Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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Ad < cltlfenientiinaer ! ! this head , 10 cents pet
tlna for tltn Hrst insertion. 7 cents for ouch ( ml *
tcqnt-nt ItiRerUon , and 11.W ftllnopT montbr
No nclvtrtlsfuipnt taken for lens tnnn2.j ronti
for thn first Insertion. Seven words -will b
rotmtfd to the lines they must run ron ecutiTO-
ly nnd inuit be paid n ndrance. All ndrertlio-
mentsmuitbe handed Inbefor l:3Jo'clock p.
in. , nnd under no circumstances will they 00
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising in thcss columns and bar
ing the answers nddrcssed In care of thR I ( a ,
\vlll plente nsk for a cherk to enable them to
get their letters , as none will be delivered except
on presentation of chert All answers to ad *
vert.nements should bo enclosed in envelopes.
AH advertisements in these columns nre pub
lished in both morning and jventng editions of
the lleo , thn circulation of which Aggregates
Siore than I6.KW paper * dally , nnd Rives the ad
vertisers the benefit , not only of the city circa.
Utloii of the lleo , but also of Council IllufTf.
Lincoln , and other cities and towns throughout
( bis part of the west.
Advertising for these columns will betaken ,
en the above conditions , al the following bus
iness homes , who nro authorized agents for Tun
TIM : special notices * nnd will nuoto the same
rates us can bo had at the main ofllco.
E'la.D.rm.aeist ,
6108.10th Street.
itatiozicrs cmd. Frlntcra.
113 8. Ifith Street.
E115 Cumlng Street.
ItOU Bt. Mary's Avenue.
Flxasmaclst ,
ICth an'l Webster Strectt ,
Wo-wa Dealer ,
Pout Office. South Omaha.
'V"ANTKI8ltuntions for good girls ; my
olllce Is full all day , ladles cnn come and
Be.lcct for themselves betwten'J a , tu , and 0 p.
n. Mrs. Hrcga , U10 S. 15th. 774-23 *
to take care oE
T furirishud rooms or chamber work lu
liotel. Address K 13 , lleo. 772-81 *
- To do sowing In families by the
'days dressmaking thoroughly understood ;
y Mrs. II. Preonnluke , 2715 lllondo st.
75823 *
B1TUATION wanted by an experienced sales
man. Dry goods nnd- notions , clotntng or
nhoes , OoDd rofcrenco. Address K. 11 lleo
Olllce. 75i-33 ) *
WANT11D Uy young gentleman ( married ) a
position of responsibility ftnd trust ; ono
With full knowledge of mercantile business.
Jlofcronces cheerfullv given nnd exchanged.
Address K f , lieu olllcp. 74023 *
ANTEU-Sltuatlon by young Indy as stcno-
graphcr , typewriter or copyist , lilth nnd
Jnckson. 705 a *
WANTKI ) A permanent position of some
kind by n cojnpetent bsokkucpur ; can give
nny reasonable bond If deshed. Addjess HI ,
Jlco olllco. tM-2Jj
TSTANTUD-Wnshlng to do at homo. Ad-
TT dress 1)05 , Hoe ofllco. _ C78 22 *
'YXT'ANTKDSituation as colleutor or assistant
i bookkeeper by n married mnn , reliable ,
stondy nnd well acquainted lu city ; cnn give the
liest of. references ami bonds if desired. I ) fil ,
ENOAOK.MHNTS to do dressmaking In fami
lies solicited. Jllbs Sturdy , 812 S 22d st.
_ (145 ( 25 *
'XA/'ANTHD / Situation by Ilist-class broad nnd
Tt cake baker. Steady man , state \\ages ,
Address Win. Taylor. Oinalin. _ ( a'-22J
WANTUD Sltunt ion by young lady as sten-
ogrnpher nnd typewriter. Has exper-
lonco. Address C. M. 8. . 2713 Ohio st. CPU 24
WANTI5D A responsible party to represent
the Hull Klectrio Light Co. in the city of
Omaha and vicinity , llest of references re
quired. Address Hall Klortrlc Light Co. , IS
Cortland St. , New York City. 778-2T.J
"TX ANTHD Driver for grocery wngon , must
T > sneak Oerman. Inquire Helniroil A ; Co. ,
33th and Jackson. 108-22
WANTRD-Hnrbor. 2015 Cuiulng St. . for Sat-
_ ui day and Sunday. 75.1 22 *
\\7ANTED-pastry cook , KO ; t colored head
waiter nnd sldo waiter : faro pnid. Alra.
Jlregn , ma S. Kith. 731 22 *
WANTED Salesman , not to sell goods , but
to represent ; something HON. Address
K2 , Hcooflltu , 7112 ; ! '
'YTIT'ANTED Good blacksmith , must bo good
T > horboshoer. Address It. D. Shields. Lo
gan , III _ 710 2J *
A ( I GENTS to sell n full line of household
specialties on payments. 221 N. 13th st.
70i 25
WANTED Two good , reliable men to repre
sent our hniibo in Council IllullH , Iowa.
Good clmuco to the light mini. Cnll,421 S lutlist.
WANTED- good men. nnlary $2.50 n day ;
also agents for Triumph mops , snvos
Iinnds , time and labor. 1521 St. ilary'a jive.
75 2U
_ _
WANTED A good schoolboy or young man
and horse to carry a route on Dally Even
ing lleo near Hnnscoin park , Apply nt Heo of-
Jlco between 3 and 0 p. m. 00 ! )
: > Immediately , good oanvnsscis
IT over ) \\horc stamp for partlculam.
U'hreo ampU'.s by mall , 45c. Only-those who
jiioan business need answer. AddiebS ( ! eo.V. .
Inhume & Co. , LaCiosseVis. . UI ! 2U *
WANTKD-TiUagents ) to suil a useful article
needed III every family. Apply for ni-.xt 3
rtaymit niMN.aithst ; aftui wards lit Ht > d Oak.
3 U'u. Uuo. II. I'.ymer. 2U7-24 *
AGIJNT8 wanted to thko oxrhif-Ivi'rights to
hull thu fUNti-ht selling iiltlrlu tiVcTiuudo.
.AddrubS J. .M. Wolfe A ; Co. , Fremont , Neb.
171 n 8
\V-ANTKI-Jli-n for ralh-oadwork.Albright's
t ' ' Ljibor agency , 1120I'ariiam. tiHO
ANV man or womim making less than0por !
\\eeX Khould invehllgiiteour eu y money
making business. AcllM'pertoiiH guaranteed
toiiier o > k eiibler thanjl j per month can bo
jiiiidn in liny other honorable occiiitatlon ; Ri
( iiiiiijileslii'e. Wiitofor tvrniB. Addiehsi Mer-
lill iluiinfncturliig Company , H 3 , Chicago.
I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ KI'niiM *
BOYS Am. ] " > Ut. Tel. Co. , 13U-I Doiiglas.
| 123
\\rANTHl ) flood plrls for general housework ,
T Wilter | in hotels nnd itBtatiiiints , etc.
galUlt oiu'u njHaijDwIgu ht. 7C3-23 *
WANTKD ' 11 Immer In millinery store , din-
iugrooin girl for lluntlugton , Oregon , PM ;
" for Duinilson , la. , 2 for western Nubuihka , $ l |
rouku for Central City , Norfolk and CulbertBOU ,
Neb ; womuii cook in city. $ IU ; man and wife
for I'liittMiiouth , good ghl for I'hittsmouth , (4 ;
ft for Council llluils. Lotn of good plants for
fc'eUL'riil liousewul'k. 5lr . llrega,310 8. 15th.
. 776 22 >
r\7ANTHl ) -nvn good dUhu-ashers , ? 1 n
> week ; Hiuall aired t'xperlencud t'ouehmun ,
BIH. _ Mrs. llrega , illU B. IBth. 775 23'
' \VANTUf ) A competi'iit ' Oi-rman girl for
V Btmonil housework. Apply at VJ Dodge
" \\7ANTKU A neut girl , oxperli'iired in ROC-
\ . ( inaV' ° rk.Ulul willing to amiiho chlldnm.
Call ut 613 N. 22d t. , but. Casa and California ,
EO'J '
V17x\NTHn-A girl for gunoral housuwork and
T one to take care of children ; none but x-
licrlomod. ( lermuua meterreil. Apply 2J14
3)uoglaHbt. ) _ JI623 *
\\7ANTIU-At once , a BlrlTaalTiurh bl !
_ ' > , U72
VVANTKO-Drn-emaki-r und mlllliier wheT
T will mil In und keep n select block of fancy
dry goods and notions to tiiko lease of a good
ptoieiiMUli ; line oiienln fur thu Imslnowi anil
choiiii ivnt. ! ' . L. ( Iregory. UU9 S. liith st. t'OI
WANT1CI ) Ily n veil knoMii imimshliii
house , u fuw rellahlo ladles nnd gentluuif i
v ho huve the ability to M < 11 goods for 75 per ion
ot their value. Call ou or lulilrebs J. II. Ctiroo
CiS Jlronduuv .Council lllutiH , lu. _ J > 1SI 1 ; _
\\7ANTEI ) A reliable cook und WashoF
Tf uumnu to KO to Bconhum nKt-'Ucy. Wll
tiny fi"i per month , und pny half expenses ou
there , ( ilvo u permanent Munition tu coinpe
tent pel sun. Address U li. Shepherd , AlluiKton
Keb. 113
Ludy UKonta. "A" nkit ! aiid bus
ilucoinbluediindli hosebupitortern. Hot !
new . HlKprotlth. Hiiiru tinvns for aprlug trudo
lfit' tjujijlj | Co.57 \V. WiiEshlugton i > t. , Chi
cago. _ UJU A B
"VVANTKU-liifiiU'dUiU'ly , luillw to wpru for
u vholesiUo himniini iiei'dltiuork utthulr
WANTED ( lood kitchen girl and cook. Mrs.
A. P. Tukey , 2M1 Chicago t.72S J3
WANTED-Nnrse girl at 2017 Lcaveivwortli st
W ANTED A Rood steady slrl for general
housework , nnd good laundress , 001 S18th
718 B
P1ANADTAN"llrnriloynionrbnico ,
\J male help sertt 1o all parts It faro Is ad
vanced , Itnference , Oinnlm National bank.
Jlrs. HrcBa.V Son , 310 S. 15th. Tel. 8J > 4.
49a 14
' '
W'ANTKD-Kor'iuloptioii , a girl nvo or sir
years old. H. Jlnlcom , Avoca , Neb ,
723 24 ?
_ _ _ _ _
" \\7ANTKO Porno good applications for city
i T loans to chow to one of my eastern cor
respondents Mho will be hero soon. l > . V.
Eholcs , room 1 , Marker block. 311
: V\7PANTKD ( iood real estate listed with mo.
Y > C. K. Harrison. 418 8.15th st. 315
WANTED Parties who have bought lots or
land in this city nnd vicinity on the In
Rtallment plan , and parties holding bonds for
title to such real estate exchangeable for deeds
after the last payment is made , will llud II to
their advantage to send their address or full
particulars to II M , lice office. 4E9 J
more small houses for rent. I' . L ,
Gregory , icntal agent , 3m ) 8. IClh. 61(1 (
"ryANTRD-l.adlestouso "Chlchester's Hne-
J > llsh Diamond Itrand , Pennyroyal Pills.
Bate. Always reliable. The original. The only
genuine. Ask druggist or send 4c stamps for
particulars , loturn tnalU Chlchcster Chemical
. Co. , I'hlladelphla , Pa. IK7
SLANTED A few boarders at 1721 Le.nven-
> worth st. IM1 n.Dt
"V\7"ANTED Two or three unfurnished rooms
T > suitable for light housekeeping In good
neighborhood and reasonable dlstnncu Irom
13th and Leavcuworth sts. F. It. Ollck. 1JU7
Leavcnworthbt. or a-22J
WANTED-Thrco or four rooms , furnished
or unfurnished , forliou ekeeplngln mod
ern house In good locality. Address EH , Hen ,
73723 *
WANTED Ily gentleman , wife and child of
four , suite of looms and board In private
family , lu good locality. Address E 7 , lice.
737 23f
WANTED 2 or I ) unfurnished rooms , suit-
nble for light housekeeping. Address E
3 , lleo olllco. 70822 *
\\TANTED Ily gentlemnn nnd wlto without
* children , small furnished house or rooms
for light housekeeping for tha munmer. North
Omnha preferred. Address stating teimsl ) 04
lleo. GM-22 *
"V\rANTHD To rent : A cottngo of 4 or ft
rooms , or 2 largo unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping , centrally located for family
of t\vo. I ) in , Ike. 085
"V\7ANTKD To rent furnished restaurant
i ( central ) with privilege of buying fixtures
within three months. Address James H.Tay
lor , lluiusrlllo. Mo. C37 24 ?
* ) 7 HOOM houses north part of city preferred ,
' will pay J2l ) per month nnd tnko lease for
year ; desirable tenants. Address D 40 Doe ,
Ml 20
T\TANT1'D Tor the summer , furnished house
i of six or beven rooms , In doslrablo local
ity , small family , caieful tenants. Address 1)
31 , lice olllce. 452
FOH HI'NT An elegant new 0-room house
nnd barn , every modern convenience ; n
complete home , good neighborhood , street cars ,
cheap rent. .7. IL Parrotte , rental ngeiify , 1GW
Chicago street. 7lila2l
"TJ1OH HUNT Klroom resKtenco steam heat. O.
i1 13. Thompson , 314 S. 15th St. 243
OH HiNT-Cottace : 0 rooms $20. G. K.Tlmmp-
son.3118. Ifith&t. 771
FOH HKNT-fi-room house on Williams st ;
rent SI I , funlturo for hale , } UO. Coop. L.
4s L' Co. , 2U5 N. Itith fit. 770-St
EOH HKNT The lower story of house nt No.
2U7S. 24th , 41001 us and 3 closets and largo
kitchen pantry , hot , cold aud cistern water , hot
nlr , gas aud flectrlo bells , celUr and sodded
yard , on car line. ' 7CO
TTIOH HI5NT Four room house. Enquire 320 S ,
JL1 10th st. 751-24 *
TTIOH HENT 8-room house ; Inquire J. V. llnr-
JL ? ton , 2010 Capitol ave. 3SK > *
7710H HENT-Cottago 0 rooms , 7th nnd Will-
JL' lams. Inquire J. P. Hoe , 10th and Hickory.
mHIHTY.HOOM boarding house on S 10th st. ,
Jl rent i'.K ' ) , income per month $701. prollts J200.
Furniture for sale , J1.IUO , one lease. Co-op.
L. iV L. Co. 205 N. ICth st. 721 23
"TTlOlt HRNT Oiwot the best located 13 room
JL1 hoiiho with all modern Improvements-.largo
Miady yard and stable , on two btreet car lines.
Call lit 11117 Cnss. 73.1
"I710H HENT OoodS room "house , city vntcr ,
JL1 cellar. Inrgo yard , very convenient to busi
ness , t50. Call at 71J S 13th st. or Citizens' bank.
FOH HENT Handsomely furnished six-room
cottage , nice location , near car Hue. Fur
niture for bale very chcap,2315 Seward st. 082-25 *
nHOl'SES centnHy located , lent from J12 to
5T5. lurnltiiro for salu on monthly puyments.
Co-op. L. and L. Co. , i.0'i N. Iflthbt. 5KI
"ITIOH HENT Two splendid 5 and 7 room cot-
JL-1 tagus , largo barns , llnti grounds nnd mod
ern Impiovements. Patterson k 1'awcett , 318 S.
13th bt. 1)17 )
TTIOH HENT And furniture for sale , almost
JL1 new , nt a bargain , bebt house and location
In city ; every moileru convenience ; this will pny
to Investigate at once. Apply KO-t Dodge 394
TjlOH HENT Nice 7 room house , close tostore ,
JL scliool , church , st. curs , only &W u month. C.
F. llarrlbon. 418 S. 15th St. il'i
TjKYll HUNT An elegant il room dwolllng Just
J built , with stable and all modern Improve
ments , including laundry , labrntory on ground
lloor , cedar closet , etc. , locution , Capitol avenue
ju'ar2jth ; rent moderate. Apply to I ) . J. O'l Ion-
ahoo , care of O'Donnhoo & bherfy , 111 S. l..thst.
TTUJIl HENT-Two new 12-room houses , all mod-
JL ; i-rn improvements ; s. w. corner 27th and
Decntur sts. Enquire llrnt door bouth.M3M.25
M3M.25 *
FO"H HUNT Twelvivroom house , 25tH and
nnd MttKon streotK , { 10 per month. J. S.
Catilflold. 13Qt Farnam st fi > 4
TjTOH HlfNT-llouso II r6oms. W. M. Hush-
JL' mnu. N K corner Kith and Douelns. W (
TT1UHN1SHED rooms with board , 810 S. isth.
JL1 705 28 *
F I OH HENT-Furnlshed room with bonrd. 1410
Howard St , 75724 *
TTlOll HENT Furnished looms , furnace heat ,
X1 BUS und bath , $10tolilpermonth , 714 N. IBth.
74325 *
"OOOM to rent Nlco furnished room , bath
-I i < and very convenient for 2 gentlemen.
Price * 10 month. IXB N. 17th st. 7422:1 :
IJ10H HENT To gentlemen , furnished front
4 ? room , J13j nlxo east room , 811 , 1712 Califor
nia. 727
FOH HENT Nlco room fo * ono ortwogon ,
tlenien , with boaidlf desired , reasonable ,
2209 llonnrd. ow 2.1 *
"Vri'-HY pleasant largo furnlshm ! rooms ; all
desired ronvonlniicenprlvate ; houseboard ; if
desired ; 1 block from postolllce. 1015 Capitol nve.
20U-2S *
TjlOH HENT 2 front looms , furnished or un-
4J furnished. 3J05 N. 27th t. 023 21 *
T710H HENT Furnbhed rooms , 1418 Dodge st.
' ' ' *
K-'J-- "
TTIOH HF.NT Furnished rooms with bonrd.
4 ? itofercncei excluiut'cd , OOJ N. 17th st ,
673 22 *
FOH HENT 4 furnished rooms , $ ldto'Jpor
month , north side Lcavemvorth bet. 17th
HIJ.NT-rurnUhod rooma , 1118 Dodg.iat.
. - 623 SJ
"IIitJH HUNT Pleasant furnished rooms for
- - geiitlumt'ii , HfJ Howard , near Coizeus
house , > > * , npuardfl. 22j u 'J *
" \TIIATI.Y furnished front room to runt at 1321
-L > Fuinuin bt , 1 block west of courthouse ,
17tlIHNKSIui : ) rooms , 1810 Dodge.
-1 ] 790Aprll3
OOH HIJNT-Sulte of furnished'roouis ! iiT
X1 ijulro 3rd Hour room K. l oi UuugUd ,
FOH IlKNT 1'urnlhhwl rooms in Oruimlg blk
cor , l.ith uud DodgeHU. . Inqiiira of Geo. H. ,
Davis , lllllanl hotel bllliurd romu. U. ' > s
FOH HKNT-Nlcely furuUhed rooms. 1013
Dodge. . 6U'J ' ai *
Foil HHNT nirnbhedrooms , luuulreroom
U , 130U Dougl.iii. U1U
T AHQK pleasant roum , modern conveniences ,
JJ J7UOCh.Icaaoit. . 4-1) )
Ij1iitN'lblIl-i : ) rooms lur rcut at moderate
-L' prices. 220 N. Mh at.
"T710H HF.NT A mrce room furnished , control
JL1 locution Hlfl ChlcftKo st. 304
TptTHNlSHED rooms tu's'SOth at. 7HS7
ITlUIlNISIlKOrooms ana board. 1KB IVirnara.
JU 0-JOaB *
TTIOll HKNT rurnlshed rooms , nil convcnl-
JJ tnees , A. llospe , 318 X. 17th street. 401
17HK HUNT Itooins furnished and unfur-
JJ lilahcd. ir.MCat ) . avo. Cll
HHNT-S floors above 1IU3 DoilRlas St. ,
suitable for light manufacturing or n 1 oil go
room. Inquire on premises , W > 8 23
OK HKNT-The three story brick building
andbnsementon 13th st. , on corner of nlloy ,
In the rear of tlio new rirst Nat'l bunk building ,
will Hive n3 or 6 year leaf oat a low rental. 0.
Hartnian & Co. , 1013 rnrnam. 571 n 10
T7KH IlKNT Two roonri , llkfifl , where steam
JL. power cnn be obtained. Knqulrs of Snm'l
Ucts , Hecs Printing Co. . 1019Howard at. 740
OFHCB for rent , on account of an entlro
change of business , our olllco , 1MI Dodge
6t. Is for rent for 1 year , Swnu & Co. , 1521 Dodge.
TOliniinOM for rent , nc.ror.20th and Unit
sts , | per month. Potter .V Onbn , 1C01
Fnrnnra at , tf > 70 "il
" 1710H HUNT IliiRlnoss room now occupied as
JL1 my olllco on IMh st. 0. F. Harrison , 4.18 8 IStli
TTIOH nr.NT-rirst-clnis frame store building ,
Jj ) l > y2t feet , flr t-clais business location.
Apply to I. W. Holerts , Albion , lloone Co. , Neb ,
4ila'.S ! ! '
" 1710 H HUNT Two business or olllce rooms on
-A. 1st lloor jasper month. Ono room on2d
floor M per month. W. i-Clark : , 14H Itnruey.
'JTMJHNISHKD rooms torrent. 1113 UodRost.
T7IOH HUNT Offices on Farnam st. nt $10 tn (33
J-1 per month. Ono ollico furnished , 1613 Ki\r-
nam. TO )
A liar room with closet , HW S22d.
71024 *
T7IOH HKNT-3-room cottage , 21st nna
J-1 Paul ht J12W )
n rooms , 1021 N.SOth Bt 10 00
4rooms , nil modern conveniences , 415 8.
IVthst Ol 00
4-roomllat , 4178. llithst 2000
4 rooms all iitordcrn covcnleuccs 1701 Wob-
storst SO 00
4 rooms , 41,1S. Htth st ,
4 rooms 1701 Wobsterst 2.100
4rooms4iriS. Ifltlist 1500
Judge Uuntal Agency , 8.V. . cor luth nnd Hnr-
noy. 750
FOH HENT Hascmeut and barn. 2217 Chicago
Bt. 754 22 *
OTF.L for rent , the St. Klmo hotel. M issourl
Valley , lu. This Is the principal hotel of the
town nnd furnished throughout. Is doing good
business. Hugh Percy & Co. , loom 425 Paxtou
building , Omnha , Neb. 703 27 *
FOH HUNT Harn back of Metropolitan hotel ,
12th und Douglas sts. Inquire City Steam
Laundry. ail )
WANTUD Houses to rent , and wo can rent
them too. II. K. Cole , N. 13. 15th and
Douglas. ' .m
1ST houses for rent with II. 15. Cole , N. K. . aud Douglas. Vm
T710H HUNT When you want to rent a house ,
J-1 htoio of olllce go to II. I ! . Colo. WJ-
OUTH OMAHA Hcntalngoncy , Waugli
V Son , room 5 , Saxe block 029m24
HEGOHY , F. L. . Hental agent , 303 S 10th st.
T7IOH IlKNT If you wish to rent a house call
JL1 on Hetiiwa & Co. , 15th St. , opposite P. O.
1D13IISONA L-Photographs"oF"Chrlht lleforo
JI'ilato , " at Chase A ; Uddy'i . 113S. IGth.
773-22 *
MADAMS Hepburn & Reers visit to an- ,
nouiirc that the Imported trimmings have
arrived , nnd they will be pleased to see the la-
Olos of Omaha. 1K1 Cnpltol nvo. 731 !
I > EHSONAL Private liomo for laales during
cQnOnemcnt , strictly confidential , infants
adopted. Address K 1- . lice olllco. KIT nil ;
ANNA AI.PhANAMf UiB cblelratcd ) Hun
garian Hypsy Pnlmist , uses the old cypsy
wnysln rondliiKthohnnd. Ladles only. 1W4N.
2Gth St. 2Uth nnd Saunders cars pass the door.
b91-a.i : *
" > EHSNAIList ) your property to exchange
with C. C. Spotswood , aViVi S. 10th. f > t 2.JO
LOST On the street cars , asnulT box ; re
ward for retuin to Royd's opera liotibo.
713 2J
TOST Inr e whlto netter doR , j-ollow oars ,
t now collar with license tag iK7 ; will pay $10
for return or Information leading to recovery.
Frank Cross , U13 Park ave , city. 77 2fi
ST.HAYED A loan cow , both horns crooked
down , strap on horns. Howard for return
to Chas. Illnz , luth and Vlnton sts. 4W > 22t
"TTIOH SALK One Walilhnrn In case nnd 1 11
-L1 Hat cornet. Apply 2110 Pacific. ' , fa 21 *
IT1OH SAL11 I'linilturo of 8 room UOUKP , jjil-
-L vuto wale , folding beds , carpets , pictures ,
lace curtains , piano , nnd everything useful ;
must bo uold by April 1. 2518 Douglas st.
"IT1OH SAI/R Tabli-H , shelving , safe , store.desks
JO and olllco llxturea ; very clioaii , Store for
rent. lUASo. 13th bt. . ( Jruenln block. 719 lilt
171OH 8AI.K A lot of fresh rnllrli cows , one
ilino young Jersey cow with heifer calf four
days old. 2JO. " > Cumiut'btieot. W. M. itoyles.
748 21"
T71OH SALI3 8 or 10 horse power engine nnd 12
-L1 horse boiler In good order. Cheap for cash.
Hees Printing Co. 747
17JOH SAM' Hood , gentle team , wngon nnd
JL1 haruebs. Incmlio lU2SS. thor 1141 N. luth.
74127 *
"I710H SALE Or trade , ono family horse , also
JL' now buggy. A. llospe. 1513 Douglas ht.
FOH SALE For rent cauls , lenses , legal blanks
for sale at Hedllold'o , 103 S 12th ht. near
Dodge jtt. 7U02C
TT1OH SA LH-A fresh cow nnd calf , K17 Ylr-
K gluin ave , 731 SI *
FOH SALE Two-horso power engine nud
boiler cheap. Address C. II. Ott a. Co , . 1411
Douglas st. 70 ! )
TTIOH SALE Amateur photographic cnmeia.
X1 with Instnictlohs. cheap. Call nt 1017
Mnicoy bt. , betweeu 7 und 0 o'clock p. m , 707 22 *
HOUSE to move , I have a 3room house on
Mil st. near Marcy to Bull tor 4150. W. L.
Bclby , 1521 Farnam. 1/15 24
F1S SALE Horses , wagon and harness. In-
UUil-o 11112 N. 20th. W Sit
TT1OH S.VLE-Chenii ; two ponies with harness.
4and two top buggies , ono single and ono
double seated Inquire II. M. llnven , 500 S. luth
st. , or Chns , Knufholt , South Omahu. 602 20 *
POIt HALE Eight room house with modem
Improvements and stable on leased ground ,
1715 Douglas , Inquire ul Mover & llaapku , 1105
Harney st. "JST
l OH 8ALI5 THO(2 ( > tubulnr sloel boilers U > <
4' 14 feet , with smoke black , M am BUHK H.
gla- water gunges. etc. , all complete ; will sell
rheap , Addruba Fled Krug , lliunur , ( Jialio ) ,
Neb. 505
TTiOHfiALE-NIco buy driving horse. C. F.
4J llarrlbon , 418S. IMlut. uo
ITtUHNITUHE-bood as now , will sell cheap
4. ' lor taih or time. C. T. Morton , 1 M Fnrnam.
171OH SALE-At n bargain 50 feet of shelving ,
4. ' 30 foot of counters and OHO Ice chest , suit
able for grocery store. Enquire ut 812 S , luth St.
TVTEW YOHK Storngo Company Inror-
-L > noruted IIO.O.TO . cniiital ; most extensive
facilities for storage of furniture , pianos , gen-
ciul morchnndlsoln the \viiht ; cash advnnce.s to
any amount ; lire proof building ; special nr-
fangcments for commission merclmiits. Entlve
block Cnpltol a\e und 15th at , ; u > j
"T710H SAE-Dormant scai capacity 3.4W
JL' pounds. Phil. Stinituol A : Co. , vu-UlJJontM
Bt. , Omnha , irj
lIE banjo taught as au urt by Geo. F. Gelleu-
bock , rOJ Harney b * Ibi
TDULLMAN HOt'Sl all newly fixed up , U
4. now upeii on the European plan , 1120 Cap.
uve , rooms rent for 60c to 75o per duv. TM
' icTmLEV-Notary. 1511) ) Fariinm.
. 4e2 m SB
M Ml E Odorless Sanitary Co. , thd only licensed
4. company In Nebraska and Iowa , using the
odorless oj' tnm for dunning ce * > 4 pools , vilults ,
water closets. Olllce 1023 Farnam ut. 4t > l a 15
OOOl'EHATiVELiinaA-Lot Co. . &B N. ICtli
7 A5
AM. ANDEHSON& Co' . . ' ( A. Jl. Anderson ,
Tlieo. Anderson. C. ohnpon ) . practfcnl
Mnlr builders , nil vnrletles ( , f stiUrwork doiie t/i
order ; have n largo stocc or huel posts , rail and
bnlustcrs oulinnd ; estimates' furnished on np-
plication ; ontlsfnctlon friini nleed. Address all
correspondence to A. M. Anderson > V Co. , 12th
nnd Nicholas st. , Omnha , Neb 728 27 *
TTM11U Insurance , reliable Companies , H , E ,
JL1 Cole , N. E , Uth and Douglas. 7J1
"VKW YOKK Storage CoAlncorpornted cnpl-
1N tnl * KMW ) . most ext iislve fncllltloi for
storage of furniture. plano'Vetc Cnsh ndvnnces
to any amount. Wnreliouspiecolpt given , strict
confidence maintained Innlflbuslnesa transac
tions , 150 * . 1510 , 1512 , 15U Cmfltol ave , cor IMh.
805 Jl
_ 2 _
I'or household goods and mer-
chandlso , on first floor , and nt lower prices
than usual , corner Eighth and Howard streets.
60.1 m25 *
ANTED To purchase good second-hand
dog cart. Enquire lloom U Oinahn Nntl
Hunk bldg. _ f > 80 2JJ
ILL buy furniture of n liouso or lint cen
W trally located. Co-op. L. & L , Co , 800 N. 10th
\XMNTED-AI1 to know that Madam Illnnch
Vi the great mind reader nnd fortune teller
Mas suite rooms at Metropolitan hotel. Tells
oust , nnd future. Ulvcs lucky numbers In lot-
lory. Hnschnnns. lloom S9. 521-27 *
11. NANNIE V. Warren , clnlrvoynnt. Mod-
Icnl , business nnd test medium. Diagnosis
free. FotDnle diseases a specialty. Ill ) N. 10th
St. . HOQ11138&3. Tel. 044. S04
TXfE can give you nil tlio money you \vnnt on
i T household goods , pianos nnd merchan
dise at legal rates when goods nto stored with
us. New York Storngo Co. 758-a-21
MONEY On furniture nnd pianos. No re-
movnl. Call or address Omaha Mtg. Loan
Co. , 1H11 1'arnamst. _ 741 2ij
ONEY tTO LOAN as 0 per cent on llrst
mortgages In sumsoffcot ) to $10,000 ; good
fchort time paper bought at reasonable discount ;
money on baud ; no delay. Patterson Sc Kawcett ,
U1H So. 15th. _ 417
MONRY to loan , at low rates , on chattels ,
without rumoval or filing ; llnanclnl busi
ness of all kinds transacted iiuletly and without
publicity ; money advanced on Jewelry ; secured
notes bought. Call nnd sea us , It will pay j-ou.
People's Mnnncinl Exchange , room 50V4 , llarker
block , 15th nnd Farnnm. _ 261 u P *
LOANS wnnted on good city nnd farm prop
erty , notes bought. Klmball , Champ &
Hyan. U. S. Nat. Hank building. 207 SI *
made ou real nstate. Cash on hand.
W.M.Harris-over2203.15th st. 373
TVfONEY to loan on furniture , wagons ,
-UAetc. , without removal ; or on collateral securr
ity. liuslness confidential. 0 U Jacobs.320 S 15th
1C. H1LEY , 1st mortgage loans , 1'ilD Far-
A nam. 4H1 m 23 *
E. COLE loans money ou improved city or
farm property. Uooiii 6 Continental
block. BOS
time loans mnuo on any avnitablo
security , in reasonable amounts. Secured
notes bought , sold or exchanged. General
financial business of nny kind transacted
promptly.qulotly and fairly at the Omaha Fi
nancial Exchange. N. W. cor. 15th and Har-
ney sts. , overstate National baud. Corbott ,
manager . MT
LOANED nt C. Vi Heed * Co.'s Loan
MONEY , ou furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value without removal. 310 S. 13th ,
over lllngham's commission storo. All busi
ness strictly confidential , j. 373
A. WOODMAN Monov to loan on real es
tate In sums to suit. V20 South 13th st.
to loan. Notes , nna it. H. ticket.
MONEY and sold. A. f rinan , 1320 Farnam
sts. 0' 3C5
I U < 5H PEHCY .V CO , oans money ou real
H estate nnd chattel security of every do-
scrlptlon. All business stvlctiy confident !
Hoom 423 I'axton building , ; 753 31
MONEY to loan , casn on nand , no delay. J.
W. nnd E. L. Squlro , U13 Farnam st. Paxton -
ton hotel bulldinc. 372
O NE Yto loan-on city delays , as
cash Is on hand. Hates , Smith & Co. ,
room 233 , Hnmge building. > 755 31
LOANS made on Omnha city property by D.
V. Sholos , room 1 llurkdr blk. 761
MONEY to loan on turniiuro , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or on any approved security. Low
rates. J. W.Hobblns , IGlIFainam. 772
CP5,000 nnd upwards to loan on first-class city
P leal estate security. W. F. Smith , 1220
nainjst. 431m2i :
, to loan on city and farm real estate.
$500,000 Mahoney , 1007V4 Farnam street.
to Loan Omaha real estate and
MONEY . Mortgages bought. Odoll llros. &
Co. , 1523 Farnam. B2T.
to loan on Improved real estate ; no
MONEY charged , Leavitt Uurnhnm.
room 1 , Crolghton block. 3M1
To loan. Lowest , rates. No delay
MONEY . Hlco Sc Co. , over Commercial Na
tional bank 375
ONEY lonnod on furniture , pianos , organs ,
M horses , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson &
Co. , 1324 Farnam , over llurllnston ticket ofllco.
to loan on horses , wagons , furniture ,
MONEY and other personal property or col
lateral without removal ; business conlldentlal ;
rates moderate , The 1'alrbaulc Investment Co. ,
215 S. llth St. , upstairs , 418
OAN3 niado on real estate and mortgages
L bought , Lewis S. Hood & Co. . 1521 Farnam.
UiGOU,000 To loan on Omahu city property at
P per cent. G. W. Day , S. E. cor. Ex. Hid.ITS
TSJOTES bought. O. H. Jacobs , 32J S. 15th st.
U500.000 { to loan at lowest rate of Interest , on
P city property. H. II , Irey , Frenzur blk , opp.
I' , O. 1M
M 'ONEY To Loan Ily the undersigned , who
has thu only properly organized loan
agency in Omaha. Loans of 410 to 4100 made , on
furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , ma
chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All
business htrictly oonlldontlnl. Loans w mndo
that any p.irt can bo paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro rnta. Advances
made on line watches nnd diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , us many now concmns nru dully coming
into existence. Should you need money call nnd
sciiiue. W. It. Croft , room 4Wlthnellbuilding ,
15th nnd llnrnoy. 3M'.l
M ONEY to Lonn-O. F , Davis Co. , real estate
nnd loan agents , 2505 r.irnam st , 370
'I71OH SALE Cheap , n good paying milk route
i-1 In South Omaha. H. K. Heiidee , 117 S. Ifith
stiect , _ 7I/--23
"OAHTNEK In light inanufncturing business
Jto travel or take charge of hliop , small
capital required. 01 , llellmun block. Look It up ,
777 22'
" \\7ANTF.I-A iinrlner with W.OM to tnkn half
> > interest in manufacturing iind helling a
newly patented article. ; bulls nt sight ; w III locate
lu any town in Nub. Addi&u E 10 Heo olllce.
75.1 2.1 *
I > AHTNF.H wnnted for uwd bakery. J50) ) re
quired. AddlobS E 0 , Uue olliLi . 710 231 :
T HAVE n well ostahHslu-il trade in a largo
territory tributary to iWInha. Want to do
an exclusive holesalo buhliWsb and need a part
ner w Ith W.OOU . or ilO.OUO cash.Address E li. Hue
olllte. n 720 2 : ] *
ciei ifi stock with good
young team and dolhery wngon. Price
8-WO. ( For bale or trade fcCJiusldoOiuuha piop-
crty. Active Heal Estate 4 ; Property Exchange ,
1524 Dldgest. J " MJ )
TT1oTrSA"L15--FIrst class Ulfllaril hall nnd bar.
JL good loratlon.good renwin given for wnut-
Ing to bell. AddressD71 Umuha lleo olllrn ,
# 00320
- -
17WHNITITIIK nndleoso ofn twenty I room Hut
-L centrally lot nted for wile , bringing in JJ"
per month above rent. Prle tJ.M ) . ffl.OUO cash ,
bnl on tfine. address 8bp > jfyclty. ) CM K |
17TUH MALI--jood ! located tigur , slutlonery ,
- runffriionary und news btuie , with jiuji-
torn gland , if dealred ; chcup rent. 1) 44 lieu.
"TTUIH SAMI-Saloon , In a good location and do-
4' Ing u good miblness. A good opportunity
for a man with } 2XW. ( Apply lo Stringer i Co. ,
1518 1 lodge st. OHI _ _
FOHSALi-'leanhardwaro : stock of Jl MO ,
well located in somlicasturnNebrusku. < ) n -
third real estate , bulaucu cash uud time. Lock
Hox20 , ruirbtiry , Neb. Cll 2o *
H BALK-'Feed store in good location , rent
cheap , Invoice about iWU , Addn-hs lisa ,
lleo. 4MJ 22 *
ONIMIALK Interest In a paying coal minnln
Iowa. Particulars gfveii on application
AnPxcullpnt opportunity for party with fcomo
mouoy. 11. K , Cole , N , K.15th uud Donglaa.
4 45 24
"I710H SALi-Mi-ut : market In Council IJUiirs ,
JL' doing good fumlly trudo ; centrally located.
Addre&s W. II. P. , Heo olllce , Council J > hitf /
; j10H 8AL15 Now tork U | " UOBIWWUTU In. LIh-
coin ; tiuducbtublUhed , Addre B K 4 , thU
otllcu . ' ' 7WK.'iJ
TTTANTKI- purtner In n peed paring lm l.
' nes , from ! loojoJXM | ( required , Prof-
is Inrgo. This will pear Investigation. Address
1) 2 llee oraco.
- - To lease find residence near poitoflleo , nnd
lHyfurnltnro.allnotvnt ( | a Rreot sacrifice. For
partlciilarg ce L. P. SklnniT. 1VJJ | Viriiaiii. B.TJ
f 'DOll livery stock iind ieme on liMt livery
V7 and sale utahle centrally located In Omaha ,
for sale very cheap for cash , will not trade. Co.
- - _ . _
i brag stock. Ai line locntion as
them U In the city. Clein stock. Invotco
about ? T.OW. 1'nrt casn. I'al t In good roat
tatoor secured notes. M. A. Upton A iCo. ICth
it , opp. Chamber ot Commnrco. _ 451
Vhoil SALE A good pnyliiR builnen. Clears.
JU stationery and toys , In a first-class loca
tion. On account of II ) noalth. Htork onhiiul
aootit 1,1,000 , All cash not roqutrcd. Uminlro at
Max Meyer A Co.'s. 400
BUSINKSS properly. One-half the row ot
stores on the H. 15. cor 27th and St. Mary's
nve , . prlco JIO.COO , Incurabraiico 17,2m ) ; wont part
cash , ual.good property. ILK.Cole , N. K. cor.
15th and Douglas , 723 3t
WANTED(1ood ( horsca and mules for South
Omaha lots. John Nelson , 410 N Ifith st.
712 2fl *
" | 710HTY-roUH foot fronting on both Saunders
JL' and 23d sts. ; w 111 trade tor residence or res
idence lot. H. K. Cole , H. K. cor 15th and Doug
las sts. 620-22
itisps and lots to exchange.
C. C. Spots wood , 305H S. Itithst. 22D
ANTI5D-20U.OOO hrlcK for Omaha real cs-
tato. K. Lcavenworth,1417 Faruatn st.
OOTII OMAItA lot for buggy and harness.
11. K. Cole , N. U. cor. 15th uud Douglas.
mo UXCHANOK-lOO lots near South Onialm
JL for farm land , merchandise , ranch , live
stock , etc. Address , giving description of
property and price 1)33. lleo olllce. 4i ) > 23
niHADKS made In real estate and personal
JL moporty. See exchange book. Co-op. I *
andL. OQ.205N. 10th fet , 503
"ITIOH THADK-2- lots In Windsor terrace for
JL' good land , mortgage palter or horse aud bug
gy. D. V. Sholcs , room 1 , llarker block. IVll
IK YOU have properly for sale , or trade , or
. houses to rent list with tha O. F. Davis
Company. 1M5 1'arnain st. 218 31
TT10H KXCirANU15-$3,000 ot pay rock milling
JJ stock to exchange for cfty property or
fnnns ; better Investigate this before It is all
gone. ILK. Cole , N. U. cor. 15th and Douglas
BW. mu-22
I HAVE for trnrto improved farm in Cass Co. ,
near Plnttsmouth , will trade for improved
Inside property. Address M 00 , lice office.
TO EXCHANGE For merchandise or resi
dence lots In Omnlin , WO acres chnlco unim
proved land in Knnx Co. , Nob. , n bnlnnco unpaid
duo lufl yvars. Address H. II. Loucks.Dnnlmry ,
Iowa. 24laB
"WTANTRD Houses and lots to exchange for
V > farms. H. E. Cole , N. K. 15th uud Douglas.
WANTED Horses nnd cattle to exchange for
farms or city property. II. ti. Cole , N , E.
cor. 13th and Douglas. WJ *
Stocks of merchandise to exchange
change for farms. II. E. Cole , N , E. 15th
and Douglas. U09
{ "CHOICE acre tracks , bestof facilities for gar
v denltig. Want good untncumbcrcd farms
II. E. Colo. N. E. 15th mid Douglas. IKW
OHOICE apra tracks suitable for gardening.
\J Very liberal terms. II. E. Cole , N. E. 15th
nnd Douulas. Heal estate for bale. U09
ENSON fcCAHMIOHAEL furnish complete
and guaranteed abstracts of tltlu to any
real estate in Omaha nnd Douglas county upon
short notice. The most complete set of abstract
books In the city. No. 1111) ) Kurnam st. 3S5
MIDLAND Guarantee nnd Trust Co. . 1505
Fnruam btreet Complete abstracts fur
nished , and titles to real estate examined , per
fected nnd guaranteed. 3vJ
AS OWNEHS disagree , n lot COxlWI , three
blocks from So.uth Omaha depot , must bo
sold ; Is a bargain nt Jl.H'jO ; icqulres J200 cash ,
D. D. Smcatou , llarker block. 700 2il
FOll SALE The best business , residence nnd
trackago sites in the city. 51. A Untou A ;
Co. 770 31
FOH SALE-HawIoy House , North Pintle.
Neb : WlllraUo part cash and balance lu
good cattle. Address John HUM ley. North
Platte. ' 743a21
F SALE or trade Lands and town property -
- erty : in Nebraska.lCnnsas.Colomdo nnd other
stnteswant ; merchandise , cattle and horsesgen- ;
eral excha'ngo business transacted ; correspond
ence solicited. T. A. English , A ; Co. , York. Nob.
5 HOOM cottage , east front , full lot , 29th and
Iturdctto sts , only $1,750. D. C. Patterson ,
Omaha Nat. Hank. , iU'J , " >
LOT 4. block 75 , for pale cheap , if taken in
March. Viaduct going In on Lstrcet , Look
up location. D. D. Smcatou , llarker block.
707 25
FOH SALE Property on Sherman avenue ,
I'addock place , at f 125 per foot. Match it
if you cnn. Jl. AUpton Jc Co. 770 31
FOH SALE Large house and grounds , all
modern Improvements , nice barn , shade
trees , city water , well and cittern. COne of the
finest homes In the city. Can glvo possession
April 1. A big bargain if sold diilck.
( ieo. N. Illrks. room 40. Itarker Hlock. ( VS3-22
$310 will buy Ilia acres four miles from Long
Plue. Neb. , running water , 30 acres broke ,
house and furniture , good horses , now har
ness , platform sprlnir wagon , cow and cult. If
you want this outfit talk quick. Must hull ac-
i omit sickness. Agent Wells Fargo \ Co. Ex
press. _ COS 2 1 *
T71OH SALE At n bargain for n few days
JJ only , lot 1 , block 3 , Paddock Place. This Is
n beautiful corner on 10th street. Inquire at
owner. 170U Dodge it. 4U2
FOH SA LK Corner Kith and Castellnr , 00x140 ,
$5,700 , worth Just tlWW more. M. A. Upton
& Co. 770 31
T L. HICE & CO. , Heal Estato. alB
FOH SALE1 On O'isy terms , a new 6-room
house with modern Improvements , barn ,
etc. ; ran make terms to buitpurchascr. Address
P. O. box 48S , city. _ ! Ri1 _
FOH SALE Nlco 7 room house , close to ht.
cars , school , church , etc. , full lot , only i..fjjO ;
f 1,0 H ) cash , balance In three equal payments. C.
Harrison _ , 11B. S. 15th st. _ 75
TT10II SALE Host bargain in Omaha , corner
JU loth and Jones sts , M. A. Upton & Co.
770 31
T710H SALE Coruor Georgia nvo nnd Pncille
-1 St. , ( ilixllO tc alloy , south nnd west fronts ,
on grade and covurud with beautiful grove.
Fine site for elegant homo , J5.500 : for few days
only : } 2iX ) ( ) cash , balance easy. A. P. Tukey ,
1U4 ! ranmmht. _ 3)7 ) _
T71AHM for sale , 40 miles north of Omnha , con-
JL ? tains 170 ncre.s , line house , feeding yards ,
windmill , etc. , nil level land. Price iper
acre , D. C. Patterson , Omaha Nat.
_ ; _ 15U n7
FINE tracKago property for Mile The Clark
Woodman property on 'Iznrd St. , between
Kill nnd lbtli.2iHxl.ti , streets on tlueo Hides and
railroad tiuck In alley ; suitable lor wholesale
or manufacturing pin posen. Fine location , ulo-
glint property , easy terms and cheap. Thel o Is
money lu thin If bought at present prices. Will
sell part or all. A. P Tukoy , 1324 Fnrnani st.
T71OH SALE70 feet on Farnnm , opposite Vlr-
JL1 glnlaave. A bargain , il , A Upton i ; Co.
7711 31
_ _
BIO thing for one who has but small cash ou
Imnd , house and lot , < ) , small cash pay-
menl , balance monthly , almost paid by rent. D.
I ) Hmeaton. Harker block. _ fiKI 25
I L. HlCE\-CO. , HeafEltatin 215
J . |
_ _
G HOUSES for sale. JSOO each , fJOOrash. but It
taken together can make price JJijO cheaper ,
balance vuarly ; i ent after JIarch WO per mouth ,
17 per cent , D. D. Smenton , llarker block.
_ _ _ _ _
T710H HALUorTrudo Full lot ou Fitrnnin St. ,
X1 onn block from pavlni ; and street earn ,
Price * 5f 0. Eulty | * .IIJO. (
Two one-fou rth sections line school land In
Kossuth county , low.i.
Omslxtli interest in an addition to South
Omaha , " free of encumbrance , for good Western
farm land , clear , or not heavily encumbered ,
or good Omaha property.
Good Inside business property , free of en
cumbrance , for good housH and lot In north
. 8. A. Sloraau , rooms 22and2 > ,
ellman building , cor. Farnnm and 13th sis.
rpWO good houses , well located , for J4.700 and
JL } Jloo , on easy payments. J , A. HelHtand ,
room V , Arlington llmck. 7W
SALE or exchange Wo have pome good
Omaha real estate and Nebraska farms
which we will bull cheap or trade tor Mocks of
clothimr , rurnUhlng go dd , dry goods , boots and
fthocK , groceries or hunlwure. Schleslnper Hros. ,
01IS inthst. 3 aia
* J L. HI CK if ( XX , Heal Estate. gI5
T71OH 8ALE-OrleasBiJ , 4lorM feet on Far-
X1 mini , between 20th and 23d sts , Cheap , il.
A. Upton & Co. 77U 31
TJ1QH 6ALE 2 good lots with 4-rbom housea
J.upon them , in South Omaha , cheap on'vcry
eubv tunns or will exchange for block or uoouj * .
U.K. oodee , 1)T ) 8. lOtU st. I02-2J
TTIOH SALE IxjJsS nnd 4. block 1 , In Is/iho / &
JL1 Seldcn's nddlttnu , ror. Bllh street nnd Half
Howard. John H. F , Lohmnnn , El S. nth st
, _ _ _ livj _
rplllNIC ot thls-New o-rodm house nnd lot ,
JL rented * I8 month , for Mvln. F1.2UO ! MWcnsh ,
bnlMicocasy. D.I ) Smeaton , Darker block ,
I CAN place { 0(0 ( so ns to pay 724 per rent- for
the next slxmonths nnd no rnnncc of losing
money , either. I ) . D. Smeaton , HnrkerJlt > Pk.Li
707 25
IOFI'KH thn following for n few dnysi
50x150on Georgia nve with a good 7 room
new house with fnrnnce , city wnter , gnetc. . ;
largo barn nnd 100 feet from Vopploton nvo.prlco
f-1,7M , { 1,250 cash , bnl 1 , 2 and 3 years. Consider
this.Good R room house , east front lot , new nnd In
nn excellent locality , for A few days you can eel
this for $ .1,700 , Sl,2 > ) rush. Investigate this.
GSxltJ ft on Cuss st bet 14th and 15th sla. wllh
good 10 room house , on t > nsy terms , chenpest
property in Omnha nt $12.000 ; If votivUh to buy
xell or gut n loan call ou D. V. Siiolos , Hoom 1 ,
nnrkerblk. 749
T710H SALE Cheap , or will trade for city prop-
J crty , n billiard nnd ix > ol tnblo of modern
style nil complete. H. 1C. Hciidco , 117 S. Ifith st.
L. HICK A CO. , Kenl Ustato. SIS
Ij HICK \ CO. , llaal'Kstato. Sla
TJIOH SALE House and lot lu Omnhn View , n
JL1 bargainsmnllcnsh payment , easy terms ,
C. C. Spolswood. ilOJH S inth. 720
TflOH SALE-Lot 4 , block flTTfillBldo No. 1 , Tor
K BI.OOOj easy terms. Aildioss 04 ! > , Hon.
' M8T1CKNKY& CO. mase aspecIaltr oT
property In North Omaha , for sale or rent
at CttlaenV bank SIM Cumlng st. 3&
I HAVE for sale ono of the best lots In A. S ,
Patrick's ad. which I will sell If taken soon
for three hundred dollars loss than any lot in
the nddttlou cnn bo bought for. Address 1133 ,
Heo olllce. 055
SALE Wo linvo n few more of those
cheap lots nenr P. O. , on onsy payments.
It. 1C. Heudoe , 117 S. 10th st , 702-211
"jmOlT BALE Lot KJ on 20th nt. .Just off of Cum-
JL' ing st , east front , on grade , 112 x121 to al
loy. Price for few days only * I,4M ( ; 1,200 cash
balance easy. A. P. Tukey , 1324 Farnnm st ,
! IJ7
Running between Council Binds nnd Albright.
In addition to the stations mentioned , trains
stopnt Twentieth nnd Twenty-fourth streets ,
and nt the Summit In Omnha.
-L > Snpjilles llendriuarters Dept. of the Platte ,
Olllco of Chief Commlr-sary of KilliMstenco ,
Oinahn. Neb. , March 21. IhW. healed pmposals
in triplicate , accompanied by guarantee bunds ,
will bu received at the olllco of the commtHsary
of Hiiblsteni e at Omaha , Neb. , und the ollli e of
the nctiim cominlsiarv of subsistence nt Fort
Omaha , Nub , until 12 o'clock M , . central htnnd-
ard time , und ut the olllco of the commissary ot
subsistence ut Cheyenne D 'put , U'yo , uml the
ollli'cH of the acting < ommlsaarli-H of tmlislstence
at 1'ortH Sidney , Mobrara and Itoblnsuii , Nob. ,
Forf > McKlnuoy , Luramle , Hi-tdKCr , D. A. Has-
hell and WushuKle , und Cam ] ) Pilot HutteVyo. . ,
and Fortu Douglas and Du rhoiiio , I'tah , until
11 o'clock u. m , mountain standaid tlnm , on
Wudnebdity. the 21th day of April , IHbH. at which
time und places they will bo opened in tliHines-
ence of blddein. for the furnlxhlng and delivery
of the fresh btcf roiiulred nt the posts and
btutious inentlom.'d , respt'ctlxulv , during the Us-
cal year commencing July 1 , IHtW. Tlio right is
reserved to reject any or nil bids. For informa
tion us to the quantity of fresh beef tu be fnr-
nishi'd at any tin-it or Htatloii , amuuntof guur-
nntee bond , blank proposals nnd giininnteo
Donils , anil elrculani for information of bidders ,
apply by mul | or m person tu the olllces herein
ileHlgnaled to receive proposals then'ut. J , W ,
IIAHHIUEH , MaJ. and U , B. , U. S , A. , Chief U , 6.
ig Q II ran. rarlr ilfvur , loit
l. I to. I will M-uiia tuluaUa trtullbu ( xaU-d )
ronulnlux- full | * rtUulu * fur bouiu cum , Iftti ut
F.AF/c'FOWLER ! ! , MoodUii Conn. ,
\Vho Is % VKAK , NKRVOim. T > F.niMTA
h TRIfIEn nwnr his vmoilof I1OI > T.
M 1 7 ( I ) nnd JM AN II O n it , mining cxhnuitlng
drnlni Upon the FOUNTAINS of I.IfKl
Iltwunn , WEAKNKNH of Memory. IIASII *
the FACF. . find nil the EFFF.CTN
KAItl.T nnVAYftnd | < erhapi TO
TI > N or INNANITT. ihould coiiiull nt once
the cr.I.F.IinATF.l ) lr. Clark * . Kitnbllihrd
1B.M. Dr ClK'ka hn made NEHVOUS IIF.
III I.IT Y , rilKONH ? nnd nil DUcatoi of
Ihn OEMTO tJKIN'AUY Orynns A Life
HMidy. H makra NO difference WHAT you
buTC taken or WHO ha * failed to cure you.
liar to their cox can consult with the Msuranco
of cpoedy rellif nnd cure. Send 3 cents pottag
tot norki on jour dlsenics.
* B-8cnd 4 cents posUfro fbr Cvlcbrntnl
TTorhM on Chronic , Ncrvniin and Doll *
rate Ulieaie * . Coniultatlon , pononaUy or by
letter , froo. Coniult tlio olil Iiorlor.
Tlinintniuli enrrtl. onicvannd pnrlora
prlrnto.Tho o fontempUtlnc MarrliiRS
toad for Dr. Clnrko'c celebrated ( rUliie
Hnlo nnd Female , each Uc. , both SAc.
{ ilanind ) . Uefoio confldlng your CM , coniult
nr. OI/AKKK. A friendly letter or rail may
inve Hituro nuOcrlDcnnd tharoc , nnd add golden
yean to life. S-llook "I.lf > ' ( Secret ) * > .
rom , " too. ( aUmpi ) . Medicine nud wrltlnRi
tout everywhere , xoure from iTto ure.
Itoura , 8 to S ; Sunday ! , 9 to 12 , Addrcu ,
F. D. OLABKB , M. D.
IPO Bo. Clark St. . CUIOAOQ. ILL.
The Finding of Tin In tlio lllack lllllrt
and \Vliat. It , Means. '
Minneapolis Journnl : Malor A. J.
SlmmoiiB , ot Itnpld City , Dak. , president
of the bonrd of trustees of the Dakota
school of mines , when questioned re
garding the tin mines in the Black
Hills , said : "I tun thoroughly iiubuud
with the importune * ) of the discovery in.
the hills , nnd consider it the second
largest nntl greatest ininornl discovery
ever iniulo in this country , second only
to the discovery of gold in Cnllfornin in
1810 , bccnnso the imports of tin lust your
amounted -iG03.7U.l" : ! ) , comprising
the pinto nnd block tin. Tlio discovery
of the niotnl wns mndo in the Blncfc
llills in 1S8I ! , nnd from n survey thnt I
mndo shortly after I wns sure that the
"Etta. Mien Mine , " where the discovery
wns llrst made , contained the metal in
considerable quantities. I announced
the fact Juno 8 , IBS ; ! , nnd I sent n box of
specimens to San Francisco to n cnpi-
tnlist there , who ntonco sent Prof. W.
P. Blnko , n. well known mining engi
neer , to examine tlio find. The results
proved successful ! in the highest dogreo.
"Tin mining is n now industry In
America , und its dovolopmenthasol ne
cessity boon very slow , but not slower
thnn the development of the rich silver
mines of curly days on the Pacific coast
nnd in Colorado. It requires largo sums
of money to properly open those mines ,
and to build mills for the treatment ot
tlio ore. There nro two well known tin
districts in the hills. Ono occupies a
bolt nbout four miles wide , lying.around
the northern and western llnnks of Ilna-
noy's ponk. It extends southward to a
point six miles south of Custor Citv. It
will probably bo found entirely encircling -
circling the granitic area ot tlio hills.
The other section is located about six
teen miles south west of Spenrilsh , wjioro
u binall Archnenn area has been laid
bare by denudation.
"Tho mines tire located near Rapid
City , on the Fremont & Elkhorn road.
Constant additions have been mndo
since the discovery , but the most val
uable have been mndo during tlio last
six months. The tin is found in regular
woll-dclincd fissure veins , varying in
width from ono foot to over a hundred
foot."The percentage of tin stone in the
greiscii varies , but there are many veins
carrying rook yielding from U to1 per
cent. That this is by no means a small
percentage mny bo seen by the follow
ing : In Altfiibtirg in Saxonytho.yield
is from 3 to 1 per cent. Tn Cornwall the
yield of black tin for the whole county
is loss thnn 2 per cent. In the Pal-
borro district in Cornwall , the average
of nil the ore crushed in live yours was
8 ! ) hundrcdths of 1 per cent , yet those
mines yielded a fair profit.
"The Now York and London company ,
known as the Hartley Peak Tin Mining
company lias already invested ever
$1,000,000 , and is preparing to erect ma
chinery nnd furnaces for pulling the
product of their mines on the market
tliis year.
"Tlio Cornwall mines nro becoming
exhausted , and nro being worked at
depths of ; ) , ( )00 ) foot , and under the sea.
The tin mines of tlio world nro eo few
that it has enabled tlio French and Eng
lish capitalists to corner the supply. In
the Black Hills district the mines are
being worked ncnr the surface , and the
deepest is not more than 200 feet.
"It is demonstrated that there nro
great quantities of ore , sulllciont to jus
tify the English experts in Btating that
the United States will not only produce
its own tin , but will have a sulllciont
surplus to export. "
A car load of 10 concentrates has al
ready arrived in Chicago , and is being
run into bar. In a few days it will bo
put upon the Chicago market. This ia
the first American tin thnt has ever
been placed upon the market. It is the
beginning of a business that amounts to
more than $20,000,000 per annum. ;
Thrcu CancH nt' Aljscnt-Mliuledtiesn.
Pittbburg Dispatch : At this very mo
ment a gentleman looking ever my
shoulder tolls mo thnt a few days ngo ho
came to town for the particular purpose
of mailing a very important letter. lie '
didn't wish to run the risk of having it
lie for a day in tlio postolllco of the su
burban borough where ho resides. Ho
came to Pittbburg about fifteen miles <
went straight to the poslolllco , bought
six ii-cont stamps , which ho roinom-
bored ho was in need of , and returned
to his homo with the important letter
resting securely in his breast pocket.
A story used to bo told many years
ngo of a merchant who was peculiarly
subject to Ills of absont-mindedncas.
Ono day ho was writing a letter , anil
thought absent-mindedly that he had
forgotten his correspondent's first
nnmo. Turning to ono of his clerks ho
said : ' 'What's John Jnck&on's Ural
namoV" -
The clerk , accustomed to his employ
er's peculiarity , replied : "John , sir. "
Tlio merchant wrote the letter , put i { ;
in an envelope and was again at a losa. ' , <
To the same clerk ho said : "Excuso mo ,
Charles , I've forgotten John Jackson's
last nnmo. "
But a better story thnn the above is
told of a gontlomnn in this city who wad , '
met by a friend ono morning recently ,
hurrying back from the depot toward
his homo.
"What's the matter ? " his friend f
asked. .
"Oh , I've loft my watch under my
pillow , nnd I'm going to got it. " ]
"You'll miba your train. "
"Oil , no , " was the absant-mindod
man's reply. "Hoc , I'vo got four min
utes yet , " and ho pulled out his watch
to enforce the statement. And ho didn't
renli/o for bovoral seconds what it waa
that made his friend laugh so heartily.
Every person Is interested in their
own aiTaira , und if this moots the eye ot
nny one who is suffering from the oilects
of a torpid liver , wo will admit that ho
is interested in golting well. Get a
bottle of Prickly Ash Bitters , UBO it as
directed , and you \ylll always be glad
you read this Horn.