Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered t > y Carrier In Any Part of tlio City til
Twentr Cents Per Week.
nsiwpps rCE. No. 43.
NHIIIT KDrron , No. 23.
N , V. Plumbing Co
Now spaing goods at Heller's.
Colorado coal at Council Bluffs Lumber
Co. , 000 main street , telephone No. 257.
The pupils of the city schools wll | enjoy a
week's rest , the annual spring vocation oc-
currlng the coming week.
" Mr. I > . Smith , a gunsmith on Broadway ,
ellpptd na ho was boarding n NottMvestcrn
train Thursday morning. Ho struck In such
way that his head was Injured. Although
badly bruised the- Injuries are not thought to
bo of a serious nature.
The W abash ticket ofllco , corner of Broadway -
way nnd Main streets , and the general ofllco
of the Otnaha & St. Iknils railroad company ,
corner of I'carl street nnd First avenue , nro
appropriately draped In mourning out oT re
spect for tholato Colonel Thomas McIClssock ,
who died -In St , L'ouls Thursday morning.
Mrs. Frances Famlsea , of Missouri Val
ley , mother of Officer Fomlsea , of the city
police force , dlod at her home yesterday
morning nt the advanced ago of seventy-
eight years. The deceased is an old resi
dent of this section , having lived hero thirty
years. She leaves twelve children , eight
sons and four daughters.
Nobbiest styles In spring overcoats at
John Bono & Co.'s.
The young ladies of the Presbyterian
church will give nn Easter Bazar and
supper Tuesday , the 27th inst. Decorated -
orated eggs and Easter cards for sale.
No. 600 Broadway.
Union Abstract company , 230 Main street.
A Glenn Sweep.
Street Commissioner Avery has received
orders to employ every man nnd team that
ho can get , nnd keep them busily at work
cleaning the mud from the paving until all
the paved streets arc put in decent condition.
Broadway lias already been cleaned from
First street to Main , and the work IS also
being vigorously prosecuted on Washington
avenue , Pearl street and lower Broadway.
It will require several weeks to complete the
work , but it Is something that has been
needed for some tlmo. Another thing that
requires immediate attention is to look after
the dirt haulers , ana see that the ordinance
in regard to tight wagons and cndgates is
rigldjy cntorced. It this is not done , it will
bo but a comparatively short tlmo until thcso
streets will "bo ns muddy as over , and the
money now being expended wfll bo practi
cally thrown nway. II the generous contri
butions from the dirt wagons were cutoff , it
would be several years before the streets
, could again become as illthy aud nearly impassible -
passible as they have been this spring. It is
hoped that the new council will continue the
"clean sweep" policy that has thus far been
carried 6ut , and kcep'thp streets in a condi
tion to do credit to tlio city , and at the same
tlmo give the taxpayers that to which they
nro justly entitled.
- o -
The party who toolt the box of pru-
noils from in front of Troxoll Bros. '
store last Wednesday evening is known
and ho must either return them or eottlo
by payment. If this is not done imme
diately ho will suffer the consequences.
Money at low rates on. first-class farm security.
Buruham , Tnlleys & Co , 102 Main street.
Catch On to This.
Mr. Charles Probstlo is prepared to
supply you with a harness the equal of
any on earth. Fine work and harness
novelties a specialty. Single , double
and track ; also a good class of farm
work. A complete stock of gents' and
ladies' riding saddles , driving hoots ,
- , robes , all kinds of whips , etc. Give
i him a call.
_ _
Call and see the newest styles of boys'
knee and kilt suits at John Bono & Co.'s.
Found Opportunities to invest money
and make 100 per cent. Inquire ol
Johnston & Van Patten , 83 Main st.
The Bridge Is Sale.
Work on the now bridge is going on as
us'ial , notwithstanding the fact that the river
is filled with floating Ice. The water is rising
but is not yet high enough to interfere with
work on the bank pieces. During the past
twenty-four hours the water has risen over a
foot , and is now eight feet and thrco inches
above low water mark. Yesterday morning
Manager Harry Blrkcnbino , of the water
works company , received a communication
from Sioux City stating that the Ice on the
river at t' at point was still solidly gorged
both above and below the city , and that there
was considerable snow .on the ground. In
terested parties hero seem to think that there
Is no Immediate danger to bo feared , am :
work on the bridge is now m such shape as
to preclude the possibility of any damage to
anything except pier No. 2 , which might be
carried away by an unusually heavy llow of
Ice , as there is scarcely any masonry work in
It. A largo quantity of iron for the super-
Btructuio is already on the ground , but noth
ing car bo done toward getting it in place
v.r.tll the river Is open and there Is no danger
of ice from the headwaters of the river.
Shcafo loans money on real estate.
r A full line of crockery and glassware
at Lund Bros. , No. 23 Main street.
Latest novelties in the Star shirt
waists at John Bono & Co.'s.
E. H. Shcafo loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
confidential * Oflico 500 Broadway , cor-
uer Main street , up-stalra.
Travolorsl Stop at the Bcchtolo.
Plnutinjr Trees.
The suggestion is made that these who own
property should begin planting trees. One
gentleman who owns a good deal of bottom
property remarked yesterday : "I'm ' going to
start in at once planting trees. Just look at
the driving park. Only five years ago some
trees were planted there. Look at them now
They give a splendid shade , and every ono o
those trees , which cost only 25 cents apiece
adds $10 to tha value of the property in any
body's eyes. In flvo years moro tboso trees
\vill be as flno as these in Hayllss park. Yes.
cir , I bcllovo every dollar I put into trees wll
ndd 11 vo times as many to the value of my
property , "
If this policy was to bo followed generally
there would be a great improvement in the
appearance of the residence portion of the
city , and tracts which now look uninviting
would bo in great demand , A few dollars
vpent in this way would pay all around.
Furnished rooms for rent. 831 Third
For all female diseases consult Drs
Mosor & Van Ness , opera house block
rooms 4 and 6. Council BlulTj , Corre
spondence solicited ,
im CablnctlMioto I > 'ree.
* * Every purchaser of a Domobtic sowiiiR
roach i no for cash or on monthly pay
ments from this ofilee during the nox
ton days will receive ono dozen cablno
photos of themselves taken by Sherra-
uon , in that artist's best stylo. Remem
ber ten days only. No canvassers. 10 !
Main St.
6. B. Wadaworth & Co , loan money.
Poultry , ogtrs and butter at Foaron's
XI Main street.
Fresh Jllljoli Cows , .
Thirty fresh wllcU cows lor * alc singly , oi
to Jot , by 13 , Marks. . .
The Bailroads Want It All Their
Own Way.
On 1'lnntlncTrccH Friendly liltcrnry
Competition The New IlrldRC
Move to Protect the City's
Credit Pcraonnf Mention.
Bnllcy Railways.
There has not been n singlet request asked
jy any railway company but what the city
IBS gladly granted. The policy 1ms been
very liberal toward railway companies , nnd
at times lee liberal for the advantage and
interests of private citizens , who have been
damaged for the sake of What seemed the
public K ° OU. Whenever a railway company
wanted to go anywhere the city has always
said , "there's a street , or an alley , take It ,
help yourself. " Now the opportunity Is
Slven Tor the railways to show how much
they appreciate this sort of generosity. The
city ns a whole Is largely interested lu having
Lho Manawa motor line started up. All that
Li desired is that the railway companies allow
Lho motor line to cross some of tticir tracks.
The motor line company propose to pay the
expense. The right Is all that Is asked. A
few of the railway companies say they will
not grant the request. They have no very
good reason to offer , only they do not want to
uo so. By standing In the way of this enter
prise they simply delay matters , and awaken
a good deal of bad feeling toward them
selves nnd accomplish no good , for In time
they will bo obliged to grant the request. In
view of the situation the railway companies
thus obstructing the enterprise will not bo In
very good condition to ask for further favors.
Competitive liltcrnry Merit.
Yesterday afternoon the two literary so
cieties of the Western Iowa college , the
"Western Iowa" nnd the "Utilo Dulci , " had
a literary contest to demonstrate the rela
tive merits of each. The "Utilo Dulci" is
composed mostly of advanced pupils nnd
post-graduates , forming what Is virtually an
alumni society , and the other consists of the
lower classes and the faculty of the college.
There exists quite n spirit of friendly rivalry
between the two societies , and this fccllncr
resulted in n challenge from the "Utilo
Dulci" for this contest. The subjects were
chosen and the programme arranged by the
' Western Iowa " which had
, Ifty-tliree mem
bers to draw from , and the "Utile Dulci"
twciity-flvo. The following programme was
arranged and carried out :
Keoding-Misa Anna Wright , W. I. , F. C.
Hunt.U. D.
Declamation Miss Gertie Taylor , W. I. ,
Emil Shurs , U. D.
Essay Miss Clara Mitchell , W. I. , Miss
HallldSpcra , U.D.
Oration Prof. W. B. Paulson , \V. I. , J. E.
nhea-U. D.
Music Violin solo nnd accompaniment , W.
Knapp and Miss Grace Brown , W. I. Vocal
quartette , Misses Kcef and Duncan , Messrs.
Paulson and Wisler. Mrs. J. U. Can-others
Debate Affirmative , Emmet Tinley and
W. R : C. Mynster , U. P. Negative , Prof. J.
R. Carrothers nnd Harry Hamble.
The question debated was , Resolved , that
the hours of the laboring men be reduced
from ten to eight.
The hall was filled with interested spec
tators , nnd it was unanimously decided by
those present that the "Utilo Dulci" society
made a "clean sweep , " and the honois were
rendered to them accordingly.
Electric Flashes.
The electric light Ido engine has been
shipped back to the factory and workmen are
busy putting the now Westinghouse in place ,
One engine.tho old Westinghouse , now fur
nishes the entire power for the electric
lighting of the city. This would bo impossi
ble but for the fact that the moonlight is all
that is necessary during the earlier hours ol
the night , so that the tower lights are no1
turned on until after the 10 and 12 o'clock
lights are extinguished. The now engine
will bo in running order in a few days , but
probably it will not bo needed until about the
1st of next month.
The now incandescent lights in the clul
rooms are givinKperfectsatlsfaction , and ills
probable that this system of interior lighting
will soon become quite extensively used ir
the business offices of the city. A single incandescent -
candescent light is amply sufficient to light 11
room twenty feet square for all ordmarj
purposes , and costs but $5 per month ,
giving a much pleasantcr light than the arc !
that costs $12 per month. When once placed
in position the incandescent light needs nc
more attention , nnd does away with all th <
trouble and unpleasant features of rccarbon'
ing , that nro inseparably connected with the
use of the nro light. The tower lights stiL
hold their place in popular favor , and the nt
tendants have learned by actual experience
how to take care of them , and there is ne
cause for complaint on account of lights no1
burning. Its system of electric lighting is
the least of the city's troubles , and is inex
presslbly better than illuminating gas at $
per thousand.
liillio Oxloy's Death. '
Colonel Dalloy , county prosecuting nttor
noy , spent yesterday investigating the deatl
which occurred last week of Lillie Oxloy
alias Maud Clark , an inmate of Bell Clover' :
house of 111 fame , who , Its was believed , hat
taken her own life. Last evening Mollli
Stanley and Mary Iloban , alias Frnnkii
Park , who were inmates of the Clover placi
at the time of the death , were brought befon
Colonel Dailoy and the coroner nnd mos
searchingly examined. Both the girls nd
mittcd that Maud did not commit suicide
She had beeen drinking during the ovenini
and had become noisy. In ordeV to quiet lie
some morphine was procured , and as she salt
she was In the habit of taking the drug i
heavy dose was administered , from the oi
fcctsof which she never recovered. On nl
points but one the evidence of the two girl
agreed , but when questioned ns to who nd
ministered the morphine , caeli said that tin
other did , That it was not suicide was evident
dent from this testimony , but both Colone
Dailoy and 'ho coroner are confident tha
there was no foul ploy.
To Protect Its Credit.
The municipal government has adopted i
new method of disposing of the city's im
provcment bonds. Heretofore thcso bond
have been signed and placed upon the mar
Itct , and speculators , knowing that they mus
bo sold at somn price , forced the prlco dowi
nnd the result was disastrous to'tho city , B ;
the now method a sulo is negotiated befor <
the bonds are issued , ana the result is tha
they ore sold nt their par value'anil tin
ruinous discounts previously suffered an
entirely done away with. A large amount n
twenty-one year bonds were sold yestcrda ;
by the mayor , and the city's contractors wll
not ba compelled to hawk them about am
finally dispose of them for what they can got
This will haves a tendency to greatly Incrcani
the value of the city paper and increase it
Piles cured with certainty. Drs
Moser & Van Ness , Council Bluffs , la.
Nearly a Fire.
The premises of Peter Wind , on AVnshlng
ton avenue , narrowly escaped burning i
night or two ago. Two young boys , sons o
Mr. Wlud and George Wise , were playing ii
the stable and in some way tot hold of socn
matches which they proceeded to use t
warm themselves. They set fire to tin
ntruw upon the floor and then fled to thi
house , too scared to toll unyouo what the ;
hud ( lono. Mr. Wise , who lives near , ills
cerntd Biuoka issuing from the burn nn <
mlstruatiug that all was not right , ho rushei
across the oticet to the barn. The mtcrio :
was in Humes and it took hard work to kcc |
the flames confined and the buildibg frou
uttJ > r destruction. But llttls damage wa
done , nnd vbeiumea were extinguished with
cut an alarm.
The Park Safe.
Park Commissioner A. 0. Graham re
cclvcd a telegram yesterday from Senate
Grejnowcg' DCS Moines conveying thi
agreeable iutclli&euco that Governor Lara
> eo has signed the Falrmount park bill , con-
Irmlng the city's title. The nccccssary leg-
slatlon hat been secured and this beautiful
park will not bo taken a\vny from the city ns
; aMly na n rortnln law firm of the city would
fain believe.
The Bnmc Old Tune.
In the police court yesterday morning
Judge Aylcsworth assessed the following
JDOZO taxes : Dick Smith , William Mat-quart
nnd A. Whttcman all fr.GO. A. White ,
charged with vaprancy wns released. John
Anderson was fined 810 nnd costs , amounting
in all to $15.55 , for nn assault on Contractor
Personal Paragraphs.
Mrs. Robert Huntlngton nnd Mrs , Frank
Holllduy nro visiting friends nt Oakland ,
Mrs. J. B. Howell. of Oakland , Is visiting
her sister , Mrs , E. B , Gardiner , of this city.
Mr. , and Mrs , II. W. Tilton loft last evening
for Fremont , Neb. , for a short visit with
Mrs , W , J. Scales Is absent In Mononn
county to attend the funeral of her mother ,
which takes place to-day.
On Tuesday evening March 20 , nt St. Paul
churoh , Mr. Frank 11. Lownn was united In
marriage to Miss EfUo Hall , Rov. G. J.
Mnckay officiating.
Drs. Mosor & Van Ness cure private
diseases. Rooms 4 and 5 , opera house
block. Telephone 273.
Struck by n Striker.
Detroit Free Press : Ho waited on the
corner for mo to come up. I saw , while
yet a lonp way oil , that he was dilapida
ted and hard-up. It woulel have ucen
plain to a man riding at a gallop that
there had been gross mismanagement of
his energies and finances. Ho kept
sizing mo up as I drew nearer. The
result appeared satisfactory until a dis
tance of ton feet separated us. Then a
wave of disappointment swept over his
face , or woulu have tlono so had it been
given half a show. Ho was disappointed
in mo. 1 didn't look like a man who'd
yield up a quarter without giving value
received. I was just passing him when
ho changed his estimate and abandoned
his theory. I was the kind of a man
after all , and ho put out his hand and
whisperingly inquired :
"Can I speak with you a moment ? "
"Certainly. "
"Thanks. I have a letter hero from
my brother in Chicago. He writes that
my wife is dead , and of course I want
to go home. Could you snare me a
quarter towards mv railroad mroV"
"Oh , yes. "
"Many thanks. T tell you , mistorI'm
playing'in hard luck. "
"So you aro. Sorry for you. "
That evening I mot him face to face
two blocks further down. Wo recog
nized each other instantly. I was about
to ask him if ho had succeeded in get
ting a ticket when he said :
"Say , mister , lot mo speak with you. "
"Certainly. "
"It's the first time I over had to ask
for anything of the sort , but I want to
got to Chicago. Hero's a letter inform
ing mo of the death of my wife. "
KAnd of course you want mo to give
you a lift financially. Will a quarter
be of any help ? "
"Oh. yes , sir , and I thank you over
so much. Heaven will surely reward
you. "
That night ho went on a howling
drunk and was arrested , but when taken
to the police court ho bogged off. Ho
was considerably rattled , but on the
second day ho placed himself across my
path again. I could realize as I came
along that ho was thinking :
" bald-head I've
"Hero comes that old -
hit twice before. Ho came down so easy
I'll try him again. "
Ana as J came up ho cleared his
throat and said ,
"Say. mister , just let me speak a word
to vou. "
l1Ccrtainly. "
"Hero is a letter from Chicago inform
ing me of the death of my wife. "
"Poor fellow ! "
"And I want to go homo to-night. "
"Of course you do. The train leaves
f Jom the Third street/dopot at 8 o'clock. "
"Yes , sir , but I'm broke , sir. I'm just
out of the hospital , and if you could chip
in a little I'd bo so very "
"Why , of course. Here's a quarter
for you , and I hope you'll have no
trouble getting enough to buy your
ticket. I'm always terry for a man in
your fix. "
"Bless you , sir ! I'll never forgot this ,
never ! "
This was early in the morning. At 6
o'clock , as I wont homo , I saw him about
a block away. Ho was waiting for me ,
and ho intended to say :
"Sorry , sir , to have to trouble you
again. You are the gent who so kindly
gave mo a quarter this morning to help
buy my ticket to Chicago. I lack a dollar
lar yet. and if I dared to hope that is ,
if you would bo &o kind of heart as to
give mo another quarter I think I could
manage. "
And ho had it all planned out that I
would reply :
"Oh. yes. I remember you. And you
still lack a dollar ? Hero , take this
half. "
But when I had approached him with
in twenty feet and ho was clearing his
throat to got the proper pathos worked
up a runaway horse came along and
created a diversion. A crowd gathered
and in the excitement the striker lost
sight of mo. I saw him trotting around
through the crowd in search of a hare ,
but ho failed to hit my trail. At S
o'clock next morning , how < 5ver : fortune
smiled on him again. Ho didn't intend
to take chance this time. Ho had prob
ably reasoned during the night that if I
saw him waiting for me I would stop
short or turn back. Ho was therefore
hidden in a doorway and ho came out
upon mo suddenly and began :
"Heaven knows how hard it is for mete
to have to ask another favor of you whc
have boon so kind , but "
"Favor of mo ? " I never granted you
a favor. 1 never saw your face before ,
What is it man ? "
' Why sir I want to go to Chicago to
bury my wife. "
"Oh , I see. And you havn't the
money to pay your fare ? "
"That's it , sir. "
"Well , I'm sorry for you. Hero's o
quarter and I hope you'll have nc
trouble raising the rest. "
"Thank you , sir , and I'll never forgel
it. "
If ho laid for mo again that day ho
missed mo , hut next morning ho once
more barred the way. Ho came up tc
me quite contldohtly and wild :
"You remember of giving mo a quarter -
tor yesterday , I suppose ? "
"You ? No , sir.1 '
"It was to help mo to Chicago to hurj
my wife , "
"No recollection of any such thing ,
sir. "
' But you are certainly the gent who
has given mo money four or live times
this week , to help mo buy a ticket. "
"I bog your pardon , sir. I never saw
you before. Good day , sir. "
Ho stared after mo with open mouth
and next day I saw him in the police
court on trial for vagrancy. I wen over
to him and asked him if ho had buried
his wife , and if ho didn't feel broke un ,
urd if a quarter would do him good ,
and after a long , hard stars utmohc
replied :
"Say , you go to Halifax. "
Th Newer Way.
The husiness of Burglary having Re
turned but a small Margin for bovoral
years , a Circular was issued and all
Prominent 'Burglars gathered in Con
vention , After B&vornl snoechoq had
been mndo by lending spirits , Billy the
Kid offered the following Preamble nnd
Resolution : ! '
"Whereas , The business of Burglary
has steadily declined for several years
past : and , < >
"whorcai , Thq reason for this decli
nation lies in.tho Fact of Opposition to
each other ; now.-thoreforo. '
"Resolved , ThHttho Burglars of this
country organize themselves into n
Trust for tlio purpose of Maintaining
Remunerative rales. "
On motion of Jimmy Safe-Blower , the
above was put to Vbto ami Unanimously
adopted , nnd the convention adjourned
with great good feeling.
The Story of Its Klse In ARrloultural
nnd Commercial Importance.
Was there over a history , this side of
Cinderella , of the uprising of humility
like that of ootton-seed ? asks the At
lanta Constitution.
For seventy years despised as a nuis-
nnco and burned or dumped as gar
Then discovered to ho the very food
for which the soil was hungering , and
reluctantly admitted to the rank of ugly
Shortly afterward found to bo nutri
tious food for beast as well as soil , and
thereupon trcatcn with something like
Once admitted to the circle of farm
husbandries , found to hold thirty-ilvo
gallons of pure oil to the ton , worth in
its crude state $14 to the ton , or $40,000-
000 for the wbolo crop of seed.
But then a system was devised for re
fining this oil up to a value of $1 a gal
lon and the frugal Italians placed a cask
of it at the root of every olive tree and
then defied the JJorean breath of the
And then experience showed that the
ton ofcotton-seed was a better fertilizer
and a bettor stock food when robbed of
its thirl.y-livo gallons of oil than before.
And that tbo hulls of the bced made
the best of fuel for feeding an oil-mill
Ami that the ashes of the hulls
scooped from the.cngino's draft had the
highest commercial value as potash.
And that the "refuse" of the whole
made the best and purest soap stock to
carry to the toilet the perfumes of
lubin or cologne.
About this time wo began to sp ll
cotton seed with capital letters.
And how it traveled abroad in its
various dscsses ! As meal cakes it whit
ened the meadows of England with
woolly ileeces and fattened the British
oattlo under the oaks ; it sputtered on
the stoves of the dutch in lieu ol lard ; it
glistened in the cafes of Paris as olive
oils under seals and signatures it could
not oven pronounce to save its life , and
from under the dikes of Holland it went
forth to parade in all the bravery of but
ter and buttcrinc. " '
Jn our own country it removeeT the
wasting strengthof , southern Holds and them witH whitoncss that would
shame the the fleeces of England land ,
or yellow that would pale the ileeces of
Argonauts. I knocked the western hogs
into spots and poured the western lard
out of the frying-pan into the lire. It
furnished the Armours ami Fairbanks
with a pure substitute for the rancid fat
they had been shipping us , anel sug
gested the possibility of a clean and
" " "
cheap lard.
And about this time congress jumped
on to cotton seed vithboth feet and pro
posed to check i\s further career by a
prohibitory law.
And now comes a gentleman of this
city with a process by which he extracts
thirty gallons of line oil from every ton
of cotton seed meal after the oil mills
had done with it. In the "tailings" of
the oil mills ho finds this unexpected
and ample store , which he deftly ex
tracts with naptha , leaving the meal
more nutritious as food for beast or field
than before he took $10 a ton from it.
This process ho has proved repeatedly
in his labratory , and next week will
prove in wider practice in a mill erected
for the purpose near Atlanta. This in
vention will add 40 per centtotho quan
tity of oil taken by the old process from
a given quantity of seed.
More than this , it suggests the splen-
diel possibilities yet undeveloped for
this rural Cinderella that has risen all
so swiftly from the ashes and the waste
The SwectcHt Girl in School.
"She's the sweetest girl in school ! "
cnthubiastically exclaimed ono young
miss to another , as they passed down
the street togethpr. "Edith is so kind ,
and gentle , and unselfish , every ono
likes her. And she has lovely golden
hair and pretty oyca. Isn't a pity her
complexion is so bad ; itspoils her looks.
And then she has such dreadful head
aches ! " The girls skipped along , but
it happened Edith's mother had heard
what they said. It sot her thinking.
What could bo done for those head
aches and the rough , muddy complex
ion , that was"such a trial to her daugh
ter. She recalled what she had read of
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery ,
and on the spur of the moment she
slipped into a drug store and bought a
supply. Edith took it faithfully , with
the result that it cleared her disordered
blood , relieved the headaches , made her
skin soft , fair and rosy , and now she ie
not only the "sweetest girl in school , "
but the most beautiful.
A Hungry Customer "Who Kept an
Kyi ) on tlio Oysters in tlio Pan.
Philadelphia North American : He
wandered into a down-town restaurant
and gravitated toward the counter
whore oysters are cooked to order while
you wait. Ho was a tall man , with n
nose like a horn fcpoon and a general air
of financial paralysis. He climbed up
on ono of the ntools reserved for cus
tomers who desire to watch the bivalvee
cooked , and gentry whispered "Fry. "
The cook nodded nnd began prepara
tions at onco. It was none too soon for
the tall man , He apparently had not
eaten a fried oyster since 1873 , and ho
watched the counting out of six much
bolloured oysters with intense interest.
Leaning over the counter toward the
cook , ho whispered insinuatingly :
"Say , "
"What do you want ? "
"Aro tbosoallAl Havanas straight ? "
"What ? "
"I mean are they the best brand ol
oysters ? "
"Regular thing for fries , " answered
the cook , impatiently.
There was a silence for a moment
while the oysters went into thopanaiTd
"Say. "
"What is it ? "
"I noticed that the fourth oyster was
smaller than the others ; can't you
throw in another for good luck ? "
"Impossible , " the cook answered
shortly , us ho put the oysters on the fire.
And then the hungry customer concen
trated his whole soul in his eyes and
watched the spluttering and frying pro
cess begin. Suddenly a drop of grease
fell into the lire , and a popping Bound
and a blaze resulted. The effect on the
hungry watcher was tremendous. Ho
( sprang up excitedly on his btool , leaned
far over the counter with his eyea fas *
toned on the pan , and called :
"Put in another , put in another ; the
big yeller oyster haa bust ! "
CjrECIAkmlvertlscmcnts , such ns Ixist , Found ,
O To Loan , For Snip. To He ntyttuls , Hoarding
etc. _ will Jbo Inserted In this . colunih at the low
rixto of TUN OBNT8 I'KU .UNB for the urst In
sertion nnd Five Cents Per Uno for each sufose-
( liicnt insertion. Invo advertisements nt our
odirp. No. 12 1'enrl Street , near Urondwnv. Coun-
ell lllugg. lovjQt _
THAI ) R A clean stock of clothlm ? , huts ,
JL boots nnd shoes , for Council HlutTs or
Omnhn property , or for land In this vicinity.
Address II W , Dee ofllco , Council 1111108.
WANTKD A Rood shoerankcr with hit of
tools and lift ) capital ; peed opening nt
Lnlca View. I will furnish Rlion room lu my
general store rent free. For further particulars
address J. I1. Thcrkel'scn , l.nfeo View. Sac Co. .
la. , or rail on Joseph Thcrkclscn , ill Upper
Ifroftdmiy , Council UmfTs.
TT10H ItfiNT Furnished room for gentlemen.
-L three blocks from dummy depot , Hefer-
cnccs required. Address 8. & P. lleo omce.
TT10H SAJjE Very cheap for cash or would ex-
JL ? change for Council Hinds or Omaha prop
erty. a rctnll stock of boots and shoes valued nt
t5M)0. ) Cnll nt store No , BO 8. 13th St. . Omaha ,
or address U , Martin , eamo place and number.
TTlUUNlTUKK-lIought , sold nnd exchanged ;
-L' nl o storage and commission in good , light ,
nlry.flrn-prooi building. Inquire nl store No.
110 North 13th st. It. Martin , Omaha , Neb.
Ul'lToLSTRUtNO and Furnltnro repairing
dononently nnd promptly ! work guaran
teed. Household gooas ana furniture bought
nndoold. L. 31. Leuls , No. 110 North 13th et , ,
POll SAIjIl At n bargain , 40 acres near stock
yards. South Omaha , Neb. , Johnson &
Christian , Itoom 35 , Chamber of Commerce ,
O in nh a.
WANTHD Two furnished nnd ono unfur
nished room uy family of two ; references
exchanged. Address Z. lice ofllcc. _
" \XTANTKD A girl to do general housework ;
VV small family , convenient kitchen. 7098th
. Stocks of merchandise. Hnvo
WANTF.D nnd Council lUtills city property ,
also western land to exchange for goods. Call
on or address Johnson & Christian , lloom Uo ,
Chamber of Commerce , Omaha. _
- 000 acres ef lands In exchange
for a , lute and valuable invention. Largo
profits nnd sells on sight ; no experience ro-
milrcd. Addrobs Lock Box llttt , Council llluKs ,
WANTED First-class cook at Creston house ,
Council lllntrs , lown.
And a'.l on account of the
TftJicy hail bonylit their groceries of
Gash Grocers !
This would not liavo happened and
this family would saved from 10 to 20
per cent beside. Send for catalogue of
prices. Special prices to clubs of 6 or
moro. No. 345 Middle Broadway ,
Council Blulls.
CARTER & SON , Prop's.
Manufacturers of
/ / / Kinds of Steam Boilers & Sheet Iron Work
Orders by mall for repars promptle attended
to. Satisfaction feuaranteed. 10th Avenue. Ad
dress Ofden Holler Works. Council IlIulTa , Iowa
D. H , MoDANELD & CO. ,
Hides. Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
20 and K2J Male Street.Council DluITsJowa.
COO Broadway Council Illtiffu , Iowa. Established
Standard No. 4098 , chestnut stallion , foaled
April ] 0 , 1882. Bred by C. J. Hamlln , Buffalo ,
N , Y. , sired by Almpnarch ( record a : !
son of Almont , llrst dam , Lucy , by Hamlln's
Patctilu , Biro of tlio dam of Boll Hamlln
( record 2:13 : % ) ; second dam by nysdyk's
Humblotonlnn , Norway stands 16) $ hands
high , and can trot better than 2BO. : This
stallion will bo permitted to serve a few
mares at (35 the season from March 1st to
July 1st. For particulars enquire of
Council Bluffs Driving Park , or No. 417
South 14th St , , Omaha.
miT i r T rrfrrn
11 muiuii11 uuiiuijv/iii
Council UlulTs , la.
Veterinary Dentistry a Specially
Full Assortment of Harness tioods Con
btnutly on Hand ,
Repairing Neatly nud Promptly Done ,
NO. 205 MAIN ST. ,
405 405
No. 201 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
CO. ,
Especially Designed for.
25 TO 250 -AND
Branch House , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
Orders taken at Ponroso & Hardon's , S. 13th St. , Omaha , Nob.
Tlio Greatest Invention of the Ago )
liuptnre or Hernia a Specialty !
Makes Female Diseases a Specialty ,
Cures nil kinds of Chronic Diseases that are curable with his most Wonderful Vegetable Ilem J
es. Is the oldest ami most successful specialist In the west. Call and see him. Oflico No. HJl
arl st. . Council UlulTs , Iowa. Office hours:8 : to 12 a. m ; 1 to 5 and 0 to 8 p. in. |
JEWEL Vapor Stoves and RANGES
BUILDER'S Hardware nnd House Furnishing GOODS
504 BROADWAY , 1
And Get That licautirul Pattern of
JII3 UOKH Aljlt KIM > H Ul '
And Has None Hut Lxpei ieucud Workmen.
No. 1H Pearl St. , : i Council Uluffii.
Carriage aDd Express Line
Telephone No. 33.
The finest llneof l.umhuis. ( Caches and Hacks
n the city. Tlio only line authorized to answer
calls turned in to Am. DIM. Tel , Co.
$5,000 AT DEATH !
t25 weekly indemnity for Injury. Costs but
113 per year in the UUV Reliable united States
Mutual Accident Association of Now Vork.
. , General Aptnti ,
Jloom 3 , Opera Houto lllotk. <
No. 652 Broadway. Opera House Bloclqj
Council Bluffs. Telephone No. 284. I
724 BUG AD WAY , OP-8TA1I18 1
In ready to furnish flrBt-dafialielpof all kind * ;
contoactors , hotels , restaurants and prlvatK
f 100 per month made by young lady or ( 'entlo *
man. Inquire at this ofilce. Tj
A. CX L.AKSEN. . j
References ; First Nut'l Bank. < l
_ _ y
Star Stables and Mule Yardm
Hroadwny , Council Uluffs , Opp. Dummy Depot
Horses and mules constantly on hand , tor
tftlo ut retell or In car load lots.
Orders promptly tilled by contiact on
.Stock sold on commission.
Telephone IU. bCIIMJTUIl & HOr.KV. . S
Opposite Duumy Depot , Cojncll llluita. ,
JCli DOUGLAS tit' . , OMAUA.NEUf. ' \