Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1888, Image 1

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Harmony and Enthusiasm Marks
the Republican Convention.
J. P. Dolllvcr Presents the Merits of
the Statesman nnd Financier In
ixn Eloquent Address Old
Platforms Reaffirmed.
Iowa's Unanimous Choice.
DBS MOINIW , In. , March 21. [ SpecialTele
gram to the BBE. j The fact llmt Iowa waste
to present a candidate foe the presidency
called out the largest attendance at the stnto
convention to-day that has been seen m years
It has been emphatically nn Allison day.
Allison pictures , Allison flags and Allison
eongs wcro conspicuous In the grand opera
house nnd on Allison spirit of absolute
unanimity and harmony pervaded the con
Although a harmonious convention , It has
not been a slow or tame ono , The liveliest
enthusiasm prevailed nnd every mention of
Senator Allison's name was greeted with
prolonged applause. The republicans of
Iowa seem to realize the opportunity that has
come to them nnd they nro determined to
present Senator Allison to the country with
the hearty "nnd united support of nls state ,
backed by the same spirit of harmony nnd
union that characterize their great loader.
There was no trace in the convention
of any factional feeling or any
disposition to put a feather's
weight of opposition upon Senator Allison's
candidacy that can embarrass him in the
campaign. Ono thing is settled , and that is
that Iowa , .from river to river , Is solid and
safe for Senator Allison. Ho can go to sleep
nt night with no concern lest his stnto will
got lost before morning. The delegates
nnd every Iowa republican considers himself
nn cx-ofllclo delegate say that they hove no
second choice and are to stay by Allison till
bo is nominated. .
J. P. Dolliver was chosen temporary nnd
Governor Larrabeo permanent chairman. In
the course of hU remarks on taking the chair
Mr. Dolllvcrsaid :
For thirty years the republican party has
looked toward the west for reliable devotion
to its principles and steady fidelity to its can
didates. In commending Senator Allison to
the judgment of the American people , wo
offer with his name a clean record , of popular
confidence and support on nil those great ques
tions that enter into the history of the party
and the country. The people of Iowa take
R Just pride in his career , because they them
selves have been faithful to his principles.
They made him their representative in the
darkest year of the civil war , when disaster
bad followed disaster , until deserters were
openly advising the nation to retire from ac
tive business. Ho was their representative ,
when Abraham Lincoln committed the cause
of public liberty , to the keeping of the union
army nnd made the sword of Ulysses S.
Grant the servant of civilization.
Ho was their representative when the
Questions of bonds and currency and coinage
nnd the higher problems of citizenship wcro
pressing with an awful earnestness upon the
thought and conscience of the nation. To
every debate ho gave the riches of a growing
knowledge while his recorded vote is part of.
every victory of sound theories of economy
and finance. In those miserable years , when
adventurers were threatening the natiojial
' credit , and labeling worthless medicines for
poverty nnd debt , this unassuming lowa
senator met the clamor of ignorance with n
Ibvel head and an honest heart , because ho
acted for a people equipped with the saving
grace of common sense a people to whoso
sense of duty the public faith is as sacred as
their lives. And so f i om the first Monday of
December , 1803. for six years in the bouso
end seventeen in the senate , this people has
found in William B. Allison a statesman
thoroughly established in every good word
and work ,
The American people nro entitled to bo
represented in their chief offices by mon
identified in honorable service with the way-
marks of the national progress. The repub
lican party alone can furnish such a man , If
wo can find n man whose record is part of
the Hfo of this generation ; a man who fills
the full measure of public usefulness and
eminence ; a man whose conservative wisdom
bos' earned the confidence of the business
world ; a man whoso modest generosity
has escaped the venom of rivalry nnd the
poison of disappointment ; if wo can find
such n man , wo can not only elect him presi
dent , but with his name wo can perma
nently restore the fallen fortunes of the re
publican party. Such a man is William B.
Allison , the log cabin student of Ohio , ' the
statesman of Iowa. With such a louder the
republican party can call back to their places
the straggling and homeless elements of the
old republican strength. With such a leader
wo can go into the state of Now York and
perfect In good faith a treaty of amnesty and
penco. In presenting the claim of Iowa wo
are not pleading for a subsidy to a doubtful
state. States become doubtful when the
strife of years has at last berne the fruit of
faction. The way to curry doubtful states Is
to pass by tbo surviving partisans of petri
fied quarrels and put the standard of the
party into the hands of a leader who is the
accepted friend of every republican voter In
the United States.
For the first tlmo since 1870 , wo have a
visible line of controversy between the con
tending parties , For eight years the demo
crats have enjoyed an increasing advantage
over us. They have been able to charge a
thousand kinds of corruption and to promise
a thousand varieties of reform. They have
built their platforms on the pattern of u
freight caboose if n man didn't like the view
from his window ho could go up into the
space , reserved for trainmen only , nnd looh
in any direction ho pleased. And so wo had
Randall down in Now York commending the
great Industries of the country to the loving
favor of the democratic party , while Carlisle
was shivering around the villages of Iowa re
lieving his pent up emotions on tariff reform ,
After an extended criticism of Cleveland' *
views on tariff reform as expressed in hie
recent message , Mr. Dolliver concluded :
The republican party understands the pres
ent because it comprehends the forces that He
Vehindit. The selection of William B. Al
lison as the national loader of the party will
bust servo the future because his nauio re
calls every great political achievement for n
quarter of a century. The Impress of bis
trained faculties is upon every act of national
legislation , Ho entered the house of repre
sentatives with Gurtlold and Blalno , and
speedily rose with them to a place among the
masters of the political thought of tlicsc
times. The traditions of the icpubllcan partj
ore sofo in his bunds. In these days , when
the insolence of ofllca does not hesitate to In
suit the national spirit and offend the loyal
sentiment of the country , the name of William
B. Allison stands for the fulfillment of Abra
Imra Lincoln's pledge to tbo vanish
Ing regiments of the old union
army. In presenting his name
to tbo country the republican party of Iowa
renews the promise of Justice to the veteran :
of the civil war. A country which relies foi
Its safety on the good will of its people dan
not face thq infinite peril of disowning the
old ago of the needy survivors of the national
defense. Wo cherish none of the hostllltic !
of other years. The lengthening shadow !
now falling upon the scattered ranks of botl
armies alike are lighted by heroic memories
but the flying years have taken with then
tha bitterness of the past.
With no apology for any principle It hai
ever advocated ; with exultant satisfaction ii
every victory it has over won ; ' with reverent
affection for its dead , and honest enthusiast :
for all its living leaders , tha republlcai
party , turning to the future , welcomes tin
new era of American politics , tin era' pi
peace , of fraternity , of commercial oxpan
slon , of industrial growth an era that 8hal
emancipate labor : that shall sanctify tin
rights of citizenship ; that shall porfuc
education ; that shall realize in the mission of
ho republic all the dreams of patriotism ,
The several district conventions were held
his morning , electing twenty-two delegates
and as many alternates , Some of the most
iromlncnt republicans In the state are on
lie district delegations. Among them are
Jnltcd States Senator James F. Wilson , ex-
Congressman William P. Hepburn , ex-Con
gressman Thomas Updcgraff , of the Fourth
district , cx-GovernorJohn Irwln of Kcokuk ,
General F. M. Drake of Contcrvillo nnd Col
onel Jam09 T. Lane of Davcniwrt. Of the
dclofrates-nt-largo Colonel Henderson , Mr.
Allison's townsman , was elected as his "next
friend" by acclamation. The first ballot
then elected the dclcgatcs-at-largc , Mr , J , S.
Clarkson , editor of the DCS Moinfcs Register ,
receiving the highest : number , or
350 out of 0-15. Mr. Dolliver. the chairman of
the convention , received the next highest
number nnd was chosen to represent the
young men of Iowa. Mr. George D. Perkins ,
of the Sioux City Journal , was next chosen ,
completing the list. The convention chose
Its alternates by acclamation and ratified the
whole with enthusiastic cheers.
Dolllvcr's election as a delegate was a
breaking of the slnto which had been agreed
upon the night boforo. The arrangement
proposed was to select Clnrkson , Henderson.
John Y. Stone nnd Perkins. It was thought
that this would balance the state better
geographically , but the boys in the
convention didn't care much , for geog
raphy , nnd Insisted on running Dolli
ver any way. Ho Is a Virginian
by birth nnd Is now but thirty years ola and
Very popular throughout the stato. The
young men of the convention Insisted on his
nomination and smashed the slate to make it.
Stone had been a member of the state senate
and speaker of the house nnd came very near
election , but Dolliver being thrown .Into the
convention , created a panic that carried Stone
down , popular as ho Was. Tno delegation as
noxvmado up contains some of the best
workers of the stato. The speech presenting
Senator Allison's name to the Chicago con
vention will probably bo made cither by
Colonel Hepburn or Colonel Henderson.
Both are well qualified to do it in a handsome
manner. After the adjournment of the con
vention stops were taken to organize an
Allison brigade which Is to go in uniform to
Chicago to work for Allison. 'This evening
nn enthusiastic ratification meeting is being
hpld , addressed by Hon. M. M. Wcldcn , Hon.
John McHugh , Colonel Hepburn , Hou. A. B.
Cummins and others.
Details of the Convention.
DES MOINES , la. , March Si. The following
delegates to the national republican conven
tion wcro chosen nt the district conventions :
First District Delegates : J. N. Irwin ,
Senator James F. Wilson ; alternates , Col
onel W. B. Bell , Washington county ; L. W.
Myers , Louisa county.
Second District Delegates : Milton Hem-
loy , Johnson county ; James T. Lane , Scott
coun ty ; alternates , Judge C. E. Hedges , Iowa
county ; C. F. Gar lock , Muscatino county.
Third Dlstrlct Delegates : J. D. New
comer , Hardln county E. A. Dawson , Bro-
mcr county ; alternates , Colonel Jed Lake ,
Buchanan county ; B. F. Blrdsall , Wright
.Fourth DIstrJet Delegates : Hon. Tom
Updegraff , Clayton county ; Hon. J. D , Glass ,
Corro Gordo county ; alternates , L. E. Small ,
Howard county ; A. J. Bailey , Winneshiek
Fifth District Delegates : Colonel H. H.
Rood , Linn county ; W. A. Hunter , Benton
county ; alternates , T. L. Longloy , Cedar
county ; MajorS. S. Farwell , Jones county.
Sixth District Delegates : George M.
Christian. Powesheik county ; Captain J. T.
Early , Monroe county ; alternates , A. H.
Fortune. Davis county ; Cunningham ,
Seventh District Delegates : Colonel D.
A. BiKclow , Story county ; Hon. T. J. Caldwell -
well , Dallas county ; alternates , Colonel C.
B. Lathrop , Madison county ; Captain R. L.
Chase , Polk county.
Eighth Districtr-Delegatcs : Colonel W.
P. Hepburn , Page county ; General F. M.
Drake , Appanooso county ; alternates. F , R.
Crocker , Lucas county ; H. M. Tanner ,
Adams county.
Ninth District Delegates : Smith Me-
Phorson , Montgomery county ; W. J. Davis ,
Shelby county ; alternates , E. W. Weeks ,
Guthrlo county ; J. L. Jenkins , Audubon
Tenth Districts-Delegates : W. E. Hanna ,
Kossuth county ; W. L. Culbcrtson , Carroll
county ; alternates , Mahlon Head , Greene
county ; P.M. Polk , Humboldt county.
. H. Kel-
Eleventh District-Delegates ; F. -
scll , Buena Vista county ; Colonel C. Brown ,
O'Brien ' county alternate , H. J. Lendoring ,
Sioux county ; A. R. Moliueaux , Cherokee
The state convention met in the grand
opera house at 11 a. JH. The theater was
profusely decorated "with flags , streamers
and largo pictures of Allison. All tbo boxes
were filled with ladies. Every inch of stand
ing room was filled when Chairman Bcard-
sloyof the state central committee called
the convention to order and introduced Rev.
Dr. Ames , pastor of the first M. E. church ,
who offered an eloquent prayer , invoking di
vine blessing upon tho'rcpubllcan party and Its
great standard bearer. Mr. J. P. Dollivor ,
of Fort Dodge , was then introduced as tem
porary chairman und was received with ap
Mr. Dolllvcr eulogized Senator William
B. Allison , reviewed his career in public life
nnd his special fitness for the presidency. At
tbo close of his speech a life size portrait of
Senator Allison was lowered over the stage
amid prolonged cheering and great enthu
The following secretaries were then an
nounced : Secretary P. H. Bristow , Polk
county ; reading secretary. E. R. Hutchins ,
The roll of congressional districts was then
called and the names of various commlttcos
announced. The names of the district dele
gates was then announced , loud cheers greet
ing the names of well known leaders , such as
Colonel Hepburn , Senator Wilson , ox-Gov
ernor Irwiu , und others. Adjourned till 2
The convention re-assembled at 0:20 , when
the following permanent officers were chosen :
Chairman , Governor Larrabee ; secretary ,
William Walker , of Vanburen county ; assis
tant secietarleSpJ. M , BuchananIowa county ;
Julian Richards , Black Hawk county ; read
ing secretary , Dr. E , R. Hutchins , Polk
county. Colonel E. S. Ornisby , Palo-Alto ;
Johnson Brlgham , Cedar Rapids ; O. M ,
Tadd , Ottuinwa , nnd S. C.JMcFarland , Mar-
shulltown , wcro chosen alternates by accla
mation. Chairman Clarke , of the committee
on resolutions , read the following report ,
which was adopted with three tremendous
cheers :
Realizing ut this time , on the eve of tlio
meeting of the national convention , that u
platform of principles by the republicans of
this state is not required further than a dec
laration of rcaOlrmutiou of the past an
nounced position of the party , yet
the republicans of Iowa improve this
opportunity to declare that with unanimity
and enthusiasm wo present the name of
William B. Allison to the republican conven
tion for nomination for the ofllco of president
of the United States , and wo do this , not
from a feeling of state pride , but from a pro.
found conviction that wo are acting In obedi
ence to an ( Obligation now resting upon repub
licans everywhere to urge the selection only
of the strongest and best candidate. His
quarter of u century of service in both
brunches of congress has been conspicuous
for loyalty to the republic ; for fidelity to the
principles that , unlio the government ; for a
profound knowledge of the material icsources
und needs of the nation ; for great wisdom
and skill in finances ; for broad aud
prudent statesmanship. In party coun
sels ho has been the foe of faction ,
a wlso and trusted counsellor , nnd to the op
position , a fearless , but ever courteous foe.
Ho is in the full vigor of his mental end
physical powers , genial , affable and ap
proachable. Never acting from passion ,
rarely from impulsebut uniformly from calm
consideration and Judgment ; kind in thought
and speech and purpose , -tho embodiment ol
personal and oOIulal Integrity , he presents
the rare combination of all elements for a
strong party candidate and a wise , popular
nnd honored executive , and we commend bis
name to.the judgment of the republicans of
( ho iratlon.
'Much interest was. taken In the detailed
result of tlio voting for delegates at-largo.
The' formal' ballot showed the following :
Total vote in convention , ( MS , Governor
William Larrabee , 124 ; John Y. , _
George D. Perkins , 043 ; J. P. Dolllvcr , 757 ;
J. S. Ciarkson , 845.
Murder Trial nt Glcmvood.
GLBNWOOD , la. , March 21. [ Special Tel
egram to the Bun. ] The case of the stnto
against Rooks , for murder , was commenced
to-day. Hon. L. T. Gcnung , county attor
ney , assisted by W. S. Lewis , csq. , prose
cute , and Watklns & Williams and S. 011111-
land will defend. The trial will occupy
thrco or four days , nnd It is claimed a clear
case of sclf-dofonso will bo established. Some
very Important evidence for the defendant
has Just been learned.
Tlio lee nt Sioux City.
Sioox CITT , la. , March 21. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] The weather last night
turned bitter cold. The ice gorges here nnd
above still hold and nro being strengthened ,
Thfi water fell a trllio this evening. The
danger now is from thawing weather. The
chutes to the Sllbcrhorn packing house nro
under water und hogs have to bo hauled by
wagons. _ _
Probable Death From Exposure of
Thrco Colorado Men.
DEN VEII , Colo. , March 21. | Special Tele
gram to thcBEE. ] A gentleman who reached
Denver last evening on the Kansas Pacific
was met by the Bnn representative this
morning nnd reported a sad occurrcnco of
the late storm and the probable death by ex
posure of thrco men In the vicinity of Kit
Carson , situated on the Kansas Pacific road ,
in the eastern part of the state , near the Kan
sas line. At 3:80 : o'clock Sunday night a
man by the name of Berkley left Kit Carson
for his ranch , some eighteen miles distant , In
a wngon , accompanied by two other men.
Soon after the party loft town the blizrard
swept up from Kansas with terrific forco.
The windblown hurricane aud the air was
full of blinding snow , which the men had to
face. Yesterday Berkley's wife arrived in
Kit Carson , having walked all the way from
their ranch , nnd was nearly detid with suf
fering from , weakness , exposure and
fright. She was alone , the flro
burned out , and to add to the wretchedness
of her condition she discovered thcro were
no matches in the house , nnd so the wretched
woman started for town afoot nnd alone ,
over the bleak nnd wintry prairie. Mrs.
Berkley's plight was n terrible ono. The
snow had drifted into the hollows und the
storm hud wound up with rain and sleet
which had covered the surface everywhere
with an icy coating. She was at once pro
vided with every comfort obtainable.
As soon as Mrs. Berkley arrived in town a
rescuing party was organized , which started
out at about o'clock to search for the miss
ing men. It is thought at Carson that they
may have reached shelter at some Isolated
ranch , and yet it would appear probable , as
many at Carson think , that they were met by
the rain and sleet .and had chilled and
perished before reaching shelter. Fears are
now entertained for the rescuing party ,
which was poorly' prepared for the blizzard
which again came up yesterday afternoon
and raged with blinding fury for several
hours. Although the wind did not blow with
the fury of the previous day , quite a quan
tity of snow has fallen which , if not doing
damage to the rescuing party , may add
greatly to the sufferings of the last party , if
still alive.
An Interesting Suit in Propect at St.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , March 21. [ Special Tele-
am to the BEE. ] There promises to bo an
interesting suit between the Bell telephone
company as plaintiff and either the Union
railway company or the city of St. Joseph
the defendants in a few days. The telephone
company claims that its Savannah wire has
been rendered almost useless by the stronger
electrical current required for the operation
of the street railroad , and that when the line
was extended to the main part of the city the
entire system would bo greatly damaged.
W. S. Elliott , of Now York , representing
the Sprague motor company , and W. M.
Yenamino , superintendent of the St. Joseph
exchange , met a committee of the council to
day to see if the differences could not
bo adjusted. Mr. Yenamino asked that
the Sprague motor company give the
Bell Telephone company a bond indemnify
ing them for any damage to their system and
read letters showing that the electric road in
Scranton , Pcnn. , had damaged the working
of the telephone system in that city. The
scientific discussion which followed was too
abstruse for the aldermen's minds , but it was
decided to do nothing which would impede
the further extension of the road , the com-
mlttecmon asserting that If damage was done
the telephone company could have resourso
against the city by law , its protection was
guaradteed the electric rondby its franchise.
Mr. Ellloto said last evening that the Boll
Telephone company had enjoyed a monopoly
so long that it felt able to crush any corpo
ration which came in its way.
A Chinaman Found Dead With His
Throat Cut.
CIIEYENNB , Wyo. , March 21. [ Special
Telegram to the BEE. ] A terrible murder
was brought to light at Rock Springs yester
day when the body of a Chinaman was found
in a building in Chinatown near the quarters
of Company H , Seventeenth Infantry. Tlio
body of the murdered man was mutilated in
a revolting manner , his throat being cut , his
teeth knocked out and his body slashed with
knives. Four Chinamen have been arrested
charged with the murder. The dead China
man , who lived alone , had several hundred
dollars In the house und the supposition is
that hq was murdered for his money.
CHICAGO , March 21. The joint meeting of
the board of trustees of the university and
the presidents nnd bccretnrics of the state
ooard of agriculture , the Illinois dairymen's
association and the Illinois horticultural
society , was held hero to-day to formulate a
plan for organizing the experimental agricul
tural station provided for by tbo act of con
gress. The following directory was elected :
President , . Regent Peabody ; E. E. Chester ,
of the state board of agriculture ; J. T. John
son , of the horticultural society ; II. B , Gur-
ley , of the dairymen's association ; E. Cobb
and B. Pullcn , university trustees , and G. E.
Morrow , J. T. Burroll and William Mo-
Murllnc , university professors. The direc
tors huvo power to decide upon experiments ,
to expend all monies , erect buildings and exercise
erciso other powers necessary In parrying out
the requirements of the act ,
i i
Voted Railroad Bonds.
MASON CITV , la. , March 2 ! : [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] Osage to-day , by a vote
of 231 to 70 , voted a 5 per cent tax amounting
to Sf3),000 in aid of the Winona & Southwest
ern road. The present survey runs from
Winona to Preston nnd Osage to Mason City.
One survey has been made north of Preston
to Chatflcld and Spring Valley , nnd one
south of Lanorsboro. The three places are
striving to secure the road. One of the con
siderations voted at Osage to-d.ay was that
the road was to connect Osage with Mason
Stolen Jewels Recovered.
. SAN FHANCISCO , March 21. Detective
Hume , of Wells , Fargo & Co. , is advised that
after the Steins , pass train robbers had been
killed by Mexican troops , all the stolen diamonds
mends , etc. , except 8100 , were recovered from
the boaies. , . jt .
Clovolnml Accepts.
' BAT/mianii , Md. , March 21. A letter was
received to day from President Cleveland ac
cepting his election as member at the blown-
ii > b' lake trout fibbing club ,
The Nebraska Statesman Tolls What
Ho Knows About Hogs.
Lively Times In the Cnpltol With
.Lightning Kearney nml Clove *
land Mamlcrson's Ft. Omaha
Dill Pnsrtcs the Scnntc.
Tlio Lard Investigation.
'WABniNOTON. D. O. , March 21. )
The investigations being made Into the
manufacture of compound or refined lard by
the committee of congress in connection with
the consideration of the bill to impose a tax
upon compound lard , took n now turn to-day.
For some tlmo it has been evident that the
Dublications which nro being made of this
Investigation and the general tendency the
testimony is taking would dcgrado the Am
erican hog products In foreign countries and
ruin our export trade unless there was n halt
called. It Is n matter of great importance to
every hog producer in the country and of
direct interest to almost every consumer. At
the meeting of the house committee on agri
culture to-day this question was brought up
by several of the members and talked over
with a view to adopting a policy which would
curtail the field being explored in this
investigation. It was conceded that
far greater injury was being done to the hog
raisers and pork packers of the country than
was over attempted against the manufactur
ers of compound lard.
Mr. Laird , a member of the committee ,
was naturally very earnest in advocating
protection to the producers of hogs and their
products inasmuch as Nebraska is largely a
hoc raising state. Ho stated to the commit-
tco that this investigation had arrived at a
point where it is confronted with the ques
tion whether it should bo confincd'to such
evidence as is in rebuttal of the case sought
to bo made by the pure lard manufacturers.
Ho said that there seemed to bo a represent
ative for every interest involved present by
counsel and backed by witnesses except the
producers ; that the producers of Nebraska ,
Missouri , Iowa , Kansas and Illinois , together
with the 00,000,000 American consumers
and the balance of1 Christendom , which last
year bought 321,000,000 of the 527,000,000
tierces of lard produced in the United States ,
wcro the actual uartlcs interested in this in
vestigation and were the only ones not repre
sented on the floor of the committee by coun
sel ; that ho thought it high tlmo somebody
should speak for the honor of the American
hog , and contended that neither the commit
tee nor congress should allow the contention
between competing tradesmen to , bring
wholesale ruin upon the innocent producers
of the great west. , Mr. Laird , in connection
With his remarks , ; submitted a variety of
amendments , whioh will bo considered in
connection with the bill before the commit
tee , and which if adopted , will probably pre
clude the possibility of rsuccessful adultera
tion of this product , and if enforced will cer
tainly give American lards and meats a
status at homo and abroad immensely to their
advantage. "A a matter of history , " said
Mr. Laird , "tho killing of the hog consumed
nt homo and abroad was principally done in
the cast , than in Chicago , St. Louis and like
points. Now the bulk of it is
done at Kansas City , Omaha , Sioux
City and the west. When it was
necessary to transport the western hog
twelve or fifteen hundred miles 19 slaughter
there was necessarily a great loss in quantity
by death , smothering , etc. . and a necessary
deterioration in the quality of the product.
As it is now , the producer , the seller and the
consumer are advantaged by the slaughter
at homo. The change in the place oC killing
and manufacture of the hog crop of the west
ern states has been to the disadvantage of
tho'eastern dealer , but it has been to the
vast advantage o the producer and con
sumer. To this fact may bo referred much
of the interest which , as am.atterof business ,
is to-day manifested by certain parties to
this investigation. "
Mr. Laird impressed the committee with
the fact that the fight over this bill was ono
between eastern and western interests , the
lard and meat manufacturers in the cast being
the promoters of the measure. The committee
adopted n rule , providing that in taking tes
timony hereafter no departure shall bo al
lowed from the rule that testimony must bo
confined strictly to the rebuttal of the case
sought to bo made on the question as to
whether cotton seed oil and other compounds ,
such as stcariuo , are in fact wholesome and
It is not likely that thcio will bo a meeting
of the conference committee on the Oinahn
public building bill till action is taken by the
housoon the bill making nn appropriation for
the public building at Kansas City , which
measure is now on the calendar. Senator
Vest , who is u member of the conference
committee , is particularly interested in the
Kansas City bill. Itmayho.that there will
bo delay till the Kansas City bill can bo' re
ferred to the same conference committee.
The sub-commltteo of the house committee
on commerce to-day heard Judge Jerry Wil
son in opposition to Mr. McShauo's bill
authorizing the construction of n bridge
across the Missouri at Omaha , Mr. McShano
appeared and poke m behalf of this bill.
Thu twenty or thirty statesmen who have
prcgiuentul lightning rods erected at the
capital got a shock this afternoon at 2 p. m.
und there was a liberal shock thrown in for
overybdoy else who were under the domo.
The afternoon was sultry and rainy , The
moment was ono fraught with dullness on
Hoar of both houses n peal of thunder , ac
companied a vivid flash of lightning , rent the
air and Illuminated the heavens. The bolt
spent its fury on tha immense bronze Goddess
of Liberty on the apex of the doino of the
capital. The whole gigantic superstructure
of the dome is bolted iron and is so arranged
us to meet the emergency it came in contact
with to-day. Connected with it are iron sills ,
windows and door facing clear down from
floor to floor till tlo ) basement is reached and
then into the ground , making a complete
lightning conductor of the entire three acres
of roof , so that the tremendous crash which
came this afternoon was conducted
to the eaith , but not till it
traversed every rod and plpo and
wire in the whole building and electrified
everybody and everything us was never
hcaidof before. Tlio facings of the doors
and windows are irons Joined to ether iron
castings , which have direct connection with
the dome und the Goddess of Libeity upon
it. Thora was u deafening roar on the dome
and then down throughaall the corridors , in
the committee rooms on tbo floors of the two
houses came balls of burning fire , as though
the very oxygen ono breathed was a blaze ,
At the same instant there were sounds which
resembled the firing of pistols nil over the
capitol. The reading clerk of the house
cleared his dreary monotones , members
sprang to their feet and pages ran out of the
chamber. Every eye was turned to the
ceiling where the electric lights had been
giving their brilliant rays and which were
now dark. People expected the roof to full
upon them. Gicat balls of lire
flashed across the hall of the
house. In the lepootcrfe1 gallery there
was a rush. Tlio lightning toro out the
switch boards Intho telegraph oftlco , cutting
off all connection and sending the operators
scampering * The saino scene was presented
in the senato. There was u dreadful stillness
in both houses for several minutes. Tlio
whcsof the two press associations and in
fact all of the telegraph companies wcro dis
abled for tho. afternoon. As BOOH as the
cnut.0 of the crash was known there was a
rjnnlng to and fro to .ascertain if any dam
age \vus d us , A hoJso attached to , a cab
Just outside the cnpltol was killed. The clo-
vator conductors were terribly shocked nml
the wires throughout the building for all
kinds of electric apparatus were prostrated ,
the Joints melted nnd everywhere bolts of
lightning visited the rooms , It was souio
tlmo before it was comprehended how such a
general flood of electricity could hnvo visited
the entire building without wrccklngportlons
of it or burning certain wood work. But the
building was built with a view to Just such a
Dennis Kearney , the widely known sand
lot orntor of San Francisco , who has been In
Wnahihgton n couple of months working in
the Interest of the bill before the house com
mittee on foreign affairs prohibiting Chinese
immigration , will leave for his homo tomorrow
row thoroughly disgusted with the results of
his labor. Ho says ho will return hero , however -
over , in nbout a month and make it uncom
fortable for some statesmen If they don't '
pass tha bill , and the eonnto if the Chinese
treaty now pending is not rejected. Dennis
called upon President Cleveland this mornIng -
Ing to say good-byo nnd express himself on
the subject of the now treaty. "That treaty , "
said ho to the president , "would ruin the poo-
you from the Pacific slope not ono , sir. for
your treaty is worse than the present condition
of affairs. The clause permitting Chinamen
to return hero after they leave for their
native country if they have $1,000 worth of
property in this country will bring millions
a-f them to our shores , for they will make n
wholesale business of that perjury which has
only been retailed. Then they will come in
by regiments over the Canadian border.
Why don't you stop them from coming in
from Canada ) " The president replied that
ho know of no way to stop the Chinese
walking into our country over the Canadian
border , as ho could not put a policeman at
every twenty stops to patrol the frontier.
"Do you mean to say then , mister presi
dent , " exclaimed Dennis in his best English ,
"that there is no way to prevent Bridget
Flannlgnn from throwing her slops out on
the front door stops of the homo of Bridget
O'Haro ? " The president could not answer
the slmillo , and Dennis continued : "Well ,
I've got only ono thing to say , sir , nnd that
is that your treaty is a fraud and will bo de
feated. The senate will never ratify it. It
will ruin the political future of every senator
who votes for It. You must acknowledge
that the people on the Pacific slope know
more about Chinese curses in a ininuta than
you and your secretary of state do in n
year. Wo do not want it , and
if you force It upon us your
party is ruined. Wo don't ' want a manifestly
bad treaty n law that cannot bo changed for
twenty years by congress pr any ono except
by consent of the Chinese empire. Wo want
a law by congress which wo can amend at
any time if wo find it vicious.
In the senate this afternoon the house bill
throwing open to settlement the Sioux Indian
reservation in Dakota was taken up as a sub
stitute for the Dawos bill on the same sub
ject and promptly passed. There were some
wide differences between the two measures
relating mostly to the acquisition ofho land
from the original owners , but the bill was
passed with but minor amendments , which
can readily bo adjusted , probably on the floor
of the house , without the work of a confer
ence committee. The limit of time fixed in
the bill when it passed the house within
which the St. Paul & Northwestern railroad
company must complete their lines across
the reservation was increased from three to
four years and the clause allowing laud
absolutely necessary for railway stations ,
side-tracks , etc. , was amended so as to give
the companies a reasonable amount of land
necessary for this purpose , both being in
favor of the railroads. But there was a
clause inserted prohibiting the sale of the
aud thus given the reads. Some other
equally trival amendments were inserted
which the house will likely accept without
delay and the bill will , it is thought , very
soon become a law. This is the most import
ant of the three bills passed at this session
two are yet pending in the senate opening
Indian reservations to settlement. The
whole Sioux reservation comprises about 23-
000,000 acres of land and of this nearly 12-
000,000 are to be placed at the disposal of
actual settlers. The other two reservations
lie in Minnesota and Montana.
About three million acres will bo opened to
settlers in Minnesota by the bill which al
lots lands in severally to the Indians resid
ing on the White Earth and Red Lake reser
vations in that stato. Provision is made for
protecting the interests of the Indians by re
quiring their consent to the terms of the bill
and raising the annual interest fund to bo
distributed among them from ST5COO to ? 90-
000 and the permanent fund from $2,500,000 ,
to $3,000,000. In Montana a broad oclt of
land from North Dakota to the Ilocky moun
tains nnd now occupied by the Gras Ventro ,
Piegan , BlacUfcct and Crow tribes of Indi
ans , is added to the government lands open
to settlers. It comprises 17,000,000 acres
and is nearly bisected by the Missouri
river. Tlio tributaries of the same
river penetrate it in every direction and it
will probably form a valuable addition to the
agricultural resources of the northwest. By
these three bills a gross addition of 33,000,000
acres is made to the public lands now open
for settlement and development. This Is an
area larger than either New York or Penn
sylvania or Ohio comprise , nnd it is but a
little smaller than the state of Iowa. Of
course the opening of such immense tracts of
land will add greatly to the prosperity of the
state and territories in which they Ho. Da
kota especially will feel the impulse throuph
an enlarged immigration and a consequent
increase in its agricultural and mineral
products. The opening of the Sioux reserva
tion in this territory has been eagerly waited ,
as It covered nearly one-fourth of the area of
Dakota and cut off all meatis of communica
tion with southern Montana nnd the Black
Hills und impeded the onward march of do-
'volopuicnt ' from the cast at the Missouri
The bill for the relief of Major D. N. Bash ,
who was robbed last summer , was passed by
the senate this afternoon.
Dr. Gerth , of Lincoln , is in the city. Ho
has been attending u national meeting of
veterinary surgeons at Baltimore.
Hon. Samuel H. Fuirull. of Iowa City , Is
on a visit to his old Washington and Mary
land friends. Ho has long been a leading
member of the Iowa bar und for several
years past on the district bench , holding high
rank in the Judiciary. He is at 1825 G street ,
the truest of his friend , Congressman Hayes.
The comptroller of the cuirency received u
dispatch this morning announcing that the
Commercial National bank of Dubuque , la. ,
has closed its doors.
Mrs. Clara B. Colby , of Beatrice , arrived
last night , and was to-day busy with the
other ladies nt the Brlpgs house , who are en
gaged in preparing for the international
council of women , Mrs. Colby , who Is edi
tor of the Woman's Tribune , has for the
tlmo transferred liar oftlco to this city , and
will issue her paper hero as the official organ
of the council. It is expected that nearly nil
the delegates to the council will bo hero Sat
urday and attend the meeting of delegates
Saturday afternoon.
Senator Mand.crson to-day secured the
passage of his bill providing that United
States judges must reduce their charges to
Juiies in writing , The senator also faecured
the passage of his bill for the sulo of Fort
Omaha and the selection of a now and larger
National Capital Notes.
WASHINGTON , March 21 , The house com-
mlttco on agriculture to-day instructed tbo
chairman to report back adversely the bill
grunting a bounty on exports of grain , and
recommend that it bo laid on the table.
The house committee on territories to-day
decided to report a bill'for the organization
of the territory of Alaska.
The confreres of the urgent deficiency bill
have ugreed upon a report : The amendment
placed upon the bill li | the house uppropriut-
$937,000 to reimburse the btato of Texas for
expenses incurred In rppelllng invasion is
agreed to by the senate confreres , nnd they
also agree to the amendment to pay custo
dians and Janitors qf public buildings , the ap
propriations , however , bfcing reduced from
f S.OOO to * 15,000.
At a recent meeting of the senate commit
tee on inter-stato commerce it was voted by
the majority to strike from the , inter-btate
net the words "under substantially similar
circumstances nnd conditions" and the second
end section , of.tho bill which relates to dis
crimination between persons , but this notion
was not considered very important it itself ,
since there were ether qualifying terms In
the section which loft Itaolasttcltypractlcally
unimpaired. To-day , however , upon n prop
osition to strike these words , as well as the
suspension proviso , from the long and short
haul section , of which they form a very Im
portant part , the committee , after n long nnd
earnest discussion , determined the matter
adversely , thus leaving the law in this re
gard practically unchanged.
Senator Cullom , in behalf of the minority
of the committee on territories
, to-day pre
sented n report opposing the annexation of
the panhandle of Idaho to Washington terri
tory nnd favoring the ndmlsslon into the
union of the territory of Washington with its
present boundaries.
Army Orders.
WASHINGTON , March 21. [ Special Tele-
grnin to the BEE. ] Sixty recruits have been
ordered to the Sixth cavalry and twenty to
the Fourth cavalry.
Thirty colored recruits have been ordered
to the Department of the Platto.
Captain Henry J. Nowlnn , Seventh cav
alry , has been granted five days' extension of
First Lieutenant James W. Watson , Tenth
cavalry , has been ordered to return to his
station nt San Carlos. Ariz.
Captain James C. Worthlugton , assistant
Burgoonhos been granted four months' leave.
Nebraska and Iowa Pensions.
WASKiNaTONMarch21. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. ] Pensions were granted the fol
lowing Nebraskans to-day : Original Invalid
Henry C. Cooper , Fletcher. Increase-
John Klnnoy , Davenport ; George W. Spray ,
Hastings. Mexican survivors Alonzo Bean ,
Bartloy. Widows Widow of Isaac Wallln ,
Omaha ; Jane , widow of Joseph Mnrkis ,
Pensions for lownns : Original invalid
. . . , .
i w * i VM. | .uvu Aiwi\xdi Lll\s * Jla\J llllillU * & *
Bell , Creston. Reissue William T. Hobbs ,
Bloomflold' William Ellison , Drakesvillo.
Reissue nnd Increase Delso S. Nash , Dun-
lap. Mexican survivors William C. Linton ,
Osago. i i
Postal Changes.
WASHINGTON , March 21. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] August Glair was to-day
appointed postmaster of Delta , Otoo county ,
vice Edward J. Cooper , removed.
Resolutions of Sympathy on the Death
of Vice President Potter.
WYMOUE , Nob. , March 21. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] At a union mooting of
divisions 290 , Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers , nnd 812 , Brotherhood of Locomo
tive Firemen , the following resolutions were
unanimously adopted :
Resolved , That by the death of Mr. T. J.
Potter the railroad men throughout the
country have lost a true friend , ono who was
over ready with helping hand to aid them in
tholr struggle for right.
Resolved , That by the death of Mr. T. J.
Potter his family have lost an affectionate
nnd devoted husband and father , nnd may
Ho who rules the universe comfort them in
their sad bereavement.
Resolved , That the members of both divi
sions extend to them their heartfelt sym
pathy , and that a copy of these resolutions bo
sent to Mrs. T. J. Potter as a token of respect
to her beloved husband. .
Resolved , That wo , the members of the
above named lodges , condemn with indlgna-
tiott-tho-'actimi ot Superintendent W. C.
Brown in refusing to grant the request of
Mrs. Potter , and that wo consider him totally
unqualified for the position no holds.
Resolved , That wo consider the action
taken by Division Superintendent Brown in
refusing to grant the request of Mrs. T. J.
Potter that of allowing Brother Thomas
Tucker to run the engine drawing the funeral
tram as a direct insult to both organiza
Resolved. That a copv of these resolutions
bo scut to tbo Omaha BUE for publication.
An Orjjan For Dcpow.
NEW YOUK , March 21. [ Special Telegram
to tbo BEE. ] Negotiations for the purchase
of the Mall nnd Express were very quietly
conducted by Elliot F. Shcpard , son-in-law
of the late William Vanderbilt. Rumor puts
the price at 150,000 or $300,000. A strong
nnd natural prcsumntlon is that the chnngo
is designed to foster Dcpew's aspirations and
chances for ths presidency. Hitherto the
Vanderbilt family and connections have not
been identified with journalism. An article
on Depcw's availability is conspicuous in the
first issue under the now management. Mr.
Field Jeft for Lakewood , N. J. , shortly after
closing the transfer of tbo paper. His son
Edwin said : "Father always declared ho
wouldn't ' take less than half a million for tlio
paper. Ho got his price. There was no
special reason for soiling. Don't iknow why
Mr. Shcpurd wanted it. The matter was
talked over only a few days ago nnd the con
tracts concluded and transfer made. Father
was not tired of .running the paper. I don't '
think the sale has any political significance.
Father is a strong Blaine man , but friendly
to Depew also. " Mr. Sbcpard was seen in
the Mull and Express ofllco. Ho said :
"Neither Depew nor Vnnderbilt know any
thing about it until the contracts were mado.
The paper will not bo run In the interest of
anyone man or set of men , but for the people.
I bought it to make monoy. There will bo
no change in the policy of the paper. The
editorial force will remain unchanged. "
The Rohhcry of Kentucky's Treasury.
LOUISVILLE , March 21. Conservative re
ports from the state capital place the amount
of Tale's deficit between $125,000 , nnd 5150-
000. More sensational dispatches placed the
sum far abova thcso figures , ono of them at
3193,000 , aud crediting Expert Samuels with
the statement that it will probably reach
$500,000. Nothing is known of Tato's where
abouts. It Is believed ho fled from Cincin
natl , where he was last seen , to Buffalo and
thcnco to Canada.
Auditor Hewitt stated to a reporter that
TioasurerTato's shortage would fall under
$200,000 , and above $190,000. , A dispatch from
Frankfort to the Evening Times states the
report recommending the impeachment of
Talc has been adopted und also a. resolution
authorizing the offering of a reward ot $5,000
for Tato's apprehension.
FKANKFOUT , Ky. , March 21. The Joint com-
mlttco appointed by the legislature yesterday
In their report concerning the proper meas
ures to bo taken in the late defalcation case ,
recommended Impeachment.
Among the missing treasurer's assets are
said to bo fTR.OOOof duo bills from friends for
money loaned , most ot which is good ; COO
barrels of old whisky in Louisville , value es
timated at $50,000 , and (25,000 In the bank at
Frankfort. Auditor Hewitt now says the
deficit will fall considerably under the esti
mate of { 200,000. The unbusinesslike state
of affairs which the investigation shows bus
existed for years in tbo treasurer's ofllco now
absorbs a considerable portion of public at
The political effect of the defalcation is dis
cussed on all sides. Whllo the republicans
exult , the democrats point to the splendid
record Governor Buckner has made , and his
prompt action upon the first Intimation that
all was not right in punning the investigation
which hud already been demanded by the
party in the legislature. Thcro Is a disposi
tion on the part of tlio assembly to go to the
very bottom of the matter and shield no one.
Wyoming Sheep.
RAWI.INS , Wyo.j March 21. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] Nebraska parties are
largely buying sheep .here for eastern mar
kets. J , Lansing'of-FalrAoJd , Neb. , pur
chased yesterday f JS.OOO worth and \ \ lbuy \
more. There areB75,000 fat wethers for saloon
on the Kuwllns r&ngo. Thcnj VTUB llttlo if
any sheep los last wii'tor ,
Many HOUBOS Demolished and People -
plo Killed and Injured.
Another Blizzard tinging and Rail
road Traffic Blocked Three Col
orado Men Supposed to Hnvo
Perished In the Storm.
A Death Dealing Cyclone.
NASHVILLE , Tonn. , March 21. Disp itchc
to-night state that the cyclone which did such
great damnpo at Cnlhoun , Go. , passed over
the East Tennessee near Lonolrs , Much
damage was done nnd several lives lost.
The residence of J. Williams , three miles cast
of Lenoirs , was completely swept away and
his wife carried oft in the wreck nnd killed
The storm then crossed the Tiinberrido nnd
toro up every trco by the roots in Its track.
The house of James Llnglnfaltor was reduced
to kindling wood. In it were John U. Smith ,
% vho was killed , nnd n little daughter of
Llngcnfaltcr who had n leg broken. Tlio
dwellings of William King nnd John
Gideon were blown down. Seven
members of the King family wcra
badly injured nnd two of the Gideons
were so seriously hurt that they cannot re
cover. The house of Lafayette Prottcr was
wrecked nnd Jackson Pratter was blown
over the fence , but escaped with slight in
At London , Tcnn. , the house of George
Moses was completely destroyed nnd dvcry
member of his family badly hurt. Andrew
Worloo's house was also carried nway nnd
the members of his family escaped with tholr
lives. They nro all seriously injured.
Tcrrlblo Electric Storm In Georgia.
ATLANTA , Gn. , March 21. A terrible cleo-
trlo storm enveloped the state last nlghi. In
Falrburn both colored churches wcro de
molished , the court house chimneys torn oft
and ether damage dono. Around Gainesville
much damage was dono. The colored Baptist
church was completely demolished. Vnlhoun
suffered the most In north Georgia. It was vis
ited by a terrible funnel-shaped cyclone , which
cut a swath sovcnty-flvo yards wide through ,
the town , taking the courthouse. Every
building in its path was destroyed or dam
aged. The Baptist church was demolished
and the colored Methodist church razed. Tno
southern nrm of the storm passed eastward
through Tolofar county , taking everything in.
its path 400 yards wide. The turpentine
Avorks of Whiddon & Holland , two miles
north of Lumber City. were com
pletely demolished. Whldden & Holland ,
who were in the building , rushed out , but
had run only n few steps when the house was
blown over on them nnd crushed them to
death. Two ether men sleeping in another
house were also crushed and killed by the-
house being blown upon them. Several
others were wounded and injured. General
reports come in of houses being blown away
and fences destroyed.
CHATTANOOGA. Tcnn. , March 31. A special
reports a terrible wind storm nt Cnlhoun
Ga. , last night. The storm demolished the
Baptist and Methodist churches , destroyed
several houses and unroofed every house in
the town. Numbers of cattle were killed.
No loss of life has been reported , but four or
live persons were wounded by falling tim
More Killed.
SAVANNAH , Gn. , March SI. A cyclone-
struck Lumber City , Gn. , ( his morning. B.
V. Holland , of the firm of Holland , Strick
land & Co. , and W. B. Whiddon , of the firm
of Whiddon & Holland , both prominent men. .
were killed.
Terrific ) Storm.
PiTTsnuno , March 21. A terrific wind
storm accompanied by heavy rain passed over
this section this morning , doing damage to-
telegraphic service. The poles are down in
all directions and the wires are working-
Iowa Roads Blocked.
MASON Cur , In. , March 2l. > [ Special Tele
gram to the BKB. ] A severe blizzard sot inhere
hero at 0 o'clock a. m. , and has continued :
through the day. Trains west of hero on tha
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul road havo-
been abandoned. The Central is blocked In
ton miles north of hero , and the Mason City
& Fort Dodge is blocked near Meservcy.
Ilnging in the Northwest ,
ST. PAUL , Minn , , March 21. Specials re
ceived hero indicate that a cold wave of great
severity accompanied by a heavy snowfall
and n cutting forty-mllo-nn-hour wind prevailed -
vailed nt various points in southeastern Da
kota , Minnesota and northern Wisconsin
last night and to-day. Only the general
absence of loose snow has prevented a gen
eral blockade of railroads. As it is most of
the trains are behind time.
An Arctic Blast In Wisconsin.
CIIIITBWA FALLS , Wis. , March 21. An
arctic blast struck this vicinity to-day and
filled the railroad cuts with snow. Trains on
the Omaha road are stalled between here
and Enu Claire. Scattering reports from
other parts of the state nro that the heavy
snow storm In northern Wisconsin yesterday
was followed to-day by the arctic wave , and
the mercury averages from 10 to 15 bolo > y
zero. _
A Train Load Snowed In.
MINNEAPOLIS , Mipn , , March 21 A passen-
gen train on the Chicago & Northwestern
road is reported to bo snowed In between
Havana nnd Claiemont , Minn , , with between
ouo hundred and fifty und two hundred pas
sengers on board. Provisions are exhausted
nnd supplies were sent this afternoon from
Owatonua , there being no pi obpccts of get
ting the train out ,
Violent Winds in Massachusetts.
PALMEII , Mass. , March 21 , A severe rate
storm , accompanied by violent winds , baa
prevailed throughout western Massachusetts
since 10 this morning , inundating meadows
for miles and badly washing highways. The
Quaboge river overflowed Its banks and the
huge Ice gorge is gradually washing away ,
If tiio entire gorge is lifted great damage to
property will turoly follow. Several rail 1
road bridges have been washed away. Seri 3
ous tioublo Is feared. i
A Blizzard in Illinois.
BLOOMINOTON , ILL. , March 21 , A genuine
blizzard struck this vicinity about dusk : Tbo
thermometer , which stood at 28 ° above this
morning , is now , at 10 p , m , , standing at 12 °
above and will doubtless go lower.
Causing Serious Floods.
NEW Yonic , March SI. Advices to the
Associated press are to the effect that the
rains of to-day and the melting of the vast
quantity of snow which fell during the recent
storm are causing serious floods at various
points in southern New York and northern
Great Suffering In Spain.
MADUID , March 21. Heports are being re
ceivcd of great suffering among the people la
the rural districts owing to the sevoio
weather. Many peasants perished In > the
snow und cattlu arid sheep were lost in drifts.
Thuns buve caused borious flood in the Ebro
und Tagus vulloj u.
English ConsolH Conversion Hill.
LUKDUN , March 21 , The consols conver
sion bill passed tins committee stage In tha
hmisoof commons to-night. The queen loft
Windsor to dny for Portsmouth en route
for Italy. She -.Till icj.mln abroad for three
weeks. '