Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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iier Friends'Wnnt the County Com *
hiiflsloncw lo Ship llor.
Commissioner Corrrigan was nbscnt froin
the regular Wednesday afternoon mooting
yesterday of Iho county commissioners.
The following vrero referred to the com-
rnU'tcoon construction : George Ii. Ddnnls'
npUcnllon ] for inspector on the now county
hospital ; request of Sheriff Coburn that ono
of the UircO Jailers bo designated at head or
principal Jailor at a salary of not lew than'(3
n day ; from the snmo ofllcial asking that
deputy ihfcrlffs bo paid 175 n month.
The county treasurer was dlroctod to. can
cel taxes on certain nieces of land In South
Omaha , nnd J. M. Wilson's communication
requesting n correction In the assessment and
tax of Covcllo addition was referred lo the
Judiciary committee.
The followiiij ( communication was referred
to the committee ort charities with power to
opt OMAHA , March 17. To the Honorable Com
missioners of Dounlti * County. Gentlemen
There Is living In Omaha an old Gorman
lady , Helena Stoinig , by name , seventy-
four years old , who came from Ger
many n few months ago to live
with her married niece , but the .family is
poor nnd consequently the old lady docs not
llho to stay hero ; she Is very homesick ,
nearly insane ! , crying day and night and
wishing to go back to Germany , but neither
sliu nor the hunhandof her ,11 loco having any
money , the wants the commissioners to glvo
her , if possible , transportation toJJaltlinoro ,
and the German society in Baltimore , w'lioso
nim it is to help poor Germans in nuy'wtvy ,
will see to it that she is sent back to hpr rela
tives InOJroslau. Silesia. It is the question
for the commlssloncra to consider if it is neb
tlio cheapest way to send said lady to Dnltl-
moro instead of supporting Jier at .tho ex
pense of the county , which is euro to occur.
Hoping to receive an "nnsWcr Boon , I remain
yours respectfully , Au' AUST.MANX.
The ofllcial bond of John Toner , assessor
for Douglas precinct , was approved , nnd the
committee on Judiciary reported iu favor of
renting the poor farm to Ha'mltin , Spencer &
Co. , for "brtckraoklng purposes , the county
, to .receive 10 cents for every 1,000 , brick man
The claims of John Hush. William Gibson
nntl Chris Tltu'tmnn , nppmlsora , ? 5 each , nnd
TcftV. Bedford , sewer pipe , S17.31 , were al
lowed aud ordered paid.
She Falls to Mnrry Her Printer Lover
nnil Comes lluino.
Ever einco Thursday of last week Mrs , Bur-
dcn , who lives nt 1310 Cass street , has boon
distracted over the flight oil hernftccn-ycar-old
daughter , Ella , with a printer named William
Bpollman. The disappcaranqo was sudden and
without any preliminary warning whatever ,
nnd the sorrowing mothcr'has ' been striving
over since to find some clew as to the where
abouts of her Daughter. The matter was Jmt
into the bauds ot the police , but they Wore nCTora her any Help , and It Was
finally , owing Co the BEE , that about 8:20 : lost
evening the sidodoor of Mrs. Burden's dining
room opened and her recreant daughter
walked In. The mother rushed up to
the prodigal , throw her arms about
her and gave frco vent in sobs of Joy
nt , .her daughter's return. After she
regained her compo'sure , the mother began to
ply her daughter with numerous questions ,
but.she could got but little satisfaction out of
the replies. All that She could learn from
the girl was that Spcllman and Ella had
been in some Nebraska toWn , wboro she re
fused to state , ttnd Hint they had tried to gc't
married. In this they were unsuccessful ,
however , as the BbtS had preceded thorn with
an account of their escapade , and a license
was refused them. After a few days' rcal-
deucb there tHey decided the best thing they
could do was to return again to Omaha as
they could not .got married. They
returned yesterday and last evening
Spollman Crovo up with her lab hack to
within a half blockof he * homo and lot her
but Ho then had tbo hackmnn drive rapidly
away. The number of the hack was 20 , but the
driver , who was hunted tip , waa cload
rnoUthert and would say nothing.
Beyond the meager details given tljo girl
VFbuld say nothing. SUe insisted that she
, Btill loved SiMJllman , and Bald that she in-
ttmddd writing to him to-day. The mother
Is grdotly grioVdd over the plrl's Infatuation.
She says that while.she lived in DCS Moincs
she know that Spcllmdn Was paying addresses -
dresses to her daughter , but she did not ilp-
lirovo of it , as ho was a man of VlcidiiB- hab
its and was a dangerous companion for her
dttuehtfir. Ho wna persistent however , and
flnuliy to got rid of him she moved to Otnaba.
She tiiought this was"tho last of the matter ,
but a week ago last evening , while Ella and
her sister , in company with tlioir grand
father , were returning from tho'Eden Mu-
BOO , Ella Was BtOp'pOd'by ' a youhg man and
drawn astdo for a few ntoindnts' w"hlfl-
pcrcd conversation , Ttio grandfather and
younger sister tbok exceptions to this
wanner of acting , and Spellmah , for it Was
ho , stepped up and apologized to them. His
presqnco in the city had been unknown to the
Tauilly up to this time. Tbo next night Ella
disappc ardd. The mother' Inlands t6 htivo
Spcllmau punished for leading the young girl
nstray. _
An Imperative Necessity.
\Vhat pure air Is to an unhealthy
locality , wKat spring cleaning is to the
neat houaohcopor : BO is Hood's Sarsa-
tmrllln to everybody ; nt this season.
' U.'ho body needs to bo thoroughly reno
vated , the blood purified Una yitilizod ,
Iho fiferjns of disease destroyed , scro-
fulu , salt rheum , nnd all oilier blood
disorders are , cured by Hood's Snrsa-
parilla , the most popular aud successful
spring medicine.
TJiQ Vctornu l Iremen.
The veteran firemen held a meeting last
evuning at Chief Galllgan's ofilco and the
main matters considered were all relative to
the coming firemen's boll. First the com
munication from the l lromon's ' Benevolent
( Mpulatlon inviting them to attend the ball ,
myl join in thu parade , was read and accepted.
The veterans next determined to have n band
of their own in the parade , and a committee
consisting of C. Fisher niulH. Burthold were
appointed to look after this matter. It was
msn decided to fdmo out with some handsome
how budges and a committed consisting of JI ,
Taggurt nnd J. F. Shooloy were appointed to
usu Uieirbcst tastoand Judgment in selecting
BOmelhiug suitable. The "vets" aio do-
teimlhcd to glvo the boys all thu encourage
ment they can aud the ball already promises
to bq ono of thu most mammoth parties over
given hero ,
C-li-o-o ! C-li-o-o ! ! C-li-o-olI !
Don't snooxo , snooze , Imwk , hawk ,
spit , blow , tiiid disgust everybody with
your offensive breath. If you have
acrid , wutory disohurgos from Ihu hose
und oycs , thront Jihcnso. causing chok
ing sensations , cough , ringing noises in
lioud , splilting lioaducho and other
bymptouis of nasal catarrh , remember
Unit the manufacturers of Dr. Stige'fl
Cntnrrh Komody offer , in good faith ,
5500 rownrtf for n case of catarrh wlilcli
they cannot euro. The Remedy Is sold
by all druggists at only CO cents.
A New Gob CMmimny.
The'Nebraska and Iowa Gas company is
the name of an organization that filed articles
of incorporation with the county clerk yes
terday afternoon , The corporation will
manufacture gas , and the principal place of
business is to bo in Omaha. The capital is
tOOO.OOO , divided into 0,000 shares of (100
each , and the stock is to bo uon-forfcltablo
aud non-assessable. Bovou directors aha !
inanago the affairs of the corporation , am
the following directors huvo bocn elected to
eerv until the meeting of stockholders in
JSbOs A , M. Kitchen , K. W. Pitkiu , E. Klall
O. H. Brown. J. L. ItfcOafcuo. "NY. W. Keyset
nnd A. O. Powell. The omceia will be a
president , vlcepresident and secretary , nni
will bo elected by the directors. At no time
Bhn.ll the indebtedness of the corporation
exceed fflO.OOO , and its existence dating from
March 20,1SSS , will continue for fifty years.
Tor Tin ant Discuses , Coughs , CoUltf
etc. , ofleotuul teUef is found In the usu a
' 'Biiiwn's Branchial IVoeJics. " 1'rieo 25
cts. ( Sold onJiin loxts.
A Now Train ,
„ ThcFr&mont , Elkhorn' & J\IKsourl Vailej
company have completed arrangements to
Cive slociiiflg car semco between this city
ind St. Paul ccmmcnclng Sunday , March 05.
thfr sleeper will bo ullachotkd the tMln Icav-
ng their do'i ot , comof of Fifteenth and
Webster streets , at 0 :45 : p. m. , and will 'arrive
from St. Paul at 8:43 : a. m. Tills announce
ment will bo received with gratification by
the traveling public.
If thq. gontlcinan , whoso lips pressed
the lady's enowy brow nnd thus caught a
severe cold hnd but used Dr. Bull's
Uough Syrup , no doctor's bill would
liavo boon necessary.
Some genius proposes to introduce pa
per shirts. Wearing paper shirts tnenns
bearing rhounmtisir. . With Salvation
Oil , however , paper shirts might still bo
n. success. Prco 2-3 cents.
Petty Titcv6a ! Arrested.
Charles Scott and Charles White , both
colored , were arrested last evening on the
cUnrgo of stealing a silk handkerchief and a
number of toilet nrtlcle * from the room of
Mollie Knox and Mnggio Simpson , 1WW Web
ster street. The missing articles were
tound in the possession of the prisoners when
they were searched.
Graceful f&rmi , abundant tresses ,
Sparkling ojesour pralso Invite ,
But a blemish that aistrc sci
Arid the loveliest facovwlll blight-
Teeth uncleanly nnd unheeded :
SOZODONT for such is needed.
Personal Parngrnphf ) . .
E. Love , tot Grcoly , Nob. , is at the Mil-
E. M. Ford , of Dos Molacs , la. , is at the
L. Wcssell , Jr. , of .Lincoln , Neb. , Is at the
L. . D. Wilson , of Kansas City , is .at the
G..W. Scott , of Scotia , Nob. , is at the
H. S. Rood , of Lincoln , Nob. , is nt the
II. C. Eady , of Lincoln , Neb. , is nt the
WIH G. oaos , of Fullerton , Neb. . Is at the
J. T. McDonald , of Lincoln , Neb. , Is nt the
T. C. Wells , of St. Joseph , Mo. , is at the
W. R. Dawson and wife , of Chicago , are at
the Paxton ,
E. S. Kotchuui , of DCS Molnes , la. , is at
the Ptpcton.
W. J. Arnold and wlfo , of Kansas Clty.nro
at the Mlllard.
J. W. Paddock , of Paddock's Grove , 'Neb. ,
Is nt the Paxton.
E. J. Carter and wlfo , " of Helena , Mont. ,
DID at tno Paxton.
Messrs. J. J. "Friedman and J. Harris , of
DCS Moiucs , la. , are at the Millard.
Real Estate Transfers.
Albert ELo'wls and wlfo lo J L
Brihn , Iot6 and part lol 0 , Lewis'
sub div of 11-12-13 , Oknhoma , w d. . . $ 800
John Chrlstophcrson and wife to Koy-
stoho Ledge No. ' 155 , Independent
Order of Odd Fellows , s M lot 4 ,
blk 240 , w o p. city of Omaha , w d . . 0,000
Harry P Duel and wife to James
Hceyesetal , to. X lot 8 , blk 17 , EV
Smith's add . . . . . . ICOO
Francis I McKcnua and wife to J G
Wlnstanloy. lots 1 , 2. 8 , 4 , 5 , 0 , ibrlO ,
17,18,19 and 20 , blk 4 ; lots 3 , 4 , 13
and 14 , blk 2 , "Wakoloy , " w d . StOOO
A B Do Long and wife to John W
Smith , Ibt 8 , blk 2 , "Hillside add
No.3 wd , . 2,700
N S D Solomon nnd wife to FA Dis
raeli , lot 4 , blk 5 , Solomon's add ,
w d.t . , . 300
Herman Kountro nnd wlfo to Abbib E
Vancourt , , lots 13 and 14 , blk 15 ,
Kountzo place , w d . 2,100
Martln'So'rcrisen. single , teL Z John-
Bon. e 40 ft lot Q , blk G , Lbwo's add ,
wd..k . . . . 1,200
Thomas Brcnnan ct al to Paltrier n
Boldon , lot 10 , blkl , Breuilan place
add , nd . . . . . . . . . . 2.GOO .
fioborfP Williams ot nl to Alice Gcr-
tnldo Howard , lots 25. 28 and 42 , blk
1 , Town of Howard , sco 15 , tp 10 , r
13q . 1
Ada P Dralta Ot al to Robert E Live-
lot 21 blk 0Ti'flko's alld
soy , o X , , ,
wd . , . . . . , . . . . . . . t , . 450
O M Ramsey arid wife to.J.M Kin-
caid , lot 0 , blk 3. Patrick's add , w d. 3,000
Lizzio C Cogcshall and husband to J
J Schmidt , lot 11 , Albright & Ayles-
worth'sadd. wd . 075
Alice G Howard , to Ltho public , sub-
div blks 1 , ! 3 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 0 , 7 and 8 , How
ard's plat . . . -
Lucy C Seldcn and husband to T B
Cleridchiung , n % lot 1 blk 13 , Itn-
provemont Assn's add , W d . 1,200
T B Clcndcnning and wlf6 U > John
Dale trustee , n % lob 1 blk 13 , Im
provement Assn's add. w d . 1,200
Isaac S Hascall , single , i6 William J
Carlan , lot U blk 3 , HascalL's sub ,
w d . ( . . . 1,000
A M Anderson and Wlfo to Otto
Lobeck , Idt 13 blk 5 , Hbrbach's ' 2d
add , w d . 7,000
R H Smith to Ooorgo N Hicks , sublet
lot 17 blk 3 , Capitol add , W d . 3,500
Nineteen transfers aggregating . 542,530
Building Permits.
The following building permits were issued
yesterday by the superintendent of buildings :
J. F. Bcstcr , cottage , Louisa , near
Montana . $ 400
E. N. Miller , two cottages , Meredith ,
near Thirty-third . 1,000
R. W. "Dyvall , addition to dwelling ,
2531 Popplcton avenue . 100
K J. Hclmbaoh , stable , Seventeenth ,
Corby . 150
George W. Sablno , dwelling , Tweuty-
ciglith and Hickory . 1,700
W. Wallace , cottage , Twenty-first ,
near Charles . 600
Thomas Mulvihlll , restdenco and
stable , Madison avenue , near Six
teenth . . . 2,000 ,
Olof Olson , Uorcar , near Twenty-first 350
.bight normlts , aggregating. . $ 0,500
at Unpid City.
RAPID Cur , Dak. , March 31. [ Special
Telegram to the BEH. ] The news of the pas
sage of the Sioux reservation bill by the son-
nto was received hero with Fpurtli of July
demonstrations. Fireworks , etc. , helped the
people to express their Joy. An Interview
to-day with 3 , T. Hird , Just returned from
Pine Ridge and Rosebud agencies , shows
there will bo no dlfllculty in securing the sig
natures of tun Indians to the proposed ces
sion. liven old Hod Cloud has expressed his
willingness to sign. The only question with
the Indians is the amount of money they uic
to receive.
Its suherlor excellence proven in millions of
homed for more than ouarter of a cecturr. It
is used 1)0 tbe United Btutei Govemment , Kn-
florseil hy | ho lieuUf > r tlie Great I'nlvcrsltloj as
thostronscft , 1'liroJtaiul Most Healthful. 'lr. )
Pria ' Oenm IlaVliuj 1'pwder iloas not contain
Ammonia. Lime or Alum Bold only in cans.
NewVor < . Chicago. t-Louis
Full Schedule of Clmniplon hlp
Onnics lirtoftl Comments.
CiUcf\oo , 111. , March 20. [ Special Tclo- ?
Eram to the 13nn.j Following will bo'found
the schedule of the Wcstcrn Uasa Uall , asso
ciation for 1833 , Tlio season opens Satur
day , April 23 , on the Omahn grounds , with
Minneapolis , who will also play on tbo 29 ,
nnd May 1. Then comes St. Paul on May 9 ,
3 nnd 4 , Milwaukee , b , 0 nnd 3 ; Chicago 0 , 10
nnd ll' DCS Moines next und St. Louis last
in the month of May , Tlio schedule ( s as
Well -arranged probably , ns was possible
under Iho circumstances , but so far as Con
flicting dates are concerned in &t. < ouU > , Chicago
cage and Kansas City , they are numerous
and will entail considerable perplexity and ox-
pcuso ns the season progresses. Tills , how
ever , was unavoidable. The schedule :
ciitc vno.
At homo with Milwaukee Juno S , 19 , 20 ,
27 , 23 , 29 , August 20 , September 23 , Octo
bers.With St. Paul May 29 , 80 , 81 , August 8 , 9 ,
10. 11 , September 14 , 10.
With Minneapolis May 31 , Juno 1 , 2 , 8 , 4 ,
August 7 , September 12 , 18 , 19. * *
With Omaha-June 9 , 10 , 12 , July 23 , 24 , 23 ,
August 23 , 23 , SM.
With Kansas City-Juno C , 0 , 7 , August 19 ,
19,21 , October 2 , 3 , 4.
With Dos Moincs May 0 , Juno IS , 14 , Aug
ust 5 , 15 , 10 , September 9 , 29 , 3D.
With St. Louis-Juno 10 , 17 , 19 , August 12 ,
13 , 14 , October 0 < 7 , 9.
Juno 21 , 23 , 2 1 , July 14 , 1C.
With St. Paul May 31 , Juno 2 , 3 , Septcm-
11 , 12,13 , 18 , 19 , 20.
With Mlnneaiwlis May 29 , 80 , 81 , August
8 , 9. 10 , September 14,18.10.
With Omaha Juno 5 , 0 , 7 , August 18 , 19 ,
21 , October 0 , 7 , 9 ,
With Kansas City Juno ? , 10,12 , August
22 ! , , 23. 21 , September 37 , 29 , BO.
With DCS Molnes Juno 10 , 17 , 19 , August
11,12 , 14 , October 2 , 8,4.
With St. Louis-Juno 13,14 , 15 , July 7 , 8 ,
10 , August 15,10,17.ST.
ST. rxui. .
At homo , with Chicago May 13 , 13 , 15 ,
Juno I , 5. 0 , July 17,18,10.
With .Milwaukee-May 17,19,20 , Juno 30 ,
July 1 , 8 , 20 , 21 , 23.
With Minneapolis May 23 , 21 , 20 , Juno 21 ,
23 , 24 , October 0 , 7 , 9.
With Omaha Juno 13,14 , 15 , August 15 ,
10,17 , October 2. 8 , 4.
With Kansas City Juno 10 17,19 , July 13 ,
14,15 , Augastl3,13 , 14.
With Dc < * Moines-Juno 0,10,13 , July 7 , 8 ,
10 , August 2i , 23 , 34.
With St. Louis Juno 5 , 0 , 7 , August 13,19 ,
31 , September 27 , 29 , 80.
At homo , with Chicago May 17 , 19 , 20 ,
Juno 30 , July lt 3 , 20 , 31 , 22. ,
1 With Milwttuklro Moy 12,13,15 , , Juno 4 , 4 ,
0 , July 17,18,10.
With SU Paul May 23 , 23 , 27 , Juno 20 , 27 ,
23 , September 22,23 , 2o.
AvitliOinuluv-JunolO , .17 , iO , August 11 ,
12. t4Sop'tomUcr 27,29 , 80.
With Kansas City Juno 13 , l4 , 15 , July 7 ,
8 , 10. August 15.10,17.
With DoSMoirtes Juno d , 0 , 7 , July 1214 , ' ,
15. Aligust 18,19 , SI.
Mlth St. Louis-Juno 9,10 , , 12 , August 23 ,
23 , 24 , October 2 , 3,4.
At lioino with Chicago April 23 , 29 , May 1 ,
August 1. 2 , 8 , 80 , Soptember'J ' , 2. . ,
AVith Mlhvaukco-May 2 , 3 , 4 , July .23 , 29 ,
00 , August 20 , 27,23.
With St. Paul May 5 , 0 , 7 , July 24 , 23 , 20 ,
September 7 , 8 , 9.
With Minneapolis-May 9,10,11. August 4 ,
6 , 0 , September 4 , 5 , 0.
Wittt Omaha May 23 , 23 , 21 , Juno 21,23 ,
24. Sopldinlior 23 , 2J , 25.
With Dps Mdlncs May 17,19 , 20 , Jund 20 ,
27 , 28i September 18,19. 21.
With. St. Louis May 13 , 13 , 15 , Jduo 80 ,
July 1 , 3 , September ll , 12,13.
At homo with Chicago May B , 7 , 8 , August
4 , 0,7 , September 7 , 7 , 8 ,
With jyfihvaukeo-May 9,10,11 , Aughst 1 (
3 , 3 , September 4 , B , 6.
.With St. Paul April 23 , 30 , May 1 , July 23 ,
80 , 81 , August 29,30 , SontombOr 1.
With Minhcapolis May 2 , 3 , 4 , July 24 , 25.
CO , August 25,37 , 33. .
With Omaha Mny 29 , 80 , 30 , f August 8 , 9 ,
10 , September 11,13,13.
With1 Kansas City May 25 ; 28 , 23 , July 20 ,
21 , B3 , October 0,8 , 9.
Wlth'St. Louis-May 31 , Juno fl , 2 , July 4 ,
4 , 0,17,18,19.
At homo With Chicago May 2 , 8 , 4 , July
23. 29 , 81 , August 20 , 2j < ! i9.
WithMilwtiUkee-'AprilSS. 29. May 1 , July
34 , 25,20 , August 80 , September lt 3.
With St. Paul-May t , 10 , August 5 , 0 , 7 ,
September 3 , 4 , B , 0.
With Minneapolis May 0 , 7 , 8 , August 1 , 3 ,
3 , September 7 , 8 , 9.
With Oirlaha-MayJJ ! ' , 20 , 37 , 23 , JunoJW ,
37,23,29 , September 20.
With Kansas City-May 29 , 80 , 81 , AugUst
8 , 9.10 , September 14,10 , , 17.
With DCS Molnos May 23 , 23 , 24 , Juuo 20 ,
21 , 23 , 2J , 24 , September 2-1.
At homo with Chicago May 9,10,11 , July
7 , 8.10 , September 4 , 6 , 0.
With Milwaukee-May 5 , 0 , 8 , August 4 , 5 ,
0 , Soptembor7 , 8 , 9.
oWlth St. Paul May 2 , 3 , 4 , August 1 , 3 , 3 ,
Vlth Minneapolis April 23 , 29 , May 1 ,
July 28,29 , 81 , August 1 , 3.
With Kansas City Juno 1 , 3 , 3 , July 4 , 4 , 0 ,
With Dos Moines May 13,18-15 , July 1,3 ,
8 , September 14 , IB , 10.
With St. Louis May 17,19 , 20 , July 12 , 14 ,
The Western association meeting at Chicogo
Tuesday was chiefly remarkable for the in
cubation of a not very sound schedule , m
which for once the tail Chicago and St.
Louis succeeded in wagging the dog. The
meeting was almost barren of resultswithout
the introduction of a single innovation , or tlio
advancement of oven u single progicss'lvo
base ball idea. The three strike rule which
wiistohovo been consldoicd , not oven
broached. There was an opportunity for the
baby organization to have distinguished itself ,
but they allowed it to slip through their
flngeis , ns if they dared not attempt any leg
islation on their own hook. All they can do ,
it seems , is fo follow in the rut of the older
associations , aud to them all lovers ot the
gaino must look for all now changes , benefits
nnd iniprouomcnts. Tlio magnates pardon
thQ term of the Western association , were
well aware that tlio opinion of those best
riuallflcd tp entertain an opinion on the sub
ject , such as old experienced players nnd
managers , is that the game will suffer in
point of lively interest through the return to
the old order of pitcher's games.
Then , why did tiioy not take this
stop the Initiative in n move
toward tlio restoration of last season's ex
cellent four strikes rulo.n move that is botind
to bo made sooner or later by ono of tlio
older bodies. Jy this independent bit of log-
Islatlon they could have impressed thu base
ball clement with the idea that tlio now as
sociation is the possessor of a sot of brains
of its own , that they were capable of some
achievements purely original and determined -
termined enterprising , progressive and
systematic in their handling of the game
nnd not morelv"existing by sufferance of Vender
dor Aha and Spaulding. By a return to the
four strikes the Western association could
hnvo congratulated themselves upon the
thiwks and best wishes of every lover of
the frame in the country. Tlicro
is no denying the fact , with tlio
exercise of a little horse sense ,
the Western association , will enter upon its
first season under the most luminous auspices.
It has. in the main , populous cities to draw
from for support- the circuit is n fairly good
ono ; there nro several of its ofllcors men of
experience and competency , and for those
ic.isons alone the now enterprise should bo a
success. It needs , though-to guard against
ono gioat danger , which lias been rcpoutodly
intimated in these columns , and that is , to sea
that Chicago and St. Louis do not run the as
sociation exclusively In their own interests.
Neither city , for various reasons , should over
liavo been admitted , but there is no remedy
now , so let that pass.
Will Arrive In the Hlornitifr.
Manager Seleo , of the Omaha base ball
team , and Left-Fielder Annis , will orrlvo
from Chicago tills morning. The entire -
tire roster of players will bo hero within tlio
next ton days , and the lovers of the game nra
rill nli t ! to theimpottance of the occasion.
Everybody is anxiotis to got n look at the now
team. ' ;
" Deacon' Vhlto Signs nt Imst.
' DETROIT , Mnrch 21. Until 13:05 : till * after-
.neon-Detroit sd.t in the shadow of great grief
nnd wouWnot be comforted , \'Deacon"
Whitc . the ancicjit gra shoppcr of third
base , was not of us.VhLle wrote n letter
Jast week nccuiing Wfctklns of. toing the In-
spircr ot much newspaper criticism of the
great guardian of thd third bag. Watklns ,
undof powerful pressure , wrote a letter of
apology , which Wlilto aid did not apologize ,
and ho ( Wltlto ) thorqforo loft yesterday for
Kaiamazoo. Detroit nt once put on deep
mourning nnd went dpwn by the river gido
nnd wept. Unexpectedly Whlto re
turned nl 10 n. m * today. At 19)11 ) liq
stepped into base ball headquarters ; nt 10:20 :
ho nnd the directors cntno out ! at 10:45 :
Whlto and the directors returned to base tmll
hoadquurtcra. Whlto at thu moment looked
RO flerco that Secretary Leadly Hod down the
Jlro rscajK ) , At 10155 jjegotiations were
opened , Director Edson nnd vail looking RS
hnggnhl ns n pair of newly slmvon goats. At
10:50 White smiled. It was the first Binllo In
a week and Indicated n weakening. Encour
aged , the directors at 10r > 7 begun to talk to
Whlto together nud the biUd-hcaded third
baspmon grow pale. At 1205 ; ho capitulated
to stop the flow * pf eloquence , nnd nt 13:05 > /
Director Edsin ran out into the street , and
Riving n yell that might have been hoard in
Chicago , announced that the country was
saved. Whlto had said ho would , sign. This
tremendous act will bo done to-morrow or
next day , nud While will leave for Mpbllo lo
Join the other players. "Not that I dlsllko
Wntklns loss , but thatl love the club more , "
said Whlto.
Tho.Controvcrey Over tlio Authorship
of the Grant Memoirs.
NEW YOHK , "March 21. [ Special Telegram
, to the BEE. J ColonellYcd ( Jrnntglanccdhns-
lllyovcr Uaclcau's long statement shown
him by the reporter , making few comments
oa ho proceeded , but laughing where n sharp
charge was made agatnst himself.l'lt is in
genious , " ho said , "but not Ingenuous. As a
whole It is untrue. I do not care for the at
tacks Uadcau may jnako upon jnc , they hurt
no one , but wo nra defending my father
from the insinuations and reflections of tills
man. Wo have truth on our side. I do not
think I ought to say anything furtlier. Every
thing will como out in the courts. But it
they will consent I am Just ns willing to fight
the matter in the newspapers. My father's '
reputation will not suffer , though wo nro all
sorry for this controversy. Wo look on the
claim as presented by General Badcau as
sort of blackmail. " Colonel Grant has in
his possession the original lit the letter of
May 5,1SS5 , which General Badcau claims
Ib6 colonel "wrote to him , but which General
Grant signed. It was Cxnmlncd by the re
porters. The sheets nro of follow.'paper ,
evidently a portion dfa pdd , each Onb having
seemingly been .torn oil as it was filled
with writing. The chlrogrnphy Is all
in pencil. In tha postscript it is an
Irregular and painful scrawl , without any
attention to lines h'cross thb page. , Thtiro
cduld bo no doubtof th ° authorship of. that
dobuiubht. TOro arid ther6'oro a fc\V Inter-
linoatioui nhd ono or two erasures bf a Wbrd
or syllable , but generally it was clear , as If
the Writer Jdow ( what ho'wa's'ioing to bay
nhdMust , hdw ho wanteAto shy it'.r Wlitsn the
shoots were handed back to Colonel Grant lie
Said : "That Is the letttir Badeaii felvcs mo
the credit Of writing. H wish 1 coUlU write
sudli a letter. You cam _ now say truly that
General Grant dill.not dictate.n line .or .oven
riightCdloiiol Grant nailed : "If my nttor-
nojaitrowillingJmaJ-Wvo to the public a
lull reply to Generol-Badpau's ' statement. "
General Sucrinon , la the corridor of the Fifth
Avenue hotel , was asked his opinion of the
Grant-BadcuU cohtroyqrsyiihd. with n sig-
niilcant shrug , the gonera.1 replied : "Of ono
thing I nth certain. General Badcau did not
write the G rant letter to Badoou. "
J3ulorsing ithe _ Strikers.
\VAnAwi , Nob. , March S'l. [ Special to the
HUH. ] i'hp following resolutions were
passed by the Wnba h Farmers' Alliance of
Cass county at itsjasjyncetlng :
Uesolved ) That wo extend tp the brother
hoods of engineers and firemen our sympathy
in their endeavors to o'btain tbo same wages
as engineers tthd firemen on Other railroads
are receiving in the west for a like amount of
Resolved , That wo condemn the Chicago ,
Burlington fa Quincy. railrood compaby in ro ?
fusing to arbitrnto with thonii
Uesolved , That wo cohdomn the importa
tion of persons not citizens of tlio statoof Ne
braska by hny corporation to net as special
pblicfi , or any citizen to defend said corpdraj
tlon dxceilt by duo process of law.
Uesolved , That a copy of these resolutions
bo sent to the Omaha Bun , Lincoln Demo
crat. Nebraska City Press and Cass County
Eagld for publication. 13. F. AttES ,
Steamship Arrivals.
ROTTEHBAM , Marcli 31. [ Special Telegram.
the BF.E. ] Arrived The Lccrdatn , froin
Now York.
QuKENsiowjfMarch 31. Arrived The
Lord Gougl ) , from Philadelphia ; the
Palestine , from Boston.
SOUTHAMPTON- , March 21. Arrived The
Westerland , from Now vrork for Antwerp.
NEW YOIIK , March 31. Arrived The
Wyoming and Arabic , from Liverpool.
Yesterday's internal revenue collec
tions amounted to $5,10i.50.
The seventh annual commencement
exorcises of the Oinahu Medical college
will bo hold svt Boyd's ' oporn house this
evening , commencing nt 8 o'clock.
A. J. McBcan , .T. B. Smith , A. II.
Porldns nnd James Sepuin , all of Chicago
cage , are in the city to bid on the pav
ing contracts that are to bo opened on
the 23d inst.
"Fprces of our time" will bo the sub
ject of a lecture by Rev. T. M. House ,
at the the Y. M. C. A. hall , on Friday
evening. This is another of the series
of plain talks being given for the
benefit of members of tlio association
and their friends. No chat-go for ad
Tuesday evening a number of friends
of Rev. 3. M. Wilson , .of the Presby
terian church , corner Sixteenth nnd
Civstellaf streets , giwo him a surprise
party. A pleasant feature of the occas
ion was the presentation to the rovorcnd
gentleman of an elegantly upholstered
rocking chair.
A Poker Story That Conies From the
Truthful Town of Memphis.
Memphis Avalahfcho : "Tho greatest
dealer in a poker game I over saw , " re
marked ono of u gang of first-class yarn
spinners in a Memphis grocery store ,
"was Colonel Bill ijonos. Ono of his
peculiarities was the style in which ho
were his hair. It hnd boon allowed to
grow until it fell below his shoulders.
This and hla characteristic trait as u
lilayor caused us to dub him 'Fivo ' Ace
Bill. ' Wo parted companvonco for sev
eral years , nnd while I risked fortune
on the west of the Mississippi ho re
mained nt his native place. Sofnorvillu ,
Tonn , , and became .Quito influential in
politics. At ono time ho was elected to
the legislature from his district. His
former reputation followed him to Nash
ville , nnd the legislator who could beat
him at poker was regarded ns ono gifted
with supernatural power.
"I had occasion to visit Somerville a
few months ago and there met my old
friend. On the night after my arrival
it was decided thata party of four should
meet in the legislator's apartments at
the loading hotel nnd revive memories
of days gone by in duo aud ancient form.
Chips clinked until a late hour , and
when the boll boy , who acted as cup
bearer extraordinary , told me the next
day that ho made eighteen consecutive
trips from the poker room to the small
back room on the ground floor I was
unable to contradict his statement. It
is unnecessary to say that Bill sustained
his reputation and quit away ahead.
"Finaljy , obeying the promptings of
, cocklulL > and other coucoetUms , lotlored
to bet olmmpagno.hiid by s tors for the
party that I could boat Bill in n singlo-
nnn'dcA grttno of 'freeze-out , * if ho tlld
not chont , The wncer was accepted on
the condition' thnt if ho was detected in
the net of cheating tlio game would bo
mine. Bill wo * equally ready , and Iho
gdtno was made up. I can vaguely re
member dealing tno cards. I lost the
first pot nnd the second , and continued
to lese until the pile of chips before mo
"was diminishing lo about half a dozon.
Realizing my helplessness , t abandoned
myself to fate nndT ventured these on the
last hand. *
"My Jioad wna swimming all the time ,
and the contents jol the room rapidly
passed before my uncertain yfsion.
Chairs , tables , bureaus and furniture of
every description floated about In lively
confusion. Occasionally , among the ex
aggerated wall paper patterns , I could
distinguish Bill's face and the mass of
hair behind it. This vision appeared
before mo just as Ho laid down his hand.
A suspicious looking corner of some
thing appeared in the ( lowing locks In
proximity to hia car. Before I could
distinguish what it woe , the face was
gone and was followed by a string of
furniture , ondtrig with the cracked hotel
water bowl pitcher. I patiently watched
A second time. The face again appcarod
and I could distinguish a red heart on
the quaor corner that protruded. It was
gene again before I could reach for It
and the panorama of the furniture again
floated by.
"Are you going to sit there all night ? "
somebody asked. Presently the wash-
tand and the pitcher appeared airaln
and ! prepared to make n grab at the
card. The last thing I can recall is
reaching out and seizing it as Bill's face
pUssed bolero mo third time.
When I awoke several hours later I
found myself stretched over the form of
ono of my companions , who lay on the
floor , and the noonday sun Bhono
through the window. Bill and the
other member of the parly were
in tho. Btuno undignified postures ,
Blum.b.or3ng soundly. I remem
bered the wager nnd the futile
attempt I had made to sdatch the card
Jrom its place of 'concealment , and 'in '
tuitively glancok nt jny friend's prolific
crop of hair. The card stiil remained ,
ana I loft it stay there until I had
awakened three sleeping men. They
all rcmborcd the ocouaronco , nnd al
though the wager was decided it was
several days before wo recovered siifll-
ciently to settle it.
Jones thought the rather liberal lock
I had torn from his. scalp in grabbing
nt the card should offset the champngho.
Wo allowpd him.this and contented our ,
solves , with oysters. "
Said to lib n Maxim of Jim Flak.
Chicago News : John Lbglo Is called
the missionary of the First Methodist
Episcopal church of Chicago. Ho works
in the missiorisand his pdwor in bring
ing men to the altar is wbndorfUl. John
Logic was converted in a Ghi6ago mis
sion. Ho was a railroad Onginbbr. Ho
used to drive the engine that drew Jim
Fisk's private car.
"I took JJra Fisk on his last trip frpm
Cornell to .Elmira , N. Y. ? " said Mr.
Logic the other day. "A few days later
ho was shot. On his trip ho had with
him Josie Mansfield. Ho was in an un
usual hurry this day. Ho "was always
in a rush when ho traveled. Ho
wouldn't ' give me time to turn my , en
gine around , and I inadb the run back
"He came o mo and gave this ordor- :
'I want to bo in Elmira or in noli in
eighteen minUtds. '
"Ityhs Usljydntcen mile run , and I
took him through according to orders
to Elmira , I mean , not the Other placo.
With this order ho offered mo a drink
of Whisky , assuring the it was good
liquor , ana I found that it was.
"As I drank ho said : 'John , a man
can bo successful in this lifo a drinking ,
gambling , or loving the ladies , if ho
Btioks to cither oho , but don't mix them.
It is the mixture ot these three that
kills men. ' "
The three Willard brothers , proprie
tors of the well known Willnrd hotel , in
Washington , are among the wealthiest
men in the capital. Joseph is said to bo
worth $13,000,000 alone , nnd Caleb and
Henry are not far behind him jn wealth.
They were once porters together in a
hotel that stood on the site of their
present hostelry.
Of the Completion and Opening of the
Denver , Texas & Gulf Railway !
Connecting Denver with the Bca : also the Third
Annual Convention of tlio
International Range Association
MARCH 28 , 29 , 30 & 31.
Wednesday , March 28 Heccptlou of visitors ;
livening , Firework Display by the Phantom Ar-
tllery Club , surpassinf ; in excitement nnd gran
deur the famous Topeka Flambeau Club ,
Thursday , Maich ) Afternoon , CowboyTour-
nament , Hoping nnd Hiding Unbroken and
Jlucklnti llroucos , llecentlon at the Tabor Grand
Opera House.
1'rlday. March 30 A Grand and Imnoslntr
Civil , Military and Industrial I'aijonnt. ritti-eii
Hands in Une. together with tha Celebrated
Cowboy Hand , of Dodge City , Kaunas. .
Saturday. March 31 lixcuralon to the JIoiui-
tains , nnd Orand Old Fashioned Jlarbecue. lur-
IUK tut pain , week thai business utreot-j and pub
lic buildings of the city w 111 bo Illuminated bv
tlie nnest and most resplendent Kloctrlcal Ills ,
play ever attempted in this or any other city.
CIIKAP n/vir/wAY / / PAIIKH.
All transportation companies entering Denver
have made low round trip rates. $25.OO only
for round U Ip tickets from all Missouri Itlvcr
points. Tickets will bo sold on Monday , March
8u , only good for IO days tucieafter.
Oil this propitious occasion. 5,000 cattlemen and
20.000 \ Ultora are expected.
a , man for groaning when lie has
ItheuuiAUsm or Neumlgln. The pain
IE nlmply awful. No torture in the
ancient times was inoro painful than
these twin difteovus. Hut oughtn't
a man to be blamed if , having Itlicu-
mutism or Neuralgia , lie wont use
Alh-Io-pho-ros , whuu it has cured
thousands who have Buffered in tlio
same way ? It has cured hundreds
after phj-siclans have pronounced
them incurable.
"The UiiM of flfa * pbr lcUn > could not
cnro ice of lUimmUUm HlilchJud uUlotl
In tlio blpa. neck and ibonlden : Bo Intcnw
na0 tlii * pun tint > ! MP vat almost iiopu * .
eltila. Tht first doM of Atblonlioioi tove
me relief , and the third eombled aa to tloep
for four nd a halt boon nitlicmt woldnj.
I continued Jt nu and m now wtll "
llET.b. II. TltOYCll , New Albuir. Inl
< (3Ecud 6 cenU for the beautiful colored pic *
lure , " Moorbh Maiden. "
The greatest
iiirlnu iu eill-
I claeontarUi
Kltmlnuteii last VCHaye of bypliUU. Ulcorj , I'DuiJci.
Chronic bores und Impure lllooa. They liavo no
equal lot fctlu d' ' eu ( > . Muillur tncdlclno UHH ! in
l.onJon Ho Hal , with unvirjrlnn aucceM. 1'UJtKLr
VEOETAULE. hcnt by mall In n iilalu eoulod. package.
ondnodolur , on rccelyi olll pur box or Uforti. WK
cucb order received for alx boxes uccompanlvd lj 5 ,
o ulll aciid AMo putcbftiflf our written Ruurantce to
refund tlioiuoner. If the trc traent doet not enuct tt
euro. Hamublet I rue , 1/OKDoK lltwciMt AQLNOv , '
1311 Chctrr fct. , UauiutCUt/.Uw ,
A Cold Day ! A Cold Car , , ani Still tbe in-
toriower Did Not Get Left , "
A Young Man Telia n Romnrknl > lo
Story nml Gives I'rooforit's Truth *
The man who desires n fair Idea of the in *
tensity of the cold nrtlc regions need tint tnVo n
trip to the north pola to satisfy his curiosity. A
6-conl rldo on the firlp car ot the cnblo Hue On a
moderately cold day Will give him all the information
mation on ih At score ho will nut , plus n pair ot
feet eo cold that they will ; nnko his hwul ixclio ,
Tlio world's cold charity Mill seem red-hot In
comparison. At least tlmtnas the oxpcrlenco
of tha reporter on n recent trip In search ot In
formation to corroborate certain testimony
concerning n young man whose residence is nt
the corner of Cumins and I'.llzixbeth streets , by
nnmo Mr. Lawrence 11. Lnrseii , n brlck-nionUlcr
by occupation ,
Tlio reporter nftcr leaving the grip car , almost
frozen , inoandeicd around untiltho gentleninn
nbovo referred to wag found , slated the object bf
his visit , when Mr. Larson related the following
account of his remarkable experience during
the last six years :
" 1 nm nineteen years of ng , n brick-moulder
by trade , lo lilo with my parents corner of
Cntnlng nnd Jillzabcth streets , and work at
Myors' brick yards. My trouble began about
six years ngo , as the result ot n cold 1 could not
get rid of. lYom n ntmplo cold In the head It
gradually spread nntlhnty throat nncl pats were
ulso nlToctotl. My head Retiornlly ached , nil
when I was free from hondnche 1 would bo
troubled Ithpalns through my chest nnd In my
back , nnd frequently I would bo mulcted with
both. I think 1 jmist have had all the nymp-
loms of clironlo Cntarrh. Mynostj'nould ston
up , llrstonono RlOonnd then cm the other , him
nt times bothiMdes v ould bo stopped up so that
J could not breathe through It. ) would linvo
frequent spells of dizziness , nnd wna troubled
with ringing and buzzing souuds in my cars. I
Irtid but little appetite and
rapidly. 1 didnotjrcstell iitulplit. nnd always
felt tired and languid nftcr nilamg in the morn
ing I hnd noenergy or nmMtloii U > do anything -
thing , nnd the least exertion I made sopmcfl to
bo n burden to mo. nnd It was only with ! the
greatest ailHculty that 1 could remember 'my '
plans for the day or what 1 wanted to do next.
And then , too , 1 was compelled to hnwk und
ough nml oxpectornte until my throat felt ruw
nd sometimes uoro. I bocumo worm ) day by
ny , nnd had nearly Olvcn up all hope o ever
"As I snln before , I hafl ringing nnd buz-
ztug sounds in my
cars , but that did not 1111-
noy mu near 09 much ns
the fact thnt my hearing
\\t\a growing more faint
every day. and that during
( Conversation persons
' vonld hftyo to spoafcvery
loud to mo before I could
understand w hat they were
talking about ; this , with
the lOtuer troubles. 1 have
enumerated , had , a tend- make mo'fcol ' low
spirited nnd despondent ,
fruid often telt as though
/illfo wns not worth JlVlug
for nnd ( hat I > vould' ' bo
butter oft dead than to go
through life In tlio oondl-
. .F.NCK n. r AHsr.K. tlon I was and continu
ally grow Itfg > \ orso.
"This was my condition a few months ngo
CITou could Scarcely think such wasUhe case to
seq mo now. Indpgdi s , I ,5iUd. beforeJ can
hardly believe ic myself uow. Hearing , of , the
success of Dr. McCoy amlhls associates In tr at-
lute cases sUch nn mine , I detdrmltiod to give
frott thb Catarrh , and that as tlio Catarrh
got better , with the treatment ho would clvo tny
ears , my liearlngTvonld also Improve , and In ) ils
opinion the tubes would soon become normal
again and \\ould hoar a well as over.
'Jn condUsIbn. ' ' continued Mr. Larson , "I
want to say that they liavo done all for mo they
said they could do. I feel llko au.entlre differ
ent nlan. I Cat hearty , feel strong nnd well ,
have no more pains lit my head or chest , sleep
well , arise refreshed ! n the mornlug , my Xormcr
ambition seems to bo brlBhtcntng , nnd I tool
attain. The
1 ha B ceased
: voice 111 any
"them to'the public ns men of medical ability
nnd skill. "
Mr. Lnrsen Is a young man of more tlmn ordi
nary ability , nnd as above stated , resides with
his parents at the comer ot Cumlus nnd Ellzn-
belli Rti'Cets. where ho cau bo found to verify
the above statement.
A Few Symptoms of a Disoftse Xlta
Alny Prove Serious to Von.
Do you liavo frequent fits ot mental depres
sion ?
Do you experience ringing or buzzing noises
Inyour ears ? . . . ,
Dp you tool as though you must suffocate
When lyine down ?
Are you troubled with a hacking cough nhd
general doblllty/
Are your oycs generally w cak and watery , and
frequently Inllamed ?
Docs your voice hnvo n husk , thick sound ,
nnd n nasal sort ot twnnp ?
Is your breath frequently offensive fiom some
unaccountable cause/
Have you a Cull oppressive headache gener
ally lotatcd over the oyesi
lie you have to hawk and cough frequently In
the eirort to clear jour throat ?
Are you losing your enso of smell , nnd la
your sense of tuute becoming dulled.
Does your nose nlwnj a feel stopped up , fore
Ing you to breathe throuuh your mouth ?
Do you frequently feel dizzy , particularly
wheu stooping to pick anything oil the lloor ?
Does every'little draught ot nlrnnujovcry
sllnht change ot temperature give you n cold ?
Are you annoyed byn constant deslro to hawk
and spit out an endless quantity pf phlegm ?
Are you always tlrod awl Indisposed to exer
tion , w hethor of business , work or amusement ?
Is great clTort required to keep your thoughts
fixed upon mutters that formerly were easily
Do you rise from bed as tired and w enk as you
were the night befoie. imd fool as though jou
wanted to no there forever/
Js your throat tilled With phlegm In the
moriilus , Which can only bo discharged nftor
'violent coughing , und hawking nnd spitting/
Do you occasionally wake from A trou Ijlod
Bleep \vlth a Htnrt and feel us If you had just es
caped n horrible death by choking/
fluvo you lost nil Interest In jour cnlllnir or
buslneKH or former pleasures , all ambition
gone , and do you feel Indlllcrcnt whether to'
morrow llnds you alive or ( load/
Are you troubled with ti diBchargo from the
head lathe tin oat , sometimes watery and ex
cessive. Kometimna mucus , thick Htlcklng to
whatever It touches , sometimes Moody and
nearly ahnyg putrid nud ollcnslyoV
The above nro some or the many uymtoms ot
catarrh and the beglnliur of lung troubles. Not
ono case la a hundred will hnva nil of them , but
overyouo affected will liavo a few or many of
them , Tlio greater or moio m rlous your ymp-
toins , the raoru UanRvroiiH your condition , Tina
class of llsenues Is treated \ery huccoiatully by
Dr. McCoy or hla nssoclutos. 3'ho many Ceases
reported through thecolums ottho dally impon.
prove this , nnd each statement publhhed IH
biibNtAntlally the BUUIO as Klven by the put lent
cured. Dr. McCoy nnd his uBeorlntcs ,
iibono secret iiostniniH , but cure cllsc-tses by
their oklllful combination ot thu beet LnoiMire-
modlcg , applied In the most approved manner ,
and by using the latent and iuot > t highly recom
mended appliances known to the profession.
They thusjiroduco results that speat for them
selves In tuo many patients cured , aud vo as
sure pur readera that UIG.SQ eminent phymclann
ha e achieved u success In curtaKUlseabe which
row or no other doctors can duulicuto ,
Late ofBellevne Hospital , New York ,
Has Olllces No , 310 and 311
Where ull curable canes nro treated with sue-
Medical dtseaees treated skillfully. Coiwumn-
tlon , JlrlKht'B dlseaie , Iyti ) > c > risla , ItheumatUm ,
and nil NUItVOUB DISIIABllrf. All dlseuHos pe
culiar to tbo fcexes a ttptclalty. 1/ATAltHU
aiNSni/TATION at omce or by mallll.
Many dlseuaus are treated miccc'Mfully liy Dr.
JlcCoy throngh thu flialta , and It Is
Umu iiosalblu fur those unublu to rnnko the jour- pbtuln BUtcesatul Uospltul treatuientut
their homcfl.
O 111 co Uoure 6 to 11 n. ia.2 ; to < n. m , ; T to 811 ,
CorroBpondence receives prompt attention.
Ko letters answered unless accompanied by *
cents in stamps- , ,
Adilrtsas all mull to lr , J. 0. McCoy. HOOIBJJ
Sllltamee bul liUnt ; , OaaliuKeb.
1742 Lawrence SI , Dcnycr , tfol
Of the Ml ourlSfataMtifomn of Anilomy. St.
Iioul , Mo. , UnlrorsUy College Hospltali I/on-
don , ( jlejqn , German ? nuil Now York , Having
dpvotod tholr attention
More csppclnlly thojo ariMng from Imprti
dcmcb. Invlto all BO RUlTerlne to correspond wltli-
oiitilclny. DlsfaScsDf Infection nna coulnclon
cured snfcly and speedily without use .of rtnii-
getous druKS. I'attcnts whdso ensos hnvo been
ntfilct < od , li dly treated or proiiouiicM Inctir-
Able , should not fill to wrlto us conccrninit their
symptoms. All letters receive Immediate atten-
> QU.
And will be mnltod I'lllili to aunddrcsi on ro-
'cclpt of ono S-ctnt fttnmp , "Ifnctlcnl Ol ) > ii5rvtt
tloni on Norvoin Debility and 1'liysleal I'.xlmus-
tlon , " tonhlch is adilod an "Ksday on Mixr-
rl KowltUluiporttint chapters on alnensosof
the HenroductUo .Organs , tliovholo formttiffn
\ nlimblo medical troatMo Mhlch should lia rend
by all young men. Address
1712 Lawro'hco St. , Denver , Col.
'Health is Wealth !
Dn.U.U. WFST'S NF.nvB Ann TnCux TnrAT-
MKNT , n gunrnntced upccltlo for Hysteria , Dl7zt >
iiess , Oonvulslonn Fits , .Nurvoiu. . Neuralgia ,
Headache , Niirvous Prostration , cntlTOU by tha
U85 of alcohol or tobacco , Wnkoftimopi. Mental
Depression , Softening of the llrnlrt , resulting la
Itisnnlty.nnd leading to mlsory.decay nnd death ,
rromnturn Old Ago , Itarretmess , Loss of Power
In either sex , Involuntary Losses nnd Spermn-
tbrrhicn caused by over-oxertlon of tlio brnln.
solt-nbiiso or over-indulgence. Kaeh box con-
tnlnsfcns month'H treatment. Jl.UOn box , or six
boxes Tor J5.00 , eont by mall Prepaid -receipt
To euro any caso. With each order rocblvod bv
ug for six boxes , ftccQmpnnlcd KM , wo will
semi the purchaser our written guarantee to ro
tund the money It tlio treatment does liot clToct
a euro , aunrantccs Issued only by C. F. GOOD
MAN. Drngglst , Solo Agent , 11101'arnam Street ,
Omaha , Nob.
Epps's Cocoa
inr n thorough kqorrlotlRO
nhlctiROTcrn.tUo operstv
tlon , Ami by citrefnl
ot.ircll'Mluctod Co
larcaktsst t4iblo nit
whichnnT sityb US . - - . . , . , . - - - - - - -
US' iho-Juiilolout UM > or naoi urtlplo < or diet that a
constitution roar bo xm-luallribnUt upuntil itrong
pnougn la rcnUt OTCCT tcndanc to uljonso. , llun *
ilrodt of snlitlo mnladlaa are ilniulnK nronnd n * rondr
lo attack whorovcr thonitU n-ttuak-polnt. mar
oenpo many n tatnl slind Ur kcoptutt oursolvo * well
rorlincd willi p\ivo"1 > l f > 4 nnil a properly nourlslioil
Irnmo.-Cl l BorvfcoHajiotto.
. Mailoslmnlr.wtli.bc411iiwntoror. | ( : ilk. Sold onlr
In tmlf pound tins br < lrocora labeled '
Or the liquor Hnbit. PoslUrcly Cui cd by
Administering Dr. llaltics' Uoldcu
Itcaabcglvenjnncupof coffeaor ton.vlth -
out the knowledge of the person to King It ; abao-
lutelyiharuiless , and\\111 oirecta poruiaut and
spetay cure , Whothfirtho patltot is to , moderato
drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands ot
drunkards have boclvmailo temperate men who
liavo taken GgldonBpeclllo In their coffee-with
out tholr knawtodire and today bollovo they
quit drinking of their own free will. It never
fall * . The By-stem once Impregnated with the
Specific , it becomcs.nn utter impossibility for
the liquor appetite to exist. Tor Rule by Kulm
, & Co. , 15th ana Douglas ets. , nnd 18th and Cum-
'Ing ' Bts , Omnlm , Neb. ; A. I > . roster &Ilro
Council liluffa , Iowa.
Proprietor Omaha Business College ,
Book-Keeping , Penmanslilp ,
Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing
and Typewriting.
Cend lor Colltge Journal.
B E. Cor 10th nnd Cnpitol Avenue
* \
20 Cents a Week. m
Seven papers n n'cek. Send your order to th *
omce ,
1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building
DR , H , NOBLE , Blair , Neb , , if
Importer and Drccderof
Clydesdale , EiiElisliCoacli & HaiBWetODlaii
Tlier nro nil flno and In prluiu condition anil can.
not full to cult. Thuy consist ( if prlie winner ) and
their Kct. In BroUunu , Caundn and tliU wiuntrr. Our
torniB , nrltoa and liornci vrlll ault > ou. Wrltu for nrl.
ccuHnif pnuluiliirs. lllalrU H mllu iiortli of Omalia.
on T , U. & M , V. 1U U. und O. tit. 1 , M. & U. U. It.
E.T.Allen , M. D.f
Uoiaosopnthlc Bpecluliat ,
Spectacles Accurately 1'rescribed.
J.W. Barnsdall , M. D
Huraceopathio Spociullst ,
Ql/nfecoloylat and Ubitelriclan.
Telephone 079.
Surgeon and Physician ,
Office N. W Corner l < Vh aud IJouglns St. OUUOj
' - " - ' " ) ; lt aHsuwi UUpUoa * , C91.
. * .