Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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Busplolous Circumstances Catiooa
An Autopsy to Bo Hold.
A Farmer nobbed By Ills Gttesl
Wn1i6b nhll Oakland's it
cnii Clubs A. School IJoy
r PfATTflMot/Tif / , Nob. , March 14. [ Spedml
tTelcgrhmlb thdUnfi. ] An Intcrbsllng case
Is now In the hands of the Coroner. Wcsloy
Balccra colored boy who has been selling
tie Bnr. for n local hgcncy , wns taken 111
wlillo at Work Jusl bbford noon oh Monday.
Ho went h6Aid And was soon In n stupor
which lasted Until his death nt 3 n. m. Tucs-
.day. The physician who attended him pro
nounced .It n case ot opium poisoning , al
though soindotllio syinptpms do , not sub
stantiate thnt theory. A rum'pr uo't brdnd
thnlri thoroughly roputdblb business may
had fixed up a dose for the boy , nnd It wns
Industriously circulated by gosslpors . Finally -
ally it was decided to hold nn autopsy nnd nn
inquest. An examination fulled ta reveal
1 - " n'tly op'iutn nnd the pirtrf remOv6d W6ro sent
j tb Omaha" fbr analysis , pending which the
; . infiiest | rests. Thp boy had loft homo with-
> ' ' put his breakfast nnd no ono has been found
it , / who saw him take food or drink dm ing the
' forenoon. ThiS rumor that the party tn&n-
tloncd had fixed a" dosb for him is generally
discredited. It 19 denied by the gentleman
nnd Is ovIdentXviSpito work assisted by wil
ling gosslpeis. , The case has uttractod con
siderable attention. _ > ' ,
Itohbcit njf'llls Guest. '
KsAnxBT , Neb. , March 14" . [ Special Tel
egram to .tho Bnii.- Yesterday E. ' W.
'JVoolcy , n prosperous farmer living two
tnllcs nnrUi'of town ; drew. $250 from the bank
* to usd in piyin r-arpentors. On arriving
" * ' ' homo Jack Chambers ! ' who \Vorked on
3. . jVoolOj's farm last year , caino , round 16 .stay
? < . , nil night. All.wcn $ Ui'bctl as usual , but
when Mr.Voooy awoke in the m'ornlnb ho
discovered nls pocjtotbool wnsm'isslng , ? 3us.
picloh rested ott Clmrab6rs , for ho was miss
ing. ' Inquiry developediho act'Jhnt- ' Cham
bers purchased a ticket hero this morning ,
for North"Plut o. Ofllcors nro oh , his track
_ nud no doubt will overtake thd thief. '
f " . . . Supreme Clmt-tV Decisions.
. LixcoLrf , N ob.i March 11. [ Special Tele
gram to.thoBBHj ] In thosupremo.court to
day G..Haldanc , of Sioux City , was. admitted !
tojiractlco. . . . '
The following cases ; woroc&ntliiubd : Shull
vs Brown ; Ho.Vvard'vs Dakota county.
The following cases were argued and sdb-
nilttcd : ' . Kcunard vs Dibble , Griffey vs Ken--
iiard. _ „ . '
Decisions'wero flled ns follows : . .
| 3odgwick vs BHss , error from.York couht .
. .Reversed. ' Opinion by Maxwell.-
. Whero. an attorney enters Into n contract ,
with n clientto , , prosecute an nation to flmil
Judgment for n'stipulated sum and such at-
Wrnoy emtiloys a second onb'to assist hlm.m
llfo 'caso , tlio client will not bo liable for fees'
> . ' ' . . fqr,8uch second attorney , unless ho In some
f . 'irinnuon requests hia ommqymont or rotdn-
tiou m the case , A promise of a s'eo
Soujiaid foryour.troublo is not nn ab'solute
promise to pay. but il giiuraiiteo that payment'
will bo made. .
Clark vs'ChicagoKansas & Northcrn.rail- '
rdad company ; error fi'om Th'aycr county.
Afllrmed. Opinion by Maxwell , J.
' Whore a railway company In its petitionto.
condemn real e'stnto . for light. of way sots
lortli-tho necessary facts tb show.thac it is a
corporation duly organized under the laws of
.this stntQ and there Is no denial of tlio fact ,
' . . ' . tho'pctltioivwill be , prlma 'facie , sufllclcnt to
{ ; nuthorlzo the cbmpany to. condemn real ds-
\ . . talo'witnout prdbf of incorporation.
' ' Hamilton vs Koss ; error .from York county.
. Afllrmed. Opiniqn byJleeso , J. . '
1 - . ' ' , Ano\v trial Will not .bo granted for errors
. ' 6ceurring ui > on the trial .of d'tauso which'
" ; could not In any sense have been pr judjcal
, "t , . to the losing paity. .
( * " . Knolr vs-Poorloss-reaper company , error
. from Yovk cooiity. Afllrmed. . Opinion by
Reese ; C. J. ' " , ' .
. . ' .KettrrtstemTvs'Brown , error frofii Ma'dlson
t county. Reversed. Opinion by Cobb , J. ,
Coliulllnrd vs Hovoy , error from Lancaster
county" Afllrmed. Opitiion by Reese , 0J. .
' The allegation of a petition .in .an action
" "l . should consis't of a statement of tho.facts'
constituting the bausd of action but.not of the
' . collateral evidence by which such facts are to
' 1 > o established.
While it Is tup province of the courts to
' > " < construe contracts yet where the moaning of
. a contract is obsurc and depends upon facts
in connection with tho.writtcn language , tuo
. question of construction may bo ono of fa'ct
I' ' IOC the Jury. , *
> . . Cobbwvs Ivnnpp , appeal f loin Gage county.
t , ' ( c Rdvorsed , with instructions to render decree -
- " croo for plaiptiff on payment of moneys
with interest actually eJ.penu'ed by plaintiff.
, , Opin ion by Reese , C. J.
* ' ' F. being a married man and tha head of a
* * ' family , convejcd certain real estate to a pur
chaser by nn assignment of a contract of
purchase. The laud described in the con
tract was occupied by P. nnd Ills family as a
homestead. Thu wife of P. signed the con
veyance nnd with P. acknowledged the deed.
Held , flrst , llmt the Instrument wns exe
cuted and acknowledged by both husband
nud wife , within the requirements of section
4 , chapter 35 , compiled statutes 1887 ; second ,
that the provisions of said section iiro in-
tflnde'd ns and for a protection to the husband
or wife not excQutitig the conveyance and npt
for tljo benefit of third parties having no pri
ority of clntorests with ftuch persons. Evl-
denco examined and held sufllclont proof of a
Waiver of notice of n.hrcach of warranty.
Ono Scholar Stnlm Another.
OAKIAND , Tx'ob , March li , [ Siwcial to
tiio Bnn.l ( Julto a sensation was cro-
ntbd fioro yesterday over n littio stabbirig
nltrny nt snhool. in Miss V'ltha Norton's room
rtho intormedlato department. Twq boys-
ngod f.\Tolvo nnd fourteen rears , got into nu
nHeroaUon during pohool houra and ono hav-
Ing.hlH kiiifo out stabbpd the other under the
vifh\ arm , cutting through his clothes nnd ,
gpug ( into tbp tlesh half an inch. Dr. , Moore'
was cmlnd nnd dressed thpypuid ) and soon
.1)10 ) reit , Qf .thp * ciol | i-8 wei o quieted down
nnd resumed tliolr studies. , An ylTort wil ) Ijo
inado to hc'iul tlio boy who did the stabbing to
tlio reform school.
Sfatft Capital Noion.
jLfxcoLM , Nob' , March 14. [ Spdcful cle-
grani to the liia- , ] The Mtato superintend-
ont'has Jssucd | lie followjng 6rcu1ar | tjifit
\viil bq piit In tlio hand of every school officer
in the state i
To the School Patriot Oflliorsi I hereby
pall your ntt ntldn to the fac tlnrt during the
8ov < * ro winter of 18S7-8 many school * were
Jouml without fuel during a suvcro and very
gold storm. In all Suhools ronioto from
tdwim I dcslro to have thft school ofllcors sJc
that a supply of fuel sufllclont to last during
the winter term is provided nnd delivered at
the school housu before tlio winter term bb-
, gins , Please cell thq attention of .thq annual
meeting in yopr district to tills piutter.- and
ftbo that proper provisions nro made for car-
' rymtf it Into effect.
OeoifoiiB. LANE , state superintendent.
Tha Ashland Implement and Coal company ,
Of Ashland. Nob. , tiled articles of Incorpora
tion y6sterdny with a capital stock of $5TOOp ( ,
80 per cent to bo paid in pHor to commence
incut of business , tho.coinpuny to run twenty
years , with I. L. Slmingtou , C. A. Huyck
and George Slmlngton as incorporators.
Thp Intornatioual loan .ami investment
union , of Qlijcanp.\yitlt capital stuck of
67,000,000. tius flled a certtilod copy of its ar
ticles tit incorporation in Illinois wltlf the
Secretary of stuto herp , allowing tho'com
pany to cater Nebraska for business.
FOTXKRTON , Neb , , March 14. { Special to
tiJo BEE. ] Mr > C. E. Barker , a prominent
, , Jowcor } , and ! Aljss Brady , a daughter of L.
M , Brady , both of 'Pullerfon , werq married
herb to-day , ROV. J. 0. Irwin ofllclating.
U'hoy loft lor a short visit to friends in
Oakland's .Ilepulillonn'Olub.
I OiKtAKD , Neb. , March 14.-r-Speciul to the
I. DiJis.'t Tiio republicans of Oakland mot last
< iS-e'nlng and ofganltcd a republican club with
. , ' js. . charter mciubershlo of 100. The following
offlcors wcto fcloilodi A. Lunftvoll. prc-M-
dent ? B , S. HftrciiBton , Vice preftldfcnt ; 0. K.
Call , stfifrotnry : W ( O. Ilardlnc treasurer.
C. J.TSWArison , W. A. Hnrdlnp mid W. G.
Hears \vfcro elected to represent the club at
the state meeting nt Onmhn to-morrow.
BBNKLEMAN , l4ob. , March 14.
Telegram to the Bnn. ] A large nnd enthu
siastic gathering 6f representative republi
cans of Benklemnn and vicinity wns hold at
the ofilco of the county treasurer to-day nnd
n , republican club organized by the clcQtton
of L > . Morse president J. G , Winnings vlco
president , Oscar Culllnnn treasure ? nn'd "M.
L. Thohias secretary. T. R. King , G. A.
Vllllijms rthd B. V. Moore were elected del-
cgatos ttf thb cunycntlpn of republican clubs
which meets in Omaha to-morrow. All were
enthusiastic over the prospect of republican
success ilils fall ,
"Wnitoo's itcpubllcnn Cluu ,
WAIIOO , Nob. , MrirChl4.-lS cdal to the
Btc.Ji Ah rnilhusla-silc mc6tlhg of the ybilng
republican vojprs oMhis city _ was held Ihst
lilglit nt > 'd f ( J-ejiublican club c'rei'initcd. V.
Li. Hawthorne was elected president nnd 11.
II. J3iiu\i3orB. \ secretary. K. K. Good , II. O ,
Beatty nnd H. C , jjrodball with F. P.
McCuctchon , Dft 5 , S. Wild nM Judge O C.
Tarpbnnlng ns nlternalcs , worp elected ns
delegates to thotconvention4n'Omnha. .
fiy"V l >
K , Neb. , March 14. ( Special Tclo
gram to tb6 Bnn.1 Senator Van Wyck
passed through ( ho city to-hlghl en rotllo for
Holdrege. VherO ho speaks to-morrpw nlgJit.
Oil Friday night ho speaks at ftlcCook nnd
the people there , who have been represented
by the B. & M. road as lawlcBs.nnd hod Bin-
kcrtou men patodod before them , will hfcar
some sound , fearless doctrmo from the bxf
senator , , .
r. . _ , k. Blnjors. .
. PnnuJ Ifeb , , March. . . 14--lSpociat to ( ho
BKK. ] Mrs. W. E. Majors , who haS-be'cn
suffering for a 'riiinfibor bf 'years. Jroift.con ( -
sumptlon'dicd this morning. Sh5 loaves a'
husband nud four children. " .
1'fiQ Second llCKiincnt K. oT P. on' ,
. ' .Dross 1'urritle.
A hrinflsomS span of horses attached to.ah
61egant coilpo drovoup near the 'Union Pacific
depot lost evening , while a military band ami
n division of the Knights of Pythias stood at
a "parade , ' rcjSt , " as if wdlting to. do
Hpnor 'to some distinguished' porsb'rinfeo.
At 0 o''clbblc hol .train rolled in , nikl
the governor of , Ncbrnslra , ncobmpanied'
' '
by his sta'ff nlightfcd' and . was
' ( jrc'dlcd 'iyith ' cheers. Jits- advent horevas. .
for the purposqof reviewing the Second' regi
ment of the , KJnlghts of Pythias , . nnd amid
the governor wasi driven to , the Ba'rkcr , fol
lowed by tbo knights- 'their han'dsoiiib uhi-
' At 8 o'clock the same compay of knights.
the Black Ea'glo ; division , stood awaiting rthd
rignln acted ns nn bscort to tliochldf , bxccutivo ,
of. the state , this the armory. At this
place they word greeted by the entire Knights
Of Pythia Second rcgimdnt and th'o gover
nor nud attendants marched up tlio ball bor
twcen the ranks of knights to thq- platform
erected at tho. hdrth end. On this 'rostrum
they were greeted by the brigade officers.
After the governor .was seated Mr. C ,
W. Kyle nroso and inUehalf of the
knights -delivered the address of welcome ,
'and also thanked the gfavornor for hl recent
appointment of two K. of P. men on his slnft. .
The governor gracefully responded , spooking
of the interest ho took -martial displays , of
the invaluable soivlco of such preliminary
training la times of emerftcnoy , but hoped ho
'never. ' would have need pf such service
from tlio knights. Ho also , dwelt on
the three cardinal virtues in tlio motto
of the .kniffhts. After this .the
and thejgovcrnor and party afrain marched
down the ranks Inspecting tilerarms. . A.
.sppcimen drill of division No. 12 was called
for nnd their evolutions were so perfect that
they elicited continued applause. Thisdivfsion
has been In existence only eleven months.
A silent drill by Sir Knights Wie ? nnd Oorfo
was called fojv They responded with , the
most skillful , graceful. nnd.pretUost drill of.
tlio-ovenlng. They were greeted w'lth a loiid
bur/st of dpplauso.
Short speeches next followed by Colonel
JJowncs , Qrund Chancellor O'Neill , Colonel
.Ilotchkiss and- Colonel Sier of the govern
or's staff , and Dr. .La'no. The ' affair cnd < jd
with three' cheerS for the governor.
The governor , the Xiincoln dclcgaltlon and
tljo Second rcgltncpt brigade oilioers then.
the Barker where nn elegaiit'ubt was'a-ivultm them. Eigtit coun6s
were served , at the end of which followed n
number of impromptu speeches. At a late
hbur tlio banquet ended.
STOLiB A. Jf Altj BAG. '
A Darins , Theft at the Burlington
i > cpot In"Mt ) N/Kft. |
"Some ono has stolen a mail bag ! "
A little man wearing on his head tlio regu
lation cap of the United States postal service ,
uttered thesb words in frenzied tones last
night ns ho pcdcstriancd up and down tlio
platform of the B. & M. railroad depot , and
shouted lustily for the spcnal police. A
riuraber of officers , soon responded to his
appeals- and , In husky tones df voloo
the custodian , of the bag repeated his
asscitions that ono of the many .that had
been brought down from the postofllco to bo
shipped to thb cast had. been purloined by
some ono un Known.
Without ddliiy the specials were sent out
to hunt up thu missing pioportyand were
dispatched in different directions. A snccial
Who had been forwarded along the tracks
to the east . observed a nunibur of mqn
in. n saloon * hear Sixth , strqpt
in. high debate oyej. ' something
thnt attracted their attention lying on tlo (
floor. The special rusUcdinto the salodn , nnd
there lay tlm bag whiclrwas full of letters.
An employe of the Burlington liud found it
lying across , ono pf the tracks at the point in
dicated. swtci ! | engine hud run , ov6r
it. Tuo indention of thu wheels
were plainly visible on the > leather ,
which , struugo to say , was not
out and the contents in no way disturbed.
The ling was curripd back ( o the depot by the
spcclnl , much to the dviJcnt.Joy of the ser
vant of Uuclo Bam. There Is no clue to" the
Stole From Hla Father.
George Heller , a dpprayod lad of thirteeji ,
was jirrpsted J&st.oventng for larceny on com
plaint of ) ils father , from , whom bo had
stolen & ? . Thp money iQ ) had Invested | h a
ruvolycr. His father says Ho has been bully (
6f a number ofother thefts nnd as ho is in
corrigibly bod'that parent thinks ho Imd bqt-
tqr to the rfiform school , , Tiofuinlly | Hyo
ut Thirteenth and Bancroft streets.
AVnshout.on tha EUk liar n.-
DATID CITV , Npbj March 14. [ Special Tel
egram to th& Buu.'Jj The _ big washout tno
Ekhorn ( ynlloy rend yesfcr'day delayed trnlns
ton hours. Sulpnbrs at this point wore com-
p61lod to transport stock over the Union Pa-
Fntnl Wfcofc on the
POTTSVII.LB , Pa. , March 14 , A passongdr
train on the Schuylklll rpud , a branch of the
Reading road , was thrown fronx the track to
day at Nowkli-k by a broken frog , Brako-
mun , Humes was killed and Conductor Bork-
heisor , Brakomnn Hunloy and slxtcon pas-
sbngors injured , ilono fatally ,
AVeailior Indfcfitlona.
For Nobroskn and Iowa ; Light to fresh
southeasterly winds , warmer fair weather ,
followed by colder , northerly winds.
Eastern and Southwestern Dakota ; Fair
in northern portions , light rain or snow- fol
lowed by. fair weather m southern portions * ,
colder , light to fresh northerly windv. .
Children Cry for Pitcher's ' Castoria ,
When Baby sick , we E T her CoiiorU.
When ihar j a Cblfdj she cried for CeotorU ,
When sb became iiia | iheelunif to Oaitorlt ,
Whoa i '
[ Continued From Flrat t'agc.\ \
In support of the petition show thnt Mr. Ar-
ihm-sontn Uslecrap'iitb messftgo fo the ongU
ncors of the Unfoir Pacific railway tomjirfny
nt Orrmtjiti dlroctiitg thotn to liitul no' cars of
the petitioner. It docs not fairly appear from.
the oviilenc6 that flic engineers In
the service of the receiver received sUch
orders by tdlogrnph or otherwise. Fofc the
present It Is sufllulcnl to say thnt the c6urt
will protect the property of tlio Wabnsh m Its
custody. The employes of the receiver elm-
not Up obliged to remnln In his service
ngainst their wish , hut lnSithor they or othbrs
will ho permitted to Interfere. with 01 disturb
the receiver or his subordinates in the pdss-
osalon nnd opcrntlon of the property In his
custody , Lawless intcrffironco with the
receiver unit his employes hi J.ho discharge
of their dutlcis will not bo tolerated.
It li proper to. state , hownver ,
In Justice to the Wnbasn engineers , that they
db tf&Ulfrslro to tnnlhWLn hn attitude 'p/'flo- /
flnnco to law and thatthby are how wlllfnrfto
aid the receiver In tl)6 ) lawfu.1 and successful
administration 6t Jils Vnist. Tlio receiver's '
answer renders It unnecessary foflho court
to do mnrp than direct , Uint the petition re- .
mnln on 11 to for futui-o hc'vlo'n BbjO aid , there ibo
occasion for It. " . . . ' ' - , . ' >
Thnt the Burlfnpfon road Is not qmto. satis- .
fletl with the decision mniTo by Judge Grotllbiti
was evidenced1 Oils' .ovenlnR Uv tli&.ffUiirfbf |
anbthcr bill before Wirt thfltf.wilt nPliarunUy
Involyo "n ruling -ot _ much , wider11 & 'eojx .
According to tills bill an f\flnniilvp'tii\.iiUion \ | ] )
14 sought to Compel
cOmpiiny 6f Chicago
of the Burlington , nnd tho'.JUdgo
asked to.innlco an order Unit lv-111 prOvQflJ , tjho
bllUlatestho-t'it Is filed uifdeithd 'ihtbr-
state commerce law and to provdnt n mil tlr
pllclty of suits by consignees ijtnd.Qptisignors
of freight ori account of non-dullycry.
' ' ' " '
'An'linynrJ.lnl Keporh' "
Qnidxab , Marcli. 14. On .March P , .when
the , general gviovnneo committees lo'f rill-- '
.roads centering nt Chicago nlcjbmtthft Grn'nd
Pacific hotel , a resolution wns adopted nSk-
Ing that the Associated ifrees s.erid n reporter
. over the Burllngtbh system. The resolution
also asked that thp reporter should neb co\ar \
Msreport's in'favor of'tlo.brdthcrlipod ) of
engineers nnd firemen o 'tllO , railroad'com1
panj'v In ncc&rdan'co With .thjs'i . a 'rfcportcr
left Chicago ih'o next flay. ' .IJowas.tnc'coin-1
panted by n brotherhood ongliie'cf ' , who gnvo
him nccfess to the.moo'tlnga1 df tlf inen vt
Cacli. place visited. 'ThcsO'i > laCcg > vero
Aurora , Mcndota , , Ghlcsbirrg , liurlihgtdn ,
Charitoh , Crcston'nnd'KansasCity .
latter point the reporter met S. Til. Stevens ;
W.ho represented Chief'Arthur "anjl iGrnnd
Master Sargent , and afs"o i H. Hnilnhniii
vlco grand master of the brothbi'lio ' d of
ilrcm'em . Throughout' "wholo irj ! > thq
obdcfc ] was lo .ascertain thb true stti'to of
affairs on the Burlington ystenNpt. \ . oi\Iy \
"wcro meetings ol.tlio | brothcrKobd mcit.'ot-
tctulcdfiul nt each 'point railroad offlcinls-
were seen. ' Naturally 'both sldos had their
own story to toll , and ft tqqk" hard -Hvoric to.
.go't at tho.rcRl facts. Butns nearly ias _ one'
can Udgb'from the ovicloncb.of both rides ,
the Burlington system is doing Worn 40 to ' 50
per cent of the b'uslucss which it did fcfefora
tha striked 4At every point , meiitlone'd the
passenger trains were from one to six hours
latq. In regard to freight .business , each
division superintendent seen'Jralikly stated
thit the road was doing niucli. less business
than before the strike. Thoysaid'thfcro.wcro '
no cattle carried over tho'ioad , extent whcro
the , company had bought cattioin the pens.
Freight trains , whero.they wer.o formerly
'mado.up of about thirty cars , are no'
posed of f com ! plno to twenty. In some In
stances' engines .drawing n. way car are. sent
out and counted ns a train.As to thq'onicials
of the load at different points , it can bo said'
that they are doing their utmost to keep
trdfllc working. WMJo-thoy do not-cxp4-dss
themselves as m symiiathy with "tho enpi :
uCcrs , they do say they ivUmtlfQ oldjhatlkls
woo.bacjc .at the throttle's. Tno brotherhood
men , at > every point visited ard 41rmf So ate
the ofUcials. .At farther western points the-
men who art ) out seem to bo more detqrmined
aUd more radicill than the men here. , This Is
especially trud at Kansas City. ' Meetings are
held there dally nud tie chairmen of grievance - .
anco committees of other r(5ads ( spoakat ( tlio
meetings , ntd without Exception express
theniselves'ready to abandon tUeir engines If
necessary. , , . \
As retards the brotherhdoil sllualioto as
oxprcasod by Chief Arthur to-day , jt'is tliis :
If they lose the ilsrht they hSuJo inaugurated
neainst tlio Burlington system it means death
to their organization. . The biotherhpod com
mands now from 6300,000 to $500,000 , and the
chiefs claim that bv assessment as much
more ca i bo raised. Therefore , tlib uien" are
in a flglitinfr position. And yet.tjioy re.iVi/o
that if a break comes in the , ank's that the
older will retrograde mid bccfiino such rt one
as that uow organized by the coudUetQrs-r-an
insurance company. As a. rule conductors
nro keeping j > ut of the fight. Those on the'
Chicago & Not tliwcstern nr6 the bnl } ones
Who nto openly in sympathy with tlio engin
eers. The Brotherhood of Brakemen Jiayo
Ki'iovanco against the engineers , resulting
from differences which occurrcdm _ 187f ( and
1877. Yet as far us could , bo learned , there is
not a brotherhood bfakeman who Is wiUitig
to act as pilqt to a non-union engineer. Grand
Maotcr Wilkinson , of the brakeincn , is ylslt-
iting at this timu all points oil Iho'Buriingtdn
system , pledging the support of his men.
Anxiety pfTtnHrontl Ofllcfnls.
CHICAGO , March 14. The iinsioty. among
the rcprbsentativcs of the ra'llroads acopehs
as the uncertainty of ( ho altuatloh incrcas.c"'j.
They hope that the conservative inllucncu
yndcr Mr. Arthur may provdll over ( ho
radical forces arid prevent a general s'triko.
If that calamity should befall th y' would
hold the Chicago , Burlington & -Quincy rail
road company responsible for It , rath'pr tluln
the brotherhood , for ivjilch organization th6y
have a feeling of respect. TliVBlfuaTroh ns
regards that road was outlined to-night 'by a
prominent railroad ofllciol , who was in con
sultation with others during "thoday. . Ho
said : "Tho ChleagofBurliiigton & Qufney
rdilrood coiripany Is. rbsponiiol ' T&hcJJl for
the demoralization of rate's 4n th'o nprUtwo t- '
ns well as for the strike. Tbo building4 tho' '
Burlington Northern by officers of the
Chicago , Burlington i Qulncy wa's a stroke
at other roads' ' as well di an impositidn ,
on the stoukh'oldera , of , , the latter. It ,
is not necessary to point out the Iti-
tcrosts of n few mcri Jn , * the result o'f
a general demorallzadon , tp | n''p'pSVitt to"
/amlllar with railroad bu'siheas. On ( ills'
account there is little sympathy with the
Chicago , Burlington Si QUiocy railroad com
pany at jir'esdnt. "
> >
' i
"What , " asked th6 repo'rter , "is the quick
est way .of ending this strike i"
The rallrdad ofllcor said In reply that Jjlt
could b6 brought to n speedy clos'o If tjio
other roads would couibino and acryo n6tlco
on the Chicago , BUrllngton it Quiucy thut
they had done so for the protection of the
business interests of the country , ns > voll as
for Iho protection of their own Interest. The
fact Is1 , there Is great danger t6 the whola
country in the present situation. If tlioro
should bo n general .strike everything would
be paralyzed , and if the brotherhood should
b < j destroyed great danger would threaten
this country , which , perhaps ; few Jiavo
thought of , For years the organization pf
the brotherhood has slocd ns a congorvnjlyo
element amidst agitations throughout
the country. It has denounced that
most cowardly wpapon used by too
Knights of LaTer ; thp 'boycqtt,1
and has rendered In hls , very jmportont ser-
vipo to Socletj' . Now. suppose the brother
hood under Chief Arthur Is defeated In this
contest , and cllhcr radical element gain per
manent control , or (140 ( organization iroroKeu
Into fragments , wjiat wiubojho almost cer
tain result ) Boycotting organizations will
gain recruits from the engineers and firemen ,
and tbcro will be no longer a conservative la
bor organization in this country to resist radi
calism. I Is a tiuostlon whether thp other rail
road companies can afford thd have the Chicago
cage , Burllngt6n & Quiucy succeed in its
contest. Cert alnly the country Is in the pres
ence of a great 'danger.1'
The reporter' asked if there was a HKoll-
Kood of 'tho oompahies combining , The officer
replied bo could sot fl . "If ihojr bad the
fcournfTOof tholr cortvlblifcns they woiild , ami
specdllisettlfi thAljracnlty. "
fnvcstlpnttnp Mifi N6\v \ fehRlnfc'errt.
aLixcoi.'jJ , Nob.fMnrch U. fSpccinl Tolo-
Krnm to the BrE rj-Secrotarlos Mungor nnd
Aycr with Clerk Warring ot the b'oafd of
transportation rbtUrtleS to-dai * from Wymo'fo
Where IfcslimonyHvi'w IMtcn fegnnllhg Ufb
cfiaraclor of the rfip n.cfifs now Bmploycd by
the B. & M. nibt < > lmon.vjls Irt short hahil
and will bo trn'nscrlbod una i resojltcd to the
board. Jt Is stated that It Is not Very flnttdr-
liife td the road. Oho , seeretarlfcS RO to Hctl
Cloua rttdny to laUe-lcsttmony there. .
| tt tiih
E.t\4coL > J , Nob. ( March 14 [ Special Tele-
grain to UiaBm : . ] ) The Irregularity 'In trains
continues nt this point. A pas cngcr from
flnUSMoutlt flays It Idoft rolrilOn.m. to S
j ) . m. to f drfeli ln ! ( clty. .An extra Ibdt loft
Unvcnnn at 4:20 : Sunday nrrivcil ni Lincoln
at 3iiO : p.tai Tuesday , having been forty-
eight hours ttti thfi foatt , miEl. thrco different
engines were. used in gottlng ho tfnlfi n.
Mishaps continue lo occur in tib | yards hero.
A B\yltch engllio Smashed Into the pny-cnr
mtd.tw6'cng1hc3 camb't ttigothcrVlth daihngo
, { oboth ; Trains nr < > ninddbpand hel'dlong
over ' limp. watting f c an' onglno. ' . .tlroirinn
.was'rolatlnp { o-aay-his1 oxiiorlcnco with some
.of the View. engineers , ahd' his' talcs' o1 tHolr"
Jgtiqt-aned _ hrtndUng'n' loconiollVo VqUl'tl
Vnjisg Vtmlil people lo heslllito before Crusting
tliqlr Itvcg In suoh bnghroersvhaiid8.
. Thp reports 'frdm the Ujftorciit polnta on
tiio 'Burlington' system , are of tho' most ro-
i assuring character to llfo m'ch. T.ckgfams.
receivedfr6u ' different polnt.4 arc kop't oit
ftlo. .
An , Aurora , 111 : , . dispatch'flaja 'the 'cot-
pany's offlplals there nro dWguste'd , nnd los'j
trnlns are rim'.gvory doj' . The hcallh ortlcbra
were examining1 pome cases at the paint sh6ps
said to bu smnllpox thntvas ( Introduced by n
ntiwmhu. Eleven disabled Cng'fucs.-aro reported -
ported nt thnt point. ' Quincy reports thnb.tho.
licading-mcn nro Icavipg for.homo in disgust
nnd. that Hid coinpany is getting no uow inon
ta take their placas. .
. ABurHngton disDntch says. Mrs. T. . J. Pot
ter requested tliHt Engineer T. J. Tucker p'ull
the funenxl train front BuriitiRtoa to Ol- '
tumwn nrtil the 'fconyiany refuspd the rciiubst"
point bhmk. Mr. Tucker Is the engineer who
always pulled Mr. . Potter on' all spcclnla'iltir- '
inghts crtnncetion vcith the Burlington rontl.
Kcokuk , In. , reports no through trains nn'd
few Ideal ones nii ulug. .New monltro being
bought oft and the1 aid men' are confident of
success. . ' ! . . .
Mcpook.'Neb. , telegraphs that two engines
came together nt Oxford nnd-twb nt Brush ,
Colo. , ililmnginp all four severely. . .
A letter fr'om Wynonxj rocltcs that a scab
had orders to run wild' from Wymoro to Do-
AVitt. lie , bdwcvor"sU-uck oUt fdr Liberty
on the Heprfbllcan Valley Hire. Tlio yard-
waster , seeing hint. tolnp iti the wrong direc
tion , took nftor "him with ft switch engine.
An .extra was nbont' leaving Liberty for
Wymoro , but d telegram held it Just m iimo
and avoided a collision. . ' '
Tljodaily dispatch received by the men nt
the Imll t6-drty from Chicn'go was of a chftr-
.acterto insnito confidence in tlm men a4td
their ultimate -success , hi their , struggle. ,
Thor , < j ovldtfbccff hero tir-day of the
strike becoming general on the Union Piiclllo
nnd ( rains nt this' ' point have not been
affected. ' .
J/ March 14. [ Special
Telegram o the BniiJ There is nothing new
in the strike sltiuHlpn here' . ' For several'
days pa'sf the onlyVvidcnce of. Its'existcnoo
nro thoPinltertou doteclives still on duty nhd
the. Into trains.Ther'o.fs no a'
inutlon of coiifidcneo'Vmd enthusiasm among
thp. strikers aild.even man is firm ;
No ChniisGT\ ' < Kansas -City.
KSvs'OiTrMo March H. [ Special
Tclegra'm to tho.Bn'j.Thero lias bedn bt
littio change' in tho.striho.siluntion td-d'cly.
The comihittecq . f - the strikers' . .aro
in ' session tray1 < ' and night. A'll '
their meetings arg.f'.m3brot. TheHoclf
Inland _ .committco ivas. ' in ' pes'sitm
almost all'iilglit , but did Ml .agree u'pbrt 'a
% Vay out of .tho difficulty regarding the Kock
Island freight.Almost all of the Hock
Island's business hoi'o is with the Santa Fo
'nitdv the. Missoiirl Pacifiq , . andthe icfusal
of theo two , r.o.otls to liandlo Hock Islm\J \
freight praetlc'ally docs/a'way Witli tliroUgh
freight over the Kock Island through Kansas
Citv. The road is now sending its Santa Ifo
business to Atcbison by .way of Trenton ,
where the cichnngcis mo made without'
trouble. The Hock Island has oilerpd to lot
the Missouri.Pucific and the Santa Fo go in
nntl gct.tlio cars or to handle them with its
o \u engines , but the men. have rcfusod to
entertain cither proposition.
Will-Stnml By tjio Btrlfecrs.
Cnrcioo , March 14. Delegates representing - '
ing the brotherhood engineers nnd firemen on
every load entering Chicago were In session
to-day nearly eight hours. When. the meet
ing closed it was announced -that the dele
gates from the roads west , northwest and
southwest had formally voted to stick by
the Burlington strikers that Js , ta lofuso
under any circumstances to handle a Bin--
lington cnr. Eastern ddlegatesi will report
their conclusions tb-morrow. ,
It is not understood thut the action of the
western men nccessaiily involves n general
tie up of railrda'ds in the west. That idpa
was- voted down , altlfough by a narrow ma
jority. The prevailing judgment was , metJL-
ods could bo found to secure. the ends in view
without striking.
The Tleniiliifj Sirilco Krufcrl.
Piiii\iiiM'ifiv ( : , Pa. , T nreh 14. The long
nnd stubborn strike of the Heading cmploj'Os
was officially declared' ' 0-11 fght by n con
vention of delegate's representing local as
semblies in thu Redding employes' conven
tion ; and the men were given the right to
apply for their old positions as individuals' .
Indication' Thut It AVilt Not Do
Sir. iUiulmll.
, March 14. Pros'iu'ent Ad.tms , of
the Union Pacific , , has Issued a circulrr to1
the offoc that all business heretofore tran
sacted with VIco-Pjosldont P6ttor an. j all com
munications Intended for the general manager
should bo hereafter hont to the president nt
Boston , Thorn has been n widespread belief
that Mr. Potter's assistant , T. L. ICtmbnll ,
would succded to the vacancy mnilo by Mr ,
Pdttor's death , but in yiow of the president's
clrculivn railroad oQlcals | horp are of tlio
opinion that BOUIO otlitr nau will bo selected ,
All Other Itoailo 'S\li | RestoreHntca
On IMiWiili 2(1 ,
CniCAoo , March' if. iVll of tUo souffiwost-
orn railway lines havp dediddd to co-opora"to
with the western and northwestern roads' In
the matter ot the rostbt'atlon ' of freight rates
on March 20. Thij ) docs not include. the
Burlington nnd .its , cyi trolled lines , thdt
company persistently iref using tobocomoa
party to any advanca uflt now. Two outside
roads , however , the bt. , Louis & Snii Fiah-
cisco and Kansas Cjtor , Kt. Scott & Gulf ,
havu agreed to join in Uio movement and the
Burlington will bq Ignored , '
Foilr PersonDrowned. .
VICTOUIA , B. O. , March 14. Intelligent
rccjived yeatetdny says Roy , Sheldon , Mrs.
R. Cunningham and two' Indians were
drowned in the Skiena river , February 20.
'It is thducht the Sheldon referred to Is Rev ,
Sheldon Jocksmi , a noted Indian missionary
in charge of the Indian schools of Alaska' un
der the direction of tho.goyorumont
Memorial For the Dealt Kaiser.
The Concordln ' club hold , a meeting at
Roseumund's hotel lost evening tq make Ar
rangements for a memorial servlco in honor
of the lately deceased , German emperor ,
Kaiser William. It was decided to hold it at
8 p/m.-noxt Sunday nt , Germatila hall. The
following list of speakers were chosen for
that .occasion ; Ud < ) Jirarhyogot , Fred
SchrinUo. Gustdv Bencko , IJr. " wackqrow
and H Rostiwater. All poroonb In sympathy
with the German government nro requested
to have their flags at half-must to-day. .
Iowa's Sonnlo Tohdora' n Roboptiou
to a FormOr Mombor.
CoiliplMn hf t/nfrtlr Trbtit-
n'lch < Dj'feloilt Clly JPiickorfl-A
Proinlnout SInsoii llcslmis
Other Iowa Nows.
Honoring General Bussoy.
Dna MOINES , In. , March 14. [ Special Tole-
grntn to the Btn.-i-Tho ] Iegsnlurosusp6uded ! ! ;
business tills , afternoon long enough to pay
Its respects to General Cyrus Bussey , of Now
Yprk , n distinguished Iowa soldier nnd
clvlllhii. At tlip breaking out of the war hewn
wn ? n dcmocratio Jvfcmber of tjio Iowa sonhto
buthorc , < ilgndlhis.jbsition ( ? nnd entered Iho
army and fnmdly rosa to dlstlncition. At
the battle o.f.'YIcksburg ho cpmmandod all
tljo bhttcry Binder General Gnint , jvnd 1-6-
llrcd frOln the nriny rt dfvislo'n commnndcr.
lla Is vlsltln Jn town nnd was tendered n
rccppHon b.t the senate this jiftornoon. Tl\o
Ii9\iso \ adjourned , with the scnntp and Senator
IJUhkan.AVllojVn * ill the IcglsialOrd at the
$ nmb WniQ with G'irternl Bfasse'y , inado ah fad-
clt'083 o'f-wblconio , , cind In rcspohso General
recalled his- part In the war nnd the
\york uoinj by..tho . lown poldlprs. to whom ho
jmhT high t'rlbuto , for th'olr valor and
ofllclclicy. . _
ConpTilirtsA ; nlnstSIoiixCltyPflokcrs
Sioux Ctry , I'n. , March U. [ Special T61o-
prani to the BT.E.J There 'arc grievous con >
V'latnts against the' management of the Sioux
Citv.'stock . ynr'ds coinpany. The farmers
' within a.radlus of tn'onbr-flvo or thirty miles
protect npftlnst' the cross discrimination of
the management ' ngninst hogs cTrlvcn or
Hauled to.tlio yards to the extent of 50 cents
l > er 100 pounds. Precisely the same hogs , If
shipped by Vail , could command 50 cents per
100 pounds JHOI'O. Th6 dlscrlmluntlon of the
rompany nHo vltlatt > s the local butcher mai > -
ket to tjio same extent. Tlio farmers , more *
over , haVe iiratcstcd ngnlnst the policy by
'whipli two packing 'houses have twoled , di
viding hotwenn themselves tbo receipts 01
slock , , thus , destroying competition ; It Js
cJalmqd that.thls.polley 1msbeen discontin
ued within a few days. The commission men
hnvo puiviteiy. complained bitterly against
tlio Gxtdrtlons.1 nhd arbitrary rules of tbo
stock yards.compnny.
Sioux Cm- la'/M'arch l-l.-
, ll.SpPclal [ Tclo-
gram to tb& Bnc.-i-Tlio eight-ho'ur low in
local labor- circles such ns stone 'masons ,
brlcli layers , carpenters , etc. by the de
cision of lho trades union ' Into effect
next Monday. This means eight hours' worji
for tcn hours1 pay. The builders' nnd con
tractors' exchange has , it is said , ngrccd to
thq proposition : Ono leaning contractor.-
howovpr , refuses lo accede. Jt Is believed
thnftho Chang6 may affect buildiiii ; opera
tions. .
' An-OtUeoflo'iiriblc Fife O'h'fof3.
Sioux Citr , 'In. , March 14.-H Special Tplo-
grain to the BcG.lT-Thc'roj lutvlng been nn
'agreement in the city 'co'uncil ( p appoint as
chief 6f tho.ilro . department P. H. Maci car , a'
gaihbler , all. the Insurance ngoiiQics and firms
m the pigned n protos't ngainst
such ncUbn. .A-llko protest is being circu
lated ambiicr- the bijsiness meh pnd- largo
property -owners , imdhas bceii aheauy
slg"nod by n majority < if them.
Tlio Broivn
MAsox CITJla. . , March 14. [ Special Telo-
grnm to the Bci ? . ! There have no new do-
.velop'cments been learned hero In thtJ Bi'pwn
family polsolil'ng n'ffairs. The Ya'milyHves
twfcnty-ilvo inlles.north of here in a sparsdiy
settlcd cmtntry ) cut off from rcommunicatWn.
Tho- coroner is awaiting tteveloponioilts much
lo , the disgust of , the people. In thoBroVvn
hbmq tbq tablorcmalns standing ns it was-
'and 11,0110 of the rctiiaining-tnrco have died ;
Excursion. Ttntcs to . th6 Convention.
Dr ? MOIXES , In. ; Mnrcll 14. The chair
man of the Western States .Passenger , asso-
' '
cfatlon no'tjflcdlho republican s'tato commit- '
tco tjiat-roa'ds cenlcrfng at DCSMoines' and
heilrly nil other lowtv lines , will glvo a rate
of ona fair for the rouna trip to delegates to
the republican state oonvdntion. Excursion
rates will be Sold March 10 and 20 at all
ofllccs. , .
A Promlneut Mnson
GUANP R inns , la. , March l-i.-r-T. S. Par-
vm , giand secretary of the Iowa masonic
lodges , tendered his resignation this evening
in. Masonic library building , the occasion
bphig the llftioth anniversary of his llfo ns a
mason. Air. Pstvhi for iiftceii .years was
supreme prr.ind secretary of the masons in
the United States.
DBS Moivns , la. , March 14. The bill riu-
thorizing an extra % niill levy for isfe and
ISSp , which pussOd the senate and in thohouso
was amended by striking out 1SS9 , was taken
up nnd the spuato refused to concur in the
hous6 amendment.
Tl6 senate railway committee rbported this
moriring favorably on the substitution of
House rollSji for the Swenoy liill , sCimto file
Irf , and &ficr' some discussion house roll 373
was tlius substituted. The consideration of
house roll U73 was then bog'u'n. In the third
section the words "Unjust discrimination" do-
curicd and on motion of Mr. Leeds the word
"unjustv was , stricken out.
The Robb bill to protect .wngo workers in
their ridhUto organize for their mutual pro
tection andibonpilt was taken up. An amend
ment bjMr. . Ball to prohibit wage woikers
from interfering with others who wish to
wpi k was adopted nnd the bill passed. The
Vote by wlllcH the Cummins bill relating to
grand Juries , which was lost yesterday , Was
rpcx > usidqrcd.aiid passed.
The committep substitute for Iho tompo.r-
anco bills was considered by sections and
Various minor amendments adopted ) but the
adoption of the sections , ns amended-was loft
until the cntlro Dill could bo gene over. That
portion ot the bill was stricken out which r'o-
quired the names of the wives of twonty-ilvq
froehoVlcrs of tire township , city or ward 6n
n petition for u permit. . ,
It was 'incorrectly stated ycsteraay ( hat
liouso illdSTii halboei substituted '
nio'18 ( Swonoy raUroad bill ) . The latter
bus. been merely temporarily laid aside. ,
Housu Jllo 37ti was coisid0ied | again in .tha
afternoon scpsjon. Section 4 , prohibiting
dlscrlininatious.-'compelling ' proper transfer
and switching facilities , .but not requiriiltf
any common carriur to glvo tha use tOf tcr-
iniiwl facilities to other paq-lcrs except if or
loading and unloading Oi ( terms proscribed
by the eoiriiliiSsioncrs , Was amoiiddd so as
not W prevent time of shipment of Ijvd.st6cjc ,
uncured uroata or other porlsliablo t'oods j
also to provide that each common cwriCr
shall iifford proper facilities for \Yltehiiig
foreign curs ami forwarding passengers ; also
to provlda for ulscrlmluution wi h roiraril lo
nocomodations. Section C ( "lopg and short
Jiaul" ) wdi taKCu up but a vote w/xs / not
reached. ,
A resolution providing a .co/nmlUcp of flvo
from each liouso to investigate trusts and
pools , was laid on tio. } table , ,
Jn the aftorupon session of the liouso .coii-
slderatlon of the coin'mttco'a ) substitute for
the tcninorunco bilyus ) continued. Tha gUt
ottliOHovpn sections considered in the fora-
nopn is as follows ; Persons holding permits
can sell liquors for medicinal , specified phar
maceutical , chemical and sacramental , pur-
poseii qnly ; permits remain in force one yc ar ;
nqtlcoof applications for permit must bo
published , three consceutivo weeks in the
Kitlsh ) ; ! newspapers of tlio pity , town or
county , jiot less than ten ! or inorotltantjvcnty
days bof6ro the first day of the tora op-
plication for permit shall bo made by a pe
tition signed and sworn to by the applicant ,
filed in the ofilca of the clerk
of the court , ten -days before the
first day of tho. term , and cqrtiflcd ns
under tuo present law : tuo bond shall be for
81,000 ; the petition must bo signed by .freb-
hold voters of the ( ownshjp , city or ward ; .
before obtaining a ponnit-thoupplicant must
swedr to the conditions pf the bond. Section
istration. . Sections 0 , 10 , 11 , 13 and 1U ,
rofsrring to tlto kdoplng of records and ob-
Iftinlfig of certificates' for buying liquor from
county auditor , etc were not amended.
Section 11 relates to the trial of accused
jJermlt holders' S6"elIO"n 15 authorizes any
pharmacist nbt Jioldlna n permit to puvohnso
alcohol .toe compounding medicines , ftto.
Rico offered nn amendment allowing phar
macists not lioldlilfc pcrmiW to SOU tiroprio-
tary medicine nnd to strlko out the word
' 'alcohol" and Insert "Intoxicating liquors. "
No vote before adjournment.
nnd iiicltlents l i Bcrllli The
t'rlnoo of Ponce ;
ICnpwfoftf 'ISSSliv Jamb Oonbit tttnntlt. }
Br.uuK , Mnrch 14. [ Ncw.VorJc Herald
Cable Special to the BF.E.I There is
niucli gossip bcrp ovtjt Iho noiv emperor's
lolf br nnd proclamation. This loiter 1 * r6ally
f ronl n king to his subjects ot Prussia1 , hn-
other lo his Imperial subjects H soon , to fol
low after lib has taken thd imperial oaths.
The almost universal belief is thnt the prince
has not destroyed his old popular'tltlo of
prince of peace. Of cpurSo thorp nro sohio
political differences o opinion In the press
and conversation ns to. his letter. Prince lils-
marck seemed .bolter to-day nnd held n mdot-
ingwith the counsellors touching thoDro-
grnmmo of Saturday. It thoy. bo called ( ho
imperial InaugUrntlou proceodlnga. Tickets
for tho.burlal sorvk'os nro now being Issued.
Thpro will bo many dlsripp'olntiucuu about
thcso. Largo numbois of the piously "wished
to ntlqiid1. ' will. have to bo sacrificed for the
"mlist Roers11 nnd to-ilay pomes the pybllea-
tlon of the ndvlcd-vvhieli' tUo dylug monarch
Knvo to his prnlidson , Crown Prince William.
It vns translated Into Hiigllsh' "Do not
provoke n war but not shun ono If It bo Just.
Hold fast to the alliance with Austria , and
confide In her , for Ih this alliance Is the
stronghold of peace. . " Referring to Russia.
tha emperor says : " 'Treat the Emperor of
Russia with consideration , fftr you know his
charncl6r. " . Lost dvonlng about 0 o'clock.
the Empress Victoria nnd other members of
the royal family ngnin knelt together before
the entnfntquc.
Sir Morrcll MacCenzlo ftccuplcs-npnrtnients
on the snmo floor .with the emperor. The
former ha ; not quitted the castle precincts
and H cnjoylrffc some repose. Ho Is under
stood to hnvo expressed great satisfaction ut
the 'ofnpcror's gro Wlng strength.
Tlio cathedral was kept open , until 10
o'clocklast Pvcning 'W accommodate the
Gubllc. The emperor's. ' fncO rind head have
eon unveiled. His complexion la 'not- the
color of. death. A bright -pink a ' s6en in the
fnco-of a child when flushed by tonfj sleep ,
mantles his checks. '
WAStifNOVov , Rlni-ch 14- Among tlio peti
tions nud memorials re'celved wns .ono from
Illinois a'skmg for legislation , ngainst the
formation of trusts nnd cpmblna'tion's , dnd
that the tariff 6h tobacco nd 'spirits bo ro
'talricd un.tlUho war debt Js.pnid. ,
Mr. Brow'n , o Georgia , called mi the .reso
lution offered by Mr. Hill declaring It the
Imperative . .duty of congress to. repeal tlio
Internal revenue laws nt.tho earliest day
practicable , nnd proceeded to HddrcsS the
scnnto in advocacy pf it. ' - . . .
The Bonnte then procep'ded to the consider
ation of the u'ndcrvaluatiofi'blll , which Alli
son said was the itdunjmous report of the-
committee on finance. The bill cdntajus
twenty-seven printed pages , and , was read at
length. An additional ; section' , was inserted
authorizing the general appraisers to call
before thorn and examine on oath any owndr ,
importer , agent , consignor or. person , touch
ing Importations , and to require tlio produc
tion of letters and papers , fete. '
Evarts moved to amend the section by , rc-
quiring th.q invoice to bo niado "at the place
from which merchandise is .to bo ex
ported to thd United States. " Agreed 16.
The bill wenVovcr.tlll to-morrow.
The presiding officer announced the select
committed 6n civil service as follows * Halp ,
Manderson , C'MCO ' , . .Spooner , Blackburn ,
Daniel -and Blodgctt.
Culloin moved thd Senate bill , reported
from the postoffico cornihlttoe , to regulate
commerce carried on" by .telegraph , bo ro-
ferrcd to tha committco on inter-stato com
merce. Soorderdd. * . . . . . .
' After Qxccutivo. Session the senate ad'
Journed.- . - ' _ _ _ . .
4 ' ' . . ' ' ' .Houke. ' . / ' , ' - '
AVASinxaTONi March 14. Mr , b'Fcrrol '
submitted a report of the committeo-on 0100- ;
tion In tho'Illinois contested elecUoh cdso of
XVorthlng'lan vs P6lt , calouUdr. It confirms
the riglit of Post to the scut.
The floor was then accorded to the com
mittee on foreign affairs.
Thd sOnato bill fixing1 the charge for pass
ports at SI was pnsse'd.
Sovetal private bills were passed , find ono
ineasurb loferrinK to the court of claims tlio
claim of Hannah J. Jones , executrix of
Emanuel Jones , gavoris' considerable
discussion. During thb war Em'unubl Jonbs ,
a British subjecticslding in Mobile , pur
chased , with confederate money , a number
of bates of cotton. In April , 1805 , the federal
army took possession of Mobile , and p guard
having been placed at the warehouse , Jones
was denied admission. In August the ware
house burned nnd the cotton was destroy cd.
The clanii is for the cotton so destroyed.
After considerable debate thu hdutfo ad
journed without action.
nc0ovcry of a Ijost Oh lid.
CniOAOOi Mar6h 14. [ Special Telegram to
the BuE.l A singular case of recovery df n
long lout child is reported from Morris , 111.
I. M. Underwood nnd his wife separated
about twelve yo rs ngO , she taking their two
daughters , oged four and two , and going ( o
Michigan. There she placed them with
friends nnd went nwny. Underwood soon
followed , and securing the clftc ? child took
her homo. The other could not bo found.
Ever slnco ho has been p/itlently pearchmg
for her by detectives nnd otherwise , nnd a
short tlmo ago learned sno was living with
the Harrison famjly in Wuukesha , WJs.
Thither ho went and meeting n girl at the
housb of ono of Harrison's neighbors made
hllnsclf known. The girl expressed a dcslro
tb go with him and live with him and her. sis
ter , nnd next day-withou thp know/edgo / of
the Harrisons , met him at the depot and
went to Mfarris , where she Is now Jiving hap
pily. Ifo\yp6ineswordfrOni WntJkcshn Unit
Harrison has started fpr Morris In pursuit of
the girl , and it is said if she does iipt , rpturn
withhiuvhopropoiuw'to s'uo Underwood for
ton years board , that being the length of
time ho has bad tno chfkj.
.Deacon IVhlta Retires' .
DnTitotT ; March 14. A base bhll sensation
was caused to-day by the positive -annodnco-
mont from "Dbacon" Jim Wliito , the tiird |
baseman of. the Detroit club , that ho had de
termined tp rctre | trotn the diamond. Whtta
wns ono 'of .tho "bigfour" purchased from
Buffalo , . Thp Detroit qhamplpns say that
tlioy nro weakened irreparably by Whltd'a
SQcosslon , Nothing will change the deacon's
The CoinmlHSlrtii in Onlcngo.
CrfioA'db , March H. Tho'intor-stato com-
mbr'c6 c6inrnissidners rirrlvod it ChlcrfgO tills"
ovcnliig ; Judge Pooloy says they. came hero'
tomcetthd Cilnadiiln Paolflix oniclals nnd
will Iwld a' public session. When nskdd If
fltey would in nriy way consider the 'Jjiir-
lln ton Btnko ha said hd did not know but
ipuld not , of course , toll what might develop
while they orb hcio ,
Blunt Bo Aiiolhc'r Ijoavltt.
' '
CIIIOAO'O , March U. Papers reaching hero
to-day contained Vcports that Harry. Loavltt ,
tt0 | noted wilncss in the Haddock case nt
Sioux City , ' had killed a ' cowboy .In Dodge
City , ICan. , and was to b'o executed for the
crime March SO. Telegrams from Loavltt at
Pcoria to the Dally .Nows to-nitlit pronounce
the reports utifdundod. Loavilt la mauuging
n thyatoi1 in Peoria and claims uovor to have
been In Dodge City.
The Visible Huppfy Htntemont.
OiitCAijo , March 14. ' lie vlsibjo s p'nly of
grain for the week ending March 10 ,
ns shown by Iho pomiuitatlon mado. by tha
scoretary of tlio Chicago board of trade , is as
follows ;
Wheat. . . . ' . . . 315,001.000
Corn. . * . , . ' . . . . . . . . V.2'3-000 '
OaU . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . 3,421,000 ,
Rye . . . J. . . ; . 3J9uOO
Uirloy . . . . . . , ; . , . ; . , 2,235,000 ,
Bullish News Very Plentiful In tbo '
Whont Pit.
Tclecrnplilo Communication .With ' .
Jtanfticrn Rxchhiifrcn llcdpcntt t > 6-
crcnno In Iho Vlslhlo Supply
A Dull Day All Aroiinil. .
cftfoAtio MibfiucjB MAUICET.
CUICAOO , March 14. [ Special Tolofrram to
the BE } : . ] Bullish Influences wcro rfutnor-
ous and bull news plentiful about tllq wheat
pit this morning nhd the mn.rKbtop'cnbd Btronff
nnd higher , and In n short time advanced
J&o from the opening figures , But'it would
not hold. Thpro were oceans bf grain for
sale , nnd 'when the locAl trailers , who had
bought early , Tpund it would go no h'Hhor '
they scrambled k > got ildof their Ictad nnd
BOPn knocked off the Jifo advance frohr yes-
lOrflay's cldilng figures , ' Mny ; whdat'htl '
6'cJdck to-day standing Just \UioW ltitld , ut
the cloio'nt yestcrdiiy "afternoon's ' short ses
sion. POT th'o flrst time In.two days tqlo-
ghxph cdmmunlcdtion was hnd'wltli ' tho'onst
nnd with .Europe' . Mnj' wheat opxmcd at 80o ,
gradually worked up to SOX ° i thdn doollnod .
lo SG o , and for a Ibng time 'flnct'uatod . be
tween 30) o nnd S0 > fc. Just before the close
there appeared to bo considerable aniioty
among scalperswho _ tiaa bought cafly. lo lot
go , nnd ii-ied's ) fell to TO e nnd fin
ally closed , them at1 o'clock. ' Juno
wheat opened .nt So c-'sold . up
to 0 0 , again fell to Sp o and vJosed.nt that
price at 1 o'clock. _ Hutchinson wns 'a liberal .
buyer of wheat Unlay mid It-was-pmrt df the ' '
gossip 'of the fl3oc that the irpn.vy buying of
the past two. days by u prominent cammls"- ' . ,
sion house was for Hutchlnson/nnd tlia.t ho )
must by this time have covered ail his ' .short-
Wheat. . By. others It was thought that -tulp'
buying'was for Roam nud to ddvor hts .short
strength In . .wheatoncourngod
corn bulls , . Und that Brain.scored u fair-Bd- . .
van'co in tlKHlrst part of the sesslo In. splto'
bf tho.fact tliht receipts w'oro lar'ger tl'm'n ox-
pcctcd. . Tli.6 com'ijlcte'd yilithio aupply's'tato- '
mcut showing ndecr6aso of 140,000 bushels
of cdrn , whereas nn Increase hitd been -gob , '
crally oipedted , was the most sirengthonlug.
factor of Oiodny. . HoWovdrf the uwrl ot.
was not wellsustdinod at the ndvnfcco. mid
showed wpalracss s'ooncr than d.ld wheat. It
'was ' oven mpfo pronounced , the unloading' of
early buyers carrying the price of .May corn
bcl6\v yesterday's closlnff figures. Tho1'
first safes of May , corn were
at 015 ig51J c , and after Belling
at 51 * < @ 51 Vc , tlicro was tl qnlclf nd'ailco' to
53 c , and between that price mid ) { o below '
the fluctuations were conllncj. for. some timtf. ' .
'Later the riricA fell-to SlJJ'QSl/fo , nnd rested
there nt the 1 o'clock ndJournnicM. Juno
corn opcncil'dt Gl c , sold up to C2Vo , down
to GU < c , and clor.ea nt thnt pVlcq at 1 o'cloclc.
Tlfcro wns some tifo and actlvity-in snecu-
lativo oata markets carjy in tHe sedsldn , but
It djqd out nnd trado'was oxtrehioly'dull '
later. May pats opened afc 01c , sold up to.
31 ? c.nnddowu to 31j @ 31c , closlnff nt tho.
last named 'price nt 1 o'clock. Juno oats.
opened n'nd closed nt Sl c , oaa nt 'one , tlmo
sold do\vn to,3)J ) c. July ontd said at 31 0 ,
and that price wak bid for them ut the closo.
August oats were nominal at CT c. ' . - .
Spcculati0 business draRgqd In the ] > revision -
vision market ttf-dayr dud tradljiB- , was
almost entlrply ofn lOX'al scUln-
fn-g character , ris ' bilt foAV outsldo.
otdcrs'woro received. At the toclc yards
hpg r66elpts were larger , with prlc6s for the
raw mateiial barely steady , and there .was n
general inclination ainonij smaUor class bf
longs In the product , -who' had a' llttld piollt
injnclr trades , to cover the result was n
weaker feeilnff till arund nnd a shrjnkngo in
varocs. The 1 o'clock closing Bhoyvod a decline -
cline in mess pork of .I2) ( gl3c , in lord
@ 3c4inl , ( In ribs of lOc. , . ' i
At-TtftN'ooN SESSIONWhbnt , lo\ver ;
opened at 70J c , closing nt 705 0 , J no,80c.- ,
Corn weaker : .May closing nt BJ ? @ 51H'ot
July , 31 ; Tc. Orfts quiet but steady : Pork
qu'lctniui , easier ; .Mn.rch about ? 14.00s May
ertl.l oiCIJ 1f\rt l1J 111 * nil * ' . -6pUt UP to
Juno i4.\7M
rch ofterpd at-
' $7.7S ; J.uly , ST.8Q.
Short libs easier ; March , $7.22Y ; RJay , $7.30 ;
Juno , 57.37K.
CitiCAOo , March 14. [ Special Tclcgrnm lethe
the Bin.-7CATTi.i | : Trade openea slaw In '
the fat cattle dei\irt'mcnt of the market , t ow
ing to non'nrrivol of orders , and telegrams
from the cast , on account of wired bpinf
more or lo s disarranged by tho.grcatcastoru'
blizzard nnd snow storm. Consequently ,
buyers for Eastman and othQr.flrms In few
York or elsewhere east did not irok. out .until
late in the afternoon , and then business Ubc-
gnn to show signs of moie llfo nnd more desire - '
sire on the part of buyers. At no time could
the market bo reported ns active , yet the
bulk of the desirable cattle wclc sola before
the closo. An to prices , theio was littio erne
no change ns compared with yesterday , but
values nro IStSfiOc lower than these of last
week on the ordinary run of cattle. Ono
lotof corn-foil Texans made $4.10 : fancy ,
$ ,150. Steers , 150 to 1500 11)8 , * l.fiO@
fi.20 ; 1200 to 1350 Ibs , 8I.10@4.GO ; 050 to
1200 Ibs , ? 3.4d,90. ) Stockois-mld feeders. ,
? 385@'l.70 ; cows , bulls nnd mixed. S3JX ) ®
4 03 ; bulk , 3.83@3.50 : Texas fed stoorF
? 3.lB@l.4a
Hoes Trade active nnd prices stendy to
stlong : n few fancy heavy made , ttf.55@r > .f)0 ;
und light Phlladolphlas and fancy inuchor
weiRlits mador.45@0.fiO ; assorted llsht of
1(3) ( ) to 170 Ibs avei ages made K SSQriJOU ; and
averages of 150 to KSO Iba , ? 5.10 to fO.23 ;
Nmv YOIIK , March 11. [ Special Telegram
to Iho Bui ! . ] STOCKS Stoqks are very much
unsettled as well as inactive. A comparison'
of the closing prices to day with those of
Mqnday shows that-of thirty df the inoro'
prominent stocks , seven huvo inddo gains of
Jff@l } P ° r oont , cloven hav6 recojlbd , @ 1 }
per cent , and thp , bdlntico hold ut thtf previous
loyel after slight -flucluatlons. Thd largest
advances were made by Lnko Shore and Erie ,
orid _ the greatest decline aultorcjl < jy Now
England , The toarket opened.withput any
activity nnd without much inclln.ifl.lofl nmong
traders to engage. With the exceptions of
Wdster'n' Union-St. Paul , Reading and Lake
Shore prices oh thomoroilctivo nortfdh of the
general list were "about on Monday's Iqvol or
below , tiio aboyo named stocks manifesting
firmness' , and In some cases roachlngii hljghor
lovolv Arf Umo prdgrc's'sod the feolinff
became heavy , nnd thd market dro'i > poi | iintil
ovorythlng showed ndcclfno from" " the ohrly-
figure's , The most valuablq stock "was Now ,
England , which was very Irrogulaf' for a
wcck'or nioreV. In the early dehliugs | t advanced
vanced frolnprf o'at the opening to 3ijc. but
in the reaction dropped to aijtfc , rullyiuff
fdobly to 32S33 ! c ,
UovniiMctrrSr Govcfmnprit bonds were
dull mid steady ,
B . o. * N. w..iom
Ii : : ta coupon. . , l'iii do jiri'fvrruil. . . , . .11014
U.S. . N. V . U-ntrul cx-dl ( l v
IT. H 4iscoJjun..lKiS } | O.U. N . . . . . 'J5
1'aclllo Us of ' ( ) > . . . . , LiJ P. T . , . . , . 18
CUnudrt Hontlieril . 5I' { I'acino Mall . aU )
( Vutral A ' * i.tW. . ( . * O..D.&K . . . . , !
Chicago If Alton. .115 I'nlluiun I'ulaccCuri M
C. , 11.4:0 < . . . , , l4K : ! Heading
' ' ' * W ' "W.K ! ! & * $ * * &
it. . . . 81
! > . & . (1 17. St. I * &
Krlo . . , . ZU. doriroferred WX
ilo preferred. . . . . . 07 0. . M.&St.l'ttUt. . . TO
Illinois CeuU-ul. . , , JI5 do preferred 11 Hi
i..U.\V 11 Bt.l'&O. . . . Wt
K&T. „ 13 doproterred
Union ! " ! ' ' . ' . 6UJ
1 , . & A 51U Pftclnc .
- ntrul _ 78
> IfchlK ' ' ' " '
MlKSOurll'uclHo. . . . M Jojireferrcd , . , , , 2J
Missouri 1'uglllo , . . . ) W , U. Telegraph. . - 7854
MOSEY ON CALL Easy , at S3 per cohtt
closed olferod ut 2 } per cent ,
STeiiLixa Et'cuiKOE Steady atld ua-