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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1888)
THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , MARCH 27 , 1888. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Wheat's Visible Supply Decrease n Strong Bull Influence. SCALPERSDO THE CORN TRADING Provisions Open Weak nn 1 In Fever ish Condition Business In Cattle Fnlrly Active HORB Quotntlona. CHICAGO rnonucis MARKET. CIIICAOO , March 20. [ Special Telegram to the Br.E.1 The ono strong bullish Influ ence In the wheat market to-day was the do- ci case of 81 1,000 bushels In the visible sup ply. It was not thnt the decrease was very largo , but It was more than half a million bushels greater than was expected. In addi tion to this was the Increased number of crop damage reports consequent uponthe re cent cold weather. The opening prices were J 'c higher than Saturday's ' close and at ojio time there was even a considerable advance from that standpoint , but when this hap pened the big bears began to sell some- and talk more as a decided Intimation that they were not yet out of the market. There was some buying by the country to-day , chiefly from the winter wheat belt , but It was .not large. Boyd , 1'axton & Boyd were strong buyers , but otherwise the scalpIng - Ing element did most of the trading. There was moderate buying , both of futures and of cash grain for foreign account. May wheat opened at TCJfc , sold up early to 77c , fell back to " > 6c , advanced to 77Vc soon after the Visible supply statement was made public , then worked back to TfiVc and closed nt 1 o'clock at 70Jf@iOe Juno wheat opened at 77-tfc. sold down to 77Vc , up to 77 | c and closed at 1 o'clock at 77 c. Speculative trading In corn was largely of a scalping nature , but it was lively neverthe less. Moderate receipts , present and pros pective. and the railroad strike were the Rlrcngtncnlng features , and the short interest hero Is not as concentrated and powerful as in wheat. It scares easier and when it has sold the market down a short way It is very npt to scramble to cover and cause lively reac tions. That was what happened to-day. The wet weather , with its probable bad effect upon the grading of grain , adds to the ner vousness of the shorts. May corn opened ut 60c , sold up to DOJ c. then down to SO' e , then' up to Mr , back to 50 > < c , uti to SOJfJc and closed at 1 o'clock at SUJ o bid. Juno corn opened at BOjj'c , sold at 50g50 ( c and closed at 1 o'clock at 5l ( c. There was a more active speculative trade in oats and the market was stronger. May cots opened at 80 } c , sold nt SQa and up tc BO c , closing at 1 o'clock at JiOXe asked , Juno oats opened at 80fc , sold up to SOJi'c and closed at 1 o'clock at 80o asked. Julj oats opened at 29Xc nskett and sold up to SOc , August at 2fiJ < < 3 Wd and sold up to 27c. The provision trade opened weak and in n feverish condition , The pork raiders , en couragcd by their success of Saturday , con tinned to prosecute their hammering opera tlons in that article. For May the Initial sales in it were made at $18.80 and before nnj depression occurred sales wcro made up tc (18.40. At $13.40 the raiders took hold ant by free offerings the price was hammcrcc down to 313.15. From this figure It reactci to $13.85 and at 1 o'clock stood at $18.25 , 01 lOc under Saturday's flnal quotations , Lari and short ribs were relatively stronger that pork. The former article closed unchangci to 2J c higher and short ribs only 2 > rfe lower AFTEUNOON SESsioN-rWhcat higher ; Muj opened at 77c , sold to T ! c , closing at 77 % < bid ; Juno 77c , July 77f@77Kc. Cert higher 5 May Gl&c , Juno 51c. } July Bl ffi 51 Jf c. Oats were fairly active , firm and Jf ( jkfo better. Pork was advanced 7J e am closed at $18.22 for March , $13.82 4@13.3 : for May and $18.35 for June. Lard was quie but steady ; March closed at $7,421 , Maj (7.47 } bld , Juno (7.53 , ' { bid and July a 7.57 > bid. _ CHICAGO IjIVK STOCK. CHICAGO , March 20. [ Special Telegram tc the BEE. ! CATTLE Business was fairly ac tive , with an up turn of 10@15c on big , heavj steers. Medium wcro firm and plain barely steady. Telegrams from Now York reportct ninety cars and slow trade , yet there wen liberal orders from dealers in the mctropoli : and four or live loads of big steers wen bought for that market at (5.20@5.87 > { . The dressed beef trade bought an average man bcr and outside shippers took a few loads Butchers' stock was only steady and dii not seem to move up with the othc ; grades of fat cattle. A train of good cactus fed Texans made good prices and there wai also a limited demand for good butchers stock. Canncrs were unchanged. Then was little or nothing done in stackers ant feeders. Receipts wcro light and there wen no country orders. Fancy , $5.40. Steers , 18W ) to 1500 Ibs , $4.40@5.00 ; 1200 to 1850 Ibs J3.90@4.40 ; 950 to 1200 Ibs , (3.20@3.85 Btockcrs and feeders. f2.85@3.70 : cows bulls and mixed , 81.0003.40 ; bulls , $2.25(1 ( 2.75. Texas-fed steers , * 3.85@4.00. lions The run was more than the marko would stand , hence the sharp down turn o 6@10e on all grades , light sorts of 160 to 171 Ibc and light mixed coming in for the grcatcs part of the decline , as there were but few orders for that class. Trade was not dull o slow , yet there was nn uneasy fooling on tin part of salesmen and they preferred to tak a fair offer than to run any chances. lies heavy made $5.40@5.50 and prlino mcdiui : (5.40@5.40 ; mixed , f .25@5.45. FINANCIAL. NEwYoiiu , Mnrch 20. [ Special Telegrnr to the BEK.I STOCKS A moro irregula stock market than to-day's has seldom bee witnessed. Interest centered chiefly in th Gould stocks , which opened higher , MIssoui Paciflo showing n gain of 1J per cent , bu immediately broke J , rallied to the opcnln figures , then declined Iff , but reacted l&lul Western Union was Irregular with a rang of a point. News from the Missouri Paclfl meeting was anxiously awaited nnd up t ix > oi ) the general impression prevailed thn the dividend would bo Opor cent. Gould wn credited with backing up his son George i bis declaration that 110 dividend would bo d ( Glared unless It had been earned. Ho tils asserted that the stock was worth 1.5X Thosa who bought the stock at 80 and abov sincerely wish it was instead of selling at 7 ! So long as confidence is lacking and there i no bull leader the Incurs huvo explicit faith i their ability to control the marltct. The , raided St. Paul und Reading , the pools bega to show signs of weariness und every dro brings out stop-order holdings. Rcadtn dropped 2 # nnd St. Paul lg points , Th rest of the list weakened fractionally , lit showed no Important features , t ho decline being merely la sympathy with the nctlv properties. The total 'sales were 293,00 , shares , UOVEHNMENTS Government bonds wer dull but steady. TKBTCniUY'S QUOTATIONS , TI , B.4s register C.&N.W , KM ! U , B. 4s coupon. do preferred..1JU ! 17 * R 4 ( B1 N.V.Centralex-aiviOi ! U . B 45iuc < Hinon..lOii ( ! O.K. N , B7 I'aclnadsof'Oj 120 5 P. T , * , , . . . 18 Canada Kouthcrn. . 4'J ) , 1'uclllo Mail au ; rentraU'aclilc 27 > A o. u.&K in Chicago le Alton. . .133 Pullman I'alaccCiirlJTi C. , II. &Q. . . 122 HeadliiK ' 67 ; II&W K7SS liwklHliuid , . 'loo ! n.\vit.o ie ; | Bt.J. . & 8.F W Krle 1 ilopreferrod , . . . . C5 do preferred 3 0.Sf. Si St. 1'ixul. . . 73 ! Illinois Ceutrttl..lia uo preferred 114 St.l > . &O 34 ! J.nkoKhoro , . , , K ) Toiaa 1'aclflo. 21 ! L. * N KH Union I'acinc. , , , . , M ) Michigan Central. . 7'ili W.Bt.L.&l' II MissouriPaclllo. , . . 75 > , ( referred. . . . 21' ' Missouri 1'aclllc. , . . ) ! i Telegraph , 73 ; do proferreil 43 MuxEr ON CALL . nt cent. Closed ofTeroil 2 [ wr cent. PlIIMB McitCAJiTlLB 57 1 > C cent. Brr.ui.iNQ ExciuxnE Quiet but Eton a : tor 60 day bilU ; ? J.67tf for dcwani ] , Chicago , March 20. Following ere tli \'M \ closing prices : lour Steady \JuclmugcJ ; winter wlici f3.50@4.60 ; Racks , $3.70(34.25 ( ; spring , (1.76 ® 3.00 ; rye flour , (2.85S3.10 per bbl ; buck wheat flour , (5.000fl.75 per bbl. Wheat Moderately active nnd unsettled ; opened # < S ; jo higher nnd closed JfHo above Saturday ; cash , 72 fc : Mtty77\c. Corn Fairly active nnd stronger ; opened at J.jC advance nntl closed IJfc higher thnn Sn'urdny : cash , 48c ; Mnv.'ol&c. Oats Fairly active nnd higher ; May , 31c. Rye 58i5 ( Kc. Barley 77@Slc. Pi line Timothy (2.CO. Flnx-sccd-(1.45. Pork Active and Irregular , but steady ; cnsli , 13.22'i : May. | 13.33K(31yS5- ( Lord Steady nnd fairly active ; cash , r. K : May , 7.47X@7.50. Dry Salted MciUs-Shoulders. W.OOR0.10 ( ; short clear , $ r.60@7.55 ; short ribs , $7.05. Butter Finn ; creamery , 24@30c ) dairy , 22ft 2Gc. Cheese Steady ; full cream Cheddars , 10 $ { Oll'c ' ; Hats , n fSUJfc1 , young Americas , . Kees Higher ; fresh , lCJf@17c. Hides Unchanged ; green hides heavy green salted , 5 > c ; light green salted , Cc ; salted bull , < Xc ; creen bull , 3i < cs green salted calf,8c : dry flint and dry calf , I2gl3c ; dry salted , lOc ; deacons , SOc each. Tallow Unchanged ! No. 1 , solid , 4 c ; No. 2 , do 3K ! cake , 4 > fc perlb. Receipts. Shipments. Flour , bbls . 24,000 15,000 Wheat bu . 2(1,000 ( 13,000 , Corn.bu . 240,000 104,000 Oats , bu . -.113,000 73,000 Hyo.bu . 1,000 2,000 Barley , bu . 10,000 , 18,000 Mvcniool , March 20. Wheat DC- mand poor ; holders offer freely. Corn Steady ; demand fair. IMInnenimlls , Mnrch 2fl. Wheat Locnl Blocks of wheat decreased 7 , < )29 bushels dur ing last week. Hccclpti. 225 cars .shipments , 77 cars ; prices ranged nearly KC higher. Closing : In store No. 1 hard , March nnd April , TBoMny : , Wet July. Tfljfo. Ko. 1 track No. 1 hard , 75@7 ( ' > Kc ; No. 1 northern , 74fi75c ; No. 2 northern , rjft73c. ( Flour Patents , sucks to shippers , M.10@ 4.25 ; bakers' , W.20@3.45. Milwaulccc , March 20. Wheat-Stronger ; Rye Higher ; No. 1 , iinrlcy Weaker ; No , 2 , 7 c. Provisions Irregular ; pork , Mnrch , flS.OO. Cincinnati. March 20. Wheat In fair demand ; No. 2 red. 85) ) Jc. Corn Steady ; No. 3 mixed , 52c. Oats Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 33 > @ 34e. Hye Steady ; No. 3 mixed , OOc. Provisions Pork easier at $13.75 ; lard weak and lower ; current make nt$7.25. Whisky In good demand at (1.05. St. Ijouls. March 20. Wheat Strong nnd higher ; April , SOe ; May , * 60 o ; July , " Corn Firmer ; April , 44c ; May , 4r > c ; July , 40Vo. Outs Quiet ; May , 20c. Pork $14.00. Lard $7.20. Whisky $1.09. Butter Firm ; creamery , 24@30c ; dairy , 20(5 ( 20c. Now JTorlc , Mnrch 20. Wheat Receipts , 4,400 ; exports , 07,000 ; options opened steady to flrmer , advanced % ( < % c , closing strong nt the best rates of the day ; spot # @JaC better ; ungraded red , 879 © 02o ; No. 2 red , 89 ® Sfl c in store nnd elevator , OO gtOOJ o de livered. May closing nt 89c. Corn Receipts , 39,200 ; exports , 40.000 ; options opened strong and after a few blight changes closed firm at an advance of J/(3) ( ) ; spot # @Ke ; ungraded , 59jtfrtGl.fe ( } ; No. 3 , 59@iH)3 ) c , the latter in Central elevator ; No. 2 , 00@OOi.C in elevator , Ol c delivered , May closing nt 59.Jjfe. Oats Receipts , 50,000 ; exports , none ; Jfc higher , closing llrm ; mixed western , @ 40c ; white western , 40S45c. ( Coffee Spot , fair ; Illo , steady at $14,00 ; options stcadj' , with less doing ; sales , 55,000 bugs ; March , S10.70 ; April , $10.55@10.70 ; May , S10. < 10@10.0 ; June , * 10.50@10.05 ; July , $10.25S ( > 10.40 ; August , $10.05@10.25. petroleum Firm ; united closed ntOOJ c. Eegs Firm ; western , lB@18 | < , 'c. Pork Barely steady. Lard Opened a shade lower and closed steadier ; western steam , spot , $7.872 @ 7.90. Butter Quiet but steadily held ; western , 14 ( 30c. Cheese Firm but quiet ; western , llj.f @ 12c. Kansas City , Mnrch 2(5. ( Wheat Steady , No. 2 soft , cash , 77Ko ; May , 7Co bid. Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 42 c April , 43c asked ; May , 43 > c. Oats No.2 , cash , no bid or offerings ; May , 29J c bid , 29c asked. New Orleai * , March 20. Corn Quiet but firm ; mixed nnd white , OOc ; yellow , Olc. Oats Easier : No. 2 , : ! 9@39J c. Hog Products Dull and lower ; pork , I14.37K ; lara , S7.00. Bulk Meats Shoulders , $0.10 ; long clear nnd clear rib , S7.50. LIVE STOCK. Clilcago , Mnrch20. The Drovers' Journal reports ns follows : Cattle Receipts , 7,000 ; opened stronger. closed off : steers , $3.20@5.20 ; stockcrs and feeders , $2.85@3.70 ; cows , bulls and mixed , J1.00g3.40 ( ; Texas fed steers , ? 3.35@4.00 , Hogs Receipts , 18,000 ; weak , closing 5@10c ! lower ; mixed , $5.15ff5.45 ( ; heavy , ? 5.30@5.CO ; light , ? 5.10@5.45. Sheep Receipts , 4,000 ; slow and n shade lower ; natives , $4.50@fl.00j westerns , ? 5.25@0.05 ; Texans. $4.00@4.50 ; lambs , 55.5C National Stock Vanls , East St. Louis , March 20. Cattle Receipts. 1.000 ; shipments , f > 0l ; market active und firm : choice heavy native steers , ? 4.40@1.50 ; fail to good nittlvo steers , $3.00@4.50 ; butchera1 steers , fair to choice , f3.10@4.20 ; stockcn nnd feeders , fair to good$2,10@3.80 : rang- ers. ordinary to good , * 2.30@3.SO. Hogs Receipts , 2,200 ; shipments , 1,200 : market steady ; choice heavy nnd butchers selections , $5.85@5.50 : packing , mcdiutr to choice , $5.15u5.4o ( ; light grades , ordinary to best , t5.00@5.25. Kniiflns City , March 20. Cattle- Receipts , 900 ; shipments , none ; shipping steers strong nnd 5@10c higher ; good tc choice corn-fed , $4H4,95 ( ) ; common to mo dlum , f3.25@4.40 ; stockers , (3.00(73.00 ( ; feed Inc steers. * 3.00@3.CO ; cows , (2.00@3.rX ) , Hogs Receipts , 4,000 ; shipments , none market opened strong nnd uctivo , closing weak ; common to choice , (4.70(35.80 ( ; skip : und pigs , t3.75Q4.GO. OMAHA lilVK STOCK. General , UNION STOCK. YAIIDS , Op. m. ) Monday , March 20 , 1888. f The receipts to-day were light , doubtless owing to the tio-up of the switchmen on thi B , & M , roud , who went out ut the yards this morning. Cnttlu. The receipts of cattle to-day were fair The market was higher , Hoes. The market opened at about Saturday' : closing prices and closed well it Is hard t < say how it closed , Look at the prices , There were no sheep on the market to-dnj and nothing was dono. Onlolal ItcoulptH. Cattle . { & - Hogs . . . . 2,24 ! Sheep . 70i Horses , . . . , . , , . j Prevailing Prices. The following Is n table of prices paid In this market for the grades of stock men Uoned. It frequently occurs that no sales ol EOiiiu particular grade arc made , when In this cabo the Ukblo will state as nearly us possible the price thnt would Imvobeen paid hud there been uny of that class among the offerings. Prime steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs , , (4.15 Prime steers , 1UX ) to 1300 Ibs , 3.50 Fnt little steers , UOO to 1050 Ibs. 3.25 Corn-fed range steers , 1200 to l&OO Ibs 3.35 Common to choice cows 2.35 Western cows , 2.25 Fair to Bocd runpo feeders > 2.30 Mi'diunuogooduntivQ feeders , WX ) Ibs nnd upwards . . . . , . . , , 2.25 @ 3.00 Common to good bulls 2.00 ( uO.50 Fair to medium uativo feeders , 800 Ibs and upwurdf , ' 3.25 Stockcrs , 400 to 700 Ibs 2.15 Prime lut sheep Joodfnt sheep , OO lOO Ibs. , . . 4.00 ( JS.OO Vtir to medium sheep 3.50 $3.75 Commoneheep , . . . . 3.00 ® 3.EO . .Ipht nnd medium hogs. , . 4,70 M5.00 ntr to choice henvy hogs 6.15 Crf5.2T Fair to choice mixed hogs 5.10 ( § 5.10 Representative Sales. NATIVE STnr.ns No. Av , Pr. No , Av. Pr. 1. . . . . KO 3.25 0 1100 3.75 10. . . . . KM 360 15..1071 8.75 23. . , . .1103 3.50 10. 1239 4.07K 20. . . . . f9 3.60 22 1226 4.10 .1. . . . .1183 3.50 20 1274 4.15 .1.VJ. . . . . . 9.V ) 3.50 63 1207 4.20 18 , . . . .1035 3.50 .68 1405 405 4. , . . . .1002 3.60 0 1100 3.75 cows. . . . . 723 1.60 8 1018 3.00 , . . . . 720 1.S5 3 1133 8.50 . . . .1220 2.60 1 1120 3.50 , . . . .1004 2.85 BULLS. 1. 1450 2.50 1 S170 3.50 1.S. S. , . . . .1050 2.75 1..2110 3.50 1. . . . .1700 2.75 COWS AND HULLS. 21. . . . . 920 2.50 OX EX. 2 , 2090 3.25STOCKEIta. STOCKEIta. 0. . . . . . 850 3.30 JIOOS. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. , Pr. 92. . .137 120(4.70 77 . . .218 120 (5.10 87. . .207 40 5.00 60..203 40 5.10 89. , . .164 240 5.00 74..210 80 6.10 87. , . .191 . . 5.00 04..232 . . 5.15 12. . . .243 . . 5.00 ( . . . .237 200 5.15 (59. ( . . .211 80 5.05 150..233 80 5.15 77. , . .182 JOO 5.05 f..l73 sa. . . .210 1(50 ( 505 G3t..250 6.20 83. , . 205 100 5.05 09..250 6.25 STAG. 1..3CO 3.00 Stuck Sold. Showing the number of heal of stock sold on the market to-day. noas. O. H. Hammond ft , Co 870 Omaha Packing Co 45U Armour & Cuduhy G9 Total 1,389 15 loads unsold. CATTLE. O. H. Hammond & Co 118 Slovens ! ! . & Co H Hill & Lindloy . ' 1 GusRoft 2 C. H. Williams 4 M. Nelson 83 Total " " 2lc "ill" Range of Prices. Showing highest and lowest prices paid for leading grades of cnttlo on dates mentioned Spaceleft blank indicates thnt no sales of that particular class of cattle wcro iniulo on thnt date : Dookago anil Commission. Public inspectors doslc pregaint sows 40 pounds , stairs 89 pounds each. Dead hogs. 100 pounds and over , 81.00(3 ( 1.75 per cwt , less than 100 Ibs , of no value. Yardage : Cattle , 25c ; hogs , 80 ; sheep , 5 ( per head. Feed : Corn , ? 1.00 per bu. ; timothy hay , ? 80 ; pr.iirio hay , 520 per ton. Commissions : C.xttlc , 5Jc ( per head ; calves and yearlings , $10 per car. Hogs and sheep : Single decks , ? 5 ; public inspection on hogs , 15c per rar. All sales unless otherwise stated per 100 Ibs live weight. Live Stock Notes. The firm of Paddock & Gosney have changed oftlccs and arc now located in the room formerly occupied by Atnos Do Groft A Acker. The latter linn have dissolved and have been succeeded by Mr. Acker , who will retain a place in the same oflico. OMAHA "WHOLESALE MAIlKfcT Produce , Fruits , Nuts , Etc. Monday , March 20. 37ic following quotations arc wholcsali tind not retail. Prices quoted on product arc the rates at which round lots arc sold 01 tltli market. Fruits or other lines of yoodi requiring extra lahor In } > ncltln j cannot al ways lie KUjnillcd on outside orders at tht same prices quoted fur the local trade Hates on flour and f ceil arc Jobbers' prices Pi-Ices on main arc those paid by Oinahi millers delivered. All quotations on mer chandlsc arc obtained from leudlnij housci and arc corrected dully. Prices on crack as , cakes , etc. , arc t/iosc / given by leading manufacturers. Trade was rather slow to-day. Eggs cami In freely and were met with a free demand which kept prices firm at 14c. Th < receipts of butter were somewhat light and prices firm at provloui quotations Poultry is very scarce , with but little demand for what offered , but th < prices remain as before. The only featured note is the receipt of now fruit and vege tables , strawberries selling tit from 40c to 50o per box , and radishes a 35c to 40c per dozen bunches onions : t5c to 40c per dozen and -asparagus n S3c per Ib. Lemons have advanced in Nov YorU * , but no change is noted in prices hero HuTTEii Creamery , solid packed , 22@2.'lc choice rolls , 18@20c ; medium , 14@i5o ; lev grades , 12@l c. Eaas Strictly fresh , 15@lCc asked. Al'M.ES Choice , per bbl , $4,25@4.75. CHEESE Full cream , 12X@13c. PouLTitr Chickens , 12 < ifiiae ; turkeys , 12 < J 13or ducks , 12@13c ; geese , 12@13c. LIVE POULTKV Chickens , $3.25@3.75 pe doz ; ducks , 3.00(33.25 ( ; ; geese , flJ,00@0.50 turkeys , 7i ( 8o per Ib. CIIANDEIUUES Bell & Cherry , $10.GO@ll.OO Bell & Bugle , * ll,00@U.DOj Bell & Bugle premium , $ tl.50@12.00. BEANS Good stock , f2.CO@2.75 : Callfornli beans , f2.25@2.40. POTATOES Utah and Colorado stock , f 1.1 ! @ 1.20 ; choice homo grown , SS@05o ; commoi grades , 00t5@5e. BANANAS Medium , f3.50Ct3.00 ; choice TuKxirs Good stock , 60g75o ( ; rutagagaa LEMONS ? 3,70@4.50 per box. CAi.iroitNiA PEAIIS f2.50@2.75 : extn choice , ? 3.00. DATES Porsain , 80 per Ib. SAUH KIIAUT Choice per bbl. of 33 gal f7.nO(38.00j ( yt bbl. , * 4.57g5.00 ( ; flt.OO per bbl of Wl gal. CinEii Choice Michigan elder , tO.OOSO.S per bbl. of 32 gal. Porconx Choice rico corn is quoted at 4 ( < j 4J/o IHSIIb. . , otl r kinds , 2U ( < ? 3o per Ib , CAHUOTS * 2.25 ( < ? 2.50 per bbl. PAUSNII-S New stock. f2.50 per bbl , OvbTEiis Plain standard , 25a ; plain selects lects , SOc ; standard , 40c : extra selects , 35o Now York counts , 40o ; bulk oysters , counts f.85 per 100 ; selects , $2.00 per gal. ; standard $1.25 per gal. CAniuoES % 1 per doz. and 5@3o per Ib for California. CAULIFLOWER Good stock , $2.GO@2.60. GitAi-tb Malagas , # 7.50@8.00 per Ib. , ant larger sized barrels in proportion up to $10,01 OKANHES Callforniu Kiverside , f4.0X ( < i 4.25 ; Messina , W.75 < 34.25 : Valencias , M.fXJtf SOO per case of 420 ; Florida brights , * 1.23g 4 50 ; russets , f3,50@4.00 ; Mexican , 4.0S ; L.O ! Angeles. 3 50@3.75 ; Navals , fo.OO. Fios In layers , 13@10c , cake lie perlb. NUTS Peanuts 0 > i@7e , raw Brazil nuts 13o ; almonds , Tarragona , 22o ; Knglish wal nuts , 15 ( < 518o ; filberts , 18o ; Italian chestnuts 15o ; pecans , 15o. HONEY lU@21u for lib frames : cannci honey. 10 5l2o per lib , Grocers' List. , jELLlES-rSO-lb palls , $ li25@i:50 : , . ' BAIT Per bbj.t car load , 1.30 , ' - . , CAJJDT Mixed , l'@llc : stick , ® 'JV. Hoi.i.ANn HnuiUNfiS'J-TOJJTaopor keg. MAiar. SUOAU Bricks , l'2 > fopcr Ib. ; penny cakes , 15e per Ib. , , . BnooMs Extra , 4-tio , * 2CO ; No. 1 , $2,00 ; No. tl.75 ; heavy stable , M.OO. STAncii-Mlrror glos f BJfe ; Graves' ' corn , OJ e ; Oswcgo gloss , 7c ; Oswcgo corn , 7c. TnAft Japans , UiXjiWc ; guniwwdcr , 20 ® COc ; Young Hyson , lHW55o ; Oolong , 20 < 3l OCc. OCc.Stnurs New Orleans molaises. per bbl. , 37@40e per gal. ; corn syrup , 35c ; naif bbls. , 87c ; 4 gal. kegs , * 1.5f . Pitovisioss Hams , 10Jf@Hc' breakfast bacon , 10Jf@llc ; bacon slrtcs , fi' SVc : dry salt , 7crt8o ( ; shoulders , OJ ( g7c ; dried beef , 10@lle. PiOKi.r.s Medium In bbls , tC.OO ; do in half bbls , (3.50 ; small In bbls , $7.00 ; do in half bbls , J4.00 ; gcrkins , in bbls , (8.00 ; do in hall bbls , M.BOI HEFINED LAHI > Tierce , 7 c ; 40-lb square cans , 7k'c ! 50-lb round , 7Ko ; 20-lb round , 7 > fo ; 10-lb palls , 7Ko ; 5-lb palls , 8c ; 0-lb palls , POWDE Ajjn SHOT Shot , tl.40 ( buckshot , $1.05 ; Amount | x > wdor$5.00 ; half kegs , $3.75 ; one-fourths , (1.50 ; blasting hcgs(2.35 ; fuses , 1000 ft. , 45@75c , SUOAH Granulated , 7 < $7 > < c ; conf. A. COVFP.C Onlinary erodes , KX5517c ; fair , l7@I8oprlme.18@lU ; c ; fancy green nndyol- low , 22 < ffi23o ; old government Java , 2S(330c ( ; interior Java , 2o ( ,2Sc , ; Mocha , 28ft30c ( ; Ar buckle's roasted , 19J c ; ' McLnughlln's XXXX , 19o ; Dilworth's , lO c ; Red Cross , WOODENWAUB Two-hoop palls , per doz. , 91.40 ; three-hoop putts , $1.05 ; No. 1 tub , ( J.75 , No. 2 tub , (0.75 ; No. Stubf 1,75 ; washbonrds. $1.50 ; fnncy washboards , (3.60 ; assorted bowls , (2.75 ; No. 1 churns , (0.50 ; No. 3 churns. (8.60 ; No. 3 churns , (7.5U ; butter tubs , (1.70 ; spruce , in nests , (1.70. Toiucco Lorillnrd's ' Climax , 45o ; Splen did , 45c ; Mechnnlcs' Delight , 44o ; Lcggctt & Meyer's Stnr , 45c ; Cornerstone , 39o ; lirum- mond's Horseshoe , 45c ; J. T. , 42o ; Sorg's Spearhead , 45 ; Catlin's Meerschaum , 31c ; Cntlin's Old Style , 23c : Piper Hcidsick. (54c ; SweetTipTop,82c ; U.N.O.,17o ; Red , Whlto und Blue. 18c. DHIUD FUUIT Apple , bbls , now , J/s , 1 @ 7J c ; ovnioratcd ) , 9J @ 10c ; bhiclsbcrries , evaporated , DJ @lOc ; pitted cherries , 2J@23c ; peaches , eastern , now , X8i Sf@Jc ; ovapo- rnted , peeled penchcs , 80@82c ; ovnpornted , unpnrcd , 18@lUc ; now currants. ? @ } { Q\ \ prunes , new , 4X@5c ; citron,24@2oc ; raisins , California-London layers , (2.40@2.50 ; Cali fornia loose muscatels , (1.9X2.UOj ) now Va- lencin , 7K@7c. CANNED Goons Oysters , standard , per case , (3.00@3.35 ; strnwcerrics , 2-Jb , per case , $3.15Z3.2T ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , (3.10@ 3.20 ; California pears , per case , $4.70@4.80 ; nppricots. per cisc , ( -i.80@4.40 ; peaches , per case , $6.00 ( 5.76 ; white cherries , per case , ( ( ( .00 ; California plums , per case , (4.5004 (10 ( ; blueberries , per case , ( J.20g2.40 ( : egg plums , 2-lb , per case , * 2.5'Jpiucappples ; , 2-lb per case , $3.20(35.75 ( ; salmon per doz , (1.85@1.95 ; 2-lb gooseberries , per cose , $3.253.35 ; 2-lb string beans , per case , (1.75@1.SO ; 2-lb Lima beans , per case , ( l.CO@1.05 ; 2-lb marrowfat peas , (2.GO@2.70 ; 2-lb early Juno peas , per case , $2.85 ; 3-lb tomatoes , $2.50 ; 2-lb corn , CUACKEHS , CAKES , ETC. Prices subject to change. Soda , 5c ; soda ( city goods ) , 7o ; soda snowllake ( In tins ) , 10c ; soda dandy , ; soda wafersdn tins ) , lOc ; soda zephyr , 5c ; snowdrop oyster , 7e ; butter , 5e ; Boston , 8c ; Omnha butter , 7c ; saw tooth butter , cracker meal 5) c ; graham , 8c ; graliuui wafers , lOc ; graham wafers in pound pack ages , 12Xc ; hard bread , 5o ; milk , 7J < jc ; oat meal. 8c ; oatmeal "wafers , lOo ; oatmeal wa fers in pound packages , 12) 0 ! animals , 12c ; Boliver gingerround,7o ( ) ; crcam,8oCornhill ; , lOc ; cracknells , lOc ; frosted cream , 8Ko ; ginger snaps , 8c ; ginger snaps ( city ) , Oe ; homo made ginger snaps , in boxes , 13c ; home made ginger snaps (1-lb ( cans ) per dozen , $2.50 ; lemon creams , 8c ; pretzels ( hand made ) 11 Jrfc ; assorted cakes and jumbles , nc\ \ as sorted fingers , ICc nfternoon tea ( in tins ) , per box $7.00 ; banana lingers , 14e ; butter jumbles , llKc ; Brunswick , 15e ; brandy snaps , 15c ; chocolate drops ( now ) lUc ; choco- laid wafers , lee ; Christmas lunch ( in tins ) per dozen , S4.50 ; cocoa taffy snaps , 14o ; coffee cake , 12e ; Cuba jumbles , ll e ; cream puffs , SOc ; egg jumbles , He : ginger drops , lie ; honey jumbles , llJsc ; jelly fingers , 15e ; jelly wafers , I5c ; jelly tart ( now ) , 15c ; lady fing ers , 13c ; vanilla bar , 14c ; vanilla wafers , Mo ; Vienna wafers , 1 dozen packages in a box , per dozen , $3.50. All goods packed in cans le pcrlb. advance except snowllake and wafer soua. which are packed only in cans. Soda in 2 Ib. and 3 Ib. paper boxes , % c per Ib. advance ; all other goods le per Ib. advance. Soda in 1 Ib. paper boxes , le per Ib. advance. The 2 Ib. boxes arc packed In cases holding 18 in n case. The 3 Ib. boxes are packed in cases holding 12 in a case. The 1 Ib. boxes are packed in cases holding 30 in a case. One Ib. Graham and oat meal wafers packed 2 doz. in a case. Show tops for boxes , with glass opening to show goods , 75c. Cans for wafer soda , $3. not returnable. Cans for snowflake soda , $ b per doz. Tin cases with glass face to display the goods , 75e each. No charges for packages except for cans and returnable cases. Glass front tin cans and "snowflako" soda cans arc returnable at prices charged. Dry Goods. DUCK West Point 29 in. 8oz. , lOJ c ; West Point , 20 In. 10 oz. . 12 } c ; AVcstPoint,10iu,12 oz. , 15c ; West Point 40 in. 11 oz. , lc. ( ! Checks Caledonia X , 9Ko ; Caledonia XX , Economy , O e ; Otis , . KENTUCKY JI-\NH Memorial , 15o ; Canton , 2Sc ; Durham , yjy oi Hercules l8c ; Leaming ton , 22Xc ; Cottawold , ytyte. CHASH Stevens' B , Oo ; bleached , 7o ; Ste vens' A , 7 e ; bleached , 8J e ; Stevens' P , SJtfc ; bleached , OXc ; Stevens' N , 9c ; bleached , lOKc ; Stevens' S UT , 12Vc. MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth. $2.85 ; plain Holland , 8 e to 9 0 } Dado Holland , . CAMIIIIICS Slater , Go ; Woods , 5e ; Stand ard , 5e : Peacock , 5c ; Sinter roll , C@7c. CoMFOiiTr.its K5.GO@35.00. BLANKETS White , $1.00@7.50 ; colored $ UO@S.OO. BLEACHED SHEETING Berkeley cambric , No. CO , 9 c ; Best Yet , 4-4. 9c : butter cloth , OO , 4&c ; Cabot , 7J o ; Farwell , 8X0 ; Fruit of Loom , 8J c : Frcene G , Co ; Hope , 80 ; King Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdale. ll o ; Lons- dale , 7c ; Now York mills , lOKo ; Pepperell , 42-in , lie ; Pepiwrcll , 4 ( m. 12o ; Pepperell , (1-4 ( , 10o ; Poppercll , 8-4 , 21c ; Pcpperell , 9-4 , 23o ; Poppercll. 10-4 , 25e ; Canton. 4-4 , S o ; Canton , 4-4 , 9ic ; Triumph , Co ; Warnsutta. Ho ; Valley , 5o. PHINTS SOLID COLOHS Atlantic. Cos Slater , 5c ; Berlin oil , O c ; Graner oil. ( Kg 7c. PIND AND KOHES Klchmond , OKc ; Allen , flc ; Ulver Point. 5o ; Steel Hiver-O c ; Hichmond , Oc ; Pacific , tl c. INDIGO BLUE Washington , 0 > e ; Century indigo blue prints , lOo ; American , 7ct Arnold , 7o ; Arnold B , He ; AnoldA , 12c : Arnold Gold Seal , . DIIESS Charter Oak , 5 } o ; Haroapo , 4Ko ; Lodi , 5e ; Allen , Co" ! Richmond , Co ; Windsor , OKo ; Eddystono. 0 > o ; Pacific , OJ e. IliiowN SIIEETINO Atlantic A , 4-4 , Atiantio H , 4-4,7 0 ! Atlantic D. 4-4 , Atlantic P , 4-4 , Oe Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oo ; rora C , 4-4 , 5e ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , ? ko ; slcr LL , 4-4 , Co ; Indian Head , 9-4 , Lawrence LL , 4-4 , Cc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5 } < o ; Pepperell , U , 4-4 , 7tfo ; Pepperell O 4-4 , Oo ; Pcpperell , 8-1 , IS c ; Pepperell , 9-4 , 21o ; Pcpporell , 10-4 , 23c ; Utlca. C , 4-4 , 5o Wnchusett , 4-4 , TKej Aurora li , 4-4 , C , o ] Aurora U , 4-4 , 5cf BATTS Stauuara. 9o ; Gem , lOKc ; Beauty , 12Ko ; Byono , 14orB. eased. $0.50. GINOIIAM PJunkett checks , 7J c ; Whlttcn- ton 7 e ; York , 7ci Normandl dress , 8 0 ; Calcutta dress , 8wc ; Whittcndon dress. Do : Henfew dress. TICKS Lewlston , ] : > 0 in. , 12Kc ; Lowlston , 32-in. , 13 > o ; York , 32-in. , 14c ; Swift , river , 7Kc : Tliorndyke. OO , 8 > < c ; Thorndyko , FF , 8)o ; Thorndiko 120 , y e ; Thorndike XXX. 15o : Cordls , No , 5 , 9 0 Cordls , No , 4 , 1 le. DENIMS Amoskeag , 9-oz. , ice ; Everett , 7-oz. , J8o ; York , 7-oz. , 18o ; Haymaker , 8 " ! Jaffroy , XX. ll o ; Jaffroy , XXX , 12 } < ro ; Beaver Creek. AA , 12e ; Beaver Creek , BB , ll.c ; Beaver Creek. CC , lOo. FLANNELS Plaid Uaftsman , 20c ; Goshen % . ii < > ie ; iJueciieoiNo. 4 , % , v-iftc ; Ai 13K J ? Windsor. ! SWo : Hed XC , 24-in , E 24-inch 21o ; GO Si-Inch , 18c ; H A F , 4f , 25a ; J It F , y 27 > o ; O % , 35o. COTTON FLANNEL 10 per ceut trade dis count LL. 6foCC \ , 7Kc ; SS 8rfo ; Name less , 5Uo ; No. B , Co ; EH , O o ; GG , lOJ c : XX , ISjfos OG , 14o ; NN , l o ; UX , 18c ; R 20o ; No. 10 , 8 } e ; s > 0 > 10 > < o ; CO. 12 > < o ; 80,10c = 20 , colored , lOc ; 50 , colored. 12o ; 70. colored 25J ; Bristol. 18 0 ! Union Pacific. 18o. ' 'WAJIV Bibb , white , lOJic ; col General Markets. WOOL Per Ib. . ISgOOo BEESWAX 18@22c per Ib. FI.AXSEEII $1.83 j > cr bushel. HAT Common coarse , $6 OOQ < 5.50 ; upland prairie , $7.X7.50 ( ) AVINDOW GLASS Single , 70 per cent ; double , 70 nnd 10 per cent discount. PAINTS Whlto lead , pure.OJ < c ; whitolcnd , fancy , C' c ) putty. In bludders. Sc ; Paris White , 3c ; common , 2J < c ; red lead , 7c. EXTKACTS Sanderson's oil bcrgamot , per Ib. , $3 00 ; oil lemon , per Ib. , $2.50 : oil pepper mint , $3.00 ; oil wlntorgrecn , $3.50 ; olive oil , Malaga , per gallon. $1.25. Fui 3 llaceoon. No. 1 , G0(370c ( ; No. 3 , SO ® 85e ; mink , KXg&Oo ; musk rut. fall , fKgSo : tnuskrat , spring and winter , BCSllc ; stripped skunk , li40c ; mountain wolf , No. 1. $1.50 ® 2.50 ; No. 8. iirnlrio , 50@70c ; No. 2 , 25jMOc ( ; beaver , Mo. 1. per Ib , $3.00@3 00 ; No. 2 , $1.00 < rl,25 , ; otter , $1.00@0.00 ; dry deer skins , 20 < a a5c per Ib ; dry nntclopo. elk , moose , etc. , 15 ® 25c ; deer skins , per Ib , 20@25c. HIDES Green butchers' 5K@7e ; green cured , OJ o ; dry flint , Oe } dry salt , 8c ; green salted calf , 7' @So ; damaged hides two- thirds price ; dry salted deacons , 25o each. Tallow No. 1 , 8 , ' o ; No. 2 , IJ c Grease- Prime white , 4 c ; yellow , So ; brown , 2c. Sheep pclta , 10c ( i$1.00 , according to quality. Green oz pelts , 3 { < $3 > { c ; kip skins ( uniform ) , 4@OXo ; cowhides. 4Koc ; branded hides classed as damaged. FLOUII AND FEED Minnesota patents , $3.45 (33.50 ( per cwt ) Kansas and Missouri fancy winter patents , $2.602.55 per cwt ! Nebraska patents , $2.45@2.50 per dwt ; rye Hour , $3.50 per cwt ; wheat graham. $1.75 per cwt ; rye graham , $1.85 per cwt ; New York buckwheat $ (5.50@7.00 ( per bbl ; Excelsior , $0.00 per bbl ; ready raised. $5.00 per 100-lb case ; cornmcal , yellow. S1.00@1.10 per cwt ; white $1.01@1.15 per cwt ; bran , $10.00@17.00 per ton ; screen ings , $12.00 per ton ; hominy , $3.25 per bbl ; chopped feedj $18.00 per ton ; chopped corn , $17.00 per ton. OILS Carbon , linseed , boiled , COc ; Unseed , raw , 57c ; castor. No. 1 , $1.20 ; No. 2 , $1.12 ; sperm whale , $1,00 ; whale water , bleached , 85c ; ilsh , bank , 35c ; ncatsfoot extra , G5c ; neatsfoot No. 1 , 50o ; gasoline,74degrees , 15c ; W. S. lard , C5e ; No. 1 lard , 50c ; No. S lard , 50 @ 53c ; W.Vn. zero , Uc ; W.Va. summer , 12e ; golden No. 1 , 40c ; golden No. 2 , 2oo : whalo. UOc ; irnpthn , 1 degree , 14o ; headlight , 150 degrees , 12o ; headlight , 175 degree , 15o ; tur pentine , 4Sc ; castor , pure , $2.45 uer gal. Dnuos Ammonia carb , 14o ; camphor re fined , 30o ; copperas , IJfc ; cream tartar , 45o ; cream tartar powdered , 20@50c ; Indigo Ma dras , 75o ; morjihla sulpn , per oz , $3.35 ; soda bl carb , 05o ; Venice turpentine. 40c ; gum opium , $4.25 ; quicksilver , bOo ; quinine , Ger man , per oz , 65o ; quinine , P. & W. , 14c ; wax , yellow , pure , 32o ; wax , white , 45@55c ; citric acid , per Ib , Gie ; oxalic acid , pcrlb , 54oalum , 4e ; borax , refined , per Ib , lOe. SriuiTs Cologne spirits 188 proof , $1.14 ; do 101 proof , $1.17 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , $ .20 ; do IbS proof , $1.18 ; alcohol , 188 proof , per wlno gallon , $2.12 ; redistilled whiskies , $1.25@1.50 ; gin blended , $1.50@2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , $2.00 ( < ? 0.00 ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , $2.00@0.50 ; Golden Sheaf bourbon nnd rye whiskies. $1.50@3.00 ; brandies , imported , $5.00@8.50 ; domestic , $1.30@3.00 ; gins , imported , $5.00@0.00 ; do mestic , $1.25@3.UO ; champagnes , imported , per case , $28.00@33.000 ; American , per case , $10.00@10.00. XiEATiiEn Oak soles. 85@37e ; hemlock slaughter sole. 12@29c ; hemlock dry sole , 12 @ 25c ; hemlock kip , C0@90c ; A. & B. runner icip , 50@7oc ; A. hemlock calf , 80c@$1.00 ; A. A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75c ; hemlock upper , 10@24c ; English grain upper , 25c ; hemlock grain upper , 2t@24c ; Tampico B. L. Morocco , 29 ( > 33o ; Tampico pcpple , O. D. Mo. , 22@29c ; Curacoa , B. G.Mo. , 85@40c ; Simon O.D. Mo. , $2.75@3.CO ; Dangola kid , 80@Kc : ; X. M. kangaroo , 40c ; American calf kid. 32c ; Grlesen kids , $3.00@3.50 : French glazed kids. $2.50@2.73 ; French calf Kids. $3,20 ; oak kip skins , $80c@I.OO ; oak calf skins , $1.00@1.20 ; French calf skins , $1.25@2.00 ; Frcneh kip skins , $1.10@1.50 ; Hussitt linings , ? ( J.OO@O.M per doz. ; pink cream and white linings , $7.50 @ 10.00 per doz. ; colored toppings , $9.00 ® 11.00. Lumber. DIMENSIONS AND TIMI1EK1 ? . HOA1IDS. No. 1 com , s 1 s.17.50' | No. 3 com , s 1 s.$14.0fl No. 2 com , sis. 15.50 | No. 4 com , sis. 13.5C FENCING. No. 1 , 4 & G in 12 & 14 ft , rough (18.5C No. 1 , " " 10 " 18.5C No.2 , " " 14 " 150C No.2 , " " 10 " 10.0 ( 3ID1NO. A , 12 , 14 & 10 ft.(20 25 | C , 12 , 14 & 10 ft.(14.5C B , " " 19.50 | D , " " 11.6C CEILINO AND PARTITION. lstcomin White Pine ceiling. ' (32.7E 2d " " " " 2(5.7.r ( Clear Jf in Norway " " 152 : 2dcom in " " " 13.2E FLOORING. A 0 in White Pine (33.5C BOin " " 31.5C COIn " " 23.5C DOin " " 20.5 ( Eli In " " ( Sel. Fencing ) > 18.0C 0 in. Drop Siding 50c per M extra. STOCIU10AUD3. A12lnchsls (44.5C B12 " 38.5 ( C12 " 35.5C Dili " 21.5C No. 1 com , 12 in sis , 12ft 19.5C " " " 14ft 18.5 ( " " " 10ft 18.0C " " 10 , 18,20ft 21.0C No.2 " " 18.0C " " " 12&14ft. 17.5C " " " 10ft 10.5C 12 in Grooved roofing , (1 per M rnoro than IS in Stock Boards sumo length. 10 In Grooved roofing same price as 12 in Stock Boards. SIIJPLAI > . No. 1 Plain 8 nnd 10 in (17.7S No.2 " " " 10.21 No , 1 , OG , 8 In 18.2J FIN1SI1INO. 1st nnd 2nd , clear , ] , Ij ins2 B (49.5C ' " " ' ! * , 2 49.5C 8d , clear , 1 in , s2s 44.5C " JK , IK in , 2 45.5C A , select , 1 in s D s 38.6C A , " W , 1M , 2 in s 2 s 42.6C B , " linslis 28.5C M > " 1 # , IK , 2 in B 2 a 35.5C B , select , all 10 ft , (1 extra. 80UTIIB1IN YELLOW PINB. Com. 4 inch Flooring (17.5C Star " " 19.5C 1st and 2d clear 4 inch Flooring 21.5C Six inch 50o less. Clear inch Ceiling 19.5C Clear % inch Partition 23.5C Clear % Inch , Partition (2 abave % inch Celling Clear Finish , land I/Inch , s2s 2 < 5.0fl Clear Finish , W and 2 Inch , s 2 s 29.0C Clear Corrugated Celling , 4 Inch 23.6C Clear Yellow Pine Casing and Base. . . . 25 OC I'Ol'LAH LUMIlEIt. Clear poplar bx. Bds % m s 2 s (31.0C " " } < in panel. s2s 27.0C " " Corrugated colling , % , . 28.0C JUTTHNB , WKLI. TU1IINO , PICKETS. O G Butts , 2 in t K " Kx3,8ls , 8 ( 2 In well tubing , D & M nnd bev 2i Pickets , D & H flat U " DH& ( ] 11 SIIINQLES , LATH. XX clear $ 8.00 Extra A $ 2.6C * A * Standard. . 2.55 * AHB&B. . . 2.2 5 in clear , , , G in clear 1.95 No. 1 , 1.30 CedarA * Lath 2.K POSTS. WhitoccdarO In % * 13 " Uinqra 12 ; ; SKin , K 1 < " 4 in round ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! . ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! u Tcnnesseored cedar , split , , , , . . . . . . . . 14 Split oak , 8 U. S , DEPOSITORY. MAHA , - NEBRASKA CAPITAL $500,0 < H SURPLUS 100,00 ( UniJMAN KOUNTZK , President. JOHN A. CHEiaiiTOJf , F.H. DAVIS , CUhler. . ' . \V. H. MEOQUJEn , Assistant Casulo : ABrlpruTuirn ImpiornoritB. CHURCHILL PARKER , Dealer in AgricultnralImplements , aEons , C rrt gc § end Ilu ln. Jon * P rf f t , betneenKb and 0th , Om _ " _ LININQER & M"ETOALF co. , Agricultural ImDlements.Wagons.Carriagcs . . Hiif itlci , Ktc. Wliolttale. Omithi > , ytbr ki > . PARLIN , ORENDORF & MARTIN , WholtJKlo n * lra In Agricultural IuiiilenientsWagons&Bnggies , _ Ml , HO. C and POT Jonci Street , Omithit. _ P. P. MAST & CO. , Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders , CnltlTftton , liar JUken. Cider Mills and LubKn lul- Tenters. Cor , litn nd Nlcbol strf ct . WINONA IMPLEMEtJT CO. , Whole alo- Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies Corner luh and NIcholM Slrceti. OMAHAIlllANCII. .o , . Harresting Machinery and Binder Twine W. UI.Mci irMMi iier. laiM lj Tonworth tt. , Oinahn MOLli7lvrLBURN&BTODDARD Co Manufacturer * and Jobbers In Wagons Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc , Cor. 9th iincl I'aclfl6 Btreoln , Omaha. Nob. Artists' Materials. A HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , IMS Dent-las Ptrcct , Ornahn , Nobrmka. i * * i W7 V. MORSE & CO. , JohliGrs of Boots and Shoes , 1HU110M105 Donglnn Ft. , Onmliu. Manufactory , Rum- incrSt , , lloslon. _ KIRKENDALL , JONES & CO. , ( Successors to lU'cil , Jones tco. ) WholesaleManufacturersofBootsandShoes AgcntBfor lloeton llubbcr Plioo Co. 1102 , 1101 It 111)0 ) U. Omahtt. Nobrnakn. Boo kiel lors and "SfatlorTbrsj _ , H. M , & S. W. JONES , Successors to A. T. Kcnyon A Co.Vliotcsnlo & Retail Booksellers and-Slationers , Fine WcddlnR Statloncrf. Coramcrclnl Stationery. 16 DouKlas Street , Umnlia. Neb. _ Oruabn Co tie o and Bplce Mills. Teas. Coffees. Spices , Baking Powfler , Flarorlnn Kitrncle , Laundry Illuo. lnk , Klc. lilt- 141(1 ( llnrnoy Slrcet. Omnhn. Nobraakn. Crooko y ntid Cli W. C WRIGHT\ Agent for tbo Manufacturers nnd Importers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , Etc. Offl ce , 317 B. 13th Bl. , Omaha. Nebraska. CUMMING8 .t NKTLSON , Wholesale Jcalor In Paints , Glass and Varnishes , HIS Kiirnnm Street , Omnlia.Neb. PERKINS , CATCH & LAUMAN , Importers and Jobbers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware , Etc 1511 Karnnm St. , New 1'n.zton HulldlnR. Commission and Storage. OEO. SCHROEDER & CO. , ( Successors to McSnano & Sclirocdcr. ) Produce Coimission and Cold Storage , Omaba , Nebraska. EMMAL & FAIRBRASS. Wuolcsalo Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commission Merchants. Correspondence solicited. 1014 Nort ICth btreci , Umaha , Neb. RIDDELL & RIDDELL , Storage and Coimission Merchants , Epcclaltlea-Dutter , Kggs , CIicc c , Poultry , Game , Oysters , Etc. , Etc. 112 South Kill Struct. Coal , Coke and Llmo- O M A H A"CO ALT C O KE"aTLl ME CO 7 Joohers of Hard and Soft Coal , 500 Bouth 13th Street , Omaha , Nebraska. J. J. JOHNSON & CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime , And shippers of Coal , Coko. Cement , Plaster , l.lino , Drain Tile , and Bower Pipe. OOlco , I'niton Hotel , Farnain St. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone 611. ' NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 311 South 13th St. . Oraahn , Neb. M. ESMITH & CO. , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions , 1103 and 1104 Douglas , Cor. 11th St. , Omalia , Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCHDRYGOODSCo Importers and Johte in Dry GcodsNotions , Gents' Furnishing Goods. Corner llth and lltunej Ms .Omaha , Nebraska. Furniture. DEWEY & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , ain Street. Omaha. Nebraska. CHARLES SHIVPJRICK. Furniture Omaha , Nebraska. Groceries. PAXTON , GALLAGHER & COM" Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , 706,707. TO and 711 B. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. MoCORD , BRADY & CO , , Wholesale Grocers , 12th and I/cavenwortli Btreeti , Omaha , Nebraska. Hardwo re. LEE , FRIED" * co. , Johte of Hardware and Kails , Tinware , Sheet Iron , Etc. Agents for IIowo Scales , and Miami Ponder Co. , Omaha , Neb. HIMEBAUQH & TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mechanics' Tools and Iluffalo Rcales. 1106 Douiilai Street , Omaha , Nebra a. RECTOR , WILHELMY & . CO. . Wholesale Hardware , lOthand Ilarner St ( , OmabaNeb. Wtttem Acenti tor Austin Powder Co. . Jtsttvnnn Steel Nails , Fairbanks Standard Hcalet. MARKS BROS. SADDLERY C O' . \Vliok' iilo Manufiicturers of Saddlery & Johhers of Saddlery Hardware And Leather , KKI , KUJ and 1IU7 lUruvy St. , Omulia , Nebraska. W. J. BROATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Pprings. Wagon Block , Hardware , Lumber , Etc. la/ and 1211 lUrncy Street , Omaba , JAMES A. EDNEY , Wholesale Iron and Steel , * YaEonand Carriage Wood Block , llcary Hardware Ktc , 1217 and 12ft Luarenwortu St. . Omaha , Nub. jjlats , ' w. L. PA'RROTTE&CO " Wholesale Hats , Cals and Straw Goods , 1107 Harnoy Street , Omaha , Nob. _ * ' OMAHA LUMBUR CO. , All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesali 13tjBtraet and Union Paciflo Track , Omaha , LOUIS" BRADFORD ] Dealer in Lnmoer , Lath , Lime , Sash , Dours , Ktc. Yards-Corner 7th and Doutfliuj Corne C. N7DIETZ , Dealer in All Kinds or Lnmlier , th ana California Street * , Omaba , N br ) ta. FRED W/ORAY , Lnmher Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Comet ( Ub nd Dou l Slf. , Omaha. T. W. HARV/EY LUMBER"6oTI To Dealers Only , Office , 1403 Farnam Street , Omaha , JOHN AWAKEFTELD. Wholesale Lumber , Etc , Qulncy While l.linf. CHAS. R , LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carrels and Parquet Vloorlnit Dth and Donils * Jiron Works. PAXCJM V VK r iNo' Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work , EnElneii , HIUM Work , CJenoml Konnilry , Machine and Illacktrulth Work , omcu anil Works , U. t * . lly. and 17th Street , Omaha. OMAHA \VIRE ti IRON WORKS. Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings Desk llalln , Window ( luanK Mower Ptand , Wire Slims. Ktc. 12.1 North IClli Street , Omaha. OMAHA SAFE nnd IRON WORKS , Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes Vnnltv Jnll Work , Iron nnd Wlm Keiiolnn , Sl n > , UtO. n. Andrpcn , Pni'i'r O r. lltli and.lnckvn Sta. CHAMPION IRON and WIRE WORKS Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards. nd Hirvu.u , lurbailKM , iimujm M u' , i , , ldenees , otu Improved Awnliin * , Ixjckimltli Mivchlnery and _ UlackBuilth Works. i l South nth St. Fire and Bnrglar Proof Safes , Time Locks , General /gents for IMoboM Sifo .V Ixtck Co.'s Vaults and Jail Work , 1115 Faruiiui street , Omaha. loniiiiury utiu Hoxions. " " " " 1 . O BE R"F EL D E R * "c o" , Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions gfl. 210 and 2U South lltli btrect. J. T. ROBTNSON NOTlONTcoTI ' Wholesale Notions and Famishing Goods 4 < a nnd 4K8cutlilOtli ( St. . Omaha. ' VINYARD & SCHNEIDER , Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , HMlIarncy Street , Omnlm , Olla. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. . Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Azla'areaso , Etc. , Omaha. A. U. Illtliop , Manager , I Paper. Wholesale Paper Dealers , Curry n nlco dock of Printing , Wrapping and Wrltlnfl l'u ; r. Special attention given to tar load onlcra. _ Printers' Motorlola. " " " " "rVESTERN"NEWSPA"pER"tJNION. Auxiliary Piiblishers , Dunlcraln T Rubber Goods. OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers in RuDoer Gooils 311 Clothing and LcuUicr Deltlng. 1003 Famam Btr ett. Stoa m mA. A. L. STRANO CO. . Jofflps , Pipes and Engines. f . . . . . _ . , . . , CHUHCHILL PUMP CO. . Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fillings , Jteam and Water RunpllM. ncmlquartcrs for Mast , t'OOit&Co' good . 1111 Fnriiuni bt.OmitUa. U. S. WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO. . " Steam anil Water Supplies. Ualllda ? Wind Mills. OianndKOFnrnarn St.Omah v _ U. V. Itosa , Acting aiannger. _ ' BROWNELL s CO. , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , Sheet Iron Work Btcam Pumpa , Paw MIMs. 12U-121J LuuyenwortU Mreut. Omnha. _ _ _ Soods. _ " PHIL. STlMMEL"Fco7 ] Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeda _ Oil ami Oil Jones HtroU Oiniiba. Storage , Forwarding & CommlBalort ARMSTRONG. PETTIS & CO. . Storage. Forwarding and Commission , Drancli liouso of the Hornier II u Key Co. Hucglci a | irbuluialo und reUll , 1 US ItlOutnl 1)12 ) Izard ylreot , Ouialia. Telvpbune No. 750. Cornlco. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice. John Kpenctor , Proprietor. 020 Dodge and 103 and 1(4 ( North lutlt Htruct. Omiilia. Browors. STORZ & 1LER. Lager Beer Brewers , 1M1 North Kldthtconth Street , Omnhn. Neb. Ovoralls. CANFIELD MANUFACTURINQ CO. - Manufacturers of Overalls , Jean * rants , Blilrti , Ktc. 1102 nnl not Dauglti BtrecL * \mn1ia , Vlil > . Saah , Doors , Etc. M. A. DISBROVCO. . , , WlioleialoMnnufMturera of Sasl ) . Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Branch OCTce , mil and liord Btreeti , Omaha , M t > . QOHN MANUFACTURINQ CO. J Manufacturers of Sasn , Doors , Blinds- , Mouldlniri. BUlr Work nnd Interior 11snl Wood Flu- l u. H , B , CoroorStliiindlrfavuunurlUSUceW , . OmnbA , tj'ub. ' OMAHA PLANING MILL CO. , Tj Manafacturers of Moulding , Sash , Doors , And Illlntli , Turning , Stair-work , Hank ana Office F1& Until , anh urul 1'opplcton ATOIIII" . Smoke Jltooks , Dollors , "H. K. SAWYER7 Manufacturing Dealer in Smote Stacta , Utitclilnci , T V n < t Oencral Holler Itcualrlni ; . 1311 Uodgu blreut.Omalm.Nolj. 4 C. 11. i'ALMKll. K , 1M1IC1IMAX. J. 1I.ILANCUAIU > 7 , ' ,1 PALMER , RICHMAN k CO. , Live Stoclc Coinraission Merchants , . Offlca-Itoom 24 , Oiipoillu Krclmnpn llulWlug , Uuloft _ Btock rard , HouHiUnjiitia iib. j * J MoCOY BROS. , f Live Stook Corauiissiou Merchants , Market furnlthod tica on application , btockf r nl feviteri ( urnlihuil on k'ooU terms , llttfurrnrvi ; ( ) raa ImNiktlonttl lliinkuua bouUt OiuuLa NalloaAi , Uuloa block Y..rdi , tiouth Umalm. _ i LORIMER.WESTERFIEUp & MALEV Live Stock Commission , Uoom . c . .nffutl.ldln. { . } . , . Ugleq Stock Yard < . ' " * ALEXA'NDER & FITCH , Commision Dealers in Live Sod r.oom 22 , Op | ltu Kii.linnga llulldluir , Unlou BtOcV V'l _ Y ra .Bouth Ooiiiha.yBb. . ONION STOCK YA RDS GO. , Of Omaha Limited ,