THE bMAHA DAILY BEE : WEIJMSD'AY. MARCH 7 , 188& Lonfl/m ahowi an Irrcfculnr market compared with yesterday on American railway nlmrcs. The Ifollowlng are & @H' percent better : Canadian Pacific , Pennsylvania , and Luke Shore , but the balance of the list Is } { & ( per cent lower with the few exceptions which arc merely steady. Total sales , 180,000 , . hares. OOT BSMBSTS Oovcrnracnt bonds were dull and steady , TKBTEntlAY'S QUOTATIONS. 1075 Canada Southern. I'acinc Mail 33 % Ontrall'aclflc at' ' I < ) . Il.ftK 17i ! Chlriipo * Alton.ii.1 : I'ullninn I'nlaccCailirj'i C.U.Q 125 Iteaillnit t-i D. , I.W 127 HocklKland 1114 I ) . Alt. U 1 8t. I , . 4H. K. . . . t. % Krle 24 ! doprefcrrcd. . . . . . 70' ; do preferred 67 C..M. * Kt. 1'iiul. . . 7 IlllnolH Central 114 do preferred 115 J. , H.AW 11 St.lV&O K.T 14 dopreforrcd 1(17 ( ! i l.nka Shore WJU Texan I'aclHc 24 I/.AN W > < Unlonl'aclne. MJ ! MIchlKnn Central. . 7 W. . Bt. I * . & I > 13 MlJsourlJ'acinc. . . . M dotirpferred W'i MlnnnurlFacmc.j. . aide W. U. TeleKTaph. . 77J do preferred 44i ! MONBT On call , cany at 2J ( iZ3 percent ; last loan , a per cent ; closed lit 'JjiQt' ) per cent. PitiMg MEKCANTILB PAI-KH 4Kd5 ( > per cent. STKHUNO EXCIIANOK Dull but Rtcady at for 00 day bills , 4.87 for demand. PltOIIUCB MAflKKTB. ChlcaoMarchO. Following are the 2:80 : closing prices : Flour Steady and unchanged ; Winter Wheat , bbls , & 1.50 < 3.Y&0 ; sacks , * J.M > @ . ' ) .75 ; wheat , bbls , f.1.C4.60 ( ; Backs , rJ.7Hrt4.25 ( ; spring , 1.7fi@3.00 ; rye flour , t3.8fi@S.lU per bbl : buckwheat Hour , | 5.00@O.T5 per bbl. Wheat Opened easy and sold off K@ rallied later and was unnettlcd , closing ? ( Tu below yesterday : cash , 755 c ; Airll , " May , 80 D-lOo. Com Unsettled , fluctuating frequently within % o ningo and closed j < ( < JiJ < o below yesterday ; cash , 4'JJ c ; May , K3-lt ! c. Oats Oj > cned } 4 < icc lower and closed about that amount under yesterday ; Muy , Hye Dull ntftOc. Barley Nominal ; cash , 77@S2c. I PilmoTlmothy 2.M@2.55. Flax-seed fl.45. \Vhisky-1.15. Pork Moderately active and firmer , clos ing comarativcly steady ; cash , 1 13.77' ; May , UM.iGK- Lard-Steiulyand comparatively quiet : cash 17.02 ; May , f7.7 ( ) . Dry Salted Mcate Shoulders. $0.00ao.lO ( ; short clear , $7.55@7.t > 0 ; short ribs , $7.10. - Butter SllBhtly.llnncr : creamery , 31 } ( j ? 2Sc ; dairy , 21g25c. ( Cheese Steady ; full cream cheddars , 11 ( < § HJi'e ; flats , HK@ll4'cj young Americas , iau@llc. ! Eggs Lower ; fresh 16 > @l7c. Hides Unchanged ; green hides Tic. ; heavy preen salted , 0 ; light preen salted , fl,1 ; salted bull , Be ; green bull , 4c ; green salted calf8c ; ; dry flint , l : > @l3c ; dry calf , 12 @ 13c : dry salted , lOc ; deacons , 80c each ; Tallow No. 1 , country , solid , 4'fc ' ; No. 2 , S } \ cake , 4 } operlb. Receipt * . Shipments. Flour , bbls . 211,000 30,000 Wheat , bu . 22,000 11,000 Corn , bu. . . . . 112,000 138,000 Oats , bu . 78,000 80,000 Kyo.bu . 2,000 2,000 Barley , bu . 03 ,000 22,000 Mlnncapollfi , March 0. Wheat Trading In wheat to-day was dull , and to secure buy ers reductions were forced. Sales ranged about yto below Monday. Kcceipts , 250 cars ; cars Hhlpmcnts , 43. Closed : In store No. 1 hard , March , 70c ; April , 77c ; May , 7s34'c ; Juno , 7d % . No. 1 northern , March , 74 > c ; April , "fi&e ; May , 77c ; June , K8c. No. 2 northern , March , 72c ; April , 73o ; May , 74c. On track No. 1 hard , 7" " No. 1 northern , 7Cc ; No. 2 , northern , 7io. ; Flour Unchanged ; patents , to ship , fl.lO@ 4'Mo. ' Mllwnukcc , March 0. Wheat Quiet ; cash,70K"i March , OOo ; May , 78c. Corn Steady ; No. 8 , 4Sc. Oats Firm ; No. 2 white , 34c. Uye Strong ; No. 1 , 5'j ; < fc. llarley Higher ; No. 2 , 75Kc. Provisions Steady ; pork , (13.75 for March. Cincinnati , March 0. Wheat Scarce , and firm ; No.2 red , Wlc. Corn Stronger ; No. 2 mixed , G2 Oats Strong ; No. 2 mixed , Kyo--Senrco , and firm : No. 2 , l Provisions Pork , quiet at $14.SO ; lard , steady at $7.55. Whisky- Steady at S1.09. Ht. LKJUIH. March . Wheat Higher ; cash , 81KffMJfo ( ; May , 82Jfc. Corn Higher ; cash. 40J ( ii47o ; May , 4 % e. Oats Easier ; cash , 3080 ; c ; Alay , OKP P revisions Pork , $14 ; lard , $7.40. Whisky fl.09. Butter Creamery , 24a28c ( : dairy , 18@2r c. Afternoon Board Wheat Easy ; March , \ 81 % o bid ; May , 82 > < c. Corn Lower ; March , 4 ! ) > jcMny ; , 47 > c ; Juno,48j c. Oats Firm ; May , 29jf ! Now Vork , March 5. Wheat Receipts , 3,200 ; exiwrts , 1(1,000 ( ; options variable and irrcmtlur. Prices ruled steady curly , later weakened trilie , subse < iuently advanced M@HC , closing , however , * 6@Xo lower than yesterday. Sxit | dull , closing weak. Un graded red , 8l ! ) @ 92c ; No. 1 red quoted at WKo ; No. 2 red , 91c in elevator , t ® 03c ; delivered , 01 > iiJ ( < Jl e f. o. b. ; Aprft closing ntOIJ/c. Corn Receipts , 5,500 ; exports , 20,300 ; op tions opened weaker , subsequently advanced 'iX'IXc ' , towards close became heavy and settled back to bottom , leaving off easy ; cash , flrm ; ungraded mixed , OU < T02c ; No. 8. flic ; No , 2 , 01 ' .fc in elevator ; C2) ) c delivered. May closing at OO c. Data Kcceipts , 85,000 ; export * . Ill ; market opened shade better , closed K@ ) c lower ; mixed western , 3S@40c ; white wcaf crn , 40@4.r c. Coffee Smt | , fair ; Rio. nominal ; options opened C@10 i points higher ; closed easy , advance lost ; sales , 87,250 bugs ; March , $10.05@10.75Aprtl ; , $10.50@10.fiO ; May , $10.8(1 ( @ 10.45 ; Juno , WJO@10.UO ; July , ; August. $ a05@9.75. Petroleum United , excited : closing at 0-Wc. Eggs Quiet and steady ; westcrn , 19c. Pork Steady and fairly active. Lnrd Fairly active and higher , closing easy ; western steam , spot , $8.0J. Butter Moderate demand , but steady ; western , 14(3ltOc. ( ) i Cheese Frm , and trading light ; western , Kan aH City , March 0. Wheat Steady ; soft , cash7 K ; May , SOobid. Corn Strougiir ; No. 2 , cash , 43e bid , asked ; April , 44u bid , 45u asked ; May , bid , 4flfc asked. Oftto-Cash , 27obki ; May , 30 n bid. Liverpool , March 0. Wheat Steady ; demand fair ; holders offer moderately. Corn flrm ; demand fair ; new mixed , 4s 7Jf d per cental. Now Orleans , March 0. Corn Finn ; In sacks , mixed , 5S@'Jo ; yellow , KKgCOc ; white , OOc. Outs Quiet but flrm ; No. 2 , 30c. Corn Meal Steady at $2.80. Hog Products Irregular ; pork , $14.50 ; lani , it'llnt-d , ticrco , $7.25. Bulk Meats Shoulders , tO.l'Jk' : long clear and clear rib , $7.50. OMAHA STOCK. General. UJ.MOX STOCK YAitns , fl n. m. ) Tuesday , March 0 , 18SS. | The reccljits of cuttle und hogs to-day show a decided Increase over those of the day pre vious. The quality of all classes of stock was much better than yesterday. The loca and shipping demand was very good on al classes of stock except sheep. Cattle. The receipts of cattle to-day were libcru and the quality very good , there being some very line stock among the offerings. The market opened up quite brisk and for a time trading was quite active at prices 10@15c higher than on the previous day. Ucjwrtjj from Chicago reoclvco about noou indicated n decline In the market there and in sympa thy this market declined 5@IOo and" closec steady at the decline , with a considerable number left ovc.r Ho . The receipts were fair and the quality only fair , some few loads ranging very ovjm The market o | > encd strong and continues steady during the day , closing flrm with everything taken except one load which ar rived late. The local demand was good , the packer * taking everything oxcoyl cue load , Bhecp. The receipt * of sheen wcro 879 sheep , but here being no demand they will bo shipped o Chicago to-day. ' Official llccelptfl. Battle. . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . , , 790 logs. . . . . . . . 5,250 Sheep 8TO Prevailing Priced. The following U n table of prices paid In his market for the grades of stock men tioned. It frequently occurs that no sales of some particular grade are made , when In this case the table will state as nearly as possible he prlco that would hnvobccn paid had there jccn any of that class among the offerings. Prime steers , 1800 to 1500 Ibs. . $4.15 © 4.50 Prime steers , 1100 to 130U Ibs. . 3.50 ( $4.2T h at little steers , 000 to 1050 Ibs. 3.10 @ 3.75 2ornfed range steers , 1200 to 1600 Ibs 3.50 @ 4.35 Common to choice corn-fed * cows 2.00 (33.15 ( Westcrncows 1.60 f2.50 Fair to good range feeders 2.80 @ 2.75 Vledlum to good native feeders , 1)00 ) Ibs and upwards 2.25 ( S3.00 Common to good bulls 2.00 & 3.00 Fair to medium native feeders , WX ) Ibs and upwards 2.25 (32.50 ( Stockcrs , 400 to 700 Ibs 2.15 ( ji2.75 Prime fut sheep 8.75 M4.25 Good fat sheep , 90@100 Ibs. . . . 3.60 < < t3.75 Fair to medium sheep 2.25 M3.00 Common sheen 2.00 @ 2.25 Light and medium hogs 4.70 W5.10 Fair to choice heavy hogs 5.20 ( < l5.80 Fair to choice mixed hogs 51.5 ( g5.20 KeprcHcmatiYO Sales. NATIVE STEBUS No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 4 b20 3.10 21. . . . . .1157 4.00 1 1190 3.40 31. . . . . .1258 4.00 4 1150 350 17. . . , . .12 0 4.10 1 1750 3.50 21. . . , . .1190 4.10 8 WO 3.50 1. . . . . .1530 4.10 1 1000 3.50 43. . . , . .1100 4.15 13 1010 3.55 01. . . , . .1403 4.20 40 808 3.00 15 . . , t.l308 4.25 3 Hio 3.75 5. . . , . .1250 4.35 20 1071 3.75 27. . . , . .1853 4.35 IS 1109 3.85 54. . . , . .1201 4.35 10 1150 3.90 19. . . . . .1293 4.40 is ma 3.90 27. . . , . .1301 4.45 18 1219 4.00 4.00STOCK STOCK Ens. 17. , 079 3.50 8. . 020 U.10 OXEN. 1. . , . . .2330 3.50 HEIFEltS. 2. . , . . .1115 BULL. 1. . . . . .1350 2 25 1 . . . . . . 1070 2.75 1. . . . . .liWX ) 2 ! 53 ! . . . . > 1750 3.50 1. . . . . .14CO 2.50 8TACIS ANDSTCEIIS. 10. . . ' . . 085 3,45 cows. 1. . . . .1100 2.40 .1100 2.75 10. . . . .10t7 2.40 1250 3.00 . . . .1417 ! .C5 .1250 3.00 . 940 3.00 STAGS. .1410 8.25 MIXED CATTLE. 3.00 10 1089 2.40 nons. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 89. . .153 80 4.70 70. . .200 60 5.15 54. . .150 40 4.80 02. . ' OKI 200 5-20 84. . .ISO 2(10 ( 4 95 71. . 23 40 5.20 84.Ml. Ml. , .lSr 200 6.00 CO..232 120 5.20 TO. . .1S5 200 5.05 30..25(1 ( 5.20 05. . .218 100 507K CO..239 80 5.20 CO. . .192- 80 5.07 } * 4..2T5 5.20 79. . .224 100 5.10 72..2IU ) 40 5.20 49. . .282 100 5.15 69..SM 80 5.20 74. . .280 6.15 ( VI , . .2lXJ 300 5.20 09. . .218 40 5.15 74. , . .2 < U 200 5.25 72. 231 80 5 15 04. , . .203 210 5.25 07. IMio 100 5.15 04.H. ( . . . .241 5.25 0. .270 5.15 72 , . .249 120 B.2.-I 59. . .203 5.15 74. , . .2(10 ( 1'JO 5.25 CO. . .230 200 5.15 & 7. , . .2S4 240 : 07. . .210 100 5.15 57. , . .304 40 5.80 70. . .228 100 5.15 Range or Prices. Showing highest and lowest prices paid for cadlng grades of c.ittlu on dates mentioned Space lufl bl.uilc Indicates that no sales of that particular class of cattle wcro tnado on that date : Date.Prime Bt'rs. Prime St'rs , ( Common to Date. iiooifioo ; ib. nuoaiaxj ib. cuoicecows. Feb. 2B. . Sunday/ Sunday Sunday Feb. 27. . .1 00 ® 4 18 2 30 act 10 Feb. 2H. . 4 45 it 70 t4 35 L m wt m Feb. 29. . 4u : : i m < M "M 2 m tvt no March 1. . 4 15 3 75 © 4 16 2 ttri cri in Martha. . 4 10 GC4 10 2 60 40 Mutch a. . 300 @ HO 40W ) March 4. . Sunday fiundny Sunday .March 5. . r > y.r > > flo 616 < f.ri a ) 4 110 < TU > 10 Mai ch a. | C 25 tin 30 5 15 Ola J 4 70 OS 07 } ' , of Prices. Showing the extreme highest und lowest ratc'8 paid for leading grades of hogs on dates mentioned : liivu Htock Sold. Showing the number of head of stock sold on the market today.CATTLE. CATTLE. O. H. Hammond &Co 350 Harris & Fisher 8 C. H. Williams 09 a. w. Hcui i Lobmim & Hothsthild 114 Stevens , H. & Co 28 Total 001 11006. Armour & Cudahay 1205 G. H. Hammond & Co 583 Omaha Packing Co 981 Simulators C2 Total 2180 One load unsold. Shipments. Cattle , 10 cars , Mil . . .Chicago Uom'mUalon. Publlolnspjotors dock pregnant sows 40 pounds , stairs SO pounds each. Dead hogs. 100 ixrands and over , tl.00@ 2.00 pnr cwt , less than 100 Ibs , of no value. Yardage : Cattle , 25c ; hogs , 8c ; sheep , So per head. Feed : Corn , $1.00 per bu. ; timothy hay , 30 ; pruirlo hay , (20 | > or ton. Commissions : Cattle , SOcpcr head ; calves and yearlings , f 10 per car. Hogs and sheep : Single decks , $ . " > ; public inspection on hogs , 15c per car. All sales unless otherwise stated per 100 Ibs live weight. lilvc Block Notes. Jumcs Hammond , of Ccrcsco , sold hogs. J. Schoenlebcr , of Valparaiso , marketed cattle. E. Hager , of Fremont , marketed cattle to-dny. Frank Aldrcth , of Friend , marketed a load of hogs. J. M. Oauber , of Valparaiso , marketed two loads of cuttle. Win. Wallace , of Coin , la. , marketed a load of cattle at f4.45. J. FUliback , of Fremont , had two loads of cattle on the market. A. M. Crone , of Creston , la. , was hero looking over the market. J. M. Grcgor , of Valparaiso , was on the market with two loads of good cattle. OMAHA WHOLESALE MAHKETS. Produce , Fruits , Nuts , Kto. Tuesday , March 6. The /olfoirlng ( imitations arc wholesale anil not retail , I'rlcrs quoted on produce ore the rntca tit irMc/i ruund lotnire nultl on thl * tnnrhct. Fruits or other lines of goods m/ulrliiy retro { tiber in packing cannot al- wins be supplied on autxlile orders at the same prices quoted for the local trailc. Kates on flour and fcal arc Jobbers price * . 1'rlccson umtn arc those paid bu Omaha inlllcr dc/lrered. / All ijuotatliniH on incr- chnndlxc arc obtained from leading houses nndtirc eotrected dally. Price * on crack ers , iJce , etc. , rc tfiouc t/lt-ov / bu leadlna mamtfucturcn , Trade ruled fair to-day , and there wcro no changes made in the price list except for eggs and poultry. Uccclnts of the former were fair and the market unsettled , with prices | K > lnting downward. Sales were made at 14tfl5o ( i > er dozen , but wo quote lo below that. The demand for poultry was strong and the rucelpts light not sufficient In fact to supply customers und prices arc marked tip. Batter came In moderately , and good grades nro wanted at flrm unchanged prices. HuTTEn Creamery , solid packed , 28il24 < ! ! choice rolls , 18@20o ; medium , . low grades , 12 ( < tl8c. Kaos Strictly fresh , IScgUo ; limed , 10 ® l ° ( j. j.PofLTnr Chickens , 8@10c : turkeys , 11@ 12cj ducks , 8@10c ; geese , lO llo. CitAXHEitiiiKu Hell & Cherry , ftO.WXail.OOj Boll & Hugle , ll.)011.60 ( ) ; IJell & Bugle premium , H.ftOiil2.00. UKANS Good stock , 2.XX32.30 ( ; California beans , 2.25@2.40. I'nTATOt : * Utah and Colorado stock , @ 1.20 ; choice homrfgrown , 855i95ci common grades , OOc. HAXAXAS Medium , J2.GO@3.00 : choice , ' . . . Tntxii's Good , stock , 00@75o ; rutabagas , o < < tr)0o. LEMONS (4.00@4.fiO per box. CAI.IKOUNIA PEAKS FJ.WK32.75 ; extra choice , t8 , H ) . DATKS Persian , 8c per Ib. SAt'it ' KIIAUT Choice , per bbl. of 82 gal. , t7.i@S.W ( ( ) ; X bbl , f .57@5.00 ; $11.00 ixsr bbl. of 50 gal. CIDEH Choice Michigan cider , (0. OOQO.CO per bbl. of 82 t-'iil. Poi-coiiK Choice rice corn is quoted nt 4@ 4 o per Ib. other kinds , 2J @ 8c per Ib. CAHIIOTS $2.2.2.SO per barrel. PAit.sNii'S Now stock , t2..riO per barrel. OvsTnits Plain standard , 2.X31 plain se lects , 80c : standard , 40c ; extra selects , ftflc : New York counts , 40c : bulk oysters , counts ? 1.85 | > er 100 ; selects , (2.00 per gal. ; standard , fl.2f > per gal. CAIIIIAUKH $1 per doz. , and 8@3) c per Ib for California. CAUI.IFLUWEII Good stock , I2.00@2.80. GltAi-KS Malagas. (7.50@8.00 i > cr bbl. , and larger sized barrels In proportion up to $10.00 Ou iJJOES California Uiversldo , $4.00(3) ( ) 4.25 ; Messina , M.75@4.25 ; Vnlcnclas , W.OOC < 8.CO per case of 420. Florida brlghts , W.25Q 4.50 ; russets. S8.50@4.00 ; Mexican , f4.00 : Los Angeles , $ t.50@8.75 : navels , 15.50. Fios In layers , 13@10c , cake , llo per Ib. NUTS Peanuts , OX ( < J7c , rnw ; Hrazll nuts , 18c ; almonds , Tarragona , 22c ; English wal nuts , 15@18c ; filberts , 18c ; Italian chestnuts , 15c : pecans , 15c. HONEV lOQ'Jlo for lib frames ; canned honey , 10gl2e ( per Ib. Groccr'H fiist. PKOVISIONS Hams , il@ll c ; breakfast bacon. 11@llKc ; bacon sides. 8 f@9 ; dry salt , 8@ 'f ; shoulders , OJ @ 7c ; dried beef , TOBACCO Lorilliml'a Climax , 45e ; Splen did , 45o ; Mechanics' Delight , 44c ; Leggett & Meyer's Star , 45c ; Cornerstone , 89c ; Drum- mond's Horseshoe , 45c ; J. T. , 42c ; Sorg's SMarhcad ] , 44c ; Catlln's Meerschaum , 31c ; CaUln's Old Style , 23c ; Piper Heidslck , 04o ; Sweet Tip Top , ate. DKICD FituiT Apple , bbls. , now , # s. 7J @ 7J o ; evaporated , 9 > @ 10ij ; blackberries , evaporated , ! ) % @ 10c ; pitted cherries , 22@23c ; peaches , eastern , now , % s , 8X@8Jic ; cvopo- ratco , peeled peaches , 33@32c ; cvajrarated , unparcd , 18S19c' ( now currants , 7@7 > c ; prunes , new , 45c ; citron , 24@25c ; raisins , California-London layers , .40@ .50 ; Cali fornia loose muscatels , * 1.00@2.00 : now Va lencia , 73 @ 7Ji'c. CoKPKii Ordinary grades , 17 ( < ? 18c ; fair , 18@19c ; prime , 19@20c ; fancy green and yel low , 22@28c ; old government Java , 28@80c ; interior Java , 25ffi2Sc ( ; Mocha , 28W3c ( ( ) ; Ar- bucklo's roasted , 21 c ; McLaughlin's XXXX , Sl fo ; Dllworth's , 21c ; Hcd Cross , 21c. 21c.SIIOAU SIIOAU Granulated , 7 > ( f@7Ji'c ; conf. A , OK Tc ; white extra C , 6 @OXc , extra C , < i > V@0 > < Jc ; yellow C. 5KC < 5 c ; cut loaf , % ® 7) < o ; powdered , 7tei > 4' ; New Orleans , & % CANDY Mixed , 0@llc ; stick , CANNED GOODS Oysters , standard , per case , ? ; . ( ! @ : 3A ; strawberries , 2-lb , per case , $3.15fti3.2. > ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , $3.10@ 8.20 ; California pears , per case , M.70@4.80 ; apricots , per case , $4.80@4.40 ; peaches , per case , $ Ti.tX(35.75 ) ( ; white cherries , per case , $ (5.00 ( : California plums , per case , $4.KI@4.40 ! ; blueberries , per case , $2.80(32.40 ( ; egg jnums , 2-lb , per case , $2.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per case , * 8 2J@ 5.75 ; Mb salmon , per doz , $ l.85@1.95 ; 2 Ib gooseberries , per case , $8.2.5@3.35 ; 2-lb string beans , per case , $1.75@1.SO ; 2-lb Lima ljcnn , per case , ? 1.IX1.05 ) ; 2-lb marrowfat peas , $2.00@2. 70 ; 2-lb early Juno pears , per case , $2.85 ; 8-lb tomatoes , $2.50 ; 2-lb corn , $230@3.40. UcriNRD LAUD Tierce , 1c40lb \ square cans , 7 < c ; 50-lb round , 7c ; 20-lb round , 7fc ( ; 10-lbpatls , 8) 0 ; 5-lb pails , 8 0 ; 2-lb pails , 8H'e. HuooMfi Extra 4-tie , $2.00 ; No. 1 , $2,00 ; No. 2 , S1.75 ; heaxy stable , $4 00. HOLLAND HEitniNas70@72c per kcf . PICKLES Medium in bbls , $7.00 ; do in half bbls , 4.00 ; small , in bbls , $8.00 ; do in half bbls , $4.50 ; gerkins , in bbls , $9.00 ; do in half bbls , $5.00. ' JEEMKS 30-lb pails , $1.2.V 1.50. TEAS Japans , 20@ . ° > 5c ; gunpowder , 20@ CDc ; Young Hyson , 22@)5c ; Oolong , 20@ Ooc. Ooc.Uoi'E Uoi'E SevensixteenthsGtX. \ . SYHUI-S New Orleans molasses , per bbl. , 37@lic ( per gal. ; corn syrup , 85c ; half bbls. , 37c ; 4 gal. kegs , $1.55. SALT Per bbl. car load , $1.30. MAI-I.E SUOMI Bricks , 12 > o per Ib ; penny cakes , 15e per Ib. WOODENWAHE Two-hoop palls , per doz , , $1.40 ; throe-hoop palls. $1.05 ; No. I tub , $ ( > .50 ; No. 2 tub , $5.50 ; No. 8 tub , $4.50 ; washboards , $1.50 ; fancy washboards , $3.EO ; assorted bowls , $2.75 ; No. 1 churns , $ U.50 ; No. 2 churns , $8.50 ; No. 3 churns , $7.50 ; butter tubs , $1.70 : spruce , in nests , $1.70. STAIICII Mirror gloss , SJ c ; Graves' corn , OJifc ; Oswego gloss , 7c ; Oswego corn , 7c. Uitu'Kuus , CAKKS , ETC. Prices subject to change. Soda , 5o ; soda ( city goods ) , 7c ; soda snowliaku ( in tins ) , lOc ; soda dandy , (1) ( 0 ; soda wafers ( In tins ) , lOc ; soda zephyr , 8c ; city oyster , f > o ; excelsior , 7c ; farina oyster , 7c ; gem oyster , Co ; monitor. 7o ; Omaha oyster , 7e ; pearl oyster , 5c ; picnic , 5o ; snowdrop oyster , 7e ; butter , 5c ; Hoston , 8c ; Omaha butter , 7c ; saw tooth butter , CJ c ; cmckcr meal , 5 } c ; gniham , 8c ; graham fers iu Ib pkgs , 12J c ; animals , 12c ; Bolivcr ginger ( round ) , 7e ; cream. Sc ; Cornhill , lc ( ) ; cracknclls , 10e : frosted cream , 8 } c ; ginger snaps , 8c ; ginger snaps ( city ) , 'Jo ; homo made ginger snaps , m boxes , 13c ; homemade made ginger snaps (1 ( Ib cans ) per dozen , $ 2-50 ; lemon cream , 8e ; pretzels ( hand made ) llc ; assorted crkes and Jumbles , llj o ; as sorted lingers , ISc ; afternoon tea ( In tins ) , uer dox $7.00 ; banana fingers , 14c ; butter Jumbles , HJ < jC ; Brunswick , 15c ; brandy snaps , 15o ; chocolate drops ( now ) lUc ; choco late wafers , 15o ; Christinas lunch , ( in tins ) per dozen , ft.50 ; cocoa taffy snaps , 14c ; coffee cake , 12c ; Cub.i Jumbles , ll ) c ; cream puffs , 30c ; egg Jumbles , 14u ; ginger drops , lie ; honey jumbles , ll c ; Jelly lingers , 15c ; Jelly wafers , 15c ; Jolly tart ( new ) , 15o ; ludy ling ers , 13c ; vanilla bar , 14c ; vanilla wafers , 14o ; Vienna wafers , 1 dozen packages in a box , per dozen , $2.50. All goods packed In cans 1 cent per Ib. ad vance except Snowllako and Wafer Soda , which Is packed only In cans. Soda in 2 Ib. and ,1 Ib. paper boxes , X cent per Ib. advance ; all other goods 1 cent per Ib. advance. Soda m 1 Ib. paper boxes , 1 cent per Ib. advance. The 2 Ib. boxes arc packed incases holding IS In a case. The 3 Ib. boxes tire packed in cases holding 12 in a case. The 1 Ib. boxes are packed In cases holding 'M in a case. One Ib. Graham and Oat Meal Wafers packed 2 doz. in a cose. Show Tops for boxes , with glass opening to show goods , 75 cents. Cans for Wafer Soda , (3.00 not returnable. Cans for Snowllako Soda , $ t.00 ! per doz. Tin Cases with Glass Fiico to display the goods , 75 cents each. No charges for Packages except for cans aim re turnable cases. Glass Front Tin Cans and "Snowllako" Soda Cans are returnable at prices charged. _ _ Dry Goods. DUCK West Point 29 in. 8 oz. . lO c ; West Point 29 in 10 oz. , 12 0 ; West Point 10 in. 12 oz. , 15e ; West Point 40 in. 11 oz. , Die. Checks Caledonia X , 9J c ; Caledonia XX , 10J c ; Economy , 9J e ; Otis , SJ e. KENTUCKY JUANS Memorial , 15o ; Cunton , ens' A. 7Kc ; bleached , 8J e : Steve ) < e ; bleached , 6c ; Stevens' N , bleached , lOKc ; Stevens' S U T , 12Vc. MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth. t2S5 ; plain Holland , 8 } o to Oc ; Dado Holland , 12fc. O\Mimics Slater , 5e ; Woods , 5o ; Stan dard ; 5o ; Peacock , 5c. COMKOIITEUS $ fl.GO@35.00. UIANKETS While , 1.0p < 37.50 ; colored , I1.11K38.1K ) . BLEACHED SHEETING Berkeley cambric , No. 00 , 9' < e ; Best Yet , 4-4,0 fc ; butter cloth , OO , 4fe } ; Cabot , * Ko ; Farwell , bo ; Fruit of Loom , 8'fc ' ; Greene G , Co : Hope , 80 ; King Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdalo , ll > < c ; Lous- dale , 7e : New York mills. 10 ! < c ; Pep | rell , 42 In , lie ; Peppercll , 40c-n ( , 12o ; Pcppcroll , 0-4 , 15o ; Pepperell , 8-4 , 21e ; Pepixsrell , 8-4 , 23o ; Pepperell , 10-a , 25c ; Canton , 4-4 , , Cc ; Waniasutta , FLANNELS Plnld-Hliiftsman , 20o : Goshen , Ji , 3 } { o ; Quechct- . 4 , / , If.'Wc ; Anawan , 13 > < c ; Windsor , ! > jfilcii ! XC , 24-in , U-Ki' K 24-Inch , Sic ; C G M-lnch , 18c ; II A F , ( , 25c ; J K F , Jf , 27Mc ! G , 35c. PKINTS Count * Atlantic , Oc ; Slater , DKe ; Herjin oil. Kc ; Graner oil. 0 ® 7c. PIKK AND UouESi-Ulchmond,0c } ; Allen , fljfo ; Hlvcr Point. , fic ; Steel Utvcr , O c ; Itfchmond , Oc ; Pecillc , O'/c. INDKUI BLUE Washington , r > c-Coutur.v ; Indigo blue prints , lOc ; American. 7c ; tArnnld , 7e ; Arnold B , lie ; Arnold A , 12c : Arnold Gold Seal , 10)c. ) DIIKSS Charter , Oak. 5 } c ; Hamaiw , 4e } ; Lotll.Bc ; Allen , f > oHicnmond. \ . 8Kc : Wind- spr. 0 } < c ; Eddystone , OJ < ; PaclHi ! , 0'tfe. COTTOV FLANNELS 10 JH.T cedt trade dls- 20c ; No. 10 , 8J < e ; sO , 10 c ; 00 , 12 0 ; 80 , ICc ; ! IO , colorrd , 10 > j ; f > 0 , colored , 12o ; 70 , colored , I5c ; Bristol. 13 > fc ; Union Pacific , 18c. CAHPET WAiti' Bibb , white , 10 , ' c ; col ored , 20 > c. BitowN SHEETINO Atlanta A , 4-4 , 7Kc ; Atlanta H , 4-4 , 7J/c ; Atlanta D , 44. O c ; At lantic P , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , O e : Auro ra C , 4-4 , 5c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , 7J o ; Hooslcr LL. 4-4 , Oc. ; Indian Head , 9-4 , 7e , ; Lawrence LL , 4-4 , Oo ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5c ; Pepporell. H , 4-4. 7c ; Pepperell O , 4-4 , Oo ; Pepperell , 8 4 18c ; Pepperell. 9-4 , 21e ; Pepperell. 10-4 , 23e ; Utlca , C , 4-4. 4 fo : Wnehuselt , 44 , 7 c ; Au rora B , 4-4 , 0) ) 0 ; Aurora B , 4-4 , fie. BATTB Standard. Oc ; Gem. 10 > c ; Beauty , 12J c ; Boonc , 14c : B , cased , $0.50. GINOIIAM Plunkett checks , 7J-fc ; Whlttcn- ton , 7c ; York , 7) ) c ; Normandl dress , 8)ifc ) ; Calcutta dress , 8&o ; Whlttenton dress , 9c ; Kenfcw dress , 8 } < ( < ! 12.l < c. TICKH Lewiston , ! 10-fn. , 12Kc ; Lcwlston , 82-in. , 13 c ; York , 82-ln. , 14c ; Swift river , DENIMS Amoskeag , 9-oz. , lOc ; Everett , 7-oz. , 13c ; York , 7-oz. , 13c ; Haymaker , 8 } c ; Jaffrey , XX , IHtfc Jaffrey , XXX , 12Hc ; Beaver CrceK , AV. 12c ; Heaver Creek , BU. lie ; Heaver Creek , CC , lOc. General Markets. GIUIX Wheat , COc ; rye. 55@5Sc ; oats , 30 ® 31e ; yellow corn , 40c ; white corn. 45e ; bar ley. 55@GOc. FI.OUU AND i-'EED Minnesota patents$2.50 per cwt ; Kansas and Missouri fancy winter patents , $2. ( > 0 ( < ? 2.75 per ewt ; Nebraska pat ents , $2.45@2.50 per ewt ; rye flour , 2.00 per ewt ; wheat graham , $1.75 ( < $1.90 per ewt ; ryoi graham , $1.35 i > cr cwt ; Now York buckwheat $0.50@7.00 per bbl ; Excelsior $0.00 per bbl ; icady raised , $5.00 per 100-lb case ; corn meal , yellow , $1.00@1.10pcr cwt ; white | l.or > @ 1.15 per cwt ; bran $1.017.00 ( ! ( ) per ton ; screen ings , $14.50@15.00 per ton ; hominy , $1.25 per bbl ; chopped feed. $10.50@20.00 per ton ; chopped corn , $18.00@10.00 per ton. SI-WITS Cologne spirits 188 nroof , $1.14 ; do , 101 proof , $1.17 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , $1.10 ; do , 188 proof , $1.13 ; alcohol. 183 proof , per wine gallon , $2.12 ; redistilled whiskies , $ l.25@1.50 ; gin blended , $1.50@2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , * 2.00@IOO ( ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , $2.01X30.50 ; Golden Sheaf bourbon und rye whiskies , $1.50(33.00 ( ; brandies Imported , $5.00@8.50 ; domestic , $1.30@3.00 ; gins , imported , $500@O.OD ; do incstic , $1,25@3.00 ; champagnes imported , per case , $23.00@33.00 ; American per case , $10.00 @ 16.00 POWDEU AND SHOT Shot , $1,40 ; buckshot , $1.65 ; Miami powder , $5.00 ; half kegs , $2.75 ; one-fourths , $1.50 ; blasting kegs$2.15 ; fuses. 100 ft. , 45@7oc. OILS Carbon,12@25c ' , ; Unseed , boiledGOo ; Unseed , rnw , 57o : casW , No. 1 , $1.20 ; No. 2 , $1.12 ; sperm whale , $1.00 ; whale water , bleached , 85e ; fish , bank , 35c ; ncatsfoot extra , 05c ; ncatsfoot No. 1 , 50c ; gasoline , 74 degrees , 15c ; W. S. lard , ( fie ; No. 1 lard , 50c ; No. 2 lard , 50c ; W. Va. zero , 14u ; W. Va. summer , 12u ; golden No. 1 , 40c ; golden No. 2 , 25c ; whale. 20c ; naphtha , 1 degree , 14e ; headlight , 150 degrees , I''c ; headlight , 175 de grees. 15c ; turpentine , 4Sc ; castor , pure , $2.45 per gil. Dituos Ammonia barb , 14c ; camphor re- flncd , 30c ; copperas , lfc ; cream tartar , 45c ; cream tartar powdered , 20@50c ; Indigo Madras , 75c ; morphia sulph , per oz. , $3.35 ; sodabl. carb , C5c ; Venice turpentine , 40o ; gum opium , $4.23 ; quicksilver , BOc ; quinine , German , peroz. , 55c ; quinine , P. & W. . 14c ; wax , yellow , pure , 32c ; wax , whit * , 43@55c ; citric acid , per Ib. , 64c ; oxalic acid , per Ib. , 54c ; alum , 4c ; borax , refined , per Ib. , lOc. HIDES Green butchers' , 4K@5c ; green cured , SKlgOc ; dry flint , Oc ; dry salt , 8c green calf skins. 7e damaged hides , two- thirds price. Tullow 3 } c. Grease Prime white , 4j4fo ; yellow , 3c : brown 2c. Sheep pelts 25@fl.00. Green ox pelts. H@3J o ; kip skins ( uniform ) 4@ ( > } fe ; cowhides , 4j ( < * 5c. Funs Haccoon , No. 1 , G0@70c ; No. 2 , 30@ 35c ; mink , 10@50c : musk rat fall , 5@8c ; mubkrat , spring and winter , 8@llc : striped skunk , 5@25c ; mountain wolf , No. 1 , $1.50 @ 2.50 ; No. 2 , prairie , 50@75e ; No. 2 , 25@40c ; beaver , No. 1 , per Ib , $2.K3 ( ) 00 ; No. 2 , $1.00 @ 1.25 ; otter , * 1.00 < y ? < J.OO ; dry deer skins , 20 ® Il5o per Ib ; dry antelope , elk , moose , etc. , 15@ 25c. 25c.Wooi Wooi Per Ib. , 14@20c. LEATIIEH Oak soles , 85@37o ; hemlock slaughter sole , 20a29o ( ; hemlock dry sole , 21 @ 25e ; hemlock kip. ( H90c ) ; A. & H. runner kip , 575e ( ) ; A. hemlock calf , OCc@$1.0 ( ) ; A. A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75e ; hemlock upper , 10@24c ; English grain upper , 25c ; hemlock grain upper , 21@24e ; Tampico B. L. Morocco , 233c ! ) ; Tampico pciple ) , O. D. Mo. , 22@29e ; Curacoa , B. G. Mo. , IHc ) ; Simon O. D. Mo. , * J.75@3.00 ; Dangola kid , 30@ : c ; X. M. kangaroo , 4c ( ) ; American calf kid , 82c ; Grieson kids. $3.00@3.50 ; French glazed kids , $2.50@2.7i ; French calf kids , $ ; j.2l ) ; oak kip skins , 8 ) c@51.00 ; oak calf skins , $1.00@1.55 ; French oalf skins , $1.252.25 ; French kip skins , $ I.10@1.M ) ; Uussitt linings , $ U.OOjiitUO ( per doz. . pink cream und white linings , $7.50 @ 10.00 per doz. ; colored toppings , $9.00 ® 11.00. EXTUACTS Sanderson's oil bcrgamot , per Ib. , $3.00 ; oil lemon , per Ib. , $2 50 ; oil pepper mint , $3.00 ; oil wintcrgrcen , $2.50 ; olive oil , Malaga , per gallon , $1.25. So A ! Castile , mottled , per Ib. , S@10 ; castile - tile , white , 10@13. PAINTS White lead , pure , OJ < fc ; white lead , fancy , 0 } c ; putty , in bladders , 3c ; Pans white So ; common , 2V c ; red lead , 7c. DWisnow GLASS Single , 70 per cent ; double , 70and 10 per cent discount. FLAXSEED Quoted at $1.35 per bushel. Lumber. DIMENSIONS AMU TIMDEU1. 11OA1IDS. No. 1 com , s 1 R.1S M I lid , 3 com , B 1 s.f 15.50 No. 2 com , sis. 17.00 | No. icon ) , a 1 s. "W.50 FESCINO. No. 1 , 4 & 0 in 12 & 14 ft , rough . 19.r > 0 No. 1 , " " 10 " . lii.W ) No. ' . ' , " " 14 " . 10 W ) No.2 , " " 10 " . 18.00 811)1X0. A , 12 , 13 & 10 I C , 12 , 14 & 10 ft.$15.50 U , " " ' 10 50 | D , ' 12.50 fLOOIIINO. A 0 In White Pino. ; . ' . * 20.50 IJOIn " " , . , \ . SI..10 COin " " , . 30,00 DOin " " . . . . . . 21/ EOin " " ' ( Stjl. Fencing ) . lU.'JO 0 in. Drop Siding 50c per M extra. CE1LINO AND 1'AltTlTION. 2d com X In Whlto Pine celling . $84.00 " Clear % in Norway " " . 1000 2dcomJ'm ( . 1400 8TOCKIIOAHD3. A 12 Inch si s . $15.50 U12 " . . < . 89.20 C12 " . , . 8000 1)12 " . . . " . . . . . . . 2.KX ) No. 1 com , 12 Ins 1 , 12ft . 2050 " " " 14ft . 100(1 ( " " " 10ft . 1850 " " 10. is , yoft . No.2 " . . . . . . . 1UOO " " " 12&14ft . 1850 " " " 17ft . 17.50 12 In Grooved roofing , $1 per M moro than 12 In Stock Boards same length. 10 In Grooved rooting same price at 12 in Sto.'k Hoards. SHIP LAP. No. 1 Plain 8 and 10 in . $1U.OO No.2 " " " . . . 17.50 No. 1 , OG , 8 in . l'J.50 ' FINISHING. 1st and 2nd , clear , 1 , Iji'in82 s . $51.00 t. li * 11X O' . . . . . . . e , . tu\ l/ $ , . . . . . . . Ol.iai 3d , clear , 1 In , s2s . 44.00 " lKlKln-2 . 40.00 A. select , 1 In 2 s . 40.00 A , " ltf > 1J < , 2 In s 2 8. . 44.00 U , " Ifna s . . . 8(1.00 BI " IJf , Ui , 2 io s 2 . 8T.OO SOUTHERN TELLOW PINK. Com. 4 Inch Flooring $17.50 Star " " ! 21.50 1st nnd 3d clear 4 Inch Flooring 23.00 Six Inch 40o less. Clear } ( Inch Ceiling 21.50- Clear } ( Inch Partition 25.00 Clear % Inch , Partition $2 nhjve ; Vlnch Cellfng. . . . . 25.00 Clear Finish , 1 nnd 1J < Inch , s2 s 21MH ) Clear Finish , \ } { and 2 Inch , s 2 s 30.00 Clear Corrugated Ceiling , 4 Inch 25.50 Clear Yellow Pine Casing and Base. . . . 27.00 Real Kxtato Transfer * . Om V Benson ct al to Milton J Ken- nard part tax lot 33 (38x140) ( ) In ee 10-15-13 wd $ 8,050 Chas S Raymond ct al to John W Ly man lot 83 hlk 1 Himchaugh ft Pat terson's sub wd &S2 Thos C Jeffries ot al to Graham L Bradley lot 7 blk 1 Albright's choice wd. . . . . 7 780 Jurgcn A Heincr nnd wife to August Burbach lot 3 blk 2 Elkhorn wd 300 August Doll to whom It may concern vacation of Garflcld terrace Jesse L Morley and wife to Walter W Scmon lot 0 blk 22 Omaha view ex tension wd , , . . 1,300 Itargarct St > cl1man nnd husband to Charles C Spotwood , lots U , 10,1112 ; blk 7 , Bedford place , w d 4,000 John C Moon and wife to C E Mayne , lot 10 , blk 6 , C E Muyne's 1st add to Valley , q c GO C E Mayno aud wife to John Kllcy , lot 10 , blk 5 , C E Mayne's 1st add to Valley , wd 50 John Kllcy and wife to C E Mayne , lot 5 , blk 7. C E Mayne's 1st add to Valley , nc 1 Hnttlo S Hawvcr and husband to Cel tic J Dcnncr , lot 10 , blk 2 , Syndicate place , wd. . . 800 John Ililey and wife to bank of Val ley , 8-1W acres In 13-10-10 , ejtf nwjl , wd 2,000 C E JV ' ae and John Ililey to the pub- lie ( ' -I Mayno & Hiloy's sub of C E Muy no's 2d add to Valley Arthur , J House and Hilton E Kerr to Andrew J Kerr , lots 1 and 2 , blk 1 , S P Hammond's add , w d 3,000 W S Solby et al to the public plat of W S Selby's ' 1st add to South Omaha being yt netf sc 0-14-13. Fifteen transfers aggregating $20,503 Building i'crmltR. The following permits were Issued yester day by the superintendent of buildings : Tlico Olson , two dwellings , Center and Twentieth $1,000 Emma Hacedon , addition to dwelling , Grant and Twenty-sixth 200 J. T. Gardner , barn , Highland Place. . 125 C. Lass , dwelling , Twenty-second and Locust 200 Four permits , aggregating $1,525 Brevities. Special Policemen B. W. BrigRfl , J. D. Hanson , Henry Morpan , Max H. , Routerlet and G.V. . Hyde have fur nished the necessary bonds for n faith ful performance of duty. All those who have been apoointed , and who have as yet furnished no bonds , will bo dis charged if this order is not complied with by the 10th. Chief of Polieo Seavey has addressed n letter to the authorities at Minneapo lis , asking that they see to paving .over the $2,000 reward to Captain Cormick and Otllcer Turnbull , for the arrest 'of Peter Barrett last summer. The reward was to have boon paid on the conviction of Barrett , and ho has boon convicted and sentenced to be hanged , und yet the ollicors here have heard nothing of the promised reward. To the Rev. Bishop O'Connor May it ploiibo your grace : Whereas , wo have been informed that it is your in tention to locate a resident priest hero at tin early date , and , whereas , the Rov. Doctor MacDouald has been .amongst us so long and has succeeded in endear ing hinibolf to the community by his affable manners nnd self sacrificing zeal in behalf of our religion , and , moreover , the reverend gentleman is well known to be a man of superior education and ability , n distinguished orator and linguist , an accomplishment not to bo despised in a mixed community like ours ; in a word , amply qnnliliod for any important charge. Therefore , wo the undersigned Catholic inhabitants of South Omaha beseech your grace to locate the Rev. Dr. Mae Donald amongst us. All of the Catholic inhabitants of South Omaha signed the uetition. A New Counterfeit. A now and dangerous counterfeit sil ver certificate has been put in circula tion. It is upon the 35 ihsuo authori/.cd by act of August 4,18SI ( , and known as "Department Series , 188(1V. ( . S. Roso- crans , register of treasury ; James W. Hyatt , treasurer of the United States ; check letter A 2021) ) . The general ap pearance of the note is excellent , the color of treasury numbers and seal being good. The notch of the key in seal of counterfeit is simply n perpendicular line , while in the genuine it takes the shape of T. The bust of General Grant , in oval frame , in the counterfeit lias a scratch v , soiled look. Two white patches apptiar on the lower lip , near the left corner of the mouth. .Other wise the engraving nnd printing is very 'air. The paper is lighter than the genuine and has no parallel silk threads. The note is shorter than the genuine. Boycotting Hoturns. London Telegraph : A parliamentary return was issue'u lust night , showing , by provinces and counties , the number of cases of boycotting and the number of persons wholly or partially boycotted throughout Ireland on July 31,1887 , and January 21 , 1888 , respectively. In Ul ster , on July 81 , 1887 , the total number of cu&es of boycotting was 68 , and the total number of persons boycotted 355 , compared with a total of HO and 170 , re- .specttvely , on January 81 , 1888. In Lcinster the numbers were 170 and l.OM , compared with ( M and -102. In Connnught the numbers were 115 and 84(1 ( , compared with 70 and : i"8. In Minister the numbers were 425 and 2,577 , compared witli 20 ! ) and 1,125. The grand total of cases of boycotting on July 81 , 1887 , was 7i8 , and of pci-bons boycotted 4,835. The grand total of cases of boycotting on January 31 , 1888 , was 802 , und of persons boycotted 2,075. QOT.D . MEDAL , PARIS , 1878. BAKER'S Warranted nbioltitrty pure Cocoa , from wlilcli the czceu ot Oil liaa been removed. It liai three loan tit ttrmgth of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot or 8ugar , and U therefore far moro economi cal , totting leti than one cent a tup. It If ( kllcloui , nourishing , strengthening , euillj dlgrited , and admirably adapted for Invallda M well ai for periom In health. Sold bjr flrocen eterynhere. t BAKER ii CO , Dirctesler , Mass , JOSEPH CILLOTTS STEEL PENS GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION till. Hot. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. W * cocdltiir n < MMta4 vouHJ Mlh D i xmcdy IMOTI U ( Of ( xWOCltm 14 CUtt. Wt tiix old ild . ( < o r. tl . i.dl. r..rj OM H kUf ( uilthKilc * . AUU A LUIi. tint CHURCHILL PARKER Dealer in Agricnltnrallmplenicnts , Wagons , Carriage ! and HtiMlct. Jmv Ptrr ( , between WhtnU _ Mb. Omaha. Mfbratka. _ I.ININGER & METOALF CO. , , Etc. wholriale. Omaba , Nebra i . PARLIN , URENDORP & MARTIN , Whole lo Itealpra In tOl.UB. KB nd BTiJoneaBtrttt. Omaha. P. P. MAST& CO. , Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders , Cultlraton. Hay tUktu.CMtr Mllti and I.iinan IMil- vcrlter * . Cur. 14th ami Nicholas Mreetii. WINONA AgricnltDral Implements , ! agons &Bn gies Comer llth mid NlchoUn Stn-ctn. OMAIIAI11MNC1I. J.P.SEIBERLINO & CO. , ( Akron. Ohio , ) Harresting Machinery and Binder Twine , W. K. MeaJ/Jdnnaiicf. UiJ U'nTenwurtli t. , Unmlm MOLINE.MILBURN&STODDARDCo Manufacture and Jobbers In Wagons Buggies , Rakes , Flows Etc , Cor. Oth ami 1'udflc Xtrcoti , Oniitrm. Neb. Artists' Materials. A HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1513 DouKlai Street. Oniaha. Boots and W. V. MO RSE & CO. . Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 1111 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb. Manufactory , Summer etrvt't. lloatun. _ _ t KIRKENDALL. JONES & CO. , ( Succpnum to llced , Jones A to. ) Wholesale MaBufactnrersofBoolsandSlioes A nt. 10 , llQMon Hubb Bhoeo.1. 1104 & 11U6 . . .Booksellers and Stationers ; . H. M , & s. W. JONES , Snoccnori to A. T. Kcnjon & Co. , Wholesale & lletnll Booksellers and Stationers , m. CLARKE COFFEE CO. , OmahH CorTeo and Spice Mills. Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder , Flavoring Kitractn , Launilrr lllue. Inks , Ktc. lill- 141(1 ( llnrnfT Street , Omithn. { ifhm ka. Crockery Wr. Aent for the Manufacturers and Importers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , Ktc. Offl ce. 817 B. 131ll Bt. . Omaha. Nebraska. PERKINS. OATCH & LAUMAN , * Importers and Jobbers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware , Kto 14-lMfi Karnam St. , New I'm ton HutMlnit. EMMAU & FAIRBRASS , Wholi'imlo Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commission Merclmnti. Correspondenca solicited. 1014 North loth Street , ( Jrautm , Neb. Commission andI Storage. GEO. SCHROEDER & CO. , ( Successors to Mcghano & Rchrocdcr. ) Frodnce Commission and Cold Storage , Omuha , Nebraska. RIDDELL & RIDDELL. ' Storage and Commission Merchants , Specialties Duller , Kitgt , Cheese , Poultry. ( Same , Oystcri , Ktc. . Ktc. 112 r-oulb I41h Street. Coal , Coke andLJmo. _ _ OMAHA" COAL , COKE i Lirviifcor Jobbers of Hard and Soil Coal , 2O ) South 13th Street , Omaha. Nebraska. J. J. JOHNSON & CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois Wbite Lime , Ami shippers of Coal , Coke , Cement , Flutter. I.lme , Drain Tile , anil Hewer 1'lpo. onicc , I'nxton Hotel , Knrnam Ht. , Umaha. Neb. Tc-lephonuHll. . NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 214 South 13th St. . Omaha , Neb. Dry Goods and Notions. M. E SMITH & CO. , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions , 1102 and 1104 Douglas , Cor. llth St. , Omaha. Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS Co Importers and Jobbers In Dry GooflsNotions , Genti' KurnlsblnK'Rrmds. Corner llth and Hn-iuej Ma .Oiimha. Nebraska. Furniture. DEWEY & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Farnam Street. Omaha. Nebraska. CHARLES SHIVPlRICK , Furniture , , Nuhrai-ka. PAXTON , GALLAGHER & CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Proyisions , 706.707 , TOP and 7118.10th St. , Omaha , Neb. McCORD. BRADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , 12th and I/cnvcnwortli Streets , Omaha , Nebraska. D. M. STEELE it CO. , Wholesale Grocers , 1J13. mi and 1223 Harney Street , Omaha. Neb. Mardyv a re. " FRIED" * co. , Jokers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Hhcct Iron , Ktc. AKCHU fur lloweficales , and Miami 1'owderCo. , Omaha , Neb. HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , BDilders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mechanics' Tools and IlurTalo Rcnlci , 1406 Uouglm Street. Umaha , Nebraifca. RECTOR , WILHELMY & CO. , Wholesale Hardware , 10th and Ilarner 8ts. , Omaha , Neb. W * t rn Anenti for Austin Powder Co. , Jcffvrnon hteel Nalle , Fairbanks ' StaudarOJculci. MARKS'BROS. SADDLERY co . , Whulenale Muiiufactiirem of Saddlery & Joboers of Saddlery Hardware And Leather. 1WI , Hd'i and 1107 llurney St. , Omaha , Neliraika. Heavy Hardware. W. J. BROATCH , Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , Wagon Htork , Hardware , Lumber , Ktc. 110 ! aud 1211 Ilarncy StreetOmaba. JAMES A. EDNEY. Wholesale Iron and Steel , Wagon and Carriage Wood Stock , Heavy Hardware Etc. 17 and Itlil 1 * atenwurth at. . Omaha. Neb. Hats , Caps , Etc. W. L. PARROTTE & CO. , Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods , HOT Uaruey Street. Omaba. Nub. Lumber. . OMAHA LUMBKlTco. , " All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale 18t 4 Street and Union 1'atlOo Track. Omaba. LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors , Etc. Yards-Corner Ttb and Douglas ; Cornet Vth and Douglas , , OMAHAJOBBEBS'DIREdBy ' C. N , DIETZ , Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , th and California BtrteU. Omaha Nebraska. FRED W. GRAY , Lnmlier Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Comer ftb and Douilai BU. . Omaha. T.W. HARVEY LUMBERlfoT To Dealers Only , Office , 1401 Farnam Ctrrct , Omaha. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesaler Lumber , Etc , CHAS. R. LEE , Dealer in Harflwooil Lnmlier , ' Wocxl Carpet * anil Parquet Hoortmi Wh anrt rtoutlat Iron Works. PAXTON WlERLINa , Wrought and Cast Iron Building fort Knalnm , Ilraim Work , ( Jonernl Pnumlrr , Machine and lllaiknullh Wcr > . onic un < l W rk , U. 1 > Kr. ana Kth Htrvel , Uuinha. OMAHA WIRE & IRON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire-and Iron Railines Desk Hallii , Window ( liiardo. Flower Ktandii , Wll HHII . Ktc. ra North Kth Hnvet , Omaha. OMAHA SAFE and IRON WORKS , Man'frsofFire&B'iirglarProofSafes ' VnultOnll Work. Imn and Wlrn Frnclnit , Sltn . Eta. II. Anilroun , I'rop'r Cur. lltli ami Jackoon HH. CHAMPION IRON and WIRE WORKS Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards , u < i ferei'iii" , torhiinks , ntili > t > , Morvr , ici > iili'iir ii , etd ImpniTed Awiilinin , locksmith Machinery and lllackirultb Works. UU South llth Bt. ; IVEAOHk ( R .V LEACH , " Fire and Bnrglar Proof Safes , Time locks , _ General Agent * for Dlebold Safe A lock Cn. ' Vault * audjall Work , Hli Karuam Struct , Omaha , hilhlnery and Notlotts. i. " o BE R"F E LB's R " * "c 6T " " Importers & Joooers in Millinery & Notions H.ilQ nnd 2H South llth Street. Notions. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wesale Notions and Fnrnishing Goods _ 4(0 ( and 405 Be uth 10th St. . Omaha. _ VINYARD & SCHNEIDER , Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , 1106 Uarncy Btrcot. Omaha. _ _ " CONSOLIDATED TANK" LINE CO. , Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils , A le Oreaie. Etc. , Omaha. A.M. lllfhop , Manager , Paper. " PAPER CO. , " Wholesale Paper Dealers , Cirrj a nice Mock of Printing. Wrapping and Writing I' Hpi'clnl attention KJTIIII tinar loail orJera. Printers' Materials. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION. Auxiliary Publishers , Dc.lcr.ln Rubber Coode- OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods 311 Clothing and leather Ucltlnn , iocs Farnam RtreM. i Et ° - " " AsTRANG CO.7" Pumps , Pipes aud Engines , CHUHCHILL PUMP CO. . Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam and Water Runpllea. Headquarter * for Mait , > oo t ACV good . llll Fnrimin bt.Oiuuhu. U. S. WIND ENO1NE & PUMP CO. . Steam and Water Supplies , BROWNELL& CO. , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , Sheet Iron \Vork Steam IMimp * , Snw MIHs. 1213-1211 U'uvenworlh titieut. Omulm. Seeds. PHIL. STIMMEL Ac CO. , Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds 811 ami 01,1 JOIIUB Hlrei t ( Imnha. . Storage , Forwarding & Commission ARMSTRONG , PETTIS * CO. , Storage , Forwarding and Commission , Branch houno of ( lie Hormrr IluKey Co. IluicxU-ii at wboleialo and retail , MH IJlOaml 1112 Itard mruut , Omaha. T 'li't > honB No. Yi\ \ OMHA HANI Cornloe. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice , John Kpencter. Proprietor. 1I2U IHnleo and 1(0 ( and 1(4 ( North IDtli Htrout. Dinalia. JBrewera 8TORsf&"lLER , Lager Beer Brewers , l..Zl North Klutbtoonth street. Omnhn. Neb. CANFIELD MAN UFACTURING CO. , Mannfactnrers of Overalls , Jeani I'anUSUIrti , Ktc. IKUiinil 1101 luugl i Street , JBaahjDoor8 , , IW. A. DISBROVCO. . , Wbolciulu .ManuTicturers of SasD. Doors. Blinds and Mouldings , Hrancti Ufflce , mli and liarU Klreeli , Omaha , Neb. BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of Sash , Doors. Blinds. Mouldlnci , Ktalr Work nnd Interior Ilsnl Wood Hn. ' lab. N. K. Comer bill Hiid 1-mvi'iiworlU Streuti. Oiiiahu. ! jab , OMAHA PLANING MILL CO. , Manafactnrers of Moulding , Sasli , Doors , Am ) Illlndi , Tumlnir. Plnlr-worU , Hank and Office HU tlntfa. 'Mth und I'upplotou ATinuo. ? r. K. SAWYER Mannfactnring Dealer in Smoke Stacks , Ilrllcblnei , Tanki nnd ( ieneral Holler Kopalrto ( . 1314 IJKKliie Btruet. Uinaba. Neb. C. B. 1-AI.MKH. X. P. IIICIIMAX. J. II. 1II.ANCIIAUII. PALMER , RICHMAN & CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Offlco Ioom24 , ODIIOIIIU Kiclmnifo Ilulldlng , 'uloo Block Yardi , BoutU Uuialia , Neb. McCOY BROS. , Lire Stock Commission Merchants , Market funilihc-d ( rcoon application. Ktockert npd fecilera furnlinoil nn uood ttiriUM. IWervnct1 * * Oma ha National Hank mnf Ninth Uuiatia NttUonal , Unloo Block Vi.rdi , huuth Uinalm. * * LORlMERWESTERFIELp& MALEY Lire Stock Commission , lloom 15 , Kiclnnuo liulldlntf , Union block Yard * , _ Buuih Uuialia , Neb. _ ALEXANDER & FITCH , Commision Dealers in Live Sect Room XI , Upjioilta Kkihanva Hulldlna , Unlou Block Yarili , houlu Omaha , Neb. UNION STOCK YARD3 CO. ,