Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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    j t " " " * - * - , TPV * . * * . tf vvvi 'v"4 * - > * " wr- - ' - ' - - - , - , - T t *
r ,
r I
Advertisement ! nnaor th ! § bond , 10 cents per
tine for the Urxt Insertion. 7 cents for each euh
equunt Insertion , nnd ll.M A line per month.
Ho advertisement taken for less limn 26 cents
tor the first Insertion. Heven words will be
counted to the line ; they must ruli consecutive
ly nnd must bo paid n ndvnnce. AH * ' " "
tncntH must bo handed In before
In. , nnd under no circumstances win they ft
. " taken or discontinued by telephone . ,
1 ' 1'artles advertising In these columns and h TIna -
I Ina the answers nddressed In enroot the Dee ,
} will plenno nsk for n check to enable them to
pet their letters. as none will bn delivered except
un presentation of check. All aniwers to ad
vertisements should bd enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisement * In thece columns are pub
lished In both morning and evening editions of
the lice , the circulation of whlrh aggregate *
morn than 1S.MXJ papei s dally , and gives the ad
ycrtlsers the benefit , not only of the city circu
lation of the Dee , but olio of Council Illurf * .
Lincoln , and other cities Mid town * throufhotl
Uila part of the west.
I Advertising for these columns will bo tnkcn ,
tin the above conditions , nt the following bus-
' incss house1 ! , who aru authorized agents forTitu
* . JlKK special notices and will quote thonamo
rates as cau be had at the mulu olllcu.
JOHN W. 11BL& ,
F33.arrao.cint , '
KM 8,10th Street. , .
ners and.3 ? sinters.
11 : ) y.lCtll Street. .
ZPliarxxiacist ,
Sll5Cumlng Htrc'ot. . .
F2a.arua.aclst ,
1 W St. Kiiry'R Avenue.
' . 'ir.'n.WlUTEHOUBB , .
3li xrro.aclBt ,
IClh and Webster Streets. .
O. HEUTHEn , .
, . IfcTo-wm Secular , ,
'f , South QmoU.t. . ' _
ANTEO rWimUon byn phurmnMsr , rcr-is-
tared bv examination , txlx yenn' cxper-
, lence , good reference. Address O 4f , Heft. 1ZJ 7 *
" \K7"ANTE1) Situation by a young 7111111 us
T > bookkeeper , typewriting or Htonograplier ,
fully .competent. Btuto Employment parlors
yili ; Fnrnnm sK , ItooiU'll. _ 1187 *
WANTED Hy young innn por.ltldn with ,
architect to lenrn drafting and nrchltec-
luro. Address 0 40 , lle olllce. _ 'J67 ft
\\7ANTED A Sltuntltm by ft j-oung mnn to
T work In lumber yard. TwdyuurV expe
rience , and the best of references. Address , 0
41 , llco olllcu. . . UN ) ttj ;
_ _
. OITIfATION Ily n young Dane ns delivery
& -J clerk In any klnd'of store ; well acquainted
In city. Address 0 ! 1H , Bi-u olllcu. US5 Iff
WANTEO-Sltimtion In private family to
tuKo I'.iro of her es , etc. Address C 33
life. uai Htt
" D Young iiiun"of good address to
T T hell goods trom wngon. Cull this evening
Itooni4 , 'ON. IQtliHt. ' .18I-8J
" \\rANTED Itlacksmtth , ono good on plows
T > and shoeing ; aiono but a sober , stcudy min :
need iiply ) ; uteiuly Job. Write to Oeorgo A.
VlM , ( llfliwood , IOWH. UV8J
W iVNTKU-Mllkcr nt 1115 Sounders.
1 121 'A
A broad baker n't J23 Main. Bt. ,
Council Illiills. m 0
\\'ANTED-\gcntH to solicit memberships In
T ? the "National Llbrnry AHioclntlon ; " ex
perienced book ngyntH , * toacnor.s nnd hchoql
KiipcrlntondrntH preferred : energetic w6rk < ; m
nro milking from $25 to J.'it ) per week. Address ,
with references , Nntlonul Library nssoJlntlon ,
3t ( ! State St. , Chlcngo , 111. ' 1U7 0
WANTED At once.n num to tnko care'of two
homes , drive ciinlagp , nnd mnko himself
, nscftil jironnd it place. Inquire of U. L. Ertck- '
fan Hi Co * 213 N. 10th st. 125 7
nll"'lllln for Nebraskn on Iten-
ncr'n Combined Door nnd Alarm .Dell.
Bend stanio for reply. Ju.HmuV Stead , 1721 St.
Jldry'B nvo. * 128 la *
WANTED A few tnoro men to solicit in
Icnvo , Missouri , N braskn , * Minnesota nnd
i , Must. makonciiHh deposit of $10 nnd
give security for goods shipped them. Bnlary
18 per day. Address V. Tliompsou , T15 Fourth
q. . Cffiincll llluirs. la. Q-JQ-T
WANTKD-A bread baker at KM Main Btrcct ,
Council intilla. . _ .mi .
) Shoemaker , n young mnn to do
repairing and help on now sewed w < frk
IftM Farnnm nt. * Wj 7 *
WANTBD A good , sober And Industrious
man who understands thu euro of horses
nnd'cown , nnd having rofereilcea. O. II. Vlo-
inaii , , S l H. ISth st. 05-f
_ _
WANTKIJ Two rcllitblo boys to carry horse ,
routes on the Dojly Kvcuiiig lleo In western
part of city. _ . _ -Mi
ANTKD Jlen for rnKrond v > ork , Albright's
Lnbor ngency , 11201'arluuu. " CM
ANY man or woman making less thnn $ W per
week should Investigate our cnsy' money
jimklug business. Active persons gunranteed
ton per week eiiblcr fhitn SCO per month run bo
mnfle in. nny other honorable occuimtloii ; J2
enmples tree. Wrltoor terms. Address Mer
rill Manufacturing Company , U ( S , Chicago.
BOYB-Am. Dial. Tel. Co. , 1304 Douglas.
"WT/TNTBD A lionstkwper , not under thlrjy
T jrpars of age , Antt > rlcnn or Uermnn. for ,
Widower. Address 0 47 , lice. 115 b *
, TXfANTED Womnn cook for city' J10 , bonrd
T f nnd rooms pastry cook , * 1" > ; cook for Nor
folk ; J O ; gttU for Kearney , . 1'lnttsmouth nnd
Fremont ; 6 women for uteiim laundry ; 'J good'
xaltrusses : nice mnko her. homo OIL a
farm with nn elderly lady ; good glilscau al
ways llndgooil places nt oiifodlce. Mr.s.-Ilrcga
& Hon. 1119 a lotft. 117 8 f .
9 fXTANIMD-Oood coofc for snuill hotel , meat'
f nnd pastry , . IIU ; also ttrst-cla pastiv
cook ind baker , JflO. Jlrs. Urega , Cauudlnn em
ployment ooico , ma 8uth. no 7 *
WANTED-3 good female -cooks , 1 Atlantic.
Iowa , 10'Nell , 1 at Fremont ; also want 3
flinlng waltresaes. tl girls for Lincoln to work.In
factory , faro paid ; 13 ghh for general bonso-
work. Come imtck. State Emiiloyment parlors ,
1417 Farnam t , upatalrs. 1197 *
VfTANTEij SU girl- " , general housewoik ; 2
TT Aastry cookn , | | o per month ; 1 second
. cook ; I tilvloross , W per week ; S dining room
Slrl * , 8 dishwashers ; lots of good places for
Jllrs. ) Olnalm Emp. IJureau , Il N Joth stieet , ' isu 7
ANTED Agooil girl for general housework -
work , 4 42 8.21th'nvo. 12701
il Knrth. Sen and Sky.
Salary J.W ) a day. Call at 1721 St. Mary's
nvo. -129 ia
"IXTANTRt A few more la < ly solicitors In ,
* - " towns in Iowa nnrt Neb. Halary 1KI ptfr day ,
' JIust make n rash deposit of 110 and give ae-
j ctirlty for xoods ahlpi > od. Halary t/'S per month.
Address t . Thompson , 71. > Fourth bt. . Council
I liluff lqwa. _ py.t-7
I \ / ) A Uermnn .nurso girl ; good
I TT references. 1013-1015 Formim btreet.
1)708 )
WANTKD-lood girl , small family , good
wages , 1112 H. lUtli st. bel. Pacific nud
riercosts. IHil 7
W ANTED Go6d German girl for general
housework. Calt , .Misiirnnt st.
f\ . ' nsa ! _ 8J
> ? TmiHST-CLABS girl , 610 J'leasant st.
0730 *
TANTED A good nurse girl , German pre-
> farred. Inuulro ai5 Farimm &t. nil
W 'ANTKI > Olrl for general housework. Inquire -
quire room K , lltcs uonghui. 010
WANTED A fecondglrl In a small private
family ; good WOK * * , apply between 10 and
13o'clock at IV10Capitol ave. KB7
W ANTKD Olrl for general housework In
Buiall family. WM Faruam. KM
WANTED Lady canvassers , nleo light work.
IIS to r.5 iwr week. Call at once. 170d
Eaunders st , ' bet. lllondo and 1'atrlck avenue.
WANTED A rullable cook and washer-
. woman to go to Scoshom agency. Will
, MyJ5 per month , nnd pay half expouacs oiit
there , ulvo U perinuueut 8ltuatlon to compe
tent pcrion. Address L. I ) . Shepherd , Arlington.
WANTED Woman to do'ceneral honsuwork
lor family of two. Most bo flrst-ctusd
teurulresis ana not afraid of work. Wages , f !
| > erwoot. Apply lOii ) CallCornla st. 113.
WANTKD-A woman to take c r'of 2 rooms
tor gentleman. Apply Thurs < l y from I
to8p.ra..atioamrnam. . IJHiT
WANTED-Olrl for general housework , l'j i
California , corner 'JOUi. Ml
WANTED A Rlrl for general housework ,
Ocnnbn preferred , good wages , Sill St ,
Mory's avo. . Bll
\1TANTED-A Blrl in family of three ! 2H Cal-
_ > _ _ ! fornlajt , 015.7
"WANTED Ooofl fc'lrl for general housework ,
TT umall family. Inquire ZtSQ Webster st ,
Mrs. W. E. Hawley. lC17t
WANTED-dlrl to work In kitchen at Doran
house , 422 S 18th st , , near St. Mary'H nve.
WANTED { Tally agents. "A" skirt and bu
tlu combined nnd 11 hose supporters ; llotli
new. Illg jirollts. Secure towns for spring trade.
Ladles' Supply Co. , 287 W. Washington * t. , Chicago
cage , lilt ) A n
Immediately , ladlM to * one fern
n w nolesnle hou < on needlework nt tholr
homes. (8 ( nt nnydistance. . ) Oood pny onn be
made. Everything fnrnlslicd. I'nrtlculnra
free. Address Artistic Needlework Co. , I.ViSth
bt. . New York City. aw
W ANTl'i : > Homo in private fnmliy by > oung
inaa cmployod olghta. Address Cm , Hoc.
t.V.7y *
TKl ) 1'nrtlea who hnvo bouKiit lots or
land in this city mid vicinity on the In
ptallment plan , nnd parties holding bonds for
title to such real estate exchangeable for deeds
after the last payment Is made , will ( Iml It to
their advantage to Rend their address or full
particulars to II TO. lldc onlco. ' 4tOJ
T WANT more small houses for _ rent. F.ji
Ore ory , rejitaljigfnt.jlom PHh. 61(1 ( _
W ANTKO-AbaUt liT&xf old bTTTei CTcl
_ Spots\TOod _ , aranji Kith. _ 7I _ „
WANTKO-LadTestn use "Chlchcster's Kng-
llth Diamond Hrand , Pennyroynl 1'llls. '
Bnfe. Always reliable. ThcorlulnaL The only
genuine. Ask druggist or send 4cstnmpsfor
particulars , return mall. Chlchester Chemical
( U. Philadelphia , 1'a. _ ! I27
QTATR Employnieut parlors , Ut7 Kamnm st.
U 11 o IP
rilllK Union Employment cifltcu' Is thejTa"ceto )
JL obtain lellable help on short notice , in or
out of the city. UJil H. llth st. Open evtming * .
. . * 8.'j8lillO * >
' ATii'dty Ktiinloynicnt' blllce-Vre'lp'Yor nil
klnds.of work Hent to nil parts Iffaro rs nd-
vnnced. 1 > . .C , . urtnn , Itouglas County Ylfllllr . Is *
pe'l ' & Chnsten < on. JII4 S. 15tlf. tel. I ll 3. ' 8t)7 ) 8 *
OMAllTTEmploytnent llurenu , 111) ) N. loth st.
Oldest nnd most' rellublo ollleo In cits' . Cull
01111 * : telephone 1112.11. i : . White , ) > ropri * > tor.
. ; . ; . . . MlinlS
CANADIAN Umployinent onicc. ; niu i nnd" fo ;
mali ) liOlp pout to. nil parta If faro Is ad
vanced. Hefotrtice , Omaha 'Nntlounl bank ,
i r Mrs. Lroga SSon , 31 8. iDtli. TuJ. KW.
051 m 19
ANTED Afew boarders at 1721 Leaven-
worth st. OS I nfl * .
KU'ATE boarding , $4 a.week , 1015 Dodge.
Irtlfi !
BY GENTLEMAN nnd wlfo wlfhbut children ,
neat cottage , no IPM thnn 4 rooms , near
cnr line ; good neighborhood essential. Stutb
lent iuiJ ( convsnlunces. lleforences .given.
Address. A. L , O. , 11..Is M. Headquarters.
. 111 7t
\\7ANTKD Small cottage , not more than two
T T bloekH oH St. Mnry'ttnvenup , IBth Ht south ;
Address 1813 St. Mary's avenno , 1'Jth. H. G.
Vilgo. . 120 0 ,
\XrANTEl ) To rent furnished house on street
T > cnrllno. * lunnlre J. F. Jackson & Co. ,
So. llth st. _ ' 013-7J
WANTED Honso of about 0 rooms with
bath and oily water. * W. S. Ityan , room 0 ,
U. S. Nat. bUnK bldg. Kt3 8 *
\\rANTEIJ Houses to rent. . Campbell &
> > llervoy 310 Holird of Trade. M)1 ) '
"IT Oll KKNT Elegnnt residence , cast front ,
-U southern cxpoMtic , with large bay w inclow ;
gas , until , and nil ; iu > durn qonvcnlonccsr furnl-
turo for BUle , nil new. UMjil pnly n fnw montlis ,
good reasons for belling. 'Apply on'premises.
UOIS2sth. . - . . . : .103
EOU llENT-On Capitol HM1.1toiis.o < it7rnorris
vlth good barn. S31UCapltol > iv u. ,01)j ) 13 *
T7IOU KENT Holddoing good birslness in
-U' good city of 0,000 Inliabllnnls. Jniiulro/
J. II. WooJley , Ornnd Island. Nel ) . IW U *
KENT , dale or trade A Ilito cloven-room
residence , modern Improvements ! three jilce
lots , barn for four horses , cow , ca'nlagos , etc. ,
two miles from postofllco on Cnjiltol avenue.
Will Tent for ono-halj price. I want to rent a
line house with lot and li.irn , not moro thnn
one-half mlle from pontofllco. V. , 1400 FnrnaiU.
5 HOUSES centrally loentejl-rent $13 to $75 ;
.fiirnlturo for snlo on 'monthly payments.
Co-op : L. & L. Co. , ? 05 N. 10th st. . . 070 12'
TflOH HENT NlcoTrod'nrhousp , close to store ,
-L1 school , church , f.t. cats , only iyt a month. C.
F. Harrison , 418 8. IGth st > / B7t
F IOK HENT-Broom h6ufo , 109 B th Bt.15.
j. It. RlngWalt , ilUO 8. Kith af. ' . .080
FOH HENT At'So. Omnha. 1H rooms In Hat ,
4c-t ! ! location In tb city for-renting roomH ,
AVlll rent cheap to good party. 1'Otter * t'obb ,
1X)1 ( ) Fnrnain st. . . WW 0
FOH HENT Sflendld fi-room cottauc , larso
barn' , HIIO eronndH mid modern uuprovu-
mentH. H.tT. I'ntterhon.IHH S.lllli bt. fl
11 0It HENT Thieo now..cottnRes of'4 room
JJ each , ? 7.50to HO.tWper month'H. C. 1'at' '
terson , 1)18 ) 8.15H ht. * ' UI7
FOR HENT Nice cotttiRo , 7rOomscltynnter.
cistern , ulosets , etc. Innulro at 2209 llouard
bt. . . fc81 10'
"IPOH HENT a room House for smnll.faiully ,
J ? ftth and Howard. ' . . tU26 ?
"IJIOIMIENT T o ntco flnnd 7rrf > om houses ,
JD UKaild 1134 N. ITtli.- . Inquire 2JC S. 13th st
. 3.-.0
HI HENT Hens of ten rooms , with mod
_ erti conveniences , nt 403 N. ' 15th street
Enquire of Thoa. Bwltt , one door north , 753
"C1OH HUNT About April 1st 'my resldenco ,
JK comer 19th Jc Lcavoivworth sts. , fourteen
(14) ( ) rooms , steam heat , 'all modem Improve
ments , largo stablo. Will soil carpet and nhiule
is desired. For-tenns and particulars Innulr
MHton Ilogent , I4th and Farnnm street. 70" r
TTIOH HENT An elegant 0 room dwelling Jiisi
-1 built , with stnblo uncl nil modern Improve
.mcnts , Including laundry , Inbratory on ground
.tloor , cedar closet , etc. , location , Capitol nvttnuo
qenr23th : rent moderate. Apply to D. J. O'Doiv
ahoe , care of-O'Douahoe & Shcrfy , 114 S. l.'ith st ,
. . ' . . ' 740
CVK IIR54T New elegant house 6 rooms , $25 ,
C 2212 Mason , 1 block ( rum LcavemvortH.
' ' . COO 1
il KENT Two new 12-room houses , all mod
ern Improvements ; a. w. corner 47th u "
Decatur std. Enquire first door south.M3M.25
M3M.25 *
FOH KENT Elegant 8-room'house nnd barn ,
new , 1'late. nud art glass windows. On * , ho
and cold water , i = oft water , porcelain bnth tub ,
2 blocks from street cnr line , J. II , 1'arrotto ,
rental ugvnoy , 1600 Chicago , Bt. 6CO-10
FOH HENT 10-room. house 10 nilnutoswnl
. from P. O. ' 140S Ilonglas. < 0l
. . . ItENT Ten-room house nnd basement
with all mordent Improvements ; llrstcl.ths
location. Inqnlo. at Hclmrod Ss Co.'s , Uth and
Jack son atreeta 197
AUE chancq Whole lint. No. 2U4 N. 24th st.
to rent very low. Enquire nt residence as
above , S. F. Wlncn. or Uobt. I'nrvls. biil
T7IOH RENT House of 8-rooms. closet , hard
JL and soft water , on IJth street car line. In-
qiirr01I _ 8.13thgt. _ , 778
FOH KENT Twelve-room house , 2. " th and
and Mason Btrrots , 110 per month. J. B.
Caultleld , I'M Furnam st , CJ4
F OU IlENT-lfouse 11 rooms. W. M. Bush
man. N B corner 18th and Douglas. 0J >
OH RKNT-llouse of 4 rooms nt M6 Williams
street. Inquire next door west. 432
F H KENT ! 10 room resldenco steam heat. Q.
Thompson , an 8. Uth st. 2t'J
F I OK RENT or Snlo New house. 6 rooms , cor.
2th and Capitol avo. Enquire 2821 Dodge.
room to lady , ail Norm 12th st.
uUNlSHEDrooms and board. 1903 Farnam.
WANTED Itoom and board In private tam-
lly. Will be pc'rmanent.for'oiie gentleman ,
Address 0 16 , flee. ou ;
10U KENT Furnished rooms , 1510 Farnam.
1200 *
) lt KENT Furnished rooms with board at
1312 Chicago btreet. 069 12 *
HENT Snlto of three elegant nnfnrnUh-
ed rooma , moilurn couvt'iileuies ; refer-
cncea required , 80U Harnoy st. OS ? 8
T Oll HUNT-Nlcaly furnUhodroom with heat.
JU In nice cottnpe , tl pi-r month , 4W Williams
st. , 8 minutes' walk , 8.K. U. P. depot. DS3
IjltlltNlSHEDor nnfurntshed rooms , to to U ,
J ti008.a.'d ht. V ! < 8 S'
FUONT parlor and bedroom , for man and wife
with board , private family ; 1HIU California
Bt. JUUO *
VTICELY Furntehfdrooms , 1813St. Mary's nve ,
Xinj > one flight \a the right , . HO ; *
T OIl HENT Nicely furnished rooms with
JP bonrd. tl.W ) and M per wwjc. Ons , bnth and
every convenience , 1415 , Jlmes , 4 blocks routti of
opera home. iDOl 7 ?
GOOD llooms , horae bonrd , private family ,
2421 Farnain. ri o corlitli. . IOC K
FOH RENT Furnl hcil rooms. Inquire room
E. lijfrj Douglas. OU ) ,
T7IOU llENT-Urgo furnished room for 3' or 3
J.1 181.J DoiiRlM. O-'l P
FrilNISHED front room with or without
1 oird. llefereuccs dkslred. H. E. coiv sutli
nud Farnnm sts. IU1 11 ?
"T710H HENT Single rortm with bonrd , nlso a
J. few tnblo boardorn nccommodntcd with licit
class table bonrd , Him Chlcngu > > t. Oifli 7t
TIIOH KI'NT Newly furnished suit tof nxjui * .
JLJ all modern convcnleuces.wlth bonrd If doslr-
ccl. Ki82 thet. K\2 " , *
FOH KENT Nicely furnished front nnd other
rooms ; modern cou > enlencesi day botml.
JX10 Katnnm. BVJ-7 *
TT1OII KKNT Nlrely furnished rooms with or
-K without board. Jloardllper week. Sto. SIS
a. 10th St. 770 E *
rpWO nicely furnished rooms , J12 nnd J8 per
JL montn.2104 Hurneyst. H01M
VKItV pleuHunt lurgn room all drslrrd conven
iences , private house , 1 block from I * . O.
lilir. Capitol avo. 813 , Ot
" "
"VT ICE rooms H to tl.Oa per week , "nos"S. . 1Mb st ,
IN upstairs. ' 11) Htt
. . . KENT Suite of furnlshM rooms. In
quire 3rd floor room E , 13U2 Douglas ,
TjlOH UEKT-Tw-o very iloslrnble fnrnlstipd
J. front rooms , with nil ino < 1 iu ronvenleuoes
on same floor. Arrnnta-d for three or four occu
pants If desired. Apply nt 171i Capitol avenue.
TjlOll HENT-'An ulrgnntly furnished front
-C room with nlcoyo , all modern conveniences ,
npluullcl room for t\\o gentlemen , 17UiDodue st ,
_ . ' Hlfl
IJTlbit KENT Two furnliTied or unfurnished'
J pnriors on ground lloor. nlso riant ; room
Htiltnble for one or two gpntlemeii , alOO Fnrnam ,
botw cell SUt-ntid & 'nd ists. Oa ! 7 *
"VrfCE furiilslicd rooms cheap , 101 : } California
SMALL nicely ttirnlshed front room for ,
nlsj ) Inrgo front room ; furnished , on street
cnr line , brnutlftll location ; Milhiblo tor two
gpntJUUien. liT17Cixss. ,4'J
VERY jilcely furnished rooms , single nnd
doubjn ! ri'rifouiililu to quiet , permanent
.particn. ,1731 Davenport. . CW .
.HE T Fuinlshpd rooms In Orftiinlg blk
\cor.'I lth nnd Doil o Hts.Inquire of Oeo. It. ,
Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. .158
T'AII . plcirunnt loom , modern conveniences ,
Jj rtWChicngoBt. KO
N'teATIA" furnli-'bcd front room to rent nt lt l
I'uruam 'bt , 1 block west of court house.
- . . - : . ' . M4
. . UENTi-A largo room furnished , central
location llli ) Chicagost. 3.U
T7KIU HENT Furnished rooms , nil convctil-
JL1 encei.jA.Ji ° ll"ijn5 N t7tl ( street ; 4 1
ft Itr.NT Nlci fiirnlshrd room ,
m'outli , H Vv cor. ISth and JucK.son.
U'UIlNlSHED ' rooms , 18K1 Dodge.
1011 HENT llooms furnished and nnfur-
.nlsjied , IVCai ) . nvc. Ml
"TTIOK'HENT Hnslne-Mi room now occupied ns
JJ iny.ulllcc on Ijth st. C. F. Harrison , 41S S 13th
' -071
| jVH HENT First-class frnmo store building ,
JL1 A ) by 24 feet , llrst-class business location.
Apply to 1. W. Hoberts , Albion , lloono Co , Nob.
; 42ln ° 2
T71OH HENT Two room" , 44xiHi , wnero steam
J ? power can be obtained. intinlro : of Srtm'l
lice.1 * . Hoes Printing Co. . 1010 Howard st. 7I'J '
TjlOIt KENT Tin eo stoiles and basement nt
JLA 1035 Faruam St. Enqiilro nt 111. Ailington.
block , bet\\cenli and 12 a. m- l'5S ' 8
WANTED To Item Storeroom , good retail
location between l.ith nnd litti and Ilnr
ney nnd Douglas streets. ' Address C. 20 lieu
ollico. H1J8
TJ1OH HENT Two business or olllco rooms on
J1st lloor Wiper month. One room on2d
floor$20 per mouth , W. E-Cluik'l41i JIaruey.
71' ' )
FOH HENT-Oflices on Fnrnam st. nt JlOto $ JD
per month. One olllco furnlslied. 1G12 Fur-
nnm. . 30 ( !
TOH Hl5NT-One-balf of ollice , 151'J Fariiam ,
* 2. Ground floor : l > est location In the city.
Light and pleasant , with modern conveniences.
WANTED Houses to rent , nnd wo can rent
' them too. II. E. Cole , N. E. 15th and
Douglas. 009
7 1ST houses for rent with H. E. Cole , N. E.
JU 15th and Douglas. IKW
FOH HENT When you want to rent a house ,
store of ofilce go to II. E. Cole. WW-
IjlOH HENT Call on Shales , room I , Darker
t block. 750
SOUTH OMAHA Mental air.-ncy , J. M. Wnugh
& Son. room 5 , Snxo block 6S9m24 *
GHEOOH Y , F. L. . Hental agent , UtW S Itith st.
H HENT Jf you wish to rent nhoilso call
on Uentwa & Co. , 15th st. , opposite l' . .
Three ( : rooms 1704 Webster st $11 0- ;
Uhrco i' ! ) looms 2lst nnd Paul &t 17 K
Five ( "IroomcotlasoS. 2ith ) st Silt
' Four (4) ( ) room henso Walnut Hill 12 W
KlRht ( S ) room lint. 419 South li > th st , . . 40 o ,
Tinco (3) ( ) rooms , liril North 2-tli rtt 15 Of
1 hrec CD rooms , 1027 North 20th st ] 2 Wl
Three ( HI looms , tltti Smith 7th st 12 fct
IhieeO ) rooms , Hum South7th ht. . . , 11 ( *
Three 3)rooms ) , 701S ! I'nclllo bt Jl ( k
Four (4) ( ) room * , nil modern comuii-
lencca , 41' > i-outh 25 O1
Four (4) ( ) room houFo , 17tli nnd Ohio sts 15 ( K
Three ( U ) room house , will i cut to col
ored jieople , 412 North lltb st 15 OC
Apply to Judge Ifentlng Agency , S. W. coi
of l.'tli and Hurnuy streets , Itoom 1 , second
lloor. SCI
"IJIOH " ' HUNT Two unfiirnlshod nascmcnt
JJ rooms to n family without children , nt llfcJ
N.17ihst. . fan
TJ10H HENT 20 nrres finest garden land In
X1 the city. H. , 150U Fariiam st. HE 11 *
POH HENT Largo barn at 1707 Cass street ,
Cheap. U51
pXK HENT IJnrn , 1921 Chicago St.
FOH Adoption lleautlful boy and glr
baby , 2421 Cnldv.011 bt. 1,000 II
PEHSONAL-Throe good Hat top desks foi
tale. Patterson * : FawCett. I'lS
ANNA ALl'LANALD , the celebrated Hut.
Kitrlan Oypsy 1'almlst , ns"s tbo old sy
wnyri In reading the bnnd. Ladles only , llv'
26th at. 20th and Saundera curs pass the door ,
t-94-n.i :
PEHSONAL List your property to e.xchanp
wIth C. C. Spotswood , UOoSi S. Kith bt.
PERSONAL Private home for ladles durln ;
confinement , strictly confidential , Infnnt
adopted. Adiresa Ji 42 , flee oflleo. M7miiJ ;
LOST A larco envelope containing an nb
btract and other papers nud three ? IO (
notes , which persons are warned against pur
chasing. For the return to our store a llbera'
reward will be given. Clarke Coffee Co. , Ill
nnd 1410 Harnoy street. ' 6
FOUND A pncket book with money In an <
paper. Cull UusEnglo , government rorra
F OH SALE-No. J callgraph In perfect run
nln order. W5. Addrosa O 45 , Uee. OW ) S
FOH SALE Furniture of aO room Hat cbeiip.
Flat can be rented for f-'J-M. Hot android
water bnth. etc. Inquire IbOULitkest. VJIltK
F I Oil SALE A fine broofl mare. Benawa As
Co. , 15th St. opposite0. . ( VI9
I HAVE plenty fresh horse manure , coma and
get It. Chas. llaludorlf , l l Ueorgla.avo.
118 7 *
TflOH SALE My furniture nnd honseliold
.U gootls. cheap for ca > > h for Udaya , sooner
sell clieai ) than to store , D , Kcndal , S. W , Cor.
17th arid California. PCj 8
OUSE for sale , po-op. L. 4 LCo. . . 20u N.
liithst. 077 a '
OllSAIE-Nlce bay driving horse , 0. F. 075
THOU 8AM3 Set of tlnner'a tool * , cheap.
J Nclapq Sc Co' , lltao Springs , Neb. TOO 7 *
FUUNITUIIE conrplete of six-room hoiw ,
I2U ; W cash , balance to suit. H. E. Cole ,
N. E. 15th nud Douglas. H 7
Ti\OR BALH n f paylncr lo < I lnu hoUKO Irt
X7 y malm , always full. Cheap rent , Addret > *
O.lft. lleo. '
f\NT span mules , hanipssfand wagon for sale
\J cheap , a. C. Arnold , Jl , Crelghton blocR ,
Omaha , Neb. D14-8'
TPOIl SAI.K A Pf > oil barn 10x20. can lw moved.
J Cheap for cash. AddrysaoK , Hoi ) . 707
FOR 3ALIS Bomoftno yonnw marcs nnd tnl-
lions , nt tor road ' ii track. Address U.
Gibson , York , Neb. . _ _ Kijm 7
"IT1011 BALE Eight roorajiou n with modern
JJ ImpriivcnientsandBtaUoou leased ground ,
1715 Douglas. Inquire at Meyer & lluapka , 1 405
Hartley st. 037
_ _
TT10II 8 A M3 Dormant 'Si'tUo. '
. rapnclty niX )
-C pounds , I'lill. Stimuli A ; Co. , Ull-'JUJonog
Bt. , Omaha. 1 0
F O irSACfe At n bargain M fijot of shalvlng'
S ) feet of con liter * nndi-xme Ice chest , suitAble -
Able for grocery store. Kmiulro at 812 8. lOtli 9U
7 W.
AlIIiAOKSMITHshop fbrsnliImsono forgo ,
or tools w Ithoiit shop for sale. Apply to
Win. Duseu.'IIlud Hill , Webstar Co. , Nab.
7M met
T 11115 On Tlino Household 1'air.
The Bargain house.
To housekeepers.
Wo pan save
you money In prices.
Parlor suits , Chamber , sets , ,
sprlngR , ninttrassos. Fold
ing beds , side boards , cnrpots.
Tables , chairs'mirrors , pictures ,
llockers. utovcs , Tinware ,
crockery , glassware ,
lamps. Houses
, furnished
Easy payments 1 Easy payment * I
Lowest prices.
Cull and see
GU2 and COI south nth street ,
No connection with any otlior houso. 614
rpHE banjo tnuulit as nn art by Geo. F. Oi-llen-
JL beck.tUJltnrneyst. 182
0 0-OPEHAT1VE Land & Lot Co. , 203 N. Iflth
79 A.I
JOTU3 bought. C. H. J ncobs , 32J 3.13th st.
"VTOTirK To my custoines nnd friends , the
ij Omaha national knitting factory has ro-
iiioved from I7ll ) ! St. Mnvy nvo to 1104 S 13th St. ,
DuggJii bit. Manufacturer of kiilt ,1ack tsbidles
Bklits and hosiery , nlsodc.ilcr In nil kinds of Im
ported ynrns , nil mall orders will be promptly
delivered. Hespectfiilly , .los. F. I11U , 1101S 1,1th
.St. , Omaha National knitting factory. 770 It i
A K. ItlLUV-Notnry , 1519 Farnnm.
, 4-V in 23 *
C . H.1IINBON.clstorn ( ) builder , wells boroJ
nud dug , 403 N 30Uil. , Omaha. Neb.
509 mch2l *
STOHAOK For botiseliold goods nnd mer
chandise , ou flrst lloor , anil at lower prices
than usual , corner Eighth and Howard streets ,
l.l 11125 *
NEW VORK Storage Co. have most extensive
facilities for storage of furniture , pianos ,
bungles , general merchandise , welt of Now
York. Cash advances to nuy amount ; ware-
hon f } receipts given ; goods Insured ; brick
building ( Ire-proof ; special arrannenuuits for
commission merchants. C.ill Now York Storage
Co. , Capitol ave and N. 15th St. , Ilmmotl's block.
M1I8. KCCIjES-Tlie greatest living clairvoy
ant , tells past , present and future. ; satisfac
tion guaranteed. lJ2s ! N. nth St. , room 1 , llrst
door to right at bead of stlU3. } ; Ill > l ifi *
MUS. IHJltANT Clnlrvoyant from Mostim ;
relUibloln nil alfulrs of llfo ; unites sep-
united lovers. ! l2 ! N , IGth Jtreat , room 1.
Dlt. NANN1K V. Wnrrun , clairvoyant. Med
ical , business nnd test jnedlum. Dlocnosls
flee. IVmnlo diseases a spucLilty. 119 N. 10th
St. . Uooms 2 * 3. Tel. 04 4. 301
STt'DESTS can enter Vifl"ntlli3's Shorthand
and Typewriting Instiriilo nt any time. It
is thn l.irgrstnnil best eiiuttipcd exclusive short
hand FChool In the west iinll Its graduates nro
occupying good paying fjltiutlons and giving
satisfaction , llnslness linjn nro coiwtaiitly np-
plylii" tons for Htenogrnphers. As n means of
llvcllliood shorthand Is miilijh superior to book
keeping or telegraphy. Tlfit demand for steno-
grajiheis Islnexcossof tht'supply. Send for
circular to l.15 Dodge bt. , ( jlmaha. ifBm2l :
" \ \ 7ANTRDOood spcond hand engine nml
boiler from 0 to 10 horse power , give full
description nnd lowest cost Jprice. Address E.
jr. Hltka , Seward , Neb. 108 s *
T\TILL buy furniture of a house or flat ceil-
T > trally located. Co-op. L. & L. Co , S35 N. lUtli
A\7ANTUD Meat maiket ; will buy tools , etc ;
> > runt building , L'ood to n WX ) to l.OW ) inhab
Hantsprcfcried. U. , box C7 , Casey. la. tr.'t 7 *
WAXTKD-Goocl commcrclul nnd llrst
mortgage papers. C. H. Slomnn. 301 S.
13th Ht. M'J
"WANTED Stock general merchandise , will
' pay i4 , balance l.ind or city pioperty.
Ilutclilnson & Hlsoley , Phonaiidonh , la. 811) ) *
Tl TONEY to lonn on horses , wagons , fiirnlturo ,
I'L piano- , and other uciMonnl nropeitv or il
lateral without lunioval ; business confidential !
rotes mortcrntp. The Full bank Investment CO. ,
215 H. 14th Ht. , upstairs , 418
LOANS made on real estate. Cnsh on band
W. M. Harris over 22) ) S. 15th st. 37. )
$5,000and upwards to loan on first-class city
real estate security. W. V. Smith , 1233 Far-
niun st. 4'Jlm'IJ
MONEV to loan , casn on lmnrt ( no delay. J.
W. and M. L. Squlro , 141J Faruam sr. 1'ai
ton hotel bulldlns. 37.J
MONEY To LO.m-lly the understcnuil , wlio
has the only properly organized loan
ngenry in Omaha. Ixians of { HI to if IW made nn
tiirnlture , pianos , organs , liorsos , wagons , ma
chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All
business strictly confidential. Loans so made
that any pnrt can ba paid nt any time , each pay
ment i educing the cost pro rntn. Advances
made tm line watches and diamonds , 1'nrsoiu
bhould carefully consider who they nro dealing
with , ns many new concerns nro dally routing
Into existence. Should you need money call nnd
BCC me. W. . Croft , room building ,
16th nnd Ilnrney. 3GJ
MONEY < o loan on city delays , as
cnsh Is on hand , Ilstos , Smith to Co. ,
room 233 , Hnmgo building. 753 31
A. WOODMAN Money to lo in on real es
tate In sums to suit. 220 South 13th st.
T OAN8 made on Omnha city property by D
-I J V. Sholcs , room 1 Ilaiker blk. 751
HUGH PEIIOY * CO. loans money on rcn :
estate nnd chattel security of every de
scription. All business strlctty contldentidl ,
Jtooin 425 I'axton building. 75S 31
MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or on nny approved security. Lolv
rntes , J. W. Hobblns , IBM Farnnm. 772
1TONEY to loan on furniture , pianos , wagons ,
- L'ietc. . , without removal ; also on collateral
security. Ilualuesa couUdeutlul. O.It.Jacobs ,
320 S. 15th st. BI9
AK. niLEY * 1st mortgage loans , 1V19 Far
. nam. ] & > 431 m 2J
TVTO'NEY to Loan-II. W'Huntress/1417 ! Fii
1U. iniin i > u rooiv 1. - K 0f
M' ONEY ' LOANED at C.'F. Ilefd le Co.'s Loan
Olllce. on furniture , pUnos , horses , wagons ,
personal property of all k'lpds , and nil other ar
tlcles of value v/Ithout removal. 319 S. 13th
over lllnghnm's commlssMn store. All
pesa strictly confldentlul. c
$ HOUnou to loan on city and farm real estate
Ltnahnni : Xlnhoney , 4W7V4 [ Farnam street
MONEY to f/oan Omaria real citato and
farnlK. Mortgages ttottght. Odoll llroj. &
Co. , 1KM Farnam. fOi
HE. COfjE loans moneT on Improved city 01
i farm property , lloom o Continental
block. COS
SHOUT time loans mnq on any avaunbl
security , in reasonablenmounn , , Secure i
notes boUKht , Bold or exr.hanged. General
financial business of any kind trmmcto'l '
promptlyqulotly and fairly nt the Omaha Kl
nanclal Exchange , N.V. . cor. loth and Ifar
ney sts. , overstate National band. Corbett
manager il7 !
MONEY to loan. Notes ana tt. n. ticket
bought and sold. A , Forman , I'M } Farnni :
sts. UPS
MONEY to loan on Improved real estate ; no
commission charged. Leavltt Uurnham ,
room 1 , Crelghton blocit. mM
MONEY To loan , ixnreat ratea. No delay
J. It. Ulco It Co. , orer Couimorclal Na
tional bank U75
LOANS mada on real estate and Tnortgngoa
bought. Lewis S. Heed Ic Co. , 1U1 Farnam.
. 37T
( C&OO.OOO To loan on Omaha city property at fi
P percent. O. W.-Day , 8. B.cor. Ex. Bid.ara
ONEYloanart on furniture , pianos , orgaas ,
horses , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson *
Co. , 1324 Farnam , over Uurllngton ticket'office.
HON KY to Ixion-O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
nd loan i nts , UQa Furtiam * k 37V
$100 will Rive n reUnble man n Inrercst In a
profitable business ; DID S. 15th st , lloom 6.
. . lilil-ll'
AllELIAIILEinan wlthJliW can find n prof
itable business by addressing C' IP , llco.
7 l 8 *
TTIOH SAIiE-A llrst-cln is lutirh counter nnd
JL1 iixturos ou rarunm st. Address | ll < U. llco ,
, 10"0 *
\\rANTED-A good business man with HMitol *
T > Inrs to buy nn Interest In nn established
cash business nnd manufacturing , l/.irgo prof-
Ha. Address Q 41 , HPO olllce. , 1UU8
T710H HALE A Rood paying business with es-
JL. tnbllilicd trndf. pnrt cash and pnrt time.
Capital required 4 to 000 dollars , Address U13 ,
care of lleo ollleo. . 1018 *
/ OOD brick hotel nt B great bargain , splendid
Vj olTor , little or no cash reqtilrcd. Inquire of
J. H. WoolU-y , Ornnd Island , NoU. llu 17 *
S MALL stork of groceries for sale or trnde.
llerriclc , room 13 , Hellmaii block ,
0031 >
11S A LF Stock groceries In best location
in Omaha. Will sell right , If wo can sell at
once. Will give tlmo on part It well secured.
Address J. 11. , care lllbbel A Smith. P4 8 *
STATE right of Nebraska on n valuable pa
tent U ) manufacture and sell. Isn house
hold necessity , sells readily , very small capital
required to run , protlts 200 to 3JO per cent , price
J. " > 00 , will tnko rath or good land. Address 8.3 ,
S , , lleeuniw , LincolnNeb. BOO8 *
K KE3TADUANT9.0 centrally .located , terms
O to suat , Co-op. L. & L. Co. , 20i N. 18th st.
1 76 12
F I OH BALR-Flrnt-class butlnoss cheap. In-
( mro of H , K. Cocliran , 1 joa Faruam Bt.
, 071 8t
F Vn (5) ( ) capital reoulrod. KiO to 12,000 , Co-op.
L. & 1. . Co. , 205 N , 10th St. 076 12
FOH SALE Stock of general merchandise In
the town of Clyde. Nodnwny county , Mo. ;
will Invoice about JI.OOO , Is In good shape nnrt
business paying well. For further iwirrtculnrs
call on or mldress S. W. Lowrey , Clyde , Mo. , or
H. H. Hellam , Norfolk. Neb. VXt m
I710II SALK-One-half Interest in restnurnnt ,
J centrally Iccated , having good run ; rent ,
$ W. Address C 35 , lleo olllce. V27 7t
FOH SALU Bakery nnd restaurant In Minne
apolis , Minn. , established fijyears nud doing
good business1 ; pricelow. . Address Chicago ba
kery , 23.1 First nve , , South Minneapolis , Minn.
U23 7 *
FOlt SAI.K-Tuo drug stocks , Invoice Jl.noo
nnd flBOO ; dally sales fir. nnd WO ; terms
strictly fash , no oxchunge. Address lock box
8i. ' , Aurora , Neb. P22 10 ;
rpWO gruln elevators in 1'ago county , Iowa.
X Knch ono Has 20 homo power engine nnd
fully eciulpned. Want good farm or Omaha
property. H. K , Cole , N. 1) ) . 1,1th and Douglas.
007 ! )
"IjlOK 8ALI ! New stock of ( itipinisware In Lin-
Jj coin. Undo established. Address 0 25 , t his
olllco. 843
A rate eastern con-
imiclons nnd with J31.0JO cash , will estab
lish nb.inklnsomB rapidly growlnu section of
Nebraska , provided the rliiht place can be
fonud. Any ono Interested nrtdress llox 21 , Wil
mington , Delaware. filfl'J ' *
XV To lease line resldenco nonr postoITlco , nnd
buy ftirnlturo ( all now ) nt n great oacrltlco. For
particulars sea L. 8. Skinner , l.VW Furnaui. KI9
EOHSALG Drug stock. As ilno location ns
them Is In tna city. Cle.iu stock. Invoice
nbont < 7.0jO. 1'art cash. Part In good real es
tate or secured note * . M. A. Uptou A : Co , 10th
st , opp. Chamber of Commerce. 431
S A LK A good paying business ? Cigars ,
stationery nnd toys , in n llrat-clnss loca
tion. On nccount of 111 health. Stock on Iraul
iiDoutf'J.OOO. All cash not required. Utnpilroat
er\-O3. 4 0
FOK THAIn-Jlni stock of general mer-
clindl4i < ; nl < i' > ifl.M * ) stock drugs In good
town. Will trjdo for good Omaha ptoperty , or
improved farms In Nebrnsk.v. lllikhansar &
IllniiU'r , room IS , I'uxton building , cor. l.'ith nnd
rurnnm. * OX' 10
rilHADCS made In real nnd personal property.
X Heo exchange book Co-op. L. & L. Co. , 205
N. 16th st. 07(1 ( 12
FOH KXOHANnn Improved 1 ) acre farm , 2
miles from Campbell , this Ktiite , for stock
merchandise. Drake llros.,31US 15th st. 8318
FOlt EXCHANOE-rirst class driving team
ponies for n coed single driving horse and
harness. Drake Bros. , 31DS 15th. OS I 8
"IjtOIl KXC'IIANflR Ti2Sncres improved farm ,
X' no inciimuruncc , near Columbus , for pro
ductive Omaha property.
; Ki ncro Improved rnrm , no incnmbrnnce ,
near Columbus , for productive Omaha property.
fi good improved 100 ncro farms , light lucum
brance , for Omalin property.
W acres , Colfnx Co. , for city equities ,
liOJ good , cheap lots for farm muds.
For Sale :
Improved city property and vacnnt loMinnl
the best additions to Omaha and South Omnha.
Drake llros. , U1B S 15th st. OS1 8
SWAP or not to swap , that's the question.
_ Wo will swap the following :
10,000 ncres Kentucky coal land.
10J Nebraska farms for Omaha property.
2" > clear Nebraska farms for Omaha property.
2fi sections Nebraska school land for Oiiiuhn
r7l 0 acre horse ranch , Dodge Co. , Nob.
filflncre cattle ranch , Dodge Co. , Neb.
4 0 ncie cntllo , Dodge Co. , Neb.
1,300 acre cnttlo raeh , Ilrown Co. , Neb.
mo.icru cattle much , 1'latte Co. , Neb.
figood hotels In Iowa.
"stocks crenernl merchandise.
WX ) city lots , till to swap.
Come and ECO us. S\\nn & Co. , Iffil Dodge
stieet. ! ' 37 13
E 1011TY acres well Improved Innd close to
ninikvttft exchange for drug Stock that
will invoice about ilJ n. Con-espoiidcnco so
llclted. Clms. A. Stlzer , Central Cfty , Nob.
013 10
W ANTED Houses nnd lots to exchange for
farms. II. E. Cole , N. E. 15th nnd Douglas.
I poll EXCHANGE 44 feet fronting on both
1 Fmmdcrs nnd M sts : paved street , small
building. Want equity In Insldo resldonco. H.
E Cole , N. E. 15th and Douglas. 010-11
H OUSE and lot In Minneapolis for western
land. St. John & Kly , Frenzor block. 217
, f-tock of the Consolidated Pay Hock
( Jeorgetown Mining Co. Uest mine In Clear
Creel ? County , Colorado. This stock l.s non-as-
pps ablennd will stnnd the closest investigation.
Will trndo for Improved or unimproved prop
er ! v and nssumo Incumbranco. H. H , Cole , N.
E. Cor , llth find Douglas. 5S7
W ANTED 50 houses nnd lots to exchange.
( j. C. Spotawood. 304 8. Kith st. ! Si )
I HAVE for trade improved farm In CMS Co. ,
near Platismontu , will trndo for improved
inside property. Adaross M M , lleo office.
C LEAN stock books and stationery for city
property. St. John & Ely , Krcnror block.
STOCK hardware for land , St. John & E1J- ,
I'renzer block. 217
T7HJiF"8A Lft Or trade , land .aid town property
JL ? In Kobrrfakn. Kansas and Colorado , HorseH ,
cnttlo nnd stocks of merchandise wanted. Corre
spondence solicited. T. A. English & Co. , York ,
Nob. 745 ni 8'
IK you have any vacant lots to tradn for farms
conio and see us. H , E. Cole , N. C. I5tn nud
Douglarf. Oil 7
" \S7ANTED Hordes nrtd cattle to exchange for
TT farms or city property. H. B. Cole. N. E
con 15th and Douglas. 003-
WANTED St6cks of merchnnfllso to ex
ctntnge for farmsi. H. H. Cole , N , E. 15tl
and Dotlfthn. 909
Foil EXCHANfll5 Cloarnew , 8-rooinmodcri
hou-.e , SI.MKT.Vnnt equity In good Insld
resldcnco'lot. II. E. Cole , n , o. 15th and Douglas
CHOICE acre tracks , best of facilities for gar
denlng. Want good nnlnciiinbored furms
H. E. Cole , N. E. 15th and Douglfts. 009
/"llIOICE aero tracks flultnblo for gardening.
\J Very llbernl terms , H. n. Cole , N , B. ISth
nnd Douglns. Kcil ! esf ute for b Io. 009
IjRJirijXcKl A NO ri-Clear. In Chicago , elegant
-1 : ID-room house , on Indiana nv. , Chicago.
Want cnulty In good insluo residence or resi
dence lot , H , E. Cole , n.c. 1MU and Douglas.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ENSON &OAH.MlCHARf furnish complete
and guaranteed abstracts of tltltf to any
realostatqlnOmaho' nnd Oaunlas count/ upon
short notice , The most complete set of abstract
books In the city. No. 1513 Furnam at. : & '
Guarantee and Trnst Co. . 1S05
Farnam street Complete abstracts fur
nish id , and titles to real estate examined , per-
feetefl and guaranteed. 3tS
SAIiB or exchange We have for
- some of the best Improved farms In No-
brnnku , or will exchange for good Omaha prop
erty. Anyond wanting a good Improved' farm
v 111 docll to call on ns. Ilallou Uros. , isia
100 U
rflWO splendid lot * In Kendall1 * add. Want
J. on foV clear or nearly clear. H. H. Ople ,
N. B. 15th and Douglas. _ TO3 8
TJ > il'STICKNEY & CO. mae n specialty of.
In North Omaha , forsula or root
/1HBAP for rash , U sec. land. Ml Improvpd. ! (
VJrnllAof Albion. Neb. , Kl.VW ) < n ec. S rmlos
from PetemburR. Neb.iOJ Aoroi Improved for *
esttre'esnnd small fruit , tl.TUO , ltwon place
for 4 year * ; book , stationery and inuMo utoro ,
fresh stock , good location , will sell or rent
building : ISsj acrc.s tlmbvr land , 8. K. Mo. , will
trade tor Florida land In Clay or Marlon Co.
Lock llox )1 ) , Albion , Neb. 7
I HAVE for sale ono fil the best lots In A. S.
Patrick's nd. which I will sell If tnVen soon
for three hundred dollars IPIS thnn nny lot In
the addition can bo bought for. Address ItJtJ ,
llco olllco. . iia
J L UICE & CO. , Heal Estate. U
"K10H SALE Nice 7 room house , close to nt.
JP cars , school , church , etc. , full lot , only U/iOU !
Jl.OiiO cash , brtlnneo In tnreo equal payments. C.
F. Harrison , 41t > , S. 15th st. 075
T710U SALE A f > 0 foot corner on I'nrnam. in-
JL' Bldo of Ilelt Ilni1 , * 2-V ) , $750 cash , Imlaiiro
easy , -must Boll ; suvo commli < slons by nil *
dressing the owner. 021. lire olllco. P21IU
IUFFKIt the following for a few days :
fflxlWonflcorglit nvo with a good 7 room
now house with furnace , city water , gas , etc. ;
liirgo burn and 100 feet from Vopploton ave.prlco
K-.iM , $1,250 casli , bnl I , 2 ami 3 ycnrt ) , Consider
thu.Oood ( ( .room home , cast front lot , new and In
an excellent locality , for a few days you can iret
this for tcl,7UO , $ l , Wcash. Investigate this.
GSxit2 : tt on Cnss st bet 14th and 15th sts , with
peed 10 room lions u , on easy temm , cheapest
property in Omaha nt $12.000 ; If you wish to buy
foil or got a loan call ou D. V. Sholos , Itoom 1 ,
Darker blk. , 7(0
L IOT for sale , two blocks cast of Hnnscom
Pnrk. on very easy terms. W. F. Stoctzcl ,
1021 Howard. ' 1111 lit
L. 1UCE ft CO. , Itcal Katntc. K15
MA. UPTON & CO. , brokers In gilt edge bus-
ness property.
IVin't wait for Omaha realty to go lower.
Millions have boon lost by doing that , lledrock
has been readied. Upward steadily upward
prices will go from this on. Omnliix to-day has
the bent prospectN of any city on the globe.
Wo havn several pieces of fine inilda business
property that belong tppartles out of townwho
need money In their business , nnd h.ivo author
ized us to sell purt of their real estate nt prices
thnt mnko thorn truly bargains. Call and let us
tiuoto you llgnroson
South Wth Street.
North l lh Btreet ,
1'nnmm Street ,
Douglas Street ,
Humpy Street.
M. A. TTpton & Co. . noi 8. IGth st , , Opp. Chnm-
ber of Commerce. Telephone Bin. 84 | 12
FOK SALE House nnd lot in Omnhn View , a
bargain , small cnsh payment , easy terms ,
C. C. Spotswood. ftViK 8 lHh. ( 72U
FOHSALK-I.ot4. block 0. Hillside No. 1 , for
J2MX ) ; easy terms. Address C 4W , IJce. .
rri 121
f L. HICB & CO. , Heal Estate. 213
FOlt HALK or Trade Full lot on Farnnm Ft. ,
ono block from paving and street cars.
Price * G,000. Kqulty J.I.OJO.
Two one-fourth sections Quo school land In
Kossuth county , lown.
Ono-slxth Interest in nn addition to South
Omnlin , free of encumbrance , for good western
farm land , clear , or not heavily encumbered ,
or good Omnhn property.
Good Inside business property , free of on-
rumbr.tnco , for good housa nnd lot In north
part of city. S , A. Slomnn , rooms 22nnd2J ,
llellmnn building'cor. Furuam and 1'lth sts.
AWLKV House , North Plntte.Nob. . for sale.
On nccount of the death or my wife I will
sell the property on easy tonne. Address John
Hawley. North 1'latte. Neb. 7imi : )
I IIAVK for salon corner lot on 2."ith nnd Hi
btrects in South Omaha for loss than J.W per
front foot. Will bo worth $100 per foot ns busi
ness property In a snort time. You cnn't find a
bargain like this every day. D. D. Smenton ,
Dancer block. H > KI
rPWO good houses , well located , for ? 2,700 mid
JJ,1UO : ) , on ensy pnymonts , J. A. Hulstaud ,
room it , Arlington lliock. 71'J
FOR BALK r.ots.1 nnd 4,1)lock 1 , In Is.ino A
Selden's nddltlon. cor. 31th street and Half
Howard. John H. F. Lehmnmi , (12t ( 8.17th st.
J.Jti. . ItlCE * CO. , Heal Estate. El5
F I OH SALE-0-rooui cottage nnd > 5 lot , No. 010
N.Sfithare. Inquire324 N. 17th.
J.L 1UCE & CO. , Heal Estate. 215
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
The Best Route from Oiimliu aiul Council
iHiifTs to
- THE EAST = = -
Clilcngro , AND Hllvraulccc ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar
Kock Island , Frcoport , Ilockfortl ,
Clinton , ] ) iibitiio | , ] > au'iiport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janosvlllc ,
] ) eloltr Wlnonn , La C'rosse ,
And all otlior Impcrtnnt points Kast , Northeast nntl
Fortlironuli tlcltets cull nn the ticket scent nt 1501
Fnrnam street , In Darker lllock , or at Union 1'ucltlo
1'iillmnn Slcopcri nmt tha finest Dlnlnz Cnr.i In the
world nre run on tlia main line of the Clilciiuo. Mil ]
nnnkeo ft St. rmil ttallnnjr , nnrt ercrnttcntlon Ii
paid to pasgcnKCm by courteous employe * uf llio
ll.MlI.I.nlt. nenernl Mnnncor.
J. F. 'rtlCKKIt. AKslstmitOi-nernl Mftnnser.
A. V. H. C'Altl'KNTKIt , General Vussennor nnd
Ticket Aliont.
Sio. K. IIKAFFOIU ) , Asulstant General Passenger
nnJ Ticket Agent.
J , T. CLAHK. Ouuorfll Superintendent.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
Tlio onlr rnid to take fof DCS JlolnM , Mnrstmltnwn-
Ccdiir Jtiinlili , Clinton , Dlion , Chloniii ; , Mllwuiikco
njidull iiufntH K.i't. Tutho | ienioi | ( purn lt , Colorado
rado , Wyoming , l/'tnb. Iituhci , Novailn.OreKnti. Wash
ington nnrt Callfornln , It offers superior nitvrtnlnges
not pea lblo l > y nnr otlier line. ,
Amonn a feW of the nuniernni pnlpts of superiority
enjoyed by the patrons of tliis rpait between Oniubn
nmt ( 'hlciiRo , nro It * two trnlnt a Any of PXV
COACIIKS.Hhloh uro tha UneitUint human nn nml
Inifcnulty tnn prBato. Ull'Ar.ACKSI.Kf'U'JNO OAltS ,
which nro moaold ( if cmnifrt nnd eletfnncd. Its
. cuAAuct In nnlon depot wlib tlio o or tbo Mil-
caito A Northwc > torii Ily. In ( ; tilcn o the trains of
ttiU line niiiho close connection nltti thono of all
other KuMcrn llnM.
For I ) < > tra1t , Colnmhn ? . InllCinitpoll * . Cincinnati.
Nhiirnrii Kails , liiifTillii. I'lUnburii. TnrOnto , Montreitl ,
Ilnston , Now York , HillndblnliM , MMtlraore , Waili-
Inxtoir , ana nil poInU In ttiu Kast. A'lc f or tickets VU
If you " 1'h the host ncoomniodBtion. All ticket
agcnii > mtlikcu \ \ Tin tills lino.
if.lIUOHITT , K.r.WlMIOff.
( icn'l Manager. Uen'l l'as 'r Agent.
c iflCAOO , If.f.s.
W.N. UAIICOCK.Orn'l. W - lcrn Acont.
1) . K. KIMIIAI.Ij , Tlckft AKent.
( I. K. Wild I1 , City I'Bisengcr Accnt.
1101 rurnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
knanttithrrurfiJIiilhrtftpioiUif. fltaled MIL.
iheSjndonkl.eltiaCo. l89L iillc
&n < f bciintinej ttio1 hair.
niotrun luiurliut rwi.
Falli to Reitort Qry
Hilr ( o | U Yeufhful Color.
iCuro fcalp
IUK JTragrM * wl UiUna v ( Ifvttume * mo. DruggWj ,
Hunnlng between Council lIlulTs nnd Albright ,
In nddltlon to tha stations ineiitloned , trains
stop nt Twentieth nnd Twnnty-f ourth street
and at the Summit In Omaha.
llroad- Trans - "Omaha , . . . , . . Sotitli Al
wny. fcr. Depot. " " * ' Omnha bright.
A.M A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M.
r > :45 : 0:00 : ,
0:10 : 017 ; 11:110 : ni7 ! : 0:50 :
Crw : 7lt : ! 7:15 : TW : >
7:4S : H:05 : B:12 : 8:28 :
0:12 : ti'i' : ,
11:52 : 10IH : 10:12 : 10:25 : 10:3- :
10:4- : . 10:52 : lla- : > 11:12 : 11:25 : 11:30 :
11 45 11:52 I1. M. P. M. P. M. V. M.
I1. M. 1' . M. 12:05 : 12 : U 12:25 : KM
12:15 ItiK 1:12 125
: : ;
1:15 : 1:52 : B:05 : 2:12 : 2:25 : uibo
Site Uili 11:25 : IIIO : |
4 ill } 4t : : 4:2. : )
4lu : 6:30 :
rK : 11:05 : 0:12 : 0K : ! )
i\K \ : 7:05 : 7:25 :
Hai : siiii 8:25 : KiftO
8:45 : : ( 0:12 : 0:25 : 0iW :
0:45 : 0:52 : 10:12 : 10:25 : W-M
. 11:051
10:43 10:52 nr. : 11:3(1 ( 11:45 11:50
: : : : :
Iv. llnO : (
Al- Shcoley , lmalm Trans llroad
irlght. Jmahn , depot. fer. wuy.
A.M. A. M , A. M. A. M. A. M.
r > :45 : 5-.5H
0:10 : 0:21 : : : w 014 ! )
7:00 : 7:05 : 7:15 7:15 : 7:33 :
7:50 : 7W : 8li7 : 8:15 : 8:2i : )
HM ) 8:5. : * > 0:07 : 0:15 :
0:50 : 0:5" : ) 10:07 : 10:15 :
10:5(1 : ( 10:55 : 11:07 : 11:13 : 11-.2J
11:50 : 11:55 : p. m. p. im p. m.
p. m. p. m. 12:07 : 12:15 : 12 2H
KM 12:55 : 1:07 : 1:15 ixi
1:50 : 1 : .V. 2:07 : 2:15 : 2:28 :
2:50 2:55 : 3:07 : ! l:15 : ! l:23 :
: i:50 : il:55 : 4:07 : 4:15 4:24 :
dM : 4:55 : 5:07 : 5:15 :
5:50 : f.:5.-i : . flU7 : 0:15 :
B-.W 0:55 : 7:07 : 7:15 7:2 : ! )
7fO 7M : 8:07 : 8:15 : 8:23 :
8:51) : ) 8:55 : 0:07 : 0:15 : 0:28 :
H:5U : 10:07 : 10:13 : 10:28 :
10:5K : 11:07 : aril : 15 11:49 :
11:5.5 : I2Wam :
12:15iltn :
Leave. Arrive.
\ No.l4 4:00p. : m. D No.1. . . . . .10:50 : a.m.
II No.2 BilOp. m. A * No. 13. . . .11:30 : a. hi.
O No.O 0:20 : n.m. O No. 5. . . . ,0:05 : p.m.
A No. 4. . . . . . A No.U 7:00p.m. :
C No-8 , I ) Nd.r , Oi40n.m.
A No.4 ! : A * No. IB 10:00 : , m.
0 No. 14 12:20p.m. : 0 tNo. 7 0:3J : p.m.
A No.O 7:00p.m. : A No.3 , .7:00 : p. in.
A No.fl o:40n.m. : A No.3 0:15n.m. :
A * No.8 4:00p.m. : A * No. 7 11:30 : . m.
A No. * : A No.B 7OJp. : m.
A No.2 : | No.n e&lft.ln ,
A N0.4 0:10p.m.A : | Nol 6aOf.m : ;
N ) . 10 7:0r : n. m.lA No.O 8:55n.m. :
A No. 12.7:00p. : m.lA No. 11 OlCOp. in.
No. 8 3:40p. : m.A | No.7 lla : rj.m.
A dally ; II dally except Rat.0 ; diilly except
Sun ; ; D except Mon. ; t Fast mnlli * Ltniltedv
j -
RED CkUNTLIT 2ND , [ 614. . !
DR , H. . NOBLE , Blair , Neb , ,
Importer and Urcedorof
Clyflesilale , EnglisliCoacli & HamltonlaB
Tlif i arc nil ( Inn nnd In prime conflttlon and
not fnll to suit. 'J'lwy cdnslst of prlie winners
their net , In Hcotlnmf , Cnnncla nnd this country.
lorni" , iirlc < " < nml lior s will nult you. Vfntn for
cesiuiil imrtlrnlHrH. UlnlrHSI mllct nprthol
on T. I ? . X Al. V. U. H. nnJ C. Bt. 1' . Al. A 0711,11.
MUCH iNronMTiioM rsoH tTuov of THU HAP Of TH <
KB tuoln Hnca nnd brancha * Include CItIOAO < > ,
por.T. DBS Honrea , cotrNcn/JH.UPJB , jtus.
Bud Bcore of IntormecUato dtlei. Oboic * of
routes to end from the Pacific Coast All tram * >
ferl In Union depots. Fact train * of Vtat pay
Coachct , elegant Dining Can , nragnlflcsnt 7fcU >
men Folaco Bteoperir , and ( between ChlC f , Bti
Joncph , Atchloon ana Tteaata City ) B cHntna
Chair Cord , BeaU Tree , to bolder * cf thwugft
flnt-ola otick t .
Chloano , Kansas & Nebraska M'y
"oreot R6ck Utand Koufa. * *
Kxtcnaa Wcat and Bouthwcet from JCanpojOlt *
and Bt Josipb td NELSON , HOBTON , . BELLB
nUTOUINOON , OALDWELL , end all point ! l
ana beyond. Entire PMSOBKIT tiutpment of the
celebrated Pullman monufocturo. All rafoty D'
plianceo and modern Improvcmant * .
The Famous Albert Lea Rout *
I thft favorltd batwosn Chicago , Hock JiJind , '
Atchlson , Xansai City and Uioneapoll * andBU
Paul. Ita Watartown branch travonti Ui * grea |
of Northern Iowa , Bouthweitom MlnneBoU. n4
Enit Central Dakota to Watortovrn , Bplrlt Ik
Dlouz Folia and many other town * and cltle * .
Tbo Chort Line vl Btnoca and SinlukM offer *
superior facllltlti to travel to and from Indian *
oijolls , Cincinnati and other Southern point * .
ForTlckow. M PS , Folder * , ordolnd Infcntna *
tlon.appljr at any Coupon Ticket Office or addreM
Wivrr.0 for tha VAN ORDEN
CORSETS. Xreir lidr
r- * " ' ' T " *
r'y e/ j"
iilec , ( Jqod p y , fiend
for totms ana circuit * .