Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1888, Page 8, Image 8
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. MAROH & 188& FREIGHT BUREAU'S QUANDARY Why Have the Railroads Shut Off Discrimination ? TENTING ON NEW CAMP GROUND. Worthies * City rittmfolnK tu the Young Mcn'H lluiiutillcnti Club Convention In Frank Ilynti ItiHnnc. FillltinstcrliiK Railroads. The freight bureau committee of the Omaha board of tradb met mid devoted several hours to outlining a pro * gramma for the forthcoming meeting of the Intcr-stnto commerce commission which Is to meet hero on the 10th Inst. Nothing more dufl- nlto wns transacted than was published hi yesterday UEB. The coming of this commission Is not unat tended with some anxiety because of the cir cumstances which have transpired since the commission was first notified of the cases against the railroads. This notification was filed some months ago In Washington , at which tune the Iowa roads , It Is claimed , were clearly discriminating against Omnhti and In favor of Chicago. Since then , how ever , the whole status of the has been changed. Everyone of the railroads mentioned in the complaint as discriminating In the manner indicated huve , with the cxcepcion of the Chicago , Hurllngton & Quineychnngcd front and practically admitted the strength of the freight bureau's position by establishing rates to points west of the Missouri on the bails of the sum of two locals between Chicago cage to Omaha and Omaha to points beyond. So long as tills state of affairs continues , the Jobbers of this city as ulso the freight bureau of the board of trade which made the complaint will bo satisfied. But the questions which trouble both pro : { low Kt\g \ will this slate of affairs continue ) Why aid the roads change their rates ) Was it be cause of the cut of rates on the warring roads between Chicago and Omaha , or bo- couso of the prospective visit of the Inter state commerce commission to hear the freight bureau's complaint ) Tncro nro Just about as many answers ns there are questions. The fact Is , however , that too jobbers nro in n quandary as to what to do , under the circumstances , when the commission shall arrive. They will not bo able to substantiate the charge of dis crimination alleged in the com plaint , because In all except one road , the basis of ' that charge as 'above Seen , has been 'removed. Should the c6ifmilsslon como hero and bo forced to hohl that the Jobbers and the freight bmc.ui him no case , it would bo iliillcnlt to foresee what the damaging effects to the interest of the city would bo. With some people the Idea obtains that just as soon ns the commis sion gets away from Omaha , the railroads will return to their old rates with the cer tainty tnnt perhaps 11 eouplo of years at least would bo required before the matter could bo again inquired Into , when they might again resort to the sumo filibustering to evade the watchfulness and authority of both the freight bureau and the commission. tTKNTINGON NEW CAMl > GROUNDS. Proposed Meeting of GurrlqonH In the Department of the IMntto. On the llth of last January a board of of ficers of the department of the Plntto met In this city for the purpose of preparing a plan , with directions in detail for one month's field Instruction of nil the troops In the department. The board consisted of the following : Colonel Edward Hatch , Ninth cavalry ; Colonel Henry A. Morrow , Twenty-first infantry ; Major Guy V. Henry , Kintli cavalry , Inspector of rillo practice ; Captain Aaron S. Daggctt , Second infantry ; Captain P. Henry Hay , acting Judge advo cate ; Second Lieutenant L , W V. Kcnnon , Sixth recorder. On infantry , nide-do-camp , the 21st of the same month the board completed its work embracing among other things the following features : That the practice of marching la essential to the proper eduction of the troops but to obtain the greatest bene fit , the exercise should bo continuous and cover considerable distance : that the troops of the department bo assembled in camps as follows : the garrisons of Forts Omaha , Nio- britrn , Kobinson , Sidney , Laramie and Hus- scll at 8omo point on or near the Union Pa- eiilo ; those of Forts Douglas , Uridger , Uuchcsno in Strawberry Valley. Utah ; those of Forts McKinney and Wuslmldo ut some point near the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley road uud that the garrison of Camp Pilot Hutto bo exempt from this meeting , not being available for duty of this character. The board also recommends that pnchcamp shall tent during n period of thirty days , exclusive of the time requited In marching to nnd from the samo. If the centr.itlon recommended bo not practicable the board recommends that the thirty days in field instructions con- Blst In marching to and from such points us the department commander may suggest. It is also recommended Unit no oflleor bo left in garrison unless excused by n surgeon on cer tificate of disability or by authority of the department commander , that the number of men to bo left in garrison bo determined by the department commander ulso , nnd further that all garrison prisoners accompany their respective commands. The concluding recommendations refer to the allowance of tentngo wagon transporta tion nnd food , which go to show that the plan is not one of the picnic order. ' A RESOIjUTK STAND. The Rrlcklnyors Will Not Accept the Ofl'or of tlio Contractors. The bricklayers' union hold a largely at tended meeting last night and n resolution vds heartily endorsed to ablda by the de mand recently made by them of the contract ors for $4.50 for eight hours work. They also appointed a committee to draft a reply to the resolutions adopted by the contractors nnd iHiblished in yesterday's Hnc. The sen timent of the union was most pronounced ngalnst the stand taken by the contractors on the question of Apprentices and was such that the management of the latter ought to be wholly In the hands of the bricklayers. Tin : iinicK MANtfrACTimrms. The brick manufacturers held a mooting last evening at room 43' ) , Paxton block , tu discuss the subject of brick in relation to the present labor bituution In thu city. In the absence of Henry Livesey , the president , Martin Ittncr presided. The meeting was a spirited one nnd the following Hcalo of prices for their workmen has been decided uixm for the coming season : Platters , fcl for 18,000 , brick set and platted \ moulders , $2.75 for 0,000 rolled brick , f ' ,7 : for 7,500 slap brick. February ! i , Mr. D. J. Collins notified Isaac O'Ncll. president of the brick moulders' and Betters' union , of this scale , but the manufac turers sny it has been utterly Ignored by the union , nnd the manufacturers have notified them again that they would bo given until the 13th of the present month to accept It , when that scale will bo estab lished any wav. It wns stand by the brick con tractors In their light with the bricklayers , Sonic of the bricklayers have threatened to ignore the contractors and do their own con tracting ; to head the workmen olT the brick manufacturers have determined not to sell any bricks whatever to workmen so con tracting. One of the brick manufacturers said last evening : "Tho bricklayers have been siwlletl by getting good wages. Two or thrco I know saved ? 1,000 each last season. The only way to do Is to break their backbone now and bring them to terms. " Political MtittcrB. A meeting of the democratic state centra' ' rommUteo will be held at the Pax ton house next Friday .evening , March 0 , at 7 : ( o'clock. The business to bo transacted will be the calling of a state , convention to clccl delegates to the national democratic conven tlon to be held in St. Louis on thcMh of next Juno. The cimlrrrian of the com.mltteo , James E. North , of Columbus , requests a full at tendance of the members , as other business of lmpo.rtanco may como before the gather fay , ' RKPCBUCAN DJJLECUTM. falla\YWtf uiejuiuui wece elected u represent their respective wards tn iho con vention of republican clubs of this state to be liold In this city on the 15th Instant : Third ward O. H. Kothackcr , John Snhlcr nnd Julius S. Cooley. , Fifth ward-U. ! ' . Redman , John McDon ald nnd Henry Uolln. A number of republican clubs from nil parts of the state have already elected dele- s'Htrs to the same ronvvntidn , and It Is now thought that the convention will bo attended by n largo number of the young republicans of the stato. In this city the meetings' yet to bo held to nominate delegates to the same convention nro nnliouncod ut follows : Sixth word Friday night , Clark ond'Saun- dcrs streets. Kik'hth ward Saturday night , Cumlng nnd Twenty-fourth streets. . ItKA'S RKASON. Intrrrstlnc'Developments in the Case of the Mlsslnu Friend Merchant. While thcro are lomo new nnd Interesting developments In the case of W. E. Hea , the missing merchant from Friend , Neb. , there nro none that shed any additional light upon .ho mystery enshrouding 'his fate. His Brother , George M. Ken , a well-to-do busij ness man from llnckottstown , N. J. , arrived n this city Saturday , nnd called unon the chief of police. They had n long confer ence , after which Mr. Kca loft for Friend , telling the chief that aficr ho had thorough ly investigated his brother's affairs there ho would return to Omaha nnd report to Itlm again. Yesterday the chief wns in receipt of n long letter fiom Mrs. Hea , tiio wife of the missing man , In which she na.\s she Is Inclined to think that ho wandered away while laboring under some mental aberration , nnd that ho has cither fallen n victim to foul play , or done nway witli himself. She further said ttiiit ho had no financial troubles , that his store wns worth fully Sl.WO , and WO would cover nil Ills Indebtedness. She knew of absolutely nothing to keep him away an hour longer than was necessary to transact the business tie had on hand. Ho loft on the afternoon of January 31 , intending to visit Lincoln nnd Omaha in an endeavor to sell his store. He called at Clarke's drug store in Lincoln and twlted Mr. Mjlls. the manager , whether ho knew of any party to whom he could llkoly sell. Mills knew of no one. Ho thought Hea wns excited nnd In n hurry. A Mr. Odell. a restaurant keeper , thought Hen remained in Lincoln all night. Ho had no satchel and Mrs. Hea had no Idea how much money ho had with him. Ho drew$20 out of the bank whcro ho had $ i0 ? on deposit on his way to the depot. She recognized her hus- band'H pocketbook the one found on the river bank at the foot of Douglas street from the description sent her. His domes- tie relations were harmonious nnd happy. They have been married eleven ycrrs , have had three children , all of whom prs dead. The husband seemed to umlce a miluru of everything ho touched notwithstanding ho was industrious , frugal nnd temperate. She thought he had experienced enough hard luck to upset his bruin. After n minute descrip tion of her hustmnd. his manner , clothes , and everything , Mrs. Hea's letter closed with the following pathetio paragraph : "Will has had u great deal of money since wo were married , but everything has gone wrong with us excepting our great love for each other. Oil , yes , I almost forgot to tell you one thing. Will has said to mo on several occasions , "I often think , Km , you'd bo better off without mo if you Just had what little money I have everything goes wrong with me. " I always made him stop such talk , telling him life would not bo worth living without him. I sometimes do believe ho has taken that crary notion Into his head and gone away. Our children all died witli brain trouble. trouble.N'cry respectfully yours. EMMA U. L. KEA. In addition to the above the chief said , and IJrown , and Scully , the men who were implicated in the finding nnd possession of thu pocuctbook , had all been seen and inter viewed again , but their stories were only a reiteration of the matter * already published. Ono new point is , however , that Otto Schip- poerit , a workman at Gray's lumber yard , told Detective Horrlgan that lie had found n couple of letters belonging to W. E. Hea , near the lumber pile where the pocketbook was found. Ho had destroyed them. While there is much in the evidence accumulated to point to murder , the suicide theory has gained material plausibility and strength since the arrival of Mrs. Hea's letter. Detective - tectivo Horrigun still has the ease in hand. Notice to Shippers. Commencing to.-morrdw morning , March 0 , the 15. & M. railroad will rj- ccivo freight for till points ou the Chicago cage , Burlington & ( juincy and Kansas City , St. .Too & Council Bluffs railroad. They will recuivo freight for points on the B. & M. ns tibual. W. A. AU&TIX. agent. March 5,1SS8. woirriiijtiss INSTRUMENTS. Unrecorded Documents In the Regis ter ot'DoedH OHlcc. Persons who send instruments to bo re corded with the reistor of deeds or the coun ty clerk , together with the request that it bo recorded immediately , and followed by the statement that the sender "will call around in a few dnys and settle the charges , " should bear In mind that the papers so sent are never recorded or llled. They are held sub ject to the owner's call. In many instances they are immediately returned to the senders and this rule is in variably carried out tinder Mr. Megeath's ad ministration. Ho has been looking up unre corded instruments in his possession nnd below - low is given a complete list of them. It should bo remembered that these pa pers , not being lllcd or recorded , makes them almost worthless , and in cis > o of n law suit could not bo used in evidence. Among the papers tire the following warranty deeds : Union Pacific railway company to A. D. Butler. Consideration , ICO. Date , Juno t0 ! , itsa. Archie HIchmond toSallloHlclimond. Con sideration , $1. Date , July 17 , 1SSO. William G. Albright and wife to school district No. M. Consideration , $1. Date , February 2T , 1SS3. Allen E. Kilby ct nl to Ellel Hoxle. Consideration - sideration , fSTi. Date , July 12 , IbSr. William J' . Paul to James W. Kinkcad. Consideration , i'JUO. Date , December UO , IbsT. IbsT.Norman Norman II. Drown to Plubo H. Cooley. Consideration , $ IOOJ. Date , February IS , 1S-\S. 1SS.Charles Charles II. Durant nnd wlfo to John Zics. Consideration , & 00. Date , October 18 , 1SSI. A. D. Butler to Mrs. John Giso. Considor- tion $ aoo.r > 0. Date March 10 , 1SS5. Among other documents are the following. Memorandum of bale Edward Thompson to J. W. West. Consideration ? 1SO. Chattel motrgngo Elplirled Howlnnd nnd wife to L. W. Itoohmcr &Co. 'Consideration $75. Date December 23 , 18 0. Quit claim deed Tabot Jacobson to Egbert E. French. Date November S , 18sti. Certillcato of copartnership IJrown , Park- hurst & Co. Date March 'J , lbS7. Release of Chattel Mortgage Edholm & Erickson to Charles Koulmoyer. Date , Feb ruary 4 , 18S7. Assignment of Judgment II. Wostorman is , Co. , plaintiffs , vs. Everett S. Flagg. Amount , f 109 30. Date. November 1(5 ( , IbWi. Trust Deed Fisk Fnrrar to Edward F. Bishop. Amount , SCOD.OJ. Date , December L'4.1&77. Holease of Mortgage Executed by C. E. Mnyno and wife to Joseph Barker. Amount , tl.CJS. Date , September 30 , 18S1. Is Rynn lunatic ? A gentleman , known to the Ben reporter , arrived in town yesterday , from Springfield 111. Ho was acquainted with Hyantho party figuring in the Howard tnuidcr trial. He claimed that it was always said by those who knew the young .man , that ho was not of sound mind , nnd his father before his death expressed such a belief. Ho mar ried n young lady In Springfield by the name Of Green , and after a snort wedded life tried to kill her and then himself. A corset stay turned the bullet and saved the woman's life , and careful nursing by the father saved1 the life of the young man. A separation of the couple followed , nnd Frank roamed through the west , driving a street car in Texas and playing cowboy , on the plains. Hcturiiing to Sprhigliold several years ago1 ho became In fatuated with and married a woman of the town , but their weddefl llfo soon became ono of turmoil , and ho agan | loft for the west. His share in the estate of the father amounts to a'llttlo over | 3,000 , a portion of which was sent him In January. Sprlngtluld legal talent in connection with Judge Bradley will 1(6 ( en- gugejl to defend him. ' This theory of ity may be Introduced ia Uis. Continental Clothing .House ORAND OPENING SALE OF - SPRING AND SUMMER SUITS. J In every department of our store will now be found new and elegant goods made especially for the spring and summer" season , at prices extraordinarily low. Commencing this week , close buyers will find it to their advantage to watcb the list of attractive bargains which we shall offer and which will be announced in the daily papers each week. ' Read the List of Unprecedented Bargains for This Week. The Slater Woolen Company is now nnd has been for 30 years known ns the most celebrated makers of * line liuligo Blue Cheviots in the United States. Their goods are ahvnys thoroughly re liable , nnd when warranted Indigo Bhio will bo found prcclsefy as they are rep resented. The mobt thoroughly satis- sactory blue goods made in this country to-day are intido by the Slater Woolen Co. Co.WE WE OFFER , COMMENCING THURS DAY : Lot No. 1 200 pure all wool and full Indigo Blue Slnttir's Cheviot Suitsncw , fresh goods , just made up within CO days , in siugle-breubtcd saek suits ; coats all made with lap , double- stitched scams , made and trimmed in the best manner , and in regular men's sizes , from 34 to 42 , at the extraordin arily low price of $10 per suit. Read the price again. Think what the goods are that wo are offering you. Genuine Slater Woolen Co.'s all wool full indigo suits , heavy weight , at only $10. The ordinary retail price is not less than $10 to $17 per suit , Price $10.00. Lot. No. 2 Wo olTcr 200 Suits in faingle-breabted saek coats , the very best Sawyer Woolen Co.'s Double and Twist Spring Suitings , new , light grey and brown mixture , just made up in our very best manner , suits that we have sold regularly for the past 12 years , and in no instance have they over been shown on our counters at loss than $18 per suit. For our present scti&on's open- Self Measurement Blanks sent on application. Mail and Express Orders promptly attended to. OMAHA BOSTON Freeland , Loomis & Co. NEW YORK DES MOINES Proprietors : Corner Fifteenth , and Douglas Streets , Omaha , Nebraska. THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER , , BENCH AM ) BAIL District Court. nnroiic .luwir oiiorr. The caio of Henry K. Cox vs David Brad ley & Co. to secure judgment on alleged debt of $110. 13 is on trial. THU luuv msGiinct ) . In the case of Hess vs Eby the jury re ported jcstcrdsiy that they were uimblo to reach nn agreement and so wns discharged. 11EFOIIK JUnOlJ WAKHLCY. Judge Wnkeloy heard several motions yes terday morning nnd made n few minor rulings. ixjunni : uotNK'd touirr. The case ot David Van Ettcn against the city for heavy damages stlll drags slowly on. Mr. Van Etten conducts his own case. nnroui : JIMXII ; iiorr.wcu. . William Herghoff was placed on trial yester day afternoon. Ho is charged with obtaining goods under false pretenses. IUVn COMMENCii : > TWO SUITS. The Omaha Ooul , Coke & Limo company began two actions yesterday , ono against Bcnjnmino M. Nicholson nnd others to re cover &UD witli interest for materials fur nished , and ono against Kuto E. Sackctt and others in the sum of $ G2.7 on an oral agree ment. EMWV VAN CTTr.N SUET ) . Action was tiled yesterday by Henry A. Kostors in the sum of * 213 against Emma L. Van Ettcn for building material furnished. County Court. JUDGMENTS nEXIlEllCD. * The following judgments were rendered yesterday by Judge Shields : John U. Heath , WW.T5tignlnstW.AV. Mnco ; AVcslcy Uead- hcad , against AVilliam Mcrgoll , et nl ; Pcto Meis , H5U.50 ; against N. 13. Helm ; M. A. A'apor , * ? 74,45 , against J. C. Arapor ; John Nolan , ? -'S3.3U , against Gcorgo Schwartz ; Lou I so S. Smith , $ . .i3.JfJ , against Applbcyr , ctal ; United States National bank , * 215.S3 , against Frank A'eleta , ctal ; Abljah L. Stranp , $207.H.r , against Gcorgo H. Hess ; Jeff W. Hedfprd , iG2l.40 , against John Svacina ; A. Flick & Co. , SJ03 53 , against Cox H. Virgo. Etuuir.Tii N. DENNIS' wiu , . The will of Elizabeth N. Dennis , deceased , wns llled with Judge Shields yesterday , with her son , George L. Dennis , as executor. s > UEt ) nv ins wins. Judge Shields yesterday gave a decision in n novel case in which u wife was pitted against her husband. Some time ago Mary Ann Vapor entered suit to recover $774,45 from her husband , J. C. Vapor , u Sixteenth street tailor , alleging that it was duo her for making several pairs , of pants and u number of coats and vests. It seems that the domes tic relations of the pair huvo not been of the most loving character for BOIIIO time back , and ns money was not forthcom ing from Mr. Vapor as liberally us it should bo the wife resoitcd to the law to compel him to shell out. There being no objections raised to Mrs. Vapor's suit when it was called yesterday , the Judge rendered a judg ment for the full amount asked. Police Court. Drunk nnd Disoiderly Tom Kinney , or dered out of town ; James \ \ ard , ditto ; Paul Benson , continued ; John Harris , AV. * HIch- ardson , Sol Allen , Henry Ilanscn. Gus Mus > - six , J. Cumings , discharged. Abusing Family Henry Quade , $10 and costs. Vagrants John Malor.e , twenty clays ; Jas. Ilyan , ditto ; Tom Duffy , discharged. Suspicious characters John Wolllnger , Dick Foster , Andy Grant , discharged. Shooting Craps Elmer Holmes , Lcvi Roth , $1 and costs each. Insane Mlcheal Dalton , turned over to the county authorities. Addle O'Uielly , charged by her husband with adultry , was released on bond of f (00. ( Her trial takes nluoe this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Phil Corbitt , an old time thief , was given thirty days , for stealing u cell of copper wire from the Western Union Telegraph company , n. Albhous swore out u warrant for the urrcstof Hiram Milton , charging him wjth horse stealing. . . Apollo's Tbd Apollp club tnet last night and , elected ' the following ofllccrs for th'o ensuing year' : J. Dormln , president ; N it Url lmni ' , vieo president ; Paul Horb'ach , secretary' ? Gcor , o _ Itolbrook , treasurer ; Henry -D. Estabrook- AVulter AVllkins , . Lieutenant Kejiuon , to- with ; tU uvcaidgut , sectary ana Ing nnil until this lot is closetT , wo slitxll offer them nt the UNAPPROACH ABLE PRICE OF $12 PER. SUIT , The old and long ostiiblifhctl Sawyer AVoolon Co. , of Dover , N. H. needs 110 word of commendation from us.Vo unhesita tingly pronounce this company the best manufacturers of line all wool suitings in Now England. No shoddy , Hocks oi1 cotton la over used in any of their fabrics. Send for samples of the cloth , or a sample suit , and if you wish to CK- ainino and provo the value of the suits ns they are represented in this adver tise. Pi-ico $12.00. Lot No. 3. Wo offci1100 of the well known Vclour cloth Hnibh Stiwyoi1 AYool- en ( Jo's Suits , in very dark Oxford Mix tures , a small , neat cheek pattern , ono of the most popular styles that the mill has over made , suitable for cither bus iness or dress purposes. Single breast ed sacks , rcjyulur sizes in fall weight at the same extraordinarily low pt'ico of $12 per suit. REMEMBER these are all new suits made in the present style , within the past CD days , and wo guar antee that the ordinary retail price usually asked for these suits is $18. Sam ple suits will bo sent , and they may bo returned at our expense , if , upon exam ination , they do not bear out all the statements made in regard to their vnluo Lot. No. 4.Vo olTer 2 , " > 0 spring over coats ; made of a pure , worsted in a light treasurer ns board of directors. Mr. Scarlo remains as librarian. The next subscription concert of the club will bo held on the UUth of next April. Beauty's chaplet none may wear Unless teetli show ample care , Gums so healthy , hard and red Lips like roses' fragrance shed. These by SO/.ODONT made sweet Every sense with gladness gicot. Delinquent Taxes. City Treasurer Hush says that many people ple of the city do not seem to know the time at whicn their taxes will become delinquent. The levy for 18S3 made last month Is duo May 1 , and becomes delinquent July 1. Thobo persons who have not paid delinquent per sonal tax are liable to the annoyance of hav ing their effects seized and sold by the city. Tlilspowdernovcr varies. A mnrve'of puri ty , streiiKth and \ \ holesomoness. .Moro eronom leal than the ordinary kinds , and cannot be sold In competition the multitude ) of low cost , short weight alum or pliosplintopowdeis. Bold only In cans. Koviil lUkiiiB 1'owder Co. , JMI WuilatreotNo\v York. "Worth makes the man , and vant of It the fellow , " but the u ell-dressed gentle man N knouu by ono of those nobby spring over- onus now on sale ut Kobhi- son & Garnion's. These t'arments havobecn Bpeclally ordered for our Omaha customers , \\li < > , "n liavo discovered , want the ties.t In the market. Having made liberal pro- \ Islon for the spring trade , wraro now able to meet the wants of the fashion- 'able ' and tubtldlous with a line of goods o ( superior ( juaUty and style , at pi Ices that raust siirprisetho buyer. grey color , with silk facings nnd trim * nictl equal to nny $15 ovorcoitt in otii- stock. New goods just raado up in oui- own workroom and cut with ns much euro ns any overcoat in our stock. The extraordinarily low price of this over coat in regular sizes from 8 J to 42 is $10. Wo do not hesitate to recommend this ns ONE OP THE BEST VALUES ovct- ottered by the Continental. Jf not con sidered to bo just as represented in this advertisement , every garment purchas ed may bo returned and money refund ed. Price f 10. Lot No. 5. Wo olTer 150 All Wool Spring Overcoats , made from the cele brated PUTNAM ALL WOOL TWILL COATINGS , made by the famous PUT NAM WOOLEN CO. , of Putnam , Conn. , a mill that is pre-eminent and famous for its thoroughly honest , all wool fabrics , certainly the most popular goods manufactured. Our prices on them in regular sizes from 84 to 42 , will bo $7. They are all new goods , made up within the past CO days , in the very latest styles , and we state an undisput ed fact when wo say that up to the pres ent tune $12 is the lowebt retail price that is quoted for 1 hose overcoats. Thcro are of n very handsome brown mixture. Send in your orders at once. REMEM BER the price is $7 , and the fcaino priv ilege is granted on this lot as on lot 4 , if not satibfuutory they can bo returned. Lot No. C. We ask SPECIAL ATTEN TION to this lot of Young Men's Over- GEORGE A. CLARK , SOLE AGENT. The DEBT ana MOST Sewing Thread of Modern Tlmco. BEWAHE OF IMITATIONS , . , , nv KiM ATHTCK'Kocii lry ) Goods Co. M.E.SMITII&CO. 1'AXTOX. QAM-AOAF.ll & CO. SLOAN , JOHNSON A : Co. llAVDF.N liltOS. ' THOMPSON. HKI.UEN & Co. I.UIKIN& Co. CIIAS. StNdiin. South Omaha , and all first clans retail dealers. A. Loom Now York Dry Goods Store. J. B. HAYNES , OFFICIAL STENOGRAPHER , Third JtuUc'.il Dlstrlrt , Koom 14 , Chamber of Commerce. Telephone 01 J. DRUNKENNESS Or the Liquor Habit , Positively Curotl by Administering Dr. Huliies' ( Joldon Si > cdllc. It rnn be Riven In u cup of coffee or tea with out the knouledgt ) of llui person tiiKlnu It ; nbi > o- lutulv hnrinle'ia , nud will cltcct u jivriiiunt und Hpeetly ttire , whi'thcr the patient Is n modi-ruto drinker or nn alcoholic wreck , Tliotixunds ot driinUurds lm\o been made tempernto inon who linvu taken ( Joldcn Hpecltlo Intnclr rolleo\\itli- out their Unowlfd 'D and today believe they quit drinking of thvlr own free w III. It never fulls. The HJ stem once Imprcgnuted with thu Spedtlr , It becomes an utter Impossibility for tholliiuor appetite to exist. Tor Hale by Kiihu & Co. , Kith and Dotiulas hts. . and ISth and CIUM- IIIK Hts. . Onmli.i , Nob. ; A. 1) . Poster & liio , Council illuirs , Iowa. JU.IICIOUS AND PERSISTENT s Advertleinir luid uluajs provoa succpEfiful. lieforo placing any X.cepnpor Advertising consul LORD & THOMAS , illUUTISINO itlMS , 4S t > 10 iU J < .lkL tlrtit , CHICAGO. THE CAPITOL HOTEL LINCOLN. , NEB. The Lo'l inonn and most popular Hotel In tbo tate. l < ocatlun central , amiolnlments first-lass. Headquarters ( or commercial ta a and all political coalp , cut only from S3 to 38 nlzcs. Mndo of n line diagonal twill in llpht brown tan color , with ImmUomo Bilk facings , ilrcesy nntl just right for the present Benson. Placet ! on our counters this week ut $12. Lot No. 7. Wo offer 250 Boys' Strict ly CUE Y MIXED CASSIMEltE SUITS a small neat bnskot pattern , medium color , neither very light nor very dark in sizes for boys 4 to 12 years old. Wo manufactured thcso goods In Fob. of the present year nnd have sold hundreds of them nnd the rivet-ago price has been $0 n suit. During the present week or until they Are closed , wo shall offer them for $3.60 u suit. READ THE ' f PRICE ONCE MORE , $3.60and romom. , her they are strictly till wool , no cotton or shoddy in them. Only $3.60. Every suit is worth $ G to-tlay. Lot No. 8 160 BOYS' PLAIN BLOUSE SUITS , strictly all wool , made from a medium color Cheviot , ono of the best suits in our stock at any price , and n beautiful color for spring and summer for boys 6 to 12 years , only $3 a suit. Every suit is worth $ o. i Lot No. 9 Wo offer the balance of several lots of dark mixed cashimoro suits , somewhat broken in sixes. Suits that have sold for $3.60 and $4. They are in heavy weights and will bo closed it ' out at the REMARKABLY LOW - PRICE OP $2. DR. HORNE'S Electro-Magnetic Belts ! _ _ _ H The Grandist Triumph of Eteclrlc Sclenci Gentlemen's Belt KrhiCfta Scientifically Made nnd Practically Applied. * with Electric DISEASES CURED WITHOUT MEDICINES . BU.tloB. Enbtleiu. A.lhma , ll rt - . _ . Jan , We.YneU , Impeteliey , , 1'Un. kotlepiy. Ulooil . _ . - , , . - , . , -ja thla fceJt U JiutWtmt jrou need. Kltctrlottt Initanllu feltf Can bo ppU > d SMHSI n to any part of the boay. Whole ( imlly can MHEE ALL * * wr r It. It olpctrin * * the blood and curel . " . " " i rmliilnn. NOTE tb following who liKvnboen ' > ' Hoard nf tr.l . . Cblragoi A. angary , commlltloBniWiilOt'oolfVardVi Vndd'boiftrtlTaBrmVlVa'neinanrOoLi'eiuelir ; of the Inter Octant n. W. Dellus. H. D , Honnontuwn , lunai Lemtt.l NITk , Uankakee.lil.i Juilu-o I. " Hurray , NaperTlllt , III i r. L Abbott , mpt. city waterworks , Booth Ilcm'.lntt ' t Kpbt It. 8 mp on. Chicago post oftlcei 1 , . D. UcMlcbatl , U. D , uudalo , n. Y. " Your htl t has arcoraplliheil what nu other roineitr bait iteadr nerrn andeomfurtabl8Sleepatiilht. " ttoLt. Ilall , alderman , 10O hast 31th Street , K irTork And thoatands n _ unnUCID ft rnTBn UIPUCTin DEIT IsTOperlortoallothers nrr ntsofelcotrlU ) Ufa nORNE 5 ELEUTRO WAGHtTlU HfcLT tyar..troi.e . or mlldasth. wearer mar de- iProduce. * eontlnnous curronti . ronfer. oloctrlolty tnrouRn trio Dour on tna ncrr . Is cures dlscaaea by ( t Qtjatlnit a contlnnoui current _ fel cfrlclty(10orl ( bour outoriMlhrouBhoutthQbumaii.ystem ) , laylsu all nerrousne/s Immediately , and producing a new clrculitlon at tbn Ilfn forces-the Wood , 1m- pamnv j Tlfror , stronffth , energy and heal i . . , when all other treatment has fallod. The merlte of thu aolea- tine Beit are tiring rfcofrnlscd and Indon by thousands whom It has cured. KKFKKENCKfl-Any ik.rommorelalagency of wholesale house lu Chicago ! wholesale Ban Franclsno ndCbleaia. or 8 ndst mpfor 11page Illustrated pamphlet. X > XW. . jr. attOXUTXI InTentorkndManv acturer , 1 ( Waeaah Arinme CUoaco. RUPTURE , HORHE'S ELECTRO.MABNETIC BELTJRUSS. Health is Wealth ! Hit.n.C. WEST'S NnnvE AND Hnuv Tur.tT- MF.NT , a guaranteed ( .noclllo for Hysteria , Dl/.zl- ness , Convulsions Fits , NcrvotH Js'eui.ilk'l" , llcucliiclip , N rvoiii l'rostr tlon. caused l > y the use of alcohol or tobacco.Vnkefulness , .Muntiil Dnprosslon , HoftcnlnK of the llriiln , roftiiltint ; Ir. Inmtnlty.itnil leading tn mlsery.deciiy nnd diMlh , I'liMimttireOId AKO , Itarrennoss , JjOss of Power In cither SPX , Involuntary Losses and Sjicrina. tiirrliicacauMid byover-oxcrtlon of the brain , ( clf-abnso or nv < < i"lndulginco. Hacli box con tains one month's treatment , tl.min box , or six boxes for 45.W ) , sent by mull 1'repald ' on receipt of price. price.VHOUAHANTKH \VHOUAHANTKH KIX HOXKS To cure any cni > e. With raclt older received bv its for six ! io\i' , accompanied $ .1.00 , wulll Find the piucliiiherotir written Knitranteo to ro- fnnd the money if the treatment does not eltect a cure , ( jnarnnteps issued only liy U. r. (10OD- MAN , DnipgUt , Solu Agent , 111U rurnum htreut , Omaha , Neb. Proprietor Omaha Business College , IN WHICH IS TAUQHT Book-Keeping , Penmanship , Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing and Typewriting. Send ( or Cuilee * Journal. 6. E. Cor ICtli and Capitol Avonuo. JOSEPH GILLOTTS STEEL PENS COLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION 1813. Nos. 3O3-4O < V-I7O-6O4. THE MOST PEBFECT OP PENS. AOVIIJB FRISK , HOW TOW. lxHlVlrortoiiM rlicxvlh lcrfJ Pie. m lur r > clln nd Kuuul - - - - - STRONCH dTn lll MIitriMOQ ppllc ll . MUtlll (0. MEDICAL H ° SUaeiCAL IHSTlf Iltf N. W. Cor. 13th SL Dodge 318. APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES. Ilcst facilities , apparatus and remedies for euei cessful treatment of every form of disease tequlrl 10K Medical or burglcal Treatment. \ FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Hoard and attendance , best hospital aCLOrami datlons In tlie west. . WHITK i-ou CIRCULARS on Deformities anA Braces , Trusses , Club 1'eet , Curvature of thi Spine , rllc , Tumors , Cancer , Cntarrli , Ilror.chlt/i / , Inhalation , Electricity , rorkljsU , Kiilknsy , Kldj ney , Illadilcr , ] { > r , ar , bUu aud lllood , aud glf burgical Operations. T\ Diseases of Woman especially. DOOR ON 7)uiiS B or Won KM FinV. ONL7 P.ELIADLS MEDIOAL IN3TITU1JJ HAKIM ) A ei'ECULTT Or PRIVATE DISEASES. All niood Disease * successfully 'treated. Sypll ] ilitio I'olson removed front ( he nysttm ttituoiil mercury. New restorative treatment for Ion oi VitHl I'ower. 1'ersons unable \isitusinay tjt treated at home tiy correspondence. All coinmoi nicatlona confiilentiil. Mediciueiorlnftrument * Bent by mail or express , securely packed , nd mark * to Indicate contents or * emler. One pen conal Interview preferred. Call and consult Us ot tend history of your case , and we will tend ! plaiu wrapper , our 1 BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; . . Upon Prlvatr. Special or Nervous Discaces , Impotency \ potency , riypliUi > , ( IVeet and Varicbccle , with question list. Address I Omaha Mtdlrul anil Xurgtcal Ttiitltutttt DR. McMENAMY , Cor. 13th and OodaiSU. . OMAHA. NEI. London Granules. . rfuoOM carm Kllnilnntrllnit TOllKOfif HynlillU. Uluers , riranleij Chronic sorosAlmpuru lllWNl They Imf u no equal fg * skin dltpHirs. Similar mu'llclne used In l/ind'.n Heat pltals.intli imviiryliiit siicwss. I'uiiEi.V Veo TAltr | rent bymall Ina plain sealed packa > , an * 11 n rrrrlploC II per Lux or U for tt. WE nix iioicn ID emit ANY CABE. With vucn'order i re K'lttd InrslJi lioies aicompanltd \ to , we will Mntv the pun timer uur wrlllen uuarant n to r'luna tbtj munef , If the treatment dots not effect cur * . I'niuphlrtIf free. IXISUON VlIUlCUIII A.OUC1T , OtL , U * . .