Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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ChlcMROMnrch 7. Following arc the 2:30 :
closing prices !
Flour Steady and unchanged1 winter
Wheat , bbls , | 3.MK < 15.X ! ) ; wicks , fcJ.tXXan.7G ;
Wheat , bbU , 13.60 4.60 ; sack * . ri.70M4.2Ti ;
nrlnp , fl.76@3.00 ; rye flour , | 2.85@3.10 per
bblj buckwheat flour , I5.00fi0.75 per bbl. '
Wheat Opened a shade clsler than yester
day , declined , and after fluctuating considerably -
ably closed J < @ c higher ; cash , 75 15-10c ;
April , 70 MOc ; May , UO 13-lCc.
Corn Moderately active , opened oettcr ,
and after declining closed about same us yes
terday ; cash , 4hfc ; May , 63c.
Oats Weaker and lower ; May , 31 0-lCc.
Ilyo Steady at G9 c.
narley Nominal at 77S2c.
Whlsky1.16. .
Pork Fairly ' active and steady ; cash ,
$13.90 ; May , 14.05.
Lard Fairly active , and steady ; cash ,
17.112 ; May , $7.70.
Dry Salted Meats-Shoulders , 10.00(30. 10 ;
hort clear , t7.45@7.GO ; short ribs , $710.
Uuttcr Higher- ; creamery , 21@'J9c ; dairy ,
Chccso Steady ; full cream chcddars , 11@
ll.Vc ; flats , llKGsUX < Si young ' Americas ,
12lf@13c. . .
Eggs Lower ; fresh 15@lCc.
KHluc8 Unchanged ; green hides He ; heavy
green salted , 6 ; light green salted , d4\ } \
salted bull , fie ; green bull , 4c ; green salted
calf , 8c : dry flint , r.13o ; dry calf , 12)i@13c ) :
dry saHcd , lOc ; deacons , 80c cacli ;
Tallow-No. 1 , solid , 4 < 4'e. ; No. 2 , do 3K ;
cake , 4J c per Ib. . ' '
Hecdipts. ShlpmcntH.
Flour , bbls . , ' . ' 8.IHX ) 22,000
Wheat , bu . 2TtXX ; ) 11,000
Corn , bu . ' . . 2o5,000 94,000
Oats , bu . : . 133,000 U.OOO
Ilyc.bu . ; 8,000 ' . ' ,000
Barlcy.bu . " . 22,000 30,000
St. IJOUIH ; March 7. Wheat Strong ;
cash , 81 fffl82cMny,82c. ; .
Corn Weak- ; cash , 4c ( ; May. 47Vc.
Oats Easy ; cash , 30J c ; . May , 20 c.
Provisions Pork , 114.15 ; lard , t7. o. .
Butter Creamery , 24S28e ( : dairy , 18g2r ( c.
Afternoon Hoard Wheat Firm and
higher ; April , 82Vo bid ; May , 82Xc ; July ,
7 ; < c. Corn-Strong ; April , 4ii > l@4ti
May , 4T&C. , . Data Firm ; May , 2 > so.
MimiciipnllH , March 7. Wheat Local
traders were doing-very liltlo , either In sum-
plo wheat or futures. Uccul | > ts , 27'J ears ;
shipments , 27. ' Closed : In store No. 1 hard ,
March , 7to ; April , 77c ; May , 78J4c ; Juno ;
79)C ) ; No. 1 northern , March , 74j c ; April ,
7fc > jo ; May , 7G c ; June , 77 } u ; No. 2 north
crn , March , 72c ; April ; 73c : May , 74c. Or
track No. 1 hard , 77J e ; > o. 1 northern , 7.
@ 7t5c ; No. 2 , northern , 73J.
Flour Unchanged ; patcntsto ship , $4.10(0 (
Milwaukee , Maroh 7. Wheats-Stronger
cash , 7lijtfc ; March. 70c ; May , 7
Corn Strong ; No. 3 , 4ia.
Oals Firmer ; No. a white , 34c.-
Uyo Higher ; No. 1 , ( JOo. . '
Hurley Steady ; No. 8 , 75 } < fc.
Provislons-rFirnv pork , March , (13.S5.
Cincinnati , March . 7. Wheat Firm
No. 2 red , 8(5o. ( '
Corn Strong ; . " .No. 2 mixed , MtftMVo.
Oats Firm ; No. 2 mixed , H4i4Kc. ;
Hyo Strong ; No. 2tiSd. '
Provisions Pork , dull at $14.50 ; . lard
firm nt $7.55. '
Whisky- Steady at $1.09. *
JKansna City , March 7. Wheat Steady
Oft , cash ' 77c bid , 7Ob asked ; May , 79J < e.
. Corn- Steady ; No2 , cash , -13'rfc bid , 44 <
Rskedj 1 ; . , 44 > c bid , 45o usUcd ; AlayI5 tf
bid , 40c asked.
. Oats No. 8 , cash , no bids or offerings
Muy , 20Jic.
Now -Vork , March 7. Wheat Receipts
none ; exports , 8J.OOO ; options ruled'very ir
regular , opening steady , ( liter \vciikcned ' M
J/c , subsequently advanced ? @ ° e. closinj
Bt about % c below best ; ' cash firm but vcr ;
quiet ; ungraded red ; 8 * ! } @ 92' c ; No. 1 rci
quoted at 04 } < c ; No. 3 red , Olift Jl e li
elevator , 02xc delivered , April closing a
Corn Kccolpta , 1,500 ; exports , 400 ; option
declined Jf@ ) c early , later recovered parto
loss , closing : steady ; cash , quiet ; ungradci
00 } < @ 01Kc ; No. 3 , OOKc ; No. 2. CO c in store
old No. 2 , 02 < o delivered , May closing a
Oats nccoipts , 85,000 ; exports , 1,800
J ( i ? o lower but moderately active ; 'mixei
western , 38@40c ; white western. 40@45o. '
Coffee Spot , fair ; Hlo , nominal ; option
10 ( 15 iralnts higher but rather quipt ; salcr
47,750 bags ; March , tlO.fl5@10.7r ; April , 810.5
@ 10.GO ; May , 1U. 0@10.40 ; Juno , (10.10 < <
10.25 ; July , tU.85@10.00l August , U.05@0.7f
Petroleum Firm ; United closed steudy a
l and lower ; western , 17J c.
Pork Less Activo.but steady ; mess quote
at | 14.5@15.00 for one year old.
Lard A shade stronger ; western stcan
epot , $8.00(28.10. (
Butter ; Steady and in fair demand ; wosl
crn , 14@30c. _
Cheeio Quiet and .firmly hold ; western
lilvorpooi ; March 7. Whe'atr-Steady
demand fair ; holders offer moderately.
Corn linn ; demand fair ; new mixed , 4
7j > d per cental. .
Now Orleans , March 7. Corn Firm
1 in sacks , mixed , -5S@59c ; yellow , S'JSGOc
white , OOc. . ' .
Oats Quiotbutnrm. ; No. 2 , 39c.
Corn Meal Steady at $2V80. '
Hog Products Irregular ; 'pork , $14.50
'lord , rellned , tierce , $7.23.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , $0.12)4' ) ; .loni ? cles
and clear rib , $7.50.
* '
, . MVK STOCK. '
Chicago , March 7. ' The Drovers' Journi
reports as follows :
. Cattle Ueccipts1 7 , 000 ; market strong ati
. lOo higher ; fancy , $ . " > .25@5. . ' > 0 ; steers. $3.10 <
B.50 ; gtockers and feeders , $2.2 J(3 ( > 3.55 ; cow
bulls and mixed , $2.00 ( 3.40 ; Texas steer
| 3.7B@4.00. '
Hogs Uccel ) > ts , 14,000 ; marlcot slow an
easier , closing 5o lower ; mixed , $5.10ffi5.i : )
heavy , $5. 0@5.55 ; light , $5.00 ( 5,35 ; skip
Sheep Ueccipts , 3,000 ; market strong an
10@15c higher : natives , I4,00@5.CO ; western
* 5.10@5.75 ; Texnns , " | 4.50i5.25 ( ; lambs , $3. (
(30.2S (
National Stock. Yards , East 8
IxiuU , March 7. Cattle Hccelpts , 1,801 ,
Hhlpments , 1,400 ; market active an
strong ; choice heavy native steei
t4.60g5.40 ; fair to good natlv
Btcers , $3i 04.fiO ; butcher's steers , mediui
to prime , $3.10@4.25 ; stockers and foeden
fair to good $2.10@3.50 ; rangers , ordinary I
Rood $2.25@3.85.
Hogs Hecelpts , 1,400 ; slijpmcnts , 1,8
market 'active nnd steady ; choice hca\
and butchers' selections , $5.35@5.50 ; pac
Ing , medium to choice , t5.10W5.40 ; ligl
grades , fair to best , $4.90@5.15.
Kansas City. March 7. Cattle
Receipts , 2,200 ; shipments OJO ; mark
steady and. firm ; good to choice corn-fe
$4. 05.00 ; common to medium , $3.25@4.2
stockers , $2.00@2.60 ; feeding ulcers , $3.
@ 3.00 ; cows , ( l.tiO@3.SO.
Hogs Hecelpts , 0.000 ; shipments , non
market steady , but closed weak and a shai
lower ; common to choice , $4.70 < & 5.30 ; ski
and pigs , $3.00(34.00. (
General ,
Wednesday , March 7,1888. f
The receipts of all classes of stock exec
Mieep were fairly liberal and the general to :
of the market was nearly steady. The B.
M. succeeded in getting two trains of stein <
in notwithstanding the fact that one cngl
ccr blow all the packing out of his cylludt
The receipts to-day were fair and the mi
kct quite active. The local and shipping c
m nnd was each very good and n largo jiu
bor changed hands. The bulk of the recci )
wcro native steers of Mir quality , seine loa
being really good. The offerings of butchc :
stock wcro fair and what stuff sold chang
hands at fair prices. The general tone df. t
market was about steady with yesterday ,
from of stock arrived late andbulfew
thorn sold. ,
The receipts were fairly liberal ntul t
quality about on an aventgo with those of t
few days preceding. The market was abc
Bteady , although iu some instances prK
paid for the snmo class of hogs on ycstord
wcro a shadu lower. The market close eai
with everything tu.k cn except seven loads.
Slicop ,
Thcro wcro no receipts' and nothing \ >
dbue on the market.
Official llccclptfl.
Cattle . 1,043
Hogs . , . 3,040
Shcci . . . . . -
Prevailing Prices.
The following Is a table of prices paid In
this market for the grades ot ttock men
tioned. It frequently occurs that no sales of
some particular grade are. made , when In this
case the table will state as nearly as possible
the price that would ha vo been paid had tbcro
been any of that , clais among the offerings.
Prime steers , 1300 to 1MOlbs.$4.10 ) (724.50 (
Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . 3.50 ( A4.10
Pat little steers , 900 to 1050 Ibs. 3.85 © 3.75
Corn-fed ran go steers , 1200 to
1500 Ibs . 3.50
Common to cholco corn-fed
cows . ; . . . . ' . . 2.00 613.75.
Western cows . ; . 2.00 QfU.OO
Fair to good range feeders . 2.30 ( 2.7.5
Medium to good native feeders , . '
900 Ibs and upwards . 2.23 .I.OO
Common to good bulls . 2.00 3.00
Fair to medium native feeders ,
900 Ibs and upwards . 2.25 (32.50 (
Stockcrs , 400 to 700 Ib * . 2.15 @ 2.75
Prime fat sheep . 3.75 ( # 4.35
Good fat sheep , 90@100-lbs. . . . 3.50 ( .J3.75
Fair to medium sheep . . . . . 2.25 ( iM.00
Common sheep . 2.00 ( $2.25
Light and medium hogs . 4,85 (1(5.15
Fair to ch'olco heavy hogs . 5,20 $5.3 ( )
Fair to choice mixed hogs. . . . . 5/10 © 5,25-
Itcprcscntativo Sales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av.
1. . . . . .loco 3.35 8i'.viW8- 3.75
23. . 3.bO
' ' ' '
20. . ! ' . ! ! i3i > o \\.m \ \ 'r/.i'.iiuo 3.S5
5. . . . . .lono 3.50 . 20 1157 3.90
. -S. . . . . . .1GO3.50 ! ! 37..1170 ; 4.10
10. . . . . .1000 3.115 1 ! > ' .U30 4.17J.
17. . . . . .1111 3.113 37 1301 4.M : )
21. , . .1.10M ) 3.70 . 20 1215 4.35
U. , , . ' . .1C4 3.70 34 14'J3 4.4"
. . . .ioi9 ( 3.70 3i lard 4.40
. . . . 9S1 .3.72,1 21..144'J 4.50
7 ; . . . .1007 3.T5
1. . . . .1070 2. < V ) . 10 1033 3.15
. ! . . ; . . ' .12JO 2.2-1 1 1150 3.15
18. . . . .1073 2.75 . 1..1043 ' '
18.a , I. . . 700 2.75 1 KwU 'JI'M
2. ' . . . .113. 2.7- ) . . ' 8 1242 3.i5
19. . . . .1175 2.90 . . '
' < ( ) S WUVTEUX COUN riJD.
.20. ' . . . .1141 3.00- ' .
. . . .1315 3.25 . '
. . . ,1 < KO 2.00 . 1 1SOO
. . . ' .1820 2.00 ' 1 1720. 3.00
. . . .1350 2.50 I..2150 3.40.
. . . .1310 3.00
iiEifciia :
3. . .V. OSJ 3.25 ' " '
3.C. STOCKKHS. ' ' '
C. . . . . SCO 3.73'
. ' jioos.
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
20. : . .122. 3.70 110..233 2MI 5.15 '
E ' , . .105 2SO 4.85 7(5..229 ( UK ) 5.'l 5
c ( > 7. , , .lii8 1(10 ( 4.85 75..C3I ) .8tt 5.15
59. , . .8-W ' 120 4.10 ! 07. . .199 5.15
84. , . .17tl 200 5.K ( ) 43.i .343 210 5.15
62. . . .197 K.00 .237. 120 5.1V !
bO. . . .190 120 5.00 117. . .233 ' 130' ' '
53. , . .211 M ) 5.05 5. . 1(10 ( r.2o'T' !
59. . . .2.5 2,0 5.05 nil..8S3' 120 5.20
85. . . .203 320 5.U7X 02..244 5.20
73. , . .221 120 5.0712 09..240 5.20
75. , . .203 120 5.10 ' . . ' . . ( 320 .5.20
73. . . .207 120 5.10 fiO.i./i'ia 200 5.20
84. . . .2 > HJ 120 5.10 ( . . . .25S 2sO ! Ji 20
'C'j. , . .2-JO 40 5.10 < il..2t3 ; 5.20
73' . . . .221 . 5.10 ' (17..2.10 ( 40 5.20
. ' 78. . . .197 40 5.1059..2:3 ! 2CO 5.20
78. . . .213 SO 5.10 7r.4'l : ' SO 5.20
72. . . . .218 120 R.VH4 57..257 ' 120- 5.25
. 'a- , . . .214 200 5t2 : > 02..201 I'M 5.25
" ,7f. . . .U-'l 40 5.15 02..303 240 5.25
12. . . .239 5.15 ( .2..301 . bO 5.30
09 ; . . .240 * 40 5.15 . 8..427 5.30.
Range , of prices.
Sliowlng highest and lowest prices paid for
eadlnggradeS'Of oattlo on'dates muntloucd
Space loft blank Indicates thrxt no'sales , ol
that particular class of cattle wcro made'on
that date : . . * . .
Prices. . . _
Showing the cxtrdnie highest anil l
r'atcspakl lor loading grades of hog on datua
mentioned : .
IJITC Stock Soltt.
Showing the number of head of stock solO
on the market to-day. _
G. II.'Hammond &Co 42
Ilai'ris ' & Fisher ; ,
Armour &Cudahay ' . . ' . . . .I. . . .
j. Hiii : . . .
C. H. Williams. ; : 1C
Lobman St Uothschild IS
Slovens , H. &C.q ' 'J
John Pepper. . . . . ' < i
A. M. Krone K
Total ' . ' . 87
O. H. HammondA Co 8.1
Omaha Packing Co W
Armour & Cndahy 1,1 ! :
Speculators 4
Total ' . , , . 250
Sovt'ii loads unsold.
Cattle , 20 cars , Mil Chicag
Dookago anil Commission.
Publlo inspectors dock pregnant sows 4 (
pouiuls , statrs 80 pounds each.
Dead hogs. 100 pounds and over , $1.00i (
2.00 per cwt , less than 100 Ibs , of no value.
Yardage : Cattle , 25c ; hogs , 8c ; sheep , B
per head. Feed : Corn , $1.00 per bu. j timoth ;
hay , $30 s prairie hay , $20 ixsr ton.
Commissions : Cattle , 50o per head ; calve
and yearlings , $10 ] xir car. Hogs and sheep
Single decks , $5 ; publlo Inspection on' hogs
15c per car. All sales unless otherwis
stated per 100 Ibs llvo weight.
Ijlvo Stook Notes.
L. K. Waring , of Albion , marketed call
Henry Hurcham , ot Hlckmnn , markctc
Henry Curclmni , of Hlckman , sold a loa
of hogs.
B. J. Ttirney , of Ausley , marketed hoi
and cattle.
John A. Imiui , of Osccola , was In with
load of cattle.
Hans Hanson , of Wayne , marketed t\\
loiuls of steers.
N. 13. Hergreen , of Wuuoo , was among tl
shlpiicrs on the market.
Joe Hammong , of Arlington , disposed of
load of butchers stuff.
L. Lynch , of Oolnphan , marketed a bum
of cattle of his own feeding.
J. F , Iloll , a well known shipper of Ithlc
was hero to-day with a load of hogs.
D. N. Wheeler , of Pender , a well Unov
dealer , was looking over the market. '
L. M' Warren , of Albion , was hero to-dt
with n load of cows that averaged 1,800 ni
sold at $3.85.
F. Ley , of the flriu of Ley & Peters ,
Stanton , was on the market to-day with
load of cattle.
John L. Wood , of Eagle , camolnthlsmor
ing' wltU J < ? il of cuttle which wcro shpp | <
from Elunvood.
William Carter , of Heemcr , of the firm i
Carter & Patterson , was on the tiuirket'wl1
two loads of cattle.
John Hratt , of the tlrm of Dratt & C (
fJorth Platte. was at the yards to-day wl
three loads of cattle.
Speltz Si Klosterman , of David City , hi
two loads of ciUtlo hero of which ouo load
steers sold at { 4.50 , the top price.
Work on Armour's beef housowillbo t
gun as soon as possible. lUds for rcmovli
the dirt will bo advertised for in a few da )
John Ilastle , of Elmwood , a promtuc
shipper nnd a regular reader of the HER.
marketed two loads of hogs and three ot
cattle to-day.
A. Mantle , Of southern Nebraska. WM hero
to-dny with two loadsof cattle. Mr HastlO
hai formerly shipped to. Kansas City , but
now sends all of his stock. here , -and says ho
Is going to continue to do so.
At the risk of being , "called down" by f
paper who prides Itself on publishing 1alltho
news , " the UFE will state rhat It li rumored ,
and probably the aforesaid rumor is correct ,
that Swift will reopen his house on April 1.
Produce' , Fruits , Nuta , Ktc.
. Wednesday , March 7.
The. following nnalattons tire H'7iQ/e.i ' / < ilc
nd 7tot refill.Vice * qiiofnl .on produce
< ire the'wlttch round lota lire sold on
this.marhct. Frnttx or other lines of i/oods /
'rtqutrlng extra Inbof In packing rniuiot ul-
ti'njy lie supplied on mtlsJdc orders nt the
wiiiic prlrcs quoted for the , local trade.
liutes onflow itnd feed are jobbers prices'
'Prices on tiritln arc thouc pnld by Omaha
millers dcllrcrcd. All quotations on iner-
chttndhc die obtained f rum lauUmj IWHKCH
dud die corrected dully. Prices on crack
er * , c < i7c , etc. , tire those given l > u leading
Trade was ' from. fair .to moderate to-day ,
According to the reports of produce win-
illusion men. Tim dcm.and for good , butter
till continues , and 'Country shippers are en-
Icavoring to suiply | It with Increased ship-
incuts of jufcrior grade. Hy dolli j th s they
nly lose time for tho' commission men and
iionoy for themselves. Iteccipts of egps
vrro rather heavy to-day , but tirlces as a
ulo held'their oWn' The dciuiind for poultry
ignln exceeded the supply , but it would not
lo to sh'lp on the prospect of an advance In
rice , as warm wuithcr would nt oncccnuso
shrinkugo. Prices throughout rule as be-
ore' and nraauain quoted unchanged.
HITTTIJK Creamery , solid packed , 23Mo ;
holce rolls , ! S ( 'JOc ; medium , 14@f3u ; low
; nulcs , 12C'13c. '
E < iis Strictly , fresh , 13j7Uc ( ; . limed ,
POM/THY Chickens , 8.10c ( ; .turkeys ,
2c ; ducks , b@10c ; geese , 10ii ( > ltc.
CK\Niinuuiis UellitChorry , ? ;
HclL & HtiRlc. ll.rO'rH.50 ; Uell' & Bugle
iremlum , Sll.ROiMa.lK ) .
HiANs-rTood : ! stpck , * 2.0lXg2 3 J } Cnlifornin
leans , $ a.2rKB.4l. (
PoTAT nis Utah and Colorado stock. $1.13
@ 1.20 ; choice hciuic grown , V > @ 95c ; common
grades , ' ( ' > 0c. '
IJAN4NA ! , Medium , t2.0Ti3.00 ( ; .choice ,
oo < /'ir , . '
Tt'iiNira Good stock , COW Tfic : rutabagas ,
LEMONS $4.00@4.60 per box. ; . .
CAUFOKSIA I'KAUI f J.50ii2.73 ( ; . extra
iholcc , W,00. . ' . ' . . . . ' . .
DtTT.s Persian , So per Ib. . .
SAVH Klui'T Choice , | > 3r bbl. of 32 gal.i
* 7.58'.00' ( ) } bbl , .57 < fi5.00 ; tll'.OO' per bbl
r fiO gal.- . '
CipEit Choice Michigan cider , * t.00TiO.W (
> or'32 gal.
Poi'CoitN Cholcu rice corn is quotcd-nt 4j ( !
u per Ib. other kinds , 2Wd3c ? pcr'jb.
UAUjijiT ! * W.'iTfjJJ.rK ) per birrcl. :
PARSNIPS New stock , $2.5'J per barrel. '
. OiSTKr.s Plain standard , ' 25c ; plain'so
. . . . per gul.
CAIIIIAOKS $1 per dd/.and 3@3J o peril
for California.
, CAULIFLOWER .Good stock , S2.fiO@2.SO ;
GitAi'ES Malagas , JTi&OgS.OO per bbl. , nut !
arger si7c.d barrels in proportion ? 1Q Oi
Oiu.Niics California Hiversido , MOO.'S
4.25 ; ' Messina , $3.7.V < M.S5 ; Viilcnclas , WXWf
8fO per case of 420 , Florida brlghtn , * 4.2 : . ( " < i
4.50 ; russets. &l.Wfii4.03 ) ; ; Mexican , fkOO ; Lo"
AngQlcs , tf.UiOCi3.75l nuvuls , $ .V ! > 0. .
Fids In layers , UifjMOy , ' cake , lie per Ib.
NUTS Peanuts , . 0 } ( ? t7c , rn.wvlra/il ; nuts
13c ; almonds , Tarragona , 2'Jc ; English wal
nuts , 15IWUS3 ; filberts , ISc ; Itnlhui chestnuts
J5cpe.oans , inc. .
HO BY HUrtlilc . fdr lib frames ; cunnei
tioney , 10iil2cper ( Ib. . ' .
* Grocer's t/ist.
PHOVISIOXR Hams , IK ll' ' c ; breakfas
bncon UCgll c ; bacon skies. 8 > fff8C.dr ; ;
salt , 7 (1185 ( houldcrs , ( H-rffu 7u ; dried becl
lOWllc. ' .
Tomcco LonlUird'sj Climax , .4.1o ; Rplen
did , 45 j ; Mechanics' Pelight , 44u ; Lcggett .S
Meyer's Star , 45c ; Cornerstone , 'Mc ) ; Drum
mondV Horseshoe. 4."ic ; J. T. , 42c ; Sorg'i
Spearhead , 44u : Catlin's Meerschaum , 31c
Cutlin's Old ISlylc , 2 ic ; Piper Heidsick , ( ile
Sweet Tip 'Top , 3Jc. ' U. N ; O. , 17c ; Hci
White ff. Blur , Ibc. ' '
"Ditino FKUIT Apple , bbls. , now , ' 's. 7 (5 (
K ! evaporated , ' . ( SlOc ; blackberries
evaporated , HJfCalOi" pitted oherrics , 22rt2.'ic (
] ) cachcs- eastern , now'J s. S t&'s'tu ; evnpo
rutcc , pcelftd _ peaqhcs. 3)l.'c ; ; ovaporalcd
unparcd ,
prunes , nt
California- ]
fornia loose tn'iiscatcls , $ l.UOg'i.OO ( : new Va
Icncia , 7 @ 7Jfc.
i CciFPii : Ordinary grades , 17@lSc ; ffllr
! S@iOo ; prime , 19i20c ( ! ; fancy green and ye'
low , ' " ( WWc ; old government Javit : 2SiO
interior Jiwa25iiJSc ( ; : Moclm , 'JSfiiliOc ; Ai
buckle's roasted , , aij c ; McLiiughlin'
XXXX , . 21JXo ; Dilworth's , 21c ; KcU Cross
SrriAit Granulated , 7jC ( ! 7/e5 } conf. A
OJ < f < i7o ; whlto extra C , O' ' feilXe , extra C
l' ' % ( tijc ; yellow C. % " ? > & < - < t loaf , 7 'C
7J < e ; powdered , X ( it W5 New Orleans , 5j
CANIIV Mixed , ! l@llc ; stick ' ,
CANsr.n noons Oysters , standard , pc
case , W.OC(3'i ( 85 ; strawberries , 2-lb , jcr case
$ ! ) .15@3.25 ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , $3.100
' 3.20 ; California pears , jier case. $ (
'apricots , per case , $4.iiOg-l.40 ( ; peagties , pc
case , $5.bO@5.75 ; whlto cherries , ) icr cast
$ ( ! .00j California plums , per case , M.80W4.4C
blueberries , per case , $ 'i ! iOS2.4 ( ( ) ; egg pluini
2-lb , | icr case , $2.50 ; pineapples , 2-1 b , per cns <
$320@j.75 ; 1-lbsftlmon , per ddz , $ I.85@1.9S
ii Ib gooseberries , per case , $ ; t.25 ( )3.3. ) > ; 2-1
string beans , per case , $1.75551.80 ; 2-lb Lim
beans , per c'as"e , $1.00@l.i5 ( ; 2-lb marrowft
peas , $2.00(22.70 ( ; 2-lb early Juno jwars , pc
case. $2.85 ; 3-lb tomatoes , $2.50 ; 2-lb con ;
KCFIXED LAUD Ticrco , 7 ? c ; 41-lb gquat
cans , to50lb \ round , 7c ; 20-lb routu
7 > V ; 10-lb pails , 8h'o ; ; 5-lb pails , Stfc ; 8-1
pails , 8 c.
BuooMS-Extra 4-tic , $2.tW ; No. 1. $2OC
No. 2 , $1.75 ; heaxy stable , M.OO.
HOLLAND HEIIIIINOS 70@72c per keg.
PICKLF.S Medium in bbls , $7.00 ; do in hal
bbls , $4.00 ; small , in bbls , $8.00 ; do in ba
bbls , $4.50 ; gerkins , In bbls , $9.00 ; do In ha
bbls , $5.00.
JKEMBS 30-lb pails , $1.25@1.50.
TEAS Japans , 20@55c ; gunpowder , 20 (
61c ; Young Hyson , 22@55c ; Oolong , 20 (
Sviuirs Now Orleans molasses , per bbl
374k ( : per gal. ; corn syrup , Hoc ; half bbls
37u ; 4 gal. kegs , $1.55.
SALT For bbl. car load , $1.30 ,
MAPLE SUOAII Bricks , 12)fo per Ib ; penn
cakes , 15c per Ib.
WOODESWAUE Two-hoop palls , per doz
$1.40 ; three-hoop pails , 11.05 ; No. 1 tub , $0.51
No. 2 tub , $5.50 ; No. 3 tub , $4.50 ; washboard :
$1.50 ; fancy washboards , f3.EO ; assortc
bowls , $2.75 ; No. 1 churns , f'J.BO ; No.
churns , $ S.50 ; No. 8 churns , 17.50 ; butt (
tubs , $1.70 : spruce , in nests , $1.70.
STAUCH Mirror gloss , 5Jfc ; Graves' con
c ; Oswego gloss , 7e ; Oswego corn , 7c.
CUACKKHS , CAKES , ETC. Prices subject 1
change. Soda , 5c ; soda ( city goods ) , 7 <
soda snowflake ( iu tins ) , lOc ; soda dand ,
OJ e ; soda wafers ( In tins ) , lOo ; soda zcphy
8c ; city oyster , 0 > e ; excelsior , 7o ; farir
oyster , 7o ; gem oyster , 5c ; monitor. 7i
Omaha oyster , 7o ; pearl oyster , 5c ; picni
5o ; snowdrop oyster , 7c ; butter , 5c ; Bostoi
8c ; Omaha butter , 7o ; saw tooth butter , 0 > i
cracker meal , fi ) c ; graham , 80 ; graha
wafers , lOo ; graham wafers in pound pa&
ages , 12K ° ; hard bread , 5e ; milk , 7Jif ; on
meal , So ; oatmeal wafers , lOo ; oatmeal w
fers in Ib pkgs. 12Jc } ; animals , 12c ; liollvi
ginger ( round ) , 7c ; cream. 8c ; Cornhll
lOc ; cracknells , lOo : frosted cream , 8V ' i
ginger snaps , So ; ginger snaps ( clty9 ) (
homo made ginger snaps , in boxes , 18c ; hou
made ginger snaps ( Mb cans ) per doze
$2-60 ; lemon cream , So ; pretzels ( hand modi
lljfc : assorted cries and Jumbles , lljfc ; a
sorted lingers , 15c ; afternoon tea ( in tins
per dox $7.00 : banana fingers , He ; butti
jumbles , like ; Brunswidr , 15c ; brand
snaps , 15o ; chocolate drops ( iic\Vj luo ; cho
late wafers , I5o ; t-nrlstmas lunch , ( In tlm
per dozen , $4.50 ; cocoa taffy snaps , 14o ; coff (
cake , 12o ; Cub.i Jumbles , HKc ; cream pufT
80o ; egg Jumbles , Ho ; ginuer drops , Hi
honey jumbles , llj o ; Jelly lingers , 15c ; Jell
wafers , 15o ; lolly tart ( new ) , 15c ; lady tin
crs , 13c ; vanilla bar , 14c ; vanilla wafers , 14
Vlf rma VI fers , 1 dozen packages m a bo
per dozen. $2.50.
All gooas packed in cans 1 cent per Ib. a
vance except Snowflake and Wafer Sod
which Is packed only in cans. Soda in 2' 1
and 3 Ib. paper boxes , K cent perlb. advanc
ul ) other goods 1 cent per Ib. advance. So <
in 1 Ib. paper boxes , \ cent per Ib. advanc
The 2 Ib. boxes arc pricked In cases holding IS
n a case. The 3 Ib. tx xc arc packed Ih ctses
loldlng 12 In a case. The 1 Ib. boxes are
lacked In cases holding IK ) iu a case. Ono Ib.
.Iraham and Oat Mcul Wafers packet ] 2 doz ,
it case ,
* Show Tops for boxes , 'with glaM openitif to
show goods , 78 rent * . Cans for Wafer Soda ,
Kl.OO not returnable. , . Cans for Snowllake
ioda , $ I.OO per doz. Tin Cases with Glass
K'nce to display the goods , 75 cents each. No
charges for Packages except for cans nun re-
.urmiblc cases. Gloss Front Tin Cans and
'Snowfluko" Soda Cans are returnable at
prices charged. t * ,
Dry Goods.
DfCK-Wcst Point 29 ln. > 8 oz. . 10 > . ? c ; Wcs ,
Point 29 In 10 oz. , WWc ; West Point 10 In. 12
Oz. , 15c ; West Point 40 In. 11 oz. , lllc. Checks
Caledonia X , SVc ; Caledonia XX , 10 > < c ;
P conomy , 9Kc ; Otis , 8 ! < c.
KENTUCKY JEANS Memorial , 15c : Canton ,
28c ; Durham , 27Mc ; Hercules , ISc ; Learning'
ton , 82 tfc ; Colts weld , 27' c.
Cit ASH Stevens' B , 6u ; bleached , 7c ; Ste
vens' A. 7 } < C , ' bleached , 8Kc ; Stevens' P ,
blenched , O c ; Stevens' N , 9 > fc ;
bleached , lO 'c ; Stevens' ' S U T , 12Ko.
MISCKLUNKOUS Table oil cloth. $2S5 ;
plain Holland , 8 0 to 9c ; Dado' Holland , '
12) ) ic.
. CAMUIUCS Slater , .5c ; Woods , Ge ; Stan
dard ; 5c ; Peacock. 5c. . '
CoMFoitTnns $ i.rx3 ) .no.
BI.A.NKKTS White , tl.007.50 ( ! ; colored ,
of Loom , 8 , ' c ; Greene G , tic ; Hope , Sc ; King
Phillip cambr.ic. lie ; Lonsdnlc , 'llj c ; Lons-
dale , 7c : New York mills. 10 ! < fc ; 1'cppcrell ,
42-ln , llcPepperell , 44ic-in , 12c ; Peppered ,
-4 , 15c ; Pepporell , 8-4 , 2lc ; Pepperell , U-4 ,
23c.Pcpperoll ; , 10-3 , 2T.c ; Canton , 4-4 , S/c ;
Canton , 4-4 , 0 > c ; Triumph , Oc ; Wnniusutta ,
lie ; Valley- ; . ' . ,
LANSEI.S Plaid llnftsmhn.20c ; Goshcn ,
3'J < fc ; Clear Lake , 3'JKc ; Mnplo Citv , 3tf < c.
White-O HN.-2 , { . 21c ; G H No. VJ4 ,
3lc ) ; Qiiechco No. 1 , % 42c ; Quccheo No. 2 ,
K > 87jc : Qucchec No. 4H , ib } c ; Anawnii ,
l H s Windsor , 2JUc ; Red XC , 24-ln. 15 0 ;
K 24-inch , ' 21c ; GO 24-Inch , 18e ; H A F , } { ,
23c ; J 'It I-1 , X > , 27 ' . ; O M , 3 DC. '
PKINVS ' COLOIIH Atlantic , 06 ;
Slater , 5 > c { Berlin oil. ( tXe. ; Grnneroil.O ®
7c. PINK AND Kniir.t ulchinomlHJ u ; Allen ,
( ' oHiVer. ; . Point , f ; Steel Kivcr , l > Ko ;
Hichmond , lie ; Pacific , t'Ofo. INOKIO BLUH
Washington , tic ; Ucntury "indigo bltia prints ,
lOc : American. 7c ; Arnold. 7o ; Arnold * 11 ,
lie ; Arnold A , J2c- : Arnold Gold Seal , lOUc.
Uiti- < Charter Oak. ' Mollamapo \ , 4JJc ;
Lodi , 5c ; 'Aden , -Richmond , 3 > < c : Wlnd-
sor. . ( ; < fc"Eddystone ; , tSJic ; Pacific , Ojrfc.
COTTON KIA.NNII.S : 10 per ccdt' trildo dis
count LL , tijfc ; CC , 7J.fc ; .SS , S n : Nnmc-
less , 5'c ; No. 5 , ( io ; EiC , } fo ; GG , 10J.c , ;
XX , 12 > jc ; OGx14c ; NN , Kic ; HX , ISc ; H ,
20c ; No. 10-SJ L" hO , tO c ; ( il ) , 12Jtfc ; 80 , l(5c ( ;
30 , colored , lOcj r > 0 , roloreO , 12c ; ' 70 , colored ,
15c ; Bristol , 13 > Jc ; Union P.icillc , ISc. .
CAiirn'r W.vui"-IJibb. white , 104'c ; col
ored , 20 ! c.
Buow.v Sni'.KTtNO-'Atlantii A , 4-1 , 7 , ' c ;
Atlanta H , 47 u ; Atlanta D , 4-4 , ( i e ; At
lantic P , 4-4 , lie ; Aurora LL4-4. tlf6s Auro
ra C , 4-1 , 5c ; Crown X-XX , 4-4 , Dfc ; Hoosicr
LL. 4-4'tic ; Indian Head , 9-4 , "M'c ; Lawrence.
LL. 4-4. ( ( : Old Dainlnlgn , 4-t , , V. Pcppcivll.
Bxns Standard , Cc ; Gum.0 Beauty \ ,
12)rfc ) ; Boone , 14c ; B , cased. $ ' ! .50.
. tffxoiiAM Plunletticliet'ki , .7)'c ) ; Whitten-
ton , 7 , iC'ork ; , 7 > jiNormundi ; dress , 8 c ;
Ciilciitta dress , SJrfo\VhiUentbn ; ' dross ' , llcj
Ui-nfew tlrcss ,
TICKS Lcwlbton , SO ( n. , 12 > fc ; Lcwlston ,
32-in. , WA'c ; York , i'Blu.14u ; S.wift rivei'i
7Kc ; Tlifirndike , OO , b' c ; Thbrmlike " , FF ,
& ; c ; Thorndlkc , lW , . 'iu ' ; Thorndlko , XXX ,
15c ; Cardiff , No' . 5 , 9 ] < u ; Cordls , No. 4 ; lie ,
Dr.xiMs Ampskeajr , U-oz. , lOc ; Everett ,
7-O7. , 13c ; York , 7-.oz. , 13o ; Havmakcr , 8Uc ;
JnfTrcy , ' XX , llHc-.tafTrey , . XXX , \V..if\ \
Bcnvor Ci'cclc , AA , 12c ; Ucavor Creek , BB ,
lie , Beaver Creek , CC , lOc.
. . . General Mnrlcctn.
HOPK Soven-sixteentliH , ! 0/gll ( : >
HAY Common coarn'e ' , J5.00 ; upland pralrio
. .
FLOUK AXii Frr.D Minnesota patents , $2.5 (
per cwt ; Kans'as nnd . .Missourifancy winter
patcnts2.00ir2.l55 : ( per cwt ; Nebraska pat
ents , 82.4li@'J'.5 ( ) per cwt ; rye Hour , fi.OO jior
.cwt ; wheat graham , $1.75gl.flO'pcr ( cwt ; rye
graham , $1.35 pur uwt ; New York buckwheat
? 050@7.00ncrbbl ; Excelsior $ ti.OO per bbl ;
ready raised , $5 rt ) pcr.lOJ-lb-cuso ; cornmcal ,
bbl ; choiHied feed , $19.00 per ton ; choppei
corn , $ i8 00 per. ton ,
GU\IN WheatOOc ; rye. 55 ( 58t" oats , 30 ( < i
31c ; yellow corn , 4t'c ; white ' corn , 45o : bai
ley. 55(301)0. ( ' .
Si'iitiTS Cplogno spirits 188 nroof , $1.14
do101 proof , $1.17 ; spirits , second quality
101 pr6ofv $1.111 ; do ; 188 proof , $1.13 ; alcohol
183 proof , per wino gallon , $ J.12 ; rcdistillct
Sheaf "bourbon and rye whiskies , $1.SO@3.00
braiidics imported ; $5.00@S50 ; domestic
$ l.il3 : ) < )0 ) ; gins. Imported , $5.00@HOJ ; do
mes.tic , $ I.U5@3.00 ; champagnes imported , j > c
case , $2S.OO@ , .UO ; American per case , $10.01
( ftlO.OO
OILS Carbon , 12@25c ; linseed , boiledOOo :
linseed , raw , 57c ; castor. No. J , $1.20 ; No. 2
$1.12 ; sperm wlmlo , . $1.00 ; whale water
blcnOhcd , 8.1c ; llsh , bank , S.'ic ; neatsfoo
extra , 05t' ; neatsfoot No. 1 , fiOc ; gasoline
74 degrees , 15c ; W. S. lard , 05o ; No. 1 lard
50o ; No. 2 lard , 50c ; W. Va , zero , Me ; W. Va
summer , 12c ; golden No. 1 , 40c ; golden No. 2
25u ; whale. 20c ; naphtha , 1 degree , 14c
headlight , 150 degrees , 12c ; headlight , 175 do
grecs , 15c ; turpentine48c , ; castor , pure , $2.4. .
Dituos Ammonia carb , 14c ; camphor refined
fined , 80c ; copperas , 1 40 ; cream tartar
45u ; cream tartar powdered , 20@50u ; Indlgi
Madras , 75u ; morphia sulpb , per o/ . , $3l.'i !
sodabi. carb , ( i5u ; Venice turjientine , 40c
gum opium , $4.25 ; quicksilver , 80c ; quinine
German , per oz. , 55c ; quinine , P. & W. , 14c
wax , yellow , pure , 82c ; wax , whlto , 45@55c
citric acid , per Ib. , 04c ; oxalio acid , per Ib.
54c ; alum , 4c ; borax , refined , per Ib. , lOc.
HiniiH Green butchers1 , 4WC5c ; greci
cured , & < ( gOo ; dry Hint , 9c ; dry salt ,
green calf skins , 7c damaged hides , twc
thirds price. Tallow 3J c. Grease Prinn
white , 4fc } ; yellow , 8q : brown 2o. Shoe ]
pelts 25@$1.0 ( ) . Green ox pelts , 3@3Kc ; ki ]
skins ( uniform ) 4@o ; ; cowhides , 4j ( S5c. "
Puna Raccoon , No. 1 , 0070c ; No. 8 , 80d
35c ; mink , 10@50c : musk rat fall , 5Sc (
muskrat , spring and winter , 8@llc : stripe
skunk , 5@25c ; mountain wolf. No. 1 , $1.5
© 2.50 ; No. 3 , prairie , B0@75c ; No. 2 , 25@40c
beaver , No. 1 , per Ib , $ ' ) .00 < S3.00 ; No. 2 , $1,0
@ 1.25 ; otter , $1.00 ( < J(1.00 ( ; dry deer skins , 200
3.'io per Ib ; dry antelope , elk , moose , etc. , 16j (
WOOL-Per Ib. , 14@20c.
LEATIIEU Oak soles , 35@37o ; hemloc'
slaughter sole , 20@29o ; hemlock dry sole , 2
@ 25c ; hemlock klptiOa90c ( ( ; A. & B. runnc
kip , 575c ) ; A. hemlock calf , OCcCgtl.UO ; A
A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75c ; hemloc
upper , 19g24c ( ; English grain upper , 25c
hemlock grain upper , 21o ( > 24u ; Tamplco B. I
Morocco , 29(333o ( ; Tampico pepple , O. D. Mo
22@29c ; Curacoa , B. G. Mo. , 80e ; Simon C
D. Mo. , $ J.75@3.00 ; Dangola kid , 80@35c ; X
M. kangaroo , 4lto ; American calf kid. 32c
Gricseu kids. $3.00&53,50 ; French glazed kids
$2.50@2.75 : French'calf kids , $3.20 ; oak ki
skins , 8Jc@H.OO ; oak calf skins , ll.00@1.55
French calf skins , I1.25S2.25 ; French lu
skins , ? 1.1U@1.SO ; Russia linings , f .00n.r ,
per doz. ; pink cream nnd white linings , $7.5
@ 10.00 per doz.j colored toppings , $9.00 (
J.ltX/i (
ExTttACTS Sanderson's oil bergamot , pe
Ib. , $3.00 ; oil lemon , porlb. , $2.50 ; oil peppei
mint , $3.00 ; oil winlergreen , $2.50 ; olive ol
Malaga , per gallon , $1.25.
SOAP Castile , mottled , per Ib. , S@10 ; cas
tile , white , 10@13.
PAINTS White lead , pure , CKc ; whlto lea <
fancy , 0 } e ; putty , in bladders , 3c ; Paris whit
80 ; common , 2'Jo ' ; red lead , 7c.
nWixnow GUBI Single , 70 per cent
double , 70 and 10 per cent discount.
FtAxsjjED-Quoted at $1.35 per bushel.
CO'-'l ! ' OOi'4
18 XM \ Col'4 I
18 MJItf KilM tola OOJ33 I
No. 1 com , s 1 B.18.50 I No. 3 com , s 1 s.$15.i
.No. 8 com , 1 , 17,001 No. i com , sis , 13.1
No. 1,4 & 0 In 13 & 14 ft , rough 19..V )
No. 1 " " 10 ' . . ; ip.W
No.3 , " " 14 " 16.50
No.3 , " " 10 ' 18.00
A.12,13 & 1C ft.$21.f-0 I C , 12 , 14 & 16 ft.lB.SO
B , " ' $0.50.1 D , ' " . 13:50
ri.ooiii.No ,
A f , In White Pine $2rt.BO
BOIn " ' " : w.BO
COIn " " 80.00
DOIn ( i " 21.SO
EOhT ' " ( Sel. Fencing ) 19.90
G in. Drop Siding 50cpe'r'M extra.
2d com M. In.White Pine celling..i.$34.00
* i * ii u 2900
( ' ' ' ' ' ' '
dlcar ? / in Norway " " . ! . . . . . . 16.00
Mcom ln1 " . " ' ! 14.00
A 12 Inch sis liri.BO
H13 " ; 39.20
C13 " : 30.00
D12 " . ' 33.00
No. 1 com , 12'in sis12 ft ; 20.50
11 . . . . . U'ft 19.00
, 10ft 18.50
" " . " 10,18,20ft 21.50
No.3 " " 19.00
" " ' " 12&14ft 18.50
" " " 17ft 17.50
12 in Grooved roofing , $1 per M more than 13
in Stook Boards same length ,
10 In Grooved rooting- same price ns 12 in
Stock Boards.
No. 1 Plain 8 a'tfd 10 In . $19.00
No.3 " " " . . . .i 17.50
No. 1O G , 8 In ' . ' . 19.50
1st and 2ml , clear1 , IJf In s 2 s.$51.00
' ' " ltf , 2 51.00
3d , clear , llii , s2s . : ; . ; . 44.00
" 1J , IK'In , 2 40.00
A. selectIn s-J s 1 40.00
A , " IIJf , 3 in s 2 s : ' 44.00.
U " . llns'Js . 30.00
B , " IJ lJ SiiiHSs. . . ; . . , : 37.00
Com. 4 Inch Flooring ' . . . . $17.50
Star " " . . . . . -21.50'
1st and 2d clear 4 Inch Flooring 23.00.
Slv Inch 4Uo'less.
Clear Inch Ceiling 21.50
Clear } { luch Partition 25.00
Clear % Inch , Partition W absvo ? 8' Inch .
Ccdlirg . - . . . . : . : 25.00
Clear Finish , 1 and IJjf inch , s2 s 29.00
Clca'iFinishy \ and 2 inch , s 2 s 80.00
Clear Corrugated Celling , 4 .Inch 25.50
Clear Yellow Pino-C.tslng and Base. . . . . 27.00
Hiuitlny lingo Hull.
At the meeting of the Evangelical alliance
at tlic Y. M. C. A. rooms yesterday after
noon , a report from the .committee appointed
to investigate the Sunday base bull mtoHtinn
was heard. In this it was recommended that
the alliance , before miy. decisive step * nro
taken , consult wiUi competent. legal author
ity just what n remedy ag.iinst a desecration
of the Lord's day is , and bd governed accord
ingly. J
The Only Line Thnt Gets There.
It has boon well wiid by n dibttn-
{ piishccY writer'that "tho Michigan
Central is the only 'NiaRani Falls
Route'.in the country. "
It is thoonly railroad that runs direct
ly by the falls arid- slops its trains at n
ppint'fro.m which ajl parts of the falls
aud'the rapids are in full view. From
this point , called Falls View , the bcono
; from the Michigan Central- train ,
whether in its miminor setting of e'mer- .
aid or its winter .Betting of crystal. , is
' ' '
onc'gf unexampled'Biandoui1'and sub-
'liinity. As it is on tlic direct route
to New York , Boston , ana New England
landno.eastbound traveler should fail
' .to take advantagb of it.
' '
Miist Put Up the Cnsli. . " '
Yesterday Qfllcor John Turnbull , license
nspqctor received communication from the
nmy.or ordering him to notify all saloon keep
ers who arc not regularly licensed in Accord
ance with law that they wlll'lra required to
make' the' full payment of $1,000 or to close
their saloons on the 1st of April , 1888.
TED. who 111 bli FOLLY and IONOR ANCE
' bai TRIFLED away his VIGOR of BODY ,
niNRand MANHOOn.causingcxbauillnK
'dralQB Upon the FOUNTAINS of LIFE ,
Dreamt. WEAKNF.BH.of M mnrv BABH >
the FACE , and nil the EFFECTS leading lu
EARLY DECAY and perhapi CONHUN'i * .
TION or INSANITY , should consult at once
the CELEBRATED Dr. Clarke , Established
1851. Dr. Clarke hav mcdo NERVOUS DE
BILITY. CHRONIC and all Dlteuei Of
the UENITO URINARY Orjrani a Life
H'ndjr. . H make * NO.difference WHAT you
tft7e Uken or WHO bag failed to'euro you.
-FEMALE sufTerlnffromdlscaaespeCTl- (
Uar to their ez can contult with the asiurance
' f ipeedjr rellaf and cure. Bend 2 cent * poitaga
for works "on your dlseaaes.
4a-Sen < l 4 cents , postage for Celebrated
'W rk ou Chronic , Jtervoui and Dell *
eate Disease * . Consultation ; personal.'y or by
letter , free. Consult the old Doctor.
Tbonsandsi en red. Offlresand pMrlor *
private. 49-Those contemplating Marriage
send for Dr. Clnrke'B celebrated RUliJa
le and Female , each 15c. , both 36c.
( stamps ) . Bcfoio confining yonr case , consult
Dr. CLARUE. A friendly letter or'call may
save future nuflvringand "harne , and add golden
years to life. WBook " LIfe'n. ( Secret ) Er ,
ror * , " COo. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings
cent everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8 ; Sundays , 9 to 12. Address ,
F. D. CLARKE , M. D.
1 l Oo. ClRrV. Pf ; . . ' CTHTOAar * TTT
Omaha Seed House.
Ileudquarters for I.andrcth's Celchrated Seeds ,
I'laiitHit \ Flowers and 1'lorul dtsigna. Send
for catalogue.
\V. II. FOSTER & SON , Proprietors
1022 Capitol Avenue.
Hemarknble for powerful sympa
thetic tone , pliable action and ab
solute durability. HI yyara' record
the bent Kuaiantee ot the excel
lence of these Instruments.
Paid Up Capital , - $28OOOC
Surplus , - BO.OOC
II. W. VATKS. President.
Ltwis H. ItmcD , Vice-President.
.V. E. TOUZAMS. 2nd VIce-President.
AV. H. B. HuaiiES , Cushier.
w. v. Monse. JOHNS. COI.MNS ,
II.V. . VATC8. 1.KWI8 S.
kln omce
Cor. 12th and Furnnm Bts.
A General llanklni ; llualnens Transacted.
w * nrdlntr reccmvcaA
yourU Mth c tt rtMt
" u
ana Clttt.
.V' < hl !
( Successors to John Q. Jacobs. )
Undertakers & Embaimers
At the old ttand , 1407 Farnam 6t. Orders by tele
graph aellclted and promptly attended to ,
' . 24 . .
. yjp JjH-rUiiPl9jjw [ _ _ _
Dealer in Agricultural Implementsaeons , ,
Carriages and Duiilei. Jonpit PtreetbetwetuWh anil
lOtli.Umalia , Nebra > a.
A'griculturallffliilcnicnts.fafions.Carriaics . .
Outfits , Ktc. Wtiolciale. Omaha , Nebrntka.
Wholesale Dcalrm In
AericnltnraninpleinentsWa , ons&Bnii ies
Ml. C03 , TO and C07 Jones Street , Oiuaha. '
" ! P. P. MAST & CCK ,
Mannractnrers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders ,
CultlTators , llajr Hakes. Cldtr Mill * and l.ubau l"ul-
Terltcts. Cor , lltn aha Nicholas Sltects.
A2riciOtaraiImplementsWa , ons&Bii&gies
J Comer Hth mid Klcholas Streets.
( Akron , Ohio , )
Harvesting MacMneir and Binder Twine ,
W. K. Metcl , .MKUIJUCT. l/l3J TcnwortIi t.Ouiab _
Madufacturcm nnil Jubbora In
Wagons Bnggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. l > th anil 1'aclBc yircolK/Omnhn. Neh.
Artists' Materials.
A HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organ's ,
' 1613 IVmglan Street , Omnha. Nrlirimkn. .
B ° 55-SL' ? J ° SL8 *
W , V. ' MORSECO. . ,
' . Jokers of Boots and Shoes ,
1411 Knrnnio St. , Onmlm , Noh. Manufaetory , Summer
htrcel , llottun.
( bucccssorfl lo Itccil. Jones A to. )
AKcntsfor lloston Ilubbcr hno Co. .1KB , 1104 A , 1100
llurni'y ft. . Umahn. Nfbrankn.
Dooksollors and Stationers ; .
H. M. & S. W. JONES ,
Successors to A. T. Kcnyon A Co. , Uholctulo & Ilctnll
'Booksellers and Stationers ;
Finn Wcddlnu Ktntlonerr. ' Commvrilnl Stationery.
U > 2-JIXUiila StreetUmntm , Neb.
_ .
Umabn Coffee and Splcc Mills.
'Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
navorlnit Kitractn , laundry Jtlue. Inki , Ktc. HH-
Ullilliirney Slroot. OiiinhH , Nflirnaliii.
Crockery and Glassware. _
' '
Agent for the MfinufRcturers and lmporters t
Glassware Lamps Chimneys
Crockery , , , ,
'Ktc. UIBcc.ait 8. 11th St. . Omaha. Nebra kn.
Importers nnd .fottbers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps- , Silverware ,
Etc ll-IMii Kn rim ni St. , .Now rnztnh llilllaintf.
. Wholeonlo
Flonr , Feed , Grain and.General Commission
Merclianti. < " < > rropomlonce rollrltcd. 10U North
ll.lli Mreel , Oniiiha , Neb. _
Commission and Storage *
( Succc ser > to MoHhnno & ScbroeJcr. )
Prodnce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Oiuuha , Nebraska.
. Storage and Commission Merchants , '
Specialties-Butter , Kgiis , Cheeao , .Poultrf. name ,
Omen , Klc. , Etu. 1 t-oulliHIU Street.
j JPoal , and Ulme. . "
Johhers .of Hard and Soft Coal ,
. SOD South 13th' Street , Omaha , Nebrastn. '
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
IfxlBhlnnrrs of Coal , CoVe , Cement. Plaster , I.liue
Drain Tllo , apil Hewer ripe. Ofllce , Pazton Hotel ,
Farnam tit. * , Omaha , Neb. Telephone 811.
Shippers of'Coal and-Coke ,
814 BouUi inth St. . Omaha , Neb.
Dry Goods and Notions.
M. E SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1102 nnd 1104 Doilxlas , Cor. llth 6t.- , Omaha , Neb.
Importers and Johhers inDryGoodsNotions ,
Gents' FurnlshlnR Ooorts. Corner llth omJ lluncj
Ma .Omaha , Nohraaka.
Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnitnre ,
Fnroam Htreet. Omaha. Nebraska.
Fnrnitnre ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries anil Provisions ,
706.707.709 and 711 S. 10th St. . Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
lllh and LcaTcnworth Btreoti , Omaha , Nebraska.
D. M. STEELE & CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
1Z19,1KI and 1233 llarncy Street , Omaha , Nob.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , Sheet Iron. Ktc. Agents for HowoScalei
and Miami 1'owUcrCo. , Omaha , Neb.
Bnilflers1 Hardware and Scale Repair Shoi
Mechanics' Tools and Buffalo Scales. 1406 Uougli
btreet , Omaha , NobraAa.
Wholesale Hardware ,
10th and Harnsr Sts. , Omaha , Neb. Western Agenl
lor Austin Powder Co. , Jefferson Hteel Nails ,
Fairbanks tandara Scales.
Wholesale Manufacturers of
Saddlery & Johhers of Saddlery Hardwar
And Leather. HOT , Htt' , and 1407 Homey St.,0mnhi
Jtt Sy Klardware. _
fleayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , Wagon Stock , Hardware , Lumber , Etc. IX
_ _ and Ull llarnoy HtrBct , Omaha.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
, Etc.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods
1107 Harney Street. Omaha. Neb.
All Kinds of Building Material at WMcsal
15tJ Street ami 0nlon Pacific Track , Omaha.
Dealer in Lnmher , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
DOOM , Etc. Yards-Corner 7ih and Uouglaii Cuttai
. WU ai il poujfUi ,
C. N , DIETZ ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
13lh and California RlraeU.Omaua. Nebraska.
Lnmoer Lime Ceinent
Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Corner fib and Douilas Sl , . Omaha.
. ' To Dealers Only ,
Ofllccl403 Farnam Slreel , Omaha ,
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Imported and American Portland Cement. Stall
Agent for Milwaukee llrdraullc Ccmvnt and
_ _ gulncy White l.lme. _
Dealer in Hardwood Lumher , "
Wood Carpet * and Parqiict Flooring Mh oiirt nnitlaj
. - _
Wrought and Cast -Iron Building Worn ,
Knulnon. Hrass Workleneral Foundry , Machlni said
UlavksmUh Work , omcuaiul Works , U.l''Hj. . '
and Kill mrect , Omahn.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron RaiUn-v ;
Desk llalt . Window ( limnl ; . Klowvr Pland' , Vflfa
MIIIM. Ktr. m Nona Itlh aireet , Omaha. . . .
Man'frs ' of Fire' & Burglar Proof Safes
Vaults. Jiill Work. Iron atvl Wlro Fencing. Sign * . ICttf.
( I. AndrtMMi , I'mp'r O'r. lltli ami Jackion ! JU.
Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards ,
nil hvrvviii , , lorlmlika , otllci-e , Mort'n , roKloncr" , cli )
Improved AwtiltiK * , ' Ix > ck mllh Machinery uud
lllnck.-uiltu Works. UBfcoulh Musi.
.Fire and'Bnrglar Proof Safes , 'TiniBioclB ,
Opncrnl Agpnl * for Dlubolil KRfn , V Ixick Oo.'n
Vaults and Jail Wurk , 141J Farunui Struot , Omaha.
i and Notions.
Importers & Johhers in Millinery & Notions
ax. JIOaniHI2 South llth Btroot.
_ _ _
Wholesale- Notions and Furnishing Goods.
403 and < 0u ScutU ItHh HI. , Omaha.-
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods. .
HID Harncy Street , Omaha.
Wholsale Refined and LuMcating.Oils ,
Axle ( Ireasc , Ktc. , Oraalis. A. U. lllshop.'Managcr.
fholesale'-Papcr Dealers , .
nice took of 1'rlnllnii , and
Curry a ( Wrupplna Writing
I'a r. .Hi cl l attention xlvQn to car load order * , i
Prljitora' Motor'lala.
' ' "
WEST'ER'N N E ws PA p E"R U N 16 N",7
Auxiliary' Pnblishers ,
P .er..n . .
IRub bor Goods.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines- '
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam and Water'Supplies ; . . "
rialtldajrWIndJflllii. 018 and MO Famam St. , Oman * .
O. h.Hoss , Acting Manager.
Engines , Boilers'M General MachineiyJ
Sheet Iron Work Steam Pump > , -fnw MIKs. 1313-lJl3
Lenvennorth Street , umaba.
Wholesale Farm , Fieli ; and Garden'Seed *
fill and OUJoncuKtrrrl Omaha.
Stqrago , Forwarding A Oommlaslorj
Storage-Forwarding , and Commission , .
Brunch tiouso of thn Ilormey ttaiigj Co. Bugglci at
wbuleiale and retail , 1JCB 1110nnd 1313 Itnrd BWe t ,
Omaha. Telepbono No. 7M.
T < i
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and CornieeV
John Epenetcr. Proprlelor. V20 Dodge and 103 and 101
NorUi loth Htroot , Omnlin.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
VOl North ElKthteentb Street. Omaha. Neb.
Mannfacturers of Overalls ,
Jcani PantsBUlrts , Ktc. 1103and HOiDouglaiStreek
iuiaba , Neb.
Saah , Doora , Etc. I
Wholesale ManuTicturcrs of -
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Moulding/ \
Branch Qfflce , I'tin and liard Blrceu , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , filing
Mouldings , fllalr Work end Interior Ilant Wood tin *
liu. M. E. Corner 8lh and Ixjarenwortb HUe ls , i
Omaha , tjuli. J
Manafactnrers of Moulding , Sash , Doors ,
And nilncln , Turnlnn , Stslr-work. Hank and Offlco FIU
tlni8. ! ifltth nail I'oppluton Avonuo.
H. K. SAWYER , ,
Manufacturing Bealer in Smoke Stacks ?
Brltchlngi , Tank * and ( Jenernl Holler Hopalrlog. 131V
Dodge Street. Omaha , Neb
C. 11. r-U.MEIl. N. IMIIC1IUAN. J. 11. llLihCBAI
Live Stock Commission Merchants , " *
Offlco-lloom 3 , nnpoiltfl Kichango Ilulldlntf , UuloM
Block Yards , Houlli Omaha , .Nub.
Liye Stook Commission Merchants , /
Market furnlnhcd frconn appllcnllon. Htwkcri ao4
fruilen ( urnlBhcdon K'od Icrnm. Ituiitrericcs : Oida'
hnNallonal llnnk nml huutli Oiualm National. Uulori
block Vi-rJs , boutli Oinnlni.
* *
Live Stock Commission , . ,
[ loom IS , XxcbariL'o Ilullillnir , Union Stock
boutu Ouiahu , Nub.
Commision Dealers in Live Sock ,
R chaniia llullilliu , Union BtOcK
Vuiili , houtb Omaha , Nub ,
Of Omaha , limited , *