THE OMAHA DAILY BEE TUESDAY , MARCH 20 , 1888. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Spmo Powerful Influoncoa atWork For the Wheat Boors. FIRMNESS IN THE CORN PIT. Slowness Experienced In Provisions "With Limited Trailing Buslncsa In C'nttlo Pnlrly Active Prices Steady Quotfttlons. CHICAGO PIIODUCE MARKET. CniCAno , Mnrch 10. ( Special TclcRrnm to the BEB.I Thcro wore some very powerful influences at xvork for the wheat bears this morning nnd those gentlemen who depend upon breaking the market for their profits succeeded In hammering prices down to the lowest point yet reached. Among those In fluences were warm weather , much smaller decrease In the visible supply than had been expected , small exports , and , above nil , greatly Increased receipts In the northwest. Against all these things about all thnt could bo urged was the better tone of foreign markets , Illness of the German emperor ana rcportca crop damage , Hutchlnson , who is estimated to have bought botxvccn 3,000,000 nnd 4,000,000 bushels of wheat Saturday , was about the heaviest seller to-day. May wheat opened at 78J c , sold down to 78c , up to 78Xc nnd hung there for n long time. About noon the decline began and did not stop until 78o wan reached. The 1 o'clock close was at Juno wheat opened nt 79c , sold up to down to 7878 o nnd closed there nt 1 o'clock. The decrease in the visi ble supply waa 408,000 bushels. Duluth in creased 285,000 bushels. Considering the decline in wheat , the corn market held quite 11 rm , closing but little lower than Saturday , nnd at onetlmo ad vancing % a under good buying , chioily by one strong commission house. There seemed but little corn for sale early in the session , but when wheat broke off there was encour agement enough for short sellers , and they hammered off all the advance that had been gained. May corn opened nt 51fc ( , sold down to 5ljifo under the Influence of larger re ceipts than were expected , then advanced to Bl fc , falling bnck later to 51V ° and closing nt 1 o'clock at 61Jfc. Juno corn opened nt GlX@GIKc , sold up < to 51 0 , down to GOJf ® COXo and closed there nt 1 o'clock. Them was nn increase of 80,000 bushels in the visible supply of corn. There was only moderate speculative trade In otita and the only fluctuations were In the May delivery , which opened nt 31c , sold up to 81Kc , back to 3lo and closed there at 1 o'clock. In provisions slow delay wns experienced , trading was limited nnd without special feat ure , the cash product sold sparingly and the business transacted , all told , was under the average. The feeling was .also easier , though lard was the only article showing anything approaching weakness. In lard the net decline suffered was 5c. Pork stood at 1 o'clock 2 } o under Saturday's closing. Short ribs closed unchanged to 2J c lower. AFTEKNOOK SESSION Wheat steady , May closing at 73 ? o bid , July 8c. Corn steady , May closing at 51 C@51jJc ) sellers. Oats easier. Pork wns unchanged ; May sold and closed nt $14.10@14.12 ; Mnrch closed nt (14.00 nnd Juno at $14.10 bid. Lard was steady. At the closing buying prices stood at $7.52)4 for Mnrch , $7.5 < K for May , for Jino and $7.07 } for July. CHICAGO JblVB STOCK. Cnicxao , March 10. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ! CATTLE Business was fairly active considering the big run last week and the big run to-day. A largo number went over the scales during the forenoon , but light "little" cattle had the call and were more eagerly sought after , especially by dressed beef dealers. There was also a fair demand for big cattle and M.75@4.60 bought prime steers good enough for export , alive or dressed. Medium , which form the bulk of tbo supply on all occasions , were neglected , the last to bo looked at by buyers and the hardest to sell. Some salesmen quoted prime steers not over lOo lower , medium IBc oft nnd prime "little" cattle about steady. The best grades of butchers' stock , which Includes first class cows and heifers , remain steady. Low grade butchers' stock , Includ ing thin and common bulls , old thin cows and canning stock , were slow nnd rather weak. Steers , 1850 to 1COO Ibs , 1.40S5.20 ( : 1200 to 1350 Ibs , f3.lXX 4.60 ; 050 to 1200 Ibs. ? 3.00@3.00 Stockers nnd feeders , $2.85@3.GO : eows , bulls and mixed , $3.0C@n.40 ; bulk , $2.50@2.70 ; Texas grass steers , * 2.95@3.50 ; fed , $3.50 ® 4.25. , Hoes Business was active and prices steady as compared with Saturday. Both packers Land nil loading shippers , except Squires , who went into the market later on , were active buyers. Best heavy made (5.40 (35.60 , to average around about 800 Ibs. , and nil good ; mediums , say 240 to 250 Ibs , and closely assorted , $5 85(35.40 ( ; mixed , $525 ® C.80 ; assorted light , averaging 180 to 170 Ibs. , mndo ? 5.1G@5.25 ; light , averaging 120 to 140 Ibs. , made t5.00@5.10. FINANCIAL. NEW YonK , March 19. fSpecial Telegram to the BEE. ] STOCKS The Now York stock market went contrary to general ex pectations to-day aud Instead of being weak cad declining , as on Saturday , advanced almost steadily and closed at nearly the out side figures , showing advances of % @l % points. Louisville & Nashville , Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy and Union Pacific headed the list. As thcso stocks have shown the most declines of late , the reaction was only natural , owing to the increased short interest a decline creates. Western Union advanced 1)4 ) , Missouri Pacific 1) ) , North western 1 # , Lake Shore i # , St. Paul X , Erie ff , Hlchmond Terminal % nnd Lack- awanna IK points , "Wtill struct gossips had it that Chicago operators were short 100,000 , shares and Camnmck 70,000 shares. If the Chicago operators are short to any such ex tent the bulk of them were put out at , prices materially above the present and undoubt edly show good profits. Although tinilO aborts bought some stocks , the greater part of the business was by professionals , who were evidently trying to get tbo market up to sell and help tnclr bull friends unload. The settlement of the Atchlson strike created n better feeling among the bulls , but they are still too tltnld to take hold with any degree of freedom. London bought a llttla - . * Louisville & Nashville nnd helped the ad vance. The total transactions \\ero 179,777 shares. POVEIINMENTS Government bonds were dull but steady. TKSTKIIDAY'B QUOTATIONS. MOXEY os CAU Kasy nt 2 @ 3 per cent ; last louu 3 per tout ; closed offered at U put cent. I'HIME MEIICANTILB Pren 5Q5 > pci cent , STEKLISO KXCIUXOE Dull but stcadj at $4.85 for 00 day Dills , Sf4.S7 > j' ( yi demand. ritOIltlOB MAnitETfl. Chicago , March 19.- Following are the 3:3ii : fjlosiiiRprices : Flour Nominally unchnngea though , tht feeling is easier ; wlut t wheat , bbls. JW i sacks , fJ.50(23.75i ( WhcUt , liLs } , 4.60 ; Bocks , $2.70@ 1.25 ; spring , $1,75(33.001 ( rye flour , $ J.85@3.iO per bbl ; buckwheat flour , $5.00@0.7l pcr bbl. Wheat Trading wns comparftUvclyllght ; tnnrket ruled weak with JKftj&d decline ; cash , 73 0 ! April. 73&C ; May , 78&C. Corn Moderately active find opened firm with nn advance ; ) f@Jfc lower than Satur day ; cash , 47 c ; Mav , SI 5-lfic. Oats Dull nnd heavy with very llttlo change ; Mny , 31c. I3arley Nominal nt 77@81c. Pi ImoTlmothy $2.61(32.52. ( Flax-seed $1.45. Whisky $1.15. Pork Trading comparatively light ; prices easy nnd lower ; cash , $13.95 ; May , $14.10 ® 14.12 } . Lard Dull nnd neglected ; cash , $7.52 > 4 ; May , $7.57K@7.CO. Dry Snltca Meats Shoulders , $0.00(510.10 ( ; short clear , $7.07K@- ; short ribs , $7.22K. Butter Firm ; creamery , 22J < 330c ; dairy , Cheese Firmer : full cream Cheddars , U ( HjllJ/c ; flats , HJfQllXc ; young Americas , Eggs Firmer ; fresh , 14@14Kc- Hides Unchanged ; green hides 4J c ; icavy green salted , 5J c ; llpht green salted , Oo ; salted bull , 4J c ; green bull , 8J c ; green salted cnlf,8c ; dry flint and dry calf , 12@13c5 dry salted , lOct deacons , 80o car.h , Tnllow Unchanged ! No. 1 , solid , 4Kc ; No. 2 , do 8J j cake , 4 > fcpcrlb. Heceipts. Shipments. Flour , bbls. . ' . 85,000 33.000 Wheat , bu 21,000 13,000 Corn.bu 191,000 97,000 Oats , bu 87,000 63,000 Hye.bu 2,000 1,000 32,000 31,000 Now Sforlc , March 19. Wheat Receipts , 11,100 ; exports , 40,200 ; options ruled steady nt opening , afterward advanced K@ ' ci then reacted ? < f@J c later in the day. closing heavy nt lowest ; cash heavy , } j@ } o lower ; ungraded red , SSXtQCOMci No. 2 red. S9 > f ® 90e in store and f. o , D. , 91" @ 91)f c delivered ; Mny closed nt OOc. Corn Receipts , 8,000 ; exports , 10,000 ; op tions opened firm hut soon wcakencdjde clincd K@ e , closing steady ; cash , K@itfc lower and dull ; ungraded , mixed , til ® No. 3 , G959Mc ; No. 2 , OOo In ele vator , Gl&c delivered : May closed at 69 c. Oats Heccipts , 30,000 ; exports , none ; mar kct steady : mixed western , 39@41c ; white western , 41@4.r > c. Coffee Spot , fair Ute , weak nt $13.50 ; options opened stronger , closing heavy and J9.80. Petroleum Firm ; United closed steady at OOXc. Eegs Firm ; demand fair ; western , 1G@ Wc. Pork In moderate demand and steady ; mess qoted at $14.75@15.00 for old , $15.00 ® 15.25 for now. Lard Lower , dull nnd heavy ; western steam , spot , quoted nt , Butter Firm ; demand fair ; western , 14 ® 32c. 32c.Cheese Cheese Dull ; western , llj @ 12c. Kansas City , March 19. Wheat Steady ; No. 2 soft , cash , 78o ; May , SO c. Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 435 c ; April , 44e ; May. 44 } c bid , 44 ? o asked. Oats-No. 2 , 29c. Minneapolis , March 19. Wheat Local stocks decreased 44,634 bushels during the past week ; receipts , -135 cars since Sat urday ; sales were fair in amount at slightly lower range. Closed : In store No. 1 hard , March , 70o ; April,70J c ; May , 77cJune,7Sc ; No. 1 northern , March , 74c ; April , 74Jfc ; May , 75e ; June , 70o ; No. 2 northern , March , 71 c ; April , 71Jic ; May , 73 } c ; June , 73 > < c. On track No. 1 hard , 77.-fc ! ; No. 1 north ern , 75 } c ; No. 2 , northern , 72 > tf@73c. Flour Unchanged ; patents , sacks to ship pers in ear lota , W.10@4.23 ; bakers' , $3.20@ * ii ) St. Louts. March 19. Wheat Higher ; cash , 82 > < p ; May , 82 ; c. Cora Dull ; cash , 45-tfc ; May , 4Cc. Oats Easier ; cash , ! 50 [ c ; May , 29 , ' c. Pork $14.25. Lard 57.35. Whisky ? 1.09. Butter Firm ; creamery , 24@30c : dairy , Afternoon Board Wheat Firm ; April , ; SfcMay ; , 82J < c ; July , 77c , Corn Quiet ; April , 45 o ; May,40Xc ; July , 47' c. Outs- Dull ; May 29 } cbid. Cinolnnati , March 19. Wheat Stead v ; No. 3 red. 87o. Corn Steady ; No. 3 mixed , 53c. Oats In good demand ; No. 2 mixed , S3K @ 34c. Rye Firm ; No. 2 , CCVc. Pork Quiet and steady at $14.50. Lard Dull at $7.50. Whisky Steady at S1.09. LIVJJ STOCK. Chicago , March 19. The Drovers' Journal reports as follows : Cattle Receipts , 12,000 ; market weak and 10@15ooff ; steers , $3.00@5.20 ; stockers and feeders , $3.3i@3.GO ! ; cows , bulls and mixed , $2.00@3.40 ; Texas steels , $2.95@4.25. Hogs Receipts , 18,000 ; market steady ; mixed , $5.15(55.85 ( ; heavy , $5.80@5.50 ; light , J5.10@5.30 ; skips , $3.50@5.00. Sheep Receipts , 3,000 ; market steady nnd strong ; natives , $4.50@6.25 ; westerns , $5.00@0.15 ; Texons , $3.50@5.00 ; Iambs , $5.50 (20.50. ( National Stook Yards , East St. Louis , March 19. Cattle Receipts , 2,000 ; shipments , EDO ; market lower : choice heavy native steers. $ i.8.5.25 ; fair to good native steers , $4.80@5.40 ; butchers' steers , fair to choice , $3.00(34.10 ( ; stockers and feeders , medium to good. $2.10 @ 3.25 ; runners , ordinary to good , $2.20@8.80. Hogs Receipts , 4,000 ; shipments , 900 ; market easy ; choice heavy and butchers' selections , $5.30(35.45 ( ; packing , medium to prime , $5.10@5.40 ; light grades , fair to best , $4.00(55.15. ( KiinariH City , March 19. Cattle Receipts , 775 ; shipments , none ; market slow , weak anil unsatisfactory ; good to choice corn fed , M.GO@-1.DO ; common to medium , $3.25(7 ( $ 4.40 ; stackers , $2.00@2.90 ; feeders , $3.00 ® 8.00 ; cows , J.OO@3.50. OMAHA MVE 8TOOK. General. UNION STOCK YAKDS , Op. m. 1 Monday , March 19,1888. ( The storm of last night caused a falling oft in the receipts of stock. Some trains are en route to the yards but when they will reach hero is n mutter only to the engineer. Cattlo. The offerings of cattle to-day v ere liberal although the greater portion of the receipts come in late Saturday night nnd Sunday. The quality of the stock was somewhat In ferior to that of last week , there being no strictly first-class stock hero. The number of sales mndo were not sufliclcnt to make a market , although what llttlo stuff sold was taken at fair prices. There was some in quiry for butchers' stuff ami the bulk of the salon mudo were of that cluss of stock. The receipts of hogs were 12S1 head of only fair quality and were soon taken by local buyers ut prices which were about steady. Sheep. There were no fresh receipts but one stnlo load sold nt (3.70. They were of common quality nnd not oven "good. " OiUolal Uccolpts. Cattle , 571 IlOg3. . * | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l , 3l Sheep Prevailing Prices. The following is a table of prices paid In this market for the grades of stock men tioned. It frequently occurs that no sales of some particular grade are made , when in this case the table will state as nearly as possible the price that would tinvobeen paid had there been any of that class among the offerings. Prime steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs.(4.40 @ 4.50 Prime steers , 1100 to 1800 Ibs. . 8.75 (24.30 ( Fut llttlo steers , 000 to 1050 Ibs. 3.3 > © 3.75 Corn-foil rungo steers. 1200 to 1500 Ibs 3.50 ® 4.35 Common to choice corn-fed , cows 2.50 Western cows , U.OO Fnlr to good range feeders 2.30 'Medium to good native feeders , 000 Ibs and upwards , . , , , , . , . 2.25 Common to good bulls , . . ; 2.00 Pair to medium native feedura. WK ) Ibs und upwards 3.25 @ 2.50 Stockers , 400 to 700 Ibs 2.15 © 2.75 Prime fut sheep , C50 K5.CO Uoodfat sheep , 00@ 100Ibs. . . . 8.75 M4.00 Fufr to medium sheep . 8.00 ac3.50 Cowman sheen , . . < . . . 2.50 GW.75 Light aud medium hogs 4.S5 $5.05 Fair to choice heavy hogs. . . , , 5.15 (35.20 ( Fair V } caok'o mixed hogs. . , . , D.1Q & 5.15 Hcprcscntattvo Sales , NATIVE STEEnS No. Ar. Pr. 17 , . . . . ,1000 8.70 No. Av. Pr. No. ' Ar. Pr. Cows. 3. . . . . .1000 2.05 13 CM ) 3.40 1 , . . . . .1050 3.25 SHEEP. 116. 77 8.70 nooi. No. Ar. Shk. Pr. No. Ar. Shk , Pr. 83. . .181 . . $4.85 70..243 100 $ C'J. . .189 120 4. 0 C8..250 bO G.15 70. . .1S5 . . 5.05 78..221 80 515 83. . .227 200 5.10 03..283 200 5.15 07 , . .24.1 50 5.10 O0..2tl ) 120 5.20 167. . .222 800 fi.10 75..240 120 5.20 ( i2. . .233 40 n.2 ! } CO..201 120 6.20 73. . .251 80 5.15 83..249 ICO 6.15 STAGS. No. Ar. Pr. 1. WO 12.75 Llvo atook Soltl. Showing the nil Tiber of ao.ulof stock sold on the market today.CATTLB. CATTLB. P. J. River. 17 Stevens & Co ' . , . . . . . IS W. Frazcr 67 Total 00 IIOOS. G. II. Hnmmontl & Co 3C > 5 Omnlm Packing Co s C07 Armour & Cudahay 629 Total. . . . 1,601 All sold. Shipments. Cattle , tear , B. & M Chicago Dressed meat , 10 cars , N. W Chicago Cattle , 2 cars , M. P West Doolcago anil Commission. Public Inspectors dock prcgiunt sows 40 pounds , stags 80 pounds each. Dead hogs. 100 pounds ami over , $1.00 ® 1.73 per cwt , less than 100 Ib ? , of no value. Yardage : Cattle , 2oc ; hogs , Sc ; sheep , 5c per head. Feed : Corn , $1.00 per bu. ; timothy hay , $30 : prairie hay , $20 per ton. Commissions : Cattle , 50cpor head ; calves and yearlings , $10 per car. Hogs and sheep : Single decks , $5 ; public Inspection on hogs , 15o per car. All sales unless otherwise stated per 100 Ibs live weight. Ttniigo of Prices. Showing the extreme highest nnd lovvoit rates paid for loading grades of hogs on dates mentioned : or Prices. Showing highest nnd lowest prices paid for leading grades of cattle on dates mentioned Space loft blank indicates that no sales of that particular class of cattle were made on that date : Live Stock Notes. Cattle arc slow. Hogs are steady. No sheep received to-day. S. D. Terry , of Beatrice , marketed a load of cows. F. Marsh , of Mason City , had cattle and hogs on the market. B. J. Turnoy , of Ansley , had three loads of cattle on the market. J. W. Chandler , of Ansloy , had four loads of cattle hero to-day. Mr. J. Kcene , of Albion , was on the market with cattle and hogs. John Hastie , of Talmago , was hero again with hogs and cattlo. Taylor & Blair , at Broken Bow , marketed a load of hogs at the top price. Myers & Burrows , of Ansley , had three loads of cattle on the market to-day. Sackett & Co. , of Albion , had hogs and cattle on the market. Mr. Ilowells caino in with them. The Drovers' Journal , of Chicago , says : "Marsh Parkhurst , a commission man of South Omaha , was killed in a wreck on the Burlington last night. " If the Journal was thoroughly acquainted with Marsh it would know that no ordinary railroad accident could finish him. OMAJIA WHOLESALiE MARKETS. Saturday , March 17. Produce , Fruits , Nuts , Etc. The followlnu ( mutations arc wholesale and not retail. Prices quoted on produce arc the rates at which round lots arc sold on Vila market. Fruits or other lines of goods requiring extra labor Inpachlno cannot al- wu\is \ be supplied on autuMe orders at the same prices quoted for the local trade. Hates on flour and feed arc Jobbers prices. Prices on araln arc Utose paid byOnuiha millers delivered. All quotations on mer chandise arc obtained from leading houses and arc corrected dallu. Prices on crack- era , calces , etc. , arc tlioso given by leading manufacturers , BUTTER Creamery , solid packed , 22@23c ; choice rolls , 18@20o ; medium , 14@15c ; low grades , 12@13c. Eoos Strictly fresh , 18@13J c asked. CIIBESK Full cream , 12l < J@18c. POUI.TIIY Chickens , 12@lllc ; turkeys , 12 ® 13c ; ducks , ll@12o ; geese , ll@llo. LEMONS J3.75@4.50 per box. DATES Persian. 8c per Ib. SAUH KUAUT Choice , per bbl. of 82 gal. , r7.50@8.00j yt bbl , .57@5.00 ; Jll.OO per bbl. of 50 gal. GUANOES California Riverside , $ -1.00 ® 4.25 ; Messina , * 3.75@4.25 ; Vnloneias , tO.OO ® 8.00 per case of 420. Florida brights , (4.2T @ 4.50 ; russets. * 3.504.00 ; Mexican , M.OO : Los Angeles , $3.50@3.75 : navnls , $5.50. FIOB In layers , 1316o , cake , lie per Ib. NUTS Peanuts , 0 > @ 7c , raw ; Brazil nuts , 18o ; almonds , Tarragona , 22o ; English wal nuts , 15@18o ; filberts , 12o ; Italian chestnuts , 15c : pecans , 15o. HONET 10@-lo for lib frames ; canned honey , 10@12c per Ib. ' CiUNiiEititiES Bell & Cherry , ? 10.50@11.00 ; 'Bell & Bugle , $11.00@11.50 ; Bell & Bugle premium , * fl.50@12.00. BEANS Good stock , ? 2.COS3.75 ( ; California beans , $3.25@2.40. POTATOES Utah nnd Colorado stock , f 1.15 @ 1.20 ; choice homo grown , 85@t)5o ) ; common grades , GOc. GHAIN Wheat , COo ; ryo. C5@58o ; oats , 80 ® Slo ; yellow corn , 40o ; white corn , 45o ; bar ley. 55@00o. BANANAS Medium , t2.50@3.00 ; choice , t3.00@3.50 , TuiiKirs Qood stock , C0@75o : rutabagas , 40@50o. CIDEII Choice Michigan cider , t0.tX0.50 ) per bbl. of 33 pral. Porcoitx Choice rice corn is quoted at 4 ® 4K ° Per . other kinds , 2 } @ 3o per Ib. OAIUIOTH $2.25@'J.60 per barrel. PAitsNii'8 Now stock , $3.50 per barrel. OvsTEits Plain standard , 2oe ; plain se lects , SOo ; standard. 40o : extra selects , 85o : Now York counts , 40e ; bulk oysters , counts $1.65 per 100 ; selects , (2.00 per gal. ; standard , $1.25 per gal. OAunAOES ? 1 per doz. , and 8@3Ko per Ib for California. CAUUFI.ON EU Good stock , f3.00S2.60. Orocer'H Lint. IlorE Seven-sixteenths , 10Jf@ll. POWUEII AND SHOT Shot , 1 1.4U : buckshot , $1.65 ; Hazard powder , J5.00 ; half kegs , * 3,75 ; one-fourths , $1.50 ; blasting kegs , $2.IS5 ; fuses , 100 ft. , 45@T5a PitovisjoNS Hams , H@llro ) ; breakfast ba on. ll@llj/o ; bacon sides. bWb/- drv salt , 7K < S i shouldeis , O QTo ; dried beef , TOHACCO Lonllard's Climax 45o , ; Splen did , 45o ; Mechanics' Delight , 4 to ; Leggett & Meyer's Star , 45o ; Cornerstone , 8Uo ; Drum- monei's Horseshoe , 45o ; J. T. , 42c ; Sbrg's Siiuurhcad , 44o : Catlin's Meerschaum , Slo ; Catltn's OldSlylo , 23o ; Piper Heidslck , C4o : Sweet Tin Top , 3Jc. U. N. O. , 17o ; Ued White & Blue , 18b. DUIED FIIUIT Apple , bbls. , new , # a. 7M@ ? } ie\ \ evaporated , Otf Uls ; llacl.neri-ksl ) evaporated , WfclO < ! \ plttedchorrlos , 22 < § 23c , piachcs , eastern , new , J < s , 8k@&Jfe ; ovapo- ratee , peeled peaches , 30@3-'c ; evaporated , unpared , lOfRiaOo ; new currant * , 7@7Koj pruncsnew,4. * < @ 4 ; < ctcitron,2l(33fC ( ; raisins , Cnllfonila-lVmlon M-crs , * 3.40a.50 ( ; Call- fonilaloose mugcatels , $1.00(23.00 ( : new Va lencia , 7 @ 7J/C. i COFFEE Ordinary grades , 17 < ftl8c ; fair , 18@10o ; prime , 19@20c ; fancy green nnd yel low , { jMac ; old government Java , 2Sg30o ( ; interior Java , 25@2So : Mocha , 28@30c ; Ar- buckle's roasted , S05/c ; McLnughlln's XXXX , 20tfcDilworth's ; , 20c ; Ilcd Cross , SUOAH Granulated ) 7rZi7J ( c ; conf. A , CANDT Mlxcil , 9@llc ; stick. 0OKc. CANNED GOODS Oysters , standard , per cose ? 3.00@3.85 ; strawberries , 2-lb , per case , K3.16MI3.U5 : raspberries , 2-lb , per case , $3.10 ® 3.20 ; California pears , per case , $4.70@4.80 : nprlcotn , per case , $4.30@4.40 ; peaches , per case , $5.00(35.76 ( ; white cherries , per case , $0.00 : California plums , per case , $4.30@4.40 ; blucbcrrlds , per case , $3.30 < K2.4l ) : egg plums , 2-lb , per case , $2.50 ; pineapples , S-lb , per case , $3.80.75 ; Mb salmon , per doz , * $1.851.05 ; 2 lb gooseberries , per case , $3.25@3.35 ; 2-lb string beans , per CMC , $1.75(31,80 ( ; 2-lb Lima beans , per case. $1.00@1.G5 ; 2-lb marrowfat peas , $2.00@2.70j 2-lb early Juno peas , per rase , $2.85 ; 3-lb tomatoes , $2.60 ; 2-lb corn , $2.30@3.40. JitELins 30-IU paila , $1.21.50. TEAS Japans , 20Q55c ; gunpowder , 20 ® OOc ; Young Hyson , 2255c ; Oolong , 20 ® 03c. 03c.Srnurs New Orleans molasses , per bbl , , 37@IOcporgnl. ; corn syrup,35e ; half bbls. , 37e ; 4 gal. heps , $1.53. S U.T Per bbl. ear load , $1.25. MAPI.C SUOAU Bricks , 12J c per lb ; penny cnkos , 15c per lb. WOODENWAHE Two-hoop palls , per doz. , $1,40 ; throe-hoop palls , 31.G5 ; No. 1 tub , $0.60 ; No. 3 tub , $5.60 ; No.3 tub , $4.f > 0 ; washboards. $1.150 ; fancy washboards , $360 : assorted bowls , $2.75 ; No. 1 churns , $9.f.O ; No. 3 churns , $8.50 ; No. 3 chums , $7.60 ; butter tubs , $1,70) ) spruce , in nests , $1.70. chango. Soda , 5e ; soda ( city goods ) , 7e ; soda snowilako ( in tins ) , lOc : soda dandy , 0 } c ; soda wafers ( In tins ) , lOc ; soda zephyr , Sc ; city oyster , 0 } < e ; excelsior , 7c ; farina oyster , 7c ; gem oyster , 5c ; monitor. 7c ; Omaha oyster , 7c ; pearl oyster , 5o ; picnic , 5c ; snowdrop oyster , 7c ; butter , Cc ; Boston , 8c ; Omaha buttor.Je ; saw tooth butter , OVc ; cracker meal , 5 } c ; graham , 8c ; graham wafers , lOc ; graham wafers in pound pack ages , 12J < o ; hard bread , 5c ; milk , 7 } ; oat meal. 8c ; oatmeal wafers , lOc ; oatmeal wa fers in lb pkgs. 12Kc ; animals , 12c ; Boliver ginger ( round ) , 7e ; cream. 8c ; Cornhill , lOc ; crncknells , Itio ; frosted cream , 8 } o home made ginger simps , in boxes , 13c ; homemade made ginger snaps ( l-lb cans ) per dozen , $2'50 ; lemon cream , 8c ; prct/els ( hand made ) llj c ; assorted crkcs and Jumbles , HJ c ; as sorted lingers , 15c ; afternoon tea ( in tins ) , per dox $7.00 ; banana lingers , 14c ; butter jumbles , HMc ; Brunswick , 15c ; brandy snaps , 15c ; chocolate drops ( new ) llic ; choco late wafers , 15c ; Christmas lunch , ( in tins ) per dozen , $4.50 ; cocoa taffy snaps , 14e ; coffee cake , 12c ; Cuba jumbles , llj c ; cream puffs , 30e ; egg Jumbles , I4e ; glncer drops , Jlc ; honey jumbles , llj c ; Jelly lingers , 15c ; Jelly wafers , 15o ; jelly tart ( new ) , 15c ; lady ling ers , ISc ; vanilla bnj , 14e ; vanilla wafers , 14c ; Vienna wafers , 1 dozen packages m a box , per dozen. $ J.50. ' * All goods packed | n cans 1 cent per lb. nd- vance except Snowflake and Wafer Soda , which Is packed ( jnW'in cans. Soda in 2 lb. and 3 lb. paper bakes , J cent per lb. advance ; all other goods 1 cent per lb. advance. Soda in 1 lb. pnper boxes , , 1 cent per lb. advance. The 2 lb. boxes arepacked , incases holding 18 in n case. The 3 lb. Boxes arc packed In cases holding 12 in n 'case. The 1 lb. boxes nro packed in cases holding 80 in a case. One lb. Graham nnd Oat Meal Wafers packed 2 doz. in a case. Show Tops for boxes , with glass opening to show goods , 75 cents. Cans for Wafer Soda , $3.00 not returnable. Cans for Snowflake Soda , $0.00 per dor. Tin Cases with Glass Face to display the goods , 75 cents each. No charges for Packages except for cans ann re turnable cases. .Glass Front Tin Cans nnd "Snowflake" Soda Cans are returnable at prices charged. Dry Goods. DUCK West Point 29 in. 8 oz. , lOJtfc ; West Point 29 in 10 oz. , 12 > i'c ; West Point 10 id. 12 oz. . 15e ; West Point 40 in. 11 oz. , llic. Checks Caledonia X , Qc ; Caledonia XX , 10 > c ; Economy , St e ; Otis , 9Kc. KENTUCKY JEANS Memorial , 15c ; Canton , 28c ; Durham,27Ke : Hercules , ISo ; Leaming ton , 22J o ; Cottswold , 27 c. CUASH Stevens'B , Oc ; bleached , 7c ; Ste vens' A. 7 > c ; bleached , 8 > fc ; Stevens' P , 8J c ; bleached , OJ c ; Stevens' N , 9 c , bleached , lO c ; Stevens' S R T , 12Kc. MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth , $285 ; plain Holland , SJ c to 9'4c ; Dado Holland 12Kc. ( jAMnitics Slater , 5e ; Woods , 5e ; Stan dard ; 5e ; Peacock. 5c ; Slater roll , 0@7e. COMFOUTEUS $ ( i.CO@35.00. BLANKETS White , $1.00@7.50 ; colored , $1.10@8.00. BLEACHED SHEETING Berkeley cambric , No. 00 , 9 } e ; Best Yet , 4-4,6e ; butter cloth , OO , 4 c ; Cabot , 7 c ; Furwell , 8J < c ; Fruit of Loom , 8 > fc ; Greene G , Cc : Hope , 8c ; King Phillip cambric. He ; Lonsdaie , HKe ; ixms- dale , 7e : Now York mills. lO o ; Pepperell , 42-in , He ; Peppcrell , 4l5c-m , 12c ; Pepperoll , 0-4 , llc ! ; Pepperell , 8-4 , 21e ; Pepperell , 0-4 , 23o ; Pepperell , 10-4 , 25c ; Canton , 4-4 , SJi'o ; Canton , 4-1 , 9J ci Triumph , Cc ; Wamusutta He ; Valley , 5c. PiiiNTS SOLID Coi-ons Atlantic , Cc ; Slater , 5 } c ; Berlin oil , OKc ; Grnner oil , 0 ® 7c. PIKK AND ROIIES RIchmond-OKc ; Allen , CMc ; River Point. 5e : Steel River , < % e ; Richmond , Co ; Pacific , 6 > c. INDIOO BLUE Washington , O cjCentury indigo blue prints , lOc ; American , 7c ; Arnold , 7c : Arnold B , He ; Arnold A , 12o : Arnold Gold Seal , lOUc. DHESS Charter Oak , 5 } c ; Ramapo , V&c.\ \ Lodi. 6e ; Allen , Cc ; Richmond , Co : Wind sor. O c ; Eddystone , OKc ; Pacific , O c. BUOWN SHEETING Atlanta A , 4-4 , 7 c ; Atlanta H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlanta D. 4-4 , Co ; At- an tic P , 4-4 , Cc ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oc : Auro ra C , 4-4 , 5o ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , 7J c ; Hoosier LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Indian Head , 9-4,7 > < c ; Lawrence LL , 4-1 , Oc ; Old Dominion , 4-4,5cW ; Pepperell. R , 4-4 , 7 cPepperellO,4-4CoPcpperel,8-4 ; ; ) 18Ko ; Pepperell. 9-4. 21c ; Pepperell. 10-4,23o ; Utica , C. 4-4. 5c ; AVachusett , 44 , 7 } c ; Au rora B , 4-4 , 0 } o ; Aurora R , 4-4 , 0c. BATTS Standard , Oo ; Gem. lOKc ; Beauty , 12Kc ; Boone , 14o : B , cased , $0.50. GINOHAM Plunkett checks , 7J < c ; Whitten- ton , 7Ko ; York , 7 } < fc ; Normandl dress , 8Ko ; Calcutta dress , 8o ; Whittenton dress , Oc ; Renfew dress , 8 } ® 12V c. TICKS Lewiston , 80-fn. , IZXoi Lcwiston , 32-ln. , 18Kc ; York , 82-in. , 14c ; Swift river , 7 c ; Thorndiko , OO , 8 0 ; Thorndiko , FF , 8Hc ; Thorndike 120. 0 0 ; Thornuiko , XXX , 15c ; Cordis , No. 5 , O&o ; Cordis , No. 4 , He. DENIMS Ainoskeag , 9-oz. , ICc ; Everett , 7-oz. , 18c ; York , 7-oz. , 13o ; Haymaker , 8Xc ; Jaffrey , XXyto Jaffroy , XXX , 12Ko ; Beaver CrceK , AA , l'-e ; Beaver Creek , BB , 11 Beaver Creek , CC , lOc. FLANNELS Plaid Raftsman , 20e ; Goshcn SJi e ; Clear Lnlro , 82Wo : Maple City , 30J c. Whlto-G H N. 3 , % . 21c ; G H No. 1 , % , 80o ; Quechee No , 1 , % , 42o ; Quechee No. 2 , 5C , 87Ko : Quechee No , 4 , % , % ; Anuwan , IS o ; Windsor , 22 > Jo ; Re'd XC , 24-in. IS o ; E 24-inch , 21e ; GG 34-inch , 18o ; H A F , % . 25o ; J R F , ? / , 27 p ; G % , 85o. COTTON FJ.AN.NKLS 10 per ccdt trade dis- liOo ; No. 10 , 8 } c' 60 , lOKc ; W ) , 12 0 ; bO , lOc ; 30 , colored , lOo ; 50 ; colored. 12e ; 70 , colored , 15e ; Bristol , 13 > io ; Union Pacific , 18o. CAKPBT WAUP Bibb , white , 10J/o ; col ored. 20 o. ' General Markets. FLODK ANII FEEK Minnesota patents , $3.50 per cwt ; Kansas und Missouri fancy winter patents , $3.GO < < 3G5 per ewt ; Nebraska pat ents , $3.45@2.50 per cwt ; rye flour , $2.00 per cwt ; wheat graham , $1.75@l.tH ) per cwt ; rye graham , $1.85 per cwt ; Now York buckwheat $ fl.50@7.00perbbl ; Excelsior $0.00 per bbl ; ready raised , $5 00 per 100-lb case ; cormneal , yellow , $1.00@1.10 ] ier cwt ; white $ l.05@1.15 per cwt ; bran $10.00 ( 17,00 per ton : screen ings , $12.00 pur ton ; hominy , $3.25 per bbl ; chopped feed , $19.00 per ton ; chopped corn , $18.00 per ton. LEATHEII Oak soles , . 85@37c : hemlock slaughter solo , 21(329c ( ; hemlock dry solo , 21 ( tt25o ; hemlock kip , C0 ( < i90e ; A. & II. runner kp | , 50u75o ( ; ; A. hemlock calf , 90c ( < il.uO ; A. A , hemlock calf , "backs , " 75a ; hemlock upper , rjQi o ; English grain upper , 25o ; hemlock grain upper , 21 ( :34ti : ; Tanipico B. L. Morocco , 29tt33o ( ; Tampico pejiplo , O. D. Mo. , 23 290 ; Cm-acoa , B. G. Mo. , aio : Simon O. D. Mo. , $3 75@3.00 ; Dangola kid , 80fe35c ; X. M. kangaroo , 40@50c ; American calf kid. 32o ; Grieson kids.$3.000 3.50 ; French glazed Kids , $350@2.75 ; French calf kids , J3.20 ; oak kip sk ns , 80o@tl.001 , oolc cnlf skins , . $1.00 1.20 ; Frcucb cau tklns , | 1.2.S ( ? .GOj Frcaclt kip skins , $1.10@1.50 ; Uunsltt linings , $ .000.50 per dbz. ; pink cream nnd white linings , $7.50 ( § 10.00 per doz , ; colored toppings , $9,00 ® HAT Common coarse , $5.00 ; upland prairie , $5.500.00. HIDES Orccn butchers' , 6 * ( ! ? 7c ; green cured , C < o ; dry flint , Ho ; dry salt , 80 grron calf skins , 7o damngcd hides , two- thirds price. Tallow 8J c. Grease Prime white. 4fo } ; yellow , 8c : brown 2c. Sheep pelts 25(31.00. ( Green ox pelts,8@3Ko ; kip skins ( uniform ) 4 < JMJ c ; cowhides , 4 > j@5c. Fens Knccoon , No. 1 , G070oj ( ? No. 3 , 30 ® 35c ; mink , 10@50o ; musk rat fall , & ® 8o ; muskrnt , spring nnd winter , 8@lle : striped skunk , pji o ; inountnln wolf. No. 1. $1.50 @ 3.50 ; NK 2 , pralrlo , 5075cJ No. 2 , 2540ct beaver , No. 1 , per lb , $3.00(33.00 ( ; No. 2 , $1.00 ( $1.25 ; otter , $1.00i ? < .00 ; dry deer skins , 2K < ? Ko per lb ; dry antelope , elk , moose , etc. , 16 ® 25o : deer skins , per lb. 20@35c. WOOL Per lb. , 14@20c. REFIT.I ! ) LAnn Tierce , 7 ? c ; 40-lb square cans , 7 > < o ; 50-lb round , 7fo ; 20-lb round , 7-Vo ; 10-lb pails , 8Vel 5-lb palls , 8 | c ; 2-lb palls , 6Yc. BHOOMS Extra 4-tle , $3.CO ; No. 1 , $ J,00 ; No. 2 , $1.75' hcaxy stable , $4.00. HOLLAND ItnuniNos 7072o per keg , PICKI.CS-Medium In bbls. $0.X ( ) ; do in half bbls , $3.50 ; small , in bbls , $7.00 ; do in half bbls , $4.00 ; gcrkins , In bbls , $9.00 ; do In half bbls , $4.50. SriuiTS Cologne spirits 188 nroof , $1.14 ; do , 101 proof. $1.17 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , $1,10 ; do , 183 proof , $1,13 ; nlcohol , 183 proof , per wlno gallon , $3.12 ; redistilled whiskies , $1.35@1.50 ; glnblcndcd , $1.50@3.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , $2.00@0.00 ; Kentucky nnd Pennsylvania ryes , $3.00@0.50 ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , $1.60@3.00 ; brandies Imported , $5.00@850 ; domestic , $1.80@3.00 ; pins , imported , $5.00@0.00 ; do mestlc , $ I.U53.00 ; champagnes imiwrtcd , per case , t2S.OO@33.00 ; American per case , $10.00 @IIVOO Dnuos Acid , carbolic , crystal , per lb , 50c ; citric , per lb , COc ; tartarlc , per lb , 60c ; sul phuric , per lb , 5e ; ammonia , cnrb , per Ib , 15e ; alum , per lb , 5o ; nlcohol , fl5 per cent , per gnl , $3.25 ; blue vitriol , per lb , 80 ; borax , refined , per lb , lOc ; camphor , refined , 30c ; cream tartar , pure , per ID , 45e ; cream tartar , commercial , per lb'JOe , ; cloves , per lb , 23e ; cuttlefish bone , per lb , 80c ; dextrine , per lb , 12c ; glycerine , pure , per lb , 30c ; hops , fresh , per lb , 40c ; indigo , Madras , per lb , 80o ; in sect powder , per lb , COo ; morphine , P & W , per oz , $3.25 ; opium , per lb , $4.25 ; quinlno , P & W , per oz , Clo ; quinine. Gorman , per oz , 50c ; Rocbcllo salts , per lb , 85c ; saffron , American , per lb , GOc ; saffron , true Suanlsh pcroz.$1.00 ; saltpetre , pure , per lb , lOe ; sul- jmur. Flowers' , per lb , 5c ; soda , bi-carb , per lb , 5c ; silver , nitrate , per lb , $11.50 ; sperma ceti , per lb , COc ; strychnine , per oz , $1.25 ; wax , white , pure , per lb , 53c ; wax , yellow , pure , per lb , 85c. OILS Carbon , 12@25c ; linseed , boiledCOc ; linseed , raw , 67o ; castor , No. 1 , $1.20 ; No. 2 , $1.12 ; sperm whale , $1.00 ; whale water , bleached , 85c ; flsb , bank , 35c ; ncntsfoot extra , 55c ; ncatsfoot No. 1 , 50o ; gasoline , 74 degrees. 15e ; W. S. lard , C5c ; No. 1 lard , 50c ; No. 3 lord , 50c ; W. Vn. zero , 14e ; AV. Vn. summer , 12c ; golden No. 1 , 40c ; golden No. 3 , 25e ; whale , 20c ; naphtha , 1 degrro , 14e ; headlight , 150 degrees , 12c ; headlight , 175 de grees , I5c ; turpentine , 4Cc ; castor , pure , $3.45 per gal. Dituas Ammonia cnrb , 14c ; camphor ro- flncd , 30e ; copperas , 1)40 ; cream tartar , 45c ; cream tartar powdered. 20@50c ; Indigo Madras , 75c ; morphia sulph , per oz. , $3.85 ; sodabi. carb , C5c ; Venice turpentine , 40e ; gum opium , $4.25 ; quicksilver , 80c ; quinine , German , pcroz. , 55c ; quinine , P. & W. , 14o ; wax , yellow , pure , 82e ; wax , white , 43@55c ; citric acid , per lb. , C4e ; oxalic acid , j > er lb. , 54c ; alum , 4c ; borax , refined , per lb. . ' , lOc. EXTHACTS Sanderson's oil bcrgnmot , per lb. , $3.00 ; oil lemon , per lb. , $2 50 ; oil pepper mint , $300 ; oil wintcrgrccn , $2.50 ; olive oil , Malaga , per gallon , $1.25. > * SOAI- Castile , mottled , per lb. , 8@10 ; castile - tile , white , 10@13. PAINTS White lead , pure , OJ c : white lead , fancy , f ytc ; putty , in bladders , 8c ; Paris white 3o ; common , 2 } c ; red lead , 7c. WINDOW GLASS Single , 70 per cent ; double , 70 and 10 per cent discount. " Iju in her. DIMENSIONS AMD TIMIIEHS. HOARDS. No. 1 com , s 1 s.17.50 I No. 3 com , s 1 s.$14.00 No. 2 com , sis. 15.50 | No. 4 com , sis. 18.50 FENCING. No. 1 , 4 & 0 In 12 & 14 ft , rough $18.50 No.l , " " 1C " 18.60 ' No.3 , " " 14 " 15.00 No. 2 , " " 1C " 10.00 SIDING. A , 12 , 14 & 1C ft.$20.25 j C , 12,14 & 1C ft.$14.50 B , " " 19.501 D , " " 11.50 CEILINO AKI > 1'AUTITION. 1st com % in White Pine ceiling $32.75 2d " " " " . . . 2C.75 Clear 3 in Norway" " 1525 2dcomijin ? " " " 18.25 FLOOIIINO. A C in White Pine $33.30 BCin " " 31.50 CCin " " 28.50 DCin " " 20.50 ECin " " ( Scl. Fencing ) 18.00 C in. Drop Siding 50e per M extra. STOCKUOAHUS. A 12 inch si s f 14.50 B13 " 38.50 C13 " 35.50 D12 " 21.50 No. 1 com. 13 in sis , 12ft 1950 " " " 14ft 18.50 " " " 10ft 18.00 " " " 10,18,20ft 21.00 No. 2 " " 18.00 " " " 12 As Hit 17.50 " " " 10ft 10.50 12 in Grooved roofing , $1 per M more than 13 in Stock Boards same length. 10 in Grooved roofing same price as 13 in Stock Boards. Binr LAP. No. 1 Plain 8 and 10 in $17.75 No.2 " " " 10,25 No. 1 , OG , Sin 18,25 FINISHING. 1st and 2nd , clear , 1 , Itf insS s.$49.50 " " 1& , 2 49.50 3d , clear , 1 in , s2s 44,60 " 1J < , ijtfin , 2 45.50 A. select , 1 in H B 38.50 -A , " IX , IK , 3 In s 2 s 42.50 B , " linslis 28.50 B , " Itf , 1M , 2 in B 2 s 85.50 B , select , all 10 ft , $1 extra. SOUTIIEIIN YELLOW 1'JNE. Com. 4 inch Flooring $17.50 Star " " 19.50 1st and 2d clear 4 Inch Flooring 21.60 Six inch 60u less. Clear inch Ceiling 19.60 Clear % inch Partition 23.60 Clear % inch , Partition $2 ubavo inch Ceiling Clear Finish , 1 und \\i inch , s3 s 20.00 Clear Finish , IK and 2 Inch , B 2 s 29.00 Clear Corrugated Ceiling , 4 inch 23.60 Clear Yellow Pine Casing nnd Base. . . . 25 00 rOI'LAll LUtlllBlt. Clear poplar bx. Bdsin s3s $34.00 " " Kinpunol , s2s i 27.00 " " Corrugated ceiling , % . . 23.01) HATTBNS. WELL TUI1INO , 1'ICKETS. OG Butts , 2K > n $ G5 " Mx3BlB 30 2 In well tubing , D & M and bov 23 Pickets , D & H flat 19 " DHsq 19 SHINGLES , LATH . , XXclcar $8.00 Extra A $ 2,80 * A Standard. . 3.55 A HB&B. . . 2.35 5 in clear. , , . . . . ( I in clear 1,95 No.l 1.80 Cedar * A' Lath . „ . . . 2.55 I'Obld. White cedarO in J < . 13 " Oinqrs . 13 " 8fiijrs . , " 4inround . * 14 Tennessee red cedar , split . 14 Split oak . 8 " . Epps's Cocoa lUtKAKFAST , "llr a tboronuli knowloil of the natural Uiri which KOMirn tlio oi > erittlon ot dlKCitlon unit niitri- tlon. | iiil bjr curof ul uppllfatlon of tlio Uno iir cf wcll-bcloi'tej Cocoa , ilr. Kpin lm I'rovlilert ' our brcakfait luLIes with a delicately tiuroru.l hovorage which Biaif euvo ui inuny lieuvy doctor's bllli. Ilia by tbo Judkloun u o of luch urtlclci of diet tliata conttltutlon nmx be fm-tuullr built up until ttrontf rnuuKh to rc lbt overf tendency to ulteiiae. Jlun- dniat of lubtla maludleiuru UoatlnK around ui rvadf to HtUick wherever tberu li a weak point. We may etcapo want u tatul that t by fciv | > lnit ounelres well fortltlcd with pure blood anil a prouerli nourished f tame.CIvl ) borvlcu ( iazette. Mudo lmply with boiling water or milk. Bold only In lialr pound tint bjr ( Jroce labeled tbui : JAMES EPPS SCO , , Agricultural Implements. " CHURCHILL PARKER" , DealerinAgricnltnralliniilefflents , Wagons , Carilagei and nuenlts. Jmesf < trtttb twecn9than < t 10th , Omaha , Nebraska. LININOER & METIMLF CO. , AgricultnrallmplementSjWasons.CaiTiages . llngglfi.Ete.Vbolctale. . Omaha , Ntbrasifc , PARLIN , ORENDORF & MARTIN , Wholesale DcMtrs In t01ro3roi > ndfO7JonP § Street , Omfihs. P. P. MAST & CO. , Manufacturers of Bnctoyc Drills , Seeders , Cultivator ! . lift ? Itakei. drier Mllli unit Lut > nn Pul- i. Cor , lltli and Nlcholm streets. WINONA IMPLEMENT CO. , Wholesale AgricnltnrallniDlcinonls.Wagons&BnEgics . Corner 11th and Nicholas Streets. OMAItAIUMNCH. J. F. SEIDERL1NG & CO. , ( Akron , OliIcO Hamsting Machinery and Binder Twine W. E. Mead , Alanagcr. l/lSLcaTcnnurui st , Umalm MOLTN EnVMLBURN&STObbAlfD Co" Manufacturers and Jobbcri In Wagons Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc , _ Cor. 1th nnd Tactile Btroot . Omarm. Neb. Artlsta' rflntorlols. A HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1513 DouglBH Street , Omaha , Kctiraska. Boots and Shoos , W. V. MORSE Si CO. , Jobbers of Boots and Slices , IKWlHB-llKiUougliuBt. . Omalm. Manufactory , Sum mer St. , IloMon. K1RKENDALX. JONES & CO. , ( Successors to llccd , Jones A Co. ) Wholesale Mannfactnrers of Boots andShoes A8cut. lor orton 1104 * ItUO Booksellers end Stationers. . " H. M.&S. W.JONES. Successors to A. T. Kcnyon & Co. , Wholesale & Retail Booksellers and Stationers , Flno Weddlna Stationer ? . Commercial Stationery , tOinalin , Neb. Coffees , Splcos , Etc. CLARKE COFFEE CO. , Omntm CotTco and Spice. Mills. Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder , Flavoring Kxlracti. I-aundry lllue , Ink ? . Ktc. lill- lUdllnrncy Rtrcot. OmahB. Ncbrmkn. Crockery and CilaBavyarg. w. iT. WRIGHT . Agent for tha Manufacturers and Importers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , CMmneys , Etc. Offl co , 317 8.13th St. . Omaha. Nebraska. PERKINS , CATCH & LAUMAN , Importers and Jobbers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware , Ktc 1M61Q ITnrimm St. , New 1'axtnn UnlldtnK. Commission and Storage- GEO. SCHROEDER & CO. , ( Successors to McSbano & Scbrocdcr. ) Produce'Commission and Cold Storage , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Omaha. Nebraska. RIDDELU & RJDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchants , Specialties Butter , Kegs , Cheese , Poultry. Game , Oysters , Ktc. , lite. 112 bouth Utli btrect. , Co o OMAHA COAL. COKE St LIME Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , _ 203 South J3th Street , Omaha , Nebraska. _ J. J. JOHNSON & CO. . Li , I.lino , 111 NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 211 South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb. D ry Coo da end Notions. M. E SMITH & CO. , Dry Goods , Famishing Goods .and Notions , 11(13 and 1104 DouRlai , Cor. llth St. , Omaha , Neb. K1LPATR1CK-KOCH DRYCOODSCo Importers andJohtiersinDryGoodsNotions , Gents' Furnishing floods/ Corner llth and Ilunej btt. , Omaha , Nebraska. Crocorlos. PAXTON , GALLAGHER & CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Proyisions , 70S. 707,703 and 7118.10th St. , Omaha , Neb. McCORD , BRADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , 12th and LcaTcnworth Streets , Omaha , Nebraska. Furniture. DEWEY & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Furnam Street , Omaha , Nebraska. CHARLES SHIVPJRICK , Furniture Omaliu , Nebraska. Hardware. LEE , FRIED iCO. . , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tlnnare , Sheet Iron. Ktc. Audits for Hone Scales , and Miami I'cmdcr Co. , Omaha , Nob. HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mechanics' Tools and Buffalo Scales. 1105 Uoualai Btreet , Omaha , NebraAa. RECTOR , WILHELMY St CO. , Wholesale Hardware , 10th and Harner Sta , Omaha , Neb. Western Aecntt for Austin Powder Co , Jefferson Steel Nails. Fairbanks titan JurU Hcales. MARKS BROS. SADDLERY CO' . Wholesale Mnnufucturcra of Saddlery & Jokers of Saddlery Hardware And Leather. 1UU , IMfi nnd llirj llurncr St. , Oinaba , Nebraska. Hogyy Hjard yy a i ro . w. J."BROATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , ' Ktc- JAMES A. EDNEY , Wholesale Iron and Steel , Taeonand Carrlaao Wood Block. Heavy Hardwar Etc. 1311 and IM LotvenwortU tit. , Oinutu , Neb. Lumber. OMAHA LUMBER CO. , All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale 18t J Street and Union I'ftclde Track , Omaha. L O UI F B ADF OR D Dealer in Lumher , Lath , Lime , Sash , Door , , Etc. Yardt-Corner 7lh anii lioiwlui ; Corcei Vlh uud Uoutn ! . . Hats , Caps , Eto. - - --.r r ' " W. L.'PARROTTE 00 Wholesale Hats , Cans and Straw Goods , uoj u iu r fiiitct , outbt , Meb , O. N , DIETZ , Dealer in All Kinds of inter , Hth and California jtrftlMmalit. Nebraska , FRED W. CRAY , " " Lumber Lime Cemenl Etc Etc , , , , , , Corner fth and Douglas Sin. . Omaha. TTW. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , " * ' aTe To Dealers Only , 1 Ofllce.HttlfarnamSlreot.Omaha. * JOHN A. WAKEFIELD. Boljsal Injiier , Etc , t " gulncy White Mm * . CHAS. R. LEE. Dealer in Hardwood lumber , Wood CarreH and 1'argnot Flooring. Mh and Homlu Iron Worko. PAX1XJN & Vir.Iir.lNQ IIIONWOllKS , Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort Engines. llraM Work , ( lonoral Caundry , Machine and' lllacksmlth Work , ornco and Works , U , 1 * . Ity. and Klh Blrect , Omaha. OMAHA WIRE fc IRON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings * . J Iosk Halls , Window niiardf , Flower Stand' , Vflro' * $ Elgns.Ktc. 121 North Ifth BtrcotOmah . OMAHA SAFE nnd IRON WORKS , Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes Vaults. Jail Work , Iron niul Wlro FVnclnii , Sign * , Kto. O. Andrren , I'rop'r Cor. llth amlJack on Sw. CHAMPION IRON and WIRE WORKST Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards , , UJ Bcrvciii , torbanKS , uniiui , Muu-n , itiltMict's , cUi IsprOTod AwnliiKi , Locksmith Machlnerr and Blacksmith Works. 103 South 14th 8U ; MEAQHbK At LEACH , ' Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks , . General Agent * for DlcbolJ Snfo k , I/irX Co.'n Toulla and Jail Work , llli Farnnni Hlrcct , Omaha. wilMmory tind Notions. " " " " " " l.6BERFELD"ER""t"con" Importers & Jolliers in Millinery & Notions . gXtlO and 2 Bouth lllh Street. Notions. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions &nd & Furnishing Goods 03 nnd < ( Vikutli 10th St. . Omaha. * VINYARD & SCHNEIDER , Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , 1105 llarncy Street , Omaha. Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO.r Wliolsale Refined and LuMcating Oils , Ailo Grease , Ktc. . Omaha. A. II. Dlshop , Managerj t Paper. " * Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry a nlco stock of I'rlntlna. Wrapping and Wrltlnft l'htr. Bpeclal attention nlvon to car load orders. J " _ Prlntors * Motor I ale. _ "WESTERN NEWSPAPER UN'ioNP Auxiliary Pablishers , Dvalcrs In Type , I'rcxsea and Printers' Supplies. KB South 12th Street. Omaha. OMAHA'RUB'BER cb. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods Oil Clothing and Leather Boltlni ; . 1008 1'arnam Blrast. A. L. STRANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes aud Engines , CHUHCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Filtings , Steam and Water Supplies. Headquarters for Mask Foost & Co'a goods. 1111 Farnam Ht , Omaha. U. S. WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , Uelllday Wind Mills. 018 and OM Farnam St. , Omaha. U. K. Itoss. Acting Manager. . BROWNELL & CO. , T Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ; Sheet Iron Work Steam Pumps , flaw MlMs. 1311-1219 LciiTcnworth Street. Omaha. _ _ _ Soodsi. _ PHIL. ST1MMEL & CoTi Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds _ BH and 013 Jonea Street Omaha. Storage , Forwarding & , Commission ARMSTRONG. PETTIS & CO. , Storage , Forwarding and Commission , Drunch house of the Heirner UuKRyCo. DucgtcBaJ nbolesalu and retail , IdOU 1/10 anil 1312 Icard tUreot , Omaha. Telephone No.7M. Cornloo. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , Manufacture Galvanized Iron and. Cornice ; John llpeneter. Proprietor. V20 Dodge and 103 and 10f North loth Mtrect , Omiiha. Browors. STORZ Si ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , I'.Tl North Elgthteenth Street. Omaha. Nub. Overalls- CANFIELD Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans I'anto , Shlrti , Kto. HKniul 1101 Uouitlu Btreel Omaha. Neb. Sash , Doors , Eto. M. A. DISBROVCO. . , . Wholesale Manufacturer ! of . < Sasli. Doors , Blinfls ani Monluings , Branch bfflce , IZth and UarJ Htreeti , Omaha , Neb. BOHN MANUFACTURINQ CO. I Mannfacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds. Mouldlniis , HtalrWork and Interior Hard Wood Flnl Ish. a , K. Comer Sth and IxjaTenworth BUetts , { OmnliaT tjeti , { OMAHA PLANING MILL CO , , , Manafactnrersof Moulding , Sash , Doors , ' And Hlln < l , TurnlnrBtalr.worlr , Hank nnd Offlca TfHt tlnk' . anil and 1'oppleton Arenu . J Srnoko Stacks , Bollora , Eto. HTl < . SAWYER , ' Manufacturing Dealer in Sinolce Stacks , lirUchlnk'i , Tanks and General Holler ltepalrln . Ulrf llodgo Btrent. Omaha , Neb. C.U. I'AI.HClt , N. r. HICIIHAX. J , II. I PALMER , RICHMAN k CO. , Liye Stock Coininission Merchants , Ofllco Koom2On | > onlto Kiclmnuo llulldlnc , Ualoa _ Block VBrds. tiouth UuiOja , Neb. MoCOY BROS. , Liye Stock Commission Merchants , Market furnished f rcu on application , . iitorkers and feeders furnlahed i > n uuoil lurnis. Uo't.rcnces' Oiua * bu National llank aud huutli Ouiubu National , Untoir block Y.rd ( , bouth Omaha , MALEY" Live Stock Commission , Itoora I } , Uxibaneo llullJInK , Onlcu Etock V rd , houthOambs , Neb. ALEXANr > E R Commision Dealers in Live Sock , . ' , Op ( > o lto Kiulmnxo UulMhg , Union EtOcU' YarUs , South Oujaba.NcB. U ION STOCK YARDS CO. . Of Oinalia , Limited , Julia I