Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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    p- " IlirijqJLr
regarded with suspicion , however , as the im
pression prevailed that the biff bears who
bad covered were assisting In the advance to
enable them to put out n fresh line ot shorts
on the bulge. Buyers were soon filled up ,
and , although offerings were not heavy , they
began to drag steadily 'downward. Missouri
Pacific broke 1J , but milled \ { per cent , St.
Paul dropped 1 ? , Northwestern Xi Heading
% and Lnckawannn Jf per cent from the outside -
side figures. The rest of the list wits quiet ,
with only fractional changes. The market
failed to develop any new features In the
closing hour , the feeling being ono of weak
ness , and prices declined fractionally and the
closing prlcca on n majority of stocks were at
nlmost inside figures , recording declines of
liW Per nt , Missouri Pacific having the
lead. New England proved an exception and
closed 1'tf per cent higher. The total sales
were 240,000 shares , ngalnst 392,000 shares
UovEnNMCNTS Government bonds wcro
dull but steady.
II. B.4 registered. 124 X .AN. W . 1CKi ! '
IT. 8. 4R coupon. , , issy rte preferred . 149
U.8.4 < { sreKlstrcd.iWJM N.Y.Conlralcx-dlvliMK
IT. 8 4JS * coupon. . .wii O.K. N . M
I'acinc 6 of ' 95 . 12014 I' . T . . . 18
Cnnndn Southern. . WiJt I'acinc Mall . niU
Central 1'ncinc. . . . 26 O. D..VK . IBM
Clilcnpo & Alton. . .135 Pullman I'alnccCarllW
C. , 11. A : Q . 122U Heading .
II. , L.&W . 12T | Hock Inland . 110U
J > .AH.U : . 15' ' { St. U fcS.V . 27
Urlo . 23U Coprcferred. . . . . CG
do preferred . 54 U C.M. & St. Paul. . . 74' I
llllnoli Ontrnl . 115 do preferred . 114j }
I..H.&W. . . , . 10 St. P. & 0 . 33
K.&T. . . . . 11U dopreferrcd . MB',4
I.nkcKhoro , . Mli ; Texas 1'nclllc. . 2U'i
Ij. & N . MU Union Pacinc . 51 ? {
Michigan Central. . 77i W. , St. L. & I . 12 > i
. . dqjircfrrred . 2I',4
MUsoiirll'uclilc. . . . 20 > , i W. IT. Telegraph. . 73H
rtoprefcrrcd 43U
MONET ON CAU/ Easy at 2@2 per cent ;
cloned offered at' 2 per cent ,
STEHI.INO EXCHANGE Firm at $4.852f for
CO day bills , $4.87J { for demand.
Clilcnpo , Mnrch 23. Following , arc the
2B : ( ) closing prices :
Flour-Steady mid unchanged ; winter wheat
bbls , $3.50(35.50 ( ; sacks2.BOM3.75 ; wheat.bbls ,
$3.60@4.DO : socks , $2.70@4.25 ; spring , SI. 75 ®
8.00 ; rye flour , t2.b5tg3.10 per bbl ; buck
wheat Hour , $5.00@0.75 per bbl.
" \Vhcat-Actlvo , wcalc and heavy , opened
J/c lower nnd closed after fluctuating con
siderably l } @ljfc below yesterday ; cash ,
7118-lCc : May , 7i7-lCe.
Corn Moderately active nnd lower ;
opened at yesterday's close and closed % @
Jfc lower ; cash , 40 ; c ; May , 40 18-lCc.
Oats Weaker , heavy nnd slow : May , 30
Whisky M.IG.
Flax-seed $1.45.
Pi imo Timothy $2.5S@2.59.
Barley Unchanged at 77@81c.
Uyc Oulct at 5S@58Xc ,
Pork Weak nnd lower , with light tradIng -
Ing ; cash , $13.G7 } : May , $13.80.
Lard Quiet and lower ; cash , $7.45 ; May ,
Dry Salted Meats Shoulders , ? 0.00@0.10 ;
short clear , $7.GO@7.G5 ; short ribs , $7.10.
Butter Firm ; creamery , 24@30c ; dairy ,
Cheese Steady ; full cream Cheddars , 11@
HJ.Cc ; flats , llji@llc ; young Americas ,
ggs Firm and higher ; fresh , tO@17c.
Hides Unchanged ; ' green hides 4J c ;
heavy green salted , 5 } c ; light green salted ,
Co ; salted bull , 4)c ) ; green bull , Xc * . green
salted calf , 8c : dry flint and dry calf , 12@l3c ;
dry salted , lOc ; deacons , 30c each ,
Tallow Unchanged ! No. 1 , solid , 4' cj No.
2 , do 3 > ; cake , 4 > cperlb.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 17.000 20,000
Wheat bu . 28,000 0,000
Corn , bu . 209,000 110,000
Oats , bu..r . 111,000 83,000
nyebu . 4,000 3,000
Barley , bu . 20,000 16,000 ,
St. Limits. March 23. Wheat Lower ;
cash , SOJ c ; May , 80 ? c.
Corn Steady ; cash , 44X@l5c ; May , 45' c.
Oats Active and strong ; cash , 30' c1 , May ,
28J < c.
Pork $14.12' .
Lard 57.17 } .
Whisky .t)9. )
Butter Firm ; creamery , 24(330c ( : dairy ,
20@2 < ! c.
Afternoon Board Wheat Weak and
lower ; April , 80k'c ; May , 80J < c ; July , 7fiJ < c. ,
Corn Lower ; April , 44 ; May , 44c ; July ,
455 0. Oats Easy ; May 27c.
Minneapolis , March 23. Wheat Re
ceipts , 08 cars ; shipments , 40 cars ; markel
opened at yesterday's figures but closed wcali
nnd dull. Closing : In store No. 1 hard. Marcl
75c ; April , 74 } c ; May , 7uc ; July , 7t > c
No. 1 northern , March , 72Kc ; April , 72c
May , TUtfc ; July , 74 } c ; No. 2 northern
March , 70c ; April , 70Kc ; May , 71c ; July,72c
On traek-No. 1 hard , 75X@70c ; No. 1 north
crn. 78 > i$74Mc ( ; No. 2 northern , 70 ( < $73c.
Flour Unchanged ; patents , sacks to ship
pers in car lots , $4.10 ( < 4.25 ; bakers' , | 3.20gi
Milwaukee , March 23. Wheat Lower
cash , 73c ; March , 72 } < ie ; May , 75c.
Corn EaslcrNo. ; 8 , 45' c.
Oats Quiet ; No. 2 white , 33c.
Ilyo Steady ; No. 1 , 5Sc.
liarloy Weak ; No. 2 , 75J4c.
Provisions Lower ; pork , March , $13.75.
Cincinnati. March 23. Wheat Dull
No. 2 red , 85Uc.
Corn Barely steady ; No. 2 mixed 52c.
Outs Moderate demand ; No. 2 mixed
83 0 ,
Hyo Steady ; No. 2 , CCe.
Provisions Pork easier at $14.37.K ; Ian
dull ; current make nt$737 .
Whisky Steady at S .OU.
Kniiaas City , Mnrch 23. Wheat Steady
No. 2 soft , cash , 77 > c ; May , 70 > < e asked.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , cash , 42 > fct April
43o asked ; May , 48c bid ; 4iJ : o asked.
Oats No. 2 , cash , no bids nor offerings
May , 29c bid.
Liverpool , March 23. Wheat Firm
demand fair ; holders" offer modcrutoly ; Call
forum No. 1 , ( is Od per cental ; red wester
spring , Os Cd&Gs Od.
Corn Firm nnd in fair demand ; noi
mixed western , 4s 7d per cental ,
Now York , March 23. Wheat Receipts
8.000 ; exports , 40,000 ; cash , > { ( $ } o lowej
closing easy ; options opened firm , subsc
qucntly wcauenod nnd declined % @ % u
closing at bottom ; ungraded red , 87 , (14 ( 11 0
No. 2 red , 8sVffbJc ( in storu and elevatoi
80@89Xo . " b. . l)0@OOKo ) delivered ; Ma
closing ut 68Jfc.
Corn Receipts , 37,300 ; exerts. MO
options linn , afterwards declined j @ < <
later rallied K@l o ; closing , howoyei
weak with reaction at K@9/e ; stKit , flrm
ungraded , 6'J < pl J o ; No , a , OSK SSJi'c
No. Si , CU QOOo In elevator , Ol o delivered
May closing nt 58 o.
Oats Receipts , 35,000 ; exports , 800 ; mai
kot JKO better ; mixed western , 88@40c
whitu western , 40C' ? 45c.
Coffco Spot , fair ; Rio , firm at fU.OC
options fairly active and hlghei
sales , 115,500 bags ; March , I10.75@10.M
April , 10.70@10.83 ; Mayfl0.05@10.85 ; Juni
? 10.55@10.80 ; July , $10.40@10C5 ; Augus' '
(10.10 10.35.
Potrolcum United closed weak nt SSJoi
Firm nnd in good demand ; wcs
ern , 17Jf@18c.
Pork Fairly active ; mess quoted at 14. !
@ 14.60 for old ; 514.50@14.15 for old ,
Lard A Miado lower nnd dull ; wcstci
Btt-nm. snot , 7.00a7.02)f ( ;
Butter Fair and in good demand ; wcs
crn. 14@30o.
Cheese Firmer and in better dcmaiu
western ,
Now OrleuiiB , March 23. Corn Qul
but linn ; mixed nnd whitu , ( JOa ; yellow , 01
Oats Easier : No. 2 , 893U > (3. (
Hog Products Unsettled and genernll
higher ; pork. * 14.60Q14.03K ; laru , rolluei
tierce. $7.00.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , 0.15 ; long cle :
and clear rib , $7.50 ( < 7.G2 > tf.
UNION STOCK YAims , 0 p. m. )
Friday , March 23 , ISsS. f
The receipts of cattle to-day , ns compart
with those of the same day in February she
u decrease of 400 head of cattle mid
Cuttle ,
The receipts to-day wcro 70i head but tl
quality of the stock sold was not as good i
on the few day * past ( hero being no choii
cattle disposed of. The niarkoVoponed slo
and not much wus douo until after 2:30 : \ \ . i
when sales became inoro lively. Prices \vo
16 ccuts lower at Ic&nt'abd iu scuno instant
more , one or two salesmen contending that
their catllo sold nt prices fully 25 cents lower
than on yesterday. Shippers would do well
to act with great caution in sending cattle to
market betxvocn now nnd April 1 , as large
numbers will bo sent in by parties who dc-
giro to evade the payment of tnics and others
who wish to take advantage of the present
low rales which will prevail until the 2C.
Their action will p robably flood the market
with stock and prices will go downward still
The receipts to-day were liberal and the
quality , although ranging well did not aver-
aico ai peed as on yesterday , the best hogs
not being equal in quality to those of the pre
ceding d.iy. The buyers evinced n disposi
tion to buy lower but salesmen refused the
first bids nnd everything sold was taken at
about steady prices. The local packers took
nil the receipts. The market closed early.
There were no receipts nnd nothing was
doing on the market. Prices are steady.
Otllclnl Kccclpts.
Cattle . 503
Hogs . 3,009
Sheep , . . . . . . . .
Prevailing Prices.
The following is a table of prices paid in
this market for the grades of stock men
tioned. It frequently occurs that no sales of
some particular grade nro made , when In this
case tlio table will state as nearly as possible
Vlic prlco'thot would have been paid had there
been nnytof that class among the offerings.
Prime steers , 1800 to 15001bs.4.15 @ 4.2.
Prime steers , HOO to 1300 Ibs. 3.50 C' < > 4.10
Fat little steers , 000 to 1050 Ibs. 3.25 QJ3.G3
Corn-fed range steers , 1200 to
1600 Ibs . 3.35 @ 4.25
Common to choice cows . 2,35 ( u' " .
Westcrncows . 2.25 ( M3.70
Fair to good range feeders . 2.30 ( 2.75
Medium to good native feeders ,
000 Ibs. and up wards . 2.25 ( S3.00
Common to good bulls . 2.00 (33.50 (
Fair to medium native feeders ,
000 Ibs and upwards . 2.25
Stockcrs , 400 to 700 Ibs . 2.15
Prime fat sheep . 5.50
Good fat sheep , 00@100 Ibs. . . . 4.00
Fair to medium sheep . 3.60
Common sheep . 3.00
Light and medium hogs . 4.80
Fair to choice heavy hogs . 5.10d@5.20
Fair to choice mixed hogs . 5.00 © 5.10
atocic sola.
Showing the number of head of stock sold
on the market today.CVTTLK.
Fratior & Schwartz 302
.1. Ford. 1
Stevens H. & Co 17
Armour &Cutluhny. . 3
Lobtnan & KothehiUl. 81II
J. M. Carlm II
G.W. Husscll IS
Harris & Fisher 5
J. Uoth 5
C. H. Williams 42
F. W. Mattoon 17
Total 21)3 )
G. II. Hammond & Co 50tl
Armour & Cudnhay 2,243
Omaha PackinijCo 1.501
J. M. Uoud 4
Total 4,407
All sold.
Dressed meat , 5 cars , N. W Chlcagc
Dressed meat , 15 cars , C. , 13. &Q. . . .Chlcagc
Cattle , 15cars , C.,13.&Q Chicago
Cattle , 4cars , H. I Chicagc
Han go of Trices.
Showing highest and lowest prices paid for
leading grades of cattle on dates mentioned
Space left blank indicates Unit no sales of
that particular class of cattle wore uiado ou
thatdato :
Public Inspectors dock pregnant sows 4C
pounds , sings 80 pounds each.
Dead hogs , 100 pounds and over , $ l,00f (
1.75 per cwt , less than 100 Ibs , of no value.
Yardage : Cattle , 25o ; hogs , 80 ; sheep. 5
per head. Feed : Corn , $1.00 per bu , ; timothj
buy , $30 : prairie hay , $20 per ton.
Commissions : Cattle , 50o per head ; calve *
nnd yearlings , $10 per car. Hogs and sheep
SiiiKlo decks , $5 ; publlu Inspection on hogs
15a per car. All sales unless othcrwisi
stated per 100 Ibs live weight.
I.lvo Stnolc Notes.
K. II. Wilcox , of Yutan , marketed hogs tc
A. O. Virgin , of Lincoln , wa& ai the yard
to-day ,
John Hoag , of Wakefiold , had cattle on th
market ,
Henry Emerson ' , of Cedar Hnplds , mai
koted hogs.
U. Halcb..of Cover , dlsuosed of a shipmcn
of hogs to-day. .
L. U. Peumau.of Valparaiso , had cattle o
to-doy's market.
Nnthan Bnckctt , of Bancroft , was n visitor
at the yards to-day.
J. L. Larimer , of ICcnrncy , had hogs nnd
cattle on the market.
P. McMullcn , of Lyons , was among these
who came in with hogs.
A. Koehlcr , of Stucklcy , marketed n load
of hogs at the top price.
Thomas Stretch , of Valparaiso , TVBS on
the market to-tiny with cattlo.
F. W. Hale , a Chicago provision Ocalcr ,
was n visitor nt the yards to-day.
Jamct Holmes & Co. , of Binning- , sold A
load of hogs at , the to-prlco to-day.
It Is reported that Swift & Co. are prolnR to
crrct a (200,000 packing house on n fashion
able retail street in St. Paul.
Frank Ellis , representing Swift & Co. , of
Chicago , wai nt the ynnls to-day on business
connected with the firm's Interests.
The Chicago Drovor'a Journal remarks ,
"Choko off some of our superfluous vetcri-
nnrics nnd there would , he no disease among
our cattle. "
Nine hundred nnd twenty-eight Nebraska
sheep , averaging from W to 103 Ibs. , sold at
Chicago on Wednesday , nnd the lowest price
paid was ( Ti.uO.
John F. Vallcry , head clerk for the com
mission firm ot Paddock < fc Gosncy , returned
yesterday from nn extensive trip through
Montana , Wyoming nnd Dakota.
General Manager Boyd , who left for Chicago
cage yesterday , will while absent make ar
rangements for securing engines to do the
company's switching nt the yards. They
will probably bo used about the 1st of the
month anil the present delays occasioned in
getting cars nt the Chutes will probably bo
avoided after that dato.
Produce , Fruits , Nuts , Ktc.
Friday , March 23.
Tlic following quotation * trc wholesale
awl not 7'daU. Prices quoted on produce
arc the rules atuihtch round { 0(8 arc sold on
Ms market. Frulta or other lines of yoods
requiring extra labor In puclflntj cannot al-
ival/s be supplied on outntdc orders at the
tame prices quoted for the local trade.
Uittcs onjloiir and feed are jobbers1 prices.
I'rlccs onniln ( / arc those paid by Omaha
millers delivered. All quotations on mer
chandise arc obtained from leading houses
and lire corrected dally. Prices on crucfo
crs , cakes , etc. , arc those ulcen by leading
? miHtr/icturcrs.
Trade was again reported fair , but there
was no feature in the market , except that the
receipts of eggs wcro heavy nnd prices weak-
incd. Early sales were made nt 18c , but be-
'ore night 15@lCo were ruling figures. There
, vas very little butter offered , and it nil sold
t firm yesterday's prices. Receipts of
poultry wcro light , and these who wanted
t paid .yesterdays prices. Potatoes were
; norc active , and choice home grown sold at
XKj < t95c , : i car lot changing hands at the latter
lluuro. Apples nro becoming scarce and
readily brine $1.50 to $4.74 per bbl. Tropical
Tuits show no change and arc quoted as bc-
BUTTER Creamery , solid packed , 22@33c ;
choice rolls , 18@20c ; medium , 14@15c ; low
radcs , 12@13c.
Eoos Strictly fresh , 15@10c asked.
Ai'i'i.ES Choice , per bbl , $4.t5@4.76. !
CiiBiisn Full cream , 12J < @ 13c
POUI.TIIV Chickens , 12 ( < fllUc ; turkeys , 12 ®
13o ; ducks , 12@I3c ; geese , 12@inc.
LIVE POULTUV Chickens , $3.2.i@3.75 per
tlo/ ; ducks , 3.00J3.25 ( ? ; geese , C.OOG.50 ;
turkeys , 7 { < $ Sc per Ib.
CiiANiiEititlES Bell& Cherry , $10.50@ll.OO :
Bell & Bugle , $ U.OO@11.50 ; Hell & Bugle ,
premium , ? U.50@12.W ) .
BKANS Good stock , f2.008.75 ; California
beans , 52.25@2.40.
POTATOES Utah and Colorado stock , $1.15
@ 1.20 ; choice homo grown , 85@'J5c ; common
grades , G0t' > @ 5c.
BANANAS Medium , $2.50(33.00 ( ; choice ,
t3.00@t.50. :
Tuusirs Good stock , 60S75c ( ; rutagagas ,
LEMONS $3.70@4..riOpcr box.
CALiroiiNiA. PJJAHS $2.50@2.75 ; extra
choice , i3.00.
DATIS : Pcrsaln. 8c per Ib.
SAUH KUAUT Choice per bbl. of 32 gal.
57.50(38.00 ( ; % bbl. , i4.57@5.00 ; $11.00 per bbl.
of 50 gnl.
CIDER Choice Michigan cider , ? 0.00@0.50
per bbl. of 32 gal.
Porcoiis Choice rice corn is quoted at 4 ®
4).fc per Ib. , other kinds , 2U@3c per Ib.
CAIWOTS $ 'i.25a2 ( 50 per bbl.
PAitsNii's New stock. 12.50 per bbl.
OVSTKUS Plain standard , 23c ; plain se
lects , 30c ; standard , 40c ; extra selects , 35o ;
Now York counts , 40c ; bulk oysters , counts ,
J.S5 per 100 ; selects , ? 2.0U per gal. ; standard ,
$1.25 per gal.
CAUIIAOES $1 per doz. and 3(33J ( c per Ib.
for California.
CAUUFI.OWEII Good stock , $2.00@2.80.
Giui'ES Malagas , S7.50@8.00 per Ib , and
larger sized barrels in proportion up to $10,00
OitANor.s California Klvcrside , fl.OO ®
4.25 ; Mcssinn , $3.75@4.25 ; Vnlcncias , tO.OO@
8.00 per case of 420 ; Florida brights , $4.2o@
4.50 ; russets , ? ; Mexican , 4. OS ; Los
Atigeles , 3.50@i.75 : ; Nnvals , $5.50.
Fios In layers , 13@lGc , cake lie per Ib.
NUTS Peanuts ( IJ ® 7c , raw Brazil nuts ,
13c ; almonds , Tarragona , 22c ; English wal
nuts , 15@18c ; filberts , 18o : Italian chestnuts'
15o ; pecans , 15c.
HONEY l ( > @ 21c for lib frames ; canned
honey. 10@12c per lib.
Grocers' List.
JELLIES 30-lb pails , $1.25 ( 1.50.
SALT Per bbl. . car load , $1.30.
HOPE Seven-sixteenths , 10V@llc.
CANHV Mixed , U@llc ; Bticlt , UQ9K.
HOI.LANO HKUHINUS 70iii72epcr ( kcp.
MAI-LE Sue Ait UrlcUs , I'JJ cpcr Ib. ; penny
cakes , 15e i > er Ib.
BaooMSExtra1tlc , $2.00 ; No , 1 , $2.00 ;
No. $1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00.
STAitcii-Mirror gloss , 5'fc ; Graves' corn ,
OKc ; Oswcgo gloss , 7c ; Oswego corn , 7c.
TEAS Japans , C0@55c ; Kunowdcr ] , 20 ©
COc ; Young Hyson , 22@55c ; Oolong , 20 (
Svitot's Now Orleans molasses , per bbl. ,
87@4Gc per gal. ; corn syrup , 3oc ; half bbls. ,
87c ; 4 gal. kegs , $1,55.
PROVISIONS Hums , 10 @llc ; breakfast
bacon , lOJi'Qllc ; bacon sides , 6 @i odr.v
salt , 7fc@bc ; shoulders , OK@7u : dried beef.
10 ® Uc.
PICKLES Medium In bbls , $0.00 ; do In hall
hols , $3.50 ; small In bbls. $7.00 ; do in halt
bbls , $4.00 ; gerkins , in bbls , $8.00 ; do in hall
bbls , $4,50.
KBPIXEU LAiin Tierce , 7 } o ; 40-lb square
cans , 7 c : 50-lb round , 7 > < c ; 20-lb round ,
7J < c ; 10-lb palls , 7 ; < c ; 5-lb pails , 8e ; 3-lb
palls , 8' c.
POWDEII ANP SHOT Shot , $1.40 ; buckshot ,
$1,05 ; Hazard powder , $5.00 ; half kegs , $2.75 ;
one-fourths , $1.50 ; blasting kegs , $2.35 ; fuses ,
1000 ft. , 45@75c.
StioAit Granulated , 7 < Jt < 7. ! c ; conf. A ,
6J < 3 > 7a : white extra C , 6 % & % ° \ extra C ,
5f@0BO ! yellow C. 5K@5Xui cut loaf 7 % @
1u\ \ powdered , lft@fyNew \ Orleans , 5
( ffi5 % .
COFFEE Ordinary grades , 10@17o ; fair
17@18c ; prime. 18@l'Ja ; fancy green and ycl
low , 2323c ; old government Java , 28@30o
interior Java , BS&'SSc ; Mocha , 28@30c ; Ar
buckle's roasted , lOKc ; McLaughlin'i
XXXX , 10e ; DH worth's , 10B'c ; Hed Cross
19J < c ,
WoonENWAitE Two-hoop palls , per doz.
$1.40 ; three-hoop pails , $1.05 ; No. tub. 10.50
No. 2 tub , $5.50 ; No , 3 tub , $4,50 * ; washboards
$1.50 ; fancy washboards , $3.50 ; ussortct
bowls , $2.75 ; No. 1 churns , $9.50 ; No. ' .
churns , t-S.Ml ; No. 3 churns , $7,59 ; buttci
tubs , $1,70 ; spruce , In nests , $1,70.
Toiucco Lorlllurd'B Climax , 45o ; Splcn
did , 45o ; Mechanics' Delight , 44o ; Lcegett &
Meyer's Star , 45o ; Cornerstone , 39o ; Drum
inond's ' Horseshoe , 45o ; J. T. , 42c ; Sorg'i
Spearhead , 45 ; Catlin's Meerschaum , Slo
Cntlin's Old Style , 23o ; Piper Heldsick. 04o
Sweet Tip Top , 32o ; U.N.O.,17c ; Ued.WhiU
nnd Blue , 18c ,
DniEii FIIUJT Apple , hbls , new , J/B , 7 > ( i
7Jfo ; ovajioratcd , OJiC' ' lOo ; blackberries
evaporated , 0 @ 10o ; pitted cherries , 2223o
peaches , eastern , now , Ks , SJigBJi'e ; evaporated
rated , peeled icaches , SOQtfJc ; evaporated
unparcd , 18@19o ; now currants , 7@7 > o
prunes , new , 4Jf@5o ; citron , 24i25c ( ; raisins
California-London layers , i.40@.GO ! ! ; Call
fornla loose muscatels , $1.00@2.00 ; new Va
lencia , 7K@7c.
CANNED GOODS Oysters , standard , pe :
case , $ ; } .00@3.a5 ; strawccrricb , 2-lb , per case
$3.153.2 ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , * 3.10g
3.20 ; Culifornia i > ear8. per case , fl.70@4.SO
appricots. ] > er case , $1.30 4.40 ; peaches , pe
cat > c , $560 ( 5.75 ; white cherries , per cusu
( O.OU ; California plums , per case , $4.50@4.00
blueberries , per case , $2.20i2,40 ( ( : egg plunia
2-lb , per case , $2.50piueappples ; , 2-lb per case
$3.20Qi5.75 ; salmon per do/ , $1.85@1.05
2-lb gooseberries , per case , $3.25 .85 ; 2-11
string beans , per case , $1.75@1.60 ; 2-lb Limi
buaus , | > crcuso , $1.UO@1.05 ; 2-lb marrowfu
peas , f2.CO@2.70 ; 2-lb early Juno peas , pe
case$3. . 5 ; 3-lb tomatoes , (2.50 : 2-lb corn
, CAKES , ETC. Prices subject V
change. Soda , fie ; ROdn ( city gootja ) , 7c ;
soda snowflnkp ( In tins ) , lOc ; soda dandy ,
5 c ; soda wnrcrsfln tins ? , lOe ; soda zephyr ,
80 ; city oyster. 0c ; excelsior , 7c ; fnnnn
oyster , 7c ; gdtn oy tcr , 5c ; monitor. 7c ;
Omaha oyster , 7c ; pearl oyster , 5c ; picnic ,
5o ; snowdrop oyster , 7d ; butter. 5c ; Boston ,
8c ; Omaha butter , 7c ; saw tooth butter , OJic ;
cracker meal 5Kc ; praham , 8c ; graham
wafers. lOc ; graham wafers in pound pack
ages , 12)fc ; hard brcild , Co ! milk. 7 c ; oat
meal. 8c ; oatmeal wafers , lOc ; oatmeal wa
fers in pound packages , 12 > { c : anlmnls , 12c }
Bollver glngerround)17ci ( ) crenm,8cCornhlll ; ,
lOc ; cracknells , lOc ; JTrosted cre-am , 8 c ;
ginger snaps , 8c ; ginger snaps ( cltj' ) , l > o ;
homo made ginger simps , in boxes , 13c ; homo
mndo ginger snaps ( I-lb cans ) ) > cr dozen ,
$2.50 ; lemon creams , 8c ; pretzels ( hand made )
llj c ; assorted cakes and Jumbles , ll ) < c ; as
sorted fingers , 15c ; afternoon tea ( in tins ) ,
per box $7.00 ; bnnann lingers , 14c ; butter
jumbles , 11X < ' ! Brunswick , 15c ; brandy
snaps , loc ; chocolate drops ( new ) ICc ; clioco-
laid wafers , loc ; Christmas lunch ( In tins )
per dozen , $4.50 ; cocon taffy snaps , 14c ; coffee
cake , 12c ; Cuba Jumbles , HKo ; cream puffs ,
SOc ? egg Jumbles , 14c : ginger drop" , lie ;
honey jumbles , ll } < e : Jelly fingers , 15c ; Jelly
wafers , 15c ; Jelly tart ( new ) , 15c ; lady fing
ers , 13c ; vnnillabar,14c ; vanilla wafers , He ;
Vienna wafers , 1 dozen packages in n box ,
per dozen. $3.50.
All goods packed In cnns 1c per Ib. advance
except tmowflnko nnd wafer soan. which nro
packed only in cnns. Soda in 2 ib. and 3 Ib.
paper boxes , J c per Ib. advance ; nil other
goods lo per Ib. advance. Soda In 1 Ib. paper
boxes , le per Ib. advance. The 2 Ib. boxes
nro .packed In cases holding 18 in a case. The
3 Ib. boxes are packed In cases holding 12 in
n case. The I Ib. boxes nro packed In cnscs
holding 30 In n case. Ono Ib. Graham and
oat meal wafers packed 2 doz. in n case.
Show tops for boxes , with glass opening to
show goods , 75c. Cnns for wafer soda , $3.
not returnable. Cans for snowllako soda. $0
per doz. Tin cases with glass face to display
the goods , 75c each. No charges for packages
except for cans nnd returnable cases. Glass
front tin cnns nnd "snowfloko" soda cans nro
re turn tibia nt prices charged ,
Dry Goods.
DUCK West Point 29 In. 8 oz. , lOJ c ; West
Point , 29 in. 10 oz. , 12J e ; West Point , 10 in. 12
oz. , 15o ; West Point 40 > n. 11 oz. , ICc. Checks
Caledonia X,9Kc ; Caledonia XX , 10 > fc ;
Economy , Xc ; Otis , y e.
KCNTUUKY JHAHS Memorial , 15e ; Canton ,
28c ; Durham , 27J c : Hercules , 18c ; Leaming
ton , 22 c ; Cottswohl , 27' c.
CiiAsit Stevens' B , Co ; blenched , 7c ; Ste
vens' A , 7 e ; bleached , 8J e ; Stevens' P ,
8 > c ; blenched , 0 } < c ; Stevens' N , 9J c ;
blenched , 10 } c ; Stevens' S UT , 12Vc.
MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth , $2.85 ;
plain Holland , SJ c to Ke ; Dado Holland ,
CAMimics Slater , 5e ; Woods , 5cj Stand
ard , fie : Peacock , 5o ; Slater roll , C@7c.
BLANKETS " White , $1.00@7.50 ; colored
BLEACHED SHEETING Berkeley cambric ,
No. GO , 9Uc ; Best Yet , 4-4 , 9ct butter cloth ,
OO , 4&c ; Cabot , 7 > $ c ; Fnrwcll , 8 > rfc ; Fruit
of Loom , 8 > c ; Frceno G , Oc ; Hope , b'c ; King
Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdalo. HKo ; Lons-
dale , 7c ; Now York mills , lO c ; Peppcrcll ,
42-in , Ho ; Peppcrcll , 4in. ( . 12c ; Pcpperell ,
0-4,1(50 ( ; Peppcrcll , 8-4 , 21o ; Pepperell , 9-4 ,
23o ; Pepperell. 10-4 , 25c ; Canton , 4-4 , Sifc ;
Canton , 4-1 , 9Kc ; Triumph , Co ; Wnmsutta ,
lie ; Valley , 5e.
Slater , 5c ; Berlin oil , OKc ; Granor oil , C@
7c. PIND AND Uoncs Richmond , lij c ; Allen ,
OUc ; nivcr Point. 5c ; Steel Utvcr ,
chmond , Oo ; Pacific , < i ) c. INDHIO BLUE
Washington , 0 > c ; Century indigo blueprints ,
lOo ; American , 7c ; Arnold , 7c ; Arnold B ,
lie ; Anold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal , lOJ-fc.
DIIESS Charter Oak , 5J c ; Ilamapo , 4J < c ;
Lodi , 5c ; Allen , Co ; Ridimonil , Oc ; Windsor ,
"Kc ; Eddystone , O c ; Pacific , 6 c.
BIIOWN SHEETINO Atlantic A , 4-4 , CKo ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7 'c'f Atlantic D , 4-4 , 6c\ \
Atlantic P , 4-4 , 6c ; Aurora Lti , 4-4 , Cc ; Au
rora C , 4-4 , 5c ; Crown XXX. 4-4. 7J c ; Hoosier -
sier L-L , 4-4 , Co ; Indian Head , U-4 , 7 > c ;
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , Cc ; Old Dominion. 4-4 ,
5 > c ; PepDcrell , H , 4-4 , 7Jfc ; Pepperell O ,
4-4 , lie ; Pepperell , 8-4 , IS'-io ; Pepperell , 9-4 ,
21c ; Pepperell , 10-4 , 23c ! ; Utica , C , 4-4 , 5c ;
Wachusett , 4-4. 7J eC ; Aurora B , 4-1 , ( % c ;
Aurora U , 4-1 , 5 c.
BATTS Stanunrd , 9c ; Gem , 10 } c ; Beauty ,
12 c ; Byonc , 14c ; B , cased , S0.50.
GINOHAM Plunkeit checks , 7J c ; Whitten-
ton 7 o ; York , 7 } c ; Normandi dress , Sa ;
Calcutta dress , S&c ; Whittendon dress , 'Jc ;
Kcnfew dress. 8J < @ 12 c.
TICKS Lewiston , 30-in. , 12 > c ; Lewiston ,
32-in. , 13 > c ; York , 82-iii. , 14u ; Swift river ,
Ttionulyke. OO , 8 > u ; Thorndyke , FF ,
Thorndikc 120 , We ; Thorndiko XXX ,
15c : Cordis , No. 5 , 9X ° Cordis , No. 4 , lie.
DENISIS Amoskeag , 9-oz. , lUe ; Everett ,
7-oz. , 13c ; York , 7-oz. , 18c ; Haymaker , S } c ;
Jaffrey , XX , HJ o ; Jeffrey , XXX , 12 > < c ;
Beaver Creek. AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek , BB ,
lie ; Beaver Creek. CC , lOe.
FLANNELS Plaid Raftsman , 20c ; Goshcn
"Kc ; Quechee No. 4 , % , U2Kc ; Anawan ,
0 ; Windsor , 22) < c ; Ued XC , 24-in , 15 } c ;
E 24-inch 21c ; GO 24-inch , 18c ; HA F , % ,
25o ; J H F , Jf , 27 e ; G ? f , 35c.
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dis
count LL , OXc ; CO , 7)4aSS ) \ 8Xe ; Name
less , 5Wo ; No. 5 , Oc ; EE , 9Kc ; GG , lOJ c ;
XX , 12Kc ; OG , 14c ; NN , ICc ; UX , 18c ; H ,
CAHI-ET WAHIBibb , white , 10 ; c ; col
ored , 2
Gnncriil itlarlccts.
WOOL Per Ib. . 18@20c
BEESWAX 1822c per Ib.
FIAXSEED $1.35 per bushel.
HAY Common coarse , $0.00(50.50 ( ; upland
prairie , $7.00@7.50
WINDOW GLAUS Single , 70 per cent ;
double , 70 anil 10 per cent discount.
PAINTS White lend , purofi ) < o ; whltolead ,
fancy , ( % o ; putty , in bladders. 3c ; Paris
white , Se\ \ common , 2Xc ; red lend , 7c.
EXTKACTS Sanderson's oil bcrgamot , pet
Ib. , $ . ' 1.00 ; oil lemon , per Ib. , $2.50 : oil peppur-
mint , ? ; i.00oil ; wintergrcen , $2.50 ; olive oil ,
Malnga , per gallon , $1.25.
Funs Uaccoon , No. 1 , C0@70o ; No. 2 , 30 ®
35e ; mink , 10@50c ; muskrat , fall , 5@8 ;
muskrat , spring and winter , 8@llo ; stripped
skunk , 10@40o ; mountain wolf. No. 1. $1.50 ®
2.50 ; No. 2 , prairie , 50@70e ; Nn. 2 , 25@40o ;
beaver , Mo. 1 , per Ib , $2.00@3.00 ; No. 2 , $1.00
® 1.2.V otter , S1.00@.00 ( ) ; dry deer skins , 20 ®
35e j > er Ib ; dry antelope , elk , moose , etc , , 15 ®
25c ; deer skins , per Ib , 20@25c.
HIDES Green butchers' 5K7o ; green
cured , < ! } c ; dry flint , 9c ; dry salt , 8e ; green
salted calf , 7X8o ; damaged hides two-
thirds price ; dry salted deacons , 25e each ,
Tallow No. 1 , SJi'o ; No. 3 , l c. Grease-
Prime white , 4 } o ; yellow , 3e ; brown , 2c ,
Sheep pelts , 10c$1.00 , according to quality ,
Green ox pelts , ! i3)4c ; kip skins ( uniform ) ,
4@0)fo ; cowhides. 4J45c ; branded hides
classed ns damaged.
FLOUII AND FEED Minnesota patents , $2.4t
@ 2.50 per cwt ; Kansas and Missouri fancj
winter patents , $2.50C.55 per cwt ; Nebraskt
patent * , $2.45@2,50pprdwt ; rye flour , $2.6 (
per cwt ; wheat graham1. $1,75 per cwt ; ryt
graham , $1,35 per cwt ; Now York buckwheat
$ < ! .50@7,00 nor bbl ; Excelsior , $9.00 per bbl :
ready raised , $5.00 perlOO-lb case ; cornmeal ,
yellow. $1.001.10 per cwt ; white $
per cwt ; bran , $10.0017.00 per ton ; screen
ings , $12.00 per ton ; hominy , $3.25 per bbl :
chopped feed , $18.00 per ton ; chopped corn
$17.00 per ton.
OILS Carbon , Unseed , boiled , COo ; linseed ,
raw , 57c ; castor. No. 1 , $1.20 ; No. 2 , $1.J2 ;
sperm whale , $1,00 ; whale water , bleached
85a ; fish , bank , 85o ; neatsfoot extra , (15o ( :
ncatsfoot No. 1 , 50o ; gasoline , 74 degrees , 15o
W. S. lard , C5o ; Nol lard , 50o ; No. 2 lard , 5 (
@ 55c ; W , Va. zero , jUo ; W.Va , summer , 12o
golden No. 1 , 40o ; gulden No , 2 , 25o : whale
20o ; impthn , 1 dcgrpe , 14o ; headlight , 15 (
degrees , 12o ; headlight , 175 degree , ' 15o ; tur >
pentlno , 4So ; castor , pure , $2.45 per gal.
Dnuas Ammonia carb , 14o ; camphor re
lined , 30o ; cojipcrus , lci cream tartar , 45o
cream tartar iwwdered , 2050o ; indigo Ma
dras , 75o ; morphia Bulph , ] > eroz , $ ; i.35 ; sodt
bl carb , C5o ; Venice turpentine. 40e ; gun
opium , $4.25 { quicksilver , bOo : quinine , Gor
wan , per or , 55e ; quinine , P. & W. , 14o ; war
yellow , pure , 32e ; wax , white , 4555o ; cltrlt
uciil , per Ib , Oto ; oxulloacld. perlb , Wcjulum
4o ; borax , refined , per Ib , lOc.
Si'JitiTS Cologne sjiirits 1&8 proof , $1.14
do 101 proof , $1.17 ; spirits , second quality
101 proof , $ .20 ; do 183 proof. $1.18 ; alcohol
168 proof , per wino gallon , $2.12 ; rcdlstillet
whiskies , $1.251.60 ; gin blended , tl.50@2.00
Kentucky bourbons , $2.00 ® 0.00 ; Kentucky
and Pennsylvania ryes , $2.00@8.60 ; Goldci
Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies. ? 1.50@3.00
brandies , Imported , $ o.008.50 ; domestic
$1.303.00 ; gins , imported , $ o.00@0.00 ; do
mcstic , fl.25@i.OO : ; champagnes , tinixirted
per case , $2S.OO33.000 ; American , per caj > o
$ 10.00 ® 10.09.
LEATIIEII Oak Boles. 85@37o ; hcmlocl
slaughter sple. 12@29o i hemlock dry sole , 1' '
i licmlock kip , 00(2 ( Wo ; A. & 13. runne
hip , SOfiiTSo ; A. hemlock cnlf , P0cl CO ; A.
A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75e ; hemlock
ippcr , 10@24c ; English grnln upper , 25o ,
icmlock grain upper , 21@24c ; Tnmpfco B. I > .
Morocco , 2933o ; aniplco t'cpnle , O. D , Mo. ,
° 2@29e ; Curacoa , B. O. Mo. , M(340c ( ; Simon
O.D. Mo. , $2.753.00 ; Dancola.kld , 80@3T.c-
X. M , kntignroo , 40c { American cnlf kid. fl2c ;
Grlesen kids , $3.003.50 ! FrenchKlwed kids.
2.60@2.75 ; French cnlf kids. $3.20 ; oak kip
kins , $ SOc@$1.00 ; onkenlf skins , ei.00@l.20 ;
French cnlf skins , $1.252.00 ; French kip
kins , $1.10@1.60 ; Uussltt linings , $0.00 < an.W )
icr dor. ; pink cream and white linings , $7.60
$10.00 per dot , ; colored toppings , $9.00@
2 , 4 '
10ft. 18ft 20ft. 22ft'.24ft.
x4 7B 18 5 18 25 iTs7iS2S
xU .IS 75 18 2,1 18 25 20 2T. 20 2T
If. 7B 18 23 18 i 20 2 , ' . 20 2. ' .
xlO jr. 18 2f > IS 2Ti)20 ) 2I > 30 25
XI2 .Ifl 18 18 2.1 21 r. SI 2
172ii 18 2A 18 2u2U ! 25 21
No. 1 com , s 1 o.17.50 I No. 3 com , B 1 s.U.OO
No. 2 com , s 1 a. 15.50 | No. 4 com , sis. 13.50
No. 1,4 & 0 in 12 & 14 ft , rough $18.50
No. 1 , " " 10 " 18.50
No.2 , " " 14 " 15.00
No.2 , " " 10 " 10.00
A , 12 , 14 & 10 f t.$20.25 C , 12 , 14 ft 10 f U14.50
13 , " " 19.501 D , " " 11.50
1st com * i In White Plnoccillng $30.75
2d' " " " " 20.75
Clear M In Norway " " 15.25
2d coin ln " " " 13.25
FI.OOlllNO ,
A 0 in White Pine $33. : > 0
HOIn " " 31.50
COIn " " . 28.50
DOIn " " 20.50
EOin " " ( Scl. Fencing ) 18.00
0 in , Drop Siding 50cpcr M extra.
A12lnchsls $44.50
B12 " 33.50
C12 " 35.50
No. 1 com , 12insls , 12ft 19.50
" ' " 14ft 18.50
" " " ] 0ft 18.00
" " 10,18,20ft 21.00
No.2 " " 18.00
" " " 12&14 ft 17.50
" " 10ft 10.50
2 in Grooved rooflnp , $1 per M more than 12
in Slock Hoards same length.
.0 in Grooved fooling same price as 12 in
Stock Bonrds.
No. 1 Plnln 8 nnd 10 in $17.75
No.2 " " " 10.25
No. 1 , OG , 8 in 18.25
1st and 2nd , clenr , 1,1 j { In a 2 s $49.50
' " " IKi 2 49.50
3d , clenr , 1 In , s2s 44.50
" U < , IM In , 2 45.50
A. select , 1 ins 2s 3S.50
A , " 1,1M , 2ins2s ' 42.50
13 , ' lina2B. . . . 23.50
13 , " 1J { , 1J4 , 2in s2s 35.50
13 , select , nil 1C ft , $1 extra.
Com. 4 inch Flooring. , . . . $17.50
Star " " 19.50
1st nnd 2d clenr 4 inch Flooring 21.50
Six inch 50c less.
Clcnr finch Ceiling 19.50
Clear % inch Partition 23.50
Clenr Kinelt , Partition $2 above % inch
Clear Finish , 1 nnd 1 } Inch , s2s 20.00
Clear Finish , IK nnd 2 inch , s 2 s 29.00
Clenr Corrugated Ceiling , 4 inch 23.50
Clear Yellow Pine Casing nnd Base. . . . 25 00
Clear poplar bx. I3ds % m s 2 s $34.00
" " J inpanol , s2s 27.00
" " Corrugated ceiling , % . . 28.00
OGBatts , 2Min $ r-5
" J x3sls 30
2 in well tubing , D & M and bev 22
Pickets , D & H Hat. . . 19
' DHstj 19
XX clear $ 3.00 Extra * A * $ 2.SO
* A * Standard. . 2.53 * AHB&B. . . 2.25
5 in clear 6 in clear 1.05
No. 1 1.30 Cedar * A *
Lath 2.55
White cedar 0 In yt a 12
Oinqrs 12
EM in , Ms WA
8mqrs WA
4 in round 14
Tennessee red cedar , split 14
Split oak 8
rtenl Estate Transfers.
Andrew J Poppleton and wife to Mans
Nelson , lot 15 , blk 20 , Pouplcton
Park , wd 5000
Mary O'Hearneto John O'Hcarne , lots
I , 7 and 3 , blk 139 , City of Florence ,
lot 22 , blk 10 , Albright's aiinex , iv d 200
Sarah Barrett and husband to Emma
L Wood , lot 20 , blk 11 , Omaha View ,
w d. . . . . 2,400
Sarah Barrett and husband to Emma
L Wood , part of lots 13 und 14 , blk 1 ,
Jotter's add , w d 3,200 ,
South Omaha Land Co to L Y Slltes ,
lots 7 and 8 , blk B , South Omaha ,
w d . 1,005
South Omaha Land Co to L Y Sikes ,
lot 12. blk 40 , South Omaha , w d. . . . 825
South Omaha Land Co to William M
Kcrr , lot 11 , blk 03 , South Omaha ,
w d 275
John H Gibson and wife to Alfred A
Selden , lot 10 , blk 1 , Pullman Place ,
w d 500
Pioneer 1 own Site Co to P. Mangold ,
lots 15,10,17 , Town of Benniiigton ,
w d 400
Pioneer Town Site Co to P Mangold ,
lots 13 nnd 14 , Town of Bennington ,
w d 150
Felix Lollesto to Mulinda Loflesto , his
wife , lot 0 , blk 1 , Haas1 subdiv , blk
II , Jotter's add , w d 1,000
C C Vcnnum and wife to II E Gary ,
ono undiv % int in tots 5 and G , Ben
son's sub , wd 1,200
C F Goodman to the public proposed
extension of Dorcas st cast to Uth st ,
James Voro and wife to William F
Derbyshire , lot 11 , blk 2 , So Omaha
park , w d 450
James H Thompson to U N Gould und
wife , lot ? , blk 2Cony Hill , w d. . . . 800
Fifteen transfers , aggregating..fll,005
Building I'onnltR.
The following building permits wore issued
yesterday by the superintendent of buildings :
C , C. Spottswood , five cottugcs.Pinclc-
noy between Thirty-first and Thir
ty-second $ 4,500
C. C. Bickol , cottaRO , Tenth near Val
ley ! 500
G. K. Blckel , cottage , Valley near
Tenth 400
James Turner , stable , Izard near Thir
ty-seventh nvonuo , . . . 130
Joseph Schiller , 2-story double frame
store and flat , Twenty-fourth be
tween Clark and Grace 2,500
Jacob Keller , addition to dwelling ,
Ninth and Bancroft 110
Henry Four ! , addition to dwelling ,
Twenty-eighth near Paxton. . . . . . . . 15 (
L. Danbuum & Co. , addition to brick
store , 105 south Fourteenth 235
Jeff W. Bedford , alterations to store
building , Fourteenth and Parnnni. . DCK
N , Dcucl , 2-story residence , Emtactt
nearTwcnty-tirst. . , , , S,75 (
George Marks , 2-story residence and
stable , Wirt near Eighteenth 4,000
Eleven nermlts , aggregating. $16,775
They Wnnt a Vliuluct.
As the meeting of the First ward repub
lican club to have been hold at their rooms at
the corner of Leavenworth and Tenth streets
last night was not given publicly through the
proper channel , there wus only a corporal's
guard turn out. Consequently adjournment
was ordered until next Friday night at tha
same place , when public improvements wll
be discussed in connection with politics. It
is understood that the club has in view the
agitation of the construction of a viaduc
over the Tenth street crossing of the Union
Pacific and Burlington tracks.
Off For Kit rope.
M. Toft and wife to-day leave for a Euro
pcau trip , with the well wishes Of hundreds
of friends and acquaintances for a safe
Journey nnd pleasant time. A low nlghte
ago , after the happy .ccuplo hail retired , t
party of their friends aroused them from
their slumbers. Tha beautiful homo wa
quickly Illuminated , and several hours \rcrc
passed io an enjoyable uunucr , ja
C H uWZfrl I LL > A R K ER < '
DealerlnAgricultnrallmplements , Wagons ,
Carri gc > and IlnrnlF * . Jftir f < trwtibetKCcnitnand
_ Iptli.JJmalia , .N > lir ttt. ' _
AgriCultnralImDlementsWapns1CaiTiaEes ,
lluf Kits , Kte. Wholesale. Omaha.
Wholesale Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons&Bnggies
_ 101 , KB. TO and DOT Jones Blrcct , Omnlin ,
P. P. MAST c Co7
Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders ,
Cultivators , Hay JtakM. CMsr Mill * and I.utmn 1'ul-
TtrUert. Cor. Itthaud Nicholas t-trrcU.
Agncnltiiral Implements , Waps&BnegiGs
Corner Hthjnd Nicholas Streets.
( Aknin , Ohio , )
laryesting Kacliinerj and Blnfler Twine
V. B. Mead , Manancr. Iil3 LtaTcnworth * U , Umnim
Manufacturers and Jobtiors In
Wagons Bnggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
_ Cor. 9th ami 1'aclflc Stroctii. Omaha. Nob.
Artists' Nlntorlals.
A HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 Douglas Btrcet , Omaha. Nebraska.
Boots and Shoos ,
W. V. MORSE & CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
10-1103-lUii Douglas St. , Omnlm. Manufactory , Sum
mer 81. , Huston ,
( SiicccMors to llccd , Junes & Co. )
Aeculslor llcnton Itubbcr Shoo Co. IIUJ , 110I1U J
Hartley t. . OrnahU. NehraaXn.
Dooksollors and Stationers. ,
H. M , & S. W. JONES ,
Successors to A. T. Kcnyon A \Vholcsalc & llctall
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Flno Wcdrtlna Blatlonery. Commercial Stationery.
UnioiiflasbtrectrOiuaba , Neb.
Omalut Coffee nnd gplco Mills.
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
" "
" ° ' -
Crockery end _ Cl
" W. L . "wRVdHT ,
Apcnt for the Manuracturcrs nnd Importers of
Glassware Lamps Chimneys
CrocKery , , , ,
Ktc. Clgl co , 317 8.13Ui 8U , Onmba , Nclta ) ka.
Whnlosnio Dcnlort In
Paints , Glass and Varnishes ,
1119 Knrnam Street , Omnhn.Ncb.
* Importers nnd.Jobbers of
Crocliery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware ,
I Ktc 1SK FarnnmSU.Ncw I'nxlnn UlitldlnB.
Commission and Storage.
( Successors to McSbnno & Echrocdcr. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Flonr , Feed , Grain and General Commission
Merchants. Correspondence follclted. 1014 Nort
1Mb btreci , Omnlm. Neb.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties Butter , KKKS , Chccce , Poultry , Game ,
Oysters , Ktc. . Ktc. llZSoutli Htli blrcct.
Co a I , Co kg a n d Ll m o. _
Johhers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
309 South 13th Street , Oniaba , Nebraska.
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
And shippers of Coal , Coke , Cement , I'laslor , I.lmo.
Drain Tile , and Sewer Wo. Ofllce , i'axton Hotel ,
Farnani tit. , Oiuaba , Neb. Telephone Bit.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
! 11 South 13th St. . Oniaba. Nob.
Dry Goods and Notions.
M. E SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1102 and 1101 Douglas , Cor. 11th St. , Omaha. Neb.
Importers andJoliliersiiiDryGoofls.Notions .
Cents' Furnishing Roods. Corner Ilth nnd IJrunoj
Htn. , Ornalia. Npbrutta.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
I'arnam Street , Omaha. Nebraska.
Omaha , Nebrutka.
_ Crooorloo.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
,06.7U7.709 and 711 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
lth and Ixiavcnwortb Strccti , Omaha , Nebraska.
. Johhers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , Sbeot Iron. Kte. Agents Tor HowoBcalei
and Miami Powder Co. , Omaha , Neb.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Jlecbanlcs' Tooli and Buffalo Scales , lift Dougla
Ktrcet , Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Hardware ,
lOthand ITarnor Sti. , Omaba , Neb. Western Anoot
for Austin fawder Cu. , Jefferson Kteel Nails ,
Fairbanks Standard Scales.
Wholesale Manufacturers of
Saddlery & Jobbers of Saddlery Hardware
And leather , 1103,1405 and 1407 Hartley BUOuintm ,
Honvy Hardyyaroi' ' '
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Sleel ,
Wholesale Iron and Sleel ,
M { M
W. L , PARROTTE & CO. , '
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods
1107 Uarner Etrcat , Omaha , Neb.
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesal
15U Street and Union Pacific Track , Omaha.
Dealer in Luinher , Lath , Lime , Sa's ] ) ,
Dogrj.Ktc. YarJI-Corner 7th and Domlfts : Coroe
UtU and Doliiila-
C. N , DIETZ ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lnnte
nihandCalHorala Streets , OmaJis ,
Lnmlicr Lime Cement Eic Etc
, , , , , ,
Corner Btli and WotulasSU. . Omaha.
To Dealers Only ,
Pence , 1103 Karnnm gtrcct Drain * .
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Dealer in Hardwooi Lumber ,
Wood C rpft Rml r rq\iel Mooring wh nnd Dond
Iron Works.
Wrought anil Cast Iron Billing Worfc
CnRlncn. IIranVorVO < incrnl Koimilrr. Mnchlp
JJIiU'ksmllli Work , omco nml Worku , U. 1 * .
anil 17th Street , Unmlin.
Hanufactnrers of Wire and Iron Railings
Desk llnlli , Window ( } unr > K Klowpr Stands , Wlr
blgna.lClc. ta NotlhlCtli Struct.Omaha.
Man'frs ' of Fire- & Burglar Proof Safes
Vaults'ft" Work , Iron and VTIro Wnctnii , Slnnt , Elo.
< J. Amlrr IMI , I'ron'r Cor. lllh nmlJtvckMni His.
Iron and Wire Fences , Halite Gnards ,
uu bcruuim , loruuiiKs , iiutivt > < MUIO * , ifft\Jcnvu9 , eto
ImrroTOd Awnings , l.ock mHli .Machlncrr and
lllacksmltti Works. ( lUSoiitli UthSU
, l > lu/ U LUrtOrt ,
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks ,
Ocncrnl ARIMIS ( for Dlrbnld Snfo & I/ok Co.'s
VaulU and Jail Work , 1115 furuaui btrotit , Omaba.
ttniiuiury uiui nuiioiiu.
' ' ' " " "
i. ODE R F E L D'ER''C 671
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
an. ilO and 213 Boutli lllh Street.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goofls
< tO nnd 4fti B ( tli 101 ll 81. . Oiiialm.
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
110J llnrncy Street , Omaba.
Wholsale Refined anil Lubricating Oils ,
la ( lrcn o. Kte. . Oulaha. A. II.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carrr a nleo stock ot rrlntliiiVrappltiR aod Writing
1't er. Special attention iilron to car loan hpl T .
Printers' Mntorlala.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Dealer , | n Prc-.nml-rr.-Bupplle , . WJ
Rubber Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
311 Clothing anilcatlio.Holtlng. . 1008 Karnara Btr U
; fc :
Pumps , Pipes and Eugines ,
! tci > m-
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
3tcam and Wntcr Bunpllcs. Hcadquartcni for Mast ,
Koost & Co's Bood . 1111 Knnmm St. , Omaha. *
U. S. WIND ENGINE & PUMP 66. , "
Steam and Water Supplies ,
nnlllday Wind Mills. B19nnd020Farnam SI. , Omaha.
O. K. Iloas , ActingManager. .
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery.
Sheet Iron Work Steam Tumpi , Saw MIHi. IJlJ-niS
iH'qyenwortli BUeul. Oronlia.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
til and 013 Jonca Btrcet. Omaha ,
Storage , Forwarding & Comrnlaqlon
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Branch homo of the Horraer OuRerOp , huiIBlei
wbolciala and retail JUBlJlOandlglCTtaralftlebt ,
Oniaba. T lci > bone No.TBO.
Cornlcq. _ _ _ _ _ _
MannfactnrcGalyauized Iron and
John"P 'ter rro rlcto OTgofljetoa MA ll )
Lager Beer Brewers , 1
) S21 Nottb L'luthttouth Btroct , Omaba , Neb.
Manufacturers of Overalls , <
Jcnns rantagblrti , Ktc. HOIand 1104Uouglai Strict.
Omaha , Neb.
. * j. > n t. f
Sash , Door , Etc. j j
M. A. DISBROV1 1 CO. , )
Wbolculo Mnnutioturen of
Sasb. Boors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch bfflce , mli and Iiara Blreeti , Omaha , Nbb
nes , Btalr Work and Interior
lib. . M. 12. Corner ( Hli and Ixjarenwort
Omaba , tjcl ) .
Manafacturers of Moulding , Sash , Boors ,
Manufacturing Bealer in SmoKe Stacks ,
$ Ooner.1
C.It. I'ALMKK. N. P. UlCtlHAK , J. H. llI.ANCU.iMU.
Live Stock Commission Mentals ,
Live SW Commission Mentals ,
Market /unil lim ! free on npiillcatlon. Block ri ind
[ ceilori t urnlitaiHl on cpod ttna * . Itu'orvncet : Jtn .
Liye Stoci Commission ,
lloom 15 , Kxcbnnuo liulldlng , Unloo Block
boutti Oiuaba , Neb ,
Commision Dealers in Live Socfc
Bo ° m . , . UqUu Block
- Of Ornate Limitel
Jolia lf.