Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1888, Image 1

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The Iowa Senator Receives Woll-
Wlehos From Frlonds.
John O. New Improves nil Opportu
nity to Vent Ills Spleen on
Judge Orrnhnm Prcsl-
tlcntlnl Gormlp ,
Felicitating Iowa's Favorite.
WASHINOTON. I ) . C. . Mnrch 22. |
Senator Allison was very generally nnd
heartily congratulated on the floor of the
scnnto and in hla commltteo room to-dny
over tlio unanimous endorsement ho received
at the hands of the Iowa republicans yester
day for the presidential nomination. There
lias been n good deal of talk about Mr.
Allison to-day , and it can bo truthfully said
that Allison stock has gone up several points
during the past twenty-four hours. In
Washington no mar ) spoken of for the presi
dency is personally more heartily received ,
as all who know admire hltn. The talk about
Senator Allison has also brought about n
peed deal of discussion of Senator Sherman
to-day. It is pretty generally conceded that
at this time Mr Sherman is likely to have
more votes an the first ballot In the Chicago
convention than any other man. The- sen
ator is in Now York now. and no secret is
made of the fact that he It himself taking nn
nctlvo part la working up his campaign , while
ills friends are on the alert. The support
that will bo given Senator Allison , General
Ben Harrison , Senator Cullom and Governor
Rusk , of course takes away a good deal of the
strength of Senator Sherman , as the repub
licans In the states where thcso gentlemen
nro located are very generally for him after
their own personal candidates. Governor
Ilusk has been In Washington for several
days , and although ho laughs at the idea of
his name being presented in the Chicago con
vention , ho has been assured openly n number
of times that ho will have more strength than
u solid Wisconsin delegation.
noosiKiis roit HAUiusoN.
Governor Husk looks with a good deal of
favor upon General Harrison and sajs that
ho would bo very glad to sec the Indiana man
nominated. There is much plain talk indulged
in now by some prominent Indiana repub
licans in the city about the talk of Judge
Grcsbam as llkoly to get the strength iu the
convention from the Hoosier stato.
This evening's Critic has an interview with
Hon. John C. Now , ox-United States treas
urer nnd proprietor of the Indianapolis Jour
nal , and It quotes him as saying : "Judge
Greshnm has no strength to speak of. Ho is
not of the people , never has been , and never
will bo. The pcomo that talk of his popular
ity are a- few railroad receivers , clerks and
lawyers in Chicago. Ho has no claim on the
republican party , as his record will show.
Ho has never done anything for the party
except to 11 nd fault and criticiso its leaders.
Ho has never missed an opportunity to speak
harshly of the grand old party , nnd severe
critics are not the ones to unite a party. "
When asked if Judge Grcsham could carry
Indiana , General Now replied :
"Carry Indiana ! Never. His nomination
would give the state to the democrats beyond
the shadow of doubt. "
' Could Harrison carry the statol"
"Yes , by 20,000 majority. He would sweep
the state like a whirlwind. Ho is strong in
the affections of the people , und should ho bo
nominated the success of the republican
party would bo assured. Ho will have the
state delegation Iu the convention and they
will stick to him to the last , By nominating
Harrison wo make Indiana a sure icpubllcan
state. "
Senator Cullom , of Illinois , frankly states
that ho would bo very much gratified if nom
inated nnd that ho would accept and try to
bo a model president. It is expected that the
Illinois delegation will support him in the
convention. There is not much agitation of
the names of cither Chauncoy M. Dcpcw , of
NoW York , or Senator Don Cameron , of
Pennsylvania. Mr. Depcw himself says that
no docs not oxpeet the nomination and be
lieves that It would bo unwise for
his party to place him at the head
of the ticket , because the president
of a railroad was never known to bo elected
president of the United States , and there
would necessarily bo prejudice against him
on the pait of the grangers. It is stated that
Mr. Dcpow will head the New York delega
tion to Chicago and that nn effort will bo
made to turn it over to Mr. Blalnc , who is to
sail from Europe the day after the conven
tion is called to order , and who will bo on
the ocean when the nomination is made.
Every day the fact that there is an under
current movement going on to force the
nomination of Mr. liluino becomes plainer
nnd plainer , nnd it is hinted that Mr. Depew
is in the scheme. Men opposed to the nomi
nation of Mr. Blalno say that the republicans
In states not desiring him should give ex
plicit instructions to their delegates how to
Vote after their llrst choice failed , so that
the possibility of a dead-lock and the Hashing
of the Plumed Knight on the convention nt u
late day as a compromise will bo headed oil
Governor Leo , of Virginia , left Richmond
yesterday for a two weeks' tour of the south
with a view , it is stated , of woi king up a
boom for himself for the second place on the
ticket with Mr. Cleveland.
Ohio democrats in congress say that the
ndmlnlstration is not popular iu their state ,
it not having treated the Buckeye democracy
with the considcintlon duo them. Repre
sentative Campbell says : "It has been the
Sol Icy of the administration to stitlo the Ohio
cmocracy to death , and of couisosuch n
policy will not tend to inuko the democracy
enthusiastic for the administration. " Mr.
Campbell is one of the most inlluential Ohio
A bill was Introduced in the senate to day
by Mr. Allison appropriating 125,000 for a
public building at Cedar liapids. The Iowa
delegation is very active in public building
matters tills session , not loss than ten or
twelve bills for this purpose having been in
troduced for us many buildings in the state.
* ' The conference committee on the urgent
floilelency bill 1m vo ictaincd iu tlut | measure
Senator Paddock's amendment calling for
the payment of fJ.WX . ) to John V. Sechler as
damages for buildings and property belong
ing to him taken by the United States in the
Oitonbion of the Pott Robinson military
reservation. This will assure the payment
of Mr. Sechlor'H claim before the end of the
current llsoaljear. Senator Paddock made
n very sttong mcscututlon of the case , show
ing that Mr. Sechler had lived for years
upon the ground now occupied by the reser
vation before it had been taken by the gov
ernment for reservation putposes and that
Jio was a poor man , and Unit the government
had confiscated all liU buildings and iniproM-
infills iu extending the reservation linos.
This evening's Crltiosnys : "Anlmportont
question arose Iu the house yesterday involv
ing the veracity of two distinguished repre
sentatives , It related to the assessed value
of farm lands In Iowa , Mr , Gear asserting
that it wa only 35 cents per acre , uhlchho
had been in n position to know for a certainty ,
and Mr. Weaver repoitiug with equal cm-
plwsls that It was ( X ) cents un aero , which he
ulso was in a position to know. The hammer
fell before the controversy was over and the
question went over undecided , leaving bixty
millions of people iu a condition of anxious
suspense. "
Charles W. Rainy and wife , 6f Omaha , are
nt the Ebbett.
A. 13. Smith , of Lincoln , is spending a few
days In the city enrouto to Huston.
Senator Paddock's bill granting a pension
to Sheldon Flamugau tuio boon favorably re
ported to the senate.
. I It : AID.
Nebraska niul Iowa Pension * .
WASiij.NOTO-XMart'h22 , [ Special Telograrn
to the anc.l Pensions wcic granted to the
following Netoasltaus to-days Origins ! In
valids Ambrose Bcckcrt , Elmwood ; Har
vey Palmer , Red Cloud. Increase Charles
II. Myers , Glen Alpine. Reissue Nathan
Johnson , York. Reissue and increase Levl
Loser , Ogalla'a. ' Original widows , etc.
Harriet , mother of Samuel McCashland ,
Grnfton. Mexican survivors-John D. Holt ,
Long Pine. Mexican widows Jane , widow
of Ira Reynolds , Fremont.
Pensions for lowans : Original Invalid
George W. JCnpland , Bloomlield ; Edmund
Crnbtreo. Williams ; John L. Urammcr ,
Centre Point ; Jcromo ' W. Green ,
Jamison. Restoration and reissue
Dennis Hagcrty , Tlvoll. Increase
John L. Farmer , Waldcn ; Oliver W.
Miller , Commanehe ; George. McDowell.
Montour ; John Summcrlot , Eddyvillo ! David
A. Reynolds , Muscatlne ; Justice Wylio
Martin , Hraddyvlllo ; Amos C. Cooper ,
Hopcrvlllc. Reissue nnd Increase John
Mayers , Indinnola. Reissue Pearly Wai
dron , Northboro ; Edward Orman , Wa h-
burn ; John C. Grim , Martello. Mexican
Widows Henrietta P. , widow of David
Olsen , Dubuque ; Susan , widow of James
Cllue , Anita ; Mary A. , widow of Haratlo
Walker , Hazletou.
Military Matters.
WASHINGTON , March 22. [ Special Tele
gram to thol3r.B.1 The resignation of Second
end Lieutenant Plcrrepolnt Isham , Third
cavalry , has been accepted by the president ,
to take effect Juno 1. Ho is granted leave of
absence until that time.
Leaves of absence , Department of the Mis
souri : Captain J. L. Duller , Twenty-fourth
infantry ; Second Lieutenant I. W. Griffith.
Eighteenth infantry , twenty days ; Second
Lieutenant J. 13. Batchclor , Jr. , Twenty-
fourth infantry , one month , with permission
to apply for a like extension.
The Mills Tariff Bill.
WASHINGTON , March 22. The commltteo
on ways and means to-day formally directed
a favorable report on the Mills tariff bill.
Among the amendments adopted were the
following : The paragraph imposing twenty-
five per cent , ad valorem duty on tarletans ,
mulls and crinolines was stricken out.leavlng
tlio duty on thcso goods forty per cent , ns at
present. Whiting and Paris White tire
stricken oft the free list and made to pav a
duty of twenty per cent , ad valorem. Lin
seed oil is removed from the free list and a
duty of ten cents a gallon imposed.
Good News far Fine Stock Breeders.
WASHINGTON , March 22. The bill which
passed the sonata two weeks ago to relieve
importers from liability for duty on breeding
stock imported for sale passed the house
to-day and now only wants the signature of
the president to become n law. This will bo
good news to those who have been largely
engaged in importing unproved bioeds of
live stock during the past ten years.
Blnndcrson's Bill Favorably Reported.
WASHINGTON , Mnrch 22. The senate com
mittee on military affairs has ordered a favor
able report on the Mandorson bill providing
that each state which shall establish state
homes for disabled soldiers and sailors and
their widows and orphans , shall receive ? 100
for each person who may bo cared for in the
homo for one year.
Increasing the Salaries of Judges.
WASHINGTON , March 22. The house Ju
diciary committee has ordered the Gates bill
fixing salaries of United States district
judges reported to the house. It increases
the salary for the northern Illinois district
from $1,000 , to $5,000. The increase for other
western states is from $3,500 tol,000. .
Postal Changes.
WASHINGTON , March 22. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEI : . ] The name of the post-
office at ZovenSherman , county , was changed
to-day to Ashton.
National Capital Notes.
WASHINGTON , March 22. The house com
mittee on revision of laws decided to report
a Joint resolution proposing an amendment to
ho constitution for the election of United
States senators by a direct vote of the pee
The president sent n brief message to the
senate to-day in reply to the resolution of
Fryo requesting copies of the minutes and
dally protocols of the meetings of the com
missioners who negotiated the llshories treaty
with great Uritain. Ho enclosed a copy of a
letter received ftom the secretary of state
which says in substance , that the president's
message of Match 5 nnd the documents
transmitted with it placed the senate in full
possession of the documentary history of the
conference. Every point is covei ed by thcso
papers except the question of damages sus
tained by American llshcrmen , which , being
mot by counter claims for damages to Bnt-
ish vessels in the Behring's sea , was loft for
future settlement.
WASHINGTON , March 22. Among the bills
repotted from committees and placed on the
calendar were the following :
The house bill to authorize the city of
Chicago to erect a crib in Lake Michigan for
water works purposes.
The senate bill , ( adversely ) , to permit
miners to prospect aud lease the mineral
pot lions of any Indian reservation.
Senator Allison introduced a bill to appro
priate $125,000 for n public building at Cedar
Rapids , la. , and Senator Sabln a bill to itt-
crcuso to $150,000 the limit of cost for a pub
lic building at Winona , Minn.
Mr. Halo presented the conference report
on the urgent deficiency bill. The report
was adopted.
Mr. Saulsbury then addressed the senate
on the Kubjcct of the president's annual mes
sage. Ho said the democratic party was in
fuvor of a reduction of the tariff and would
carry It out unless thwarted lit Its purpose
by a combination of democrats , actuated by
local Interests , with republicans who favored
high rates.
Tito senate then proceeded to the con
sideration of the calendar , and the following
bills wcto passed :
To provide for a commission on the sub
ject of the alcoholic liquor traftlc. The bill
lias been printed.
The house bill authorizing tlio president to
arrange n conference between the United
States and the republic of Mexico , Central
and South America , Hayti , San Domingo and
the cmplro of Brazil. The senate added
BOinn nmondmcntb und on thcso the confer
ence was ordered.
Authorizing the construction of a high
wagon bridge across the Missouri river at or
near Sioux City , la. , and a number of other
bills. The postonloo committee reported a
bill reducing the postage on seeds , cuttings ,
bulbs , roots , scions , etc. , to 1 cent per four
ounces. The bill was passed.
WASHINGTON , March 22. The following
bills passed this morning : Regulating the
times for holding terms of the United States
courts in northern Iowa.
Extending the protection of the United
States laws over United States ofllehils exe
cuting processes iu the Indian territory ,
Authorizing tha secretary of the treasury
to remit all duties collected upon all animals
heretofore Imported for breeding purposes
whether for the impoi ter'o own use or for
Amending section OSS , revised statutesv to
read : "Where , by tlio laws of a state , defend
ants in the courts thereof ute entitled to t
May of execution , defendants in the courts of
the United States held therein shall bo en
titled to a like btny upon the same conditions
including the giving and enforcement o
bond pr ottier security for the performance o
the judgment thus stayed , provided that the
Judgments and decrees of tha United States
courts rendered within any state shall bo
liens on property ID the same manner and to
the Hamii extent as the Judgments and decree
of cauits of that statu.
ThO wmfurotica report oiv the.Urgent de
.fieuiiicy bill WUs agreed tp as passed. Tin ,
bill appropriates f yS7t,000. )
A Petition In Error Filed for the
Lincoln Murderer.
Lively Contests at TaltnaRO and W -
hoe Over the Liquor Question
Ilallrond Workmen Win
n Damage .Suit.
A Murderer's Life Prolonged.
LINCOLN , Neb. , March 22. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEH. ] To-day in the supreme
court a petition in error was filed by'tho at-
ornoys of Henry Beers , convicted nt the
November term of court in Lancaster
county and sentenced by Judge Chapman to
tang on the 18th day of April. The filing of
ho petition In error will cause/ stay of exe
cution to issue until the case can bo heard.
t will bo remembered that Beers' crime was
of the most wanton and unprovoked charac-
or. White walking on the railroad tracks
vlth his sweetheart , n girl named Augusta
Seifert , ho pulled a revolver nnd shot her ,
clllmg her Instantly. The insanity plea was
ho defense In the case , which received no
encouragement from Judge Chapman.
Flro at Crete.
Cur.TE , Neb. , Mnrch 22. [ Special to the
3in. ] Crete was visited this morning by a
Ire the like of whloli has not boon seen hero
u years. The lire started in the two-story
uamo building occupied by D. Blank as a
lardwnro and furnltmo store and was caused
by a defective flue. The Homes spread
o rapidly that within less than two hours the
vholo row , consisting of five buildings , was
otally destroyed and had the wind been
ilowlug from the north instead of from the
vest , there is no knowing not * estimating
.ho damage that would have been done.
Among the losses are : D. J. IJ. Reed ,
mtchcr , on building , $1,500 ; Insured for
M.OOO ; $ TOO on stock and flxtures in the 1m-
icrial , of London. Two buildings adjoining
iwned by Tidball & Ncill nnd occupied by D.
3 Ian ic , were also destroyed , Tno insurance
on the building is , SbOO in the American Fire ,
of Philadelphia ; on the stock $2,000. The two
idjolnlng buildings , which belonged to the J.
5. Johnson estate , wore totally destroyed.
Insured in the Rockford , of Illinois , for $350 ,
and $150 respectively. Deep regret is ex-
ircsscd on account of the fire , but a provail-
ng feeling of satisfaction is felt that the old
'ramo row will bo soon replaced by a row of
rood substantial brick blocks. As soon as
.ho foundation is cold Mr. Reed will com-
ncnce erecting a handsome brick building on
ho old site , and four more will soon take' the
ilaces of those burned down. So far ns
cnown there was no person injured. All the
tenants escaped with most of their effects.
Hearing the Complaints.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Match 22. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEG. ] Thcintcr-statccommerco
commission resumed Its sitting and hearing
of the Lincoln cases to-day. The testimony
was largely icsponsivo on the part of the
railroads. J. C. Stubbs , general traffic agent
of the Southern Pacific , testified nt length
concerning the sugar trade and sugar ship
ments from the Pacific : coast eastward. His
testimony showed the rate to Omaha and
Ihicago to bo $1 and the Lincoln rate $1.15.
The general frcightagcntof thoUnion Pacific
road also testified in refercnco to through
coast rates , und the same discrimination was
shown , but the argument was freely made
that It was under the suspension of the
fourth clause of the bill and made low to
Dmahato meet Canadian Pacific traftlc. At
: he conclusion of the testimony the case was
jrielly argued to the commission by Judge
Mason and Mr. Lambcitson for the coin-
: > lainunts , and by General Attorney Read , of
the Southern Pacific , and Mr. Thuiston , of
thoUnion Pacific , .for the loads. The very
general opinion of lawyers who were specta
tors Is that Lincoln has made a very sttong
: ase. To.mprrow the commission will closu
Is session h'erc , as two cases ouly remain to
bo hcatd. _
AVnhoo Politics.
WAHOO , Neb. , March 22. [ Special to the
BEE. ] A branch of the license advocates
met in convention at the city hall and made
, he following nominations : For mayor , W ,
II. Dickinson ; treasurer , Emll Fisher ; clerk ,
John Levin ; city engineer , W. AV. Alt ;
councilman fiom the First ward , John Ryan ;
councilman from the Second ward , John
Moss ; councilman from the Third ward ; Otto
Osteuborg ; school board , John Stcen , Frank
ICandclo und C. M. Conp.
The fight between the license people and
Lho prohibitionists piomlses to bo exceed
ingly hot , but it may be considered a cer
tainty that prohibition will not prevail , as
the thrco counciimcn who hold over favor
license , and it is conceded that a license
councilman will bo elected from the First
ward. _
Billing * ) Given a Chance.
LINCOLN , Neb. , March 22. [ Special Tele
gram to tlio BEE. ] The board of regents
passed the entire day to day upon matters
connected with the experimental station.
When the report of the finance committee
came in it recommended that the services of
Dr. Billings bo dispensed with after July 1.
The rcpoit was signed by Messrs. Hull ,
Burnham and Roberts. It was discussed pro
and con at great length , raid as finally agreed
upon it was fixed that Dr. Hillings bo re
moved from any connection with the faculty ,
and instead of being employed from year to
year , ho is to bo employed from month
to mouth , nnd ns thus employed is
continued as Investigator , subject to tomoval
at any regular or special meeting. This con-
elusion of the difltculty was sccutcd by Re
gent Malhillcu , who , while ha hud never
favored the employment at Dr. Billings ,
thought now that ho was employed and as ho
had stated that only a practical test remained
to bo made to demonstrate his germ idea in
hog cholera , that the doctor had better bo
given n chance to make the test.
The state live stock commission
sometime since offered to furnish
the stock and pens for u test , nnd private par ,
ties now make n like offer The regents
thorofoin expect that the test will bu made
nnd have continued the oftlco of investiga
tion with that end in view , Tlio board to-day
appointed Lawicnco Bruner as entomologist
to work In connection with the university on
the question of destructive insects iu the
btato ,
Iho Liquor Question at T
TALVAOK , Neb. , March 22. [ Special to the
BCR.J Llcenso against prohibition is the ab
sorbing theme in this busy little city at pres
ent. The exponents of both sides of the
question are earnest and enthusiastic. To
day's issue Of the Tulmago Tribune publishes
brief statements from a number of prominent
citizens of the town expressing their senti
ments on the saloon question. Some say that
prohibition will kill the town , while others
say , "Let it die if that is the case. " The
prohibitionists have organized their forces
and will make a great eifott to elect the vil
lage board for the coming j car. But this has
been decidedly n license town f torn the. be
ginning , nnd it is highly probable that the up-
pioachuig election will result in a largo ma
jority for the license ticket.
Ail Entertainment ByStudents. .
CHKTB , Neb. , March 2.2 , - [ Special to the
BUE. ] The concert given oy the stud
ents of Doano cplloge at the Congrega
tlonul church last evening was one of the
finest entertainments ever given in Crete.
The church 'was crowded by ( in appreciative
audience. The plauo role by Miss Doelltlle
was -\\cll iCLcived , asus also the vocal bolo
by Me. Uucimuuu'Bedouin , Love
The "Gloria , " by Mrs.G. , D. Stevens , MUs
Moulton. Mr. Doano nnd Mr. Buchanan was
remarkably fine. _ _
ItMns From the St to Capital.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Mnrch 22. [ Special Tclc-
; ram to the BEE. ] Burglars are abroad In
.ho city nnd two residences were subjected
ast night to Ineffectual attempts to gain en-
.ranco. Since the coming of spring tramps
nnd vags are very numerous In the city nnd a
dozen or more seek lodgings nightly at the
city Jnll.
The postponed celebration of SU Patrick's
day by the Irishmen of Lincoln was held at
Fitrgcrald hall to-night , with a very largo
ittcndanco. The pt grammo was intcrcst-
ng. the musical features being especially
praiseworthy , and the celebration was all
that the projectors anticipated.
The young men's republican club In the
city has taken active steps in organizing a
drill corps for ciunpalbn work. At the last
session of the club the attendance numbered
100 nnd n permanent hall has been secured
f qr both meetings and drill.
The Philip Best brOwlng company , of Mil
waukee , has made arrangements to build a
largo brick warehouse. , nnd wholesale depot
In this city for headquarters in distributing
their bcvcrago over the South Platte coun
try. The building will bo erected on Eighth
street near O ,
A grand policemen's ball is in progress to
night nt Temple hall that is being very
largely attended by the friends of the police
force. The boys expect a handsome profit
and they will use It In buying now uniforms
for the "finest. "
A fire alarm was turned in to-dav at Four
teenth and O streets. It was caused by a de
fective Hue and had burned through into the
building , but was suppressed with light dam
Governor Thayer departed to-day for
Western , Saline county , where ho attends n
reception. *
A damage case has been on trial In the dis
trict court to-day in which the widow of a
brakcman killed on the Missouri Pacillc sues
that company for damages.
Has Faith In Crete.
CHETB , Neb. , Mnrch 22. [ Special to the
BEG. ] Mayor T. II. Miller , of Crete , has pur
chased the interest of John Lanhain , of
3rete , in the building now occupied by the
First Notional bank In the city council room
building on Thirteenth street , his dwelling
and ton acres of laiul.inll in the city of Crete ,
nnd frIO acres west of the Big Blue river , for
the sum of $25,000 cash. Mr. Miller's con-
fl'lenco In Crete is unfounded.
A Verdict For Railroad Workmen.
LINCOLN , Neb. , March 22. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bnc.lTho Jury that has
been out six days in the damage cases arising
from injuries receive by B. & M. workmen
it the wreck at Doweose a year ago came
into court last night yith a verdict against
the road. The damages for the different
parties were estimated as follows : Charles
Hcnkle , $1,150 ; Htrltch Stanley , $100 ;
Charles Thomas , $1-100 ; Torr.inco Clark ,
51,270 ; Thomas F. Jordan. $1,000 ; William
M. Dunkle , $1,000 ; tdtol , $5,020. The attor
ney for the road gave i notice of appeal , and
the case will go to the supreme court.
The "Bee's" Course Endorsed.
McCooic , Neb. , March 22. [ Special to the
BEG. ] The striking engineers and firemen
of this city , at n rccentmccting , unanimously
adopted the f olio wingf resolutions :
Resolved , That wo extend to the Omaha
BEE our sincere nnd heartfelt thanks for its
timely encouragement and fair and impartial
position toward our c ort3 to obtain justice
at the hands of the ( Chicago , Burlington &
Quincy railroad company ; and be it further
Resolved , That Wo pledge ourselves to the
support of said paper and to all other papers
which have shown an Interest in our behalf.
Resolved , That a copy of thcso resolutions
bo furnished the Omaha BEE.
New Nebraska Notaries.
LINCOLN , NOD , March 23. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bin. ] From the governor's
ofllco tlio following notarial commissions
were issued to-day : Moses B. Thompson ,
Albion , LJoono county ; D. N. Blatter , Al
bion , Boone county ; Adolph Gochrlng , Sar-
tona , BulTalo county ; John W. Evans ,
Omaha ; Loronza A. Simmons , Coitland ,
Gage county ; James N. BIckal , Falrviow ,
Lincoln county ; J. Frank Barr , Lincoln ;
David Anderson , Montrose , Sioux county.
Crete's Maps Prove a "Hit. "
CnnTn , Neb. , March 22. [ Special to the
BEU. ] There have been so many demands
made on the board of trade of Crete for the
new maps that they have been compelled to
order 8,000 more. The maps will bo ready
during the week , and any pet sou desiring
copies will bo supplied by applying to the
board of trade. _
The Perkins County Scat Contest.
MADHID , Neb. , March 22. [ Special Tele
gram to the Br.u. ] Papers were Hied with
the clerk of the district court of Perkins
county lact Tuesday to contest the county
scat election held at Grant February 23 , and
the clerk to-day accepted n bond for costs in
the sum of $10,000 , with sureties of # 100,000.
Criminal prosecutions nro about to bo com
menced against the election board of Grunt
for stuffing the ballot box.
Will Rnild a Fine RcHldcnoo.
CHETE , Neb. , March 22. [ Special to the
BEE. ] Mr. E. White , of the firm of Norris
& Co. , will soon begin the erection of a two-
story brick block on Main avenue north of
the State bank as soon as the weather per
mits , the cost of which will be $4,000. It is
already routed and will bo finished by the
last of July.
the Ohio Senate.
Coi.UMims , O. , March. 22. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bic. : ] Senators Llndscy nnd
Curlln have demanded an investigation of the
reports that they had offered to accept abrlbo
from Chicago parties to vote against the bill
to prevent the importation of foreign beef. It
IB undecided as yet whether the senate will
order an Investigation or not. It is said that
ono of the senators has a letter from Chicago
cage in which certain persons acrca to appear
before the committee if the senate orders an
Investigation , and substantiate the charge ,
Senator Alexander , speaking in regard to the
published icport , says it was not wrong.
Theio wus'foundatlon for it , anil there Is ox
tiarto evidence that hrco senators solicited a
bribe , trid ho does not sco how tha senate can
do anything else than formulate charges
against them and glya them an opportunity
to clear themselves , ilf tljoy can , The rumor
is that the inemben'dcuiuiidcd ' $3,000 to kill
the bill.
A BrlKi"ller's Boom ,
RICHMOND , Vu. , March . [ Special Tclo
gram to the BKE.JJ The departure yesterday
of General Fiu-HUgu Leo on a southern
tour , which may be extended to Florida ,
gives rise among certain knowing politicians
to curious speculations. The governor travels
in a privata buffet cor , and Is accompanied
by Mrs. Leo , Colonel Charles O. Cowatdln of
his staff , who is also editor of the Dispatch ,
Colonel Palmer , vice president of the Atlan
tic Coast Line railway , and a few other in
timate friends. It is broadly hinted that
"Our FiU" hai. vice prcsidental aspirations.
Ho aspires to second place oil the ticket with
Grover , and the trip to the south is strongly
suspected of having the furtlteranco of his
aim * in that direction as nn object. The trip
louth I > looked upon us an initiatory canvass
for his benefit. The fact , too , that Colonel
Cowitidin , editor of the most prominent
democratic oigau in the south , went with the
governor is another strong point for i > ucpl-
cioua ones. >
NKW YOKE , March W. A prlia fight of
seventy two rounds was"lought eariv this
morning on konf Island between Jack Tallon
uud Jem Smith , both of JJrooklyuhiph re-
sultea in a. victory 'for Fallen.
The Two Woodhull Sisters Called
Into Court.
The Number of Fatalities In the
Oporto Thcalcr Flro Proves to
Bo Greater Than Was nt
First Reported.
Female ForRcrs.
IN * by James Gordon lit unfit. I
LONDON , March 22. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the BEn.1 The Wood-
hull sisters were before the Bow street court
Lhis morning , Poland , solicitor of the treas
ury , presented the extradition warrant and
risked to remand. They were represented by
the central criminal court barrister and Fer
dinand Howe , brother of W. F. Howe ,
watched the case for the latter. Alice and
Harriet sat in the dock with nn air as If in a
private box watching a dramatic perform
ance. They wore dressed as if occupants of
a private box. Alice wore over her forehead
what Is hero called a costcrmongor fringe ,
but her face belled the proverb that "fine
feathers make fine birds. " Madame Mandel-
baum's long drt > p earrings kept her cars wide
open to hear all Mr. Poland said. She were
n long black broche velvet laeket ,
trimmed with fur , and a long blnck
fur boa around her neck. Her bonnet
was of ruby velvet , gaudily ornamented , and
she kept down the white faille veil. Harriet ,
who was neater dressed than her sister and
of less coarse countenance , wore along plum-
colored Jacket , trimmed with stiver grey fur
nnd brown fur boa. Her hat was trimmed to
match the jacket. She also were a white
veil. Both were kid gloves.
Apple Dumpling Looking Inspector Trln-
buglc , of Scotland Yard , was sworn and said :
' When I arrested Alice and read the warrant
Harriet had a small reticule with her , and
upon my telling her that I was a police
ofllcer she rushed to the door aud attempted
to throw the bag to Alice , who was then
jfiing down the stairs. I prevented her and
on searching it found It contained coupons
relating to ulno Argentine bonds and ono
Spanish bond. Harriet then returned and I
read the warrant to both. Harriet made no
reply at the time , but later on said : 'Is this
a case of forgery in the second
dcgreoi They have tried this on
once before , but failed. ' While
I was searching the bedrooms she suddenly
snatched a bank book on Messrs. Lloyd , Barnett -
nott & Bosanquetz' bank from the chest
drawers and tore out the leaf showing the
amount standing to her credit. This she put
into her mouth. I tried to prevent her , but
could not , ns I did not struggle much with
her on account of her being partly naked
and ill. I brought Alice to London , and on
the IGth inst. went back to Birmingham and
was nblo to bring Harriet to London also.
On her arrival yesterday I searched her and
found the leaf ut of the bank book now in
her purse , crumpled up. She was formally
charged hero and iu reply said : 'I am innocent
cent , J don't care. Of course 1 lived with
Mr , ' GUI ten years in. America ondkmy sister
Alice was his housekeeper for fourteen
years. ' I have made out a list of the property
found in the possession of the prisoners nnd
it amounts together to about 8,784 , in addi
tion to three bank books. "
This concluding the evidence for to-day ,
Mr. Bcasloy made an application for certain
lawyers' paper ? which were in the possession
of the prisoner. Harriet , ut the time of her
arrest. Mr. Poland said ho would not lot
them go out of the possession of the police ,
but thcso could bo examined at Scotland
Yard in the presence of the police. This
couise was adopted.
Mr. Bcsley then asked that the sum of 45
cash found upon the prisoners might bo
allowed to bo handed back for their dofenso.
Mr. Poland begged that nothing should bo
given up , ns a very largo fraud had been
committed and all their property represented
its proceeds. Tlio application was refused. *
CMr. Bcsley , having asked for a copy of the
extradition acts , the prisoners were reman
ded to the Clorkcuwell house of detention iu
a private cab.
In the course of n conversation with a Her
ald reporter a Birmingham solicitor inter
ested in the case said : "It seems that the
chancery court proceedings between the 'two
sisters and the relations of the deceased man ,
Gill , commenced m October , I860 , nnd went
on until Juno , 1SS7 , when Judgment was al
lowed in fuvor of the Woodhulls in default of
the appearance of the plaintiff. Another
civil action is still pending in queen's bench
for the delivery of bonds , securities , etc. ,
under an order obtained against them in
New York previous to their flight to
this country. The relatives got some
additional evidence which they
believed would prove forgery and dropped
the civil proceedings , putting into force the
extradition warrant. They , however , assert
positively that they are Innocent , adding that
there was no necessity for forgery because
Gill made over all his pioperty to them with
out the slightest pressure. The bonds ,
securities and other papers representing
property are in various places known only to
them. They had banking accounts at thrco
different places , BO that oven should the
plaintiffs secure conviction against the sistcis
it will bo difficult , if not altogether
impossible to recover any very considerable
pottion of the property alleged to have been
stolen. The prisoners have told mo that If
the charges are investigated In this country
they look with confidence to a speedy return.
to liberty , but should they bo remitted to
America for trial , the course of Judicial pro
cedure being tardy there lit comparison with
English proceedings , they think they would
bo placed at some Inconvenience oven if they
did succeed iu establishing their innocence of
any felony. "
Inspector Tnnbulgo privately mentioned
several additional Incidents iu the prisoner's
career ut Birmingham , Ho Raid
their hoi'so was most elaborately fur
nished aud they lived as though they wcro
ladies of wealth , with horses , carriages aud
many servants , The youngest prisoner has
all along wanted to bo tried in London , and
when she loft the Blimingham court yester
day took a vciy affectionate farewell of a well
known local publican , shaking hands with
him. Ho is strongly impressed with her In-
noctnco and was much put out when ho
heard of her arrest. Hat riot also for a long
time past has been engaged to a rather well-
to-do young gentleman at Southwlck nnd waste
to bo inai j led to him &hoi tly. Her lover ac
companicd her to London and was allowed to
share the same compartment with her and a
detective. Ho kept up a constant stream ot
conversation and persisted iu his in
tention of marrying her as soon as this
"affair , " as ho calls it , is over. Tup prisoner's
house Is now locked up , thp horses being in
charge of a local veterinary surgeon. It is
stated that , the horses , carriage , furniture.
and house will all be sold at auction iu a Jew
Ouo of the relatives ol Mr. Gill
nled mo In the search through the house for
valuable papers. It seems that the sisters
were advised hat no extradition warrant
could Issue. Their defense is 10 bo that of
forgery. Under the extradition treaty It must
bo forgery common to both countries , and
that Is wlint the warrant charges , although
n statutory forgery In Now York , Is not so In
England. Twenty years nco the teller of a
bank In America was discharged hero on
that ground.
Comments ot Irish and KiiRllshPapers
on the Flaj * Order.
lCV > pyH0M ISSSl > iJamu Gnnlun Unintlt.l
LONDON , March 22. [ New York Herald
Oable Special to the BEB. ] Mayor Hewitt
Is Just now occupying the press attention hero
that was recently absorbed by the blizzard
nnd Jay Gould , Irish papers nro voiy bitter
on him whllo the tofy and uulon press are
complimentary. The Dublin papers to-day
report the proceedings of the Mansion hoitso
ward of thcjbranch national league "which
last evening passed a resolution condemning
the action of the lord mayor of Now York In
refusing to allow the Irish flag to bo hoisted
on the Now York city hall on St. Patrick's
day , as an insult to the Irish race nil over the
world. " Per contra the Echo newspaper
this evening , echoing the comment of vari
ous union papers , observes : ' 'Mr. Hewitt ,
the Now York mayor who would not allow
the Irish green flag to bo hoisted over the
city hall at Now York on St. Patrick's day ,
is , with the exception of Mayor Grace , the
strongest , most respected and most hide-
prendent man that has ruled the American
city since the Tammany ring was broken.
Ho says the Irish may have homo rule at
homo , but they shall not run Now York a
sentiment in which ho Is supported py all
respectable Americans. " His communication
to the aldermen has been cabled over heio in
Memorial Services In Berlin.
[ Copyright 1BSS l > v Jama Ooitlon llcnnctt. ]
BCIILIN , Mnrch. 22. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to the BKE. ] The memorial
services in Dotn this morning became addi
tionally solemn when the mournful emblems
about were contrasted with the banners ,
flags nnd Joyful music of this anniversary ti
year ago when an immense number of distin
guished strangers aud nearly ono hundred
potentates were guests at the royal palace.
The occasion was more sad because of the en
forced absence of tno new emperor , who ,
however , attended a memorial service held
during the same hour In his private chapel at
Charlottenburg. He were a general's uni
form and sat in an easy chair during the
whole service , which lasted over three-
quarters of an hour , Dr. Sohradcr officiating.
This is the longest tlmo the emperor has
spent out of his room since the operation.
Ho felt no fatigue , however , and on return
ing to his room gave several audiences and
received visitors. At the weekly meeting of
the Berlin medical society to-day , Prof. Von
Bcrgmann , after referring to the late em
peror's death , said : "From the coflln of our
novcr-to-be-forgotten kaiser , William , our
eyes turn to his successor as kaiser. Wll-
helm had no time to bo tired. So has his
successor no time to bo ill. Iu this mournful
hour my imperial patient , with marvelous
power of rcslstenco is able to satisfy the de
mand' made on a German sovereign. "
The Oporto Alctimfl.
OronTO , March 22. The bodies of sixty-
six victims of the theater fire were exposed
for identification to-day. Many heai ti ending
scenes wore witnessed. Besides the bodies
there are also lifty-thrce heaps of unrecog
nized remains.
There was n panic immediately the flro
was seen in the houso. In the cheaper parts
the attendance was principally of the rougher
class , Including many sailors and dock
porters who crushed down the weaker people
in their rush for the doors , using their fists ,
shoes and knives and mercilessly slashing
their way to the front. Girls , children and
women were literally butchered.
Bloody Revolt in Rornoo.
LONDON , March 22. The Inhabitants of
Padashavo have levelled against the british
Borneo company and murdered four police
men and burned the town of Ba'u. ' They
ulso attempted to destioy Mambakuk , but
wcro pi evented by the iutorfcicncc of a
british man-of-war.
The Criminal Kvldcnuo Bill.
LONDON , March 22. In the debate on the
criminal evidence bill to-night was a long
discussion on Hcaly's motion to exclude Ire
land from the operation of the measure. The
cloture was finally applied , the motion nega
tived and the bill ordered to a second leading.
The Consol Conversion Bill.
LONDON , March 22. Thoconsol conversion
bill passed the third reading in the commons
and the first in the lords.
SOFIA , March 23. The council ) ms decided
not to reply to the porto's dispatch declaring
Prince Ferdinand's position illegal.
Disastrous Flro In Biirmali.
LONDON , March 22. Myingyan , an impoi t-
ant military post in upper Bunnah , has been
destroyed by flro. Fifteen thousand persons
were made homeless and nn immense quan
tity of grain , hides and other pioperty de
A Dentist Kxpellcd From n State ASHO-
clullon For Advertising.
ANN Aiinoii , Mich. , Mnrch 22. Dr. C. II.
Laud , a Detroit dentist , is tlio inventor of
some dental devices in general use among the
profession , and to still further introduce
thcia became a liberal advertiser. Under
the code of ethics of the State and American
Dental society this was next to quackery.
Land's ' case was biought up to-day befoiu
the Htnto association , which held its annual
meeting heie , and a resolution to expel
him from membership excited the live
liest debate. . Dr. Land took the stand that
ho advertised nothing but the truth , which it
was to the general public and the profession's
benefit to have as widely known as possible.
All but ono or two of the association ad
mitted that ho was not u quack , but they
favored his expulsion Just the same , Dr ,
Laud Huld ho was fighting for principle , and
did not want to belong to any institution
which can bo so tolerant. There are two or
three others in the sumo boat with him who
made a gallant fight for liberty , but the rebo-
lution expelling Land was adopted. There
nus considerable excitement and confusion ,
Frightful Collision Between n Freight
Train and n Snowplnw.
GiuvrNiiuitST , Out. , March 22 In a colll-
bion to-day between n freight train and a
HILOWI > IOW near hero seven men were killed
nud llVd dangerously injured.
Final Wivuk. in Oregon.
PORTLAND , Ore. , March 23. A mixed train
was dci ailed on the Portland & Willamette
Valley road near hero to-day. Conductor
Colborno Was fatally injuicd. Ten passen
gers wcto badly bruised and BOHIO had limbs
fracttirod , bat received 110 dangerous , injurlw.
Two carloads of cattle wcie killed.
The Fire Itcuord.
MiuvAUKia , Wis March Sl-r-Schmtdt'E
B sh and door factory biirued to-night. Loss
' '
Ho RalBoa Several Thousands oil
Mortgaged Property and Skips ,
Ills Bondsmen Now In PoKHCJulon of
the Ollloo A Successful Raid
Made on ( he Notorious Isl
and Near Clint .n.
A Crooked Farmer.
Siocx CITY , la. , March 22 [ Special Tclo-
giam to the Hnn.J Warrants were to-day is
sued for the nriest of J. II. Council , a prom-
incnt business man of this county residing at
Corrcctionvillo , but It is learned that ho 1ms
gone In the direction of Canada. Several
months ago ho secured from Wearo & Alli
son's bank n loan of $1,000 on cattle nud im
mediately afterwards sold them. About that
tlmo his flouring mill at Corrcctlonvllle ,
which was heavily Insured , burned down.
Later ho raised $ " ,500 by mortgaging other
property. Besides ho leaves a great many
creditors unsecured. He disappeared about
n week ago , and it Is only since then that the
sale of the mortgaged cattle was discovered.
A PostmnH'cr Absconds.
Sioux Ci7v , la. , March 22. [ Special Tele
gram to the BED. ] M. U. Crowthor , post
master at Corrcctlonvllle , In this county , has
disappeared and It Is bollcvca that ho Is be
hind In his accounts with the government.
Several days ago ho borrbwed $100 In small
amounts from friends In his town , ostensibly
to come to Sioux City on business. Ho has
not been seen since. His bondsmen have
charge of the postofllco and an investigation
Is in progress. He has been a prominent
democratic politician. Last fall ho was in
volved In a forgery , but th * matter wns
hushed up.
Rnldini ; n Tough Den.
CLINTON , la. , March 22. An island In tlio
Mississippi river , Just below hero , contains n
solitary houso. If the walls of that structure
could speak they would tell startling tales of
robbery , blood spilling and cold-bloodcci mur
ders. Years ago the keeper of the den was
hanged for n horrid crime. Ho deliberately
chopped his victim to pieces. The place has
always contained female sirens to allure the
simple. The father of waters , broad and
deep , flows hard by , and those who ventured
thither wcro first plundered and then dumped
into the Mississippi. Perhaps the stories told
have been exaggerated. Still , "Tho Island , "
as it Is culled , was n dangerous place to
visit. Bad men nnd worse women had
their abode there , and honest but foolish
people wcro their prey. The state's attorney
of this county , informed of the wickedness ot
the place , planned and caused to bo executed
by the sheriff n successful raid upon this In
famous den , nnd that ofilccr , with his deputy ,
brought away with them uino ns tough speci
mens of humanity , male and female , as could
anywhere bo found. They wcro sentenced to
long terms in Jail. The house is-shut up , to
bo opened never again. In Illinois , yet on tha
line of Iowa , its inmates hitherto kept such
close vigil as to cludo capture , and they grew
bold through long enjoyment of immunity
from punishment. The breaking up of tlio
nest lias closed a harbor for thieves , thugs
and assassins , and enabled the people of that
locality to breathe more freely.
DES MOINIS : , la. , March 22. The bill by
Mr. Bolter was passed to amend the acts of
the Twentieth assembly i elating to ditches ,
etc. , confining the taxation to pay bonds for
the construction of said ditches to lands so
The bill by Mr. Finn passed relating to the
publication and distilbution of school laws
making them the. same as the distribution of
any other state publications ,
The consideration of the railroad bill was
resumed. A motion to lay the motion to re
consider on the table prevailed and section SO
remains in the bill.
At the afternoon session file 373 was or
dered to a third leading to-morrow. A mo
tion to reconsider wns laid on the table. Sev
eral legislative acts wcro passed.
A substitute for file G30 , to reconvcy to the
United States the title to the DCS Moincs
river lands wns passed.
In the house a resolution by Mr , Wilbur
was adopted that the time of making final
report on the investigation of the state uni
versity bo extended until April 2.
The bill passed to authorize the railroad ,
commissioner to change the name of raiN
road stations to conform with the name of
tlio town.
Section 1 of senate fllo 20 was substituted
for section 1 of the bill by the house commit
tee. This section piovidca that workmen
must bo paid twice per month in lawful
At the afternoon session of the house thd
mining and labor bill wns discussed. Somq
minor amendments were adopted nnd the bill
ordered to a third rending nud passed. Tha
clause pioviding imprisonment for a viola
tion of the act was stricken out and the titla
nmcnded by striking out the words "mills ,
factories nnd workshops. "
The conference committee icport 011 thp
bill nuthoriilug the levy of % mill tax fo
IbSS and ISS'J recommends that the house le-
ccdo from the amendment to strike out !
"ISbO" and that the bill bo passed.
The conference report on the-bill relating ,
to the halo of lye and potash permits groc < Sr '
nnd other retail dealers to sell ,
Drowned In a Collar.
MASON CITV , la , , March 22. [ Special Tel *
cgram to the linn. ] A shocking suicide oo-
cuircd at Sheffield yesterday. Mis. II. D.
Abratns was missed from her homo nnd after
several hours' diligent search was found la
the cellar , her face and body burled in wa
ter. An inquest was hold to-day and It was
found that she voluntarily committed the
act while laboring under temporary insanity.
Another Man in tlio Fluid.
Sioux Cirr , la. , March 2Special \ ! ( Tele
gram to the BKU.I lion , A. II. Hubbard to
night announces himself n candidate for tha1
republlcuu nomination for congress in thia
district , '
An Iowa Man Swindled ,
Vixor.NNiis , hid. , March 22. On the arrltt
val of this evening's west-bound Ohio nndy
Mississippi tram , T , A , Maphuel , of West/
Virginia , a passenger , reported to the polled
that ho had been swindled bj u trio of fellow-
passengers out of S183 , West of Seymour
two men boarded the train nnd engaged ,
Maphael In conversation. Presently a third/
party , dressed as nn express messenger , coma
into the car and began to explain to one oC
the former that ho must pay certain express
charges , otherwise his goods would not b < i
taken on to Mitchell. The man who professed ,
to own the imaginari goods pleaded poverty ,
and in his distiess appealed to Maphuel , who
handed him over fib.1) , all the money ho poss
essed , with no other bccurity than an fSOU
bogus check.
The confidence men got off at Mitchell to
look for the "goods , " Jorgetting to return irf
time to catch the train Muphnel did not
icali/e that ho hud been fleeced of his money
until the ti am pulled out , when a search ot
the cuts fulled to reveal the lascals. Ma * ,
phuclvus accompanied by liib family en rout *
to Cieston , Iowa.
, _ ,
AVcather Indications. „
For Ncbtaska mid Iowa : F-resh td brisk
southerly winds , watincr , fair weather.
For Kastprn and Soutnwestcrn Dakota :
Warmer , slr weather , followed by colder
und local tnous , IIgut to fresh variubU