Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BE $ : FRIDAY , MARCH 23 , 1888.
Delivered by Carrier In Any Tnrt of the City at
Twenty Cents I'cr Week.
TBUil'lIONES ' :
IlufiiKnKfl Orncr. . No. 43.
NICIMT KDlTOti , No. S3.
N. Y. Pi m ing Co.
Now spJlng goods nt Kcitcr'H.
The next granij Jury begins Us work hero
April 3.
Tlio uniformed Knights of Pythias tire
having frequent drills now.
H. Ii. Shepherd yesterday soldtolrallcnd-
rlcks four lots in Beers' subdivision.
The Jury In the district court reports for
duty this morning , having had two days' rest.
Thirteen is Bald to bo the number of new
cnloons opened in the UlufTs since election
There was a largo congregation present nt
St. Peter's church Wednesday night nt the
consecration of the stations.
An infant son of Mrs. GIlllnRhatn , living
on Fifth avenue , died yesterday afternoon.
The funeral will take place at 2 o'clock to
Mr. A. Halncs , who lived hero twenty
years ago , and was with N. 1' . Con tint in the
jewelry business , died recently at Chero
kee , la.
There will bo n business meeting of the P.
E , O. at Mrs. Horace Evans' this afternoon
nt half-past 4 , A full attendance is desired.
By order of the president.
Euceno Mottaz has bought of George
Beard , through H. L. Shepherd , twenty feet
on Broadway. Ho propones building thereon
at once a two story brink building.
The work of repainting the clty'shosd ' carts
is being done by .Tames Bradley , superin
tendent of the llio alarm , assisted by BOUIO of
the other members of the department.
A little son of Mr. and Mrs , John Nicholson
is in a precarious condition , owing to his hav
ing accidentally got hold of bottle of iodine ,
n portion of the contents of which ho drank.
The Ladles Slrcilkon circle gave a leap year
party last evening nt the residence of Mrs.
Schlfferli , on North Fourth street. A very
enjoyable time was had and a midnight sup
Permit to marry was yesterday given
Francis M. McElrath and Susan E. McEl-
rath , both of this county ; Burton E. Horton
and Mary E. Skctchloy , both of Taylor
county ,
So many of the attorneys were in attend
ance nt the statu convention at DCS Moincs
as to interfere sadly with business in the
district court here yesterday. There was
little or nothing done and nu early adjourn
ment was had.
To-night Captain Ovcrton is to deliver an
interesting lecture nt the mission which bears
his name. His subject will be , "Night
Scenes in New York. " An admission of 10
cents will be charged , the receipts to go to
the relief of some poor families.
Machinery from the Gciso brewery Is being
packed preparatory to being shipped to
Chatanooga , where Mr. Gelso is building n
brewery double the capacity of his old one
hero. His son , Fred Gciso , will Icavo about
the first of the month to take charge of the
new establishment.
The date of the dedication of the new St.
Francis Xaviers Catholic church has not been
fixed upon. The three altars are beinir made
In Chicago and are Hearing completion" The
POWB have arrived from Kansas City and are
being put in position. They uro of ash with
walnut trimmings.
Jacob Neutneycr yesterday let the con
tract to A. W. Covalt for the building of a
large addition to his hall on Broadway. The
new building is to bo thrco stories high , with
basement , and with this addition Neumeyer's
hotel will haw sixty-live rooms. All modern
conveniences nro to bo added and the hotel
made one of the best in the city.
Sunday night , at Dohany's opera house ,
will bo held a gospel temperance meeting.
The pastors of all the evangelical churches
in the city , with their congregations , will
Jojn in the services. Both laymen and clergy
will discuss the question , and un interesting
and prolitnblo meeting is anticipated. All
the friends of temperance are invited. Bring
gospel hymns.
The plasterers will in a few days complete
their work on the now government building.
The tiles are being put in the lloors , and the
woodwork will soon bo under way. The work
on this building has been dragged along , a | > -
parcntly as slowly as possible , which has
been gratifying to these who draw regular
ealnrics for sitting around watching those
who claim to be doing the work.
Colonel George A. Stonobank , examiner ,
has been iii the city for a few days on busi
ness , but was called by telegram to Dn-
buquo to take charge of the Commercial Na
tional of that city , of which H , E. Graves is
the president , brother of J. 1C. Graves , who
was so prominently connected with the
motor line here last season. The bank has
been having some trouble of late and it has
been decided to close its affairs.
The now motors of the Manawa line nro
said to be all ready for shipment. There
seems now no cause for delaying the open
ing of the road except the unwillingness of
BOino of the railroad companies to allow the
crossings to bo put in. The city should bo
very slow in bestowing any further favors to
these obstructing companies until they show
a disposition to help along , or at least not to
hinder au enterprise which Is so important to
the city.
L. M. Finkolstcln , who has a bottling
establishment at No. 7U2 Broadway , has been
lying very ill for some weeks. Ten days ago
the physicians in consultation pronounced
his case hopeless , but Dr. Fred Bellinger , the
physician for thoBikor Cohlin , the society of
which ho is a member , has clung to the belief
that ho could bo saved. Dr. Bellinger is
now able to report him as out of danger.
Tills physician haa devoted himself almost
night and day to the case , and it seems now
that his skillful attention is winning the
battle against the disease.
Poultry , eggs mid butter tit Fouron's ,
11 Main street.
Tlio young Indies of the Presbytorinn
church will give an Ens tor Bazar nnd
euppor Tuesday , the U7th inst. Dec-
orntod eggs nnd Easter curds for sale.
No. 600 Broadway.
Union Abstract company , 230 Main street.
Jtonoy at low rates on llrat-clngn farm security ,
Uurnhaui , Tulleyu It Co. , ltt ( .Muiii street.
Ontcli On tu Tills. 4
Mr. Charles Probstlo is prepared to
supply you ; with a Imniobb the equal of
nny on i oarth. Fine work mid harness
novelties a specialty. Single , double
nnd track ; also n good clnsa of farm
work. A complete stock of gents' nnd
ladles' riding saddles , driving boots ,
robes , all kinds of whips , etc. Give
him a call ,
Poultry , eggs and butter nt Fearon's ,
11 Main street.
Found Opportunities to invest money
and mnko 100 per cent. Inquire of
Johnston & Van Patten , 33 Main st.
Shcnfo loans money on real estate.
A full line of crockery nnd glnsswnro
nt Lund Bros. , Ko. iM Main street.
E. H. Shcnfo loans money on chattel
security of every debi-riptlon. Private
consulting room ? . All IntHinesa btrictly
confidential. Oilico SOO Broadway , cor
ner Main btrcet ,
Tra\clurs ! Stop at the Ucchtolo.
CaliluoU'liolo Krio.
Every pmvhiuor of a Domestic sowing
machine fov oath or on ilionthly pay
ments from this ollluo during the next
ten days will ruooivV onu do/on cabinet
photos of thenuolvoti taken by Sherra-
den , in that artist's lxbt ; btyle. Jtuinoin-
Tuor ton daya only. No canvabsursj. 105
Main St.
B. B. "VVudsWorth & Co. IQUII money.
Fresh Mlluti
Thlrtyfresh milch cows for sale siugly , or
ID lot , by B. Marks.
A" ScnsatlormJ Mooting of a Local
Mining Company.
Malinger Evnns of ttio Ilrondwny
Bridge Company Will With-
ilrnw Ills ItcsiKtmtlon
1'crsonnl Notes"
Tlio Foot of Ilronilwny.
There is considerable wondering as to Just
what will be the result of the attempt of the
city legislating to provide for thonew street nt
the foot of Broadway , running from the end
of Ferry addition to the new bridge. The
bridge company at first proposed that if the
city would abandon Broadway , at that point ,
they would deed the necessary land for the
extension of Broadway , and this could bo
graded nnd charged up to the adjacent prop
erty , so that the city would not bo anything
out.It was feared by some that by abandoning
Broadway to the rlvor it would cut oft < all
possibility of reaching the river , nnd cross
ing on the Ice , if any should so desire. The
city council has therefore wisely concluded
to hang on to its rights nt the end of Broad
way.Tho chief question now is whether the
property adjacent to the now extension will
pay the cost of grading. If not , the city
would have to finally pay It. It is believed
by most people that this property will bo
abundantly good for the assessment.
A moro serious question is as to the lia
bility of the city to maintain this street. In
case of washouts or Hoods , would not there
bo risk of the city having largo sums to pay
out to replace the street ! At the best would
It not cost a snug sum each year to maintain
The expense of grading is variously esti
mated , but It will reach probably S. > , UOn at
the lowest. The move is an important one ,
but the city attorney has looked over the law
questions involved , nnd reports that ho sees
none of the scares which have so alarmed
others. The project is being quite thoroughly
discussed , and tliero are so many varied
opinions as to cause it to bo extremely import
ant that the city should look well to its
interests before getting involved in some
arrangement which in the years to coino
might bo of disadvantage.
IMiul About Mining.
A meeting of the tlircctors of the Jupiter
Mining company of Utah was held nt the
ofllco of George F. Wright yesterday after
noon. The majority of the directors wished
to dispose of some of tho' stock contrary to
the wishes of the minority , composed of J.
M. and N. C. Phillips. A vote to dispose of
it passed in spite of the opposition , nnd N. C.
Phillips rushed down stairs and soon reap
peared in company with Deputy Sheriff Kid
dle , who served writs of injunction from
Judge Thomell on every member present.
To complete the sensational play , Superin
tendent Street , who , has had charge of the
company's property in Utah , and was n
deeply interested spectator of the proceed
ings , Jumped to his feet and said , "Gentle
men , I have done all in my
power to further your interests
as connected with this company ,
but it is useless to try to do anything more
with you. This is the hardest lot of men I
over had anything to do with. Hereafter you
go your way and 1 will go mine. " After thus
expressing himself ho wished them all a
"good day" and loft the room. This action
was not altogether unexpected by these pres
ent , and they could not blnmo him much , as
ho had been waiting hero for some time for
them to arrive at somodeiinlto understanding
and he became disgusted with their quibbling.
The fact of the matter is that they arc hear
tily sick of the investment , and arc opposed
to putting in any more money. Some arc
even willing to lose what they have thus far
invested if that would be sufllcicnt , but they
are held on a note. Hereafter Pottawattomic
county will offer suuicient inducements to
these investors.
Tlio Jjalior Problem.
There was a goodly sized audience last
evening to greet Hon. R. G. Herr , of Mich
igan , and to listen to what ho might say concerning -
corning the labor question. Ho spoke forever
over two hours'and held the attention of all
closely. His vein of humor was the most
interesting feature of the lecture , and there
was much good , hard sense in his mode
of treating the quest-ion. Ho did not
pretend to have any sure cure for all the
ills of life. Ho showed the ridiculousness ol
thinking that morals could bo legislated intc
people , or that the wrongs of society could
altogether bo corrected by enactments ol
congress. Ho thought that the only remedy
for exisitiiiK troubles was for man to deal
Justly by his fellow man. The wages should
bo graded in accordance with what the
worker produced , and shall go us n
down as the value of the products. Sucii
questions as that of the eight-hour system
could not bo settled by law. The working
classes should also use economy. Enough
money was spent yearly on tobacco and
whisky to pay the national debt. Much ol
this was spent by these who worked for daily
wages. The labor agitators , who are contin
ually trying to make the laborers dissatisfied -
satisfied , should endeavor to make them
more courageous In overcoming difticulticE
and securing new victories. The hope of the
nation lay in the sanctity of the homo. The
more homes there were the greater the se
TlicNow School Building.
The school board mot in adjourned session
last evening to- discuss plans for the pro
posed new building on Washington avenue ,
The full board was present , with Presidenl
Atkins In the choir. The following commit
tecs were appointed ; Teachers , rules , schoo
books nnd course of study , Haln and Blax
Him ; Janitors and supplies , Stewart and Lawson -
son ; linnnco , Lawson anil Couch ; grounds ,
repairs , etc. , Couch and Stewart ; fuel and
warming school houses , Blaxsim and Hain.
After a lengthy discussion the committee
en grounds , etc. , wcro instructed to advertise
for u thrce-Btory , cightcen-room building
co&t not to exceed f-iOlKX ) . All plans are tc
boon hana by the 7th of April. It was not
decided what material would bo ufecd , but it
will probably bo brick with stone trimmings
The members of the board manifested n desire
sire to erect as fine u building as possible foi
the appropriation , and one that will bo i
credit to the city. Plans for the proposed
building will bo examined at the next meet
ing of the board , and it is probable thai
some definite action will be taken at thai
time ,
Hofoi-0 the Bar.
There was but one victim before Judge
Aylesworth yesterday morning , that beinf
I ) . J. Andrews , whoso bank account wai
diminished to the extent of $7.00 to satisfy
the court's claim for a booze whirl. In UK
afternoon the case of John Anderson wit
called. Anderson was arrested on a warrant
sworn out by Mr. Chamberlain , charging hiu
with assault. It seems that Chamberlaii
contracted to do the filling to grade off the
street in front of Anderson's place on Avemu
B. Yesterday Chamberlain saw a load ol
dirt dumped at that place , and concluded thai
he had butter begin to fulfill his contract. He
engaged a team to haul a load , and told An
derson ho was working on his contract. An
derson lorbid his unloading the dirt there ,
and when ho insisted on doing so , struck hiu :
nnd knocked him down , and was giving liiir
a severe drubbing when bystanders Inter
fcrcd. Anderson pleaded not guilty and the
case was continued until this morning at 1C
o'clock. Chamberlain U n small man wol !
advanced in years , and Anderson is a bit
strapping fellow weighing over 200 pounds
His conduct in abusing Chamberlain calls foi
the severest ccnsuro.
Will Stick.
There was a report on the streets yester
day that T. J. Evans had resigned his posi
tion as manager of the Omaha and Council
Bluffs bridge company. As such n movt
Would have an Important bearing on the wort
now i" progress , a HKIS reporter iuvosth/atetl
the matter and found that the statement wut
considerably overdrawn. As near ) ) ' us cat
bo learned there was a little misunderstand
ing among some of the members of the com
ovur sonio trivial matter , and Mr ,
Evans threatened to resign , but everything
ufns subsequently amicably adjusted. In the
.same manner that reports are always innRiil-
flrd' pml circulated , the story of this little
miff got out and gave rise to much wlo dis
cussion an to Its cause.
Poultry , eggs nnd butter nt Fenroh's ,
11 Muin street.
Mr. and Mrs. Haggcrty are visiting relat
ives In Sioux City.
Mrs. Florence Holiday , of Kansas City , is
the guest of Mrs. C. Wesley.
Miss Kate Drlflcoll , of Noble , is visiting
with Mr. John Dunn and family.
Colonel Champion S. Chao yesterday
favored some of his Council Bluff friends
with a call.
George Brandt , of Mincoln , accompanied
by a largo party , left jcstcrday for Tucoma ,
Washington territory.
Auditor Klnnehan is closing up his books ,
nnd expects to bo able to turn his oftlco over
to his successor , Mr. Hammer , to-morrow.
William Gildings Logan ; P. B. Hunt and
Warren Gammon , Harlan , nnd Phil Hilcy ,
Mlllwaukce , were at the Pacific yesterday.
Natnaniel Roberts , engineer of thotreasury
department at AVashlngton is in the city
looking over the now government building.
Hon. W. S. Lewis and M. Weavoj of Mills
county , passed through the city yesterday on
their return from the republican state con
Alderman Waterman has recovered suffi
ciently from his illness to bo out of doors.
Ho appeared on the streets yesterday for the
first time since ho was taken sick.
Paul , son of Judge. Aylesworth , now at
school at Andover , Mass. , has written homo
to the effect that ho wears the medal as light
weight wrestler. At an athletic contest last
Saturday lie succeeded In throwing a Japan
ese student who had held the medal for seine
time anil was considered invincible. The
medal is of silver with gold chains , and Us
possessor feels qulto proud of It. The Bluff-
itcs are bound to maintain their superiority
both at homo and abroad.
Furnished rooms for rout. 831 Third
A Caret of XlinnUs.
Wo , the undersigned , do hereby ex
tend our most heartfelt gratitude to all
who helped us through the sickness Jinel
burial ol our darling children , nnd es
pecially do wo thnnk our neighbors for
their assistance and sympathy in our
deep aflliotion.
Most sincerely your debtors ,
TlIlNA CmtlbTKN'SKN" .
All persons owing W. S. Homer & Co.
will plonso settle with W. S. Homer at
the Council Bluffs Carpet company.
A Fatal Accident.
Mr. George Fullock recently was called to
Dcnison by the fatal Illness of his daughter ,
nnd after returning to his homo In VeWitt ,
la. , ho was climbing upon a box ; car , when
the train started up suddenly , causing him to
fall under the wheels. Ho lived but n few
hours. When his daughter died ho remarked
to a friend , "It is the nrst great sorrow in
thirty years of married life. " Little did 1io
think that ho would so soon full the victim of
such an accident.
"With Crackers nurt Coil fish Galore
They Make' Night of It.
Lowibton Journal : "Wo want some
crackers and codlish. "
This remark was addressed to the
night clerk of Hotel North , Augusta , at
1 o'clock this morning by a well known
Muino democratic statesman.
"I don't know as I can get 'em , " said
the clerk dubiously.
"Wo must have 'cm ! " replied the
statebmun genially , but firmly. "There's
a dozen of us up in Blank's room and wo
want some crackers and codlish at
once. "
"Perhaps I can 11 ml some crackers ,
but I doubt if I can get any codfish at
this time of night. The pantry's locked
up , " said the clerk.
"Sir , " said the statesman with great
dignity , "the convention will insist on
the cod-fish. "
"Seo here , Bill , " the clerk shouted to
the porter , "do you suppose you can lind
some crackers and codlish for this gen
tleman ' ( " '
"I'll see , sir. "
Tlio statesman walked away with a
complacent smile and the porter hur
ried into the bidden regions of the hos
About five minutes later an appetizing
spectacle might have been seen in the
hotel oflico the spectacle of the porter
walking hastily through the room ,
balancing on one hand a largo tray.
The tray was heaped with nice round ,
white crackers , and atop the snowy pile ,
like a dory on a foam-crested billow ,
lloated one-half of a nice , large , dried
codfish cut fairly in the middle.
It was a feast for the gods ; and the
joyous shout which the gods sent up
when the porter entered could bo heard
in the remote corners of the building.
It was the only table of the banquet that
a republican pagan could got.
As the codfish and crackers wont
round the hearts of the banqueters ex
panded. Their faces prow rosy and
speech came light and free from their
lips. Under the hai-moiming iiiliuenco
of the codlish past differences were for
gotten and old foes became friends.
Tlio faction-rent democracy of Maine
once more became united. Having
once partaken of this magical potion
men who had abused each other
a few short weeks ago were ready
to embrace and vow eternal friondbhip.
And then the crackers ! Such was
their inspiriting oilect that the smart
of Monday's demoralizing defeat at the
polls was forgotten. Dull care was
driven away. The death knoll of that
grim spectre , civil-sorvico reform , was
heard ringing , The ghosts of past
disappointments were banished. In
their place came a troop of glories.
Visions of fat olllccs and plump por-
quisits lloatod into the room. Joy
brooded over the harmonious and
jubilant democracy. Sucli was the
wonderful potency of the crackers nnd
Is it any wonder that echoes of mirth
and thanksgiving occasionally came
down from the banqueting room ?
that now a loud shout of
glee and then a great noise
of tlolight and anon a mighty
pojan of exultation were heard ? that
the revelry wont on and on till the last
cracker had disappeared , till the codfish
was but a shred and a bone , and till all
the inspiration which the magical tray
brought in had boon absorbed ? And
the tray must have had certain of the
qualities of the widow's oil jug , nnd the
codfish must have been capable of re
generating itself in a most remarkable
manner ; for desnito the avidity with
which they attacked the fenbt , it lasted
" " of the
until the "live-pointed" lamps
stars burned out till morning dawned
upon the reunited and exhilarated d'enlo-
crncy. _
"I was most ready to return a blow
nnd would not brook nt nil this ort of
thing , " for I know I would euro nil dam
ages with Salvation Oil , 25 cents.
Never "bull-do/o" a man , but if you
moot one with u bad cough you may
"bull-dose" him to advantage with Dr.
Bull's Cough Syrup. 25 cents.
Juil | > o ( ircbhnm on Poker ,
a Very few people know that Judge
Grcbluun , one of the courtliest , kindest ,
braniest men on the bench , is one of the
best poker players , in a quiet way in the
country. A North bide gentleman \vho
felt in duty bound to coma in with three
deuces \vhcu his houor bet u white check
on thrco queens nnd a pnir knows H.nml
the people who. were in thq United
SUitcs circuit coiiH the other day know
it also. A prosy ! ld gentleman was
talking about a'forcible entry of aomo
kind nnd he got tu little florid and gald :
"And now , if your honor please , what
was even this hoM'fohold of people to do
ngnin&t thee three determined men
with their revolvers nnd bullets ? "
"Well , they ol lit to have won , " re
marked the judpo ,
"Horn a\v 1 bog your honor's par
don ; whom do you mean ? "
"Why , your client , " snid the judge
gently. "Everybody knows that thrco
bullets are no good against n full
house , " and to this day the old lawyer ,
who doesn't know a jack-pot from a
ponchblow vnsc , can't tell you what that
joke meant or why it wns that so many
smiles wore cracked that Attorney Ewing -
ing rushed out into the hall , thinking
bomobody was preparing the ice for n
A llciirlcvc For the Condemned.
Wretched men and women long con
demned to surfer the tortures of dyspep
sia , arc tilled with now hopes after a
few doses of Hosteller's Stomach Bit
ters. This budding hope blossoms into
the fruition of certainty , if the Bitters
is persisted in. It brings a reprieve to
all dyspeptics who seek its aid. Flatu
lence , heartburn , sinking nt the pit of
the stomach between meals , the ner
vous tremors and insomnia of which
chronic indigestion is the parent , disao-
peav with their hateful progenitor.
Most beneficent of stomachics ! who can
wonder that in so many instances it
awakens grateful eloquence in these
who , benelitted by it , speak voluntarily
in its behalf. It requires a graphic pen
to describe the torments of dyspepsia ,
but in many testimonial received by the
proprietors of the Bitters , these nro
portrayed with vivid truthfulness. Con-
slipalion , biliousness , muscular debility ,
malarial fever , and rheumatism are re
lieved by it.
Itlcli Ncwnpnpcr Men.
All the chief editors of the lending
daily papers of Now Yorlc are men of
vast wealth , writes John Swinton , and
yet nearly every one of them is a hard
worker in his business. Tlio richest of
them all is , doubtless , Mr. Bennett of
the Herald , who is still spoken of as
"young Bennett , " though ho is hasten
ing towards the fiftieth year of his life ,
most of which is spout in Europe. The
ono who has the largest income at this
time is , doubtless , Mr. Toscph Pulitzer ,
of the World , whoso fortune is tlio re
sult of four or five years of enterprise.
The wealth of Mr. Dana ot the
Sun will bo increased this year
by the revenue of his'now
evening issue. Mr. Keid of the Tri
bune has grown to by a rich man during
the last ten years from the income of
his pnpcr and of his immense building
in which it is published. Mr. Jones of
the Times , who bus a lieutenant in the
chair as editor , is a millionaire. Mr.
Ottciidorfor of the. Staatz-Zoitung ranks
among the richest editors of the city.
Mr. Albert Pulitzer of the Journal lias
boon raibed to fortune by his paper
within a few years. Mr. Godkin of the
Post is a rich man , and PO is Mr. God
win of the Commercial Advertiser ; and
so is Mr. Stone of tlio Journal of Com
merce ; and so is 5Jr. Field of the Mail ,
who delegates the duty of editor. It is
probable that Mr. Dorshcimor of the
Star is the leabfi wealthy among the
editors of important dailies in New
York , but if his paper should find the
pathway of success , only a brief period
of time will bo needed to fill his coffers.
SPKCIAIj advertisements , such as Lost , found.
To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , Wants , Hoarding
etc. , will bo Inserted In this column at the low
rate of Ti.V : CUNTS PER LINK for the tlrst In
sertion and Five Cents I'cr Line for each subse
quent insertion. Leave advertisements at our
otllce , No. 12 Pearl Street , near Broadway , Coun-
cll lilulTH , Iowa.
1 ANTED A Kooil shoemaker with kit of
tools and $1UO capital ; urood opening at
Lake View. I will furnish shop room in my
general store rent free. I'or further particulars
address J. I * . Therkelsen , Lake View , Sac Co. .
la. , or call on Joseph Therkelscn , 111 Upper
llroadway. Council liluBs.
TT1OH SATE Very cheap for cash or would ux-
Ju change for Council llluirs or Omaha prop
erty , a retail block of boots and shoes valued at
J5.100. Call at htore No , KM S. 13th M. , Omaha ,
oi' mlilrcbs H. Martin , tatne place and number.
" | 71UJINITLTHE nought , sold and exchnnced ;
JU also storage and commission In good , unlit ,
airy , 111c-pioot bulldlm ; . Inquire at store So.
110 South 13th st. It. Jfurtin , Omaha , Neb.
UI'HOLSTKIUNO and Funiltnro "repairing
done noutly and promptly : work Kiiuran-
teed. Household jjoods nnd furniture bought
nnd sold. L. M. Lewis , No. 110 South I3th St. ,
T71O11 BALK At a bargain. 40 acres near btock
J ? yards , South Oinnlia , Neb. , Jolmson &
Christian , Room 35 , Chamber ot Commerce ,
A pocket book , which owner can
FOUND by Identifying nnd p.iying charges.
Call on Charles Canoyor , cor. 12th bt. and Ibth
ave. , Council llluirs.
Two furnished nnd one unfurnished
nished room by family of two ; references
exchanged. Address Z , lleo ofllco.
A girl to do general housework ;
small family , convenient kitchen. TOO lith
TX7"ANTI5D Stocks of merchandise. Have
VT Omaha nnd Council lllulls city property ,
nlxo western land to exchange for goods. Call
on or address Johnson & Christian , Itootn 35 ,
Chamber of Commerce , Ormilm.
WANTii-100,000 : acres ef lands in exchange
for n late and valuable Invention. Largo
prollta and sells on sight ; no experience re-
iiulred. Address Lock IIox 116'J , Council lllulls ,
lav , a.
a.WANTKD First-class cook utCrubton house ,
WANTKD IllutTs , Iowa.
CAKTEIl & SOX , Prop's.
All Kinds of Steam Boilers & Sheet Iron Work
Orders by mall for repars promptlo attended
to. Satisfaction feuarauteed. 10th Avenue. Ad
dress Ogdeu Iloller'Works. Council Illuffs , Iowa
D , H , McDANELD & GO , ,
Hides. Tallow. Pelfs ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
itOand 83 Main BtrtetCouncil [ Huffs.Iowa.
UK ) Broadway Council Dluffs , Iowa. Established
67 ,
Carriage and Express Line
Telephone No. 33.
The II nest llnoof l.anclauB. Coaches and Hacks
n the city. The only line authorized to uuiucr
culU turned In to Am Hist. Tel Co.
$5,000 AT DEATH !
* i5 weekly indemnity for Injury. CVnts Init
113 nor year iu the Ola Jlellable t'nlteU Htatcs
Mutual Accident Association of New Turk.
General .Ageutii ,
Itoom 3 , Optra House .Block.
18 Main Street , 17 Pearl Street.
i'VJ SnVl1 C2rs . ° Js' . rc6 l ' I'rico1.75. ' . A job lot of all kinds ranging In price from $1.60 to $2.00 ,
Will fcotl for $2.00. an nt 60 ctH
French Woven Corsets , rcgulnr price , $2.00. Ono lot will ! , ell nt 20 cents ; regular price 75 cts to $1.00.
Will ecll for 05 cts. Kii Gloves at 2.5 ctH n pair.
Kid Gloves at 60 cts n pair.
Come early and got your share. The best bargains , for the money , ever offered in the city
JL Jt3LJo4 Jj J LAJtlsL *
18 Main and 17 Pearl Sts. J. GOLDBERG- .
Main SlreetGouncil , _ Bluffs ,
Only Hotel In the City with Flro Ea-
copo. Eloctrlo Call Bolls.
Accommodations First Glass ,
Rates Always Reasonable
MAX MOHN , Proprietor.
Best $1 $ a Dayjjouse in the City ,
Near the Depots , Street Car Connections.
NO. 521 MAIN ST. ,
No. 652 Broadway , Opera House Block ,
Council Blulls. 1'elcphono No. 281.
72-1 IJUOAmVAY , Ul'-ST/VlRS /
Is ready to furnish flrst-classhclpof nil kinds ,
coiitoactors , hott-H , restaurants and private
1100 per month made by youiiB lady or Bcntlc-
man. Inquire at this olllco.
olllco.A. O. IjAKSEN.
Ilt'ferences : First Nat'l Dank.
Standard No. 4000 , chestnut stallion , foaled
April 10 , 1683. Ured by C.J. Hiimlin , Uullulo ,
N , Y. , sired by Alnionnrch ( record : 'J4 % )
son of Almont , ilrst dam , Lucy , by Hnmlln's '
Patchln , airo of the dum of Hull Hnmliu
( record 2:13 : % ) ; second dam by KysdyH's
Hambletoninn , Norway otnnda 10" hunda
liigli. nnd can trot better thnn 2au. : This
Btalliou will bo permitted to servo a few
marcs at Ki5 the season from March 1st to
July 1st. For particulars emiulro of
Council Bluffs Driving Park , or No. 417
i _ South 14th St. , Omaha.
R. H. IIUNTIHGTON & 00 , ,
Star Stables and Mule Yards
liroiulwtiy. Council IllutTs , Opp. Dummy Depot
Horcrs and mules constantly on band , for
sale nt letall or in car load lots ,
Orders iiromiitly tilled by contract on uhort
Btock cold on commission.
Opposite Duumy IJcpot , Council llluil.i.
1514 DOUGLAS Si1. , OMAHA , Nli
Tlie Finest Goods and the Lowest Prices. Come
Early and See These Goods.
The Choicest New Patterns in the city. Mat *
ting , Iiinoleum , Etc.
S ,
jn < i
DR. C. B. J U D D ,
No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary.
ESXADLilSJIICI ) 1842. INCOIlp6ilA iU : 1878
CO. ,
SIZES FROM fc M PIk Espcclftlly DC8leilca for I
25 TO 250 MILLSJ1E
ii i
Branch House , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
Orders taken at Ponroso & Hardon's , S. 18th St. , Omaha , Nob.
fiTTPWrRTFT ? Architects and Superintendents. Keen >
ALLflil ( X DflJUI2 / ) | Op0ra House Block , Council .Bluffs.
HRTP1TTNTUNJ ? Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineec
, DmiUlUUllJU , Plans , Estimates , Specifications. Su
pervision of Public o rk. Brown Building , Council Bluffs
HTWTUV RTTBin ? Attorney-at-Law , Second Floor Brown
riHLEll DUlUUi ; , Building , 115 Pearl Street , Council"
Bluffs , Iowa.
QPTJTTP7 Justice of the Peace. oTiice over American
, OUilUIU ] , Express , No. 419 Broadway , Council Bluffs/
o wa.
QTfiNlPr ? QTMQ Attorneys at-Law , practice in the Stat
01U11D ( X 011110 , and Federal Courts. Office Rooms
and 8 , ShugartBeno Block , Council Bluffe , Iowa. _ '
Q RSRIJUTT Justice of the Peace , 415 Broadway }
, 0. DlilUlml , Council Bluffs. Refers to any bank op
business house in the city. Collections a specialty.
WOOiBDRr& D ° "t"ts-omco corner
MS. ) &
. It. and First
rooms 4 and 5. Telephone No. 273 and 272 for the oilico
residence. Diseases of women and children a specialty.
fTTr " ymjDeiitist Corner Main street and First
, 0 , MLM } avenue.