Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; felllDAY , MARCH. 0. 188&
Advertisements unoet this head , 1C rents per
line for the llrit Insertion. 7 ents for each sub-
equimt Insertion , ami II M aline per month.
Ko advertisement taken for leal than 25 ccnU
for the first Insertion. Seven words will b
counted to the line : they must run consecutive
ly and must bo paid n advance. All advertise
ments must be handed In before 1J : ) o'clock t > .
Hi. , and tinder no circumstances will they be
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In thesa columns and bar
ing the answers addressed In car * of the Uee\
will plea o ask for a check to enable them to
Ret their letters , as none will be delivered except
on presentation of check. All answers to ao >
Vertlncmelits should bo enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisement * ' In these column * are pub
lished In both morning and evening editions of
the Dee , the circulation of which aggregate *
more than Itjtti papers dally , and given the ad-
vertUors the benelltvnot only of the city circa-
.MUou of the Dee , but also of Council Illuffa ,
'Lincoln ' , and other cities and town * throughout
itblapftrtotthoweit. ,
Advertising for these columns will bo taken ,
On tljo nbovo couilltlous , at the following bus-
tylcss houses , who are authorised ageuU for Tltr.
JlsC special notices and will iiuoto the saino
{ rates M can bo had at the mala olllca.
, , 3Pla.cxrrna.cla1 : ,
KOB. 10th Street.
tatlozieira and. 3rlatora.
11 J 8. 16th Street.
2liar a.aclat ,
1 ' SllSCumlng Street.
t OEO. W. J'AUH ,
1(09 ( St. Mary's Avenue.
Flh.arzxxa.cist ,
ICtli an < l Webster Streets.
iTo-wa Dcaloz ,
Post Ufllcc , South Omaha.
W ANTED-Eewlng by the day at No. 1233 N
20th t. 141 10 *
SITUATION wanted by a young man , willing
to work Itln giorery , ilvo yours' expert-
once. AdilrcsH , J. E. Hughes.2912 Dccntur st.
WANTED By young man position with
architect to learn drafting and architec
ture. Address Q 40 , Ilco oillco. 067
\\TANTED A situation by a young man to
TT work in , lumber yard. Tv/o years' expe
rience , and the best of references. Address , 0
' 41 , Uoo ofllce. 088 8 *
SITUATION Ily a young Dane as delivery
clerk In any kind of store ; well acquainted
in city. Address C 08 , Ilco olllce. 055 W
WANTED-iSltuatlon In private family to
taKe care of horses , etc. Address C 33
III-1. 0200t
WANTED Local salesmen to handle drugs
and splcos on commission , for a large Job-
Mng nnd manufacturing house. Address P. O.
llox 88. Philadelphia. 1C5-OJ
WANTED-Salesmen for Nebraska on the
Ilenner Combined Door and Alarm
pell. Bend stamp to Instiro reply. Juston &
itead , 1721 Bt. Mary's avo. 128 111 *
TXT'ANTEI ) Immodtatoly a good reliable nni
T T experienced grocery clnrk , ono who tor.
talk German preferred , at J. C. Wlomer's sw cor
18th and Chicago sts. 159 8 *
\XTAOnstl8 Will bo paid weekly to one'mon
TT in every cuniity capable ( rf selling to the
frroccry tradu or familiesNo capital -required
nnd a full llne-of samples sent absolutely free.
Address enclosing a L'o stamp for reply. Now
York Mfc Co. , 30i Ilroadway , Now York clly.
15J 11
WANTED Young man of good address to
Bell goods irom w agon. Call this evening
Hooui4 , fcON. lOthBt. 131-8J
WANTED ulacVsmlth , ono good on plows
and shoeing ; nohobut a sober , steady mail
liced niply ; steady Job. Wrlto to George A ,
Davis. Olenwood , Iowa. ' 13S-HJ
WANtEI-Agonts to solicit , memberships In
the "national Library Association1 ; ex
perienced book agents , teachers and school
Biipcrlntcndents preferred : energetic workers
nro making from KH to * V ) per week. Address
with references. National Library association ,
10 , ) State St. , Chicago , 111. 107 0
W - bread baker Rt r > 33 Main street ,
Council niutla. 091
TTLTANTEE Two reliable boys to carry horse
rquten on the Dally Evening Bee in western
part ot city. 878
W ANTED Men for railroad work , Albright'
Labor agency , 1120 Farnam. O'JO
'ANY man or w oman making loss than ( -JO per
. \7cik slioula Investigate our easy money
making business. Active persons guaranteed
WO per week easier than } CO per month can bo
mauo in nny other honorable occupation ; 82
Gnmnles tree. Write for tcrmH. Address Mer
rill MauufacturU-'S Company ; R 5J , Chicago.
, 63711121 *
TJOYS-Ani. Dst. ( Tol. Co. , 1301 Douglas.
. . . . . , . , - . „ . „ / agents Jor our Imported
. . Combination Hustle Skirt. Removable
hoops. Can be lamulrted. Latest Paris Btylo.
Pne agent Bold 500 in Columbus last spring , and
made IMO. Spring trade now. Address , with
Btaiup , K. II. Campbell Sc Co. , 4S1 W. llandolph
Bt. , Chicago. , ltt7-aJ
WANTED Agents at once In every town for
the sale of the only Adjustabla tadlcs
Cntt Holder on the jnarket.vlts hales nro unpar
alleled by anything ot the kind ever invented ;
BCTiits are making $10 to fiS a day ; sample pair
< 1& cents , postage prepaid ; send for circular. B.
W. Davis ii Co" , I'rovldoilcc , H. I. 100-llj
ANTED-Qlrl for general housework , 3H
N. 17th. ' 141) ) 10
GIKL for general housework. ' Apply 825
South20th at , " -
\X ANTED-A blnall girl us nurse , from 14 to
TT 15 years with good references. Also want
a good pastry cook for out of town. Apply nt
once /it / Stnto Employment parloru , 1417 wrnow.
Bt..rtom 11. 157
ANTED-Olrl. 1911 Douglas.
140 K .
flXT ANTED Stenographer and secretary.
T T lady preforred-nol ncceusarlly rapid In
taking tUalation. but must bo accurate. He-
Sinners In shorthand need not apply unions
lOtherwise well edncatsd and desiring n perinn-
nent posit Ion. Must Wrltoa good plain hand
, nnd have fair knowledge of figures. No appll-
cation consldt-reU without full Information as
regards qualifications , experience , t-alary ro-
uuired , nge. iwldence , and If passible , Omaha
reference ; juldresa F. ( ] . , 1'aston hotel , Omaha.
. ; 119 11 *
"llfANTEO Ouefrtrlfor general housework.
TT nnd ono second girl. Apply nt WlOllln-
ney street , " Kountzo place. itu 10
housekeeper , not under thirty
ycursof age , American or Uorman. for
y1do\Yur. Addroiia C47 , lice. _ 115 8'
\V-ANTED-Voman cook for city , 40 , board
O T and room ; pantry cook , KK ; cook for Nor-
4olk , KOj clrls for Kearney , 1'IattsmoutU and
Tremont ; B women for gleam laundry ; 2 good
waitresses ; r.lcu liuir to make her homo on a
farm with au eldoily lady ; good girls can al-
Vays flnd gofxl places ut our offices ilrs. Ilroga
tb'on.maBiatu. in B *
V/ ' ANTED A good girl for general house-
IT T work. < 4a a\ aim Hvo. iy u ;
WANTnU-Ladles to sell Earth , Sea and Sky.
Biliary - > .60 a day. Call at 17S1 St. M iu-ys *
> ve. a
_ _
W' 'ANTI'.D A Herman nurse girl ; good
references. IClJ-lOli Farnam street.
_ _ 11708
WANTEI > - oed aerinim girl for general
housonork. Call , 2112 Urant nt.
DSJ 8t '
pURST-CLABS gill. 61U Pleasant st :
0720 *
\\rANTBO A co"d nurse girl. German pro'
TT f01 red , inquire 1215 Faruam st. nil
W Olrl for general housework.
qnlru room K , 1308 Douglas. DIP
w for general housuwork ID
small family. lw Farnam. Kft
w 'ANTKn A reliable cook and washer
woman to go to Bcaahnm agency. Will
pay t ii > eriuontiiantpay ) huh' uzp
there. \venvcrmalient ' situation "to compe
tent person. Address L. Ii. bliepherd , Arlington.
T\rANTED Woman to do general housework
TT for family of two. Must be rlr t-cluss
laundrcna and not afraid ot work. Wages It
per week. Apply Iduu California m. 112
WANTBU-A woman to take care of S rooms
forguntlrmrn. Apply Thursday from I
lo S p. m. , ut IttM Farnaia. 101 27 *
WANTTI ) A girl for general hoti'owork ,
German preferred , good wngos , 'Jill St.
Mary's ave. 811
WANlKO-Lndr agents , "A"ktrt and bus-
tie combined and II hope supporters. Iloth
new. Dig profits. Secure town for nprlng trndo.
Ladles' Supply Oo. , Sil W. Washington sti , Chi-
eago. ' , ' 610AS
' 'ANTED Immediately , lartlcs to work for
a Wholesale house on needlework nt their
homes. ( Sent any distance. ) Uood pay cnn bo
made. Everything furnished. Particulars
ircc. Address Artistic Needlework Co. , 115 8th
St. . New York rity. . 863 _ ,
WANTKll-Partles who Have bouiiht lots or
land In this city nnd vicinity on the In
stallment tilnn , nnd parties holding boud.s for
title to such real estate exchangeable for deeds
nftor the last payment Is made , will find It to
their mlrantagii to fend tllelr address or full
particulars to 11 H ) . lice onice. 4HUJ
WANT more small hon es for rent. r. I/
Urcgory , rental.ogent , 30i ) B. 16th. BIO
"Vy ANTEUAfoont.10WU.old . . brl k. _ C0. .
"WANTED Lades to use "Chlchester's Hng-
TT llsh Diamond Urand , PonnyroyairilU.
Safn. Alway r lliv ) le , The original. Tlieonly
genuine. AickdrtlRKtst or Bend 4c stamps for
particulars , return mall. Chlchcstcr Chemical
( V > . . 1'hlladelphla , 1'a. ' _ . ! T
STA'tli ' 'llmployiuont ' ParioTSnTirFoniam stT
157b *
rillll ! Union Employment oinco Is the place to
J. obtain reliable help on short notice , In or
out of the city. OU B. Ilth st. Open ovcnlngs.
638lulO *
TTATISClty Employment Onlce-Help for nit
VX kinds of work Bent to all parts If faro Is nd-
vonccd. Heforonce , Douglas. Connty bank. Is-
bell & Chrlstonson , 314 S. ibtli. tel. 1100. K07 8 *
( kM AHA Employment Ilureau. 11H N. 10th st.
WOldcstand mint rcllablo fifHco In city. Call
onus : tolcphomi 1113.11. E. White , proprietor.
riANAblAN Employment onice , male and fo-
\J male help sent , to all parts If faro is ad
vanced. Reference. Omahn National bank.
Mrs. Uregai.Son.3188.15th. Tel. 8S4.
PANTED A few boarders at 1721 Lcavpn <
W worth st. 081 a 5T
PK1VATE boarding , o.woek , 1815 Dodge.
TXT'ANTED At reasonable rent by April 1st , a
TT two-story house , eight to ton rooms ! mod
ern Improvement * ! , good location , live minutes'
walk from postolHcc. Kesponslble aud steady
K'imnt. Address C 50 , lleo oillco. 148 11
WANTED Small cottage , not rnoro than two
blocks off St. Mary's avenue , lotrrst south ;
Address 1815 St. Mary's avenue , Ittth. H. C.
A'lrgo. 120 0
House of nbout0 rooms with
bath and city v , ater. W. S. Ryan , room 0 ,
U. 8. Nat. banlc blug. OTJ 8 *
WANTED-Hotises to rent. Campbell Sc
Hcrvev 310 Hoard of Trade ; MO
"IjlOll HENT Elegant residence , east front ,
JL : southern exposure , with largo bay w mdow ,
gas , imth , and all modern conveniences : furni
ture for nalo , all new. used only a few months ,
uood reasons for selling. Apply on premises ,
301828th. 103
EOH HENT On Capitol Hill , house of 7 too.ns
with good bain. 2540 Capitol uvo. OU5 H *
FOH HENT Hotel doing good business In
good city of li.OOO inhabitants. Inquire of
J. H. Woolley , Grand Island , Neb. 109 17 * - ,
Foil HENT , sale or trade A line cloven-room
residence , modern improvements : three nice
"Ots , barn for four horses , cow , carriages , etc. ,
wo miles from postolllco on Cnpltol avenue.
iVill rent for one-naif price. \\unt to rent a
Ino hou'io with lot and barn , not more thun
mo-half mile from postolllco. V. , 1400 Farnam.
( T HOUSES centrally locatefi : rent $12 to $75 ;
J furniture for sale on monthly payment *
Co-op. L. k L. Co. , 205 N. 10th 5t , 070 12
FOH HENT Nice 7 room house , close toetore ,
school , church , st. cars , only * JO a month. C.
' . Harrison , 418 S. 15th at. 074
IOH HUNT-5 room house , 101 S. 2th St. , $15
J. It. lllngu alt , oOO S. 15th st. VsO
FOK HENT At So. Omaha. 13 rooms in Hat
Host location in the city for renting rooms
iVill rent cheap to goad party. Potter & Cobb
1001 Fumam st. UCO 0
"CtOH HENT Splendid R-room cottage , largo
JD barn , flno grounds and modern Improve
ments. U. C. Patterson , 318 S. luth 51. P17
FOH HENT Nice cottage , 7 rooms , city water ,
clbteru , closets , etc. Inquire at 2209 How an
Bt. b l 10 *
JIOK HENT Two nlco Oand 7-room houses
! U3J and 1134 N. 17th. inquire S10 S. 13th st
It RENT House of ton rooms , with mod
crn conveniences , ut 405 N. 15th street
Enquire of Thos. Swift , one door north , 753
T71OH HENT An elegant 0 room dwelling Jus
JP built , with stable and all modern Improve
ments , including laundry , labratory on grouiu
lloor , cedar closet , etc. , location , Capitol avenue
near25th ; rent moderate. Apply to 1) . J. O'Don
uhoo , cnro of O'DonaUoo It Sherfy , 114 S. 15th st
FOR HENT Now elegant liouso 5 rooms , 825.
" 211 Mason , 1 block from Lcavtmworth.
608 II *
FOH KENT Two mjw 12-room houses , all mod
crn improvements ; . w. corner 27th am
Decatur sta. Enquire llrst door tfinth.5C2M.25
5C2M.25 *
TjlOK HENT Elegant 8-room liouso and barn
JL1. now. Plate and art clujtswrndows. Gas , ho
m\fl cold v ater , soft water , porcelain bath tub ;
2 blocks from fctroct car lino. J. II. Parrotte ,
rental agcncf. jOOfi Chicago , Bt.
H HENT 10-room house 10 niluutos walk
from P.O. 1403 Douglas. 401
FOH RENT Ten-room house and basement
with all inordern Improvements ; nrstclass
locution , fnqute. at Helmrod & Co.'s , Uth and
Jackson streets 197
1) ARE chance Whole ( Int. No. 2004 N. 21th st.
JLV to rent very low. Enquire at residence as
above , 8. F. Wlucn. or llobt. 1'uryls , 881
FOR RENT House of 8-rooms. closet , hard
and eiiffr water , on Uth street car lluo. In-
quiroims. 13th St. 778
FOH RENT Twelve-room house , 25th and
and Mason streets , (10 per mouth , J. 8.
CaulOold , 1304 Farnam st , 034
.T7IOU RENT House 11 rooms.W. . M. Bush-
Jman , N E corner 10th and Douglas. 004
lOH HENT-Houso of 4rooms at 510 Williams
street. Inquire next door west. . 4J2
FOH RENT 10 room residence , stcani heat. G.
E. Thompson , 314 8.15th. et. ' 249
lit HENT or Sale Now house , fl rooms , cor.
S8th and Capitol avo. Enquire 2824 Dodge.
FOU UEXT "Furnished rooms , 1510 Harnoy.
120 1U
fTUJltNIBHEU front and back rooms , 1818 Far-
JL1 uam. 117 14 *
cniUNlSHED room to lady , 311 North IZth t
FURNISHED rooms and board. 1003 Farnam.
OUUau * '
FOR HENT Furnished rooms with bpardat
1H2 Chicago btreet. IWJ12 *
TllOH HENT Suite of three elegant unfurnlsh-
J cd rooms , modern conveniences ; refer
ences required , SOU Harnoy st. 037 8
TjlOH HENT Nicely furnished room with heat ,
-U In nlco cottage , $7 per month , 41W Williams
St. , 8 minutes' w tilk S. K. IT. 1' . dopot. 035
FUIlNlSIIF.iXjr unfurnished roomsiota S3.
Kfl8.2.i ) ! st. H > 3 fa *
FRONT parlor nnd bodroom'for man and wlfo
with board , prlvixto family , 1810 California
at , law.
10OD Rooms , homo board , private family ,
2UJ I'amam. B e cor aitlr. 050 12 *
EOH HENT Furnished rooms. Inquire room
E. 13 > a Douglas. _ " 19
" 1T1OH HKNT Large furnished room for a or a
A | 1013 Douglas. _ ' Oil 0
l yitNTsilKD front loom' with or without
-L1 loxrd. Hefeiences de lrsj. S , H. cor. SOU
and Furnam stu , y.i5 lit
FOU ItENT-Ntcelyfurnlbhed looms with 01
\\lthoutboard. Hoard f I per week. aid. 81.
S lOtli bt. 779 b *
O nicely furnished rooms. 112 and t3 pel
inontn SlOi Harney at.
YKHY pleasant largo room all desired conyon
fences , private house , l block from I' . O
161B CupUol avo. _ _ Bl. v ;
TiJlCE nxiins 41 to * EotTper week , Mi a. ISthet ,
J-N upatalra. _ las loj
S MALli nicely rurnUlicd front room for W i
also large front room , f urnUhed , on itreei
car Hue , beautiful location , suitable tor tvrc
gentlemen. UlUCuss. _ 743 .
VEHY tilcely Mrnlsbed rooms , single am
double : nuisonabla to qul t , penuaucul
parties miu euport. WJ '
Cil OIl 1INT S"ultn pf furnf'hed rooms. In-
JD qtilrc.3rd floor room K , 1309 UoUglns ,
G1OH HUNT Two Terr desirable furnished
IJ front room s , w 1th all modern conveniences
n same floor. Arranged for three or four occu-
> ants if desired. Apply at 1712 Capitol avenue.
[ TloK HENT An cloKantly turnlshcd front
Jt room witn nlcove , all modern conveniences ,
plcildlU room for two gentlemen , 17U > Dodeo Bt.
VTICEfurnlshcd rooms cheap , 1013 California.
> . . &
" *
_ _ . , _ ,
rjlOH HF.NT Furnished rooms in Gronnlg blk
I ? cor. 13th and Io l o sts. Inquire of Oeo. H. ,
) avls. Mlllard hotel billiard romn. _ U.V )
LAHOK pleasant room , modern conveniences. ,
17UU Chicago st. 4M !
VTKATLY furnished front room to rent at 1S21
iFarnam st , 1 block west of court house.
Jf ° fi HKNT A mrge room furulshud , ofliitral
location I HO Chicago St. . UGI
_ JH HENT Furnished rooms , , all conreni-
J cnc s. A. Hospe. 315N. ith troot. 401
FUIIN1SHED rooms , 1810 Dodge.
FOH HKNT llooms furnished aud unfur
nished. 17J4Cap. ave. Oil
FOll WENT Three new 10 room houses all
modern Improvements. 18th nnd Grace.
$45 per month. F. U. McCouncll , 1U20 Farnam sU
100 12
rr-HOOM house , rent paid for one year ; furnl-
turo tGOO. Co-op. L. & L. Co , 305 N. Ifith st.
16S 10
CKll llKNT-.Two' largo halli on id and 3d
A ? lloors. over Crap llros. ' piano and organ
pnrli H. Hi and lie N 15th st , Httltabla for must-
r I or literary cntirtilnmonts , private parties ,
o < lge3 , & .c. , &c. , or w ill divide -M Hoar into onicos
tosult tenonts. 14511
"C10K HENT lluslnes * room now occupied as
JD my oillco on 15tli st. C. 1\ Harrlso'H 8 16th
T7IOR HENT First-class frame store building ,
X ! wby24 feet , first-class business location.
Apply to I. W. Hoberts , Albion , lloono Co , Nob.
4211122 *
TTlOlt HENT Two rooms , 44x00 , wnero steam
JU power can be obtained. Enquire of Sam'I
Hoes. Hees Printing Co. , 101 Howard st. 740
TJUHl HENT Thrco stories and basement at
JL' 1011 Farnam st. Enquire at 10 , Arlington
block , between H and 12 a. nv 058 8 ?
WANTED To Hent Storeroom , good retail
location between.Mth and intli and liar-
ney nnd Douglas'streets. . Address C. M Ilco
olllce. HX ) 8
POll RENT Two business or olllce rooms on
1st lloor J.T5 per mouth. Ono room on 2J
floor 120 per month , W. E-Clark , 1414 Jlarney.
ll HENT Oinres on Farnam at at 10 to $30
JL1 per month. Quoofllco fuinlshcd. 1012 Far
nam. 360
T7IOH HKNT One-half of oillco , 1519 Farnam ,
JL ; Ground lloor : best location In the city.
Light and pleasant , with modern conveniences.
WANTED Houses to rent , and wo can rent
them too. H. E. Cole , N. E. 15th and
Douglas. . 009
LIST houses for rent with H. E. Cole , N. M.
15th and Douglas. WJ
FOH HENT When you u ant to rent a house ,
store of olllce go to II. E. Colo. WW-
| 7 ° .OH HENT Call on Sholos , room 1 , Ilarker
I ? block. 750
SOUTH OMAHA Ilcntal ngi'iicy , J. M. Waugh
Ac Son , room 5 , Saxo block 629m24 *
G HEUOllY , F. L. . Hcntal agent , 3uu S 16th st.
. 223
"IllOU HENT If you wish to rent a house call
JD on lieniwu & Co. , 15th St. , opposite P. O.
Throe (3) ( ) rooms 1704 Webster st 8 I'l 00
Three (3) ( ) looms 21st and Paul bt 1 , ' 50
Ilvo ( > ) room cottngo S. 2athst : ( ) 00
I'our (4) ( ) i oini heubo Walnut Hill U 50
Klght (8) ( ) room flat. 419 South 10th st. . . 40 W
. Three fJ ) rooms. 1021 North , 20th 3t 15 (
Ihioe M ) rooms , 102T North COthst U 50
lhreo(3)rooms ( ) , 1100 South 7th st 12 H )
Three (3) ( ) rooms , 1104K South 7th st. . . . 11 00
Three(3)rooms,703W ( ) Paclllo t.t i. . ,1100
Four (4) ( ) rooms , all modern convfln--
lences , 419 South 10th st 3500
Tour (4) ( ) room house , 17th and Ohio sts 15 W
Three (3) ( ) room house , will rent to col
ored people , 412 North Ilth st. . . , . . . 15 00
Apply , tv Judge Renting Agency. 8. W.cor
oJ iJui and Harney streets , Room 1 , second
floor. 801
T/1OR RENT Two unfurnished Dft3 rr.5Ht
Jt ? rooms to a family without children. nt
N. 17th st. CO !
ADESIRAULE stock or dairy farm near
Omftha. Active Real Estate and P. Exchange -
change , 1524 Dodge sti } 55 10
" 1T10R HENT 20 acres finest garden land in
JP the city. II. Cochran , 1509 Farnam Bt. 13J : 11 *
RENT-Barn , 1931 Chicago st.
. 712
TjlOR Adoption Heautlful boy nnd girl
J baby , 21J4 Caldwell st. 1.00011
ANNA ALPLANALB , the celebrated Hun
garian Gypsy Palmist , uses the old gvpsy
w ays In reading the hand. Ladles only. Hi-14 N.
2Cth st. 20th and Sauuilcrs cars pass the door.
b'Jl-a.a ' *
PERSONAL List your property to exchange
W'lthC. C. Bpotbwood , 005 8. ICth st. 2JO
PERSONAL Private horns for ladles during
confinement , strictly confidential , Infants
adopted. Address E 42 , Ileo olllce. 637ml3j
LOST A'large envelope containing nn ab
stract and other papers and tareo (100
notes , which jiorsons are warnid against jnir-
chasing. For the return to our. store.a , liberal
reward will be given. Clarke Coffee Co. , 14U
and 1419 Hurnuy street. ' ' 582
flOUND A pocket book with money In and
' , paper. CallUusEnglc , government corral.
* | j1OU BALE First class restaurant in good to-
X' entity nuil business center , reason for Hell ,
ing liiu o other lJUBlness.ndarcsi O 51 Dee olllce.
101 11 ?
TjiOll SAliE--No. a callgrapli in polffct run-
JP ning order , $15. Address 0 45 , lire. OK ) b
T7IOH SALE Furniture oi a 0 room flat choun ,
JD rial can bo rented for K2.W. Hot and cold
water bath. etc. Inquire 180U Luke Bt , OOTlflt
FOK SALE A flne brood mare. Ilennwa &
Co. , 15th st. oppostto P. O.
TTIOU BALK My fnrniture and household
J-1 poods , cheap for cash for ! ) days , sooner
sell cheap than to store , 1) . Keudal , S. W. Cor.
Utli nnd Cnllfurula. l' ' < 53 8
HOHSKfor Bale. Cc-op.L. te L. Co. . SOS N ,
luth ut. UT7 B
TTIOH SALE-Nlco bay driving horse. O. F ,
-I ? Harrison , 4188.15th nt. 078
TCTOU SALE Dost pnylnK loilclnR house In
-L Omaha , nhvnya tulL Cheap rent ,
C. Iff , llee.
/r\NI < i > panmulos , harness anil wacon for sale
\J cheap. H. C. AinolJ , 3 , Crelgliton block
Omaha , Neb. 014-8 *
TT'OH SALK A cooil barn 10x30. can be moved
-L ; Cheap for cash. Address C 17 , lloo. 707
FOK SALE Klght room house with inoderi
Improvementa and stable on leased ground
1715 DouKlaa. Inquire at Meyer & Ituanka ' , UCX
Harnej' t. , 837
T710H SALK Dormaqt SM'S , capart Zvf.
J.1 pounds. 1'bti. Stlmmel & Co. . OlR'lJ ' Jones
FOHSALF.-At a bargain W feet otsholvlnB
3D fee ; of counters and on Ice chest , suit
ault for grocery store. Enquire at & 1 ? S. luth 31
A ULACK3MITH shop for sale , has ono forgo
n. or tools without nhon for sale. 'Apply U
Win. Uuieh. IJlue Hill , VTsbUer Co. , Neu.
730 m9t
'EVVTiud secoml-linnd furnlfure and repali
Ing at 1718 St. Mary'a nve. lii.1 15 *
rplIK biun ) tdURht aa an art by Qeo. F. Gellen
X beck. fW Harney st. _ 18J
pO-OPEKATlYK Land 4 Lot Co. , MS N. Iflti
\J 79 AS
_ _
, J Ol'BS bo-Jght. 0. UJacobi,3M8 , Uthst.
A-K. niLEV-Notarr. U19 Farnam.
' 4 m g
. builder , well * borec
WtUit , Oaaha. NeD. .
On Tirnn Itotiioh'/W / Fair.
The great Uafgaln house.
you money In prices.
1'arlor sultH , Clinmbor ittts ,
spring . muttrns. 9 , Fold *
ln Mils , gldo Wtards , cnrpcts ,
" Tables , chairs , mirrors , pictures ,
llockcrs , stoves , Tinware.
crockery , Blft9'wJllt
' lamps.iIouscs
Gasypaymcntsl Etyni' ymeiitsl
Lowest prices. .
.Call nnd see 1
. ( XC uiul 004 fouth 13th street ,
" ' Corner Jncksoil.
No connoctloh 1th any n ( V house. 6(4
For household goods nnd merchandise
chandise , on first floor , and nt lower prices
than usual , corner Eighth and Howard streets ,
603 ni3i
NEW VOKK BtoraRoCo. have most extensive
facilities for BtoraKeof furniture , pianos ,
buggies , general merchandise , west of Now
York , cash advances to any amount ; ware
house receipts given ; goods Insured ; brick
building fire-proof ; special arrangoment- )
commission merchants. Call Now York Storage
Co.i Cnpltol ave and N , luth et. , Dennett's block.
MHS. KCCLES Tlvo greatest living clairvoy
ant , tells pnst , present nnd future ; satisfac
tion guaranteed. IJL'Ji N. lutli St. , room 1 , llrst
door to right at head of stairs. HIM Id *
MltS. ftllKANT Clairvoyant from lloston ;
rolublo In nil affairs ot life ; unites sep
arated lovers. 3 ! N , ltth ) street , room 1.
Dlt. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Mod-
lent , business and last medium. Diagnosis
free. Female diseases a specialty. 119 N. IBth
Bt. . Rooms 2 & 3. Tel. 044. ; tCI
STUDENTS can enter Valentino's Shorthand
and Typewriting Institute at uny time. It
is the largestand best equipped oxcluslva short
hand school in the west ; all its graduates uro
occupying good paying situations and giving
satisfaction. Hustncss mini are constantly ap
plying to us for stenographers. Asa means of
livelihood shorthand is much superior to book
keeping or telegraphy. The demand for steno
graphers Is in excess of the supply. Send for
circular to 1515 Dodge st. , Omaha. '
XXTANTED flood second hand ongluo nnd
T > boiler from 0 to 10 homo power , give full
descrlptlbn nnd lowest costjprice. Address K.
M. Hlck . Sewiml , Neb , 1US 8 *
W ILL buy furniture of a liouso or Hat cen
trally locutod. Co-op. L. & L. Co , 205 N. 10th
WANTED Good commercial -mid llrst
mortgage papers. C. II. Slonmn , 30t S.
15th st. b9 !
WANTED Stock general mcrthandiso , will
pay y. balance land or city propeity.
Hutchlnson Illsoli-y. . Shcnaudoah , la. 819 *
$600.000 to loan at lowest rate of lnterot , on
city property. JL U. Iroy , Frenzer blk , orip.
JO Uti
MONEY to loan on horses , wngons , furniture ,
pianos and pther personal property or col
lateral without removal ; business ;
rates moderate. The Falrbank Investment Co. ,
215 S. 14th St. . upstairs. 418
( ( |
LOANS made on real ostate. Cash on hand.
W. M. Harris over gfjjg. 15th st. 37J
< C5,000 and upw nrds to loan on first-class rlty
P real estate security. AY. 1' . Smith , l 'O Far-
namst. 49111123
ONEYtoloan , casnonnand , no delay. J.
W. and'E. L. Squlr < ltl3 Farnain St. Pox-
ton hotel bulldlnc. ' ( ' < 372
" \fONEl'To Loan Hy tlio undersigned , who
1JL has the only propwlv organised loan
agency in Omaha.1.0011110110 to SlfUmadoon
furniture , pianos , organshorses , wagons , ma
chinery , etc , without removal. No delajs. All
business strictly conllilonfliil , Lo ns so made
that iviiy part can bo p.Ud at any tlmot each pay
ment leauciug the dost , pro lata. Advances
made on line watches anil diamonds. Persons
should carefully conslderwho they are dealing
with , as many new concerns uro dally coming
into existence. Should you rneo 1 money call ana
Reemo. W. R. Croft , room 4 Withnellbuilding ,
15th nnd Harney. * 30
TVrONr.Yto loan on city pr' dejays , as
i-'L fVisb. Is on hand , llate- < , Smith & Co. ,
room 25:1 : , Ramge building.- 785 31 I' "
r A. WOODMAN Money to loan oil real es-
tote In sums to suit. SU" South 13th st.
I OANS made on Omaha clti' property by D.
J ytShole8.rpqnHJlMkerbllt. 751
LTTyoil PEHCY Si ; CO. loans money on real
JTX estate and chattel security of every de
scription. All business strictly confidential.
Iloom 4 ' 5 Paxton building. 753 31
MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons' ,
etc. , or on any approved security. Low-
rates. 3. W. HObblns , 1613 Farnam. 772
to loan on furniture , pianos , wagons ,
MONEY , without removal ; also on collateral
security. Huslness confidential. 0. II. Jacobs' ,
320 S. 13th St. . 610
AK. RILEY , 1st mortgage loans , 1119 Far-
nam 481 m 23 *
M ONEY to Loan II. W. Huntiess , 1417 Far-
nam st' , room 1. 6J5 Ot
LOANED at C. F. Reed & Co.'s Loan
Oillco. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value without removal. 31 ! ) B. 13th.
over Hlnghatn's commission store. All busi
ness strictly donfldelitlal. 370
, to loan on city and farm real ostate.
Lluahan Ac Mahoney , 1007 ! . Farnain street.
MONEY to Loan Omftha real estate and
farms. Mortgages bought. Odell llros. &
Co. , 1D2J Fnrnain. 8JI1
HE. COLE loans money on Improved city or
farm property. Room u Continental
block. . OU2
time loans macio on any available
SHOUT , in reasonable amounts. Secured
notes bougut , sold or exchanged. General
financial business of any kind transacted
promjtly , quietly and fairly at the Omaha Fi
nancial Exchange. N. W. cor. 15th and Har
noy sts. , overstate National band. Corbott ,
manager DOT
to loan. Notes ana it. R. ticket ,
MONEY and sold. A , Forman , ISA ) Fnrnaui
sts/ ' 305
TVTONEY to loan on Improved real estate ; no
1U. commission charged. Leavitt Uurrmam ,
room 1 , Creighton block. BOO
TVTONEY Toloon. Lowest rates. No rtelay
JTJL J. L. Rice it Co. , over Commercial Na
tional bank 875
' OANS ir.adu on real estate and mortgages
-t bought. Lewis S. Hoed ft Co. , 1521 Furnam.
( D500,000 To loan on Omaha city property at 0
Jp percent , G. W.Day , S. E. cor. Ex. Md.
"II f ONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,
JL horses , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson ft
Co. , 1J24 Farnam , over Burlington ticket office.
M ONEY to Loan O. FJllavls Co. , real cstaU
and loan agents , 160 iFarnam st. 370
will give a reliable man an inrerest in o
profitable business ; RB-8.15th Bt , Itoom 6
fl ( 010-11 *
AHKI.rAIII.Kiimn wltH'WOI can flnd a .prof
liable business by afirtreaslug C--1B , lieu.
\Q \ 793 8
FOR BALK A flrst-cUis lunch counter am' '
fixtures on Farnam aft- Address U ( U , llee
, 1020 *
WANTED A good business man with 583 uol
Urstobuy anlnterrft in r.n eatablUhbc
cash business and manufaCfurlng. Larga prof
Its. Address 041. Ileo oltlce. 1008
FOR SALE A good payinsbusiness with es
tal > llsh ; l trine , part casli and part time
tvnpltbl required 4 to WO dollars , Address C 13
euro of lieu olllce. tj t / 1016 *
fOOD brick hotel at a great Inrgaln. splondlt
VJ oftor. HtUe or no cash required. Innqlroo
J. II. Woolley. Orand Island. Nob. 115 17 *
SMALL stock of groceries for sale or trade
Nlssen& Herrlck , room 15 , Hellman block.
0U9 ( *
TrOU BALE-Storlc groceries In best looitloi
f in Omaha. Will sell right. If we can sell a
onco. Will gl.Te time on part if well secured
Address J. . , care Illbbul & Binlth. 0 'J b *
TATE right Of Nebraska on a valuable pa
tent to manufacture and sell. Is a hous <
hold necessity , sells readily , very .small capita
required to run. profits 200 to 3JO per rent , prlc
$ oUU , will take cah or good laud. AddrenB ,
8. , Ilea oBlcc , Lincoln. Nep. tCOb *
"pVilt BALR-Two drug stock * , Invoice tl.M
-I ? and S1.500 ; dally sales ll .and MO ; teun
strictly cash , no euchange. Address lock bo
033 , Aurora , Meb. . tta It ) ;
A GENTLEMAN with flrU rate eastern con
XV nojclons and with KJ.OJO cosh , will estab
lUh a bank lu sopid rapldlJ-gro\vliitf section ol
Nebraska , provided the right place tan b
fonnd. Any oue lutere.ud ddr ii Usi. M. Wl !
mlngton , IJ Uwar . . . , It * 8 *
fully eoulpbeu. .Want copd rani of Omnlrn
property. II. E , CAls.N. E. Kth and Douglas.
007 1J
r ; HRSTAU11ANTS.3 centrally located , terms
O to suit , CoopL. . * L. Co. , a N. Itth t.
T7WH SALE Stock , nt general merchandise Iri
JU the town of Clyde , Nodnw ay county , Mo. i
w 111 invoice nbout 4.tXw , Is in wood. shape ana
business pa } ing well. For further particulars
call on or address 8. W. Lowroy , Clyde , Mo. , or
II. U. Hcilam , Norfolk. Neb. _ U33 I * *
FOH 9ALK First-class business clieii ) ) . In-
qulro of II , E. Cochrnu , 1500 Farnnm ( it.
' ' ' . 07181
FIVE ( B ) capital required , J.W to $ J,000 , Co-op.
L. * Li Co . 205 N. 10th St. l > 7 12
TlOlt SAIiE Now stock of > *
- coin , trade established. Address CSA , this
illlco. ? 4J U
JLV To lease line residence near postoUlce , nnd
uyfurnltimXaH now ) ntn great sacrifice. Tor
lartlculor.s see L. 8. Skinner , ijOO Farnnm , &W
FOHSALB nnig stock. As flno location ns
them M lit tlio city. stock. Invol o
aboutt7OM. 1'art cash. Part In good real es
nto or secured notos. < M. A , Upton & Co. 10th
it , opp. Chamber or Commerce. 431
FOU 8AI.I3 A good paying buslno . Cigars ,
stationery and toys , in n llrst-class ( oca *
Ion. On account of 111 health. Stock on hand
LDotltrj,000. All caBli not required. Knqulroat
II\K Meyer & Co.'s. 400
fTMlUKE hundred nnd fifty head of horse ? , U
JL cash , balance In good real estate. Co-op. L.
* L , Co , y N. 18th s ( . 168 10
Il EHCHANOE-Oood Insldo property ,
hou < o and lot , \\4rlh 18,000 , and some
money , good stock farm , within ton miles of
) mahn or Council lllufta. Mathews & Dunn ,
ooin 33 , Chamber of Commerce. 13311 *
FOU TRADE-mooo stock of general mer-
chadlsenlso ; M.fiOO stock drugs In good
own. .Will trndo for peed Omaha property , or
niprovcd farms in Nebraska , lllrkhntixor &
lliuncr , room 13 , Pnxton building , cor. lr > th and
'urunm. 093 10
'tMDBS made In real nnd personal property.
-L Bee , exchange book Co-op. L. & L Co. , "OJ
N. 10th st. 070 13
FOR EXCHANGE Improved KM aero farm , 2
miles from Campbell , this state , for stock
iierclmndlse. Drake Uros. , 310 H IMh st. ICU 8
TjlOK KXCHANUK-Flrst class driving team
-U jonles for agoodslnglo driving horse and
mrness. Drake firos. , 310 S 15th. 034 8
rilHOTTIMJ horses mid colts , ono 4-year-old
JL Hlrod by Orphan Hey , and 3 by Calamity
Dick. WJ11 trade for Ouiuha property. II.C1 ; .
Cole , n o cor. 15th nnd Douglas. 112 10
FOH EXCHANQK-ffiSacres improved farm ,
no incumbrance , near Columbus , for pro
ductive Omaha property.
; ! 8 , acre improved farm , no Incumbrance ,
near Colunlbus , for productive Omaha property.
5 good improved 100 aero farms , light lucum-
bianco , for Omaha property.
4(1 ( ucreB. Colfax Co. , for city equities.
"OJ good , cheap lots for farm lands.
For Sales
Improved city property and vacant lots In ( ill
ho beet additions to Omaha and South Omaha.
Drake Tiros. , 318 S 15th st. 084 8
SOUTH OMAHA lot for btigKytond harness.
It. E. Cole , u e cor. 15th uuil Douglas.
142 10
SWAP or not to B ap. that's the question.
Wo will a\\np the following :
10,000 acres Kentucky cotil land.
100 Nebraska farms for Omaha property.
1 clear Nebra ka farms for Omaha protioity.
5 sections Nubruska school laud for Omaha
pi opei t y.
fc'CO ncie horse ranch , Dodge Co. , Nob.
C40 aero cuttle ranch , Dodge Co. , Nub.
420 aero cattle ranch , Dodge Co. , Neb.
1,300 aero cattle rach , Ilrown Co. , Neb.
010 aero cattle ranch , Platte Co. , Nob.
5 good hotels In low a.
2 stocks general merchandise.
500 city lots , all to swap.
Come and see us. Sau & Co. , 1521 Dodge
treet. K57 11
EIGHTY acres well Improved land close to
maiket to exchange for drug stock that
vUlllnvolco about $1.600. Correspondence. BO-
Icited. Chas. A. StUer , Central City , Nob.
- . , 012 10
WANTED Houses and lots to exchange for
farms. H. E. Cole , N. E. 15th and Douglas.
TTlUI.k lot , 10-room house , inoumbcred , 8700 ,
-L fronting rait on 2ath aud Saundurs street
car line : want liwldo lot. U.K. Cole , n o cor.
15th ami Douglas. 11210
E. Cole , N. E,10th and. Douglas. OlO-ll
1 au.1. lub in Minneapolis for western
.ml. St. John & Ely , Frenzer block. 217
UNE Percheon Norman stallion , 10 years' old ,
.weight 1,850. Price W.OOJ. Will trade for
land or Omaha property. 11. E. Cole , n o cor.
15tn and Douglas. 112 10
$8.000 stock of the Consolidated Pay Rock
Georgetown Mining Co. Host mine In Clear
Creek County , Colorado. Tills stock is non-as-
scssablo and will stand the closest Investigation.
Will fpr Improved or unimproved prop
erty and assume Incumbrance , II. E. Cole , N.
E. Cor. 11th and Douglas. 6S7
ONE hundred and sixty acres flnolv Improved
farm land In bhennnii Co , Neb , 2 miles
from railroad , about 17 miles from Grand
Island ; \cry closely settled ; good schools , etc ;
clear Will trade for Omaha property. 11. E.
Cole , n o cor. 15th and Douglas. 143 JO
WANTED 00 houses and lots to exchange.
0. 0. Spotswood. n05 B. lath at. ! SJ
I HAVE for trade Improved farm In Cass Co. ,
near Plattsmouth , will trade for improved
inside property , Aduress M 39 , Ileo office.9S3
/ 1LEAN stocK books and stationery for city
\J property. St. John it Ely , Fronzer block.
STOCK hardware for land. St. John & Ely ,
Frenzej block. 817
_ _
TJXliH BALE Or trade , land and town property
JO In Nebraska , Kansas and Colorado , Horses ,
cattle and stocks of raorchandlso wanted. Corre
spondence solicited. T. A. English & Co. , York ,
745 m 8 *
WANTED Horses and cattle to exchange for
farniBorQltypropcrty. H , E.Colo , N. K.
cor. 15th aud Douglas. OOP-
ANTED--Stocks of merchandise to ex
change tur farms. H. E. Cole , N , E. 15th
and Douglas. 003
T7IOH EXCHANGE Clearnow , 8-room modern
JD , ' $1.000. Want equity In good Insldo
residence " lot. ii. E. Ooic - , n , o. 15thMid Douglas.
CHOICE acre tracks , best of facilities for gar
donlng. Wmlt good unlnciimbercd farms
H.E. Cple.N , E. 15th and Douglas. tKU
CHOICE ncre tracks suitable for gardening.
Very liberal terms. H. E Cole , N. U. 15th
nnd Douglas. Itcal estate for su'o. two
T7IOR EXCHANOE-Cloar. In Chloigo , elegant
JL1 ID-room house , on Indiana av. , Chicago.
Want equity In good insldo resldehce oriesl-
denco lot. II , E. Cole , n.e. 15th am * , Douglas.
EN80N&CARMICHABL furnish complete
nnd guarautoed abstracts of tltld to any
realoatato In Omaha and Douglas county upon
short notice.The most complete sot of abstract
books in the city. No. 1318 Farnam st. 335
IDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. . 1505
Furnam street Complete abstracts fur
nished , and titles to real estate examined , per
fected , and guaranteed. B4I
TJIOH SALE And exchange , cltv V-rOporty ,
JL' South Omaha propoitv , lands , &c. 1W
fonts of Job type , cose ; and racks cheap for
cash ; family carrla s taken as part payment on
cooil farm. ! ! aom 33 , Chamber of Commerce
Mathewi Dunn. 13S lit
HOUSES and lots at'jIjW. U.OOO , 12,3)0 ) , M.500 ,
$ ( , W > J , H.60D and J-VOWih' ) ) tolKKl , ( cash
balance easy monthly payments. When yoi
uantahoint ) coma and sea us. It. E. Cola , N.
E. cor Kith and Douglas. 144 17
m\VO splendid lots In Kendall's add. Wan
JL une lot clear or nearly clear. H. E. Cole ,
N , E , 15th and Douglas. W3 8
FARM for sale , 10 rnlles norlh of Omaha , con
tains liO acres , flno house , feeding yards
windmill , etc. , all level laud. Price IH per
acre. D.C.Patterson , Omaha Nat. Hank.
ISO a7
SIX room house for sale , city vater , ] > { miles
, from P. O. . corner lot , price W.COO. I ) . C
PatttTson. Omaha Nat. U'k. 181 a7
PIl SALE-At a bargain , lot 13 blocTc2 Sum
mil place , ( W f Pt on fcarnam st. Klmball
Champ & Ryan , U. S. Nat'l Hank building. ,
IPOH HALE or oxciiAnze We have for sula
V Komo of tbo beat unproved farms in Ne
braska , or will exchange for good Omaha prop
erty. Anvons wanting a good Improved farn
will do itil to call onus. Dallou llros. , ml
Douglas. _ 1050
_ _ _
TTIAHM and city propjcly with monsy to ox
i1 thangsfcr stocks ot raerchandliie. ; Room
33 , Chamber ot Co imerc . Mathews It , Dunn.
' / 13S- :
rpwo acres near west sldovllelt ll ; station
JL fronting : * stroeU , 11,000 , H cath ; a bargain
F. K , Dmllng , 15l Howard t. . . ii | 18
E M8TICKNKV A CO. mat * a specialty of
propfrtr In North Omaha fors.\le or rent
at CUtaeW Unfcg4qL&imU > it st. a 1
IIKAV for cash. M'scc. land , aft linprored. > j
miloof Albion. Neb. , M.6tMVi | oec. S mile-i
from Petersburg , Neb.iO ) acres tmpro\ed for
est treen and small fruit. I1.70U , .f 1,0m ) on place
for 4 years ; b < Hk , stationery nnd niuslo ton .
fresh stock , good Ion , will aril or rent
building ! IHOacms timber land , S. K. Mo. , will
trade for Florida land In Cl y or Marlon Co.
Lock UoxMl , Albion , Nob. _ 7M
B EAUTli'Ul7lO room lioust1. all modern con-
v uonccs | , good barn , lot C < ) tl40 , on Call-
foniln street. Let Us show you this. II , E ,
Cole. N. B. cor 15th anil loitlas. | 113 12
IlliVVR fwrsalo ono ot tlio bostlofs In A. S.
Patrlck'nnd , which I will sell If taken noon
for three hundred dollars loss than any lot In
the addition can be bought for , Address 11 & > ,
Hcojofllco. _ i > 55
T L. RICE * CO. . Heal Estate. 21J
T710H SALE Nice 7 room Iloli o , close to t.t.
JU cars , school , church , etc. , full lot , only * -,500 !
$1,000 cash , balaneo In three equal paj lucnts. C.
F. Harrison , 41H. . jiithnt. _ 875
TT1OH SALE-AM ) foot corner on Farnam. In-
JJ dido of Halt line , fw',250 , $750. cash , balance
easy , must sell ; mi\o commissions by ad <
dressing the owner , C 21. llec otllcf , K.'lUt
HOUSES torrent near street car line. List
your houses for rent with Mathews A
Dunn , room 33 , Clumber of Commoico. 138 11 *
6 lots , 00x207 feet , desirable location , near horse
cars , flno graded school , etc. , ntrord com-
mandlngN lews , sidewalk and excellent shade
tiecs. Proposed extrntlon of street railway j > ass
In front. Clear. At Clinton , Iowa. Will trade
for Omahu property. H , E. Cole , n o cor. 15th
and Douglas. ' Ui 10
_ _
I OFFER the following for n few days :
50x150 on (1 oorgla nvowlthn good 7 room
now housoulth furnace , city water , Ban , etc. ;
largo barn and 100 foot from Poppletonavo.prlco
(5.750 , $1,250 cash , bal 1 , 2 and 3 years. Consider
this.Good R room house , east front lot , now and 1n
an excellent locality , for a few days yott c n ret
this for $1,700 , f 1,200 cash. Investigate this.
C8xl'U ft on Cass st bet Uth and 16th sts , with
popd 10 room liouso , on easy ttrms , cheapest
property In Omaha at 112.090 : K you wish to buy
sell or got a loan call on D. V. Sholos , Room I ,
llarkerblk. _ , _ 740
LOT for Bi'.lo , two blocks east of Hnnscom
Park , on very easy terms. W. F. Stoetzcl ,
1C21 Howard. _ 131 13
T L. RICE & CO. , Real Estate. 215
N elegant lot on riouth 10th street opposlto
Hrovsnell hall. Pilco J.1,250. This Is u bar-
gain. II. E. Cole , N. E. 15th nnd Douglas. 14.1 12
.A. UPTON & CO. , brokers In gilt edge bus-
ness property.
Don't wait for Omaha realty to go lower.
Millions have been lost by doing that. Hedrock
has been reached. Upward steadily upward
i > rlcos w 111 go from this on. Omaha to-day has
the best prospects of any city on the globe.
Wo liavo several pieces of line Insldo business
property that belong to parties out of town who
need money In their business , nnd have author
ized us to sell part of their real estate at prices
that make them truly bargains. Call and lot ns
quote you figures on
South 16th Street ,
Nprth 10th Street ,
Furnam Street ,
Douglas Street ,
Harnoy Street.
M. A. Upton ACo. . , &n 8 : 10th st. , Opp. Chamber -
bor ot Commerce. Telephone 854. 844 13
OH SALE House nnd lot In Omaha View , a
bargain , small cash payment , easy terms ,
C. 0. Bpotswood. 305V , 8 inth. . 720
TJIOR SALE Cot 4. block 0. Hillside No. 1 , for
D t2,500 ; easy terms. Address C 40 , lice. _ ,
L. RICE & CO. , Heal Estate. 215
" 10M13 In and let us show yon the houses that
\J \ \ o can sell you for S303 to J.VXJ ( ; ash and bal-
uco $20 and Jii monthly. II. E. Cole. N. E. cor
5th and Douglas. 143 12
cnOK SALE or Trade Full lot on Farnam st. ,
L ) ono block from paving and street cars.
rlco $5,000. Equity $3.000.
Two one-fourth sections flne school land in
Kossuth county , Iowa.
One-sixth interest in'an addition to South
tmalm , free of encumbrance , for good western
arm land , clear , or not heavily encumbered ,
jr good Omaha property.
Good Inside business property , free of en-
umbrance , for good house nnd lot In north
i rt of city. 8. A. Sloman , rooms Zl nnd 83 ;
tollman building , cor. Farnam and Uth sts.
HAWLEY House , North Platte.Neb. . for sain.
On account of the death ot my wife I will
sell the property on easy terms. Address John
lawley , North Platte. Nob. ' 7T3mO *
I HAVE for sale a corner lot on 25th nnd L
streets in South Omaha for less than $30 per
'ront ' foot. Will be worth $ ino jicr foot as busl-
lesi property in a snort time , you can't find a
> argaln like this every day. D. D. Smeaton ,
larkor Ulook. 804 0
TWO good houses , wel located , for $3.700 and
$ .1,100 , on easy payments. J. A. Hclstand ,
room 0 , Arlington liiock. TU9
TjlOR SALE Lots 3 and 4 , block. 1 , In Isaao &
JC Seldcn's addition , cor. 34th street and Half
toward. John II , F. Lehmanu , ( U4 S. I7th st.
J.L. . RICE & CO. , Real Estate.
FOH SAtiE 0-room cottage and V4 lot. No , 040
N. 25th avo. Inqulro324 N. 17th. 8001 _ 3
J.L RICE & CO. , Real Estate. 215
Its main llnei and branches Include CHICAGO ,
WATKBLOO , ainnnBAPOLis , and BT. PAUL.
esd Btorei cf latcrciilBatg cltiss. Clolco oi
routes to and from the Pacific Coast. All trans
fers la Union depot * , fast trains of Fine Day
Coaches , elegant Dining Oar * , magnificent PuU-
man Palace Blooper * , and ( between Chicago , Bt.
Joseph. Atohlion and Kansas City ) Declining
Chair Care , Beat * Vree , to bolder * of through
ant-clou ticket * .
Chicago , Kansas A Nebraska R'y
'Great Rook Island Route.1 *
Extends West and * Southwest from Kansas City
and Bt. Joseph to NKL8ON. HORTON. . BELLS-
KUXCUINBON , CALDWKLL , and all points la
and beyond. Kctlre pauenger enurpmont of the
celebrated Pull.-ann manufacture. All safety ap *
pllance * and modem tmprovoments.
The Famous Albert Lea Route
Is the favorite between Chicago. Sock lilaid ,
Atchlion , Kansas City and ZCinneapoUa andBt.
Paul. Its WaUrtovrn branch traverses the great
of Northern Iowa , Bouthweatem Minnesota , and
Bast Central Dakota to Watertown , ipirlt Lake ,
Blouz Tolls and many other towns and cities.
The Short Line Tia Beneca and Kankskeo offers
superior facilities to travel to and from Indian *
C u'US , Cincinnati nnd othar Southern points.
Ifot Tickets. Xsps , Voldars , or deilred Informa
tion , apply at any Coupon Ticktt Omce or oddrcM
BnrbcrH i'oluii.
Louis Tioninn writes in the St. Louis
Globo-Domocrivt tlmt the barbers nro
Rotting tired of tlioir old rad. wliita nnd
blue ] ) oloshioh serve for signs. The
high-toned follows want homo wny to
distinguish a fusliionablo shop from the
c6mmou plrico , nnd they think the best
way tado thib is to chaugo the colors on
the poles. Tlio now style adopted is
black and gold stripes , and a very elegant -
gant combination it is. It lias been
adopted in Now York , and is spreading.
The barbers hold a 'convention in
Buffalo u few weeks ago. and this ques
tion of a change came up for discussion.
Tlioro .wore too many old timers present
ani ) they carried their point of sticking
to the polo. However , before anolhor
year the ehango will begin to show
HHolf ; for lot u movement llkq' that
begin and it will spread ovorywhoro.
Tlioro bhould bo a dlHtinction of tome
Idnd between shops , for there is the
groatobt ditTeronco in the world in their
oharactor. The -rod , white and blue
.sign looks cheats In fact , what reason
is there for harbors to have a peculiar
sign ? No other trade besides the tobao-
colsU , with tlio Indian figure , cllnga tc
a clmractoristio aitju. '
Who ti WEAK , NKRTOVH. i > KllIMTA
hni THIFLKD a r ( ill VHJOR of UUDT ,
MIND and M AMnoon.rauilnB exliKUitltijt
drains upon tha roUMTAINN of 1,1 rr ,
DrMmi , WKAHNKMH of Metnotr , BAfi.ii >
JUI.BfkM 111 SOCIETY , P1HPI.EI * Upon
the FACE , and all the BrFEVTM Icidlnjr to
EAMI.Y DEVAY and perhaps COJffUJMP.
TlOIf or INNANITY , should coniult at one *
the VKLEBKATED Dr. Clarke , RitAMIihad
IBM. Dr. Clarke hai tnldo NERVOUM IIK *
BII.1TY. VIIHOMC and all IHicaiM of
the UENITO (7RI1WAKT Onstii a I.lfo
Htndjr. It makes NO difference WHAT you
&ay taken or WHO has failed to euro you. <
* vrRMAs.F.MiuflcrlnirfromdlicuespecU <
liar to their sex pan consult with the auurartc *
of ipoody relief tnd cur * . Send 3 cents poitan '
for wotki on your dltratt > i.
T gnd 4 cent * postage Ibr Cclebmt4
Works on Chronic , Nerrous and ttell * '
e t Dlicascs. Constillatlon , personouy or or ,
letter , r * * . Contult the old IKietor.
TkoBNnad * enr d. OHecs and unrlur *
private. < a-Thoto contompUtlng Marrlsg *
Snd for Dr. Clnrkei'si celebrated fulde
! and Female , each lac. , both tto.
Biatnb * ) . Defore confldlng your cute , oonintl
r. CLARKE. A friendly letter or call mar
tare future nuflorlngnnd shame , and add colclen
yean to life. * j-Book Lire's ( Secret ) Er
ron , " (300. ( ( itamps ) . Medicine and writing *
lent everywhere , secure from riposur * .
Houtf , 8 to 8 ; Sundays , 9 to 12. Addrest ,
P. t ) . ODARKB , M. D.
1R6 So. Olejrk St. OBIOAOQ. ILL.
Omaha , -
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
The only road to take for DciMnlncs , ! . . . . ,
Codnr llankls. Clinton , Dlion , Clilcniio. Mllwaukot
and all points Kn t. To tlio pooploof Ncbraikii.Cuj5"
rarto , Wyoming. Utah , Idah < i , Nevada. OruKoni wain-
InKton and California , It ouors superior ndTkutafof
nut puulbla bjr any other lino.
Amonu n leir of the nunicmas points of superiority
enjoyed hy the patrons of thin mail between Omaha
nnil Clikujo. nro Its two t nil in H day of DAY
CO ACM US , which are the Illicit Hint liuinnn nrtenA
initomilty cnn create. Itsl'AliACKHI.KKI'INU CAF
winch nro inonols of comfort iSelp anco. _ Ita PA ,
l.Olt DKAW1MI UOO.M CAM , imsurpiimed by l
and Itn wliloly colobrutod I'Al.ATIAIi ulNINO CAivu
' " " " " " " "
Hio'ciiiiiil of"whicircarinoV be fuurtd elsewhere. A\ \
Council UlutT * , the trains of the Vnlon iWjtlo Hall ?
wuy connect in union depot with lho o of ilia Chi.
CHKO It Northwestern Hy. In OICHHO | the tt-ulnn pf
tlila line maku close connection with tlioM ot all
other Knstorn lines.
For Detroit , Unlnmtmi. Indianapolis , Cincinnati ,
Niagara hulls , Hnfiiil" , I'ltlDimre , Toronto , Montreal ,
lloston. New VorK , riitladelphln , llaltlmore , Wiiih-
InKtou , and all points In the hunt. Ask for tickets jl
tU °
If you with Die liait accommodation. AU ticket
neentn sell tickets via this line.
Ucn'l JlnnnRcr. ( icu'l I'ass'r Agent.
CHIC lee , IMS.
W. N. IIAHCOCK. OonM. Western AKOnt ,
1) . K. K1MIIAU , . Ticket .Cuuiil.
( I. F. Wlisr , City raisonccr Agont.
1101 Farnam St. , Omaha , Nub.
, f
Running between Council llluffs and Albrlstt.
[ n addition to the stations mentioned , 'trains
stoput Twentloth and Twanty-touUn treeta.
and at the Summit In Omaha.
Jroad- Trans Omaha .
- - Rh.niv
way. fer. Depot.Shcoly' ' Omu
A. M A. M. A , M. A.M.
5:45 : CM :
0:10 : 0:17 : ( l0 ; 0:3723 : 0:50 :
0:55 : 7:02 : 7:15 : ? -23 75S !
7:4' : . 7:62 : 8:05 : 8:12 : 6 : 6
8:45 : 8:52 : 0:05 : 0:12 : D25 ;
0:45 : 0:52 : 10:05 : 10:12 : 102 ! (
10:4- : > 10:5 : 11:05 11:12 : lt :
11 45 11:52 : P. U. r. M. P.M.
P. M. P. M. HJ:05 : 13 :
12:45 : KM 1:05 : 1:12 1:2 !
1:45 : 1:62 : U.05 . 2:12 : S:2 : (
2:45 : ! J:52 : 3:05 : 3U2 3f :
ttstt 3:52 : 4:05 : 4:12 : 4:2. : '
4:45 : 4:52 : r > :05 : C:12 :
r > : < n 5:52 : 0:05 : OilZ Uj'f
fi:45 : 0:52 : 7l2 | 7
7:45 : 7:52 : 8:05 : 8:12 : 825 ;
8:45 : 8:52 : 0:05 : , 8:12 : 0:25
0:45 : 0:52 : 10:05 : 10:12 :
ar. 11:051 :
10:15 10:52 11:36
: : lv. IhiiOl : :
AlSouth Sbeeloy. Omaha Trans
bright. Omaha. depot , fer.
A.M. A.M. A. M. A..VC
0:10 : 0:15 : fl:25- : (1:30 :
7:00 : 7:04 : 7lr : 7:15 :
7:50 : 7:55 8:07 : 6M :
8r,0 : HM : 0:07 : 0)15 )
Oi'iO 0.51 10:07 : 10:15 :
10:50 : 10:55 : 11:07 : 11:15 :
11:50 : 11:50 : . in. p. ra.
p. m. p.m. ? i l.lft :
12 :50 : 12:55 : 1:07 : 1:15 :
1M : 1:55 : 2:07 : 2:15 :
2:50 : 2:55 : il:07 : HI6 :
11:50 : 8M : 4:07 : 4:15 :
4iO : 4:55 : 6:07 : 5:15 :
[ , : M 6M : 0:07 : 0:15 :
(1:50 ( : 6:55 : 7:15 :
7M : 7M : 8:07 : B:15 :
8:50 : 8:55 : 8.07 Vli :
H:50 : 10:07 : 10:15 :
10V ; ( ) 11:07 : aril tit
11:55 11:59 : 12UUam : '
Leave , Arrlre.
A No.l4 4:00p.m. : D No.l . lOiUia.
II Np.2 Hi in i > . in A NO. i3.tJ..u
( J No.O ; , 0 Nf..fl. . . . . . . < JPGp.iiiJ :
A No.4. . . . . . 8U08. la. A . :
0 No.H ( S:50a.m. : D No. 5 . 9:40 : a.m.
A No.4 0:40 : n. in. A No.l8 . 10 $ ) a.m
0 'No. 14 HOOp. m 0 INo.T . : ! i > .m
A No. flTiOOii.pi. . A. No. 8 . 7:00 : p.
A No.O Oi40a. m. A No. ' 915a.rn. ;
A 'No.8 4:00 : ' p. in. A 'No 11:30 : a.m.
A No.4 . , . . . .4.lp. : ) A No. 5 . 7:00 p.
A No , 3 0:25 : ft. ra.lA' No.U,6:31 : a. in <
A No4 ! No.l- . ; 30j > .n3
A No.l0..4..TWia. : ra.lA No. Bi&Sa.ra ,
A No. U 7 : ' p. m.lA No. ll..i..i : UOp. mi
A No , 8 3:40p. : m.A | No.T HMp.m : ,
A dally ; U dally except Sat0 | dally except
Buu , ; O exc pt Mou , ; | ftuV a Uj'