Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Interest Again Mainly Centered In
the Corn Fit.
Provision * Strong nnrt HlRlicr The
Jj | ht nun of Cnttlo Mnkcs
Xrmlo Active and Causes
Higher Prices.
Cnicxno , March 27. [ Special Telegram
to the DEB. " ! The position of the local trad *
crs In reference to the wheat market seemed
to bo largely responsible for the fluctuations
in that grain. In view of the bad cron re
ports thcro Vfcro some local shorts qulto anx
ious to cover at the opening and thcro were
Bomo buying orders from the winter wheat
country. The result was a higher opening
nnd an advance ofc . At the top , however ,
Itcam was a liberal seller , the country orders
ivcro filled , and a good number of local
traders found themselves on the other sldo
nnd willing to lot go. There was no sudden
drop , but the tendency was constantly down
ward , and prices gradually sagged % v from
the highest point reached. Hero sonic wheat
was wanted and a reaction followed , News
was generally bullish. Reports of crop
tlamngo nro increasing in number and grav
ity. May wheat opened at 77X0 , advanced
to 7 } { o , with but few transactions at
that price , then slowly declined without
any considerable reaction until 70J c was
just touched , when thcro Was an improve
ment to 78 > fc , nnd the 1 o'clock close was
77 @ 77 c. Juno wheat opened at 78c , sold
up to 78I @ 78.J4'c , down to 77B@7iKci and
closed at 1 o'clock at 7 % c.
The corn dpal was again the most interest
ing and exciting on the door. The pit was
full of traders throughout the session , and
transactions wcro large. Tncro Is talk of
manipulation in May corn , but the shorts
seem to put llttlo faith In it , although the
possibility of the market cornering itself ,
With the comparatively small amount of
corn of contract grade In store hero , nnd
scarcely any coming In , is enough to make
tnem nervous occasionally , and then tjioy
bid prices up at a lively rate. The fact that
there wcro but two cars of contract grade In
to-day's receipts was probably the strongest
bull influence at the opening this morning ,
and the shorts put the price up J e from last
night's close very rapidly. Of course when
the demands of the shorts were mitlsflcil , the
buyitfg ceased , nnd the decline was almost as
rapid as the advunco had been , nnd its ex
tent Was greater. May corn opened at G2c ,
which was MO higher than last night's close ,
nnd after selling early down to 51c , ad
vanced to 53Jjfe , then declined to Bl c , ad
vanced to 52J < f , then declined to 51Ke , ad
vanced to 62 , ' c. and closed at Cljfi@52c.
Juno corn opened at filc , sold up to G2c ,
down to Cl&c , und closed at 51J cat 1 o'clocK.
Thcro was active speculative trading In
oats , nnd fluctuations were vitlo for that
market. Tlioy followed In a general way the
course of prices in the corn market. May
oata opened at SlJ c , which was fc higher
than yesterday's close , sold up to 31 } o ,
down to SOJiXjJSOJt'c , nnd closed nt'l o'clock
nt Sic. Juno oats on.-ncd at 81' c. sold at
Slo and 30 c , and closed nt 1 o'clock at 31c.
July oats ranged from Slo to 80o , nnd
closed at the last named price. August oats
sold at 27 @ 27 c , closing at 8J > c bid.
The provision trade was stronger. Traders
showed no inclination to continue their late
hammering of pork , nnd with a good short
demand , coupled with the improvement wit
nessed in grain , the bull side was regarded
with increased favor. In the different lines
of product higher prices wcro the rule , nnd
as compared with last night's final quota
tions , the 1 o'clock closings showed an ad-
van co of lOo In pork , Go in lard and 2J c
short ribs.
.opened at "Xc and sold up with slight
changes to 77JJc ? , closing nt 77o bid ; Juno ,
78c bid ; July , TStfc. Corn , llrmcr ; May
opened at 52c , sold to G tfc , closing at 531 (3 (
B'JJ c ; Juno , G2o ; July , G2o bid. Oats were
fairly active and J Ojife higher. Pork was
advanced 17Jc and closed nt $13.50 for
March , 518.00 for May , $ ia.n2)if for Juno , and
818.07K for July. Lnrd was Go higher ;
March closed atf7.52l , May $7.G7J , Juno
? 7.C- % July 7.07X.
CHICAGO , March 27. [ Special Telegram to
the BBE.I CATTLE The light run to-day
nnd the falling off of about 7,000 in the sup
ply as compared with this tlmo last week ,
had the effect of getting buyers out early ,
made trade active and pushed up prices a
notch or two , making an advance of 25o for
the week so far. All useful and good cattle
were sold early , the market closing steady.
Butchers' stock shared In the up-turn.
Stocker and feeder trade remains quiet.
Fancy , * 5.-10 ; steers 1350 to 1500 Ibs , 1.500
G.OO ; 1200 to 1850 Ibs. , .OC@4.CO ; 050 to 1200
Jbs. , M.80@4.00. Stackers and feeders , f2.0 ! !
@ 3.70 ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.75(33.40 ( ;
bulk , $2.80@2.CO. Texas steers , f3.10@-J.00.
Hoas Trade fair and prices about steady
ns compared with yesterday. In the morn
ing sales wcro made a shade lower than yes
terday morning , but later on there was a bet
tor demand with a slight up-turn at the close.
Inquiry for light sorts was again rather
Blow , and the 100 Ib. averages sold a shade
off , while 170 to 180 Ibs. sold about the Bamo
as yesterday. The bulk of mixed sold at
f5.85@5. 40 ; light assorted , averaging ICO to
180 Ibs. sold nt.I3.82 @ 5.87 , the 170 Ib. av
erages making $5.35.
Chicago , March 27. The Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 4,000 : stronger ; steers ,
$3.80@5.40 : stackers and feeders. $3.80@3.70 ;
cows , bulls and mixed , f 1.7533.40 ; Texas fed
steers , * 3.10@4.00.
Hogs Receipts , 13,000 ; steady : mixed ,
* 5.15j5.45 ( ; heavy , ? 5.aO@5.B5 ; light. ? 5.10 ( < g
6.45 ; skips , * 3.75@5.10.
Sheep Hccelpts , 8,000 ; stronger ; natives ,
* 5.KXi0.15 ; westerns , tS.BO@0.1 i Texans ,
* 1.75J ( 4.75 ; lambs , | 5.10@0.60. ,
National Stock , Yards , Knst St.
Louis , March 27. Cattle Receipts , 1,000 ;
shipments , IKK ) ; market active and 10 < ji2r > o
higher ; choice heavy imtlvo steers , * l.iO@
G.40 ; fair to good native steers , f3.00C'gJ.CO ;
butchers' steers , medium to prime , $ i'.15Q
4.tO ! ; stackers and feeders , fair to good , 82.1C
@ 3.l 5 ; rangers , ordinary to good , $ 'J.25ig3.00.
Hogs Receipts , 11,000 ; shipments , GOO ;
inarkut strong ; choice heavy and butchers'
selections , } o.3305.M ) ; packing , good to
choice , $5.15i(5. ( ; light grades , ordinary
to best , | 4.W ) < g5.2Q.
Kansas City. March 27. Cattle
Receipts , 2.000 : shipments , 800 ; shipping
nnd dressed beef steers 6@10o higher ; goodtc
choicecornfed , f4.CO@4.t)5 ) ; common to me
dium , $3.80(34.40 ( ; stockers , $3.00(33.00 ( ; feed
ing steers , t3.00@3.GO ; cows , f3.00@3.CO.
Hogs Receipts , 0,400 ; shipments , 600 ;
market steady to weak ; common to choice ,
M.00@5.80 ; skips and pigs , $3.00@4.50.
NKW YOIIK , March 27. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. ] STOCKS The declaration of
1J per cent quarterly dividend by the Mis
souri Paclflu directors late yesterday , al-
thoutli a reduction of } { per cent , was what
n majority of the operators had expected ,
hence it cut but a little figure in the market.
Jxnidon had moderate buying orders , and
parties who conversed with Gould talked
very bullish on Mlssonrl Paclflo and predicted
high prices. Their predictions were partly
true , as prices were advanced ltf per cent ,
put a recession of # per cent followed. The
rest of the list , except Lackiuvana ana West
ern Union was weak. Reading and Grangers
cuino In for a largo share of attention. The
sales of Reading1 during the morning consti
tuted almost one-third of the outlre business.
The stock came out In blocks , the pools feed
ing the market. Long stock also came out
from weak holders. There was a moderate
supply C4rly , but the gains were only tempo
rary , and wcro followed by a sharp decline
Mending to 1 } { per cent. The failure of T.
S. Trowbridiro , although nl flnt supposed to
so small , proved larger than expected , nnd
the selling of his securities under the rule ac
celerated the downward movement , it was
also reported that $300,000 , In gold hod been
> rdcrcd shipped to Europe. This created the
idea that money would become tighter nnd
selling increased. The close was on a decid
edly irregular market , Lacknwnnna , Mis
souri Pacific , Missouri , Kansas & Texas , and
New England being fractionally higher , but
the rest of the octivo list lower the losses
2xtcndlngto1 f pcrccntRcadlnghcadmgtho
list. The scvcro break in the latter Is duo to
the falling off in the company's [ business nnd
n desire on the part of holders who have sus
tained the price by main strength to got out.
Chicago houses nro having" a better trade ,
but it was en lolly in the way of taking profits
nnd selling short , thcro being very llttlo In
vestment biiyora. Total Bales were 280,000
shares , against 208,470 yesterday.
UOVKKNMENTS Government bonds wcro
dull but steady.
IT. S.4sroistered. 124' < C. &N.W fo.-i
IT. 8 , < q coupon. . . 12AM ilo preferred. . . . . .I.Tti
U.B. 4'isrcgistrcd.lOflW ' N. Y. Control cx-dlvl04 ! <
IT. 8 4Hs coupon..look 0.11. N B7
rncinc Os of'fe J20H V.I 18
Canada Southern. . 49j } Pacific Mail 31
Central I'aclllc 27Ji O. D.&K in < {
Chicago A Alton..IXi I'ullmnn l'nlaccCatii7 :
O..II.&Q. . . . . 1Z1U Hendlng Mjf
1 > . , L.&W 127M Koclclflland 110
D.&II.0 17K St. L. & 8. F 24i
Krle 21i ! iloproferrcd K)5 )
ilo preferred. . . . . CT C. . M. &Ht. Paul. . . TO ? *
Illinois Central lir , do preferred 110i !
J..II.&W. OJ , st.iv&o nt
K.&T 12y do preferred lti ( !
I.ako Shore. . ' . KS.'i Texas Pacific 21
I , . * N [ fin Union PaclHc. Ml > {
Michigan Central. . 77 W. , Bt.Ij.&P 12 < <
Missouri I'aclllc. . . . T0 > { do preferred 2li !
Mlssonrll'uclflo. . . . \V. V. Tclegrapli. . V3'f
doproferred 43
MONEY ON CALL Easy nt 2 ( < ? 3 per
cent. Last loan S per cent. Closed offered
2 per cent.
STEIIUNO ExctiANOEDull , flrm nnd un-
chniiBed , W.85X orCOdny Vilila ; $4.87 % for
demand. _
Chicago , March 27. Following nro the
2:30 : closing prices :
Flour Unchanged ; winter wheat , bbls ,
83.5003.5Q : saclcs , * J.50@3.75 ; wheat , bbls ,
f3.50@4.50 ; sacks , S2.70I&1.25 ; spring , $1.75 ®
3.00 ; rye flour , ? 2.85@3.10 per bbl ; buck-
\vhcntllour , f5.00(30.75 ( per bbl.
Wheat Opened firm } o higher nnd closed
after fluctuating considerably } ? rfc above
yesterday ; cash , 73) ) 0 ; April , 73 > c ; May ,
% c.
Corn Heavy nnd unsettled , fluctuating
within l , ! < o range , opened Jfo better nnd
closed @ c higher than yesterday ; cash ,
48 > fe ; May , 52 5-10c.
Oats Unsettled , closing with advance
over yesterday ; May , 81JYC.
Rye Quiet at 5S@GSKc.
Barley Nominal ; 77@81c.
Pi imo Timothy $2.02@3.C3.
Flax-seed $1.45.
Whisky 81.15.
Pork Steady most of the day , closing
higher than yesterday ; cash , $13.50 ; May ,
Lnrd Firm and higher ; cash , § 7.50 ; May ,
$7.57 < f.
Dry Salted Meats Shoulders. ? 5.75ffiO.OO ( ;
short clear , $7.5o@7.CO ; short ribs , S7.12U.
Butter Firm ; creamery , 24@30c ; dairy ,
22ffi2Gc. (
Cheese Finn ; full cream cheddnrs , llig (
flats , UX@ttai young Americas ,
Eggs Firm ; fresh ,
Hides Unchanged ; green hides
heavy green salted , 5 } c ; light green salted ,
Oc ; salted bull , 4J c ; green bull , 8J cjjrcon ;
salted calf , 8c ; dry flint and dry calf , 12@13c ;
dry salted , lOc ; deacons , 30o each.
Tallow Unchanged' No. 1 , solid , 4tfe ; No.
2 , do S4 ; cake , 4J c per Ib.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 17,000 28,000
Wheat bu . 43,000 10.0CO
Corn.bu . 113,000 1(17,000 (
Oats , bu . 08,000 07,003
Ryc.bu . 2,000 2,000
Barley , bu . 22,000 28,000
Minneapolis , March 27. Wheat Re
ceipts , 100 cars ; shipments , 54 ; prices about
the same as yesterday. Closing : In store
No. 1 hard , March and April , 75c ; May , 73) c :
July , 7(5i ( c. No. 1 northern , March , and
April , T4Xc ; May , 74c ; July , 75c. No. 2
northern , March und April , 71J c ; May , 72c ;
July , 73c. On track -No. 1 hard , 7(5 ( > fc ; No.
1 northern. 75c ; No. 2 northern , 73c.
Flour Unchanged ; patents , sacks to ship
pers , $4.10@4.25 ; bakers' , $3.20 3.45.
Milwaukee , March 27. Wheat Firmer ;
cash , 711 c ; March , 73c ; May , 76' c.
L Corn Higher ; No. 8 , 47Kc.
Oats Steady ; No. S white , 33 Vc.
Ryo-Quiot ; No. 1 , 5Sc.
uarley Weaker ; No. S , 74 } c.
Provisions Steadier ; pork , March , $13.25.
Cincinnati. March 27. Wheat Firm ;
No. 2 red , STMc.
Corn In fair demand ; No. 2 mixed , 52 ®
Oats Steady ; No. 3 mixed , 33 } < @ 34c. .
Rye Easy ; No. 2 , OCc.
Provisions Pork flrm at $13.75 ; lard
stronger ; current make , $7.85.
Whisky- Steady at $1.00.
St. Ijoult ) . March 27. Wheat Lower ;
cash , SO@SOKe ; May , SOtfc.
Corn Uettcr : cash , 45Kc ; May , 457 < c.
Oats Firm ; cash , 30)Vi30 ( o ; May , 29c.
Whisky $1.09.
Butter Firm ; creamery , 24@30c ; dairy ,
20@2c. ( !
Afternoon Board Wheat Firm ; April ,
SOJ c ; May , SOJ c. Corn Higher ; April ,
45 > fc ; May , 40 0. Oats Uull ; May , 2Uc.
Now Vork , March 27. Wheat Receipts ,
8,000 ; exports , 100,000 ; options variable und
irregular , opcnlnc strong and advancing } { ( ft
Vc , later lost most of the improvement , clos
ing firm nt about the best ; spot , } j < d > % o bet
ter ; ungraded red , 87JC@02&c ; No. 1 red ,
nominal at 05o ; No. 3 roil , 89j (390c ( in store
nnd elevator , 9001J o delivered , May clos
ing nt 89J < e.
Corn Receipts. 23,800 ; exports * 01,300 ;
' '
options advanced ;
" "
graded , mixed ,
tllo In store , '
Ing nt C08'c.
Oats Receipts , 6,600 ; exports , 800 ; about
KC higher ; mixed western , U8@41o ; whlto
western , 4140c. (
Coffee Spot , fair ; Rio , steady at ? 14.00 ;
options 10@20 ) x > lnts higher ; sales , 38,500
bags ; March , S10.85@10.P5 ; April , $10.70 ®
10.85 ; May$10.75@10.b5 ; Juno , $10.510.75 ( ! ;
July $10.4U10.45 ; August , ? 10,15@10.25.
Petroleum United closed weak at W } o.
Eegs In fair demand with market strong ;
western , lsj @ 18 fc.
Pork Qulut but flrm ; mess was quoted at
* 14.601B.OO for now ; $14.25@U.50 forono
year old.
Lard Higher ana moro active ; western
steam , spot , * r.92 > tfa7.05.
Butter Weak on flno stock , but others
wcro steady ; western , 14931u.
Chec'so Firm , with light trading ; western ,
KiuisnH City , March 27. Wheat Quiet ;
No. 2 soft , cash , 78 a bid ; May , 70s asked ,
Corn Stronger ; No. 2 , cash , 43o April ,
48 0 naked ; Mi4 > , 44o bid , 44) o asked.
Oats No. 2 , cash , no bid or offerings ; May ,
SOtfo asked.
hlvnrpnol , March 27. Wheat Firm ,
with the demand fair ; holders offer moder
ately ; California , No. 1 , Cs 8d@0s Od per
Corn Firm , with the demand fair ; now
mixed western , 4s 8d per cental.
Now Orleans , March 27. Corn Quiet
but flrm ; mixed and whlto , COo ; yellow , Olo.
Oats-Easier : No. 2. .
OK Products Dull nnd lower ; pork ,
$14.87K ; lara , 17.00.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , { Q.10 ; long clear
and clear rib $7.50.
'IVeaduy , March 37 , 18S8. (
The receipts of cattle wore only moderate
but thcro was quite a noticeable Improve
ment in the quality of the offerings. Thcro
was moro activity in the market than ba
been visible for the past few days. ' Both
packers and shippers were more willing to
take hold , there being a much better feeling
all around. The market was about lOo
higher than yesterday , making the advance
sinca the clnao of last week 20@25o. Choice
butcher etock is In good demand and as high
an { 3.75 was bid on a-load of fancy corn-fed
cows. The bultc of the cattle on sale changed
hand * before tbQ close ,
The receipts of hogs to-day , Includlng-thlr-
teen loads hold over from the day before ,
were flfty-nlno loadi. The market opened a
llttlo stronger than Monday's clbso , and ac
tive with n brisk demand. It gained rapidly
In strength nnd closed fully ns high as Mon
day morning's opening prices. Everything
was sold out early. In sotno cases the hogs
which hod been held over brought C$10c ( , or
oven moro , than was offered for them nt the
close of the day before. The general quality
of the hogs was much better , nnd there were
several loads that weighed over 800 pounds.
Thcro wcro two loads only on sale. Ono
very common light load sold nt t2. *
Official Receipts.
Cattle . 000
Hogs. . . . 3,200
Sheep . 200
Prevailing Prices.
The following Is a table of prices paid in
this market for the grades of stock men
tioned , It frequently occurs that no sales of
some particular grade are made , when In this
case the table will state as nearly us possible
the price that would have been paid had thcro
been any of that class among the offerings.
Prlmostecrs , 1800 to 1500 Ib3. . $4.20 04.40
Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 lb < * . 3.85 $4.20
Fat llttlo steers , 000 to 1050 Ibs. 3.50 @ 3.75
Common to cholco cows . 3.00 (5.1.150 (
Common to good bulls. , , . , . . . . . 3.00 © 3.50
Light nnd medium hogs . 4.70 M5.10
Fair to cholco heavy hops . 5.15
Fair to cholco mixed hogs. . . . . G.10
Itcpruxatitativo Satoj.
cous'-rED srnRio
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
4 , . . . .1280 $3.05 15 . 11S3 51.20
20 . . . . .1070 3.7i ! 11) ) . 1343 4.25
8 10.52 3.SO 20 l' 3i 4.25
15 1113 3.S3 24 . 1312 4.7) )
13 , . . . .1335 4.00 IV . 130'i 4.40
21 1231 4.10
59 11 W. 3.03 #
1 1020 2.00 4 1187 3.45
19 105'J 2.50 0 iil : > 3 3.45
2 1200 3.0J 4 1WO 3.50
GO 014 3.00
110 4.40 1 170 G.GO
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk Pr.
47. . . .14IJ 120 $4.23 6S . . .237 100 $5.10
tOO . . .KM ICO 485 59..223 40 5.10
79. . . .191 120 4.1K ) 51..245 40 5.10
78. . . .240 280 4.05 60..242 100 5.10
00. . . .207 100 4.95 4..245 5.10
74. . . .203 240 5.00 5 270 40 5.10
77 , . . .195 KM ) 5.CO 3. . . 227 5.10
EOS. . . .249 60 5.00 70..2.JO
77. . . .187 5.00 01..232 100 < " ' . #
78. . . .210 100 5.00 03..230 80 5.15
90. . . .175 40 5.00 On.Ml ! 5.15
03. . . .103 5.CO 71..2.54 6.15
81. . . .203 120 5.00 00..254 120 5.15
75. . . .107 200 5.00 73..22I 120 5.15
73. . . .213 103 5.03 09..250 5.15
70. . . .204 60 5.05 07..255 40 5.15
74. . . .213 200 5.05 71..207 120 6.17K
72. . . .259 SO 5.05 01..273 5.20
C5. . . .224 1IJO 5.05 00..29 5.20
73. 80 5.05 02..270 2CO 5.20
77. . . .209 SO 5.05 ( . . . .251 80 5.20
70. . . .227 120 5.115 57..203 520
OS. . . .221 5.1)7 ) } . 63.3"0 ; 120 5.20
74. . . .240 40 5,10 55..310 80 5.20
on. . . .244 120 5.10 133..241 100 5.22
(59. ( . . .219 80 5.10 00..290 KM ) 5 25
73. . . .247 SO 5.10 5S..U03 SO 5.25
78. . . .22(1 ( SO 5.10 51..310 40 5.25
7(1. ( . . .223 2CO 5.10 62..342 40 5.25
77. . . .22(1 ( 100 5.10 70..207 120 5.5
CO. . . .249 200 5.10
Llvu Slocte Saltl.
Showing the nun'JJr of hoilof stojlt sold
on the market to-day.
6. H. Hammond & Co 571
Omaha Packing Co 1,515
Armour St. Cudahy 2,214
Speculators 48
Total 4,318
G. H. Hammond & Co 207
C. H. Williams 100
Wnrdo & Pike 50
Stevens , Hamilton & Co 20
Others 4
Total. 441
Tlntigo of I
Showing highest and lo.vast pricas paid for
leading grades of cattle on dates mentioned
Space loft blank Indicates tint no sxlos of
that particular class of cattle wcro tnado on
that date :
Unto.I'rlnio Sf rs.irrlme fifrs , Common to
Ib.'llOUaiSoO ' 11) . CholceCovrii.
March H 4 S ) M 20 4 a-i n : u 2 DO ffl.1 00
March IS 4 30 © 4 33 300 B4tJ : 2 50 © : > ! K
Starch 10 ; i m fffti 2.- > : i oo ma >
March 17 4 4U > iQ < & 0 4 OQ ® i : K > 2 00 < & ) W
March 18 Sunday Sunday Sunday
March ll ! 2 05 CM 40
March 20 4 00 : ! M at 10 ; s ra CM w
March SI I : i no 561 2- 2 ( w @ .i : B
Murcli 2i 4 10 ® 4 20 .1 Kj ( iil 20 3 IB 46. ; ) :
March 3 hO ffJ4 10
March Ul 3 05 @l 23 CO i3 'J5
March Si Sunday Sunday Sunday
March 27 4 Si4l 40 K > ® 4 23 200 ® 3 K )
or 1'rlccy. *
Sho'.vlntlnoxtr3.n3 hls'.iast anl
ratesjuld for leaJins gr.ilai of lu jj ond.itui
mentioned :
Date. Heavy. Mixed.
Mar. I 4 n iM ® 5 40 < i 05 © 5 23
Mar. 15'r ' > 2'J ' &i 37 5 15 < & 3 20
Mnr. IB'f. ' 13 Ct5j | ) f > (13 ( tffii 20
Mar. 17 6 ' 6 01 o Si
Mar. 18 Sunday Sunday
Mur , 19 B 15 ® n0 n 10 on ir >
Mnr. 20 r , 15 & "i , ' ! 'J 5 10 dt 15
MW.2I 3 15 ffijK ) r > 10 463 20
Mi * ' . 22 5 ] t > Qftt tnt no- > 5 15 4 K3 ® 5 0.3
Miir.2lf , 10 ( if ) 30 50J © 5 10 4 K ) &Si 03
Mar. 216 so tin : w 6 ( K ) < j/J } 15 4 00 0(5 10
Mar. 25 Sunday Kimdiiy Sunday
Mar. 27lfi so an us 5 10 at ; 20 4 Wi 5 05
Llvo Stock Notes.
Higher prices.
Market brisk on both cattle ann hogs.
Frank Schneider , Snider , was In with
H. Hauson , Swcdeburg , was hero nnd sold
two loads of hogs.
H. Davis , a well-known shipper of Dcwitt ,
came in with stock.
Hogs averaged yesterday 211 pounds nnd
77 head to the car.
Henry Bloomer was in with two loads of
cattle from Mlllard.
B. J. Tierney , Ansloy , marketed a load of
31'J-pound hogs nt $5.23.
Peter Poole came In with three loads of
cattle and a load of hogs ,
Atwood & N , , Hcd Oak , la. , was among
these who marketed 25o hogs.
William Prlcstman , Shenandoah , la. , was
hero nnd sold two loads of hogs.
E. H. Wilcox nnd Leon WIlcox , of Wahoo ,
wcro in with thrco loads cattle ,
Mr. Combs , of the flrm of Van iCant & Co. ,
was In and marketed a load of hogs.
Swanson & Co. , Stanton. la. , marketed
two loads of hogs , Ono load brougnt5c. .
H. C. Dawson , Endlcott , topped the cattle
market with a load of ItWJ-lb meal fed caitlo.
John Uoyd , general manager of the Stock
Yards company , has returned from u trip to
Among those who came In with stock was
A. W. Porioy , a frequent shipper from
The Union Pacific has given notice that no
extra charge will bo made in that road for
long cars ,
Henry Hammur. Mlncola , la. , was in with
n load of hogs. Lewis Lane , of the same
place , came in to look over the market.
T. U , Amos , Essex , la. , was in with his
111-61 shipment of stock to this market. Ho
brought in a very line load of thoroughbred
cows which were fed by Charles Gale. Red
Oak , la. , As high as M.75 was offered for
them hero but not accepted by the owner.
Tim Chicago , Uurllngtou & Qulncy paid
the difference between the local and the
through rate on the sheep which cuino inhere
hero , billed through to Chicago over that
road , but which the Chicago , Burlington &
Qulncy could not haul on account of the
Produce , Fruits , Nuts , Eto.
Tuesday , March 27.
T/ic / following quotations arc wholesale
anil not retail. Price * quoted on produce
are the rates at trhfcJv round lots are told on
Ms market * Fcults or other lines of goods
rcti < ring extra labor in packing cunnot al-
u' l/s le sup tilled on outnlde orders at t > i6
cmne prices Quoted for the local trade.
Jtalat on jlour and Jccd are jailers'
Price * on nraln arc those paid by Omaha
miller * delivered. , 1A11 quotations on mer
chandise arc oMMnttl from leading houses
and arc' corrtctctt < M'iPrices / on cracii-
cr , cake * , etc. , are TJtose ' given b\i \ leading
man\fadurcrs. \ ( l0-
HUTTER Crcfim'er.j7 solid packed. 22 < S23o5
cholco rolls , ISO'JOV .medium , 14@15c ; low
grades , 12@18c.r J'
Eons Strictly frcif , , lB@10c asked.
AiTLKS-Choico ; pef'hbl , W/JS@4.75.
CHKESE Full cream , liiJ/Qlfta.
Pot'i.rnr Chlcltbnrf , 12@l3cs turkeys , 12 ®
13c ; ducks , I2@136'jfeecse , 12@l.Tc.
Livn Poui.Titr-i-Culckeng , | 3.'J5@3.7r > per
doz ; ducks , 100 3.23 ; gccsc , .CO < S0.60i
turkeys , 7i8cperlu.r (
PoTATor.1) ) Utah nMd Colorado stock , $1.15
@ 1,20 ; choice hoirio grown , SSCjJOoc ; common
grades , GOOXtffic ,
HAT Common coarse , SO.OOQO.SO ; upland
prnlrle , $7.00@7.60 ' '
Medium , $2.BO@3.00 ; choice ,
. . ,
TciiNirs Good stock , C0ft75c ( ) nitagngas ,
LRMONS $3.70@4.f > 0pcr box.
CAI.IFOIINU I'UAIIS $2.50@2.73 ; extra
cholco , fl.dO.
DATES Persaln , So per Ib.
SAt'n ' KIIAUT Choice per bbl. of 82 pal.
? 7.60(3.00j ( ! } bbl. , M.57@5.1X ) ; $11.00 per bbl.
of 50 gal.
CIDKII Cholco Michigan elder , $0.00@0.f > 0
l > cr bbl. of ; U gnl.
Por-cous' Choice rice corn Is quoted at-l@
4 > f c per Ib. , other kinds , 2 > $ ( tJc : per Ib.
VJ.'i@2.ftO pcrbbl.
PAHSXII-S New stock , W.50 | > cr bbl.
OVSTKUS Plain standard , 2oc ; plain se
lects , OOo ; standard , 4lc ) : oxtrn selects , 3f > c ;
New York counts , 40c ; bulk oysters , counts ,
? .S5 per 100 : selects , 52.00 per gal. ; standard ,
? l.'jr > per gal.
CAIHHOE * ? 1 per doz. nnd nffiaj c per Ib.
for California.
Ciui.iKi.ownn Good stock , 52.00Q2.SO.
GitU'Rs Malagas , $7,50 23.00 per Ib. , nnd
larger sized barrel * in proportion up to $10,00
Onvxuu-j California Hlvcrslde , $4. ( Hi ®
4.STC , Messina , $ I.7r ! > 4.2-i : Vnlcncias , WXM ! ( )
8.00 porciisoof 420 ; Florida brights , $ l.2 : > @
4.50 ; russets , f3.M4.00 ) ; Mcxlcun , 4.0S ; Los
Angeles. 3.5003.75 ; Nnvals , ? * > .50.
Cius liniiniK9 Bcll& Cherry , Sl0.50iBll.005 (
Uell& Uuglc , $ ll.00@ll.i-0) ) IJell & liuglc ,
premium , ? 1I.50@12.CO.
\xi-Good stock. $ ' ) .00@2.75 ; California
beans , fi.252.40.
Fins In layers , in < fZllc ( , calco lie peril ) .
NUTS Peanuts o ; 7c , raw Brazil nuts ,
13e ; almonds , Tarragona , 22c ; English wal
nuts , 15@18c ; fllbcrts , ISe : Italian chestnuts'
15c : pccutis , 15c.
llos'iiv l21c ( ( for lib frames ; canned
honey. 10@12c per lib.
Grocers' List. palls , $1.25 ( 1.50.
Su/r Pcr.bbl. , car load , 51. : ) .
KOIM : Soven-slxtcenths , 10@llc.
C\xnv Mixed , C@llc : stick , UQl'M.
Hoi.i.vNM ) HniiHlxus iO$72cper Is eg.
MAPI.H St'OAit Bricks , 12 > Joper Ib. ; penny
cakes , Ific per Ib.
BIIOOMS Extra , 4-lio , $2.03 ; No. 1 , $2.00 ;
No. $1.75 ; heavy stable , J4.00.
STAiicii-Mirror gloss , r c ; Graves' corn ,
OXu ; Oswcgo gloss , 7c ; Oswego corn , 7c.
Tr.vs Jtnuns , 20@ . * > 5c ; gunpowder , ' 20ff8
OOc ; Young Hyson , S3@53o ; Oolong , 20 ®
( ioc.
ioc.SVHUPS New Orleans molasses , per bbl. ,
374liper ( gal. ; corn syrup , Hoc ; half bbls. ,
37c ; 4 gal. kcga , $1.5.'i.
Puovismxs Hams , 10 f@llc ; breakfast
bacon. lo@llc ; bacon sides , SJfQSVc : dry
salt , "JJ c&itic ; shoulders , 0) ® 7c ; dried beef ,
lOlJZJllc. ' i
Pioui.r.s Medium In bbla , $0.0.1 ; do In half
bills , $ : j.50 ; small < iu bbls , $7.00 ; do In half
bbls , $1.00 ; gcrkins , ill' bbls , $ S.OO ; do in half
bbls , ? 4.50. , ,
Hr.viNEii LAUD Tiprce , "Vc ; 40-lb iqunro
cnns , 7l c : 50-16' roiind , 7fc , 20-lb round ,
7c ; 10-lb pails7KcJ / 5-lb pails. Solb ;
pails , ' j. " '
POWIIEII isn Siior Bhot , $1.40 ; buckshot ,
$ UM ; Hazard poxvdbr , $3.00 ; half kegs , S2.75 ;
one-fourths , $1.5J''Ulfisting kgs$2.i5 ! : ; fuses ,
10(10 ( ft.ji@7nc. i
SUQAK Granulctcd , 77fc ( ! ! ( ; conf. A.
( ft 5CoFtEC
CoFt-EC Ordinary grades , lG@17c ; fair ,
buckle's roastoJ ( , ioX'c ; McLaughlin's
XXXX , 19 < c ; Dilworth's , 10 8'c ; Hod Cross ,
n Two-hoop palls , per doz. ,
$1.40 ; three-hoop palls , ? I.C3 ; No. 1 tubJ.7. " > .
No. 2 tub , JO. 75 ; No. Stub , $ t.7u ; washboards
$1.50 ; fancy washboards , $3.50 ; assorted
bowls , $2.75 ; No. 1 churns , $9.51) ) ; No. 2
churns , $3.50 ; No. 3 churns , $7.51) ) ; butter
tubs , $1.70 ; spruce , in nests , $1.70.
TOIIACCO Lorillard's Climax.15c ; Splen
did , 45c ; Mechanics' Dolipht , 41c ; Lcggett &
Meyer's Star , 45c ; Coniurstouc , li'Jt1 ; Drum-
mond's Horsoshoc , 45o ; J. T. , 42c ; Sorg's
Spearhead , 45 ; Catlln'a Meerschaum , Illc ;
Catlin's Old Style , 2.c ! ; Piper Hcldsick , ( Ho ;
Sweet Tip Top , U2c ; U.N.O. , 17c ; Ued , White
nnd Blue.lSe.
Ditir.D Fm'iT Apple , bbls , new , J(8 , yt@
7o ; cvaiiorated , rJ ) < j@10c ; blackberries ,
evuponitcd , U @Iic ( ; pitted cherries , 2J23c ;
peaches , eastern , new , } -fs , SJffS'Oc ' ; evapo
rated , peeled peaches , ! iO ( < r3'ic ; evaporated ,
unparcd , 18@l'.lc ; new currants , 7@7 , ' c ;
prunes , now , 4 ? { ( < i > < } ' , citron , 24@2T > c ; raisins ,
California-London l.iycrs , ? J.40@2.50 ; Cali-
forniu loose muscatels , $ l.'JOfrti-.W ) ; new Va
lencia , 7K@"Ji'i- -
CAXXCII GDODS Oysters , standard , per
case , $ .1.K@a.i5 ( ) : ; stra\\rccrrics.2-lb , per case
it.5S.2i : ! ( : { ( ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , $3. 100
a.20 ; California pears , per case , $ t.70 4.SU ;
npprk-ots , per Cie ! , $1.)0@ ) 1.40 ; poaches , per
cast ) , f."i.W/v5.75 ( ( ; white cherries , per case ,
$11.00 ; California plums , per case , 84.50 $ ! 0 ! ) ;
blueberries , pur case , $ ' .20@2.40 ; egg plums ,
2-lb , per case , $ ' ) .5'plncappplos ) ; , 'Mb porcusc ,
$3.2lg5.15 ( ( ; salmon per doz , $1.85@I..I5 ;
2-lb gooseberries , per case , $3.25gJ.i)5 ) ) ; 2-lb
string beans , per case , $1.75@1.80 ; 2-lb Lima
beans , iwrraso , $1.CJ@1.05 ; 2-lb marroxvfut
peas , $2.0@i.7 ( ! ! ( ) ; 2-lb early Juno peas , per
rase , $2.S5 ; U-lb tomatoes , $2.CO ; 2-lb corn ,
, CAKHS , ETC. Prices .subject to
change. Soda , 5c ; soda ( city goods ) , 7c ;
soda snowlluko ( in tins ) , lOc ; soda dandy ,
! > % c ; soda wafcrsfln tins ) , lOc ; hoda zephyr ,
8c ; city oyster , OJ-jc ; cxcelKlor , 7c ; fiinna
oyatcr , 7c ; gcin oycter , fie ; monitor , 7c ;
Omaha oyster , 7c ; ] > carl oyster , 5c ; picnic ,
5c ; snowdrop oyster , 7c ; butter , 5c ; Boston ,
So ; Omaha butter , 7c ; saw tooth butter , 0)fc ;
cracker nioul 5j < c ; graham , Uc ; grahum
wafers , lOc ; graham wafers in ) > ound pack
ages , 12 } o ; hard bread , 5o ; milk , 7 > fn ; oat
meal , tic ; oat meal wafers. lOc ; outmual wa
fers in pound packages , 1-J ci aiilinulu , 12c ;
13ollvcr glngcrround,7c ( ) ; cream , ScCornhlll ; ,
lOu ; cracknolls , Kto ; frosted cream , 8V c ;
ginger snaps , 80 ; ginger snaps ( city ) , Uo ;
homo made ginger snaps. In boxes , ic : ) ; homemade
made ginger tmaps (1-lb ( cans ) per dozen ,
$2.50 ; lemon creams , 80 ; pretzels ( hand innilo )
llj c ; ussortcd cukes and Jumbles , ll c ; as
sorted llnpers , I5c ; afternoon tea ( In tins ) ,
per box $7,00 ; banana lingers , 14o ; butter
Jumbles , ll n ; Brimswldk , l.r u ; brandy
snaiis , 15o ; chocolate drojis ( now ) Ilic ; choco-
laid wafers , 15o ; Christmas lunch ( in tins )
per dozen , $4.50 ; cocoa tuffy naps , Ho ; coffuo
caku , 12c ; Cuba Jumlik's , llj c ; fre.uu pulTs ,
80o ; egg Jumblas , Uc : ginger dropi > , Ilo ;
honey jumbles , HKo ; Jolly lingers , 15c ; jolly
wafers , 15o ; jelly turt ( nuw ) , 15 < : ; lady ling
ers , I3u ; vanilla bar , Ho ; vanilla wafers , 14c ;
Vienna wafers , 1 dozen packages In a box ,
per dozen , $2.50. i
All goods packed In cans 1o per Ib. advance
except enowflako and wafer sotia , which nro
packed only in cans : Soda In 2 ib , nnd 3 Ib.
paper boxes , } < fo per Ib , advance ; nil other
goods la per Ib. advanco. Soda in 1 Ib. paper
boxes , lo per Ib , advunco. Tlio 2 Ib. boxes
arc packed in cases holding 18 in a case , The
3 Ib. boxes nro packed in cases holding 12 In
n case , The 1 ib , boxes tire packed In cases
holding UO In a caso. Ono Ib. Graham und
oat meal wafers packed 2 doz. In u case.
Show tops for boxes , with glass opening to
show goods , 75ci Cans for wufor soda , & ) ,
not returnable. Cans for snowflake soda. W
per doz. Tin cases with glass face to display
the goods , 75o each. No charges for packages
except for cans nnd returnable cases. Glass
from tin cans and "snowfluko" sodu cans are
returnable at prices charged.
Dry Goods.
DUCK \VestPoint29in. \ 8 oz. , 10 } < c ; West
Point , 29 in. 10 oz. , 12 > o ; WestPoint , lOin. 13
oz. , 15u ; West Point 40 in , 11 oz. , Ilic. Checks
Caledonia X , We ; Caledonia XX , lo c ;
Economy , 9 > < o ; Otis , ! !
ICusTUCicv JEANS Memorial , 15o ; Canton ,
28o ; Durham , 27 > o ; Hercules , ISc ; Leaming-
tnn , 22 > < o5 Cottswold , 27J c.
CIIABII Stevens' 11 , Go ; bleached , 7o ; Ste
vens' A , 7Uo ; bleached , 8 } < o ; Stevens' P ,
8 o ; bleached , G c ; Stevens' N. 9 > i'o ;
bleached , 10 } < c ; Stovcns' S II T , 12J < o.
MiscEiXANuoUB-r-Tublo oil cloth , (2.85 ;
plain Holland , Stfo to O c ; Dado Holland ,
Slater , So : Woods. 5c ; Stand
ard , &c ! Peacock , 5o | Blater.roll , CQTg.
Co > ironTEns W. 00(535.00. (
Bi.iXK iTa White , t.OO@7.BOj colored
$1.10 8.00.
Bi , BACHED SnnETtso Berkeley cambric ,
No. 00 , 9 > { c : llest Yet , 4-4. 0 fc ! butter cloth.
Op,4 > fo ; Cabot , 7 > < o ; Fftrwell,8Kc ; Frnlt
of Jx > om , SJ oj Freeno G , Oo ; Hope , 8c ; King
Phillip cambric , Ho ; Lonsdalo , like ; Lens-
dale , 7c ; Now York mills , lOWe ; Peppered ,
42-ln , lie ; Pcpporell , 40-in. 120 ; Pcppercll ,
0-4 , lOo ; Pcpporell , 8-1 , 2lo ; Pcppcrell , 0-4 ,
23c ; Popperoll. 10-4 , 25c ; Canton. 4-4 , SJ c ;
Canton , 4-1 , OJfo : Triumph. 6c ; Wnmsultn ,
He ; Vnlloy , 5c.
PIIIXTS SOLID Coi.ons Atlantic. Oo ;
Slater , 6' c ; Berlin oil , O' c ; Grnncr oil. C ®
7o. Pixn ANn HOBES Ulchmond , 0'Co ; Allen ,
OUo ; Itlvor Point , 6c ; Steel Hirer , OJ c ;
Hfchmond , Oo ; Pacific , ( > Ko. Istnoo Bum
Wnshlngton , OJfc ; Century indigo blue prints ,
lOo ; American , 7c ; Arnold , 7c ; Arnold B ,
llcAnoldA. ; 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal , lOJfc.
DIIKSS Charter Oak. BXo ? Hnrcnpo. 4 > ie ;
Lodi , 5c ; Allen , Oc : Hlchmond , Oo : Windsor ,
0 > fc ; Eddystono , O' c ; Pncinc , OKc.
BIIOW.N SiiKr.Tixa Atlnntlo A , 4-4 , OJ o ;
Atlantic H , 4-1 , 7 c ; Atlantic D. 4-4 , OJfc ;
Atlantic P , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oo ; Au
rora C , 4-4 , 5c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , 7 0 ! Hoc-
slcr LL , 4-4 , Co ; Indian Head , 0-4 , 7 > < fc ;
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
5Kc ; Pcppcrell , 11,4-4 , 71fc ; Pcpporoll O ,
4-4 , Oc ; Peppnrcll , S-4 , 18Ko ; Pcppercll , 0-J ,
21e ; Pcppcrell , 10-4 , 23c ; Utlcn , C. 4-4 , Co ;
WnehuscU , 4-4 , 7 Jc ; Aurora 11 , 4-4 , 0 > o ;
Aurora It , 4-4 , 5 $ c.
B \TTS- Standard , Oo ; Gem , lOUc ; Beauty ,
12 tfc ; Byonc , 14o ; B , cased , $0.50.
CiixniiAM Plunkott checks , 7U'o ; Whlttcn-
ton 7 c ; York , 7) o ; Normnndi dress , 8 > c ;
Calcutta dress , 8J { ; Whlttendon dress , Uc ;
Hen few dress. 8 i$12 ( > 5'c.
TICKS Lewiston , 80-in. , 12V o ; Lowlston ,
83-ln. , 13 > fe ; York , 2-ln. , 14o ; Swift river ,
7 > < fc : Thorndyke , Oo , SWTe ; Thorndyko. FF ,
SJtfc ; Thorndlke 120. HJ c ; Thorndlko'XXX ,
15 : Cordis , No. 5 , SiJ o Cordis , No. 4 , He.
Dr.jmis Amoskcag. fl-oz. , lUo ; Everett ,
,7-oz. , 13c ; York , 7-oz. , lijo ; Hnymaker , SJ c ;
Jaffroy , XX. ll'tfu ; Jnffroy , XXX , 12jc ;
Beaver Crcelt. AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek , BB ,
He : Beaver Creek. CO , lOc.
Ft.\3 xr.t,9 Plaid Ilnftsmnn , 20c ; Goshcn
82Kc ; Clear Lake , JfiKo ; Mnplo City , S0
hlto-G H N 2. JfVLMc ; G H No. 1
ii-sc ; Windsor , szicc : ucu MJ-i-m , n ,
E 24-inch 21c ; GO 24-Inch , 18c ; HA F ,
23(3 : J U F , J , 27'ifc ; G Jf , 33c.
COTTON FIANNEI.S 10 per cent trade dis
count LL , OJfe ; CC , 7J < c ; SS 8Ko ; Name
less , BUc ; No. B , Oc ; EE , OJ < to ! GG , lOltfc ;
XX , 12 c ; OG , 14c ; NN , lOc ; UX , 18c ; U ,
20c ; No. 10 , 8Kc ; sO , lOJ e ; 00. 12) c ; 80 , lOc ;
20 , colored , lOc ; 50 , colored , 12c ; 70. colored.
23o ; Bristol , 13J c ; Union Paclllc. 18c.
CAUPBTVAUP Bibbwhite , 10 > { c ; col-
nrcd , IT"
Gpncriil Afnrlccta.
WOOL Per Ib. , lH ( 20o
HnnswAX 18@22c per Ib.
Fnxsiit : : > $1.)5 : ) per bushel.
WINDOW Guss Single , 70 per cent ;
double , 70 nnd 10 per cent discount ,
PAINTS Whlto lead , purc.OJ c ; whlto lead ;
fancy , 0 > o ; putty , in bladders , 3c ; Paris
white , 'lc ; common , 2tfc ; red lend , 7c.
s Sunderaon's ' oil bcrgamot , per
Ib. , $3.00 ; oil lemon , per Ib. , $2.50 : oil pepper
mint , W.OO ; oil wintorgrccn , $2.50 ; olive oil ,
Malaga , per gallon , SI .25. .
Funs Huceoon , No. 1 , G0@70c ; No. 2 , .10 ®
35c ; mink , 10@53c ; muskrnt. fall , 5@8c ;
musltrat , spring and winter , 8c811c ; stripped
skunk , 10riMOs ( ; mountain wolf , No. 1 , $1.5 ! ) @
2..7J ; No. 2 , prulrlc , 60@70c ; No. 2 , 25@IOc ;
beaver , Mo. 1 , per Ib , .OtKrBS.OO ; No. 2 , $1.00
( $1.25 ; otter , $1.00@ < ! .00 ; dry deer skins , 20&d
35e per-tb ; dry antelope , elk , moose , etc. , 15 ®
23c ; deer skins , per lb-20@25c.
BIDES Green butchers' ' 5K@7o ; green
cured , 0 > c ; dry flint , 9c ; dry salt , 8c ; green
salted calf , 7 } @Sc ; damngcd hides two-
thirds price ; dry "salted deacons , 25c each.
Tallow No. 1 , 3'/c ' ; No. 2 , IJfe. Grease-
Prime white , 4J e ; yellow , 3c ; brown , 2c.
Sheep pelts , IOcgl.UO ( , according to quality.
Green ox pelts , 3t ! 3 } c ; kip skins ( uniform ) ,
4@0 c ; cowhides , 4) ) < jal3c ( ; branded hides
classed as damaged.
FI.OUH ANIJ FBISII Minnesota patents , $2.45
( J12.50 per cwt ; ICansas and Missouri fancy
winter patents , S2.iiOS2.55 per cwt : Nebraska
patents , $2.45@2.5 ( ) pur dwt ; rye flour , $2.50
per cwt ; wheat graham , $1.75 per cwt ; rye
graham , $1.35 per cwt ; New York buckwheat
$ G.50@7.K ( ) per bill ; Excelsior , $0.00 per bbl ;
ready raised. $5.00 per 100-lb case ; cornmcal ,
yellow , $1.00ffi > 1.10 per cwt ; white $1.01@1.15
per cwt ; bran , $10.00 ® 17.0(1 ( per ton ; screen
ings , $12.00 per ton ; hominy , $3.25 per bbl ;
chopped feed , $13.00 per ton ; chopped corn ,
$17.00 per ton.
OILS Carbon , linseed , boiled , OOc ; linseed ,
raw. 57c ; castor , No. 1 , $1.20 ; No. 2 , $1.12 ;
sperm whale , $1.00 ; whale water , bleached ,
85e ; fish , bank , 3"c ; neatsfoot extra , 05c ;
neutsfoot No. 1 , 50c ; gasoline , 74degrees , 15c ;
\V. S. lard , 05c ; No. 1 lard , 50c ; No. 2 lard , 50
@ 55c ; W. Vu. zero , I4c ; w.Vn. summer , 12c ;
golden No. 1 , 40c ; golden No. 2 , 25c : whale ,
20tnaptliu ; , 1 degree , 14c ; headlight , 150
degrees , 120 ; headlight , 175 degree , 15e ; tur-
pcntinc , 48c ; castor , pure , Si.43 Dergal ,
Uurr.s Ammonia carb , 14c ; camphor refined -
fined , ! iOe ; copperas , l } "c ; cream tartar , 45o ;
cream tartar powdered , 20@50c ; indigo Mn-
drus , 75c ; morphia sulph , per oz , $3.35 ; soda
bi c.irb , 03e ; Venice turpentine , 40e ; gum
opium , $4.25 ; quicksilver , bOo ; < iuinine , Ger
man , per oz , 55c ; quinine. P. & W. . 14c ; wax ,
yellow , pure , 2c ; wax , white , 45jJ35e ( ; citric
acid , per Ib , ( tie ; oxalic acid , per lb54c ; : alum ,
4c ; borax , relincd. perlb , lOc.
Si'iiirrs Colognejspiriti 188 proof , $1.14 ;
do 101 proof. $1.17 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , $2(1 ( ; do 1 ! > 8 proof , $ l.ll ! ; alcohol ,
1S8 proof , per wine gallon , $2.12 ; redistilled
whiskies , $1.2.6T1.60 ; gin blended , $1.50@i 00 ;
Kentucky bourbons , $2.00ifO.X ( ( ) ; Kentucky
nnd Pennsylvania ryes , $3.00@ll,50 ; Golden
Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies. $1.50 ( )300 ) ;
brandies. Imported , $5.K@S.50 ( ) ; domestic ,
$1. . ) < ) ( $ , ! 00 ; gins , imported , $5.00@U)0 ; ) ; do
mestic , $1.25 © 1.00 ; champagnes , imported ,
per case , $23.00(1533 ( 000 ; American' , per case ,
$10.00@1.OJ. ( !
LKITIIIIU Oak soles. 85@37c ; hemlock
slaughter sole , 12J29c ; hemlock dry solo , 12
< 325c ; heniloekkip , OO T.Klc ; A. & B , runner
iclp , COffgTSc ; A. hemlock calf , ' .I0c@f 1.00 ; A.
A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75c ; hemlock
upper , 19@24c ; English grain upper , 25o ;
hemlock grain upper , 21@21c ; Tampico B. L.
Morocco , 2yS33c ( ; ; Tampico peple ] , O. D. Mo. ,
2-29c ; Curneoa , B. G. Mo. , : io@10c ; Simon
O. U. Mo. , $2.75@3.00 ; Dangola kid , ! tOJ5e ;
X. M. kangaroo , 40c ; American calf kid. 32c ;
Grioscn kids , $ ; i.K3.50 ( ) ; French glazed kids ,
$2.50@2.75 ; French calf kidsT $ 'l,20 ; oak kip
skins , $ SOc ( < 2$1.00 ; oak calf skins , $ l.00@1.20 ;
French calf skins , $1.25@2.00 ; French kip
sldns , $ I.10@1.50 ; Kussitt linings , $0.000.50
per doz , ; pink cream nnd whlto linings , $7.50
( < § 10.00 per doz. ; colored toppings , $9.00 ®
No. 1 com , s 1 sj.17.50 I No. 3 com , s 1 s$14.00
No. 2 com , a 1 s. 15.50 | No. 4 com , sis. 13.50
No. 1 , 4&OInl2&14 ft , rough 118.50
No. 1 , " " 10 " 18.50
No. 2 , " " 14 " 15,00
No.2 , " " 10 " 10.00
A , 12 , 14 & 10 ft.J0.25 C , 12,14 & 1(1 ( ft.$14.50
H " " . D " "
, 19.501 , 11,60
1st com Jf in Whlto Pine ceiling f32.7fi
C. lUrALHLH. W , IMIICIIUAN1 , J , ) l. 1II.ANCI1AIU ) .
Live Stocfc CoraiDission Morcliaiits.
Live Ml Commission Merdiants ,
Market fumlnlied tree on application. Stacker * f.nd
Iccueri ( urnUlitxl on good Icrmi. llo'erencui : Oina-
tin National Uank nnit Houtti OmaUu National , Union
l-luck iVrdi , tioutb Omulia.
Live StocK Commission ,
Room li , Exchange Uulldlnv , Union Stock Tardi ,
Boutli Omaha , Neb ,
Commision Dealers in Live
Room K , Opunilta Kxcuange liulldlnic , Union Stock
V rJ , Boutl > ( Smalm , NVb.
Of Omana Limitcil , - ,
gl Irnplomqnto.
! LlTp A RK E R "
Dealer in Agricnltnrallmplementsfapns
, ,
CkrrtigM and Hueulf . Jm i Ptrcl , bctwoenVtb and
IQtli , Umfthn , Nebraskiu
A ricnlturalImiilementslWa2onsCarriages ,
Bnritle9Ko. (
Wholea1o Deittor * In
AgricnltnraUmplements.WaEons&Bnggies .
COl , Kn , M5 nnd 007 Jones Street , Omnln.
Hannfactnrers of Bncteyc Drills , Seeders ,
Cultltator * . Hay Hakp\ Cider Mlllo find I.nban 1'ul-
TcrUcrs. Cor , Htli and Nlcliolai Streets.
Agncnltnral ImiilemeiilsWapns , &Bnggies
ObrnerHth nndNlchol _ StreoH.
Haryestin ? Machinery and Binfler Twine
W. K. Meiul , Manner. 1 13 l < nvonwottli UOiuahi >
Manufacturers and Jobbers In
Wagons Bnggies , Rates , Plows Etc ,
Cor. Pill and Pacific Strcota. Onrnlin. Nob.
ArtLsts' Materials.
A HOSPE. Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
151,1 Douglas Street. Omahn , Nebraska.
Boots and Shoos.
W. V. MORSE & CO. ,
Joobcrs of Boots and Shoes ,
1KUH03-I1QJ lounlns St. , Onmhn. Mnnufnctorj , Bntn-
mcr HU , Ilonton.
( SncccBsors to Heed , Jonca A to. )
Accntalor Hoston llubbcr Bhoo Co. 110
llnrney tjt..Onmliu. Nclirnakn.
Booksellers nnd Statlonors ;
H. M. & s. W. JONES. *
Buoccssora to A. T. Kcuyon A"Co.Vbolc nlo St , Ilctall
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Flno Wcdtllna Btntloncrr. Commercial Stationery.
167 ; DouKlas btrect , Omalin , Neb.
CoffOO8 SpjCOS , EtQ.
" "
Omaba Coffco and fplce Mills.
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baling Powder ,
Flavoring Kxtrncts , Laundry Blue. Inki. Etc. llll-
141(1 ( Hnrnay Street. Omnhn , Nebraska. _
Crockery nndjClasswnre.
* " "
wTilTw RldHT ,
Apcnt for the Manufacturers nnd Importeis of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamns , Chimneys ,
Ktc. OMco , 31" S. ISth BL , Oraabu , Ncbraskn.
ImportcrA nnd Jobbers of
Crockery , Glassware , Laiuiis , Silverware ,
Kto UK Knrrmm St. , New 1'axtnu Ilullcllng.
( Bucccssors to McShano & Bchrocdcr. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
_ Omaba , Nebraska. _
Flonr , Feed , Grain and General Commission
Merclmnts. Corrcspondenco solicited. 1011 Nort
ICth btrccl , Uiunbn , Neb.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties Butter , KKgs , Cheese , Poultry , Game ,
Oysters , Ktc. . Ktc. 112 South 14th Btrect.
Coal. Coke ancM-lmo.
' ' " " "
Johte of Hard and Soft Coal ,
209 South 13th Street , Onmhn , Nebraska.
Mannfactnrers of Illinois White Lime ,
And phlpncrs of Coal , Coke , Cement , I'lmter , I.lrac ,
Brain Tile , and Power 1'lpp. onicc , i'axton llotel.
Furnam Bt. , Omubn , Neb. Telephone 11.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
214 South 13th St. . Omnhn. Neb.
Pry " Copds and Motions.
M. E SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goods , Famishing Goods and Notions ,
1102 nnd HOI Douglas. Cor. llth St. , Omaha , Neb.
Importers and Jobte in Dry Goofls.Notions .
Gents' Furnishing Condi. Corner llth and Iluncj
M . .Omnlia. Ni-brntkn.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Farnam Street. Omaha. Nebraska.
Omulia , Nebraska.
C rocorlos.-
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
705,707,709 and 7118.10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
12th nnd LcaTcnworth Streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails.
Tinware , Sheet Iron. Ktc. Agents for Ilnwo Scales ,
and Miami I'owdor ' Co. , Ouiaha , Neb.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanics' Tools and Ilutrulo Scales. 1(06 Douglai
btrcet , Omaha. Ncbraifca.
Wholesale Hardware ,
lOtti and Ilarney Bis. , Omaha , Neb. Western Agcnti
tot Austin 1'owdor Co. , Jefferson Ble l Nulls ,
Fairbanks Standard Scales.
Wholesale Manufacturers of
Saddlery & Jobbers of Saddlery Hardware
And Lcuthcr. H03,1IU" > und lll/T Huraey bt. , Omaha ,
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Bpr.nBs . ,
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
, Caps , Eto.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1107 Ilarney Street , Omaha , Not ) .
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
16U Struct ao.1 Union I'sclflc Track , Omaba.
' "
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doori.Ktc. Tirol-Corner 7tb * nl UougUi : Corcci
S\U and Ueupli *
C. N , DIET Z ,
Dealer ) h All Kinds of Lumber ,
lh ml California Streets , Omaba Nebraska.
Lumber Limo Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Corner fib na Dou l sSt . .Om h .
To Dealers Only ,
OCTce , 1 0 Fnrnum Street , Omi > h .
Wholesale Lumber Etc ,
yulncyWhll * l.lme.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpets and Parquet Flooring tth and DOU | M
Iron Worko.
* '
11 > ' l & VIRllF.INo'lHOX WO 11IC8 ,
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ,
Kuglnea , llrass Workleneral Foundry , Mnrhlnonnd
lllacksmltb Work , omco nnd Works , U. r Uy.
and ltti Street , Umnb.i.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Doik nails. Window Guard * . Flower Htnnd , Wire
blKtis.Ktc. ID North Kth Street , Omaha.
Man'frsofFire&BarglarProofSafes '
Vault < . Jail Work , Iron and Wlro Fencing. Blgns , Kto.
O. Amlrren , I'roji'r Cor. llth and. Inck'onSts ,
Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards ,
ad Bcruens , lorbiinns , miU-uV. Mvniu.dences , eLi
Isprored Awnings , locksmith Machinery tnl
_ Ulacksmlth Works. 403 South llth HU _
.in t.rtVJniir { iV uc.Mi-n ,
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks ,
General Agent * for niobold Bafo & I/ock CO.'H
Vaults nnd Jail Work , 1115 Kaninrn Street , Omnha.
l. B E RF ELD E R&C O . ,
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
_ SOS , 210 and SIS South llth Street.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
403 and ( OJ Bcuth 10th St. , Omaha.
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
1106 Ilarney Street , Omahn , .
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Axle Grease , Kto. , Omaha. A. II. Hlfhon. ManavAr
Paints ann Oils *
Wholennlu Dealers In
Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
Knrnttm Street , OmnhnNeb.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry a nlco stock of 1'rlntlnB. Wrapping and Writing
1'fc ar. Special attention given to for load orders.
Pr Ift tora Mo tori o Is ,
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Rubber Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
Jll Clothing and Leather Belting. 1008 Farniun Street.
Pomps , Pipes and Engines ,
Wholesale Puns , Pipe , Fillings ,
Steam nnd Wnter Supplies. TTcmlquartcr * for Mait ,
EQOBt&Co'agoofo. 1111 Knrnum ( St.Om hn.
Steam and Water Snpplies ,
8t , Omnhi.
Engines , Boilers anfl General Machinery.
Bhoot Iron Vork Stcum I umps , Raw MIXs. 1211-1211
lA'avenworth Btreot. Oinsba.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
t Omaha.
Storage , Forwarding & CommleBlon
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
rancli liouto of the Homier HIIKKT Co. IlueKlet a
wholesale uiul retnll , UM iJIOanil 13U Unrd Blrcot ,
Ouiubii. Telcpliono No. 7M.
Mannfactnre Galvanized Iron and Coim
John Buoooter , Proprietor. 030 Dodge Bed 103 and 101
North IDtli Hlreet. Orouha.
STORZ & . 1LER ,
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1521 North Kluthtcenth Street , Omaha. Neb.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jcant 1'anU , glilrU , Kto. 11(8 ( and 1101 Douglas Street ,
Ouidlia , KeU ,
Saah , Deere , Eto.
M. A. DISBROV/ < CO. , ,
Wboleialo MunuC cturera of ( J
Sasli Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , ! T
ranch Ufflco , IJtli and ItnrJ Hlrooli , Omaua , Neb. '
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinfis ,
MnuMlncm , Rtnlr Work and Interior lliird Woo a Ha.
l u , w , JJ , CurnurHtlianil J nveuwortU Htreeli ,
- * ' - '
Manafacturers of Moulding , Sash , Doors ,
And Jllln < l , TurnlnK , Rlnlr-work , Dank and Offlcu Kit *
llnui. auili and 1'opiileton Avonue.
. K.
Manufacturing Dealer in Smolje Stacks. .
Ilrltchlui ; , Tanki und General Holler Hopalrlog , 131 }
lK > dfu titreet , Omaha , Nob.
CAPITAL . , . 8500,008
SUIU'LUS . 100,000
KOUNTZR , President.
F , H. DAVIS , Cashier.
" ? * * * "a rr" * * " *