THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SEVENTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING. MARCH 20 , 1888. NUMBER 2825 STATUS OF WESTERN BILLS , Progress of Measures Introduced By Nebraska's Boprosontatlvos. IOWA AND DAKOTA INTERESTS. Senator Ooriunn haying "VVIrcn For tlto Presidential Nomination In Case Cleveland la Defeated Tlio Tariff Question. Legislation For tlio West. WASHINGTON BUIIRAU TUBOMAHA DRD , ) G13 FOUUTBENTII STIIBRT , > WASHINGTON. D. C. , March 25.1 Nebraska's Bcnntors iind representatives Imvo been very successful In this congress , They hnvo secured more legislation for their constituents thnn probably any five men from ono state. While not very many bills Imvo yet beeomo laws which were Intro duced by them , they have accomplished a great deal of work in committees and else where and have n mass of measures on the calendars. Very few bills of any kind have passed both houses during this session. Most of the measures introduced by the Nebraska delegation will become laws as thoynro of acknowledged merit. To-day I mode an examination of the senate and House calendars with a vlow to ascertaining the status of Nebraska's proposed legislation , Mr. Dorsoy's court bill has passed the house nnd Is In the hands of tlio senate committee on Judiciary. Judge Dandy and others have filed vigorous protests against what they terra "putting the court on wheels , " but the prospects nro that the bill will become a law before the end of this session. The bill to reimburse .Major Bash for the money taken from him has passed the senate and Is In the house committee. Mr , Pad dock's Joint resolution abolishing the ofllco of the Ignited States surveyor for the district of Nebraska and Iowa , the secretary of the In terior to proceed under the provisions of sec tions 2,218 nnd 2,310 of the rovlscd statuicsof the United States In the transfer of the field notes , maps , records and all papers to the states of Nebraska and Iowa , Is on the scnato calendar with n favorable report from the committee on public lands. Mr. Mandorson's bill providing for the completion of the quarter barracks nnd stn blcs at Fort Kobinson nnd Fort Nlobrara is on the sonnto calendar with a favorable re commendation from the committee on mili tary affairs. Mr. Dorsey's ' bill for the relief of the Omaha tribe of Indians in Nebraska has passed the house , has been favorably re ported from the senate committee on Indian affairs and is on the senate calendar with an amendment. The Omaha public building bill has passed both houses and is In the hands of a confer ence committee for the adjustment of the amendments made by the senate. McShano believes It will bo acted upon within a week or ten days. Mr. McShano's bill for the erection of a public building nt Hastings is on the house calendar with a favorable report from the committee on public buildings and grounds , Mr. Dorsey's bill extending the time of payment to purchasers on the WInnebago reservation has been given favorable action by the houso. The bill opening the Sioux reservation in Dakota and affecting northern Nebraska has passed both houses and will become n law as soon as certain minor amendments made by the scnato have been adopted by the house and the president attaches his signa ture , i The Steel bill giving promotion to all army ofllcors of the line and state who have served continuously In ono grade for twenty ycarsv advancing 114 ofllccrs whoso long services entitle them to increased pay and allowance , which is of intense interest to all army men , Is on the house calendar with a favorable report from the committee on military affairs. The bill Introduced by Delegate Gifford , of Dakota , granting the right of way to the Ynnkton & Missouri railroad through the Yankton reservation in Dakota , and which railroad intends to go to Omaha , is on the house calendar nnd recommended for passage by the committee on Indian affairs. There ore many lowiv bills on the calendars of each house and with committees , which are of especial interest to the readers of the BEE. Among these U the bill to quiet the title of the settlers on the DCS Molnes river lands , which has been favorably reported from the committee on public lands , ami stands nt the head of the scnato calendar under the title of "general orders. " The Plumb bill for the relief of the settlers on the lands along the DCS Moinesrivembovo Raccoon forks in the state of Iowa , has been put on the calendar with an adverse report from the committee on public lauds in the senate. . .A favorable report has been made from the senate committed on publlo buildings and grounds on the bill providing for n publlo building nt Sioux City , and it is on the senate 'calendar waiting action , Mr. Allison's bill for the relief of the First i National bank of Marlon , la. , is on the senate calendar with a favorable report from the 1 committee on finance. The bill authorizing the construction of a railroad , wagon and foot passenger bridge across the Mississippi river at or near Clin- v ton , In. , has been favorably reported from the senate committee on commerce ) , nnd Is on the calendar. Also the bill authorizing the construction of n similar bridge across the Mississippi river at or near Muscatlno. Thora are about twelve bills providing for publlo buildings In as many cities in Iowa pending before the house and senate com mittees on public buildings and grounds , and action has not been taken on them. Some have been reported from the committees , however. The bill for publla buildings for Davenport nro on the calendar with a favor able report. Mr. Anderson's bill authorizing the con struction of a railroad , wagon and foot pus- uongor bridge across the Mississippi at or near Clinton is on the house calendar with u favorable report from the committee on commerce. Mr. Luinl's bill to remove the chnrgo of desertion from the military record of John McCormick has been favorably reported from the committco on military affairs and is on the house calendar. Delegate Gilford's bill accepting and rati fying an agreement made by the Sisseton and Wnhpcton bands of Sioux Indians , and granting the right of way for the Chiciigp , Milwaukee & St. Paul road throughjthoLuko Traverse reservation in Dakota , is on the house calendar with a favorable repot t. The bill of Mr. Anderson of Iowa , author izing the construction of u railroad , wagon nnd foot passenger bridge at or near Mubcu- tlno. has been favorably reported and in on the house calendar. There are a largo number of private bills for the people of both Nebraska and Iowa granting pensions and settling claims , on the calendars of the two houses , and iHiito a largo number that have cot been acted upon. SEXATOIl 0011MAX IX THE FIEU ) , To-day's Washington Herald ( democratic ) announces that Senator Gorman of Mary- laud , Is manipulating politics with a view to running himself Into the convention at St. Louis with favorable odds in the event any thing should develop which will make the re- nomination of President Cleveland inadvisa ble. It regards the fact that Senator Gor man was chairman of the national democratic executive committco and was the bruins of the campaign which elected the president In 1SS4 ; that ho has been end is Mr. Cleveland's Intimate friend nndcoutlden- tiul adviser ; that the president would rather BOO him in power at the white house than any other man in the event , that the present ad ministration cannot bo continued , " that the patronage of Maryland and throughout the country lias been distributed nt Senator Gor man's bidding ; that uo man in public life knows so well who the democratic heelers areas Senator Gorman ; that ho will have U > ew at St. Louis , ostensibly for Cleveland , but If ho can bo mlscd. to put himself In the front rank nnd secure the nomination , as sig nificant. The Herald points out that Senator Gor man has been very active In laying the ropes of late nnd that ho has the Chesapeake , Ohio Canal company , of which ho Is president , nnd the Baltimore & Ohio railroad , of which ho is a director , at his bnck to promote his ilalm. CONNECTICUT HBMOCnATS AND THE TAtllFF. Ex- Senators Barnum nnd Eaton , of Con- cctlcut , have been in Washington during lie past week and have made no secret of , hrlr dissatisfaction with the president's tariff attitude. They regard the situation in Connecticut , from a democratic view , as not illogcthcr satisfactory , and wiy especially hat the Mills tariff bill is extremely unpop- liar with their people. They do not regard tho. president's tariff views as popular in any icnso. ASOTItnn MAN AOA1SST THD PRESIDENT. Another democratic central committccman iaa resigned because ho cannot support the [ ircscnt administration. Senator-Elect J. S. Harbour , of Virginia , will not bo nlono in ro- , iring from the political management because 10 Is opposed to the president. Gilbert B. Towels , of the Columbia democratic club. of. this city , has resigned und states that if Hill or some other good democrat Is nominated nt St. Louis ho will bo pleased to unite with Columbia club but that with the present out look staring him In the face ho cannot , nt n democrat , even by Influence glvo support to .ho candidate whom he regards as a inug- iViunp and not n democrat.Penny Penny S. HEATH. Forecast or Congress. WASHINGTON , March 25. In the senate the commerce committee will hnvo the floor on Tuesday next. It has a largo number of bills for action , Including the Nicaragua anal bill , drummers' bill , the bill to prevent 'muds on American manufactures. It is also the Intention to call the postal telegraph bill in order to determine the question as to the right of the commerce committco to substitute such bill for ono which proposes to place the telegraph companies under the operation of the interstate commerce law. The publla land committee will endeavor to got the house to resume consideration of the general publlo lands bill on Thursday. The majority report of the ways and means com mittee on the tariff bill will appear in the house early in the week and bo placed on the calendar. Cart Weather Tor Growing Crops. WASHINGTON , March 25. Under the head of general remarks the weather crop bulletin says : The weather has been generally un favorable for growing crops during the week. Alternate thawing nnd freezing nnd the great range of temperature in winter wheat sections have probably affected that crop in juriously. The freezing weather in the southern states has doubtless injured small grains , fruit and vegetables in the northern portion of the gulf states. Chairman Mills Improving. WASHINGTON , March 25. Chairman Mills , of tho.wnys and means committee , reported seriously 111 yesterday , is suffering from a severe cold but is Improving to-day. GOULD INTEUV1EWED. Ho Says tlio Reports About George Arc Groundless and Gruel. NEW Yoiuc , March 25. [ Special Telegram to the BEK. ] Jay Gould in an interview said in reference to business matters hero during his absence : "Tho talk which has been going.on with reference to my son George is simply cruel. There is not a morsel of truth In the charge that ho nas been going short of the market or bearing it. He has not sold a single share of Missouri Pacific. Ho has his own stock and has u personal interest In keeping up its value. I myself have more in vested In Missouri Pacific than I have In vested in anything else in my life. " "Does that refer to any ono stocii or to all ! " asked the reporter. "To nil put together , " was the emphatic answer. "I have Invested more thnn in all other stocks put together of former in vestments and have n natural interest in keeping up the stock I have. " Mr. Gould was plainly moved about the reports affecting George , for ho returned to the subject after diluting upon the prosperous condition of the Missouri Pacific , saying "There's nothing in these reports. I never instructed invson how to act , and ho has not been touching the market. I am out of the street , BO is ho. I can say the accusations against him nre cruel. " "It Is said , Mr. Gould , that the directors have decided to declare 1 } per cent dividend payable April 15. Is that true ! " asked the reporter. "I understand , " replied Gould , "that this is the qcntlmcnt of the majority of the direc tors , nnd I have little doubt that will bo the action taken. " In reply to the question as to what Is tin motive underlying the attack upon the Gould Supo trust , Gould said : "Tlio motivesbehim this assault are n newspaper cable conipunj and a woman. That's all I have to say at present as to the cause of the investigation and suit. " EIGHT DECEIVE ! ) WIVES. Hudson Clmpllu Arraigned For -His Much Marrying. FINDI.AY , O. , March 25. Hudson Chaplin was arraigned on the charge of bigamy yesterday torday and pleaded guilty. A special grand Jury will bo impanelled to find a bjll ngalnsi him so that his case can bo disposed of a this term of court. The following Is a list o the women who , under various aliases Cliaplln Is charged with marry' ing : Miss Cora Carson , Greenville , Ind. Miss Nellie Webster , living in i Binnll village In southern Illinois , Miss Clarr Jones , Fresno , Cul ; Miss Carrie K. Blank , Osagii , 111. ; Mrs. Snell , Bowling Green , ICy. Miss Flora Freyebwper , Bowling Green , O In addition he married n wealthy woman o Columbus , O. , and a planter's widow llvlnw in Baton Kongo , La. From most of these women ho obtained sums of money ranging from SI05 to Sl.UOO. FUEE SPEECH : STOPPED. O'Brion AddrcHscH nil Irish Meeting and ItalucH n. Huiiipns. DUIII.IN , March 23. William O'Brion ad dressed the ' Ponsonby tenants nt Yaughal early thls'inornlng and afterward attempted to hold a meeting which hud been proclaimed by the government. Ho mounted a car with the intention of addressing the people , but was seized by n policeman and drugged to the ground. The police then charged upon the crowd and a serious molco ensued , In which u number on both sides were wounded , It Is alleged that of the police were stabbed , Magistrate Plunkctt was thrown down and beaten , and received n cut on the head. Gulden .escaped to n priest's house nnd subsequently Iwrranguod the crowd in a stable. Police and soldiers are parading the streets of the town. KANSAS qrrr PAOKEUS KICK. They Deny Hurtle's Charges nnd Will Bring Damage Suits. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , March 23. Jocob Dold & Son have given the press a lonj , ' statement in reply to the charges made ugulnst Kansas City packers by William G. Bartlo , of St. Louis , before the house committee on agri culture .vcstei-day. They refute the charge as a huso and slanderous falsehood and afllnu that the manufacture of lard and packing of meats is conducted in the most scrupulous and cleanly manner by all Kan sas City packers , and that the methods and practices testified to by Bartlo are absolutely impassible. They will bring suit against him for $ (50,000 damages based upon the possibil ity of their business being injured by the statements made. Weather Indications. For Nebraska and Iowa : Fresh to brisk northerly wiuda ; colder ; snow , followed by fair weather. ALL QUIET WITH THE Q , " No Sunday Developments , Butn Gon- foronoo Fixed For Tuesday. MORTON MAKES A STATEMENT- IIo Says the Hand Will Begin Hiring New Men To-day Full State * incut of the Engin eers' Side. The Ihirllngton Strike. CnioAao , March 25. "Everything is very quiet with us to-day , " said Paul Mortln , speaking for the Burlington company this nftcrnoonwhcn asked about the swltchmcns1 strike , "but wo will begin hiring new men to-morrow and starting our trains. Matters will soon bo working nil right again. The switchmen have said nothing to any of the officials of the road as yet abont their object in quitting work , nnd If they hnvo any griev ances none of us know what they nro. The men nro out at Galcsburg , Aurora and Ottumwa , but they refused to strike at Bur lington , nnd It looks now as if the men there would remain at work. " To-night It was reported that a confercnco of the switchmen , brakcmcn , engineers nnd firemen from nil branches of the Burlington system would bo held hero Tuesday. Rep resentatives of the engineers and firemen nro already In the city in the persons of the grievance commlttcemon. The first of the delegates from the switchmen nnd brakcmen nro said to have arrived this evening nnd will bo followed by a dozen or more others to morrow. THE ENGINEERS' STANDPOINT. They Correct Misleading Statements or Burlington Oftlclals. CHICAGO , March 17. The officers of the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy railroad com pany have circulated throughout the country what wo shall show to bo a very misleading statement of the matters in Issue between the engineers nnd firemen formerly employed on that road nnd themselves. For the pur pose of more effectively misleading the pub lic the circular is addressed to the engineers nnd firomnn. Of course , It Is intended for the public. Wo shall not resort to the trick of ad dressing the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy road , but address the public , for whom this is intended , directly. In the road's ' circular referred to , which is under date of February 22 , appears the fol lowing : "Tho important changes which your com mittco suggests are as follows : First. Pay to bo governed solely by the miles run. with out regard to other conditions or circum stances. Secondly. A large average increase in ex isting rates of pay. Third. The abolition of any classification based upon length of service , ago or experi ence. " In relation to tlio first statement wo reply that wo have requested our compensation to bo fixed by the mile , because thai isho method upon which compensation is based on nine-tenths of the railroads in operation la the United States. It is misleading to say that this compensation is sought to bo fixed "without regard to other conditions or cir cumstances. " True , there some runs on branches of the "Q" road where the engineer's responsibility appears to bo less than that on the main lines , because ho has to haul a smaller number of cars. But the road carefully con ceals the fact that on all those branches where the engineer has a smaller number of cars to care Tor ho is compelled , at the end of his trip , to take care of his engine by per forming the work known to engineers as that of u "hostler. " The Imposition of this labor upon him saves the company the ex pense of employing n man nt this work. On the main lines the engineers' work Is done when his train is taken in to its point of destination , and the work of the hostler is done in the round-house by nn extra man employed for that purpose. It will there fore be seen by the public that the men who nro supposed to have easy runs under the present system are compelled to do extra work in addition to those easy runs , and arose so worked to save the company the wages of u hostler. While it is correctly stated that wo ask our pay to bo based upon the number of miles run , it must also bo understood that wo care very little about tbo terms used by the road. They can continue to pay by the trip in place of paying by the mile , if they prefer that system , providing , however , that they pay us us much ns other roads pay for trips of the same length. The fact is that it is ns broad ns it Is long how the wugcs are com puted , whether by mile or by trip. If the desire is to pay men honestly and fairly , without throwing any dust in their eyes , erin in the eyes of the public , at the same rates as other will bo seen that it Is Imma terial whether the compensation is termed by the trip or by the mile. To Illustrate : If n ainan runs 100 miles on a passenger train wo say ho should bo paid $3.50. This rate is paid by the Rock Island road , the Santa Fa road , the Wabash system , and other roads too numerous to mention. The "Q" road , not desiring to pay upon the basis which would enable u fair comparison of its wages to bo made with those of other companies , aban dons the mile scheme nnd simply says : "Wo will pay you $3 for the trip , " which menus , in other words , 3 cents per mile for what other roads pay accents for. Wo think this pretense is too transparent to need very much discussion. Second , It is true that wo demand a largo average increase in existing rates of pay. But thu publlo must not ho misled Into tlio supposition that we nro demanding a largo iiiLTouso from the "Q" over what is mild by its rivals , if the "Q" gives to us the largo Increase which wo demand , it will only then place us on n footing with the employes o ) other roads , and it will only then bo culled upon to pay precisely what Its neighbors nncJ rivals uuy and have paid for years , If it is a fact that it will require a largo average in crease of our-wuges to bo made before we are placed on an equality with the employes of other roads nnd wo conclude that it is u fact this only proves that for many years the "O" has hud the advantage of BhuYlng from its employes a largo portion of the wugcs which It should have paid them. Although In Justice we ought to ask It to make restitution for the past wo do not do t > o , Wo only usk it to deal fairly with us In the future. In answer to the third point made by the road , viz , ; That wo ask the abolition of any classification based u | > on length of service ago or experience , wo have to say that thni statement is also misleading. Our position is this ; If an engineer bo competent to take charge pf the bust , train on the "Q" rout then ho ought to get the best pay , and it is immaterial whether ho Is thirty or nlnclA years old. When the "Q" road places a man In charge of one of its great express trains und intrusts to him the precious lives of itt patrons , by that act It certifies that ho is a first-class engineer , nnd he ought to receive pay on the road's own certificate. Our position is : That u man who does the work of u first-class engineer ought to re- celvo the pay of.a first-class engineer. The "Q's" iMsitlon Is this : It places a man In a position which requires at his hands the skill and ability of a flrbt-cluss engineer , The llrst year ho Is In that position it pays him much less than a first-class engineer's wages. The second year it slightly advances his wages , but still keeps them less than the first-class engineer. The third year ho. Is paid their highest wages for on engineer , The result Is it U constantly gaining , from tbo men who are only serving in their first and second year , a largo discount of wages. It also gains all the percentages in this trans action , because a number of men who work thu llrst or second year do not stay in the covipany's employ long enough to bo entitled to the first-class wujjcfa that AIO given to the man who has served his third year. These Irst nnd second year men who hnppcn to cave to engage in other occupations nro re- ilaccd by other first anil second year men , ind so the road manages" to keep n largo per- icntago of employe ? at under rates. Wo Imvo no objection to its paying those who linvo been a long time on the road any extra gratuity It wishes. Nor will wo over 'com- jlnln if In Its generosity U desires to pension men who have served It faithfully for a great many years. But wo do insist that ono of two things must bo true : Either , first , that the engineers are first-class men and entitled to first-class pay ; or , second , that the publlo Is deceived when it is asked to travel on trains run by men who nro entitled only to second or third-class compensation. What Is said in relation to the engineer applies also to the casa of the firemen , be cause on all the roads the firemen's wages are based upon those of the engineer , nnd the firemen receive from 65 to 00 per cent of what the engineer's wages arc. There fore a shaving down of the engineer's wages means a shaving down of the fireman's wages , so that on nil sides the peculiar sys tem adopted by the "Q" road manages to punish Its worklngmcn nnd enlarge Its treas ury. But hnvo wo Just causa of complaint ! Are the engineers nnd llromon of the "Q" road seeking to take any advantage of that corpo ration ! Have they Just cause of complaint ! Are they paid now as well ns employes per forming llko services on rival roads ) Wo invite the attention of th'o public to the following comparisons : On the "Q" road there is n round trip between Kockford and Aurora which is made twenty-six times a month by the engineer. On the Northwestern road there Is a round trip between Kockford and Chicago which is also made twenty-six times per month. Tlio Northwestern round trip Is twenty- two miles greater than the "Q" round trip. The Northwestern engineer travels 572 miles per month moro thnn the "Q's" engineer. At the rate of compensation asked by the engineers , viz : 8Kcents per mile , the North western road should only pay $20.05 per month to the engineer on the Rockford-lo- Chlcago trip greater than that paid to the "Q" engineer who runs on the Kockford-to- Aurora trip. But the fact is that the "Q" road pays its engineer only $104 per month , while the Northwestern pays its engineer. $175. The " " holds "Q" engineer Just ns re sponsible "a position as the engineer on the Northwestern. Hd has to cross thrco Inter secting roads in the making of his trip , nnd in addition to his work as an engineer the labor of hostling , or caring for the engine , is imposed upon him , while the engineer for the Northwestern is not obliged to care for his engine. The hitter's work begins when ho Jumps on the engine at one end of the trip and ceases when ho delivers it at tbo other end. end.On On the Panhandle road the freight engin eer who runs from Indianapolis to Bradford , a distance of 105 miles , receives $4.25 for the trip , his fireman receives $2.15. On the "Q" road the round trip run from Galesburg to Pcorla 4s 105 miles for which the engineer receives { 3.GO and the fireman 8J.10. From Qulncy to Colchester the round trip is 107 miles. The "Qv .road pays its engineer for that trip $3.75 , nnd its fireman $2.15. T'or runs of 100 mUcs'on the Union Pacific road the engineer on passenger trains re ceives $3.85. The "Q".road is a competitor of the Union Pacific and for a long distance travels over parallel' lines through country of precisely the same character. Yet wo have only asked $3.00 per 100 miles for a pas senger engineer on tho""Q" road. The engineer onV the Sterling branch run draws $34.JD for 00 miled. Ho stops In Rock Falls six hours , and takes care J ol his own engine. The engineer that 'runs the Batavia and Geneva accommodation receives $87.10. And the Chicago ' .sINorthwestcrii pays for like runs $9G. 0 , the iliatanco being two miles greater ou the Chicago , Burlington- & Quinoy. The reason wo ask moro pay for the branch runs is to compensate the men for the extra work done , on account of the en gineers having to do the work of a machinist. The engineer on the Hockford way freight runs nightly ( twenty-six nights constituting ono month ) , for which ho receives $50. Fireman , $35 per month. The engineers on the fast mall , Chicago Burlington & Quincy , 125 miles per day , re ceive SU7.50 for twenty-six days' time. The engineers on the Chicago & Northwestern , for the sumo services , receive $120. The runs on the main line of the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy , 125 miles per day , thirty-five days per month , amount received $131. On the Trunk lines out of Chicago for the sumo service the engi neers receive $101. The engineers on the Buda & Vermont branch of tlio "Q" line , 1S8 3-10 miles per day , twenty-six days constituting one month , receive for the same $125.50. The Chicago & Northwestern pays' for like service $181. Wo desire further to state that no first- class engineer on the Chicago & Northwest ern receives less than i90.20 for twenty-six days' work , if ready for duty. The Hock Island road pays its engineers on all its passenger trains $3.00 nnd Its firemen $2.15 for the 100-mile run from Galcsburg to Qulncy. The Quincy road only pays $3.50 for this same run to the engineers on a few of its heaviest trams like the Kansas City one and on all other trains It pays only $3.37 . It only pays Its firemen $2 when with the en gineer who is paid 83.00 , nnd $1.00 when with the engineer who receives $3.87 } . The Hock Island pays $4.15 for n run of 100 miles to its freight engineers , nnd does not require them to act as hostlers for their engines. The Quincy road pays its freight engineer on the 101-mile run from Gnlva to New Bos ton , $3.75. This run Is on a branch road and the engineer is compelled to do hostler's duty for his engine at both cuds of his run. Let us compare two short runs ; The first is on the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul road. The round trip between Chicago and Elgin is seventy-four miles , for which the engineer is paid $3.70. The engineer has full control of jiis time every second day and has not to act us hostler for his engine. The second is on the "Q" rood , The round trip between Chicago and Aurora Is seventy- seven miles. The engineer is paid $3.35. Ho has to "liostlo" his. engine , and his entire time belongs to the road. Some days ho haste to bo under the orders for eighteen hours per day. Complaint Is made , in the road's ' circular because we asked that "Galesburg division engineers und firemen bo not required to run cast of Aurora , " The idea sought to i bo 1 con veyed by the company is that this request is unreasonable and calculated to impose greater expense on the roud. The fact is that compliance with this request will not impose ono cent of extra expcnscon the road. No objection has boon offered to running the engines through from Galcsburg to Chicago , The change of crews engineers nnd firemen ut Auror.i will not increase the company's outlay. Tlicro are about 300 of the engineers and firemen who livid In Aurora. Many of these men own thplr homes ; some of these homes , howqver , nro not entirely paid for. If they are compelled to run from Galcsburg to Chicago and return , they would have to sacrifice their property und remove either to Galcsburg or to Chicago. They ask that the crows bo made to run. on the ono end of the route only , from Chicago to Aurora und re turn , and on the other end only from Galcs burg to Aurora end return , If wo wcro paid on the mlle system , the change of crews would not cost the road ono cent. It Is also complained that wo ask that some arrangement bo mudo in relation to passing brotherhood men on the "Q" trains. We make no demand .in this regard. Our pur pose in making this "request wus to get some uniform rule put , in force on this road the same as prevails on other roads. Wo have no right to demand this. Wo did not demand It. Our desire wus , while wo wcro negotiat ing to get this question now unsettled so determined that the conductors would here after know precisely what to dn , and thus bo ublu to avoid conflicts. The company can decide this as it pleases. It does not ijtund in the road of u settlement. S. B. Hoac , Chairman Committee. < The Council of Women. WASHINGTON , March 25. The Interna tional council of women opened this eitor- noon with , religious acrvkcs at Albaugh's grand opera house. ' Theattendance / ' large. CARRIED AFTER A STRUGGLE Iowa's Legislature Passes the Bill Regulating Railroad Traffic. A VERY SENSIBLE MEASURE. The Charging of Moro For n Shorter Than For a Iiongcr Haul Abso lutely Prohibited Spirit Specters. After Three "Wearisome Weeks. DBS MOINES , In. , March 24. [ Correspond ence of the BED. ] After thrco long weeks of discussion , varied by strouuoui efforts on the part of the opponents of railway legisla tion to lack on amendments to nullify or Im pair the measure , the scnato , on Friday , passed house file 373 by a unanimous vote , only six senators being absent or skulking in the cloak rooms. As soon ns the house con curs In some minor amendments and the bill Is signed by the governor It will bccomo the law of the land , though It will not take effect until thirty days after It Is duly published , which will bo about May 1. The bill abso lutely prohibits the charging of moro for a shorter than for a longer haul , the practicing of any discrimination , or granting of any re bate whatever , and empowers the board of railroad commissioners to fix a schedule of freight charges , which shall bo pritna faclo evidence of n reasonable rate in all the courts of the state. The bill Is a very elaborate measure , covering some twenty pages , but these nro its main provisions. TUB BISTlllCT COMMlSSIONnn BILt. The scheme hatched by the railroad com mittee of the senate to divide the state into five districts for the election of railroad com missioners is destined to como to an untimely end. The press of the state almost to a unit Is opposed to the measure , and the lower branch of the legislature has refused to in crease the number of commissioners from three to five by nn overwhelming majority. That body has already passed a bill providing for the election of thrco railroad commission ers from tno state nt largo , and the senate will no doubt concur in tno measure , though Senator Gatch , of this city , Is making n strong fight In favor of a bill providing for the appointment of commissioners by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. soAnciTT OP oAns. The failure of the Northwestern nnd other roads In the southern part of the state to f ur- nish a-sufllcient number of cars for hauling the grain and hay during the full and early winter has borne fruit in the shape of n bill by Representative Hospors , of Sioux county , compelling railroads to furnish cars on thrco days' notice under a penalty of a $10 fine for each day in default. The bill passed the house by a vote of 80 to 2. This action has thoroughly frightened tho- managers of the Northwestern who declare that the bill if It becomes a law , will bankrupt every road in the state , nnd every effort will bo made to defeat it In the senate. Judge Hubbard. of Cedar Rapids , the veteran lobbyist for that line , is hero and If ho gets in his work with his usual success , the bill will never see daylight again. THE UAIWIOAD COMMISSIONEnSniP. The term of L. S. Coffin as railroad cora- ' " " " there nro . 'Osition. ' _ io effort M > v " " to"bo""retaTned but with poor show of suc cess. Ho was placed on the board as a rep resentative of the agricultural interests , It being understood that the board should con sist of one lawyer , ono farmer and ono civil engineer , but his decisions hnvo been almost uniformly in favor of the railroads and ho has also antagonized the Farmers' alliance , which is highly incensed at his action on the maximum tariff and the 3 cent fare bill. Hon. Jcsso Kennedy , president of the state alliance , is also n candidate , and has a pow erful backing both among the farmers and members of the legislature , and it would not bo u surprise if ho received the appointment. The corporations have raised the cry , any body but Kennedy , and this fact will have some weight with the governor in determin ing the choice nnd may lead to his appoint ment. Dr. Kennedy is one of the best posted farmers In the state and has served a term in 'the legislature very acceptably to the people of his county. TVs president of the alliance ho has given the railroad problem u close study , nnd there are few If any farmers In the state , better qualified to grapple with this difficult und perplexing question , 1HILHOAI ) ASSnSSJir.ST. The executive council have about completed the assessment of railroad property. The total foots up to about $43,000.000 , which is an increase of $5,000,000 over the assessment last year. This assessment is ridiculously low , only about one-eighth of the amount the railronds claim to bo worth , nnd the people of the state nro not satisfied with the present method by which they nro listed for luxation , but prefer it to the old township assessor ' A iiew system , by which this duty will de volve upon the board of supervisors , or of a state board composed of one from each con gressional district , Is being devised by some of the strongest anti-monopoly senators , in cluding Senator Taylor , of Davis , and this plan will likely bo adopted in the near future. BOMB QUUEll HILLS. The few greenback members of the legisla ture in their endeavors to force some issue of all-absorbing interest to the front in order to attract attention and make a record have introduced some queer bills. Burgess , of Wupollo , is prolific in these kinds of meus- uros. A few days ago the house was com pelled to spend nearly a whole day consider ing ono of his bills requiring ull employers to pay their hired hands twice cnch month In cash. The bill was finally amended to apply only to coal minors and passed , The mem bers thought this would remove the evils of the "truck store" system us practiced In many mines at present , where the minors nro paid principally in store orders , thus vir tually compo'liiig ' them to patronise the com pany's ' store. Another bill Introduced by Mr. Burgess requires the assessor to stamp all notes when listed for luxation and any note not so stamped If collected by law should forfeit ten per cent of Its face value. There Is merit In this bill , but the prejudice against the author will probably defeat the measuio. THE AVIMIOI'llIATIONB , Thcro Is a vigorous howl going up from nil the Btata institutions over tlio radical reduc tion of the appropriations for their support , us contemplated by the house committco , The extravagant und reckless expenditures permitted and encouraged by former legis latures Involved ttia stale In debt to the ex tent of nearly $1,000,000 , and the present as sembly Is making lierolo efforts to continue the good work initiated by the lust legisla ture in keeping down the expenses to the lowest possible limit until the debt is liqui dated. TUB STATE rONVKNTION. The recent republican stale convention wus extremely well attended und its proceed ings very harmonious , Tlio farmers und others who favor the maximum tariff and the 2-cent faro bills lost a golden opportunity by not coining down in force and insisting upon tliondoption of resolutions endorsing the governor und favoring Die proposed legisla tion , For some reason Iho farmers did not think It good policy to bring the matter up , as President Kennedy , of the state alli ance , sat in the convention us a delegate , and Hon. Silas | WiUon , of Atlantic chairman of the railroad committee of the house , and ono of the most pronounced anti-monopoly members of the legislature , was u member of the committee on resolu tions , and they made no effort to. The corporations were well represented , nnd their henchman openly declared that Govcunor Larrabeo should not go to Chicago as a delegate to the national convention if they could prevent it. Had Governor Lar rabeo been a candidate they would not have been able to him. As it was he re ceived orcr cue buudred. votes iu suite of the protest of his friends that ho peremptorily declined to accept the position. The defeat of John Y. Stone , of Mills county , for delegate nt large , was a decided surprise and caused no llltlo comment. Everybody knew that the delegates from the state nt largo wcro to bo Henderson , Clarkson , Perkins nnd Stone , nnd when Mr. Shaw of Corning named J. P. Dalllvor few thought that ho would develop any great strength. However , the young men In the convention rallied to his support to a man , and with the hundred or moro who wore glad to have an excuse to vote against Clarkson ho was easily nominated. The rail road strikers Judiciously distributed through the convention succeeded In drawing out Colonel Hepburn , of Clnrlndn , for a speech nnd ho took occasion to air his old grievance about being defeated by Anderson for con gress last year , to the disgust of everybody present. The sooner the republicans of this stnto make up their mind that Hepburn IB n dead duck In politics the better will It bo for " 10 party , not only In the Eighth district but so In the state nt large. Rr.x. Ijoolc Out For Votes. DBS MoiNns , la. , March 25. [ Special to the Bun. ] Both houses of the legislature having passed a bill making the oftlco of rail way commissioner elective , thcro is not BO much Interest taken In the appointment of Mr. Coffin's successor. The term of Commis sioner Coffin expires the 31st inst , , and If ro- appolnted ho will only servo for about nine months unless ho should bo lucky enough to bo elected next fall. The bill provides that three commissioners shall bo elected this coming November to servo for terms of ono , two and thrco years each. This takes the appointing power entirely out of the gover nor's hands , and makes the ofllco a political ono. At present it Is customary to give the democrats ono member of the board and the republicans two. The new ar rangement will glvo the dominant party nil of the commissioners , nnd the democrats will have no representa tion on the commission. Besides Mr. Coflln , the candidates for his position include Mr. Henry Wallace , editor of the Homestead ; Mr. Kennedy , president of the State Farm ers' alliance ; ox-Governor Carpenter , of Fort Dodge ; Hon. James Wilson , of Tama county ; Senator Payneer , of the same county , and others. The oftlco Is a desirnhlo one , ns it pays $3,000 salary , f jrnlshes free transporta tion and gives the incumbent a chance to travel around a good deal and see what is going on , Spirit Lake's Specters. DCS Moixcs , la , , March 23. [ Special to the BEB. ] A very meritorious object Is em braced in a bill that has been left with the appropriations committees of the general as sembly , but Is not likely to receive their favor. It provides for an appropriation of $1,000 for galhcrlng together the bones of tlio Spirit Lake massacre victims and creeling a modest yet suitable monument over thorn. This bloody massacre took place in the spring of 1857 , A band of Sioux Indians came down from Dakola and fell suddenly upon the set tlements of white folks scattered along'nkcs Okobojl and Spirit lake and killed thirty five men , women and children , practically exter minating the settlements in that part of the state. They carried off captives two or three women and ono young girl , who Is now the only survivor of that terrible slaughter. It is proposed that the scattered bones of thcso victims be gathered up and bo deposited in a common grave at Spirit Lake , with a monument ment to tell the story of their bravo lives and untimely deaths. If the legislature is going into the monument business nt all , it could find no moro worthy cause to be remembered in this way than the victims of the famous Spirit Lake massacre. But the reform Idea is so strongly implanted Ju the direction of reducing expenses that It is not likely that anything will bo done in the matter. BIctliodlst Prcstdlnp Elders. DCS MOINES , In. , March 25. [ Special to the BEE. ] The presiding elders of the four Methodist conferences of this state had an important meeting hero the past week. The general purpose of their convention was lo consider the various inleresis of the church , and ono special object was to tnko stops for a central state university. There nro now four Methodist colleges in the state. Nona of them measure up to the standard of an eastern col- legci. and some of them are prclly weak. It has long been Iho dream of Iho moro pro gressive and far-slghlcd Melhodisls of Iowa lo unite their educational forces into ono strong school located nt the capital. Such a university , if it were the only one under Methodist patronage In the slate , could bo made n school of great and commanding In- fluenco. There uro over 80,000 Methodists in Iowa , and ns the lending denomination they nro entitled to have u first-class college , but they haven't one yet. It would bo n prcat undertaking to huvo those four small colleges unite for ono largo universlly , but it would bo u good thing for education and the educa tional interests of this church If it were done. The Ilnwkoyo Militia. Dts- MOINES , la. , March 25. [ Special to the BUB. ] Iowa's Natiunal Guard Is gelling to have a good reputation both at homo nnd abroad , so good in fact that its best com panies are greatly sought for to lend interest to prize drills abroad. Efforts are now being made to have a brigade of Iowa troops attend the inter-slalo prize drill at Nashville , Tcnn. , in May. Several Iowa companies have ar ranged to go , including the Tiptofi company , the Cedarvillo company and the famous Muscatlno Rifles , This hitter company Is the one that took part in the international drill at Washington last spring , and made such a fine record for soldierly bearing and efficiency. An effort will bo made to have Governor's Guards of Ihls city attend , and ns It is a crack company , It would make a fine showing. The commandant of the camp , who will huvo charge of the drill , will Do General II. II. Wright , of Ccdarville , who commands the First Brigade , Iowa National Guards. _ KohooH nt' the Convention. DBS MOINKS , In. , March24. | Special lo the BEIJ.J The echoes of the great stale conven tion last week uro beginning to roll back. The endorsement of Senator Allison then received WUH so strong , BO hourly and so unanimous , that it cannot full to make n marked Impres sion In other slates. Thu friends of Senator Allison nro getting organised for the fight , nnd getting their forcos.ln order , A project is now on foot to raise an Allison brigade of uniformed men , who ahull go to Chicago , and turn themselves loose on the convention , they would expect to make a dashing Impres sion , and secure votes for Iowa's candidate. TlioFoollHliiipfts of Prohibition. DBS MOINKS , In. , March 25. [ Special Tele gram to the BHU. ] The prohibition consta bles who have been accused of bribery and other forma of official corruption , nro quite worried at the charges. They reply by counter charges against the county attorney , tliolr accuser. They deny that they have been doing anything crooked , as charged , und say that ho la Iho corrupt man , and they are Innocent. Their trial will take place at the next term of the district court , probably in about three weeks. The Clearance Kecorcl. BOSTON , March 25. The table compiled from specials to the Post from the managers of the leading clearing houses In the United Stales shows the gross exchanges for Iho week ended March 24 wcro SUOS.050,702 , an increase of f/J per cent over the correspond ing period lut > l your. Steamship ArrlvalH. NnwYoitK , March 25. ] Special Telegram to the BUB. ] Arrived The Ohio , from Liverpool ; La Brclango , from Havre ; the Hotlcrdum , Irom .Hottcrdam. i Frederick Goc to Church. Br.itLIN" , March 25. .Emperor Frederick at- tciidcd'scr.vice in the chapel at Clurlotten burg to-duy. Ho Is la good spirits Uud con .tluucj to Ituprpvo , . . V' * NEWS OF NEBRASKA 10WH& I Fllloy Makes a Showing of Hotf Resources. SUPERIOR'S SUBSTANTIAL BOOMi Railroad Building to Begin Actively With Settled AVcnthcr Several Now Enterprises Promised Items & From Crete State News. ,1 T . Fllloy's Substantial Growth. FIU.BT , Neb. , March 23. [ Correspond ] cnco of the BEI : . ] The town of Fllley is lo < catcd on the line of the B. & M. rallroail , which runs from Nebraska City to Beatrice , t In Gage county. Tins section of country ta Ji ns beautiful aud as fertile ns can bo found In 7 any portion of the great and growing state of Nebraska. Early In 1883 the town of Fllloy was platted nnd In honor of Elijah Fllloy , who came hero In 18fl7 , was christened Fllley. The town is unllko some other western towns In that Its growth has not been of a rapid , but of ix substantial character , Iho ma jority of Iho people who reside hero owning their residences and business houses. Ill other words the town has "como to stay. " Benjamin Banghmiin erected the first stora building In ISSy. and It was occupied by Low- cllcn & Axtcll , who nro the pioneer mer chants of the town. Wo now have thrco dry goods stores , two hardware and Implements stores , two drug stores , two blacksmith nnd wagon shops , two barber shops , two llvory stable ? , one millinery nnd dress making es tablishment , two hotels , ono lumber yard , ono meat market , ouo elevator and a now $20,000 mill , with a capacity of scvcuty-flvQ barrels per day. * The social and religious advantages oC 3 Fllley are of the highest order. The Motho- dlst society worships In a $4,000 frame atruo- ' ! turo and has n membership of seventy. O. M. Shepherd Is the pastor. The Baptists have a now church building with a largo con.- grcgnllon. A. II. Law Is the pastor. The Masonic fraternity organized a lodga this wlnlor with some twenty members. There are n number of Odd Follows in Fllloy and In all probability a ledge of that order will bo formed in Iho near future. The ini tiatory steps have been taken to form n lodga of Good Tcrnplors. nnd It will start with n membership of fifty. The ox-soldlors will organize a Grand Army post soon. AVe have a good school building , which cost $3,000 , und not only n good oulldlng but a good school In It ns well. W. Matthews lg the principal. Pupils can go from hero td the university , Our shipping interests are fairly good4 Last year were shipped from hero , 172 cars of corn , 53 cars of llaxseed , 3 cars of wheat , 24 cars of oats , 5 cars of rye , 20 cars of hogs , 20 cars of cattle ; there were received 57 can loads of coal , 42 cars of lumber , 8) cars ofj lime , etc. The annual report of the B. & ) M. railroad shows that 403 cars hava , been handled from this point within the last -3 year. ' The Bank of Fillcy and the Fllloy Farmer , < ' a bright , newsy five-column folio , complete ) the business enterprises of the town. Some two weeks ago the business men of Fillcy held a mooting to take the initiatory steps to incrcaso the business of the town , nnd a subscription paper was started to secure - cure means to advertise It. The owners 08 lots will bo asked lo reduce their prices and thereby induce the building of moro resi dences , business houses , etc. A boot and shoo store with a practical man in charge would do well in Fllloy. A flax mill is needed hero , as there is a largo amount ] of flax produced in this section of tha country. Railroad Building at Superior. SUPEUIOII , Neb. , March 23. [ Correspond ence of the BEE. ] Superior has Iho rcpula- .j lion of being the handsomest city in the Re publican valley. , Its beauty of location Is not } surpassed by that of any city in the stato. But it is not owing to beauty of locution , alone that it gets Its good reputation , but Ha commercial advantages , its water power , ttia class of pushing capitalists-located hero , It3 excellent school and church advantages , all taken togelher , make for Superior ils reputa tion. It is located ut the Junction of the B. & M. nnd Missouri Pacific railroads. Thoj Northwestern is building Into the city from ) h Omaha , whllo Iho Santa Fo Is surveying Into ? " / ' 3 the city from the south. The city'council has i j granted permits for the erection of two largo brick buildings. J. S. Johnson & Bro. are preparing to erect a line Iwo slory brick witU basement. Several other enterprising busi ness men will follow suit nnd many flnex residences will bo bujlt this season. Capital is coining In rapidly nnd transactions in rcay cstalo for Iho last few weeks exceed $100,000. Items From Crete. CIIETB , Neb. , March 23 , ( Correspondence of the BiiK.- ] Never In the hlslory of Crela has spring opened more auspiciously thun Iho present. Evorylhing scorns to have taken on a brighter appearance. Dozens ot drummers are hero from Omaha , Chicago , St. Joseph and the largo cities in the cast , and our business men arc beginning to ap preciate the advantages and inducements offered by the large wholesale houses in those ) , .T | | magnificent cities. Many strangers nre In * ; town looking for locations on which to build J \ business und residence houses , nnd nro putting - ' ting up with such accommodations as can bq found. The people hero feel that this will bq the most prosperous year ever known , and ; that before many years Crete will take Ihq place to which she is entitled the seeoudt city in Nebraska. A beautiful Iwo-slory Queen Anne stylq cottage is being erected In the soulh part ofl town by Mr. C. S. Beers , to cost $3,000. It7 will bo finished about May 15. Mr. Docdo Smith has purchased from Jo Beph Kopetzky the lot on Main street upon which Roberts is now carrying on the farm Implement business. Mr , Smith will com mence the eiecllon of a Iwo-story nnd sub cellar brick block no soon as the weather per mits , The building will bo finished by lha laller part of July. The cost will bo 5,200. Polltlcn at Beatrice. Bi'ATiiice , Neb , , March 25 , [ Special ta the BEE. ] At Iho citizens' caucus held at the opera house last night John Ellis , presi dent of the People's bank , was nominated fen mayor of this city. W. A. Wugnor was nom inated for city clerk and J. S. Grublo fo * treasurer , The last two are present lncum bents. The opposition ticket Is headed with Hurry Phillips for mayor , W. O. Gibbs. cdork , and J , M. ICellogg for treasurer. PhlU . lips is colonel of the state militia , depuly oil , Inspector nnd townslto nnd general utility inau for the Burlington railroad. Ho would probably spend some time ut home , though,1 If elected. Councllmcn and members of the school board have not yet been nominated. The Flro Itccord. PKOHIA , 111. , March 25 , The Reuse bus ! * ness block burned Into last night , All tha stores and offices wcro destroyed. Loss. 50,000. The Pcorla public library building was damaged by fire to-day 15,000 , nnd all the oc cupants suffered considerable loss by water. The 15,000 books In the library were drenched with water , BO the library sustained a heavy loss , _ An Election In France. PAWS , March 25. In the election at Mar * Bellies to-day for a member of the chamber oC deputies , Pyatt , Irreconcilable , received 40,201 votes ; Hcrvo , conservative , 23,038 , ; Fouquter , opportunist , 12,410 , and General Houlunger \ > 5 , In the election at Laon. General Boulanger received 45,069 , ; Dourncr } radical , 2003 ; , and Jauqucmai tconservative , 24,010. , Another ballot is necessary. Tlio Death Jlecord. T.UJIHI : HAUTIJ , Ind. , March 25. The of ox-Secretary of the Navy Thompson. to-day aK t seventy-seven ,