Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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i Boat of Condemnation Stamped
' j Upon the Jefferson Squara DeaL
tTho Structure Located ou Karnnm
Street By tlto Will iff the People -
plo and There It Ought
to Itofnnln.
Fublto Opinion Ilcgnrillng the City
Hall Site.
In order to ascertain UiO opinion of
property-holders and prominent citizens ns to
whether a change ot the city hall silo Is
desired by them , the Bun has quito thorough
ly canvassed the business sections of the
city ; nnd to-day presents the first Installment
of popular sentiment :
M. Elgutter Am most emphatically op
posed to any other than the present site.
James Stcphonson Of course I nm opposed
to any removal. The proper place for the
city hall Is opposite the county court house
"A. T. Hector There is no reason for any
change in the location. It Is the best place In
the city nnd I will never vote to change It.
Jj V , Wilhclmy 1 nm in fnvor of a re
in oval from its present site. [ Mr. Wllholm y
i declined to stnto his reason's or nt what ,
point ho would llko to sco the building erect
ed. ]
E. Hnncy Most certainly I nm against any
removal. I shall oppose it whenever I can.
Will Krug The present location is the ono
wo want. There Is no reason for moving.
The expense would ba great and I am em
phatically opposed to tho-proposed change.
M. II. Howes It would bo nonsense to
change thu location. Put mo down as pledged
to voto'against any such proposition.
O. M. Kibbcl Am emphatically opposed to
, miychango.
1 Edmund Pcyclco Would not for an in-
Btnnt Seriously consider a proposition to
change the site. By all means put me down
as thoroughly opposed to any such scheme.
Julius Meyer You can say that I nm
thoroughly opposed to any removal. I would
like to sco thu work being pushed rapidly for
W. II. Hughes There Is no occasion for a
, removal. The ) jeoplo have voted to locate
the city hall on the present site aud a largs
Bum hat been expended on the foundation ,
J. T. Koblnson I can see no reason for
making a change. The proper place for the
city hall is at Eighteenth nnd Farnam , and I
will oppose the selection of any other.
llobett Easson Inasmuch as a largo" sum
pf money has already been expended and
furthermore thut the present site is the most
desirable in the city , I am 'heartily opposed
to uny change.
II. II. Mcday You can put mo down ns
most emphatically opposed to any change of
location , and I shall not only vote against
such n proposition but use all my influence
. in the sumo direction.
Henry W. Yates On general business
' , principles I am opposed to any change of lo
cution. I am not as well informed on the
subject ns I should be , and there may bo
strong arguments on the part of these favoring -
, ing a removal.
1 G. W. Saxe It would bo very foolish to
change the location of the city hall. lam
, decidedly against it.
J. J. Mueller Of course I favor the pres-
, cut location , and will use all my mllucnco in
its favor.
L. D. Kennedy This talk of changing thn
city hall location is too much like child's
play. I nm opposed to an } ' change. The
present site is the most desirable m the city.
Gcorgo-H. Guy Never would vote for a
change of location.
D. M. Welty I am In favor of sitting down
upon any councilman who attempts to defeat
the choice of the people as to the city hall
location. It's the ono wo want and I think
the hall will bo built there.
Ed B. Williams I can't understand why
nny effort should bo made to change tbo loca
tion. Let the work go on under the plans
D. Sullivan I favor the present plans and
slto. Work should bo begun nt once.
I U. E. Stein There is no reason why the
site should bo changed. I favor the original
O. B. Smith In my opinion the city hall
should bo much larger than indicated in the
Myers plans , but the proper location Is at
Eighteenth and Ftirnarn.
A. Shiverlck I nm heartily opposed to any
chungo in the original plans and specifica
tions or of any other change.
Ed Mauror I favor a removal , but not to
' Jefferson square. Should like to sco the hall
erected two blocks north of the present site
so that it would bo more central.
B. Kowmau On general business prin
ciples would vote against any change of loca
tion.L. . Drake I am heartily in favor of the
present site and think work should be pushed
forward as rapidly ns-possible.
B. B. Woods I am not as well posted on
the situation as I might be , but as a large
Bum has already boon spent I should go
nhcad with the work.
George W. Cook The present slto Is- the
natural site for the city hall. It would be
folly to make a change.
Samuel Burns I did not want the city hall
nt Eighteenth and Farnam streets in the first
placo. But as the people chose that location
I say let it bo thoro.
A. D. Morse There is no justiceor right
in the attempt "to change the location of the
city hall. Its present site is the proper ono ,
and I shall do all In my power to defeat any
proposition looking to of change.
S. A. Orchard I am decidedly in favor of
the city hall bomg built on the present site
and shall oppose any proposition to uiuko a
Milton Rogers I want to see the city hall
'built at Eighteenth and Farnam streets.
Under no circuinstaucos would I favor a re
Mr. Boldcn , of Thompson , Boldon & Co.
I don't know why any change should bo
mado. Jeflorson square Is tbo last place ih
the city where I would want to see ft.
Kuhn Brothers Wo nro emphatically op
posed to any change in the location. The
present site is where the city hull should bo
Li. O. Jones It ls essential to the convon-
inco of the people of Omaha that the city hall
should bo built at Eighteenth and Furnum ,
.and I am opposed to uny change whatever in
the original plans.
J , T , Klnslur Go on with thn work at once
is what I sny. Wo don't want any other lo
cation or plans.
M. Hellmun 1 would not vote for nny
change In the location of the city hall. The
work should goon , and bo commenced at
r D. H. Dowman Lot the work on the city
ball bo pushed at onco. It's the best location
in the city.
C , W. Hamilton I cannot say that I tavor
the present , site , but 1 would prefer it to Jefferson -
forson square. My objection to Eighteenth
nnd Farnam is that It would bo hidden from
View by the BUB building.
John Field It should remain where it la
this Jefferson square Job should bo discounte
nanced by every taxpayer In the city.
It. E. Allen The only difficulty with the
present slto Is , it strikes mo , mi insufficiency
of room otherwise the locution is tltop. | .
Judge Borka Tho' people voted on the
Blto , aud I think their volco should bo the
law In this matter. Again , it is central , ac
cessible , and certainly suits ) u majority of our
citizens. This wrangle is certainly ill-timed
nnd uncalled for.
F. E. Munn Am decidedly of ( he opinion
thut the city hall should go right up where it
is , The site could not well bu improved
John S. Wood Another popular vote
would settle the matter that the building
should bo completed where it has boon begun.
Jefferson square will do well enough for a
market place.
Building Inspector Whltlock I don't want
to bo interviewed , but will say that thu build
ing should certainly bo erected within the
city limits.
Chief of Police Seavoy I think Omaha is
destined to be n great city , and the day is
bound to como when a loud cry will bo heard
for resting places or parks , llanscom park ,
outside of Jefferson square , is the nearest ro-
BOrt wo havo. Think the parties who have the
interests of Omaha at heart ought to con
sider this question. Let the city hall remain
whom it Is keep Jefferson square for a park
for the children , beautify and adorn it , make
it a thing of beauty and a joy forever ,
J. G. O'Lcary The ball should bo built
upon its present site , without further delayer
or monkeying.
General George S. Smith I-hsvo an idea
there MO raoro accessible plows than
the present site , but not Jeilersoa square.
A. IL Ql&bs > I ADI inf .ror of Jefferson
square , where a mammoth city market could
also be provided for. Am opposed to its going
up on the site selected.
James II. McShane I agree with Qlbbs.
The city hall should ha located on Jefferson
nquaro. Farnam street wonts to hog every
thing , and It look * ns if ho'd succeeded.
What's the good of sticking nil our handsome
.buildings upon the hill let's scatter them
over the city.
Elmer Frank I don't care where you put
It , Just so you give us a nlco building. The
present site Is certainly a fine ono.
United States Marshal Blerbower It
should bo built debt where It is the
most eligible point in the city , and the people -
plo have expressed their preference for this
site.A. . M. Alkcn Jefferson square should not
bo taken into consideration. It is not a lun-
atio asylum or a sanitarium , we're after but
n city hall , and a city hall should ba built as
nearly in the center of the business portion
of the town ns possible. Lot it go where it
I. Brown I think the present location the
best and shall oppose Its removal.
I ) . Uudd I think Jefferson square the best
O. S. Hteglns I want the city hall right
where the foundation is located , opposite the
courthouse. I shall oppose any proposed
S. Hopkins Leave it in its present loca
tion by all moans.
Wi U. Bo.dman I think the present site the
proper place.
W. J. Vnnarman Let it remain where it
C. W. Canflold I think the present loca
tion the only ono In the city.
L. 0. Enowold I am satisfied with the
present location and would like to sco the
building completed.
Hoover & Watts Wo want the building
erected in its present site. Tills moving bus
iness looks llko a Job.
Kirchbrnirm & Sons Wo believe the pre
sent location the best it is centrally lo
cated , is adjacent to the courthouse , and
is the best adapted in every respect.
A. II. Behrons I think the best location in
the city is the present slto and am strongly
opposed to removal.
J. W. Carpenter The present location Is
good ouough forme , and I want to see the
building completed.
Ferrall & Welch Wo believe the present
locution to bo the best for all purposes. It is
central , near the court house and on'ground
where a solid foundation is assured.
Fred W. Gray I think the present loca
tion a good one and would bo in favor of
pushing the work as rapidly as possible. I
also favor the securing of additional quarter
of a block of ground on Douglas street for
an addition at some time In the future.
Charles U. Leo The present location in
my opinion is the , best , as the city hall and
court house will bo near each other as they
should bo. A change would bo injurious.
The amount of money invested would bo lost
nnd the taxpayers would suffer greatly.
J. E. Wilbocr-I have not given the matter
the consideration it merits , but the present
location Is a good ono and by the purchase of
a quarter of u block more ground for use in
the future it would bo the most available site
in the city.
S. Arnstoln I think that the building
shonld remain where It Is. After expending
ns much money as has been spent , it would
bo a piece of folly to abandon it. The prox
imity of the court house makes It more de
sirable. I want to see the building completed.
A. Dillon I don't care whore they put it.
James Banner In consideration of the
fact that the people voted to place it on the
location tncntioucd , and that a largo amount
of raonqy has already been expended on the
foundation , I am in favor of its remaining
Whore it is , aud will protest against any
Board & Otis The prcson t location is cen
tral , let it stay there.
Gladstone Bros. If wo had our choice wo
would soy let it remain where it is.
C. J. Conun & Co. Our taxes arc heavy
enough. Leave it where it is and do not im
pose additional burdens by abandoning the
present site where BO muoh money has al
ready been expended.
William Fleming I have no particular
choice as to locution but before abandoning
the present slto I should want to bo well sat
isfied that a change was absolutely ncces
sary.H J. Fuller The city hall and court house
should be us close together us practicable.
Therefore let it remain where it is.
Little & Williams The people want the
city hull erected on the sitp selected , wo are
with the people. A now election would not
change matters.
J. A. Fuller I think it should remain
where it Is. The slto is a good ono and is lo
cated next the county building , and a good
reason for not making the change is that a
large amount of money has been expended
which should remain where it is , too , for con
venience sake , and in cose of a now election
I shall vote for it to remain whnro it is.
G. A. Weldon I am in favor of leaving it
where It is. .
E. G. Ballou If the present foundation is
not safe remove the building to Jefferson
square. If it is all right lot it remain where
it is , and do not lose tbo amount already in
S. W. Llndsoy I should prefer to have the
building erected ou the present site. It is the
holghth of folly to drop the amount Invested
and select another.
Kuhn Bros. Would prefer to have it re
main whore it is and not make a change after
the largo amount expended. A change would
bo nonsensical.
Norrls & Wilcox Wo would prefer to have
it remain where it is.
N. B. Falconer Lot It remain where It is.
Countv Superintendent of Poor Mahoney
The building should bo erected on the site
selected by the people , and there should bo u
stop put to this shenanigan.
County Commissioner O'ICeofo The people
ple voted to nut the building on Furnain
street , and their wishes should bo complied
with , iris all wrong at this late duy to at
tempt to thwart the will of the voters , and
saddle an additional expense on the tax
Hccordcr of Deeds Mogoath I am strongly
opposed to the building of the city hall on
Jefferson square , or any other structure ou
the grounds. .They should bo beautified aud
llxcd up for park purposes. The Farnam
street slto is a good enough ono for the city
hall.City Clerk Southard I don't care a tinker's
outfit where they put the city ball. However -
over , if another vote is to bo taken on the se
lection of a site I will vote for Kountzo'a ad
County Commissioner Mount I am not in
favor of moving the slto , and I think I voice
the sentiment of the community at largo in
saying that tbo building should bo put up at
once. Delays are costly things.
County Commissioner Anderson I don't
care where the hull is located. The people
have voted for Its site once , and that ought
to settle it.
Captain IJams I want to see the hall built
where thopsople voted It to bo. Thcro should
be no more dilly-dallying about It either.
Its guiicrlor excellence proven In millions of
homes for inoro than a quarter ot a century. It
U used bo the United btate * Government. En
dorsed by the heads of the ( I rent Universities aa
the strongest. 1'ureataud Moat Healthful. Dr.
1'rlae's Cream Unking 1'oWdcr docs not contain
Ammonia. Lima or Alum. Bold only In cans.
New York Chicago. . Bt. Louis
. . .
CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000
"W do h r br certify that wa tncerrlte lti r-
Tunofinmts for all the monthly find qn tlfrlr
Drawing ! of TbaixiuKlan * Stale Lottery Comniinr ,
and In Terton manage nnd eontrollbe drawingsh ( m-
Htm , and that lb m reconclnctM with nonestr
falrntM and In coed faith toward all partlei , and wo
ntbotltatho Comtianr to me thu crrtincau wllb
fae similes of our tlgnnturo attacbed , In lit adrertlio-
mentt. "
We , IbenndcrolRneO H nk and Ilnnkeriwlll pay ill
Prlte * drawn In the Louisiana Mate lotteries wbleb
may lie presented at our counters.
J. II.OOI.KSnV , Pros. > lnna National Hink.
I'lKUllK LANAU.T , l > ret. State National lUnk.
A. II Al.nwiN , Pres.Npw Orleans National Dank.
CAUL KOHN , Pr s. Union National Dank.
* " * Ovntt HAM- MILLION DisTuininr.n.
Louisiana State Lottery Company ,
Incorporated In IVf. for n ream , by the I.oijlslnuiro
for cdumtlnnal nnd charitable purposes with ft capi
tal or UanjiU-to ( wblcli n rcscrro fund of over
IKjO.dUUlmsulnco been rutUed.
By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise
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The only lottery orer rotcd on nnd cnjorscd by tbo
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larly every three months ( Marcu , June , bci.tomber
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TllNK. Konrtli Ornnd iminlnit , Clnas 1) , In the Acini-
emr of Music. New Orleans , 'luiwliiy April lU.lSbd
215th Monthly Draw Ing.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000.
Tickats are Ten Dollars Only.
Halves , $5 ; FHUn , $2 ; Tenths , $1.
1 CAPITAL PRIZI ! OK tiaum..jivnnfi )
1 ( IRANI ) IMM/.N Oh' HI.UII f.l.lll )
1 CHAM ) Plll/.IC OX MWI w.ui (
2 I.AItOK I'ltl/US OK
4 j.Altai ; 1'iiuus OK 2U.OU
SO I'UI/.US OK 1,11111Ml W ) \
.VI Ml
lee Ml.HI. . . . , ,
aw a i 4ll , UU
iM . . . . W.IXW
. . . .HATiny rin/rii :
100 Approximation 1'rlicsot f M f .ti.OO )
JIM 3 . . . ' "MOid )
till mi. . . ! ; ! ; . . . iiijin
l.UKI Terminal W S , ) , ( 1U
2,171) 1'rUes , amounting to . r--o.OW
Application fnr rates to clubs should bo'tundu only
to the otllcu of thu coinpuny In Now Orli * ins.
Kor further Infnrnmtlrm wrttu clearly , Klvlnj fill' '
mliliv'H. roVFAIj NOl'KS. oxprc itioiioy orlur * . or
Now York Uxchaniro In urmnary luttur. Cdrrunijy br
ei press ( at our expense ) addressed to
11. A. DAUPHIN ,
NKvrOU A * , I.U
y , D.c.
Address Eoglstorai Lettarj to
TT1\T 17Ar"RT7T ? Tlmt thp presence of Oen-
JXljl\LillU.-DllJv crals IloniiresnrJ nnd
Early , irhonra In charauof the rtraniiiirs , it gave-
litre of ab-ioluto fnlrness unil Integrity , tbnt the
chances > ro all equal , and that no out ! can possibly
dlvlno what number "HI draw n 1'rlio.
UKMICM11KK that the pixyinont of nil prizes U
oitLEANK. nnd the ticket * aru nlnnpd by the prasiarnt
of an Institution whoso chnrturoit rights are mai > ii-
nl/ed In the hlKhcst courts ; thi-ruforo , beware ot 4ny
Imitations or anunvmons scheme * .
Easily digested ; of tliu lluost flavor. A heart y
beverage for ft strong nppetHo : iv dullcnto rirluk
for the aonsltlvo. TlinrotiKhlv tested ; nutritious ;
palatable ; unoxceik-d in purity ; no unpleasant
after olfocts. Requires no boiling.
Marlon irnrland , Christine Tcrhunc
Dean A. It. Thpmas , M. 1) . , proiiouuco It llw beef - > t
of ull tliopowerterud chocolates. NootlusrcquaU
It In ilavor , parity and ASTi-DYM'Ei'iiOUUilItiHi. (
SuldlQrocett. ] . Sample tnallnl for 10 stamps ,
Contagious -Blood Poison.
Mr. D. D. Adamn , Union. South Carolina ,
nia : " I was afflicted with q Urrlblo coso
of blood poliun for about tUrtren months. I
was treated by the bast pb ) tlcUne. and utcd
various klndaof remedies , but received tie
iUbsUmtlBl relief. I finally tried tbo Bwtft
Bpeclno , end about four bottlca cured mo
vouud and well. ' *
Col. D. It. Klcaer , editor and proprietor of
the Oiirlllca , Ala. , limM. under data of
August 8. 15)7.rrlteo : "When I mu
L y < m j man , through Indlicratluu , I con
tracted dlsewn which hu stack to
me for yearn. Some five or nix year *
lines I was troubled Trlth pains , so r. to
make It difficult for TOO to walk. IIuTlni ;
advertUcd thu 3. H S. In my paper forecveral
rears , I concluded I would try It In tea If
there was any entcacy In the niMilelnp. I
commenced using It ncoordlng to OtrettlunA
and tuod half dozen bottles. I was once at n
way station and. getting left , I walked tha
seven miles nnd have never felt any return
of the old malady. After experiencing the
good elTrct * I muat Bay I nm satisfied with
the result. I am strty eight years of age and
I feel DOW llko a young ? man and can no to
the case when Decenary tuid net up from six
to eight thousand ems without any Incon
venience. I send ycuthla without soIiUta-
Uon.Mr. . F. Woehl.211 North Avenue , Chlcaco ,
under dote of Juuo 12 , 1887. writes : "Idecra
U my duly to thank soil for tha cure I ro-
celvul from your excellent metllciue. I con
tracted a voryeevoro casu of blood pnUou-
1ns about two years ago. Hearing of your
medicine , I went to a drag store , the pro
prietor of which peuuadud mo to buy a
preparation of his own , wblch ho said wra
a sure euro. I used alx bottles of his fctufT
and grew wore * all the time. At lost 1 got
air uited and despaired of a cure. I iiu-t
friend who told me that } our medlclno lini
cured him. I went to the tame driitrgltt
agnln and donuuidud your medicine. HL- re
luctantly aold me twelve bottles , and I am
now perfectly cured. I vrrlto tills for the
benefit of sufferers , to prevent their being
deceived by fuUe representation * . I thank :
you again for the btuefU derived from your
medicine. "
i Dr. J. N. Cheney , * prominent physician ,
residing InEllavllle , Schloy County. Georgia ,
In a letter recounting the Infallible nut-Lea *
ue lias In cut Ing contngluus blood potion
case * lu hl extenslvu practice , writes i
"Thosa who know the almost Inevitable.
permanently dangerous elfects of mercury
will welcome your discovery of S. S B. as a
boon to humanity. Tliotnoulcal profession ,
alwnyj wary of proprietary medicines , U
coming slowly , and 111 some canes secretly ,
to the u o of 8. B. I ) . Ill canes of blood din-
ordir. Of course u medicine that cures
poisoning In Its worst form must purify Ibe
bliod of every disorder. "
TreaUto ou Dlood and Skin Diseases mailed
frto. 'luBBWirrfirxcirioCo ,
Drawer 3 , AtUuta , On.
-uv c.uutiEii Ton-
20 Cents a Week ,
Seven papers a week. Bend your order to the
office ,
1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building
TansilFs Punch Cigars
wore shipped during thu j > a t
two yuan , vi ithout a drum *
aNimrmonroniulOK Noothor
TMtsT , house in the v orld can truth-
I' ' " ; , fully malioiuch a showing.
Ouo ugont ( dealer ouly )
wanted in ouch town.
" 'I' '
We have made elaborate preparations for a big spring business , and
customers will find us well prepared with a stock which leads all compe
tition iaboth extent and variety. Our spring stock of business and dress
suits , represent all the new patterns of fancy worsteds.cheviots and cas-
simere , in sacks , frocks and cutaways , and our grand showing of colors ,
styles and mixtures is so diversified and comprehensive that'we can suit
and fit all. We offer garments not excelled anywhere for style , quality ,
fit and workmanship , and everybody will be impressed with the extreme
lowness of price at which we have offered all our spring goods.
. To inaugurate the season and convince everyone that we are un
doubtedly the leaders in low prices , we offer : 300 all wool chev
iot men's suits at $4.75. These suits are well trimmed and made strong
and for service. The color of material is a stylish stripe and the same suit
could not be bought anywhere else for less than $7.50.
We call attention lo tlio clogant all worsted spring- overcoat we are offering at $6.00.
Wo sold a great many of them , and have only a few left. The price is only one-half of what
this coat is actually worth.
New goods in every department of Gents' Furnishings. Our laundried and unlaundried
while shirts .are acknowledged to be the best and cheapest in the city.
We c ntinue the sale of those fine finished Derby Stiff Hats , sold every where for $2 and
$2.50 , at $1.00.
We especially invite inspection nnd comparison , as we are confident of the many advan
tiges : we offer , securing a great saving in every instance.
Everything marked in plain figures , cash and one price.
Corner I4th and Douglas Streets. Omaha.
Mos. 3O3-4OJ.-17O-OO4.
T ® SiiM EfjaSS'K '
m itiimnl , etc. 1 will w nun Milunl.i' " tual-vi > .iijoili
ciiitalitiu f"U t Hlcu'.Rrs'for liuniu inv , tiiu of
'rsbr. F. C.'FO\VLEI : , Koccius , c nn.
llcmarkalilo for powerful PVH
liuI I _ umu phniili * ; u-i-on atu' ' . _ ,
ir.tlilllfy. . ) > ) c.tra' record ,
v btu of the exicl-
u of lliivu
GOLD MEDAL , ? AEIS , 1078.
Warranted tiluntuttly pure
( 'oroa , front Iiloli the ctcesa of
OH lias bf on removed Itlmf/ore /
Hires tiff ttrenffth of Cocoa intact !
nltli fitnrcli. Arrowroot nr Sugir.
anil la llii-reforo inoro economi
cal , rosfiny l ? < i thin onr cent a
cup. It Is dollclnin , noiirlihlng ,
strengthcnlnc. cnsllyillgested. ind
idmlraUy ndiptnl for Invalids as
well ns for porioiia n lir-allli
W , BAKER & CO Dorchester , Mass ,
1142 Lawrence St , Denyer , CoL
Of the Missouri State Museum ot Anatomy , St.
Louli , Mo , Unlvoislty College Hospital , fon-
don , ( llosen. Ounnnny and Now York , having
du\oted their uttcutlon
More especially these arising from Imprti
demo. Invite all so suffering to correspond with
out delay. DlsMvseiot Infection and contanlon
cured safelj-and upoedlly without use of dun-
gcmus driiRi. Patients whoao cases have been
nt-Rlccted , badly trusted or pronounced Incur-
nlilo , hhotitd not fnll to wrlto us concernlni ; their
symptoms. All letters receive Immediate atten-
And will be mailed KHKE to any address on re
ceipt of one JJ-cent stamp , "Practical Observa
tions on Nervous Debility nnd Physical Kxhnus-
tlou. " tohlch Is added an "IJasay on Mar
riage , " with important chapters on diseases of
the Unproductive Organs , the whole forming n
I valuable medical treatise which should l > a read
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' 1712 Lawrcnaa St. , Doavor , Col.
TKD.whoInhUrOM.r and lONOMAMCr
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dralni upon thn roUNTAINW of ,
nEAI > A < lHK , BACKACHE. Dreadful
Dreirai.WEAKHKSM of M morr. MABM *
rUI.NENM In NOCIETT. I'lMl'tlW upon
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TION or inNAIf ITT , * ho ld coniult at enc
the CELKHRATm br. C1 rke , EtUtH hed
IfUI. Dr. Olatk hai mad MKRTOtJ * BE-
BIHTT. CHRONIC and all DlMam * of
th GEJCITO URINARY Organi * Life
Hu ! < 3jr. Jt makpj Np dliTeronc * WHAT you
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letter , fron. Coniult the old Doctor.
Thonaandi enrrd. OB1c and onrlom
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end for I r. Clnrbo'i ccltbnitod guide
Mnln und F mnlr. each ISc. , both S6o.
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tare future uOe ring ana ahamt , nnd add goldin
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180 So. Clerk 8U OHIOAOQ , J
Health is Wealth !
MINT , n gunrnntneil unccltlo for Hysteria. Dlzzl-
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To euro any cnso. With each order received by
us for .six bo\i > K , accompanied with f&.00 , we will
send the purchaser our written guarantee to re
fund the money if the treatment does not effect
ncttru. Guarantees Issued only by O. V. ( IOOD-
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Omaha , Neb.
limit iul
Paid Up Capital , - $2BOOOO
Surplus , - 5OOOO
H. W. YATKS. President.
LEWIS S. KKKD , Vlco-Presldent.
A. K. ToO7.At.iK , 2nd Vice-president.
W. II. S. 11UQUB8 , Cuphlor.
Cor. 12th nnd Fanmm Sts.
A General natikluc Buslnou Transacted.
nerat w4
atUiioot r medy
KwU to u fct Goaonhoti
ud CUet ,
Weh T sold coiuldtf *
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bMtrcn ittUCictlca.
Advortlsltiff has always proven
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