Johnson & Christian , Koom 35 , Chamber of Commerce , Omaha. A girl to do cener l housework ; WANTED , convenient kitchen , TOU ( itli avenue. Stocks of merchandise. Ilavo WANTED and Council llluffs city propeity. also western land to exchange for goods. Call on or address Johnson & Christian , lloom 33 , Cimmber of Commerce , Omaha. ANTED Flrst-clafs cook ntCreston IIOUB * , W Council llluirs. Ion a. SNYDCK fc SNYDER , II. 1) ) . RNYDKIt , A. M. , U. D. PHYSICIAN-AND SURGEON. MIIS. M , II. 8NVDEII , M. J ) . SPJKCIALIST DISEASES OP WOMEN AND CHILDUEN. U07 Broadway , Council muffs. FOR THE LATEST And Most Fashionable novelties In Human Hair tioods. ' t GOTO > MRS. G. L. GILLETTE , 29 Main St. , Council BlulTs , Iowa OKFICBOKTJIKi STEAM DYEWOBKs Sumo street ani nuinbor. jf OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS 100 Broadway Council Uluffs , Iowa. Established IT. R , H , HUNTINGTON & CO , , lYHQLESALE FL.OUR , FRUIT & .PRODUCE , . NO. 104 BROADWAY. NOW HUSBAND DEAR TOU 00 ntOHT DOWN TO PETER C. MILLER'S And Get Tlmt llcniillfnl Pattern of WALL PAPER I SAW T11EUE VESriMll ) UK DOUS ALL KINDS Ol < ' HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING DECORATING , WHITENING , ETO. , Ami llns None Hut Expci icnciil Workmen. Nn. IJironrl St. , : : Council UtufTa. JOHN GILBERT , ri.UMDr.H AND DBALKU IN WIND MILLS , IRON AND WOOD PUMPS , NO. G21 MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BL.UF.FS , : : IOWA COUNCIL , BLUFFS IJ 7U4 BROADWAY , UI'-STAIRS Is ready to furnish first-class help of all kinds , contoactors , hotels , restaurants and private places. Fifty Indies and gentlemen wanted to Ecll n new article which every family will buy. Apply this \ > et'E. A. a Li A US EN. Itefcrcnces : First Nat'l Hank. OGDEN BOILER WORKS CAKTKU & SON , Prop's. Manufacturers of All Kinds of Steam Boilers & Sheet Iron Work Orders by mall for repars promptlc attended to. Satisfaction feunrantccd. 10th Avenue. Ad dress Ogden Boiler Works. Council muffs , Iowa WM. WELCH , Carriage and OFFICE O15 MAIN STIIEET. Telephone No. IB. The finest line of Landaus , Coaches and Hacks n the city. The only line authorized to answer calls turned In to Am. Dlst. Tel. Co. NEW SPRING MILLINERY 1514 DOUGLAS Sr. , OMAHA. NJ3U. DELMONICO HOTEL 711 BROADWAY. Best $1 a Day House in the City , GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS , Near tbo Depots. Street Car Connections. CRESTON HOUSE , Main StreetCouncil , _ Bluffs , Only Hotel In the City with Flro Es cape. Eloctrlo Call Bella. Accommodations First Class , Rates Always Reasonable MAX MOHN , Proprietor. EGAN & KIMBALL , PLUMBERS , STEAM AND GAS FITTERS , No , 652 Broadway. Opera House Block , Council Bluffs. Telephone No. 284. THE TROTTING STALLION Standard No. 4090 , chestnut stallion , foaled April IU , 1883. Bred by C. J , Humlin , Buffo ! N , Y. , sired by Almonarch ( record 2'-- eon of Alinont , first dam , Lucy , by Hamlln's Patchin , giro of the dam of Bell Hamlin ( record 218J ; ) : second dam by Hysdyk'a Ilamblotonlan. Norway stands 10 } { hands high , and can trot better than 2W. : ! This stallion will bo permitted to servo a few mares at $35 the season from March 1st to July 1st , For particulars enquire of WADE GARY , Council Bluffs Driving Park , or No. 411 South lltb BC , Omaha. . ' SPECIAL SALE CDBTAIN DRAPERIES ! MONDAY AND TUESDAY. WE SHALL CLOSE OUT A LOT AT HALF THEIR VALUE. CARPETS T THE BEST OF FABRICS , BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS - TERNS , LOWEST PRICES. DO NOT FORGET THE PLACE , 401 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. HARKNESS BRO'S. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. ATTFN Jfr RFTT Architects and Superintendents. Koom AUULlH IX. UIiUU 2 < Opera House Block > HRTMTNRINI7 Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer . JJIIUUUDIIIJJ , piana ) Estimates , Specifications. Sn pervision of Public ork. Brown Building , Council BluiEs Iowa. _ _ _ _ RINTFY RITRIC'R Attomey-at-Law , Second Floor Brown llllJJJjl UUiUiLrf , Building , 115 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. ' NOpnTTD7 Justice of the Peace. Office over American , UUIlUttU , Express , No. 419 Broadway , Council Bluffs , o wa. Attorneys-at-Law , practice in the Stat" , aud Federal Courts. Office Eooins and 8 , Shugart Beno Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Q RAPMflTT Justice of the Peace , 415 Broadway , 0 , UiiRllUIl , Council Bluffs. Refers to any banker business house iu the city. Collections a specialty. DRS. WOODBURY & SONS Dentists. Office corner o . , Pearl St. and First Avenue FINK GOLD WORK A SPECIALTY. DRS. LfflOSEMYAN NESS , rooms 4 and 5. Telephone No. 273 and 272 for the office and residence. Diseases of women and children a specialty. f f HA7FN Dentist- Corner Main street and First ESTAUiaSHICD 1842. INCORPORA. ED 1878 MASSILLON , OHIO , MANUFACTURERS. SIZES FROM & m fm Kspeclally Doslgncd for 25T025 ° HORSE ELECTRIC LIGHT POWER , PURPOSES , AUTOMATIC : CUT-OFF : ENGINE , Branch House , Council Bluffs , Iowa. SEND l-'OIl CATALOGUE. E. C. HARRIS , Manager F. T. BREEZE , NATURALIST AND TAXIDERMIST , BIRDS AMD RSAMMAI , * KIOUNTUD TKUE TO NATURE. ALL , WORK GUARANTEED. NO , 010 MAIN STURKT , : : i OOIJNOIIj UIjUFFB , lX Orders tiikon ut Ponroso & Hnrdon's , S. 18lh St. , Omuhu , Nob. DR. C. B. J U D D , MANUFACTURER OF ELECTRIC BELTS AND ELEGTRIG TRUSSES. No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary. WANTJCO LOCAL AND TIIAVKLINGAGUNTS ON COMMISSION , No. 201 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OP FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES , BOTH DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN. DR. RICE'S COMMON SU\SC HERNIAL SUPPORT. The Greatest Invention of the .Age ! llupture or Hernia n Specialty ; Makes Female Diseases a Specialty , Cures all kinds of Chronic Diseases tlwt or * car ! e with hlTmost Wonderful Vegetable Item * eg. JB the oldest unrt most Hucce.ssful nperlallst in the west. I'ull and eo him. Ofllce No. 11 nrl st , Council JIlutTu , Iowa. Olilce liouraH ; to W a. m ; 1 to A and fl to 8 j > . in. D , H. HoDAHELD & GO , , Hides. Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. C20 nd 822 Main StreetCouncil llluffs.lovr * . ACCIDENT INSURANCE , $5,000 AT DEATH I t 5 weekly Indemnity for Injury. Coats but 113 per year In the Old Reliable United Htates JIutu LAlileiit Association of Now York. li.lIjl.iMUU & K I' . Ue" 'l . Jloom 8 , Opera Iluusu Block. < Star Stables and Mule Yards liroaih\uy , Council Illuffa , Oj > p. Dummy Depot w Horses nnd mules con > > laulon 1und , tot 83l ut i utotl or In car load loU. Order * promptly tlllrd by contract on * Uort notice. . ' mock Kold on commluulon. U' lrnbOKO IU. BC1ILUTEII.V JIOLKV. . Oppoalto liuumy4Jepot , Council llluff * . * I