Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1888, Page 4, Image 4
ML - - * * . " "i * * * ' * " * * m i ftrfaftituiiiuMi . . _ _ . . _ . . - , M. . . . . , - - . * - . . . . , . * B * iv * * * - H H 11 4 OMAHA. BAJ&1T BBBlf W DH SPA HA GH 21 I PAILY BEE. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. OF sonscnirtioK. Dully ( itomltiR KdltlorO including Silndar . . . JlieiVOnoYc-ftr , . , . . 110 ffl. porSlxMMrths . . . . . fit" ForTlrreo Month * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . < . . J W SThc Omalm Sunday Jinn , mulled to any address - dress , Ono Year , . . . " . SCO OMAHA Orricr , Nos.91UNtl > lirAnNAMSTnF.p/n ( C * . UOOMSHANDlS'TrUmJNK ' WASHINGTON OrriCR , No. 613 All commnnlcatloM rclatlnn to news and cell. iortnl rhnttcr should bo addressed to tha KDITOH BUSINRsgLIrTTKng All business letters and remittances should bo nrtdrosscdto THIS HUB rum.isiiiNn COMPANV , OMAHA. Drafts , checks and poatomco orders to IJB made payable to the order pf tuo company. nc Bee Publishing Company , Proprietors E. ROSEWATEB , Editor. THE BEE. _ _ _ _ _ Bworn Stntoincnt of Circulation. Btate of Nebraska , I , County ofDooRlass. (8 ( < ' . _ . _ , Oeo. ll.TzBclmck , secretary ot The nes Pub. Jinhlntt company , docs solemnly sweat that tlie ectunf circulation or the Uallr lleo for the weeK ' nainp Marc li ifl. IN * . was a follows.- Batnrday. March 10 . 20.215 gunrtay. Slarchll . . . J . W Monday , March 13 . JB.R78 Tuesday. March 13 . ' J2-SJ Wednesday. March 14 . 1 .W Thursday. March 15 . SO.4-5 Vrlday , March 10 . .E0,5a Arerauo . . 20.018 OKO. Il.TZSCHUCK. Bwom to and subscribed in tnyjpresenco this Kth day dt March , A. IX , 1BB8. NT P. FKIU Notary Public. Btftt e of Nebraska , I . . County of Douglass , f8- " ' oo. IKTzschuck , being first duly sworn , de poses and enys that he Is secretary of The Boo Publishing company , that the actual avornEO Oalljr circulation ot ine Rally Hco for the month of Whrcir. 1887. H.400 copies ; for April. 1B87. 14ai copies : .for May. 1887 , JUST copies ! for June , 1S87 , 14.147 copies ; 1m July , 1687. 14,093 copies ! for August , 1887 , 14,151 copies ; for September , 1887. 14,349 contest for October , 1687 , 14Ktl : for November. 3P87 , 15.E20 coplos ; for December , 1887 , 16,041 copies ; for Janunry , 1889 , 15.SOO copies ; for yeUary. 1888 , IB , copies Bworn and subscribed to In my presence this 3d day of February , A. D. 1888. N. P. KKIU Notary Public. Wu violate no confidence In llint winter lingers In the lap ol spring. BOTTLANQKU is the jumpiiiEr-jack ot French politics. No sooner is the lid closed down on him by the ministry , when presto , up ho pops us natural as life. TitKUE IB no use for California papers to boom \V. T , Colcmun for president. As his birthday falls on February 29 lie is only sweet sixteen and therefore ineligible for the office. GENinur , ADAM BADEAU has brought n suit against Mrs. Grant to recover 635,000 alleged to be due to him in con nection with writing the memoirs % Jjpf General Grant. It is evident that "General Badctiuas as ungrateful as ho is mercenary. GENKIIAL CLINTON B. FISKE , who in xpoctcd to bo chosen loader of tno pro hibition party , favors local option under certain conditions. This is a now phase in prohibition politics. It has generally Ticon the war cry of the devoted : ; < lTotnl prohibition or death. ' * THE Philadelphia courts.aro hearing arguments on the order asking for an inspection of the Keelpy motor as mndo Jn Wllson'ssuit against John W.Kceloy. The Kcoloy motor and Dr. DMorcer's motor line are two mysterious powers in process of evolution. It is only a ques tion of time when they will materialize. THE whisky truat has declared a February dividend of half of 1 per cent. This is equal to a return of G par cent a year. A moderate statement of tliia character on the trust's books would not be likely to invite an investigation. But as the whisky trust stock is watered , it is safe to say that the stockholders are well satisfied with six per cent divi dends. JUDGE DUNDY'S champion warns the locomotive ohgineers and workingmpn in general against the editor of the BKK. He is pronounced a dangerous , oncmy of labor und an anarchist who caused five men to bo strangled in Chicago cage lost fall. This Is a scorcher , but then that dangerous person was never ] { nown to carry a billy in his overcoat pocket to protect himself against burg lars. Tn. TALMAQE , in a recent sermon , akos the question : "What right have yrominont business men to allow their names to bo published as directors in a financial institution so that unsophisti cated people nro thereby induced to deposit - posit their money in or buy scrip thereof , when they , the published directors , are doing nothing for the safety of the in- BtitutionV" The BKB has often asked the sumo question. THE ways and moans committee are having a parrot and monkey time of it in discussing Mr. Mills' bill. The first 'spat" was between Representative Scott and Representative Heed , and was very funny indeed. But the novelty has worn oil , and the greater part of the committee on either side is getting ill-tempered. While there is a good deal of chattering there is very little progress , and the bill will bo pretty veil scratched and clawed by the time It is presented to the house , TUE international council of women is to moot in Washington on the 26th inet. , und is going to show those wicked men how to run a convention. The coming council Is intended to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the first women suffrage convention. In the language of politics , all the big guns will bo there , notably Miss Susan B , Anthony , Mrs. Gqugor , Mrs. Foster and J > lln9 Helen Taylor and Mrs. Charles JMllco , of England. A nice time is ex pected , Just like a real man's conven tion , a committee is now in Washington engaged in the preliminary work of send ing out circulars and programmes of ' ' 'flUIorent sorts , and as much us500 worth of postage stamps have been used. Komo murmuring In the rank and file tuuibcon hoard owing tp the fact that the invitations wore printed on common white paper , whereas the latest shades tire Kilo-green tints. But the "mug wumps" are in the minority , and the convention Intends to take up sterner stuff for discussion than such trivial ns fashion. The Belt Telephone JPntenti Bnstn tncili The decision of lb.6 supreme court ot the United States , sustaining the Bell t ttephono patents , rmnovos from'contro * voray for a time , and perhaps pcrma * nently , an issue that has cngngcd the attention of the courts for several years , interested the entire country , and in volved the expenditure ot vast sums of money , a part of which came out of the national treasury , in litigations. The conclusion Is a very complete victory for Professor Boll , although the opinion of three justices of the supreme court that ho was not the first inventor of the speaking telephone and the admission of the other few acting in the case that the Drawbaugh claim to original inven tion is destroyed mo rely by reason of the fact that ho was Indifferent tooquncon- sciousof the merits of his discovery , will somewhat militate against the fame of Professor Boll'as the author of the tele- phono. This is a matter , however , to which ho will doubtless attach very little importance , since ho may fairly claim that the man who had the wisdom to discover the value of an invention and to utilize it is at least quito as wor thy of the world's commendation as the inventor who hasn't the capacity to sco the worth of his discovery. The names of Boll and Drawbaugh will bo Insepa rably linked together in connection with the invention and application of the telephone , but undoubtedly the honor of the achievement will always be given most largely to the former , and as to the rewards , they have already been most generous , and are likely to be still more so. The decision of the supreme court necessarily strengthens the Boll ' monop oly. The patents have stiU'fivo years to run , and during that period at least there will certainly bo no effort spared to completely monopolize the telephone business under those patents. It is to bo expected that this will be accom plished. The understanding is that suits will ut once bo entered to drive from the field all.competition , and it is nbt apparent how these can fail. The result must bo that the Boll people will speedily obtain absolute control of the telephone service in the United States , and thus become , during the life of the patents , the mostformidablc monopoly ely in existence. Therelias been almost universal complaint regarding the-charges for telephone sorvlca , and legislation has been sought in a number of the states for the regulation of charges for this service. In some cities business men have continued to resist what they deemed unreasonable and un just exaction. It remains to bo seen whether those who control the Bell pat ents will take advantage of the larger opportunity they wUl now have to exercise - ciso their monopolistic rights , or will deal fairly , if not more liberally , than hitherto with the public. The tele phone has become a necessity second in importance to hardly any other of the agencies of intercommunication. To many it is indispensable , and for both public and private purposes its use is a great convenience. It would be very much extended under a reason able liberal policy , but the men who within a'fow years have built up colossal fortunes in this business have not thus far shown any disposition to be liberal with the public. It is perhaps too much to expect that they will do so now , though it would clearly seem to bo the part of wisdom that they should. Misapplied Effort. Postmaster General Dickinson is re ported to be utilizing the spare , time of the clerks in the sixth auditor's oflico in looking up material to bo used against the republicans in the coming national campaign. The sixth auditor posses upon all star route accounts , and as the Michigan statesman IP expected to do something to help his party in the contest of this year , ho seems to have hit upon the idea that perhaps the star route accounts in his department under republican administrations mitrht afford him a chance to furnish a little cam paign matter. Mr. Dickinson should take counsel of experience and bo very careful not to promise anything in this line that ho cannot carry out. Ho is doubtless aware that when the administration of which ho is n part came into power the country was promised some startling revelations of republican rascality. Ho also ought to know that investigations wore insti tuted for the purpose of substantiating the democratic charges , and that they most signally failed to do so , The coun try had been told , for example , that there had boon a systematic plundering of the treasury , and the public mind was prepared for the most serious showing of ofHcinl corruption and malfeasance. An investigation , made as carefully and thoroughly as a democratic committee anxious to discover something wrong could make it , resulted in finding that the treasury was short one cent , and as wo remember this deficit was traced and made good. In other departments the searching demo cratic eye , keenly peering into every corner whore eonio wrong practice might have found a hiding place ) failed to find anything to justify the allega tions of republican rascality. It was a humiliating confession which the party of reform was compelled to' make that their charges wore all false and ground- loss. Hence the expediency of Mr. Dickinson bolnfr extremely cautious about promising his party any help from an Investigation of republican conduct in his department. He is yet young in service and a blunder at the beginning of his political career might bo fatal to his future. Ho is doing fairly well in administering the affairs of his oflico , His disposition to improve the mail facili ties of the west , which had become badly demoralized under his predecessor ser , has received merited commenda tion. If ho will devote hirubolf strictly to the duties of his plllco there is reason to believe that if compelled to retire from tha public service next year ho can do so with credit to himself , But ho will run a great risk in attempting to supply from the records of his depart- mo.nt campaign material aqainst the re publicans. A Gumo of Shuttlecock. Congress is not likely to enter upon an actual debate of the tarIT ! before the und of April. The Mills bill is yet being groomed for final presentation , and Mr. Randall's measure which will bo urged In onpbsftton By iho , prbtectlon branch of the democracy will riot bo ready for consideration on the house-calendar for it number of weeks to come. Moantimd the republicans nfo quietly collating a bill which will , it is said , bo a compro mise between that of Mr. Randall's and that of the ways and nicans committee under Mr. Mills. In the interval , however - over , the senate has boon filling in its spare moments by arguments upon the tariff based upon Mr. Sherman's motion to refer the president's message , und a number of able speeches on both sides of the question Imvo been hoard in that branch of congress. On the house side it is' stated that al ready one hundred names of members desiring to speak on this question Imvo been handed in to the speaker. When the flood gates of oratory on the tariff question nro once lot down the country may bo prepared to bo overwhelmed with arguments upon protection to American industry and overtaxation of the farming interests. There seems to bo little probability of any legislation which will result in a wise reform of the tariff without reference - once to the pressing demands of local constituencies or the presidential aspi rations of a number of ambitious candi dates , Congress is so divided , both in the senate and in the house , that the battle for tariff reform which was so loudly heralded by the president's mes sage , Is Hkoly to result only In a skirm ish in the pages of the Congressional Record without any decisive vote upon n completed bill which will receive the sanction of the chief executive. The whole question will be relegated to the stump during the ensuing cam paign , and the old charges of obstruc tion on the part of the democratic min ority and the subserviency to Industrial corporation influence on the part of the republicans will ily Hko n shuttle-cock from one political platform to another. Meantime the people of the country who have a deep interest in a reduction of the treasury surplus through a reduc tion of taxation will continue to-won dor at the failures of representative govern ment and to ponder upon remedies for the refusal of senators nnd representa tives to carry out the will of their con stituents. The Cart Before tlio Horse. The board of education has acted very wisely in deferring the sale of the Dodge street school house. While it is true that the location of this school is ob jectionable , the board should not lose sight of the fact that three or four hun dred children whoso education the board is in duty bound to provide for , reside in that part of the city. Children exposed the virus of vice in their * surroundings at homo cannot bo con- ' laminated by attending school in a dis reputable neighborhood. People who occupy tenements next door to dives are" not likely to vacate them because the school house is abandoned. If the school house is sold their children will either be kept out of school altogether or bo compelled to walk a groatdistanco to school houses that are already over crowded. > The proposed location of the city and county jail in the Third ward will not have to be abandoned be cause the Dodge street school house is retained for school purposes. Any number of lots 'as con veniently located can bo bought by the city and county. The only thing in the way would bo a lackjof funds. The city certainly has no money on hand for its proportion of the purchase price , much less for the con struction of a jail. But oven if the money can bo raised by the sale of the last lot which the city owns there is no need of rusting things. The rent which the city pays for its present quar ters in the exposition building will not bo reduced by removing the police court and jail , nnd those quarters will not likely be vacated for two years. V.iowod from a purely business standpoint the proper course for the board of education is not to abandon the Dodge street school house until provisions Imvo boon made for accommodating tho'children that are now taught in that school. The proper course for the city nnd county authori ties will bo to procure and provide the means for purchasing grounds for a joint city and county prison and crim inal court building , substantially con structed. Lot them invite proposals for such grounds , with an option of three months , nnd when plans and esti mates of the cost of the building have boon secured , they can determine whpthor or not tfioy will bo in condi tion to carry out the undertaking with the means at their disposal. ONE of the curious as well as absurd points made by a prominent business manwhose opinion wo quote elsewhere , is that the BEE building will hide the city hall. That depends from wlat ) point j'ou take your view. Coming up Farnnm the United States National hides the First Nationaland the Paxton hotel hides the Paxton building , corner of Fifteenth street , and the Chamber of Commerce hides the court house. On the north side of the street the Now York Life will hide the BEE building. Going down the street , from upper Far nnm , the city hall will hide the BEE building , the Paxton building hides the McCormick corner , and the Merchants' National hides the Iron bank , ana the First National hides the United States National. In any city , compactly built , ono largo block must nocossarilyjiido another. Travelers coming In from the west will sco the city hall before they got a view of the BKB building , and the ton-story Now York Lifo build ing will loom up above the now Paxton block. Coming across the river from the east the view presented will bo pro miscuous , and the largest buildings on Harney , Farnam and Douglas will ap pear In perspective with the city hall tower rising eighty-two feet above the BEE building , and the tower of the Now York Life fully ono hundred feet above the Paxton block tower. IT is not qulto apparent what the motive of Congressman Reed , of Mnllio , can be in irritating the democratic members of the ways and means com mittee by language thny are compelled to regard as insulting. Mr. Reed ought to understand that-thoro is nothing to bo gained for his purty , und certainly not for himself < by such a courao , which is really a reflection upon the clmrnclofr ns gontlqmon of his political associates on the committee of whom ho is pro- fimncd to bo the leader. If ho adopts this method of emphasizing hta dis pleasure with the course of the majority in not consulting the minority during the preparation of the tariff bill , wo venture to think tliitifio } ( method is ill- 'advised. ' Men nro not to bo convinced of their mistakfcsl Oor induced to correct them by personal depre ciation and by 'haying their In telligence ridiculodf ; nor is it statesmanlike to employ such a method. Mr. Reed is rather proud of his gifts of wit and sarcasm , which lie often uses to good advantage , but there are occasions when these valuable aids to argument are not admissablo , und such an occa sion Is iu the discussion of a tariff bill , when only practical common sense t\nd thoughtful intelligence are required. The republicans in congress will tlnd their opportunity and 'their advantage in taking high ground in discussing the .vovonuo question , and not in at tempting to depreciate their political opponents by methods of attack un worthy of Intelligent school boys. What the country is watting to hear on this question is sound , sensible argu ment , and if Mr. Reed has none to offer ho will best servo his"parly and himself by keeping silent. STATE ANDTKIIRITOKY. Nnurnskn Jottings. nasttngs Is nursing hopes of a union depot. The pontoon bridge Idea Isslruggling for a foothold In Plattsmouth. The Plaltc river is coming down on its annual tour of destruction. Church Howe threatens lo move to Hastings and drive a few stakes in the bailiwick of Hon. Jim Laird. Fremont must hump along without free posUil delivery until congress gets around with an appropriation. The elevation of Attorney Thurston to the presidency of the club league con vinces the Nebraska City News that "the republican party runs tlio state and the railroads run tlio republican party. " The Beatrice Democrat is forced to admit that "the men who quit work on the Burlington roads have certainly conducted themselves in a most becom ing manner since the commencement of the dllllcultlcs. " The management of the Elkhorn Valley - loy road have offered liberal induce ments to the pcopio of Chadron to build water works. Besides patronizing the worlcs , tlio company offers to transport all material at half rates. The Fairb.ury GnV.ctto suggests that Judge Jundy "sholljd forthwith supple ment his first ordcra\iy\ \ another forbid ding the men to betiomc''sick. ' Having sot out to settle the Xelcfuc judicially it won't do to stop atftuny ] half-way meas ures. " ; ifi'r i ] "According to 'itoldjjfo ' Dundy's de cision"says the "WjOod River Gazette , "tho Union Pacific. ia.-run the slate of Nebraska to bull itV6lf,1)ut the state has no right even to say-hoi ? the company shall construct its ftjl-oslings. Wonder if the decision docs"not"also mean that tlio state has no right lo levy taxes on the company's profiej-tyl The people of this state should rfcqiiestJudge Dundy to at . " * resign once. - , / The 'Lincoln Jourmilc'ditoriallv claims that the imported Burlington ' 'engin eers" arc as competent ris the strikers , and that the investigation of the state board of transportation proves it. The board has ? not yet heard from the junk dealer who couldn't work the "squirt" at Ravenna , nor the fellow who dashed his engine into another in the yards in Plattsmouth Sunday night. On being asked why h& did not stop , the innocent exclaimed , "How could IV She had too much steam. " Says the Denver News : "Tho broth erhood has been charged in the United States court with a conspiracy to injure the property of the Burlington com pany. So far ns the public can learn , the injury to the Burlington property is being inflicted by the incompetent men who have boon recklessly placed in charge of its locomotives , nnd who are crippling its machinery at an ex pensive rate. The News of yesterday told of a valuable locomotive which was wrecked in Nebraska and was aban doned with twenty cars by the engi neer and fireman , who took to tho' woods. " Iowa Items. A Potlsvlllo man let a span of horses fitarvo to doath. His excuse was that ho was too poor to buy feed for thorn. Burlington proposes to erect a monument ment to T. J. Potter , late general man ager of the Union Pacific railroad. A two-thirds majority voted for issu ing bonds for the construction of a now high school building at Crcston , Mon day.Tho The artesian well at Ottumwn , which they have been working on so long und faithfully , is a success at last. It is spouting 2.000,000 gallons of pure water daily , it is 1,550 foot deep. Mr. II. W. Dadago , a poor German farmer of Bremor county , has received word from Gorman and Holland author ities that ho Is heir to a largo fortune loft by an uncle who died several years ago. ago.It It is claimed that not less than 4,000 head of cattle have been sent from Wright county to market since the 1st of November. This ulono would dis tribute not less than $125,000 among the farmers. In the case of Chase vs the Burling ton , Cedar Rapids & Northern rail way company , tried at Montezuma , $12,500 damages were awarded the plaintiff. Chase wns Injured while switching at Cedar Rapids last sum mer. Dakota.r Rapid City has been incorporated nnd will soon enjoy alltho frills ot a first class city. The annual tournament of the Black Hills Firemen's association will bo hold at Deadwood July 4 , The premiums offered at the territor ial fair , commencing at Mitchell Sep tember 21 , amount to $20,000. Rich gold placers have been struck In Marbhall's pass and p. stampede of pros pectors from Dcadwobd IB threatened , . Huronitos are talking of sinking tin artesian well in a natural basin gome three miles out of town , building a dam across ono end of the basin and flooding it with water from the well , thus con verting the basin Into a lake. Tlio pro ject is said to bo entirely feasible , and if successful a lake some three miles long , fifteen rods wide and forty feet deep will bo the result. . A young dude In Lead City , who is wonderfully cute , In a pleasant , familiar manner threw a handful of flour in a young lady's face. She , with two young lady friends , prepared for vengeance , and tha chance came Saturday ( or re tributive justice. They caught him , downed him and plastered his face and hands with pot-blacU , At the conclu sion of the ceremony .thoy fired him out into the street. IIASCAtl SPITS BRIMSTONE , Furious FUncrs Flrod By Him In Council Last Night. THE CITY HALL THE CAUSE OF IT , Councilman I/cc's Itcsolutlon llcsforrccl For Ono Week Ho Calls l < \ r ft Resumption nl'AVork nn the Bullulhg. Hot Nliiht. In the Chambers. Councilman Huscnll broke In on tlio pence nnd calm which hns enveloped tlio council meetings of late by Inst night getting oft ono of his long-winded nnd cunractcristio nbuslvo speeches ngnlnst everything nnd everybody who docs not slilo in with him In his ] > ct scheme of locating the city Imll on Jefferson square. Ho was nioro than usually vindictive on this occasion , niul became so worked up over the effort that ho completely Ignored tlio saloonkeepers and failed to call for the third reading of the ordinance which ho put in some weeks ago repealing the present ono In force in reference to the closing of saloons at midnight. Added to this ho failed to In- flist on the carrying out of , as ho referred to It , "a little Job" ho sot up last fall and which has thus far been slumbering in the ofllco of the board of public works. Trouble com menced UIHMI the presentation of the follow ing resolution by Councilman Lee : Resolved , By the city council , the mayor concurring , that u special committee bo ap pointed to consider the best method of pro ceeding with tlio erection of the city hall building ; that said committee shall consist of the committee on nubile property nnd building , the mayor , the president of the city council , the city engineer nnd n member of the board of education ; thatfeald commit tee shall have power to cmplov n competent architect to assist in making such alterations In the city hall plans ns may bo considered necessary to meet the present wants of the city , nnd that said committee shall report to tliu city council as soon ns possible1 what fur ther action is necessary to continue the erec tion of said building to the extent that funds are available. Councilman Leo championed the passage of the resolution , saying that the tlmo had arrived when some action should bo taken. According to Judge Doano's decision the " council had" full power to dismiss Architect Myers , but not to rescind his plans. Leo fa vored the employment of an architect to mod ify the Myers plans , so that work could go ahead , und the issuing of the $200,000 bonds voted for the work. If this is done the walls will bo up and under roof by January 1,1SS9. Councilman Hascnll arose in his holy might and abused everybody within reach. Myers ho railed a fraud , and said his plans wore an outrageous botch. The speaker continued that the people do not want any such buildIng - Ing as planned , nnd ho favored moro public meetings and less ono sided newspaper inter views. Ho thought the proper thing to do was to take Jefferson square for a site and put up a grand building upon It , ono that won'd ' cost $300,000 If necessary. Ho favored the referring of the Leo resolution so as to give the council a chance to consider the mattrrmoro fully nnd give the members time to contemplate a building that will con tain an art gallery , otc. Councilman Leo again defended his reso lution as si business proposition , and saidit was not intended to favor Mr. Myors or Mr. Uosowater. If Hascall wanted to make Jef ferson square an issue , Mr. Lee said ho was in favor of-going ahead with the question at once , adding that ho was never in favor of Jefferson square and never would bo. He also discounted Hascall's assertions that the coun cil was enjoined from going ahead with the work by the court. The court had never said that the council could not spend the money the peonlo voted for the purpose. Councilman Ford belittled the resolution , and said that if the council insisted on build ing the Wall on its present site it would cost tho'taxpayors $500,000. Ho favored leaving it to a vote of the people if the council should order putting a $300,000 building on Joffcr- son square. Hegainmghis wind Ford wound up with a flood of abuse flrcd at Mr. Roso- wator. Councilman Kiorstoad said that the pcopio hod already chosen a site , and their wishes and approval in that dlrcotion should bo respected. There were just as smart men in the council when the Myers plans were accepted as there are now , and the money that is accessible for building should bo spoilt at once , and it would not bo long before the city would have a city hall. "What kind of a ono would you hovel" asked Hascall. "As fine a city hall as there is in the whole country , " was the reply. Continuing , Mr. Kierstcnd told Pord that if the question of putting the city hall on Jefferson square was loft to a vote of the pcopio the adherents of that schoino would bo voted down two to ono. "Give us a chance , " howled Fordi "Wo did give you a chance once , and wo beat you bad , " retaliated Mr. Kicrstcad , who said he had a resolution which ho proposed introducing , and would llko to see it passed. Councilman Counscman informed the coun cil that the building could bo put up on Jef- fcrsou square with obtainable funds , and without bonding the city another cent. Ho moved that the Leo resolution bo laid on the table , and Leo called for the ayes nnd noes , which resulted as follows 1 Ayes Halley , Cheney. Counscman , Ford , Hascall , Lowry , Manville 7. Noos Alexander , Bedford , Boyd , Burn- ham , Kaspar , Kierstcad , Kitchen , Leo , Snyder - der , the president 10. Mutterlngs of "snap judgment" being heard , Councilman Leo said that ho would not insist on a vote on the adoption of his resolution elution , and mad.0 a motion that it bo referred to the committed on public property and buildings for ono week. This was carried , and the council again Bottled dowh to quiet and Hascall looked sick. The following resolution by Councilman Kicrstcad was laid on the table : Uesolvod. That the board of public works be and are hereby Instructed to at once advertise - vortiso for bids for the completion of the city hall in accordance with the present plans of 13.13. Myors. subject to such changes ns may bo necessary to convert the basement rooms intended to bo used for jail purposes Into oflico rooms , also the lowering of the cast wall ; also that Mr. Myers ho notified to como to Omaha at once to consult with the council as to the above changes , and any others that may bo thought necessary. The Brlolclnycr'-s Kojily. Wo still hoar from the contractor's "labor trust , " and must say It Is disgraceful to say the least , for a body of contractors , who are the "public's protectors , " to organize to de stroy by stagnation , all mechanics and labor- Ingmcn who dare assort their rights , and what Is moro disgraceful is the statement given the press , which wo well know are merely bluffs and bulldozing intended for the bricklayers , and to mislead the public as far as the workmen are concerned. It ts a useless waste of wind , as they are better posted in regard to the south than cither of the two gentlemen. Mechanics are having their handsful of work in the south at as good wages as nro requested in Omaha , and wo fear no such influx as they threaten , as the public lias taken no great interest in the present trouble. Wo trust when working time comes , and actiou , not wind counts , they will interest themselves moro und learn exactly who is to bo blainod for all noise and nonsense. The bricklayers' union have al ways desired friendship with contractors , and have received threats und abuse in roturii. and are glad to say , many of the leading contractors nro beginning to sco the good points in the now rules und uro "sickened" indeed at the action taken by others and are remaining perfectly quiet. They and 11 expect when Mr , Withuoll returns - turns from California , where ho has been visiting , this gentleman being the oldest contractor and has the oonlldeneo of the pco pie and a gentleman who does not wrangle and threaten without cause , when the , best nnd most honorable of tlieso gentlemen get together without the small butchers , who always follow , sjiouting und snarling after really worthy people llko curs , wo fool the business will bo amicably settled fairly and squarply to all without tha useless barking and wrangling : The bricklayer * have been and are continually being imposed upon in < this struggle for their rights nnfl the double dealing of Contractor Dies * Is only a nmnll part of it. Ho states to the contractor's union ho has four Union men broken from the rnnks disgusted with union workings , etc. , inducing other contractors to hope they may do the nmo nnd finally draw others nnd nil from the ranks. But the facts nro that these members have joined Mr. Dioss In partnership and articles of agreement arc to bo submitted to the bricklayers nl their meeting to-night , nnd ns to Mr. Johnson's statement of men coming from near nnd far , their not wanting union men , can got along without them , la all nonsense the gentleman should well bo nstinmcd of. There are loss non-union men working In the city to-day than there over was , and none coming in so far except ono enticed from Wisconsin , who on his urrlval and learning facts , returned Immediately , nnd should these Tnany car loads wo lire threatened with arrive wo nro satisfied they will do the same or remain to got oven for being brought by unprincipled advertisers from their homes to this bonanza that is pictured. The bricklayers do not fear any traveling brothers as they all know thcro * ls trouhlo here and always assist rather than otherwise. The union remains solid to a man , are In fine financial condition and good management , besides this are dally receiv ing sympathetic ana substantial proffers from all over the United States , showing the interest taken in Omaha bricklayers by distant members of their craft , still wo sincerely hope matters will bo settled soon , before harm Is done to our clt.V ; nro ready nt any tlnio to receive the contrActors with rea son nnd nssuro them when all settlements nro uiado , thcro will bo no ill fooling toward any contractor or their body and trust licro- nftor all matters concerning themsolvcs will bo settled in a moro sensible manner. BlllCKLATKKS1 HEH IIOXOU 8ATISF1ISD. Jens Krlstcnann Marries the Girt Ho Dishonored. Jens P. Kristcusen , who has languished In the county Jail since the 8th of February last cogitating over the rugged ways of the trans gressor was yesterday glVon his freedom upon his agreeing to bo joined in wedlock with Sophia Peterson , a comely looking Swedish girl , who alleges that Jens led her from the paths of virtue. It will bo remem bered that the case % vas tried before Justice Anderson and occupied sovcral'days. Jens nt the time stoutly denied that he was in any way responsible for Sophia's condition , nnd in tragic tones announced that ho would sooner rot in jail than marry her. Consequent quent ! } ho was given a chance to carry out this latter threat , and six weeks of Douglas county diet scorns to hnvo altered his ex pressed purpose , and yesterday ho an nounced his intention to mnko Sophia Mrs. ICristcnson. Accordingly the girl was sum moned to the bastilc , nnd nho und Jens , in company with a male friend , went before Judge Shields and procured a marriage license. Armed with this paper the trio immedi ately adjourned to the court of Justice An derson , who in esented a bill of $11.40 to the groomsman to cover the costs incurred at the trial in February. Jens himself was , in n financial way , broke , bul his friends came to the rescue" , niado up the sum , and then the magic words ware said which made him a full-fledged married man. Ho then left the court with an air of gloom and sullenncss , his wife following close at his heels. Ijlccnsotl to "Wed. The following marriage licenses wcro Issued yesterday by Judge Shields : Nnmo and Residence. Ago. ( Isaac Abrahamson , Omaha 24 1 Rosa Cooper , Omaha 20 j Jens P. Krlstensen , Omaha 24 ) Sophia Petersen , Omaha , 23 I Burton Porter , Omaha. . . . . . 25 ( Jennie Parkor. Omaha , 22 I Anders N. Anderson , Omaha .27 ) Mcniug Jorgeuscn , Omaha 30 j John A. Ross , Omaha , . . . .23 ( Matilda ErleUson , Omaha 28 ( James A. Donglus , Omaha 38 ( Emma Kirkindall , Omaha 21 I Albert E. Bullock. South Omaha ' . .23 ( Rosa Young , South Omaha 20 This Yenr's Assessment. Douglas county's assessors ycstord ay af ternoon took full possession of the rooms of the county commissioners and laid out their work for this year's assessment. The stat utes wcro consulted , maps looked over , and figures debated. There was a slim turnout of tax payers , and only ono suggestion was mado. That was from Schuylor Waltcflold , who argued for an assessment the same as that of last year. This the assessors did not consider equitable , and resolved among them selves to tack on 10 per cent ovar that of last your , thereby making the total valuation at between $18,000,000 and $10,000.000. The Great Contralto. Mnrianno Brandt , tbo renowned Contralto , who is now making a tour of this country , will sing at Boyd's opera house on next Friday night In connection with the Apollo club , our own homo organization , Marianne Brandt has sung In but a few oitios of the country. Her visit to Omaha Is not of a por- B&naf. nhtnra. R Tins boon Improved , hbw tivor , AS a m6nn 6f Enabling our pobplo to hoar the grcatisl. contralto who has cvor vlsltctf lhl pnrt of the country , There Is no doubt th nt she wlU attract the o t critical ana ncstl.otlo of. audiences , ospoclallv In Eon/ noction wlU the Apollo club , vrhloh lift ! already s3 innny friends and admlrors tm-o of n Yostonliy there wcro la tutvb supcrlntc- dents of two state Institutions , both or wl 5m nro already well known la this city. Thr-y nro Dr , Armstrong who hng charge of the Institute for the fcoblo-mlnaocj nt Bcatrlc > , and Dr. 13. A , ICollcy , who lins charge of',10 insane [ wylura at Norfolk la thla statiDr. . Armstrong says that bis Institution Is crowded now Vrlth Blxty-ftvo patients , but that an addition Is to bo mndo to It , wlili-'i will bo completed In Juno , which will nccon.inociato about seventy more. The doctor has already filed applications for nil the accommodations which ho expects to hava for some r onttis to como , Dr. Kclkysays that his asylum flow con tains 101 patients , all ot whom have boon received trim thirty-two counties north ot the Plattc. Some of thcso unfortunates wcro formerly quartered In the asylum at ) Lincoln nnd were transferred to Norfolk , when the n w institution atthnt nlaco was opened a few months ago. Every bed In tha asylum he s ys is occupied nnd some of tha patients are compelled to Bleep upon tha iloor. This iddltion note In courso' oferec tion will bo omnletcd on the 1st ol August when accommodations will bo provided for 120 moro people. Drs. Armstrong nnd Kelley - loy are the .youngest doctors In Nebraska who have Ix * : n intrusted with the carp Qf. largo state i.istltutlons , On Duty Again. Mr. Ed Morcarity , the obliging nnd gcntto * manly clerk to Judge Shields , was at his desk ycstord-.y , still lame ami aero from nil accident that happened to him nt his resi dence so mo (1 > ya ngo. Ho was swinging in a hammock wlun the stays gave waynndpTo clpitatcd hltn with great force to the ground. It was feared at first that ho had received internal injuries , -but happily this was npf the caso. _ Republican State Convention. _ The ropubli.-an , electors of the etato ot Nebraska arc requested to send delegates from the several counties , to moot in con vention , at the city of Omaha , Tuesday May 1C , 18SS , at S o'clock p. in. , for the purpose ol electing four delegates to the national rcpub lican convention , which meets in , Chicago Juno 19,18S3.rar rar AJTOIVTIOXMEXT. The several counties are entitled to reprc * sontation ns follows , balng basoil upou tha vote cast for Hou. Samuel Maxwell , ouprcma judge , in 1SS7 , giving one dologato-at-largo to each county , and ono for each 150 votes and major fraction thereof : COUNTIES. VOTE3.I COUNTIES. VOTES. Adams 14 Jefferson. . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Antelope 0 Johnson 8 Arthur 1'Kcurnoy ' 8 Blalnc SKcrn Paha 5 Boone SICoIth - Box Butte 4Knox , , 7 Brown. . . OLancastcr 23 Buffalo H'Lincoln ' 8 Butler 9 Ugan , 3 Burt OLoup 8 Cass 10 Madison 8 Cedar. CMcPhcrson 1 Chase SMerrick 7 Cherry 5 Nanco 5 Cheyenne 11 Neinaha. . . . . . , 0 Clay ,11 Nuckolls G Colfax . TOtoo . 13 Cuming Pawnco . 8 Custer . 17 Perkins . f - Dakota . Pierce . 4 Dawcs Polk . Q Dawson . 8 Platte . 10 Dixon . OPholps. . . . . . . 7 Dodge . 12 Richardson . 13 Douglas . 37 Rod Willow . 7 "Dundy 4 Saline 13 Flllmoro 10 Sarpy 5 Franklin TSaunders , 13 Frontier. . 10 So ward 10 Furnas CShoridan 7 Gage 10Sherman 7 Garflcld 3SIoux . 3 Gosper. fi Stanton 4 Grant 1 Thaycr 7 Grcoloy. 4Thomas . 3 Hall 11 Valley 0 Hamilton 10 Washington 9 Hnrlan 8 Wayne 5 Hayes 4Webstor 0 Hitchcock OWheolor 0 Holt York U Howard 7 Unorg. territory. . . . It is recommended that no proxies bo ad mitted to the convention , except such 03 nro held by persons residing In the counties front the proxies are given. GEOUOE D. MBIKLBIOIIK , WALT M. SBELY , Chairman. Secretary. Four now fable cars and ono grip ar rived yesterday and will bo put on tbo track as eon as possible. BROTHERHOOD ) OF ( TIVE ENGINEERS ! The locomotive is the grandest piece of me chanism the human brain-has ever conceived. The men. who drive it must be men of great abil ity and unflinching nerve. That they are not only men who have the courage of their convic tions but men of sterling character as well , their manly bearing and gentlemanly behavior dur ing the trying days of the past few weeks amply proves , we sympathize with the the Brother hood and propose to manifest pur sympathies in a practical form. From and after this 21st day of March , 1888 , L. O , Jones , the American Clothier , 1309 Farnam street , will make a spec ial discount of ten per cent from regular prices on all articles of Clothing , Furnishing Goods and Hats that members of the Brotherhood may need. SENNA-MANDRAKE-BUCHL It has Btood tha Tett of Yean , In Coring all Diseases of the BLOOD , IIVEB , BTOH- ' ACH , KIDNBYB.BOW- 18 , &e. ItPndflesthe Blood , Invigorates and OleantestheByitBm. DYBPZPSIA.COHflTI. PATIOH , JAUNDICE , SICKnEADACHE.BIL- LIVER IOUSCOMFLAINIU&e dltappear at on ce under KIDNEYS Its beneficial Influence. STOMACH It ii purely n Medicine AND as Its cathartic proper ties forbldi its uia as a BOWELS beverage. It is pleas ant to the taste , and as easily taken by child , ran as adults. ' PRICKIV ASH BITTEBS CO BoU fnprUton. C , YOUNG & SONS CO.J Oar large KOSEN and other PX.ANT8 will BiaVo a dkpUy in you ; garden nt OUCO. We ( ell no slips or rooted cutting ! . Imraente stock of fteih Mower end V Kotul > lo NiKUM : for all cli. matet end nil tituaucoi. U Itouiandf of tcilfmonUU elicit tUo superior quality of our I'luutu anil NocdH. S nJ c. ( itampilforcurmnuMlUceut CATAI.OUUK for 1888. Mott complcteabil valuaLIe everpublished , vrllh colored ptlej ! nd new wgraviagi. k'ltHU (9 all who ntcnusa ihu p ptt , FDUWTAIN JFIN13.OUT F LUQt Incomparably th . ,