Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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Iiey Are fleportod to tim Houao
With Amendment
llntitlngton Preetitn a ScIiciiio 1or
Hetiiidlng the Cnntrn ! L'nclflc
Debt to the ( weriitient-
. Iniportatit CliangeM.
IxtoniIlng tile Time.
WASIINUTO , MnrchrIie bill extcnd.
ng tIio tmo Of piyrnont of the government
ilobt Of titO I'nclflc muds , which was renorted
favorably to the Iious totIn. Is nnnzided by
ntrHIng out nil roads cxcepttlzc thilon l'aclflo
nti.1 its bondnIded dLv1sonM. The bill wn
also inodifled by restrietion which tiniko It
more Iositlvo In dealing v1tR the ciorpora.
tiwis. As 'iii ' Instance , It dkccts the attorney
: gcncrdl to brIng ut at once to recover nii-
ipproprlatcd cind of tim road IiLtead of
leaving it * Ithln his jurlscltctlon. Tim cx-
t4ntIon of the Indcbtednes t for fifty years.
It I understood separate bills for jc1t of thc
Paclilo rend wilL be eventually reported to
the house , It havltg ) been determined that the
. Toads blIaIt be dealt srltli Individually luttead
. . of collcctlvely.
'Xhe coizuulttoo tIiI inorjilng received from
C. 1' . Iiutitliigtoii , vIce . president of tim
Central I'acIiio railroad , a bill for dfundi g
. . tiiat : road's Iudebtcttuos ta tim goveri.
ine L It nrovides : that . the court f
claims .baU . make : cmut1tions for
iluding the Present worth of the debt ,
1ntend of the ecrtjtarc of thu trctsury ; and
thia court s1iat n1o d tcrniTho and deduct
equities. The debt shall be divided Into fiO
equal instalinients , payable aotni.nnnually ,
WIth tocurity In the shape of a 1 years bond
at. 2 ver c'unt and p inortggo. Pho. coin-
iany iiiny redeem at any time iti bonds by
dIeoUMtttig them at 2 per cent. 'I'Iiero 15
nuthorizatlonforrefundlng tim first iiiortgago
debt i ) % ' thcfcoinany , and tlio Ia5t clause also
rov1dos for . alteriiitlko . nuthorlntlim for ,
the government to .rofund iciuid tIeli ? ly Issu.
. lug 2 l'er cent live yeu&bonds redeemable by
A the Central I'acifie.
The whole amount the Union Pacific will
pay under the bill , added to the liresent pay.
; Ifletit of .utn in tiio slnkhig fund , II1 be.
$110,741,703. Talcbig into account , says the
rePort , the large jartial payments every Rix
months , the aYorngo extension of the debt as
whom does not exceed twenty years. Iii
coinilderatien of the extension , all earfiIng of
tpe road by goveninent tracisliortaticin on threads
roads owned , leased or operated by tim coin-
iany vIll be applied to the 1)nymant ) of inir-
raii maturing Installments of principal and
interest. The additional BQcurity offoredby
the compatiy h mortgages on branch lines
and other property may not bo as great at it
seems , but It Is all tto COfllRIIY ) has , and far
nioro than the gwurnnient lion now cArcrs.
An Iinportqnt Change Is made In tIm cctior
of the bitt which provhed that PaYments ,
Ovorand n'ove the Inthrest that shall be
niade by the roads , should bo d4ring the llrat
ten year period , one-third of 1 per tcnt upon
the whole debt. This Is changed to 1-10 of
1 . er cent for tIm first five y arR ,
und of I per ccnt for the second
live yezir of the same ton-year payment , In
' . tuordanco with the eouipnny's suggestion
? that tlc paymCftts bo inudo lighter during
. the llrst live yesrs and heavier during the
Oond than contomplatoti 1y ( ho original
bill. Thu only other niaterial chungo is that
mentioned aboro , directing the attoreCy geti-
ral to institute and continue to Prosecutrso
long as tim United StAtes shall be a holder or
Owner of bonds authorized by this Oct proceedings -
ceedings at law or equity , or both , as shaU
be necessary to deterinlim whether .nny
stockholderol said companies or either of
them , offlcr' , agents or einployos , past or
Vrosont , or other parties , have becit guilty of
ny crime punishable j.iy law In oousecton
% vtth. said cOInhialiles. .
_ _ _
The Omaha Directory 1J01t18. an liii-
. portant MeetIng.
The Omaha base bail directory hold a moet
tag Tuesday afternoon in Prosldent Mc-
oTmloWs oflloo. The momb&rs of the board
vOEe a1 present. IL letter was rad from
. ? dattngerWatklns , otthoDctroits , eancoulug
the exhibition flames , that were booked with
the world'schaiiiptons for April 19 and Oti.
. . This will bo unwelcome iiews to the local
, y patrons of the game , who were anxious to
Boo vhat the Ointilias could do . against such
formidable antagonists as the famous Do.
' trolts. However , Secretary Worloy is still
negotiating with Watkins anti may yet so.
'I cure thorn for at loatt one game.
A long letter was also road fruin Manager
Solco , in which ho states that ho has flrially
. ocured Shannon and that lie will surely PIny
In Omaha this season. Ho further states
tiint tho.entlro tciun wilibo hero on or before
Ytiril 1 , antI go inunedlately ! nto lravtlcO.
ieol4) liiinsof will be hero March 20. In ad
dition to this io ciitls Flynn's record.
Secretary orley is now negotiating with
Maii.nger lowe , of tim ICansaa City Anierhinu
: flmocation ( club , and . h's good Prospects o
getting theta hero for exhibition ghmos on
tile th and Stli. 'A fair propo.iltion has boon
) iiade ltowobut , it secims ho.wants the earth ,
ucl wants It Wrapped U and tied vith a bluc
yibbon. Camcs , too , are being arrang&l fey
vitui the St. Louis lirowus and ether proinI
% irnt teams , ittid the liosiects are that Omnhr
vi1l ho treated to some lively uxhibitior
gaines before the opening of the season.
. A man by the namoof l'ool was engaged a
uncrInteiulent of the grounds , and somc
, Ether minor matters nttouded to.
1 . City ingtio Players.
Tue Motz Bros. ' teain embraces such
vnll knowli amateurs n. tim following : JUt
Iart , F. Iilnnchford and A. Mutz vitchers
Thomas Gillon , B. T. Culion and C. D. Ifessi
catchers , F. Heimmol first base , John I3rundl
' ccoiid , Dan Linahan third , John Mullen am
v Fiitnk 3. Lange short stops , and Johtii Epemie
1 ter , jr , ' .Villimun F. Chambers , Fred Icing ,
and T. 11. llarter.ilolders. tjharlos Met :
h as boon choseim as mnnmingcr.
The Penrose & Ilardin team vill be an
other litird crowd to down. It contain' . Cli
more anti Duiniro , catchers ; MciColve3
Oreen Bud Saulisbury , pitchmora ; Roelcwoli ,
lrat ba3o Penrose iuitl limilthvin , second
tdliictt , tldrd ; ) Joniugtou , short atoll ; Cm
html , left field ; Gilitmtt , center ; Pitton alit
Townsend right. Ii. A. I'cnrosu , immnminger
The Crane Urothera' ilayers are as fol
, lows : U. J. Swartz anti 1 . ( liinioro catchers
E. Goist and \V. P. iurkeo pitchers , 11. ' .1. '
LniI ' first , George Goist second , K V. Lewi
tl&irt'iY. C. Pritchard short stopF. W. FitI
'oft ' 1101(1 George F. Eoss middle , B. Thorn
ton Lglit field , A. Kines , II. La'.i'sOll tiliti ¶ 1
' .m Egglestonoxtmas. IIaungr , II. T. Lnliy.
, ) . Thu C. K Maynes arc : C. Fl (1 ruben
-M catcher , George O'i'oolo left ilciti , If. E
Kiiby catchier , 1)ick flw.ycr first , Felix Tone
, second , Tommi Shannon third , J. McCntr
, I short mmtopJ. If. Withimmoll center 1le1tlEugei
It p evii1o iItchiCr. Manager Fairrish has iii
: t lila meirungugod , but these aroali the name :
at hand.
Monday night the South Omaha base bimi
club met aimil decided to commence nrnetic
back of the Exchnuge hotel as soon us tb
vcather would permit. They also decided t
Ivo their first annual bull for thp liuritoso o
raislimir funds-tiumo amid ilacO to be settle
hereafter. There is some good stuff iii tb
, lub ; Tom Kelly. the second base , hmavhi
3m1a3'cd with thmo Quick Steps of Chicago lot
three years , and John Commor having boom
the short stop of the Kansas City Gree :
t'rees for a similar. lorlod. hilly Aiclucrn
bold down the third ba8o of tb
] Jigtiton Chicago chub for two years , amid is a
) iomo on either first base. or In loft field
John \V. llohnn IhitSd with the Town o
ako , Courley us right fielder , amid Joe lint
flay ivas one of the Chicago ellititors. Johi :
leCuezi ivan on the first base of Armour'
icamisra City team for two years , and la
'riiiiz i.ayed in the right field unU caught 10
time Clinton , Jo. club. J. Lnmigmmioro has ha
five yois'a oxierleucc , divided between Ui
t /iXoca , a. and , Montrose ill. clubi
had Jack 1iugbe was chptaia and jtchur ci
the South Chicago Illahilu Leaves. Ills la
igugcment was as Pitcher for the Chicag
Luluuiota Now the mnangcmcmt arc mUm
and waiting to hear what kind of stuff the
other city league clubs Is made of.
Johnny Flynn , tim Pitcher.
John Flynn , the , Inst litebcr signed by
Manager Selec , was born In Lawrence , Maa4. ,
twenty-fire yeiirs ago. lie weighs bid loulids
antI stamitis live ftet eight Incites In lila base
ball shoes. Ito Is every Inch a PlaYer. In 'Si
he played with elec's ' toatim fit Lawrence ,
and by lila lice pitching , baw running sad
timely hitting , liehinal iu no small measure to
land Lawrence In first ilacc. In ' 85 hmo
played with the Merideti ( Conti. ) state lemigue
tearti. Hero uk work wasoftho nlienainflmal
order.S'licii not pitching lie Ililcil tight
field. hero agalti his fine betting and baje
running asIatetl in the winning of imatiy ; a
gnaw.'hon the lerklemms disbimmulati
timey vcro In first Place. A
had fracture of thu bone of tIme right thunil ,
by a batted ball prevented liimmm froni oecuy
imig the box last season. But ho is tiow iii
11mm comiditiorm anti expects to oven surpass
hits wonderful work for the Clilcagos in ' ,
for the Omnalias tlik season. lie is a great
fielder iii hiis position and ii sitlentlid bitttr :
fled runner. Ho wiil arrive I.1rlduy ,
March 2.
FInshs rent theflhcimonil.
Pat Tobenu is with the , Clitcagos at hOt
Springs. .
"Jumbo" llmtrdlng , who caught for St. Joe
last year , and caught vchI , lint remioutmecid ,
itrofesslonal base ball.
Jahtzen and Harper , an alleged catcher
amid imltchier arostiil iii Chicago waiting' er
"time letter that miever cuue , ' ' nor never wtil
in all lilcelihood. .
herman Bader and Fiank Gemiins , who
lIUYCl in the .Omymahmn out-field last summer ,
signed omm Saturday Inst with tIme Deitwera , of
the olti Westerti league.
Dun O'Leary , pitciior for the local team
last sensonoccupies the box for time Fort
Worth ( 'rex. ) state lenguo teem this seon.
O'Leary poses5es nianyof the l)0litS ( of an
excellent pitcher , itmid.if ho lets booze nloue ,
ought to be very cffctive this year.
Sioretnry Work.y swill go to Chlchgo Sun-
tiny to be prestmt at the committee of the
Western assoclutiomi schedule meeting ,
which will be held nt-time Trenmont house an
the 19th.
"Time board of arbitration at its meeting
Momidmmy , afte' rlmig time statcnnemita by the
Ammmericamm a , on 'club of Kansas City
and the \Vcstcrii 'association club of ICamisas
City as to the'mmmethods adopted in the Kansas
City club of'theVostamn a'tsoeiation was umi
chile to agree mis to time jurisdiction itt the
hrcniisct cmiii as to tim facts presomited. Hut
it dotortimimiod that the claimmi of. tim American
association .3ltmb that tIm franchise mtecordm1
to thio.'tVcstermm a.ssociatiomi climb was secured
by their agent , amid thdruforo should immure to
thick' benefit if so secured , is one that should
be referred to the courts for adjudtcattou.
Amiti so that settles this vexed question.
Thio Kansas City Western association , club
sticks undliowo anti his Amiierhans must do-
hand ott tImeIr..ovii mndrits for lioPulmImltY.
htowdvcmr , fm'Oumm all immdleationstho Westei'n
club haS tImt call down thero.
An Interesting Trap Shoot.
Atthe trap shoot on the Omaha Gun club
grounds ycstrday miternQon , a match was
shot byMcssrs. Icnroso amid Hardin on 0mb
sithi , and ICotchom and Woods , on the other
2 .bluo rocks 18 yticds rise : I'enroso and
, Ketchem shooting 12 bores , le3s time S pound ,
and Hardin and Vocids It ) bores. Thu score :
I'emiroae..tltl 01111.11111 10111 llill-3
Hardin..ililt 11110 01111 01110 1111l-.21
vTocds..1oh1l ; 11.11t 11111 11101 1tl11-
lCetchcm. . . .11011 11111 11l'OLlll , 1ill1-h3
There were a number of other shoots , iii
which mill the Itarticinants made avemugo
good scores. . . .
Miscellaneous Sporting Motes.
Tomtrmj Miller. is ht I'eoii , IlL , Jils ord
stamping ground.
. Jack Msitt hits not hiowcd up as .ydt , but
. is eXlCCtCd this week.
1d Kendall goes lit a treo-for-nll tenmUe
footmaco at Coumicili3liffs , Thursday oe-
lag. .
ThmolVoIr combination will must be hero Saturday -
urday evening , owing th better inducements
olTured at Chicago.
Several largc consigumnets of ducks were
received in this city yeterduy from Bartlett ,
Honey Creekanti other Points. . .
There Will bo a rand pigeon snd . target
shooton the Omaha Qua clubgrounds this
afternoon. 'Ihore will be one or two private
matches as woil as several interoat1n swedp
stakes shoots. :
. Pat Shea , the nrlzo fighter , was arrcstdd
Imorethis mnornmni on a telekramlrom ICammas
city , whore he is wanted for his 1gjtt vitn
Joe Tausoy , lmtst Sntprday miight. Shea wits
here most of time winter , and before the hioli.
.day fought Bluckoy Elliott in SouttiOma1i.
Ed Rothmery turned over tlid1O .forfeit cie.
positodwith him by Ed Morgan for a fight
with .Tohn Dmylast evening at o'clock. That
watt the hour sOtfOr Morgan to most Day
and mnalo the flumal deposit of the stakes.
Day was on humid , bitt Morgami failed to
materialize , amid Mr. Rothiery acted accord-
, l'at Killen is after Patsey Cardiff , and
after him bad. . Killen has deposited OO a '
a forfeit for a fight with'Cardlff , and it will
be diflicuit matter fortho lnttor to avoid a
meet amid maintaimi his reputation among tjie
sporting fraternity. iCillemiivants to light for
$9tkO ) iiIdeto a ilnishmnnd at nay time to suit
, . -
The County Cwih imilsatonors Meet' Afler
Their Extcniett Jaunt.
t Tile county commissioners ratified their
return froth their late jaunt by. holding a
pieeting yesterday afternoon. Chulrmuamm
O'Keeffo presided , and all thO members wrc
I in their seats. ,
The resignation of James Tracy as cbn
stable of West Omaha precinct was tcnilerdd
amid accepted , and time committee oii finanec
reported that a bill amounting to 13.O3 lint ]
Uccmi tendered to the city on accoumit of mc
funding taxes collected on tn3 imroperty ol
time Omminba Medical college.
, James Casey resigned as lusticd of thic
peace of tim Eighth ward and Ed A. Shmnis
\vlts nppointcd In his place. Fmanlc E. troores
L cleric of tim district court , ivits authmorizcd tc
CIiilIO. . ' clerks fur transcribing udgnicnI
, index at mm eicponse not to IIXCCCiL $00.
Time ofihelul bandit of Oliver Haney and Ed
ward A. Shaw wore approved , amid the count
trcmstirer Wii't directed to enter thin south
hiatt of the east half of lot 2t1 , ICountze's sc
omid audition on the assessor's book.
, henry O'Iluarti applied for time positlom :
of superintendent of time new couat
p. asylutmi buildimig. Referred to constructioii
coimimnittce. James Stdckdale's nrotcst
; migmilimat excess taxation was placed on tile.
Mrs. M. L. Perrino nalced to have a youn
girl clint her fammiil.v lies been carjmmg for semil
to Item nmmicimts in hartford , Conmi. The coal
mitteo on charities were empowered to act
Charles Itoss was niiowed $40 for eight daym
service at time county hospital.
'l'hmo county treasurer was directed to can
ccl time tax for lS7 on time north : 10 acres oi
sotithi UI acres of north half of south-east sac
tionJ , 111 and 18 on account of double assess
cleat ; also time taxes for the years ISTO amn
1S71 , on west 2 acres of north-west quarter 01
r south-oust qumirior ma section 00 , township il
north r.lnge 13 cast.
Johmu Ammdson was appointed constable a :
ChIcago vrcclmmct , and confessed mistakes 01
S Assessor D. W. Lammo iu assessing certaim :
muds was vlacetl on file. 'rime county trees
urer was instructed to change the personeit
0 tax for l7 of Jane Lessemtiu from i3,2-15 t
0 'Ji0.
mm ! l'bo bond of II. C. Barmme , for runnin
f grader No. I was accepted and approved
iuiil time following resolutions adopted :
I ) Whereas ? A commtttoo of the citl
C council ot time city of Omnaima lies beem
appointed by that body for thm
i nurposo of looking up a site for a city lam !
therefore ,
y itosolved , That the committee on construe
0 tlomi of this board be instructed to odvis. .
t. with said council coummnitteo and acertuim
theIr views us to the location of such mmii.
f Iicsoivt'd , That time county treasurer bi
and ito is hereby instruetoti to i'iace dmi tin
mm tn list of ISST time south half ot lot 5 , libel
S 37clty of Onmalimi , same being time iiropcrtyo.
U Ammnio Dodge at a valuation of 7CO.
r Resolved , 'lmat thin county treasurer be ant
it ho is hereby directed tocimange thmo vniuatiom
0 of the personal Iroicrty of N. Mergcn for thu
year ISS ? fronm 11,2.1.5 to to om account o.
If error lii amLd assessment.
it Itoaotvcd , That the coumtty treasurer he am
0 lie is horithy instructed to change the levy am
g real estatt school district No. 10 , village o
I _ _ _ . -
Elkhorn , for187 from 10 mIlls to IfluillIs , time
an1c being an rror ,
Mr , Chslrnian-Yourcomthttteo on udit'l.
apy to. whom was referred thO rcsoititimi
authorizing the emilioymnont of thrte lmtilers
1mm the I"mglns county bail anti detimming the
hours of iervico of each , would retOcUOl1y
retort that the sheriff be nuthorted to employ -
ploy , thmre jailers , cccii to reteive the suni of
1o ncr xuommtii mis heretofore , timid to svortc
under tho'immstructiomis of said sheriff
Pleasure to He Mixed Up With lust.
11055 Ievelopumment.
George L. Miller , 1' . Ii ] . 11cr , W. A. Pax-
the , Frmimmk Cobpeter nod H. W. 11111 yester.
day afternoon tlicd articles of incorporation
wiLl : timecoumity cleric of time Uniomm cluit , time
object of wiiic'hm as set forth , "simdi : ho time ad-
Vamicimig tint furthering the genarni busimmess
immtercst. , mmmi commmmercai hmrnherty ) of time
city of Omnhmm , aumd as Immcitlemmtal thereto ,
time purchase or rantimig of n suite of roommis
or house in the said. city for , time tmtual pur-
hoses of ii social club iieWdimmg , , tlmcrcummder ,
time muinteur. co of a rustaumntmt anti moms
for reidimmg amid general social entertaimmment
tmtmd diversion. " 'The ' authorized nmmmoummt of
time capital Mtock is WOIJO , of 8A ( ) shares , at
lee ir simmtre , anti time loitnl of oflicers vili
commalat ( if Ii president , 'vice presklemmt , score-
tary mimmil tremisurer , amid frotmi time board of'
directors amid time stockholders , mmmcimubors of
commtiilttces , for which the by-laws many lire-
vide. , ,
. .
A Qaestioumnhln Proqeeihitig
To the Emitter of' the 13mim : We desire to
call your time proceedings of time
board of education , bondali eemmihg , March
5 , in letting time contract for stemitim iiathig jim
tho.Wcbster street school building to tile
Strammg. & Cleric heating ommipany ott their
bid , wimichi was time hilmcst of tlme.thrce. bids
tu.bmmmittcd and 2i above time lowest bid , the
. respective bidsbciimg , .
Strung & Cleric Hcatiimg & . . . . . . . . . . . ,
D. Fitzpatrick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,431
Weisluimma Sc MeEwan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,2(10 , (
'rime board of ethmentlon took bids lust Aug-
mist for tiiimtamnmia buildingomi ainore complete ,
sPecilICatlomi mimid the Strang & Cleric coin- ,
lmany were then about $ SOQ above the loWest
bidder. . .
All the bids titan ( six in number ) , werG me-
cctedmis being too imigim , yet time lowest eld
tlmemm was $ ZtT les timumi tim6 price for which it
is mmos' let.
. : We took in vain for omo good reasons for
allah .favoritlsi amid waste of lflLbliO
Jiloimey. . .
' Wo notice also tlmnt they passed a resobu-
tlon adopting time liaxton . system of steno :
. imeatlpg nail vondbr what they mean h
thmat. I ! Ilaxton uses a dltTcm'ent system from
otimer steam titters there are immnny of us lii
time busimmess that don't kno * 'It. . Probabi , '
.tiioy amemin tlmatthe boiler and radiators amid
valves' imail be those , mafia by.the' 1-laictoim
Stha 11oitiimg vomnpany , for which time
Strimmig & Clark company are the . spochti
agents. . ,
Timere will urobably be required during the
coming season in Lime lmooi bulldimmgs of our
cityste5mfl heating work amounting to ? 20,000.-
or nmore , mmd it.ivilt . be quite a nice thing fdr
a arm if they can seouro all at their own
figures. .
It Is mb use for otber heating companies to
waste timeir time macking cUimliates It their
bids are to be et aside and contracts
awarded to a favored concern at emmomumods
figures. . Itespectiully , . .
. . . \VtmsnAs & MCE\Y
D. FlTzi'ATItmci , .
. . . Joiis Rowmm & Co.
. . a
Come to the.bridal chamber ' Deatim I
Come to the mother , when s'ho feels'
For the first the her uirst.boru's breath ,
And thou art terrible I :
The untifliel3' death which annthtlly
carries off thousands of hunmami bbtngs Iii
the prmo of youth is indeed terrible.
The f1rstapprono.h .ot.comisumptlomm is in-
. shUous , amid the itutTci'or himself Is tim
most umicommseious of its niproacii One
of the most miarznimmg iymptomns .01 this
dread dicaso is , iii fact , the Inoradic-
abbo hope , whIch lurks In the heart of
the victim , preventing lim from taking
. timely stops to arrest the mrdady. .Thtt
.it can ho arrested in ts earlier stigos is
beyond (1uestion , as there mire. hummdreds
of ivoll itmthmpnicated cases where Dx' .
Piorci3'S Golden Medtcal Discovery hds
, effected a compbotecuro. .
Brakeman's Hand Crushed.
Yestarday in the Fremomit1 Elichorn & Mit
, souri ValLey yards Milf rd , Lincoln , mm brake-
milan , mi3t with a distressing accimitbnt. lie
was coupling the engine to a car at the timti.
and failing th get'his band away itt time it
. was caught between the bumpers and lila
, wrist vAM crushed. On being takeu. to DI- .
Leo's oflice it was ' disciovered that severitl
bones vor brolcen. The Imi3ured parts were
dressed but the docthi says that possibly lie
may have W sufferan am'putationof the hand.
The great popularity 'and BuQess of
Salvatiomm Oil , time great 1)Liit ) destroycr ,
have made t it target for cotmnturfoiters.
Buy lImo gemmuimmo. Price 2 cts.
"Died of ammonia follow "
, poor , said.
ir. .I'artingtomm on. learning of a
. ftiend's , tlcmtth f om nneumnonlt : . be-
hove I 'sli9uld have died , toobut for Dr.
, Bull's Cough Stirrup. " Dr.Bull's Cough
Syrup alto imicant , of course ,
, ,
. Itcamimahiip Arrivals.
, Naw Yoin , ' March 7.- [ Special Telegram
to the .Jins.-Arrived-Thme ) Trmivo frpmn
Bremnen ; the Bassommo from t penitagon ; the
Nevadmifrom Liverpool ; the Circassian fibni
. _ _ _ _
Au hImmleratlvu Necessity.
\Vhmat pure air is to aim unhealthy
locality , what sprimig cleaning is to time
iment housekeeper : so it 1Iod's Sarsa-
parillit to everybody , at this scasomm.
Limo iody needs to be timoroughily : ono- '
vated , time blood purilied amid vitilized ,
time gem'mns of disease destroyed. scm-
fuhi , suit rimeumu , amid all other blood
p disorders are cured by flood's Simm's- :
m [ ) aviiimi , tIme most popular and successful
: spring medicine.
; A $40,000 foal Estate Deal.
There was tiled yesterday with time regis.
tcr of deeds a wmrranty deed transferring by
Edwin ii. Sherwood and his info , Emma H. ,
iii consideration of $40,000 , to Iticimard C. '
Cusimlng time iroportY 0mm South Thirteentim
street at itresumit occupied by J. L. Brandei9
' mimmd semi , who imolm.l a livu years 1ommo dating
from : : timofirat day of Deceimiber , HS7.
snperior excellence proven in miI1Inn elm
hioummes for timers ( baum a quarter of mm cemmtimry. II
m is ueti by time Umm1toj State ( lovemnmmmt'nt. Eu.
3 uInred by time hmeads of time Oremmt I'uiiversities mu
r limo t'tmongest. l'mmmest aumi Most ilealthtmmi. 1)r ,
irle&s l'rcamtt flaking I'owder .iots not contaimi
Amniommia. Itmtme or Alummi. toitt only In Cans.
. IJ.tKiNO l'OWflIlL CO. .
f iuu\ork Chicago , . St. Louii
. .
- .s _ . .sas _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ , . , _ , . , , _ . - , ,
of llithcto Uiipnhe ! Letters of the
otMe Ellg1sh Satarist ,
The % 'elm : of Sonthiient Chmuractorlm-
the Only ox' aMat : With the Ability
ofThnckoray , limo Novelist-
The current publication In Rcrlhners Mare.
zimme of letters sciocted trommm time sparemitiy vt )
lmmmmitnotms ciifrespouiilemmts"of Mr. q Immiokery , time
Emmgilsii mmoyelist , timnij mm new light uiioii his
cimaracter end expialims mimilchm of tim , , teimulerimesit
anti gentlemmes't , whicim lie showed lit hits ro-
umiamm ( ' 's. to time lot ot w'oimmmumkimiti. lie ivims el-
setmtlahiy appreriativo ot limit tAnmmmonpImtcu in
hiomumo lila : latleflt in time detail mif Its beauty and
pathos-actually appreciative cmiii natlentmts his
slmumnlo. hmomneley , yet totmeititig ltter5 indicate.
It wits time cxpremcitloim of geumuimme cml persommi
setititiment timmyt Lie gave vumt to 1mm "VanIty Fair"
i'hon he Sittil :
"lViit tie imtefl kmmow about wonlaim's martyr-
domes ? Timey woniti go mad imimd they to outturn
time immimidredth Part of these miatly veins wiilchm are
ilmeekly borne by mnamiy timmmefl. Csaseiess siavery
immeeting witim mme rewmmrd ; commatant gentleness
nudtoniiemnt'sq met Ity crmmeljy ns eonsmmmntiove. ;
imthor , smimierimmr. patience , ivatclmfulmiesu. ifuw
mimammy of theta imavo t bear 1mm quIet amid appear
, . WITH cixr.itrtlr. vczs ,
as it they felt mmtimimmgV'
! flmere iii iii timls time ring of characterIstIc
semmtlmnemtt wimicim time reader 'ihl flint Ii : many ( it
time ietters whmicii 'flmmtckeray wrote to his Intl.
mimato frietids In Emmglaumil.
, .l doubt. " said ii imuly wimo hmas been selected
n time smmbject of timi sketchm to tiio writer ,
"is'tietimer thmnmii are tuitiTi ) wOiliOn , or meneither ,
it'hioemmdure'I what. ! , Ild. 'ro feel the growing
weakmiess time hos of stmeuigtim , hicalti : mtmid tommy.
age , to iiiitt that tlm souiimt.s about inn grow
fainter mmmd falmiter every day' inmml timat even the
i olces of frleths I commhum 'hear it'lthm. dlmculty.
Yutm can't Imumigine hU' hard that was to beam. "
" 1 thhlik I can , "
. ' . . .
. . ' :2
Silas ANNIE ( IOOflLETT. .
. " 1'ou see it had been a immatter ol only a couple -
plo of scars with lime. I : tiomi't think 1 wa's ever
wimat you.mlght call stronc , but when timis tromt.
bin cameo on and kept gmowlimg upon me , It niacin
mit weaker and more miesponuommt timan ever. I
bail colds a great coal amitt tronnie ithm m
throat and iittatl , My.nose would stop up , Sm
emi olin side then omm time otimer ammil it. was with :
dimctmity'that I cotmid breathe through it at all.
1 itotilU .alivays ho imwklmmg and hiomnmiling
amid trying to clear umiy thmroat. I vas more
tired when I got imp In themomning than when 1
Wont to bed this night before. My sloop was
not sound. I wasvery. restless. After a while I'
began to have a pain ovonmy eyes and' thmrough
my head. I was IosinJf n : ' we1jht and was re-
thmced to almost askelotoim. I hunt no ambltioft
to (10 ammy work'and the lest , exertion would tire
" -
"Von speak about sotmadaboing indistinCt ? "
"Oh.yes , For along.timne Imioticed that I
would have simigniat nolies In my earsroarlng
'or ljUzZIflZ SOUUdS theyseemned to be. Whelm
mycatarrim was worse-tar that the doctora told
fin Wasifly trouble , or nI-least the beginning of
lt-espechmtily in dammip ox. cimmitigeable weather ,
these sounds in my eart u'ouid be mere distinct.
By mtnd by I ounc I c nmhInt hear as plainly as
l mmsetl to , and was ntraid.twould become totally
' thent. ' . i .
"Hut yen hear better to-day : you can hear thy
volco Quite distinctly , emma you not ? "
"Oh , yes. I wiU tell you. Sonme time ago , after
, usingtlilterentkthdaoftreatuiient , I tdok time
advice of a friend and wenrto D , McCoB of-
lice In Itamgebiock. I found lila 01500
i'AmiLOitS t'llLEi'IVITII vzoi'zr. .
But it WS not very ionbcore I bad an oppor.
tunity of.seolng the doctor. lie told ume flint my
troubles wemo.ttme I-esi1t f catarrhm , atitl to ye.
move then : It would be meceaaary to remove tlo
cause. He diii miot tell me he could' restore may
im ariug entirely , but said ho could litlp it , and
iiiakt' limo imeam better. .
"IheSIdos thottouble my o"est bad. a ecin.
tinual dropping of pitiscus ftom my liSmid Into
may throat. 'which when I woftld lie down I would
wailow , a5d It w54 not loag'bofore I found my
stontaclmwas ont mit ordr-m looci would not
digest readily 'ad I had memo o less of a .pain
, hi time pit of. time stomach nearly all the time ,
and after eaUnt a hearty macal 1 syotild , have a
distressed sensation lit my stomach. My eyes , I
noticed wore also affected , end ' 1menI would go
omit In the bright light they woule pain me and
wmite ? coflshlorably. .
"As I said before , I visited Dr. ) IcCoy'solflco ,
and began treatntemmt at once and.began to liii.
hirove. icy gommorn health was better at time end
ofthmeflrstconple weeks of treatmiment ; now I
sleep well , eat heartily , arise retreslmed In time
: iiornhttg , do not hawk amml spit any inure like I
Used to , hmavtm no patti over time oyesnohistrosseml
'feelings after eittimmg. My food seems to digest
all right , mae eyes do not water or helm : inO mmny
nmoo , and the
mio.imiYG ANn'3UJzzl0 KOmSSS
have left nme. On thm.A whole I.bave boom : greati
benefited by his trntment , imflt hmav flO lies
ncIn , giviqg amy testiunonhfi for liublica-
MIs'hnflbo Goocileti , whose portrait Is fairly
well produeedmthove , caine to Omahimi about two
years ego fromim Stroator , lb. , is a dresammmnker by
otcupntion , toni resides at the cormmer of Twenty-
fifth street anti l'qpploton avoiimms , where time
abovestateimmUnt will be verified If time reader
ivill tahe the Pains to immqtmire about it.
Signal Dangers Which Are Macho
Known Before Commaumuption
. Appears. .
When cafmmrrhm hmmt existel In the hmCa(1 and
upper part of tim throat for any.lengtli oftlnmo ,
-thu patient living in the district where People
arc subject tQ Catarrhai aitectlon-mumtl time , li.
CltSO has beon.left tmncmmred , time catarrhm invari.
abiy , soniotimes slowly extends down thmo windpipe -
pipe mind Immto the iirommchiai tubes , whmicim , tmit'emm
commysy the air Into the ( tiiterolm't parts of time
lungs. The timbos become nirettcd from time
aivellhtig and lmmucmms arisimig from catarrh , amid
. Iii some lnstammces becomimopiuggodup ito that thin
alt cmiimflot get him as freciy as It simouiml. iiort.
ness of brcmith follows , and the patient breathes
witim labor and with ( iltilculty ,
1mm other cases timere is a sommntl of cracking and
whmeezimir imisiiio thu clmest At timis stage of the
disease time hmreathming Is usually more rapid than
whelm Iii lmemmlth. Time imtieimt tilBo has hot ilasimes
over hits hotly.
'l'hmo Peiim wimicli accoumipanies this condition is
of a .htuil chmaracter felt in time imest , 'helmind time
breatbomic or under time simnuhtler blade. Time
nain mimes coimie amid go-lust a tow thmys euiti then
be aisOnt for several others. The cougim that oo-
curs In time Iirst stages of lironchmial catarrit is
dry , commmet utjimtevvmls is hmmickimig in character
amid imsualiy mst tramiLlesommmo in the mnornimig
( iii mirisimig , or goimmg to bed mit niglmt , mind it amy
be the tirst evidence of time disease extending in
: time luug.
At first there many ho notiming brought up by
the cough : : timemi thorn isa little touglmtenacious
mmmucus , iilmicl : the Patlemm.V flails gm'eat duilletmlty
in bringing imp.
Somnetiummes there are fits of CoughIng Induced
iY tough imimlcomms-so vtiilemit as to cause vomn-
iting. fmiter on inn mucous thmnt is raised Is
Iommmitt to coimtatn sninhl Iutrticles of yellow mat
em , wimicli lmmdlcmmtes thmcmt'timti summall tubes imi thin
lumigs are now atlectel. WIth tlmi timero are
( ) rtemm streaks of imlood mixet ? witim time immimeomma.
1mm cases thin patient becomes very pale has
fever and expectorates before any cough imp.
In some cases suali of cheesy smmb-
Stanra are spit up , whichit'memm ? prtssed between
the tlmmgere enmtts a bail odor. lmi other cases
particles o a hard , chaiky nature are spit up.
Jim maislimg of cheesy or imnlky lummips indicates
serious mischief at ivork into the ltmmmgs.
Lath of BOIIOYIIC Hospi11 , Nc York ,
lbs omces
Wimeremmh curaijie cases are treated with sac-
Medical diseases tremitomi sktllfmmlly. Consump.
tiomi , 11r4iit's disease , fli-spepstms. itiletimnatlsm ,
and nil Z EIIVOUS fllsfi.tsl.i3. jill dumseses no.
utHilo ; thu sexes a specialty , CATAIIIihL
CONSt'f.TATION at ofhhee or by maihfl.
Many diseases are treated smuccesaftmily Ity Dr.
McCoy tiirommghm time maui , mind It is
thus possible for Ibmittu mimmaijie to umaku the jour-
: tey 14) obtmtlmi successful hospital treatument at
: timeir. imonies.
m Olilce tmoimrsll toll a. in. ; 3 to4 p.'nm , I to8.
mu , SUNI.tJIOUJub I"llOM I ) A. M. 'Fo 1 1'.II
Corrospointence receives irommmpt attention.
. folotters anwerctl umilesa accompommied by
cute in stamps ,
ttidross all mmmii to Dr. J. C , ) fcCoy ' Rooms
iil0ammd. 31lRamne bul .idthg , OmauiaNo'b.
. . , . , .
- - - -
. '
. ' :
' . . , ,
. , . . .
Our n spring stoOk of Men's , Boys' and Chi1drs Cloththg Ia
now complete and open for inspection. , ' . ' . .
We claim it is the largest collection of new and stylish goods ever
exhibited In Omaha. ' . ,
We further claim that we have marked our goods at much lower
prices . , than any other house will name for like qualities and makes : .
This week we will make a speoialty on Spring Overcoats4 Of thesO'
we show a splendid assortment ; all the latest shades iii fine Meltons ,
Diagonals , &c. , silk and satin lined and beautifully made ; in short , thern
most dressy garments that the market afFords ; but the most attrac .
tive thing about them .j the prices--these are. positively. the lowest
'ever heard of ' , , , . . , , ,
As our sj1eoial bargain this week we offer two styles of 'Spring
Over oats at $6. These we can prove are worth double the . amount. '
They'are made offin all worsted goods , lined with best 'double' warp ' '
Italian , Satin striped sleeve .liningand made like regular custom gar-
meats' . . We have two shades , one a fine. grey the other a brown , either
oftlieni is a splendid clor. We challenge any retail clothing house in
the United States to how alike bargain. . . ' . ' . '
. Ournext.price is $7.75 , a fine Melton Oercoat with silk facing and
elegantly trimmed. and made. Then we have one at $9.25 , $10.50 , '
' $12.75 and $14.50'each , andall seleote'd.'bargains , . . notto be fouud anyWhere . -
Where else. : . . " . . . . .
' In our Boys' and Ohu1drens Dartinent we are opening daily new
and choice goods. . We propoe to make this department the . most. at . :
tractiv . . onein , theoity , for style and prices. . . .
' All goods marked .in plain figures and at. strictly one : price. . ,
. :
Nebraska Clothing Company I
: . . . cner Douglas and 14th Streets. Omaha. . : . ' '
ijji& a & D. DAVIESON ,
1142 LaTUce' st : , BonYor , Col.
Of the Miseglirt State Museum of Anatomy , St.
LouIs , Mo. , ' University College. Hospital , Len-
don , tllesen , Oermmtmmy and New York , bavtmmg
devoted their attention
Irolls , ' Cliroilic llli .B1oo
. . . ' . .
. 1bie especially. those arising from impmu
deuce. invite all so suffering to correspomil with.
cut delay. DIseases oL imifection and Contagion
cured 8afely and speedtly wiiiiout use. of 'clan-
geromma drugs. Patients whose cases have been
mmeglCcted , badly tteated . or pronotmnced Incuv-
able , should not tall to r1te us concernIng tlmoir
symptoms. All letters moccivolmmediate atton.
toil. .
And will be mailed 11iHII to shy sddresmcin me-
cleipt of 0i19 2-cent stamp , "Prmwtical Observa- ,
lions emi Nervous Doility amid i'hmysicmtl Exhmaut.
tbomi , " to wimtth Is added atm "ssay on Mar-
rlge , " with tmportmmt cimhpters an disa5ott of.
tkm& ltermroductive Organs , time 'bole tormning a
valuab'e medical treatise which should be react
by all young men. Addres
DRS. S.1 ' ft DAVIESON ,
1742 Lwz'onc st. , onver , Cal.
Percherons Clydesdales and Shtr also home
bred colts , } itery ammimal gtmaraimteetla breeder
Our stock hiatt been selected with reference to
Itoti : indlviclmimil immorht mmml pedigree. Scum of
.thesohmo'rses hmava takemi first Prize at time Ne.
braska State Velr. 1587. MI our horses are nc
c'himatetl , and cehtlt of thmeir get can be shown.
, I'rices reasommatmho nmmrl easy terms. Is accesstblt
iy the three lemulimmg railroads of tlme.tmtato , Ii. &
'If. ; F. ,
York , Net ,
. Fbn-
-nv c.tnmmIEn -
20 Cents a Week.
Seven papers . a wook. Scud your order to time
chic , , ,
1029 P Street1 Capital Hotel Building
jI.rpd4sILcS Tansill's ' Punch Cigars
. . S woresimirpecldmmrIugthnpt
435 two your , , without a tirmmni-
( ) sat' Timeila ctmrcnmploy Noothom'
V c' house in time world cnn truth.
ta" gisc : ulmymnhcosmmebastiowlmmg.
4 Citi' only )
H W , TANSILL&CO ,55 Stat. St.Chlcago
Juw. Barnsdall , M.D
Hoincoopathie SpecIalI8t ,
Gyzcecotogfit and Obstetrician.
Telephone 979.
E.T.AIIen , M. D. ,
hlomamopathia Specialist , '
Spectaclea Accurately Prescribed.
' . . . , r T. Q.tLUR4ITI1.
Surgeon and Physician. .
Omce N. W Corner 14mb amid Uoimgliui St. fEnce ,
. , telephone , 46i ; lictldenco tqleplmommb. ItOh
- _ 4t - - - - , , - . - - - . . . -
: : ' .i ' . . -
. ; . . ' . ; . .
; , : ' .
' , .
DIpay ! at thetrwareroms , 1305 and t'307 Farnam Street
tPieiarget asspr'tment of Pianos and Organs to be found at ,
. . any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embracesthe
hlghe t 'class and medium grades , Including . . : . .
FISCHER , . " : 'PlAN OS . '
LY.ON&HEALY- . ' . ' . . ' . . . .
. .BURDETT . . .
' ' ,
O'R A' N s STANDARD , , ,
. . . , , . . LYON&HEALY '
- - - - - - - - ' -
Prices , quality 'and durability considered , are placed at the ' ,
lowest livIng rates for cash or timo' 'payn'.onts. while the lon3.
established reputation of th house , coupled with their mos't , .
liberal interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
, the purcha er an absolute' safeguard against loss by pos5lble .
defet8 In materials and workmanship. . .
. - LYON & HEALY , . .
' . 1305 &J3Q7P4RNAMrRI'L
- - - '
: . "
The Eclipse BroadcaSt Seeder1 % . ' .
The only succCssful force 'feed
WagonSeeder in the market.
The only Wagon Seder that sows
flax and grass seed 'perfectly.
The. only Wagon Seeder that. sews
an even amount whether the team
walks fast or slow.
Will sow 80 acres a day.
It saves time and money.
. . _ -
. I .
, . , , ,
. ) _ _
: 4
I' t ' .
' .
_ t , , , r , , .
_ _
. -
Council Bluffs Iowa.
The Little Buckeye reed Mi.
i , , , ' . - r'iit 't'"i , , ' .
. " , t , . ' 4it.itlIth . , . . . . " , ' . .iftsi. " . '
I. ' ' t' 't.t rh'ti ' "h ' , 'v 'b. , , . . "
, . - . . . ' I , : ' - . hi.3 . j ' (
, S .tk ? . , I , , t :
itj ' _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' . ) i.t$4'5 , , , & , I , , , ty . , ti4" . , , , ,
! ,
. ' . , .
I ' ' . ' ; _ _ _ _ _ _ t. . I
. ; .i * . _ _ _ _ . .
4& . s ' '
- - . _ j j It ;
' _ _ . ' S , _ _ _
. . . 'l _
. _ _ _ _ S f'6 , , , m , .
S "
--j - J5I"
- ' -
_ '
A Separate Mill and Power.
'llh rhuII fUICP hiIi simisie Ion'cr turin niiy oilier MIII. ' .
ii Ilto 311)11 ccoioiiiiciil 111111 for the firinci' to buy. ' , '
Ask your danber for it and LI not in btoclc write
. . .
- . . . ' _ Council Bluffs , Iowa.
14DTAKrH3oThrssrrsIiNATUI'tONrVr5YbOX. mu m.r'rys DY RTUItN StAlL
5 ,0flflUNiCUCiIEO '
, . . , . . : ' . . . ' . ' . . . . . . , ' : . ' . ' ' . . , .
. .
. . . . . .
_ st----------- - ' -S , - - - _ _ _ _ _