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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1888)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SEVENTEENTH YEAE. . OMAHA/THURSDAY MORNING. MARCH 8. 1888. NUMBER 2j4 ; FATAL LEAPS FROM FLAMES , Men Jump From a Burning Building and Are Dashed to Death' A SPRINGFIELD NEWSPAPER FIRE. Six of the Employes Killed 'Outright nnd a Number of Others Mor tally Injured lilst of the Victims. Crushed to Kucapo Cremation. SpniNnpiRM ) , Mass.March 7. The new office of tbo Evening Union was burned out this afternoon nnd the-blaze was ; attended with the ,01081 * sickening horror ever wit nessed in this city , six of the employes meet ing n terrible death , most of them Jumping from the fifth story and being crushed into u shapeless mass below. Six others were badly injured. Fire was first discovered In the mailing room , nnd clouds of smoke wore pouring out'of the lower story windows be fore the fifty souls on.tho upper fioor we're aware of th'elr danger ! The flames shot up * the elevator in the rear , cutting off escape by the stairway , and most of the em ployes who. escaped found their way to the' ground by way of tho. roof in the rear. .Tho unfortunates who crowded into the editorial rooms met n horrible rible fate. They wore cut'off from escape in the rear , and had to face thohorrlbloalterna- * tlvo of burning to death or jumping .to the sidewalk below and frightful mutilation. The fire department responded promptly , but It seemed an ago before it reached tbo windows dews on the fifth story. A ladder was put to the fourth storv , and the sight of rescue so near scorned to madden the suffering , group nLtho two windows , who dropped in succes sion to the sidewalk below. Six fell In this way. some of them forced off , 'and some madly leaping , and the crowd groaned and turned their heads away as they whirled through the nlr. The dead nro as follows : HINUY : I. GOUMHNO ; foreman of the Union ' composing room , burned to death. . Miss G. THOMPSON , in-oof reader. Mus. FJiBiiKii'iuK E. FAia.r.r , editorial de partment , fell from the "window mid was killed. . ' . Mn. LAMZON , of Quebec , jumped and was killed. W. E. HOVKV , of Boston , fell ' to' the side walk. . . . Mn. BIIOWN , compositor. The injured" are : Thomas Donahue , Timothy - thy Durin , Joseph W. Witty , G. F. Ellsworth' nnd Thomas Donahue , all compositors. Their injuries nro likely to prove fatal. - It is thought that the flro'started-among the lumber fn a clot-et on the ground floor. : The only available article for quenching the I flnlncs In the ofilce was nn old watering can. There were no force pumps or fire buckets of nny sort. Joseph Landford was standing on the sidewalk at' the end of the building fur thest from the corner when Mrs. Farley fell. 1 Ho .stood his ground nnd reached out his arms to catcli her. She fell on his neck , f throwing him to the ground sensclcts. Mrs. Farley was killed Instantly. Landford was soon restored to consciousness and. la not se riously hurt. FIFTIETH CONOUES8. Senate. .WASHINGTON , March 7. The ' sciwto to-day r resumed consideration of 'the urgent dcfl- ' ' cicncy bill. The provision inserted by the * I , bouse requiring the public printer to rigidly ! enforce tho.cishth.our law was stricken out , ' . * yens 3' ' , nays 20. ' t t . 'Mr. Payne .offered amendments nppropridt- | ing JCO000 ; for the pay of assistant custodians 4 . nnd Janitors of public buildings all over the k country for the current fiscal year. This led- U to n general tllsciipsion upon the subject nf l | ' public buildings Plumb referring 'especially l > to the library building in Washington , aliout I ) which debate-was had last week. After If some animated discussion a'vote Was taken l ! on Payne's amendment and it was not agreed | [ to yeas 21 , nays 24. I' On motion of Parfdoolr , the pension bill K -went over till tb-morrdw. Adjourned. . I- House. I ' WASHIXOTON , March 7. Thd .committee I ' on I'uciflo railroads reported favorably the' ' I bill extending the time for payment of'tho m government debt by subsidized roads comprised - ' ' prised within the Union Pacific system ; I House calendar. ' A resolution was adopted calling on the prcs- Idcnt for correspondence between our gpvern- B mcnt and the goycrnnlcnts of Great Britain I nnd Venezuela in regard to the boundary dis- piito between the two last named nations. . The bill was reported from the committee on Invalid pensions for pensioning prisoners of war. Committee of the wholo. In consideration of the morning hour the house went into committee of the whole on on public measures , nnd In discussing the bill for the erect ion of n public building , at Sc- dalla , Mo.'at an ultimate cost of (50,000 , Bland took occasion to inveigh agalnstprotect- Ivo tariff and against the extravagant system the house had inaugurated in passing such measures. The bill was agreed to , reported to the house , and passed. The house again went into committee of the whole und considered the bill to divide the great Sioux Indian reservation into sep arate smaller reservations. Some dUcussUm arose over the provision granting to the Chicago cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul , and Dakota Central railroads the right of way through the reservation , and on motion of Ilolman nn amendment was adopted providing that un less the roads shall bo constructed within three years all lands granted for station pur poses mid right of way shall revert to the government. The committea arose , the bill passed nnd the house adjourned. Army Orders. WASHINGTON , March 7. [ Special Telegram to the Bun. ] Captain George M. Downey , Twenty-first infantry , and Captain D.ivid H. Kollon , Tenth Infantry , are retired from active service , having been found incapa citated for duty by disability incident to the service. The order directing the transfer of Captain J. B. Campbell and Captain J. P. Story , Fourth nrtilery , is revoked. The following transfers in the Fourth ar tillery are ordered : from battery H to bat tery I , Flitit Lieutenants Udbert Craig nnd Albert S. Cummins , nnd Second Lieutenant George F. Landers ; from battery I to battery H , First Lieutenants L. H. Walker and 3 Frederick S. Strong , nnd Second Lieutenants Stephen M. Foote nnd John W. C. Brooks. General order N'o. it ! , Issued March 5 by the adjutant general directs that an Inventory bo immediately taken at each military post of all books which may heretofore have been re ceived from the adjutant general , ami a re turn made to the assistant adjutant general ot the department. A similar return IK also to bo nindo seml-annually. Qfllccro of the Inspector specter general's departments will , at the an nual Inspection of ouch post , verify the books on Hand with the returns , and condemn and destroy such ns inrty bo found .unservleabto. DSccretury Endlcott Is still in Salem , Mass. , having been called to the bed-side of his fattier , who is dying. The secretary of war is his oldest son. Nebraska anil Iowa-Pensions. WASHINGTON , March"Special [ Telegram to the BEU. ] Tha following pensions for Nobraskuns were issued to-day ; Original , invalid Frances S. Gurnea , Pawnee 'City ; Charles Lockwood , Mllferd. Increase- Wil liam Slmdle , Valentino ; Christopher B. Miller , Gould : Harry F. Mills , Nebraska City ; John Barnd , Kearney. Kelbsuo Jehu H. Whlltshlro , Nonpareil. Pensions < ; ranted , lowans : . Original inva lid Hiram. Muckey , Cromwell ; Amos P. Smith. Hoyden ; Joseph Bubb , . Montczuma ; Francis M. Vougkt , Ccnterville ! Peter Bow- jjrd , Luddsdale , Increase John C. Ball , i i Columbus Junction ; David C. Wilson. Manson - son ; William O'Hourke. ' Clerniont ; Jacob Wright , Oakland Mills ; Kll Brown , Laporto City , Islah Nation St. Charles.James ; B. Sivens. Leon. Heissue Eldon J. Harts horn , Kmmettsburg ; John B. Bollis , Manila- Ha. Kelssuo and Increase John M. Barnctt , DCS Moincs. Original , widows , etc David , father of John B. Warner , Guthrie Center. Mexican survivors John H.Conger , Oska- loosa ; Holden T. Vaughan , Vallsca. The'Iiitcrnnt tonal Eiposltfon. WASHINGTON , March 7. The Joint resoln- tlon passed by the house accepting the In vitation to take part in the International ex position pt Paris iu'lSSO , was reported favor ably , with amendments from the scnato com mittee on foreign relations. ' The committee struck from the resolution the provision di recting the coriimlssloner of agriculture to secure. If possible , as a part of the exposi tion , competitive Inspection of pork products of the United States'and Euroi > b. It'also eliminated the provision authorizing the com missioner ito prepare for distribu tion at the exposition a statement printed in Fngllsh , French and Germah de scriptive of swine raising in the United States , together with such Information as he may possess ns to the relative wholesomencss of p ork ruiu'd here nnd In olher countries. The appropriation to defray expenses of representation at the exposition Is increased from $200,000 to $300,000. The clause author izing the president to assign one or more of the public vessels to transport to nnd from France free of cost such articles .us may bo offered for exhibition'by the citizens of the United Status is stricken out , as is also the provision authorising the appointment of nn honorary commtesioiler from each of the states. , "m The Mills Tariff Bill. WASHINGTON' ) March' ? ' . In the ways and moans committee this morning , after ineffec tual efforts on the part of the republican' members to secure r. hearing to manufactur ers and others on the effects of the Mills tar iff bill , a resolution by Breckenrldgo allow ing communications to be tiled , but refusing oral hearings , was adopted by a party vote. The republican * members expressed their opposition to. it. The corn- initteo then' adjourned , subject to call of the -chairman. A conference of democratic members was held after adjourn ment , at which' It was resolved to proceed with consideration of the tariff revenue'bill In 'committed wlien certain Informa tion mainly tables showing the present and prospective'tariff receipts received from the printer. It is understood ! this wlli bo ready In a day or two , and a iheeting of the committee will 'probably bo called for Friday or Saturday. Po.stal Telegraphy. WASHINGTON , Mat eh 7.The1 house com mittee on commerce , " by u'vbto'of .7 to fl , Jias authorized a favorable report on Haynor's bill for a system of postal _ telegraphy. Tljo bill appropriates $3,000,000 and places general supervision under a fourth assistant postmas ter general. 'The work of establishing lines will'bo done under the direction of the secre tary of war. The .tariff for twenty-word telegrams Is 10cents , for . " > 00 miles or less ; 20 cents for fiOO to l.OOOmilcsj proportionately increased rates for longer distances. Postal money orders by telegraph at existing rates plus telegraph tolls. The report which willac- co'mpany the bill tisserts that the service will bo sell-sustaining , defends tlio government's right to build and operate telegraph lines , nnd'states public opinion ) good faith and jus- not require the government to-pur chase the property and franchises of the Western Union. American Pork. . . WASHINGTON , March 7. In response to Senator Ciillom's resolution of inquiry the president to-day sent tp the senate a' Jctter from Iho' secretary of state .giving the history of the prohibition by France of the impprta- tlo'n of American pork. The department knows of no ground to expect that the decree will bo TO voiced at nn curly date. SInce Au gust , 1880 , it has been , from time to time , the subject of earnest diplomatic-representations and protests to Fraucp. The New. ChineAo Treaty. .WASHINGTON , March- . The subcommittee tee of the house eommittco.ori _ foreign , affair : agreed to "report n'bill to-g'lvo effe'ct to the new Chinese treaty , which will bo submitted by the president In a few days. A Well Jlcucrvttl Snub. , . NEW YOHIC , 'March 7.-rfSpCcial Telegram to tho' Bnn.j A delegation representing the Ancient Order of Hibernians called upon Mayor Hewitt to ask him to review the parade ado on St. Patrick's day. The spokesman ii opening , referred to the number of demo crutic votes cast by the Irish and particularlj by members of Ills society. "Now , let us un dcrstand each other , " said Mr. Hewitt. "I urn mayor of this city , and you asit mo to leave my duties to review your parade , and you speak .llrst of the vote cast by the Irish nnd by your society. NOW I may bo n candi date . for mayor next full , or for president , " ho continued , with n facetious 'glance around the room , "and I may want all the democratic votes 1 can get. Every one knows that the Irisl vote is strong enough for nny candidate in this city for which it is cast , but for the pur pose of getting this vote I shall not go down to the level of consenting to review nny parade rado , bo it Irish or Dutch or nny other na tlonulity. I shall review no parades excepl these which 1 ntu officially requested , as mayor , to review. " The committee retired in great disorder. The Fisheries Negotiation * . OTTAWV , Ont. , March 7. Canada's pro posal for a settlement of the fisheries dispute on a trade basis , and the American answer thereto , was laid before parliament to-day bj the consent of the negotiators. The propo sition from the British plenipotentiaries wa to the effect that the llshcrmcii of both conn tries should have all the privileges enjoyci during the existence of the fishery articles o the treaty of Washington , In ccnslderatioi of a mutual arrangement for freedom of com merciul intercourse. The American negotiu tors declined the proposal , because the grca freedom so proposed would necessitate th adjustment of the tariff by congressional ac tion , which adjustment they consider imprac ticable through the medium of the treaty under the present circumstances. Nor couli the Americans admit that such an arrange ment could bu accepted as constituting biiituble basis of negotiations. A Paper Trust Formed. CHICAGO , March 7. Thirty of the papc mill owners , members of the Western Pnpe Manufacturers' association , held n mectin hero to-day to act upon the proposition of II E. Mead , of Dayton , O. , to buy the cntlr annual product 01 all the mills , with the vim of reducing production and enhancing profits The preposition was abandoned and nnothe scheme adopted to lessen the production by ucloM ! combination or trust , controlled by t dhectory which will have power to shu down any or all the mills for a certain time iho expenses of the combination to bo met bj assessments and the behests of the director ! to bo enforced liy Hues from the genera funil. A committee was appointed to prepar a contract , ete. It Is expected the plan wil be ratltled'by all the members. Airt' .t of a Forger. S * : . ' FK\M'i'C ) , March 7. Michael Fox alias James FOBS , was arrested hero to-day and will bo taken to Illinois to answer to th charge of forgery * It is alleged that Fo married Mis i Kenton In'Durand , 111. , fiv years at'u und won after tied , leaving notes claimed to bo forgeries , for 5,000. lie cutm to California , and since arriving here ha married another woman. It Is thought th charge of bigamy will also .bo made ugains him. A Balil-ltnohueron Trial. ST. LOUIS , March T. The trial of Dav Walker , chiefof the Dald-Knobbcrs , was re sumed at Ozark , Mo. ' , yesterday. DID HIS WIFI A Prominent. St. Joseph Doctor Tnkcs ' Morphine and Is Dying. . ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Mn'rch 7. [ Special Tele gram to the BKE. ] Dr.J. , A. Gore , for years a prominent physician ot .this city , has been given up by the doctors , and is expected to die within a few hours from the effects of a dose of morphine taken with suicidal Intent at a Into hour lust nlnght. .Lnto yesterday' afternoon ho wrote his wife a letter telling her that ho Intended to suicide , nnd that ho would never see her again. Ho remained at his office last night , nnd the fact that ho 'had taken the morphine-.was not discovered , until this afternoon. No reason can. bd as signed for the deed. Dr. Gore was sixty-four years of age , and had a "largo practice here. Ho was well known throughout Northwest Missouri. .Ati Electric Hallway for St. Joe. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , March 7. [ Special Tolo- j'ranr to the BEE. ] A. Stclnnchcr , superin tendent of the Union street railway company , returned from -New York last night , where lie closed a contract with the Sprnguo motor company for building an electric road from New Elm park In north S.t. Joseph to the market square. The road , will bo built by May 15. It will bo necessary to build a new track the entire distance and the Iron has been ordered from 'Georgetown , Pn. , and Is now on the way. The main conductor will t > o a Wire of silicon bronze instead of the cop per wire formerly used. A Cable Hallway , 100. Sir. JOSEPH , Mo. , March ? . [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] A contract has bccn-lot for the building of the Watt park cable rail way , five miles long , In this city , and the work is to bo finished in seven months , at a cost of * 735OW , ) . . 'It. E. Convis , of New York city , is the contractor. The ChicagoBooillers. . CHICAGO , March 7. The appellate court this morning granted Ed. McConnld , the con victed "boodle'r. " another stay of-proceed ings until-March 19 on the ground that tbo supreme court could not take actlpn on his appeal before thut time. . ' The stale's attorney this morning made a motion before Judge Shepard that the motion for a new trial in tl'o cnso of W. J. McGari- glo , the fugitive "boodlcr , " bo overruled nnd nn order to.that effect will bo entered during the day. When McGariglo lied to Canada this ihotlon'was pending and the result of to-day's action is that ho may .bo sentenced at once if ho returns to this country. Arranging for Finish 1'1/its. DULUTII , Minn. , March .7. [ Speci Tele gram to the BEE. ] T. W. Curtis is arranging two finish fights with small gloves , ono .with J. Donncr and the other with Black Frank. Both fights are for $500 a sldb In private. . A match Is being arranged between Glea- snirand Myers for apurso of $1,000 this "sum to bo given equally by Jim Murnanc , . Donald son and Cardiff. The fight will take place with skin- gloves somewhere on the St. Puul & Duluth line and will bo to a finish. Fornlhst Aiitl-Popcrty. Nnw YOIIK , March 7. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] The Catholic club met at the club house onVcst Twenty-seventh street last night and cxpellc'd LylvcsterL.Malono because he. presided several days ago at a meeting of the Anti-Poverty society , ( it the academy 9f music.'at- which Dr. McGlynn lectured. Among the members of the club are Judge Morgan'J. .O'Brieh' ' , Joseph J. O'Donohue. ox-Mayor Grace , . HenryL. . Hohnct , John D. Crimmins , Eugene . Kelley and other" well known , citizens. Mr. Malone isa graduate Of St. Zavier's. 'college and Columbia law school and pcuutices .law in this city. ' * ; ' Cattlts-Tlilevo's Arrested. . RAPID. CiTr'Dnk. , Mo.rch 7. | Special Tel egram to- the BEE- " ] Yesterday , warrants were swo'rn out at Buffalo Gap for the arrest of six men , | H. P. , C. W. nnd S. P. Oliver ' 'and Fred Clark and Ilingo Triplett , who..llvo' in Ouster county , seven miles north of Hot Springs , on the charge of cattle stealing. It is charged that the accused _ -have for a long time been killing beef cattlo'belonging to the .Thqidley 'cattle company , the Anglo-Amer ican cattle company and the Zeibolcattle company. David H. Clark , of this city , man- nger of the Sheidloy cattle company , caused the arrests. Tho.evidence against them is said to be strong. * ' Wyoming's Now Territorial Ofllccra. CIIBTEN.NE , Wyo. , March 7. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] The following'nomina tion were made to-day by Governor Mpon- light : L. D. Rlckctts , territorial geologist ; JLouis Miller , fish commissioner ; H. C. Beckwith , William Crawford and Charles Stone , insane commissioners ; C. G. Epperson , mine inspector specter ; Gibson Clark , attorney general. Epperson and Clark wore rejected by the council. The others wero.confl'tned. Arrested 1'or Seduction. Sioux CITY , In. , March 7. [ Special Tele gram to the UEE. ] Sheriff Jarvis and deputy from Brcmer county start homo to night having In charge n young man by the name of Balcntino who is accused of seduc tion. Balcntlnc's father is one of the weal thiest farmers in Bremcr county. It has been known that ho was in this locality since lust September but the sheriff was unnblo to luy hands ou him till to-day. Gives General Satisfaction. RAPID CITY , Dak. , March 7. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] The news of the passage by the house of the bill opening to settlemem the Sioux Indian reservation was rccelvei hero with general satisfaction. No greai demonstration has yet been made. Every body is more than pleased and feels that a great step for this section has been taken , Nebraska Kntcrprisc. ' LANDEK , Wyo. , March 7. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] Nebraska enterprise is still to the front in Wyoming. C. Nl Jones of Alma , Barlan county , Neb. , will probably build a roller process Hour' mill at Lander Valley for the bonus offered. A mill of ttfty to sixty-barrel capacity in operation ninety days from beginning of erection will receive a bonus of $3,090 in wheat and cash. 1'lnc-er Mining. LENDER , Wyo. , March 7. [ Special Tele gram to the BIK. : ] The Swectwator placer company will organize in u few days will headquarters at Lander. The company Is lo cated and will develop this year gold place mining along the upper Sweotwater for nine miles , A New Pipe Line. LIMA , O , , March 7. The Standard oil com pany has commenced the preliminary worl for the building of uu Immense pipe line fron this city to Chicago , n distance of over 200 miles , for the purpose of transporting oil both crude and refined. Slack Work. PiTTi nuio : , March 7. Three hundred work men at the railroad shops of the Pittsburg Fort Wayne & Chicago railroad company ii this city were discharged to-day on uccoun of Inck of work. PoHtal Changes. , WASHINGTON , March3. [ Special Telegram to tho.H.CE. ] The name-of the postofllco a Pozen , Howard ' county , was changed to-da > to Farwell. James A. Thomas was to-da ; aptointCl | postmaster at Webster , Keokul county , Iowa , vice Isaac Sender , resigned. - i ' Hcdticcd the I'rloo of Coal. . NEW YOIIK , Mncrh " . Six great coat com panics to-day decided to make a reduction 'e SO cents per ton in coal and new schedules have becu made upon thut scils , PREPARED FOR. A PARALYZER All Brotherhood Men Qivon the Op tion to Strike. THE.CRISIS WILL-COME TO-DAY. Many Roads Will.Probably He Affected Mr. KlmunlljSnys the Union Pacific Mubt Handle Bur lington Cars. Support of the Entire Brotherhood. CHICAGO , March 7. The full support of the entire Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers nnd Firemen has been pledged to their mem bers on'any nnd all roads'throughout'tho United States who deem it necessary to strike and formally decide to do sp-ln order1 : o uphold.their brethren on the Chicago , Bur- Ington & Qulncy. This information wa > btalnedtbls evening on the * best of author- , ty , and was veriilcd through another sourco. It can also bo stated upon authority that general meetings of tho. local grievance Com mittees , of various roads were In , each case convened for the purpose of dis cussing the advisability ofa strike on' that particular 'road , and if such a radical s.tcp ivas- not .considered essential the object waste to decide what measures in lieu .thereof should be adopted : The sanction of tho'gcn- oral executive of the brotherhood thus given in advance to men who strike on any road was secretly obtained at conference of the general grievance committee of the brotherhood hold here Mon day. It no longer rests with Chiefs Arthur and Sargent to say that the men on anyroad , should they strike , will bo backed up by the brotherhood as a.wholc. The men on any single railroad system , or half a dozen sys tems , have it now absolutely in their power , not only to say whether they shall'strike. but also when they shall striko-with the whole might ol the brotherhood behind them. . That the men are not disposed to use with undue , baste the weapons in their grasp may bo partly inferred from the fact thut although several meetings were held to-day , each clothed.with complete authority to declare a strlU'i affecting & vast stretch of territory , no such declaration had been made up to 'this evening. At least two meetings of 'the kind mentioned are known , to have been held in' this city today.Others are said to bovo been convened at Hock Island , Omaha nnd Kansas City. One. meeting in Chicago was composed of delegates from' every brotherhood lodge bavin * members in the employ of the Chicago & Northwestern railway. . About thirty delegates were pres ent. The meeting wa held in McCoy's hotel. Little Is known of the proceedings beyond a rumor that the delegates manifested extreme reluctance to strike except ns a last resort. Both the Northwestern und St. Paul men will be again ill session to-.morro'w. A prominent railroad official said thls'evcn- lnj ; ? that ho understood the grievance 'com mittees of several roads will each formulate an appeal to the general manager of the company by which they iiro employed , asking for the intervention of the general ' managers of the various roads as-n body to , help the ' Burlington strike to a settlement. It is rumored to-night tliat a meeting of the gen eral manngers entering the city will bo hold .hero to-morrow or next day to discuss the-sit uation. Marvin Hughitt , president of the Chicago & Northwestern company , is crcd- , itcd with being the leading ' spirit in the movement to bring about an intervention by thogeneral - managers of outside roads. A knowledge of this fact is hinted to bo one of the causes.of tha rcluot- nncoof the Chicago & Northwestern .gricV' auco * committee to-day to adopt a 'hostile policy. Among the many rumors flying about to night which could not be hunted down to a verification or denial was one that the strikers hud' the inter-state commerce -commission asking that' body to take official cognizance of the strilax and that dispatches had been senttoGovernorOglesby requesting him formally call the matter , to the attention of the Illinois state railroad .commission. , ' Must Handle Burlington Oars. Thomas L/KImball , assistant vice presi dent of the Union Pacific railroad , yesterday evening issued a letter to the employes of the road In regard to thut road's relation to the Burlington stride' . . Appended Is the letter In full , together with citations of thq law and telegrams of Charles Francis Adams , the president , and T. J. Potter , the vice presi dent : .To Employes of the Union Pacific Hallway Company : Whatever may huvo been the liability of this company at common law in respect to the receipt of freight from connecting . lines , its present attitude is fixedand established under the provisions of the act of congress , approved February 4 , 1SS7 , and commonly known as the intcr-stato commerce law. Section 0 of that article is as follows : "That It shall bo unlawful for any common carrier subject to the provisions of this act to make or give any undue or unreasonable preference or advantage to any particular person , company , firm , corporation or local ity , or any particular description of traffic in any respect whatsoever , or to subject any particular person , company , firm , corporation or locality , or any particular description of traffic , 01 nny undue or' unrcasonoblo preju dice or disadvantage in any respect whatso ever. " Under this section this company has no dis cretion. It is absolutely bound to treat all connecting lines alike , to receive all freight tendered to it by them , and to transport , it over its own lines , without discrimination , In the ordinary and usual manner. A refusal on the part of this company to obey the act ol congress by accepting freight tendered to it by the Burlington system would subject it : 1 , to a forfeiture of its charter in case the government saw lit to prosecute it for the same : - , to a criminal action against the cor poration , or any of its officers , participating aiding , assisting , or acquiescing In such action ; U , to n suit for damages from the Burlington road ; nnd fourth , to a suit for damages by every in dividual shipper of any class or species of freight shipped over the Burlington to a point either upon or tieyond our lino. From this situation there is absolutely no escape. This company cannot refuse to obey this law , either for purposes of its own commercial advantage , or out of any desire to aid any particular body of men in a contest between them nnd the Burlington management. The duty of the company is so clear , the consequences quences of its failure to obey the law .so serious , that it docs not seem as if any person or organization could ask it so to do. If , therefore , it is demanded of this com pany that it shall violate and defy the law ol the United States , that its oflleers shall so net us to become criminals subject to prose cution and punishment , that it shall incur a forfeiture of its charter and submit Itself to ruinous litigation , it must unhesitatingly de cline so to do. Its position is one of strict neutrality. Should the Burlington company ask it to discharge all brotherhood engineers , und not to permit its engines tc be run bv them , it would bo nn unwarrantable interference will the management of this company , and wouli be promptly declined. Upon the same ground , iind for reasons which leave the company nc alternative , it is Imiwsslblo for it to comply with nny request which may bo made of it on the | art of the brotherhood , that compels it to disobey the law of the laud. If , for the purpose of punishing- roac against which It complains , the brothcrhooi rinds it necessary to p.irulyzo the operations of a system against which It has no griov nnee , by submitting to it the alternative o ; rither defying the statutes of the Unitec States or being left without nny engineers to operate its line , it must submit of course to the inevitable ; but in so , submitting it sug pests to Its employes (1ml no organization cm retain the sympathy of the American people which demands from nn unoffending railwuj company a violation of existing law , am Which proposes as the. only ulternatlvo the absolute destruction of its prosperity. Wo submit la the utmost' spirit of tricmUblp tUat such action must necessarily arouse the hos- Illty of the whole general nubile. While this ompany hopes and believes that Its locomo- Ive engineers and firemen , who'admlt that it ms.treutcd them with fairness , Justice nnd consideration , will not In A great degree In ure It financially because' it feels com piled to obey the law , yet In view if tio. ) fact that such a possibility has been suggested , wo feel it our duty to advise our employes fully of the whole measure of responsibility which they assume under the aw if they snail combine In a refusal ( o do hat which the congress of the United States declares that every employe of n railroad company must do. Wo call thelrfore attention : o section 10 of the Inter-state commerce act , which reads as follows : * "That nny common carrier subject to 'tho provisions of this act , or , whenever such common carrier is a corporation , any director or officer thereof , or any receiver , trustee , lessee , agent , or person acting for , or em ployed by such coriwratlon , who , alone or with nny other corporation , company , person , or party , shall willfully do or cause to bo done or shall willfully suffer or permit to bo done any act , matter or thing In this net pro- litbltcd or declared to bo unlawful , or who shall-ald or abet therein , or shall \vlllfnlly omit or fall to do any act , matter or thing so directed or required by this act to bo done , not to bo so done , or shall aid or abet any such onusslon.or failure , or shall be guilty of my infraction of this act or shall aid or abet therc'ln , shall bo deemed guilty of n misdemeanor meaner , and shall upon conviction thereof In any district court of the United States within the Jurisdiction 'of which such offense was committed , bo subject'to a line of not. to exceed five thousand dollars for each of fense. " Under this section there con bo .no cdoubt that ever officer and employe of n railway corporation from the highest to the lowest who refuses -receive freight from a con necting line , who aids or abets anv other per son in-so refusing , or who suffers or permits any such refusal , commits a crime ngatnst the United States and is subject to nrrqst , conviction and punishment therfor as above setfc-rth. . . . There can bo no escape from the full measure.of responsibility and liability under ' this section of.tho law of 'congress. While this company might not bo disposed , ns against any of its employes , to commence a criminal prosecution , yet such prosecution might bo begun either by the officer's of the United States or by any shipper , consignee , officer or agent , of the line whoso freight they-refused to receive and handle. Our duty to our employes is not fully per formed unless wocall their attention to another statute of the United- States , under which n prosecution could certainly bo com menced and' successfully carried through : Section 5440 of the revised statutes of the United States is as follows : "If two or moro persons conspire cither to commit any offence against the United States or to'defraud the United States in nny man ner , or for any purpose , and one or more of such parties do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy , all tho-parties to such con spiracy shall be liable to a penalty of not less than $1,000 and not more than $10,000 , ' and to imprisonment not moro than two years. " . Under this section nnd the decisions of the courts of the United Statcs-any two or moro persons who agree , combine or confederate together to violate any law of the United Stutbs , may , bo prosecuted , and Upon con viction must bo punished by both flue and im prisonment. It'has been suggested , and wo are informed , advised by counsel for the ' brotherhood that an engineer or employe o'f a railway company could escape the penalty Imposed under section 10 of the Inter state commerce act , by unconditionally leaving tbo service of the company , and thereby ceasing to bo an employe against whom the language of the section is directed. Even if that posi tion is correct the refusal on the part of ehi- ployes of the Union Pacific railway company to rpcolve freight from the Burlington could only bo successfully maintained by the whole locomotiTo force of the road leaving its. em ploy. This is . something entirely different from nn'd beyond the ordinary action of a strike ; for n body of men in the'employ of a corporation to strike means that they tern- , porurlly refrain from the performance ot ' duty. To leave its service in' the manner , suggested Is-to sever all connection with the corporation and to place themselves In'the ut- titudo of moro outsiders , having no possible claim of consideration from 'tho corporation or its officers ; nnd being no mare entitled to re-employincnt .than any . .other competent men whoso services can bo secured. But , .supposing that the penalty of section 10 may be escaped by the employes of a corporation severing their connection with it , yet U is perfect ! } ' cleat that in taking such , concerted action for the purpose of preventing a com pliance with the law of the United States , which requires a receive and ac cept freight of all comiectiug.llnes alike , they n > -o clearly guilty of n conspiracy under sec tion 5440 nsiibovo quoted , and subject to pros ecution , and punishment in the courts of the United States therefor. Wo therefore submit that the .locomotive engineers of this company have no grievance of any kind against it ; that our relations with them nro of the most friendly possible character ; that wo feel our interests are in a great measure identical ; that wo have recognized the hitherto con servative and reputablo'charucter of the or ganization to which they generally belong ; and wo believe , as wo know its members in our employ to bo fair-minded , law-abiding citizens , that they cannot advisedly enter upon any course of action which will compel this company cither to violatO'tho law of the land or upon its refusal so to do to bring upon it great losses , if not irretrievable dis aster , and which will at the same time sub ject every man Joining or engaged in the ex ecution of such a scheme to criminal prose cution nnd punishment under the laws of the United States. The position of the Union Pacific In this matter is clearly and unequivocally stated in the following dispatches from the highest of ficial authority of the corporation : BOSTON , Mass. , March 5. T. L. Kimball , Omaha Neb. : Have received your telecram stating Arthur's orders to our enp'n-'i- ' > In regard to interchange truffle witi > ihe ijur- Hngton. The Union Pacific Is operated under a United States charter , and the pro visions of the inter-state commerce act are clear and specific. Wo cannot lay ourselves open to ho penalties of the act and the possibility of a forfeiture of our charter by refusing to interchange business with all connecting lines in the usual way. Point this out to our men , und show them thut it would bo no more illegal for them to call upon us to burn the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy freight house or murder Its olllcinls than to make the present demand. Our posi tion is ono of neutrality. If the Chicago , Burlington & Qulnny , because it is engaged in n contest with the brotherhood , were to call on us , and under penalty of the loss of their traffic , to dismiss every brotherhood en gineer in our service , the proposition would be denounced by the brotherhood as a high handed outrage , condemned by public opin ion , and at once rejected by UH. Yet Arthur demands exactly the converse of this when ho culls on us to violate the law by refusing to Inter change truffle with the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy , and so to compel us to take sides with the brotherhood against a connecting Hue. Our men cannot bo so unreasonable us to take this position if the case is fairly put before them. They will recognize that the sauce for the Burlington goose must bo the suuco for the brotherhood gander. Be in this matter very considerate to the men , but absolutely firm. Cn.uu.u3 FUANCIS ADAMS , President. WASIIIXCTOX , March 5. T , L. Kimball , Omuha , . Neb. : The law docs not allow us to refuse to handle passenger nnd freight traffic in our usual manner ns a common carrier. You arc on the ground and should bo gov erned by the above. T. J. PoriEii , Vice President. When the United States government as sumed , on April 5 last , direct and nctivo control of Inter-state traftlc , a rudli-al-chungo was effected in the relation of carriers and their employes to such traffic , and now duties und liabilities were Imposed. It is solely for the information und protec tion of nur employes in respect to this chnngo of situation that the forecolug is respectfully 'submitted. THOMAS L. KIMIIAI.I , , . Assistant to Vice President. What .tilo Men Say ; Two hundred. Jlremqn and engineers , 'mainly those'from the Union Pucllie railroad met at the hall on the northwest corner -ol Douglas and Fourteenth btrceU last , night These quarters are the rcrular meeting place Of the brothcr.hood of Union Paelllo firemen' , uul lost night was one of their nights for the transaction of business. Under the existing circumstances connected with the strike of the Burlington men , they lowcver , varied their rights and admitted ho engineers and firemen of the latter roml so that n free discussion could bo Indulged In. several representative engineers nnd firemen from the Burlington were present , and the meeting was considered n union one of engineers nnd firemen under the pledge that it was n "lovo feast" all around. The clrculnr'lettcr of Assistant Vice Presl- lent Kimball , of the Union Pacific railroad , was read and was laid to one-side. H excited but little discussion , and was treated with very llttlo concern. . The main topic of discussion was the present - ' ent stains' os the strike : and to a limn itvtiv resolved to stand firm by the strikers , 'Und- the principals of the brotherhood. 'fi" $ After the meeting dissolved the flr'rtmcn went Into' secret session , and tranfta'ctad' Business' pertaining to their order. If the : he Kimball letter was considered , It Is only ; uiown to themselves , as members 'iecn re fused to answer questions. < The grievance committed chairman sent td Dhlcngo to confer with Chiefs Arthur nnd Sargent hud not returned up to lust night , nnd stories set afloat that a meeting was called to henr from them wore unauthorized. They.-aro not expected jack for some days , so aBnn reiwrtcr learned from n gentleman In authority. Previous Mo the meeting a Bnr reporter spoke with Union Pacific engineers.- They md not seen the Kimball letter , and being told Its Import , one replied : "Well , the road can't compel us to stnj' on. ) ur engines. If wo feel inclined not to pull Turlington cars wo can walk ant. and that's what we'll do. The brotherhood is loyr.l , and don't let it bo forgotten. " . A FltCUMIT TO THE WEST. The only now feature in the Burlington strike yesterday was that u f roight .train was tent to the west last night , the lirst'ono olnco .lie strike. ' It was a long one , und from the Tact tbat It was capably manned gave cred ence to a rumor that uu old engineer had re turned to duty. This was promptly and effectively denied. At the passenger depot , .ho old remarkj "nothing new , " was heard. Train ! 1 to the west , -the Kansas .City , train md the eastern trains were run out last night nearly pn time. The Situation In Chicago. CHICAGO , March" 7. Chiefs Arthur and Sargent were seen-at noon nnd . told of the strike on the Burlington & 'Northern and rumor of pno coming on the Milwaukee & St. Paul. Both professed to know nothing what- feverpftho matter. "I. have not had the slightest intimation such a thing , " said Arthur. "If the men on these roads are- ' striking , they nro acting on their own re sponsibility. " Chief Arthur stated unreservedly tq the Associated Press representative about nbon to-day that , to use Arthur's exact words , thor.e was "serious danger" that-the strike of engineer , nnd firemen would now spread wid.ely. "It is impossible to appease our men , " tie said , "when tno3f know the railroad com panies nil over the country ure'givihg aid to the Burlington. Wo are continually In re ceipt of telegrams .showing that the coinpn'n- Ics are rendering this assistance and it is not in my power'o'r the power of any other , man to use restraint unless such things are stopped. " Arthur showed thd following ns n sample of the communications with which ho. Is deluded : ' AUHOHA ; 111. , March 7. P. M. Arthur , Grand Chief , Chicago : E. Reynoldsenglni cer , says ho was in the employ of tha New York-Central nnd was forced to come hero and- run or consider himself discharged. In vestigate. ' T. A. BAUIIIUSON. Another communication was picked up from a pile by Arthur nnd handed over with a request thatthrf identity-of the sender should not bo disclosed. The message , was from Jackson , Mich. , and said in part : "On " Saturday , March 8 , the following was sent to all agents of the Michigan Ceutra.1 rqad : 'All engineers wishing to go to Chicago to Work for the Chicago-Burlington & Qulncy , send free. ' " This message was sent ujulor the character , "No.-iiai" which Is used by no ono but tire general superintendent or acting Koncral superintendent. S"Nowsaid Chief Arthur , "xyhcn you tow that men have information Jlko that nnd moro is coming constantly , you can un derstand the dancer that this strike wijl spread. It i.s jiot'to b'o expected that they will subpiitto such proceedings , but will put n stop to tlicm effectually. " Alarming reports that another general ' meeting of delegations of eng' iind fire men of-n majority of.tho railroads centering iu Chicago was to have been held here this afternoon and that' decision as to the promulgation' nn order for a general strike were in circulation until late , this afternoon. The reports went into details nnd gave the place of meeting ns McCoy's hotel. The riimors proved wholly unfounded. The only basis for the reports was" the fact that the grievance committee of each lodge of engineers an'd firemen on the Chicago .t Northwestern railroad convened at McCoy's hotel. Instead of 100 or moro delegates , there Is not to exoocd thirty , and nil were employes of the Chicago & North western road. Strike on the Gulf Inevitable. KANSAS CITY , March 7. Indications to night arc that a strike on the Kansas City , Fort Scott & Gulf system is inevitable. The Burlington road notified all roads entering hero of its readiness to resume all business as usual , and followed the announcement by pushing twenty-five freight cars ] from the Hannibal division into the Gulf yards. The Gulf road has announced its willingness to handle the freight , and unless It reconsiders its determination the men will surely go out. About five hundred men are employed on the system as engineers and firemen. Assistant General Superintendent Fish , of the Bur lington , declares ho has received assurances from nearly all roads that they will accept Burlington freight. In the face of these facts , the men declare as soon as any of the roads attempt to haul Burlington freight the engineers will strike. It is accordingly thought n crisis has been reached und that to-morrow will bring forth startling developments. It Is the general talk among the men hero that the Atchlson. Topeka & Santa Fo , the Missouri Pacific , and possibly the Union Pacific , will be drawn into the strike in a few days. Still Finn at Lincoln. LINCOLN , Neb. , March 7. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] The day has been event ful in railroad matters regarding the strike. The fact that the Union Pacific would not take freight from the Burllncton in car lots has been known for some tlmo nnd trafllo on the Burlington remains entirely local. A number of the now Heading men huvo de parted homeward. By far the larger number of new men who have been employed hero arc not Heading men but strays from till points , , except those who are promoted brakemen - men and conductors. The brother hood remains' contentedly awaking future developments. To-night they have engaged Hcd Hlbbon hall and are holding a mooting which Is being addressed by J. J. Harrahnn , of Chicago , vice grand master of the Brother hood of Locomotive Firemen. No signs of discouragement prcvudo the ranks of the brotherhood hero and the dispatches that they receive from other points are all ex pressive of confidence that u successful out come is assured. Information from different points of the state brings Intelllgencs of the. hardships that the rolling stock is meeting with at the hand-i pf the Inexperienced engineers , thai the company are using. This Is what the brotherhood has predicted from the start. Tho-labor , organizations in the city continue to express their sympathy and sup port. The-clgar makers' union , ' numbering H3 , has passed the following resolutions : Whereas , There Is a strife between the brotherhoods of engineers and .firemen und the Chicago , Burlington ft Quincy railroad for the right of maintaining the prin [ Continued-on i'ccoju ? i' ' LYING AT ' .DEATH'SDOOR , * J ' c' " , The Agocl Emperor/of / Germany . Again Strlckou Down. BATTLING TO PROLONG MIIIopo Abandoned During the But at Xlitht More Favorable ' BymptoniH < ; ivc Promise ofltccovcry. King Wllllam'fl Condition I'rccarlontk I CojitfrfuMSSS by Jamr * rionfuit Htnnttl. ] BKUI.IX , March " . [ Now York Herald 3nblo Special to the BKE. ] For several lOurfc to-day all hope of preserving the miser's life was given up.Be > was so we'ak s to seem almost lifeless. Ho was nicked > y-paln , nnd when thq pain was eased. by liu ccjlons of morphine , , then his mind rambled ncohcrently through the mare of state cared anil intense anxiety regarding his son. Bis/ ijnrck spent hours In the palnco awaiting hta master's death. " Prince William , Just-ra * urned this morning from San Hemo , went at once to the palace and spent the day them Toward evening n favorable clrongo toott ) lncc so" that the emperor was ' able'to s | > eaU n few connected words , eat a lltllo food auj show signs of _ sleepiness. To-night , if n quiet sleep | comes , as is said nevi o have come to him , then h.Is life . may b'4 saved. . If liot , then tlto"-worst may occur at any moment. Even if he sleeps well to-iilght and the fact that the chief physician ami Prince have now left the palace seem to IndJ- cafe this hope oven then tuo vnlser'e ox * rcuio.nnd unprecedented weakness will Icayo ils health a matter of the- greatest nnxlotu 'or the next week. Ills usual symptoms , ' ladder and kidney pains , are , unusually sq- vere , aggravated by the anxiety 'of the pas month. These pains foroe the use of mor- ihino , which always wiis bad for the kaiser Hid iiow scams so poisonous for him that the ! ihyslclaos seem forced reluctantly to choosa jctwecn allowing lilin to dlo of exhaustion' 'rom.the pains or risk killing him by exhaus tion from morphine. The kiiiserino is so greatly overcome , ns to need the constant- attendance of a physician The ducTicRs of Baden , his daughter , who Is herself sorlousl y ill , Is ftow hastening by spe cial , train to her father's bed. It Is also ru- norcd that . 'the crown prince was asked to return at once. " There' is hope , but It Is hope , sadly mixed with fear. All day crowds of 'ambassadors , generals and distlnguished'men called at tha mliieo to. learn personally the best , or , as was feared , the worst. It is 'characteristic of Germany that Ihq kaiser's , illness was known' at nil the foroigtt capitals four hours , before the general mass of Berliners or oven the best informed Ber- .in speculators' suspected that ho was ill. The latest no\vs 'shows that ho kaiser's wonderful constitution Is likely to ovarcoino .his latest ilhicss , us ho has his former at tacks. [ Prcsel-rTho doctors were anxious on account of the emperor's ' .rapidly declining ' strength. Last ni'ght the emperor had a 'I serious fainting fit , the second during hU present lilacs * . Late this evening ho 'asked Tor food and , partaking of it , felt refreshed , It is stated that in nd'ditic-n to Kidney affection the emperor Is also suffering from Intense- r > ain duo to'inllammatlon of the pilrts affcctci , ay the rupture which h.o suffered homo timef ago. , At midnight there has been no ehango for the worse. ' ' The News in London. ' ' ICopl/rJo/if / 1SSS liy'jqmfx Gordon ncmifff.l . L'OSDON' , March 8 , _ Cn. . m. [ New York } Herald 'Cable Special to the Biu.J-.Tho : press interest irf the crown prirtco haft given way to interest in the kaiser. Every morn * ing- paper blossoms ' into heavy headlines about him and death ' in seml-OD.ituary leaders , ivilh speculation's about events' following royaldecease. . On Inquiry nt'midnight aft ho German embassy in Lon don it was stated that up to that houn Iho serious condition of the emperor had neb been ofllcmlly communicated to thq cmbas-t sles abroad. Count Hatz-feldt remained n ( the embassy awaiting news of the emperor' health. The queen nnd tho- Prince of Wales' have telegraphed to Berlin 'for the latest Inn - non formation , nnd Count Herbert Bismarck on a private telegram left hastily for Germany1' via Flushing. The crown princess of Swe den has been telegraphed for from Berlin. o Immcdlato lloforins Ncccusary. LONDON , March 7. Lord Charles Ber'es * ford , presiding tit a meeting to-day in conncc-t tlou with the mercantile marine , said it would bo Utterly Impossible for.tho navy iu its present condition to defend the merchant service in time'of war. The existing' ad miralty system , ho declared , was completely rotten. Ho hoped ho would bo able to convince - ' vince parliament of the necessity for immf * diate reforms , The 1'orio'n Not j. LONDON , March 7. The Turkish ambassa dor to-day presented Lord Salisbury a copy of the note sent by the porto to to the Bui-- garlan government. The ambassador had a long interview with the prime minister. JS dispatch from Constantinople says the Bui- , garian government has not yet replied to tua porto's note. A Trade Mark Bill. VIKNXA , March 7. The now trade mark bill has been presented to the rolchstnth , IJ ( prohibits the nso ol the national firms as 5 trade mark , and Indicts a penalty of slac month's imprisonment for Infringement of the trade mark. A HlK" of War. ODESSA. March 7. The Black sea steam , ] ship company has been given orders to im mediately lit out steamers of the line lor war purposes. Will Bnlld thlH Season. Sioux CITY , la. , ' March 7. [ Special Tole-j gram tothcBi'.i : . ] It Is authentically lcdrmd to-day that the Chicago , Milwaukee & St Paul company Is preparing to build this BV& son a line of railroad from Spencer , Clay county , Iowa , to Sioux City. This wjlj bhorten the line from Sioux City nnd St. Paul forty-Hvo miles. At. a preliminary movement ; to this work the division headquarters baya been removed from Sanborn to Spencer anu engineers nro exploring for the most.practkx able route thither. Government Control of Mine * . Piui.ADni.piiiA. March 7. General Master * workman Powdcrly , In nn article In the Jour * nal of United Labor , advances the proposlj tlon that the coal fields should be taken from thpso "who now nbuso the power' which.the possession of these treasures bring , " and bef opened by the United States government ff * the bencllt of.tho whole pcoplo. Koturn of MTU. Gurflclil. NEW YOIIK , March 7. North GerjiiijL Lloyd strainer Travc , having on board Mrfc' G'arfleld und daughter , arrived , this morning ! Nebraska and Iowa Wruther , For Nebraska and Iowa : Light to frdH | westerly , winds , warmer , fair .weather. , UM lowed by light rain or 8n9w , " *