rl 0HE ? OMAHA , DAILY BEE : SUNDAY..3MAROH 5 , 18S8.-SIXTEEN PAGES. . 13 DIME EDEN MUSEE ! Week of March 25th. Btnoiifjcat Living Man. Breaks Steel liars , Iron Chains and Uamlotiffa Last Week of Lizzie Sturgeon , Fcucslrlnl 1'ianist , Last Chance to Sco CHRIST BEFORE PILATE. CODY COWBOY PIANIST The 1'hcnotninal Musician. A Successful Innovation. 2 SEPARATE COMPANIES. ON 2 SEPARATE STAGES. IN 2 SEPARATE HALLS At One Price of Admission. Theatorium No : 1 CARLYSLE , King'of Magicians. Mile. CARLYSLE.Spiritual . Cabinet and Pillory. THEATORIUM NO. z. Gold Dollar Bright Lights SO PARLOR ARTISTS. 20 DOORS OFEtfl TO 10 P. M. lOc ADMITS TO ALL lOc CHAIRS , 5c AND THE MONSTER OF THE SEA. THE WHALE. ONE WEEK COMMENCING SUNDAY , MARCH 25. A Leviathan ! A Monster on Exhibition ! 40 Weighing 40 Tons 40 A Mammoth Gar 72 Foot Ijonj ; nnd 23 . Feet AVIrto. $10,0001 , LOCATION AT Jtfintli and Jackson Streets. Doors Open from 1O A. HI. to O 1 > . HI. Dally. . Admission Adults , 25c ; Children , lOc. KV ELECTRIC LIGHT EV RAND OPERA BJXTJJtA ! EXTltA ! Tlic manfttanicitl Unit irn'iU pleasure In nnnounclnpr tiu'iurn tn uKumi'iil in uur my ut tliu juaUjrculo- CONRIED & HERREMANN , cons ic OPERA COMPANY. -ON- WttGEflay and Thursday , April 18 & 19 TIJO micrtoirowill uuaimoiinccdlu tluoeoa on. GRAND CELEBRATION ! Of the Completion nnd Opening of thu Denver , Texas & Gulf Railway ! umnectlng Denver 1th the Sen ; nlso the Third Annual Convention of the International Range Association AT DUNYO , COLO. , MARCH 28 , 29 , 30 & 31. PROGRAMME 0 ? ENTERTAINMENT ? Wednesday , MnrrliSH-Ileccptlnn of visitors KvcnliiR. Firework Display by the phantom Ar' ! tilery Club , ( turpuselnj ? In extlttwit ut iiuu unm- rteur th j famous Toiwhn riumbeuu flub . id"nunt ' " ltlV.r.cl.r ; ! ? ' ! ! ! : ; ! B.n' ' ° 0 , 0 > 'oyTur. | , mid ItldjiiK I'nbrokeii iiiiil Jlurklnu llroncoi , Ht-ceptlou ut the Tabor a rand Friday , March 'M A flrnml nud Iinnoslni ; Hands tn Line , togethttr with the Colobruled Cowboy llaml.of lodg ) City. Kansas Saturday. Jlurchju-Kxcnrslon to the Mount - t lu .onu OrnuilOlil 1'ubhloncd llnrbecne. Dur ing this L'ulu week thu business streets and nnb- Jlc bulWliigs or the city will bo Illuiuliiatwi by the llnestuiii ] most reanloudent Klectrlcul Ils. l > lay ever uttfanptua In this or any other city. t IIJ3AP KAIMVAY J'\\HEs . All transportation companies entering Denver havu made low round trip ratet. $26.OO only lor round trip tlcketa from nil Missouri Itlver jioliitH TlcVeU \ 111 bu sold on Monday. Murch * 0 , only good for IO days thereafter. VISIT TIIU < IUIIN : CITY Oil this propitious occasion. 8.000 cattlemen uud SO.QOU visitor * ar > expected. p * B M a J , H j vt ? * * fff * MONDAY TUESDAY , April 9,10 II WEDNESDAY , , Special niatinno Wednesday. Mr. Itojrd very respectfully announces the most iHitubln Unimutlu event In tUu hlitorr of OmulliV-tUo ii | > | > i nrunca ot America' * Greatest Actors EDWIN Supported by their ottn crcollont compunr under tlio direction of Mil. AUTIlUlt II. Oil ArfK. MONDAY KVKN1NU , AI'lllU-Or ! nd Production ot ali kesi > curo' Historical Trucody , JULIUS CJESAR , lilt. JJOOTJI AH 1)UIITUB- ! . IIAUUETT AS CASSIL'S. 1UB8UAY liVKNlkd , Al'IUFjlO : The MERCHANT OF VENICE. ( Knllro 1'Jay. Blx Acts , llcautlful Production. ) lilt. 1IOOTII AS 611VLOCK-MU. HAlWKTr AS 1IA8SAMO , WKDNESUAV MATIN KK-Ppcclal 1'erformuaco ; HAMLET. ' Hit. I100T1I AS lUilET-MIl , IIAllllBT-T AS LAKUTK3. WEDNESDAY KVKNINO , M'ttll , ll-QruixJ ftiro- TV ell perform nee , MACBETH. lilt , 1100TU AB MACllETU-Ult. 1IA11U8TT AS WACBCFF , I'lllCKS : During thl engagement Ibo t&mo liberal prlcvi cuarved throughout the country w II bo adopted. JU'ierved Beat * 13.110 and r."iO. accordinti to looillun. General nUuilulou Hi uullerr 11. l > oxv . fJU fJUnmlllO. IMI'OUTANTANNOUNCKMKNT : Ai tlia hundreds n ( application * already rvcelfcil tor itiau for tmi mi- t-'iiKi'iueut urv far In excoii of ilia capacity of the thonini , unil holni ; desirous of pleasing all anil iivuldlnv speculation In tickets , the manatee inent hitsduclduU to offer the teats AT AUCTION , Monday nionilnir , April 2 , nt IU o'clock. In thuoperu house. The amount imldtobu us i > rvniiuuii. In addi tion to the prlco of Iliu scats. All toau reiualnlnj ; uiitoM utter thu auction will be placed on tale In the rouular way nt the box ofuco Tuesday morning , Aprl S , at V o'clock. BOYD'S ' OPERA HOUSE Four NlKlits and Saturday Matlneo , COMMENCING WEDNESDAY , MARCH 28. Arthur Rohan's ' Company pf Conieflians , 1'UjrlnK.lbeCoruolr BnceeMei from Pair's Theater. ftuvrlorfc.Vxlne ilar.'rUur < lar KreblDK and btttunlajr Mutlneo. "LOVE IN HARNESS. " 1 Krldnr naH turJareTcnln j.-NANCY ACO. " Tlili I will be tbi ) uroitteit comoUr crcntortlie oeuoii , A I perfect uioaitlootllKlitcoDiedlaiK. The tulleU worn I by tlio Udle are dtrauii of luTulluoti uu ' ' I palv ut ifU bc lut Tuc Jajr uiaruliitf. HONEY FOIl THE h/VDIKS. Don't repine , Lady Mine $ Easter day is near , You rcgrot Thcro nro yet Days to pass I fear , Ere wo may All bo gay , But bo patient dear ; I3o in lent Penitent , Keep your heart upon it ; And your thought , As you ought , From your Enster bonnet. She was a pretty salesgirl : Ho asked f or n kiss , For ho was the accepted Of the fair and blushing miss. She gave him one , nnd ns she drew Her rosy lips away. "Is there , " slio asked In trembling tones , "Anything clso to-dnyl" The spring bonnet has floral garnitures. Draperies pinked nt the edge continue In favor. Elaborate military braidings are worn on spring Jackets. Thcro is Infinite variety In the shapes of new polonaises. . Time for girls"to get up nnd Jump. It's leap year , you know. Ornamental selvages nro seen on the now changeable silks. Brazil graduated her llrst female physician a short titno ago. Light colored carpets nnd wall papers are most fashionable. Never Judge the slzo of n girl's foot by the arctics she wears. Colors nro extensively used In tlio decora tion of black toilets. Waist trimmings which cross in front nro oxccodingl.'f popular. Chnllies will supersede nuns' veiling for summer afternoon toilets. Lady McDonald takes an active Interest in revival meetings at Ottawa. White and gold is n favorite combination fortea-Jackots and tea-gowns. The woman suffragists have converted Rabbi GntthoU to their cause. Many n homely , unattractive girl gets a husband on account of her pa value. Some of the admirers of Marie Hozo gave her a diamond tiara for her birthday. "Venetian-green and terra cotta nro com bined in some of the newest tailor gowns. Pretty demi-tralned toilets for young ladles nro of white wool braided with silver. Mary Anderson's brother is soon to bo married to a daughter of Lawrence Barrett. Dainty homo toilets arc almost invariably made with a bolted corsage of soilio descrip tion. tion.Miss Miss Booth , of Harper's Bazar , carnsr ,000 a yeaa by translating , besides her $3,000 M an editor. Palo and deep tan plush skirts are worn with winter dresses of various colors and fabrics. It is not a difllcult task to discover rare tnlunt in young ladies who parent * nro wealthy. Mrs. Dutton , of Indiana , Is 102 years old. She has boon n conlirincd smoker of ninety- two years. Mrs. Cleveland's two pot alligators nro to bo trained to shako hands with visiting statesmen. A man who is the father of fifteen buxom daughters says his business is raising belles in the market. Mrs. Eunice'Hoosor , of Elkton , Ky. , has just completed a calico quilt that is composed of E-tOSO pieces. A girl may bo economical , but if she has a lover who has no objection to an arm golhg- waist occasionally. Four women physicians were graduated from the medical department of Auffalo uni versity last week. The wife of Judge Stallo. our Minister nt Rome , Italy , talks very llttlo English , bcintr a Gorman by birth. Eugene Field says it's a libel to suppose that Chicago girls that "Romeo and Juliet" is two separate plays. The widow of tholato Mayno Reid , the widely-known and popular novelist , is cncnir- ed in writing his life. Miss Ameho Rives , the Virginia authoress , is a cousin of Mr. George Rives , the assist ant secretary of state. . "I'm stuck on that girl , " said the court- plaster. "Well , she breaks mo all up too " remarked the peanut candy. ' "A Flock of Girls" is the title of a now novel. A very noisy production , wo should say a sister of "Chatterbox. " Toll n girl she's pretty and she'll always say she doesn't believe you. Tell her she-s homely and she'll ' always get mad. Prof. Asa Gray , although living in the con servative atmosphere of Cambridge , nlwavs signed the woman suffrage petition ? Miss West , the daughter of tlio Brtish minister , always speaks Spanish to her father wuen they are nlono togethor. Mrs. Ralph Waldo Emerson's name stands atthoheauoftho woman snffrago petition sent in this year from Concord , Mass. A distinguished negro belle of Port-au- Prince , Hayti. was recently married to thn brother of William Black , the novelist. A Michigan girl has found 2,125 four- leave clovers , and is not married yet Thcro is sure luck in these things for tlio Miss Hnttle Allen , of Waterloo. In. , has hen made assistant professor in tlio medical department of the Michigan state university , Some girls insist that they do not like .squeezing , but wo have noticed that they are always the onus to bo found in crowded shops and street cars. ouuiig Dr. Anna Kingston ] , of London illrvi I , , that city , February 81. She wasTa graduato' ' of the "Faculty of Paris , " and the author of several medical works. iur 01 Prominent women of Paris are signlmrn petition for the suppression or restriction of Impure literature , nnd a league of morals has been formed. pubUo In a Michigan town there is a girl whosn height is six feet nine inches. Who , ! she makes up her mind to get married wager she stoops to conquer. you can It Is a well known fact among artists tlmr a maiden of thirty-nvo summon and f-ioo mo Is a moro beautiful ' being than bno'vr eighteen winters nnd no cash to speak of Mrs. Dr. Smith hos contributed fPood fnr the purposoof " ' ? constructing aT"ii nv 'hn , nM for the use of the children of Newark NJ who Imvo no place but the streets to pinY in' The latest novelty In cloves ( * tin n glove of tan-colored ungS 1 fd ? vev i ippllng over llio arm. u ' without m , v i , ? , . U ssatuas-s - wuo cun * clal entity take , her daily walk"0" US " B0' Round waists bolted with , -fcv , by very young ladici in tile r ° rn wearer is plump these mffk J ( S"10 " nro made , but if she is slight thov urn , . ? q , Illalni orcd ttOT nnd stool , nil used tocethnr' ui ° , effect , dold with Jet and TOW wi A found very offeetlvo on mosrolors m' ° ° OIh0 this j ovorJrl spring is wearing 1/ ovorJr ? ' walking dresses , sf on ovfl h"rPli1tCra wlt Ler bo the only thlnff leff& r , , ilVlrc88 Bult wills s- , occur , boginnIi . A total nUU ocn/ On ° 'iU , > o moon j.uu vriiitu giiichuui IntivJi , , i1. " " " "no. with black stripes bj .cedlast au "ner , ars again chosen. ' or broke" I'lalila.aro that thus womcii VmrdVp1 | Ur to "ow W iS a ; .JH-rtocan U ace w Held , inasinucu . . ' . , : . - ; ' . ; . . - ' . . - ' . ; / . ' . ' ; . . ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' " V. " : : < " " . ' . ; . . . < " . . : / . ' . 's women have nlwaj-s been "bcnl" on matching" and "joining" A dftURhlcr of Llttlo Chief and Good-ft b , Bill's Indians lit- pf Buffalo , was baptized Manchester last montll under the title of Francis Folsom Cleveland Victoria Alexan der. She will bo knbtfn. however , among the Indians ns "Over tlAs Water. " Cheviots in cool natural gray and fawn , In lclfcnto colored saUfons have exquisitely tinted grounds , buff , | vlo lavender , rcru , palo blue , rose pink and gray the surfaces of some being nearly covered With fanciful designs , whllo others show wide" stripes of Persian patterns alternating With floral outlines. Ladles who rnnko utf their cotton dresses for next summer wear- how , almost iuvnrl- ably cheese two glnghrttns , ono of light doll- onto shade for n pretty house costume nnd n dark one of Scotch pndd , stripes or some plain dark color for street wear or summer traveling. Lady Purchaser "Now , please do not ask after f have bought what I want if there's anything clso. If I want anything else I can remember to ask for it without being remind ed that tlioro Is something clso that I may want. Do you understand I" Salesman "Vcs'm. Anything else. " Modern Greek women excel not only in personal refinement , but in general intelli gence and dcslro for self-improvement. The Grcok women of the upper class nro general ly clover , well brcdwcll informed nnd might rival In nccompllshinonts.culturo nnd conver sational powers their sisters of the west. Pearls nro at present the gems of highest fashionable favor , outrivaling the diamond. They nro Queen Victoria's favorite , and the chosen adornment of the queen of Italy. Queen Marguerite is superstitious about her pearls. The last tlmo they wore mislaid the king was shot , and she connects the Vwo cir cumstances nnd watches them with the most Jealous care. line horrliiR-bono pattern , are always in de mand bv refined women of conservative taMo. IVllxturcs in black nnd white slion- licnl's ' checks nnd crossbars promise to bo in splendid demand. There Is always n largo quantity of such goods sold in Now York to ladies who nro taking off. mourning and to many who congno tholr mourning street dress to some combination of black , white or gray. Fashion Is by no means exclusive this year , nnd It is difficult to say which style of dress Is most in voguo. Peaked bodices have by no means been laid aside , and yet in now coatuinos for the early sprinft wo see a great many round waists ; not short under the arms , ns they were under the first empire , but Just nt the proper place and encircled by a skillfully draped sash of faille , molro or surahT With round waists , the scarf-sash and Bcmt-traincd skirt nro coming in ngnin j but this style Is by no means exclusively adopted , and the peaked bodice is still much worn , especially for evening dresses. It Is not considered proper for canons of the church to get loaded. Mamma Who dwelt in the Garden of Eden , Frcddiol Froddlo-O , I know , the Adamses I Renan culls St. Paul "that ugly llttlo Jew. " Ho was weak-eyed , stoop-shouldered , prob ably a stammerer. Sunday School Teacher Now , boys , who 'shall Inherit the earth ? " Little Johnnie ( wise beyond his years ) : Please , mum , it's the Irish. A clergyman declares that ho never did n bad act but that ho Immediately rt-grottod it. Rather n neat way oC saying that ho was caught at it. > jf { A pious porkpackor ot Chicago has on ono wall of his ofllco this motto : "Trust in the Lard , " nnd on the. other this ono : "Tho Lard Will Provide. " ' George W. Rosuro , tUp cowboy evangelist. is said to have nu incouia of $150 a day. Ho'u never make that money ; ! corrallng cattle or cleaning out gin Jolutsmi Wife Rov. Gums said for us to go to church this morning prepared for n collec tion. Husband I am prepared. I loft every cent I had in my otherclothes. , * It was a patriotic but disguised Scotchman at Fort Beaufort whoa exclaimed : "Gudo save us I I'd rather gang- homo an' bo hanged than dee hero a naturalUioatli. " Fond Wife The Smiths must bo awfully poor , they never give u'nything to charities. Ho Well , but wo dori'febither. Fond Wife Oh , but it isn't because wo haven't plenty 1 Rov. Joseph Cook has boon pronouncing unconstitutional a law in relation to public preaching , and some irreverent Boston pa pers are proposing him lor the suprcuTa court. Editor ( to proof-reader ) : "You are getting careless. Mr. Reviser. The name of the evangelist appears in to-day's paper as $ am Jones. " Proof-reader : "Well , that is not a very bad mistake , sir. " At Galesburg , 111. , the churches tried the effect of prayer on the Burlington strike last Sunday. Judging by the present condition of affairs wo are constrained to believe that faith , oven as n grain of mustard seed , docs not exist in Galesburg. Rov. Dr. Chasuble ( to only member pres ent ) I am thankful that ono niembor ot the church is not afraid to come out in rain as well as in sunshine. Mrs. Pray Well , if it hadn't have stormed , I couldn't have come , for my now bonnet isn't ready. Passenger ( to street car conductor ) Do you over go to church , young man } Con ductor No , sir ; but I always got n load of people coming from church every Sunday morning , so I know all about the sermon. A good many poor sermons preached nowadays - days , sir. Elderly Gentleman ( taking a stroll on Sun day morning , to cabman ) My friend , are you a God-fearing man ; do you give that at tention to religious matters which all men should ? Cabman Oh , yes , sir ; Jump 111 and I'll drive you to any church on the avenue for n dollar. "I always liked the Episcopal religion best , " said Bill , as ho eyed a pretty girl with her morocco bound prayer book in the horse car. "If you nro an Episcopalian you got credit for going to church not only while you uro there , but all the way going and all the way homo. " "Well. Johnny , " sold the Sunday school teacher to ono of her little pupils , "I under stand there's a now baby nt your house. What do they cull it ) " "Why , " saiil Johnny , with childish frankness , "mamma calls it n little angel , but this morning papa called it a darned nuisance. " A llttlo nsked his four-year-old grand mother : "Grandma , did God make you I" "Yes , I suppose so , " answered his grand mother. nbsontly , The boy looked nt her thoughtfully for a moment , nnd then , as II convinced that it had been quite n largo con tract , said suddenly , "Grandma , ! guess Jesus helped I" "My beloved brethren , " announced u preacher from his pulpit , "on Sabbath morn ing next n collection will bo taken up for our blessed Fiji mission. ' "Amen ! " rang fer vently through the congregation. "And I would add , " went on jtuo preacher impres sively , "that nmens , however resonant and sincere , innlco but llttlo.ruttlo . iu the contri bution box. Lot us unite in prayer , " A citizen of SmltUvllId ; Ga. , says that the other morning , bearing h voice in an old log pen by the roadside , ho looked in. Ho saw an aged and diBBlpatcd&trangor on his knecu praying : "Oh Lord , soften the hearts of the people that I may not lack for broad ns I go ulong. " In answer to tf question the tramp said that ho never failetl.to get bread when ho prayed for it , and that ho never failed to pray. The flrst step In the breaking up of the iwwer of the Mormon 'dhurch has certainly been taken. At a ball recently given at the Mormon theater in Salt Luke City many gen tiles accepted invitations and danced with the Mormon maidens. 'Governor ' West gave n reception after the Mil at a gentile hotel , whore saints and sinners mingled upon cor dial terms. Ono night in'tho ball-room may do moro to break the power of the Mormon church than u month of lawsuits. A young preacher the other day , undertak ing to "stump" Bishop Foss , of the Methodist church , with a "temperance" question , said : "Why , brother , If there was n mad dog run ning up nnd down the streets would you shoot It or would you hedge It In ? " To which the wise bishop uiodo quick reply : "If the mad dog hud been running up and down the htrcottt fpr thirty years , and I had been blaz ing away at it all that time without hitting it , I guess I'd try and hedge it in. " Every person is interested in their own nllttire , nnd if this moots the eye of nny ono who is BurTorincf from the ollects of n , torpid liver , we wall ndmlt that ho is interested in gottintr well. Get a Ijpttlo-pf Prickly -Ash Bitters , 'use it aa directed ; and you will always bo glad you' read , this item.- . ' ' - THE ENTIRE STOCK OF O o T n i isr a- Must and will be sold , preparatory to removal to the Falconer corner , The .new firm POSITIVELY REFUSE to accept any of this stock. These are all new , fresh goods ; most of them just from the factory. In order to dispose of this stock as quickly as possible , everything will be put down to a price that is bound to make the sale. THE TWO ORPHANS will now sell you a complete suit for only $1.00 , SUIT worth. $5.00 nt $3 00 1 PAIR PANTS worth $3.00 for . $10 A SUIT worth S8.00 nt $5 00 1 PAIR PANTS worth $ i.OO for . $3 fiO A SUIT wvorth 810.00 at 87 00 1 PAIR PANTS worth $4.50 for . w $ A SUIT worth $14:00 nt 310 00 1 PAIR PANTS worth $ T .00 for . $3 0 A SUIT worth $18.00 tit 813 00 1 PAIR PANTS worth $5.60 for . $3 78 A SUIT worth $20.00 nt $14 00 1 PAIR PANTS worth SG.OO for . $ l)5 ( ) A SUIT worth $25.00 at $17 00 1 PAIR PANTS ? worth $7.00 for . $4 60 A SUIT worth $30.00 at 819 00 1 PAIR PANTS worth SS.50 for . $5 tf > GUILDS' SUITS worth $ -1.00 nt . $2 fiO CHILDS1 SUITS worth $4.60 nt . f . $3 00 GUILDS' SUITS worth $1.76 nt . $3 25 GUILDS' SULTS worth $5.00 at . $3 60 GUILDS' SUITS worth $5.60 at . $ -1 00 GUILDS' SUITS worth $0.00 nt . $1 25 GUILDS' SUITS worth $7.00 at . $4 75 These prices m.ay seem ridiculous , but vre are ready to convince any one in. search of a new suit , or anything else in our line that everything we have in the house will bo found a bargain as incredible as the above. Of course the choicest new goods will be apt to go first , and those who come at once will get the cream. TWO ORPHANS , - 1 1 1 3 Farnam Street * * PEPPEUMENT DUOPS. Holds his hone The barber. A false stop That made with a cork log. Why is wood like sleep ? Beeauso it'slum- bcr. bcr.It's It's always soft weather when it rains hard. hard.A A combination lock makes a good chest protector. The now treaty is enough to mnko the codfish bawl. These who engage In a milk trust evidently want the cream of it. With a cockney Englishman "tho letter that never came" Is an h. Why is hemlock lllco cornbrcad and mo lasses I It's cheap board. Why is a ton of coal like a ship ) When it's under weigh , of course. It doesn't follow that every man who has a hoarse voice- a stable follow. In the bright lexicon of the anarchist there is no such , word ns clothes line. Why Is your hat like an advance agent ! Because it goes on a head , of courso. When is a. women lllco a vicious horse ? When she takes the bits in her teeth. When does a hen withdraw from llio ? Y/hsn she makes her egg-sit , of courso. Farm note After a citizen has had a bully time at the club ho goes homo with a cowed look. look.When When n man thinks the world Is his oyster ho can soon manage to get himself into a stow. Blinders ore now put on white horses so they will not stop to look after rod-headed girls. Easter Sunday this year comes on the 1st of April. Somebody will got fooled on now bonnets. When engineers find a jollroad company is putting on too much steanPa strike is their safety valve. There is no telling what Sampson might have been if ho had had John L. Sullivan's opportunities. Why is whiskey like the flowers that bloom In the spring ! Because it makes the nose gay , my dear. The poet who burns the "midnight oil" is kept awake by the muse. It's the sanio way with a man who keeps n cat. The balloon for the 4th of Jnly is to bo named "Anthracite. " The aeronaut thinks it will keep up for a long time. Smart Boy Do you keep all the brands of teas ? Grocer Yes , sir ; what kind do you prefer ? Smart Boy Socrates. The rock strata under nnd about Cincin nati have millions of fossils In them , Moro arc being added us fast as they die. Don't laugh when you see n woman trying to drive ri horse. It may seem funny to you , but think how the poor horse must suffer. Another mineral spring has been found at a well-known watering place. It Is said to taste vile enough to make It worth a fortune. A St. Louis man wants a divorce because his wife smokes , snoreswhistles , and swears. She evidently made a mistake in being a woman. The man who begins to wear n spring suit now should receive duo praise for his econ omy , for ho probably will never need another. The straw Is put In the bottom of street cars for warmth , and not , as some have sup posed , to enable passengers to lose their chUngo. A Boston man proposes to exhibit a dog valued at 81,500 ut the bench show. This must bo the chap who advertises "three-dol lar pants. " An Albany judge has decided that a man's legal residence In where ho has his washing done. According to this ruling the tramp has no legal residence. "What is homo without n motherl" It's a place where girls can sit up with their follow until they hear the old man coming in the gate about midnight. "Why is a frog like n man who bets on the wrong horse ? " uskcu the snake editor. "Give it up , " replied the horse editor. "Because ho Is a green backer. " A tame deer named G rover Cleveland has been placed in ono of the city parks of Haiti * more. Probably the gift of some ofilce-scekcr that thrift may follow fawning. Six species of North American birds have become extinct In the last ton years. They were probably mixed up in some pot-pio affair when they made their exit. Yale college is said to bo in need of $2,000- , 000. When you consider the size of the canes now used , you must understand that this "cane" rush business is expensive. Wo trust that winter will not linger In the lap of spring very long this year. It is leap year and spring has a perfect right to hint to him that he Is not wanted around. It has never vet been decided by compe tent authorities whether snoring is vocal or instrumental music. Calling it "sheet inuslo" doesn't settle the mutter at all. The Princess of Wales Is so deaf that she is compelled to use on cur-trumpet. This docs away with the use of the prince remov ing his boots a block away from the house. That's not a bad proposition for the dispo sition of abandoned gas and oil wells , viz. , to cut them up In six feet lengths and sell them to the electric light companics'for posthojcal "The Artof Investing" is the title of n current - rent book. If the author hod o.nly turned his attention to the elucidation of the art. of acquiring something to invest , his work would have a wider circle of anxious readers. Gcorgo Eliot says : ' "Old men's eyps are like old men's memqrle'vUay ; are strongest ' . " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' . ' . ' . ' . . . ' . . : ' ' ' , ' . ' . ' < * ' ' . for things n long way off. " Tnoy don't ap ply to old men in the front row nt the bur lesque. Since Russian law forbids the use of excla mation points in n newspaper article , onolsnt a loss to see how can bo properly interpret ed therein a Muscovite's outburst when ho stops on a tack. A professor in Montreal has set himself to work nnd has mastered twelve languages , nnd yet wo don't imagine ho dares to open his mouth when his wife wants to know why ho stayed out so late. An Indiana judge did not know what a cartoon was. A lawyer sketched the body of a Jackass with the judge's head nnd face attached as n specimen , nnd was promptly fined $25 for contempt of court. For the benefit of these who ore getting tired of "Truly rural" as a cure for stam mering the following Is respectfully sub mitted : "Pronounce rnpialy : "She sells sea shells ; shall she soil sea shells ? " The hanging of Mr. Maxwell , of St. Louis , is sot for early in Juno. It is understood that ho has written a letter dc'cllniug the nomination , but there are strong , hopes of his being Induced to reconsider his action. In Winter wo meet the thermometer liar , In Summer the fish liar tells of his string , But both classes nowvery quickly retire Before him who's seen the first robin of Spring. CONNCBIAL-ITIES. The girls who-tnko advantage of leap year are the ones who will want to bo known in the future as "Mrs , So-and so and husband. " An Ypsilantl man. has a queer orazo that of collecting axes. Ho has ninety-two differ ent kinds , and yet his wife complains of a scarcity of kindling wood. Mr. Dawson , of Peru. Ind. , began marry ing in 1832 , and ho has been marrying at fre quent intervals over since. The other day" , nt the ago of seventy-six , ho took his seventh wife. There is a thrifty woman living nt Briar Creek , N. Y. Not long ago her husband died nnd she took the headstone from his first wife's grave nnd had It dressed over and ro- lettered for his grave. "My errand here to-night , " said a young lawyer to a damsel on whom ho hnd called "reminds mo of the cry of an owl. " "In deed , " said the maiden ; "what Is your er rand hero to-nlghU" "Courtship. To wit , to woo. " In the Munn divorce suit which is now on trial in Boiolt , Wis. , the testimony brought cnit the fact that Mrs. Munn's parents consented - ' sented to her marriage only on the condition that her future husband deed them a forty- acre farm. "I do not think , madam , " ' said n husband when taking his wife to task , "that any man of thn least sense would approve of your conduct. " "Sir , " she replied , "perhaps you nro the best Judge of what people with the least sense would do. " Isaac Ennis , who died in Philadelphia re cently , claimed to bo the first man to enter a lion's cage iu this country. The first man to wake up his wife when ho returned homo nt 2 u. in , in a wobbly condition nnd found her asleep has not yet been found. Albert Fnizer , a convict In the Michigan penitentiary , escaped and n reward wns of fered for his capture. Ho communicated with his wife who wns having n hard strug gle with poverty , and induced her to deliver him up nnd get the reward. So she did , and Fni'/or iu happier than ho has been for years. Before the wedding day ho vows and pro tests that his dearest care will be ho happi ness , and that there is no sacrifice too great for him to make to secure her comfort. Three months after they are married she lum to tack the blankets to the sldo of the bed to keep him from rolling himself up in all the clothes. The plump and pretty pers on who wants to form "Widows' ' trust" does a not seem to ap preciate the gravity of the undertaking. Widows maybe partial to cornersbut It is biil'o to say when it comes to a question of com bination they will cry with ono voice , "No trust. Experience is u great teacher , nnd the widow Is u wily bird. Henry Schnmmol , of the packing factory of the name name , procured a license to marry Bertha Wagner , need twenty-nine , of tXH Greenwich street. Schaminol was the defendant in the long and bitterly contested divorce suit of his wife , finally decided in her favor by n Jury. Bertha Wngtior Is also a di vorced woman , who was one of Schatnmol's principal witnesses on the trial of the divorce case. i A school teacher in Buffalo oounty. Dale. , who made a record for bravery during the bll7/ard , fell a victim to his own rashness one day last week. His wife was ono of tils pupils , and ho hud occasion to punish her for some infraction of the rules as an example to the other Echolara. The next day the school house had this notice stuck on the door ; "School closed for ono week owing to the illness of the teach or. " A Belleville ( Mich , ) man "sat into n little game" the other night , and did not get to bed until after V u. in. After ho had slept only a few minutes , as it seemed to him , ho was awakened by noises down-stairs. Jumping to the conclusion that there were , burglars down there ; ho seized n shotgun , and.without waiting to cover his bare legs , dashed into the kitchen to attack them , Jf ho had waited to dress himself the hired girl would not have screamed so loud or dropped so much of the breakfast. . There is now living iu Plckens.county , , Georgia , a man > vhu. during llio rebellion , . , donned his wife , ' ! ) 'dress , kept his face closely shaved , and wore u big uunb'pnnct , in order ; to avoid buiuf conscripted irud being sent to' ' " ' ' ' : ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : ' ' " ' " ' , ' / ' ' ' : . . ' ' . * . ; , . ' ' . ' . . ' ' ' " ' ' ' . . . . ' i. : : . ! , v. , ' ; . } / , " * : ' . . . . . * ,