Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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Ed Mauror Again , $ ho Victim of a
Peculating Walton
j A novlew ortlieftltiiiUloti In tlmljocnl
Labor AVorI l--Tlio Northwest
ern Sties llnrkcr llros.
Ilynn'B VlHllors.
, tlioTlitof.
3 , .T. Qulnlnn la n iitcndy , honest , Indus-
( rkran young innn , and Is deserving of bolter
luck than that which has been visited upon
him within the past twenty-four hours.
Qnlnlnn has been employed na a mnchtnlat In
the Union Paciflo shops. ltd boarded nml
lodged nt 220 North Sixteenth street , having
n room together with 0110 Qcorgo Webber , n
traitor In Mnuroi'a ' beer salpon. Ho had
Worked there one month. Night before last
Qulnlnn and Webber mndo up their minds to
go. to Chlcngo ycstcrdny swearing to stick
by each other until each was again Installed
in remunerative business. Monday they
bought n trunk and packed nil their worldly
effect * together intending to tnko the evenIng -
Ing train to the city on the lake.
A they Intended to "rough lt".throURh ,
Qiilnlnn told Webber about four o'clock In
the afternoon that ho would go up in their
room and Ho down until supper time. Webber
replied that that wns ft good Idea , and ho
Would tallow * suit. They retired to their
room and Qulnlan was soon sound asleep.
It should liavo been stated that the two
young men had been to the depot , purchased
tliolr tickets and chucked their trunk to
Chlcnpo. It was nearly half past seven In
the evening when Qulnlan nwoko. Ho nroso
nndlooked for Webber. Ho wns nowhere to bo
found. Then thinking that his friend might
have gene to the depot without him , Qulnlan
hurried thither , only to discover that his
hto train WIIH gene and there was no trace of
Webber to bo found anywhere. Hut n
greater surprlno still awaited Qulnlan , for
while engaged In looking about the depot ha
reached In his pocket to examine hit own
ticket , and wns horrified to discover that it
had not only disappeared , but his poclcctbook
along with It , tdgclhcr with a lot of llttlo
valuable trinkets. His pockctbook contained
f'O In money. Webber had gene through
blut whlio ho slept , and robbed him
6J everything ho possessed on cnrth ,
oven to his trunk and wearing apparel , and
then fled the city. In n conversation with n
UCR reporter yesterday Quinlan said ho
ought to have known bolter than to hnvo as
sociated with Webber for a moment , as the
latter had told him that ho had worked nt
Mnurcr's ] ust ono month at < 2. " > n month , and
"sec , " said he , "this Is what I mndo , " and ho
counted out on the bed before Quintan's eyes
1188. "I'vo Just knocked down $ UH , purty
peed , hain't itv Quinl" This will probably
bj ( a sort of an oye"opencr to Mr. Mauror.
The reason Webber quit his "snap , " Quinlan
said , was because ho apprehended that he
was suspected.
"What is IlcltiR Done In tlio Building
nml Iliiliacre' World.
Yesterday there was renewed activity
about thoNow York Life buihlltig on the cor
ner of Seventeenth and Fafnntn streets.
Preparations wcro being m.ido to raise the
immense derricks and u force of men was at
work In raising several of the massive koy-
ntones which nro to lock the arches over the
Farnam street windows. Mr. Blake , who
represents the Norcross Brothers , the con
tractors , said that their stone cutters had
been at work all the time though no bricklayers -
layers have as. yet gone to work.
The BKI : reporter sa\v some brick being
laid on the top story Of the Y.-M. C. A. build
ing and asked the contractor , N. Ittncr how
many bricklayers ho was giving cmuloiincnt
to."Oh , thcro nro only n. foreman and two
bojs [ apprentices ] at work up tlicic. "
"How much nro you paying them per
day I"
"Tho name as last year , "
"How much is that ! "
. "You'll have to find that out from GO mo
other person. "
Mr. Coots , the contractor , stood by , and
was. asked what the wjgos were last year.
"I don't know , " was the reply.
The fact is. that bricklayers , last year , re
ceived f-i.rx ) per nine hours' work. The foic-
man who was at work .is a member of
the Bricklayers' union and'it was said by a
third conti actor who was also seen , that ho
was probably iccuiving $5 per day.
TIII : iiiuciv MOUI.UCIIS. .
Agreeably to their piomisc , the brick
moulders have sent the following reply to
" the wages offei cd two weeks ago by tiio
"brick makers' union :
OMAHA , Nin. : , MAIICJI 0 , 'S3. Mr. D. J.
Collins. JJeurSlr : I , the undersigned , secretary -
rotary of the brick mouldcis' and settuis'
union , liavo been requested to Inform you
that the bill which I received Some time ago
from you has been placed by motion at the
meeting of Fobniary 21. Wo also resolved
to work eight hom-s in nil machine ymds.
IHAo O'Nfii.i , , Sec.
Tlio BIB : reporter saw Mr. Collins , the sec
retary of the brick makers' union , and asked
him what was the meaning of the letter.
He replied that ho did not know and no
body to whom ho had shown the letter could
understand It. It was not , ho claimed an
answer to the brickmakors' ultimatum ,
which was published in the HKH sovcrnl dn > s
ago and Isi as follows : for setting and
platting 18,000 hi Irk , 1 ; making 0,000 rolled
or 7,500 Blnpiwd brick Thin Mr. Col
lins claimed could bo done in day and if It
wcro llnishcd In less than eight hours. It
would bo satisfactory for the makers. Ho
claimed also that in Kansas City and Chicago
cage mun handled as many as 3,000 brick
for $1 dollars a day. The wages asked hereby
by the brickmouldcrs and platters woronn
Increase of about twenty-five cents n day
over those of last year , limiting eight hours a
day's woik , as nearly as ccn bo understood
from the letter of O'Neill with ? a for the
setters and 2,75 for the moulders.
There wns a meeting In the Paxton hotel
yesterday afternoon of the muster plumbers
Of tlitf city , which was pi cslded over by M.
B , Hussy , A now constitution wiis adopted ,
and M. Parks was admitted to member-whip.
All tno questions which have been submitted
to the association by the Journeymen were
harmoniously adjusted Tlio wages will re
main as they wcro last year , $1 and $3 50 for
steam and gas-Hitters , and $ J 50 and 1 for
plumbers , Ono apprentice will bo nllQwcd
for ovcry four journeymen.
Not Going to Strike.
OMAIH , March in To the Editor of the
Hun. 'It has boon ivpoi ted , and quite gcncr-
ally bolluvcd , that the union cnrpcntoia nro
going to strike , and Iho best way to disabuse
the minds of those interested Is to deny it
through the columns of your paper ( as it is
the only ono Unit everybody reads ) , and if
you will pk'nso nisei t this ' jou will confer a
lasting favor on Union 5S. UNION.
< - i
Tlio llrlck Question.
OMAHA , Neb. , March 12 , 18S3. To Iho Ed
itor of the HUB : In Saturday's issue you
publish seemingly the sentiments of the
brlcklajcrs 'of this clly towaids the brick-
makers' profits. In behalf of Hie bricklayers
and citizens of this clly , I will make known
tlia following through your valuable col
umns. That I lwvo , been , a brick-
maker for the , last (25) ( ) twcuty-fivo
years , mid consider myself thnrouuh
in my lino. Yet It is true that brick are sell
ing nt present in this ejly from { 9 BO per 1,000
and as high as $11. Yet that doos'not signi
fy that no can make them as cheap hero as
ininany other cities , 'In Denver .brick can
be oiado for from 40 lo 5'J per cent loss than
here. First They can burn brick suitable
M any purpose In frpip forty-cifflit to sixty
hours. Second They get tholr coke free of
charge from the gas woiks , for the prlco of
carting it. Third Tlio jirk'O of coal Is leas
ban ono-thlrd of what wo have ( o jv hero.
xmrtu The clay is ofsuclrnaturj-thero thtu ,
hey can let the pi ecu brick get as dry as a
tone before setting , and the dryer they bet
heir brick the bctlcr they are When burnt.
Such in very near the same in St. Louis aiid
Canbus City , with the exceptions that in the
ast two named places they burn Oram tlueo
to four ami half days. Uvcu across Iho river
Iho nnturo of the clay Is such that it tnkcs
from seven to nine day lo burn nuoecssfally.
Now the clny In this city nnd * utraind-
IngB is of n far different nature. First
Wo have hero which every ono knows ft Very
sandy , loamy soil nnd eld } * , such as It Is , with
any amount of alknl. V mixed in , o'f which
that is n great detriment. Second Wo have
to pay for our coko. $5 GO per ton , and 50
cents to 75 cents to drnyaeo. Our conl'costs
nil through the seasons from 1(1 ( ccnti to 23
cents per bushel , or from 11.50 to 5J.15 per
ton , delivered. Thlnl-'lf wo qct. oilr prcon
brick dry as a bone , na cnft bo done in nlmoit
any other part of thn country , njid burn
them , makes no difference how hare ] wo burn
them , wo will have n. moss oJ pieces i\ud rub
bish , besides n total failure of which Messrs.
Youngermnn Bros , tun till by last season's
experiment. Fourth Wo must by all haz
ards set this clay as green as It Is possible to
stand the weight , often so green that with
case you can with yotir fingers leave the
print of ono-half Inch depth | n almost liny , ,
besides often thcro Is n great many brick net
n llttlo too dry in nJmost every kiln in this
city , which cannot bo helped , and after the
dry bilcknrn burned liero | arc. no loss than
thrco pieces , the consequence Is that it takes
us from eleven to thirteen days to burn suc
cessfully , nnd when wo do burn In ten days
wo think that wo are in great luck.
AN Oi.t ) Exrr.uiKNcnn BJUCKMAKF.II.
P. B. The prlco of brick nt present In
Denver is $7.00 , In St. Louis $3,00 , in Kansas
City from f 10.00 to $11.00 , and In summer
when wo sell nt $3 ( X ) with n slow season , wo
wish wo wcro never In the business.
A surprise , when smoking * 'Soldoli-
borg Figaro" for Co you will lind it n lOc
cigar. Ask-your dealer for them.
United Stated DUtrlct Court.
A THJf TllOUlANlt 1)01.1. VII IHMAfln SUIT.
A petition was Hied In the United States
circuit court yesterday by the Chtcagp &
Northwestern railroad company against
Joseph Barker , asking for ? 10,000 damages.
It Is alleged that on September 4 , 188. , Bar
ker entered Into a contract with the Chicago
& Northwestern for the rcnlnl of the ground
lloor looms of a building ho had In contem
plation. At that time the defendant Barker
owned the property at the corner of Fif
teenth and Farnam streets , The contract
provided that as soon as defendant got pos
session of this property , then occupied by
tenants , ho would erect a tlvo story brick nnd
stone building , fitting up Iho first lloor for n
railroad Qfllco with steam heating apparatus
and modern conveniences and would Icaso
the same for a period of flvo years to the
plaintiffs for n consideration of $2,000
per annum. About the time tha
building was completed It was destroyed by
ilio. Barker utonco begun the reminding of
the structure , and although importuned fre
quently during the process of construction by
the plaintiffs for n fulllllmcnt of the terms of
their contract , the defendant persistently re
fused to give them n lease. On the 1st of
January of the present year the building was
completed , and the apartments originally
Intended for for the Chicago & Northwestern
Hallroad company , wcro taken possession of
by the Chicago , MilwaukeeSt. . Paul Hall-
road company. They have leased the rooms
of Mr. Barker for u period of flvo years.
John B , Hanley and Charles Ogden repre
sent the plaintiffs. *
District Court.
Tlio trial of Lutz , the alleged murderer of
n man named Lynch , begins this morn
ing. The prisoner , who has been in Jail since
October of last year , Is charged with murder
in the first degree. The affair , which was of
a most sensational character , is well remem
bered by every reader of the linn. 'The
story of Iho crime and the motive which led
up to its commission , briefly lold , is ns fol
lows : Lutz married a young German woman
nnd for over two decades lived in perfect
harmony with her. Both of them worked
hard , and by economy managed to save up
considerable money. Finally Lynch ap
peared upon the sfceno nnd for some time was
accepted by both Mr. and Mrs. Lut ? 03 a
wclcQino guest. After a time Mr. Lutz bo-
cnmo Jealous of Lynch nnd drove him from
the house. Shortly afterwards Mts. Lutz
disappeared from her Iowa homo nnd for
months the husband searched for her in vain.
Mrs. Lut/ came to Omaha and cnteicd n
boarding house on South Thiitecnth slrcet
as a domestic. Lynch was also hero and per
suaded her to accept a homo with him. The
injured husband finally learned of the wlicrca-
bouts of his wife and went to the house she
occupied with her paramour to induce her to
leturn homo. A quurrell followed which re
sulted In the killing of Lynch. Lutz claimed
Hint lie killed Lynch Is self defense and It is
the general opinion that ho will bo acquitted.
In his suit filed yesterday George A. Hoag-
land sctH forth that Shelby & Flunigim mo
indebted to him in Iho sum of $ l,14i ! on n
promissory note , nnd ho prnya foijjudgment
in that amount.
IMIAIS ran HIS rnoiT.iiTy.
John Schmidt informs the court that ho is
wrongfully , unlawfully and forcibly kept
from the enjoyment of his propeity by Pclur
Lyon , nnd ho petitions the the court to eject
the defendant.
The South Omaha lumber company allege
that William G. Albright and otliois are in
debted to them for building miitoi ml amount
ing to $81.40 , nnd they ask for a Judgment.
Henrietta Sclinctto wants the matrimonial
vows ratified between her.ind Imr husband ,
Adolpk , on thoSTth ( lay of October , ) h"i ( , dis
solved , for the reason that slni-o April , 1835 ,
ho bus been living nnd coliabitating with one
Downing it Co. ccmplam that A. Miller
owes them $ (118.45 ( 6u account for goods ,
wares and merchandise , in which sum they
ask Judgment. They also ullugo against said
defendant that ho is doubly indebted to thorn
in tho. sum of $ ( > $0.12 , duo August , IbSS , and
they pray for an attachment on the goods
and wares of Millar to secure the payment of
said claim.
nu B ron HBucr.
W. A. Austin , nn employe of the B. & 'M.
railroad , sets forth that ho is a married man
and that there is in the keeping of tlio com
pany something over 8200 duo him for wnjjes
which they hold from him in consequence of
garnisho proceedings brought by one J , A. G.
Sample in the sum of 5 > , Austin therefore
lictilions the court under the luws.of the state
of Nebraska to restrain the railroad company
from paying the money , or any part thereof
due him , to other than himself ,
vi'icmcT roit Tiiu'cirr.
The Jury empanelled to Iry tlio action of
Michael Wnllory to collect damages against
the city brought in a verdict for the defend
ant last evening.
Coii'ity Court.
JUnO.MENT III' I > lil'AUl.T.
Judge Shields yesterday granted n judg
ment in the sum of ? 200 In favor of Joseph
ICruz against MatoJ Kurnsek , ffTOg
HAS xo AUiitoniTr.
In answer to Elcnor Grifllth's petition as
administratrix lo pay over lo the bcbool dls-
trctof | Omnlia S4i'.t5 : 07 out of the estate of
her deceased husband , Elcnpr Grifllth , Judge
Shields yesterday mild ho had no authority
or jurisdiction in the matter of said applica
tion nt tills timo. He therefore denied the
application. ca
Pollen Court.
Fined , Mnggis Williams , Ncttlo Brown ,
Ella Phillips , Bllu Boll , Jonnlo Jenko , Lulu
Moore , Funnlo Davenport , Anna Burke , Big
Liz Heed , $4) ) each.
Vagrants , Henry Jackson , ordered out of
town ; Jim Dugan , ono day ; Louis Lowery ,
William Hiley , Jim Kennedy , discharged ;
William Fcatlierstono. continued.
Hi link nnd Disorderly. Joe Tlpuian , | 3
nnd costs ; Tom Lacey , continued ; John Don-
ulilson , $3 nnd costs.
Winnie MiUer , swore out a warrant for the
anestof Willie Harris , alleging assiuilt and
battery. They nro altuelu'H of Iho Union
Pacific railroad hotel. '
Gusslo Nightengale , Iho depraved girl run
In was lurncd- over to' her inqlhcr
yesterday morning ,
Mori Is Sullivan , an old ox-captain of the
polite , who was run * In Monday by Officers
Brady and. l-\ley , Intends to ha.vo Iho affair
Ihorouglily-lnvoiiligatcd befolo Judge Bcrka
n't his trial this tlf ernoon.
11 jail's Mysterious VUltora.
Frank Itynn , " tlio slayer o'f'Mrs. Howard ,
conducts himself at Iho Jail In a manner that
is mo t pralaowortliy. Ho gives the Jailer-
little ( rouble nnd scldoii ) speaks'to the ofll-
cers Daring the t jr n of us incarceration
soVvvaT Ificnds have cMc& and. left Witt
I TL every department of our store wi now be found new and elegant goods made especiay for the spring and summer ; '
season , atorices extraordinarily low. Commencing this week , close buyers wi find it to their advantage to watch
the list of attractive bargains which we sha offer and which wi be announced in the daily papers each week.
the List of Unprecedented Bargains for This "Week.
The Slater Woolen Compnriy is now
nml has been for 80 yours known us the
most colobrftlcd makers of flno Indigo
Blue Ohoviots. in the United Slates.
Tholr goods tire nlwnys thoroughly re
liable , and when warranted Indigo 131uo
will bo found precisely as they lira rep
resented. The most thoroughly stills-
Mictory blue goods made in tb's country
to-day tire iht\do \ by the Slater Woolen
Lot No. 1 200 pure all wool and full
Indigo Blue Slater's Cheviot SuHsnow , ,
fresh goods , just made up within GO
days , in singlo-brcasted sack suits ;
coats all made with lap , double-
stitched eoains ) , mndo ami trimmed in
the best manner , and in regular men's
sizes , from 34 to 42 , nt the extraordin
arily low price of $10 pev euit. Read ,
the price again. Think what the goods
are that wo arc offering you. Genuine
Slater Woolen Co.'s all wool full indigo
suits , heavy weight , at only S10. The
ordinary retail price is not less than $16
to S17 per suit. Price $10.00.
Lot. No. 2 Wo offer 200 Suits in
single-breasted sack coats , the very
best Sawyer Woolen Co.'s Double ami
Twist Spring Suitings , new , light grey
and brown mixture , just made up in our
very best manner , bulls that wo have
sold regularly for the past. 12 years , anil
in no instance have they ever been
shown on our counters at ICBS than 313
per suit. For our present season's open
Self Measurement Blanks sent on application. Mail and Express Orders promptly attended to.
OMAHA BOSTON Freeland/Loomis & Co.
DES MOINES Proprietors :
Corner Fifteenth , and Douglas Streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
Jnilcr Miller money , tobacco nnd daintiea of
ovcry description lor the prisoner. Every
dny ut nbout" o'clock p. in. , a gontlcmun no-
compmiicd by n vullcd woman walk up Fur-
imm street to the Eighteenth street entrance
to tlio court house. The Indy remninp nt the
corner of the two streets while her escort
noes to the jail .mil Inquires for Uyan. lloia
often granted nn interview \ ith the pris :
oner , but if refused , li.indi Jnilcr MUlor
some money for Hyun and depaj ts. It IB sup
posed that the Ituly who desires to rcui.un
mcognitio is ono of the prisoner's wives.
Siilvntion Oil , the prcatcbt cure on
earth for pain , has made a most bril
liant debut. 1'rico , 25c ,
Philosophers say that affairs should
always bo eoniluetcd with n vjcw to the
greatest good of the greatest number.
IiBull's Cough Syrup does the gretit-
est good to the grcntubt number , ilo
An Oninlia Hoy's 1'roitiot-loii.
Charles F. Nngl , formerly i\n Oinnlm boy
mid brother of Julius Nngl , of Ihls city , lans
just been oleclcd to the Important position of
superintendent of the West-Division Horse
Car company , of Chicago. Ho succeeds tlio
old manager , Jnincs 1C. Lake , who has hold
the position for many j oars , nnd who wns
poi serially unpopular with many Of the em
ployes. Mr. Nngl enjoy * the kindest appre
ciation of his subordinates , who number
inuny hundreds , the company possessing b < > 0
curs. Mr. NnRl is n biothcr-ln-law of Frank
Lniifr , of the Omaha nnd Trust com
pany. _
The blood must bo pure if the body
would bo in pot-feet condition. Dr , J.
II. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and
Blood Purillor makes pure blood , nnd
imparts the rich bloom of health and
vigor to the whole body.
ItniHeil to $500,000.
The Bank of Commerce Hold n very Ira- '
portant meeting yesterday afternoon , nt
which decided to increase the capital
stock from $100XXJ to 5500,000. A number of
now stockholders have been seemed nnd
nbout $300,000 of the inore.iso have already
been subscribed by well-known people in this
city. On the flistof May tlio lunik will bo
removed from its present locution on Noith
Sixteenth street lo the new Baikor building ,
on the corner of Farnam nnd Fifiecnlli , The
otllcors nownra : Guorgo K. Barker , presi
dent ; Frank Johnftnn. cashier , with Geor o
and Joseph Barker , S. H. Johnson , Ij. B , Wil
liams , William Siovers and F. B. Johnson ,
directors. .
Absolutely Pure
. * .
Thlgpoyfder never varies. ' A jnarvelof puri
ty , strength and wholeaomeneSs. More eeonom
leal than the ordinary kinds , and cannot De EOln
in competition tritn be multitude of'low toil ,
bl.ort weight alum or phosphate poVrdera. Bold
only in cans. Itoral QaklngPowder C0121
ing and tmtil this lot is closed , wo shall
offnr thorn at the UNAPPROACH
old and long cstablifhud Sawyer Woolen
Co. , of Dover , N. II. needs no word of
commendation from us. Wo unhesita
tingly pronounce this company the best
manufacturers of line all wool suitings
iij Now England. No shoddy , Hocks er
ection is over used in any of their
fabrics. Send for samples of tho. cloth ,
or a sample suit , and if you wish to ox-
am'tno and prove the value of the suit1 }
as they are represented in this adver
tise. Price $12.00.
Lot No. ,1. Wo offer 100 of the well
known Valour cloth finish Sawyer Wool
en Go's Suits , in very dark Oxford Mi.t-
turos , a small , neat check pattern , ono
of the most popular styles that the mill
has ovov made , suitable for cither bus
iness or dross purposes. Single breast
ed sucks , regular si'/es in fall weight at
the same extraordinarily low price of
812 per suit. REMEMBER these are
till now Suits made in the present style ,
within the past 60 days , and wo guar
antee that the ordinary retail pi ice
usually asked for these suits is SIS. Sam
ple suits will be sent , and they may be
returned at our expense , if , upon exam
ination , they do not bear out all the
statements made in regard to their value
Lot. No. 4. Wo offer 250 spring over-
coals ; tnade of a pure worsted in a light
Wo make our best
Dow to the public.
Ono of the ( osts of
good taste Is a be
coming lint. Mindful
of the \ iirlcil netds of
our putions wo are
supplied with lints
jor the spring trade ,
tulted In quality and
> > tylo to every pursuit
and profession lints
and taps for the 1 ojs ,
lints for their fathers
and brothers , and
b.oad-btlmmed lints
for their fiiandf.ith-
crs. nil nt pilcies
which m ist astonish
tha public. .
GOLD MEDAL , PAEI8 , 1878.
Warranted aTitotutilu jnira
nit , from wlilcli Iho eiciss ot
Oil lias been removed. It lias Hit it
lima the ttrtngth ot Cocoa mlieil
with fjtarcli , Arrowroot or Sugar ,
micUu therefore far niorueconomi
cal , totting leu than one tint a
cup. It Is delicious , flourishing ,
strengthening , easily dlgi-BteJ , nml
nilrnlrnbliulaitcil | for Invnllila as
M 111 an for iicrioin In licaltli
Sold by ( irofers eTcrynliorc.
W. BAKER & CO. , Dtcteler , Mass.
Omaha , Nebraska.
Incomparably ttin Cast
j' color , with silk fnoinrrs nntl trimmed -
mod cqunl to nnj' $15 oVerconl In our
slock. Now gooda just mtulu up in our
own workroom , nnd cut with na inuch
care us any overcoat in our' stock. The
extraordinarily low price of this over
coat in regular sizes from 81 to 42 is $10.
Wo do not hesitate to recommend this
offered by the Continental , it not con
sidered to bo just as represented in this
advertisement , every garment purchas
ed may bo returned and jnonoy refu'nrt-
cd. Price $1U.
Lot No. 5 , Wo olTor 150 All Wool
Spring OvoroontH. nnulo from the cele
COATINGS , uindo by the famous" PUT
NAM WOOLEN1 CO. , 'of Putnam ,
Conn. , a mill that is pro-oinincnt and
famous for its thoroughly honest , all
wool fabrics , cortnlnly the most popular
goods manufactured. Our prices on
thorn in regular sizes from ! 54 to 12 , will
be S" . They are all now goods , made
up within Iho past CO days , in the very
latest styles , and Wo state an undisput
ed fact when wo say that up to the pres
ent time $12 is the lowest retail price
that is quoted for thcbo overcoats. Thorn
are of a very handsome brown mixture.
Send in your orders at onco. REMEM
BER the price is $7 , and the Kimo priv
ilege is granted on this lot as on lot 4 ,
if not satisfactory they can bo returned.
Lot No. C. We aslc SPECIAL ATTEN
TION to this lot of Young Men's Over-
N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodge Sts
Best fncilitlcs , apparatus and remedies far silt
cessful treatment uretery form of disease requir
ing Medical or Surgical Treatment
Board and attendance , best hospital uccommp
ilatlons in the west.
WHITE FOR CIRCULARS on Deformities and
Braces , Trusses , Club Feet , Cunoture of tht
Spine , Piles , Tuinori Cancer , Catarrh , liroiichllU
Inhalation , Ulectriclty , Pnrnljsis , Uiillepsy , Kid
ney , lllndder. Hye , lar , SUln and Blood , and all
Surgical Operations ,
Dleoasos of Women a Specially.
HOOK ON ni ErB8 or WOMEN Fnrx.
All Blood Diseases ( successfully treated , fiypli
illtic PaUon removed from the hysteni vltnoul
nwrcury New restorative treatment for loss ol
Vital Tower. Persons unable ( o visit us may lie
Heated at home by corresiMiidencc. AH coininu
mentions confidential. Medicines or Instniuicnts
sent by moil or express , securely packed , no
mnrks to indicate contents or render One per
sotml interview preferred. Call and consult us or
fend history of your case , and we will send in
plaiu wrapper , Our
Upon 1'rlvnte. Special or Nervous Disentes , Im
potency. Syphilis , Oleet and Varlcocelc , with
question list , Addresa
Omaha JUrdtral anil flurutfltl Tiitltutenj
Cor. 13th and Dodao SU. . OMAHA , NED.
Thread Of Modern Time * .
Kit , > ATiucK-ffocii Jry Goods Co ,
1) , M.brbUI.K A. ( . ' < ) .
8. P. MOR8K & Co.
LAIIKIN&CO. . . . .
CIIAS. Ki.snni , .South Omaha , aud all flret
cluiBictull dealers.
VorK Dry Goods fatore. ,
. , - . . . . . , ; . '
{ S. < S D.
1142 LawFence SI , , Denver , Col.
Of tlio Missouri Btato Museum of Anatomy , St.
t.oiilH , Mo. , University College Ho-splttil , Lon
don , Olcbcn , ( Jermimy and Now York , hating
dot otucl their attention.
More especially thosu arising from linpnt
( lento. 1m Ito all BOH Hire-ring to corrusponil with
out delay. Diseases of Infection and contusion
cured safely and speedily without use of dim-
Kcrous tlriiRS. 1'utlents whoso cases } uio been
neglected , badly treated or pronounced Incni
able , should not full to wrlto us concerning their
symptoms. AH letters receive Immediate atten-
And in bo mulled I'JtKU to imy address on re
ceipt of ono 2-oent stump , "J'lactlcal Observa
tions on Nervous Debility nud I'hyslcal Exhaus
tion , " to which Is added an "Iwsay on Mar-
rlaue. " with Important chapters on dlseasus of
tlio lleprodiictlvo Organs , tlio whole forming u
Milnable treiitlbo which should bo read
by nil .young men. Address
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Col.
Omaha Seed House.
IleadquiirttTH for 1/iiiiiUctli'H Olnbfntid f- < ' < l8.
1'lnntH , Cut rlo\\era nnd 1'lornl dealgim. Send
for catalogue.
W. II. FOSTI3R & SON , PropHotora
1022 Ciipitol Avonuo.
,33fc = = > * = = = scr
FortheCurcof Consumiitlon.CinMha , Colds ,
Atthiiui , llronchttb , DelMltu , Wasthiy
ScrnfttlouH llinnoia.
Almoit as nulutablo n cream. It rnii ho takrn with
plrjuuroUy delimit ) peironii nnd clillilren. wlio.nUor
iitluKlbarovcrrfunilorn It u lmlliiU ; nltli tbu
Idod. lncre i tiiull ilinnd apl'ulltc. liulldi uii tliA
ncrvoui dyktum. rvitortis cnewrjo inlml anrt boily
cnato ii , rlcfiand pure bUioil , In ffttt , roJmltmU )
tlionlnlu r < tein
U ia'r luperlorto all other *
This proparntlon prep1
mtlon. 0/Wd-l.lvcrom ltll many " " " 'J'r , f'u.t R ?
equals. 'niuTe ult rollowlnit Hmi.oaro it btrtra
comiiicndhtloiui. lie ur . a. youvaluu your licaltU
and vU tlio ccnuliio. .Muiiulactiirurt only M I'i ' .
Al.xn. \Vil.lion , ClicmNl. Honlon , .Mu benrt for
illViitraUidtlrculur , wbkU will be mulled free. Men
tion lull Dilirr.
coats , cot only from .13 to 38 &lz < 5s. Milo
f 11 fine dingonnl twill In light brown
inn color , with Jmmlsoma slVk fnclntjs ,
drcKsy nnd just right for the present
hcnsoiu Placed on our counters this
week ut $112.
Lot No. 7. Wo offer 260 Boys' Strict
n Riniill ncnt basket pattern , medium
color , neither very Hfelit nor very dnrk
in Hi'/jjH for boys 4 to 12 years old.
nmiiufucturcd thcso goods in Feb. Of the
present year and have s-old hundreds of
them and the average priee hue boon
$0 a unit. During the present week or
until they are closed , wo shall offer
them for & ! .f > 0 a biiit. HEAD THE
PRICE ONCE MORE , $3.50 and roinein.
bor they are strlutly all wool , no cotton
or shoddy in them. Only $3.CO. Every
suit is worth $0 to-day.
Lot No. 8 160 BOYS' PLAIN
BLOUSE SUITS , strictly all wool , made
from a medium color Cheviot , ono of
the best suits in our stock at any prioo ,
Mid a beautiful color for spring and
bummer for boya 6 to 12 years , only $3 n ,
suit. Every suit is worth $5.
Lot No. D Wo offer tlio balance of
several lots of dark mixed cassitnoro
buits , somewhat broken in sbes. Suits
that have sold for $3.50 and $1. They
arc in heavy weights and will bo closed
out , at the REMARKABLY LOW
Dn. n.C. Wi'sr's NV.nvp. ANn lliuiv TncAT-
msr ! , a Kiinrnntpcil fmcclllc for llybtorla , Dizzi
ness. Comulslons 1'lts , Nvrxous Nauraluln ,
Headiche , Nervous I'rostrntlon , tauted by tlja
Hbe of alcohol or tobacco. Wnkcfulncss , Mental
Depression , Solttnlng of the llraln. remiltlng in.
Tnsiinity.und luadliifc < o m cry.decfty nnd death.
I'rcnmturo Old Ajie , llarrennehs , Loss of 1'owec
In either BOX , Involuntary losses nnd Hpornin-
torrhd'ivcaiiHid by cr-oxi-rtlon of the brain ,
helf-nbuso or nM.T-lndul ( , ' nco. P.aeh box c n *
tains ono month's trontnient. ? l.0 < lii box , or six
boxes for tTi 00 , sent by mall Picpald on receipt :
ot price.
To euro nny cnno. With each ordtir received bv
U4 for six boxi'k , accompanlid with J.X ( > , oil
M'lid the puicluiHor our w rltten Knarnntce to re
fund the money If the treatment does not cllfct
a euro. Guurnnfeci Issued only by C. I" . 0001)
MAN. DniRKlat , Solo Agent , 111U Varnam Htrect ,
Umaha , Neb.
J.W. Barnsdall , M. D
Honioenpithic Spocinlist ,
Gjjnaicoloyiat and Obstetrician.
Telephone 070.
E.T.Allen , M. D. ,
Homicopathlc HpocluUst ,
tit AND NOSE ,
Bpoctacloa Accurately 1'reacrlbod.
Surgeon and Physician ,
Ofllce N.V Corner 14th unil UonuluH Bt. Oince ,
teleplioue , 1CJ ; Huuldvnco tulupbono , KS.
-DltJ.IVJ.IlBp TO-
-nv cAiiniBit Ton-
20 Cents a
Bevcn papers a votk , Send jour order to Urn
1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building
Best Scotch Cheviot Suits , $12,50.
Best Blue' Middlesex Suits , . $9.00.
3.00O Pr. fine Points at $4.
' Mammoth Clothing House , ;
{ ( .GUTTER'S Gor , Farnam & Ipih Sis , .
. \ ' - , - . ' ' . - . . - .