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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1888)
' . 'i ' ll'W ' i 1 H I , " ' , ' ! ' , IMInHpUl * " * " * " T'.W.'VS T' W' ' * l llf fK WWI ) 'iTV1 T" ' ' ' W OMAHA DAILY BEEt : THURSDAY , MARCH 8. 1888 , n THE DAILY BEE , ! COUNCIL BLUFFS , OFFICE , NO , 12 PEA1U { frrllEET. fielhtred by Tarrlcr Ja Any Tart of the City at Twenty OntB Per Week. , , . , . II. W.T1LTON MANAOEK. TELEPHONES : . . JltJfllNKflfl OrriCE , No. 43. NinilT KDlTOH , No. 23. _ MINOR MENTION. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Now spring goods nt Roltor'8. The city council will make a try for n quorum to-night. Money to loan on improved city prop erty byV. . S. Cooper , 130 Main street , c Judge Jnmea yesterday kindly remem bered St.Bcrnaid'8 hospital with a live- dollar gold plcco. The St. Cecilia quartet at the Congre gational church this evening. Every scat should bo taken. No ono who enjoys music should fall to hear the St. Cecilia quartet at the Congregational church tins evening. William B. Rodgers nnd Miss Annlo D. Haltiiiaiii of Missouri Vulley , were Joyfully joined In marriage here ye&ter- ay by 'Squire Biggs. Thcro will bojiworklngmon'smeoting .atK..P. hall this evening. Questions of social and economic moment will bo discussed. Everybody is invited to at tend. The Schlslor murder trial will bo ro- Burned this morning in the district court , it being interrupted yesterday ' by the court , hoti&o dedicatory exor- . ' ' C1SCS. . Michael Coffey , line of the plasterers employed at the new government build ing , fell , upon the ice as ho was leaving that structure and sustained severe in juries. . . . DTho laities will to-day noon servo n lunch in the new court house foi the bcneflt' of the college homo hospital.- Hours' from 112 to U. Price , 2cents. . Everybody ' men , women nnd children ' invited. ' . The committee for securing a now hotel has obtained over $11,000 in sub- ecriptions to the bdrius to bo given' any company which will build. Thoamount will bo easily'swelled to $25,000 as soon as a dcllnito proposition from anyone is received , to that donors may know just What and where the now hotel will be. J. M. Salsbury , of Washington , who' is one of the foiitestants in the ten milo race at the Masonic temple this even ing'arrived in the city yesterday. Af ter the ton mile race Salisbury wIU run a live nrilw race with two men , each man runing two and one-half milcH to Salsbury's live miles straight , barring . professionals. The first race will prob ably be run' i.n about an hour. Thuraco begins at 8 o'clock. Sovcrat matrimonially inclined pal- tics thought to kill two birds with oho stone ycHterday , and attended the dedi cation of the now court house and pro cured nmrringo licenses at the biimo time. Ligoiibus wore issued to Frank ' A. , Whitoman and Ilattie Brosoo , Mar tin Carmin and Maggie A. Kratzor , Bartholhm Englor and AnnaGoigcr , all of this county , -and William B. Hedgers - gers and Arvio D. Ilaltcrman , of Harri- Bon county. . ; | -That'tho concor * , to bo given in the ' Congregational church this evening will' bo n rich musical treat there is no shadow of doubt. The St. Cecilia quar tet on its previous appearances _ has aroused tho.greatest enthusiasm'and with now selections for to-night the proffered entertainment will bo alike enjoyable to. all. The quartet , consist ing of Mrs. Wadsworth , Miss Merkol , Mrs , Evans nnd Mrs. Ward , is ono of which Council Bluffs well may feel 'proud.for few cities in the land possess ' such a rare combination of voices. The church should bo crowded to-night. ' ' . rJ. H. McShano and'D.'D. 'Mount , of tho. Omaha Driving Park association and J. W. Pcrogoy and Thomas Bow- .man , of 'tho Union Driving Park asso ciation of this city , loft for Cedar RapIds . Ids last evening over the Northwestern on business connected with the racing meetings of the coming season. Horses to bo entered for the races of the May ' running mooting are already being shipped in hero , and the stables at the park contain quito ft number of thoroughbreds "worked out" oughbreds that are being preparatory for the bcaaon'a campaign. E. H. Shcafo loans money on chattel Bccurlty of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly confidential. ' Office 500 Broadway , cor ner Main street , up-stairs. Mr. Charles. F. Stephens , The Well known piano tuner is now witli Alfred Meinbcrg Co. , 1510 Dodge st. Omaha. Mail orders promptly at tended to. . . Personal 1 Henry Cooks , of Underwood , visited the Bluffs yesterday. J. W. Johnnnabn , ' of Walnut , In. , was ' 'In the city yesterday. M. M. McKonzlo , of Silver Crook , was at the Kiel hoiiso yesterday. .Robert Kirkwood , of Crescent , was among those at the courthouse exercise yesterday. Mrs. J. B. Lowis.of Walnut , is visit ing with her brother , Mr. Hurvoy Pace of this city , Ex-Constablo Joe Spnuldlng Is reported ported as seriously ill with lung troubles it is very doubtful if ho recovers. Warren Hough , of Crescent , wn among those who came in to the dcdi catory services of the court house yea .tcrdny. Arch Coffmnn , of Avocn , was in thi city again yesterday. Ho shows thi favorable effect which comes from boini relieved of the great strain under whiol ho has been for the past two years. If you hnvo a lot , house , farm or an kind of property to trudo or sell , cul 1 on W. W. Bilgor. * Dr. R.'Rico , Nell Pearl st. , wll . give compound oxygen treatment nt 5 cents each .sitting. St. Cecilia Imtllcs' Quartette. The following excellent program will I given1 at the Congregational church lo night : Quartette "Robin AJar".Ar. ! By D. Hue St. Cecilia Ladles' Quartette ( Mrs Wads- . woitn , Miss Merlccl , Mrs. Ward and Mi's. Evnns ) . Solo--"Coino to Mo" . Den ; Mr. T , M. Troynor. Duct ' 'Come to the Woods" . Alnr Miss Merkcl and Mrs. Evans. Solo-"Tho Finger 1'nst" . , . Mollc 1 Mrs. N. O. Wnrd. Qu.\rtct c "Annie Laurie" . . Ar. by D. Uuc St. Cecilia Ladles' Quartette. ( Solo "Koi bidden Music" . Gustaldc Miss Kuto Pusey. FhitoOuct. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Colonel Tulloys and F. Uadollct. Solo Crii nival of Venice . JJencdl . Mr . J. Q. Wadswoi'th. Qunrtctto-"Good Night" . Goldbci St. Cecilia Leaps' Quartette. For Sale Cheap Lots near the brldg o parties who will build at once. Aj dross or cnll on J. l\ , RicoNo. . 110 Mai street , Council Bluffs. Mr. Stephen * , the Piano Tuner From Omaha , will tune your 'plan promptly upon receipt of postal card a < drosa to .Wired Maluborg Cto. , 15 ! Dodge si. * HIE ym HOUSE WARMING. The Dedicatory Exorcises Mostly Catch-ns-Gatch-Gan. THE BRILLIANT BAR 'BANQUET. Another Hotel to lie Enlarged Pros pects of Consolidating the Mar- final's and Police Forces Amusements Personals. Ihc Court.House Dedication. ' The cxoreises dedicating the new county court house wcro hold yesterday afternoon. No programme wns pre viously announced nor was there an at tempt made to follow ono. The ad dresses were mostly impromptu , but perhaps wore none the less excellent on that account. For nn-hour or moro before - fore the exercises were began great crowds of peoplo'crowded the corridors and visited the various ofllccs and other rooms in the edilicc. These wcro mostly sight-seers who had not until now , visited the building : Praises of the structure and its beauty wcro upon cvqry tongue and a conscious pride'was 'in-every voice. The building wns in fairly'good shape'fpr inspection. Thcro' iVero occasional'traces of "moving day" which on account Of lack of time since the coming of the county officers into their now quarter1'had not wholly dis appeared. Among the visitors were many from distant parts of the county. Thcro wcro few'absentees among the members of Alio bar. Judge Deemer adjourned court iu Cass'county that ho might bo prc-ent. ' Judge Carson was also present , ns were also several legal ' lights other place's outside the - county , but embraced' in this judicial district. Shortly after 2 o'clock , the hour named for the beginning of tho'exer cises , the north court room was filled to its utmost i'apa'i'Hyas wcro also the corridors riders and all places wUhin hearing distance of the speakers. 'Mr. Under wood.chairman of the board of super- visorsj occupied the position of master of ceremonies. ; The exercises wcro ' opened with an invocation by the Rov. , T. J. Mnckoy , of St. Paul's Episcopal ' Church. The chairman read the report of the board , in their action as a build ing committee. The substance of this report has been already given inthe' columns of the BKK. Colonel D. B. Daily wofl introduced , as the llrst speaker. Ho reviewed briefly the history of the building from its in ception to 'its completion and paid the board of supervisors a well-dcsoryed compliment in the lact that the build ing was erected with duo economy and with no taint of boodle about it. There was absolutely nothing which would in terfere with making the day festive and one long to bo remembered , as that in whicli a glorious and grand thing had been accomplished in Pottawatta- mic county. Colonel W. II. M. Pusoy followed in the same vein. " lie said : "It has' been said that the history of a people in writ ten in its arts and architecture. In the light of this fact ho reviewed the his ' tory of the county. The first minister who came hero was , an itinerant Meth odist. Ho circulated among the gam blers asking aid for l is cause. These gen tlemen of the "green cloth" started the first church by donating every "jack pot" to the cause ! Ho traced the pro gress of.tho county until now and closed with this strong appeal to young men : "Not many days and our. silver locks will lie with thosoof our fathers. Young men you must take our places. What preparation arc you making-for * this re sponsibility ? How will you assume , these duties ? Will you stand upon tho' , street corners and loaf away the oppor - tunities of life , or will you take them up with resolute hands nnd strong hearts - and win from the futuro'a golden sue- CCHsV Hon. C. F. Loofbourow next appeared. Ho reviewed the admission of lojva into the union ; the opposition that existed in congress to admitting any portion west of the Racoon river , as it was - a barren waste , nnd a desox't. Now this was the greatest . corn producing county in the state. Ho referred to she differences between the legal jurisprudence of forty years ago and that of to-day. Ho appealed to the people to nwho this building what in name It is , a tompla of justice. Judge II. E. Deomoi' tpolcuf ) the same line of thought. Ilevo in this county where sentiment' ifc largely adverse to law "let justice bo done though the heavens full. " Judge George Carson reinforced the game sentiments. "Lct this bo your record , that-within these walls , every man , whether he bo rich or poor , shall have exact justice. I et the golden rule bo inscribed upon every heart. This is the basis of golf-government which is our sure foundation. Then wo shall have less use for courts and juries. Hon. D. C. Bloomer. Frank Shinn , Colonel W. P.SappClmrlesM.Harlo and E. A. Babcock , oiAvocapvoro called on ! and , in telling speeches , added to the merit and enjoyment of the occasion. t- Teis closed the exorcises of the day. There was no muslo , cither vocal or in strumental , which fact seriously marred - the effects of the otherwise creditable . programme. Throughout the entire ex- orcFbos there was a painful lack of or US ganization and perfection. With three .1- exceptions , the speakers apologized for lack of preparation , ns they had not boon previously notified that they would be called upon . Pottawattamie county has just com pleted ono of the llnest structure ? in the west. It was announced by the board of supervisors tliat the dedicatory ex orcises would bo commensurate with y ; the importance of the work now com pleted. This announcement was made throughout the county. Inquiries were made on every hand as to what these .11 exercises would consist in. but the re 50 plies were so meager and gave so little satisfactory information that the attend ance was materially decreased. Many persons from abroad who had iiftondcd bo to bo present did not appear , and a largo number residing in the city were thus kept at homo. The absence of the business men of the city was marked. That which might have been and ought to have boon u gain day for Council Bluffs and the county at targe proved to bo'butlittlo more than an ordinary oc casion , with all the attendant disad vantages of an impromptu gathering. loy S. B. Wndsworth & Co. loan money. ick Bargains in houses and lots on'small Ion cash payment. Johnston & Van Patten , 33 Main street. ' .let Shcafe loans money qn real estate. Tile New Police Force. It is now reported on good authority that the forces ot the marshal and ehlol go of police are to bo consolidated and tic ) iU\ marshal is to bo made chief of polico. II is said that Mayor Rohror takes vorj 'kindly to the Idea , and intimates ve'rj strongly that none but thoroughbred , no td- dyod-in-tUo-wool democrats are to be given.positions on the force. These two forces have always been more 01 ICM nt sword's points with CncJl other , nnd there hns been consldorubJo rlVtin'J' nnd antagonism , nnd not n little ill fccl- iHe ! ? Ott'CCJl tb.'m ' .Pi' sQtno. time pnst If thVoxpcctcd change iHinndoG'Unr.elJrt will bo the now chief nnd highcocko- lorum nt the city Jail. Ono thing Ifl certain , ho\vovor , nnd th'nt is , thnt although O'Hrion ' hopped over to the other 8ido of the fence nt the IhHt moment nnd worked ' hard for Ouanolln In the hope paving his posi tion ns cnptnln of police , Gunnolln IH not ns fnvorably ' Impressed with the help thus afforded na ho might bo , und is ono of the bitterest opponents that O'Brien will hovq In nls endeavors to secure a plnco on the force for the en suing term. Some of the men whom O'Brien is alleged to hnvo slaughtered 30 ruthlessly sny that when nsKed for hiH reasons for "going back on" them ho told them that ho . had effected a compromise with Mayor Rohror nnd wns to bo rewarded with the position of chief of police for his work in the recent election. Other parties who lire in di rect communication with the mayor de nounce these statements as out nnd out falsehoods , and say thnt thcro hnvo been no ngreemonts whatever mndo between the mayor nnd the cnptnln of polloo , nnd say further thnt O'Brien's head will soon fall with so decided n thud ns to effectually sicken him from making any further attempts to wiggle himself into the chair of the chief of police or to oust the heads of departments by creat ing n dissension among the employes. On the mnrkot for over twenty 'years. Still the most reliable nnd the most popular sowing machine m'ado. The light running Domestic ; Olllco 105 Main st. . i Union Abstract Co. , 230 Main st. . . ' ' . - The Itanqftct of tlic Bar. Last evening the members of the Pot- tnwattamio county bar 'association "had. th'oir banquet in the -south court room of the now court houso. The now build ing mtido its first full dress appearance by gnslight , nnd it was brilliant , indeed. The banquet was prepared 'and served Ly the ladies of , the Women's Christian association , and' whatever profits they thus gullied is to bo ' used for tho' Cqttago. Homo hospital. It wns indeed a banquet hall in" ap pearance. The room itself is of imnosing proportions and beautifully decorated. The ladies , under the leadership of Mrs. George T. Phelps , with Mrs. Ross .ns her assistant , arranged the tallies most tastefully. Thcro wore live of those tables , and thcro were covers' . for sovcnty-fivo. The tables wore decorated with sinilax , boquots , cut flowers ] , etc. From the great chandelier in tho. cen ter of the court room wns an umbrella. .of sniildx- , beneath which the central table was spread. Moro attractively arranged tables hayo never been sot in this'citynnd the menu wns In keeping. The Indies certainly merit much praise for the manner in which they arranged arid served this banquet , and' the participants evidently - appreciated ciated the efforts of these ladies. .The following was 'tho .MENU. . Oysters. Lemon'wafers. . Cabbage. Turkey , Cranberry sauce. . ' Saratoga CUips. Uiead , Oyster patties. ' Hrfm. Cliitkwi salad. Rolls , Ice cream. . Jelly cake. Fruits. NutsCoffee. . Besides the resident attorneys prosen there worft the members' of the count , bqardt Judge koofbourow , Judge Dcomor and Judge Carson , of the dis trict bench , Colonel Doniphan , of St Joe ; J. P. Organ , of Neoliv ; E. A. Bab cock , of Avoca ; Frank Shinn , of Carson and other non-resident members of tl bar , and.n few invited guests. The toasts-that followed were "dry,1 no sparkling wine being consistent witl the prohibitory condition of the state The responses word bright and spark ling , however , and tho'toastmastcr , Mr , Jacob Sims/prcsided in a manner add ing to the enjoyment. The following were the sentiments and the respondent selected : 'Our Now Court House , " may it over bo what it was designed , a temple o justice. E. A. Babcock. "The Board of Supervisors , " ou county fathers. W. H.-Waro. "ThoBa of Pottawattamio County , as it was , is' , and shall be. lion. Franl Shinn. "Tho Judiciary. " the purest depart ment of the American government. Hon. C. P. Loofbourow. "Trial by Jury.1 When RomO los her liberty she was n stranger to trial by jury. lion W. F. Sapp. Tim Lawyer's Best Hold1 in the language of the Irish poet , "Soo ot tuum. " C. M. Harl. "Tho Ladies , "God bless them where would wo bo without them ? Colonel D. B. Daily. . "A Generation of Lawyers , " from the cottohwoou to the classic , in architec ture and jurisprudence. Hon. L. W. Ross. "Tho Bill of Particulars , " hereto sot forth and mndo part of hereof for to night as furnished by the ladies of the Cottage Homo Hospital. Hon. E. E. Aylosworth. "The Bench and Bar , " their mutual and dependent relations , Hon. U. E. Dcomor. "Tho Press , " the "Amcricus Curino" for nnd In behalf of all the people vex populi hoe polloi , omnium gatherum , ot id Jonus oncno. Hon. George Carson. "Tho Professional Juryman , " like the poor , always with us J. J. Shen. Enlarging the Boclitole. A scheme is on foot to make extensive changes in the Bechtolo hotel , whereby its present facilities will bo greatly in creased. As soon ns a meeting of the mortgagees of the property can bo ar ranged and some kind of a settlement made , the plans will assume dclinito shape. It is the intention to add an other story to the part already standing , and extend the whole as far back as the alloy. An elevator will bo put in nnd all modern improvements added. If built as planned , the hotel would then contain about eighty-five rooms , and would bo four tories in i hoighth. Some of the interested parties scorn to think that if such a change is made , it will kill the project to erect n now seven- story hotel that is now being agitated by the board of trade , but siieh an , idea would hardly bo entertained by others. A Strntifio Find of Gold. Boblluntington stopped into Robinson Bros' , jewelry store yesterday nnd pres ented for oxnminntlon a queer looking little pebble , having a yellowish look. It wns critically viewed and tested , and doclnrcd n nugget of gold. The jeweler offered Bob 85 for it , but ho would not part with it. ' "Whero did I find ft ? . Well , you'll hardly believe it , but I found it in a chicken. .1 had been killing nnd dressing somq chickens , find my attention was called to n queer Iml6 stone , which I picket ! oul , washed It , nnd hero It Is. No , sir , I don't want to sell It nt any price. ] wnnl It inndo into a scarf pin , to kcer ; it myself. " Whoto did that chicken strike gold In'this part of the country' ! ' Travelers ! .Stop at the Bechtolo , HE 1 SELLS IT ON HS ! PERIL. , M . An Important Decision on the I'rG- ' hlbltory Law. A CAR OF LIQUOR CONDEMNED. StrhiKcnt RcNnoitHlblllty Placed Upon Dealers A DCS Molncs Girl , Shot By a Courtezan Hupr'cmo Court Decisions. Condemned to Destruction. DCS MOINES , la. , March 7. ( Special Tele gram to the llKE. ] The supreme court de cided a very important cas.0 under the pro hibitory law to-day , making a now departure in the interpretation of the statutes. About a year ago a cur load of liquors , valued nt (8,000 , consigned to Hurlbut , Hess & Co. , wholesale druggists , arrived hero from St. Louis and was seized by a constable before It wns unloaded. The warrant for the seizure was sworn out on testimony that it was be- llovcd that the firm Intended to sell the liquor for Illegal purposes , instanc ing two cases of sales to ha- bltunl drunkards. The liquor wns condemned by a Justice of the peace mid ordered destroyed. The defendants appealed on the ground that for the sales in question they had the certificate of the buyer that he wanted it for legal purposes and they claimed that his signature excused them from further Inquiry. Judge Given , of the district court , sustained the defense nnd ordered the liquor returned , An appeal was taken to the supreme court und 1ms just been decided. The court holds that the signature of the buyer claiming Unit his purchase If for legal purposes docs not excuse the. seller from the necessity of finding out whether ho be or bo not an habitual drunkard ilnd so under the bun pf the law. It holds 'that the seller Is required to sntify himself that he is a proper person to whom to sell , before the sale is made , whatever 'application or other legal form ho may sign. This Is the llrst ruling on that point from the supreme court and it not only condemns the $8,000 worth of liquor but establishes a rule which will re quire liquor sellers to exercise great care in fill sales oven to Urn extent of llndlng out for what purpose the Hquo'r sold is to be used nnd by whom. _ Supreme Court Decisions. DAS MofNES , la.March 7. [ Special Tele gram io the BEE. ] The following decisions were flleil by the supreme court to-day : Mary O'Conucll vs John O'Conncll , appel lant , Dubuque county. Sustained. Simon vs the HnwUeyo Insurance com pany , appellant , Pottawattamio county.He - versed. W. Warner , appellant , vs J. II. Wilson ct al , and C. S. Fogg , Intcrvcnor , Adair county , J. H. Henderson , Judge. . Afllrmcil. E. H. Hlckmson , appellant , vs A. H. Hcbb Brewing company , Gloub Bros , nnd Schmidt Bros. & Co. , Dubuque county , C. F , Couch , Judge. Reversed. S. R. Shear , appellant , vs Ola Kelson , Chickasaw county. Ucvci scd. William Drake ys Kinsley , Jordan ct al , appellants , Wapello county. Afllrmed. Samson Wilson , appellant , vs S. T. Me Intire , Louisa oouniy. Aftlrmcd/ ' T. C. Kneppor. administrator , vs John Glenn , nppclhu.t , Iowa county. Afllrmed. Richard Thow , appellant , vs Jacob S. Mil ler , Ringgold county. Afllrmed . State of Iowa , ' appellant , vs C. H. Ward and certain Intoxicating liquors , Polk county , Joslah Given. Judge. Reversed. Ronea Welch vs , J. T. Norton , appellant , Bucna Vista county. Reversed. A. Volleon vs Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway 'company , appellant , Q'Uricn county.Afllrmcil. . ' .J. W. Brig-ham &TCo. , appellant , vs J. P. Rettsdorf , Mills county. Afflrmcu. / James Callannu and James C. Savcfy , ap pellants , vs Wayne county , Kossuth county , Lot Tlidmas , Judge. AfllrmciT. . Wayne cqunty. appellant , vs Marvin R. Bralnard ct al , Calhoun county , J. H. Me Comber , judgo. Afllrmed. J. V. Benjamin , appellant , vs Anderson DaVis , defendant , and William Miller , Intervener venor , ' PottUwattamle county , George Car son , Judgo. Afllrmed. . Harriet E. R. Clai > i > vs Catherine Saun ders ct al , appellants , Cnss county , 11. E Deemer judgo. Afllrmed. Samuql C. King et al vs William Ordway appellant , Monona county , George W. Wake Held judgo. Afllrmcil. Result of An Old Grudge. DCS MOINES , la. , March 7. [ Special Tele gram to the Bcn.l Maud McDonald Wa found In her room , over 321 JSast Pifthstrcct bleeding from a wound in her breast , causci by a pistol shot. She sent for Ofllcer John son , to whom she said she was sitting in he room last evening when May Fullison cann to her door with a revolver in her hand nm said to her. "Your time has come , " and she her thi ougn the top of the right Jung. Th ofllcei's arrested May Fullison at the Mllle house nnd took her to the city Jail , but sh denied any knowledge of the shooting. Th p < jlico think thcro is moro than May mlxci up In the affair , and arc using theft- best el forts to ferret the mutter out. The uccusei is n young girl of bad rcpnto and it is sati she had au old grudge against her victim. The Contract Let. Misox CITV , la. , March 7.Spccial Tele gram to the BEE. ] Major Allen has secured the contract for building 170 miles extension of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul from Chamberlain , Dak. , through the TMnck Hills. The people along the line in Iowa and Da kota feel jubilant over the extension. Should the reservation west of Chamberlain bo thrown open to settlers there will bo a big exodus from all along the lino. Iowa licclHiaturc. DKS MOINES , la. , March 7.In the morning session of the senate , after several bills had been introduced , Woolson continued his speech commenced yesterday afternoon speaking on the question 6f "undue or un reasonable" discriminations. Ho said the house bill passed by that body recogubed an ' unjust" discrimination , as did also the re publican platform and the law of Illinois. He cited a report made by Judge Cooley on the celebrated Standard oil Case of George Rice vs the Louisville & Nashville railroad company , where preference was given ns "unjust or unrensonnble. " Ho stntcd cases whore excursion rates hnd been given to various religious nnd bene volent societies ; tlcnjed that U. S. Wilson had ever moved to strike out the words "un due or unreasonable ; " said wo must let the railronds uetermirio rates. Every state thnt has allowed the commissioners to llx rates has made these rules pn iaa-fuco ! evidence of reasonableness. Finn spoke again , favoring the bill without the Woolson substitute. No vote reached yet. yet.In the house nt the morning session a re solution was adopted making the labor nnd'biUs Um special order following the temperance bill. The committee reported favorably the bill for on net to rcsumn and reconvey to the United Slates all lands and right to lands granted to Iowa by congress to aid in the construction of railroads. resolution was adopted requiring that live members hereafter constitute a quorum of standing committee. U.v Hipwcll A bill to provide for the ere- inat'lon of bodies in cities. Uy Wilbur A bill to provide for contest ing elections of presidential electors. A bill passed , nnd sonnto amendments wore concurred In , to authorize cities 'organized under special charter to refund their out- gtnmltiu ! bonded ticbt. Discflssion of tii < 3 schedule bill wn re sumed. Speeches in favor of the bill mndo by Estos , Lewis , Roe , anil opposed by Luke and Craig. In the afternoon session of the scnato the debate was continued on the Woolson substi tute , but no action was taken. , In the afternoon scsiiaa of the -houso the amended schcdulo-was adopted as an amend ment to cctiou 2 by a yolo of 83 to 13. The amendment offered by Thompson , of Clny- tou | , to ralso the rate only } i ceutoach ten miles an first class freight hauls fronrMO to GOO ( miles , anil on other classes In the SQIUO iiroportkm to 2-10 miles , was adopted. The tit ? hi' Wbiv.h ttjy "iVy' - " ' 2 * nftcrwnrfl reconsidered. House aujolirncd. Itcnl Wur Times , The "Union Spy" tjwnv 'another lat-Ro house last ovettlWg. This -is ono'o'f the best entertainments ever given-hero by local talent. . The .participants do silr- prisingly well for non-professionals , and' few strangers , not knowing the forma tion of the company , would suspect that is as amateurish ns it really J9. The 'entertainment is n little lone , hut thcro Bcotns no part which can bo spared , and the interest is kept up throughout. The scones are very realistic , and it pre sents a m'oro vivid , picturing of war scones than any others that can bo had. The older people enjoy it for it brings back these exciting djys , and they al most live them over. The young folks learn moro about the war In an hour than they cad get by rending in months. There is enough morrinlent interwoven with the Mulder scenes to prove a happy relief. The Dodge Light Guards make a line appearance on the stage , and the military movements are excellent. The audiences have been enthu'siastio , and no homo entertainment lias proved moro thoroughly excellent nml enjoyable. As the proceeds nro for the benefit of the guards , the house to-night should bo crowded , and a closing benefit given which will place the treasury of this military company in a plethoric con dition. The company is one of which the city may well feel proud , and the boys surely merit support. The well known piano tuner Mr. Chas. P. Stephens is now connected with Alfred Moinberg Co. , 1610 Dodge st. , Omaha , and parties wishing Mr. Steph ens to tuno.thelr pianos caii hnvo their orders'promptly attended to by address ing a postal card. Money to loanV. . S. Cooper. Domestic patterns nt 103 Main street. , Ults From the liastllc. In the police court yesterday morning "Humpy" Anderson was fined $8.10 for intoxication.- had just been released from the state .penitentiary after .serv ing a'six months' sentence , and was celebrating the joyful event. George Elliott was ordered to battle With mud on the street crossings for the next ton days. Frank Ryan had his rnso for drunken ness continued until this morning. Ho had not fully recovered from his former spree when arrested. Peter Johnson , Frank Kennedy and D.W. . Davis , charged with vagrancy , still languish in the city calaboose. St. Cccclin.qiuirtotto concert , Thurs day March 8 , nt the Congregational church. Tickets 60 cents , for sale at the the door. No reserved scats. Earthquake Shock. PASADENA , Cal. , March 7. A severe shock of earthquake was felt herd at 8 this morn ing. Brick buildings wcro slmkcn , but no damage resulted. SPECIALNOTICES. _ NOTICE. ' AL advertisement * , such ns Lost , found , Sl'ECI To t.oau , For Sale , To Kent , \Vunts , Hoarding etc. , will bo insetted In thii column'at the low r to of TUN CENTS 1'IIH LINE for .the llrst in sertion and Five Cents Per Mno for cncu subse quent Insertion. Lcavo advcrtitumcnts of our ollice. No. 12 Pearl Street , near llroadway , Coun cil muffs. Iowa. . WANTS. Jwo Koo < r coat jr.nkcrs ; imiptbe . . Ursa-class woikuirn ami of soocl linblts. Call on or.uildrcss A. Itclt r , 310 Hroailway. FO K It ENT 0 oed furnished room three blocks houtli of dummy depot. Address "JI , Iteo olllco. 117ANTED A fe'lrl to do peneral h'ousework ; W small inmily , convenient kltpheu. 709 bth blocks of merchandise. Have WANTED nnd Council llluirn city property , also western land to exchttnuo for Koodsv Call on or address Johnson & Clirlstluu , Itoom 3S , Chamber ot Commerce , Omaha. TXTANTED 100.000 acres ef lands In exchange V for a late and valuable Invention. LarKO prollts and sells on sluht ; no experience re quired. Address Lock liox UK. , Coum.ll Bluffs , WANTUD-Steady employment by a young man of good habits , capable and not afraid to work. Wholesale or shipping house prefer red. Address Uert , Hee cilice , Council niulls. Y\7"ANTED First-clats cook at Creiton house , Council HlulTs , low a. COU.VCIJL , BLUFFS 724 IWOAUWAY , Ul'-STAIRS , Ts ready to furnish flrst-classholpof nil kinds , Halls , restaurants nnd private places. HAVE Lotsin the city and lands In Iowa , Ne braska nnd Kansas to sell. An improved Iowa farm to trade tor merchandi o. A. O. IjAUSEN. Kefpiences : First Nnt'l Bank , this city. OGDEN BOILER WORKS CARTER & SON , Prop's. Manufacturers ot All Kind * of Steam Boilers & Sheet Iron Work Orders by mall for repars promptlo attended to. Satisfaction guaranteed. 10th Avenue. Ad dress Oeden Boiler Works. Council Illutfs , Iowa EGAN & KIMBALL , PLUMBERS , STEAM AND GAS FITTERS. No. 552 Bronclwny. Opera House Block Council Bluffs. 'Telephone No. 284. NEW SPRING MILLINERY 1511 DOUGLAS ST. , OMAHA , N D. H. McOANELD & CO. , . Hides , Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs , ' Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. fMaml 22 Main Street.Councll JllulKIow.-x. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS K/onroa-lttay / Council IlluBn , Iowa. EutaWJshi.4 ' ' ' 567. . ' ' " . . . , THE ONLY CARPET EXCLUSIVE HOUSE. 405 405 THOROUGH. THE BEST WORKMEN , NO VALUES THE Pi/IISFITS. / LEASt MONEY. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. ill JN ? XT RET T Architects and Suporiutondents. ' Eoom flLLLil iX UJjlJU ) 2 , Qpora House Block , Council .Bluffa. . HRTRIHNRTNfl Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer . IJllUUllDlllD. piana Estimates . ; , . Specifications. Su pervieion of Public Work. IJrown Building , 'Council Bluffs ' Attprney-at-Law ; Second Floor Brown Building , 115 Pearl Street , 'Council Bluffs , Iowa. N. SCHORZ af the Peace. Office over American. . , Express , No. 41'9 Broadway , Council Bliiftty Iowa. TftNl ? A TM Attorneys at-Law , practice in the Stafc OlVttJj Ot OllUU , aili Federal Courts. Office Kooms t and 8 , ShugartBeno Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa. EO RRPNPTT Justice of the Peace , 415 Broadway kJi UnlUlLlll , Council Bluffs. Refers to any bank o * business house .in the city. Collections a specialty. DeutistaOffl00 corner DRS. WOODBURY & SONS - . , Pearl St. and First Avenu FINE GOLD WORK A SPECIALTY. DRS.L MOSER& VAN NESS , j rooms 4 and 5. Telephone No. 273 and 272 for the residence. Diseases of women and children a specialty. ' CP HA7FN Dentist. Corner Main street and Fi , Vg ilntlJjll , jLVflnnn. P. C. PEVOL. DKALEIt IN JEWEL Vapor Stoves ami RAX KS MONITOR Wrought Irpn RAIVMES CIIAIITEK OAK Stoves and KAA < IS ECONOMY Warm Air FUR\ACE.S GIIDDEV ! Steel Barb ' WIRE LEONARD Dry Air REFRIGERATOR * BUILDJBll'S Hardware ant ) House Furnishing GOODS 501 BROADWAY , OUNCIL. BLUFFS , : : : : IOWA * ' ESTABLISH ICD 184a INCOlll'OHAHED CO. , MASSILLON , OHIO , MAXUFACTURKRS. SIZES FROM Especially Designed foV MILLS ELEVATORS' 25 TO 250 AJJD HORSE ELECTRIC LIGHT HORSEPOWER POWER , PURPOSED AUTOMATIC : CUT-OFF . : ENGINE. Branch House , Council Bluffs , Iowa ; KEND FOR CATALOGUE. E. C. HARRIS , Manager. DELMONICO HOTEL 711 BIIOADWAY. Best $1 a Day House in the City , GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS , Near the Depots. Street Car Connections. R. H. HUNTINGTON & CO. , ( MISSION MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE FLOUR , FRUIT & PRODUCE , NO. 101 UIIOADWAY. WM. WELCH , Carriage and Express Lioe OWlOlS-flin MAIN 8TIIEI3T. Telt-nhgno No. M , The finest llnoof f.nniluus. Cqaches and Hacks tn the city. The only line authorized to unswor calls turntil In to Am. Ulst. Tel. Co. THE TROTTING STALLION Standard No. 4000 , chestnut stallion , foaled Airil | 10 , 1883. J3rcd byJ. ( J. Hnmlhi , Huftalo , N. Y. , sired bv Altnonarch ( record U34. O son of Almont , flrbt iluul , Lucy , by Iluinllu's ' Putchin , sire of ttio dam or Uoll Ilamlln ( record 2:13 : ) ; second dam by Hysdyk'a ' Hmnblctonlan. Norway stand * IfiK nands high , und can trot better than SiliO. This btulllon will bo permitted to bcrvo a few mures ut $35 the season from Marcht to July 1st. ' For particulars enquire of . .WADE GARY , Council Blufrti Driving * Park , or No. 117 South litU St. , Oiuaba. . orrict 45 rouitTil IT. IIOSPITAI. AND . , Council HlufftJ , la , Veterinary Dentistry a Specialty * - * , Star Stables and Mule Yards Uroiulw ay , Council lllulls , 0pp. Dummy Depot jrorses nnd innlei constantly on hand , fof sale at retail or In car lo.ullotH. . , , i Orders promptly tilled by contract on snoil not Ire. Stock told ou commission- . . , _ . _ t . . . Tclejihonolll. * HOT.EY. / Opposiu IMiumy JJepot , council IJlufH. i Main Street , Council Bluffs. Only Hotel In the City with Flro capo. Eloctrlo Cnll Bella. , Accommodations First Glass , . ; Rates Always. Reasonably MAX MOHN , ProprietorJ