Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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    > AILY BEHJL FRIDAY. MAfttJH ti 1888.
The Dependent Pension Bill PaasoB
By a Good Majority.
i _ _ _ _ _
A Monster Petition Presented to the
Senate Ajtnlimt the Admission of
UtahCotiKrrHNlonnl Pro
ceeding * *
WASHINGTON , March 8. Among the peti
tions and memorials presented and referred
was one , said to have 102,000 signatures ,
from twcnty-thrco states nnd territories ,
against the admission of Utah ns a stuto as
long a * its people are under control of the
Mormon pricsthopd.
Among the bills reported and placed on the
calendar wfMho following !
To provide for a Joint' celebration at the na
tional capital by the sixteen American re
publics lu honor of the centennial of the par
ent republic the United States.
Giving the right of way to the Duluth ,
Rainy Lake & Southwestern railway com
pany through Indian lands In Minnesota.
The .senate then resumed consideration of
the bill granting pensions to ex-soldiers and
Bailers who are incapacitated for the per
formance of manual labor , nnd providing for
pensions to dependent relations of deceased
BOldlors and sailors , the question being on
the amendment offered by Wilson of Iowa to
add the words "Tho Infirmities of ago. "
Mr. Manderson replied to.some remarks
made by Senator Vest last week. Ho quoted
from the report of the commissioner of pen-
Blons showing that on October IS , 18ST , there
were In Mlssouil nlmshouscs thirty-eight ex-
Union soldiers nnd sixty-two dependent rel
atives , and in the whole United States 10,850
cx-soldlors and ttM5 dependent relatives In
nil 33,001. In addition there were In the
national soldiers'homo 15,153 Inmates , making
of ex-fioldlcrs and their dependents
ing a total 67,153 -
pendents dependent on charitable institu
tions. In contradiction of Mr. Vest's state
ment that 50 per cent of those enrolled dur
ing the war were either pensioners or appli
cants for pensions , ho showed there were
JJOr,421 Invalid pensions granted , nnd 240,003
for widows , children or dependent relatives :
in other words there were of pensioners ana
claimants not over SI per cent of the whole
number enlisted. - i en
Mr. Hawley believed the bill practical , sen-
alblo and patriotic. Ho would vote agalhst
any and every amendment to the bill , believ
ing it was , as it came from the committee ,
a simple , straightforward measure of imme
diate relief to real sufferers.
Mr. Wilson of Iowa s.ild so firmly was ho
convinced that the class which would bo in
cluded within the benollts of the bill by his
amendment would bo excluded without it ,
ho would vote for it oven if ho voted nlono.
The question was taken and Wilson's
amendment wan rejected yeas 13 ; nays 43.
The bill was then reported back from the
committee of the whole and the amendments
thcrln voted on. The first vote was on the
amendment offered by Call to make the bill
npply to those who served In the war with
Mexico or for thirty days in any of the wars
With Ind'an ' tribes. Rejected 21 to 37. .Tho
next vote was on Plumb's amendment strik
ing out the word "totally" before the word
'incapacitated , " und it was rojcctcd-r-ycas 11 ;
unyo 42. The bill then passed yeas 44 ;
rays 10 , as follows :
Aldrich , Allison ,
Blair , Blodgott ,
Bowen , Brown ,
Cameron , Chase ,
Chandler , > Cullom ,
Davis , . Dawos.
Dolph , . Farwell ,
Faulkner , Fryo ,
George , Gorman ,
Halo. Hampton ,
Hawley , Iliscock ,
Hoar , Ingalls ,
Kenua , McPhcrson ,
Mandorson , Mitchell ,
Paddock , Palmer ,
Payne , Platte ,
Pugh , Rlddlobcrgcr ,
Sawyer , Sherman ,
Spoonor. Stewart ,
Stockbridgo , Toiler ,
Turplc , ' Voorheos.
Waltuall , v Wilson of Iowa.
Bate , Bock ,
Berry , Blackburn ,
Cockrcll , Coke ,
Colqultt , Daniel ,
' { Eusils , Gibson ,
H Harris , . Pasco ,
ft Reagan , Saulsbury ,
I Vance , Wilson of Maryland.
6 , Pairs announced wore : Evarts and Mor-
i gan ; Edmunds and Jones of Arkansas ; Sablu
f nnd Call ; Ransom and Jones of Nevada ;
1 Vest und Plumb.
, Mr. Blair , from the committee on cduca-
. tlon nnd labor , reported the bill applying the
eight-hour law to letter carriers. Calendar.
Mr. Sherman offered a resolution ( which
ivas adopted ) requesting the president to
furnish copies of the Instructions sent to the
United States minister of Caracas , and of
the correspondence between the governments
i of the United States and Venezuela since
February 1872 , regarding tljo solzuro and
detention of the American steamships , Hero ,
Sanfornandla nnd Neutrlas , the property of
the Venezuela transportation company of
New York.
The undervaluation bill was taken up as
Jin finished business and the sonata adjourned
till Monday.
I ' House.
ft WASHINOTOX , March 8. Mr. Tillman , of
V South Carolina , asked unanimous consent
Fr for Immediate consideration of the bill ap-
Ji proprlatlng$10,000 for the purchase ofcor-
[ ' tain swords belonging to the widow of General -
' ( oral James Shields , of Mansur , Mo. Messrs.
' ! Baker of Illinois , McDonald of Minnesota ,
Sherman of Oregon , Warner of Missouri ,
,1 , Springer of Illinois , Wheeler of Alabama ,
i/ nnd Buckalow of Pennsylvania , supported
f the bill and' spoke in eulogy of General
Jv Shields.
. Oakes of Alabama vigorously op
posed the measure ns unconstitutional , al
though ho was un admirer -of General
" '
* , ' After further debate the bill passed.
' Mr. Pay sou of Illinois , from the committee
on public lauds , nnd , as n question of privi
lege , rcjwrtcd the bill to quiet the the title of
settlers on DOS Molncs rtvor lands , A point
. h of order was raised and the report was uot
i ! received.
0 Mr. Morrow of Colorado , from the com-
, v tultteo on foreign affairs , reported a resolu-
tlon calling on the president for information
. , touching public affairs nt Navigator's Islands.
| f Passed.
Mr. Raynor of Maryland , from the com-
| mlttco on commerce , reported the bill to
j ! establish a postal telegraph. Committee of
V the whole.
The bill was passed for the allotment ol
lands lu severally oa the WMto Earth and
Red Lake reservations to the Chlppowa In
dians in Minnesota , und for opening : up Ui
settlement of the other reservations ofithosc
. Indians in that stato.
The house adjourned.
Making a Clean Sweep.
Two United States marshals appointed by
the predecessors of President Cleveland nro
Btill in ofllco. They are- General Bauks , ol
Massachusetts , whoso commission expired
M December IS , last , and who is holding ovoi
* { ' under a temporary appointment by the court
- ' . , nnd Marshal Ellis Blcrbower , of this stata ,
whoso commission will not expire until Fob
) j ruary 11,1839 , bnt who can , according to tel
I eirrums to the democratic papers from Wash'
f ington. hardly expect to retain his ofllco latci
' , ; than May next. The nomination WcdiiesdaJ
p of u new register of the land onlco nt Noligh ,
i. Neb. , reduces the number of registers mid
i't receivers holding over from previous tidmln
1 istratlpns to 13 out of 234.
ff. . Kngllsh Comments.
* * R"Colgnto & Co. nro the oldest sea
makers in America , and have evidently
profited by tholr long experience. "
Another Catting Affair.
EL PASO , Tex. , March 8. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKE. ] Scnor L. Del Olmo , an
Italian residing in Paso Del Norto , 'was ar
rested to-day by Mexican officlaln on the
charge of violating article 180 , the famous
article under which A. 1C. Cutting was Ar
rested. This article gives the Mexican
nutlisrltics power to punish offenses com
mitted outnldo of Mexico. The particular
offense charged against Del plino Is defaming
the Mexican government. Last Tuesday
Del Oltno nought a "confidential" Interview
with the editor of the El Paso ( Tex. ) Times.
Del Olmo stated that ho was nn employe of
the Mexican government , that ho had In his
possession documents authorizing him to
settle the International sewer question and
that for $20(1 ( he would settle It In favor of
El Paso. The Mexican consul , J , Escobar ,
published n card In the El 1'ns.o Times to-day
denying that Del Olmo was un employe of
the Mexican gorornmcnt.
A Srnnatlonnl Butcldc.
CHIC lee , March 8. A sensational suicide
case dovcloi > ed hero to-day. Miss Joslo Me-
Cuilen , forewoman in a fashionable man leu re
establishment , was found dead'early this
morning , having poisoned herself. From
letters found and remarks made by her
yesterday , it Is inferred she committed the
deed on account of grief over the suicide of
W. S. Hurtwoll , late freight auditor of the
Chicago & Northwestern railway , yesterday.
Miss McCullon was taken Into tlartwoll's
family thrco j cars ago as n servant , and It Is
asserted loft a few months ago because Mrs.
Hartwell was dissatisfied with the Interest
taken In her by her hnsband. A letter found
on the dead girl from Hartwell , written Just
before his HUlcldc. admonished her to bo
bravo nnd courageous , and "remember our
pledge. "
Arrival ) ) .
NKW YOIIK , March 8. [ Special Telegram
to the BKE. ] Arrived The steamers Elbe ,
from Bremen ; the State of Pennsylvania ,
from Glasgow ; the Asintla , from Mediterra
nean ports ; tbo Pcnnland from Antwerp.
FuncrnI of Miss Alcott.
BOSTON- , March 8. The funeral services of
Miss Alcott were held to-day. They were
entirely private , only invited friends being
present. The burial will bo in the old "Sleepy
Hollow" graveyard at Concord.
The l > catli Itcuord.
Bu/riMonu , March B. A dispatch from
Charleston , W. Va. , says that General D.
H. Strother , "Port Crayon , " died there to
Personal Paragraphs.
J. Wonts , of Holstein , Neb. , Is at the Pax-
E. S. Gatch , of DCS Molncs , la. , is at the
Samuel Reid , of St. JoscphtMo. , is at the
Mro. C. Henry , of Columbus , Nob. , is at
D. M. Phllbln , of Norfolk , Nob. , is at the
H. J. Lee , of Fremont , Nob. , is at the
Millard. '
„ I. L. La Rue , of Corning , la. , is nt the
I. M. Dorsoy , of Ponca , Neb. , Is at the
Albert C. Grof , of Scward , Neb. , is at the
W. H. Slnnot , of Lincoln , Neb. , is at tlio
E. B. Woodward , of Charlton , la. , is at tlio
A. Holzmark , of Gothenburg , Neb. , is at
the Windsor.
John I. Underwood , of Lincoln , Neb. , is at
the Windsor.
H. B. Thompson , of Davenport , la. , is at
the Windsor.
H. S. Schwind , of Nebraska City , Neb. , is
at the Paxton.
E. G. Morse and wife , of Boston , Mass. ,
are at the Millard.
N. R. Pcrsinger nnd wife , of Central City ,
Neb. , nro at the Millard.
W. II. Ashby nnd wife , of Platte Valley
rancho , arp at the Paxton.
Messrs. J. E. Marsh and W. F. Look , of
Missouri Valley , are at the Puxton.
J. II. Boslcr , of Carlisle , Pa. , ono of the
stockholders In the South Omaha land syndi
cate , cumo into town yesterday and will
remain hero for several days.
Mike Maul , of Drexel & Maul , loft last
evening for San Diego , .Cal. , where ho will
remain until ho recovers from some of the
lingering effects of his recent illness. Ho
will stop at Oeden for a short time on his
way to the coast and visit the hot springs near
that place.
M. D. Long , formerly county clerk of
Holt county , came to the metropolis
yesterday , pot on a roaring drunk , and
last night was run in by Ofllcor Mc-
Grath , on South Sixteenth street.
Yesterday afternoon was the time sot
for the hearing of Mrs. A. O'Reilly's
case , who is charged by her husband
with being criminally intlmnto with C.
F. Tuttlo. After learning the facts in
the case Assistant County Attorney
Gurloy decided to dismiss tho'cabo.
The following insane wards of the
county will bo taken to Lincoln to-day
by Sheriff Coburn : Mrs. Hinzo ,
Dora Pohlor , Charles Fielder , Chris
tiana Ilartol , Dolila Brown , Patrick
Cody and Patrick Bronnan ,
Over flvo hundred .tags for liconcd
dogs have boon taken out , and applica
tions are now being made thick and fast.
The prescribed time is up Saturday
evening , after that the untaggcd can
ines will bo slain indiscriminately.
James A. Brown , lieutenant colonel
commanding the Omaha ( Second ) regiment -
mont , K. of 1' . , has ordered an assembly
of all the olllcors and members of the
same at the hall , March 14 , on which
occasion Governor Thayer will bo pres
ent and review the organization. All
the knignts will bo in full dress.
Yostortlay the mayor mot a BEI : re
porter and told him that ho had just
been notified by n friend of the saloon
keepers that the recent order to the li
cense inspector to close up the saloons
of ail proprietors who fail to make a full
payment of $1,000 by the first of April
was going to moot with an organized ro-
sistanco. The mayor has mot this with
a coimtor-throat , and. says that if the
baleen men carry out their purpose ho
will spring something else on thorn.
Us snn rlor csccllenco proven In millions o
homes for moro than a quarter of n century. 1
w tiscil bj- the United fttntes ( lovronint , in :
dorsed by the heiul ? of the Great t/ulversttlcs us
thnhtrimgobt , 1'uitfit anil Most Healthful. Ur
1'rlco'a Cream lluktni ; 1'oMler iloen not contali
Ainiuonla. l.lmt < or Alum. Solilnnlyln cans.
I'lUCK 1IAK1NC11'OWDUll ClJ. .
NcnVotk ClUcaco. St. LouU
Rapretno Court DccUlon * .
DCS MOISES , In , March 8. tSlx ta
? rnm to the DUE. ] The uprcmo court fllcd
the following decisions here to-day :
M. E. Hart , administrator , nppcllnnt , v&
'otta'tTOttnmlo County Mutual Flro Insur-
nnco company , Kcvcrscd.
Koso A Wnlnwright , nppoljant , vs 1311-
Ingsloy & Nnubcn commission company ct
nj , Mills county , A. U. ThorncH , Judge. Af-
Irmed ,
iStnto of Iowa vs Plitlo J. Cownn , appellant ,
Franklin couuty , II. C. Henderson , Judge.
J. ' P. Clyde vs H. M. Pcavy , appellant ,
Vlltchcll county. AOIruied.
D. C. Cowles vs Andrew J. Iorbernnd
others , npikjllnnts , Dccatur county , judge ,
John W. Harvey. Afllnrted.
Lucy II. Corless , appellant , vs Uufus
Conuhle , ct al , Uuchannn county. Kcvcrscd.
Samuel Morrlll vs the County of Marshall ,
npiwllaiit , and the Iowa Construction Com-
jfunv vs the sumo appellant , Marshall county ,
S. M. Weaver , Judge. Affirmed.
Orvllle M. Morris v > B. U. liurlcy , npicl-
lant , Henton county , L. J. Klnuc , Judge.
Adums county vs Aimer Graves , appellant ,
Crawford county , C. f. Loofbourow , Judge.
Fiinnlo Acton vs A. W. Coffman. appel
lant , PottiuvatUiinio couuty , G cor go Carson ,
Judge. Affirmed.
Charles Stanley vs Lymau Bannlnger , np-
polliint , Palo Alto county , George II , Carr ,
judge. Kcvcrscd.
Frank Shannon , by his next friend , v $
Tainii City , appellant , Tarua county , L. G.
Klnnc. Judge. Affirmed.
Emily Tebout vs E. S. Jeffrey & Co. ct nl ,
appellants , Wlnneslilck couuty , C. P. Gran
ger , Judge. Affirmed.
W. J. Dittre , appellant , vs tlio City of
Davenport , Scott county , A. J. Lofllugwcll ,
Judjrc. Koversed.
Cotiien < fc Mentzner. npiwllants , vs Mary
Staub and Lewis Gingery , Shelby couuty ,
A. U. Thornull , Judge. ABlrmpd.
State of Iowa vs James Muher , appellant ,
Polk county , Joslah Given , Judgo. Affirmed.
State of Iowa vs N. W. Hutchlnson , ap-
l > cllant , Jones county. Reversed. The de
fendant had been convicted of the crime of
giving a friend n drink of whisky out of n
bottle. The defendant appealed nnd the
supreme court decided that it is uot n crime
under the law to glvo a drink of Intoxicating
liquor to u man , if ho Is not a minor or iu the
hublt of getting Intoxicated.
Paused the Maximum Tariff mil.
DBS Moixns , la. , March 8. [ Special Tele
gram to the 13EE.1 The house distinguished
itself to-day In two very positive ways. It
adopted a maximum freight schedule and
killed woman suffrage.
The debate on the freight question has
been raging several days and finally ended
by passing the maximum tariff bill by a vote
of 83 to 13. This largo vote for the bill shows
how strong is the anti-monopoly sentiment
In the house and how strong the dcslro for
radical legislation on tbo subject. The bill
reduces all local freight rates from 25 to 30
per cent from the rates iu force before the
cutting by the roads bogan. It Is an attempt
to get substantially the saino'rates for short
distances in Iowa that Illinois receives forlts ]
local tariff.
Although the feeling in favor of a maxi
mum tariff is so strong iu the house , it is
thought doubtful if tbo bill can pas the sen
ate. That body Is already considering an *
other method of securing lower rates through
the commissioners and seem inclined to take
that by preference.
The house showed its sober thought to-day
by defeating the woman suffrage bill. Tbo
bill came up on third reading. It provided
for women voting at municipal elections nmj
vas ordered engrossed last Saturday by a
slight majority. Since then there has been
a change of sentiment and some republicans
who saw What a load they were dumping
upon the party reconsidered their intention
and to-day voted against the bill. It was de
feated and the coffin nails were clln.chcd in
parliamentary fashion , so that the measure is
completely dead , for this session at least.
Iowa legislature.
DBS MOINES , la. , March 8. In the morning-
session of the house the following bills were
Introduced :
By Mr. Janes A bill providing for the
funding of certain bonds of certain cities and
to fund certain outstanding indebtedness.
By Mr. Rowan A bill in relation to places
of holding district courts.
The schedule freight bill again came up as
the special order. The question was on the
amendment to the schedule offered yesterday
by Mr. Thompson , adopted and reconsidered.
The Thompson amendment was again lost.
Mr. Lewis , of Wayne , offered an amend
ment to reduce the progressive decrease on
incrchandiso'from 240 to 500 miles on the Urst
live classes. Adopted. Tho.bill will bo read
the third time immediately after the house
convenes at 2 o'clock.
The trelght schedule bill passed the house
by a vote of yeas 83 , nays 13.
The special order of temperance and license
bills was postponed till Monday at " :30 : p. in.
Also consideration of the labor and mining
bills was postponed. The bill granting wo
man suffrage in municipal nnd school elec
tions was read a third time and put ijpon its
passage. Lost Yeas 15 , nays 5i.
Bills passed : To legall/ocertain ordinances
of the town of Kingslev , Plymouth county.
To protect breeders from breeding to ani
mals having n bogus pedigree.
To prohibit the incorporation of towns and
cities within a limit of thrco miles of cities of
the first class.
To provide for assessments , tax telegraph
nnd telephone lines , nnd repeal chapter 69 of
the acts of the Seventeenth general assembly
aves 92 , nays nno.
The Craig bill to prevent fraud or undue
Influence in primary elections and conven
tions and caucuses ayes 07 , nays 10.
The bill to amend the election laws of the
Btato und moro fully define the duties and
powers of Judges of elections was lost , but
the vote was reconsidered , and the bill then
passed ayes 52 , nays 42.
Thompson then moved to reconsider the
vote by which the woman's suffrage bill was
lost. This motion was laid on the table. This
kills the measure for this session.
The line fence bill passed.
The bill was ordered engrossed prohibiting
playing base ball , foot .ball or croquet on
In the scunt.0 , uiorplug scssipn , Swecnoy
finished his speech begun yesterday favoring
the bill us reported by.tho committee. jf\ \
vote was taltcn'ou the Sweeney amendment
to the WooUomsubstituto to strike out the
words "unduo or unreasonable , " nuc !
resulted as follows : i5 ? , nays 13. A
vote was then taken on the adoption of the
Woolson substitute us amended , and rcsultci
as follows : Yeas 18 , nays 80. The qucstloi
was then on section 4 of the bill nnd Seed's
amendment to strike out of It the word ' 'un
Just" before "discrimination. " The amend
ment prevailed by n vote of yeas SO , nays 11
In the afternoon session of the senate the
special order was continued , section 5 being
under consideration. The amendment b.l
Weber was the subject of Inuth debate anil
ho finally withdrew it. No further action
was taken on the bill.
JSet Fire to a Vest House.
OTTUHWA , In. , March 8. [ Special Tele
gram to the BDE. ] Last night the pest house
hero , containing ono smallpox patient , i
woman , was set on flro and completely do
8troyed. The woman was rescued and taker
to a house In the lower part of town , when
her recovery , under the circumstances , I ;
nulto doubtful. The pest house was emptj
Cut a few hours before the lire , and it is sup
posed that parties fired It , not wishing It it
Unit neighborhood , but not knowing that II
was occupied at the time.
Iowa Circuit Itaccs.
CEDUI RAIMDS , la. , March 8. Reprcsenta
lives of the Iowa circuit met In this city to
day and niadp dates for races as follows
Cedar Rapids , Juno 19. 20 , 21 , 23 ; Marsha
town , Juno 20 , 27 , 2S , 2ft ; Council Bluffs , Julj
3 , 4 , 5 , 0. Purses ngcrocatlng f 18,000 will bt
given. Ten races at each point with n purse
of fCOO for each raco. Entries for the circul
close Juno 11.
Snow nt Sioux City.
Siotrx Cirv , I.a. , March 8. [ SpcclalTolo-
pram to the iir.u.1 Snow has been falling
n.llday with high winds prevailing. Ncarlj
nil trains aio delayed Some of them art
several hours late. >
Htlnnlfl ncpu\loi \ ! n l > nguc.
SmixoriKi. ! ) , lll.March3. Thorcpubllcan
clubs of the state 'met at iO o'clock tht. <
uornlng to organize nutate republican league.
W. W. Tracy statMti that over 400 perma
nently organized republican clubs In Illinois
md reported to the oxpcutlvo committee , nnd
hose clubs nro represented hero by over'
-,000 delegates. D. Harry Hammer , If Chicago -
cage , spoke briefly nnd predicted the down-
nil of Cleveland , neil November. - L. U.
Crocker , of Mcndotn. was mndo permanent
chairman of tlio meeting and Richard Yatcs
vas made permanent ; Secretary. Potter , of
Hill county , and colotx'd Attorney Morris , of
Chicago , were made assistant secretaries ,
lames it. Foster , president of the republican
eaguo of the United Stales , Was introduced
and addressed the convention on-l briefly
reviewed the tariff question and the position
of the prohibition party.
The only business transacted nt the rc
nibllciin club's Convention this afternoon was
iffectlng n permanent organization. The
omporary officers wefo made permanent.
The various committees provided for nt the
naming session were announced and two or
hrce resolutions wore Introduced nndreferrcd
vlthout debate to the committee on reso-
utloiift. A long nnd acrimonious debate
; row out of the proposition to accord two
loldler clubs of Chicago special representa
tion on the committees. A llko claim was
put in for the Irish-American republican
club of Chicago , und the mutter was not
sOttled until nil claims for special rcprescnta-
.Ion were withdrawn. The convention ad-
ourncd until 10 a. in. to-morrow.
A largo meeting Is being held by the repub
lican clubs nt the state house to-night , which
was addressed by Governor Oglesby nnd also
jy Warner Miller , of New Yoik.
Mayor Hewitt's Snnlj.
NEwYoitK , March 8. [ Special Telegram
to the BEK.I Mayor Hewitt has raised
quite a storm by his curt refusal to review
the St. Patrick's day parade. Even those
, vho would not mind the fact are offended at
ihe manner. The Irish societies arc Incensed.
They say the mayor could find plenty of leis
ure to gad about with Kaplolunl , but none
Tor the men who elected him. Joseph J.
O'Donohuo. n coffee merchant and leading
democrat , deplores the incident ns Hkoly to
bo twisted to the detriment of the homo rule
: auso in England. The societies propose to
nvlto Governor Hill nnd ex-Mayor Grace to
review the procession.
The Weather.
For Nebraska and Iowa : "Warmer south
erly winds with rain or snow , followed by
colder fresh northerly winds lu western portion
tion , with slight cold wave in western portion
tion of Iowa.
The Flro Ilccord.
NBW YOIIK , March 8. The extensive lace
factory of Dudcn & Co. was destroyed by fire
thl ? morning. Loss $100,000.
A Reprieve For the Condemned.
Wretched men nnd women long con
demned to suffer the tortures of dyspep
sia , are filled with now hopes alter n
Few doses of Hoatottor's Stomach Bit-
tors. This budding hope blossoms into
the fruition ot certainty , if the Bitters
is persisted in. It brings a reprieve to
all dyspeptics who seek its aid. Flatu
lence , noartburn , sinking at the pit of
the stomach between meals , the nervous
vous tremors and ° Insomnia of which
chronic indigestion is the parent , disao
near with their Hateful progenitor
Most beneficent of 'stomachics ! who can
wonder that in so many instances it
awakens grato'ful' eloquence in these
who , bonellttcd by "it , speak voluntarily
in its bohalf. It requires n graphic pen
to describe the torments of dyspepsia ,
but in many tostim'dnial received by the
proprietors of tlio' Bitters , these are
portrayed with vivid truthfulness. Con
stipation , biliousness , muscular debility ,
malarial fever , and 'rheumatism ' nro re
lieved by it. c
Stay of Proceedings Granted.
CHICAGO , March 8. The appellate court to
day granted a stay of proceedings iu the
caaoof the boodlors remaining in Jail , to
allow the case to reach the supremecourt. .
It is stated this morning that the attorney
has also secured a supcrscdeas from the supreme
premo court.
Every person ig interested in tljeir
own affairs , and if this moots the eye of
any ono who is suffering from the effects
of a torpid liver , wo will admit that ho
is interested in getting well. Got a
bottle of Prickly Ash Bitters , use it as
directed , and you will always bo glad
you read this item.
Licensed to Wed.
The following marriage licenses were is
sued yesterday by Judge Shields :
Name and Residence. Ago.
Fredrick August Johnson , Omaha § 5
Sophia D. Behno , Omaha 21
Olanda Patterson. Dcapwood , D. T 21
Nellie Sherman , Omaha 30
Mr. Auchiuocdy Very III.
S. S. Auchmocdy , ex-deputy county clerk ,
is seriously ill , and nil callers are denied ad
mittance to the sick man's room. It is said
that Mr. Auchmocdyjsuffercd yesterday from
a stroke of paralysis and that bis condition Is
regarded as very serious by his physician and
Our new spring stock of Men's , Boys' and Children's Clothing 13
now complete and open for inspection.
We claim it is the largest collection of new and stylish goods ever
exhibited in Omaha ,
We further claim that we have marked our goods at much lower
prices than any other house will name for like qualities and makes.
This week we will make a specialty on Spring Overcoats. Ol these
we show a splendid assortment ; all the latest shades iu fine Meltons ,
Diagonals , &a , silk and satin lined and beautifully made ; in short , the
most dressy garments that the market aifords ; but the most attrac * '
tive thing about them is the prices these are positively the lowest
ever heard of.
As our special bargain this week we offer two styles of Spring
Overcoats at $6. These we can prove are worth double the amount.
They are made of fine all worsted goods.lined with best double warp
Italian , satin striped sleeve lining , and made like regular custom gar
ments. We have two shades , one a fine grey the other a brown , either
of them is a splendid color. We challenge any retail clothing house in
the United States to show a like bargain.
Our next price is $7.75 , a fine Melton Overcoat with silk facing and
elegantly trimm.ed. and made. Then we have one at $9.25 , $10.50 ,
$12.75 and $14.50 each , and all selected bargains not to be found any
where else.
In our Boys' and Children's Department we are opening daily new
and choice goods. We propose to make this department the most at ?
tractive one in the city for style and prices. ' '
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price.
Nebraska Clothing Company
Corner Douglas and i4th Streets. Omaha.
= J
Our Magic Remedy
' "All iTpbltltlo DlitiMi , of recent or lone
from ten to flfteen dajs. We will glre written guar
antees to cure EOT or refund your money. And
we would y to tboM who have employed the most
BUlled Physicians , nied erery known remedy an *
pay * not been cured , that you are tbe subjects we am
looking for. You tbat bare been to tbe celebrated
Uot Bpringi of Arkania * , and bare loit all hope of
rtooTery , w
Will Cure You
rniake no chare. Onr remedy ! unknown to any
one In tbe world ontilde of our Company , and It le
the only remedy in tbe world that will cure yon. We
will cure tbe moit obstinate case In leu than one
month. Seven dayi In recent cases doti tbe work. It
[ I the old , chronic , deep-stated cases tbat we solicit.
We bare cured hundreds wbo had been abandoned
k71'byilclana and pronounced Incurable , and
W0 Challenge the World
obrlB use , ease that we win not cure In less tban
one month.
Blnce tb ( hlitory of medicine , a True BpoclBo for
pyphllttlehBrapUons , Ulcen. Bora month , tte * has
Men B BU for bat obrcr lound until
Our Magic Remedy
ras dlseorered , ana we are instilled In laying It U tbe
only remedy In the world that will posltlroly cure ,
because the latest medical works , published by tbe
best known authorities , say there was nerer a true
ipeclUo before. Our Kemedy Is the only medicine In
the world tbat will cure when ererytblnR else has
failed. It has been so conceded by a largo number of
Celebrated Physicians. IT DAB NCVER yrr FAILBD
to CUHI. Why waste your time and money with
atent medicines tbat nerer bad flrtue. or doctor
lib physicians tbat cannot cure yon. You tbat bare
tried ererythlnK else should come to n * now and get
ermanent relief ) you nercr can get It elsewhere.
Mark what we s yi In the end you must take our
Remedy or NETOH recover. And you that bare been
afflicted but short time should by all means come to
OB now. Many get help nnd think theya re free fron
tbe disease , but In one , two or three yean after. It
appears again In * more horrible form.
InretUtnte our financial standing throcgb tbe mer
cantile agencies and note that we are fully responsi
ble and our written guarantees are good , we bare a
REMEDY prepared on purely Bclenimo 1'ilnclplci and
we wish to repeat that It NEVmi FAILS TO CUKS. All
letters sacredly confidential.
ReomsUandlT Hellman Blnek.
Third Judicial District ,
Room 44 , Chamber of Commerce.
Telephone Oil.
a iwiH
Paid Up Capital , - $25OOOO
Surplus , - BOOOO
II. W. YATK * . President.
LEWIS S. HLED , Vlco-rroslilent.
A. E. TOUZAMK , 2nd Vlco-l'roilclont.
\V. II. B. HDQIIKS , Cashier.
DanVIng Ofllce
Cor. 12th and Furnnm 8t .
A Oeneral Uauklug lluslness Tranoacted ,
llemnrkablo for powerful Byiapa-
tlietlc tone , pliable action and ab-
Bolute durability. . ' ) years' record ,
\lia best guarantee of thu cxcul-
. lence o/ThesB Instrnmenta ! '
TansllPs Punch Cigars
were shipped during tea past
two yearn , without a ilrum-
rocrmouremiUoK NootUor
house In the world can truth *
fullymakosDch a ehowinc.
Quo a out ( dealer only )
wanted iu each town.
L R.W.TANSILL& C0.j55 State SLChicaao.
For Medicinal and Family Use.
Is Death to Sure Cure for
For Quart Botllf.
Sold Only In Bottttt. for Sale by Gncm
For Salt by and Wliit Mircha
OniSjItttCotrywhtn , Evirywhtrt.
This U to certify tbat I have examined the sample of BELLE OF BOURDON WHISKEY rocelrod fron
Lawrence , Ostrom A Co. , and found tbe same to bo perfectly free from Fusel Oil and all other doloterloot
substances and strictly pure. 1 cheerfully recommend the same for family and Mnllcln l jiurpoecs. .
.1. 1' . lUnhUK. M. D , Anilytk-M ChcmM , Loulivlllo. KT.
GLADSTONE BROS. & CO. , Agents for Omalia , Nob.
8TA.L.L10N8 . FOK9AL.E .
Porclieroils , Clyilcsdales and Shlro , also homo
1 > rc < lcolts. Every nnlnlnl Kimrimteeu ft breoclor
Our stock has been selected with reference to
lioth Inaivlduul merit nnil pedlRrca. Some of
thesohorHcs have taken flm prfro at the No-
liraska State Felr , 1087. AH our horses ixra ac
climated , nnd colts of their get can ue bhown.
1'rlceH reasonable and easy terms. Io pccesslblo
liy the throe leading railroads of the state , II. &
rf , F. . E. & M. V.K. C. * 0.
20 Cents a Week.
Beven papers a week. Bend yoiir order to the
ofllce ,
1029P Street.Capital Hotel Building
Proprittor Omaha Butlneti Colltgtt
Book-Keeping , Pemnanslilp ,
Commirclal L w , Shorthand , Tdtgrtphlng
and Typewriting.
Oend for Cclltc' Journal , .
S. E. Cor 10th and Capitol Avcnuo. .
Advqrtfclnir boa ulwuja pi-ovea
successful. Iloforo placing any
Newspaper A'dvcrtlalntr consul
ii t t HubUk blntl , CHICAGO.
Health is Wealth !
MGNT , n guaranteed specific for Hysteria , Dlzzl.
ness , .Convulsions fits. Nervous Neuralgia ,
Hoadrche Nervous Prostration , caused by the
use of nlcoliol or tobacco , WiiVoflilneas , Mental
Depression , Softening of the Hniin , ' resulting In
InsunUy.iind loading to misery , decay and death.
Premature Olil Age. Harrcnness , Loss of Power ;
In either BOX , Involuntary Ixwses and Bporma-
ton IIIPB caused by over-exertion of the brain ,
self-abuse or over-indulgence. Kach box contains - ,
tains ono month'R treatment. $1.00 a box , or six
bnxos for $5.00 , sent by mall prepaid on receipt
of price.
To cure any case. With each order received by
UB for six boxes , accompanied with JTi.00 , wo win
Bend the purchaser our w rlttcn guarantuv to ro >
fiiml the money If the treatment does not eiroct
acme , ( ituirnnteos Issued only by 0. V , GOOD
MAN , Diuu'nlst , Solo Agent , 111U 1'aruaiiJ Btrect ;
Omaha , Nob.
J. W. Barnsdall , M. D
Homouopntkio BpoclnlUt ,
Oytiaccolcgint anil Obstetrician.
Telephone 070.
E.T.Allen , M. D. ;
Homoeopathic Specialist ,
tit AND NOSE , tAK
Bpoctacloa Accurately Prescribed.
W. J
Surgeon and Physician ,
Office N. W Corner Hth and Douglas St. OflJCk
teluphouc , iOj ; Uosldentjo telephone , Kit ,
KtjSj tflu f
orlo > > > .Mxitl < faolU
_ ruMcoiBblD a. auarantetdUia
OBIT on * Intko world ffentrmtlog
> ounUmou Sltctrli dr Maanitlo
l. DMtntllle , Powerful , Iaratl %
ComfortiMo * ATola fraud * .
* Orvr0.000LarM. - , - _ . . -j . , . . . , _
A1.MO KLKOf ItIO BEiTi 1 OU tfflj kKli.