Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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    W"rwpfi5 " * * r
A Split In the Ranks of Virginia
. . Bourbons.
They Cannot Do Satlnflccl Without
, Special Legislation Tlio House-
1'aascs tlio Bloitx llcscrvntlcm
1JIII Personal. '
Hnrhoiir 1
nr.T , >
'WASHINGTON. D-.C. , Murch' 7.1
John S. Hnrbour , United States senator
elect , to succeed Rlddlebcrgcr hai written a
card to thu Democrats of Virginia declining
' . to .net further ns' chairman of tlio state com
mittee , Ju which capacity ho has boon for
> many-years. ' nnd with signal success. Mr.
Barbour gives ai hls'reasons for refusing to
lead the Bourbon host of the old dominion
during another campitlgn that he IB not In
harmony with ( administration . and that
' ono-whols , should bo elected. Ho says' that
It would prevent harmony 'to have a man In
the chairmanship * of the committee- who
could not emlorso tlio cuuso of. tlio adminis
tration dlnco ClcvelaiKl Is likely to bo renora-
luatcd for the presidency. The an
nouncement 1ms caused much surprise
in Washington , where Mi % Har
bour's democratic activity and Influence
tire so well known and republicans ari > pro-
dieting that , in view of the declaration uf the
Virginia legislature just bo fore 1U adjourn
ment the other day , In favor of tariff pro
tection , tho. state will go republican . If n
etroiiK man heads the ticket. Allison ,
Sherman ana ' Harrison arc remarkably
strong In Virginia und the split In the Bour
bon party there-over1 .tho acts of the admin
istration and the tariff question and tlio galnn
that have liccu made In the republican ranks
since 1835 , maka indeed a cheerful outlook
for republicans at the apprdachlng election.
Mr. Carter , a deputy In the boa.rd of land
commissioners lit Lincoln , Is In the ciy ( and
to-day called uponMr. . Stookslagor , acting
commissioner of the general land bfllco. He
directed Mr. Stocksluger's attention
to the fact ' . that . tlicro is
duo thostnto of ' Nebraska
Tjctwcon thirty mid forty thousand acres ol
ochool lands and asked'Ior an ullotment'ol
ftua same. Mr. Stocr.slagor replied that the
Vtato was barred out o'f.Its . claim . to these
lauds under the provisions of the revised
Btatutl-s whliih require that lands , duo a state
, must bo selected In the saino land districts ID
which they were originally located -and that
, all of the school lands having been sold in
the districts of Nebraska where sections wore
duo ttio state , nbno could np\v bo granted ,
It Is probable thafbills will bo introduced hi
congress making special provisions for the
state" of Nebraska In this instance.
After some dcbnto-tho house this aftornoot
the bill opening ni to settlomcnt the
treat Sioux Indian reservation In Dakota
U'lio discussion was of little interosti Hoi
man , of Indiana , appeared to bo the onlj
real obstuclo . In the way ojf an
Immediate passage ) t > f tha measure
.Ho t objected to every stop . that
the-commlttco on Indian nlTairs took and Im
peded the ilnul'voto in every wny ho-coirli !
conceive. Holmun is Invariably found. in op
position to nil bills for the development ol
the northwest , into wlilch country ho has
made two or three Journeys at govcnimcnl
expense , and ho seems to have become ven
iriuch opposed to that country. As passed
the -bill contains tlio provision in relation tc
the NIobrnra strip , and , although antehdei
la a few-unimportant parts , Is practically the
same as when reported to tno committee
The moat prominent feature is the clause
providing that the measure shall be ratlflct
by the .Indians before it comes into opera
tlon. The bill Will pass the senate , withou
teosonnblo doubt , In its present form. Then
have been hare for several weeks ft numbci
, of prominent Dakotnua working for the pa's
Bago of tbo bill , and tliey are much clatei
to-night over their success , and say that ii
will give the territory the biggest boom thai
It has ever had. Ex-Delcguto Pcttigrcw o
Sioux Falls , ex-Congressman Kliner niu
Mayor McCluro'of Pierre nnd Mayor King o
Hupid City are among these Who are worklni
for the bill.
Mr. Dorsoy has received a petition f ron
tno Wlnnebago Indians in Nebraska nskin ;
that congress give them authority to' sell i
section of land on ' their reservation 'for :
town site.
Specifications and advertisement for bid
for stone and .granite to bo used In the con
strut-turn of the basement and llrst story o
the congressional library will bopromul
pntcd by the commission to-morrow. Th
bids are expected to rungo between $750,00
imd if.100,000. , Paul Vandervoort , of. 'Ne
braska,1 who hns been here for some tim
representing n number of the nlost oxtemslv
stone and granite quarries in the countryan
B. II. Stout and other rontraqtors intend t
.to bo ono of the bidders , and these ho roj
Iraents may make n number of bids.
Senator Duwcs has introduced it bill whlc
carries into effect the request of the Ornah
Indians for the payment of the money du
them by the government , aggregating nbov
$70,000 , in two Instead ofseven payment :
The bill provided that the morioy sFlall bo o ;
jicnded by an ngontof the Interior doparl
inenti who shall sco.thnt it is applied to in
proving the condition of the Indians.
A statement Is published hero this ercnln
to the effect that the republicans in the hous
nro divided on the question of internal n
venue reform ; that Mr. Heed , , a republica
member of the committee on waysnnd mean !
lias prepared n bill for the repeal of tli
tobacco and fruit brandy tax nnd a roductio
of the whisky tax from DO to 50 cents per gal
Ion and has been trying to whl
.his party Into Und , but has me
vrlth open rebellion in many ( marten
' .This statement Is wholly Incorrect
Tha republicans are solidly opposed to an
reduction of the tax on whisky. They ar
solid In favor of Just such reforms us are p't
xscd In thu Internal revenue bill submtttc
ly the democrats , but they do not cndora
he administration features of it. The repul
leans stand as ono man ou the subject of ii
ornnl revenue reform nnd although the
have not prepared a bill they will bo in coi
tort when they do act. The effort * whlc
lr. Uundall will muko to Induce iho rcpubl
cans to supixirt his tariff anil internal rc\
cnuo bill will be ineffective if for no othc
reason than bocnuso ho proposed a rcductib
bf the tax on whisky. The republican men
pors of tbo committee on ways and menu
nay that no party at this time- can Justif
Itself In any notion which will reduce tb
Whisky tariff.
The democratic ) members of the hous
pommiUe-o on ways and means made ver ,
had record to day. When the conunittc
convened a number of motions were sui
tnltted by thu republican membora to grai
hearings to the people representing the It
terests , which would be affected by the pnsi
go of the Administration bill. It wo
Inoved , for InsUnoo , that the iron puddlei
bo heard on the effect the metal schedule e
the bill would have upon the iron Industry
Uhls was voted down by n strict party voti
( Them It was moved that tlio weavers bo hear
on the wool schedule , nnd thla was vote
down by the democrats , all of the re-pub )
cans voting for the proposHion. Final )
IJrcckonridKO , of Kentucky , thu most activ
Of the democratic members , move
that there bo no hearings granted to nnyon
tint that the committed receive written pel
Uons from all the industries. This \v <
cooptcd nnd Mr. Kelly , the father of tari
protection , moved to add that the potltioi
and arguments submitted In writing bo rcr
to the committee by the clerk , but ho wi
voted down by the democrats , It being ovldei
that the majority did not want anything t-u
knitted against tno bill which would reach tl
ntlre committee , or in fact iw considered I
Finally a motion was made by MoKlnle
if Ohio , a republican , who represents a luri
on district , in which there are very mai
iwhanlc * and laborers , that a hearing shou
given tha laboring men as
ffect tti ' proposed tariff i
Islon would have upon * tholr in-
crests. Thl § the democrats voted down
olldly. thud putting themselves on record
alnst giving the laboring classes even the voice in the proposed tariff Reform.
rho democrats prefer to devote the tlma
vhlch Is to be allotted to the consideration of
.ho tariff on the floor of the bouse , ' where
hey can make campaign documents in the
'orravf speeches.
.T. C. Regan , of Omaha , is registered nt the
> t. James hotel.
Jnine1 } O. Blaine , Jr.nnd wife , of New York ,
re In the city. The young man looks like
Is father and believes hli paternal ancestor
vlll bo again the nomine * fo.r the presidency.
, . ' I'cuiiY 3. HEATH. *
[ Continued From First'page. ]
Iplo 6f American organized wage workers ,
hercforo be It
Uosolvcd , That this Union extends to the
rothcrhoods of locom'ottvo engineers and
reinen our moral and fjnanclal aid In their
itrlfo for Justice nnd equality. And it is
'urthor . v
Resolved , That wo lioartlly endorse the
manly stand nnd orderly conduct of the mem
ers thus engaged and condemn the railroad
n transporting to our loyal nnd orderly state
he cmmUs'sarles known as Pinkcrtqn detect-
ves. - .
Tho' Meeting at Iilncoln.
LINCOLN , Nob. , March 7. [ Sjteclal Tele
gram to Uio Hnn. ] The presence _ of Hon.
icu Harrison , of Indiana-in town' to-illght
did not In any manner , Interfere with the
meeting of the engineers and firemen. Chatr-
: nan Sanborn received. an ofliclnl message
roni Vice brand Master Hannahan that ho
ivould nrrlyo on tbo evening train and a com
mittee mot Mr' Hannahan nt the depot and
j&cortcd him to the Red liibbon hall , where
a public meeting was held. Addresses were
delivered by the lion. ' G. B. Skinner , P. W.
O'Connor and others. This undoubtedly
, vns the Jcst ' attended nnd larg
est meeting held hero and to - nigut
general satisfaction prevails. The 'meeting
was attended by a great many ladies , 'and
among them were the ladles of the lied Hll >
bun choir , who entertained .the audience' In a
very nblo manner with songs and'rccltutlona.
The members of both brotherhoods are- con
fident ( o-nlght that thoj- are going to be vie- ,
torlous. The men sent 'hero to take the
itrlhers'.placcs are dlssatlsllcd nqd are ro-'.their homes , ' stating that the cbm-
pnny has deceived them and havo.not lived
to their contract. . .
Tlio Tlo Story Denied.
ftniusitA'Crrr , Nob.March 7. [ Special
Telegram to the HEX. ] The reported wreck
on tho-Kansas City , St. Joe & ' Council U.luffs
road yesterday near Hamburg ont to this
city and reported from here to'eastern pa-
' Is said by officials of that road to bo 'a
mistake. They say It was' merely 'n slight
and unavoidable collision ; Unit there was no
tic ou the track , no damage , no ono injured
and no urrests. The report Is claimed to
"mve beco sent hcro'by enemies of iho road.
The Situation nt KnnsuB City.
KANSVS CITV , March 7. [ Special Telo-
ram to the BCE.-TJ. ] S. Harble , general
freight agent of the Hannibal & St. Joe , and
he Kansas City , St. .Too & Council Bluffs ,
lias servod-notico on nil roads runnlng'lnto
ICnnsas City that , commencing to-morrow ,
they will 'be ready for business ; that Is ;
ivill take and send freight. This means that ,
under the inter-state" commwco low the other
roads will be obliged-to receive the freight. '
\ . .T , Vallandlngham , general freight soutli-
, vesern afjenj , of the Gulf route , to-night
stated that the road would receive the frolgfit
of the Burlington , eomo what might , nnd the
representatives of the other lines hero
nako the saino stittoracnt. > A
secret incetihg of all tup grievance
committees of the brotherhood between Kan
sas City and Chicago was held hercf to-rilght ,
at whtcli the decision was made that the
strike would be extended the moment the
other roads took the Burlington freight. It
s generally conceded both by the representa
tives of the brotherhood , nnd .tho railways
hero that tl0 | situation Is serious in a marked
degree , and merchants nnd others nro pre
paring for a .railway blockade. The com
pany's ofllcinls claim that the road Is Disrat
ing all l\\o \ \ trains it desires to , and that the
business of .tho rood docs not require
the -number of trains run boforc
the strike. The strikers , as a matter
of course , claim to "bo inoro confident
than ever unel well content to let matters go
ou as they are at present. Ono of the griev
ance committee of the Union Pacillc re-
turucd to-day nnd mailo n statement before
the local committee which greatly encour
aged the strikers. He assured them tnnt the
engineers and firemen nil over the United
States .wero with them , and that the men on
other roads were sending in thousands ol
dollars for their aid. Seventeen thousand
dollars' , .ho said , was received in Chicagc
Monday. "This Is all wo asli , " sold Mr ,
Stevens , in spooking of the matter. "The
money that Is pouring in will .enable us tc
continue tlio strike ns long as we
wish to keep going and to wach the othoi
roads more carefully than ever , and to see
they don't touch any.of the 'Q' business ,
As long ns they do not they will be'nil right ,
but they will do so at their peril. The men
on nil the roads are Ilnn and stand ready tc
obey tlio chief's commands the moment thcj
are issued. As long ns the 'Q1 is doing nc
larger business than at present the strike
will not extend any further. But if the roat
succeeds in running its freight rcg
ularly and in handling anything
like the amount of traftlo that usually goef
over the system , nnd they treat with othei
roads it will bo deen how far the brothorhoot
will dare to go. " The strikers express themselves
solve-s ns very sorry that the derailing of th <
freight near'Nebraska City should have
occurred. Assistant General Superintended
Fitch , of the "Q , " In speaking of the occur
rcnco said : ' 'We know the striking engineer !
nnd ilremcn had nothing to do with thi
wreck for they ' are not that clas :
of men. But theru is always a class of vaga
bonds who take advantage of n strlko to com
mil vandalism , thinking the blame will fal
on the strikers. It Is such men who put the
rail on the track against whom the road hai
to protect Itself. "
Manager Moi-rlll's Stiitomont.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , March 7. [ Special Telegram
gram to the BEE. ! General Manager Merrill
rill gave the following ofllclal statement con
earning tha number of trains on 'the Kansai
Clty ( St. .foe fc Council Bluffs and tlu
Hannibal & St. Joe to-night. Yesterdttj
forty through freight trains were sent froir
Hannibal to Brookflold. The same froti
Brook field to Hannibal | ono from BrookfloU
to Mncnn and return ; two from Brookfleld t <
Hevler and return ; two fromPalmyrla ! June
tlon and return ; four from Brookfield to St
Joe ; ono from St. Joe to Brookfleld : ono f rot ;
Brooktlcld to Kansas City , and two fron
Kansas City to Brookflolfl. All passengoi
trains are running with the exception of lh <
Kll , the Chicago fast train , which will bo run
ting again in u day or two.
The Burlington A Northern Strike.
MINNEAPOLIS , March 7. All brothorhooe
engineers nnd firemen on the Burlington t
Northern road struck , at 10 o'clock. The el
feet Is not yet observable , bccauso the roai
docs not send any passenger trains out untl
4:15 : this afternoon. At that time tlwoftl
clnls claim tbo Chicago and St. Louis oxpres
will start ns usual , while the brothorhooi
claim the road will not bo able to move
wheel. The road's freight business was vor ,
large before- the Burlington strike , but i
now nothing more than local , The strike ol
frets about a hundred men.
MILWAUKEE , March 7. A special to th
Evening Wisconsin from LaCrosse says : A
a late hour last night a notice , which Is re
gardcd ns having the authority of the brotl :
erhood , was served on Superintendent Ban
of the Burlington & Northern road that I
the road continued to handle Chicago , Uurl
Ington & Qutucy business it would destro ;
the gojd will and friendly feeling of tha 01
glneern and firemen toward hU road. A re
ply was served on the men to-day that the ,
should report by 7 this evening , whether o
uot they were prepared to handle any and n
butlnosi of the road. If not they wore t
consider themselves discharged.
, March 7. General Manager Hai
is of the Chicago , Burlington & Northern ,
aid this ovomngr ho was hot surprised at the
trlko of his cnglno bauds to-day , although
10 had lie notice. Ho claimed the strlko
vould not cripple the rood. "Wo had nearly
n'ough men to take the strikers' places , "
aid lie. "before they went out. Wo will go
Ight ahead. All I have done Is to order
igcnts not to. receive perishable freight. "
Mix.Nr.u'ous , March 7. The evening train
eft on tlmo In chnrtfo pf the master moolmnlc
of the road. The 5 o'clock train for LaCrosse
vns In charge of n Heading engineer. Ho en
deavored for a little tlmo tostart the train
vlth the air brakes set on the driving wheels ,
mt finally managed to' got away , amid the
ccra of the crowd. The strikers say thcv
vill not go back to work nt the present scale
of'wnges. The officials of the road say they
anticipate no tronblo In filling the strikers'
places ; that the latter had no grievances , but
ilmply went out to help their Chicago , Bur-
ington ft Quincy brethren.
Tlio Omaha road , has' discontinued its
sleeper serrleo to Kansas City , ns Its cars
runs from Council Bluffs over n part of , the
'O" system. The reason for tills Is believed
o DO the wish of the road to avoid trouble
with its men. ,
. The Milwaukee Road.
MILWAUKEE , March 7. The engineers nt
the - yards of , the St. Paul rppd in thjs city
express th'o opinion that they will
drawn into the trouble , and at the general
oftlccs it Is hold that an outbreak on i the , St.
Paul system is Improbable , as the engineers
mvo no grievance against the company. . ,
'Will ' Nut Hamlln Burlington Oars.
DULUTII , Mjnn. , March 7. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKE.I Orders were promulgated
icro to-day by officers. of. the St. Paul &
Duluthy the Chicago , St. Paul , Mlnrieupolis
It Omalin , and the ! ' Wisconsin Central roads
, hdt no Burlington cars , ' cfth'or .loaded or
unloaded , were to be moved otvtho St. Paul
f * Dulutl. road. A largo number of sucli cars
mvo been 'sidetracked nt different points.
TJiis decision praetlcallystops the shipment
of iron ere from tho' Vcrmllllon' mines , for
which the Burlington mad was n party to n
contract for hauling3,000 cars for points on
; lmt road. Inquiries among engineers nnd
firemen elicited , numerous assertions that
; ho.y xvpuld stand by.tko brotherhood at all
liaztmls. - . ' . '
CH ICAOO. March 7. Tlijft morning flvo Lake
Shore engineers refused to .take a tram of
Burlington cars f rom Englewood to Sixteenth
street , declaring ( hey would quit before they
would haul anything bearing n "Q" label.
The cars consequently remain at Euglowou'd.
Wubosh switchmen refused , this morning , to
receive Burlington cars which were brought
to the yards at Hoot street. The switchmen
employed by the Uulon Stockyards and
Transit coiripnny , which has charge of all
switching at the yards , also decided to-day
that they would handle no Burlington cars.
The compaqy luis as yet taken no action in
the matter. Twenty-five , employes of the
Burlington rend nt the yards , whoso busi
ness It is to cnro for all stock arriving over
the Burlington , were dis'clmr'ged to-uny , as
no stock is arriving utul ' consequently tnoro
is nothing for them to do' .
IIcrditiR tlio Cattle.
GALEsnuito , 111. , March 7. The fast train
mid the Kansas City express , whl'oh were
consolidated nt Chicago last night , cnmo Into
Salesburg this morning at 0 a. m. ; two noiirs
behind tliuo. At Moudotn liwaa but fifteen
minutes Into. The reason of' the delay was
tliat the train was rUn by a ntftv ongl- .
noer , who did not know the toml , nnd though'
ho was- steered by nn old conductor , ho was
afraid to run nt more than a snail's ' pace.
The divis.ion of the Brotherhood of 'En
gineers located hero numbers about ono hun
dred und thirty memb'crs. Of the Broilier-
hood of Firemen .there nro about the same
number. Ono hundred nnd. eleven 'of the
engineers loft the service at the command of
Chief Arthur. Of them , Division Superin
tendent Ulco said this morning : . "They nro
ns fine a.body of men us can bo found In the
country. I was raised with them , llko them ,
ai l nm sorry for them. " Tlio men likes Mr.
Uiee > , but don't share the norrow.
That they nro .honest is shown
front the fact that they nttempt to "conceal
nothing. They acknowledge that two of
their number returned to the service , of Uio
company , a fact which otbers inoro' politic
would perhaps conceal. But thjl' ( are not
discouraged. They hold meetings-In a housa
Just across the track from the depoj , and hcvo
persuading Committees ntworft night and
day. The mayor has ordered that
they bo not allowed to - approach
the engines. Special police ' with
immense tin stars enforce tKo order. Said
Division Superintendent Hlcothls morning :
" those Wouldn't much asa
"Why , boys put so ,
a straw.across tho-rails to cause damage to
the company. "
The statements of the brotherhood nnd
Ilico diffcr.raatcrlally In regard to the situa
tion of affidrs at this point. Summafi7CJthe (
engineers say that in place of the" 109 out ,
thirty now ones havo'taken their places.
Twenty-two of these are from the east , two
are these who returned to work and others
nro men from the shotts. Yesterday1 , said the
engineers , five freight trains loft hero east
ward bound. Of these' , three-were "pulled
bnck with dend and somewhat scorch6d en-
glues. Two started on the Peorin'branch , of
which ono was pulled backnnrt qn'e burned
at KnoKvlllo. The men who arcroiit sny that
the bollur-makcrs at the shops toll tlicm.they
have , from the tlmo the strike began up to
to-day , had to repair twelve engines burned
by the carelessness of new men/ They claim
from careful counting ns the trains pass the
depot that the company is doing nothing com-
pased with what they used to.
Somewhat different is the story of Division
Superintenelent Rico. Ho is one of General
.Ticket Accnt Paul Morton's correspondents ,
und with nil other division superintendents
seiids'dally reports to Mo'rton and from these
Morton makes up his dally press bulletins.
In n nutshell , nice claims the company Is
doing 50 per cent of the business it did before
the strike , oven counting in the immensellvo
stock business formerly done.
"How is that } " was asked.
"Oh , you know wo had much dead freight
on our hands. "
He claims nil now men , nfter a few trips
over , the road , wllljio fully ns competent
the old men. Ho chilms thlrty-flva freight
trains went out o'f Galesburg yesterday. The
now men when they step from th'eir engines
are hurried Into the depot bulldlgg , sur
rounded by n pose of special "police , escorted
up stairs to a dormitory , where they are safe
from the pleadings of the men ou the oiltsldo.
At this point there- has been tie disorder
whatever. _ ,
At BurlViiKton.
Btmi.isT.Tox , la. , March 7. The brother
hoods of engineers and firemen have a griev
ance against liailroad Commissioned Doy ,
Chief Engineer Fowler says n short time age
ho was notified by the legislative coriinilUec
of the brotherhood to prepare to testify 01
send affidavits regarding tlio competency or
incompetency of the men employed to run
Burlington engines since the .strike. Tha
proper affidavits wore sent to Governor Lar
rabeo and the railroad commissioners. Last
Saturday ho was notified that Dey was com
ing to Burlington to look info the matter
He arrived that night. , The brotbjrhdptl
committee endeavored seven times on the
following day to see him , but ho was not te
bo found. On Monday they learncdhu had lef
the city. "Why he had loft without'makiiif
a move in connection with the Inquiry"
said Mr. Fowler , "wo don't' know , but we
propose to find out. "
The strikers hero arc firm nud confident
The Burlington yards nnd depots are guarded
by a largo force of special police. The strik
ers claim the company is doing but ono fiftl
of the burlncss it did before the strike am
say they have tlio sympathy of all business
men , who complain bitterly because the com
pany docs not Buttle with them und thus revive
vivo trade.
"On what do you base , your hopes of sue
cccssl" was asked Chief Fowler.
"On the limited amount of business the
Burlington will have while the strjko lasts ;
on Its inability to handle traftlo from otliei
roads : , on the fact that the now
men varo incompetent , and on the
further fact that ns the engines are
manned by from three to four men , it costs t
great deal more-'to run trains than formerly
The company will soon got tired of this. "
Superintendent Brown , of the Burlingtor
road , is Just as confident tho-other way. He
counted twenty eight freight trains on the
main line and eight passengers nnd eight
freights on the branches. Ho declared there Is
no strike so far as the company is concerned
and that the new men are giving hotter satis
faction ( ban they expected. . He is of the belief
lief that connecting roads will soon be com
> ollcd to handle Bnrliogton cars and freight ,
or suffer heavy penalties , under both state
and intcr-stato. laws.
CnicAno , March 7. An authorized state-
neiit of what measures , If any , the Burling
ton company proposes to take in the < x > urt ,
or before the Inter itato rcoinmcrcc comtnU-
ilon to compel othdr roads to hnndlo their.
Hisint'ss when tetirWr'ed , wa much sought
after to-day , but Bifrfington officials were ex
tremely chary In spiriting of the subject.
Moving Freight at Cheyenne.
CnnfnxxB , Wyo.pMarch " . [ Special Telegram -
gram to the Bnu.ii-ihoBiirllnctoii ] is now
novi'ng freight and $ n scngcr trains on the
Cheycnno and Burtyijyon branch. The ngent
of the road ut this place has IssucM a nottco
: hat frejght will bo received for transporta
tion. _ ,
"npcfl"8oll Out First.
Exninn , Neb. , March 7i [ Special Telo-
iram to the BKK. ' ] NO.BEKS have been ob
tainable from ' newsboys ou the B.M. .
trains for sovnral days , \vhllo tho'Herald , .
Journal and other , fmbcrs may 'bo had In
abundance. Our people want the BEE. and
ire compelled to wajtfor ; limited number of
them which coino by mall , via the Elkhorji
two hours later. " ,
Priulcm Merchants at Johnstown.
JOHNSTOWN , 'March , [ Special Telegram
to the BKE. ] The merchants nt this nnd
other stations along the line nro beginning to
stock up in anticipation of the brotherhood
of engineer's strike ; extending to this , the
Premout , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley road.
To Withdraw From Uio Knlgtitfl.
POTTUVM.LE , Pa. , March 7. A special moot-
Jug Of Assembly U853. , Knights of Labor , of
Mahnnoy Plane , -was hold this afternoon for
the purpose of considering the expediency of
withdrawing ns n body from the Knights of
Labor onjanltlou. Resolutions were
unnnmously adopted deprecating the
late . railroaders' and miners' strike
as a "hasty nnd imptituous mistake , "
condemning the eJxecutivo committee for re
fusing to declare the railroad strike , off , nnd
determining to surrender tholr charternnd
to "pursue a course In the future by which
wo may avoid a re-ocourrcnco of past mis
takes which have been so detrimental toour
own Interests nnd welfare. " The assembly
was composed chielly of rallrpadors.
Want tlio Show' Repented.
A movement is ou foot to have 'a 'repetition
of the Press club entertainment as n benelH
for MrGoodall , whoso talent , 'Judgment and
untiring' labors were the great factors fn
making it n splendid success. To .secure this
the following petition , slgnc'd by'a largo num
ber of prominent men , has been presented to
the Press club ;
Members of Omnha Press Club Qentlo-
irinn : ' Owing to the immense success of your
benefit given- Boyds Jfe.bruur.y 2" last , 'from
nn nrtistlo ns well ns a financial standpoint ,
we tbo undersigned appreciate the fact that
n largo amount of the enjoyment of the occa
sion were duo to the personal 'efforts of W.
14. Goodall. Furthermore , In consideration
of the exhibition of versatility nnd genuine ,
talent ahown by that gentleman on that oc
casion wo respectfully ! , nsk that ho bo ten
dered a compllmcntarylboneflt under the aus
pices of your organization , ns u substantial
testimonial of his gcnlusj the occasion to be.
n repUition of tbo performance given at your
benefit. -I
This was signed byiabout 123 leading citi
zens , nnd ft is probablcvtlmt the request will
bo granted. ( , -
A Furnnin > $ trcot Fire.
Shortly after 11 o'clock last night ns Po
liceman Vanous wo1 ' walking his beat in
front of J. Harris' sttjr101 1 Farnam street ,
ho sow a small blaze ! ln the back end of that
store. Ho immediately ran to No. 2 engine
house to notify the fircflnon , but before they
had arj-ive-d on the stone the whole inside
was aflame , and it was"only with the greatest - '
est difficulty that it was finally extinguished.
The building was llRe'n tinder box nnd the )
fiames kept breaking ouV in different plnceti
nftor being apparently subdued. The build
ing , which was an old frame one , was com
pletely mined nnd will have to bo torn down. '
There was no insurance on It. The clothing
stock , which had been lately augmented by
the purchase of the stock o ( another store ,
was completely ruined. There' was alto
gether probably about $0,000 worth of stock ,
with only ? 3,0A ( ) insurance.
In a Runaway.
As Mrs. Byron Clark , accompanied by her
sister , was driving north on Eleventh street
yesterday afternoon , her horse took fright at
the Hnrnoy street cable cars and ran away.
Mrs. Clark was unable to hold the horse in
check and ho dashed furiously up" Eleventh
street. Near the intersection with Farnam
both ladies were ) tirown ] violently to the
ground. Mrs. Clark received a bad cut in
tlio forehead and her nose nnd loft cheek
were considerably bruised. With the nxcep-
tion of n bad shaking up , her sister was unin
jured. The horse suw'ecded in demoralizing
the buggy before ho was caught.
A Kansas City Criminal Caught.
Put Shea , who Is wanted for highway rob
bery nt Kansas City , was arrested by the
Omnha police officers yesterday morning.
The fact w.'is telegraphed 'to the chief of po
lice at that place , and ho wired back , "to hold
the prisoner at' all hazards. " Ho will bo held
in custody hero until the officers from Kansas
City arrive and will then bo 'surrendered to
In Trouble Over Tools.
Ji B. West , the well known merchant of
the firm of West & Fritcher , cigar manufac
turers , was arrested yesterday afternoon on
the charge of stealing tools from a carpenter
named J. H. Bnxtcr. While this carpenter
was doing some Work at West's house re
cently bo missed several of his tools. Tlio
tools were seen nt West's residence by a
third party and Baxter was apprised of the
fact. Yesterday West's premises were
searched and about $25 worth of the tools
found. The merchant was arrested and
taken to the central station about 12:80 : yes
terday afternoon. His trial was commenced.
and was only partially gone over , the court
again taking it up to-day.
Wednesday , March 7 , at the residence ol
Thomas Hamilton , South Fifteenth street , ill
the presence of a largo number of friends ,
were married his two nieces. Mr. John
Swccnio nnd Miss Alice Gal vert ; also , Joseph
J. Outuoy and Miss Hello S. Calvcrt. Hev.
Charles W. Savldgo performed the ceremony ,
After the service a sumptuous dinner was
partaken of nnd uroyttlifcood time was en
joyed by all. . o
Charles Allen , of Aurora , Neb. , is at ttie
Millard. J"
John Bratt , of Nortl' Matte , Neb. , is at the
MIHard. . ' .
E. C. Jackson , of Blair , Nob. , Is nt tha
Millard. nt ,
E. C. Miller , of Fullfirjon , Neb. , is nt the
Millard. j *
H. M. Utlcy , of O'jS'plll , Neb. , Is at the
Millard. > J ,
L. L. Mead , of Hastings , Neb. , Is at the
Windsor. < -J
E. Schciibcck , of St.'JJ soph , Mo. , Is at the
Windsor. ' *
George H. Harney , of Dos Moincs , la. , is at
thoPaxton. h ,
George H. Powers , of.Beatrlco , Neb. , Is al
the Paxton.
S. S. Hadley , of Cedar Rapids , Nob. , Is al
the Paxton.
Dorr HofUcmnn , of Anscmo ] , Neb. , is n <
the Millard.
C. H. Towksbury , of Lincoln , Neb. , is at
the Windsor.
O. G. Pattlson , of Plattsmouth , Nob. , is al
the Windsor.
J. W. Paddock , of Paddock Grove , Nob. , is
at the Paxton.
George W. Osterhout , of David City , Neb.
> 48 at the Paxton.
S. M. Wilson and wife , of Atlantic , la. , nr (
nt the Windsor.
Ben L. Crosby , of Nebraska , City , Neb.
is at the Millard.
Robert B. Blak6rmoro and wife , of Chicago
cage , arc at the Pnxton.
Messrs : J. D. . W. H. and IL'J. Kilpatrick
of Beatrice , Neb. , are at the' Puxton.
Three Thousand Republicans. Qlvo
" Him a Rousing1 Reception ,
Clfvolnnd'H Civil Service PrctcnMoim
Exposed BnrKlrtrs Mnko n Until
at Nebraska City Alleged
Itcpentor Liberated.
An Enthusiastic Meeting.
LINLCO.V , Nob. , March 7 , [ Special Tola-
gram to the BED. ] Three thousand enthusi
astic-republicans m this city'filled to over
flowing thb largest hall In tlio city to-night
to bear1 Ben Harrison , of. Indiana. Upon tho'
platform wltli the speaker were seated Judge
Parker , president of the capital city republi
can club , Governor Thnyor and ox-Senator
Snundcrs , of Omaha. Governor Thaycr pro-
Senator Harrison opened with n review of
the administration. _ Ho had watched , IK >
said , -and the ffnly campaign abortion of the
democrats' In IbS-l that was proven was tlio
fact that there was u largo ; surplus
in i , the treasury. The surplus
was all that worried themfor
they Wfirp not'used to surplus. In Indiana ,
during the days of 'tho lust campaign , the
democrats had oven figured it down that a
grand distribution would give oich ono $8.00
per capita and bccauso the division was not
made there was great disappointment-among
Indiana democrats.
The heaVcnly nnd beatific utterances of
Cleveland on civil service reform ho declared
wore-liot proven in.Indiana. The civil ser
vice had been Immeasurably degraded. . In
distributing patronage had kept a
misfit store. A free ballot and o fair count
was , ho said , ttlo paramount question.
Ho compared the vote ? .cast in Georgia
for ten congressmen with votes
cast In Nebraska for three and there were
H.piOlX ) ) more votes civst for the thrc'o In Nob-1
braskd than the' ten In Georgia , while a pub
lic sentiment in the local section of the south'
nnd n unitoef eloruoorntlo party uphold the
suppression of the ballot. 'Agitation and con
demnation would some day tench them.
These who bellcvo In an honest ballot must
cither make the south ashamed of its nets or
; naku the world nshatncd of them. Ho
wanted the como. when the -men of
Abraham Lincoln in the south would bo as
frco to vote as the men of Jcftersivn Davis. '
The tariff was tersely discussed and the
closing of his speech was on the pensions and
the late'st attitude of the democracy -and the
border states Jhat now were given lo t'alling
soldiers -mercenary. Ho appealed to Ne
braska to present In 18SS the same unbroken
republican majority that had charactcri/.cel It
slnco its birth , nnd expressed the Jiopo
that tho' state that ho loved , the state that'
w'as.hls ' 'ome , would again give her electoral
vote to the candidate of the ) republican party ,
Bupronio Court Decisions. .
Lijcoi.N'Ncb. ; , March 7. [ Special Tele
gram to the Br.r. . ] In the-supremo cpurt-to-
day'Gcorgo 1) . 'Schofiold' ' , of Otoo county ,
was admitted to practice.
State , ex-rcl Storkcy , vs. Field , defendant
to answer by 'March 0.
He'rshior vs. Kincaid ; defendant to answer
by Saturday next , file briefs Tuesday , cause
then to be submitted.
. Hlggcnbotlmm .vs. Benson , submitted on
briefs. . .
Hamilton county vs. Hainor. Continued.
Rottmnn vs. Bitrtllng , order to show cause
submitted. Court adjourned to Tuesday
A larco number of decisions were .Handed' '
down , among the more important were :
As'hby vs Washburn & (3o. ( Error "from
Gage county. Reversed. Opinion by IWcso.
Johnson vs Van Clcflve. Error from Ham
ilton crunty. Affirmed. Opinion by Cobb.
State extrel Carter ys King , mnndauuii.
Judgment for relater , writ- withhold autl
costs divided. Opinion by Cobb.
State ex rol Carter vs King , mandamus.
Judgment for relater , writ withheld nnd
costs divided. OpliUpn by Maxwell. Recs'o
dissenting. In this case tha court ho'lds that
a Justice of the peace has nopower to grant anew
now trial except for fraud , partiality or un
due means. In regard to the question of
legal holidays brought up in this case
the court holds that ; where 'the statute *
designate certain-days as legal holidays , the
restriction is. confined to the days named in
the statute. When such days fall upon Sun
day the 'succeeding Mo'nday is not to po ob
served ns such holiday , except so far s it
may effect the presentation and demand on
.commercial paper.
Castor vs Welniv , Error from Cummings
coiintv. Reversed and .remanded with in
structions to dismiss. Opinion by Cobb.
Western horao nnd cattle company , vs
Tininn , error from Adams county , Reversed.
.Opinion by Cobb. .
Sweeney vs Durnuil , error from Douglas
county. Afllrmed. Opinion by Recso.
Chicago/Bnrlington & Quliicy railroad vs
Manning , appeal fronvDouplns county. Af
firmed. Opinion by Maxwell.
McMnnnlng vs. Seater , error from Wash
ington county. Reversed. Opinion by Max
well. Thla case is of more than ordinary in
terest , ns it relates directly to the Sloeunib
law. In the opinion the following points are
cited :
In nn action by n wife and her minor chil
dren against cor tain saloon-keepers for loss
of support from the Intoxication of the hus
band and father caused by liquor allogpd to
have boon furnished by certain saloon
keepers there was proof of distinct
sales by said saloon-keepers of intoxicating
liriuor to said husband and fathdr during the
period stated In the petition and nlao of hii
continuous intoxication during that period
nnd of his remaining in and near said sa
loon ? . It was held that the testimony Intro-
cuced by the saloonkeepers that they had re
fused to furnish him Intoxicating liquor with
the intention of disproving the particular
acts tostitiod to by the witnesses of the plain
tiff , did not warrant u verdict for the defend
ants.Proof of the sale of Intoxicating liquors
may bo madeby circumstances and such cir
cumstances may bo sufficient to overcome
the positive testimony of witnesses.
Ex-parto Hill ami Hill , habeas corpus.
This woa an interesting case docketed by the
deputy clerk of the supreme court to-day ,
The case was nn application by a
fattier to obtain possession of his
infant child , whom ho alleges its
mother Kept from his sight and touch al
though both parents occupied the saino
premises. . After considerable argument the
writ wns granted discharging tno infant
from the exclusive custody of its mother yet
ordering It placed whcro both parents could
attend to its maintenance and education.
The NOWH nt the Capitol.
tiixcoi.v , Nob. , March 7. [ Special Tele
gram to the BUG. ] The United States court
convened in this city to-day with Judge Dundy
nn the bench , It being nn adjourned session
of the January terra for the purpose of _ hear
ing motions and reaching final hearings on a
number of cases.
In the district court to-day Ed Hart wns
convicted of adultery nnd sentenced to Im
prisonment in the county jail for ton months.
Hart is an ox-convict from Missouri and is a
thoroughly bad citizen.
In the case against Jcsso Martin , brought
back from Iowa to answer for disposing of
mortgaged property , the Jury found him
guilty and recommended him to the mercy ol
the court.
The meeting of the board of trade called
for last evening has boon postponed until
Saturday evening. A number of Important
industries seeking location hero will bo acted
upon at th" next meeting , including the pro
posed Now York llfo insurance company
The state board of pharmacy continued In
session yesterday examining applicants ,
Thirteen hundred nnd sixty-nine have been
registered during the past y6ar nnd the fees
collected amount to * ! ,000.
The State Institution * .
I < IHCOI.X , Neb. , March 7. [ Special Tele
gram to the BBB.I The monthly expenses ol
tbo state institutions , and work on now buildIngs -
Ings for February were passed upon by the
board of public lands 'and buildings todajr. .
nnd allowed n * follows : Homo for the
friendless , $1,007.09 ; Insane hospital , Norfolk ,
10,031.57 ; Insane hospital , Lincoln , to.ON.OO . ;
deaf nnd dumb institute , Omaha , $ l,8Si.7 ! ) |
feebleminded homo , Beatrice , $1,08\2'J ; In
dustrial school , Kearney , ll,7WJ.8M ! Institute
for tho.bllnd. Nebraska City , $ mW ; work
on soldiers' home , Grand Iiinnd , J4n,81 ;
keeping prisoners at penitent Inrr , KMkK40 ;
on vontrnct , state rnpltol , $15,215.00 ! new
building for feeble minded , } ' \Oio.OO : ; material
for douio of cupllol building , (0bOO.OO.
e Alleged Ilopcnlnrn llnloaiod.
GithKLr CKXTCII , Nob. , March 7i [ Special
Telegram to the Usn.l'-Tiio prisoners , from
Howard county' charged with voting in
Grccly county.sworothat t every Justlco In
Grecly county , was prejudiced except two
Scotl.i Justices and asked for n clinngo of
venue. The chnngo was granted and the
bearing' In the'casoof Peter Peterson took
place before Justlco Hamilton to-day. Thb
state established the rdsldcnco , .of thojirN-
onor In Howard county and ono witness tcstl
lied to having seen hhn giving In Ills ballot to
the Judges of election. His natno Is shown
on the poll Iwok. but notwithstanding this
the Justlco ordered . the prisoner released.
The case 'will \ > o presented to the grand jury
next month. \ .
Thrco moro "residents of Howard county
Imvo turned states evidence and testified to
being . paid t'A by Dr. Grothait to veto In
f-'cotui and to having voted under assumed
names , ,
Bultl > lntlMcd.
STIUTTONY Neb. , March 7. [ Special Tclo-
gram to the BKE. ] The criminal libel suit of
P. V. Bailey against W. O. Ashwcll , editor o
tlio-Stratton Herald , was called In the dls.
trlct court of 'thlsi county yesterday. The
court held that there was no cause for action
anil dismissed the case. ' The article which
created the llbol suit charged Bailey with
breaking the sixth commandment.
Uoldrcgo Wins. '
OIII.CANS , Nob.March 7. [ Special Telegram -
gram to the BEE' ] The council of adminis
tration of the Kppublicnn valley veteran reunion -
union association of tire G. A. R. mot'nt this
plneo to-day. The contest for location- lay
between Cambridge , bidding SSOO , and
Hojdrcgo $ 'Jl)0. ) Holdrege was selected * as-
the p.laco for the reunion , August 20 , continu
ing four days.
t Nelra | kn City. '
Asiu Ci'rr , Neb , -March 7. [ Special
Telegram' to the BIJH. ] The residence of Mr" .
S. A ; Wclmor was entered by burglars 'last
night and robbed of several hundred dollars
aud a valuable ladies' gold watch- and chain.
o -
Rcnl Kslnto Transfers.
John F Flack and wife to Thos Batter-
ton n'4 of K lot IMS blk O howe's .
add nlso 8 Xt of w side of s8.1 ft of lot
. 1 1 blk O Lowe's add wd . . . $ 3,200
Julia Ehye'to J H McShano s 27 ft lot
85 Holion's add wd . 0,000
Rudoluh Shnntr. and wife 'to Soniuol S
Van Bouttm lots l-i-if-l- ! - -lM4-ir -
10.1 ! ) nnd IS.blk S L'nfuyatto park'qo . 1
And Rosowatqr nnd wife to Joseph
Cub i\Yi of o 15. > ft of.lot I'd blk 15 Im
provement association add wd. . . . ' . . . 0,000
Joseph A'ub and wife to Andrew Roso-
wutor , s X of o 165 ftof lot ID , blk 15
Improvemcnt'assn. add , w d . 5,000 ,
Samuel G Damon nnd wife to William
V Morse , lot 10 , . blk O , Khfnn's 2nd
' add , qcd. . ' . [ , . . . . % . . . . . 1
South Omaha Land company to' N.ols
Johnson , Jot U , blk 118 , South Omaha ,
w d. . . . . . I-- 300
Frederick II "Davis and wffo to Peter '
B Fnsold , lot 23' , Fall-mount .Place ,
w d . - . . . . . . . 000
Henry Bolln and wife to William'
Srvoi'flX lot .1 nnd n' cK lot 3 ,
blk 1 , city , wd . 1
C S'Ktlnpton ndwifoto Ida Johnson ,
ct ' nl , lots 11 ! and i ; ) , Kempton
Heights , w d. . . . . * . ; . . . . . - . 700
EE French- trustee , to John HGib -
Hon , < } U blk 7 , lots V , ' 10 , U and 13 , '
blk , - nnd lots 5 , ! i. 7 and 8. b'lk 8 ,
Jots 10 , 17. 18 , 1 ! ) 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 and 21 , '
blk 4 , Pullman plane , tr d . . . . . 1
D A Holmes and wife to Istiac Van
' .Horn , lot 1C , blk 2 , Lake View add , '
wd , . . : . 2,500
Isaac Van Horn'nnd wife to J A Riley ,
lot 10 blk 2. Lnko View , w d. . ' . 2.500
Elijah L Ly'on and wife to W.'F
Swayze , oj lot 0 blk 5 , Orchard Hill ,
w d . 0,500 ,
Edwin II Sherwood 'n-nd wife to R C
Gushing , n % lot 1 blk 107 , city , w d. 40,000
Edwin G Rust to Ch as D Scldcn , lot 18
blk 2 , Pruyn's sub blk 3Hydo Park ,
w d ; . . : . . . , . 400
Win V Morse nnd wife to H G J Leh
man , lot 11 blk 7 , Syndicate Hill , w
.d . ' . . 100
Amilc G. and Hnttio B. Long to Ebon '
K. Long , lot 22 , A. ' Kountze's add- !
tlon and lot 10 In same , q. e. . . ' . 1
Thomas C. Bruircr nnd wife to Ellen
Anderson' , lot 6 blk 10J , city , w d. . . 1
Jacob E Miirgd to Thomas Swobo ,
undivided Jf of otf of 'lot a blk 103 ,
city , wd.- ' . . - . . ; .i . . 7,000.
Thomas C. Bruneiand - wifo' to Ellen
Anderson , part .of Twenty-fourth
street vacated (0x4 ( 1) ) , < 1 c.- ' . . . \ . 1
W. L. Seiby trustee Jo J. FItitch -
hnrilt , lot 35 blk 4 , W. L. Selby's .
1st addition to South'Ouiali'a , w d. . . 850
Archer Kkef to Thomas Proctor. 10-100 '
acres in ai-15-13 ; also ! l 'itf-lOli acres
in3-4-13 . . . 1
- ! - , ,
Ellen Anderson to Thomas C Brunei ,
part 24th st vacated (7x-ll ( ft ) , qo d. . 1
Same to same , lot 2 , blk 1'Jlcity ) ,
w d. . ' . . COI
William II Mabery to James For-
mnnclc , n % .ot lot 5 , blk 77 , South
Omnha , qu d . 8,575
James Formnnuk and wife to Cathar
ine Mabery , same , w d . 3,575
Flora Fox Plumb to Joseph W Ric'h-
nrds lot 10 blk 17 Hanscom place wd 2,800
Herman A Kudu tr to C D Woodworth .
Phonnan A Kuhn lot 10-17-18-2 -
2-1 blk 4 Crcigltton heights wd . 8,825
City of Omaha to Henry T Clark pt 23d
street vacated (20x2-1) ( ) adjoining lota
blkWVJqo . 1C3
W T P Wood and wife to Sloan John-
con & Co lot 5 blk 0 Rlvcrsldo ad wd COO
IliilldliiK 1'ci-inlts.
Tlio following building permits were issued
yesterday by the superintendent of buildings :
C. Las-i , cottage , Twenty-second and
Locust . $ 200
Jacob Zimmerman , cottage , Harlem
lane , near Douglas avenue . TOO
E. Volkmler , frame office , 2539 Gum-
ing . 250
E. Martiu , cottage , Blonde , near Thir
ty-fifth . ' . . COO
Four permits aggregating . $1,550 ,
to Wed.
The following nmrriugo iliconsos were
issued yesterday by Judge Shields :
Nnmo and Residence. Age.
Soren Mnds'cn , Omaha . ! U
Maria F. Jensen , Omaha . 25
John H. Sweenle , Pupillion , Neb . ! I2
Alice M. Culvert , Pnplllion , Ne-b . 1'J
Joseph J. Oatnoy , Arnptihoe , Neb . 22
Belle S. Calvcrt. Papillion , Neb . 21
Edward S wnnsou , Omaha . 23
Albertina Sanburn , Omaha . 21
Edward D. Smith , Omaha . 31
Emma E. Brock , Mahoningtown , Pa . 27
Lorenzo Dcnn , Atlantic , la. . . . 40
Rebecca E. Gulnii , South Omaha . 21
" A * lTttlcnive-.voar old 'eliiujflitcT of
Fritz WultorH , the ugont for the An-
liouBor-Bu&h Brewing company , full oil
u ttiblo yesterday , dislocating the loft
elbe Una breaking n bono in the right
arm.Fred Moore , the reckless driver who
ran over nnd faoriously injured n llttlo
boy on Fnrrinm street last Satui'elay ' nft-
ornoon , was given n hearing before
Judge Borka yesterday afternoon and
wns found guilty of fust driving und
lined $0 und costs.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
Wh n Bobwu tick , we rare her CutorU.
When he w u & Child , the cried for Cutori * ,
Wben the b c < im Ulu , iho clung to Cmitorti ,
Wheasae bad Chlldrwi , the I TC them CutorU.
Dears Control Trnnonctlous in the
Wheat Pit. . .
Corn I-'nlls Off on the Prospect of I
llccolptH OM Follow ( hi ) Ic *
cllnc Provision * Sliovr Con-
-Strength. .
CIIICAOO , March 7. [ Spccl l Telegram to
the.UKE.I There was. news enough la the
wheat pit this. morning , aiuV most of it
fnvored.tho bears. The slump In corn' 'was
-Influence on the saino side of the market ,
but at the weakest point tlio decline In , prices
amounted only to % o from opening figures
and the 1. o'clock close was only lg'c below
the opening for May delivery : Hutohlnson
wns n particularly free seller at near the bottom
tom price , but the market took his offerings
nnd 'oven advanced a llttlo before the close.
There wns scmo buying for country specu
lators In the winter wheat sections , 'but , In
general , emtsldo' orders were not extensive.
Probably n good part o'f the buying , was by
shorts , who had n profit In tholr .sales. May
Whc'at opened nt 80) ' , sold down' to 80 Q
' 80c , then up to SO > ' > Ve , declined fgradu- ,
ally and with occasional slight reactions until
80) 0 wns .touched. During , tho. last half
hour a rumor was' circulated that the engi
neers strike would surely spread to the Rock
Island road , and on this news there was some
demand from shorts which scut the prliid up
to SO.KC , which was. the 1 o'cloclt closing *
The highest price reached wns on news erf
the cmpcrqr'H illnoas and an incorrect postIng -
Ing which stiowcd considerable decline In
consols. When this was corrected the "war
scaro' ' wns annihilated : . Juno' wheat opened
ntSO e , sohlup-to SOJtfe , down -to 80 Vo and
cloied ut 1 o'clock at bft SOc. .
The local crowd started In to sell corn this
morning but for the llrst hour pr HO hud only
Indifferent success In holding the 'market
down. When they -got It down , as they did
occasionally , itsccmcdqulto clastic for n tlmo
and would Juuip back whenever there was
any relief from , the pressure. Later , how
ever , the critical point of 53c for May corn
was passed and then- there cmno'out a Hood
of long corn which of itself brought
jibmit the remainder of the break suffered
during' the session. Hutchlnson wns a prom
inent , seller of corn nnd the Inclination of
local tr.xdcrs seemed to agree wlthhlui in this
iiiBtanco. The report that tlio Burlington
road was getting In eooil.runnlng order again
nnd would soon bring In a largo quantity - .
tity of lorn which had been ac
cumulating on account of the strike
was a bearish feature to-day. So when tlio
late report cauio that the strike was spread
ing , It caused seine reaction Just before the
close. May corn opened at T > ! J\g53Kc ; sold
nt 531 0 then' down to . then down
to 5iL' : , up to B'jye , and hung some" tlmo he- .
twccn Ktfa } and 53J.Cc , then dropped gradually - '
ally and with frcqueut reactions ofVo or
inoro to r/ytfSreJXc , closing nt t o'clock nt
Juno corn opened nt52J < c , sold
down to 62c , and closed nt 1 o'clock at 52'fc. '
There wns a rather active speculative trndo'-
In oats , with Hutchlnson the 'largest seller ,
'and the market decllnt'd- following the load
of corn. May oats opened .at J2c ! , sold down
to 81 &c nnd closed nt 31 e at 1 o'glock. Juno
outs opened nt 31 c , sold down to 31xVc and'
eloped nt fll' c at 1 o'clock. Foi1 July oats
OOUo was asked nnd August oats sold at-28c.
The provision , trndo showed considerable
strength. Lnrd and short ribs were n llttlo
henv.v , but In pork the movement was more
satisfactory for .tho bull ido than fop some
timo. In the latter -'article the trading , es
pecially early in the dhy , was also -quite nnl-
mated nnd pilce sustnined a substantial ad
vance. resting nt 1 o'clock 12j(715o nbovo
lawt night's c\osing. \ Lard" suffered a decline
of : iKu nnd short cibs of 2K@ * > o.
Anruusoos Sr. tex Wheat higher ; . May
closing SO SO ; c , Juno 81 # . ' , July Sl ) f < H Sttf o.
Corn stronger ; May closing 5'J Q53c , Juno
& 3 ; ® 52jfc ; July Mi 'lv Oats steady and
firm. Pork wns S o higher ; March closed nt
$13.00 , May at $14.0JW@1 1.05 , and June.il4.07'
bid. LnrJ advanced ' 2 > < fe ; closlug i t 7. (
for March , $7.70 for May. $7.75 for Juno nnu
' $7.80 for July. Short ribs were quiet , but a
shade llrmvr , nnd closed nt $7.10 for March ,
* 7.20 for May , f7.22 > for Juno and 17.85 for .
July. . _ '
'CniOAOo-March 7. [ Special Telegram to
the BBE. ] OATTI.E Business 'was consider
ably mdro active than yesterday. Prices
were unchanged ns compared with-Tuoidny ,
but prices nro lO ltH- lower tjiah on Monday.
A train of Texans sold at.f2.75 for cows
and Jvi.75 for steers. Prime butchers' stock
was in goqd 'demand nnd firm. Canning
stock steady. Stockers nnd feeders un- '
.changed. .Fancy , : $5.25@r > .50 ; steers , 1850
to 1500 Ibs. , $ I.H'5.10j,1200 to 1350 Ibs. ,
$3.90@I.OO ; 050 tp 1200 Ibsi , $3.103.i0. { ; stock-
cro mid feeders , $2.20 ( < t,3.55 ; cows , bulls nnd
mixed , ? 2.00S3.40 ; blilk , * 2.40tf2.'SO ( ; Texas
fed dtocvs , $2.75tf4.00. (
HOGS Business wns not as active as for a
day or two past. The Squires party were
out of the market , nnd that means a good
deal , especially on the best grades. Two of
the big packing 'firms nlss were out of the
trade. Only one lot turned up in the sales
over f5.50 , and prime butchors's weights
( selected ) could bo had nt the close at * o.3S@
5.40 , best mixed nt SJj.S.XfrlW ) , and light
mixed at I5.15fi5.20. A few lots of assorted
light averaging'UK ) to 1TO Ibs. , sold nt * 5.16 ( < $
D.20 , and lighter averages at 5 < 5.00Qi5.10.
Nn\v Yonic , March 7. [ Special Telegram
to the BKE. ] STOCKS It is a down day in
stocks after nil. The loss of to-day Is .larger
nnd more decided than the gain. The great
est sufferers have been Delaware , Lacka-
wrinim & Western , Louisville & Nashville
and Oregon railway In a fall of l@lK.Pf
cent , while such stocks ns St. Paul ; N'
western , New York Central , Lake I ire ,
Now England nnd others are * < @ per out
lower at the close than ycstorday. o " , clflcs
have got of with a drop of MQjg per cent ,
and Richmond Terminal , Western'Union und
n few others , ura in the same category. The .
fall In the last hour was rapid , mid the closq i
very heavy. The market opened nt a decline
extending to K@K lcr ) tent > on tin ) f et that
London was a seller of American stocks , but
when the London quotations came In with
some decline the feeling turned. Even at
first the temper of tlo | room was not bearish ,
although the shorts who covered yesterday
felt inclined to put out fresh lines to-day.
Chicago advices were conlllctmg , not pro
nounced either way. Nothing very serious
was predicted out of labor troubles , Cliques
were buying specialties and Issuing scnlo
orderx. Londpn gives an unsettled , Irregular
market on American railway shares. St.
Paul , Reading , Pennsylvania nnd similar
stocks are either higher or without decline ,
but the Pacitlcs and some others are lower.
Total sales , 300,000 , shares.
GOVUHXMHNTB Government bonds were
dull and steady.
U. ( Ms registered.124 > $ | 0. A-N. W lOJ 4s coupon. . . 1'i'iJi do preferred 1(3
IJ.8.4'inreglitred.iiijlN. ( ) ! V. Contra ! 1W
U.rt 4'in N OU
I'aclnctoof'y , ' ) M I1. T l
Canada Huuthern. . BKi.I'Bclfic .Mull i
Central 1'arllla. . . . wtf O. I ) . * K. . . . . . . . . . . If
Chlcnpo ft Alton . , W I'ulltnon l' lacpCurl , )
, II.&Q Kraillnu 81J
Knrk iHinnil 111) ) .
i/'ftit.a. . ' , ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . . w bt. U &H. V au
Krlo 2 | ? do preferred. . . . . . flTJ
ilo nreforri'il M 0. , M. & Kt. I'nnl , , . 75
lIlllHllHOlltlttl Ill do preferred 114
I..II.&W II Ht. I' . & < > . US
K.T i : do preferred im
LakeKhoro B'Jti'Texu ' ' * 1'iic tic * 3Jj
! , . & N , KIM Union J'uclllc
Michigan Centrul. . 7711 W..BI. ! , . & ! lift
Missouri I'aclllo. . . . ' " ' doproferred 23
MUsouril'uclllc. . . . : , W. If. ToK'urapli. . TTH
doprcfuirod 13' <
MONKT On call , easy at 2@3 per centj
last loan , 0 percent ; closed at a per cent of
Pniiu Mancunian PAH R C@dH per
cent , .
, ixo EXCIUNOE Dull but steady at
for GO day bllli , II.B7K for duinaad.