1 8 . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , MARCH 23 , 1888. 1Ap YEARS mini ? The Light of Justice and Innocence Shining On a Minister. DEMOCRATS IN SOUTH OMAHA. A Midnight Jangle Which ExcccclH In Interest Anything In the Savory History or Tnmnmny'H BravcH nml Sachems Local. Light at Ijnst. One of the most romnrlmblo cnscs of repar ation to n clmractcr which had long stnigfflcil under n most serious chnrgo Ima recently been brought to light. The innocent victim is the Kev. Mr. Wclshcr , the able , energetic , cxcraiilary and eloquent gentleman who during the month of February held n revival In the First Baptist church In this city. The snows of many winters had whitened his hair though the twitches of conscience ) had In no manner reduced his bodily vigor or given to his open and honest countenance the npjicanuico of the scoundrel which he seemed to have berne In the estimation of Bomo of the earlier members of his church , Twcnty-flvo years ago Kov. Mr. Wclshcr was a young man and had just entered upon the duties of the ministry in a little town In Ohio , Ho readily found favor with his people ple , and after n couple of years' work was granted a vacation which ho decided to upend In n. tour through Minnesota. In his congregation was a wealthy old gentleman who owned some property in that state. Kov. Mr. Wclshcr was a friend of this parish loner and was committed by him to pay the taxes on certain property , which ho owned m the vicinity which Mr. Wolslicr was about to visit. The latter started on his Journey , and in the course of tlmo reached the town nearest the land upon which the taxes were line. Ho put up at the hotel , and after nightfall made Inquiries ns to the best means of reaching the property in question. Ho was told by an aftablo stranger that It was many miles distant , but that there was no nccesssity for his traveling over land so far , because the county treasur er was in town , In fact , his horses wcro in the Htablo of the hotel and would bo called for early in the morning by the owner , who was distant on business a few miles tip the road. In the morning the alleged county treas urer called upon the Kov. Mr. AVelsbcr , and received from the latter the taxes claimed to bo duo upon the property of his Ohio friend. No printed receipt was given because the treasurer claimed ho was so fur tvway from homo , ho did not think ho would have any need of receipts and consequently had brought none of them with him. He , hoxvover , gave a written receipt for the money , which was accepted , whereupon the llov. Mr. Wclshor continued on his journey nnd in coin no of time returned to his charge in Ohio. After about a year ho removed to a neigh boring town. While there his old friend , who has long since gene to the grave , re ceived a notice to the effect that if the taxes were not soon paid upon his Minnesota seta property the same would bo sold. Ho forwarded the receipt for the same which ho had received from the Kev. Mr. Welshcr , and that was promptly pronounced a forgery. This announcement staggered Mr. Wolsher's old friend and finally reached the car of disaffected parties who gathered u number of mombnrs of the Baptist denomination in that vicinity to in vestigate the chargo. The result was not withstanding Mr. Welsher's denial , that lie was found guilty of the crime. The Investi gation , however , was not undertaken by the man who had been the victim of the wrong , nor yet by cither of the church societies of which Mr. Welshcr had been the leader. Nevertheless , Mr. Welshcr , although not prosecuted in a criminal way for the alleged offense , has since suffered under the imputation , and a man less honest would have long since broken under the weight. A short time ago a minister of his denom ination named Jackson was preaching in this state , nnd happened to mention Mr. Welsher's name. The next day ho received a letter asking where Mr. Welsher could bo found , the party inquiring claiming that ho had conspired to rob that party many years ago. Mr. Welsher , at the time , was holding his revival hero at Rov. Mr. Lamar's church , and was written to about the strange in quiry. Ho roturncd to his homo in Abilene , Kan. , where a few weeks ago the death-bed confession of the thief nnd confidence man was forwarded to him , thus exonerating him from the crime. The letter will be pub lished in the Bnn to-day and Mr. Wolsher's friends will rejoice in his exoner ation. SOUTH OMAHA. 1'OMTICS. . . A Very lively Blcotinn Nominations JMiule. It can't bo imagined and it can't bo de scribed , for it was the meeting of the Third ward democrats in South Omaha , "I've paid 50 cents for miny a show" said ono elector at the close ns ho tried to recover his voice in front of an adjoining bar , "but I niver had the fun I had to-night. That ex plains it. It was out in the lonely school house on the west sldo where two smoky hand lamps throw the chairman and secre tary out in bold relief , while the audlcnqo was lost in the gloom. Charlie King was the chairman , and did his best to preserve order , but ho might as well have endeavored to make a stream run up hill. Johnny Maher ofllciatcd as secretary and faithfully took the minutes of the meeting when the crowd got far enough away from the table to lot him use his pencil. A stable lantern helped the Unit reporter out behind the table , where It was held by nn elector in the safest place tlio ro- portcr could Jind. They were noisy from the Ill-stand the chairman evidently recognised most of the voters , for ho at once appointed two sorgcants-at-arms in the person of Pat rick Ityuu and Jim Dougherty. Pat is said to bo the author of an original poem with u chorus which runs : "O I'll ' bo wid star , a policeman u upon my breast. An' whin I'm not on duty I'll ' wear it on mo vest. I'll run you 'foro Judge Rcuthor , and there you'll pay a line , He'll ask you who arrested you , an' you'll say 'twas Paddy Ryan. " Pat and .lim helped to restore order for a time , and at Intervals the names of Hliorvo- nicht , O'Rouko and Donavan could bo heard us nominees for councilman. They were al lowed to stand until the meeting appointed judges nnd toilers , and the meeting had homo trouble in doing this. Finally it appointed Andy Conway and Fred Howley as tellers , nnd i ddy D'Hricn us judge , and then the trouble commenced. The chairman tried to announce that they would then vote by ballot on the question of who would bo the demo cratic councilman for the Third ward. Someone ono misunderstood him and t > ad ! "Second the motion , " and alt the rest of the audience said thtf sumo thing except n fuw who said "No-o-o-o , " It led to u gcnoral debate , how ever , and as everyone in the house took part and the most of them speaking at once , the reporter was unable to catch them. He , however , caught most of the speeches on the subject , and gives them verbatim : "Read the mimes iigin. " " \\hat uro they forl" "Second the motion. " "You talked too much last night. " "I'll talk agin to-night ; 1 don't give a G d for jou or any of you. " " 1'vo not voted. " "You'ro n liar. " "Utilly for you. " The chairman tlion called for the sergcant- at-arms and assured him lie would receive no harm , and thu voters proceeded to cast their ballots , the debate in the meantime continu ing."Go "Go back , you voted before. " "Your a d dllar.Vliutdo you want up again ! " "What the h 1 do you know about. iU" "Thero's u man voted twice aforo. " "Put them back. " "Put him out. " "Break away. " "Mr , Chairman , do you know how many il legal votes uro being cast. 1" "Tho reporter's getting his work in. " "Whero's the Bor- Keant-at-urmsi" "You'ro right , partner. " "You havn't lived hero a month. " "Uoptl boy , Johnny. " "O , Billy. " "Sergeant at- nnns. " "Gentlemen. " "Thoy'rO ringiog in double ballots now , " and "Cluso the ballot. " It might bo stated that the Intervals bc- tWcon these speeches were tilled in with ono continued chorus Of yells In which every ono Wok part "to CliiUraftnj to close all this coutradic- Uorn I move yon close the box , " said ono elector with more lung power than the others. The box referred to had once been tilled with cigars , bat at the tlmo he spoke it was nearly filled with ballots. One teller took the hint and covered It with his lmt-mul there was Hvo minutes intermission for yelling when the debate was again taken up. "Mr , Chairman , I say there's voters haven't voted. " "I Bay there ain't. " "Shet up. " "Tro htm out. " "Keep still. " "Gen- tlemcn. " "Second the motion. " "Yes. " "Who's a Hart" The chairman then made himself heard long enough to say : "There seems to be a dlsjwsltton for a man to vote any number of times , and " "Second the motion , " said seine ono anxious to renew the dcbato. It was renewed , but the reporter couldn't keep up , ns the crowd closed in on him and ho couldn't work his pencil. The chairman at last secured the school bell and rang it long enough to attract atten tion , when he said : " 1 want you to understand right now , that I can tnko core of this crowd , or any other crowd. If there's any man hasn't voted " "There's thrco times too many votes now , " said n debater , "let him como Up honestly and voto. But I won't take another vote until tills other crowd goes awny from the table , " continued the chairman. Once moro the debate was renewed , nnd during n ten minutes' discussion the only re marks the reporter could catch wcro "I move do box is trowed out , and cloy vote at do duro " " ' of order " "It's ' as cloy go out. "You'ro out , n d lio. " "I move a motion to count do ballots. " "Why in h 1 don't hoi"'Me - Guiro's got the lloor. " "Let him stay there. " To read a further report of the meeting would bo monotonous , but It wasn't at all monotonous to bo there. The dcbato wns very lively all through , but the only ono hurt was ono that fell from a bench , on which ho was gesticulating wildly to attract the attention of the crowd. He lost no blood , but ho lost his place on the desk which was quite n loss to anyone having such a vantage ground. The "statoos" ( uottcr known as the statutes ) wcro produced and the chairman read out the pains and penalties allotcd to fraudulent voters , but without any marked effect. At last the ballots were counted and the result showed that J. J. Donovan headed the list wlthlH ; J. O'Kourk , 44 and J. I. Bllever- nicht , U. "I got twenty-four In ono wad , " said Teller Bowley to the 13BE reporter"nine In another , nnd six in another. " "And I didn't got a chance to vote at all , " said an elector. "What's your name" ho was asked. "Kllngman,1'ho said , and when it was learned the reporter was taking the names of those who had not voted , the fol lowing crowded around and gave in theirs : George Forman.F.McKenna.Frcd Bowloy , Tom Hector , Patrick Hector , Win. Cresson , Billy Kane , Briney Conway. John Conway , John Burk , II. White , Jack Yates , Frank Koko , Ollio O'Mcan ' , John Jackman , Mike Sweeny , Frank Tobin , Jack Kelly , Charlie Sweeney , Jack Hart , Ed. Corrigan , Pete Corrigan , Frank Burnett , Win. Chiswold , Tom Sweeny , Jack Crook , Joe Agar , J. C. Mays , Emmet Purdy , Frank O'Kourko , Tom Thompson , George McIntyre.Burt Mclntyre. H. II. McCandlish , John Mahcr , Pat Manor. A delegation of fourteen from Albright and others too numerous to mention. Messrs. O'RourkBlinvcrnicht and Connors then got n partial hearing and denounced the whole outfit , the latter being especially for cible in his remarks. In order to find out what the candidates thought of it the re porter interviewed each of them with the following result : John J. Donovan I'm satisfied with the result. It is the nomination of the Third ward democrats. It would bo a good deal straighter if the chairman had put the mo tions the way he got them. Ono thine I want to say the chairman was begottcd against mo. They had their own chairman nnd secretary , and had commenced the meet ing before I got there. I have had the nomi nation twice and I'm going to run on the straight democratic ticket. J. L. Bliovernicht I shall withdraw in favor of .lolin O'Kourko , providing the citi zens of South Omaha arc satistled with my withdrawal. If not I am still in the Held. John O'Kourko I am not satisfied with the result of to-night's meeting , and my appearance - anco in the. Hold depends upon the wishes of Third ward citizens. I want to thank Mr. Bliovernicht lor his remarks in my favor. OTIIUK DOMINATIONS. First Ward Frank Pivonka and B. F. Baylcss for councilmcn and Pat Rico and Tom Rock , judges of election. Second Ward B. McMillan , councilman. Fourth Ward B. Jotter and S. B. Fanno , councilmcn. Special Notice to Ijargc Buyers. $10,000 worth of superb parlor suits , sofas , chairs , folding beds , mattresses , springs , nt immcnso sacrifice to pay cish ! ! advances. Please cull , wo can in terest you. you.NEW YpiiKSTOHAoi : Co. , Capitol iivo. and 15th st. o > A PUGIMST IN PETTICOATS. The Style hi Which n "Woman lle- hcntocl Interference Kroni a 3Iui. She was n muscular-looking woman and wore a stern look and a plush sacquo. Down the B. & M. platform yesterday there trotted by her sidu a little girl holding on to her hand. Instead of lifting the child up to the car steps , she stopped aboard jiml actual ly jerked the little girl up by ono' ' arm. The child began to cry , and n gentleman who stood on the opposite step , said : "Madam , you shouldn't treat that child so cruelly. " What ! " she yelled. "I hadn't , chi1 Tnko that you wretch and mind your own busi ness. " With thfso words she let go with her loft , as the sporting editor would say , and caught the gentleman squarely on the nose from which the blood spurted forth. The man was game and smarting under the Insult made a rush for his assailant. She squared herself , a la Sullivan , and neatly stopped him and delivered an upper cut blow that made the gentleman's teeth rattle. Heron n brakeman interferred and stopped further hostilities , The woman turned to the laughing crowd that had gathered nnd said : "I ain't no slouch if I do wear petticoats. " Then she entered the conch while tier defeated antago nist sought u place to wash his bloody face. Folding- Boils Cheap. Only $21 , cost $50 , and anytlung clso in proportion lit Niw YoiiicSTOKAoi : Co. , Capitol ave and loth bt. AMUBHMBXTS. ArOI.T.O CI.L'll AND MAllIAXSK IlUANllT. There has novcr been in this country n greater singer than is "Marianne Brandt , in the particular line In which she has made herself famous. Onoofour leading musicians stated yester day that as between Brandt and Adallna Pattl , there was no comparison ; that there was infinitely moro pleasure in hearing Brandt than Pattl. At > the Apollo club concert this evening she will sing three number , winch will give our people an opportunity to judge for themselves of her great ability. Another very attractive feature of this concert , be sides the hinging of the club , which is always cnjoyablo , will bo the Grieg concerto In A minor , played by Madumo Muontofcring , as sisted tiy Martin Calm , the first time in Omaha wo behove. The solo of tickets begins at the box ofUco of Boyd's opera house to morrow morning. Itccllnlii ) , ' Chairs Only $ , Cost $20. At Now York Storage Co. , Capftol avo. and 16th st. Activity AniniiK Iho Knlooimion. A largo number of the saloons in the city are having a tough time in getting in readi ness to meet the mandates of Mayor Broatch that the remaining three quarters $ Ti > 0 of their annual linuor license must bo put up by April ! . There has been a regular shower of chattel mortgages in the county clerk's ofllco within the past week , and they still continue to pour in thicl ; nnd fast. There are yet ft great many outstanding whom it is assuredly known won't bo able to meet the demand , and the result is looked forward to with no inconsiderable curiosity on the puit of the haloonatics. Several openly avow their in tention to test the mutter in the courts. A surprise , when- smoking "Soiclon- barg Figaro" forSo you will llud it u , lUc cigar , Ask your dealer for them , Continental Clothing House GRAND OPENING SALE OF PRING AND SUMMER SUITS. In every department of our store will now be found new and elegant goods made especially for the spring and summed season , at woes extraordinarily low. Commencing this week , close buyers will find it to their advantage to watch , tlielist of attractive bargains which we shall offer and which will be announced in the daily r > apers each week. Read the List of Unprecedented Bargains for This Week. The Sinter Woolen Company is now nnd has been for 30 years known as the most celebrated makers of fine Indigo Blue Cheviots in the United States. Their goods are always thoroughly re liable , and when warranted Indigo Blue will bo found precisely as they are rep resent eel. The most thoroughly satis- Bnctory blue goods made in thiH country to-day are made by the Slater Woolen Co. Co.WE WE OFFER , COMMENCING THURS DAY : Lot No. 1 200 pure all wool mid full Indigo Blue Slater's Cheviot Suitsnow , , fresh goods , just made up within CO days , in singlo-hrcasted sack suits ; coats all made with lap , double- stitched seams , maclo anil trimmed in , the best manner , and in regular men's sizes , from 34 to 42 , at the extraordin arily low price of $10 per suit. Read , the price again. Think what the goods are that wo are offering you. Genuine Slater Woolen Co.'s all wool full indigo suits , heavy weight , at only 810. The ordinary retail price is not less than 810 to $17 per suit. Price $10.00. Lot. No. 2 Wo offer 200 Suits in single-breasted sack coats , the very best Sawyer Woolen Co.'s Double and. Twist Spring Suitings , now , light grey and brown mixture , just made up in our very best manner , suits that wo have sold regularly for the past 12 years , anil in no instance have they over been shown on our counters at less than 818 per suit. For our present season's open- Self Measurement Blanks sent on application. Mail and Express Orders promptly attended to. OMAHA BOSTON PreelandL , Loomis & -Co. NEW YORK DES MOINES Proprietors ; Corner Fifteenth and Douglas Streets , Omaha , Nebraska , Another Post. This evening there will bo n meeting of the veterans or the war who reside in North Omaha , in the hall ot Goodrich lodge on Saumlcrs street , to perfect arrangements for the establishment of a new post of the O. A , 11. It is expected that tlicro will cthcn bo read a list of the names of all the posts of the G. A. It. in this department , which has been forwarded by Captain. Henry , of Fremont , the newly elected commander. This has been promised to save the possibil ity of duplication. With this information is expected a chartorof the post. It is the in tention to make the post one of the most sta ble In the btatc. ; A. Card. It has been reported that I am lost. I most emphatically deny this and state for the benefit of the public that I was looking up some outsidejproporty which I have for trade. R. L , . Omaha's Ijittlc Artists. Misses Allen , Maxwell and Wycoff , the teachers deputized for tbo purpose , met at the rooms of the Hoard of Education yester day afternoon , and selec t d the specimens of fnucy art work from the different schools which are to bo sent for further inspection to the state teachers' convention at Fremont Much of the drawing is of u very creditable nature , and reflects credit alike upon pupil nnd teacher. Thlspowder never varies. A mnrvc'ofpurl- ty.atrenKthuiid wholpsimianosf. M ro ecommi leal tluuithe ordinary kinds , nud cunn < H uet > olp IncomnutltloiMVltiitlinimiltltiido of low rot. . fUort weight alum or phosphate powders. Bold oTily In ciuis. Hoval Haklng Powder l"oJIM Wuilstrect.New York. WILBQR'S COMPOUND OP IPURE COD LIVER OIL AND PHOSPHATES OP SODA , IRON. = = = ® niL rorthcCurcnf Consumption Coiwhs , Cuhla , AUunalninrMtl8t ) DelilUtu , Watting Dlsancn ( inil Scrofulous Jluniors. Almost m I'liltttablc lu cruam It can be tukcn witb pleu uro Ur aulkutu persons niiU clillilren. wlionitet usltiilturuvi'ryro.idorU. It o aiiillati' wllli ( ie looilTliicna ' tlioilB Uiiiiil D | > l > etlt . ijulUlu up the nwtou > tem. i tore cncr/y to iiiiua nnd body cit tttxa new , rliU and pure blood , m luct , rejuvl ualu tlianholo 76tem , Tins preparallon Is iHrsuporlor toall other lireim- raUuna ul Uod-Uvvr Oil ; U liiU many Imitator * but no equal . Tno results following Us usonro1C * licit ru LurniueqdaUup * . Ho urB , ui jroutaluu jour bvallH and ci't die Keuutni ) . llaiiutactureil nly by int. AI.IU. n. Wii.iHiit. fhcmlkt , lloblun. Maai. Send for Illustrated circular , vrUUii wlHLwniftlltU hit. Mm- ing and until this lot is closed , we shal offer them at the UNAPPROACH ABLE PRICE OP S12 PER SUIT. The old and lonp cstabHlhed Sawyer Woolen Co. , of Dover , N. II. needs no word of commendation from us. Wo unhesita tingly pronounce this company the best manufacturers of fine all wool suitings in Now England. No shoddy , Hocks or cotton is over used in any of their fabrics. Send for samples of the cloth , or a sample suit , and if you wish to ox- nmlno and prove the value of the suits as they are represented in this adver tise. Price $12.00. Lot No. 3. Wo offer 100 of the well known Velour cloth finish Sawyer Wool en Co'd Suits , in very dark Oxford Mix tures , a small , neat check pattern , ono of the most popular styles that the mill has over made , suitable for either bus iness or dress purposes. Single breast ed sacks , rcjrulur sizes in fall weight at the same extraordinarily low price of 812 per suit. REMEMBER these are all new suits made in the present style , within the past CO days , and wo guar antee that the ordinary retail price usually asked for these suits is $18. Sam ple suits will bo sent , and they may bo returned at our expense , if , upon exam ination , they do not bear out all the statements made in regard to their value ILot. No. 4. Wo offer 250 spring overeats - oats ; made of a pure worsted in a light "O" 3 SOLE AGENT. The BEHT nnil MOST POPC&AH O owing Thrcutl of Modern Times. BEWAI1E OF IMITATIONS , _ WIIOMSAI.B : iiv Kn.PATniCK-Koca Dry Goods Co. M. E.SMITH & Co. 1'AXTON. OALLAOAEIl Sc. CO. 1) ) . .M.BTIKI.I : : & < ' ( > 8.P.MonsB ggATn TAILIIir llAVDKN Itllos THOMPSON , Itui.nBN .V Co. X.AIIK1N& CO , CIIAS. SiNcinii , Soutti Omaha , ami all first class rut.il ! iloiiltux , A , Loan : New York Dry Goods Store. DIAMONDS , BRONZES ! -AT- Omaha , Nebraska. Omaha Seed Housed Ilendiiuurtcrii for Landreth g Celi'brutt'4 He < I'lantf , Cut rioutrs and 1'loral designs , g foi catalogue , W. II. FOSTER & SON , Propriytors 10U2 Capitol Avcuuo. groy color , with silk facings nml trim med cqunl to tiny $15 overcoat in our stock. Now goods just iimilo up in our own workroom , nnd cut with ns much euro ns any overcoat in our Block. The extraordinarily low price of this over1 cent in regular sizes from 84 to 42 is $10. Wo do not hesitate to recommend this ns ONE OF THE BEST VALUES ever offered by the Continental. Jf not con sidered to bo just as represented in this ndvcrt'.omcnt , every garment purchas ed tnny bo returned and money refund ed. Price $10. Lot No. 5. Wo offer 150 All Wool Spring Overcoats , mndo from the colo- brnted PUTNAM ALL WOOL TWILL COATINGS , miulo by the famous PUT NAM WOOLEN CO. , of Putnnm , Conn.n mill that is pre-eminent and famous for its thoroughly honest , all wool fabrics , certainly the most popular goods manufactured. Our prices on them in regular sizes from 34 to 42 , will bo $7. They arc all now goods , raado up within the past GO days , in the very latest styles , and wo state an undisput ed fact when wo say that up to the pres ent tnno $12 is the lowest retail price that is quoted for these overcoats. There are of a very handsome brown mixture. Send in your orders at onco. . REMEM BER the price is $7 , and the same priv ilege is granted on this lot as on lot 4 , if not satisfactory they can bo returned. Lot No. G. Wo ask SPECIAL ATTEN TION to this lot of Young Men's Ovcr- O tV3 A H A MEDICAL i SURGICAL INSTITUTE , N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodge Sts K , A.O El S , APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES. Ilcst facilities , apparatus nnd remedies for sue cessful treatment of every form of disease requir ing Medical or Surjjical Treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Hoard nnd attendance , best hospital accommo dations in the west. WHITE ton CIRCULARS on Deformities and Braces , Trusses , Club 1'eet , Curvature of the Spine , Piles , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh , Ilronchitls , Inhalation , Electricity. Tnralysis , Kplletuy , Kid ncy , llladuer , Hye , lior , SUia aud lllooJ , avd all Surgical Operations. DlaoosoQ of Women a SpoolaKy. HOOK cm DIBEAEIS or WOMEN Fnr.r. ONLY RELIABLE UBDIOAL INSTITUTE HAK1NO X ei'ECIAI.TT OP PRIVATE DBSEASES. All lllood Diseases successfully treated. Syph ilitic I'oisoii removed from the ( system without mercury. New restorative treatment for loss ol Vital 1'ower. I'ersous iiuahle to visit us may be treated nt home by correspondence. All commu nications confidential. Medicitiecorliibtrumentc sent by mail or express , securely packed , no marks to Indicate contents or render One per sonal Interview preferred. Call and consult us or send history of your case , aud we will scud iu plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; Upon rriv.ite. Special or Nervous Diseases , Im- , Syphilis , Gleet aud Vnricocele , will ! Vitency list. Address O in atm Medical and Surgical Inilltttteoi DR. IVicrVlENAMY , Cor. 13th and DodaeSU. . . OMAHA. NED. 912 uill buy u genuine Homespun All Wool Pult , blzcs from 31 to 44 , cut-nwuy or Back coat , In light gioy color , that Is rrnlly worth JX : ) . The suit Is well made aud splendid w caring goods. * Wo make this offer to In troduce ourselves to thi < trndo nuil in the future you will find our lioiibo thu bargain center. Bend your mcat > uro uinuml breast under the ainiB , and around the waUt , and down the inside eeam ot 5isiJi4 the pants , aud we ulll lit you. You can fccnd money with order , or ve will tend C. O. I ) by express. Inferences : First National Hank , Omaha , or any lim-tltiis house In Omaha. . U T llils out and return-with ate , cauli ornlaiiipi , I i iiuouri'U'lptGf whlcji nu will tend , prepaid. Co iinjr tulilirbf , enu One Dollar pHkkHKu Judon OrninuliK. .iho.Kreutttt Llood and tiling inudj- rtii IJouU utilll April 2U. : civ Mo -DELIVEHBI ) TO- AM PART OF -iiv CAiinicn rou- 20 Cents a Week. Seven papers a week. Send your order to the ofllce , 1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building . , NEB. The best known and mo t popular Hotel la the Matu. location central , appointments ilr.M-clmi. Utmlqimrturs for commercial men and all political * ' " " " " " " " " " " " " " ' at llOGCUUf IVoprtctor coats , cut only from 33 to 38 sizes. Made t n line diagonal twill in llghtbrown tnn color , with handsome silk facings , dressy and just right for thu present season. Placed on our counters this week at $12. Lot No. 7. Wo offer 250 Boys' ' Strict ly GREY MIXED OASSIMEUE SUITS a small neat basket pattern , medium color , neither very light nor very dark in sizes for boys 4 to 111 years old. Wo manufactured these goods in Fob. of the present year and have sold hundreds ot them and the average price has boon $0 a suit. During the present week or until they are closed , wo shall offer them for ! .50 a suit. READ THE PRICE ONCE MORE , 83.60nnd romom. her they are strictly nil wool , no cotton or shoddy in them. Only $3.60. Every fault Js worth $0 to-day. Lot No. 8 150 BOYS' PLAIN BLOUSE SUITS , strictly all wool , maclo from n medium color Cheviot , ono of the best suits in our stock at any price , Mid a beautiful color for spring and bummer for boys C to 12 years , only $3 a , suit. Every suit is worth $5. Lot No. 9 Wo offer the balance of several lots of dark mixed cassimcro suits , somewhat broken in s\tes. \ Suits that have sold for $3.50 and $4. They are in heavy weights and will bo closed out nt the REMARKABLY LOW PRICE OF $2. Ml'OUTED Percheron1' , Clyilcsclnloo nnd Shtro , nlso horai } lired colts. JJvury animal CTarantccct a hreoflpB Our stock lias Vjccn selected with referenceId ) linth Individual inoilt nml pedigree. Borneo ! these horses htive taken first prl/e nt the Nebraska < braska State IVlr , 1R87. All our hoi sen are a rllmntcil , nnd rolls of their nt't can 1)0 ghownj I'rlcpsrensonublo nnd onsy terms , in nccesslbla ly the tlireo Icndlns lallioads of the state , IJ. a Jl K. E. & M. V. , and 1C C te O. Fill' & I'AIlltllAlt , York , Neb w cotnliily n romracid rour t ) i thetebt itmedy Cartl In i Lnown tousfoK OBonbMA .fl TO t DATS.V and Gl tt. va rul < t4 sol UV Wo hire mid tt > nld r. u BlMolon. twe , and la tvtry ctlo l | Alc.U A Ki&Stin Cbiclul Co. Hudita. H TSJ Clnelnnttl.S Ohio. Sold by Drue r.k 1.00. LAWRENCE , OSTROM & LOUISVILLE , KENTUCKY. FAMOUS IO YEAR OLD BELLE - BOURBON WHISKEY For Medicinal and Family Use. ABSOLUTELY PURE NO FUSEL OIL ! Is Death to Sure Cure for MALARIA , CONSUMPTION , CHILLS AND FEVER , BLOOD POISONING , TYPHOID FEVER , SLEEPLESSNESS BOWEL TROUBLES , OR INSOMNIA , LOSS OF APPETITE , NON-ASSIMILATION INDIGESTION , OF FOOD. DYSPEPSIA. PRICE , $1.23 For Quart Bottle. Sold Only In Boiiles , for Salt by Crocen For Sals by and Wlnt Merchantt Druggists [ very where. Eueryuihirt. SJI0fS3Wr , , : wuuvumu UUK vnVSTJag PnEElNG IT RE ( ft DIST APPETIZER. Tbl It to certify that 1 liavotiarnlncd too lamplo of UELLB OP BOIWUON WHISKEY r ctl d fr a Lawrence , Oitrom A Co. , and found Clio tame to l > o perfectly free from Futel Oil and all otlur delft'- . 1 reiuiiiintnd Ibti for family and Mtdlclntl purpoiei. lUbsUncct and utrlctly puru. cheerfully tame J , V. lliliNU * U. P. , Aniilytlcal Lliemlil , l.oulivllle. Kr. I AI > STOVK ISItOS. A : CO. , AecniM for Oinnliu , Xcl > . ELGUTTER'S Mammotli Clothing House Best Scotch Cheviot Suits , $12.50. Best Blue Middlesex Suits , $9.00 , 3,000 Pr. fine Pants at $4. Mammoth Clothing House , & lOtli Sts Cor. Farnam *