I OMATTA DATTry BEE : SATURDAY , MAKOH 24. 1888. COLIPIMTS OF SHIPPERS. 'ttho Intor-Stato Commission Hoara the Grie'vnnco of Beatrice. A FARM HAND'S CROOKEDNESS. Ho HotM Ills Kmploycr of Money txnd Gold Illngfl nd Absconds Dis trict ConrtSiillfl Cnpltnl City News. CrnoM TUB TIF.E'S LINCOLN The Intcr-fltnto commerce commission con- United Its session In this city yesterday In the closing work of hearing complaints nt this point. The Jlrst cnio Uiltcn up yesterday wns thoono Brought by the Beatrice board of trade and citizens against roads centering there. The complaint was found defective In many ways , especially as the rates of a num ber of roads were made the subject of com plaint against the local road terminating In the city. Their- complaint alleged that the Union Pacific discriminated against the place on eastern shipments but they failed to cite the eastern connections that assisted in formulating the rate exacted. Discrimina tion was cited ns being made by the Union Paclllc nnd Burlington roads against Beat rice and in favor of Omaha , Lincoln nnd Hastings. The commission decided to ac cept testimony notwithstanding the lack of the pnK3r | to como up to the requirements. A number of Bcatlco citizens wcro put upon the stand nnd their testimony given. They testified that ono complaint was that n nuinoer of Interior towns wcro given Mis- Bourl river rates , while the same rates or pro- pOrtionnto rates , were denied to them , /anong the places cited as Laving this advan tage in rates nro Tccumsch , Auburn , Pawnco City and Dunbar. Testimony was also given , regarding the rates on lumber nnd merchan dise now in force on shipments to that point compared with rates on like shipments at other times , Ono of the remaining Lincoln cases was practically consolidated with this Beatrice caso. A good many Beatrice cltt- v.ons wcro In attendance at the hearing of this case nnd a number of proihlncnt attor neys and citizens from other parts of the state have listened to the different coses. During their stay in this city the commls- plon have had rooms at the Windsor hotel Vvhoro a number of citizens have called upon them. Judge Cooley is always ready to talk [ aw. William U. Morrison talks politics. JMr. Walker talks about the western country which ho greatly enjoys and Mr. Bragg is nu Uttentlvo listener to all. uommn ms F.MH.ornn. Paul Wiggins , , a farm hand , wns having a preliminary hearing yesterday before the county court. The night before Wiggins , Whp works for a farmer named Frank Ab bott , seven miles west of the city- disap peared , nnd when an investigation was made Mr. Abbott found that ho had taken with him some ? 50 In cash , n check given by S. W. jBiirnlmm for $32 , and three cold rings. The bfllccrs were notified , and Wiggins was dis covered at West Lincoln , whore ho was at tempting to cash the check and had already endorsed it over. None of the missing money \vaa found on his person , but the rings wcro there. Abbott has been engaged in buying cattle for S. W. Burnhnui , and had received jbho check nnd cash the day prior to the night Of the thieving. > DISTRICT COURT CASES. The Jury in the case of Hoxio vs. Kelley for civil damages has been out two days , and n damage case against the Missouri Pacific is also in a jury'shands. The case of Burns vs. jDurfeo was on trial yesterday. Sarah B. Rowland has sued her husband , iloseph B. Rowland , for divorce on the fcround of wilful desertion -since the 3rd of February , 1884. The parties were married in 1878 in Makondn , 111. , and the defendant is a dentist by profession. Hutcblns and Parker have commenced Buit against George Boardmari to recover the bmount of u , note for 8150.50 duo ; u 1837. At tachment proceedings have been taken in connection with the case. Duvld May has commenced foreclosure proceedings against H. C. Blltenbcndcr , Frank J. Bibley and Alice P , Sibloy to secure the title to lots In Grant's addition to Lin coln given as security to certain promissory notes. The attachment papers In court filed ngainst A. D. Guile , the furniture dealer , are lield by different wholesale furniture houses. Applications to have the attachments dis solved have been filed nnd will bo heard by the court at an early day. In the J. Friend & Son failure case a number of attachments liuve been Issued by parties whoso claims were not secured by chattel mortgage. JrilB NEBRASKA W.BVATOU AND GHAIN COMPAXT bf this city has fllea nrtioles of Incorporation with the county clerk. The company com prises a number of grain men from different parts of the state , Lincoln and Plattsmouth buyers being unanimously represented , and the total number of incorporators number a majority of grain buyers on the B. & M. line In this section of the stato. The principal place of business is at Lincoln. The capital Btock upon which they open business is (5,000 nnd tills is to bo increased from time to time OS required , to $2,000,000. The incoruorators lire Thomas W. Lowry , Patrick Eagan , Joseph Alex Connor , J. M. Sewoll , Mason CrcgK , C. F. Brown. William Loudon , O. T. Hulburd , H. M. Olliver , G. W. Wirt. W. J. Crandall , F. E. White , M. Morriscy and R. D. Lawson. C1TV ITEMS , "Tho county commissioners will advertise " " for bids for the now court house- building on the 1st of April , " said County Clerk Boll Vostorday , "provided the architect has his plans ready , and wo have Ills promise that they will bo forthcoming on that dato. " The contest for the republican nomination for police judge promises to bo a warm ono In this city. The ofllco is a political plum of iio small slzo and thus far W. J. Houston , J. K. Phllpot. Major Hastings nnd J. M. Eddy pro In the ilold with throu wards yet to hear from. The regents have completed the work of their mcotlncr nnd adjourned to meet In June unless called In special session previous to that time. The building committee willhavo nn omwrtunjty to push things on the new buildings for which the last session made nppioprlntlons , nnd It is the Intention to have the buildings completed by September , Ono year ugo a savings bank department was opened In the city schools In which once uach week the children who desired could . jnnko deposits from ono penny upwards. The BUOCCSS of the plan is shown by the fact that those deposits for the year have amounted to $3,881.81. The prohibition party has billed the city * for political meetings from now until the Spring election , They nro to have a meeting every evening until that dato. The dilTorcni wards nro to have local meetings and all IB to wind up with u grand rally the night before election. The stnto live stock commission has or- angomcnts mndo to have seven veterina rians in the Held after April 1 , and cverj case docketed will bo disposed of as speedily ns possible. Spenkor Harlan , of York , in the city Erecting friends. SOUTH OMAllyy NEWS , M. A. Dudley , Fremont , had two cars of cattle on the market. C. H , Winshlp Is In from Fremont with two cars of cattle. Stretch & Decnman are In from Valparaiso \vith ( our loads of cattle. P. McMullon , of Lyons , has two loads of cattleon the market. F. Wi Hole Is In from Chicago , represent ing the packing flrni of Miller Halo & Co. Yesterday afternoon graders commenced Burfaciug N street between Twonty-fourtl Bticet and the track. J. B. Erlon loaves for Denver to-day whore ho will represent the Stockman at the cattle raisers' convention. . Ho will bo away n week. Father Morlarity returned to his Soul ) Omaha parish yesterday , and found all the friends he had loft and more too , The heirs of the late W. A. Evans draw 3,000 insurance- from the Masonm Benevolent lent association , $2COO going to his widow siul $1,000 to ills daughter. The "pulling match" resulted in the South Omaha man pulling 150 from his Omalm ri val. Ho pulled it yesterday afternoon. South Omaha has Inventors asvoll as Other citherns , Ed. B. Merrill , invented a failroad frog-protector and yesterday sold a half interest to 0. Akofor for fbOU. , Aithur Hothery will in future give Jcssonf In the manly nrt to the Sporting Sons of Erin club. The membership 1 * growing rapidly and a grand ball talked about. Friends of John. O'Rourko arc not satisfied With the icstilt of the Third ward demo cratic meeting nnd won't lot him retire. Ho will be out on an Independent democratic ticket and will no doubt make things lively. John A. Kohoo , president of the Livestock Shippers' association , loft lor Lincoln yester day. Ho will present the claims of ship pers to the Intor-stato commission , nnd will prefer charges against several roads. Pat Rowley UnoWoutln regular order as n candidate for city treasurer. Proceedings of the meeting which decided ho shuld run , nnd his rensonn for coming out , will bo-pub- llshcd , but are now held back for want of space. Guests nttho Exchange hotel yesterday were F. W. Hule , Chlcago.E. H. Wllcox , Wnhoo , Neb. , M. A. Dudley , Fremont , Nob. , C. H. Wlnchlp , Fremont , Neb , , W. H. Colcman , Greenwood , Neb. , Alva Smith , Wnvcrly , Neb. , nnd John Hoag , Wnkoflcld , Neb. At the board of trade meeting , the following gentlemen were elected as a > onrd of directors,1 Foi-threo years , J. C. Jarrnl , D. Anderson , C. M. Hunt , Frank loyd nnd C. C. Van ICuren ; for two years , I. O. Miirtln. F. M. Smith , J. A. Doc , H. II. Mcday nnd W. II. Beckett ; for ono year , J. 3. Krlon , J. F. Hltthhnrt , Z < Cuddlngton , Frank Persons and E. H. Howlandi Thursday night the council met nnd ap pointed the following officials md polling places election day : "Mrst ward polling place nt ? rankPlvonka's : clerks , L. Carpenter , E. L. Lane ; judges , Thomas Dowllng , J. Ander son. Second ward polling place nt Judge levy's olllco ; clerks , J. S. Miller , J. Nelson , George Donnelly ; Judges , J. Levy , J. Wol- vertson. Third ward polling place at Pat lowloy's old stand , Q street ; clerks , fohn Gorman , O. Connell ; judges , Thomas Ryan , Phlnney , J. Maher , fourth ward , polling place. Exchange bulki ng. Clerks. K. A. Sterns , C. A. Harnlo ; udgcs , W. Bennett , M. Murphy , and C. W. 31ynn. ONE JUDGE MAUUY8 ANOTHER. Peculiar Ceremony Presided Over By Mr. Shields. When Judge Shields canio down to the county court yesterday morning to deal out justice ho drew from his inside pocket a mar- iago licenses which ho deposited in the pigeon hole sot apart for the reception ofthcso irccious documents. The judge looked like a nan who had performed some sort of n jcuovolcnt net for his fellow man , and his face was wreathed in smiles. To a BEB re- iorter Iio said that ho had been "exchanging .Ho courtesies of the profession" nnd had united in the holy bonds of matrimony frco of charge Hon. O. C. Tarpcnnlng , of Wahoo , county judge of Saunders county , and Miss Frankie Compton. of Ashland , Neb. The ceremony was performed at the Mlllard , and the judtrc , after shaking hands with the newly made couple and wishing them long life and happiness , took his departure. The curious feature about the ceremony being performed in Omaha instead of at the homes of the bride or groom was that Mr. Tarpcnnlng could not issue his own marriage llcen'se , nor could ho become possessed with ono unless ho resigned his of llco and deputized tv man vested with the full power of n county judge to do it. After this being done , Mr. Tarponning feared complica tions might arise , anil rather than have to po through all these formalities ho and his brldo decided to como to this city and bo married. There is a case on record where a county Judge resigned and deputized his clerk as Judge long enough to secure a. marriage per mit. This was the cnso of ex-County Judge McCulloch , who was serving on 'the bench when ho married , and temiwrarily endowed his clerk. George Gurley , with all the pow ers of Judge. A Twenty Dollar Objection. Paddy Ryan , the pugilistic negro who was ejected from the meeting of colored voters Thursday night on account of disorderly con duct , was called to account by the police magistrate yesterday afternoon. The only excuse ho had to offer was that ho disagreed with some of the speakers , but the Judge thought this was insufficient to justify his unparliamentary proceeding and fined him $20 and costs. Boils , pimples , hives , ringworms , tot ter , nnd nil other manifestations of im pure blood ure cured by Hood's Sarpa- parilla. Pnvlner For Fremont. Ross L. Hammond , editor of the Fremont Tribune , is in the city. The purpose of Mr Hammond's visit is to investigate the various systems of pavement. ThoTribuno is agitat ing the question of paving the streets o Fremont and the people nro deeply intercstcx in the matter. It Is very probable that BOY oral of the streets ef that thriving city wil be substantially paved in n short timo. For Tliroat Diseases , Cnuglis , Colds , etc. , effectual relief is found in the usu ol "Biown's Bronchial 'li-ocltca. " Price 2" cts. Sold only in boxes. Mrs. Bnllniitlno'a Grief. Mrs. W. C. Ballantlno was called to Brunswick , Mo. , Monday by the serious ill ness of her mother. On reaching her * old homo the lady wns informed that her mothoi was dead , and to add to her weight of woe she found her father prostrate and in n ser ious condition. Mrs. Ballantino is tuo wife of the chief clerk of the internal rovcnuo ofllcc , this city. Graceful forms , abundant tresses , Sparkling eyes our praise invite , But a blemish that distresses And the loveliest face will blight- Teeth uucleanly and unheeded ; SOZODONT for such is needed. Licensed to Wed. The following marriage licenses were Is sued yesterday by Judge Shields : Name and Residence. Ago O. C. Tarponn Ing , Wahoo , Neb aj , Frankie Compton , Ashland , NebX \ George F. Holcomb , Munoy , In 2 ; Dalsoy Douglass , _ . Lehlgh . , Neb * 18 An exchange says : There are more puns made on Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup free of oluirgo , than nro paid for by the owners. A good thing deserves the notice of the press. In the treatment of rheumatism , gout neuralgia , sciatica , &c. , Salvation Oi should bo thoroughly rubbed in. I kills pain. Price 1J5 cents. Mrs. Mount llocoveriiifr , Mrs. Mount , the estimable wife of Countj Commissioner Mount , who hud her shoulde dislocated by falling at her residence on Cnpl tel avenue BOTIIO days tigo , is slowly iccover- ing from her injury. CSE Its superior excellence proven In million * o homes for more than a quarter ol a ceutury , 1 U used bo t lie I'uitad States Government. Kr. donod br tbe heads ot the Cfteat Untvti titles HI the btrongttat , Purest und Most lIvaUhf.nl. Dr I'rlao'B ( "rtain Unking 1'ou der doei , not coutatt Ammonia , l.liue or Alum. Sold only in cant lUtlCBlJAKINal'OWDEUOJ. New YorkChlcacu at. Loula A SURE CURE OR NO PAY. Our Magic Remedy WILL POSITIVELY CURE p AttHTPtillllteTllitMAt , ef rerun t or Ion * iUnolnr.tn tnm ten lo Bitten di > ; > . We will ( tlfo wnu n guar- untfes to cur njr m oor refund yonrmon T. Ami we would lay to tliosa-who liav eniplorcJ the moil Wiled lTiyi > lf1iii > , used e ry known rmedr nd into not been cured , that rou arn the iub ] cti we am ooVlnrfor. Von that hme been to tbe cel bratlj lot ftyrlnfi ot ArfcaniM , and bare lot I all Uop ol Cure You ernake no chane/ Our remedy It nnknnwn to anr me In the world cmtildt ot onr Company , aud It II * e only remedy in tbe world that will cure yon. Wa will cure tbe toot obstinate caia In led Ibanont nonth. Serin dayt In recent catti does tha work. It the old , chronic , deep- eau > d > ei tbat we tollctt. lYebarocnrcd hundreds wbo had been abandoned by 1'hyslclan * and prononnotd lucurabl * , and We Challenge tha World to bring ni acaie that we will not euro In lots than one month. Binc tb0 hlitory ot medicine , a True Specific for Syphilitic..Eruptions. Ulcera. Bora mould , Ao. , bal Dten ion I for but noror found until Our Magic Remedy M dlneorertd , and we fire jnitlfled In taring It It the only remedy In tbe world ( bat will posftlTcly cure , because tbe latest medical work ! , published by the beit known authorities , say there wai nerer true ineclBo before. Our Ilemcdy It tbe only medicine In too world tbat will cure when OTcrrthlnd olio bin tailed. It hat been to conceded by a fare numberof Celebrated I'hytlciant. IT HAS KETCH YET f AILIO to CUHK. Why wtsta your time and money wltb. talent mrdlclnrs tbat nercr had rlrtue , or doctor llh phytlclenn that cannot cure you. Ton tbatbara tried oTcrytMne elsa should come to us now and net permanent relief ) yon nerer can net Ucl cwber . Mark what no tayt In the end you must take oar Itemedr or NKTKn recover. And you that hare been afflicted but a tbort time should by all means come to mow , Many RRt help anil think theya re free from the dlseuo , hut In one , two or three ycara after , It aEI'ean again In n nior * horrible form. lUTeitlgaM onr financial ptandlnK through the mer cantile agoncte * and note that we are fully respontl * Die and our written guarantee ! are pood. Wo hata a IliMrnr prepared on purely Scientific IMnclplet and wewlth to repeat thatltNBVKU JTA1I3 To cum. All Itttera tacrediy conddenUal. THE COOK HEMEDY CO. , Omaha , ' Neb. B emi 16 and 17 Uellman Block. t The Only Remedy FOR Contagious Blood Poison. Mr. D. D , Adanif , Union. Sonth Carolina , Writes i " I vru amicted with a terrible caio of blood poison for about thirteen month ! . I . waa treated by th * bctt phytlclant , and UIHX ! Tarlona kind * of romndlci , but received no lubstantlal relief. I finally tried tbo Swift Specific , and about four bottles cured ino ( onnd and well. " Col. n. II. Kleser , editor and proprietor of the Orxellka. Ala. . Timet , under date of Angust 3. 1837. writes ! "When I was a youac man , through Indiscretion , I con. tractcd a dUcas which lias stuck to me for yean. Homo five or six yean clnca I was troubled with pains , BO at to make It difficult tor me to walk. Having adrertlicd the B. 8. a In my paper foraoveral years , I concluded I would try It to ECO If Iboro was any efficacy la th medicine. I commenced uslnf It according to directions amdunod half dozen bottles. Iwatoncoata iray station and , getting left. I walked the cevea miles and' hate never felt any return of the old malady. After experiencing the good ort ; U I must say I am satisfied with the result. I am tlxty eight years of age and if eel now like a young man andean BO to the cat * when necessary and set up from elz to eight thousand omt without any Incoa * Tcnienoc. I tend you this without solicita tion. tion.Mr. . F. Wo hl,311 North Avenue , Chicago , under date ot Juno 12 , I887wriu : "Ideom It my duty to thank you for the euro I ro * celved from your excellent medicine. Icon , tractcd a very severe case ot blood poison * tag about two years ngo. Bearing of your medicine , I went to a drug store , the pro prietor of which persuaded me to buy a preparation of bis own , which he said wa csure cure. luted six bottles of his sturt and grow worse all the time. At lostlROt dhguited and denpalred of a cure. I met a friend who told me tbat your medicine had cured him. I went to the saino druggist gain and demanded your medicine. Ho re luctantly sold me twelve bottles , anil I am BOW perfectly ourcd. I write this for the Benefit of suffereri , to prevent their t lng deceived br fal representations. I thank you again for tha benefit derived from your medlclao. " . . t Dr. J. N. Cheney , a prominent physician , residing In Ellavllle , Schley County , Georgia. In a letter recounting tbe lufalllble tucce&i bo has In curing contagious blood ixilson , cases la his extouslvo practice , writes ! Those who know tbo almost Inevitable , permanently dangerous effect * of mfcrcury will welcome your discovery of 8.8 S.ota boon to humanity. The medical profession , always wnrv of proprietary medicines. Is coming slowly .and In some case * secretly , totuo use of B.fi.8. In coses of blood dis order. Of course a medicine that cures poisoning In Its wont form must purify th * blood of every disorder. " TrcsUto on Blood and Skin DUcases mailed free. TiutBivrrrSntcinoCo. . Drawer 3. Atlanta , Go. CWCDV Seabury's Ilydronaplithol Sonp Li till for promptly curing nil skin niul ecnlp diseases sncli ns eczemnrlng r I III ! V worm , tetter , blotchea.blnck bpots rAlYllL I barbers * Itch , dandruff , scaly unip tlons or roughness , fulling hair minii n &c' . * c. It Is highly inculcated , \Hnill I ! BH'oetly scented , and disinfects nil OIIUULU gink , , baslni. tubs , A.C. , througli Which it passes. U AUC llydronnpthol I'nstilles/for purl U H V k tylns sick rooms , closets and apart incuts where disease germs luik When burned In such places they impart n most delightful odor V , hlch is i erreshlni ? to Iho nick unt agreeable to all other occupants. Jlead's Corn nnd Hunloii I'lasters quickly leducu Inlluiuruatlon nnd OK Pie nf boon euro corns nnd biinlonnthere L\J Ulo i ul by bringing relief ami comfoitto thomands of euirerers. BKAliUUY & JOHNSON , Bolo ilanutacturers , Nwv VOHIC She Tried and Knows. A IcftJlng chemist of New York eays : " No plasters oftucli merit us the A th-lo-pno-ros Plasters linrcevcr before been produced. " They nro a uovelty because they are not mndo simply to bell cheap , they are the best that science , skill nnd money can produce , and will do uhat U claimed for them , For sprains , nehes , weakness , lameness , etc. , they ure uncrmnlcd. W Fullon St. , Samluskr.O , Nov.21. ' 87. ' The Ath'.orihorrw I'la tcr artrd llkn iniirlc. It la the l"'t I ever tried and I liavu usnl many klncU. Our ilmnirfnt xald "plulf ra aruall alMiit the niuie" lint I don't think no now I tprslnnl my ami mm Mioiildrr in .Tnly , and it has it en 1'alnf ul Blucu , hut It iloii not pain me at all now. Urn , \VILUH MAGILU O-Scnd C cents for tha beautiful colored plo ture , "Moorish Jlttlden , " THE ATHLOPHQ QOSCO , 112 Wall St. N. Y. GOLD MEDAI , PABIS , 1878 , BAKER'S Warranted absolutely jnire Co eon , from wlilcli llio excess ot Oil lias been remortd , Itliai/Arct / limn tht itrenglh ot Cocoa mixed nltli Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar , nod I * therefore far more economi cal , ceiling leu than one cent a cup. It Is delicious , nourlinlnff , strengthening , tunllj digested , and admirably adapted for Invalids as well as for psrsoiusJiUiealtb. Sold bf Crofert ettrynliere. M BAKER & CO , , Dorclicsler , Mass , ! SS TEA Does not hare to be BOILED ONE HOUR , Dravt ( t fifteen minutes and you have a cup of delicious fragrance , for Sale By , W , II , liennett ft CM. , ISM. lilt Capitol Avenue , II. A. iNewmun.lJU St. Mao's Aiouuii. Max ffetr. U Bnutu lOlb btrcet. J.J.Owo k& llro. , UlSouth 13lh Street. C.lI.llanseu.i'JiKonh ICtti btreet. SCIEsTTiriG GLUCK . & WILKINSON. IF TOTT THINK OP PURCHASING A SPRING OVERCOAT A SPRING SUIT AT , FOR TA FOIJ 8 7.40 which was made to order $15.00 $ 8.GO which wns made to order. .918.00 8.20 IIII 10.00 9.00 . 10.60 0.80 IIII 18.00 10.20 IIII . 20.00 10.00 II 11.60 IIII . 23.00 11.70 u IIII 12.40 II . 25.00 12.40 iti II 2,5.60 13.20 u IIII . 20.00 13.GO i II 20.00 14.GO u IIII . 23.00 14.80 u II 23.50 16.30 u II . 30.00 15.30 II IIII 30.00 10.70 u II . 82.60 10.75 .1 II 80.50 17.15 u ; , r . 85.00 17.15 II II 33.00 18.35 IIu u . 38.00 18.05 II II . u II IIII 37.50 19.75 IIII . 40.00 10.35 III II 38.50 20.85 II II . 42.00 20.20 ( I II 40.50 21.70 II II . 45.00 21.05 II IIII 42.00 22.30 II II . 50.00 23.80 IIII IIII 45.00 25.CO IIII IIII . 52.00 2(5.60 ( II II 50.00 20.35 IIIt II , 55.CO 20.00 II II . It . IIII 65.00 S0.40 . GO.OO 28.7,5 II IIK GO.Oo 83.00 IIII IIkl . 05.00 . II K . II kl v 82.40 05.00 80.20 , 70.00 PAY A VISIT TO TH ISFIT PARLORS Farnam Street. Omaha. . 1119 N. B. Orders by mail receive prompt and careful attention. OB A OF SPRING PANTALOONS , AT . FOR AT FOB S 2.60 Which was made to order ' 8 5.00 9 2.75 Which woe made to order IJ ' .V $ 5.24 3.60 7.00 3.50 7.0fl 4.20 8.00 4.75 8.60 4.00 8.60 2.00 10.00 5.35 10.00 5.G5 10.60 6.85 10.50 0.00 12-00 0.30 12.00 7.80 18.00 7.25 14.00 7.40 14.00 8.10 10.00 8.05 1C.OO 0.05 18.00 8.85 17.00 0.85 19.00 0.30 18.00 10.20 20.00 0.85 18.60 20.60 10.00 20.00 21.00 10.35 22.00 11.80 man for wearin'g apparel to the Misfit Parlors , 1119 Farnam St. , Omaha. ( JIUTEFUL Epps's r Cocoa BREAKFAST. "fly a thorough knowledge ot the natural laws which BOTcrn the operation of digestion and nutri tion , nnd by careful nppllr&llnn of the flno properties of well'ducted Cocoa , Mr. Kups has provided our breakfast tables with a dollcntuly flavored liovonmo which nmy wivo us many henry doctor's bills. It la by the judlcloiK UFO of xucli nrtlcles of diet thatu constitution mar bo Krii'lunlly built up until 8lron enough to resist every tendency to rtlscaao. Hun dreds of subtle malHillcsnrotloatlnRnround us ruady tonltnck whcrovor tboro Is awcak point. We may ctxapaiuimya fHlalnhaft tiy keeping ourselves well fnrllNod with pure blood and a properly nourished frnme.-Clvll Service ( iarclto. Mude simply wltb bolltnir water or milk. Bold only In half pound tint l > y Croicra Inbclod thus ; JAMES EPPS &CO , , Or Hie Liquor Halilt , Positively Cured by Admlulstcrin ? Dr. Hniucs' Golden Specific. It can be given In a cup of roltee or ton with out the knowledge of the person taking it ; abso lutely nannies' ) , and will t'lfcct a pennant and speeOy cure , whether the patient is n modernto drinker or nn alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have beenmndo tempniuto men who hn\otnkun Golden Specillc in their coffcowlth- out their knowledge and today believe they quit drinking of their own free will. It never falls. The system once Impregnated with the fneclllc. It becomes nn utter Impossibility for the lUjunr appetite to exist. Tor sale by Kiilin & Co. , nth and Douglas sts. , and ISth nnd Cum- ing bts. , Omaha , Neb.t A. U. 1'ostor & Bro. , Council Illucri , lown. DR H NOBLE Blair Neb , , , , , , Importer and llrccjcrof .EnglisliCoacli&HaDililGtoiiian . They nro nil One nnd In prime condition nnd can. not full to suit. 'I'liuy cnntlit < jf prlzo nlnncrs nnd tholr KCI , In bcntlnnd , Canniln und this country. Our terms , prices nnd horses will mil you , Wrlln for nrl- rosand purllculiirs. UlalrlsZl miles north of Omaha , on T. K. it M , V. K. U , und C. bt. I' . M. & 0,11 H. Onr largo ROSES and other PIANTS win tnake duplay in youi garden at ouco. We sell , no slips or rooted cuttlnc' . Icimento stock of fresh. Flower nnd Vocctnhlo NEEDH for all ell. mates and all situations. 1 hsuiands of testimonials Btteit the superior quality of our 1'lutitH and Het'dn. Sendee. ( itampOforourumirulflceut C'ATAI.OaUK for 188S. Most compleloand Yaluable ever publiihcd , with colored pl tej and new o tavki , ftt to all who mtnuoa thli paper. idlhr * : I M.I , uricaiB -Hlbr UillNlwJ 'EwtfMRim'w ' ' thUip cill0parpoMCUftBor ' ! - . „ . ' 'Fi1 ' 1' ' . . 'B"ri.'JITgIy"f ' ] " ' ' S T MSS S/Wni / SS tij : ! ThaSsodsnEUttJiJCa. l69U8illa > UChlc qa JOV/TOAOT. : dcri cur > d uiA U Etcmuh . iutltSKnt fret on srpllcatloii. The loading Corsota of Europe - opo and America. Over 2,000,0000 aold last year in this coun try nlono. eons tRo : tlioy are tbe best fitting , most com- ( ortablo , most dur able -ond cboopoat corset ever or made , Avoid worthlosalmltotlona. Corallno Is used In no Corsota except tboso made by us. None nro gonulno unloaa Dr. WARNER'S CORALINEia printed - od on Insldo of stool cover. For sale by all leading merchants. WARNER BROS , , k- % J. A. MINER. Manager. WILL NEVER. . DREAK : FOR SALE BY [ H. B. FALCONER AND FISHER BROS , ( IUCQUAINTED WITH THE GCOQIUPHY OP THE COUNTRy WIU. OBTAIN MUCH INrORMATION rROM A OTUDf OF THIJ Ulf Of THE CDICfiGO , ROCK ISLAHD& PACIFIC R'Y ' Ita main Unco and branches Include cmOAdO , PEOHIA. MOLINE , HOCK ISLAND. DAVEN PORT , DE3 KOINES , COUNCIL 13LTJFVS , TrTDQ. QATINE. ILANBAB OITy. DT. JOSEPH. LEAV- ENWOUXn. ATOHIQOIT. OEDAB BAFIDS. WATERLOO. SUNNEAPOLIB , and BT. PAttti. and ecorcB of latcrmtxliate cities. Choice of routes to and from tha 1'nclflo Coast All trans , fcra la Union depots. Fast train * of rino Day Coochee. elog-ant Elntog Care , magnificent Pull , man Palace Bloopers , and ( bstween Chicago , Bt. Joseph. Atchlson and Kansai Olty ) Jlecllnlna Chair Car , Beats Free , to bolder * of througU Cm t-clnes tickets. Chicago , Kansas & Nobraskn R'y "Great Rook Island Route. " Extends West and Bouthwost from Kaniai Oity nndBt. Joseph to NELSON , HOHTON , , BELLE- V7LLE. TOPEKA , UEBINQTON , WIOIHTA. auzoniNBON , CALDWELL , ana au points ia KAH8A8 AND SOUTHERN NEBRASKA and beyond. Entire poaaenEer eijultnnont of the celebrated Pullman manufacture. All safety ap pliances and modern improvements. The Famous Albert Loa Route la the favorite between Chicago , Hock Island , Atcbloon. Kansas City and Minneapolis oodBt. Paul. Its V/aUrtowB branch traverses the great "WHEAT AND DAIRY BELT" of Northern Iowa , Oouthwostern Minnesota , Bad East Central Dakota to Watertown , Spirit Loko , Bloux Poll * and many other towns and cities. The Short Line via Beneca and Bankakeo offers superior facilities to travel to and from Indian- polls , Cincinnati and other Southern points. Per Tickets. Map. . JTilders , ordeelred Infarma- Uon , apply at any Coupon Ticket Office or address E. ST. JOHN. tf.A. HOLtinOOK , O al Uanaevr. Oen'l Tkt to Pass. Agt. . OBMAQO , IUL , . THECHICAGOAND WESTERN RAILWAY. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago , The only road to take for DCS Molncs , Mnrnlmltown- Cedar Itanlila , Cllutuii , Dlxun , Chlcueo , Milwaukee and all points east. To the people of Kcbraska. Colorado rado , Wyoming. Utah , Idaho. Noviula , Oregon , Wash- Inuton nnd California , It ouors superior adrantneos not uosslblA r > r anr other line. Amunx n forr of the numerous polntn of superiority cnjo/Rd ljr the patrons of this road between Omaha and Chicago , nro Its tire trains a day of UAV COACH KS , which are the flnestthat human nrt unit Inuenultr can create. Hsl'ALACHBLEKl'iNG CA118 , which are models of comfort and elexance. Its I'AH- LOll UIIAWINU KOO.M CAW. ! unsurimpiipd by anr , nnd Its wldolr rclebriited PALATIAL HININO CAU9 , the equal of which cannot ho found elsewhoro. At CounLlI HlurTd , tbo trains of the Union I'nclllo Railway - way connctt In union depot wtlU those of the ChiC - C KO A Nortiiwestcrn Hy. In Chlcaco the trains of this line n ike close connoctlon with thosu of all other Kasturn lines. Kor Dntrnlt , Columbus , Indiannpolls , Cincinnati. Nlncnra Kulla , llutrulo , I'ltttibur , Toronto , Montreal , lloatou , Now Vork , I'hllftdelithlu , Italtlniore , Wash ington , nndutl points In theKast. Ask for tickets via "NORTH-WESTERN" If you wish the bent accommodation. All ticket iiconti spll tlclicu TU this Una. if. 1IUQ1UTT , K. T. WII SON , uun'l Mnnager. ( lcn'1 i'ass'r Agent. CHICAGO , IM.S. W.N. BA11CO01C , Opii'l. Western Accnt , I ) , IS. KI.MUAI , ! , , Ticket Aaiml. O. K. \ V1SJCity I'a3 eneer Agent. HOI rarnam St. , Omaha , Nob. -TUB OK THE Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' , The Ucst Ilonto from Omalm and Council Bluffs to iTHE EAST- TWO TItAINH DAILY IlKTWHISN OMAHA AND COUNOlIj UMJKIS Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids , Hock Inland , Frecport , Rockford , Clinton , Diibiiquc , UitTCiiport , Elgin , Madison , Janesrllle , llcloll , WJnuna , La Crosse , And all other Important points East , Northeast and Southeast. Kor through tickets call on the ticket acent at 1M1 Karnam struct , In llarker lllock , or ut Union 1'ncldo Depot. I'ullinan Sleepers and the finest Dlnlne Cars In the world tire run on the main Hue ol the Chicago. 3111 waiikce & St. 1'nul llallwar. and every attention U paid to passengers by courteous employe ! of tha company. U.MII.rKn , fleneral Manscer. J. F. TIIOKKlt. Asil.tHnt General Manager. A. V. It. OAUl'KNTEH , Uenoral 1'aitengor and Ticket Agent. aR.K.lliAKFOnDAislitant General Pauonner and Ticket Azent. JT , CLAltlC Uencral SuperlnUndoot. UllUllUl UUUUl U. 8. DEP03ITOEY , OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capital , - $26OOOO Surplus , - BOOOO II. W. YATEB. President. LEWIS (5 ( , HEZD , VIce-Prosldont. A. IJ , TOUHAMN , 2nd Vice-President. W. II. s. HuauE . Cashier. W. V MORSE , JOHNS. COLLINS , II. V l-ATKS. LlCWIS R. ItKKU , A.B. TOUZIXIH. nVlnp Office THE IRON BANK , Cor. mil and Karnam Bin. A General Hanking lluslncss Transacted , W cornUnx rcunratMl yo if U > UK Deti t cdy " "Cumin , k OWM t US ( gf O BOlb Ka I TO t DiTB. t > d Gliet , \Veir sold ( ooiU r uu Birliun. akU.udla c y cti * II bUElxattUtfacUca. Ur4 l/t > > tht AUstt A UiU ! TUI OUnletl C . , OlocinntU.sl Ohio. filet DENVER'S JUBILEE ! GRAND CELEBRATION ! Of the Completion and Opening of tha Denver , Texas & Gulf Railway ! Connecting Denver -with the Sea ; also the Third Annual Convention of the International Range Association AT DENVER , COLO. , MARCH 28 , 29 , 30 & 31. PBOGRAMME OP ENTERTAINMENT : Wednesday , March 28 lleceptlon of visitors : Kyenlng , Klrowork Display by the Phantom Ar tilery Club , surpassing In excitement and gran deur the famous Topeka Flambeau Club , Thursday , Jlarch 29 A f teruoou. Cowboy Tour- rmment. Hoping nnd Hiding Uubroken nnd Ducking Uroncos , Hocentlcm at the Tabor Grand Opera House. Civil. < 15T.jrnrch , ? ) A Orani1 aid Iinposlns Military nnd Industrial Pageant. Fifteen Hands In Line , together with the Celebrated Cowboy Hand , of Dodge City. Kansas. Saturday , March 81 Excursion to the Sfonn- tains , and Urand Old Fashioned Harbecue. Dur ing this cala week the business streets and pub lic buildings of tha city -will bo Illuminated by the finest and most resplendent Electrical Dis play over attempted In this or any other city. CHEAP UA1IJWAY All transportation companies entering Denreo have made low round trip rate ? . S25.OO only for round trip tickets from all itflssouri River points , Tickets will bo sold on Monday. March 2(3 ( , only good for 1O days thereafter. VISIT TBIE CfcWEEiV CITY On this propitious occasion. fi.OOO cattlemen and 20.0UU vlsltois uro expected. E.T.Allen , M. Df Homoeopathic Specialist , EVE AND THROAT NOSE , Spectacles Accurately HAMGE BL'K. , OMAHA as J.W. Barnsdajl. M. D Iloinocoiiathlo Spociuliat , SURG-EON Gynacoloyiat and Obstetrician * Telephone 079. HAMGE BLOCK , - - OMAHA. P. J. OALJHIAITIJ. Surgeon and Physician. Office N , W Corner mil and JJoiiKlas St. OfBoe telephone , 405 ; Uealdence telephone , 6IJ3. THE OMAHA BEE , -niCI.IYEIlKDTO- Al PAST OF I liy CAUIUIR FOIC 20 Cents a Week , Boren papers a eek. Send your order to tbo oftlce , 1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building GOLD MJWAl , PARIS EXPOSITION iSJS , Woo. 3O3-4O4-I70-6O4 , THE MOST PERFECT OP PENS , ts oryi.ull.ful r > Ssttmttti. earlr < itcity. l .t toinliood , Us. 1 win iuli nU.iWt trf tUo u.ii.J ) eouulolni full particulars far t > uio iun , fix vj * L rt Id J n 11 , r. C. FOWLERi MooUus , Oonn.j