Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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' . AaTeittiemams anncr tWshfcad , 16 cents pnt
fine for the lit t Insertion. 7 cents for ench sob-
rfqnijnt Insertion , ana ll/fl a line per month.
NdndmUsfttncnt taken for less thnn25cjnu
for the Hrst Inttttlon , Bovin words will bo
counted to the line t ther mttAt nm ooniccntlTe-
ly end mmt be raid n advance. All ndyertlss-
rocpts mnsf bsTiAndert in t/efor 1:31 o'clock D.
. . and under no circumstances will they b
taken or discontinued by telephone. .
I'nrtlos advertising In tbesa columni and hiT-
Intt the answers nfldrcsiefl in cnre of the HBO ,
\vlll nleate a k for a check to enable them to
feet their lettcrftj a * none will be delivered except
on present ntlon of check All answers to Ad
vertisements should be enclosed In envelopc-i
All advertisements In these columns are p4b-
ifohcfl in both jnorntnjt and avenlng editions of
the Ilee , the circulation of which aggregates
more titan 15.COU papers dolly , and Rives the ad
vertisers the benefit , not rmly of the city circu
lation of the Bee , but also of Council Bluffs ,
Lincoln * and other cities and towns throughout
} hts part Of the west. .
Advertising for thoie columns will betaken ,
en the nbovo conditions , nt the following bits-
Iness bouses , wllo art authorized nftcnts for llir.
JlF.v. special notlcfis and will qtmttf ttiesma < r
rates as can bo had at the main olllco.
aoiw w.
. .
Eio 8. ioth Street.
c & nbr ,
J13B.lCth Street.
SPlianriaciat ,
y SllSCiimlnE Street.
. OEO. W.I'AIlil ,
If 09 St. Jlnry'sA , venue.
n.n.wntTEifotJ8E ,
ICthnn'l Webster Streets.
6. HEUTHEn ,
c - * < . * M- . . . . .Post Office. South Omahn.
"IXTANTKO A situation ns ( i dry goods salfcs-
. T V man ; have had 20 years' experience in the
lending wholesale nnd-rotiUl houses tn.Englatid :
Cnn frfroducomy1 indentures , and Imve lind grdnt
Uccoss ns n salesman. Ago 38. D SI , Hep olUco.
KXPCfllENCHP . ) dry poods inrtnjindbook-
keeper wlsnos situation ; good reference.
AUdressDlS , IleoolHce. 081-10 *
WANTED-Sltuatlon fqrbcnqrnl liowsowdrk
or boarding hoxiso. Inquire 1110 .Jones st.
WANTIjD-'Day work idc good woman. Nq
olllco fee. Sirs , Urego , 81(5 ( 8. 15th.
, 3W 31 *
[ IVT-ANTED-Sltuatlon as fiousckecper by n
1 Bcnslblo , Industrious widow of 45. is a
gqod cook , very Ravine and not ft bit nfriitd of
jvork. Jlrs. Uregft,81uB. ISth. 373-14J
I ANTED By &young lAdy pUuatfoaln store
T or shop to do plitlu sOiVing or fancy
JlCcdlowork. Address-1) ) 10 Beoonieo. 33515'
WANTHD-Asituitlon in drug torb by , n
thoroughly compere.nt young man. He-
Commended by a Ilrsf-cla-js business man .of
C3maha. Call on or nddruss , H. F. Williams. 05
IN. IGthst. 3 > ai5
WANTED-By young jnnn of good ret
' erenct's place ( Is coachman or dclUory
, -jnan. D10. Bee oTlco. ) ni-HJ ! ,
WANTED-SItuntlon a ) sftlosinan for dry
goods or general stoiJk , 11 , years experi
ence ; can keep set 6f bodKs ; speak Ucrman. ad-
press 0 01 lice. . _ g ilt * .
. * V/yAIfTED-Vlr6tclass / c6ok , good Wa cs ; 1718
* \XTANTED-A flrst-clnss bncad ftnQtako bailer
Ml' nt City HaUory. ' ] JO Iroad\vny , > Council
blUffS- ' ' . ' 4.T.HF , -
IXTANTED-jraticOolttnat ts willing to at-
, TT tend to his busfiies * . nud earn $75 per
pionth in hotel , a 4'ood ono. Mis.
Uregfl , employment onico , 3as IBth st. 311 m
] ) Doy or young man , with hojuu
. . little knowledge ot ; booka.w ho 13 w llllng to
Vork himself up. Address D 'M , BCb. 41114J
AO UNT8 ilon ot good appearance nnd need
address : reforcncos required. 2il , N. I3tiist.
. 407-18 *
. . ' At once , a younK man 6f good hd-
dress. Omaha Fuel and Feed Co. , ! d nud
419 10
ArtTEB---Good , broom-mater nt.Falrmdnt
broom factory ; steady w ol k. Apply soon.
"t > OY vanted tomiikohimself g nernlly uso-
U ful in Rdnts' furnlslring poods store. Must
bo honest and liidUNtriotis und live with parents ;
Xcrerimces required. Weesel's , B22 N 10th st.
' 382-14 *
WANTED For n.drnnintlc company , two
gentlemen nnd lady ; also liuty to play
piano ; must bu intelligent und thoroughly ro-
Mpcctablo. Addros * or call on J. P. Cm ran ,
Ifoom 7 , No. : ws North icth street. Onoortuo
pmatt nmuteurs taken. ; )78-lij )
ANTED y u , well Knouu
hous. , rtf wrcllablo ladles and gentlemen
lho havu tuo abHlty to Boll goods for 75 per cent
t their valuo. Calf on or address J. 11. Carse ,
lit midway , Council Illliirs , la. 879-14
/ ANTED 2 smart , InteJllKeiit men to show
Btandurdpublications , and take orders ,
pply vMth rcfurence , room 52. Helman buiia-
Ing. 18th nnd Farnalti. P. F. Collier. 819 lU
'IJtTAN.TEIJ ' An experienced mnn to sell sowt
T T \\\g \ machines on commlssln.Vagpu ami
leam furnished. Address Jttuies Wcisur. Pen-
Ucr. Dakota Co. , Nob. 352 14J
\A/ANTED MW agontiito Roll a useful article
T neeiled In every family. Apply lor nuXtJ
ilajsnt-lTUiN.aithHt ; uftonvards at Ittid Oak.
yonii. Ueo. H. liymcr. 2o7-24 -
\7t7ANUED Everywhere , ngtnts for our a ? ,
. .TT , . justnbloCallbilver ) door slates , AVorth
W , but tell for S2 and pay KW percent prollt.
Agents can carry stotk und put them up in :
jilluutcs. Jllffgest bonanza out. For frco HUIU-
tiles , circulars of plates , burglar alornis , dior )
liolls , house ntw. and other nmoltlos , uddioss
iSncloslnc 2 cent > ttamp. N. Y. Door Flute Co
B76 llrondway , Albany , N. Y. 2U514 *
tJALKSMF.N wanted 1 ho traveling salcsiuen
VJ Eillnrv Ixnfl oxpenhos ; ir < > experience nercs-
6 ry , .Address with stamp , Palmer & Co. , Wi-
uoiiu.Hlun. . 211 is *
"iXTANTi : ! ) Locnl nml grnernl ngcntslo rep.
V V resent us in the liiUoductlou and sale of
the fastest sfcllluKnitide oti the market ; terrl
toryfree. Kxcluslve control given. } M tofluQ
tier good llvo men. Knoioie 4 cents post *
, fcyo for free sumplrs , terms and ful particulars.
iVddrosstheNlchoUilfgCo. , Oimlaskw , Wig.
: id w
n TANT KD-l'oy to leSriiplunoKraphliig. Al
ply D. 0. Dunbiur , U. 8. bunk building.
_ 255 25
tA/ANTED T\vo lint-class life Insurance met
T T of some experleneent onro. Call at Paxtoi A. J. Uowluy. ! W9-liij
A (1ENT8-\vant6d to ako exclUEivo rights to
gall thn fastest Eclllng article ever made
J. il. Wolfe Ic Co.Troiuont ' , Neb.
171a8 ,
'iXT ' ANTKD-Men for railroad w ork , Albrlght'a
* .TV Labor ngenty , J120 Farnam. B'Ju
A NY man or woman waking less tlmn too per
f\- week should imchtlgntuour easy mope'
iiiakhig business. Actho persons guaranteed
ICO per week easier thun I M ) per month ran be
inadp in any other honoroiilo occupation ; K
Hiinidfa tree. Write for terms. Address } ( er
rill ilnuufacturlUB Cotnpnny , 11 fa , Clilrago.
Dtst. Tel. C < 5. , IJOJDouglas.
WANTiD-Iinlnrtoom : ( girl for Atlantic
Iowa ; nurse girl for Kearney , Neb. ; rook
for Fremont ; fare imlilsBulnlnirroqm girW.
rhauibematds , 4 rooks , 20 glrla lor liousowork
U ate City Kuip. olftce , 914 So. 15th. U'l ' , nui.
4JO 18
lady agents wonted inunedlatoly
inquire at 1S1U Capitol ave. 887-14 *
w ANTED-Olrl for light housowork. 122
Chicago. 8'J5-15 *
TXTANTlSn-Cook fo'/ , Norfolk , rij ; dish
T > w usher for Orceuwood. 3 experl ucei
nUt&ieirlaonetodattuwltiir aud take rare o
children ; 4 dlnnm-room L'ms. ll ; 1 good luun
Ure.Hs. 1 aislnwiHjujr anud ) tlrls for gcneru
iouse-wOrk. Girls wishingplac .s out of city
iileasa come and register. Mrs , lireea. UIu t
tth. Tel. na4.
WANDKU-8 dining room girls at the Coz-
zeus hotel. 0&-15J
txrANTKU-airl 13 to13 jeara old to take car ?
T T of 3 children ; ) 3 and 4 ) ears old. U ennun
ptdferrud. Allplyam Ht. Httcy'a Uve. BS 14
'ANTJSDt-OlrJ for jicneral housework ,
otuall family , salt Sevrard it. Mrs. vvrteht.
WANTED A reliable cook and washer
woman tn go to Scoshom ngency , AVJ11
pay $25 per month , nnd pny lialf expenses out
there , ( live a permanent situation to compe
tent person. Address JU. . Shepherd , Arlington ,
Neb. 113
T\7ANTKIV-iA to do upstairs work niid
TT talca tare of two children ; German pre
ferred. 2104 Uonglast Bt. 4S1
iXT'ANTKD One dlnlngroom girl and one
> T dlghwashor. ICpl Mi lOth gt. 380-1CT
WANTnn Knerfjctlc saleslady for Omaha pr
Nebraiko-r teachers preferred. * Address
) 10. lieo onico" .
_ _
WANTED A good tecond Rtrl In Small prl-
vatdfftnxily Rood waged ; apply at 3)10 )
Unncy street , Kountzo place. 3U U
\\TA NTHDj-Lndy agents , "A" skirt and tnis-
T T tlocomblDedjxnaH hose supporters , lloth
new. llln profits , Secluc towns for spring trade.
Ladles' Supply CO , , 257 IV. Washington st. , CJii-
cio A 6
"XlTANTKO-Tivcnty Rirl8 for general houso-
.T T work ; 4 dlnlne-ropm trlrlsi 1 housekeeper
or hotels 2 dlihnasaers ; 2 lady panvassers ; 1
nurse woman : 1 cocflc private family. } . " > per
vcek ! 1 second girl , $3 < W ) per w cek ; pastry cook ,
Irst coo frn. etc. Omaha Employment liureau ,
clcphono 1112. 125 U
STANTKO lady ancnts for 6ttr Imported
V > Combination llustlft Rklrt. HcmoVftblo
irfops. Can bo laundrlcd. JAtc t t'arla stjlo.
Onn ngrnt sold ' 4)0 ) In Columfms last spring , and
undo J-'iClO. SprlnR trade now. Addrogf , wltli
stamp. I ! . It. Campbell & Co. , 481 W. llanflblph
Bt. , Chicago. _ ' 107-ZOJ
WANTnn A plrl for general housework ,
. ( Herman preferred-good uagcs , 'Ml St.
's t\Vo , " 811
ladles nt oncd for the
> > , sVgo. Inquire 8rd imor , r66m .U.-1303
Bougiftg. 89bll *
"ttTANTIf D"AVoman trttnko care of 2 roomS
tf forKcntlemen. ApplyTlmrsday fiom 1
to ft p. in. , at lOaa rarnam. _ 1 < H H7
"lf ANTED Immediately , ladles to work for
TT n wholesale houco on needlework nt tholr
homes. [ SentTury distance ) ( loMl pay can be ;
made. ItvcrylhliiR filrnUhcd. Particulars
tree.Address Artistic Needlework Co. , ! 8th
G ATE City Eniploymotjt olllco , 314 8. IBth
Help for ail kinds of work sent to all paits
t f Are ts advanced. Reference , Douglas County
bank : ; Isbcll & , Chrlstenson , Tel. 1101) ) , . 429-2J
WANTED SomtJ one to hd6pt K\o boy
. babies fiiqulroat 1'por Farm. 407-15 *
GENTLEMAN engaged Krcati'r pnrt night
wants room nud board- private family
vlicrfi can have late breakfast nud dlnnar. Address -
dress D11 lite. . 3.10-14J
WANTED lly a. jouug mochsinlc board and
room la a mechanic's .family. Address , . . 081-14 ?
HAVE a number of calls for small houses.
X4 If you wish yours , rented , list > > ltU J. U.
Pavrotto Hcntal Agency 1W > 8 Chltngo.
. . . . . 2J& 17
WANTEt-1-'Somo godd Applications lor city
teens to show to onuof my eastern coi-
rcipondents. who-will Do Hero soon. D. V.
Sholes , room 1 , Itai'ker block. 311
\XTANT15D-aood real cstato listed With ntc.
T V C. 1. . Unrrlspn , 41 ? S. 15th St. . . 315
Tartlos who have bandit lots or
.land tnthls elty and vlclwlty on the in
Btullmcnt ptan.,4nd partlps holdlnn bonds for sucl real estate extliahe'Sawo ' for deeds
nf tor thd last rtaj-mont is made , M ill llnd It to
thclradYQhttteri to send their address or.full
particulars to D.50Jleoompo. . 4b93
: WANT more small honsps. for rent. F. L.
Oregory , rental agent , 309.9.10th. filfl
WANTED-tddics io use "Chlchestcr's Eng
lishDiamond Brand , Pennyroyal Pills.
Sato. Always reliable. The. original. TJieonly
gcnulnn. Ask druggist-or , send 4o Stamps for
pnrticulnrs , tcturnmall. ChlchcstQr Chemical
Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. . . . 327 .
/ < OOD room with board nt 2025 rarnani.
re&pcctnWo Indlfls or gentlemen chn
_ board and lodging at reasonable prlte.
13)4 Farnam St. , upstairs. 291-17J
WANTED A few boarders at 1721. leaven-
\\orthst. .
WANTKD Furnlsnod room njth board In
prlx ate family , man und wife ; references.
Address , DSl.lJco otllce , . , " 410-14 *
WANTED To rqnt cheap an upright plaiio.
by a responsible-patty , with no chlldreu.
D 0. Bee . 3J1 15J
WANTED A suit of pleasant rooms in deslr-
nblo locality , with l > oard. IloferenCds ex
changed. Address C. 71 lieo. 272
ANTED Houses to ienr. Campbell
Hery.oy aio.Hpn.raof Ttade. , . . toy
T71OK KBNt-Tn'o sjilcndld 5 And 7 room cot-
JJ tages , Idrgo bains , Uuo grounds nnd mod
ern improvements. Patterson A ; I'awcett , 3I S.
Juthst. fll7
"TJ10II .TtENT ropm house nnd barn Inquire
UJ at lloyd'toperdhoWiO block , 3d lloor. P. J.
Crcedon. 405 IB *
1J\OII \ HUNT 2 Hats of 7 rooms. Iil < iulr < 31708
J ? DodgeW. Krubo. 2HI-W
I71OH KENT And furniture for sale , nlmbst
V now , at a baignln , best house and location
In city ; ev cry modern concnleuce ; this 111 pay
to Invcstlgftto at ouce. Apply 170 > Dodge 891
POH HENT b-room Iwusej ImfulroJ. F. llnr-
toli , 2010 Capitol ave. J . 8SO-20 *
ITlOIt KKN'lVIS-rooirt boarding liolisd In brick
JJ block , nicely furnished. exec-Hunt location :
restaurant In connection can ba thought cheap.
Inquire 1120 Urtpltoldvo. 351) ) .
lOH HENT Four-ro6m cottage , Omnjia
Vis\V. Apply , Omalm Conlmorclrtl college.
TTIOIl JtENT-Nowll-room housenll inodorn con
JD vculences , ulsoell nud cistern , 2215 cdll
fornla 8t. 330 In *
10U 11ENT 7 room , modern flAt , 141 h.street.
J. H. Pnrrotto llentnl Agendy , 1000 Chicago.
SSo 17
TT10U ItENT-3-ioom cottage. 21st nud
JJ Paul fit. . . , . , . . ' , , 7 $12 r,0
12-roomllat. 8,19th % i. . 05 00
3rooms , 1021 NSpth st. . . 1500
8looms , 1014 N.21st . ; . . . { 11 00
4room ? , all modvnt couvonlontos , 415 S.
10thSt. , * . . . . , 20 00
nrooms , 410 Nvntn st. colored people 8 uo
8-roomilat,42l'Sil1.nh ' .st. . . . . . , . . . . , 40 00
4-roomilat. 417B llUist ) 2000
3Joom , lU28N.21nt t , t. . . . , 12 CO
4 , lofffcrlloor. ns. 19th st. . . , > „ , 2000
4 rooms all mordern covcniunccs 170S Wob-
bterst , - . , . . . , , , , . . . 20 OC
3 rooms 1410 Plerce-st . ' . 12CO
Judge Itcutal Agency , B. W. cor IBth nnd Har-
rioy. ,
FOU HENT-Newly fnnilshnil house. 0 rooms.
Enquire HOI Cupltol nve , W. T. P.Wood.
FOU HKN'JVUlcgant residence , cast front ,
southern exposure , with lafeo bay window ,
gas. until , and nil modern.conveniences ; furni
ture for sale , nil now. used only a few months ,
good reasons for Belling. Apply on premises ,
TpOil IlKST-tirotAl rtoUifc gof > d business in
JJ good Utyl > t , ttn intlnbltalits. Innulra of
J. II.VooUoy. gpnid Isjaud , Neb. 10i 17 *
TOOK HBNT.BaWorirade A line eleven-room
JJ reshleiicoi modern linnrovsnients ; three nice
lpts'JMifn for four horses , cow , carriages , mo. ,
two miles from iiostoinco on Capitol luenuo.
W ll rent for one-half prlro , I wont Jo route
line lioiibO whlot | ) and barn.1 Uot.itiori ) than
onb-lmlt liillb from postonice. V. , HOO Fanmm.
U nBNT-5 room house. 103 B. SSth st. . J15.
J.H. lllllRttalt , 300H. 15th Bt. WU
TT1OU HRNT Nice 7 room house , close to store ,
JJ bdiool , church , t. card , only tSO a month. U.
! ' . HarrUotl. 41BH. IKthSt. U7 <
TJ10H HUNT An elegant 0 room dwelling Just
JU built , with stable and all modern improve-
nir'nts , including laundry , labrixtory on ground
lloor , cedar closet , etc , , location. Capitol avenue
near > th ; rent moderate. Apply to I ) . J. O'Doil-
ahoe , care of O'Uouahoo & filierfy. 114 B. ISthst.
TT'OR ' lENT | T\vo new is-room houses , nil mod'
Jim Inipro emuutsi s. w. corner vjtU a.i\C
Decatin sin. Buaulro llrst door south. .
643SI.25 *
FOH nKN1 - elve-roam Uouse , ffith and
und Mason streets , ( to per month. J. 3
Caulneld. UM ( Furnnru st. CM
"ITlOH HUN'JV-Ten room house and'b.-i.tomon1
JJ with all mordern Improvements ; tlratclasa
location , luqulo. at-lICluirod & Co.'s , idth aut
Jackson streota 197
"Ii AIIK chonde-Whole Hat. Kp , 2001 N. 21th st
-LV to rent very loW , Knqulro at residence a :
ITIOH UKNT House 11 rooms. W. M. Bush
U man , N U corner 10th and Douglas. . W
POll HUNT 10 room residence steam heat..a
F. . Thompson. 3U B. 15th at. . 8(9
TT1OU JIKNT Cheap , 9 room house with turnl
Jture and city water ; on Park ave. Call tf
1611 Dodge tt. . Omaht llnzaar. a > J U *
ill HKNT-7-room Uous ,1128 N. 17th.
TTIOIl HKNT or Sale New hou o , C rooms , cor.
JJ 8th end Capitol nvo. Enquire 2324 Dodge.
ioTuiENT-rarlo ? ftnd bedroom , 1707 Dodge
JL.St. . 4y > ! > }
"iriOH HBN'iW'lensant furnished rooms for
JJ gentlemen , 809 Howard , near Co'z7cns
House , t8 , upwards. 225 n B *
TTItTHNISilEn or unfurnlshedroom , M to ffl ,
JJ W , 8.22dst. 4W-1C *
YEUY nice room furnished or unfurnished :
ono with nlcoro. 8W S Xk2J3 16
IJIOTt 11KNT Tafgo front rdom , ntccly ftir-
JJ nlshcd , suitable for two persons , wither
n Ithout board. 13408 10th st. , 300 H
UKNT-Nowly fnrnlstied largo froi t
room , 16 gentlemen only , llofcrcnces r
Quired. N6.1010 Capitol Avo. . _ . avM7
TTIUIlNI8HnD robmssuitable fet gentlemen
JlJ I617fn st. 428-H * T
fTIUItNJSIIKD front room , ? 9p month , 1510
JL1 Harnoy. . ' 371 1& * t
-ItnNT-Nlcely furftl'thcd grooms with
JJ every convenience , 1013 Douglas. 875 15 * ,
JJYKltT nttely furtl'thed rooms , single nril
Oouble ! rrtftoriftblo t6 tjulot , periimncilt
parties. 1731 Davenport. ' 030
truUNlSlinD looms , 1818 oilgf 1 \
JJ _ ' TTOAprlia
TnUHNISIIKD rooms w 1th ilrst class boMil nt
JD an D6ugus Bt. _ em n * ;
"filOIl IlENT-FurnlshfcU room , 1413 II.owArd si.
U13 18 *
EOH KENT-ytry pltixsrtnt Inrge furnlslicU
rooms ; nil cloilred conveniences ! private
louse : board if desired ; 1 block from postonice.
ion capjtoi AVO. . sco-iu * .
TjitmNISttED rooms nndlio'ard. El ? 8.SM\
NlOBtjY furnished r66nrt , 1812 St. Mary's nVo ,
.upono ( lightto Uio right. 50 11. *
TnURNlSHEU front and back rooms , 1818 Frir-
JIJ nam. 11714 *
EtlUNlSUCD rooms and bbarfl. 1D3 rarnam.
ItKNX-i-Bnlto furnished . In-
T710H - - of rooms. -
JU fiulre 3rd floor room K , 1302 Douglas. .
"plOll HENI An elcBantly , furnished front
JJ room lth olcovb , nil tnpilbrn convonienci ? ,
splendid roam for two gentlemen , liUUDddRost.
FOtl HENT Filrnlshed rooms tn'Ordnnlg blk
tor. 13th nnd Dodge sts. Inquire of. .Oeo. 11. ,
Davis. Mlllard botfll bllltard room. U53
TTIOH KENT Furnished rooms. Inquire room
JlJ 15,1303 Douglas. , T Oil )
T71011 HENT Furnished room.JOlS Dodeo.
JJ ' t tMll5 ! *
JAIIQK pleasant room , moddrn convculencris ,
ITUOChlcngo st. 4JO
VfEATIjY furnished front room to rfcut at 1921
JI'arnam st , 1 block west of court hou4e.
FOU IlftNT A mrjo room furnished , central
location 1416 Chicago st. OH
TpOH RENT rurnlshed roatns , all convenl-
JJ cnces. A. Hospo.UluN. 17th-street. 401 ,
POU KENT Rooms furnished and unfur-
uiahed , ir.MCoT > , nve. . . . . . . C41
TTIOll.ItRNT Two nice offices on Farnam St. ,
JU or Will rent desk room. H.V. . Hunticss ,
1117 rarnam Et. Koorn 1. 40415 *
V t HOCElil"store Mr rent , stock for sale , 1303N
IJT 16th st. cor. Charles. 3CS 14 *
" 171011 HENT Business room now pccuplcd us
JU my olllce on 15th st. C. P. Harrison , 418 S 15th
TJ10II HKNT ITlrst-class frame store biilldlmr ,
JD so by 21 reel. urst-Un-H buslntss location.
Apply to I. W. ltdljerts , Albion , lloono Co , Neb.
41 ( [ Lm *
FOll HENT Tivo rooms. 44TX ( ) . wnero stortm
power can be obtained. Enquire of Sam'l
Hces , itees Printing Co , 1010 Howard st. 740
FOtt KENT Two Imslne-id or olllco rooms on
Iht lloor $35 per month. Ono room on cl
lloor $20 per inontli.f. . EUldrk , 1414 Harney.
FOnilENT-OfflRes on Farnam st. nt $10 to3p
per month. Ono Office furnished. 1012 Far
nam. 3W
FOH HKNT-One-half ot oOlco. 1319 rarnam ,
Qround lloor : best location inthe city.
Light and pleasant , with modernconveniences. .
FOH HENT -unfurnished fiout rooms' , 2337
IJurdette. , t 421 ICt
TrNFUHNlSHED rboms , southern exposure ,
U N. E. cor. 10th nnd Harngy sts.
FAHM for rent ICO acres , one-half ratio from
Valparaiso , seven room hottsc , 80 acres of
fenced pasture. Terms 8200 cash. 0. II. Stull ,
Vnlpainlso , Neb. 422 1 .
neil 11ENT A barber shop. Inquire 1214 So.
! Uthfit. 403 ) t
ImOU HUNT Part of the lldmls building , C14-
JJ 010-01S. Ponth Eleventh street , v 1th hteam
power , ft earn heat nnd electric light. This Is
IierhiUM thostlongest and best lighted factory
and v urehouso buildljig In the city. For terms ,
cot , , apply at olllco lieinls Omaha lag Co.
33.5-19 $
A SPLENDID opportunity ; Store room , con
trol ; n yearn' leuso at a bargain. Co-op ,
L. & ICe , 205 N 16th St. 373 15
171OH HENT 0 acres well improved within
JJ four miles ot city limit , good house , bain
etc. Bchleslnger Dros. , 011 S. 10th. 337-18
1J10U LEASE 100x03 feet , corner Bftundersand
JJ Docattir streets. II. 13. Cole , N. E. 15th
and DougLls. ' 81417
FOK RENT Barn back ol aietiopollfan hotel.
12th and Douglas Sta , luijulro City Steaiti
Laundry. 859
TJ1OJI HENT Koorti nnd poer. . Apply to llth
J3 and LeavenwortU sts. 3 < ! o IB *
TJIOJt HENT Darn , ISf-H Chicago st.
JL1 712
WANTED Houses to rent , nnd wo can rent
thorn too. H. E. Cole , N. B. 15th and
Douglas. WW
1ST houses for rent with H. E. Cole , N. E.
J 15th und Douglas. W9
POH HENT-.Whon you want to rent h house ,
* toreof office goto 11,15. Cole ,
SOUTH OMAHA Itental agency , J. Sf. Waugli
& Son , room C , Kaxe block 629m21
IIEUOHY , F. L. . Kental agent , 303 S loth st.
EOlt KENT If you wish to rent. , a house call
on Itcniwa Ic Co. , 15th et. , opposite P. O.
. 30J ,
ANNA ALPLANALtt , the celebrated Hun-
Jgarlnn Oypsy Palmist , usea the. old Kyiisy
ways in reading the hand , r.iulltis only. . 10-1N. ,
"Mi Bt. 20th and Saunders cars pass the door ,
K)4-a.3r )
PEltSONAIMst your property to exchange
with 0. afiPQtswood. JKK tf fl , IQlh. fit .2JO
TUAYED-A biicksklrt pony with brldlq and
baddlu ou , trout 21U5 California st. . Tuesday
morning. 898-18 *
LOST Hiich of keyn , finder please return to
JI. . & M. general freight ontcu. t = 3 311-KJ
STHAYEO-Sorrel cplt. three whlto feet
uhltefac.0 , halter 6n ; return the same , to
Harryllrower , 11JO N 18th at. , receive reward.
PUltNlTUilU-Good asTiew , will sell cheap
for cash or tluiu. C. T. Morton , 1324 FaHmm
_ _ _ _ _
NICE clean stock ot hardware in Holdrege
Neb , , for sale , Address Nugget OIHCP. Hold
rege , Neb. 1JJ32U
FOll BALI ! Or exchange tot merchandise
sheep , creamery , or unlncutnuered fnnn
cue-halt interest In wbolcsnlu produce
capable of enlargement and made to pay severa
thousand dollaro yearly , Addtcss , D "L lieu
olllco. BaJ-lIK
_ _ _ _ _
OK 8ALK Twehty-n\o thousand to four
hundred thousand brick. Inquire at room
0 , Arlington block. _ 858 HJ
TJlOlt BALE 1 butohors' Ice boxt marble table
JJ Hlotk&Co . 1237 Park aye. Ota 19J
TOOK B412K One good span ol mulun team
JJ wojou and harness. Inquire 1623 B. Dth at
408 15
horso. Apply at Park etables , c
Leavenworth U. J , M. Carney.
II SALK-Ntco bay Thriving horso. C. F.
arrison. 41&8. IMhaUi 07S
SAr.K-Fnrhlturo"Wf n 0-robm
k Sons' Monitor wroudiit irpn ranges , will ooli to
gether orscpnrfite , McadJ < Jamlcson , 31S8 15th.
moil SAMj-'Kn * Wlflard table , CDmplcto
L1 chonp. 1300 Donglns gt. 414-19 *
Vf fKW TOJIK Stora Company Incor-
- > pdratcd 810,0 ) cnallnl ; must extensive
acllitles for storage of furnlturo , pianos , gen
eral merchandise In the e > t ! rash advance * to
nny nmonntt fire proofoibnlldiugi dpeclal ar-
rantfcments for coinmlamerchants. / ) . Entire
jlock Capitol ate nnd IMJPgt. 863
i Oii 8AI.B Very cheaj ( > ! 13-sprinj : cxprasa
JJ wagon , 1 side-bar Imtey , I cutter and 1 sot
mrness. ( 'all at once , Itnckojo barn , iuth near
! t. Jlary'savo. , 17315
ITlOn SALE Eight room honjfl with modern
U Improrcmcnts nnd stable on leased ground.
715 Douglas. Inquire at Meyer & Ilaapkn , 1403
larneyst. 087
_ _
CTOH SALE At a bargain : BO feet of shelving ,
XJ 30 fe6t of counters and ono Ice chest , suit-
nblo for grocery storo. Enquire nt 812 S. lUth St.
3 735.
_ _
I710H SALE A clean stofikof hardivnre. stoVcs
JU and tin * ara In ft flno growing town located
n ( food farming country ; good reasons for
filing. Address box 11. Hurnett , NobJ 415-20 *
7IOK SALE Dormant scale , capacity 3 , < 00
J pounds. PhlL. Stlmmol & Co. , Ul 1-011.1 ones
St. , Omaha , 149
THE banjo taught ns nn art by Gco. F. G61lon-
btckHJllarnoyst. ) 183
K. IllLUY-Notnry , 1519 Frirharrt.
O 0-OPlil ATlVI3LandLot Co , SOON. 10th
79 A5
G HUMAN conrtrsntlon lessons , singly or In
clas&cs. Inquire nt . ) . Fruehant s book
store , opp. Hnmgobulldlng , 8.15th Bt. 21119 *
NKW and second-hnnd ( urnlturo and repair
ing itt 1718 St. Mafy'a avo. 1C.I 15 *
O . II. JOHNSON , cistern builder , wells bored
and dug. 4W N 00th st,1 , Omaha , Nob.
M9 mch21
STOIIAQU for cutters and sleighs. Gels &
Ferguson , City Btablo , N. W. cor. 15th ahd
Cassst. 41820
NEW TO UK Storage Co. Incorporated capi
tal $10,000. most extensive facilities for
itorago of furniture , planps , oto. Cash advances
.o any amount. Warehouse receipt given , strict
commence maintained In nil business transac-
.ions , 1503,1510,1512,1514 Capitol ave , cor 15th.
305 31
QTOHAOn ror household poods and mer-
3 clmiullae , oix flrst lloor , and ut lower prices
than usual , corner Eighth and Howard streets.
603 m23
MUB.ECOnra. the greatest living clairvoyant , removed to room 1 , aa N. 10th , for-
nerly occupied byJIrs.Jurant. KlinlO *
DH. NANNIE V. Warren , 'clairvoyant.
icalt business and test modinn. ) Diagnosis
free. Fern ale diseases a specialty. 119 N. 10th
Bt.Hooms.E&3 , TC1.04J. , 301 ,
in VI1U llkr cabunu uuab eQlnjiiti& v viiiuTivu ntiui v-
hahd school in the west ; all its graduates are
occupying good paying tuatloiu and glvlhg
satisfaction. Business men are constantly dp-
ilylnp to us for. stenographers. Asaiucans of
.Ivellhood . shorthand is much superior to book-
keeplhg or telegraphy. TJiO demand for steno
graphers Is In excess of. tjfiq supply. Send for
; lrc.ular to 1515 Dodge st.,1 Omaha , . . . . i8in21
WANTliD-'ltcal ' estaii mortgage of about
$ ,00u on income oUrning property. Ad
dress D 22 , Uee onice. 3 40015 *
W ANTED To buy a g'/xid / letterpress ; mnst
be chcAp. Adarcss.'I ) 15 , lleo.plllco. 3571BJ
\S7IIjLbuy furniture ofn houeo or nat ccn-
VV trally located , Co-opJ'L. & L. Co203 N. 16tli
TlfONEV tTO LOAN aU'B per cpnt on flrst
I'-L mortgages in sum pf $500 to $10,000 ; g0od
short tlmo paper bought at reasondblo discount ;
money ou hand ; 116 deiav'.0Patters6n icFnWcott ,
818 So. 15th. . -i ' ' 417
TVTONEY to loan , at low rates , on chattels ,
aWL % \ithout rcftnovdl or flllug ; financial b\lsl' \
ness of all klnda transacted quietly and without
publicity ; money advanced on Jewelry ; secured
notes bought. Call And fee us , Itn 111 pay you.
Ffronlo's-Financial Exchange , room 684 * , Darker
block , 15th and Frtrnam. S51 a !
T OANS wanted on good city and farm prop-
J-l erty , notes bought. Klmball , Champ &
Ryan , if. S. Nat. Bank building. 207 23 *
T OTES bought. C. D. Jacobs. 320 B. IBth st.
djJXW.OOO to loan At lowest rate of Interest , on
P city property. II , IJ. Iioy , Frenzur blk , opp.
MONEY to lennon horses' , ungons , furnlturo ,
pianos and otjior personal Dioperty or col
lateral without renio\iii : bu.slness tQiilldentlnl ;
rates moderate. The Falrbnuk Investment Co. ,
2158. 14thst..upstaUs. 418
OANS iriado on real ostdte. Cash on hand.
W. JI. Harris oor ! TW S. 1'ith St. 874
MONEY tolotxn on furnlturo , wagons ,
ctg.wlthout removal ; or on collateral tccurr
ity. Dusiness couUdoutlal. C 1) Jacobsl-M S 15th
TVTONEY LOANED nt c. F. Roect & co.'s Loan
J.T-L onice. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal property of nil kinds , and oil other ar
ticles of value without removal. 1119 B. 13th ,
pvcr Btnghain's commission store. All busi
ness strictly confidential. 37'J
A. WOODMAN Money to loan on real es
tate In sums to suit. 220 South 13th st.
HUGH PEtlOY & CO. loans money on real
estate and chattel security of every de
scription. All business Btrltiy confidential.
Itpoin iii'i Paxton building. 768 31
MONEY to loan , casn on nand , no delay. J.
W. awl E. L. Squire , 1413 Faruam st. Par-
ton hotel buildlnc. 374
TVTONHYto jQjjft OIJ cjtjr delays , n
l > i- cash Is on hand. Mates , Smith Ac Co ,
room 2A Itamge building. 755 31
"IVf ON EV To Loan Uy the undersigned , who
1TJ. has the. only properly organized loon
agency in Omaha , Loans of ? 10 to $100 made on
furniture , pianos , organs , norsen , wagons , ma
chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All
business strictly confidential. Loans ao made
that any part can bo paid at ttny time , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro ratn. Advances
mode on line watches and diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider v > ho they are dealing
with , ns many now concerns are dally comlnc
Into existence. Should you need money call and
BCO mo. W. It. Croft , room 1 Wltlmell building ,
15th and Hartley. 8C9
I .OANH made on Oniatio city property by D.
J V , Bholes , room 1 llurker blk. 751
MONHV to loan on Jurniture , horses , wagons ,
eU'or on any approved security , Low
rates. J. W. Itobbitis , 1B13 Farnmn. 77J
A K. HILKV , 1st mortgage loans , IMS I'ar-
, nam. , . }
QJ6,0XJ ( nnd upwards t6 loan on flrst-clnss city
P real estate security. } , w. F. Binilh , 1KJJ Far-
nam st. "if 481mSi :
$ HX,000 ) to loan on City ) fuA farm real estate.
itnahauic Mahoney lOOTK Farnam street.
TITONISY" to Ix > ant-0ni\ha | real estate and
all. farms. MortgnBeubiHigUt. Odellllros. &
Co.lKaFornam. Jj < . 83U
H. E. COLR loans moniiy on improved city or
. farm property. qlloom fl Continental
block. , 'u cos
SHOKT time loans m 4 on any available
security , in reasonable , amounts , secured
notes boupht. sold or exchanged. OpnehU
financial business of any kind transacted
promptly , quietly And fairly at thd Omaha Fi
nancial lixchance , NtVtcor. ) . l&th and Har-
uey sts , ever Stale Nat ynal baud. Oorbett.
n anu er ' r Wt
MONKY to loan. Not i ana tt. It. ticket ,
bought and sold. A. Formau , 1320 Fariuim
ets , 005
TVf ONEV to loan qn improred real eatatoj no
J.TJ- commission charged. I arltt llurnuanl ,
room 1 , Crelghton block. ac l
TVTONBY To loan. Lowest rates. No delay
JT1. j. It. Itlce & Co. , over Commercial Na
tional bant 373
T .OANB made on real estate and mortgages
JJ bought. Lewis H. Heed & Co. , Ifi31 Farnam.
< CtW,000 ToloanouOmana rlty property at 0
ip percent , a. W.Day , 8. K. cor. Ex. Bid.
TVf iNEY loaned on furmtura , Pianos , organs ,
ML liorsos , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson ACe
Co * 1 M Farnam , over llurltngtou ticket ; oftt .
PON BY to LoaYi-O. K.Davis Co. , real estate
L and loan agent * . 1M5 Faruatn st. . 370
OONFECT.10NEUY Btore-iM , rent" t2iMt on
WtUst. Coop , L.A.L.CO..S05N. IttthBt. t ,
TjlOIl SAf.R A steam tirlek yard , sKuated on
-P * M8tftc . cAp cltjMsOOOtoSO.OOOper Hny.
Inqulra ot W , T , vt Wood , 1403 Capitol ftve/
ttM 17 ]
_ _
To lease fine rtild nc < i near postoftlco , nnd
tTiyfarnlturoftlltiow ( ) Ataftceit sacrltlce : For
urtlenlftM B ( < O If. S. smiin , rm FrtrnMrt. KM
"TjlOn SALE or rent A bnkcry doing n Rood
JJ business. Apply V , S. Johnson , Walioo ,
> ( ob , 33317 3
AOUOI ) paying Vlr t-clo < restnurrtiit for SRIO
cheftp (5n account of slckncis ) inquire nt
Oil S. nth st. 84J.1SJ
_ _
rtl 001) livery slock and lowe on best llrery
< - * mid snle stable centrally located In Omnhn ,
'or sale ry cheap for cash , w ill npt trade. Co.
) p. li , fl L. 00. . SOJ N. lOth St. 420
WANTKD Pflrtntr In n poncrM merchant-
( Use store nnd lumber ynrd ; a peed chance
o make money. Address J , H. Fox , llrnlnard ,
littler Co. , Nob. 416 sit
FOR 8ALK-Or pnrt tradCl n lively millinery ,
Indies' niruishlnannd dry goods Imslnc * in
ho booming city of Ortl , Nebrnskn. A flno
opening for dress making. Address 8. A.
Young. 830-14 *
_ _
WU JIAVH ncn h cnstomci : fern lease nnd
f nrnltuf A of rt hotel bt twcnty-nvo to fotty
oems ; located In tills city or nny good , llvo
own In Nebniskn. Address Sunn ft Uo.irsi
Dodge st. , OmKlin. ' 888-15
"BlOlt SA113 fUrbcr shop nnd bath room-i in
JJ the rncinu hotel nt Norfolk1 Nob. Will bo
cold nt n bargain. Inquire of C. Moser-Norfolk ,
Nob. , i7H8J
FOll SAt/K Jleat market , well located nrul
doing n good isli business. A SteVon's
cool rag'room nnd good Shop outfit. Iforsn nntl
\vnron nt n bargainer w ill tratlo for good tinin.
Address D A3 jlco olllco. 3UO 1HJ
1710It.8AIiR StofkoC gcnernl niorchftndlso In ,
JJ . th6 town of Cli'do. Nodawny connty , M6. ;
will Invoice auottt Si.UOO , Is In good shape mm
business' ' paying well. For further particitllnrs
cnilortorncUlross 8. W. 1/owrey , Clyde. Mo. , or
H.ll.IIellnnl , Norfolk , Neb. oil 18t
T710II 8AI.B Sal6on. In n good location nud
JJ doing , < i good business. A good oppor
tunity for a irmn w 1th U.OOO. Apply 10 plrlmtct
K Co. , 1318 Dodge St. Sffl 1ft
A NICE , 'clflnn stock ot general njerclmndlso
for snloln n good western town.dolw ; good
business , for ooo on the' dollar ; part cash. bal.
on tlmo , Hcst of reasons for selling. Address
Lock lloTO. Trent Oil , Neb. 177 J7 *
reat bargain , splendid
17 oITeh lHtlobr , no cnsh required. Inquire of
J. H. WbbUiyVarhnu1 Island , Nob. 110 17 *
A MAN vlshei to tlnd n partner In n
lucrative and established business in
Omaha : .will init in J10.000 cash. Apply , , Riving
partlqulars , to U. 1 Ueo pfflco. SjS 17 *
TilOitSAIiE Dru stock ; As flno location as
K them U in tno city. Oloan stock. Invoi o
about J7.00Q. Part cash , fart in good real es
tate brsocurednotes , M.A , Upton & .Co. lotb
BtoppCljamborof Commorco. 451
: gars.
ioout $3 000. " All cash not roaulrod. "Enqulroat
Max ; leyer tc Co/s. , 400
WANTED To Trade 1-nrm property ad
joining two live Nebraska towns for furni
ture : llxtuix'S and lease. of paying Nebraska
hole } . F. M. Fish , 1020 . Lincoln. 3T7-15J
"ITtTANTED Good fresh cortin cxchnngo for
V V fat cow. * A. P. Tukoy , 1334 Fariiom.
71INE tenement block of 4 homes , n corner III
- best residence location In Dos Molnei.
Want good form land or Omaha property. H. E.
Cole , N. IS. 10th and Douglas. ! H5 IB
"IJTOH TRADE 2 lots in Windsor terrace for
-1 ? good land , mortgage paper or horse and bug
gy. D. V.Sholcs , loom 1 , UarKcr block. 331
TTlOIt THADE-EqUlty In lot fn Orchard Hill
JU for good horse and buggy. James Stbck-
dale , I1J N IBth st. 81814
IT YOU have property fpr sale , or trade , or
houses to rent list with the O. F. Da\ls
Company , 1505 Farnnmst. 218 81
BUIIjDINO , machinery and business 6.1 the
DOS Molncs paint works. Want good lander
or Omaha property. 3I > .I5. Cole , N. E. cor , 15lh
and Douglas. , 84G15
-T XCUANGE-f 1,000 to $ J,500 stock of millinery
-IH for land * good horse taken as first pay
ment on g-ood lot. E. F. tilngar , 119 N 15th st.
TO EXCHANGE For merchandise or resi
dence lots in Omaha , COO acres choice unim
proved land In Knox Co. , Neb. , a balance unpaid
duo in 0 years. Address 11. H. I/oucks.Danbury ,
Iowa. 841a9 *
"VX7"ANTEJ ) Houses and lot ? to exchange for
\ V faims. H. E. Cole , N. E. IBth and Douglas.
"VtfANTED 80 nnd lots to exchange.
Vy _ c. c. spots\Vod.305 ( S. lothet. 223 .
FOll EXCHANGE Grocery store nnd meat
market , about < 1,500 , in the city. H. E.
Cole.N.ili.15tlin dDonglti8 , fllli 15
I HAVE-for trade Improved farm In CasS Co. .
near 1'lattsmouth , will trade for improrou
inside proporty. Address M 33 , Hoe oraco.
„ 053
T'ANTED Horses and cattle to exchange for
T farms or city property. II. E. Cole , N. E.
cor. 15th nnd Douglas. POD-
WANTED Stocks of merchandise to ox-
cIlanBU for farms. II. E. Cole , N. E. IBth
and Douglas. 1)09 )
/1HOICE acre tradks , best of facilities for gar
VdutiliKr. . Want good unlncmnbered farms
II. E. Cole , N. U. 15th and Douglas. 009
[ TlOH EXCHANGE-21 beautiful lots , clear. In
JJ Bhort distance of car Hue ; price 87,300.
Want good iMlmprovcd hind , or part Inud and
balance back on lots. H. E. Cote , N. E. IBth
und Doug ) 113. 8471C
f \1iniCtt ncro tracks suitable for gardening ,
\J Very liberal terms. H. E. COle , N. E. IBtji
and Douglas. Hcitl estate f or 009
BENSON &CAUMICHAEL furnish complete
and guaranteed abstracts of title to any
renlOHtatoltl Omaha and Douglas county Upon
short , notice. The most comploto. sot ot abstrdat
books In the city. No. 151B Farnam st. 385
MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1M3
Tarnain street Complete abstracts fur
nished , and titles to real ostata examined , per
fected nnd guaranteed. 3y >
FOll SALE or cxclmngUr-A largo , line lot In a
llrst-cliiss residence portion of the city , u ill
exchange fdr house and lot. Address , utatiug
location nnd price , D. 23. llco o Mice. 427-20
FOll SALK 150 Oregon horses 3 and 4 years
old in quantities to suit for cash or on tlmo.
D. II. Dlckson , I'lulnvlow. I'lejco Co. , Neb.
rpo Manufacturer ) ! ,
JL ] ImvoHomt ) of the finest trackage property
nround Omaha on the F. . B. & .M. V. It. H. and
MlBSburl PaclOa Holt Line Uy. , with splendid
stream of w uter suitublo for
"Hour and feed mills ,
Eievdtors ,
Furniture factdry ,
Shoo factory ,
btarch factory ,
' mill ,
lo\v works ,
larvoster works , .
Holier works ,
Nail woik .
Knitting mills.
Sash , door und blind manufactory ,
Machine tdiops and foundry ,
Watch fattQiy ,
Wind mil ) manufactory ,
Odtuieal vorks ,
Hart ) wire manufactory ,
Jtopo nnd twine manufactory ,
Or almost any kludot manufacturing bust-
With the many railroad lines centering here ,
affording direct ; communication inr oveiy direc
tion anil with tno immense territory naturally
ti ibutary to Omaha , our city olTors more advant
ages us u location ot inuuufactuilng enterprises
than any city w est of Chicago , and I urn author
ized to olfer ample ground with splendid track
age facilities as i donation to responsible par
ties ho u 111 locate and maintain manufacturing
plants on the same. Qoo. N. Hicks , room 40 }
llarker block. 4,11 14
/-1IIHAP for cash , see. laud , all improved. M
\J. mile of Albion , Neb. . H.BUO ; Ksec. S miles
from 1'eterab.urg , Nob.jOJ acres improved for
est trees and small fniit. 11.700 , IIwO on place
for 4 years ; book , stationery and mnslo store ,
fresh stock , good location , Mill sell or rent
building ; 180 acres timber lund , B. E. Mo. , will
trade for Florida land in Clay or Marlon Ob.
Lock or 601. Albion. Neb. 788
DO YOU Intend to build this season ? If soyqu
had better see what Inducements wo have
to offer. H. E. Cole , X. E , IBtli nnd Douglas.
. , 345 lo
(13,000 ( buy a a nice house and corner lot , eas ;
< P payments. H , E. Cole , N. R. ccr. 15th dm
Douglas. 845 U
T" > ON'T pay rent ; buy a house and pay for it
J J by tne month , vo can sell you houses ftrd
lots on very easy terms. Come and let u show
you some of them. U.K. Coif , N. E.lfith and.
DpugUg. 849 IB
SIX room house for sale , city waur. 1U wtla *
from P. O. , corner lot , price W.e * ) . D , tt
V tterten , OnmLa Nat. 0 % Ul T
"I7KU 8AtK-Al a bargain , lot 13 block 2 Sltm-
JJ mlt plnce , r 3 feet OH FArnam st .Klmball ,
Wintop * Hyatt. U. 8. Nat'l Hank bUlldlnjf. .
161 17 *
"Troll SAIiK On en y terms , ft new frfoom
JJ house with modefn Improvements , , barn ,
etc. ; en it make terms to suit purchaser. Address
v. o. box isa , city. are
"lilOIl 8A1.K Corner Oeorteln nw and I-Adflo
JU RU. Oilxl40 tc alloys south and nest fronts
on RTailo and covered with beautiful cro c.
J-'Ino slto for olotrnnt homo , M.WO : for few-days
only : ? zWO ( ca ih , balhnco easy. A. V , Tukcy ,
1S3J FArnflrt st. 3S7
BUY a homo IrV mibscrlblnit fof share In tlid
Mutual Ixmnaud Fiilldlni ) < ai oolatlon at
310 Bo. loth st. , board of trade. Olllco. hours
from 0 to 0 p. jn. dally. Q. M. Nattlugcr , fipety. ;
$ lfOO buys n ntce little homo on easy terms.
It. 15. Cole , N. K. IBth nud DoUgltis. 3 5 15
57 L. lllCB & CO. , lionl listato. 15
L. RICE & CO. , Itcnl lijtnto.
LOTS on rnrrtatn , Dpuslaj , Didce rtpd DAvcn-
port streets 16 parties tvlio will mtild , cheap.
No cash payment and long tlrno ; imeallRntc. Id
K. Colo. NvklSthandnouKlaa. nft IS.
EJI &TtCl6KVj.CQ. ( . mnico n > specialty of
property W North Oftiaho , for solo or rant
ftt Citizens' brink 108 Cumlng st. . 3iS
T1IAVI5 fdrsftlo oho ol the'bMtlors ' In A. 3
JL Patrick's ad. which 1 will sell if taken POOU
for three hundred iloltriVs loss than any lot in
the addition can bo bought for. .Address 1133 ,
Hoe olllco. UM
Ujd.a'iO buys a lot opposite Brow neil hall on 8
< P 10th st. H. U. Cole , N. U. 16th and Douglas.
B45 15
OUBES and lots nt $1,800. 2,006. fijajo. J3.500 ,
13.000 , WMX nhd M.OX ) ; $300 to f.1.000 casll ,
balance easy monthly payments , when you
wnnlnhonio come andsco us. H. E.Colo , N.
K. Cor llith nnd Douglas. , l4t 17
ITOH BALE-Totf8on2etlifit. , Jiutoffof Cum-
JJ ingst , cast front , on cradn. ( infxlC-S to al
loy. 1'rlccfor few' days only fJ.400 ; J1.200 cftsh
balance easy. A. > 1' . 'I ukcy , 1331 Farunm st.
" 97
$350 , only * 50 cash. Miys fiOxlZO foot lot. few
mlnuics tr6m U. V , shops. H. C. Cole , N. K.
10th and Douglas. 845 15
TfilAHM for.snle , 40 mllui north ot Omaha , con-
JJ tnlns 1.0 acres , tlnb house , feeding yards ,
windmill , etc. . all level land. Price Ji per
nCrn. D. 0.1'nitcrson , Omnlm Nnt. Bank.
FINE tracKngo properly for sale The Clark
Woodman property ou Istard St. , between
17th and 18th , ! M4xl , streets on thrdb sides mid
railroad truck in hlloy ; suitable for wholesale
ormannfftcturiiigpunwca. Kino location , ele
gant property , easy tcnus und clieap. . Theft ) Is
inpni'y ' In this If boticht at pto wit prices. Will
sell part or nil. A. J.1 , Tukoy , 1024 Farualn st.
( CS&0. only tV ) rnsli. ' bllys fiOiliO foot lot , few
P minutes from U. 1 * . shops , Hi'-B. Cole , N. U
16th and Douglas. 34M5
"C10H SALE N o 7 rbom house , close to st.
JJ cars , school , church , etc. , fjill lot. o ,
$1,000 cash , balance In three equal payments. 0.
K. Harrison , 418 , B. 10th Bt. O'j
$350,6nly SSO cash , buys 50x120 foot lot , fo\v
minutes from IT , P. shops. II. E.Coln. N. 12.
16th and Douglas. , , . , TU516 .
IOFFKU the followim ; for a fa\v days :
60x150 on Georgia iivo\\lln. ) good , 7 room
now house With furnace , city watur , ' gas , etc. ;
Inrno barn nud 10U feet from popploton nve.prlco
STi.ToO , $1,200 cash , bal 1 , 2 nod 3 years. Conbldor
this ,
flood 8 room h6uso , cast front lot , now and In
an excellent locality , for a few dnys you can ret
this for $ .1,700 , $1,20(3 ( c.ish. Investlgato. this- .
OSxl.C ft on Cftsa st bet llth and 15th sts. with
peed 10loom iioiisd , tin easy terms , cheapest
property in Omaha nt 118.000 ; it voti wish to uuy
bell or cnth loan call enD , V. filiolos , Uoom I ,
Markcrblk. 74'J
$350 , only $50 cftsll. buys 50x120 foot lot , few
minutes from U. P. shops. II. E , Cole , N , JJ.
15th and Douglas , 341 IS
L. KICE & CO. , Heal Eatato 2to.
E OH BALE or Trade Pull lot on Farunm Bt , ,
ono block from paving and street cars.
Price J5.003. Equity J1.0JO.
Two one-fourth sections flno school land in
Kossuth county , Iofl-a.
One-sixth Interest In an addition to South
Omaha , free of oncuinurance.'for good iVustcru
farmland , clear , or not heavily encumbered ,
or good Omaha property.
Good Inside business property , free of en
cumbrance. for good house and lot In north.
part of city. 8. A. Sloman , rooms 23aml2J , .
H611man building , cor. I'arnuin and 13th sts.
ONE hundred and four benuhf ul lots In North
western part Of the city. Tlioso lots arc
Inn location \ < hcre they nro bound to sell.
Price 523,000 ; cncumbrnnoo 8.1.3TO. Want good
laud. n. E. Cole , N. U. 10th and Douglas.
TWO good houses , well located , for 12,700 and
83,100 , on easy jiaymonts. J. A. llelhtand ,
room 0 , Arlington llioclc. 793
POH SALE-tots3 and 4 , bldcK 1 , In Isaac &
Solden's addition , crir , 3th ( street and Hnlf
Howard. John II. ! < . Lehuiann , 031 8. 17th st.
FOK SALE or exchange Wu have some good
Omnhn. leal cstato ami Nebraska farms
which viov , ill eon cheap or trade for stockrf of
clothing ; fumlshlni ? goods , dry goods , boots and
Bhoes , Krocerloa or hnrdware. SchleslnKor Bios ,
CHS. ICthst. lU-JaW
f. UICE & CO. , Ueal Estate. el5
H1CE & CO. , Heal Estate. 2J5
FOH SALE Or ejcehanco Lot In Sulphur
Springs mid. , east of Kountae Place. We
will build to butt nnd toke two good horses as
part of llrst payment. Balance on easy monthly
payments. Hamilton Bros. , builders , 108 S. 18th
st. 3V5 I'.iJ
THOU SALE House and lot In Omaha View , a
JJ bargain , small cash payment , easy termi ,
c. c. spotswood. saw a inth. TM
FOR SALE-Lot 4. block 0. Hlflside No. 1 , for
62WX ) ; easy terms. Addtesa049 , Bee.
Its main lines and bronchos tncluda CmOAQO.
ENwonrn. Aicmaoir , CEDAH HATIDO.
and sccrea of IntormocUnto cltlea. Cbolca o (
rputeg to and from t&o Pacific Coast. All trono-
fera w Union tfepota. Fast grains ofy ne Day
Cosche * . elegant Dlnlnff Cora , magnlQcent Pull
man Falaca Blpoporo , and ( between Clilcoco , , at.
Josopa , AtCbUoa thfl JjAnBaa1 city ) Koclliilna
Choir Cora. Beats IY6o , to holders of turoUffh
Urst-cloea tickets.
Chicago , KnnaaB & Nebraska R'y
"Great pock Icland noyte , "
Extend * West and Southwest ft-om .Kansas pity
abd BU JOBOpb to NKL8ON , HOIlTON. , nEliE-
HDTOmUBON , CAI43WELI , . and all poluta la
and beyond. Entire paaaepger 9 < julpment of tljo
celebrated Pullman manufacture. All safety ap *
pllancaa and modern Improvements.
Tfio FamoUs Albert Loa Itouto
Is the fuvorjt ? between Chicago. Hocfc island ,
AtehUcn , Eaneos City and lUnuoapolla and Bt
VML , Its Watortown branch traverses the icrcat
of Northern Iowa , Douthwcetern Mlnneaota , and
JUarst Central Dakota to WaUrtown , Bplrlt Lake ,
Blous Folia and many other tovma and cities.
TliO Bhort Llna via Oenoca apd ICackakoo offers
uptrlor foclUlfdO to travel to and fromladlan-
o polls , Cincinnati and other Southern
Vor Tickets. Mop < r , folder * . , or dasired luMrma-
tion , apply at any Coupon Ticket Office or address
Qeal Hoaaifer. Oen'l Tkt tt Pass. Aet.
ornoAoo. TTI >
Advertising- always provm
Bucccusf ul , Uoforo placing any
Noxvepapor Adrertitlner consui
41 U t KutoUh BUMl , CHICAGO.
MUf tH M.t ru > rii , i rw .
Two Htcn inckotl I'op
llotirfl Under 1HO Kpct of Snow.
John f. Duncombo , who hns just
coino ilojvn to the city from Alturas ,
'slixlio , iollB the fifor 01 aquoof Imppon-
ng there rv week or tw'o njfo.
"Fjvo mon wcro wotHltiff ntn shnft lo-
JitcilnhonthftUwhy tip the Milo of Sll-
vorton lilll. a spur dl the Alturns iAngo.
Iher snow lies eovornt foot dpop nil ever
, ho mountain , and ps the tiny wna clour ,
> y the mlfldlo of the nftornoon the sun
iml thnwoil the sn6w just enough to
tuiko it soft nnd inclined to plldo. A .
3\vcdo wnlkltiR on a train nbovo the
ihnft missed his footing , nnd In Bcrmnlp-
ing to regain it pushed a little body of
snow out of its Iml unco. This wnsnttho
icnd of n dry gulch , nnd the wolght'And
sllpporlncps of the snow word enough to
> lnrin slide. In rv second's Hmo it hnd
rou-n to n tremendous sire , fttid prow-
ng bigger every second , it msliod Uowrt
, ho tnountnln with a torrlblo ronr. The
trees in Its pnthor6 mowed down like
grass before a scythe. The Swc'do who
slnrtcd th6 slldo fell ever In ltv his body
wns buried in the snow , and hail not yet
joon found when I cntno nwny.
"Two mon were working the windings
nt the mouth of thoshnffc nnd two bthors
were inside. The two nt the surfnco
iionrd the elide coming nnd hurried to
jot out of its wny. Tnoy were caught
in the vnst mass of rushing snow und
tumbling trees. Hut by some , unox-
plnlnnblo nocldont thov wpro toisctl to
ono sldo nnd succeeded in getting out
of tlio nvnlnncho. Theywojo knocked
senseless , but received no serious in
"But the queerest part ot the whole
story is about the two men who were inside -
side the shnft. The slldo cttmo right
dbwn ever the mouth of the shnft and
incited its 130 foot chock full ot Bnow.
The two mon , Mnrlin SmUhson nnd Tom
Utillnn , were in ( hero , buried under nil.
thnt innss ot snow for two dnys nnd two
lights , and when they were dug out
they came to , and nt'o now juet ns $ bund
nnd well ni nnybofly. Thu snow \vas
) ncU6d into some ritvts of the shnft so '
light Unit it wns Almost n ? hnrrt na Ice ,
ind it took exceedingly hurd work lo got
it out. But the snow , no matter how is packed does' not exclude tho'
x'r ' , and that is the way they hapnouod'
io Vivo through. They were cnugnt in
jprig-ht positions , ton , or they coultl
liiirdly hnvb survived. .T-horo < they
stood for forty-eight hours , with the
snow packed around them BO olofie ithnt
they could not move a musclo. Though .
so near onch other that they nlmoat
.oilched , they could not oven spoivk n-
word. They could just simply stand
, here nnd think. They say they wor6
conscious for some after the snow ctuno
lown , nnd that they stilTorcd tortures. '
They declare they never lotigod for-nny-
thing so much in nil their lives as they
did for death.
Every person ia interested in tholr
own allairs , nnd if this moots the o.vo of
nny ono who is suffering from the olTocta
of a torpid liver , wo will ndmit'that ho
is interested in gcttjng well. Got a
bottle of Prickly Ash 131 tiers , use it ns
directed , and you will nlwnys bo glad
you read this itoin. ' .
who is WKAK , NEttvotrs.
T I > . who in his FOILT and IGNOIl ANCE
hu xnirl EU away bll.Vinoilof BODY.
niNI > and MAHlT < M > I , cnU [ rigoxbaiutlne
drain * upon tliq FOUNTAINS of X.IFE ,
HIJADAtlllK , HAfJIf A : HK , Dreadful
Dreims , WEAKNEHN of IfcmorjIIASII -
FUK.NE8M in HO IETY. l > ISIl > I.KSjipon
the FACE , and All tile EFFECTS landing td
EAIIE.Y OEGAY and perhaps CONHirjIP-
now or INHAN1TY , should cpnsult at onca
the CVIjElinATED Dr. Clarke , 'Established
1851. Dr. Cinrke has maQo NEHVOU8 JE-
HIMTY. CHUONtO and all Dlseatci of
the ENSTO ITItlNAUY Orjrani a Ufa
Htinly. It rcAkc HO Olllerenco WIIAT you
bfsro talcon or WHO has failed to cure you.
.93-FEHA IjEU uBering from diseases pecu
liar to their nex cnn consult with the assurance
of tpecdy relief and cure. Send 2 cents postage
for works on ypur dlztcfcs.
A9-gQnd 4 centa postage for Cclcbrnted
.Workn on Chronic. NervoitB and Dell >
ette Disease * . Consultation , personally or by
loiter , , ffceo. . Consult the olil Doctor.
TboiiBands ciirt'd. OdlcoHnnd tmrloru
prlriite. JK9-Thoso contemplAtlng Marriage
jwnd for Vf. Clni-Ue's celebrated guide
Mnlo and Fcninle. each 10c. , both 2M.
( itampt ) . liefoio confldinr your cite , consult
Df. C'LAUKE. A friendly letter or call may
save future Miflerlneaud shame , and add golden
years to life , i-Book "Life's ( Secret ) >
ror , " 50c. ( itamps ) . .Medicine and writing *
sent everywhere , secure from cxpoaura.
Hours , B to 8. Bnndnys , 'J to 12. Add/csi ,
F. D. CLARKE , M. D.
108 So. Clark St. . CHIOAaQ. ILL.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' , i j
The Host Itouto from Omaha anil Council 3
Chicago , - AND Mlhrnukce ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Ilaplds ,
Hock Island , Frccnort , llockford ,
Clinton , DubiKiuo , Davenport ,
Klgln. Mndlson , Inncsrlllo ,
Bclolt , lYlnonn , La Crossri ,
And all other Important points Cast , Nortbeait and
. For UirouRh tlokoU rail on Ilia ilcVet asint nt 1M1
Fiirnam street , In Darker lllock , or at Union 1'ucldo
Depot. I ,
I'ullman Blcepcrs and the tlno > t DlnlnqrCarilntlia
worlJ are run un the ninlii lluo ot the Cblctgo , MIL ]
wnukea A Ht. I'nul JtkllwBT. add ovorr attention U
paid to pasBongort oourteoui cruplOjei 01 ttis
ull'.KH , Ocncrol Maniieer. ,
J. 1' , TUOKKIl. Anilnlnnt Uvucral Mnnsirtr.
X V. 11. UAltl'KNTUIl , Uunural raiicager and
ill'.o ' , it , llriAKFOhD , Aitlitant flcncril Paisong r
nil Tlokut Airunt. . .
J.T.ULA1IK General Buperlutondont.
PorcheronB. Clydesdales and Chlre. Also borne
bred colts : . Every animal guaranteed a breeder
Our stock bos been selected with reference to
both individual mHt nd nsdlgree. Borne oj
these horses have taken first priz at tha No-
liraska Slot * Kelr , 1887. All our horses , are nc- - \
cUmatcd.AUd colts of their get can 1 > 6 shown. . I
Prices reasonable and easy terms. Is accessible J
by the three leadliii ; railroads of the state , B. * I
JU.jK. , K. &M. V. . nnrtK.O.&O. _ . . . " . .fl
W amUtur luomnisC
r UMlMU > ik jii < ai4
AgVn to u fwt Coao/iUv / *
U2.A1 a 'ii
* * * , Ctiiilwias. . 11